##VIDEO ID:nxMY7OcXtB4## e e e e e e wow that's weird Greg can you hear me yeah I got you sorry about that that's that's that's on me um the other thing is I got hearing it said you have to acknowledge that you want to be here in order to be able to unmute and share and change your video well I didn't share your video anyway whatever hi hi um yeah I haven't looked at them a lot yet but I'm really appreciative of the DBA Bunches of things that you sent yeah write a letter of support of them or something I don't know what I mean I want to do it myself getting a trust to do it seems monumentally complicated but right well although you know I was grateful you know for I feel like um though we were a little you know we're often process oriented I feel like that was a good process what was it last week um yeah yeah I don't think it was a bad process I just think like one of these things are supposed to submit things by December 5th so sure and I think it's entirely appropriate for you know a sort of corer informal thing is for folks to just kind of take the information and act themselves you know um uh you know so yeah I'm not going to say as a me I'm just going to say me I live in town and this is what I have to say totally yeah I think that's right um I apologize now that we're all here I apologize for the tech difficulties um and I should disclose uh uh and I meant to email but I've been running around on a few things um um so I didn't notice this um so that's why I switched it to a meeting and I think that's what caused the password stuff um uh that's an oversight on my part um uh so I I defer to you know what what how do we want to proceed if at all um I'm okay going if if you all want to but I think if wait why should we why is there a question about proceeding um well because I didn't because technically I didn't notice this as a public meeting um so uh which we had done historically um um oh so nobody can get into it because they don't have a password so if a public person comes they won't be able to get in that's the problem right um uh correct yeah but uh it is being recorded and it is available yeah I think it's okay personally but um okay very well yeah all we can always email you um we have as many public participants now as no one's ever come anyway so nope as long as it's being recorded I think we're good all right so should we um and yeah and I I've been kind of working HPP stuff and a little bit out of the realm of the Strategic plan but um Erica I have not yet looked at what you sent um but should we review we were gonna talk about uh can can you talk about guidelines today right yep yep yep yeah and I have uh no way of having you half on my screen to see you guys and having the document on let me see let me yeah if you can put it up that'd be good I highlighted what I um either added or had questions about under the application it starts at 2019 I think just look here okay here it is um fiscal year 2019 all right let me just go to [Music] share okay and I can make this bigger here yeah you have to scroll all the way down because it looks like there's nothing there oh and this is okay um S I think we've gone through all that yeah yeah this is where we've been here um okay here's some highlighting yes uh yeah I actually highlighted um yeah starting there yep um you're gonna make it bigger right yes um and I wonder if I can sorry do the um one thing at a time you know it's in um yeah Google doc no which is okay but it's it's a Google it's actually I think still a Word document being viewed through Google Docs which is fine I the way to um yeah I couldn't get 365 on my computer it's just this chrome is infuriating I'm just trying to figure out find my zoom option here should be on your bar should be there we go yep um how's that good a little better but I can't read it how's that 200 yeah okay that's better that's good that's pretty okay yeah so for number two I just put in trust uses of trust funds because above it asks committed uncommitted other blah blah blah so I just to distinguish we're just asking about the trust funds there and then uh you had a DOT I couldn't get rid of this a DOT new construction so I did Box new construction that was all um okay so there should be a box there instead they should all be the same whatever the hell they are yeah sure y exactly all right then I just uh below and it messed everything up I the next one is I just added workers because we have homeless we have family elderly special needs housing with support services so I just added workers and it messed the whole area up okay um I sure yeah May can't yeah I think um we we have individual in here somewhere yeah I don't know like in this section it don't it just family senior homeless or at risk of homelessness special needs housing with support services and I just added workers so I there was no individual there okay so maybe I'll a worker could be an individual okay I mean they have to be working yeah I wonder if workers and family are I mean I think family is kind of I think sort of the generic catchall and you know and then I think some of these others have um you know they imply specific things around funding streams um and just development approaches in some cases um yeah I just uh this all just um brainstorming so you but let me just um let me just um give an example so you had submitted to us uh or yet shared with us one of the transmittals of uh an organization actually building on uh an apartment for a worker uh and that worker would be specific to supporting that organization what if they came to us and said you know these workers make very little