##VIDEO ID:9zx7zI39E7U## all right fabulous okay welcome to tonight's meeting of the Jones Library building committee as is our custom I'm going to ask you to uh indicate your presence verbally Sharon here Bara here thank you Alex here George here Christine here Paul here Melissa here and Austin's here okay so we are in Farah did you I saw Pam in the audience she's here now okay Pam can you hear us just got in thank you thank you don't thank I think I must have had the wrong link thanks for thanks for coming okay the first order of business is the approval of two sets of minutes the first set of minutes is from the 17th of September is there a motion to approve those minutes I'll make a motion is there a second thank you so much are there corrections to the minutes okay seeing no Corrections I'm going to ask you to vote on approv moving the minutes far yes Sharon yes Alex yes George yes Melissa yes Paul yes Christine yes Pam yes and Austin votes yes thank you so much another set of minutes from the 9th of October I believe I'll make a motion to approve thank you Christine is there a second second second okay corrections to those minutes okay on the question of approving the minutes of October 9th Sharon yes far yes Alex yes George Hicks yes Christine yes Paul bman yes Melissa yes Pam yes and Austin votes yes uh before asking the town manager to make his report I just want to say out loud what we all know which is we received two bids uh one of them came in under budget uh we uh decided to go ahead and make changes in the uh the plan in the hope that we would rebid in a more competitive environment and we bid with a somewhat uh more simplified uh plan uh and the result is we have a bid under budget so I think from the point of view of the decision that was made uh there's more work to be done we're not done yet but that decision turned out to produce a good result and uh wasn't easy decision to make um and I think we need to just note that it turned out right for us and for the town okay Mr Bachman Town manager report so as you said we received two bids one under our budgeted amount uh that bid is uh being reviewed and um it's from a reputable company Fontaine Brothers um which is a very good company with a good reputation in Western Massachusetts especially um we are also going through the section 106 review process which will take some time and the third item I want to mention is that we have filed a request with the mass Board of Library Commissioners for an extension to utilize their Grant uh we've asked for 90 days and to be safe on um how much time we think this could possibly take so you know there's a lot of different deadlines in play uh we're sort of managing them as we go along um the mission is to move this project forward and um you know we are um you know things are falling into place and the the key component of this really was whether there would be a bid that was within our budget and with that answer we can move forward on other things we're also looking at uh temporary space um in terms of where we would locate the services of the Jones library and also we'll be addressing the need for an OPM uh that we would have to hire Paul or Sharon could you just say a couple more words about the mblc request uh no no we we've submitted the request and we will talk to them in December okay all right any questions for the town manager all right thank you Paul thanks Paul for all the work that you've done on this project and all the work that you will continue to do in the service of making sure that the library has the best Library it can have Paul okay I just want to mention one last thing so I'm going to have to jump off of this call to go to another meeting that I have to welcome people to at 5:30 and then uh when that's finished I'll come back okay thank you okay next is uh Finance director report and several invoices to be reviewed and approved Melissa um yep so I I do have several um several invoices that have been submitted since the last time we reviewed them um you want me to just pull them up on the screen and we can go through them one by one does that work that would be wonderful if you would do it okay so the uh first invoices is from Berkshire Design Group in the amount of [Music] $810 um the second invoice is from um fold um Alexander Architects Melissa could I ask you to do this slightly differently so could you go back to the top again yeah okay so the first invoice is from Berkshire design does anybody have a question they want to ask about that invoice my hope is that we're going to go through these invoices ask questions about each one if we have any questions and then entertain a motion to approve them for payment so no questions about Burkshire design okay please go on to the next one okay second one is from fold Alexander uh the total of this invoice is um you want to just go down half a page there you go and then you see these costs for Consultants okay any questions about the this FAA invoice Pam uh not so much a question just a looks like this is their work that was completed for the value engineering effort over the summer and it includes their subcontractors as part of the design team that's correct and we are and we are very close to and should be very close to having them Bill completely for that work they're at 95% um completion as a as a according to this particular invoice okay any other questions or thoughts about the invo Alex yeah I just had a quick question I guess I wanted to make sure that I was uh reading this correctly all all of these expenses