##VIDEO ID:Ss3_Rqq9iic## awesome thank you all right so it is September 26 and the time is 6:33 I'm GNA call this meeting of go to order I'm going to begin by making sure folks can hear and be heard so let's start with Lyn griesar present excellent thank you Pat d'angeles present I love to see it and Athena we have heard from you but thank you for joining us as well um all right so this is a off cycle off schedule meeting for go so I really appreciate everyone coming out um and it should be a relatively quick meeting um we are we've got only a couple items on our agenda uh we do not have any members of the public here right now um so I just want to make sure I didn't miss anything that got added so the per and counselor ET has joined us as well amazing all right I'm GNA wait till he connects to audio okay awesome hello councelor hello um thank you for confirming that we can hear you and thank you for joining us all right so I was just saying we currently do not have any members of the public our first item on the agenda is public comment but with no members of the public we'll move to the next item thanks you thanks you all thanks you all uh for coming and we're going to talk through the charge uh for the amoris black reparations committee as a reminder of where we are are and why we're here um thank you Athena we sent in um Athena did you make some comments oh wait you're muted Athena might have might have helped us out and caught some things that I did not catch so so I sent this out to the committee you should have it I didn't pull it up I'm sorry so these comments so there are some from me that just explain why I made a change and then there are some like there was a suggestion to include non- voting members that's kind of a big decision so I put that note um there's a note here the the council can only designate the town manager or me and then some other like some of the formatting changes I did but then any of the other substantive things I just made as comments and that's not the substitute ones aren't from me they're from other counselors yes so um thank you atha so yeah so basically we didn't do our due diligence when we first approved this and and I'll take that as as chair that's totally fine in looking at what were other committee charges and making sure that we had modeled this one after those so I'm hoping that today we can move through this relatively quickly um we do not need to accept all of the substantive changes if we feel that they would be better discussed at the council level but we can we can this is something that go is responsible for um so what I'd like to do Athena are you comfortable keeping up the shared screen is that okay okay thank you um so why don't we do I'm just trying to change it so that you're not ginormous on my screen which my zoom updated and now I like feel like I don't know how to use zoom anymore there we go found it all right so we're going to move through this item by item um and what we'll do is we will revote this and the updated version will go back to the council does that sound good to everyone as a course of action all right um okay so first thing was type of committee and Athena you're saying it's we don't it's a town committee not a council committee is that what your the difference here is uh the word so there's if you looked at the template which is also in your packet it says like what the options are for each of these different things and it describes what goes in each section so the word that's used is a town committee great thank you um any objections to that chain I'm gonna assume we're good until unless someone raises an objection if that sounds okay all right thank you Athena I'm just going to accept these as we go so that we know where we're at if that's okay with everybody that sounds great um okay so then we've got the other um the appointing authority and this adds the uh Charter reference which is great thank you um oh sorry I missed out sorry yeah hi py okay um sorry she just came barreling in very very fast and scared me town manager in accordance with home R Charter section same kind of thing we had discussed the number of non-voting members and had landed on that there would be no non-voting members this was a conversation go had so this was an intentional no non- voting members um and that was agreed the folks who are rep yeah Pat I just want to check is whether the comment is from Athena um or is it from a counselor and should and is should we be thinking about that again but I I would like to understand the reason somebody wants a non-voting member on this particular committee I think we can oh sorry go ahead I think when we had this discussion I can't remember Pat if you were here for the this part or not we were talking with um Michelle Miller and Dr shabaz about this as well and it was a mutually agreed upon thing to to not have the non- voting members between our committee and those folks I'm guessing that a counselor asked this question because initially the original proposal from the ah report suggested having one but in consultation with them we came to the conclusion that we did not want one thank you no problem the note came from one of the drafts I received it must have been from either you or Lynn that that had a note about including non- voting members I don't know whose draft it was but it's not my comment okay thank you so if that's if that's settled I can just delete this yep yeah I think the one we sent to council said none for for non voting um and yes that is absolutely we cannot we cannot specify Dei department so I think changing it to town manager design makes sense um and hoping that he designates someone from a department that would be most helpful although I have heard guilford's looking for more committees to to um be staff Leos on for so all right um I'm just looking I'm trying to have all the drafts open at once sorry um then the next yeah there was like a throwing in a shell all right that makes sense putting in the the the acronym that's fine no problem um there was a question who's mou2 I don't know who that is um oh it's you is you huh I don't know what you're talking about on the draft I have your comments show up labeled asou too and I don't know why um in the the PDF that was in the packet so I don't know that these had a specific order when we were going through them um I think that is