soon all right hi everyone it is Thursday yes Thursday uh June 6th at 6:30 pm and this is a meeting of the governance organization and legislation Committee of the Town Council um we this is not our normal meeting we are continuing and finalizing hopefully um our uh process for making appointment recommendations to the 2024 Charter Review Committee so I'm going to call on members of the committee just to make sure they can hear me and I can hear them um and you can hear them too and we can all hear each other I think that covers it uh Pat d'angelus present councelor Ryan I'm present Lynn griesar present councelor ete present all right thank you uh we did post public comment for this meeting if anyone would like to make public comment for up to three minutes uh who's in the attendees you can go ahead and raise your hand and I can bring you into the room okay seeing none we are going to move on to our main event today which is discussing uh our recommendations for appointments to the 2024 TR Review Committee so we're going to start with deliberation and uh conversation before we go into our recommendations um and I would like to uh call folks attention to the selection guidance as well as any notes that you might have taken during the interviews as we go through this process um I don't necessarily have any prompts to start us off but would anyone like to share any thoughts that they have to to kind of start our discussion off around this topic anything anyone would like to say I'm going to pull up the selection guidance and I'll put it on the screen for us if that would be helpful just to remind us okay give me one second people can Vamp in the in the intermediary if you'd like to okay I'm gonna start and say as I'm pulling this up um I do want to thank folks for um all of the work that we that you all did to get people engaged in this and uh pull people into the process it was really great to hear the um the passion that people have and and I want to thank everyone who did submit their name and put in an SOI for this uh this is a great way to serve the town and and a really important way to serve the town um and so I just want to First extend gratitude as we get going um for folks who put themselves out there and and engaged in this process all right I'm going to share um all right so as a reminder this is the charge for the charter Review Committee and this is the selection guidance that we set so as we consider our candidates we are supposed to be benchmarking them against this selection guidance any questions or comments no um I have a com it's interesting because I purposely didn't look at this I just started to think about what felt interesting and important to me uh and I came up pretty much with the same category so that's interesting me thank you councelor I think um I'll Echo what Pat had said and um like and i' would like to appreciate everyone who came for the interviews and the answers that they gave they were really thoughtful I um sprained my hand writing down notes from what was um said and to return to part what that may mean is that even if everyone is qualified that they are other considerations in place to come up with who will end up on uh um this or within this group and so that someone doesn't end up isn't to say they're not qualified but it might be that based on um the selection and those considerations they um weren't part of the the court but again I'd like to appreciate again um counselors who were able to push out um requests and for those members of the community who came around for the interviews I agree thank you so the way that this process is going to work is we have nine slots um on the on the committee and um I'm going to be asking each of you to share who you would like to see appointed um we're going to start out with this not in any particular order uh this is really truly um again not we're not going to do rank Choice voting at this point uh it hasn't gotten through the state house yet so we you know we're not going to do it yet but um are you do not need to say nine names if you do not have nine individuals who you believe should be appointed um is there anything that I'm missing as my disclaimer Pat yeah just quickly um I feel like there is I some in some configurations of how I'm deciding on my own I have more than nine so who do I you know um and and then there are other times I think well let me let me do my core and then see what other people are doing so um I'm not sure I'm ready to list all nine but okay I can but I anyway um does anyone have do you have any questions for the group or anything that you'd like to bring up for discussion to kind of get it down to nine uh what would be helpful to hear from the group I guess what was what felt most important to you like if you had to pick a single element uh what felt most important to you to look at and uh also is there anything that that uh left you feeling oh I'm really not sure about this candidate because of uh this particular thing so instead of talking about them all right away but what what became most important to you through the interview process Len I was very interested in whether people were coming in with um a willingness to listen and an openness to hearing other people's ideas that was number one I was also taken by whether or not in talking about how they would go about the business of the committee their recognition of the need to consult a lot of outside residents and engage in discussion with the community those were really two incredibly important criteria for me thank you Pat I I'll oh sorry go ahead oh no go ahead I can go last uh for me something that I was thinking about was the variety and ways that people have engaged with the impacts of the charter if not the charter itself so um for me I was looking at you know some folks who have been on committees some folks who haven't some folks who've been active in groups that have worked that aren't committees that have worked with Council um some groups that haven't you know I think for me it was really important to not have the exact same I guess I'm