I seem to be the self-designated chair of the subcommittee so I will I will open at one really early Point Doug Mike was but we we won't worry about that so um I want to welcome everyone to the June 21st meeting of the design school building design subcommittee meeting and we have most people here so I will just open the meeting by making sure everyone can hear and be heard um Doug yes Jonathan yes Deb hi Bruce I'm sorry what happens when you have a delay between meetings that's all right no no you get to doing other things and um we're just start we're just starting now so I know Doug can I just say rert is coming he's dealing with an Mercy a cooling emergency so I said do that so BR Doug has told me earlier that he could join but only for an hour so I I'm not sure this is going to take more than an hour but I think we'll just start so um let me just make sure I can open screen share okay um you are I've opened it to being able to sh share your screen okay uh just as an overview I don't think it will even take an hour I mean we are a week and a half away give or take uh from the drawings going out normally to be honest we wouldn't be having a meeting uh this close to the deadline but we just wanted to tie up some loose ends the last um subcommittee you asked us to look at a few things on the exterior and they could have marginal cost implications so very marginal so we just wanted to confirm that with you and then there's a couple other questions that we wanted to go over with you so getting right into it um one second I can share screen looking at the site plan um one item that we have discussed tangentially but never in detail um is a sign for the building on the site uh the existing site sign exists right here to the east of the storage barn on what is going to be the uh bus and Service drop off and as you may know this is what it looks like it's fairly simple landscaped around it and then the question that we have for the committee is if we should include something uh probably at the northern entrance um where most of the traffic will be coming in uh post the reconfiguration of the site uh but we just have a few options for um well examples not really anything designed of what we could carry so um we could include it in the project and not have to add it if at some point it was decided that you wanted to do that uh which likely will and then there's also the question of this is currently the Fort River School I don't know that it's a certainty that it will always be named the Fort River School and so certain signs depend on how many letters you're buying and stuff so we just have a quick discussion about that this is a fairly pedestrian almost catalog sign uh that was part of a districtwide uh signage standardization in one of our other towns but uh just maybe not the most unique or beautiful sign in the world but it's uh certainly does what the sign has to do uh in terms of telling you where you are um and I'm just going to quickly go through the options uh here is a small site wall that was built at one of our schools and it has um pin attached lettering um in this sense it's very functional because the site wall is built and then the actual signage itself is applied and so at the point of Designing and locating the wall that the sign will be on you don't actually have to know what the lettering says and it maybe a bit more in keeping with uh the site design another option uh that we have done is a pre-cast panel within a site wall um the letters are engraved and painted uh for contrast um unlike the previous option with the pin letters obviously you have to know the name um when you're when you're designing it so um you could leave a little extra space but you know just your name appear in 14 karat gold yeah talking through the option so um we can put an appr an appropriate placeholder in the bid documents if if you see that um this certainly a more elaborate one of the more elaborate site walls that we've done and I don't even know that there's an appetite for something like this or or the desire to design it but we just want to give you the full spectrum of you know things that we have done things that are out there um I have not included um what many elementary schools do an illuminated sign with the ability to Broadcast News that seems anathema to um the sensibilities of the people that we've spoken to in Amhurst but I could be wrong about that so uh we're hoping to have that uh conversation about what we should include um and then and if anybody has any thoughts desires um locations type of signage we can include the appropriate amount of detail and scope in the bid documents to get that um and then during construction we'll have to talk about the design uh Doug so a couple couple things I I would agree with you that the sort of illuminated um you know like LED sign with messaging is not really immer Style um so I would agree that that's not a sample we needed to have um the other the the other question I have is are we placing or um going to put the school name on the building itself um and I asked that you know our Middle School and High School have you know sort of pin style lettering on both of the buildings I didn't know whether we were considering that because you know from a sort of consistency of design paralleling that would be helpful um I think personally you know having one on the north entrance because that's the general public entrance is is where I think we should have one I don't know that we need one at both entrances um but I can also recognize that you know the South entrance will get used a fair amount you know outside of school hours and that sort of thing so may need to have one in each place um but yeah I didn't know if you had any thoughts or or I haven't seen it on the renderings but again I hav't looked closely about whether there's anything on the building itself and then whether that you know a sign should parallel sort of design-wise that that if it was the case we we do uh we do have pin lettering on the building that uh identifies the school name uh and then when we get to the exterior portion of the building in a in a few minutes you can see where it's located and if there's thoughts on that but the idea is to have it on the building and you know for consistency sake I agree it would be nice to have the the same sort of type face and lettering on a sign but you know that's also you know that's why we're having discussion to see what uh the committee wants to see and just just to be clear we could do as little as relocate the existing sign reasons for doing that we don't know but perhaps that sign looks like other public building signs in the town we've worked in communities where we've had we've added un unlighted signs like that that were the same as other buildings in town uh you know we talked about uh not having the LED sign also the other decision is whether we want ground Lighting on it uh Tim show you two ADV uh examples of masonry wall signs one obviously had light fixtures in front of it the hurled Wyman sign did not uh and uh whatever we do we know that the planning board is going to want to hear from us so I see two more hands Bruce and then Jonathan and I think I brought Tammy into the meeting um yeah Tammy's here too so Tammy we you just saw flash it's a it's a discussion about the entry where where the cars come in what kind of sign should go there and and whether we want anything at the other entryway and sign Styles um so that's what we're on so Bruce and um a couple of questions uh I'm thinking that this probably a longer discussion and I don't recall that it's been had but maybe I wasn't in the meeting or the subcommittee meeting but signage generally I mean these the only two Signs Now That We're talking about uh I know that we've got one on the front of the building but um there presumably are maybe other signs that we need to uh be thinking about um I'm not sure about that that's the question um then the second thought or question is it seems to me that just thinking about how this building might be used or if it's only used by people in town um that that people will know where it is it may not need to be illuminated but uh but to the extent that we would have meetings that would be uh more Regional I mean that the the venue has the capacity to be used for events that may bring people from out of town in which case we wouldn't necessarily be able to expect the people knew where the school was and so they might need to be more specifically uh identified and therefore also lit so that people uh because if it was used for those kind of events they' very they' more likely perhaps be used be be at night than in the daytime so it seems that some kind of Illumination would be necessary I'm also thinking that it would it be important or useful to identify north entrance and South entrance so that if you were instructing uh on an event whether it was a I don't know a basketball or because it seems that the Northend entrance is really the general purpose entrance and maybe we want to encourage everybody to come in that way if it's an after hours event and then there might be a case for saying no we shouldn't identify the South entrance because that will potentially confuse people or maybe it won't I mean it's because there's no real parking down there after hours I suppose although people could park around the loop perhaps uh people who would want to play pickup basketball and so forth might choose to come in and park at the end of that uh turnaround Loop um so I'm just trying to imagine how the usage patterns for various groups and various activities of various people in town and out are going to evolve and then um and and and and