welcome fra and Pat all right hi everybody all right all right hi everyone it is Thursday May 9th at 6:31 pm and uh this is the go meeting for that date I'm going to go ahead and call us to order and call roll to make sure everyone can hear us and be heard um let's start off with Lyn griman present councelor Ryan I am present excellent uh ET present and Pat d'angeles present excellent thank you all so much um so we I pulled up the wrong thing hang on we've got a bunch of proclamations resolutions ex Etc today in front of us um and I'm amping because I need to fill them up but uh I emailed everyone earlier today just to remind you of what our purpose is when we review things for clarity consistency and actionability um because I think that we all sometimes can get a bit bogged down in details so I want to just remind folks that we are not here to um to this is my like preting reminder as my computer loads we are not here to change uh anything beyond the absolute necessity for those three items um okay with that we're going to start with public comment and we don't have any public here at this this time so um that is public comment Lynn are you able to pull up Word documents or would you like me un share or would you like me to do it I'm more than glad to pull him up oh sorry oh okay or Athena sorry oh atha because Athena's not in class anymore so I forgot she can dedicate all of her time you have all my attention now my complete undivided attention it's wild meeting at 6:30 I missed this last time um are we doing South Conger church so um I'm sorry for interrupting um there's uh George had made some edits and then Lynn had sent a revised draft so we have two different documents with I I'm not sure what's in here if if you go to the one I'm sorry I should raise my hand if you go if you go to the one I sent you that was one that um the sponsors and I uh reviewed it and they had some grammatical edits okay so that was it all right so we will start with this one um Lynn not a big deal I I am happy to be a sponsor of this I I thought I had said that um because it didn't reference the um but but I'm not trying to co-opt at the end I didn't do any of the work so I'm not um requiring that so uh since we're using George's let me pull pull up the one I did with the sponsors um that that would be great because I can't it's difficult to look up both of them for me at the same time right um okay so uh you've added higner and uh Devon goth here okay fine uh first whereas they're fine with what changes were were made here I don't see uh I if I may speak um I didn't actually succeed in making changes um whatever changes I did make I took away um because I didn't think it was appropriate um I'll explain I'll talk to Athen about this later the problems I had with making this work um I just have a couple of questions about it um but we'll start with I I had a question about the title actually um all right y let's go back up to to the top oh I'm sorry George I thought these red lines were yours I apologize they probably are but as you can see yeah there shouldn't be any text there there shouldn't be any because if if there were I tried to take it all out following your instructions um I was yeah so I have a question about the title yeah go ahead my understanding and correct me is that this is a commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the South Congregational Church in amist is that is correct so we're not commemorating a year we're commemorating the fact that the South congregation church is celebrating its 200th anniversary is my understanding of what this is about yes happy to be corrected so I would suggest the title should be something like commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the South Congregational Church United Church of Christ amers s yep I think that's and I would delete I would delete in celebration yeah it should it should be commemoration this is a commemoration not a proclamation y um if I understand what the intent is I also would no you leave the commemoration in yes commemoration stays in and in celebration comes out is what yeah it should just be commemoration of the 200 of the South Congregational Church United Church of Christ andr Mass um I also would wonder about having the community sponsors here because in in fact we're commemorating them and I I'm sure that they were instrumental in getting this put together which is great great but um it it it seems a little odd to have I mean imagine if we were commemorating some important person in town and then we you know had us the sponsor that person um so I just I don't know maybe people don't feel the same way I do but it's I was just trying to find a a no I understand no I agree with sponsor yeah exactly right yeah and if we don't need a community sponsor then I'm just wondering whe it makes sense to have it there um and we need to get the word pration in here yeah I don't think that the sponsor I'm going to hold us to our Clarity consistency actionability I don't I agree with you George generally but I don't think that that impacts on any of the three items okay are there any other concerns about the title agree with me that that's the intent here I think that is the intent yes I agree with you George all right fine um okay and then yours is not on the title okay uh councelor R what's your next one I think you each where as claw should have a semicolon and and that's what I was actually trying to put in when I was around with this but I gave up because I didn't like the way it looked and I wasn't sure I should be doing it anyway so semicolon and um should be inserted except for the not the last one the last one is just period yes um aena I have a proced question for you one thing that I was going to suggest folks do today was download a copy of this and and edit it in word on their own version not in SharePoint and email that to me because I can use the like reconcile feature in word to put all the edits in one place is that that's okay for me to do right no because that's not an open meeting but I'm not putting them together like people aren't emailing them to each other they're emailing them to me as chair for our for the consideration at the meeting but the changes need to be made in open meeting right they would be they would be we're not look they show up as yeah they show up as track changes it's just that we'd be looking at all of them at once Athena is that permissible if all the members send their edits to one person who then incorporates them into a new document and shares them at a meeting that's acceptable okay as track changes again like we then go through and look at them all right so folks we might do that in the future just as an FYI I will walk you through how to do it that's what I was hoping for to get to but I didn't explain it clearly okay so uh first whereas we good to go to the first whereas um councelor you had your hand up before like George I found the absence of and quite conspicuous so he referenced what I was going to speak about oh great okay uh second whereas we already have word has changed to have great thank you and this next one um it shouldn't be yes it should an in the very last line use of an historic it should be an it's already changed Ryan this is where I run a file of the chair's instructions so I may be shot down here um will shut up but um again as I said last week or last time we met whenever it was generally speaking you'd like to have one thought per whereas or one string of thoughts not separate sentences um and this second sentence is just kind of a statement U as a I don't know that it's I don't know how others feel but um and I didn't have the time to go through and edit it so maybe I'll just shut up but I I'm not happy with it as a just following our format um it shouldn't be multiple sentences it should be a single thought a single sentence we can change we can make that's but I don't people agree I mean maybe they they don't care I don't it's I just my thought is the we ass should be da and then a SE thought be a separate we yes um I agree George because I think it's a separate it's saying something different than the first sentence I think it should be bumped new I think if it's two sentences staying this on the same topic that's one thing but this changes topics so I agree that we should bump the second bump that second sentence into a new paragraph and I think it should be whereas the South Congregational Church serves the community as much more then house of worship and promotes and welcomes the appreciation I think the rest of it can probably be fine yeah um I I don't want to remove the integral to the town's Fabric and so I'm trying to just quickly move it to um whereas the South Congregational Church serves the community as much more than a house of worship and that reference is actually reference to the church itself there's a difference between the church building and the community and what it does in the community the first part of it is talking about the building yep no no no I agree I agree I just didn't want to delete something that they had written um I think what Athena just did makes it work in my brain I was just struggling to make it make sense good um okay uh next one whereas there to its and there needs to be a space after its yep point of order um councelor ET Hask I'm so sorry thank you councelor et so I'm generally in agreement that we should refrain as much as possible from um making changes based on style but I wouldn't want us to tie our hands so completely that we won't be able to make changes that would um benefit the texts that we are looking at that being said I hear you but unless it's unless it's in support of clarity or consistency and actionability we we're not supposed to do that so as long as it's in service of those things that's okay but that our charge is is those three things only but go ahead go ahead and I'd like to I want to hear what you're gonna say but just that's what I mean when I say that it's not my preference it's that's the the what we were um asked to do specifically by the council okay um um that being said everything that has gone forward has been um I I think in service of what um had been mentioned up to this moment and I think what um councelor Ryan had said is something that we should um keep doing as well which is have one thought per paragraph I agree I think that's a good measure for consistency thank you counc Ryan yeah I think the other thing to keep in mind is this goes out under our name we're the ones who sign not the South Congregational Church not whoever happens to be the community sponsor it goes out in our name and so we need to keep that in mind it's ultimately our text and in our name not in anyone else's name so um I don't share the view that we can't U alter it um but I I'm happy we're trying to keep the language as much as