##VIDEO ID:azAyzw-Zag4## on the town web great so pursuant to chapter 20 of the acts of 2021 and extended Again by chapter 2 of the acts of 2023 this meeting will be conducted via remote means members of the public who wish to access the meeting May do so in the following manner by El emailing Steve McCarthy McCarthy Sr ma.gov that's MCC T y.gov no inperson attendance of members of the public will be permitted but every effort will be made to ensure the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time via technological means in the event we are unable to do so for reasons of economic hardship and despite best efforts we will post on the amorist website an audio or video recording transcript or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting that done call the meeting to order at uh 5:34 pm and take a roll call of attendance Kurt presid tally here Amanda here and I'm here but we're still waiting for Dylan so we're four here and one absent um okay great so the next up is public comment and this is general public comment for anyone in the audience um who wants to say something unrelated to anything on the agenda and um if you have anything raise your hand by using the raise hand button at the bottom of your screen anybody I don't think so okay introduction of new members well um this is our first online Zoom meeting so our new members are Commissioners Kurt sundine and commissioner Amanda Robinson Robertson sorry welcome and um then we'll move on to licenses and uh new common Victor's license application yes so I did notice um this is an existing food establishment while I was um I think they came in for uh renew their their food license I noticed that they did not have their common Vic but they do have um Insight dining so I just asked them to submit an application okay great thanks is there anything outstanding on it nope that's all set okay super so is there a motion to approve the new common Victor's license application for Chao doing business as Chef Lao 367 College Street I I move that we approve it thank you is there a second I'll second oh Amanda give it to Amanda thank you Amanda if there's no further discussion we'll take a vote Kurt yes I uh hie I Amanda I and I vote I that is four to zero with one absent and that is approved okay now B annual lier license renewal applications um ammer Public House through white lion ammer Steve is there anything outstanding on any of these that we need so there are um a few in each category that still have some um things outstanding whether it be the the payments or insurance and things like that um I've also still waiting to hear back from The Collector as to if any of them have unpaid bills or taxes or anything like that so I'm hopefully they'll get that to me tomorrow but um we I would advise um just any motions that just be you know approved um subject to satisfying all requirements with the town okay great we've done in past years all right so these are usually pretty easy and we'll just we do them as a large group so is there a motion to approve the annual liquor license renewals renewal applications listed on the agenda cond contingent on them fulfilling all requirements hold on I want to ask Steve one more question that's okay oh yeah of course um Steve is there uh that's processing the various documents and paying their bills and so forth do any of these have any other ongoing issues uh that they are working with the city uh what do you mean exactly well um do any of them have any outstanding underage drinking issues that they're working through uh do any of them have uh are any of them involved in any the legal system in our town uh having to do with I'm trying to think of the right way to put it uh they behavior is good neighbors so are are any of them dealing with underage drinking uh issues that they have recently uh noise complaints that they are fighting out uh anything along those kind of lines not to my knowledge on a local level um we certainly haven't issued any um violations recently anyway but um the abcc may have open um issues with a couple I don't know any of that's off my head but that's a possibility but I don't believe there's anything going on on a local level now oh yeah did I cover the did I quickly go over the abcc last time we talked so there you know you know the abcc issues the state license basically for liquor license establishments and they also have agents who go out and check on businesses and so apparently other they can also establishments can also be finded or given violations by the abcc which has happened in ammer in a couple of times in the past several years and um the hearings are I think they're in Boston right see if they're online but yes also so we've attended some online just to see what has happened at them um I have checked the ibcc website and they do do a couple of oper operations in the fall like Operation Safe campus and then Operation Safe holidays when they'll send agents out especially to college towns and um try to see what's going on so um but I don't think I've heard of any this year is that right Ste have you heard of anything Steve um any violations I believe there's been a couple that have come in oh really nothing um nothing uh outstanding believe right and those are so abcc violations they don't count