amount of money um but we're paying them what the averages you know in western Mass could you give us 5,000 to support the development of that apartment you know so that's why I thought about workers especially after looking at the transmitt yeah even the thing that you just sent Greg there was some zba thing that was about somebody building something for their workers and that's what I think Erica was referring to you know so that so in that case um you know they um that's kind of outside of the formal affordable housing space um in that it wouldn't be I mean I suppose somebody could seek a deed restriction I I don't know why they would um but but and also that it wouldn't because it's it's uh it wouldn't kind of be in the bigger University affordable housing in that it's not it's not accessible to different folks so like I wouldn't go on the Shi list because there's no marketing plan there's no um there's no fair housing Dynamics to it it's just specifically for that employees of that company um so so what I mean that to me that doesn't leave it out you too it would for trust because we couldn't we couldn't fund it with well actually yeah I don't think that's we couldn't fund it with CPA money right that's for sure right but why can't we fund it with some other money because I'm pretty sure our trust guidelines suggest we have to you know that that anything we support has to have a marketing plan um like has to have an affirmative and and fair housing marketing plan and um and probably some sort of of of deed restriction um you know so that so the thing about that that project right is yeah ultimately this is a nitpick thing we can leave it in here you know I don't think it's gonna hurt anything to put in there but I guess just using that project as an example like if that if that owner were to come to us and say hey I'm building an affordable unit for you know for my employees even if we didn't identify other obstacles I think we would require um we we'd have to require some sort of of permanent deed restriction or if not permanent some sort of time named deed restriction on that apartment saying it will be affordable for this amount of time to to individuals of this income yeah um who are employees of UMass if UMass is doing it I mean I don't know I just we don't know what the I maybe it's just me but I'm don't feel like assuming limitations at this moment that maybe there's a way around and maybe there isn't but somebody else besides me have an opinion please the language that's that that we usually see in affordable housing is is Workforce housing not not workers exactly but Workforce yeah so I mean you know I think um agree and and you know I think Workforce housing is a term that we're you know kind of sector-wise we're moving away from in that I think what it what it is generally meant to imply is um uh generally a higher um Ami you know uh so to me the better way to get at that is just what we have the lower table here you know at one you know 80 to 120 I think is how they used to identify like Workforce but I think one of the things people have realized is like well people at 30 and below are also often part of the workforce as well and so it's sort of shorthand for like you know middle class people I think um uh but um so yeah so but but but that said I think yeah certainly there maybe there's you know I could you know people do farm worker housing in other parts of the state you know I mean so let's leave it in there I you know I don't it doesn't need to I think we're having kind of two parallel conversations of the the minor thing of should we have a box here and the bigger question of um of future possibilities so I'm I'm happy just to leave it um but I yeah yeah so the um the reason why I think it's important to leave is that um the application the way it's been written in the past implies construction but there's also preservation and there's also we've done rental subsidies and we've done emergency like helping with aers and so I think the if we're going to use an application for all requests the application has to have the ability to include request test like that so I don't know how to do that I just you know want to raise that sure yeah I think we should may come back and kind of ask that question universally after we go through here okay good all right I note that all right so then type of Housing and so my question was why aren't there questions about home development such as condos or homes one to three bedrooms this implies that it's just for rentals unless I'm reading it wrong uh see it says so so again I don't think this actually speaks to I I mean like you know individual family could be ownership or rental I think but it has rental above it sorry oh sorry sorry yeah there it is um agree um so um I think um maybe I think the better way they handle it so like these are effectively suggest like building typologies you know so maybe a way to do it is just to say like rental or owner you know have a have a single box for in fact actually I actually you know with a nod to my my my colleague Mr crowner here um maybe rental ownership or like limited Equity SL other um and then and and then and then this question leave leave it be why is limited Equity other not either rental or ownership um well because because I think there are models out there that kind of split the difference um you know like you know I mean some of the stuff I learned about that um uh Community Land Trust training had some interest you know I have a I have a pipe dream about you know some like you know doing finding a way to support some limited Equity like Co-op type