possible but in the end this is our document not not anybody else's George the council can alter it but go cannot Go's job is to review for clarity consistency and actionability and when it goes to the council the council can have a say because it's the coun it's not Go's signature on it it's the council's signature on it so when it goes back to the council for approval if people want to edit the language that beyond what would is making it clear consistent and actionable that's the point to do it and if I'm incorrect please please someone step in here but when it's referred to us it's to review it for clarity consistency and actionability not for substantive changes that would be a separate motion well I don't want to change the substance but um yeah the other thought of course is that it's on the consent agenda almost 99% of the time and while I agree that it should be up to the councelor to take it off the consent agenda I think that's rarely going to happen they're going to trust that we've done our job um which have which right which I agreed is include not changing substance but uh anyway okay councelor I think I did fair to Pat who hasn't spoken yet thank you Pat thank you councelor I happen to agree with George here and I think with councelor ET also I think you're um you're slimming this down in a way that actually will work against us um if there were sponsors here we could change substance with their agreement we have had discussions about that we can't change substance but we can Clarity can really does also sometimes have to do with style and stuff um style is not exactly the word I want to use so I really don't agree with your analysis Anna that's okay I'm reading to you all what the directives are from the go but you're interpreting that directive in a very specific way that I think that is inaccurate have if anyone has suggested a change that I have said no because I do not believe that that it's not up to me what I shared with the committee was the information from the website and I asked us to please remain within that charge if there are things that folks would like to change beyond that they're welcome to bring them up I am not a oneperson committee I can't say no we're not going to change that people are welcome to bring you're prejudging you're prejudging what someone might offer as uh a suggestion so I feel I'm I'm uncomfortable with that I hear you um we often spend a lot of time on these and I think that often we get bogged down in things that are not Clarity consistency and actionability we're now spending a lot of time discussing this topic which is fine but if people have suggestions I welcome them to raise them I will stand by the fact that we do not have an motion to make substantive changes and that we shouldn't be doing that if you making substantive changes I agree I agree with that it's your interpretation of the word is too broad if you could please share with me what you're hearing my interpretation as because right now all I've shared is the definitions that were provided to us and no one has said anything that I've said no to I don't have the right to say no to anything so I'm I'm happy to keep progressing I don't I do not believe I've shut anything down because I don't have the right to do that I if people have interpreted my words that way I'm sorry that's not my intention councelor Ryan we should proceed okay um is there anything else on this paragraph or on any of the preceding paragraphs that folks did not feel comfortable raising before Len this paragraph has two sentences so we need need to either blend them or right do another whereas I think they could be Blended um I think that's my thoughts but I was looking suggestion George well I was GNA suggest after the end of the first sentence um or maybe just a comma and then forming a community that values openness and social and climate Justice that nourishes right and then just the string of so I think the key there is forming a community that and then get rid of the that that values and then openness good and social and climate Justice get rid of prevail forming a commun and uh gets complicated doesn't it um maybe and and that nourishes intergenerational right just trying to keep the language as much as possible that nourishes interational relationships through care and fellowship comma is open and affirming immigrant welcoming and that I think the rest of it is okay I mean let's try that yeah did that work okay so sou Congregational Church ammer celebrates its Mission with the help of members and friends from towns throughout Western Massachusetts and Beyond forming a community that values openness social and climate Justice that nourishes intergenerational relationships through care and fellowship is open and affirming immigrant welcoming and agreeing Congregation of the United Church of Christ seeking to sew the seeds of justice peace and love period uh yeah thank you Len that's I agree that keeps the language I think and and I think yeah okay yeah councelor that's a marful um it's quite a I agree um but again this I think points to how the line on um The Clarity and consistency gets blurred because by blending these two sentences are we actually keeping what the original writers wanted you know so it can get a bit fuzzy so I'm um just requesting that we be nimble if we we can thank you all right next one have we made that change yes we need to make a change here so it reflects the title so we do hereby commemorate the 200th anniversary of the South I think that's what we're trying to say I think yes of the 200 of of of of the South Congregational Church and or just colon or you could say and thank the members you know whatever yeah and then I think the rest of it I think is okay yeah all right great uh oh councelor I almost skipped these from some of the the various paragraphs so what we have is that in we usually have South Congregational Church ammer but there's no comma and so in most of the sentences it makes ammer the subject not the church so there needs to be a separating comma so that the church becomes the subject okay so you're just going to run back through and make sure we've got that we need a comma after amoris is that right yes second paragraph third fifth okay thank you all right um okay could you go back up to the top the title yeah it's not we're missing a t at the beginning it looks like I think we're missing the word commemoration that too that's it you want amoris here United Church of Christ like that and then take this out good okay is that acceptable any issues with that as written George has a hand up oh sorry George I'm prepared to make a motion excellent I'd love to hear that motion um I move to declare the uh commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the South Congregational Church amoris amoris mass to be clear consistent and actionable second is there a second thank you councelor uh and I'm gonna go ahead and call the vote uh Lynn grimer yes Pat d'angeles hi councelor ET hi uh councelor Ryan hi and I am an i as well all right uh we're going to move on to the 2024 pride month [Music] Proclamation do you have that one okay any issues with the title can we make it bigger zoom in at all you know um okay starting with the first whereas is this from uh how identical to last year is uh it is exactly identical until the end oh that's sorry we removed I think a couple words in one of the paragraphs okay please correct me if I'm mistaken um you're muted sorry was your that's correct thank you okay next one uh I have a question quick and and I missed part of when we got together to talk about this is Evan not a count um Community sponsor no he's not okay thank you um he wasn't last year either um I believe okay so I'm going to keep going through we're on the third whereas now whereas since the Stonewall Uprising all right whereas 20 years ago this is one of the things we changed because now it's 20 years ago not 19 years ago councelor um just a style question about um gridge versus Department of Health since it's a legal case do we within the text use italics or um something to just point out that the case is significant um I do not believe we've used italics in the past I don't have a strong feeling on it either way would you rather us do that we haven't set I to my recollection we have not necessarily set a precent on this I'd have to go back and look at other um other documents to see I think it's fine um just okay yeah okay um all right whereas we celebrate and reflect upon okay whereas the whereas the lgbtq plus Community okay whereas well there has been remarkable progress and whereas we remain Vigilant and active all right next page whereas we recognize that queer trans people of color um there's an awkward spacing here a I think it's probably my fault um whereas the town of Amis after this whereas there should be another space like a paragraph space yeah and whereas am recognizes whereas we Refirm our support now therefore should be a comma between June and 2024 I think be it further proclaimed and be it further proclaimed again so this last sentence was shifted as well because we're going to raise the flag but there is an official ceremony that's separate that's later on after the flag has been raised all right um so when is oops pardon so the flag is going to be up June 1 to June 30th but there is an event that the Dei office is holding on um June 13th councelor Ryan counc Ryan you're muted sorry prepar uh Lynn did you have something before councelor R it was a question about the actual celebration oh okay all right let's get through the vote and then we can see if we can answer that councelor Ryan you have a motion for us I move to declare the town of am Proclamation recognizing June as lesbian gay bisexual trans CER pride month to be clear consistent and actionable and I will second that motion all right calling a vote uh Pat d'angeles hi councelor ete hi uh ly grimer I coun Ryan hi and I am an i as well Lynn you said you had a question uh so when will the proclamation be read at the event on the 13th thank you yep um I need to let my dog in who's growling at the door but we're going to go to the race Amity day Proclamation sorry it's really distracting councelor Ryan did you have a something to no okay uh race Amity day is up next just come in my goodness all I could hear in the background is like w noises because that's what she does and she's displeased with me anyone else is welcome to start doing that too I happily noises no specifically wook noises not a growl all right um Pat you were you raising added as a council sponsor um and my name was actually on there I thought okay and usually we just go counselors d'angelus reeso Etc uh councelor I'm gonna let a are you ready for us okay councelor a I'd also requested to be sponsored excellent look at that um okay I just wanted to look at