all right good to go the chair notes the time is 6:01 p.m. I call this meeting of the ammer zoning board of appeals to order my name is Steve judge as zva chair I want to welcome everyone to this meeting we'll begin with a roll call of the zbaa members Steve judge is present Mr Philip White present Mr David sloger present Miss Hilda green Bal present Miss Sarah Marshall here Quorum is present also attending public hearing tonight is Mr Rob waill planner for the town pursuant to chapter 20 of the acts of 2021 extended by chapter 2 of the acts of 2023 this meeting will be conducted via remote means members of the public who wish to observe the meeting May do so via Zoom or by telephone no inperson attendance of the members of the public will be permitted but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access proceedings in real times via technological means the zoning board of appeals is a quasi judicial body that operates under the authority of chapter 48 of the general laws of the Commonwealth with the purpose of promoting the health safety convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of the town of amest in accordance with provisions of Massachusetts general laws chapter 4A and article 10 special permit granting authority of the amoris zoning bylaw this public meeting has been duly advertised and notice thereof has been posted and mailed to parties at interest all hearings and meetings are open to the public and recorded by Town staff and they may be viewed via the town of ammer YouTube web page and YouTube channel and zba web page the procedure is as follows the petitioner presents the application to the board during the hearing after which the board will ask questions for clarification or additional information after the board has completed its questions the board will seek public input the public speaks with permission of the chair if a member of the public wishes to speak they should so indicate by using the raised hand function on their screen or by pressing pound N9 on their phone the staff the chair with the assistance of the staff will call upon people wishing to speak when you are recognized provide your name and address to the board for the record all questions and comments must be addressed to the board the board will normally hold public hearings where the information about the project and input from the public is gathered followed by public meetings for each the public meeting is a portion when the board deliberates and is generally not an opportunity for public comment if the board feels it has enough information and time it will decide upon the applications tonight each petition heard by the board is distinct and evaluated on its own merits and the board is not ruled by precedent statutorily for a special permit the board board has 90 days from close of hearing to follow decision for a variance the board has 100 days from the date of filing for the variance to file its decision no decision is final until the written decision is signed by the sitting board members and is filed with the town clerk's office once the decision is filed in the town with the Tom clerk there's a 20-day appeal period for an agreed party to contest the decision with the relevant judicial body of Superior Court after the appeal period the permit must be recorded at the registry of deeds to take effect tonight's agenda public hearing on zba 20246 Craig and Rachel Gibson request for a modification to an existing special permit zba FY 2015- 0027 under sections 10.33 and 3 32 41.6 of the zoning bylaw the change the occupancy status of a converted dwelling from owner occupied to non-owner occupied with residential manager or with resident manager excuse me with the requested waivers from traffic impact study lighting and Landscaping plans at 50 mclen street map 11c parcel 189 RG General residence zoning district and this is continued from 411 2024 following that there will be a general public comment period on any matter not before the board tonight other member uh business not anticipated within the last 40 hours in a jours before we go to our first order of business I want to thank Mr White for chairing last week I also want to um note that Miss green bom and Mr sler have been reappointed miss green bom has been reappointed to another chair as an as an alternate and Mr slober is a full member of the zba so congratulations to both of you and look forward to continue to working with you and Miss Marshall I appreciate your diligence in continuing to serve even though your term will be coming to an end um and you're doing lots of other really important business for the town I don't know you have how you have time for all this but well I Disappeared for a month but I'm back thank you you deserve our thanks for all you're doing as well so thank you and congratulations Mr Green bomb and Mr sler the first order of business tonight is public hearing um zba fy20 24-16 Rachel and Craig gbon Gibson request for a modification to an existing special permit zba FY 2015- z27 under sections 10.33 and 33241 of the zoning bylaw to change the occupancy status of a converted dwelling from owner occupied to non-owner occupied with a resident manager with requested waivers some tra traffic impact study lighting and Landscaping plans at 50 mlen street map 11c parcel 89 RG General residence zoning District continued from April 11th 2024 the first ask is there any members who have any um declarations to make yes um my son own several properties of budding this one but I have no financial interest in any of his financial dealings and I feel that his owning that property will not impact in any way on my ability to act objectively any other disclosures from members of the board okay Mr chair uh this isn't relevant to disclosures but I wanted to let you know that um my internet's acting up again so if I drop out of the video that's why it's so I can try to preserve the bandwidth got it thank you um we'll go through submissions there was no U site visit um submissions are listed in the project the draft project application report zba submissions are zba FY 2024 applicant submissions which are the application form a management plan a complaint response form standard leech SK agreement and a second floor sketch those are from the applicant staff submissions include zba FY 2015-2 decision document uh 2015 approved plans sheet one and two which are first floor and existing conditions also includes um elevations and a building section and they have also requested waivers on a lighting plan a landscape plan and a traffic impact study um those the submissions I fear we have we have nothing else do we rob no I do want to note the management plan um they had to redo the management plan because of the occupancy status changing so just be aware that the management plan they submitt is newer from the original perent back in 2015 but that's the one we have in our yes yes so the one we have now is the most recently updated management plan that includes the additional information for uh rental uses got it okay um and do we have any public comment submissions uh none that I'm aware of Mr chair I didn't receive any between now and a couple weeks ago all right so um who's representing the applicant so we have a Mr Craig Gibson in attendance so I'm gonna go ahead and uh send them a panelist invitation Craig you just have to accept it on your end then you'll rejoin the meeting all right Mr Gibson uh good you unmuted yourself give us your name and address for the record this is Craig Gibson I'm at work I'm not very familiar with zoom so I'm happy that I got here you've done great so far um so what my name is Craig Gibson I live and on 50 mclen Street got it um so you can proceed and um give us your presentation uh I'm sorry that my wife is not here she's on a business trip and traveling at today um and um we bought a new house we're moving to Ashfield and um next to my dad and my brother and my uncle in Ashfield and it's a house that we were looking at for a while um the house on 50 mclen Street is a house that I grew up in I we bought it my family bought it in 83 it is my family home um we plan to keep this in the family and eventually pass it on to my children uh Phoebe and Levi and um we are going to were planning on renting it in the meantime it has been a rental in the past for 13 years at a period when I was in college and living out of town um we inh uh I inherited the house um when my mother pass uh we took it over in 2014 we've done significant upgrades to it and in 2015 we uh we did a significant upgrade and I think one of the stipulations was that it was owner occupied we had