and not being able to wrap my mind completely around that um uh but once one has then figure out what the signage should be so am I am I over complicating this or is this this the signage typically seems to acquire an understanding of how people use things uh or may use things and how the use patterns will evolve and so forth it can become quite complicated and I'm feel that I'm perhaps uh going overboard here but but if but now would be the time uh I just so I just want to get people's reaction to whether I'm uh storing the pot too much here so let's let's go through I see Jonathan Deb and then I have comments um so and one is a reaction to Bruce mine Jonathan sure uh so no I I don't necessarily think that Bruce is is off based on on on these questions or the or the level of detail um I would think that well before I forget one I don't think the town has a a a standard when it comes to signage or if we do it's not clear to me that we do um two uh I definitely wouldn't want to just relocate the existing sign we need a new sign um I like the pinell personally um but I think we should differentiate clearly between the two entrances I think that there should be a the building the site sign should be at the north entrance and um while there should be some signage at that South entrance is you know clearly indicated that it's Bus drop off or delivery or or something like that because I think the intent is really to to have people use the north entrance um and re enforce that uh so that we get uh people's patterns to uh change and get used to not coming in the South entrance if if I could build on what Jonathan's saying uh traffic consultant for the sight signage based on the traffic p uh package actually at the curb cut to the South entrance has a signed that says authorized Vehicles only yeah uh and I think I don't have from me hours could be added to that but that's basically uh controlling who goes in there so I don't know if you if having a building site sign saying what it is with that is sending a mixed message the the existing sign is actually pretty far into the site well well beyond the decision Point um so if we were to have a sign it would want to be I would say at the North entry you know visible uh able to be seen we could fairly uh and that would tell where where things are going as far as any of Bruce's questions about all the other signage actually Bruce we've seen and talked about all the interior signage as as part of going over the interior design so basically the decision points for that have all been reviewed and discussed with the group so it's really the sight sign that frankly we looked at the calendar and looked at the site and said whoops we we ought to include something here at least talk about it so the committee knows that uh there might be something to be added Deb uh yeah um as someone who spends a fair amount of time getting lost driving to other school sites looking for uh athletic games um I would make a plea for a large sign easy to see I I understand tasteful but I think understated signs are not as helpful as as larger signs um I do like the north south idea I also like the idea of echoing the design of the Interior signage and having um space for it to be bilingual that's it uh see Rupert and then I have a comment Bruce your hand is still up I'm assuming it's just a remain rert so um am I loud enough yeah cool uh Crocker Farm has signs visible from the street because the building isn't Wildwood has signs visible from the street even though the building is um I think that we definitely should have signs indicating where the school is for our delivery drivers and for our out of town guests and for our grandparents who are doing pickup um from out of town etc etc um I think that the the South entrance should probably be understated and it should probably say something like uh service vehicles and buses only or something along those lines those are my thoughts so um I'm Echo echoing rert um large enough to be able to be seen from the street when you're before you're turning and one of the criticisms when I remember that site review of the current Fort River School when we went way back when conditions it was signage wasn't very good um if you if you didn't know you usually pass the entrance before you knew it was there the other um looking at this one um I also think wherever we put it it shouldn't have foliage that's going to grow over it um it should be big enough to see and not it this is really pretty but we have a a playground are up here that you literally cannot see the entrance sign anymore because things are obstructing it so those those were my two thoughts in terms of wayf finding around town the town has signs they may not be great but that say this way to Emily Dickinson this way to such and such so we could figure out in town adding to the Fort River School um so we we could add that somewhere um you know um at a juncture um that's the those have all gone through the planning board and we have some then my last thought is I I think making sure it's visible and carries the same theme but I wouldn't be as elaborate with lighting I think we should spend as little as this is Kathy's money spend as little as possible on signs that are visible um and save the money for other kinds of things another bench or something else um so those are my my thoughts on it you asked at the beginning um we at one point mentioned a renaming of the school contest and I think we've dropped that all together both for all sorts of reasons so I think it this is still called the Fort River School um and so so those are my most of my thoughts you know Deb you said bilingual but Fort River School than the word School you you wouldn't want to you know I think people have to identify their school by their name it is this is the name of it so I wouldn't clutter the sound very much except for cars you know as people have said cars entrance um authorized vehicles or Service delivery and buses you know the the distinguish between these two entrances and I will stop with that um you know some of the these are too subtle some of the things like etched on Stone to me was too subtle to be seen um this one is because it's framed in white with white lettering as long as that will hold up will be seen I think the purpose of the entrance and exit signs or the entrance in the bus are to tell people this is this is where you are um it doesn't have to be as elegant as that beautiful one on Stone and uh I see I I've evoked two more hands have gone up Bruce and Deb Bruce um on the subject of lighting Kathy I'm kind of think that the shine should be able to be seen at night but it occurs to me to ask at the north entrance can we depend on the street light is I don't I'm I'm not familiar but is there a street light that would uh or could we position the sign appropriately from a signage point of view but also take advantage of uh any existing lighting does anyone know whether there the street light up there that that would that's an easy question to ask you know to to get confirmed One Way including just get out there and take a look at it Tim can you go to the site plan yeah I was gonna hold on there is sight lighting um along the drive and um included if there is not a street light on Southeast Street but I would recommend that if you want to make sure that it is visible um that the sign itself is illuminated I mean street lights are only getting better in terms of the light going directly down with a narrow beam and and preventing light pollution and and not lighting other than the driving surface and parking surface itself um and then I just I don't think the contrast of a sign is going to be enough with spill over lighting okay okay okay y yeah I'm going to I'm going to push a little bit on the bilingual if we included Elementary School in the signage then there would be a logical translation in Spanish I just really like the fact that we're um a bilingual school and with the school moving now towards a 91% instead of a 50/50% um program um I think that would be nice if kids could see that on their school sign Tim did you say more letters cost us more well they do but I I I don't think that would be a driving Factor here it's more it's morein it's di Minimus it's more making the sign big enough um you know you don't want to have the planning School following off the end of it so if it's three levels three three lines of text and four words versus two words that's a a big difference in terms of what we have to plan for that's all so Jonathan rer uh I guess I would would recommend that we don't um don't I mean in the grand scheme of of the overall budget planning for this sign is a relatively low cost item um we should get an I would advocate for a nice sign that was properly lit according according to Google Maps there is a pole on the school side of Southeast Street just to the north of the uh north entrance with a with a street light on it I don't think that it would provide adequate lighting for any sign that would be because it's designed to light the street not the uh the grass way um I also wonder whether um whether we can get reason able um solar lighting for the song so this is Margaret sharing the Google Maps so there as as rivert says there looks like there's not that these are always completely up to date looks like the closest street light is here um so the this the moment here is not particularly well which kind of makes sense because it it's previously been an exit right um not an entrance thanks Margaret Kathy can I can I add one other thing um sure which is um just to observe you know I think this is a really interesting question because again it has been an exit so there's a