##VIDEO ID:Dm8kFPio5WM## good morning everyone it's uh today is September 20th and this is the elementary school building committee seeing that we have a quorum I'm going to call the meeting to order but my first task before turning it over to Margaret to preview uh the agenda is to make sure all the committee members can hear and we can hear them so I'll just call out names and let me know as well Melissa here Jonathan here Tammy okay I'll come back to Tammy um Bruce yeah Paul here Deb here rert presid and unaccounted for thank you Simone here and Tammy uh let's see did I miss anybody I don't think so Tammy uh just let us know when you've logged on that you can hear us I can see that you're on but I don't see a picture de Leonard also joined us I think while you were doing that who else joined us Deb Leonard yeah we got Deb I got Deb I think and I've we have Tammy twice I obviously trying there may be some connection issue with Tammy so why don't we get started um and Margaret will preview tell us the agenda and remind people about uh the overall schedule and then we'll get to the big news of the day yeah and actually Kathy I think I'm going to start with the big news of the day and then go to the schedule because I we know everybody is looking for news of the bids oh Kathy you need to enable screen sharing okay uh okay I believe I just did it you did thank you okay team alrighty except okay can everybody see the agenda yes okay so it's short by the way um we're gonna give you a report on the bidding followed by an update on the schedule um Because the bidding informs the schedule um and that is pretty much it there are some invoices to look at actually two months worth because we did this committee did not meet last month and then we'll be taking public comment so any questions about that before we launch no okay well it's been a while since we've seen you um we extended the bid period a couple of times um in response to questions that we received from the biders um we also discovered in the process we had got some latebreaking news from one of the utilities that they wanted a design change um and that has led this the the bids to come in um you know we had thought we would be giving you this report uh last month but the news is good um we are under budget and it appears that we have uh we have not 100% confirmed this yet but it appears that we have a low bidder so um here's where we stand so the in a nutshell the bid we received yesterday is this number 73475 now you will remember that um the we had pre purchased some things so this um chart kind of puts that puts it in Contex so um going well going backwards so this is the msba funding agreement number 81 3371 167 that is the number we wanted to be at or below um in fact when you add up all the pieces and the results of the bids were actually below that funding agreement by about 4.8 million which is really fabulous news so just to kind of go through the detail here's the early site package um and you will remember that there were savings there I don't remember the the exact number but maybe 1.6 million so what we've got here is a sort of Pyon of savings then you will remember that we recommended and we have moved ahead with pre purchasing some long lead electrical equipment which has been purchased um we are holding a value for the bidding of the installation of coren because uh again again hopefully you'll remember that the design team um and the city settled on this um sorry in the town bidding that independently because of the liability issues so the total that was committed before yesterday afternoon was a little over $3 million the low bidder yesterday is a company called CTA and I'm going to talk about them a little bit so what that means is the total of the committed costs or 76.5 million and again the value below the funding agreement is 4.8 so I mean this is this is great news um and then just as a reminder on the contingencies there are two kinds of contingencies the soft cause contingencies are for services and fees and we had a budget of 8813 we've committed a little bit of it we've talked about uh those numbers in previous meetings we had a construction contingency of a little over 4 million and um that has we used a little bit of that for uh the purposes of buying the temporary traffic signal so um in total we've still got the current available contingencies are 4.6 million so I'm going to stop talking for a minute and see if there are any questions about all of that Kathy has a question um why don't you go to Jonathan and Paul before me okay Jonathan well it's not so much a a a question is is I just want to thank the design team and and answer for for all their efforts and getting us to this point this is this is to me quite an accomplishment in a very volatile bidding Market so I will be brief and stop at that yeah and I I also want to give a huge a huge vote of gratitude to denisco and also to Bob parent who has sort of been our partner in this but at the end of the day the the bulk of the work the responsibility and the liability falls on denisco and they have are very much deserving of everyone's gratitude so Paul question uh yeah so um it'd be good to share the other two bids so we know what the uh universe is like for the three bids and um and note that even though this is a low bid it's still subject to review and you know contingencies on making sure that they're compliant with all the requirements that were in the bid docs yeah and we're gonna C's gonna talk a little bit about that okay good um Kathy I I saw Rupert's hand go up did it go down again rert okay so I I I want to I guess follow up on Pauls but also on Jonathan it this is thrilling news and when you put the other two bids up all three bids were below budget so we've got we had we have three viable bids which it means the project is now got a green light other than what Paul just said so I didn't know the timing on that review of the ca bid Margaret um on when when this is final was my first question and the second is my understanding of when we come in below budget will this move on to the