no intention of moving out but now you know things change um Our intention with the rental is to have a uh we have an efficiency a mother-in-law in the back which was my mother's Studio at one point and uh we've had a renter in there since 2015 um and it's usually grad students that we do we've had grad students in the past for the most part uh in the H main house that where we live now is going to be furnished it is of four furnished bedrooms and in my and with my uh in in my house with my stuff so um I'm not planning on having parties or a reckless we we're keeping care of this this is the house that I built on a lot of a lot of things that I I build and stuff so I take care of it I'm going to be the managing property manager on that I will come to mow the lawn when needed um and take care of any or hire any uh things that need you know if there's electrical outage I will get that dealt with either you know I'll I'll hire that out I'll be the manager so uh as far as parking goes uh the efficiency the Mother-in-law in the back gets the left driveway and the uh uh tenants in the main house get the right driveway um and if there is people more cars than than than spaces they'll have to do like there is a you can buy a parking pass in from from the town it's a zone two and depending on your plate it's either 300 $300 or $100 if it's an out ofate plate um as far as snow removal we do have room for five cars on the property uh if there's a no parking on the street and there's also designated Lots I think in town for when there is uh a need for more spaces off Street uh lighting we have a porch light we have a porch light in the back with the efficiency we have a porch light on the on the main house and there is a traffic light traffic uh lighting right above our house right at the junction of Bon and mlen that lights up our front we have no flood lights or motion sensor lights um garbage is in a good location off Street and by my shed tucked away and that needs to be taken back back garbage days on Mondays and need to be removed back in you know if there's a complaint by The Neighborhood that my tenants are not taking in the garbage I would like to know that and I hope and also uh my stepfather lives on Bon Street which is four houses down from mine he is the one that managed the property for 13 years when it was a rental property he's also lived in the house he is a contact along with my wife and I my wife and I are the main contacts but we have Gabor lukach at 44 beston Street who has lived in this house and will go over in any kind of emergency he is very familiar with it and has lived there um I think those are the basics uh you have anything else um I note on the second floor of the main house there's five rooms four bedrooms and an office is that right or there's there's an office up on the second floor no on the second floor there was four bed four rooms four rooms and then there's one larger bedroom on the first floor okay but there's there's a room that's not designated as a bedroom up on the F no it's too many it's too many people for the house we're going to have three bedrooms upstairs and and then one of them we're going to designate as an office it also doesn't have a closet so you need to have a closet with each uh bedroom and that doesn't have one and does it have a door on it oh yes it does one of the concerns that you we have at times is that the renters will lease out will rent that other room out as a bedroom not a legal bedroom how are you how would you prevent that from taking place sometimes we ask for the door to be taken off so that there's it can't be used effectively as a bedroom how how are you going to deal with the potential for that room to be without your permission be used for another student or another renter um I I we are going to be on property enough to know if there's other people there we also have a ring doorbell on there that uh you know you can tell if there's five people living in that part of the house um we are we're pretty cautious with how we rent we've rented we have been landlords in the past if you would like me to take the door off that's but that also uh makes it difficult for people to study and it would that be the responsibility of the residential manager to ensure that the um other you other room is not used as a bedroom yeah okay okay that that's another possibility so not only okay so I'm I'm just trying to ensure that there we don't open up the possibility of a a fifth tenant in that one unit I don't want a fifth person in there I don't want them I don't want a fifth person showering and using more dishwater and and putting extra wear and tear on the house I agree with you I do not want a fifth person in that house and I will be sure that I'll be very angry if that happened Mr W do you have something to add yeah so I mean a suggestion could also be uh maybe padlocking the door too only used by the landlord or the owner or something I don't know if that's something the board has done in the past but oh I'm hoping that they use it as a study an area for studying if they're students okay I mean it's just leaving an office a desk in there yeah okay yeah so the other question had is I noted in your application that you're going to leave the the house furnished yeah your existing Furnishings in the house so does that we're GNA leave it we're going to leave Furnishings in the house a lot of it will be ours and we have we will have bought everything okay and you're renting out by room as opposed to you're not renting out to a group of four individuals we're renting this out by individual to individual in by room is that correct correct yeah we're we're we have uh conducted interviews by zoom and in person with each person uh my wife is the one that does that mostly and she's very particular and there's a lot to choose from it's very uh apartments are very oh you're just you just froze up would you say that apartments are in demand is that what you were going to say yes yes okay um another question I had was you there's one there's a total I thought there were a total of four parking spaces on the property two on the right and two on the left there is there's actually five there's but you're permitted to have I thought the the permit was for four yeah I agree I would I would rather not have four on the on the property but there is available for four and there's also uh in front of the house you can have you could get your another one if they wanted to if one of them wanted to buy a perit for zone two I mean you they can all buy zone two if they want so are you going to then tell the two tenants in the big house in the main house two tenants you can have a car on the property and the other two are not going to have a car on the property and have if they have a car they have to get Town parking is that how you're going to manage the the parking on in the U yes okay I think that's maybe we would put that it's not stated in the parking or the management plan but that might be a condition that the board would want to consider is that the two um two parking places for the main house are designated by in in the lease and that the other people are required to park on the obtain City parking permits would you that be acceptable yeah and also we it's a it's an attractive person who sends in an application that doesn't have a car we are downtown walking distance to all the universities and bus systems and downtown for food and shopping and uh having it's an ideal place not to have a car that is that is also that is attractive to us sure and one last Point um on a complaint response form you just had listed you and your wife as a few people to contact and in your narrative you talked about um Gabor I think I put him his name in there he has you I don't think I I thought it was just um I'll look at it real quickly here complaint response form it just has oh and the in there so and the other one would be uh what about the residential manager on the complaint response form you can have up to three people you're going to hire a residential manager um one of your tenants correct we can yeah I I I look at it more like a pyramid being me and my wife at the top so if there's a complaint all of them should be if there's anything that needs to be done that comes to me I wouldn't so well there's some stuff that could be immediate you know and that's what the notion of a residential manager in a non unoccupied building is is somebody who's on site that can respond quickly so your neighbor can respond fairly quickly but the requirement is for a residential manager and the notion there is for somebody that can respond