##VIDEO ID:MVzk7740oXk## okay we're recording please go ahead all right thank you hi everyone it is 6:34 PM on October 3rd 2024 and I'm going to call the meeting of go to order uh we're going to check in to make sure everyone can hear and be heard we had some questions about that today so let's check uh double check for everybody councelor ET are you present and can we hear you oh you were muted don't GE is gone I thought I was gonna have a day I should have known all right thank you uh Pat present thank you Lyn present and Athena just confirming we can hear you as well thank you are we we heard you before I trust you all right um okay everybody so we are talking through today the legislative oh wait let sorry let me go to public comment first we do not currently have any members of the public with us um just going to make sure that I'm following the agenda um all right so moving next on the on the agenda is the legislative process guide so this is something that was on our carryover memo and we are finally getting to it um this is something that I know I looked at last year uh last year yeah last year as a member of TSO um it was brought forward by a former counselor and um has as you can tell from the memo uh has has taken some different iterations and uh the document in your packet today is what we are uh going to look at to see essentially what we are recommending it serve as for the council um so um Shin counselor former counselor Shin Bal Millan was not able to join us today but this was her um her creation and um what we've Ted talked about I'm trying to think about how to how to frame this in the in the best way one of the things that TSO talked about is how what form the council would adopt this in whether it's a rule change whether it's a recommended guiding document that people can refer back to or um or something else so Al together um I think for the perp Lynn go ahead I don't really know what I'm gonna say next so go ahead all right first of all I think it's an outstanding document I think she really did some good thinking about this and uh appreciate the fact that she you know took her two years on the C her two terms on the council what it brought up for me is we have several documents like this that are in committees that are processes that are how do we do this stuff and I wonder if we need to take our we need to collect them all okay and we need to take our rules of procedure and because none of them are cast in stone neither is this okay but we need to take our rules of procedure and add appendices so that wherever they might be referred to or be useful in the rules of procedure then somebody can look at them and what I'm I'm trying to think about how do we leave Legacy for future councils so that they don't feel like they need to reinvent the wheel all the time now having said that there's some things in this document I would tweak but I and I don't think we can ever adopt it per se but we've never quote adopted um you know how do we interview committees for committee appointments how do we have okay maybe we have but we I know we haven't adopted the flowchart for How We Do hearings when zoning bylaws are yeah yes CRC did they are okay fine then we could adopt this and just say we think this should be something we use but I think we're GNA have to spend more a lot more time about around adopting it but even when we're get done I think we need to figure out how we collect all those documents in one place that's all thank you ly um so I raise my hand because the convers ation about if go adopts this or in what what form it takes is one that we had at TS if the council excuse me adopts this um is when we had at TSO and that was where the bulk of my concerns with this came in because this is in my mind a best practices document it talks about things that would be really really wonderful for people to do my concern with anything that looks like adopting this as as a required procedure is that this is extremely indepth and my concern is that it seems it's it's it's I don't want people to be afraid of bringing something forward to the council that then could be iterated upon and discussed and built because and have it get shot down because they didn't follow the checklist I think that there's so many steps to this that are more applicable to some projects than others to to some initiatives than other other s um and I think that it's so easy to get bogged down in the weeds with this document on does this apply to proclamations and resolutions does this apply to only bylaws I would rather this serve as a guiding document for things you might consider versus hard and fast rules or or or a required procedure or process excuse me that said I do think that there are pieces of this that we could consider recommending as changes to the rules but I am not favor of adopting this as a required process at this time uh Pat yeah you said several things that I agree with I am definitely not ready to adopt this I think um there are as you said Anna some good ideas in it there was some good work done by shaon uh but it's overblown it's going to add more time to Council meetings if we if it were followed exactly way it is the thing I see where it's important is it's and some of it can be put together because it it's really a guideline for how do you create a memo what what are the important elements of a memo um and how and how do you go about that and I think that that's a really good historical thing for a new counselor to look at and even some us who have been on the council because you know it could make our work better it could make our work stronger um but I absolutely am not willing to adopt this as it is uh and I think there's so I I would love to to go through it and think about what parts of it we like and I know it was worked on for a long time but that's part of the process things often get worked on for for a long time and get changed or don't get voted through or and those are things that we we deal with um so that's kind of my starting place um I don't think the particularly the prior prioritization rubric I don't want to sit in a council meeting where we fill out our criteria sheet and then we debate it because a lot