that were approving today except for the first one I think are actually being paid by the library versus the town is that correct we're still approve but we're still approving them yeah jlbc is approving them the town will pay these bills and then the library will reimburse the town okay thanks I just wanted to make sure I understood the process okay anything else on this invoice Melissa please go to the next one okay so this is another invoice from um fold Alexander Architects um this invoice is for um 48,000 no I'm sorry it it's for 61,200 and um $38.50 just goes on to the second page here again it's for their meetings um engineering work and some consultant um pass through invoices as well um are there any questions and this invoice is dated the 30th of September is that right Melissa yes okay any questions or observations about this invoice okay Melissa I think there is this um this is another invoice from September from fold Alexander for um again some Consulting um looks architectural work um this one is a no actually there's just a Consulting um work of um 1,000 4410 that's the total of this invoice yes go down to the end there we go okay no no I meant the end of the yeah there there you go so I just have a a billing question they they were submitted on the same day why would they submit SE I mean is it standard operating procedure they would submit separate invoices I the I just got I don't I wasn't involved with their day-to-day work so I honestly don't don't know but it looks like for one looks like their work and this other one looks like maybe they had some Consulting bill that came in later that they did after the fact maybe the other one I had Consulting too but okay Alex and then Christine Alex um yeah it looks on this bill it looks like they're doing consulting relative to ffan um again is that something where this committee is going to wind up weighing in on whatever they're recommending or is that going to be decided by the library group I'm not sure I understand we we the the building committee will review I think everything that's being done in the building now you're asking if they're going to be replacing Furniture are we going to be involved in that well I don't know I mean I guess I just I don't know what the Consulting was on the furniture so I don't know if there's something can you be can you illuminate what the Consulting was yeah I'm I am not sure you know this was as they were finishing the the the bid docks and so I'm sure they had to talk with uh Furniture Consultants about XY and ZZ but I would think that if anything should change once you know we start moving forward in the process once once the interior designers are on site I I do think that jlbc would have a role in that okay thanks for the reminder this is probably for the the rebid packaging right y thank you um Christine I thought I saw your hand up but it's not now I'm good thank you thank you Pam uh thank you oops Yeah I'm unmuted um I had a question on one of the subcontractors and it was for Mark Wilhelm architect and it looks like maybe it was specifications if we could somehow find that I don't remember where in the order um it is but it it is build to F gold so it probably comes in as one of their Consultants but I think it was I actually think it was a standalone I'll see if I can find it myself here uh the question is it was it was extra service it was identified as extra service the date was September 4 and the two items were uh description uh our additional service requested by client book drop add and additional service requested by client storefront SL doors still having trouble finding it maybe there is one more um find maybe it's on the last one um Pam so let me see um I'm going to P three yeah I mean on the at least on the packet that Sharon sent it was 37 of I mean uh 37 to 48 is what it's showing up online yeah use the search function yeah yeah so that's on this um okay it's on the it's on the bill that we're going to come to next so you want to skip ahead to that I'm I'm happy to wait I'm happy okay thanks thanks Pam so so um the bill in between uh is um from collaborative Resolution Group and Sharon do you just want to remind us what collaborative resolutions group did for the project they're the folks that facilitated the 106 uh Consulting parties meeting okay questions about this What's the total again $900 $900 questions about the invoice Pam I had a question um and that is it actually had to do with the content of this and the Des very nice descriptions of work done and meetings held uh Mara and Jake at the very end 1010 24 Mara and Jake debrief with with jinny h um my question is who uh who are who is the project manager for section 106 and is and would they not have debriefed with our um our point of contact who is Bob parent and anyone else but it was really strange to me that that they're debriefing with jinny h and I don't know what her role is in section 106 if somebody could explain that to me the capital Campaign Committee is paying for the facilitation so uh that's Jenny is the lead on that thank you okay any other questions on that this invoice okay all right and so the next invoice is from fold Alexander architect the total amount of this invoice again goes to two pages is 30, 24872 um and there are a few things on this but I know that Pam had a question about one of the inv uh one of the sub bids I mean subc consultant um charges on here in particular but are there any other questions while we're on this invoice and just notice this invoice comes from October 