quickly through either complaints of noise or a problem in the house that they then have to get a hold of you but we I'll read you the I'll get a hold of the definition of a residential manager in a second um I'll open it up to qu other questions for members of the board do people have questions uh Mr sler well um most of my questions have to do with the nature of the residential manager as a presence on a day-to-day basis so I'd like to hear about how you will select the resident manager because that's in your application uh when when the chair asks you about it a moment ago you said I think you said I'm not trying to quote you but it um I think you said yes we could do that when he asked you going to hire a residential manager i' never planed to but I I'd like to know well it's in I believe it's in the application that residential ma resident manager is is mentioned so I would like to know how that person will be selected and what the status will be in in the um building uh if if you're renting individual rooms then that could imply that the four tenants in the main house do not have a connection so it's not that you're renting it to four people one of whom will be the resident manager and they have a connection so how will you um select the resident manager and under what conditions will that person serve so the res I guess the resident manager we do have one bedroom that might be $100 more $200 more I can't remember how my wife had it set up but that person is in the first floor uh bedroom which is quite much larger and if they if they were the resident manager we can have them as a forward contact on the zba uh for the town to call in case there's a uh noise complaint or the trash cans are out or uh one of the cars is honking incessantly or whatever the reason is um they can out put their phone number on that and also they be the first Contact from to Rachel and I if there is a complaint among the the four tenants or and uh and or need something done with the house such as uh a maintenance problem well I I I guess that what I'm the concern that that leads me to ask these questions is I'm not so concerned about uh a plumbing issue that they need to deal with you to get repaired I'm concerned about the effect on the neighborhood of a non-owner occupied building there's a direct correlation proven over and over that non non-owner occupied uh has a strong correlation to properties that are disturbing to the properties around it so if one of the four people in the big bedroom or not I don't care is the resident manager what Authority will you be vesting in this person over the other tenants what will the defined role of this person be I'm I'm uncomfortable with a responsible property that has been responsibly administered because it's owner occupied becoming non-owner occupied in a sort of informal Arrangement and this is you you'll be in Ashfield which is a considerable distance if there's a problem if and and once we Grant if we do that this can be non-owner occupied then any any intent certain intentions that you may have in terms of how this operate are not part of the the permit that you'll have you'll be you'll be able to rent it or or not rent it if there's no structured way of defining the resident manager so what Authority would this person have could this person control the other people if there's a problem can what would they be able to do um what could they be able to do um well first I would think they would call me or gbor if it needs a more immediate stuff and Rachel um powers like evicting people are you saying or or no but if if you're not I guess if if there is a disturbance what Authority would this would the resident manager have over anybody else in the building if you're not reachable if Gabor is not reachable if there's if you were if you when you're living there if you were in the place and you're the owner with the authority of an owner and there is a problem with a tenant you would be there to deal with it I don't expect you to shoot anybody or go after them with a club but you would at least be present with the inherent authority of an owner what Authority will be vested in a resident manager because I don't I I'm curious H you know how you're going to appoint this person this is what I don't understand I guess I'm not finding it either I'm having trouble with the concept too because powers like I mean if if there's a disturbance and there's a party or there's a fight they would call the police and if they couldn't catch me or gobor um powers like I'm I don't I'm not sure where you're trying to get at I'm sorry for a Bas let's look at the a baseline of what's in the zoning bylaw for a definition of a resident manager so it's 12.42 resident manager is a live-in resident of a rental residential use qualified and responsible for implementation of the property management plan and for managing and coordinating the maintenance housekeeping and administrative duties for the rental units under their charge so their duties are managing and coordinating U for managing and coordinating the maintenance housekeeping and administrative duties for the rental units under their charge and for the implementation of the a property management plan so that's the that's the state of responsibilities in the that's the minimum right in the zoning bylaw is what you need to how you need to power or the resident manager then Mr slober had questions about how you're going to select and choose the res manager and and if you give him and what Authority you would have on a a disturbance or something else um some complaint to him as the first he or she as the first stop I would assume we'd pick someone that uh we felt was responsible enough and was uh confident enough of calling us or or um or talking to I mean if they if there's maintenance that needs to be do cleaning needs to be done by the by the group and maybe dictated by the manager and making sure that things were kept up like we don't want the garbage to uh build up or dishes to be built up or uh if there's uh extra people in the house the manager would say no you cannot have this extra people or family members or whatever in the house um and I'm sorry we're gonna have to tell Lea uh the the owners this and um just making sure that the house is kept up and clean and uh the is not going to get burned down and things are not getting worn down and um things like fire fire uh extinguishers and uh batteries in the alarms are kept in their in the proper places and we would hire we would find that and we would uh give them a discount as um as the manager to to fulfill that role I interrupted you Mr sler I just wanted to provide the the site and the I decid go no I app I appreciate that especially if I'm not making myself entirely clear are you um are you going to rent to undergraduate students or grad students well we can't say that but that's not our plan your what what is your plan grad students grad students would be the best have you considered renting the entire larger unit to a family it has we have we are considering that we have been approached by a uh by a person that wanted to um uh to an Afghan family okay I all right I I don't doesn't matter to me where a family comes from actually understood yes I think that would be we're considering it we have a there's that would that would eliminate I'm only speaking for myself that would eliminate a lot of concerns that I have about renting it to four unrelated undergrads uh obviously the it's likely the revenue for four rooms would not be as sorry we don't want to go to undergrads I'm I'm sorry say that again please we prefer not to rent to undergrads or to groups or to groups but okay but once you get a permit you you could and it's it's it needs to be formalized so there would be likely less Revenue if it was rented to a family but it would be a more stable rental situation in terms of the neighborhood is that is that something other than an Afghan family or whoever you've been talking to are there other families that might rent the large unit no family has uh applied okay all right thank you um rob you had your hand up and then I want to go to for clarification and then I want to go to miss green Bal and then miss Marshall in that order sure um thank you Mr chair so basically uh Mr s's point you know you have to be cautious when trying to condition and such because that could be seen as discriminatory and you know you have to be careful I mean the landlords have the right to vest um possible tenants to the interview process if they so choose whoever is a right fit um the board can only go so far as to limit say the number of occupants and