stuff in the future you know I don't know who would build that but you know but like that to me seems like a good match for ammer you know sometime down the line if there was somebody willing to build it um um okay it still seems like the person the person owns something they maybe own their house instead of also to land under it but it's well I think like whatever I don't care that much just do whatever I don't okay as long as everything as long as it doesn't limit the possibility that's my greatest goal at the moment don't limit the possibilities at this juncture sure um and I'll come back and do formatting and stuff here wrest um um pardon my typing here I'm still um so yeah so then we have um I mean and then and then so if if we have this covering the sort of ownership for you the resident like tenure type like does this cover does this cover all the um um I would think then these boxes underneath here you don't need because you have this very specific bunch of things about Amis and number of rooms and so that's seems more that seems more useful to me than this thing of single room occupancy individual family group blah blah blah blah I mean that's all going to be clear if I'm looking at the thing below it I think so get rid of it or even above because you've asked what kind of construction or you know exactly I just not necessary SRO we could cover that we could cover individual f family okay works for me and you can get rid of my my question too sure um [Music] I just assume yeah yeah this works for me I mean I guess the some of the litech which is often what we support Sometimes they come in at 60 um instead of 50 um so you know put a column that says other describe whatever the hook you're think thing is I mean okay yeah and then I guess yeah because you know sometimes some of the aclt stuff I think is targeted at 70 maybe um so we'll add a your definition or Define or something other please define sure okay not here we are again okay so yeah um so if you just don't have that there and just say Pro for form of budget blah blah blah and letter is a financial commitment then you're fine just leave that out it already said what it was somewhere else we don't need to say it again for sure and we're kind of drilled in here but I yeah that that makes sense to me um but I wanted to sort of zoom out a little bit not that you know this is a good example is I'm kind of operating under the assumption here that we could put some sort of and I'm was gonna propose this you know when we came back around but I think it it's relevant to all these questions some sort of Preamble or or or introductory text that says give us the information have reflective of where you are in your applica where you are in your development process right like because there could be somebody asking for pre-development money that's not going to have a One-Stop application yet you know their performer might be very basic um um and I you know so can can I can we kind of go forward thinking that we can caveat it in some way y y okay all right cool all right just say something at the beginning like um please fill out the parts of this that are relevant to what you're asking for and and where you are and your develop are and you know if it doesn't apply a na or something or other I don't know and you can also say and note uh proceeding with the town you'll be asked for many of these so be prepared all right so I might delete so I'll delete this agreed any okay yeah um um performa last two qualifications what was this what was the heading Above This quite Financial Financial okay I don't know that's fine I guess okay then Financial just that there and then qual got it thank you I the letters and numbers are all kind of weird but you'll fix that yeah I'll fix that so describe applicants capacity I think we should um yeah I don't think you need that last statement on and they usually do I mean it's it's sort of one of the presentations you so we've done this and here are some places that are similar um is that okay Rob Carol if I delete that okay yeah um references um could you have related developments that are in process as well it's completed I don't know if all of these things just say if applicable behind them then or we say that generically somewhere anyway we yeah I think that kind of gets to the Preamble information you know like um so um this one here uh it just said the housing production plan and it's I think we agree that we want it really for it to focus on our action plan so we can get rid of the housing production plan but I didn't want to leave it since it was there I don't care if they're both there really but I want the action plan there yeah I agree I think it's fine c yeah I think the housing I mean I think Shelly was correct to rule out like you know the master plan and the you know all all the more comprehensive stuff um um I am I I'm chewing on whe on the housing production plan side you know I think um maybe um I'll highlight a chapter you know I'll highlight uh um well if you write housing needs and leave it there then they'll have to demonstrate where they got that data from I'm housing needs period sure okay yeah that works um oh you're housing needs period and okay and get rid all this yep okay great um so here I think we are agreeing to dispose all this right yeah okay one hopes that the town has done a reasonable job of incorporating those big things into this stuff that we're asking them to look at right right well I think but here we're saying we're not we're not requiring that you cross check the master that's our job not theirs in my op totally that's all I'm saying