31st is that right Melissa yes October 31st right thanks all right any other questions on this invoice then we'll get to Pam's question okay Pam thank you so this is um Mr Wilhelm the architect and it is um the what I what I'm thinking about is one I don't know if the client is fine gold Alexander uh I I suspect that that is the case but it says extra service and it was uh bookdrop ad and storefront doors storefront and doors and it looks like specifications does does anyone have any idea what um these items are and why they were a special service Sharon do you know um I know that they had to work uh with folks in order to get the smallest size book drop possible um and as far it's the same thing I can only guess with the store you know the the windows that are in the back or the the northern p of the building that went from oh here it is you know X to Y now it's the storefront so so FAA needed additional work needed help on those aspects of the project so the client is probably fine gold yeah okay okay any other questions about this invoice Melissa you have anything else uh yep we have two more so um get to this [Music] one so this is for um a bill for $9,995 from November 11th and this is from public archaeology Laboratories and they are doing work as consultants on the 106 process correct okay and any questions about this invoice okay and the final invoice is from bid dos um and it's for $750 um and this is to post the rebid that we did right any questions about this invoice so what I'd like to do is to ask for a motion to recommend payment of this entire group of invoices I'll make a motion for approval for payment thank you so much Christine is there a second second thank you so much okay any further discussion all right Sharon how do you vote Yes far yes Christine yes Melissa yes Pam yes thank you George yes Paul yes thank you Alex yes and Austin votes yes thank you so much Melissa if you could take down your screen share that would be great great okay we have been very fortunate that Bob parent has been acting as our OPM and sheering a lot of things and we're grateful for that work and now Bob looking forward to hearing your report thank you um as youve heard from Austin and from Paul we did receive two bids on October 31st one of the bids was below the estimate for the project so that's very good news um we do have a viable project we do not expect to be awarding the contract um until we make it all the way through the uh 106 process and environmental review process uh so we will keep the two bids we have in hand until that time um the I I forwarded a breakdown of the project costs to date and predicted going forward um which I believe was was provided in the packet and I can certainly answer any questions you might have relative to that but the the most important piece of that is that it shows that if we end up awarding to the low bidder and make the adjustment in the low bit amount uh to take in account the savings that we're going to realized with the electrical sub bid that came in after the general bid we will be at a full 10% contingency going into construction right great which is a good place to be um didn't think we be there but it's very good that we are are at that point um because there are a lot of uncertainties during construction and particularly in a project like this and we need a a contingency of that level uh to be able to successfully make it through through construction um so that's very good news um so if there's no questions on Project costs I can provide a couple of other updates hold on one second are there any questions about the project costs for not about the cost just a quick question Bob so is there a deadline to hold the bids like is there a de deadline by which we have to know whether we're tell them whether we're going to accept their bid because I know it's all contingent on the 106 process on our end so what is the timeline we did specify in the bidding documents that the what's known as the bid valid period the bid valid period would be 60 days 60 days um accepting holidays and weekends and what that does is that gives us until January 17th to award bids it doesn't mean that we can't ask for a further extension beyond that but right now that's the timeline that both contractors and all the sub biders as well are obligated to hold their bids for right okay thank you ham thank you it takes me a minute to get my mute um I did have a couple questions on uh the financial summary it was very helpful because it gives a sense of what is anticipated particularly for um the fees and expenses and I want to ask a couple questions on that is um are the architectural fees and and all of their all of their subs uh a firm number for us going forward have those contracts been uh now that we've now that we've hit unhit the pause button for Value engineering and rebid um do those do those fees still stand uh yes the architect and all the architect Subs are under contract to provide services through construction so when I indicated a particular lion item was the current contract amount that would be to take them through construction based on their current contract that's good um one of the one of the line items is uh the OPM and um Paul just brought that up can you share [Music] um can you share with this committee what your thoughts are on the OPM and um I mean that's it's it's a very complex project just given the age of the building the the tight site etc etc are we going to have an OPM are we going to have a clerk of of the works that will keep an eye on things