here oh you're muted Doug but we're here okay one minute does that count is here yeah and and I can I'm here so that's four uh present one absent but we do expect Dylan um okay so next up is public comment um this is general public comment unrelated to anything on the agenda so if you have that kind of comment please raise your hand by pressing the right hand raising button at the bottom of the screen and I don't know do we have anyone here any hands up among attendees no okay all right great so moving on we go to uh licenses application by farmer Winery to sell at Farmers Market Lori Perkins doing business at home fruit as home fruit wine and is Lori Perkins here oh yes Steve could you yes I've just invited her to um great be able to speak okay here we go hi Lori hell hello can you hear me now yes I can hear you thank you hi um thanks for coming welcome and so this is something yeah of course this is something you have done in the past several times right right okay and so this is just a continuation of what you have done in years past has anything changed um this year no I don't think so we've done the same thing every year either David or I will go to the market we both listed as um salesman on there right um so he usually goes but if there's Satur dayss he can't I go okay um so other than that nothing's changed for on our end all right great um does anyone have questions about this no if not is there a motion to approve uh the application by um the home fruit wine farmer Winery license at the MS primers market so moved thank you is there a second second thank you Gan um any further discussion if there's not we'll take a vote heli I Gaston I Doug right Doug says I and I say I that is four to zero with one absent and the license is approved thank you so much Lori and uh best of luck for the season thank you um I have one question um yes I should have asked it before you voted but it doesn't really matter I guess um they're working on trying to get a Winter Market in ammer and if that happens would we need to get um a license for each one if it's in a different location I believe so but that's a Steve is that correct there be need to be a different license that because in the winter they wouldn't have it on the common you know right that's a great question Lori um I'll have to do a little bit of research for that we actually in my time here not had any fers markets but that on the common so if you can just um shoot me an email I'd be happy to to look into that and get back to you okay I know David was looking into it and I don't know if they secured a location yet for a winter one um but I know they wanted to try to keep it in ammer okay yeah that would be great um yeah that' be that would be new to us so um be happy to look into that for you okay thank you so much thank you all right thanks see you at the market yes definitely all right bye bye bye thank you I figure out okay so next up is um the common vual license renewal application Oyster Bar LLC and Steve is there anything on this no just to another renewal okay they are when are they opening do they I actually um went to protocol a friend last night and we were talking the bartender and he thinks end of May I guess there's some pieces of furniture that are not ready but they're starting to staff and menu plan and look at vendors so okay all right well that's good that's good news um great so um are there any questions about did you submit a the renewal to us Steve we didn't get that in the packet right no I generally W so wasn't sending the renewals okay if it if there was no changes there was no changes with this one from last year okay great well um if there are no questions is there a motion to approve the um common Vic license renewal for the oyster bar so moved thank you is there a second second thank you Gaston um if there is no further discussion or any questions we'll take a vote um hiy hi gueston I Doug Doug votes I and thumbs up and I vote I that is four to zero with one absent and that has been renewed the ammer Oyster Bar LLC opening in May hopefully okay great um all right next up is special short-term license applications ss-24 d17 lben Ezra ammer survival center wi and malt April 6 24 12 to 4 in the afternoon at 1:38 sandland Rogue is there somebody here for that Steve there is we have Sam here I've invited him to talk fantastic hi folks Hi Sam bye welcome so could you please let us know a little bit about your event yeah absolutely so this is our uh 16th annual empty Bulls fundraiser it's our seasonal spring fundraiser for the am survival center um third or fourth year that it's been held on site at the center itself and second year that we're proposing a short-term wine and M license um so it's 124 on that Saturday we expect around 300 to 400 attendees over the course of the day um food and adding wine to add some Dimension to the event okay great thank you and uh did everyone have a chance to look at the application and if so are there any questions about the application no questions for me I guess one question out of curiosity I'm just uh given that nonprofits can get the full liquor license I'm just curious if that's something that you consider I I I I take it it's a lot more complicated and and maybe not even what is kind of fitting for the event and just a curiosity question yeah um I think wine and malt is is easiest for us and it's it's sort of a new aspect to the event um so last year it was you know moderately successful and we're curious to see where it goes again after the second year but being a daytime event it's uh no slightly less of an appetite so it's nice to have the wine but we don't feel the need to seek a full license thank you so much thank you um any other questions about this if not is there a motion to approve the shortterm um hold on SST D is it 24-17 yes ammer survival center so moved thank you is there a second second thank you uh if there are no other questions we'll take a vote Hy hi geston I Doug thumbs up from Doug um Dylan I wasn't here so I will abstain okay abstain and I will vote I so that is four in favor one abstention zero against and the license is approved thank you so much for coming in and best of luck with the event thank you folks okay all right number next one is sst-2 4-19 Michelle Kahan Hitchcock center for the environment all alcohol June 20th 2024 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. 