yeah yeah yeah um you know and you know if we get to where we're you know bending off multiple asks we can we can encourage them to you know do that you know off off the Record um give me support have you okay right those were notes to ourselves um so I just added or plan to and I think that was you know what you're um alluding to in terms of the Preamble you know if if you haven't already done it how do you plan to do it um okay so I'm just gonna like that um that works for me I didn't touch five um can we yeah can we revise this to reflect this more of this approach um yeah um so I'm not sure this is you can just have the title oh yeah okay so have that five be what's the status of site control yep okay that works that's good [Music] um can I just ask you what you mean by value I'm not sure I what that I I think maybe the original question um it's it's if you you don't want to um give someone $11,000 for a property it's only worth $50,000 ah thank you ah good call okay thank you oh that makes sense yeah totally thanks Rob there might be a better way to say it because at least I didn't get it without Rob yeah I wouldn't have gotten it either um EV of second control and document site value fin uh Financial value purchase of sale and agreement that wouldn't show that well I mean I think I um I think you I'm channeling maybe what my best understanding of what John War might have meant some years back but um I think he's giving examples here of of how this um this information might be documented okay okay y I mean someone could buy it for a dollar and then it's you know may not be worth more than 50,000 or be donated right but I mean I think but you know so for example if you know um yeah if somebody Quire her for a dollar and then ask us for 50 grand for acquisition that wouldn't make sense you know so yeah okay I don't think I have too much below let's see okay oh I have one down below yeah I just made it foreseeable environmental challenges I think yeah how are they going to know until they do a you know sort of a environmental review or inspection or whatever some of the times that's what before going out at least to ask for rfps or whatever they're called the trust and the town have done that stuff first so that when somebody goes to put in their proposal they know what they're dealing with because it seems like makes a dramatic difference what it's going to cost and take to do something if it's got a lot of wetlands or if it doesn't it sure does but I mean that's a scenario where we own a property and can vet that stuff in advance you know where we have site control like we did with the the East Street school for example but I mean with um community homes they did themselves or 132 as well you know I mean so and I I guess the the one thing some of the stuff gets out of our out of our lane a little bit and I think we talked about this some with yeah Shelly and I'm wondering like just you know I'm good for deleting it but you know it just it's a matter of you know if they if we look at the map and they you know have Wetlands on the map like you know um with the ammer community homes it was very clear that there was a whole area that was considered Wetlands I mean it's going to be a question that's going to come up from us maybe it's a qu what was the thing we said about um what is the status of site control or something maybe the thing to say with these ones is what is the status of the environmental whatever all these things are supposed to be so that if they know something then they'll tell us and if they don't they'll tell well what we're going to do when if we get control or I don't know what they'll say but it'll just if we just ask it as where is your what's the process where are you in the process of this sort of or you know what can we say like what challenges do you or see and so and maybe close you know so it's basically like um you know what challenges do you foresee regarding environmental challenges and have you made any plans yet on addressing them or even if there aren't any I don't know just where are you in the process of thinking about these things I think this is I can't remember this is Shell's note in here I think it might be no it's me oh is it you okay because I rewrote it just describe foreseeable environmental challenges and gave some examples and the plan for addressing these challenges yeah I think this actually covers it CU it's you know we're saying what what you know what do you foresee right now we're not asking like you know what's you know for detailed environmental information right so should we just follow Erica's proposal here and that's fine go like yay and that you know and I it's interesting because I think C would come really after d because once we would see the pre preliminary site plans we would see some of that I mean even with VFW there was a whole section to the left of the property that had a huge grade um and then you'd see that there might some be some challenges there yeah um what if I see I'm happy to move that down below D is that yeah I I don't care fine um okay I propos Scene so here I was challenged with um it's not just individuals who um uh are handicapped who need uh who are who have disabilities but also I think you know Elders who may I mean I wanted to put down universal access because I really think people should think about universal access people get older in place so I I didn't know how to write that but you if we can encourage universal access that you know somebody could have a temporary disability uh someone could be a senior with a disability and a senior who doesn't have any disabilities