in my head I'm calling it like engage profile right so not every single person who has served on two committees that are Regulatory and has done this um that was just a random one I don't think anyone fits that profile but for me that was as I kind of considered the comp composition of it um that was the the top selection criteria for me was really about how they've um been impacted by and engaged with the the charter um or the impacts of the charter if that makes sense anyone else have thoughts on what they were looking up councilor Ryan I'm not sure how important this is to this process but I was also looking at just the the spread of candidates through the town um and uh we have two districts that only have one representative in each then we have three districts that have a much larger presentation and one of the things that I uh was looking for hoping for was a kind of breath of just Geographic spread um that wouldn't be dominated by one District or another or that that some districts wouldn't have have anyone on on the on the body on the other hand there are other factors that have to be considered but that that was one um the other is a tougher one I really gone back and forth um some candidates have been actually very involved in the uh uh try to process already and that's a really good thing um but I guess in my mind when I thought about this i' kind of like to have 12 if you wish ordinary citizens um reaching out and talking to groups like The League of Women Voters and others um and getting input but um having a sort of fresh and open mind on the other hand the fact that individuals have gone out and done some of the preliminary work already is actually a credit to them so um kind of torn there um but but I think in my own mind originally at least I had envisioned and I think we have an excellent group uh I have no problem with any of them uh but it's trying to put nine people together that right that would work best so those are two thoughts I'm having um Geographic spread and to what degree does um prior involvement in this issue and advocacy um suggest perhaps that that it's better that you stay in that field rather than Beyond this body what I had in mind was if I were the leader of or I was going to select a group of Avengers how would I get this group together um and and and so I I was also looking at a mix I didn't um focus on geography I don't think my geography geographical knowledge of the town is that great so I was looking at age length of time here in am ammer to mix those who are locals those who are coming from other um places um gender and a few other things those who have a lot of knowledge of the political process and those who don't as well and so it was a mage I could say and I think it'll be fascinating listening to the discussion as we go on what different criteria we used to come up with my list thank you Pat thank you one of the things that I focused on um was the work plans the ideas that what might be important to look at and I thought there was a real range and everything from very specific to more open-ended and that but I was very interested in that um I was interested in diversity um and so I was looking at that both you know in terms of the kinds of jobs we have and on or the kind of work experience people have had and um I think the other thing that was important to me was uh was there an emphasis on Outreach uh because I think you know that's pretty critical so that's kind of where I was coming from yeah and I think Pat to to build on that for me it was also um something that I found really interesting was there was commentary from I think everyone in One Way or Another on who this work is is here to serve and I think that was very interesting as well to hear you know folks naming the different populations that are impacted and how to how to work with those different groups um and and the and the either nuanced or obvious ways that they're impacted differently uh for example you know we as town councilors are impacted by the charter in different ways and engage with the charter in different ways than um residents who aren't involved in any way than you know residents who only live here for the academic year than all of that um and I think it was interesting to me how fol see the charter as serving those different populations or identities I guess it's a better word anyone else okay um do folks want a minute to think and then we can share our our thoughts I'm assuming that that's a yes but I'm not sure okay I'm gonna give you let's take take a minute jot down some notes come back you can turn your camera off if you want I will yell at you in a moment to come back I'm just going to do my quick Google sheet making so you guys go and uh so I can tally take your minute write down your thoughts I'll call you back e e folks can start to come back and is anyone voluntarily interested in going first if not I will I will draw randomly why don't you start because I have to keep tabs and I I can't do that um all right well we're gonna wait till counselor Ryan has his video back on okay um do a random draw all right randomly drawing okay the random number generator says one two three four counselor ET you are up first I'm so sorry I am truly doing a random number thing yeah I can screen share if you don't believe me we believe you all right just listing names it's not a rank order but uh listing the names okay yeah thanks for the random draw um Andy Churchill Julian Hines Berard kubak me Gage hang on go slower sorry okay Andy turo yep Julian Hines yep Bernard kubak yep Raphael Rogers yep M Gage yep Ken Leblon yep Erica mil Milton yeah okay next up on the random generator that's seven names it's seven yes okay um Lynn um I have nine although I kind of was hard getting there for the ninth okay so uh in alphabetical order Andy Churchill y Meg Gage y uh Julian Hines Bernie kubak K La blonde era mil melin I guess it is melin yeah Dan Muscat Raphael Rogers Marcus Smith okay um George so my uh is in order as well in terms of alphabet um I did choose nine um Churchill yep Gage kuak y Le blonde