a valid question of whether they are in order of importance or whether we should do them alphabetical do folks have a thought on this Athena was your suggestion to indicate the to to again this was somebody else's note I'm sorry okay then is so you you and Lynn both sent drafts that were edited past the go recommended version and either yours or Lynn's included a comment about moving one of the things higher on the list to indicate priority okay uh that was not from me Lynn do you want us do you have thoughts on that one that comment I'm sorry I I misunderstood you actually that was Pat who wanted to move that higher Pat we'll play roulette of roulette of comments if no one knows whose comment it was it's okay let's just discuss it anyway I don't remember making that as a um a suggestion but uh looking at it because I thought somebody else did it it might Consulting regularly with the black community and then and to use that to advise and make recommendations to the council makes some logical sense but I don't care about the order I really don't remember saying anything about that I'm sorry you're totally fine who knows um well it's it's an imaginary person we could say it was George um so because he's not here but I think the I can understand moving it up on the list in order to have it be supporting the um the recommendations and I if I'm recalling correctly and I'd have to go back and look at the recordings one of the conversations we had was that the regular um Regular consultation was something that should happen more than just once and we didn't want to put it up at the top so that it looked like it was just a one-time thing prior to making the recommendations that consult regularly was sort of a on an ongoing basis kind of thing that makes sense to leave it alone then okay um so then one of the big things that I put in and and what I had submitted initially was I was going to propose it at the council level as amendments but because we ran over time we're doing it here um so I one area we were missing in the initial report was is a section on reports and when we would like this group to talk back to us and and tell us what they're doing so this is purely what I put in um and I think maybe Lynn had something Lynn put the same thing in possibly as well and it's combined I am not wedded to this but let's talk through this and see when and how we want them to and and on what we would like them to provide reports to the Council on this is just a starting block we can change it oops Lynn um I'm not clear why we would have them report to the Town Council if they're not our committee and the reason I say that is for example the Human Rights Commission is now scheduled to be reporting to us well there's nothing in their charge to my knowledge that says they should report to the Town Council usually what the town manager does is he in his monthly updates he tells us what's going on so is this I I the more we put in reports to the Town Council the more people more committees believe that they should actually come to the council meeting and make have a half an hour presentation and conversation so I think that um I I can't find and ath I meant to ask you for this I was Googling furiously and had trouble finding the specifically the HRC charge that's in aside um but I do know that I'm I'm curious Lynn if because there's there's funds associated with this particular committee the reporting part seems like it might might be wise but I'm wondering if we could specify a written report um and start doing that with committees generally instead of requiring an iners which can be timec consuming for everyone involved and not always the most helpful so um but I'm curious Athena if you have any guidance for us on how much we can specify when it comes to reporting and whether it's required or I know like ecac has a reporting requirement I know uh I thought there were a couple others but I can't remember yeah so Lynn um the requirement for the Human Rights Commission to provide an annual report is in the bylaws it's in the town bylaws so the bylaw human rights and Human Rights Commission which is 3.3 that's why I can't uh the Commission in conjunction with the dire director shall annually prepare and submit to the town manager and Town Council a report on the state of human rights in ammer with recommend donations that deems appropriate etc etc so and then the council also requires um an annual report by ECA that was you know a council created committee that's a council created it but it's a town committee um and um it's not required to ask the ABC for annual reports um there's already advise and make recommendations to the Council on expenditure of funds and and so on so that can happen similarly to how the CPA functions um the the committee the abrc can um make allocate appropriation recommendations to the council like at various points throughout the year and the council can act on them just like they do CPA um so the report section is part of the template so it it either says something or not but it's up to you if you'd like an annual report one way or another I do think that it's helpful to get an annual sorry I'm Lyn is your hand still up go ahead you're you're first yeah they're actually in the charter there's five groups that have to give us that have to do annual reports the town does the state of the town the library the schools um the uh Board of license Commissioners and the Oliver will trust that's in the the charter there's no other and and when we were having a conversation the other day um at Agenda setting we actually discussed whether or not we should just have the human resources just be folded into that so that anybody who's giving us annual reports are giving this annual reports at the same time not necessarily that we would put it in the charter because some of these committees are not standing committees of the charter but um that was just a discussion that we had the other day um I think I would like to advocate for given that this is such a new initiative given that this is a different type of committee than exists the closest thing that it it seems like the closest relative to it is um CPA I think that it would be appropriate to specify an annual report I personally think it would be beneficial to everyone to specify a written annual report and it can be very simple on these three things