so I was just trying to be more Universal around this can't you just go describe how the proposed project will in blah blah blah just leave out the middle part describe how how the project how the proposed project describe how the proposed project at least go to there and then leave that part out sure and you've got it I think yeah that's fine that looks good though I think that's minimal versus universal access but that's fine yeah we can't make them do more than what the state and local and federal laws require well know we can't make them but I mean we can you know if if will'll comply with or exceed yeah or something yeah that's good I like that um so I I just looked at this and I thought so I'm gonna look at these people I have no idea who they are do we need that it might be good to have but especially with somebody like rob you have experience with you know organizations you might see something as a red flag like oh dear not that organization or not that uh engineer or architect um but I wouldn't know any of these people from Adam it just end up looking at resumés basically so I don't care if it's there it can be I like the fact that it says if um no if not yet identified or something yeah I think we should keep it and I and I guess the part of me is thinking you know forward about you know hope hopeful for a time when we have a broader set of actors focused on on building in the region and you know I would love to find a way to support an emerging developer you know like um and for example it might be the case that like somebody doesn't have any projects under their belt but yet but they have a crack development team and that would give me some you know I'd be cautious about somebody who had never done something like this before but I'd be reassured perhaps by you know if they had a great architect and a great attorney and a great um you know so I think like leaving this in conversely if somebody has big Grand plans and doesn't list anybody here you know like that that's also could also be a signal so I'm I'm inclined to leave it leave it um I don't think I touched any of these things yep yeah that's eight seems good you know it's it's important in the process but I it's just proposed as the Preamble we're just seeing what's proposed I mean I I was absolutely um very happy with Valley's um marketing approach I mean they they exceeded oh for sure yeah I mean they and I guess maybe that's what we're because there you know the the the the basics there's eight different layers that are obligating them to that outside of us you know um but I suppose yeah we should keep it because I because I suppose if there's some scenario where you know like for example like again aclt probably isn't pulling from some of those State funding resources that are requiring those things so in a case like that we would be the entity that is vetting that stuff up front essentially you know um the point the point to me is this is important to us whether it's important to whoever else that's up to somebody else this is important to us so it should be here okay maybe C could I ask if could maybe we could subtract construction complaints why well if we think about the Practical approach to this your the developer is going to have to make that request of their contractor um that's fine you know compl how about just getting get rid of construction just write complaints yeah I I guess I'm open to the I think the housing piece here is important it's the construction complaints which is that that's a very different um thing for a prospective applicant to track down um and it covers a different um to to me that's that that's the building Department's concern you know is is you know is are the construction companies working safe it's not our concern um it's a town concern a town has an anti- wage theft bylaw and it seems like that's where that sort of maybe it could be a different maybe should be C I don't know but it don't want you don't want to be hiring some contractor who has a bunch of bad labor practices for yeah agree I'm just I'm just I guess I'm just I'm I'm really weighing whether that's our lane or not as the Housing Trust um and because I'm thinking just practically because like really what's going to happen is like you know in a lot of cases you know developer contacts construction uh Team especially when they're not like bonded yet and they're not going to have a formal contract yet with a construction company the construction companies never me say no we don't have any complaints against us and the there will probably not be like maybe there's a state database or something but you know but you know so I don't I I don't know what like I think um a lot of people are just going to sort of Breeze by that and then the F and and then the folks who really take it seriously are going to have a really hard time getting genuinely accurate information especially at this stage um you know and I and I also too I I have to say like you know as as towns go you know our you know our construction and and building inspection and you know the the folks who are on that side of things it's far more robust frankly than most town in this area and so to me I just think like that's we should defer like things like construction complaints to this the side of the house that's like actually focused on the weeds of construction um can we just have complaints in there so I'm just thinking like for example this is just an example oh maybe I shouldn't mention any names because we're recorded but let's just say we work with a developer and we find out that this developer worked in another small town