contingency line so we'll we'll be seeing that we're under our Target budget but it means we've got a an even bigger buffer looking if if that's correct because this we'll we'll have to put out some sort of what I'm asking is sort of timing on letting the broad Community know the good news but letting them know it accurately so thank you so let me let me talk to the contingency uh to the what happens with the savings because that's an easy one I'm going to ask Cena to talk a little bit about the other biders um uh or to show you uh because actually all of this information is online by the way if anybody wants to take a look at it so what will happen now because the M the msba were they were on us yesterday morning like send us the results you know we want to see the results of the bib just checking we're on target um the very next thing that will happen is they will write to the town and say you have bid savings what do you want to do with it and um what we would recommend the standard procedure is that the town uh prepare a letter which we can provide a template for which says that the bid savings will go into contingency that would be the standard practice so that's really Paul's call um but that I mean that's really typically what we see so um cassena do you w to respond to Kathy's question by sharing a little bit about bid docks and where people can see this information yeah let us uh show you a few more things that we prepare that may help to clarify and then we'll take more questions um they might crystallize and some might get answered along the way so first oh you know what and I'm having trouble sharing my screen um I it's only one person at a time it's it it says you can share while while you're strugg finding that let me just make sure Alicia just joined us and Tammy's here so Tammy can you hear us and we can hear you yes thank you you got to hear the good news that's great Alicia yes I can thank you Kathy okay welcome Cass I have bib dos up do you want me to share the bib dos pan okay I think it's finally working okay great I apologize it's my my zoom the last several days has been misbehaving um okay so I think you know by now that I'm a big fan of pretty pictures uh for clarifying where we are in the general sense um the bar overall bar represents the entire project budget um and within that um the green bit is what's already under contract uh you mostly architect OPM and early site package right um with a few little Services here and there added in the um testing agency is in there uh the third party testing agency that's going to be making sure that the construction is up to the correct standard of quality the little pink bar is the electrical equipment was that was pre- purchased in order to get ahead of some of the lead time issues that the electrical industry has continued to experience actually more rather than less since the pandemic um and since all the wars in the world and then the uh highlighted section is the total of the blue and the yellow together of a total of the bids that were what we received um today uh we presented a version of this uh in the last meeting which I guess was now two months ago where that this overall bar was longer by about $4 million right and at that time the only news we had is the file sub bids that were received at the time uh this is more or less the same on this part as it was except that uh we had to Reid electrical and repackage a little bit um but all the is still in there overall um so a little less than half um of the low bid the the apparent low bid uh to be confirmed is those bids that we showed you the you know the good news seeming good news that we had a couple months ago um or was it a month um and the yellow is the new news that we received uh yesterday and that includes the general contractor's own costs and all the costs of the trade bids that are not uh subject of a file sub bid law so we don't get to see the detail of those um it's tempting to dig deep and analyze um on a on a on a trade bytrade basis when you first get the uh file STS because you can see them right you don't get to see inside this number as much but the but the good news obviously is that because the overall package uh came in at a lovely savings again presumed and to be confirmed but all of the general bids were under um that leaves us a l larger contingency um at the end we had about $4 million tracking before and now about another four is added to that um and the little pink section here is what's left to procure and that is um things like furniture for the building technology for the building um more or less that um the things that the next steps to get um the general contractor under contract is to have them submit forms that they are allowed to submit after this point um to demonstrate that they're able to commit and able to perform work in compliance with the diversity requirements um so you know uh women and minority owned business participation within their bids so we'll be um in touch with the parent flow bidder to get that sorted out um if all goes well we'll we'll then proceed to contract award um I do want to show you I do have bid docs open and I want to show you how one gets here um if you wanted to look at this yourself uh bids.com just bids.com you don't have to log in you click on the big giant orange button at the top it says bid listings and then you search either for AMR or I type for Fort for Fort rower because it's pretty unique um you go to the project and then on the left panel you go to bid results and you could see the three bid bids will pause here because we this is information we want to see but I just also wanted to show you that you can download the bids um I am confident that all the biders have downloaded each other's bids and they are looking um at that too so the second bidder was J&J um at a little over $75 million and the third bidder was Fontaine at 75.6 million where as CTA was at 73 and a half rough roughly so the second and third bids were somewhat closer to each other and CTA was um a substantial benefit um so uh more competitive um so that is