I think that it's because we're requiring them to do Outreach uh or or that's part of their charge or consultation and um what work they're doing may extend beyond allocation of funds I think it would be helpful for the council to stay AB breast of what is occurring um given the council's strong role in the creation of this group but I would like to specify written just to clarify and so that it's in the record when they send it in that's my thought Pat what do you think thank you I agree with Anna uh it feels to me like this is a very important committee and um I would like to have a sense of what's happening with the committee and if it is like CPA there's reporting that they have to do to us so that we can um when they present us with initiatives that they would like to fund we vote on that they're not automatically accepted and um so I'm not saying that proposals from this group wouldn't be accepted or anything like that but the process I think should be tied to what the CPA process is excuse me do you mean tied to the CPA process or do you mean like echoing the CPA process echoing yeah yeah sorry thank you if we keep a report in here can I uh can I change this language to say the ABC shall provide a written report annually to the Town Council and then what I'd like to discuss is are these three items what would be helpful for the Town Council to know or should there be something different something additional Etc uh Lynn sorry they have to come to us oh you muted yourself they have to come to us when they want to ask us to appropriate money so this would be like an annual report regardless right and then when they come I think we need to say some I'm fine with what's in here I'm also fine that it be written um but I think we need another B bullet and that is that the when they come to us for funds appropriation of funds there should be a report just like CPA does yeah that that makes sense but that's necessarily the annual report okay uhuh okay thanks that's apologies for turning my camera off I think my partner just went on the internet so now I'm my internet's unstable um okay is there anything additional um I'm sorry I don't have a raise hand button so talking Lynn you suggested adding a bullet but it sounds like it's the same as this so do we do you want another thing that says the same thing I think we need to somewhere say in making recommendations to the Town Council on expenditures of funds from the town's reparation fund recommendations to the Town Council on the expenditure of funds from the town's reparation fund should be accompanied by a report or something like that does that do it yeah you know it's I feel like that's obvious it seems obvious but I could see them coming in and saying hey here's the five projects we want to fund without you know giving us kind of what CPA does which is a nice summary of their deliberation and their process does does including the word written suffice yes oh yes because then it you know sometimes we actually have CPA make a presentation and sometimes we don't how pressed for time we are okay yeah part of me is now going down the rabbit hole of do we need to make be more specific about advising make written recommendations annually to the like do we do we need to could someone I don't think anyone would but could someone interpret this as sending the Town Council an email saying you should spend money on this and does that count or are we assuming that they will develop a full process like we are envisioning and hoping they will I don't think you need to be more specific about okay I I think there's an understanding of what a report is and what it isn't okay okay thank you [Music] um I meant the recommendations part not the report part you okay I used the wrong word you're fine I just I was like wait hang on making sure I said the right thing um okay so then is there anything additional we'd like to add to the three bullets of what their report should contain or are we good Tove do you see anything that you that we're not thinking of right now from your experience um I I was really just looking at this for formatting so my when I was reading it my brain was just doing a format a format look I didn't look at it any other way I'd have to read it again Pat I'm I'm just ing I'm just rereading this wait wait stop the um ABC shall review the recommendations of the ah uh established feasibility priority level of the ahra recommendations is there any possibility that this committee could include or create recommendations that haven't been listed in that report yes so maybe it needs to that needs to be reflected so we we did try we had that conversation um and say I must that I'm sorry no no no it's okay um one of the reasons why we just said provide recommendations for Action to the Town Council based on priority level and feasibility that doesn't that does not specify from the report nor does the next um the next two bullets except proposals or the next three really and work with towns and committees to p p Pur Su excuse me reparative projects and initiative where sh goals so if it's not clear enough let's I we should talk about it but I think we the goal was to have them start with the report um go from there thank you Anna I understand starting with the report my concern is I've seen this from other committees where they think you know ecat everybody you do this report you spend a lot of time on it and then therefore everything in it is what to happen and I'm worried about this being similar uh in the sense that the um the ahra worked incredibly hard and diligently on their report and I can understand why that committee wants everything that they have in it but this committee needs to be able to review that and also to say well these are also initiatives and make judgments about the priorities of the initi initiatives both from the ah and from their own creation and may I don't know because it's difficult enough to do this work in committee and then not see progress in every area that you want to have that you've discussed in a report so I'm I'm I don't know so I'm just worried about the health of Y yeah yeah um I hear you do you think as we read through these I am I'd love to hear if you've got any thoughts on what suggested language you might a oh no I froze um okay I'm sorry I think I froze for a second am I back now yeah okay I'm sorry um your