something really quick here sorry um is there so with the title here what I was trying to pull up and my computer's being too yeah okay proclamations are usually just like blank blank Proclamation not proclamation of okay um no other issues with the title going on all the we houses should be invol just that's a consistency with other ones um it doesn't need to we don't need to do it right this second but as we go through councelor I think this is a case where eus Unum should be italicized okay I agree I kind of agreed with you that the lot so case should be italicized too but I wasn't feeling decisive enough one way or another to be like yes okay uh um any other on the first paragraph Okay second one whereas the ammerstone counil okay third and fourth chapter 163 did we say as race Amity day in Massachusetts does that matter because they're not it's not established that everywhere right it's just in the Commonwealth it doesn't matter okay it says the Commonwealth I'm sorry no I know but I was trying to figure out if that was if that was obvious to other folks that that meant only in the Commonwealth when it says that it was done in the Commonwealth so we we can't declare it elsewhere so I don't see anyon for reason to do that excellent thank you yeah but I have my hand raised for the next one oh okay great next one uh Emmert meeting voted article 29 and I would just say in the I don't I don't know what session they did it in maybe I can find it by the by the time we're finished go ahead I'll keep looking I'll see if I can find edit this to just say in 2024 but um sorry they didn't do it in 2024 that's what I was gonna say it shouldn't say it should say 200000 and whatever that we did it when was it I'm looking okay okay um any other ones on that other than the date councelor Ryan oh okay uh now therefore there we go Council R should it be we the to the emmer Town Council it should be yep so now therefore we the ammer Town Council Proclaim hereby Proclaim MH take out the S thank you Sunday June 9th and ask take off the S excellent and then there's a weird thing there yeah okay so I'm ready to go back to the blank okay it should read um hang on I'm not sure we're meeting wait wait hang on L hang on sorry we're just catching up okay um all right now we're back there go ahead whereas comma ammer toown meeting voted article 29 of the May 20 comma 2015 session of the annual town meeting great okay any other comments all right do I have a motion on this one I'm prepared to make a motion all right all yours I move to De clear the race amid day annual Proclamation 2024 to be clear consistent and actionable second excellent I'm going to go ahead and call the vote councelor ete hi Pat Angeles hi uh councelor Ryan I uh Lynn griman I and I am an i as well all right great thank you resolution in support of paint stewardship legislation is up next thank youa and if we could yes all right um quick thing on this as a sponsor my name does not have a hyphen counselor and it also does have an L between the V and the I The Quirk for this resolution is that [Music] every every word after whereas is capitalized and I don't think that that is the case yep that's correct um and then I think that what Lynn was saying before was with the council sponsors don't we typically say Council sponsors counselors so and so and so and so yes so if we could add that word in that'd be great over the top thank you Council Ryan just a general comment I don't know what to do about it probably nothing um but the proclamation or resolution in this case does make maybe it's in the uh accompany fact sheet but it does make um claims a fact um and I guess we just take it I mean I don't know what to say about something I mean 4% this and that and that um are we I I guess I'm a little uncomfortable just yeah yeah yeah what's the basis for these claims is it is it in the fact sheet I really didn't look at the fact sheet that carefully um should it be referenced um so there one or two factual claims 30% in the last five years 4% in one of the warehous closes um I don't know what do people make of those kinds of factual claims um do we need footnotes do we have to reference some kind of document or we just sort of take it on Stace I think in the past and I'll look to both you and Pat to add your thoughts on this as prior chairs of go but I believe that in the past we have done one or the other um but we have tried to include reference to where people can find the information um which I think is valid in this case as well so I don't have strong feelings whether it's a footnote or whether it's in the text directly I think in the past go had had conversations about whether or not footnotes were appropriate for Resolutions um Pat I believe that I I can't remember if that was something that happened when you were shairing I honestly don't remember but I think um having footnotes at the bottom at the end of it would be better than having them inserted during the but I could that's a personal preference I don't know um all right so then you're saying let me just pull up the fact sheet to try to find a citation for you can we come back to this one at the end while I'm I'll pull this up we can move on to the next one thank you um all right so sorry we had skipped the first one so nothing there I'm assuming uh cost of hauling and Disposal whereas municipal waste management systems any thoughts there coun Ryan I'm wondering if unless there's some special time uh requirement here maybe there is and this is up to the sponsors since we do need some uh adjustments to this at least it sounds like the committee would like to have some kind of footnotes at least for at least two of the claims of fact um that we simply asked that it be edited and brought back to us at our next meeting do we have to do this ourselves tonight trying to find it in a document and try to footnote it um could we just say please come back with these uh providing a footnote for each um and then we'll deal with this at some other meeting um I think that the oh sorry did I'm sorry I can provide you information okay it's the legislation is not being taken up until June 18th so yes yeah that's what I was just about to say is that I think that we can because it's not coming up until the 18th we could the sponsors had requested the community sponsors had requested that it come before go um on this date and um okay June 18th is not that far away but June 18th and June 18th is not that far I think I'm just trying to pull up and look at the council meeting schedule to see if the timing would work we have another meeting on the 20th and another on June 3 so if we if go takes this up on the 23rd then um this could come before the Council on June 3 well we have two of the sponsors present I wonder what I mean I'm willing to go either way um but no George I think that it's valid I think that this is enough of this is enough that um I think you're right that in keeping with our focus on Clarity consistency and actionability it's also calling it when we would need to do too much research so um I personally would be comfortable with sending this back to the sponsors is there any objection from anyone else on the committee no I agree that we can send it back to us get the information on thank you okay all right seeing no objection a we don't need to vote to do that right we can just request more um information specifically adding in uh citations and it's going to be done as footnotes right unless it grammatically unless as sponsors we decide it flows better to have it say according to the dot dot dot over 30% but we'll include citations as but not yes okay um all right uh 2024 Memorial Day Proclamation this was the same as last year except for um changing dates councelor Ryan so I'm prepared to make a motion all right before councilor Ryan makes the um motion are there any edits that people had I don't know why there's that big space but um any edits that folks had on anything in this document councelor request just uh a little time to look over it okay seconds uh can you go back up to sponsors I think I was going to be a sponsor or maybe I am you are yes are there others I'm happy to be a sponsor if you're looking for folks I this is where we March in a parade and read this in public I know I've been there every time I love it yeah coun i' requested to be a sponsor as well I'm sorry did someone else say they wanted to I'm sorry say I did um counc did you have something else okay um I C the May 27 so that's good I had a comma that I was going to place but that would be stylistic so no question no nothing if it's Clarity consistency or action ability it's it's welcome to be clear um all right okay Pat do you have something you'd like to add no but sometimes style makes things clearer so I don't think that's why I said if it's clear consist I'm happy to take it that's why I didn't all right you didn't Wy noise at me so I'm going to keep going counc I do welcome any edits that you have as they pertain to to those three things to be clear I'm not trying to make anyone stop making any edits yeah go ahead I recognize that I generally find that like salt and extra comma always mix things better um but that is my personal taste that is also my personal taste so I understand fully councilor Ryan this is a committee that loves commas especially Oxford commas I love an Oxford comma that was my Twitter bio for the longest time yes councel Ryan do you have a motion for us I move to declare the Memorial Day Proclamation May 2024 to be clear consistent and actionable second is there a second thank you councelor um going to the vote councelor Ryan hi councelor yes Len yes and Pat hi and I am an i as well all right um Okay so we've got a lot of calendar fun to have tonight um I have played with this every which way and sideways um and I'm hopeful that folks might have some thoughts as well but we have two interview to schedule um or two sets of interviews to schedule um and I tried to make a draft out um and I'm going to pull it up okay let me start from the beginning context George put together a while ago a very helpful document that tried to list out about how much lead time to give folks for the different elements of these interview processes um I tried to look at calendars um of when we meet and think about what it might look like to um schedule some of these interviews I want to if folks are okay with it start with the charter Review Committee because I think that's going to be harder um because there are more interviews so unless there are any objections I'm going to start with that um one second all right you're all about to see a scary part of my brain which is me trying to make calendars all right one second sorry I don't actually know what it selected that's not what I wanted to share hang on sorry I pulled it out so you wouldn't see the mess of tabs that I