change and really you have people coming from two directions right You' got people who are coming this way right who like turn the corner and um have to decide where they're going to be and then you've also got people coming obviously from the other direction um so um I'm really glad that denisco is bring this up because I don't think it's necessarily an easy design problem given the fact that you have to deal with really s you know people the people who work at this and uh families who go to the school will have adapted to the seamlessly but now you know it's a big change for everybody else so oh actually I wanted to show one other thing Kathy can everybody see this I found this sign online for the Emily and Dickinson house but I think this is their sign not this not the town sign right right yeah correct so um Bruce is your hand back up yes it is um I just wanted to say I'm since we have uh Tims mentioned that we have lighting or maybe it was Rick had lighting coming up so there kind of lighting and electricity heading in that direction or maybe it's already there uh so I would say yes obviously street lights is a is a is a a poor substitute for what we really want uh and I'm not sure that I think solar lighting is ready for this kind of prime time something that really has to endure um my general sense of solar lighting is it's great for peers in Maine where you have a high summer use which corresponds to the high light levels uh Avail available energy levels but in in a winter climate where you really want them to work in the winter um mostly um I think we shouldn't try and go with the solar uh route for this particular science we already have the electricity there so I'm I'm an advocate for a clear sign uh for it to be lit and uh and and and appropriate as Margaret said for dealing with traffic coming from more or less equal numbers amounts of traffic coming from uh both directions if if I can distill it is a difficult question uh not one to snap our fingers and come to a complete decision at this point in time I see excuse me the committee call using to having a sign of some type at the South entrance and the north entrance that can be seen by people going both directions that would that would imply a s you know a sign that you know uh runs East West um a lighted sign for nighttime use as far as what's Incorporated in the bid documents we could add the ground lighting to two locations to be coordinated with a future sign to be supplied by the owner and then that sign could be procured uh by whatever means is appropriate for uh best practices based on the value of the sign if the sign was to be a masonry sign like a couple of them that Tim showed that would want to be in the contract documents but I think I've heard the group want to I don't want to overreach but leaning toward more Mo modest expression of a of a post and sign look and uh I'll just stop there and people can chime in to see if they are in agreement or not with what I just laid out I I I'm in agreement but I'm waiting to see others and I see Morgan's hand is back up and Doug's hand is up well I I was just gonna chime in and say what Rick said but let me emphasize it that um I not hearing a ground swell for the Stonewall and knowing that the Stonewall version is more expensive and that it's sort of of atypical I would say for amorist I mean when it you know back to the question about standards I don't think I've seen this kind of sign which kind of feels in the Amor setting like a private school sign if you will it seems to me that you would want to stick with something not the sign that you have but something that is along those lines yeah and I I would agree with that and and I think the other thing that I want to just bring up is is there's sort of a wayf finding problem and then there's the sort of sight sign for the you know sort of formal acknowledgement of the school so I think from a wayfinding like you're driving through town Circumstance the sight lines are way better on the uh East common the Common Ground there so from a wave finding standpoint we might need something on that side of the street to point to the school because I think the sight lines you know unless you're going to make a a Chevron shap sign that has that points in both directions North and South it's going to be hard to make that visible for someone driving down from either direction um I think the the sort of reaction time and and and whatnot is going to be tough so I think of the sign the sight sign um which is you know bit more of an aesthetic and and and and uh um you know um aesthetic feature for the school is is is you know would would be uh you know if it's a single sort of sign if it's not the one that drivers use to locate the driveway that's okay uh would be one thing I would say um and I think the other is if we were going to make it both serve the purpose of wayfinding as well as being uh you know a sort of aesthetic feature then um it may have to sit too close to the sidewalk or I'd be concerned to get it it would have to be so close to say the sidewalk to have a sufficient length of sight line for for drivers so those are just a couple things but I think to you know other points that are made is that you know the the sort of less substantial sign is fine you know as far as like the you know masonry sort of stuff I don't think we need that for sure Jonathan too many buttons click um I curious about this is going to sound a little off tangent or a little off topic but to me in my mind about signs it interacts with how the um how that I want to call it intersection is kind of an intersection but how the the final solution is resolved for how the the driveway at meets uh is that Southeast Street or North well whatever it is but the the main road right now they've you know put up those temporary lights and they put lots of white painted x's on the ground and that has seemed to have done a pretty good job in in getting the traffic improved uh through there but I'm wondering if anyone knows is that a permanent thing or is there a a a more permanent replacement the town is is exploring for that piece and or are we going to revert to a a to what it was before is that might imp sight lines so you know those lights that are there are temporary lights um purchased at guilford's recommendation and I don't think Guilford intends to keep them there um they I do think they've served the purpose of um not necessarily signalizing that intersection which was what they were originally intended for but just the fact that they're flashing and has made people down and allowed for the adjustment um I mean I think it's a really good question Jonathan that the town there there is a larger larger plan to make that intersection into a pretty large rotary that's being studied um so it's hard for me to imagine if that's the sort of longer term plan then creating another signalized intersection but whether Guilford might choose to keep the temp temporary lights they're longer is a great question I we don't know the answer to that painting the intersection hasn't been discussed but I think is also potentially a good idea just to keep people I'm astounded how much the painting of the the intersection is done people actually don't you know have their car standing in it light so no it's made a big difference but it was it was an experiment and probably needs to be preserved in perpetuity so in some form yes can is it I mean we've given kind of General comment if the sign is not part of the if the lighting becomes part of the project but the sign does not how does this town procure procure that then do you know Cathy how that would work okay no no and uh it well it would have to be a a a purchase pie Jonathan and so whether this would ever count toward CPAC or it would have to be one of our uh Capital requests you know it's a this is a town facility no the the school budget could pay for it it could be procured separately like sear furniture and Equipment okay and other things yeah and being signed only it depends on the value whether you know there's uh established uh statutory requirements for Best Practices if it's under 10,000 I think it was and then there's something else if it was 30 sometimes those numbers change around and aren't some of them have been the same for 30 years but it can be done and it's a way to kick that final decision down the road yeah um till till everything's decided and um talking about sight lines of the sign the other thing you have the driveway to consider is sight lines of people leaving the site and not having it the sign block it right uh but as far as given that folks seem to be coalescing away from the heavy construction for for deep concrete foundation masonry sign and leading toward a post-mounted type uh more modest installation the real cost of that would be having ground lights uh at both locations which we could do and we can say in the bid documents final location be coordinated with owner sign I think that sounds great Rick I agree so I see Deb and rert hands up de yeah lost my train of thought uh I like modest um I like easy to see I had actually the same idea that Doug had about just sticking it on the other side of the road but then that becomes difficult when you're talking about lighting it or at least from this person's point of view and um I do think those axes go a long way so even in the long run if we don't have that flashing light I think just having those big x's on the on the on the machanum would is is is great rert uh Here's a thought given the um the line of sight concerns both for wayf finding and for people leaving the driveway it's occurs to me we might end up wishing we had two signs for the main