we didn't lose your voice on us so oh great you can hear my inner dialogue um that I say out loud excellent um I think if you could scroll up just two lines uh Pat I think I want to Let's reread this and I and I'd love to hear from you on any suggested or anyone uh on any suggested language that we might put in to help clarify because I think I agree and and that was the conversation was we we hoped to have that be clear for all the reasons you said so um if it's not we should think about what language we could put in here to to help clarify that and I'm open to suggestions Lyn are you on this topic or is it a different one no it's this topic amazing I just want to I I think I've made this clear before I want to be very careful we don't have Mission creep we don't have Mission creep Mission creep in other words we create a committee and all of a sudden they're going very well beyond what was ever intended so you're saying and and I'm I'm you're saying that asking them to create initiatives would be that kind of creep yeah okay yeah I've I've thought that from the day one um and it's been part of my concern that um we aren't you know this in my mind this committee is to come up with recommendations for how to spend the reparations money that's what the goal and and when we got into this earlier it's now written as if well you know go out and see if there are other things we should do it isn't written that way yet I don't think I'm just that's what I'm suggesting so I hear you um but I also there's something about pinning [Music] everything what if what if the Town Council doesn't agree with uh the priorities should not be ours I have no trouble with this committee establishing priorities but in terms of feasibility and I just I don't know I just feel like it may not be feasible to implement everything that the ah has in their report maybe it is so yeah so I'm struck by what's interesting is that neither of you are are pleased um I I want to know did we lose councelor atti um okay thank you uh I want to note that neither of you are are pleased with the direction it's going but both of you think it's too far in the opposite direction so um so I just want to address both of these things at once so F the first three bullets I think are getting at what Lynn is saying review the recommendations in the ah final report look at what they are establish feasibility and priority level of the ahra recommendations this is getting at not trying to accomplish everything on the list at one time it's not necessarily a checklist some things that are in that report may not be feasible um and they may not be a priority so this group is going to look at those and determine what is feasible and what's the priority and then provide recommendations for Action to the Town Council based on priority level and feasibility this one does not specify recommendations from the report it could if we really needed it to so in my mind those first three bullets are saying we start with the report and then we get to the main one that Lynn's talking about which is advise and make recommendations to the Town Council on the expenditure of funds from the town's reparation fund this one it would be an ongoing recommendation right um and this does not say expenditure of funds in accordance to the recommendations from the ah report right this is just makes those recommendations I next go the next three consult regularly with the black community about the allocation of reparations funds and other proposals under consideration by the community involving repairative Justice Pat this is where I think it gets at what you are saying where it is not binding them to only what is written in the report if there is a better idea that meets the times right we while we know we need to revisit committee charges we also need to give them a charge that can last beyond a couple years right so in my mind that's what that fifth bullet does is that it gives that space to figure out what's next and then oh sorry and then the last two kind of work in accordance with that fifth one I feel comfortable with your analysis Lynn what uh thank thank you Pat I'm just I'm still a little concerned that that it it I don't know what else to say I'm concerned about Mission creep what are you can you specify if if you're concerned about Mission creep what do you believe the mission is that they'd be creeping past that I think all of a sudden they went to town to do you know something that has nothing to do with the fund was never mentioned in the report and now they think because they put it into a writing it's the gospel I I that's that's the best I can do I mean I so you so because they would write it in a recommendation to the council you're worried that the you feel like the council couldn't say no to it I want the council to always be able to say no to something and that's a hard thing the Committees are having they're struggling with every day is they feel like once they've spent all this time on the report it has to be implemented and it has to be implemented completely and I think we've gotten into trouble over that I think for me that was I hear where you're coming from my where I am the reason why I'm not as worried I think is because of the way that we're framing this as established feasibility and priority level and that's something that feasibility is really key and so that's part one of this and and priority level um and maybe I don't know if that needs to be their first report or something but I don't know but for me it's the provide recommendations that's that is written differently than other um charges that have been more directive uh and and not necessarily written in a way that is about making recommendations they're written in ways that are saying directly advised or things like that so this has the word advise in it but for me I feel more comfortable seeing the word make recommendations um but I he I I hear you I think if you have suggested language that might be more helpful that to try to talk about that Pat did I see your hand up for a second oh okay sorry it's s right I don't think that we we can no matter what we write um avoid what happens in any committee uh when they spend an enormous amount of time working on something um you know I think about uh just any committee um and and we still I think as a community still have difficulty addressing issues