have and then just showed you the message tabs that I had so doing great all right um so this is what I tried to do and I sure that there's 17 things wrong with it so uh looking forward to thoughts and corrections but the general gist here is that um we've got at least 17 to 19 people to interview for this committee depending on if if folks drop out before the interviews so when I did the math based on our questions I I mathed it to be about 20 minutes per person and that is about 15 minutes for the interview and then I gave us a five minute buffer um which includes things like Tech bringing them into the room which takes 30 seconds um introduction just having them say hello and um that get brought us to three people an hour George uh I'm when you're ready I just I have some thoughts but you no go for it that was that was statement one was that was my math if people would like to cut it shorter no I think that we're going to have to do it over multiple nights um I had actually suggested 21 22 and 23 as an ideal partly because 23 is actually a go meeting that's already scheduled and there's nothing I don't think there's anything wrong with um having if you have to have interviews on the 23rd the hope is you wouldn't but you could use part of the meeting in case needed to push people into that slot you still could deliberate the 23rd and there's nothing I don't think anything wrong with if you had to have one or two interviews hopefully not more than that or a couple as like a you'd have three nights you could you could sign people a particular night and if they had to change you could move them around they have three nights to choose from preferably 21 or 22 23 would be for any special cases and we could deliberate on the 23rd if we deliberate on the 23rd it could get to the council by June 3D if we wait till the following week then it gets I think it still would work I think it would still be June 3 um so you could do if you people couldn't make those three nights you could do the 28 29 30th but you're running up against Memorial Day weekend um so but I like I personally let others see what they think but I like three nights in a row with the third night you vote we don't need a special meeting I don't think yep and uh sorry just to explain my calendar here these are sort of options right um I didn't extend into Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays but um this was the General option my calendar starts on Mondays in case that wasn't clear Lynn um the 21st is already taken for a hearing on the budget right oh yeah I made this before that was scheduled sorry so yeah so that's out so apologize do the 22nd the 23rd I will personally tell you not available on the 30th and I do want to be here for the vote that makes sense okay um could we okay and Madam keep going to the W Pat yeah I have CRC on the 28th and an ammer mobile market meeting on the 29th um and it's it's It's Tricky the schedule is tricky um I will try to I will try to be there it but it it's like I'm giving up several other things so that are important also so what time is CRC on the 28th past 6:30 yeah it runs the same same L yeah and yeah the mobile market meeting uh is usually around seven I can I can miss that that if I have to but that's the night that's the 29th that's the 29th I can miss that it's also on the 22nd but I I can figure out how to deal with that I may be able to get some of it rescheduled so what about the possibility of doing interviews on the 28th from like 4 to 6 does does anyone have a conflict on the let me check make I don't that would work anyone else have a conflict on the 28th from 4 to 6 well we have two members who work so that could be an issue um I should be able to get out of work at I or at least get on a zoom at 4 I don't know if FR can do that yep FR can you councelor can you um I could ask and get an answer back to you I wouldn't make yeah that's fair yeah okay so we'll say that possible interviews 4 to six is that right and because CRC is at 6:30 so that gives Pat like time a tiny tiniest bit of time to basically right and then and the problem is so I I'm the one with a conflict on the 30th yep so we would need to move the decision up to the 29th and this is when Pat you said you had a conflict right I can I can be flexible about the mobile market meetings I'm pretty sure can I how many people are we interviewing an hour three so can we can we do 15minute interviews I just don't think it's realistic and why and because there just too many questions um I believe with the number of questions that we have and uh unless you wanted to cut down the responses to one minute per person which I I know that we've done before I just struggle with that I will share the I I struggle with that so we should committee votes for that I'm sorry Len we should be able if we interview on the 28 from 4 to 6 and I might add we could tape those interviews okay so the council ET could look at them that night and then we could deliberate on the 29th that means we have 18 22 slots for interviews so my only my concern with that sorry so your saying that do interviews on these two days on the 22nd and the 23rd my only and the 28th yeah my only concern is with such a big gap between interview dates um I I I don't I don't love it if we have to do it we have to do it but I think if it's possible to um get it in sooner that would be ideal um I know I so I have a another job not my full-time job that I do on Wednesday nights I can see if I can get a sub um and if people could start earlier on the 22nd but that's these are long this is that's a it's a pretty brutal week for people councelor Ryan I know Pat I didn't mean to have my hand up oh okay um but it's still up just so you know um I'm still just trying to figure you know I'm going to try to be as flexible as I can same I think y'all are now realizing that or or not realizing not now witnessing and welcome to the math that I was trying to do by myself at my kitchen table that didn't go well so the 20 I mean I think we need to ask you and counselor ET Anna whether you can do anything earlier it depend for me personally it depends on the day I teach teach a class Wednesday nights I need to just get a sub because I'm already getting a sub for the week before um so if I can find someone to sub for me I can start earlier in the day uh at anytime probably after 4:30 that's my work day technically ends at 4:30 I think coun is different councelor Ryan so these interview sessions will be taped so they will if you're if you are absent for whatever reason you will have the ability to go and watch the tape and still be able to vote with a clear conscience correct and it shouldn't change anything about the process because we're not at asking any add-on interviews nothing that we do in the interview should be different from one to the next right uh councelor these are meetings of go so they should be taped regardless shouldn't they yeah and they they will be they are all tied okay so so we just need a quorum you just need a quorum right so if you wanted to start earlier on the 22nd or the 23rd um we could do that again I think it's up to councelor and you well I think to to the point that counc was just making as long as three people can be there the rest of us who if any of us can't be there we can watch and will watch the recording before voting Council so there's that but um I I'm open to earlier as long as I make that request so it's it's not um out of the question that I would start earlyer on any of those interview dates I just would need to make that request okay so here's the the other question I want to ask people we're talking about time as if it has no impact on our well-being as humans are people able to bump earlier with this knowing that we have a council meeting on the 20th a budget hearing on the 21st and then two days of meetings the 22nd and 23rd for interviews I just want to check in because that feels like a lot I I'd like a okay yeah are we saying that it would be like 5:30 to 9:30 or are we talking about starting it at 4:30 to to 7:30 or what are I'm I uh good clarification Pat I think that when we're looking at this I I want to go and look at the calfs um and I can't pull them up while I'm screen sharing but I believe we're at 17 or 18 um so this would perfectly fill and that assumes no conflict with anyone who's interviewing schedule so I'd like to add I think at least another hour or so on into this BEC to give people some time to sign up for a slot that works for them right I can't physically I can barely do three hours yeah that's really fair yeah and I apologize for that so three hours is my limit whether it's starts earlier or stays at 6:30 um okay so here's my here's my other question let's let's talk about pushing it earlier in a moment let's let's table that for now um in terms of just keeping the same three hours and it earlier that's a separate thing I think it's valid but that's a separate thing for for now excuse me the other option would be to not press ourselves to deliberate on the 23rd and pull together for an hour strictly on the 24th to do our deliberation councelor Ryan I think I've lost the thread a bit what's wrong with 28 29 and 30 the following week um what what's the problem CRC is on the okay and then and then um is not here on the 30th L's not on the 30 so those dates that that Trio is out but theat has conflict on the 29th isn't the 29th available am I did I I thought you had a conflict that day I will I will adjust that conflict so we could do 22 and 23 and then a a meeting on the 29th for any leftover interviews and a vote yeah we could do that and then it goes to the Council on June 3 and I think one of the things that's driving my thinking is that this is for many reasons overdue and if we don't get it to the council by June 3D the next time the council meets is June 17th yep council is not going to have a special meeting just for us so um uh so can we cut this one to just be 6:30 to 8:30 I don't see why not because the only thing is any leftover interviews and then a discussion and vote and that's the only thing on the agenda so the only question I have about that is how we communicate to people that these are the interview days this is the makeup day like that we want interviews to happen on the 22nd 23rd I think we basically have said if you can't make it then that's tough we're giving them three choices that's a lot I'm wondering if you even give them a choice you assign them a day in time and then ask them to get back to you if that's a problem and if they get back to you with a problem you can say well another date is say that you give them the 22nd you can say well there's time on the 23rd and if they say I can't do that either then you say your last option is the 29th and if they can't make any of those then then what can we do aena are we allowed to do