that's pretty much it so I mean put adver out and we're we're we're taking those applicants so it undergrad stuff we prefer to do this and that but we can't and also you know the the applicant is as the landlord allowed to to rent only to um non undergrads if they wanted to I mean that's up to them I just think that you have to the board itself cannot make that a condition because that's overreaching on their end but they are free but the landlord is free to choose only grad students or families if they wish correct if if they the owner feel they can if they if that tenant fits within their policies and they the result of their decisions and their qualifications they just can't they can't discriminate against the person themselves that's that's the big thing they can't do um and also I just want to throw in the mix that the resident manager is a requirement for convert dwellings if they're non owner occupied so it's kind of being forced on the applicant that's just how it is in the bylaw so you know I do recommend the board also you know we could explore adding some conditions for the resident manager as well and one of them I thought could be a good addition could be having that contact info provided to Inspection Services every time there is a new Resident manager who would come in because you have to anticipate you know there's going to be turnover of the resident manager if a new tenant comes in so that person is going to change um pretty frequently so yeah you might want to keep that in mind too Miss green bom you were next um I'm seeing several red flags that I had put up when I was reading through the application I think Mr Gibson is rather naive about managing properties especially in a University Town um the first I I'd like to say I wish that we had had a site visit because I'm confused about the parking I don't know what it's a very very small lot but only six Lots on that whole street of 25 units is uh our our uh Leal Lots most of them are very very small like this one is so I would have liked to have seen the parking plan but the biggest thing here is renting to room by room and the bylaw very clearly states that this is a situation that becomes a rooming house if you have four different people who are not signing the same Le who know each other ahead of time first of all you're going to run into problems because we're going to have people moving in and out you're going to have problems collecting the rent from four people at one time unless that's the job of the resident manager to pull pull the rental checks together and uh they feel less obligation to fulfill the full year lease if they're not a group that know each other they don't know if they're going to get along with each other to start bickering and makes it uncomfortable for the other two that are still living there so I would um reference right away for people Onre and and we've been through this on the zoning board before that's why I'm bringing it up that that you're going to have trouble and if you look under the under the zoning byw on the lodging house for people on unrelated renting separate bedrooms is is a rooming house and that has its own rules and regulations requiring a special permit and I believe it has to be owner occupied or a person who owns it who is is running the rooming house so I I I would say that that policy has to be clarified that these are four people on the same lease with equal responsibility for abiding by all the conditions of the lease and I also found this Lea lease rather um vague and not I I would think that that others we have seen on this panel can go to 24 pages with all the things well or longer I've seen some of the earlier ones that came in when the rent registration first started that stipulates very carefully what everybody's responsibilities are but four different people renting different rooms is not legal unless you get a different permit um just so we I'm trying to I'm looking for the rooming house definition in the lodging lodging house lodging I didn't look it up I've got I've got the bile all right let I can look it up and I think what I found is lodging house or boarding house a residential use housed in a dwelling in a single dwelling or part of a dwelling were no fewer than six but not more than 10 unrelated persons are let or sublet lodging in private rooms or quarters not constituting dwelling units for a definite period of time excuse me can I also say I think there are two categories for under three people might be allowed by right but more than three people is um requiring special per extensive knowledge of the bylaw I just don't see it here miss green bom I don't see that in the definition of lodging house I see what Steve was mentioning I can't remember what but I I've been through this with you know years passed yeah and one of that was the reason why they went with the first front registration bylaw because the um it if people don't know each other and they move in together especially in a house so small you're GNA you know issues of people needing psychological space too and if they don't know each other become I've been there I mean both as part of this board and and my 60 years learning experience and I'll tell you some groups are undergraduates were a lot better than a lot of families I've had over the years to yeah those you gotta play you know you gota you gota be careful and I've also had issues with mcad and I learned from that never did that again um all right any other Miss Miss Marshall well I'd say first that that issue the lodging is it a lodging house if there even is such a classification anymore better be nailed down pretty soon yeah um you know I know the zoning bylaw has been revised over the years so maybe maybe that's not a thing anymore with with for four people um but I wanted to ask the applicant um the resident manager is that going to be like advertised as a job that comes with a with a room like or or you advertising the rooms and then seeing if somebody would like to be be the manager um because I think you do want it is a job it is a responsibility I mean that person doesn't can't can't violate tenants rights any more than a and the owner living in the house can violate tenant rights I mean they there's a limit to how much babysitting um uh resident manager could do but but I I do hope it's it's um put forward as a as a a real responsibility so if Mr Gibson could speak to that um yeah I don't know we haven't really given it much thought about how we're going to actually uh it will definitely be a discount I guess uh to not a free room and um but but my concern is someone maybe said well oh sure I'll do you know for 50 bucks or 100 yeah I'll I'll do it without like really understanding what's involved or committing to what's involved so um so you know maybe it's you know you have these bedrooms to be rented you also have a bedroom at a discount with a job you know job included and and just be very upfront and let people apply for that one if they want I would also I I think it might work better I don't have any experience in this but if it's the person in the studio who's the manager um you know put a little distance between that person and the the other tenants who might be having the parties or the fifth person or whatever it would be a little awkward to be living with them so those are my thoughts but I go ahead Mr Gibson if you wish to respond um good ideas thank you well I think what you know those that's kind of thing that um either you should draft up a a few sentences that say what the responsibilities are or we can condition that in the um in the conditions of the responsibilities of the resident manager I I feel uncomfortable kind of uncomfortable doing that from the government standpoint um I thought I wrote a conditional thing when I in my in my in my the thing but all right well let's look it's in the management report plan uh we be us one of the tenants as a resident manager and a lead contact required by ammer bylaw the resident manager will be responsible for organizing snow removal from sidewalks driveways weekly trash management notifying the owners of repairs needed and the town contact if needed they are also responsible for communication with owners if tasks need more attention I guess that that deals with all the sort of administrative and and the um the trash and the snow and that kind of stuff that's obvious could be a problem for Neighbors the one thing doesn't the one thing it doesn't speak to is um you know if there's um violations of the lease or the restrictions on noise or or nuisance that the um the resident manager should try to quell that and if if