uh around race and things like that which makes everybody uncomfortable or many no many of us uncomfortable and we've also kind of weathered attacks from committees um because they thought they everything that they did should be what happens you know and I look I use eak as an example there's been a lot of Anger from that committee because we haven't implemented everything that they have in their resiliency plans and stuff um anyway so and and that's my concern but I don't think you can avoid that that's going to happen no matter what this says I think you avoid you at least set the ground rules so that if you have to go back to them they're there well what would the ground rule be that would right so I think we need some suggested language yeah so which AA can you scroll up a little I think we're missing the first couple bullets yeah I think sorry I know it's broken up on two pages so when you get to consult regularly with the black community about the allocation of reparation funds and other proposals right there that that whole rest of that sentence is what opens it up should that be moved up under established feasibility and priority level and then and then so Lena are you saying you would like to strike that full bullet yeah I mean if they're going to consult with the community it should be about expenditure of the reparations fund I uh strongly disagree I think it is about the expenditure of the reparations funds but I do not think that we should limit this group to only what has WR been written in the report I think that that is a natural starting hang on please that is a natural starting place for this group but I think that when if we take that out um that it's losing the the capacity to do one of the initial visions of this group which is work with the black community to decide what reparative Justice looks like in the future so let me explain I I feel that the report is so Broad in its potential recommendations that the door is still wide open okay and so no nobody has ever said yet in any report to us we want to spend x amount of money on scholarships or Y amount of money on renaming streets or you know Z amount of money on something else I still think there's enormous latitude in what they can come forward with they could even come forward with something that says here's a recommendation of things we think should be done but it doesn't cost any money he let me know when you're done I'm done okay so I agree that they can do all that I think that this language in in my mind this language is important because the other proposals under consideration one makes it so that they can talk about something in the report that might not require expenditure of funds but I think that it allows us to give our community the space to say there's something we haven't thought of yet and I what I don't want to have happen is have a wonderful idea that would be really great come forward and get shot down because it wasn't in the initial report and think we don't know hang on please we're gonna have to raise our hands I know but we don't know what we don't know and I'm I'm not comfortable limiting this to just what's written in that report that was already written a year ago and wasn't necessarily vetted for for feasibility um that said we have three people here we can we can vote on this and I'm happy to let democracy win out um but I I'm glad we're having the conversation Pat oh Athena sorry I don't have to jump in line okay I can go first no no I'd appreciate it if you go first AA I was just looking to see what the ah report said about this successor committee um because I thought that might help inform the conversation and the line that I found was establish a town assembly for African herriage residents to operate as a forum to discuss and propose specific reparative Justice initiatives to the H successor committee on an ongoing basis yeah thank you uh Pat well now I don't know if I have anything I think that could you read that one more time Athena sure establish a town assembly for African her Heritage residents to operate as a forum to discuss and propose specific reparative Justice ini initiatives to the ah successor committee on an ongoing basis wait does that say proposed to the successor committee now that doesn't make sense this was if I can jump in I believe this was the idea um Dr shabas framed it as one of the initial Visions was having either like a black caucus or a black town meeting or something along those lines and through discussion we sort of came down to this absolutely a different framing of it but I think that was one of the initial thoughts was the goal was to do that Outreach and to create a space for um the black community to voice to the committee because the committee is the one who makes the recommendation to the council but that the community would have a place to voice to the committee where whoever came to this meeting or however they create it wants what they would like to see done or other proposals they'd like to see a hard time understanding a committee to advise it's not a committee they they want like a forum basically okay like a public forum Curr okay so so maybe that's that's not the appropriate line the one is the before that is Adopt a charge for a successor Town committee to carry on the work of the ahra among other responsibilities this body will vet applications for reparative justice initiatives on an ongoing basis we changed that one because because we have no idea what it's going to look like in terms of applications and things like that it felt really premature to um be establishing a a vetting body I believe was the logic there I'm just I was just sharing what H report I'm not advocating for one thing or another I I didn't think you were I wanted to explain why that exact verbage was not in our um draft H I'm sitting here having listened to What U was read about the assembly Etc uh review the recommendations of the uh a H spal report and uh no how did I want to say it um I think when you want them to review the report it's important that they review the report but then that really should be to to consult regularly with the black community about the allocation of reparations fund and proposals um and establish a feasibility and prior I mean I feel like this the way this is written I'm sorry I'm losing my train of thought it's why I need to reconsider