a Sign Up Genius or something to sign up for interview slots up to you how you want to schedule interview WS that's usor just described as my personal nightmare of having to go back and forth with 18 people 17 but if you leave it up to them um they'll get to it when they feel like it if ever uh fair I see your point I think that what we can say is I if I sent out a link that says sign up for an interview and they they sign up and I say you have we have to post the meeting so we have a deadline for them to sign up for the interviews which would be the what Friday before if the meetings if that's a Tuesday um I think they should sign up by the 16th and we say if you haven't signed up by the six by the 16th oh yeah because then post that's the that's when I said we were going to post the meeting so we can say sen it by the 16th if you don't sign up by the 16th that's it Athena am I allowed to say that yeah it's up to how you want to schedule the interviews but uh just keep in mind that we need to post the names for each date and um the statements of interest will be um we need to establish the the deadline um yeah so it I in my mind it should be the same deadline regardless of the interview date in the policy it says the deadline is like you know a little more than 48 hours ahead of the interview date or the the chair establishes it in advance of the interview date because they need to be posted at the same time the interviews are posted um so there's just some like to make sure that all of those things kind of align so that even if somebody isn't interviewing until the 29th everything comes in at the same time so it's Equitable yeah okay so we should make so what I'm hearing is the inter the post meeting for interviews and the S SOI deadline needs to be the same basically same couple of hours um post the meeting for interviews um I I have to look at the policy again but I believe that we need to post the statements of interest at the same time we post the meeting okay so fix that let me I'm gonna check the P I'm pretty sure you're right okay coun R again I'm going to make the cas um for simply reaching out to the people who have uh submitted their application and saying thank you very much s sois describing briefly what they are are due on this date and you've been assigned this time and date for an interview and you just you just assign everybody a time and a date and [Music] um and then if people get back to you and say oh I can't do that um all right yeah otherwise I mean I just others can may have different thoughts on this but if you just say here's a signup sheet um I guess I'm trying to think out loud here if there's a signup sheet and you're waiting for people to sign up and it's only half full and the time the deadline is here you're gonna have to reach out to all those people and say are you coming or are you not um and I I just I'm not convinced that people are going to sign up um I'm not sure it's going to save you any time or headache um this is a a complicated painful process um I don't know what others think but I'm thinking you just tell people here's your day here's your time be there and if they have a problem they'll reach out to you um I'm gonna throw one more wrench into this George which is that I am leaving the country and not gonna have internet for the next week so that's part of why I'm you may have to have them reach out to to FR I may have need to have some support here yeah no it's that you have four other members we Lynn hang on Athena's got her hand up then I'll come to you Athena uh you're muted the statements of Interest are going to be due a week in advance of the interview dates so we'll need to establish that deadline in by the 15th um they're posted on the town website all at the same time at least one week in advance of the meeting at which interviews will take place and then that's the close of the applicant pool [Music] um George my my worry with your method I don't think that it's I don't think it's a bad method My worry is that um making the Assumption about folks timing is going to be um is going to lead to a lot a lot of the I'd rather do this time I'd rather do this time whereas the sign up we say if you have not signed up for an interview at by this point we assume you are not interested in in pursuing the process further um but I I do see your point that it's probably going to be chasing some folks down Lynn I personally like the idea that there is a sign up and that people pick their time it's kind of like when parents have to pick their time to have their kids uh interviews you know their kids at school and um okay if they don't if they don't sign up and we've given them plenty of warning then that's their problem right so go ahead George so we are having how many interviews for the sake of argument on the 22nd we're up to nine people on the 23rd up to nine people and then on the 29th anyone left over um and we're not gonna we're not going to give them an option of the 29th we're just going to say 22nd 23rd and hopefully everyone because I think we had my last count was 19 so then we're going to need the 29 uh well unless someone drops well maybe we'll just go a little a little bit later I don't know um so what I think we also can do yeah George so if someone H if someone reaches out then and says None of the time times in your signup sheet work I will tell them like that we can add them on the 29th um their s sois are due the same day we will be posting the 29th meeting on the 15th right Athena because it has to all be we want to post them all at the same time right doesn't give them like that was that was the point I was making um the policy says that they're posted a week in advance of the interview date but it doesn't make sense to me that we would allow um that the committee would allow some statements of interest to be due you know a day or a week earlier than others yeah so in my mind they they would all be posted all the statements of interest and interview meetings would be posted on the same day and um I would suggest I I see that you moved it to the 15th I would suggest the 14th because you're going to be waiting on so many and I I'm going to need to get all that done on the 15th and so unless the deadline is like 8 am on the 15th or something then I just want to make sure that I have time to do all of that y okay so Anna in in regard to your being away let's I mean I think that I I'm more than glad to help um you know deal with trying to contact people and you know scheduling people I just need to you you just need to be clear what needs to get done and um make sure somebody's doing it while you're out of the country right yeah uh yes Athena just adding that the 15th is less than a week away and so asking people to write a statement of interest is I mean I would strongly suggest that the chair or the chair's design solicit the statements of Interest as quickly as possible so that people have as much time as look at my look at my calendar I've got it set for tomorrow um we can do it tonight though I yeah no I agree that's I mean we're giving them five days that's really not a lot I mean I hate to say that but um you're gonna have to tell them give them some idea of what we're looking for um and ideally you try to give them well at least a week probably two weeks really but I guess we just don't have the time H yeah I leave at 2:30 in the morning we've got tons of Time how okay let me let me clarify this then I how long are the statements of Interest are they they're short right they're relatively short I think we give a word length we give a length um I forget what it is okay words or yeah provide instructions there there's usually some kind of description because yeah it's been a while since I've looked at this but okay I'm just gonna um acknowledge my own Humanity here and say yeah I'm definitely going to need some help specifically with this project given my own schedule for the next couple days um and my lack of Internet that I will have um starting at tonight so um Lynn yes I am more than glad to help oh that your hand was up I wasn't I was not assigning you that was it that was all but I appreciate that um uh all right so I think the question is are we giving people enough time to do statements of interest if we give them five days if we email them tonight or tomorrow morning does the committee just shaking his head I mean the length of time this is taken and then suddenly to send him send people an email and saying by the way we want an SOI within five days I can understand they're a bit peeved I I actually agree with you George it's kind of like hurry up and wait yeah I know and then all of a sudden we're rush rush rush right that's not fair um so we may just have to this may just get pushed off I don't know it's just so one possibility let's let's look at the at the week that that includes the 29th the 28th the 29th MH oh boy so Monday night is open because we don't have a council meeting that is I believe isn't that Memorial Day that's Memorial Day why we don't have a council meeting that's right that's we don't I knew there was a reason that was a reason right yeah it's either a Monday holiday or we have Council um so and I'm the problem on the 30th what if we go into June let's just push it out is that do that horrify people if we go into June no the only reason it horrifies me is I didn't make a calendar for June so we'll have to you'll have to I'm not no we can do it we can do it you know what look at the fourth fifth and sixth and I want you the reason I want you to look at that is for some reason I already had that on my calendar I don't know why I think it was the meeting you weren't there Onna four five and six in jym and it was we talked about it them being from 6:30 to 9:30 three nights in a row after a town council meeting on the 3 yeah yeah it's still gonna be a brutal week but we won't have the finance committee hearing we need to give people time to do this I mean we can't I just I know you know it's not their fault that is and can I just suggest that maybe since we're going to wait so long for that one that we try to squeeze finan in before well let's let's deal with one at a time hang on yeah I'm not even sure this is gonna work um that means that doesn't go to the council until the 17th that's correct that's the only that's and that unless we do it this week that's the only way that yeah and they won't start meeting until July I maybe maybe they can meet for last but George they were're probably yeah yeah I'm sorry there's nothing we can do about that yeah they may not meet till September and then they may come back and say can we have a six-month extension and that's fine too and you know I no I understand I think I agree it makes sense though it's painful to get these done boom boom boom doing trying to do it 21 22 23 um is is out right we've agreed