of this is very personal interpretation uh of what even these words mean but when someone is presenting or the idea of this is um this is going to affect low-income people somebody else says no it's not and we're debating a debate before we even have the work to look at the you know know and so I I'm very hesitant and and I have a I'm questioning about this so I'd love to hear from other people thank you Pat [Music] Athena gosh I'm not usually the one to lose my unmute button um so I I helped SE Shon work on this and I don't want to speak for her but I think I can um speak to kind of how some of the you know helped her um move through some of the iterations and and come up with this final product so um from I can share my perspective if that's okay with committee members I think part of the intent was um to give residents a guide for a resident proposal for a new bylaw or other measure um there's already a go document that guides the process for resol Resolutions proclamations citations and commemorations but it's not very you know we don't put it out there very much and maybe that's a matter of communications rather than incorporating it into a guide um but some some way to lay out to Residents here's how things work within the legislative process that's a simplified maybe it's like a flowchart but it was difficult to put all of the possibilities into one document of how things might move through if it's a zoning change then it's got to take all these steps if it's a bylaw then it has to go to these steps and if it has to do with you know a financial thing then it goes to this committee and maybe also another committee and so there's you know it gets very complicated um so that's one of the goals was to create something that would be helpful for residents to bring measures to the council but another maybe separate goal so maybe there's a a point at which these become two separate things or two separate appendices or something um is to help guide counselors about what goes in their memo what information is useful to present to the council as they are initiating a new measure as they're bringing a new measure to the council and then um and then some guidance for committees to sort of you know how to start to think about what who might who else might need to be consulted you know what kind of Outreach has been done are we including all the stakeholders you know um I think that we've had conversations over the years Council meetings and in committees about the council's priorities versus staff capacity because there's nothing stopping counselors from bringing all kinds of things all the time and um we have a limit to how much we can get done because there's a you know a finite amount of council time we have there's a finite amount of staff time and resources that we have and so we had talked in the P the council had talked in the past about how to gauge when some when a measure is brought if this is a priority for the council if this is something that when it's presented the council wants to decide to refer it and continue spending resources developing it or if this is not something that we want to spend our resources on then it shouldn't be referred because that decision that initial decision to refer something there's an implication that we're going to spend time and resources and it's not always part of that conversation so when um this iteration this last iteration of the guide was presented um Shon before that Shon had talked about you know is this a rule change is this a checklist that needs to be completed and it didn't make sense to do it either of those ways and so that's why it was brought forward as a guidance document with some ideas about how to incorporate that conversation but not to have to go through a checklist at the council not to have to agree on all of the criteria but just as a way of thinking about is this a priority did we identify this as a town manager priority is this my priority because you know it was something I ran on on my campaign it's really important to me um and so including those kinds of considerations in the initial discussion was the intent um so you know I think there's like I said maybe two parts to this that could be simplified I agree that seven pages is a little bit cumbersome to be a a helpful useful guide and no criticism intended I think there's so much there's a lot of Rich ideas within the guide um but to kind of boil it down to the Essential Elements to that will be most useful I think could be done in potentially two separate documents um so so the conversation about how to adopt it the committee can adopt it and it's just a guidance document for the committee just as the um the proclamations and commemorations that f AQ was adopted the flowchart for the zoning bylaw process was adopted by CRC um go could recommend it to the council as a council guidance document it doesn't have to be the law that this guide is used it can just be a document that is helpful hopefully and um Shon I remember her saying that it should be a living document and that as the council moves through time it's still a relatively new Council that this could be improved upon over the years as we gain more experience about how things go and gather more information and feedback from members of the public and counselors about their experiences working through this legislative process thank you for letting me talk for several minutes I'm grateful thank you that was really helpful context totha thank you um I think if if folks are comfortable with kind of agreeing on the premise that we're looking at this as that sort of guiding document that go could it could adopt or suggest to the council but not have it be a checklist requirement Etc I think that would help us in in starting to go through the document piece by piece and deciding what is the most helpful what we might move how we might separate it out um are folks comfortable moving forward under that assumption I just want to make sure we kind of have consensus on that before councelor ET and I'm just going to close my door really quick so I'm here still um so when you say separated out are we going to be splitting this into two parts where one would be more