10 East Drive amorist College Powerhouse and is somebody here for that yes I invited Mr Spitzer to speak okay hello Mr Spitzer um not Mr Spitzer hold on until now um that's funny um yes this is head's my video okay hi hello hi I'm Casey BB um Community programs and special events manager at the Hitchcock Center oh great oh welcome um so did you could you tell us a little bit about your event please yeah so um the battle of the Botanicals is an event we held from 2016 to 2019 at the PowerHouse at ammer College um and it's a fundraiser um a restaurants and um so we have seven restaurants participating so they all come um and uh create a a cocktail and a little bite around a Botanical feature it's a ticketed event um we uh the liquor provider the spirit sponsor this year is um birkshire Mountain Distillery and birkshire Brewing Company um so you know all of course all the restaurants are you know served safe and you know um tips are certified because they're all Bart you know professional bartender um and yeah so I I can say a lot more but what what questions are relevant to this um so this so you said you did this for three years and then interrupted by the pandemic obviously right exactly four years okay and then interrupted and so this is the first year back at doing it again okay great and you sent around a map little map went around where is the PowerHouse where is this is that Powerhouse is on ammer College it's it's down by the train tracks um oh right it's I guess it used to be a Power House the PowerHouse but they've turned it into a venue it's a very cool venue so it's very um so it has a you enter on the second floor and then it's sort of down you go downstairs and it's all one floor and then it opens out into sort of a closed patio um and so we would be using that whole space but it's very very contained even the patio has sort of a a burm um so it's very sort of distinct okay all right thank you um are there any questions about this license or not if there are no questions comments okay is there a motion to approve ss-24 d19 so move so all right who was that second who seconded that Doug Doug d oh okay great um any further questions if not we'll take a vote hi I I I guest on I Doug hi uh Dylan I and I vote I that is five to zero uh the license is approved thank you so much for coming in and good luck with your event thank you thanks bye- bye bye okay um licenses section D seasonal liquor license renewal applications town of amoris doing business as Cherry Hill Golf Course and this is just their standard seasonal renewal it is and um Sor who who was the official mover in second or for the last application I think it I think Doug was the Mover and no Dylan was the Mover and Doug was the second okay is that correct okay and yes this is just the uh the standard seasonal license renewal for um the Cherry Hill Golf Course um they are a seasonal license so that happens in March instead of in December right okay um if are there any questions about Cherry Hills seasonal liquor license if not is there a motion to approve who wants the who wants to be the Mover on that one I'll make it easy on Steve if I got the first one I'll I'll let Steve copy and paste second and Doug made the second all right if there are no questions we'll take a vote hiy I gon I Doug I Dylan I and I vote I that is 5 to zero the license is renewed okay uh moving on discussion topics marijuana regulation Steve has there been an update um we are still um working on things on the staff side I do have a call with um The Building Commissioner and our of our KP law attorneys tomorrow morning to clarify a few questions but we will we have already reviewed the um zoning bylaw identified some changes we'll have to make this is all in in reference to the ccc's changes um that we will have to come into compliance to and a part of that I believe we'll be moving forward with the licensing um and um we are we are still moving forward with all of that um in ter terms of the normal licensing and regulation um in terms of the hemp derived products um I do not have any um particular updates I do have a draft of the letter to the off-premises licenses we can review and Maran did send me along a draft of the letter to the uh legislators so um if the board would like to review those or has any questions or anything else um do you want to send them around so that yeah would people prefer me to email them to everybody right now or to share them on my screen what do you think guess look at it on the screen okay let me um let me pull I'll pull up the off premises one first uh uh question the uh the package store so who who are the targets for the various letters just to know what the how how we're calling the establishments so I believe at this point this letter would be for off- premises licenses um I think our consensus last time was that we don't even want to um imply to on premises licenses that be okay right I was just thinking through the my head where where are we aware of this and I guess the only place I'm aware of personally is Provisions but we heard about some corner store or something but we don't have uh a license with them right yeah there is a um tobacco shop that that has it that we do not we do not license okay uh yep that uh looks fine to me yeah it looks good y I guess the only question is if we want them to to report to us besides just giving them this warning do we want them to tell us if they're selling the stuff I mean we could ask but that doesn't mean they'll do it right were we gonna have a in-person meeting in the month that we could say you're welcome to attend if you have any questions or concerns yeah we could yeah but if we pick one meeting so that everybody who gets it can come at the same time that would probably be the most efficient yeah I can certainly um say that if yeah any questions or concerns you can come along to um our next meeting and I think we will'll determine what day that is later in this discussion topics but I think that's a good idea okay great um any other questions about this to add no okay thank you Steve that looks good you and I will share the other one I like the title on this one Delta 89 