um right now the ah dominates this and what I heard Dr shabaz say and and you have repeated for us now is that there needs to be ongoing connection to a black caucus or an African U uh assembly and that that th that body will be making recommendations to the ahr to this successor committee and then that's the committee is going to be looking at things from the ah report and the new information that's coming from the caucus and then creating a feasibility and priority this thing I I don't know maybe I'm making this complicated than it needs to be well I think I think you're okay the ah did do that right their recommendations were based on a lot of Outreach that they conducted it wasn't just created by that committee so the consult regularly with the black community in my mind is if they picked out all they wanted to do from the report and talked about the feasibility and made those recommendations then what's next next and that's the ongoing consultation because they did do a significant amount of consultation in creating those initial recommendations um so I don't see what I'm wondering is yeah I think that's that's why I wouldn't move it up to be the second bullet because I don't actually see this as an order of operations necessarily yeah um if you did want to move it I would put it as third or fourth um but I I don't I I do not read this as a an order of operations I read this as a these conditions should be met by by the committee um but I don't want us to forget that that consultation did occur in the writing of that ah report right and if I go over this I I'm sorry that it has to be so messy what but my thinking and stuff uh if you're Consulting regularly with the black community and then accept proposals from the community through a process determined by this body so in a way it's saying hey we have the ah report we're going to be doing this regular Outreach and we're going to accept some of those proposals right so yeah okay maybe we can leave it the way it is um welcome back Council AR uh um I don't think we've necessarily L resolved your your concern and I don't know if it's something that you feel this committee will resolve or if we should bring it to the council um councelor and Athena you raised your hands at the same time councelor do would you like to go first and then we'll come back I just wanted to confirm that I can hear yes hope I'm being heard thank you we can hear you thank you so much for confirming Athena was that what you were checking to make sure no oh Athena you're next Athena's like I don't know I assumed you could all right go ahead AA what's up I am wondering if you could talk about this last bullet yeah and and uh as Lynn raised the issue of scope creep I wonder how the committee is going to interact with other Town committees and departments that feels a little bit like this committee would be in charge of directing departments to do a certain thing I'm I'm I'm like is this is this make recommendations to the town manager to you know for Town Department to do things a certain way or I'm I I think things start to feel like they don't work when there's language in a charge that implies that a committee can direct staff I think it creates a very uncomfortable situation on for everyone I appreciate that interpretation of that bullet it was definitely not intended that way when the committee discussed it so I think we should explore this when we discussed this bullet initially the conversation was if someone else is already working on something can this committee help them it was kind of actually intended the opposite right of of this committee being of service to other committees um this started out as I believe I believe it was in I can't remember if it was in the original ah report I have to find that uh paragraph but they talked about specifically the Human Rights Commission I think um and so we wanted to make it broader but in doing so I can see where that confusion comes in um I don't think this is necessarily I I'm not personally super attached to this bullet but that was where the conversation went to and from um you want to follow up yeah I may follow up so I think work with implies that this committee is doing work that is staff member might already be doing and and that gets into a sticky situation I think that like you know making recommendations to people or you know Consulting with and things like that is different than working with because I think you know there can we can get into a little bit of a who's in charge of this and who's directing to who kind of a situation and it's I'm going to strongly encourage you to make that as clear as you possibly can in this charge so that we don't get into those issues later on thank you um that's a really really helpful note um I'm going to think about what language I'm wondering if it could be assyst but let's hear from Lyn and Pat Lyn I think it's more like we want them let me let me step back and say what I think they were looking at they were looking at whether or not for example um working with CPA could there be something done around a recreational site that would you know Advance the understanding of reparations okay they could also but I'm not sure this is legal try to suggest that um housing be given a certain priority for uh people that have been uh harmed over over Generations I'm not sure if that's legal but nevertheless I I think they were talking about whether or not there might be funding that other committees have that their money and their and the other committee's money together might get more done and and yes it would Enlighten the other committee but that's the way I heard it was you know they wanted to say we have these much we have this money you have this money what could we do together that would make this Recreation Area um have a tribute to reparations I I'm you know I'm making it up thank you Pat it's if it's okay I'm gonna some I'm add some words based on this conversation and you can you know just gonna interpret can I say what I was gonna say first um because I can wait if you would like me let Athena type it really quick and then we'll we'll go to you next because typing is not permanently in ink we can always change it yeah if we don't um oh oh sorry all right good way what I was going to suggest which but I think aen sentence is better um I was just going to say why don't we just