to that 28 29 30 yeah it's you don't have the time so I think it has to yeah so what would it will look like is that we would we're gonna work backwards hang on I'm deleting things so that we don't get confused working backwards from here then we if we want the SOI deadline and the posting the meeting we could still do that the Monday before right you're talking about doing four five6 right yeah that's what we're trying at Rob right so the I I have to post those things on the 28th it's posted a week sorry sorry sorry so that so we're looking then at the 24th which is the Friday unless we have them due on a Sunday this is there a reason why we couldn't have them do on a weekend right no there is a reason I'm not working on the weekend no no no no but you don't need to do any sorry yes I need to post them Memorial Day is a Holiday deadline [Music] okay Athena what would you recommend as the person who has to be posting them um I would prefer the deadline be Friday so that they you can ensure that they're all in and everything is all set the Friday before the interviews and then um my deadline is that Tuesday okay so I can keep it on the 24th that's okay that's fine okay and you're you're not working on the weekend I'm not working on the weekend so you give them all to me at the end of the day on the 24th and then I have on the 28th to get them posted yes okay so I'm going to move post meeting to the 28th SOI deadline SOI deadline stays on the 24th okay that gives them two weeks to do that SOI which I think is probably plenty more than enough that that that's more than sufficient but it's it gives them a chance [Music] um okay I think that's a a good solution yeah all right so you still will need you will need help getting because you're going to be gone I will still need help I I have not let that part go don't worry yeah okay um um and we can okay the offer is still open sure no it it will be taken up um I'm trying to figure out what makes the most sense if we want to just try to Hash this out now um or I can call someone tomorrow man this is the worst time to leave uh seemingly ever um are we get does this calendar make sense my help aside or my needing help aside does this work we have S just to confirm we will solicit the S sois starting tomorrow the deadline for the sois is the 24th right we post the meetings for the interviews on the 28th um s SOI deadline and I'm gonna say sign up for interview deadline on the 24th okay um and then post to me meeting for the interviews in the 28th day after Memorial day we'll have two days of meetings uh Tuesday and Wednesday from 6:30 to 9:30 um and then we will deliberate at our meeting on the 6th send the recommendation to the council for their for the following meeting it should be on the council agenda for the 13th for whatever the next which is good uh good time me to the 17th so it's a 17th sorry 17th yeah but that's what it is it's unfortunate counselors will have a a while to be able to digest and read the um recommendations that we make and we yeah the sixth will be open for any special cases where people can't do the fourth or fifth God knows what we're not going to give them that choice we're going to let them um we'll give them the fourth and fifth and if they they say they can't do either one then whoever either you or fre or someone will reach out to them and say well your other option is the sixth we'll have to yeah I'm going to plan the meeting agenda for six says without interviews um because I'd like to fit everybody else in but if there's extenda circumstances we'll figure it out okay um I think we need to officially adopt this schedule is that correct I move to adopt the schedule I don't think all right Lynn has moved to adopt the schedule I will second that so the schedule is shown on the screen um I'm GNA call the vote Lynn yes Pat hi councelor ET hi councelor Ryan hi and I am an i as well keep it up for a second and try and look at fincom or not F fincom we should be able to interview and do you know what why don't oh will you be here for the next meeting Anna yes I will be here so one possib ility is that we interview them and choose on the 23rd that is a possibility um do they need they need sis too right yes they do yeah but and they have to be able to come on that gives them at least a week for so sois I think a week is the minimum and that I can live with that I think five days especially with Charter because it's been long but pcom has been just as long so but it's a smaller group and I I yeah so week I believe there's still only three right I think so and we are just yeah we're interviewing for just the slot for one year right the end date is a year from from now is that correct is that we decided I believe that's correct position that would end um June 25 June 3 so I'm not going to mess with it on this um screen for a second but we're we're saying so solicit sis on the 10this would be due wait no because Athena needs a week so SOS would be due the 16th and we're asking at Thea to post them the 16th for for fincom interviews right okay wait if you want to do the interviews on the 23 uh your deadline is the 15th so that I can do it on the 16th okay so SOI deadline would then be the 15 so now we're giving them five days that's not okay yeah that's too short yeah that's too short y who I don't remember I aren't the three people already experienced on that committee I just don't think not all of them I'm sorry no not so can we can we do it on the sixth if we do the first half of our meeting as deliberation and makeups for one I know dangerous June 5th or six you mean no we can't no no no no six okay no wait a minute oh oh that's yeah that's night we've already chosen could we what happens if we meet I can't do the 30th crap people said they might be a available on the 289th the 20 how about the 28th early that what we were talking about 28th early before CRC yeah from 4 to six we only have to do three people so it should be should be less than an hour and what time is CRC 6:30 so we maybe there may be conflicts we never know but yeah so then working backwards from there the SOA deadline would be the 20th Athena would post on the 21st Athena um just noting that that day on the 28th we've got finance committee from 2 to 4 then go interviews from 4: to 6 then CRC 6:30 to 8:30 so you're asking for folks to be in back to back to back which is yeah fine but if finance committee runs late then I'll that I won't be able to open the zoom until finance committee and I think that's the date they make their recommendations isn't it June 4 is when they're making their recommendations that's not gonna work yeah oh boy if there's an easier way for me to do this I'm really open to ideas I do not know how to make this less painful I I really did try to prep it out ahead assignment it didn't really didn't work um Athena June 13 y y and I suggest that you consider uh applicants for the the current vacancy and the impending vacancy because then you can recommend somebody um I do too for July one are we allowed to do that Bas on the posting We can revise it it'll be more than 14 days by then frea has a hand up uh pardon me um wouldn't that require some kind of vot sking we already had voted for the one position now we would be having um some other spots available would there be some kind of votes that would have to take place I think that we would have to vote to post the second position um but what I think what Athena was saying was the requirement is that you post it for at least 14 days and this is more than 14 days out so we're okay if we post it tomorrow um or whenever we can post it in the next couple days ideally um that we would be okay to to fill both positions during this week C so it would be how many positions [Music] and um how many app how many people do we have in the Box whatever the box is called yes C you mean yeah how many calfs we have yeah so we have a number that is appropriate for that switch basically do we need to determine the pool sufficient if we're adding another position yes we would we'd have to have a second we'd have to do a separate vote to determine the full sufficient and that would have to happen after we post it so we would have to moving forward that way um it's still I think enough time right so if we at our meeting on the 23rd vote the pool for finance and vote the interview questions and the selection guidance which hopefully wouldn't change but if folks have changes to it that's fine but we we did just vote them recently we just did then yep well we have to vote them again for the next opening I think you have to vote them each time I know George I know um it's okay so um then it's still it's exactly 14 days um itha does that work so if we do if we do we need to vote to post the position no okay so if we post the position this week whenever um sometime we come again together we come together again on the 23rd and I'm I'm so I'm sorry Anna you're doing a great job just keep I don't feel like it so we come back together on the 23rd on the 23rd we vote hypothetically I'm not predicting a vote but we hypothetically would vote the pool the application questions the selection guidance and the interview dates until we vote those interview dates I am not confirming interview dates for the second position of pcom but if that worked out and for the first position that we're trying to fill we would then say interviews are on the sixth working backwards from there we need the sois do the 28th so that Athena can post it before the 30th or sorry we need sis do the 29th so that Athena can post it on the 30th for interviews on the 6th that's I think you just covered all the bases okay um so I lost my entire train of thought can we vote the interview dates for the first round of fincom today if we do that and post the second position as a separate process I thought that that is what we had agreed to originally we're going do going to do the immediate position the short yeah now and we'll deal with the other one later um but the DAT I just told you yeah we decided to in fact post again and do both of them at once and so what Anna is saying is can we vote these dates yes we'll have to revote them probably for the both later but at least this gets it on our calendars all right so what did I just what did I just say we were going to do I want to put it in here so I forget we are going to interview for the finance committee position on the on May I mean on June 13 yeah um so that's not our it's not a regular it's not a regular meeting session not a regular meeting meet on the 20the no we meet on the 20th oh boy miss my C why not do it on the 20th because our calendar got messed up Lyn when um when Council got changed uh it it threw Pat and I off last week too I panicked and sent Athena an agenda and she was like why are you panicking it's not helpful okay we're meeting