entrance one for the Northbound and one for the South so I'm going to suggest that we have the bid go out for three sign lights because it's easier to take away a light than it is to add it I don't know what you guys think so rubert just for my note so the three are one at the South entrance and two at the north entrance yeah that's what I'm thinking that's yeah if I mean I don't know if we're going to light the South entrance but if we have in the contract for three lights for signs then I think we're we're better covered so and then and the only thing I would have I I kind of agree with that and then the other is Deb when you say easy to read big letters are easy to read and fewer words are easy to read it just you know there's one thing telling you about information about the school itself um so we can do it because the other thing Fort River is is an enormous recreation area but I don't want to add the words and recre we just wanted people know that this is an entrance this is an exit this is where the buses and other things go so it's it's traffic so I think we could later figure out um something the way for River now has a BN Vito it has you know a a welcoming so I just keeping it reason I I like short is you can't read easily a complicated sign you need it to be big with just a few words on it so that that's my only thought Doug is kind of nodding his heads so did we give you enough um to to go on yes it's so what I think will direct the electrical engineer to do and for each side of the sign that's being lit it wouldn't be a single fixture I'm going to assume two fixtures would adequately light the entire text of the sign and we'll have uh both sides lit a total of four fixtures at the South entrance two sound locations lit at the north entrance a total of eight up there uh once you bring power to a driveway it's not that big a deal to go across this go across to catch the other side and so we'll add that to the site Electrical uh straight away and uh thank you for uh the consideration and and I'm Doug I saw your hand go up and down but you had told me you could only be with us for an hour is that is that still are you running up against a hard stop yeah what I might try to do is switch to my phone I've got to travel I got to be in Florence not Italy that'd be nice but uh Florence Mass for noon so I've got to get there the other Hilltown yeah so um so I may try to switch to phone and be via phone so I'll try to do that but I I will be sort of jumping off at 11:30 okay so um Rick and Tim I know there were some other uh pieces finishing up on things we talked about yep that was probably the most meaningful discussion the other items are confirmations of things that uh you asked us to look at last time so actually I'm going to share uh before and after of some of the things that we looked at so give me a second I'll pull up a video um um so this is the video that you saw the last time we met um and then I'm going to pause right here because uh on what is the music room left of the main entrance you can see uh the building signage it says for River Elementary School um again um you know pending final decision on what the name is but that's what we're going with and to told otherwise um and then what you actually asked us to look at uh when we last took this uh walk around the building um and I'm going to in the interest of time skip ahead um was the southide there were two areas uh one was the Mason repatterning that we have on the third floor mechanical room exterior which is um similar to the window and accent panels that we have on the rest of the building but it is a blank wall there are no windows there are no penetration so it's just sort of patterning to fill up the blank space and then there was some um comments on the darker color around the uh gymnasium uh which is sort of the dark color of the field and uh you know there were a few comments said that maybe the contrast there is a little too much and it ties back to the building and doesn't let it be its own thing so we just have an alternate option um to share so again starting at the beginning and everything up until this point is the same um uh you know there there was a fairly Lively discussion in the library last time about just letting a blank wall be a blank wall um and it is a minor change but there's a change of material there and uh you can see at the mechanical area it's simply the field and that field while not rendering perfectly here is a blend of three colors um and then the accent band around the gymnasium is sort of toned down a little bit there's still contrast there's still texture but it allows the um and maybe the view that's not in the canopy of the PV would be a little bit better to see all this but you can see that the uh gymnasium is a little bit more of its own thing here um and then want to one more item to show you to fully flush out this [Music] conversation so normally we don't like to show photos of materials because they don't do them Justice uh but these are um and and and the photos are not here to convey the absolute color but to convey the similarities which I think you can read so the panel on the right you saw in person last time and then the two panels to the left are the closest matches that we have from different manufacturers uh they have two different rather than three different boards because two of them are by one company and one by other but but the point of this is these are three different dark bricks three different brand blends of the light brick and as part of our public construction Massachusetts we have to name three equals um the point of doing this is to say that we are fairly confident that the materials that we have been showing you are going to be pretty close to what you end up getting and um you know on for whatever that's not always the case um but we have a reasonable amount of confidence that that will be here um and then the colors that um you were seeing in those renderings are closer to these colors and when I say these colors I mean the colors that you saw in person when we were the last time rather than the photo because uh you know even when we were in the library last time it looked different on my screen it looked different on the projector as you all remember and so I I have no idea these colors look like on your screen right now but hopefully you can remember um what they look like and sort of make that connection between that and the rendering so with that I'm just going to go back to the renderings so the darker brick that you see on the exterior is material on the left and those color boards the lighter brick here is the material on the right and that would be the same as the accent band around the gym and then the field of the gym itself is a ground face CMU which is similar in value but uh was not in those photos and we had it at a meeting a while ago but uh you know rather than show different pictures of materials that show up differently on screen we're just going to use the relative values of the renderings so that is just what we wanted to put in front of you and what we are carrying in the bid documents unless it's not what you remember the discussion from last time on the exterior I'm looking for hands um Bruce and Rick I I think well of the second video I think you've done uh well I remember we discussed and asked certainly so far as the simplification of the facade above the the southern entry I I I do prefer the uh this this rendition and I think also uh the uh the the change uh that's been made around the library I think that's an improvement as well uh I wasn't the advocate for that so but uh regardless I I think the that the second video as as represented by the second video would be my preferred alternative so I ask does anyone have a different opinion because I agree with what Bruce just said I'm seen Doug shaking his head with in an affirmative and this is Tim you said this is what's in the documents now in terms of color specification or or de decorative or is about to be yeah yes that is true and then to be honest changing colors and The Limited areas is not a big lift but uh we just want to make sure that uh we're not having any conversations after they go out to Bid And just before um and then you know we'll moving on to the final interior part we can clarify that okay Jonathan I saw your hand go up I am very comfortable with what the SEC you know the iteration that that was presented second EXC this happily is one of those by the end of the day changes we can afford BR did your hand go back up I'm sorry I'm just about to take it down but I just want to thank uh jtim and Rick and everybody else uh I I continue to be impressed and and uh so very comfortable and confident that uh we've got good people on our our side here and this is just one more step that demonstrates that so thank you thank you thank you Tim did you have one on interior also or is this is this the the list you want to go over uh that is the list so I I wanted to say about the interior um sometimes before we go out to but just wait one second Jonathan is your hand still up or did you okay sorry go on Tim no um sometimes before we go a bit bit often after uh we develop a full color schedule um essentially it's going to show what color each wall in each room is going to be painted the way it's specified this room has two colors of paint this room has one color whatever um none of which changes the cost uh it's just a matter of what goes where and and making sure that we're happy with the all of the colors and the locations of all the colors and that we will um compile produce and review with you after the documents go out um but other than that the interior colors