remove and departments from so is work with other Town committees to pursue but I I like first of all collaborate with um and I don't know if yeah you took the town manager thing out there right because I was trying to figure out how I think if we take out Town departments we don't need the town manager there do you know what I mean but sorry where are you seeing what I started typing Town Department I mean I started I started typing through the town manager because I I I'm I'm trying to think of words to use that will encapsulate you know if if the ABC wants to make recommendations on in improving a a a town process or an application or something then you know how can they do that that's not directing staff to do things and so I'm like I was thinking you know through the town manager you or to the town I guess it's a it's it would be a recommendation to the town manager in that case uh but I'm not sure how and you know going back to Lyn scope creep do you want this group to making recommendations to the town manager on those kinds of things or is that more of a an HRC yeah I I think we were trying to avoid that scenario um Lynn um oh left over left over hand okay sorry Pat I'm trying to lower my hand I think that just sitting with collaborate with Town committees to pursue to pursue reparative projects and initiatives is enough where shared goals are present I think that last know if you need that but all right I'll um so my hand was raised to say I actually think the where shared goals or Present part is is an important piece of this um I think that both both parties need to agree that it's a reparative project and initiative um and so I I I think I like this language I think it's stronger to say I always love the word collaborate it's one of my favorite words um and so I I'm always happy to see that but I I agree taking out departments because I think we really would like to avoid a scenario where uh we're insinuating that any committee can direct um staff that's not I would like to hear from councelor ete because you often have a really good way of parsing language that makes us see something we forgot or didn't notice so if if you have anything pressure if you have anything to add you're welcome to add it I'm I'm practicing restraints um we should all learn from you I think I so I had my hand up and I lowered it because collaborate is a much better stronger word where shed goes at present I think has some sense my predicament is this who what if one of the Committees doesn't see shared goals then they're not shared goals then in that case it it's you don't need to have it because if they shed goals they will collaborate if they're not sheded goals they won't so if I'm not I'm not sure about putting that in if that strengthens the case that you can have Town committees working together to on reparative Project okay so my question to that is if a committee and I don't have a hypothetical necessarily but if a committee is working on a project that is aligned with their committee's goals and they don't think of it as a reparative project and they're not seeking help necessarily but another committee says oh what they're doing is reparative and so we should be involved should that committee automatically get to be involved and I would argue no because that's not the goal of the initial committee right they're doing what they're doing for a different reason so even if it has the benefit of being reparative projects I don't want to force uh committees to have to do something collaboratively if they aren't both doing it for the same reasons in the same direction if that makes sense like I I don't know I maybe my hypothetical is so specific that it'll never happen and this is unnecessary but I for me I just I kind of it's almost like having it two consenting parties everyone needs to be on board that this is a collaborative project they both want to work on um but again maybe that would never happen and and I'm being too sensitive about it councelor I don't think you're being too sensitive I think what you're getting at is if Bo committees recognize those shared goals right there will be an opportunity to collaborate yeah so I don't think you're being sensitive um so are we comfortable as a committee with the new Final bullet reading collaborate with Town committees to pursue reparative projects and initiatives where shared goals are present are we comfortable with that okay Athena can we go ahead and accept that change thank you for your help all right so we've already discussed the um I would like this to say shall provide a written report annually okay but this is what it says in the C well I wish theirs were written too I think we can improve on the practice absolutely we it it doesn't say ecac can't do a written report coun so I am the Leon for ecac and they will be delivering a written report they always do I think sometimes there has been confusion though where they've been like when do we come to council to give our report because I think it's not clear so I think we're we're evolving maybe hopefully not devolving um awesome does that look good to folks I couldn't stand written annual report it has to be an annual written report that just sounds agree all right fine that makes sense I agree all right um okay so Athena I have questions about this next part I could not find a charge admittedly the charges for our committees are hard to find unless you go through them individually I couldn't find an example of this and so could you help me can you give an example of what this would be because I can't think of anything other than the written report the um this this language this list any actions that different body is instructed to take it's in the template yeah but what does that mean we know but what does it mean you're like I didn't write the template I I didn't um I I think it might be [Music] um let me see if I can find another one if if that makes sense but I think it might be you know um actions taken by the council subsequent to this committee's report but let me see if I can find another one yeah if you can find one that would be enlightening I was trying to look back at my my original Committee of the dog park task force but I think that was a task force I don't know um that I believe after atha weth you is looking that up other than adding in the charge adopted revised andme status vot