yep major uh hang on melin yep yep MCAT Rogers okay and Pat I did Churchill melin kubak Rogers Hines Muscat Le blond and Meer mayor major he pronounce it major major major okay thank you okay um I have oh sorry then I'm stuck so I think Gage okay Gage okay um and I had one two three four five six seven eight I got to nine okay um I had Churchill dant kubak hes Rogers melin M M how do we say it melin melin thank you uh Le blonde Gage and Smith so I'm gonna tally here hang on one second six N I think we did I think we pulled it off think we got to Nine without me leaning to all right I'm going to um share my screen so people can check my math and please check your uh votes when I do hang on I'm just highlighting what if I think I did it right one moment come on computer you can do it all right all right please check your votes did you make it a tad bigger ah yes thank you you know it's me what can I say whoa sorry too much too much does that work yes thank you highlight on the head too so you can see so candidates with five four and three votes I believe are the top vote Getters and there are nine of them if I'm doing my math right okay coun is it possible to have those that are five which would mean everyone already on the committee um approves of them could we have them in some particular caller so that we could then look at those who aren't thank you I am not anticipating that we are going to go back and do multiple rounds I did say we're not going to do rank Choice voting um but yes hang on one second but we are going to discuss reasons for supporting sure sure absolutely yeah okay thanks yeah I just I mean I if and if people want to go back we can I think it's just going to get confusing um but if people feel strongly we can do that hang on I'm doing a whole color code I know I think it would helpful as we talk about people that didn't hit five to be able to see them yep I could you put them up again because I hang on I just didn't want people to see me clicking around so I I'm going to put it up again I just was um making it all colorful one moment okay thank you honey don't use Excel this is like wild times I use Google Sheets always all right pulling it up for you just make putting it in order for you to am I right that you did eight um six seven eight yep no I did nine okay I'm I my chart's not matching yours then oh I'll show you all right this is where we are share and that okay yeah I did I that was missing all right councelor if you're ready to discuss this list I'm ready to make a pitch for someone but I want to make sure that you're ready for that I am ready to discuss this list I think that's the next step good okay um so I'm prepared to so we have I think one two three four five six individuals we all agree on okay I don't think we need to go through them um I want to talk about Dan Muscat um I was impressed on a number of levels um I think he brings a very different perspective than than a lot of folks in ammer um he's a contractor he's self-employed um he's not been active in the town a lot because he's been busy making a living but his kids were raised here he's lived here for 26 years he talked about wanting to give back to the town um he's served on the reparations committee at jca um likes the idea of something more in person more personal interactions I found his description of his work as a uh coup's therapist quite made a lot of sense um so I was impressed by him and I would like to make a case for him um and uh I understand the desire for youth but I have concern about putting someone who's going to be a first year college student on this body we had um uh very uh painful experience the last time we did this with um the registrating committee um I was all gungho for Youth and for getting in this case well was college students uh we put two on the body and they they both disappeared um and I think I'm a little concerned uh Julian is someone who clearly is committed and engaged and um I don't doubt for a moment his sincerity but um my concern is that it's his first year of college um and he should be allowed to enjoy that and experience that without having there're going to be a fair number of meetings a fair amount of Demands reports um and so I have concern about that so I realiz four of you have chosen him and I may be in the minority here but I have a concern about that because of his uh he's just starting College um and our experience in the past with college students on bodies like this and I'd like to make a strong case for Dan musket and George to be cleared by this count Dan is in the would be a recommendation uh I would certainly I would like us to have five for Dan I think two people haven't voted one way or the other so I guess I'm making an appeal to you and to fre I voted nine but there's nine I I'm just saying on as per these votes just so you know yes these nine people would be the composition of the committee uh okay uh so then maybe we don't yeah okay does that am I right is that well it depends on how people decide people can change their votes um absolutely I'm trying to convince people to consider changing their vote on Julian um and I'm trying to urge others to consider voting for Dan or just not saying anything and um I'll shut up okay no I just wanted to make sure you knew that you didn't have to persuade anyway yes okay uh Pat yeah I want to say that without being repetitive I felt the same about Dan Muscat for the reasons that George shared um and it' be interesting to have a a workingclass person uh involved in all this um the other thing I I've I didn't think about Julian in the way that George did I've known him since he was 13 and he's totally focused on government um so I'm not I don't know I have to think about what George said because I think it was important coun a strong yes for Dan um I somehow must have skipped him I have interacted with him and what he displayed during the interview is consistent with my interaction with him would you like to add a vote in here for absolutely okay yeah um I raised my hand one Pat I I hear what you're saying and I want