you can't contact UM the owner or the or the neighbor down the street that you've identified on the complaint response form but something like that would delineate more the responsibilities of the residential manager resident manager I think that is is that what you're getting at Miss Marshall and Mr SL that's something that you've spoken to is that so I just sorry I just I was muted there yes I think it needs to be made very clear up front that this is what you're applying for like if you want the studio it here it is is and it's got this job and you know you go into it with your eyes open I think that would be very clear sorry to interrupt yeah yep that's great uh Mr sler yes Mr chair when you when you just asked me what I was thinking the phrase using one of the tenants strikes me as being overly casual and overly informal about this I think the resident manager needs to be a clearly identified and qualified person for it it can't just be I I think that Miss Marshall identified something that's very important here it can't just be somebody who says yes I'd like to save $100 a month on my rent so I'll do it maybe at the age of 19 with absolutely no experience and a timid personnal but wants to save $100 that is not qualified in my mind so I I I think that that Miss Marshall actually touched upon something very important here which is the process of identifying and in fact in a way hiring the resident manager I hired my my stepfather down the street who's managed that property for 13 years and lived in it and knows it very well has to be a resident manager that's the bylaw requirement here yeah there's not an exception for you know somebody who has done it in the past if they don't live there okay yep so you have to have somebody what we're all what Miss Marshall and Mr slob are one of the things are talking about is you have to have somebody there in the building potentially and the concerns I've heard are one that there's uh it may be better to have them in the studio because then they aren't sort of um part of the group and they aren't inhibited by going after one of their F somebody they become roommates with so perhaps requiring the studio the person in the studio apartment to be the resident manager that you hire them to do that you lay out the responsibility including um the administrative responsibilities and the first Contact and their responsibility is to notify you should there be any violations of the lease or um disturbances to or nuisance of the neighborhood something to that effect do that I could do that that that's the kind of thing there I think that at least is addressing some of the concerns that you've heard from the board members okay um all right so what we wanted I think what we'd like to do is you need to amend your your management plan to do that because right now you it's you're just going to we'll be using one of the tenants um so we may want to either put that in the condition Rob or should is it best to put that in a condition or is it best to for him to amend the management plan here at this at the uh during the the meeting it's up to you as the board I mean if you guys feel that you should you should have them come back and you can review The Mansion plan again you could do that or you could do a condition where has be amended and submitted after the fact totally fine either option it's up to the group Miss Marshall yeah if it's if the management plan is amended and submitted after the fact who reviews it Rob just Rob if it's okay with Rob then we're good probably the billing commissioner assume um and he other Rob okay yeah other Rob other Rob usually sticks to the book too um but it's it's up to the board I mean if the board feels that they want to review it again as a group that's fine or if you trust staff to do on your behalf that's also fine but again I can't tell you how to how to feel about that but you you want you hear our concern or I do yeah I have some written down and we can talk about it towards the end just so we're on the same page Miss green bom I have the section in the bylaw that that talks about lodging a rooming 3329 in the table and um as defined here it's illegal in RG it's not allowed in RG and I believe that it was the Building Commissioner decided the separate people who SE rending of separate buildings might have been Robert might have been Bonnie before him that ruled that having groups that were not not constituted friends constituted a boarding house and that's a that's something you may want to check on and continue the hearing to find out what what the whether there's an actual statement in the bylaw or that was a uh regulation promulgated by the building inspector so I mean that's the it's lodging or boarding houses which in this case M green Bal I think does not apply here because number one in the definition of lodging or boarding house it's it's um no more that it's between six and 10 people and they're talking about four well there was there's another section in there where it might be under accessory uses and I didn't check accessory uses right now but I I know because it's been enforced in the past that there has to be one lease you can't have four different people on their own lease well it's it's bad management practice to begin with because you're going to run into problems even collecting your rent and people moving in out it's not a it's not a good go ahead I'm sorry M GRE no I'm just saying that that I think that we need to find out about and I as I say I don't remember which manager which building instructor who was who had ruled but four people on separate leases constituted a grooming house so what I did earlier today is I talked to Rob MOA specifically about this when I saw oh you did okay I did I did I talked to about not about rooming houses but about leasing to individuals as opposed to group for that for those four units and what he told me is that they're finding he is seeing that this is something that is occurring routinely if not all the time but frequently I think is what he used frequently in leasing multiple um people in a in a unit more than one when you have up to four people in a unit that because of technology and roommates finding roommate sites and other things landlords are doing this more often and that is just the way in which people look for rooms now through technology has and housing through technology has changed and he thinks his advice to me was try to find a way to ameliorate any concerns you have with leasing out to individuals rather than trying to prohibit leasing out to individual leases because it's just you're fighting you're trying to push a river um he didn't use that term I'm I'm I'm using term but you're trying to push a river against a technology which is causing which is allowing people to act independently and then the landlord to choose individuals together as opposed to choosing four so that was his I'm just giving that information to for the benefit of the board that's what Rob said this afternoon uh Mr well that's why we're having the problems that we're having in neighborhoods too could Mr Gibson we're not opposed to uh renting to a group of that goes into the as a in a group we just we haven't had the applicants at the moment for that um I would think I I imagine and I had some rental experience as a landlord um that when you do a group there there's more tendency or more opportunity since they are friends that to have those parties and the and the loudness uh because they're so amiliar with each other and they are in a in in a living situation as a group as instead of individuals who are um living individually in in a property and sharing it and um so we prefer to have the individual groups uh individual rather than a group but that was from our own experience it's not a financial decision to no all right Miss Marshall and then Mr sloger yeah I would say um if it if it isn't prohibited to to rent rooms singly um you know the risk the risk is on the landlord the tenants will just skip out you know and and not pay or something that's you know I don't think I don't see that as our problem I don't see where in the bylaw it says it's prohibited to do so in the converted dwelling I looked in that section in the lodging house section and I would caution using that as as the I guess the precedent for for restricting the applicant to to pursue groups for the bigger unit I would double check on that and I could definitely do that if this hearing is continued and I'll speak with Mr Moore about that but just from my own initial impression it seems that if it's not prohibited in the bylaw that I don't think it's really enforceable