given this complexity um I'd agree with you 100% certainly I was very comfortable helping to get the project to this point but I'm not the clerk of the works I don't intend to to continue to be in this role I do intend to continue to be very involved but we do need an OPM um and the from a cost standpoint we have had discussions with Colliers about bringing them back in once we get this project move into construction and I the line item I indicated here does show a fee adjustment that they've requested um and that's what we're carrying right now in the budget we have not agreed to anything at this point we haven't made any decisions about whether we continue forward with col your or with another OPM um but if we did that would be the amount that their contract value would be for or the remainder of their contract value would be for so that's that's a fairly fixed number if you went with callers with their adjustments that number would hold we have a proposal from them uh for that number correct okay the other the other um unknown to me is the the swing space and you've got moving and temporary space um is that the number that was budgeted last time that we have a sense that's what it's going to take to manage it you're correct that that is the number from the original budget um I can talk a little bit about uh temporary space although I can't get into a lot of details because we're still in discussions with a couple of different parties at this point and I don't really want to interrupt those discussions uh by by sharing any information publicly but based on a we I'm glad to say now that we have a couple of options in front of us um either one of them I think is doable and I think either one of them would bring us um within the budget that's been allowed okay so so that swing space cost is part of the part of the total budget cost of 46 million that's correct yes okay thank you as well as the cost to move materials out of library to the temporary space and then move materials back into the library when the project is complete good good okay I think that's it for now yeah that takes care of costs again there's been some reference to the section 106 process that process is underway we had a public Consulting parties meeting we received a lot of input from the Consulting parties as well as members of the general public we have drafted responses to that input uh that we will be sharing when it's appropriate um we did as you probably heard we did receive a request from Mass historical commission uh just about two weeks ago now to prepare an alternative analysis on a number of different key aspects of the project and that work is underway right now um we have reached out to mass historic to try to get some additional input from them in terms of the format of of what they are looking for we haven't heard back from them hopefully we do but if we don't uh we're structuring an alternative analysis uh based on industry standards that we will we hope will meet their you know their needs in in their request um and mass historic is an important part of the process because we need to be able to effectively come to agreement with them to make it through both the federal and the state uh permitting uh environmental permitting processes right okay Bob you have anything else that you want to discuss at this point then we'll get to questions I think haphazardly I've touched on just about everything on my list so I think could you mention about the easements oh easements good point um we as you might recall um we spent quite a bit of time working with the um Amherst Historical Society relative to the stron housee property and we have a draft easement prepared and and an agreement effectively prepared that the historical Society wants to run by their attorney one more time before we get a final document that's ready for execution um and they have uh elected to hold off doing that until we get closer to the point in which we would actually execute the easement um I do want to note that one of the items that we needed to get that involved the support of the historical society was approval from the planning board to locate a retaining wall along the common and M historical society and um and Jones Library property line uh the Historical Society supported that they signed off on the permit application and we received the approval from the planning board so they're you know our understanding is that they're fully on board with this project and it's it's a matter of just dotting the eyes and crossing the tees when the time comes to do so right Thank you Pam thank you uh yeah I had a couple uh 106 questions and I know that the uh the timeline that we all got uh last round looks that it has shifted a little bit um and I wonder if two things that that's one question what is the timeline going forward what are some of the key elements that the public and or we need to know about and then secondly um what are the alternative analysis happening what who who's working on that and and you said they're underway um could you share the analysis that you're doing with us let's see um going well I'm sorry if you don't mind where I forget your first question I was trying to to remember that let's do this one's more important like what are the what are the Alternatives that MHC was requesting that you're that you're working on and wanting to propose so the first question Bob was could you remind us of the new revised Tim table for the 106 process good point thank you um that timetable has shifted and at this point is somewhat up