to just kind of gently offer the suggestion that we don't know if there are or are not other workingclass folks um on this that's true as well that's true um and so just want to n name that but then two um I think that we it is so important that we not um not make assumptions about an entire group based on one person and I think for the instance of Julian um you know I think I included him on my vote because I one we've seen his track record two we have to trust people when they say they can do it and three The districting Advisory Board had way more people Dro than just college students so I think to be fair we run that risk with any committee that we appoint and we're lucky that we have a bench that we can go back to and ask folks to reapply if someone drops but I don't think that it's fair to to base someone's actions based on the fact that they are or not a student um and so I don't I don't want that is not uh an application or a factor in my mind other than a positive possible perspective um which is a lot of alliteration for me today uh I think you know to the the vote that I gave um Darcy and I'm I'm not going to convince enough people I think of this but I I did think that the perspective of someone who served on the council would be an important one to have and so I just wanted to explain that vote there as um someone again when we talk about how people have experienced the charter um I think that is uh a perspective that we didn't get from from anyone else and so um I hope that the people who are on this committee will speak to current and former counselors to hear their perspective and that was mentioned by several folks but um I wanted to explain that vote down there um I think that the the people the reason why the people I voted for got my vote one was not because of things that were lacking from other members and I I assume that that's true for all of us we vote kind of in the affirmative for people who have what we're looking for uh and the the group of people that I in my head put together um represented by my votes has a variety of experiences across committee work um professional work and I think that they're all bringing a sense of um curiosity to this process a sense of wanting to explore and learn and um not necessarily coming in with a list of things that they're going to just plow forward with and ignore what other people have to say um any other hands on this councilor I think I had I hadn't thought about the possibility of time giving so we we had interviews where we didn't get to have a back and forth and one of the questions I would have asked especially with um Julian would be how he would handle time um and and so George raising it is something that is important I don't think it's enough to change my vote but it is something that I um at least now can reflect more on it is challenging to get some of this work done there's no denying that and if that's the case we would on people who are able to handle the work with other things that they have going on LY one of the things I would like to point out is that the group uh exhibits a broad range of age and it does cover every District which I think is important uh there are at least two people who uh report to be bipac and uh it does have this wide range of different kinds of experience some not that engaged with Town politics and others much more engaged over time I'm I actually find this list to be very acceptable uh so for me I think I get I get really challenged by assumptions that or when people are making assumptions about how much time someone does or does not have uh we know one one aspect about that person's life and we do not know aspects of other people's lives that might take up their time we don't know whether they have young kids that need a lot of attention we don't know whether they have three other jobs we don't ask those questions we don't ask exactly how much time do you have in a week if someone applies for this it is in my opinion under the assumption that they plan to commit fully and do the work um and we may have people drop I'm not saying that that's not a possibility but again I don't think think that unless we are asking that question of every single other person what other obligations do you have how much time are you willing to give to this I don't think that it's fair to prejudge one person on what we perceive to be an a pressure on their time so I I really I want us to trust that people know themselves when they put their names forward for something like this and it is not our place to say you do not have time for this that's their job councelor I'm prepared to make a motion okay um I move that um go recommend to the Town Council that they appoint the following individuals to the Charter Review Committee Andy Churchill Bernie I'm sorry go ahead I had my hand up and I wanted to discuss fine yeah we'll have so there is technically still an opportunity for further discussion after the motion is made and seconded that's why I didn't pause councelor Ryan well I'm perfectly willing to withdraw my motion and let FR great no problem councelor yeah I wanted to respond to what you said because while I agree with that I believe we have also asked questions in some other interviews of whether candidates have enough time yeah um and so time is a factor and I um I I I think it's a consideration to have it isn't a consideration that would sway me for the very reasons that you mention but at least it is something if it weren't important we wouldn't have that as a question that was asked in previous interviews I hear you councelor et and I don't disagree but we didn't ask it in this and so we are making an assumption about one person when we don't when we haven't made that assumption about others with other factors if we had asked the question then I think it would be something that's fair for us to then look at and talk about but we're making an assumption based on one fact that we know about one person and we're not we don't have any other information on time pressures from other people so that's why I don't think that it's