on this sixth I I'm summarizing why don't we just meet on the 20th and interview them then we're going to be having a brutal week on the fourth y'all I'm just saying unless it the only reason Len is I think we have a council meeting on the 17th we do no and so I think the thought was if we met the 13th we can get it to the council okay but if people again I'm that was I'm just saying that was the logic I'm not advocating one way or another I'll it's on my calendar so I'm fine I could 1 councelor I'm completely lost at someone yeah I can back you up so here's what you would need the only thing you need to look for on your calendar right now is if you're available for a special meeting on the 13th of June at 6:30 I'm assuming Athena are you available at that time and I I I'm just objecting to the having this many meetings of this committee for reasons that I'm still trying to why what is the the the the haste um at this point um because then we'll be meeting a week later on the 20th and it's not yeah maybe we won't we also have a council meeting but we also have a council meeting on the 24th yes so it would only push it a week if we decided to just keep it at our normal meeting it would only push it one week versus the normal two if we need the meeting on the 24th you may not need a coun that's the council that is your decision okay all right getting lost right now we're okay I'm the chair here's I'm I'm I'm gonna step in as a chair here I've already added six hours to your calendar in June I don't want to add more I want to keep us on the 20th we're going to do interviews on the 20th if that works because I think it's too much right now with the budget hearings and everything else trying to be assertive how does that impact other things that are coming forward for Go's agenda because we're talking about the reparations committee Etc there are things that we have so much that we have not even touched yet um that was part of the impetus behind my attempt to rein Us in on other things today because even we haven't even gotten the ahra report yet but even before that we have Town manager evaluation Town manager goals legislative process guide nuisance bot there the things are really stacking up and I'm feeling uh a bit stressed about it so it doesn't if we wanted to add a meeting to get through things that's a different conversation um the fincom interviews considering there are so few people will be done within an hour is my estimate um and so I'm I don't feel the need to add a special meeting for that um given the fact that we will have had nine hours of meeting the week before with this committee councelor Ryan I hear you and I sympathize but you're also making the excellent point that um we have a lot of other things on our plate and the more we keep pushing this off to regular meetings like the 20th which I sympathize with tremendously the harder it's going to be for us to get to the other things we have to do so I guess I'm leaning towards just gritting the teeth and um meeting on the 13th to deal with vome and the 20th would be hopefully we can try to get back to some of the important things that we are also trying to do okay I don't see how we can do anything else between now and then other than interviews and votes for these two positions yep okay so if we do fincom interviews on the 13th 1 6:30 to 7:30 right um and then we'll deliberate after yeah deliberation afterwards yeah that makes sense okay so as long as I don't trying not to burn people out more than I we already do um so I appreciate the committee backing backing this date up thank you all right so if we did the 13th we call a special meeting of go from 6:30 to 7:30 for interviews and we'll do I'm giving us a half an hour to deliberate um so 6:30 to 8 o'clock on the 13th as a special meeting okay is there anyone who can't make that date okay working backwards interviews need to be posted on the 6 s sois need to beo the fifth okay um I will also I would appreciate if there are other other folks who would help me with the communications around these interviews as well but I will uh take the committee up on offers for for that why don't you um um do do people have a file from how we've done this in the past George maybe you do yes it's in our SharePoint drive it's really helpful okay we all can consult that um you also could just simply assign for a specific body like finc come's easy that's only three people um so you might want to take that yourself but if you're not here you would just assign it to a member just give our email and say if you you know contact you know counselor X for any questions all right so with Charter it's a lot more bod yeah I don't know how to get around that we don't have an email address that's just for the committee it's it's got to go to individual counselers and I normally go to you but you could uh I don't know so let me outline what needs to be done and see if there's someone who's willing to do it so I want to start with Charter what I would need for someone to do is tomorrow or tonight but by tomorrow evening to email everyone who has sent in an s a a a my God a CIF for Charter review I will update that list tonight to make sure it's the most current right after this meeting you would email everyone on that list letting them know what the dates are you would also need to create if you if this is the method you choose create a signup sheet through if you've us Sign Up Genius before or doodle before um you can use those to have people sign up for an interview slot or you can do another method of your choice for that you would need to tell people the um deadline for statements of interest and explain to them what statements of Interest are um you can pull that guidance from the fincom folder and change like we'll need to look at make sure that language doesn't say fincom um and just reiterate the deadlines again is there anything missing from that to-do list and we need somebody to do that for fincom and some I'm just starting I'm just starting with just starting with Charter review hang on just starting with Charter review but I I'll get to so Charter review will have somewhere between 17 to 20 people is anyone interested in I'll do Charter okay thank you I'm I'm sitting for two hours tomorrow listening to a committee I'll do it while I'm listening okay okay thank you very very much for that I'll update the calfs tonight just to make sure um as calfs come in Lynn are you able to reply to them with the same information because people can still submit calfs up until the SOI deadline okay thank you councelor Ryan your hand is up no it's not okay all right so that's Charter taken care of is there anything I missed regarding Charter review we're going to need a copy of this calendar all of us yeah I'm gonna post I guess in SharePoint easiest sending it to us yeah I can save it as a PDF and put it in SharePoint right okay I will do that after the meeting that would be soor I have it back up in an email MH thank you okay um councelor can I just email you the dates or do you want the PDF which would you prefer either one it's the same same difference I like PDFs okay um all right does that take care of Charter review let's go remember how much was on our agenda today let's go to fincom right all right so fincom second verse same as the first but um I think that because there are much much fewer many fewer far fewer people here we go um far fewer people it will be less time consuming so for fincom there are templates for these emails I believe uh in the folder thank you George and you would email the folks who have submitted CFS for fincom saying you have to submit a statement of Interest it is due on June 5th um and similarly please tell us a time or however you want to handle the sign up for an interview the interview date again is I'm sorry I'm just 13 June 13th thank you thank you I will take on fincom hopefully you muscle memory will come back to me George your templates have been a game changer I know this calendar was a mess when I put it in but I'd actually looked very very deeply at those um to to work on this so thank you okay so I will take care of that okay thank you so Lynn is gonna handle Charter review interview signups George will handle fincom interview signups thank you everyone for your participation and wherever you're going you're bringing us back something nice but less than $50 tequila [Laughter] $50 that's right there'll be a special go meeting to share the tequila I think we should have one of these meetings in person in person yes share it afterwards a meeting it wouldn't be me do some research some research okay um all right what's next I don't even want to talk about it okay so we got to redo we got to refigure out the schedule y'all I I'm going to look to my past chairs of go because my moment of cander here is I'm feeling really behind on go we have not moved through and so I would like to my my attempt today to speed us up didn't go over well and so I I'm really want to hear suggestions from folks it doesn't need to be right now but please tell me how we can move more smoothly through this so to look at our plate right now the things that we have we have the review of the proposed nuisance bylaw we have the review process and timing for the town manager evaluation we have prioritization of town manager goals we will any day now have the ahra committee charged um and then coming up we've got things that come along our schedule normally so I'm saying this with understanding that it is my job as chair to move us along I need help moving us along faster because we're not getting to the things that we need to get to so open to ideas we've got two former chairs of go and a Town Council president here we we this is like the super group that's going to be able to figure it out so I don't need thoughts now if you have them now I'm really open but this is my moment of like I need something I don't know how to get us through faster does anyone have any thoughts for me it might you don't ly sorry I I would suggest that if we could get through nuisance yeah and because um I know I've looked at nuisance I've already made made made in my mind ones we can deal with and which ones we should send back to to CRC CRC and then then it's off our plate until it comes back and and that we get that out of the way um until we see the legal review on um ah I don't know what to suggests I really don't we also I forgot the legislative process guide oh Jesus yeah I told you we've got so much on our on our stack right now can I also oh sorry I had I had an offer from uh Ray laraja at the University this is for the fall but I think we should keep it in mind he is willing to uh supervise as many as three interns who would do research for us now he did this he's made this offer for the charter Review Committee uh but for for example could the could they