Council facing and the order would be more public facing what do you mean by SP splitting out I'm going to let Athena take that I didn't I didn't mean we had to it was just an option Athena that was my it was it's just a suggestion the the the form that the guide is in now is in no means like uh an and ly said set in stone um so the committee can do with it what it wants it can scrap sections it can turn sections into a flowchart instead you can do one part of a guide or a guide for public to propose and move things through the council process or you or and or you could do a guide for counselors to the legislative process um one of the experiences that was shared at the end of the last Council term that was surprising to Shin when she was developing the guide and also members of the council when there was discussions about the guide um was that um bylaws and other measures need to be presented to the council in the form necessary for adoption so there was a lot of difficulty around this with the waste holler bylaw because there was a a proposal for theic specific bylaw wording change that was presented to the council because it had to be presented to the council in the form of a specific measure that could be adopted it couldn't just you can't just come to the council with an idea you need to have a tactile you know a words on a page this is the changes that I want to see in the bylaw with the understanding that it's an iterative process it goes through committees there are is you know different stages of tinkering if you will with uh the bylaws and other measures before they come back to the council for adoption and amendments can be made and recommended and suggested suggested along that process so that was a that was something that really I think surprised counselors at the end of the last term because there wasn't an understanding and there that that something that specific has to be presented and there was I think that created some miscommunication about what the ask was and what and what the next steps were and whether or not the the council is married to the specific language on the page as it's presented um because it feels also that when a counselor present something that maybe members of the public feel that this is exactly what they want the council to adopt and that's not how the process works there's you know stages of revisions and recommendations from committees back to the council counselors can make amendments when it's on the floor so the expectation that something is presented and adopted exactly the way it's worded is just um it m it makes the process a little bit difficult when there is that misunderstanding about how it works I think I said more than the answer to your question but did I answer your question well you definitely did and I don't think any more than needed to be I think um I had asked about the guide especially with some of the different topics that have come before the council Wast Hall being one of them so that's very helpful all right so with that um I'm wondering if someone else would be willing to share because my computer has been glitching is that okay either Athena or want to or shall I thank you ath I really appreciate that I had it pulled up already thank you um I do have it up I just my computer keeps doing funky things and I don't want to lose it um all right so why don't we start piece by piece uh going through and kind of I think maybe the the most logical way to do this is to take it I don't know part of me is thinking we we first kind of reili ref familiarize ourselves and then discuss the merits of each piece the first kind of part is pretty clear I don't necessarily know that that's that's one that's under full debate but um second go ahead Pat no I the copy that I got off uh share point was different so I'm gonna go in look for a second should be it should be this tit from the I printed it from the maybe it got changed and I didn't realize it I'm I'm sorry I'm wasting our time about you're fine it's helpful to make sure we're all on the same page 10 three if you hear me saying oh my gosh stop I'm not talking to any of you I'm talking to my computer sorry uh Lynn there I know that a it well somehow or other I don't okay what I printed out is a different version do you have the one up now that you need the key qu the portion under key questions is missing in what I printed okay so I haven't seen that little thing but I think everything else is the same okay um Athena do you think the section by section method of kind of just discussing substantive discussion on each section is The Logical path Lynn has a oh Lynn had a hand up um I don't um I think that it might be helpful for the committee to consider what the goals are and then decide how best to achieve those goals and in what form makes the most sense that's the most helpful for the people that it's directed at and um I think you know a paragraph overview is already if I am trying to step into the shoes of a resident who was hoping to present something to the council as a measure to be adopted this is already a lot of um kind of jargon language so I'm wondering in my mind I'm going how how do we make this simpler and easier to digest and clearer if the goal is to make it um easier for residents to Eng engage in the legislative process if that's a goal if it's a goal to use this as a guide that would be shared with counselors then maybe an overview is more important if you're trying to do both then maybe it's two separate documents so I think there needs to be maybe some reflection on this before you dive into just editing sections um that makes sense um which which makes it tricky in a meeting because um it's hard to you know pull a document apart and put it into New pieces so one suggestion would be to um ask a member to take a stab at it and bring it back to the next meeting for the committee to consider or or to have a conversation about the goals and how to achieve those goals um those are my suggestions all right I think oh Lynn sorry go ahead um I don't I think we need to be realistic about how much time we have to spend on this okay um that's kind of like taking something out of the guide be realistic uh and so um