to create affordable housing they never completed the project um they went way way over budget way way over timelines and there were actually complaints from the municipality against that developer um I mean I don't know if that's realistic or not but you know I'm just wondering uh any Maj I mean complaints if we just write complaints or I mean I I I'd be happy to swap out the word other uh for construction here I guess to me like construct construction complaints implies um right yeah GID constrction yeah I mean Carol is that okay if if we just put in the word other here instead of construction or just complaints not even other just fair then it's housing fair housing complaints might be other things it has fair housing and or other it has to have other sure or it's way too limiting I guess I just um I mean I think you're probably right Greg that it's someplace else that is going to catch a contractor who has a crappy relationship with their employees or with other towns or with whoever in the world we're talking about it's probably on the developer to make sure that they don't do something like that uh so well yeah I mean constru I guess it's okay just yeah and and I see keep in mind too some of these construction you know I mean like you know you know uses like you know fairly large construction firms for example that are you know they're working on you know municipal buildings or they're working on you know a whole range of different things and like you know yeah I mean like for example you know the school I haven't been following it too closely with the school thing is held up based on you know I don't know yeah I think construction complete just opens a can of worms so you know so I think here uh you know really where we getting at here is like you know are there you know this is your opportunity for dis for full disclosure you know um I'm just want to just cover everybody developer sponsor the other thing too is we don't write construction contractor here either no I don't know that we ever knew anything about like Western Builders was Valley's builder at 32 Northampton Road or whatever its address was did we have anything to do with them I don't think so you know C but certainly though my colleagues sitting across the way though absolutely do you know when they're um you know they're on site a lot uh for inspection stuff so um okay okayed timeline great this is important let's keep it this is where I say gut whole thing I Del agree I mean if you have it's an this is somebody applying to us it's not I don't know this is like an RFP thing and I don't like a lot of it anyway yeah this really is this really is Prejudice toward people who've already done this a million times every most of the things that get you over a lot of the things anyway that get you over to being highly something or other are you have done this a lot I was like yeah I mean this is use this is like maybe useful guidance but I I don't quite see why I mean I mean I guess I suppose it perhaps provide so so the developer giving you all the stuff they want that you want and this is kind of like the thing that tells them here's how we're going to grade what you give us right and and so then the question becomes have we really have we really weighed this you know we don't we don't use this um this we use this for the RFP this is what um Carol you and I and I'm going to forget the consultant's name um developed uh for the RFP Rita Rita right we developed it for the Northampton no for the um beler toown Road and the East Street School I I really think this I think you know if I were a developer i' have to read all of this and try to meet the highly advantageous but then we you know they come to us and we're sitting in a meeting and we're reviewing this we're not using this as a measure um and so I mean if you look at the top what I wrote was what we should write is a little further up um with regard to value in the application we can state that the trust will determine approval based on how well the application furthers the trust action plan viability of the project and the trust resources available that's what we measure by yeah yeah I agree um um yeah I mean I I think you know so I think really yeah certainly I agree this is it's not really transparent to say this is how we evaluate things and then not equip everybody with it I guess maybe the question becomes is you know is is Erica's sentence here uh I like Erica s yeah I I guess that to me you know does this does this you know short and sweet you know does this cover is is this a reasonable representation of how we evaluate projects I guess I think it is Rob yeah okay I I agree so yeah I'm happy to um get rid of this and and I do think this is a good guidance for us you know and it could Inspire some you know some conversation or whatever but I don't think it's it belongs here so okay um um all right so here I go because I I have an old copy of this I suppose so I'm not gonna we all have copies of it there there look at that um I mean if you wanted we could create a principal document for for the trust and then it would be sort of or let's not I said let's not I don't the more the thing is all of that kind of stuff partly tends to change in a way that makes sense what if we had some principle document before do you think it would have led us to support the Craigs doors thing which seems in a way like an outlier or or even the the thing the project we made to help fund housing in covid I think that we just we can limit ourselves too much we're we're here to do this the people who are in the trust are not going to suddenly decide to build