are largely the same um we did add tile at the stairs um and then I was just going to show very quickly um video that shows it on two walls where the past video you saw was on one wall uh but that again falls into the conversation of the color schedule so the final selections we can reiew at a later date but uh quickly give me one second to share the last little bit um so these are the videos that you saw last time and you can see that in the main stair or the stair that connects the media center the lobby um there is the colorful tile on one wall and then the other wall was uh painted uh when the numbers came in favorably at 90% uh for the sake of durability cleaning uh we extended that to the other wall so I was just going to quickly show you uh what that looks like from the inside you see that oh so turning around uh looking into the gym and then this rendering is a bit washed out unfortunately and I don't know how it looks on your screen but you can see that we're sort of continuing the pattern and this um colorful use of tile will you know take up the whole volume of the stair rather than being one wall and you know that is the case in this stair and stair B and the other end of the building so on the second floor I don't have the ability to turn my head but you can look into the gymnasium through Windows here and into the library and it just it's it's a bit more enveloping um the amount of color so I wanted to make sure that that was on your radar but in terms of uh what we are looking for in terms of comment today um you know those are the items that we've already discussed oh I I should mention that uh we also raised the height of the uh bookcases in the library that's what they look like ah that was Kathy saying we we might want another shelf and build it in now great we do have another shelf yeah no I I just always worry about changes that are hard to change L things that are hard to change later um that's great so thank you so when you said next time so we have our July meeting will be after the bid documents are out um you know about so that's when you know anyway that that's when we meet next and I think we're done with our various subcommittee meetings if I think that's unless you say we need to convene again correct I mean we don't have anything else scheduled other than a monthly meeting is the other way of saying it we do not have anything scheduled uh when we do compile a color schedule we will um distribute we can meet if necessary and we will certainly accept any comments in any way you want to provide or review them um uh maybe we get this meeting back together for one time uh after the bid documents go out and and color selections are finalized everywhere but um we do not have anything or plan to have anything scheduled uh beyond the regular committee meetings going forward that could also be the fall once we start to get some actual tile submissions in and pairing pairing paint with tile yeah I I think it's near to final final DEC you know be before so at that point you've You' got the contractors and the sub so you which of those Stone I guess you know that you've you've got who we got to work with correct okay yeah I mean as as as as good as the sample brick that we've gotten and as close as matches to the design intent there's always a chance that some material that we're counting on is not quite what we wanted so we will want to discuss with you how we react to that whether we change the color or other items to work with that or you know there's still a process and Tim to but in cath if I may it sounds like that would probably need to be a the face to face something in conjunction with a site meeting or something right uh yeah and we will be on site weekly so hopefully that would be pretty easy to schedule so I think um I'm looking if anyone else has any other um any other comments uh we do have one member of the public and I think we posted this we we do a allow so any other comments to the subcommittee so um so um we're open for public comments if there are any okay not seeing any I think um we we're all thanking you for I just feel like sometimes with these videos it's instant gratification to see what you just said the before and the after so thanks very much for take doing that and um I think we're ready to adjourn and we've got this new practice of a motion to adjourn so I make a motion to adjourn I second everyone everyone seconded Doug yes Kathy yes Jonathan yes Bruce yep Deb yep and rert affirmative thank you everyone and now I can actually say have a really good weekend and we don't we no more meetings for a month enjoy enjoy yourselves everyone thank you everyone --------- good morning everyone this is the June 21st meeting of the elementary school building committee and seeing we have a quorum I'm going to call out people's names just to be sure they can hear us we can hear them there's several members of the committee that aren't currently here yet um I know at least one was planning on being when they arrive I'll also verify they can hear and be heard um so I'm just going to call out names as I see them on my screen Doug good morning president Jonathan good morning rert well howdy rert Jennifer morning Bruce I'm here Simone good morning and Alicia here and Deb Leonard Deb I'm just calling out just let us know you can hear us and we can hear you morning I can hear you okay great so um as per usual I'm going to turn the meeting over to Margaret who will both overview of the agenda for the day but also where we are on the various timelines and then the world is turned over to the people who are in charge of getting this project up and moving um so uh Margaret it's all yours and let me make sure uh share screen uh multiple okay I've allowed sharing all right well happy first day of summer um happy cooler weather um the agenda is not lengthy um we will start with the overview of the project schedule that I usually begin with will get an update on the construction um there are some final design decisions that um I think denisco is going to update us about uh we're gonna as noted in the schedule where the denisco is wrapping up the bid document so we're getting ready to go to bid with the building project we'll get an update from the sustainability subcommittee and then we have time for public questions there are invoices to view um sorry response to public questions of which they were to raised in the last meeting um public comment and a journ so that is the agenda um I'm now going to Pivot to my usual calendar update which you know I think I mentioned last time um I think this is a really useful tool during the design process but you can see that it starts to get simpler and simpler as we look into the future um as tasks that are that enable the overall project kind of come to a close so just to walk through it so here we are the building committee meeting sort of looking out now into October once a month um the consultant team's work is um we just received the msba comments I think on Monday so we're in the process of responding to those comments denisco is and their team is working hard to complete the 100% documents and then right after the bid documents are advertised they will be making a submission the lead design submission that's required to the usgbc and then out in the future um we will need to this is really a placeholder we will need to go back to um concom to confirm the that we are moving ahead with the playground surfacing material so um the other big activity that's going on is the preparation for the bid process so right now we have a tentative date for July 3D for the the bid documents to be advertised publicly we're using a platform an online platform called bid docs if you want to go look at it it's it's pretty interesting actually there's a lot of public work that's advertised through bid docs and it makes it very accessible to see the bids um the first step will be the receipt of filed sub bids which is going to happen approximately the end of July and approximately two weeks later the general contractor bids will be due Which pull in the results of the filed subid bidding um once we know who the lowest qualified bidder is we will confirm the town's Insurance HUB insurance bid process for Builder risk which is Insurance that's held by the town um there will be a contract award to the general contractor and we expect they would be mobilizing shortly after Labor Day um in the meantime on the construction meeting Line This these three items here indicate the the that we are coming to the completion of the early bid package and um going to turn to cassa and Rick for a little bit of update on that so there will not be construction meetings through July and August but once the contractor is on board for the building project they will be picking back up um probably in early September and will occur weekly um and the participants in that process on behalf of the town are Bob parent answer the design team so and then um also kind of coming to the end of the msba process um again I mentioned we got their comments on Monday um we have two weeks to turn around responses which we'll share with you at the next meeting and then um the next kind of big task is um once we have the general contractor on board we have to put together um documents to support What's called the uh Project funding agreement bid Amendment which has a bunch of pieces but probably the biggest piece of it is we need to provide the msba with what's called a schedule of values that lays out the categories of the cost of the categories of work comes from the contractor so it happens you know a month or two after the contractors on board so any questions about that before I