where we are any questions on any of this I guess my my one would be to you and the team Ceno as you're doing this review when is it Final in terms of um uh green light that we're we're ready to go when CTA submits the necessary documents specifically regarding uh minority and women-owned business participation and we confirm that those documents say what they need to say right um and that if there's further um if there's nothing further necessary at that point because there are satisfying requirements we proceed to contract execution um which will take as long as signing you know the Dual signing of the contract with and C they they have they have a week to do submit the m& WBA right they do have I think they have they might have 10 days yeah they have a week but uh we're hoping that they will be eager to act sooner I see Bruce's hand is up Bruce um I noticed then that that bid spread between the three biders is about 2.2 million I guess a question perhaps for anyone um denisco I suppose can we uh can we draw any conclusions from that brid spread I mean seems to me to be fairly narrow that seems to be good but uh I'm a long time out of the game I'd just like uh to see what whether whether we can be confident of of uh it seems to me that this is an indication of confidence in the documentation but I just like some comments on uh what we can learn from the brid spread uh on on one hand um there's a distance between CT and J&J uh CTA already just casually reached out to the office uh uh saying they uh you know are are already willing and want to know the next steps uh immediately so that kind of um allayed any fears that maybe CTA might be looking at a mathematical error which which is something that can happen when somebody is much lower than the next bidder so that's out of the woods uh I think that CTA was very aggressively trying to establish a foothold in the uh western part of the state and uh we've built schools with all three of these these biders so I think that they know us and it was a pretty aggressive Market is it yeah it's about a the spread between about 1% I mean it's it's a very small spread and you know again to to John's comment to me this indicates the documents were very good right that there that the biders are not finding a big discrepancy and what they see is the value of the project Jonathan I I agree with Margaret that that's that's a really nice tyght cluster of of bids um it pleases me um I want to do um two things I don't see any other hands I want to just give you a little bit of information about CTA and then I'm hoping that Rick and Tim who have worked with CTA might say a little bit about that experience so um about CTA I mean you can find this website um this is their website they're based in walam they were founded in 2000 um um it's I will say I would it's definitely in the uh world of contractors this is a younger firm right the three partners are Lyall Coughlin Pat Tomkins and Jeff Hazelwood um they have done a lot of public work their their body of work is largely um public work and I'm not going to click on these other tabs but you can see they've done Public Safety work they've done other kinds of work if you look just at their elementary schools um you'll notice that some of these are renderings and some of these are real photographs they have a substantial body of elementary school projects so I would encourage you to sort of poke around on their website and see more about them but Rick and Tim do you want to say something about your experience with CTA Tim you're muted we've had a good half dozen uh schools or so Tim right built with them uh Tim and I uh did a K5 in wuber that they did uh five or six years ago uh they did a Early Childhood Center in Lexington a couple years ago under a very very aggressive schedule they had 12 months to build a 20,000 000 foot new building uh and they did it uh Tim's had some recent experience uh as a building Committee Member so maybe he can talk a little bit about that yeah uh they just finished the elementary school in swamps got the dedication was this weekend actually um um It's a larger school it's 150,000 square feet on a less than 6 Acre Site and ledge was basically right at the surface and they had almost the same number of geothermal Wells and they did not have an early site package so um you know there's considerable complexity on a smaller site with the same schedule as us so uh you know between that experience from a building committee member's point of view and the work that uh Rick mentioned we did in wber uh where I was day-to-day with them um you know they're capable of of the task at hand okay I'm looking to see if anyone else has any other questions on other than a sigh of relief and and smiles of excitement that that uh we're going to be moving forward well and the other good news for this committee is that um the level of complexity that we've had in the last few months in terms of um moving pieces that um we needed to update you on um is going to now get simpler so this is my little overall view so uh let's see we are here right bits came in yesterday um we have a meeting in October October 18th and a meeting in November and then a meeting just before the holidays um on the the bid the bid the procurement line we're done with the major procurements so um we're now going to be working on the uh what once the documentation on mwbe um how they're going to meet those goals is satisfied we will move ahead with the contract award and although we haven't had a convers ation with them we do expect that they're going to be on site in early October so there are some introductions that need to be made to the district particularly to Tammy um but that's going to be happening sort of outside of um this group's view um the cons as a result of all of that the construction meetings will presumably also return um on a weekly basis in October and then there's a couple of I would say kind of closing out the Design Services piece um and moving into construction so um cassena and Bob parent are working with the town's insurer insur broker to confirm the