in the air to be honest because it really is contingent upon us getting through the the mass historical review um and hopefully approval process so we are at sort of a stopping point in that timeline and once you know we have some understanding of of how our discuss with mass historic will go uh we'll pick that timeline up and project it forward but at this point I I can't speculate what that new end date will be because we're waiting on mass historic right correct Bob the other question I had to do with the Alternatives analysis first of all can you tell us what that what that means an alternative analysis can you tell us what the state-of-the-art is that you refer to in the um in the industry correct um you know alternative analyses are done across all types of areas I I'm not a historical expert but I've been involved in a number of alternative analyses in other environmental and Engineering type of processes and it's there typically a systematic review of what are the Alternatives and taking a look at the pluses and the minuses of the Alternatives and uh coming up and selecting an alternative that meets the project goals that reasonably considers you know those pluses and minuses um and then being a presentation of that information um in this case to mass historic but to the public as well uh to demonstrate that where decisions are are being made or want to be made that they've been made in a in a responsible fashion it it doesn't always mean that it's the you know there's there's trade-offs and everything you know so for things like cost for instance cost is absolutely a factor uh in an alternative analysis is it the only Factor no is historic preservation the only Factor no there's a number of different factors that weigh into that analysis and then ultimately a recommendation um that's made and again hopefully Mass historic will agree that the the selections that are made are are based on reasonable information and a reasonable um argument for for why it was selected right can can you share with us though what some of the what some of the alternatives are that you're thinking about because I'm I'm going through my head I said is if this committee is responsible for um essentially the cost of the project and and those kinds of decisions um are there going to be potentially um Alternatives that are proposed to MHC that may cost money and and and if that's the case does that do if we have to authorize say the architect team to make some accommodation for that does that eat into our contingency it's it's hard to say what I can say right now is that much of what is being done is looking to capture and recapture effectively what has been done over the past in some cases almost 10 years well well before I even knew where Jones library was quite honestly um relatively new to the project and and to not to the area but an understanding of what what the area is um but as I learn more about the history of this project there were a lot of things considered over the years there were factors considered of um as an example you know how much space is needed in the library and and originally a certain uh space need was developed and that space need was reduced yet it couldn't be reduced any further than it was or else we were running into trouble with mblc relative to meeting their requirements um B considerations of of how to sorry may I just interrupt you because I think we need Clarity Pam's question an alternative analysis does it require that you say this is the building that we have now what we're going to do is we're going to propose some changes in that building is that required in an alternative analysis because Pam's question is if we're going to change anything then this committee has got to decide like do we accept this or accept that or does all alterntive analysis not require us to propose changes from what is there now but rather to document the Alternatives that we can considered that got us to this place and to explain why that alternative was chosen but those are two different things certainly um both of them can be part of an alteran analysis as I was alluding to what we're focusing on right now is really documenting and expanding upon the evaluations that have already happened to date right um we expect that by doing that being able to do it in a systematic detailed fashion we will be able to provide um a a uh a presentation that mass historic will accept that reasonable decisions have been made that brought us to the point that we're at today if they don't agree um you know then we'll see where we go from there but that's really what we're focusing on right now so in terms of the speculation of do we need to change something more than what we've already changed I can't really say that say or speak to that at the moment okay thank thank you Pam any other questions for Bob okay so I just want to reiterate we've got work to do um in a variety of ways uh and we're we're moving forward with that um with that work and again gratitude to Bob who's shephered so much of this okay the next item on the agenda is correspondence I know of no correspondence topics not anticipated 48 hours in advance I know of no topics the next item is public comment if a member any member of the public wishes to speak I would be grateful if you would raise your virtual hand now and once we have everybody who wants to speak then we're going to say that's the that's the group and we'll go from there okay I've got four hands so uh let me start by Kathy Shane hi good afternoon I am Kathy Shane I think all of you