sounds like an oldmobile forgot know right I didn't want the the name to be too long who does this one go to this is going to legislators Mindy D Joe Comerford and what's his name McCarthy something Jim McGovern M sorry not Steve McCarthy Jim McGovern okay good to me look okay maybe include our state senators too Elizabeth Warren and blanking on the other guy's name right now Ed Marquee okay yeah we could include all of those like send one copy to each person okay well great all right good all right well thank you um super well that's done um let's see that wage law violations so Steve you said you tried to call Paul Tupa yes I have reached out to him I have not heard back yet so um I will continue to reach out to him and I believe the consensus we reached last time was to invite him to a um invite him to discuss what had gone on with the board in um a way that it was non disciplinary at this point yes yes yes so I I'll see if he is able to come to our um next meeting right okay I mean just like a just a friendly conversation really I think if they're willing would be great okay good and then um following upon on that is the liquor license application supplement which is that bit we're going to attach yes so um I do not have a a full draft ready yet but what I envisioned that to be would be um just a document clarifying some that would be you know given to applicants to uh clarify some some questions that we uh may have uh clar some answers that we may have questions for um such as hours is one thing that is bafflingly not included on the state applications um also how on premises lienes intend to comply with the alcohol Food Service regulations right um and then they were going to disclose any wage law VI pending wage law violations or have they received a um a citation recently yes I don't know if we want to say like not in like in the past like is it ever they've ever received one or just like say in the past five years or do we want to put a I guess I'll pull whatever is in the um I believe there was some language to that effect in the wage and um and tip theft bylaw so I'll see if I can try to put that in parallel with that okay um because we really trying to get them to comply with that because that does require them to disclose those things but we don't ask anywhere so okay all right great okay thank you um let's see okay next up meeting times so some Doug Doug are you having a conflict with meeting times Thursdays at 5:30 Thursdays at 5:30 is are generally fine for me I mean as far as you know I mean stuff comes up and and time will get filled if not with this so right you know it's really okay okay because I thought there was another meeting around the same time that oh that um someone was having an issue with and we were going to discuss whether or not we should shift this meeting to another day or another date and time but no everyone seems to have a has no for me it's fine it's for you it's fine I don't have anything okay great um gueston you're muted uh which date are we talking about we're we're sticking with Thursday at 5:30 yep so is that working for you too uh yeah I'm just just looking at which which uh actual date is our next meeting oh I think it's um let's see it would be the third no sorry it would be the 11th of April in person okay and then we do the 25th on Zoom all right um okay just I mean I I don't expect it's an issue but I have a 7 PM Zoom affordable hous Trust on the 11th okay but I so you've got you've gotta so you've got to leave and then get back home and yeah I mean yeah so I I'll I guess I I I'd be I'd have to go by like quarter to seven okay all right I don't a remote one anyway or is that the 11th is our in person right yeah so the 25th would be Oh I thought we were talking about the 25th sorry no okay all right great well that was easy if everyone's okay with Thursday at 5:30 um super so let's move on to upcoming meetings and agendas so on the 11th in person we hope to have Paul Tupa or and part with business partner or not in person um for a friendly conversation and then um hopefully update on marijuana regulation um what else oh maybe a draft of the um liquor license application supplement and um maybe something else on um Delta 8 and Delta 9 UM anything else was there anything else I do know that um Mex Koo has departed their Kellog gav location um right behind the unarian church there they will be um they have bought Cisco's Cafe in the north ammer and they will be taking that over as mexo so they will be doing a transfer application to um to transfer their license to their new entity uh but they have not submitted a full application yet so okay great I don't think they'll be on for the 11th but okay and did um just following up on that um did Garcia ever submit a change of Manager application they did they did submit a partial one yeah a partial one okay all right um the the Mexico I was there and and talked about this and at that time it was a couple months ago they expressed the intention of having a brick oven pizzeria in that location right did you hear anything about that Steve I believe they have I have heard yeah they have um definitely vated that premises okay all right permanently so got it okay and then oh and then uh maybe I don't know if it's important but the West Street Cafe we talked about that a little bit on the phone yes I don't know um I don't know of any uh really what their status is okay all right so um it just they had a common Victor's license appr two years ago and never opened so it's yeah sort of mysterious um okay is there anything else that we were going to put on hopefully we'll have the letters out I will seek to send those out tomorrow okay super um great and if uh anything else for upcoming meetings and agendas nope okay um topics not reasonably anticipated 48 hours prior to the meeting any topics from anyone no great well I guess is there a motion to adjourn [Laughter] is it ready to leave I know who is doing that uh Dylan made the motion we'll keep it easy copy and paste Doug made the second and we'll take a vote hiy I uh geston I Doug Doug oh and Dylan I hi oh okay um and I say I so that's 5 to Z we're adjourned at 601 pm. bye everybody thank you see you on the 11th in person and have a good weekend thank you all right bye thanks Steve