take it down not seeing any questions okay I'm going to stop sharing so Market if after the meeting you could send that to me and I will post and just a couple Corrections um on the elementary school building committee meetings after August you keep having an August date in it so just fix the date no just so that so people yeah no so just people can double check their calendars because we're only meeting once a month um and those should all be there should be a hold on everyone's calendar by now for those meetings so that my only very small typo kind of comment thank you okay so construction update cassa do you want to start Rick you want to chime in sure sure um we are basically just about done with the early site package work it went very professionally um very successfully um gag Uchi has been excellent to work with throughout all stages of a process um all members of a design team the construction team the OPM team the town collaborated with I think great success and very smoothly um I'll let Rick talk to the technical specifics of where we are now but I'll just say that there's only one piece of work left to be done and that is going to happen next week and that is um some overlay paving at the bus wave that passes behind the school uh just to give that Paving which is in slightly rough shape a little bit more resilience um in the coming few years um and after that they are all done um and Tammy might have some feedback as well we'll let Rick speak to the um uh technical accomplishment first sure so again what has been accomplished is that the rammed aggregate peers sto ground improvements have been installed those are I think there are about 750 of them installed underneath the mound of dirt you see out there now the amount of dirt um happily got completed ahead of schedule that mound of dirt uh is intended to replicate the dead weight of the new building and thus compact the ground under it before we start uh the design for that uh overburden was that it needed to re uh remain in place for 90 days and with their completion mid June that would get us to Mid September so uh the successful General bidder will um begin to uh or be able to move that dirt and start his foundation work as fast as he can manage his own uh business without having to wait for some sort of uh timeline for the the dirt to be there so that's all that's all very Happ happy uh just as far as early work uh a couple of other things that we've done there's been discussion about uh long lead items uh on the electrical side like switch gear and generators working with Bob parent and Simone we have uh gone through procurement of the generator under a uh Municipal bid list process and we have bid as the goods and service is the electrical switch gear those bids will be due I think in about a week and what that will be able to do is turn those uh the generator and the main switchboard into owner supplied items that will be installed by the general contractor an electrical contractor so we're doing everything that we can do to mitigate any uh lead time delays on the construction process thank you um Kathy I just want to know it looks like Tammy joined us yeah Tammy so can just H let us make sure you can hear you look like you're smiling so hi Tammy welcome good morning good morning she's smiling because it's the end of school we know why she's smiling okay any questions about the that construction update Tammy are you things calmed down there we can't hear you you're muted Tammy I unmuted and it muted me back yeah gag gag or duci was really great to work with they were very communicative uh you know even in so far as we had this like water drainage issue they got right back to me about what it what was going on and why the water was taking a little bit longer to drain um you know communicated well with students that were really interested in the building project thank you cenia for letting some of the students interview you thank you so much so yeah it's been a great experience once the fence was up then I felt a lot my relief went down significantly so thank you you weren't the only one Tammy if it makes you feel any better so having a boundary between construction and children is is always a good moment so okay we're happy to continue um education with kids or this was just dirt dirt is fun but we're going to have a building start to go up in the fall so we're happy to talk to the staff and figure out uh what would help them most all right so the the next item was update on Final design decisions and actually we have a the design subcommittee is meeting today which I'm not sure when we drafted the agenda we realized it would be after this meeting but Tim and Rick do you have anything that you want to bring up to the full committee um there is one item that we'd like to bring up with the full committee uh just as overview um the changes that we're going to be discussing with the design committee are very minor and just you know closing any um loose ends that we have us it might not even be noticeable what we're going to talk about we just want to make sure we have anything on what we do want to talk about what the full committee is and I'm going to share my screen at 60% as a ve measure we eliminated uh some ing um it's highlighted here to the east of the uh basketball courts um it that particular item saved us about $20,000 um and what you can see here is immediately to the east of the Court there's a slight slope it it grades down about 3 feet over 15 feet so it's about twice as steep as an accessible handicap ramp um and then you're into grass which is the flood compensatory storage area um we are proposing or recommending that that fence be put back with the um numbers that we got at the 90% estimate uh we don't think it's a real issue if it's there either way but it's certainly a matter of convenience for a PE class with working on uh these two basketball courts basketball would roll down the hill kids would have to do it I would imagine from the point of view of management of classes that the fence would definitely be appreciated by the gym teachers that were there and uh you know just to be honest you know 40-year-olds playing basketball don't want to chase the ball down the hill either so um we think it's definitely a functional um Improvement there is a gravel strip at the East End of the court that um since the court is sloped slightly towards the flood storage area when water runs off it could damage the end of the asphalt and um erode the top of the hill so that is there too so it's it's just another means to keep um kids and players away from that and and and reduce site maintenance so we are suggesting that that be put it back in and for $20,000 uh it's basically within the Argin of Mer for the cost so that is the one thing we wanted to bring up to the full committee yeah it didn't occur to us uh that uh this was also part of the ve when we were discussing the back stop at the last meeting and apologize for that this as Tim said I think this is a uh money well spent if if you all agree no I Tim had asked me earlier in the week and I thought it' be best to bring it to the whole committee um and I had asked about uh rert particularly for your staff whether it made it harder or had no impact at all on maintenance you know in terms of mowing um and he said your I think your response was no you know like the fence would interfere with um doing it and so I also wonder does it help hold the gravel in place so it may may actually have a function that way as well and then I see two hands are up uh Bruce um I assume this requires a a motion to be voted by the committee and if so I move uh that the uh uh committee authorized the architect to include this additional item into the bid package is there a second I would second that Jonathan I saw your hand was up was going to do the same thing Bruce just did which was to say I'm assuming we we need to vote on this if you want a mo so so are um so if there any you know I'm not positive we need a vote on this but in any case we wanted to get a sense of the committee so is there is there any uh other comments discussions on this I mean this actually when I heard about it it made sense to me but I thought it was better to make sure the Dougs tamies um the people who have to ruperts who have to work on this thought this made sense also and Kathy Paul is in as attend as an attendee I'm wondering if we should promote him in case thank you yes thank you never expect that so not seeing any uh I see Rupert's hand is up Paul welcome yeah it makes sense to me I think we should go for it okay I'm not seeing any disagreement so um I guess I could formally call for a vote we didn't it wasn't on it was other on than design things but um I can't remember what we did last time Margaret but this Paul this is to put a protective fence on the east side side of the basketball courts to prevent there's a grade A three foot drop rental to prevent the ball from Rolling away um and there's a motion to authorize it's a $20,000 put back into the design so I'll just I'll make sure everyone's on board by calling out names um Doug yes yes Jennifer Yes Bruce yes Sammy yes Deb yes Paul I'll abstain since I wasn't part of the conversation thank you rert yes Simone yes Elicia yes and I'm a yes so it's unanimous with I think two missing thanks Tim and one abstention and one abstentions right okay um the next I I just also want to say thank you for that attention to detail um you know none of us can see a slope so thanks very much so the next item on the agenda was uh an update from the sustainability subcommittee which met a few weeks ago Jonathan as the chair do you want to give that update I can and I'm