personally Athena I have no problem with the overview and if somebody is going to propose something to the Town Council I think they need to be able to they need to read something they need to understand this is serious business they have to be prepared and I mean I actually probably I might split the first paragraph and directly quote from the rules directly quote from the charter and then go here's the purpose of the thing of the of the guide and so forth and then as I looked at it as I went through the various checklists I might call them checklists for a purpose like this is a checklist for the memo this is a checklist for the committee to use so it's not just a checklist for sponsor it's you know it's anyway I again I want to be realistic I don't think we have more than up the time tonight and maybe a little bit of another meeting to spend on this if we're going to try to do something before the end of the year maybe we're not so so before go to Pat I want to just reenter us Pat you're um please hold on to your comment because I do want you to make it no problem no problem but um I think I do want to Center us on I think a goal and an outcome is is smart and we can pick one and we can save the other for a future for for a future go or for whenever there's for some reason a big gap um I agree with Lynn we know that we've got some things coming our way for go so we we don't have unlimited meeting time I do think that from uh I think centering one outcome or our first outcome I'll frame it that way as being a recommendation guide to Future counselors or to counselors in general would be a good first place to start I think down the road it would be really helpful to have a resident engagement guide for folks who want to pitch something to counselors but if hypothetically speaking if the counselors are all really well versed in this um someone who wants to pitch something will speak to their c a counselor and the counselor can kind of guide them through this so I think for me the that would be the priority based on just the the discussion that we've already had um I do think that it makes a lot of sense to if we based on where we get to today to kind of send this out and have one or two people or have people individually not as a I'm I'm very very clear individually I got you um uh go through and say which pieces they think would be helpful and we can do like we've done before um with the document combining when we come back to the meeting that could be something that we give as homework but still having that first discussion today I think is helpful um Pat yeah I think we do need to have a first discussion today I got um kind of interested in um one of us taking it and go working through it and my suggestion and it's and I'm not trying to play right now I'm really making an honest suggestion would be if councelor ET would be willing to do that uh one because he's new and it I think that things that I might skip over as important would be more available to you you or more present for you I don't know if that's true so I would encourage and and I have a lot of respect and appreciation for your Precision around language and everything else so I would love to see you do that I'm not requiring it in any way I got that power but I would like to see that I um yeah I going through this all step by step I I ALS yeah I don't know I don't know where I am I'm just I'm frustrated by this document and the time it's already taking because I don't think it's that important and thank you Pat um Athena um thanks for letting me talk more um I I um I think that it I agree that it makes sense to frame this more as a a legislative guide for new counselors and Pat it was so kind of you to volunteer someone else to do work there is reason um but I I don't I I hope that the part that is directed at resident engagement isn't lost and a and a resident engagement or a resident participation guide is something that I've had in the back of my mind for years um and perhaps that's something that I can take and work with our new Communications manager and put that together but if there are ideas that we call from this legislative guide that maybe belong more appropriately in a in a guide like that because a lot of the processes are you know you you bring you bring uh something to a counselor and they sponsor it for you or you go through the charter process so maybe that needs less explaining in a guide but it could be in a in a resident participation um you know an fa FAQ or or info page or something like that that's a section I would be willing to work on individually you know connecting with you and working with you on so um if that's something that the committee decides I would be happy to do that a thinka um Pat was that your comment that's why I snuck it in without me calling on you I know um okay so I um I love that idea of a resident engagement guide resident participation guide I think I the end that it's something that whether go is helpful in that process to you or not um I think is is kind of something that you you know better than we do because I I also am struck by the the amount of clarification that we could potentially offer residents on getting support for issues that the council has no control over um I think it's something that counselors kind of or I I'll speak for myself I often feel stuck in a spot of I can't change this and I can all I the best I can do is be a squeaky wheel about it and then I just feel terrible being a squeaky wheel so I I think that the the idea of a resident engagement guide could be a huge in scope or could be more spefic specific and and targeted but generally just wanted to add support for that concept um and I think I kind of would defer to you as to whether it's something that makes sense for go to be um have a hand in or whether it's something that you and communicate like however obviously I'm not asking you to do it I'm just I think I think you you know better than we do where that should come from um in most ways and would be happy to defer to you on that um to Pat's earlier point I I absolutely want councelor et's uh thoughts on this to be very clear I also think there's a lot of Merit to having the thoughts from