a fair consideration in this instance um councelor Ryan I'm still prepared to make a motion council did you have anything does that does my logic make sense and you don't have to agree with it but am I explaining myself in a way that makes sense yes you have and I agree with you thank you thank you councelor Ryan so I'm prepared to move that uh go recommend to the Town Council that the following individuals be appointed to the Charter Review Committee Andy Churchill Bernie kubak Rafael Rogers Erica melin Ken La blond M Gage Julian Hines Dan Muscat and Marcus Smith I will second that motion is there any further discussion yes I'd like to speak to my motion thank you go ahead councelor R I'm impressed by this group I actually all of these individuals could I think do an excellent job um I think it's it's the challenge here um is is actually one of of trying to find uh reasonable way to get to nine from the 12 that are here and I agree um with Lynn that we have a very diverse group I mean given that we're working with 12 people for nine positions that's it would be nice if we had more folks to work with but even given that I think we have a very a very diverse group and with lots of different life experience and I really look forward to seeing um what they do um I think they all were well prepared they gave thoughtful comments um and they gave us a lot to chew on and I guess all I can say to the three who didn't make the cut um you know collectively they they garnered three votes a total um and that seems to suggest uh for whatever reason that we've got a consensus and uh so I feel good about this group and I am excited to see what they do thank you councelor Ryan I'm going to go ahead and call the vote uh Pat d'angelus I Lyn grimer I councelor ete I councelor Ryan I and I am an i as well thank you again to everyone who put your name forward for this process and uh congratulations and thank you in advance to the folks who are uh who have been recommended to the council um Lyn do we know when the council will take this matter up yes they're taking it up on the 17th uh along with we help the finance appointments too UHA note that because the the charge had a term beginning date of April one we had also planned to put on the council agenda an amendment to the charge to line the date up with the actual appointment date so I think the intention was to put the the appointment start date for July 1 which is good it gives people time to be sworn in and find a time to meet sounds good thank you Athena for that reminder and one other quick note is that um there are deadlines I I I don't think I was as concerned about this when we had the group starting in April but there are deadlines for the council to vote to put questions on a ballot in November um to avoid calling a special election so I'm going to work with the Town Clerk and and um check on those deadlines to see if if it's useful to have that information when the council votes on the charge okay thank you that's all thanks Pat Uh this is a separate issue um next Thursday we're going to be doing the finance applicants uh the interviews and I may not be able to I'm I'm in a panel at ammer college and I may not be able to attend so I just wanted to let folks know okay um councel Ryan if it's appropriate also related to next week can we talk about something related to just process is that permissible AA is that okay if we're talking about process I didn't I didn't know that we were going to talk about it well mentioned it at the last question yeah go ahead how are we're going to do the interviews um we did them the last time in a Serial fashion and I think it well we can discuss this I personally felt it worked fine but since we're dealing with just five individuals my thought was perhaps it might make sense especially because we found gaps and some people were there and waiting right we could do we just say to everybody please come at 6:30 and we will do it as we traditionally do um we can change the order up each time but so each person so the same person doesn't begin each question but we could do it that way and then everyone so ath had asked what time should we ask them to be present and I was going to suggest if it's okay with the rest of the committee that we ask them all to be present at 6:30 and we do it as we have done in the past which is around Robin Athena ask um the applicants to sign up for a specific time I was hoping not to do that so you haven't already done it I haven't done anything I want I wanted to hear from my colleagues no no no I I was under the impression George that you had already asked them for a specific time and that we were going to be changing it up on them told them I told them the date of the meeting so they knew that and I asked them to submit an S SOI I did not do any kind of interview times I can go back and do that no I'm comfortable with your method I just didn't want to change it on them if you'd already done that um but I'm comfortable with Ron Robin Lynn I am comfortable with the round robin in this case because of the number yeah and I think with five people that's going to be fine so George if you can tell them to be here oh Athena you that if you could tell them to be here at 6:30 uh we will be prepared with I will make a list ahead of time of names and that way we can cycle through it um so that I can keep my head on straight about who's answering what question first and are we going to rotate the question asking or are you gonna do I think it works def fine which is the the the chair asking the questions as long as she doesn't forget any she forget question you know that's a technical file Tech really truly I'm I'm on my second yellow card here y'all [Music] um that over your head for I I worry but um no my um my question was uh so I posted the agenda I had to post it to today with the interviews and the sois um but I had asked you Anna if you intended to do deliberation the same night and considering that Pat won't be with you that is um a question that I thought would be appropriate to bring up now instead of just over email