know me I am speaking as a resident but also as an economist focused on costs and and costs and numbers so I just want to ask um and some of these are an extension of questions that were already asked um you had a terrific set of questions and I realize that you won't necessarily be able to answer me on a back and forth on the architect fees I think you I heard you say that they are willing to honor the contract that they've had for the remaining fees and I just want to double check or have um our capable Bob parent double check that if they're going to be working 12 months more than they originally expected in terms of the delays that that's true because what I remember at the end of the last colar meeting in November 23 is they were already starting to say we're um our fees have been too low we've been been doing a lot more work than we expected to do you know this may have been attenuated by the extra money that the trustees gave but I would like to double check on the fees um rather than we have a contract and it's good to go on the OPM um I have two questions one my impression from periodically and all of you have a much better sense of this watching your meetings and my early encounter with Colliers is they did not perform well for you compared to what we've experienced in the school building committee part of it was turnover um you didn't always have the same person um so I'm questioning whether you really want to go back to them whether there is someone there that you highly trust knows the project well and you feel will just uh hit the hit the ground running the other question I had because I can't find anything about the contract on the elementary school building committee our OPM has embedded in their fee um an owner's project Insurance that's actually relatively substantial and my sense is it's to guard against what the library hit in 19 uh when the new addition was put on that the contractor didn't do everything and then you needed to go back and you potentially needed to get it redone so I don't know whether you've got owner project Insurance built into the OPM so it's a question on coler's competence um and just um I'm new to the building project world but what I've watched our OPM do is they're out every day on the project literally kicking the ground to make sure that things are done properly and to answer questions um and our architect team has someone who comes out regularly too so it's to keep things moving so that the builders don't run into it's not clear what you wanted here and to avoid change orders wherever possible so I think this role is pretty critical I also noticed Bob in the um New overall budget that the FF the amount for fees Furniture seemed to be lower than what I saw last November and I didn't know whether that had been cut um and whether that includes if you when and if you're able to open up the expanded Library whether there's Audio Visual and some of the Wi-Fi to make these new community rooms usable for people or whether that expense is no longer in the project so that's a question of what's with ffe total and what's in it um the um final piece is what you were just asking about 106 my questions are um what in addition you think you'll be able to do I did read the Epsilon long document on historic tax credits they went through an extensive explanation of why the building and designers had made decisions that they had made so there's some big things that can't easily be changed Austin you were talking about the building itself I mean small things could be changed at a price tag on slate on the roof versus synthetic no book sort in the wall no hole in the wall but big things on the massing of the building the location of the building you you won't have a building if those things are changed so is there sort of a limited scope on thinking about alternative my final one is um is is there an end point in the 106 review if you don't reach agreement with the state will we know whether their concerns put the neh and the HUD grants at risk will neh and HUD give us feedback because it's on the council side and the town side it's a $2 million um financing source and I don't think any of us want to lose it so just you know how does this process work well and tud say you've done enough we're good to go before we start paying the contract so those are my questions and I would be happy to submit them in writing thank you that would that would be great if you would Kathy thank you so much okay next I see Jeff Lee Jeff he thank you I'm concerned that the Jones Library Capital campaign appears to have stopped producing their monthly um uh reports Finance reports uh where they report amounts of gifts versus pledges that have come in and also the expenses that they've incurred for the month that's critical information for the town to have in assessing whether we can afford this project going forward um and my other question is you mentioned that you've been talking to a couple temporary space providers potential space providers don't we need to go out to bid for those competitive bid and the same goes for a new OPM I would think that that needs to go out to bid so those are my questions thank you thank you Jeff next is Maria copii Maria thank you Maria kapiki South ammer so let's talk about that November 1 letter from the mass historic commission from brona Simon there was a lot more in there and we're not talking about it so let's do that she was not and that office was not notified of the time and place and how to get to the meeting with the Consulting parties she