now it's too late to do the town manager evaluation sorry I'm thinking out loud I'm trying to no it's okay I appre I really I appreciate it because I I truly don't know what else to do yeah councilor Ryan I it's a question of priorities and a question of what the committee wants to put first second third fourth um and maybe we need to have that quick discussion um I would thinkk the town manager evaluation and town manager goals would be higher up in my priority list the ah committee charge is out of our control it comes when it comes um but we do have control over um the town manager valuation and the town manager goals and we obviously have control over the nuisance property bylaw that maybe is what we start with um what other priorities do people have I mean do I don't have any any interest or or concern with the uh what is it you mentioned the uh uh process I that to me would be at the bottom of my priority list but maybe it's the top of other people's priority list but I would be at the bottom H is not before us right now so it's not it can't be prioritized um maybe nuisance properties number one and then we need to start looking at the Town manager evaluation and goals process yeah so I think thank you George I I agree with you and as I've been writing them that's kind of the order that I have been putting them in um I went to my organization development world and did the little urgency versus importance Matrix right but uh I think that the the issue for me is more of we need long chunks of time to get through these things and I think maybe what I can also do is try to encourage prep work for folks um and specify what would be helpful to do ahead of time so with new sense what Lynn talked about doing would be helpful for folks to do if you can go through and highlight where you think it's it's not again we are we're looking for clarity consistency and actionability if there's something that you're like I don't this feels beyond our scope note it so that when we come together and get to that discussion because it's we have 10 minutes left tonight we're not going to get to it tonight um when we get to that discussion we can focus and just say all right this we agreed we're not going to T try to tackle we want CRC to bring it back to us more fully baked um or respond to the legal questions themselves so if folks could before the before the next time that we are able to discuss this um before the next go meeting if you can look through nuisance with that lens it would be helpful um and and going in ahead of time and then I think similarly if folks can do markups do track change download a Word document and do track changes if you're going to do track changes at all if you take your notes on the side keep doing what you do that's fine but if you the way you work is that you work in Microsoft Word making edits through check changes save the file send it to me I can combine them right before the meeting so that we can look at something that has everyone's edits in it at the same time versus people needing to go back and forth between them and this is what you do for nuisance nuisance but nuisance has a whole host of track changes that come from the lawyer and that's what we're going to be working with right we throw ours in there it's going to be ABS it's GNA be crazy yeah I think we have to work with the track changes that are in the existing document and go through that and and if we have changes to make we'll have to enter them at the time I think we certainly need to read it in advance and think about in advance if we start making changes to a document that already has yeah changes in it I see your point I see your point I concede um I no that's totally fine okay so totally fine take back what I said about the track changes but the lens of this is us or I have too many questions CRC needs to answer this if folks could use that lens when they look at it that would be really helpful Pat yeah yeah I'm I agree with George and the legislative process guide feels really low but the ah the uh committee really looking at how we're going to do reparations feels much more important to me than even the town manager process if we went through this year doing what we've been doing that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world around um how we evaluate the town manager the we are SPO we're supposed to get Legal Information uh this week but what so that's that those are my priorities but what I'm wondering it to help this is whether or not like the ah feels really important to me whether there's another counselor and we in on this committee we could subcommittee it and begin to look at it we have a lot of questions that have already come in from other counselors and stuff and then then bring that back so that is there a way for us like taking it apart like a quilt and then putting things not just the Ahi but the whole list of things and figuring out how we can work together by doing pieces of it and coming back together Pat thank you that's a a really good suggestion can I take it and talk to Athena about practically how that might work and then come back with an idea okay thank you um yeah that could be that could be an Avenue Lynn and then we're going to move to minutes and we're gonna yeah uh with regard to um nuisance bylaw I've already gone through it I've made underneath where it's you know you make your next comment I've done things like said I think we should accept this or this should go to CRC just straightforward yeah that's all I've done with regard I part of me wants to agree with Pat that we could live with the town manager evaluation another year we could also see if we could get a student at ums to do that research that we were going to do about other towns and in fact maybe we could even get somebody whose work is in human resources or whose work is in evaluation and this could be really a great project for that um I I I do think at some point we are going to have to wrestle with the ah stuff I just don't know what it looks like no I and I appreciate that and I want to be clear I'm not actually necessarily right now looking for guidance on prioritization because I I'm feel like I'm very clear on where the committee stands um and I'm right now prioritizing in kind of the same way that folks have been saying with the caveat that I don't I don't have the report so I can't slot it in yet um and so I I hear I'm hearing the priorities where I'm needing the help is in speeding up our processes a bit and so I think um the suggestions have been really helpful uh in that in that Avenue as well so thank you um we're going to take the last two comments on this and then I think a think do we have minutes I couldn't I didn't think okay never mind then uh councelor Ry so the earliest we would get to anything of quote unquote substance other than what we've been talking about most of this evening in terms of interviews and so forth is June 20th that's the earliest and the next time we meet is Ju July 18 oh and I for one am happy to not meet that much in the summer um but uh so we just need to be realistic about how much we're gonna accomplish what are we meeting we're meeting on the 23rd did we okay so maybe I'm looking at an old meeting schedule that hasn't been updated but um I have June 20th July 18th and August 8th twice in August twice in June but only once in July is change that yeah I'm put up there that's what on the 18th of July and that's it in yeah but we're meeting on May 23rd yeah we've got we've got right yeah and on May 23rd I think we should make sure we do nuisance bylaw you want to do okay nuisance bylaw on the 23rd yes wrong I think so and then by then we also should have the legal review of ah ah yes and that could the 20th okay yeah and we may have to do some cleanup votes that allow us for example to interview for two people for uh finance that kind of thing and maybe there's some minutes and so 23rd is nuisance 23rd is nuisance yeah 23rd is nuisance and that should be all that is there that should be it correct it's going to take the whole meeting yeah it's going to take the whole meeting and that should be it it will be it the only thing that the only things that come up are proclamations and resolutions sometimes this can bump some time and we can't control those if they if we can't control those if they have to be reported out by a certain like if there's an event um and we just moved the paint one to that day aome the 23rd oh right so we'll at least two things so don't get mad at me when you do the agenda good point paint and nuisance got paint and nuisance which they can relate to each other uh councelor you've been very patient um so speaking about the proclamations and resolutions how about we move those to the end of meetings and so we frankly I think we could Sleepwalk through quite a few of them and so let's use our energy for some of the big heavier weight stuff and then yeah yeah I appreciate that and I think now that we've moved our meetings earlier I'm more comfortable doing that um the initial reason why we don't typically do that is sometimes proclamations and resolutions have Community sponsors that come in to speak to them and we want to be able to give them um you know clear start time but I'm going to toss it back to my days when I was on concom you get a time for a hearing right you have to give a hearing date our our deliberations are not hearings I'm not saying that at all but what we can say is we if we have a proclamation we will give each Proclamation 15 minutes um and we will start them at this time whatever else we have being discussed in the meeting will stop being discussed at that time if we have a proclamation um if folks are com with me doing that I'm I don't mind being the bad guy and ending discussion on something else to move to Proclamation at a certain time if we have one and putting them to the end of the meeting so we have more of a deadline if if people are okay with that but I will end no matter what the topic is I will end the discussion to move to those proclamations at that point okay all right I will do that um councelor thank you we will shift to that and if it doesn't work we will shift back uh Lynn and then we're going to wrap up for today oh my hands not up oh I moved to a journ second what if I didn't call A V all right uh councelor Ryan I'm sorry hi you're fine Pat hi counselor ate I I am an i and Lyn I all right thank you all very much um on a great job I mean really made us plow through it which it's been tough It's really been tough good night everybody I'm I'm gonna update Cals and um those will be done I'm gonna do it right now and you're sending me something so that I'm working tomorrow between 10 and 12 to do all of the people I don't know what I'm sending you but yes okay a calendar please don't worry figured out all right take care bye everybody bye