with you thank you I appreciate that um I would like to not do deliberation without Pat unless Pat is saying that she would like us to um but I would I'd prefer obviously to have the full committee there is it possible for us to hold off on choosing so and giving me time to watch the interviews or you know the whole interview and Athena would the video be ready so I could do that Athena do you know how long it takes the video the video is usually available our recordings available like you know within a few minutes of the end of the meeting yeah the panel and everything that I'm participating in is really important to me I don't take my Council duties lightly but this is and I guess I also feel honestly and truly um trusting of the four of you to work together to to make a decision um to make decision ISS um and I don't feel that about every committee I'm on but I do about this one right now councelor thank you Pat councelor Ryan uh I hear that and I appreciate it but I really value Pat's contribution I think um but it does mean that we would not be able to give the council a recommendation until sometime I guess what in July at that point our next meeting is um the time right um so that I'm not sure how big deal that is with thcom given the fact that that pretty much their work is done and and they're catching their breath um I'm willing to hear an argument otherwise but I guess my first instinct would be just we just be a little late on fincom because I'd like have Pat involved I'd like her to have a chance to hear the interviews and uh what she's doing uh is a very important thing and I I think she should definitely be there um and I think we can can we just adjust to that and be just a little late on fincom is that a problem and if so why uh any reasons why that's a problem or other comments Lynn I don't see any reason that it's a problem the other possibility is we could shift our meeting till 7:30 that night I think that we it's going to be simpler to do the deliberation on the 20th if it's not an urgent matter I think meting on the 20th we could our calendar has us meeting on the 20th if we're meeting on the 20th then can come to the Council on the 24th of June oh we me on 2 calar huh yeah no that's right I couldn't okay if we're meeting on the 20th then it can come to the Council on the 24th and we could make it just that could just be the only item of business if we want it that's really on the 20th we've already committed to taking up the ah report which we need to we will be doing that as well because we've got a lot this is a whole shift that happened in the calendar so that um but I feel like we should do the fincom interviews and deliberation on the 20th so no no we're gonna do no I think we should go ahead and do the interviews that's I'm sorry on the 13th then you Pat have to listen to the tape and then we will vote which won't take that long on the 20 on the all right I'm chairing quickly and I'm going to put my scheduling foot down um so we are that was that was my my foot um so we do have a meeting on the 20th I would like us we can move deliberation for fincom to that day but you all did a great job today I'd like us to um the plan initially was to devote that entire meeting to the ah report and I would like to make sure the bulk of that meeting continues to go to the ah report so um I'm not going to rush us through deliberation we will take all the time we need but I I ask that people come prepared with your choices just like we did today um and and your comments also ready to go um as well we will conduct the interviews on the 13th George if you could let them know to be here at 6:30 that would be great and we will round robin style it um I will make sure that I have the correct questions and uh that we are ready Athena are you able to send a packet to the um folks I I apologize I haven't been on my email in a couple hours today um because I was teaching myself out a code but can you uh are you able to send an email to the applicants similar in a similar way that you did for the charter review did you George did you did you send the interview questions and selection guidance and everything to the applicants yet I haven't done that I was waiting to find out how we're going to do the interviews so my plan is tomorrow when I have a few minutes is to send the five of them um the interview questions the time and the selection guidance I think I they've been given the selection guidance already but I'll send it to him again yeah if you can just I'm sorry I will make that happen um if I may sorry yeah I didn't realize sorry interview hang on advance of the interviews the committee chair shall distribute to all applicants the adopted interview questions that needs to go out today okay George I can do it if you'd like me to no I will do it I will do it okay um so if we can send that out and then yeah we can tell them get there at 6:30 um we'll round robin style it and then that will be it for that night um and we'll come back together in the 20th to deliberate sound good okay thank you all so oh Athena I moved to Jour wait wait wait hang on hang on hand up too uh I think George froze oh no he UNF froze he put his hand on um Athena you can go ahead say if um if you send out that information I'll do the same thing that I did for the charter Review Committee applicants and send out the information about joining the meeting on zoom and everything and there was one applicant who is going to be joining by phone I'm meeting with them tomorrow morning to to do a dry run to make sure that they're very comfortable par participating by phone and um and I've already let folks know that they can reach out if they have questions thank you for doing that participating you're welcome thank you Athena appreciate that um okay uh Lynn you had you had started to make a motion would you like I move to adjourn thank you I all right councelor take seconds um I'm gonna call the vote Pat the Angeles hi Lyn grimer hi councelor Ryan hi councelor hi and I am an i as well thank you all very much it is 7:22 and we are adjourned