and the other thing I want to make sure we adhere to is what's before us today is the request to change from owner from owner occupied to non-owner occupied and the implications of that mean what that means for us is that what we should be looking at is only things that are directly related to that change of ownership in terms of conditions and findings and everything else it's not general you know not not like a special permit that's brand new so we have our mission here is more narrowly targeted I think one of those I think it's legitimate to say we because you have to have a residential manager we're concerned about the responsibilities and the selection that's legit that's a very legitimate concern by the board I think that's right I'm not sure if it's up to the board to decide whether um they think that renting by individuals is act I don't think that's clear one way or the other we can act on that if we want I'm not inclined to do that but those are the I think we have to maintain our focus on what is the what is what is asked of us and what the what the applicant is seeking which is a change in the ownership uh and the owner occupancy of the of the building yeah Mr slober and then miss Marshall then miss greenball and Rob you still have your hand up is there anything is there a point of clarification I'll wait to after everybody's done with their questions Mr sler okay so I I just want to clarify what I am pursuing here this application asked for the change of status to owner occupied there were other note there were other questions on there about seeking a waiver for parking and lighting and I asked Mr ailla today about those because I didn't understand what why they were even there the applicants not asking for more parking spaces not asking to put up flood lights or anything and Mr wiill said that this is sort of a boilerplate part of any application and that it's not an issue so it's not an issue for me at all so for me this almost and i' also like to add I don't care particularly if there are four separate leases or two or one that's how how the applicant fills the property with rent with renters also doesn't matter to me and I agree with the chair that that is not the question before us and it is not in our purview and it seems highly unlikely to me that it would even be enforcable so for me this and this entire question and the part about which I am not yet satisfied comes down to the definition and how to fill the role and the qualifications of the resident manager that is the the change from owner occupied to non-owner occupy generally revolves around behavior and I don't care about dishes in the sink and I don't care about a whole lot of other things as long as the trash cans come in and the neighbors are not affected but this to me comes down to the resident manager how it will be defined how it will be hired how it will be qualified and that cannot be an informal process that we intend to do it a certain way and somebody's down the street and I'll be responsive this is once we Grant an approval then they are not bound by things that uh we can't enforce Mr oill has pul pointed out there's certain things we can enforce and I'm not even interested in enforcing a lot of them it's this for me it comes down to the resident manager thank you got it all um let's see who else was who else had their hand up Mr waill oh excuse me Mr Gibson did you wish to respond thank you for those comments um I will I agree it should be the studio manager as with a discount and we'll have those regulations they'll be the ones that with the contact with the zba board for if there's any noise complaints they'll be the ones that will will be front contact and the enforcers of of um the the rules of the lease I think that's the way we should do it Mr Bill thank you um so I guess I have a couple questions well one I want to clarify a statement I made earlier regarding um discrimination of course the applicant as a land owner cannot discriminate against federally protected groups and classes of people yeah um and then anything else after that I mean um in terms of graduate versus undergraduate there's not really anything that's saying that they can't prohibit against that um so I just want to make everybody aware of that in terms of what we discussed tonight in terms of I guess the consensus from what I'm getting of the board members that it's looking like this is going to be continued to a future date is that correct from board members are we still not there yet I'm not sure that that's it may be right but I okay but let's not assume that yet because we may to solve the resident manager definition through either a manage we can amend the management plan here or we could create a condition with specific language and we might be able to but we'll leave it up to the board let's not assume that until we get to that point I do want to ask then if that's the case and we do get to that point um I think we should summarize everything the board wants from Mr Gibson so he knows or we can capture that correctly in the conditions or what needs to be updated in in the documents you're referencing right we want to do right exactly y um just so people can think about this I took a cut at changing the management plan which could either be an amendment to the management plan for the definition of residential manager or could be put as a condition and we can work this later but this is my initial thoughts there should read we will be hiring as opposed to using we will be hiring the tenant in the studio unit as a resident manager and Lead contact as required by Amorous bylaws the resident then it's continues as he as it is submitted to us the resident manager will be responsible for organizing snow removal from walkways and driveways weekly trash management notifying owners of repairs needed and town contact if needed they are also responsible for communication with owners if tasks need more attention I would add the resident manager shall be responsible to notify owners or where appropriate police or other Town officials of behavior which is by tenants I should say Behavior by tenants which is in violation of the lease or creates a destructive a disturbance or nuisance for neighboring property I think that's kind of what we're getting at um oh that's good for yeah but we can we can massage that a little bit but I think that's kind of the point we're getting at for the duties of a resident manager Mr slober you've been talking about this a lot and I want to make sure that I'm on the right track here uh before we move on to comments from the public or or other concerns by board members I think you're on the right track all right okay all right Miss Marshall yeah I excuse me um I was I I I imagine all kinds of things you know different scenarios so what if you you lease out the studio apartment for 12 months to somebody who then doesn't do the job um that would be a problem so just wonder if you might want to consider uh renting that unit like a tency at will or something like so that you have a little control over that person actually performing in return for the discount well I would you know that's a good point I would say that if that person doesn't do the job and it's part of the lease then they violated their lease too so if they lease if they lease the the studio apartment the one-bedroom apartment to somebody on the condition that they're the resident manager and they don't do that then they violated their lease so either month by month or the lease might be able to enforce that right so you'd have to put all that language the duties of the resident manager into that lease yeah yeah that separate lease you want to and that's something we could that could just be done post the hearing you could submit the a new lease with that for the studio apartment with the responsibilities in it Miss green bom yeah the section on rooming houses is section 5.01 on page 62 and it has the the two categories of the three and and the four to six and I would like it might not have been Rob who who made this ruling 10 years ago about how many you know whether people on the lease sign one lease and I are jointly jointly and severally re that's the big the big word jointly and severally and I don't know whether I saw that in this lease I also would like this lease tightened up like some of the other leases that are on file for other properties the I'm much more specific in who who who does what and who's responsible for what but as I say the jointly and severly becomes an issue when you have four people that don't know each other so so when we continue it can we talk to Rob MOA and see