someplace to Launch bons it's just like I I think we could have maybe Rob thinks we are going to launch balloons I don't know I just feel like the generic statement is is useful and all of us have to talk about it it's not just one person saying this is the way it is so right I I think it also reflects the realities I've been on the trust since 2019 and the only time we used that chart was when we had an rfr it was created for the rfr we've never used I mean I've never used it again when people come and present you know we listen to their presentation which has most of the information that we asked for above in this application and then we make a determination after we didn't even we didn't even use it then we created it and whoever was the group of people who who decided they're the ones who used it we didn't even use it then somebody else did um yeah and I think you know I I suspect a lot of this was created you know well before everything was operational and I think you know I think a lot about you know Laura Baker made a comment a few months ago about you know we have not yet really arrived at a point where we had more projects than money you know like the issue has been project you know so I think if we were evaluating seven different projects at the same time it would probably behoove us to have to be a bit more rigorous in some sort of scoring Matrix or you know or something along those lines but but that's not where we are you know um yet but we can come back and you know that would be a happy problem to solve um uh should we need to so um okay is there more we should cover now I mean we we should talk about process with this thing but um was there other stuff we were G to cover forgive me for not knowing that but okay I hope not no I think this was it so then I'll work on the formatting and you know the highlighting and and work on making this clean in fact I'm gonna download a copy um uh right now um um but I guess then we should we should deliver this to the full trusts for approval is that make sense for review but I think we're gonna have to clean it up somewhat sure well sure yeah I would go through and do the so should I maybe I'll go through and do the formatting and then and then share a pack with this group does does that make sense or you yeah yeah make okay cool and then from there we can we can get to the full trust um all right many thanks this was great we got five minutes to spare look at that um Carol sorry I was gonna ask if Rob and Greg um you want to decide on our next small group funding meeting oh sure oh on your funding meeting our we're our our our small group our working group based on the action plan GNA leave you're excused bye good to see you Carol hanging how how are your uh are you guys both recovering as you'd hoped yeah it's a lot I mean you know that's only one week out from a full knee replacement so she's all right and I'm going to the doctor today hopefully to have them tell me that my kneecap is healed although I've been kind of acting like it was for a little while anyway so all right anyhow we're getting there we're getting there thanks hang there been thinking about you okay take care take care um gotta get those two healthy or the town will fall apart um uh so Erica you had thrown some dates out right remind me yeah any day from uh the first week of December so the 3 the fourth and the fifth I'm wide available Rob you're still muted sorry I'm I'm uh available all day on the third um less available on the other days but but but still available third is actually pretty open for me as well okay okay decide a time um so I'm back to uh um my window on the third will be uh like being to myself like 9:45 to um to like 2:30 some somewhere in there um so maybe we could do um like 1:30 sounds good all right I will I mean should should we make that just a monthly meeting or are are your schedules not quite I'm available Tuesdays are usually good for me okay um and then January okay that'll be the um was that the first yeah that that'll be the seventh um seventh actually might not be good of January now I look at it um we had that we have the um well why don't we be prepared to decide that on our okay well let's do we'll do December yes so let's let's let's do the December meeting on the um what do we say the Tuesday the 3 at 1:30 yes oh send out yeah you're gonna have to post it and we're gonna have to have an agenda yes very general um and so yeah so Rob um uh if you wanted to send me like and I think it can be I mean if you want to do something detailed you can but I think it can be as simple as like you know fleshing out our strategies yeah you know I think that's all we need yeah that's okay all right so I'll just do that um there there we go we have approval okay you know so fleshing out our strategies and next steps um and Y all right cool and um are we gonna make this in person or Zoom um I'm open I'm available either um Rob you're the one who's working yeah it's it's easier for me to do Zoom but but it is also nice to get out for a little walk um so it sort of depends on what the weather will be that day which you can't tell um shall we plan on impers well actually NOS for posting purposes and proba we get to know in advance um what snow you know what weather all right so let's let's do in person um and and and I'll I'll try and you know let's let's try and look at the look at the weather a week out and if we need to adjust we C okay perfect all right you're gonna get us the same space Oh yeah sure all right perfect sounds good thank you so much good to see you guys likewise thanks thanks for your work y bye bye