I believe those are the only other changes we needed to make to get this up to Snuff um that and take off the fact that I forgot to remove the draft ABC charge from the top which should probably not be in there uh it's still draft until the council commit adopts it yeah but it was last discussed and then it was like a long date so okay that's gone now I yeah I put this into the it was it was a erroneous header that was left in the one I sent initially yeah um I believe we have now followed the Style Guidelines yeah I just looked at eak and they have this long list of things that they're going to be doing but I don't think I think that we have that here still written it's still written within the charge it's not yes it is action yes it is yeah it's not a separate section all right so I'm gonna support not having an actions section in here um and I will maybe eventually support changing the style guide but um all right any last thoughts on this before we make emotion okay um all right I'm G to move that go approve the following charge recommendation to the council to as dated recommend the council adopt adopt the following charge sorry adopt the charge for the um the abrc I I should say it out sorry the AFC the ammer black reparations committee charge as amended on September 26 second thank you councelor uh calling a vote councelor I Pat d' Angeles hi I am an i and Lyn grimer I it is unanimous with one absent okay Athena um would you send this to yourself please and send a copy to Lynn and would you send me a copy as well I will send it to everyone amazing news thank you because I was G to have to do that if you didn't so thank you um all right everybody that is all that we had on our agenda tonight and I really appreciate you all coming out on um this lovely beautiful Thursday I'm so sorry I pulled you all in from the the gorgeous day outside um a rainy day which is gorgeous because it is okay I like rainy days in the fall because I feel like the leaves pop even more against a gray sky so that's that is my eternal optimist coming my eternal hopeful hopeful lest um thank you all so much we're back to our normal schedule which means I think we have a meeting next next week right yeah first first Thursday um what's on our agenda what's on our agenda is a really good question we will have oh council is gonna tell us you can just say whatever you were gonna say while I think about what was going to be on our agenda because I do actually know um so I the CRC had an interesting conversation earlier this week about process and I think it would make sense to have at some point the agenda Outreach or set in documents that the previous Council Shan um Shin had yeah is it legislative guidelines legislative process guide yes I think um it would be good to have that just to reawaken the imagination of members of the council in a way that is one of the next priorities that we have to um tackle I sent out the did everyone receive the document that I sent a couple weeks ago I think or a week or two ago um the version that was part of the carryover that is something that is coming up quickly for our agenda I believe it's going to be on our next um agenda the only thing that is keeps happening is that it keeps getting usurped by more time bound measures um councilor I I'm am curious about what CRC talked about and I don't know if I can we can get into discussion about it right now because it wasn't something that we anticipated talking about about um but I the legislative process guide I'm not sure if it would address concerns that CRC might have had I'm assuming about the nuisance by law and so um maybe I can connect with you or Pat or I can reach out to Pam directly to talk about um what would benefit both committees Athena I didn't say anything I don't think oh coun sorry I'm sorry I thought it was a residual it is a broader question I think that extends Beyond just CRC um really which is how do we get to choose issues to tackle with the council but also how do we engage the public in the discussions that we have because on a lot of different issues it appears that we haven't being focused in breing in public Outreach and I think [Music] the legislative guideline works with that and that relates to CRC in so far as it is for this one particular topic yeah okay thank you for clarifying that's very helpful and yes that is what the guide does address so um I will I'm going to look at our next uh agenda what the other things that are coming up are the um the the town manager goals will be a hot topic for us um very very soon and I think what we're trying to figure out right now is whether go has to approve the timeline or not um no we determine no great news so um but we will still be starting go sends the draft of the first draft of the goals to the council for discussion so that is something that we're going to have to start tackling very soon um as well as the legislative process guide uh and as things move through other committees and come to us uh as we know they're they're starting to go to other committees and they will get to us after um so I will connect with Athena this week to make sure that your agenda is moving but um we have not forgotten the legislative process guide It's that things keep getting bumped up that have hard deadlines that we get done first um so thank you for that reminder I appreciate it anything else that folks have questions about with future agendas Lynn you're muted you're muted Lynn we have at least one if not two um proclamations that are going to be coming up one is small business Saturday and the other one might be the human rights one I have one I'm trying to write too so that might be okay all right sounds good uh a can we touch base at some point soon um all right with that I have no other unanticipated items is there a motion to adjourn the meeting or any other questions before okay sorry motion Lynn did you make that motion I move thank you is there a second y'all George is not here to be a brat about this today someone second the damn motion second the motion thank you I'm sorry I'm not supposed to say damn thank you for seconding Pat all right I'm gonna call Pat how do you vote I don't know um I don't start with me d'angeles counselor ete I and Lynn grimer I all right the meeting is adjourned at 7:41 pm thank you all have a lovely evening take care bye get me out of here