I'm I'm now going to try to do this uh from memory and it has been a couple weeks um we uh had a very productive meeting um the design team uh updated us on the current kind of state of uh the energy model um there have been some slight changes over the intervening period of time I I think it had been probably maybe 3 to six months actually since we had previously met um but we're still on target to meet uh both the requirements of the the town's uh zero net energy bylaw and and the requirements uh to to uh get the the very nice um rebates uh from the various utilities uh Kathy am I missing anything big I know we went through plug loads which is which was a a useful exercise um trying to remember if there was some large agenda item that I'm I'm blanking out on so I think the main thing Jonathan is that um we got some very good public comments that asked about some additional equipment that hadn't been counted so they they reran it and we're still to include them so we're still on Target and I guess that analysis Tim goes into our 90% or or whatever but you know there's the energy modeling has been done again and my other only other comment is they are also the modelers for eversource you know so this is a Thomas yeah the the the group right the the they yeah so Bruce I see your hand is up too sorry oh just I just wanted to say that uh uh as a member of this committee I I was very impressed at the number of uh of our consultant team that were present I mean it was astonishing it was something like dozen or more people including the uh kitchen design consultant who was uh uh terrifically informative about um questions related to Walkin coolers and so forth um somebody else there were so many names I couldn't remember them all gave a a very thorough outline of the submar heing and so forth uh uh it was a very comprehensive meeting uh a great deal was asked of the committee and a great deal was delivered back of the consultant team and a great deal was delivered back it was it was a really solid meeting thank you you know and and that the to those who want to see the detail it is posted under this subcommittee that um the plug load and energy analysis including the updated version of it all right Margaret we're moving briskly along here yeah um so the next item was response to public questions so there were two questions that had come up at the last uh last meeting so one of them was a question about msba reimbursement and I we thought it would be a good idea just to sort of give an update on how that works and so I'm going to make a couple of General comments about the process but I want to say that it's cassena is really uh with Connor's uh assistance is really the master of this process and um in a nutshell um CNA and Connor prepare a monthly requisition which is provided to Jennifer and Bob parent at the moment although Jennifer I think someone else will be coming the the town's in the process has hired someone new to take Sean Mangano's former position and so that new person will now be involved going forward so um they meet monthly to look at the requisition process and it goes into the msba and then the turnaround from the msba is fairly quick so that's kind of the big picture about the reimbursement Cass do you want to say get dig into a little bit more detail about that sure just lightly um the once the well the invoice package you see it here right we presented here as well after approval here it goes to the next uh warrant cycle ammer has an amazingly timely uh payment process really to be commended and Jennifer to be commended on keeping up with it while uh wearing so many hats lately um once paid uh we enter the same invoices into the mba's ProPay system which is how reimbursement is requested it is after payment um and within a month to the day very timely uh the msba does their review and audit and send a check uh to the town with reimbursement um all uh reimbursements are subject to the caps and um limitations restrictions that were part of a Project funding agreement so it's not 100% of the invoice package but everything follows the rules um of the original agreement um and we do always have opportunity to discuss or challenge or you know attempt to see if we can um increase reimbursement limits and in every case so far we found that things are basically as previously agreed so um no interesting surprises really quite boring and a pace which is how we like it we don't like we don't like adventures and money so um does anyone have any questions about that no okay so the other question that was raised was about uh potential expansion of solar using other funding outside the project budget and Kathy I think you were going to speak to that one yeah I will and then all can give us whatever the current status of it um when the concept of adding and what was discussed was adding a million dollars denisco said it would be better to wait um get the project underway and then come back and before the end of this year they could contract with the same team that's putting the solar on for the that will supply the school they could contract for an expansion and this would be on the north side of the parking lot and Tim and you can correct me if I'm not getting this right and that that that's in a second phase of the way the building project because that second phase is also the demolition of the existing school you know but but at that point there will be a parking lot and so the design for that would have to be done once the town makes a final decision on that and then added as I think you talked about it Tim as a change order that we would be increasing the amount so Paul there's some timing on this and a final decision but right now the design team has not spent time to design that they just know where it will where it will go but we don't even have yet an estimate on how many solar panels does that buy because it's you know it's a guesstimate based on it has to be canopies and the other thing about it is it's always been discussed as being on its own what's the right word monitor um you know so it's it's not going to be feeding into the Fort River School it will be feeding into the town in some way in terms of where is the offset for solar um and I guess Paul it would be the way we're doing with the landfill we designate where those credits go for town-based utility golfs so I'll let you just speak but that's it's sort of sitting there not not done in terms of design work on it yeah no I think you you had it on the the nail on the head exactly where we are on that um when Bob parent gets back we'll be focusing more on this um going forward um and um it seemed to be a logical place since we will have a newly repaved parking lot to put the additional solar panels there and so um they will um uh with the and will the way we handle the landfill now is that we they ask us to allocate the credits to different accounts and so the town will look at what where those credits will go you know just the other thing for those who are following it's it's a financing issue but the IRA the federal government provides a direct credit to a municipality for things like solar panels and this will be an entirely different fiscal year and it won't be directly associated with the other solar or or the systems within the school so it will it as far it will qualify for a 30% um Federal reimbursement on on the system which is really good news because it's it's uh leveraging money and and we get the solar credits toward our Electrical uh piece so I think it's it will be a very wise investment if that's the final decision Deb um are these the arpa funded um yes thank you and that you know arpa has to be it has to be spent by 2026 but it has to be ready to go by the end of this year and that's all within the feasibility for this it has to be contracted by the end of this calendar year yeah so I I'm not seeing any other um hands up on this um Margaret is I think the next is invoices is that invoices yeah turning it over to cassa and Connor C you're muted or you were muted when I saw your lips moving am I now unmuted yeah and you can see my screen yep all good things all right so this hopefully is becoming familiar a road ahead paved remains of a substantial portion of the project the green piece of a bar is what's been paid so far and that's $6.2 million the black sliver uh is a more substantial sliver this month than any month previous and that's the current invoice package it is the largest one we've paid so far it is a million and a half one uh 1, 53573 to be specific the yellow bit is what's currently under contract but has not been invoiced yet and that at the moment is the retainage money that we are holding on gagle Uchi the early Side Package contractor who has been is with this invoice package going to be paid for most of their work except the bus wave it hasn't been overlaid yet um but when we pay we hold back 5% on all construction work and you'll see more of this as we go on into the general contractors work to incentivize contractors to come back and clean up and fix any punch list issues at the end of a job gager D really doesn't have any but that values in here in the yellow is also the balance of answer advisories OPM Services through the end of construction and denisco Designs um Services through the end of construction um in terms of where this how this looks on the cash flow um wherever yellow bar is that's where we are with this invoice package and time um you could see the green actual bar um is this month's package and it is bigger than any of the previous green bars that we've processed um but and it's now starting to look like you know really something um on the scale of a construction that's