the folks who have been here for a little while as well the whole point is gathering all of the um all the perspectives so no one is going to get off the hook if I'm allowed to assign everybody homework um sorry and because I think there's also some to be said for folks you know Pat Lynn you both have brought measures forward to the council you've written things right that's a different perspective that is really necessary in this process as well so I think that there's huge Merit in all of us looking through this from the different perspectives that we hold uh and I would I'd like to have that happen um but if we are concerned about workload in the next two weeks we can divvy this up uh in sections Lynn um thanks um I don't want to see this guide torn apart I want to if if i' I'd like us to have the guide stay together as a guide and then if there's pieces of the guide that can be you know pulled apart or used in developing a citizen's guide or something else that's fine but the guide itself really is meant to be comprehensive of how the legis ative process works and to to your other point um Athena I mean Anna uh I'm more than willing to take the word document to you know put little side comments on it either bring it to the committee or send it to somebody to compile those um one of the things I just checked is that the we have it in word and so we could you know do that thing we've done before where we make little comments off to the side or even add words in or just subtract words um but I think the purpose of this guide is to provide guidance but at the same time at some level there's a codification and the codification isn't the questions it's that in order to do this here's the process and then the questions become part of what we all should be doing so I'm I think the purpose of the guide is in fact to lay out the legislative process and frankly I think if you asked any seated counselor to fully describe the legislative process they wouldn't be as thorough as this guide thank you Lynn um I want to make sure that I was clear I'm not saying pull this guide apart at all uh that's not what I was suggesting I agree this guide is incredibly comprehensive and I agree I don't think anyone uh on on this or the last council councils could have articulated all of this in one piece that said I think what I'm what I intended with what I was saying before was highlighting things that if we did create a second guide for residents would be helpful to go into it not pulling anything apart right now um so where I get concerned and where I'd like to and I think Pat I think I'm echoing what you were saying but correct me if I'm misrepresent misunderstanding what you were saying I really don't want this to be a checklist that people view as every single thing needs to be checked um and I think that's important and and I think our language as we present this is going to be important um so many of these things are really really great to do and will streng strengthen any proposal but they aren't always applicable to the extent that they are presented in this legislative process guide to every single thing that gets brought forward and not all of them are checkboxes right some of them could continue some of them could be done in a small scope or a massive scope so I think as we go through this it's for me it's really important that we are describing it as a set of recommendations for counselors to use to strengthen whatever it is that they want to bring forward um or however they want to to progress yeah in that way um just to so that I can feel like we've made some sense of progress here um what I'm hearing is that our our goal our outcome is and and I'm cautioning myself here because I'm saying this is what I want and I want to make sure that I'm on board with every that everyone else is on board with what they want um our outcome right now from my notes are creating a set of recommendation recommended best practices for the legislative process that sounds weird but is that the direction that we're going what what would people like to see as our outcome and I'd like you to say the outcome in one sentence please no paragraphs I know but like I we need we need to be able to write it down so that we're all on the same page so what is our one sentence outcome of of the work on this guy ly recommended guidance okay for the legislative process recommended guidance Pat thank you for going with my ask even though I don't know that you like it um any other ones this is taking notes so that we can Center on something no I feel fine with what Lynn just said recommended guidance on the legislative process okay does that work for other folks in the virtual room we are going to create a recommend we are going to create recommended guidance not create CH you know what I mean we will end up with a document that outlines the recommended guidance on the legislative process does that could I hear from counselor ET yes because he raised his hand councelor that works um the way I see this is frankly more like uh Robert's rules um in the sense that it's something that we can refer to yes but not in the oh sorry yes yes so so not in some other I'm specifically just interested in the fact that we can refer to this document yeah yeah can I speak is it right ahead I want to encourage Athena to also be pulled in this because you've already worked on it and if you I would love to hear your thoughts on the regular as we go through this process because I think they'd be really valuable absolutely great um I could if I wanted to so you're yes if you want to you're an independent strong woman I figure you know I hope everyone feels empowered to raise their hands if they have something to say on this on this committee and in life you know and sometimes don't raise your hand and just talk but on this Zoom please raise your hand um all right so with that moving forward in um I'm going to say developing even though we know we're not developing it but we will end up with recommended guidance on the legislative process um to that end if that is our goal let's agree on the process that the process that we're going to discuss the process with oh I hate this all right um so I do