pricing for this Builder Risk insurance and to execute that policy um aner and denisco working together on submitting uh 100% documents to the msba which is really a kind of close out piece with a final schedule and the and the bid package and then there is uh a package that goes to the uh usgbc uh that documents the lead intentions so um and then the last piece which is important is once the dust has settled on all of that um we will be working with the msba to draft What's called the the bid Amendment to the Project funding agreement so once it's bid then you sort of say okay this is the real cost of the project as opposed to the estimated cost of the project and that is where um we anticipate that the contingency what has what is Bid savings will sort of move in onto the contingency line Lem if that is Paul's Direction any questions about that Bruce has a question um it may be premature but um the the the the extra month that was taken in the uh bid process um do we anticipate any uh negative uh complexations or anything uh uh with the the next two years associated with a month delay at this point I mean seasonal so I don't know is there is there any is is there anything we have to pick up or focus on or or set our minds to to recover from that uh one month delay or is that uh more or less perfunctory first I think I'll say that uh General biders are not at all shy about complaining about the schedule during bid questions and there were none uh there were uh none when we issued the the delay in the rebid there were none when we uh uh issued uh did one of the changes uh in Scopes shifting from one uh sub bidder to general contractor uh scope of work and so on that end I don't think it's uh going to be an issue they still have until June I get all my years mixed up 26 right Tim to uh substantially complete the building and move on to the next so I think we're they're in good shape for that again the site is shovel ready uh the first thing that they're going to do is start pushing that big pile of dirt around to uh bring the whole site up to grade and they should be able to start digging foundation so they're still limited um to go as fast as they want to go uh submit those footing shop drawings and they can go I'll just add thank you re I'll just add that when you're still so far out from the end date of a project and the entirety of it is subject to the planning of how they'll go about executing it um it's a matter of money right it's a matter of money to add if they feel that it's short to add um money to their bid for overtime work to work Saturdays if they need to right like that those are the acceleration tactics um that if necessary get added and what's important here is that all of the delay that we've seen in the bid process happened before the bids were submitted it was known it was documented it was factored in and we still got got favorable bids so if there were mitigation strategies that the biders needed to apply um to get to the date that is required they have already factored them in that's good point so somehow uh screens are showing up sorry that was me um you know Margaret showed quickly by the next meeting dates and they should be on everyone's calendar for October November and December um the one exception might be Melissa um because you weren't on the original setting it up but she'll make sure and um there's also a plan as I understood it to show us meeting dates for next year so we can put holds on our calendar and just the the meetings will be shorter um we will have invoices um and updates and then there are pieces along the way but just to make sure everyone has those on their calender is the note I wanted to make there whole Melissa has been added to the hole okay she's been for this year yeah so I'm not seeing any other hands up so I think the next thing Margaret is the invoices that's right I'm going to turn it over to cinan Connor kindor I tell you pull it up now can we see it y perfect so as always I know it's been a couple of months but uh we've seen this a couple time our executive summary and um we can see here this is our path forward and it shows where we've been as well where we currently are so um at the moment it doesn't show the bids that just came in and that's because it was this report was run a couple of days ago before the bids actually came in and they're not under contract yet um as well but that will push it up we saw Cena's graph a little while ago and that'll push this yellow bar up to about this 80 million line once a contract is signed so next time we should have a much larger chunk of this white um uncommitted uh piece filled in but this green piece is the previously invoiced uh amounts this black little sliver right here this little line is the current invoice package which includes um both invoices from the July package and the August package and the yellow here is the current unbuilt portion of contracts we currently hold and down here the current invoice package which we will get to is just a little over um $200,000 and that is less than 1% of the total project budget uh this has stayed the same since last time it just shows our spending on feasibility uh soft cost and uh hard cost which includes the projection for the um uh construction with the bits we just got this is our cash flow right here we can see these green lines here our previous invoice packages and our current invoice package right here which lines up with this yellow line which just shows where we are in time uh August so this current invoice package includes these two little green lines down here um which is the July and the August invoice packages uh these gray lines which hopefully it's not too hard to see on your screens that now Sharon can kind of mess it up sometimes but that was our original projection and we can see we're not too far off of that at the moment the blue is our current projections uh going forward and then these lines are just cumulative projection lines how these stack up over time and you can see our green Bo here how much we have currently invoiced for uh at this time which is about a