whether that was his ruling about the uh four people on One lease or four leases by the bedroom yeah I'm I'm looking at right now I'm looking at the Article Five accessory uses is this but this isn't an accessory use this is yeah well that's the whole issue what's the difference between four people renting rooms in a house and for people um who know each other who are a constituted group on one lease jointly and severly responsible for all the conditions on that lease well in order for well one the first one miss green bound the first one in both 510 and five 501 and 5.01 01 is that there should be an owner who resides on the premises responsible for the operation I mean and there isn't and that that's why we have this gray area here but but that doesn't but that's not the uh but we have converted no I I I think it I don't think this this is not that this is not I don't think this applies to that situation yes but I'm telling you from my other eight years on the zoning board this has come up and and it was there are some Notorious cases that made us you know get get involved in 20 years ago with rent control and the first rent because these kinds of things were creating terrible conditions in neighborhoods that apparently are only gotten worse so I think think that somewhere along the line we got to figure out which building inspector or which law from the state or somewhere in the bylaw I'm not finding it required that four people be jointly and severly responsible well maybe that's but I I don't know that that's the case in talking to Rob it's he said it is it is not requ fired and he's seeing more and more situations where people are renting a four unit renting to four people in a house with separate leases and not with not all in a combined lease and that used to be considered illegal but he's changing a lot of things I've discovered over the last nine months he's interpreting things very differently than had been in the past well that's his job he's supposed to do that but but that is let's Okay so we have in order to proceed I guess what I'd like to do is make we've gotten we've identified a couple of issues the first issue is residential manager and a definition of that job secondly and where they live secondly we have the question about whether separate leases are um in separate leases caus this to be a rooming house um and whether it's legal or not those the two issues that I've heard so far we've talked about parking I don't hear a lot of concern about parking I don't hear a lot of concern about the other waivers I don't hear a lot of concern about if there's a good manager I don't hear the concern about disturbance to the neighborhood although that hasn't been discussed a lot but that and that may come up yet but that's that's what I understand that's been raised is there are there any other issues that we that the board is interested in Miss Marshall well miss greenbound um would like a a more extensive lease I don't know if that is in our uh remit to require and if it is can she provide an example or does the because everybody files them they're in the past we we've required them and so they're all in the planning department could Rob give such yeah a more detailed you can find much more detailed leases on other and I know there's tons of them being filed yeah this is too generic it's not Amorous oriented I mean it's taken from some textbook on Massachusetts leases but you can find more fullsome leases examples of more fullsome leases in town literally are there other concerns that people want to talk about before we go to public comment and I don't want to I'm not trying to stifle our our discussion here so I if you have something raise it now Mr sler well I I have a suggestion I it's not so much a concern at this point I'm encouraged actually that the applicant is not selling the property and that yeah he I know I paid attention yeah thank you I my plan is I love this house this is the house I went to school in at Wildwood in high school this is the house that I grew up with this is loving want to leave the neighborhood I'm coming back to the Sunday brunches every on the first of every month I understand but loving loving the neighborhood is not part of the approval process and they're using my stuff that I love also this is my house that I'm going to care for and if I'm one of your tenants I will be careful with all the furniture I promise I I I'm encouraged that the house is not being sold and that the applicant has a vested interest in it being maintained and operated properly so that's a good thing that I'm saying and I said it first so the applicant understands that I'm trying to find a way through this and I think we're I would a service to the town by providing some housing okay that's fine so I'm not concerned about four separate leases I said this before I'm not concerned I'm I would suggest that it is the responsibility of the applicant to present a very defined and thorough resident manager proposal so rather than us as a group trying to write this for him it should be clear to the applicant by now what concerns us and it's not I'm not the only one miss Marshall raised the number of points this is shared and chair did also this is shared by this committee as a whole that this application pivots on the resident manager so I am sort of suggesting that it be continued in whatever mechanism that would be and that the applicant takes the time and the care to present a well-thought out resident manager um construct about how how the resident manager will be qualified what those qualifications are the circumstances and come back to us because it should not be that difficult and it shouldn't take that much time at another meeting because we been through everything already it seems to me so a I'm prepared to support a very solid resident manager proposal and I'm prepared to oppose an informal casual resident manager proposal so I need to see something smart and comprehensive and that's what I'm suggesting the applicant go leaves this meeting and comes back to us thank you all right Mr White do you have anything to say we're going to go to public comment next but I don't want to preclude you oh no thank you Mr chair so I mean clearly I've been listening this entire time and yeah I mean I would pretty much agree with Mr sler um however if it's the kind of will of the board uh that we kind of put this on on Town sta you know and kind of it a little bit um obviously I trust Town staff to do their jobs my concern though would be is this putting undue work on Town staff um by us kind of just putting tun that off but preferably I would like to see this come back before the board with a more defined management plan okay Mr W chill I just want to um just say something real quick so it seems like there's three possible Pathways that we can move forward with this the first one is to have the public hearing continued the applicant come back with the descriptive language of the resident manager that Mr sovor had requested and that everybody else also chipped in about second option could be to Grant some sort of decision on the permit if it was approved you could require that the applicant return at public meeting with those update documents um make that condition of of the permit or the third option would be just to rely on staff to review after the fact as well so those are kind of like the three main options I'm sensing are to come from this so I mean it's up to the board to decide which Avenue you want to go down um just figure I'd throw that out there thank you thanks those are three good points I don't want to make that decision until we get public comment so that's before we move but that would be the order of business after we consider what our process is after we get public commented so what I'd like to do now is to move to public comment on this Rob do we have um people who wish maybe this maybe there's nobody that wants to comment and I've pushed us all off for no reason at all but I'm guessing that there there may be there isn't nobody wishes to there's no public comment so just reiterate those in attendance if you wish to uh make a comment you can use your use the raise hand function or press star 9 if you're calling in uh remember this pug comments only for the petition at hand our one and 10d is not raising his hand so I would that's a no okay much to do about nothing for my concerns all right so the next then then I think we got to talk about how we proceed and I think Mr sler and Mr White have made a good point um rob you identified three possibilities I think that um if we're going to if we're going have to come back