is not the Consulting party this is the shippo that's the state historic preservation officer they're the decision makers in this section 106 process so I guess y'all are not interested in finding out like why that happened I am um and in that letter when she's talking about Alternatives we heard just a lot of words about that but literally no substance she's talking there about alternatives to address the adverse effects that they noted four times when they rejected historic tax credits four times because this project fails on five of the 10 Secretary of inter interior standards for historic preservation this is not small change stuff here so when a member of the committee asks what's going on what are you developing I think you guys should get an answer I think the public should get an answer let's talk about the fact that an extension was sought this letter was dated from the chair of this committee and from the town manager on November 15 it's and it was discussed with apparently nobody um certainly wasn't discussed at Town Council wasn't discussed at this meeting wasn't discussed at a trustees meeting wasn't discussed anywhere but they're you're now all of a sudden two people decide that you're going to go out and ask for an extension and ask for General Contractors to hold bids for not one month which is normal not two months which is not normal what what you ask them to do but up to five months I mean you knew or you should have known that the section 106 needed to be completed ages ago and all of these problems that you're running into now should have been dealt with at a point in this project when you could have made reasonable changes but you didn't do that and so now extensions and Alternatives that nobody's going to tell you what are those Alternatives they told you what the problems are you know what the problems are you know what the adverse effects are you should be talking about this this should be public and all of these decisions should be made not by two people one of whom is not even elected but this should be made public and the Town Council should have a role and you should have a role although there's literally almost no oversight by this committee so I'm not really sure what you guys would do anyway um it remains a mess thank you thank you Maria next and last Arley hello um I'm not really sure what I want to say except that it does seem very uncertain and stuff particularly because the library fundraising aspect of this um project it we don't know how much money is there so the town money is secure the mblc money is secure and the library money just seems to be this ongoing mystery will they get enough won't they get enough it just makes the whole thing feel very um not well managed and and it and uncertain and now they're you're asking for an extension again um and it anyway it doesn't inspire a lot of confidence even if you disagree with the project it just doesn't expire a lot of confidence in that the people who are supposed to be leading this and who are supposed to be so a proponent of it like know what they're doing um so I hope that the library side could become more a little more transparent about what you actually have what you don't have what your Gap is you know and how that's all working um thank you thank you Earle thanks for coming thanks for your comment okay we've heard public comment Kathy Shane's going to send her questions in in writing and we'll look into those uh questions and the answers to them okay anything else to be said I think we are at the point where we are ready to adjourn Pam yeah thank you just these comments were very helpful for me just clarifying some of my thoughts um it goes back to the the 106 Alternatives that we they are unknown at this point and I am I am still working through in my own mind where we might expect um coverage for these costs they may be minimal they may be extremely expensive I do not know we don't know what the extent is um we have a 10% contingency I'm I'm glad that amount is there um are these expectation is the expectation if we have to make any kind of adjust ments due to 106 whether it's the architectural fees themselves um which we know add up really quickly um we could we could eat up um a lot of the contingency just in redesign of something where do we expect that the money for any adjustments will come from and I think that's that's the you're not going to answer it tonight I'm sure but I think that's what um I would appreciate knowing what's our backup okay as you said I don't think we're going to be able to answer your question right now we need to see what this alternative analysis what a draft of it looks like we need to be get into conversation with mass historic until those things are done we can't say what the cost will be so I think we're all on all following what you said and it's it's right to raise it we're going to be looking at if there are costs what the costs are going to be and how they're going to be financed but at this point we don't we don't we don't know okay anything else so uh because I won't see you I I do want to thank you and anticipation of Thanksgiving and tell you how grateful I am for the service that that this committee does for the library and for the town it's really wonderful it's been wonderful to work with you and I look forward to continuing to work with you so I hope you have a great holidays I hope you get some downtime and if you really want to lift your spirits just go to the Jones Library it's always a good thing to do so have a good holiday thanks so much