good to go pursuant to chapter 20 of the acts of 2021 and extended Again by chapter two of the acts of 2023 this meeting will be conducted via remote meanss members of the public who wish to access the meeting May do so in the following manner by emailing Steve McCarthy McCarthy s that's MCC T Ys ammer no in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted but every effort will be made to ensure the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time by a technological means in the event we are unable to do so for reasons of economic hardship and despite best efforts we will post on the ammer website an audio or video recording transcript or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting that done we'll call the meeting to order at 606m and take a roll call of attendance Doug I'm here Dylan I'm here and I am here so we're three here and two absent and we do have a quorum so let's go on to the licenses short-term liquor license applications SST 24-35 John Page emmer bid wine and malt July 5th 5: to 900m on the Tom Comm so we're just doing the first one for the series and not the whole series yes the um you know the other ones have uh they were just submitted but they have not been reviewed or anything and gone through the review uh process this wasn't this one has it fully either it would have to be um conditional on the approval of the police chief fire chief um and town manager okay um and John paage is here or coming on yep I'm here thank you so much for holding this special meeting sure thanks so much for being here um do you want to give a little description I know Gabrielle used to do and it looks like it's similar to what has gone on in the past two years absolutely so the summer concert series is a longstanding tradition but beginning in 2021 as you noted um Gabriel Gould executive director of the bit at the time introduced a new element um to the concert series which was a nice addition which was offering local beer wine and cider sales um We are continuing you know it's been without incident for the past several years and um we'd like to continue that tradition this summer as well for the concert series on the common and um while there has been some transition I personally have volunteered and attended these events for many years and um so I volunteered to step up and uh lead this for this summer great thank you and you submitted I saw the management plan and uh the tip certification among other documents um so all looks good are there any questions from anyone I think it will so I just want to confirm you the sort of uh if I remember correctly from past past years the there's a sort of um uh a cordin off area for the concert series as a whole is that correct and and so you're generally trying to keep people within that cordin off area is that is that correct that's correct so we we use ropes and flagging to indicate uh to cordin off an area um after the first year where we didn't do the entire common We Shrunk the perimeter slightly um but there is one entry and one exit point to that area and um we just monitor that and ask that everyone enter to the proper uh entry point and um if they intend to purchase beverage that they uh provide a valid ID and we were spend them there yeah so it's um and and that's worked well for you I think it has for us as a community and you know as far as the towns concern and control and that sort of thing so it's it's a similar footprint that you're expecting for this year as well correct that's correct excellent and I know um you don't serve food or have snacks available people do bring food in is that correct so that they have something to eat with they're whatever they're drinking that's correct so obviously no outside alcohol would be permitted however we do encourage people to purchase take out bring their own picnic um lunch or whatever they would like and in that sense we also encourage people to eat can anyone hear John or my connection I yes we can hear him yeah we can hear you we can hear you um we conne don't mind me what's up can Dylan hear us I I think he said don't mind him it was his connection I think you got it fixed though oh okay everything sorry John sorry for the interruption can you no problem um we we definitely we encourage people to dine before and after as well so it's it's an economic driver too but many people enjoy takeout or bring their own food to the event okay super um great are there any other questions for John if not is there a motion to approve sst-2 4-35 for the EV I'll make that motion with the condition that you know the remaining uh you know details and and requirements be met uh in order for the license be in full full effect all right thank you I will second that motion all right super great um so let's take a vot uh Doug hi Dylan hi and I I that is three to Zer with two absent and the liquor license is approved thank you so much yeah thank you for coming in and I'm sure to hope it goes well and look forward to the others thank you great thanks bye okay well uh next up the only discussion topic we have is upcoming meetings and agendas and the next one so I don't know who's going to be here the next one is July 11th I will be out of town and not in a place where I can get to a computer so um I and that one will be in person as well oh well and it's supposed to be in person right um so so we can unless we don't have any business I think we can skip it if not um we do have a liquor license transfer application uh yeah I mean I should be able to make that I think okay double check my calendar I don't see any reason why I can't um maybe I'll send out an email just making sure we will have a quorum for that day yeah cool so if I I will be I'll be gone from the fifth until this through the 17th and then I'll be back yeah is anyone else going to be gone I forgot to ask like at the start of the summer and Doug you're sort of cycling off yeah but you'll be around I can I can make it Steve let me know if we're meeting that day um and let me know if you'll need me that day I guess is we have enough people let me know if I I uh will be needed all right well I will send an email we'll make sure we uh we get a good sense of what we'll need oh okay so do you want Steve do you want me to talk to you for the agenda before that or do you just wanna should we just set it like say what it's going to be now so that everyone knows we could do that um let me look at our most recent agendas which I guess puts us into topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to the meeting halfway between still under upcoming meetings and I'm just getting the agenda out I'll just put it together real quick so I know what day it's for so we would have the um the the two sets of abcc advisories um all right the takeout liquor and the the permanent outdoor dining and the uh Delta eight and Delta 9 y Delta eight and Delta 9 right um and the marijuana regulation General liquor license application supplement and the rental registration stuff okay you just want to put it all on and then you'll um get to whatever that sounds good to me does that sound good to everybody else just in case something comes up okay sure all right great um all right now we can move on to topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to a meeting are there any unanticipated topics no nothing nothing all right okay so um I guess we go on to a motion to adjourn so moved thank you and second thank you Dylan and we'll take a vote hi Dylan hi and I vot I that is 3 to zero with two absent we are adjourned at 6:15 p.m. right thanks everybody for meeting all right see you soon see you in a couple weeks see later thank you all good night happy well all right bye bye yeah