little over 8 million and that includes the early site package things like that too so just stay on it in a moment on to the invoice package and I'll zoom out a little bit so we can pull it all together hopefully you guys can still see it okay but like I said this invoice package includes invoices from both the July package and the August package so that's why we have two answer invoices um on this package and those combine we have one for July which for about $177,000 and one for August which about $195,000 and they combine for about $365,000 which is about 1% of uh aners contract and well completed billing um about almost 30% of our contract at this point with about 70% remaining likewise denisco also has invoices for both July services and August Services as well as um some consultant invoices and in total that adds up to be about 3% of their total contract uh 70% complete as the design phase is mostly over bidding phase is mostly over so they just have uh you know construction tasks that need to be done so another 30% here to still Bill and then we have a couple of old invoices that were paid um a long time ago that are just on here for record purposes there a couple Gazette ads uh for couple procurement items I believe um the generator and the switch gear that um I think a talked about earlier as some of our pre- purchased electrical gear so now scrolling into our invoices this is the first answer invoice for July sorry and the backup here let me know if you guys have any questions either about the invoices as we scroll through them or um the reports that we showed at the beginning so this is the August invoice for answer the back up here the first denisco invoice this for one they're consult the invoices reimbursable voices next um Denis goo this is their July invoice I believe yep July invoice just the backup here to that last dco invoice and then this is the August denisco invoice now moving on to the Gazette ones which have already been paid just on here for record is it before we move on to the vote Conor would you mind jumping back to the executive summary at the top I want to say and the word about the cash flow so projecting construction cash flows long in advance is a bit of a guesta meting educated guesta meeting game um as we get into onboarding a contractor executing their contract we're going to get more specific information from them and this will become updated uh so they will always only be um cash ining of a part of a work that's theirs and ours will always in incorporate the other services and expended expenses that are part of the process Services the overall and as we get Beyond this point so um Melissa Connor and I have had a really um incredibly productive conversation earlier in the week about um how to present um going forward the service that is a contingency right that we you know once we establish and confirm going into um construction what that number is so next time you see this it may look a little different and we're open to comment on how you would prefer um it presented um this is showing that all the money in the project it's projecting spending all the money in the project by the end of a a job is not the goal right is not a goal to to do that it is not a goal to um spend all of the allocated contingency um it's just far premature to be to talk about not doing that also right so it's a kind of a conservative picture um so next time you see this what we'll do is we'll make it easier to see on this graph how much of this is projected uh spending associate with contracts that are under um that are executed um and we'll probably take all of a contingency money and move it into one specific month toward the end toward the back of it just graphically so it sticks out literally like a sore thumb um or like a very healthy thumb because it's healthy to have contingency um so uh that that is just some like a thing to understand about it um and that uh you know graphically right now it's laid out in a somewhat simplified way and you will start seeing it take more realistic shapes as we move forward right I think we're ready to ask for a vote I move to approve the invoices has presented Shane seconds and um if you take this down I can see all the faces to call I should just first see if there are any questions on any anything that was just presented and know I think as everyone knows when we're seeing these have already been reviewed by staff so it's we're not seeing them for the first time so I will call out based on the order of people on the screen Melissa yes Bruce yes yes rert yes Jonathan yes Deborah yes Tammy yes Paul yes Simone yes Elicia yes and IMA yes it's unanimous with I believe three people missing Allison Ral and Doug are there any other comments or questions before I open it up um I I see cassa's hand is up I will let everybody else take a moment if I let anybody else go first if anybody wants no okay so I just want to say that as we prepare to resume construction on site um we'll be out there so it'll be supported there will be nothing that should change about the traffic pattern because we'd already put the fence perimeter for construction in place we' already put separate access a separate access driveway into that construction perimeter in place we've already got the other Drive driveway dedicated to school traffic uh people have already had a little piece of the spring to start getting used to it um and in terms of so this might be one of the loveliest I mean fingers and toes crossed with to get going into the major end of a project fingers and toes crossed because we've already sort of I I'm I'm going to say done a dry run for this because it had um all of the complexity and communication around it that was necessary at the time but we essentially the contractor is going to come in that into a space that's been sitting empty and protected for them and begin their work there um H if there are noise that's the only thing right um or uh traffic like the heaviness of traffic um concerns and issues we continue to be open please contact us anybody in the public you know Tammy I'm looking