##VIDEO ID:3dKSP5qxf2E## e e for for afternoon slash evening everybody can you hear me Alan I can oh good we're going to wait for few more people to join yeah they have balance to daughter's horse riding lesson so I don't know if I disappear suddenly because I had to I could the urge to do this in front of this glorious look at this tree behind me beautiful it looks like it's growing out of your head I wait for people I'll ask you for some free treat bites ready ready I have a I planted a Riv Birch in my yard 15 years ago beautiful grew fast seemed healthy had three you know River Birches do it had three runers the center one in a recent storm something happened to it and I had to cut it so now I've got two that are like this should I there they're not there it's a big tree but it's not a huge tree should I C them let it seems like they're just like a big be that's just gonna split again at some point it's a hard thing to diagnose from a distance I know yeah I mean um you have multiple stems coming from the ground essentially is what you're telling me yeah yeah yeah um yeah that's a tough one um you could definitely put a cable in it you could um if one is more dominant than the other one and more upright you could try to yeah you know remove one stem and grow a single stem tree um it's a river birch if it's healthy it's gonna continue to grow it'll put out a lot of suckers and grow new new um you know new stem right from where you cut the other one out so thank you then you're kind of broken up you're a little choppy so just to people may not get make it every other word I'll go on mute I think Henry was going to join us that's Weir so I think Henry Julian are now panelists anyway can you hear me your mic sorry I uh work um hi I'm calling you hold on um I cannot there's no links to um show my video or anything like that that's odd I don't know how to do it so I can hear and I guess you can hear me now so yeah but this is a different uh Zoom than ever encountered I join his panelist let me level yeah you need to be a panelist I think ah start there we go okay okay it looks like we have a quorum but uh is this the your hearing or our meeting this is my hearing I'm going to open the tree hearing shortly and then we're going to break and you're going to open your tree committee meeting um and heavier discussion and vote and then close your meeting and we'll open the tree hearing back up again that'll all be on this link yes okay so I think we got everybody right Sarah and Brit I don't know but we can start okay let me just check one more time here and welcome Ellen Helen I mean glad you could join us you're muted if you want to say anything I I see that I unmuted I just want to make sure that uh Rich from elpine Drive is okay with the connection yes thank you okay all right so um let's get this going and if to see Shona she should close her curtain behind her so this the light is not behind her I'm going to open the tree hearing now it's um it is August 13th a little after 4:30 in accordance with the provisions of Mass General Law chapter 87 Section 3 shade trees the tree Warden will hold a public Shar public hearing on August 13 2024 at 4:30 pm in a virtual Zoom hearing ID number 845-9498 trees tree removal for the proposed roundabouts on Heatherstone intersections with alpine and Echo Hill trees impacted by this project indicated by diameter at breast height which is 4 and a half feet off the ground um a 22inch white pine 5in Catalpa and a 6inch Norway maple so we um I had a site visit with the public shat Tre committee um week ago two weeks ago um to review this my understanding is that um from the engineering department that the roundabouts are moving forward um the white pine uh technically wouldn't need to be removed it's not actually in the road uh as part of the roundabout project but it's so close to the road it's going to be within two feet that um there'll be a significant disturbance in the root Zone and um probably a little too comfortable having a tree that close to the road that would probably die uh in a number of years to come the Nori Maple and Catalpa actually fall within um or right on the edge of the [Music] roundabout um gu line drive so uh let's see what I'm going to do now then is I'm going to close the hearing we open it up to the publ sh Tre committee to have their discussion and to make your vote um and then we'll open it back up to the public shade tree hearing so I'm going to close the tree hearing temporarily at 4:39 Henry do you want to open the public shade tree meeting we will open the public shade tree hearing meeting at 4:39 Bennett will you take notes I'm so sorry I'm doing this remotely not near laptop um okay I can't take the notes I apologize Ellen can you do it sure just give me a sec yeah all right um is there some discussion or do we want to start with a motion any discussion Helen do you have something to say or to say this tree this neighborhood I don't I don't really approve of the roundabouts but I don't have any input on that but if the roundabouts are going in and they remove these trees there are many other trees just adjacent to any of the trees that are being removed so I don't see any reason why it would be a problem to remove the trees in question okay thank you and there's a Joe H here would you like to speak no and I think that's all guests um okay so then Richard rich mlen or McAn I don't see him in my list of oh was an attendee hold on he's there Rich mlan yes sorry would you like to than you yeah I'm resident Alpine Drive I support both the roundabout project and the removal of these trees to support that project thank you all right thank you so shade tree members anything any comments or do we want to go right to a motion I don't see um any reason to oppose at this time with these particular trees I feel like um it' be better to uh fight another day on another on another issue okay do you want to make a proposal um well if anyone else wants to speak first um I would say speak and then if not I propose that we I don't know how to like not interfere or not oppose this I I guess I move that our action is that we take no action on trying to um interfere with the tree removal other comments um I agree with our um guests um and tashana as well I didn't see um a significant issue with the proposed tree removal there's it's a very heavily wooded area and I assume the rest of the woods will be protected all right I'd like to amend your wording to say we accept uh the decision of Allen on this and we won't take a stand is that good me I second that that as written by you okay all in favor okay for in favor any opposed or abstentions I abstain okay I just wasn't there for the visit yeah all right so we agreed to um accept uh Alan's decision whether to remove the tree or not and not to oppose this in any way I'll close the shade tree meeting at 4:43 right I will open the tree hearing back up at 4:44 um is there any other public comment regarding the removal of the trees no and I'm going to leave because the rest of the meeting doesn't concern the year the trees across the street from my house thank you thank you so I don't see any questions I see Shana waving I was I was waving goodbye to hel and saying I see you at the picnic perhaps no I'm not a member of the Echo Hill Association I'm grandf father I've lived here since 1965 and I'm 90 years old so you know okay is talking about the shade tree committee picnic which happens at 5:30 at I'm not going to that either thank you though bye bye thanks for coming yeah all right so then without any objections um either before or during the tree hearing regarding the removal of these trees I will approve the removal of these trees for the roundabout projects on Heatherstone um and we'll um close the tree hearing at this point okay thank you everybody yeah see you all in 45 minutes yeah