against someone I like technically they don't as far as I know against someone when we we also issue violations but we can take them into consideration yes so yeah and what I was fishing for is if we got somebody as a pattern of having uh ongoing issues uh such that we'd want to at least uh maybe take the opportunity to have them come in and talk to us but doesn't sound like we've got that in this group no I don't believe so okay okay right so then I'll I'll move conditional upon the issues that were raised uh that we uh uh go ahead and approve this group somebody want to Second me is there a second I will second thank you H is there any further discussion questions if not we'll take a vote uh Kurt I I hie I Amanda I and I vote I that is four to zero with one absent and the those annual liquor licenses are approved so next up common VI Victor's license renewal applications and this is a lot of them and this is the same thing Steve where some of them have things outstanding yes okay and is oh Oriental flavors renew they did submit a renewal application I don't know what their plan is but um I I understand their plan is to transfer their liquor license I don't know what they're going to do with the Comm Vic but they did submit an application it was complete so okay did Ari sorry Ari got to submit one or not I don't believe so no oh it's too bad I'm looking right now yeah I don't see one okay all right um so if there are no questions about these uh is there a motion to approve the common victur license renewal applications contingent on the Fulfillment of all requirements well in the case of Oriental flavor contingent upon them if they were to try to open again resolving their issues with uh other entities okay is there a second I'll second stop it hie all right all right uh if there is any further discussion or no further discussion we will take a vote uh Kurt I Ellie I Amanda I and I vote I that is four to zero with one absent and those are approved all right uh live entertainment license renewal applications and we have several here anything different or unusual or strange about these Steve nope same as the same as the other ones okay so with the contingent clause in it all right so is there a motion to approve the live entertainment license renewal applications on the agenda contingent on the Fulfillment of all requirements by the license applies anyone want to make that motion so moved all right thank you hie is there a second I'll second it thank you Kurt there's no further discussion we'll take a vote Kurt I Ellie I Amanda I and I vote I that is four to zero with one absent and those licenses are approved all right um auto dealers license renewal applications so same as the the others yep yep okay um I didn't know that that zet even sold cars I thought they only repaired them like mine I think he does that as well okay I think the repair is the bulk of his business yeah I might out of curiosity ask him next time that's I I just didn't realize he did that okay all right great so is there a motion to approve the auto dealers license renewal applications contingent on the Fulfillment of all requirements I I'll I'll move thank you is there a second thanks hel um if there's no further discussion we'll take a vote Kurt I hi I Amanda I and I vote I that is four to zero with one absent and those are approved and so that's it that's it for is that the for the end of the year Steve or do we have more coming in January there may be a couple stragglers that's all the liquor licenses um and the vast majority of everything else but there may be a couple of stragglers with common vict and things like that um I made sure to get all the liquor licenses on there but the other ones I might have to chase them down if they're um if they haven't paid or something that may not be on this agenda yet but okay all right super well great so thanks for putting all that together and then we can move on to our discussion topics of which we have one upcoming meetings and agendas so our next meeting is scheduled for January 9th Thursday at 5:30 in person and um agenda wise I guess we're going to be doing the election at that point and um what else were we goingon to stick on there you remember should we follow up on uh what happened with the citations given to the food trucks absolutely yes thanks for sending those around Steve so we'll talk about food trucks I guess put our usual stuff on there that we've been working on for the past few months that sounds good yeah and um to your previous question none of the food trucks are on there yet because they all had uh incomplete applications so oh okay oh interes interesting okay um okay great so and then the meeting after the 9th is the 23rd and that we've been doing that online so we do one in person currently and one online um all right so next up Topic's not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to the meeting any topics not anticipated NOP okay great well is there a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn thank you Amanda is there a second I'll second it thanks Kurt all right let's take a vote Kurt I Callie I Amanda I and I vote I that is four to zero with one absent we're adjourned at 5:46 great thank you everybody good to see much everybody have a great New Year bye bye bye