think that it would be beneficial for folks to take some time with this document um and go through it would it make does it make sense to say we're going to have everybody download your own version of this no one is working in the shared file that everyone can see everyone has to download it first um and going through and um track changing what you believe should be in that final um final recommended guidance part of me is thinking it would make sense to like even highlight the things that you want to emphas like highlight the things that you think are Mo most important in that but I'm that might be going too far Athena um would you put all of those together is that what you would do I would put all of those together okay we've had it's it's it becomes muddy when we have like five different versions of a guide going around and then we lose track of what the version that we're working on is so if the intent is for you to collect feedback and then bring a a new draft to the next meeting that makes it a lot clearer thanks yes yeah what we did um in the in we've done this before is uh I use the like combine feature and everyone's comments show up with their name and so it's it's still a little bit muddy but it's we're able to to dig through but we will be looking at one document yes um do folks have any alternative ideas to that or any shifts they'd like to see anything else you want us to do so right now we're going through the document and we are um making edits as we as we see fit um I'm gonna ask that if you're making like major change edits where you're moving full sections maybe make that as a note instead of um totally moving everything just so that when we do combine it we aren't getting totally lost um I've spent the last like two months of my professional life building a workbook and so my brain is a little scared of moving pages around um sorry so like trauma trauma here um so we're going to make any edits that we see in track changes I still do think it might be beneficial for folks just to go ahead and highlight the things that you find most important to this um for the purposes of our discussion I think that might help center us if we start to get into a a Whirlpool um so just highlighting text of if there are things that you particularly want to uh emphasize unless someone thinks that's a terrible idea I am not the ruler of the world despite all of my efforts um Pat I'm I might need a little help with this are we talking about doing that right this second no no I need a little I have trouble using track chanes and on and if there is someone who'd be willing to meet with me for a few minutes just sure I know how to do that okay Athena's happy too I'm happy too absolutely I was going to say if we early I can call you like we can just jump on a zoom or something no I'm not going to do it on the phone I got to do it in okay yeah I'm sorry I'm really bad with this stuff you don't have to thank you thank you no problem all right um I feel that feels like we're done weirdly early and and I feel like I'm missing something can someone either validate my feelings that we've covered our plans going forward or say what they think I'm forgetting in this process ly I was going to I was I see you looking for your hand so I'm just going to call on you in in summary I think what we've agreed to is we're keeping the document together yep we're each going to go through it as a Word document and either make comments off to the side or suggested language changes and highlight areas we think are really outstanding most important make sure we keep this and then we're getting that to you by a certain time so that when we meet the next time we will have um we will spend time on this that is true hearing you say it I think I might take back my highlighting idea because it it all is really important and I think I might just end up with like seven pages of just highlight so um I'm gonna I'm going to take back that ask yeah Pat oh I nothing okay um I know that we have a lot of stuff actually oh Athena no okay you raised your hand I know I can wait okay I I was shifting topics so if it's on this go ahead I was yeah I was going to um point out some of the things that are coming up with for the committee the upcoming agenda items that's what I was going to do awesome um would great minds or at least I was on your great mind wavelength for that time um would you like to go ahead sure so on the council agenda for Monday there is a referral that's on the consent agenda to um ask go to develop the town manager goals for 2025 um hopefully that will be informed by a conversation at the council um Monday and you'll have some some direction to jump off Lynn wants to say something else about that the goal on Monday is to have the referral and maybe a little discussion next time go meets we would discuss how do we want to get that feedback from the council and then we would spend the meeting on the 21st getting that feedback we'd send it out to people and so forth so it's I don't see us getting that feedback on Monday right it's that's my correction to what you said okay yeah then um you also have the to manager evaluation process uh as a referral that I think is going to be too late for this year so that might be something that you can wait until next year because we we've already got the things rolling for that process to begin so tweaking it at this point is a little late um I think the next thing that will probably come to the committee is the transportation and parking commission charge TSO needs to finish its review and recommendation and then it will come to go before Council action um and then you also have there are some deadlines associated with the University Drive overlay District CRC and planning board need to hold their hearings um they need to hold their hearings before the Thanksgiving holiday and so go should be aware that as soon as their hearings close then they'll need to finalize their recommendations and go go will have a limited amount of time to review and recommend um any changes to the zoning bylaw before Council action that council is required to act on it within 90 days of the close of the CRC public hearing so that is a little bit of