you to especially um as we go on but we are as well set up to get going without a whole lot of you know initial hoop lot as we could possibly be again fingers and toes crossed and I'm hoping it didn't just jinx us that's great any other comments or questions um okay I am not seeing any hands up um I'm going to open it for public comments we are opened for public comments please raise your hand if you would like to speak okay I see one person Maria I have uh allowed you to speak thank you so much Maria kapiki South amorist um congratulations truly um this is what a good project and a good project team looks like um from the design to the documents that were clearly uh well put together to go out to bid to the presentations thank you cassinia for all your very clear presentations about what's going on um uh so pleased to have this kind of contingency also going into the project amazing great work there uh we all you are well aware that there have been a number of us in the uh public that have been following this closely and we've had a lot of uh disagreements or or information to share and you did hear a lot of that and you responded to that and that is uh much appreciated um speaking as a member of the community uh I am so pleased that the fields are going to be improved as part of this and that was able to be included in this that's going to make a huge difference to not only the school and obviously the school is the primary focus but that was really important um and I'm hoping that all this means that the back stop is secured so hopefully that can be in there um also I just want to say how wonderful it is that we're going to be moving the ball forward with this project on climate and environmental goals the geothermal the the PV and the fact that this is going to be Net Zero the core Keen the fact that this is going to have uh such a low eui uh I'm hoping that this also means that and I I'm not sure where this factor in I'd love to hear about it at the next meeting that all the equipment and those kind of purchases um can be made uh that they are the most energy efficient low energy consuming purchases as possible but I'd love to hear more about that at the next meeting how that uh comes up with with those so again thank you so much to the team and um uh onward so so happy about this thank you thanks Maria um I'm looking to see if any other I don't see any other hands in the public up um no all right so we're back to panel any comments questions issues to consider as we put together agendas for the next meetings Bruce Kathy I don't know whether I've asked this before or not but I I will now again um on the planning board I'm a member of the planning board and the uh chair of the planning board routinely reads the members of the public in attendance before taking public comment um if this was a real public meeting uh attendees would be able to look around the room and see who else is there but um unless we read the attendees there's no way that uh people who are attending know who's in the audience and I wonder could we get into the habit of reading the names of the attendees it seems to be appropriate for a public meeting that that be done is that something that we can do in future um if there is no objection to doing that as chair I'd be happy to do it Paul yeah I don't object to doing it but I just want to make a note that these meetings that doesn't mean that's the universe of people who are watching these meetings these meetings get posted online everybody can watch them um you know if they're recorded by amous media so lots more than people who are happen to be in the room at the time uh are also W can also watching these meetings I don't know how many people watch this these meetings in particular but um but I think it's you know people people have taking the time to participate in the meeting by being in here live it's it's fine to listen to say their names if we know they're who they are some some people we don't know who they are and like just like in a public meeting you may not know who everyone is in the room uh you might just say you know Joe's iPad or something like that that doesn't tell you who that person is just like you might see somebody you don't recognize in a room so I don't think it's a um necessarily um it's just a a curiosity versus a comprehensive allocation of who's in the room thanks Paul Deb yeah um I would make this sort of a similar observation that people can come and go and um there's no way of actually keeping track of that in a way that updates a total list and and then with uh the remote participants I happen to be Richard's iPad I don't know how I manage to log in that way but it it's a little bit confusing to read some of those and interpret them appropriately that's all well okay so it it can become a practice um for good or not good then list doesn't tend to be very long so it's not going to take a lot of time so I do I do thank everyone for joining us uh getting up and on Zoom at 8:30 in the morning on a Friday and hopefully this meeting time continues to work because it'll be our Friday morning uh going forward and I I I I'm assuming Paul we will figure out some way to put a press release on it but it is thrilling that this the school is is really a go green light now and it's a green light in so many ways I mean Maria said some of the things but we we uh are it's going to be an amazing asset for our kids for our community um and for the town on its energy initiatives and hopefully we can be building on this um the the success and this amazing team that managed to put out bid documents that didn't require lots of revisions and lots of questions I looked at some of the back and forth and they were simple kinds of questions so thank you for all the work that went into the design work for the building as we move forward and I just I'm just thanking you for our whole group um you've been wonderful to work with and I hope continue to be so I think with that said um the meeting unless there are any other hands we can adjourn the meeting at 9:23 thank you all meeting is adjourned thank you