coming ahead but still relatively low right building the building is most of a cost of building the building um here's the cover sheet for the invoice package um all the invoices presented have been reviewed uh negotiated revised as necessary and finalized and recommended for payment by us um to ammer um there is there are 1 2 3 four five six invoices uh one from answer advisory us OPM uh which advances um our payments by 3% um and brings us to 27% complete so you could see that the bulk of our contract is up ahead in construction oversight for denisco of a design um they're they're Advanced by 2% % bringing them to 65% complete um on the contract value but something like 95% complete on the actual design effort uh what remains of their contract does include construction oversight um gagle or duci this is the big piece the early site package this is their fourth requisition um or invoice it's um a million uh 1, 257,000 5 15 um it is a full 53% of their contract I have to say that they were flying toward the in the last month month and a half of their work um they've completed their work about a month ahead of schedule um and now everything has a little more time to sit and compress as it needs to so this payment will bring them up to 92% complete well 92% paid um uh and leaves behind another 200,000 which is the retainage that I talked about plus the little bit of work for final survey and uh pavement overlay at the busway um Allied testing uh is a third party testing and inspection agency uh they've been out there quite actively um measuring the compaction on each layer of dirt as it goes down down um and our answer advisories Clerk of a Works Lee figgins has been out there being very judicious in how often we use them uh making sure if it can be only half a day instead of a day that that's what gets done so the spending is still very low for having accomplished everything that needs to be accomplished so they're only at 2% um I will any questions before I move on from this and the next part will be me doing my usual scroll for every page unless somebody would like to stop me from doing that hearing no questions I will go ahead the answer advisory invoice includes um the construction oversight the last round of estimating um and the last round of sustainability Net Zero peerreview by architect Shelly as well as the read advertising newspaper fee for the second round of elevator um file sub bid um attempt to prequalify them they never respond they didn't respond this time um so that is no longer a file subit package scrolling scrolling please stop me if you want to spend more time uh this is the uh estimating invoice it's part of answers and the one of the first of the two Arend invoices with a log of what they did and when um archit well Jacob subc consultant the second arent invoice this is the elevator uh read vertisements us to denisco so this is the 165 750 invoice that brings the construction documents to 93% done uh this is denisco invoice for $3,300 for Thorton Tomasetti plug load calculations that uh informed the last sustainability um subcommittee meeting and this is the big little blurry so I'll zoom in the big gager duci invoice uh for a million 2 this is their schedule of value so as they get paid the P the contract is broken down and what have they accomplished and what percent completed is you will see this as a standard format um they lean waiver and this is the Allied invoice for testing two of them and that is it any questions I I move that we approve the invoices as presented thank second that's rer thanks I will go around the screen Doug yes Jonathan yes Jennifer Yes Bruce yes Tammy yes Paul yes Deb yes rer yes Simone yes Alicia yes um I have a I don't have a question on the invoices but is there having the gagui task the pre U completed do is is it likely that they are will they also potten be a subcontractor under some of the additional work or is the kind of work they do so I'm just asking you know since we've had a good experience I don't know exactly what else they do and what the pieces are of the subcontracts they intended yeah they're they they will be they will bid to the gc's um and I would expect them to do very well in that process because they're familiar with the site Rick did you want to add something that I I know that they intend to to bid to at least a couple of the gc's that have uh been pre-qualified so we have we have four qualified GCS you might remember so um we will certainly I you know they're not a filed submitter so we won't see them sort of as a separate Standalone but they'll come with the general contracting team doing the site work okay then the other question I have Paul it's more in you and Jennifer and the finance department um when will the town need to go out for the larger one of the larger bonds Bond authorizations for for the school in terms of uh the debt exclusion when when people might start seeing this piece I know what Sean had originally told us but I'm just curious on uh is that 2025 um so so we have done a small borrowing for this coming fiscal year um and there will be another one next year and then I think the following year or the year after and that will complete everything okay so we're going out in pie is it the way we're going out yes thank you that that answered my question are there any other questions or comments um I don't see any and I if there aren't any we have one person in the public list um so I'll if it's okay with everyone I'll open it for public comments okay hi thanks Tony Cunningham um thank you for responding on the solar Contracting so I really appreciate the followup um to answer those questions and I think it was a great idea to add that fencing back at the basketball court it made a lot of sense um and then Kathy had you know the same thought that I had about the money so what I was going to ask is ask out of what account H does the town pay the invoices and receive the reimbursements from the msba so I saw that the amount was 7.7 million so I had the same question as Kathy about have we already gone out to borrow and if you could consider adding that as an update a financial update during the meetings that would be really helpful just to see how much has the town paid how much has the town received where's the money coming from what was the interest rate and and so on thank you so much he that um that is our public has spoken the one person um so I I I want to just uh make a sort of closing comment before we adjourn and then the the group that is the subcommittee for design we can start early I think that's a separate Zoom so we have to log out but I really appreciate the thoroughness um of what we're hearing and the reporting back and cassena I loved it that you did interviews with the students um you know and I love too you know I I think it's just a big ad and so there may be a way I'm thinking of the broader public where we're not doing regular public Forums on this there may be a way of capturing some of this in a Gazette piece or something going forward you know with the um I saw the accessible playground in Northampton was just covered in Gazette and our accessible playground has not been featured yet so just trying to think of the larger public realizing how exciting this project is and that it's moving forward so I'm just thinking through ways we might do that and the idea that you're doing interviews with kids is fabulous um so Paul I see your hand is up yeah so two things one is we do have our new Communications manager who started on Monday so she can help with some of that sort of promotion and getting the word out I think it's a good idea um second uh just note that you can't start your design committee meeting until it's po until the posted time yeah just okay which is 10:30 I think okay so so everyone gets the gift of an hour or an hour and 15 minutes so see you back thank you Paul yeah and you're right there wouldn't be any way for me to start it anyway Tammy I was just gonna say I the um the video is on YouTube unlisted so I'm happy to share that with you Kathy and then you can review it and see if there's anything of use okay that'd be great I just think it's it's really exciting I mean we we always talked of as the fences went up and building starts that the kids are going to get more and more intrigued by all of this yeah well and kids questions never match what we think they're gonna ask so it always goes in another Direction so I'm it so it's really fascinating to hear sort of what they're thinking and how they're thinking about it so it's you know it's a great interview in cassen really sort of followed their lead so thank you again cenia they were fifth graders I have one of those at home uh but I would love to maybe preim it um and understand like what pieces of information would be more useful to spark their interest and to integrate the design team into it as well you know if if they're willing you know we I think I told the larger group this but we because of um logistical issues we held one of our design subcommittee meetings in the library at Fort River which meant that there were other things going on in the library and the kids all came over and wanted to touch the the bricks and they wanted to to see the pictures and it was like oh cool I really like that but it it's just it's just it's terrific so thank you very much to everyone and so I think we need a motion to adjourn and I think we'll be able to adjourn early um so moved second all right going quickly around the room Kathy CS Doug yes Jonathan yes Jennifer Yes Bruce yep Sammy yes Paul yes Deb yes rert yes Simone yes and Alicia yes we are adjourned at 9:119 thank you and enjoy your weekend everyone bye bye