a a time crunch when CRC closes their hearing then we also have a streetlight policy that that's still in Paul's hands and the refu collection and recyclable materials by law that's still in front of TSO so those are still out there waiting for other committees what was that last one waste toer oh okay that's all right thank you she used its government name um Lynn and then we also have to do our carryover memo well this is part of no only only do that at the end of the terms right yeah okay this is love if someone else would like to chair go next year so I don't have to do um well well the the council will reorganize in January and then the president will make appointments to council committees so your membership may change true story okay um thank you I also um have heard from a few counselors who are uh writing resolutions that will also be those will trickle through to us as well Athena can I clarify the the last two things the transportation charge and the overlay District um those are both Clarity consistency and actionability right neither of those are substantive yeah that's correct okay thank you um so but I'm sorry the it's Clarity consistency and action ability but the transportation and parking commission charge is is another one of those that you want to make sure is in the form the format yeah yeah yeah um okay thank you so with the goals just so folks know where I'm going with this um on my to-do list is is okay so so what go has done in the past is sent a set of goals to the council based on the prior year goals that then the council can discuss versus having a 13 person from scratch discussion on what the town manager's goals should be part of our ongoing discussions about the evaluation process have been how challenging the goals are to evaluate so um what I'd like to do when we come together I'm going to try to create some sort of structure for us to have that discussion so that we're not just taking the same goals from last year uh and bringing them forward from this year so there's no action on your part needed right now it's just something just to let you know what um I'm hoping where I'm hoping to go with that discussion is to have those end up in a bit more of a uh actionable Place actually I think we need to Clarity consistency and action ability our own goals and I don't think we have ever really done that um and I think that's all I had to say on that so I am going yeah Lyn I have a clarification I I believe that the CRC and the planning board have to open their hearings before December but they don't have to close them that's correct they have to open their hearings before the Thanksgiving holiday they might be open for several weeks before they decide to close their hearings and then that clock starts taking for the 90day council action so as soon as the hearings are closed then uh CRC will be somewhat pressed to make their recommendation and Report and get that to go for review so that Council can act within 90 days yeah it's not us acting within 90 days it's the full Council yeah okay um any questions on upcoming agenda items or anything that we missed that folks know a couple of resolutions um in November early November I can't remember what they are right now but they're in packet and I think there was one for this month also but somebody would need to be contacted it was uh Indian cultural or something like I can't remember I just got an email about that about a half an hour ago um so I will uh I'm gonna take a look at that and and see if I want to sponsor it if anyone else like to the other thing is um we never quite know what else might be put on our plate but I I want to keep working on this legislative uh guide uh but we but it doesn't have as much importance as the town manager goals in that whole not the not the creating a new process but the actual writing of his goals and getting you know all of that so if this were to slide some into the beginning of the year of the new year I think that would be okay I'd like to start it now we are but I it's possible that that will happen Pat um this this has taken the brunt of being a back burner project uh initially this was on my timeline for April um and it's October so I I hear you and um and I know that this isn't an urgent project but I think it's an important one it's an important one and yeah and so I um I'm keeping it on here but yes when things are more time bound they are taking um taking precedent any other questions George is going to be so mad that We've Ended now two meetings early when he hasn't been able to join us um what I would like folks to do I mean do whatever you want with your with your bonus hour if we end now but um but I still would like I'm still going to plan on at our next meeting circling back on this discussion if we get majorly um majorly upset we will get majorly upset we will spend the bulk of the next meeting talking about goals but I'd like us to spend some time Cly back to this in our next meeting um if that sounds good to everybody yeah all right so next meeting we'll do goals and legislative process uh unless something else pops up in the meantime we may have one or two um uh proclamations or resolutions by our next meeting I've been I've been a warned that there's probably one coming for Monday no no no this will be for our next meeting oh but you'll refer them to us before they go to right yep okay um yeah well yes we will have at least one because I really need to get that done and I've been warned that there's another and you just mentioned a third yeah okay all right great it's gonna be good it feels so bad to end early when we know we've got brutal ones coming up will you stay on for a minute and I'd like to figure out a time to meet with you that's convenient for you and I'm going to call you about tomorrow okay no one leave we need to make our full motion and do our full process I move that we adjourn second my gosh all right I'm gonna call the vote Pat hi councelor ate hi Lynn I and I am an i as well thank you all very very much I look forward to seeing all of your suggestions um oh shoot I will email you okay because we adjourned and I never gave you a deadline have a good night everybody yeah Athena