and act I'd rather do the whole thing rather than approve it now and then have the additional information come back at a later point I think it's just cleaner to do it all at once that's my feeling and what I would like to get from the applicant is and a good description of the a good solid description of the qualifications and the role of the project manager of the resident manager excuse me as well as I think it'd be helpful to have a better lease I mean the the leases it's not not my major concern if you don't have a good lease that's kind of your problem but I'm hearing from board members that there's some concern about the lease so there are there are more fleshed out leases that the town has seen and you can get a get a hold of easily and you can amend it for the resident manager easily enough it wouldn't take you know more than 10 minutes to do it'd be a be a better lease personally that's more a business decision but I think you'll find more support for that as amongst the board members if you have a better lease or more fullsome lease um is there other things that people would expect come back if we come back we do continue this and we come back in uh two weeks or whatever to to look at this other concerns people have on the board M I just wanted to say that there's a reason that we have the regulation that we collect the leases and so I think the town intended something more than just a generic least you know I think that's that's a good point yeah we do collect we don't have things for nothing there's usually a reason why the town decided that was a good idea and and I think that that Mr Gibson should take a little toot to the town hall and look at some of them yep that's and that you can get help from town staff on that absolutely and lastly the question you raised Miss green balb um can be addressed by Town staff by Rob or Rob uh for our next meeting so we can clarify it yeah we should we should know where we stand on that one yeah because if if it's happening more and more then we gota we got to know about it that's not Mr Gibson's responsibility that's no no no I'm it's ours along with a couple of other things that have become issues lately onist miss Marshall I do think that that the applicant should develop the language and the requirements duties whatever about the resident manager I would suggest though that he run that by planning staff before the meeting so you know yep people who got had experience drafting these working these and the town staff is there to can be very helpful in this case right great I'll also um send you an email about this tomorrow so in case you miss something you'll have a full scoop on on what to do for the next meeting and you can watch the video yes watch watch the video when it becomes available yeah oh this is a recorded this is yep we record all the meetings it's pretty scary when you watch yourself on Zoom I in case you didn't have enough fun tonight you can relive it yeah you said you didn't have much experience with zoom well you're have more than you more than you want now it's like watching The Godfather over and over and over yeah okay um I sense a consensus here amongst our members so what I would do is I would entertain a mo well before I ask the motion Rob how soon can we get this back up uh so depends I mean it might be a little bit late to do it for the meeting next Thursday I know the only person who might have potential conflict is Mr White because he's going to be traveling for a good part of May uh Miss Marshall I don't know your schedule coming up but I guess we could do sometime in May if it's if it works for anybody I mean philli what times are you unavailable in May um so I will be traveling until roughly just off the top of my head because I don't have my calendar in front of me the 16th of May 16th okay uh Craig um if it was continued to around that time so after the 16th would that be doable in your situation I'd like to get it done I'll do what you guys oh if I could be there I will all right so let me look at my I guess what he's asking is does a 16 impose a burden on does it make it difficult for you to get tenants is that too long that's what he's asking are you are you in the middle of getting tenants right now and you can't do that until you get the special permit of course so you can wait you can wait a month uh wait a month to get tenants yeah uh that's a that's a hardship but um we haven't we we haven't done it yet so so well you can't do it until we do the special permit so that's I just you agree to this is the season where a lot of people are applying so it's uh it's significantly I mean yeah I just don't think I don't know how we can do this before that um so the May 16th issue of a waiting period too the 20-day waiting period before it's legal yeah so it's the 18th um if it if it could oh sorry Mr chair go ahead we could work it out um like I said I will not be unavailable because I won't leave for travel until the 1st of May um if it would be possible to get it done prior to that I would be able to move some stuff around to be able to work it um but it's just during that period I won't be available so miss Marshall are you available on the 20 can I mean the other possibility is the 25th are you available I cannot I cannot meet on the 25th so um and and you're leaving on the 1 of May and I can't I could do it on the 2nd of May um we do it an off off day excuse me like yeah we could do it Friday Friday yeah if if this if this would be the only item on an agenda and Mr Gibson is has submitted and and is fully prepared it shouldn't be a long meeting we could do it could we do it on a Tuesday sure do it on the 30th of April we can do it on the 23rd or the 30th I think the 23rd might be too soon Mr over there because of advertising requirements I think if if people want to do Tuesday the 30th at 6: p.m no it doesn't work for Miss Marshall is that school committee meeting yes unless we could do it at five five too early for you could you do it at five me who Miss Marshall could you do it at five on the um 30th yes I could do it at five on the 30th I can Mr Gibson would you be available around that time yes okay so I was gonna say maybe okay so it sounds like can you do that I can but my wife might be there uh I do have a commitment at 6:30 in Conway but so what if we um would it be so much to push you a little bit earlier to 4:30 that day or is that too early for folks I can do it 4:30 uh Sarah David Hilda does that work for you I'm just checking for3 okay yeah I I can do it we're trying to accommodate this and if everybody is efficient and we don't talk about lighting and parking since we don't have to then we can get right to the resident manager and then we're done can you send the all material at least a day ahead so we can read it I'll send it to you that Friday the 26th beforehand so you guys have a few days to look it over right so that would be the lease and the management plan yep the lease and the management plan and then you should have the zoom link and stuff before that um so we can make that work and I would have to yeah that that should we could do that all right I I sense a consensus and so I I would entertain a motion that this the special permit application be uh continued until April 30th at 4 430 second yep it's been moved and seconded any discussion no discussion the chair votes I um Mr White I Mr sler I miss green bomb I miss Marshall I and what does a dog say Rob dog says I okay it makes it unanimous all right so this Mo this uh we'll see you on at 4:30 on the 30th Mr Gibson all right and work with the town staff on both the uh responsibility qualifications and responsibilities of a resident manager as well as uh some leases they can be very helpful and I'm I think we might be able to get this result yep and I will Craig I'll reach out to you tomorrow um so we can get started on that um to work with you on getting that updated great all right thank you thank you the next order of business is um public comment on any matter not before the board tonight so if you wish to speak on any matter um at all except for the matter before the board tonight please so indicate by raise using the raised hand function on your screen or um using the star n on your pound n on your phone Rob I don't see any public comments oh there's one oh Mr Varner John Varner Mr Varner uh please give your name and address for the record John Varner 54 Jeffrey Lane uh I'm just uh wondering about my appointment to the position of associate on zoning board of appeals I understood in a letter from miss grimer that um my ter would begin immediately and then would be re-up in July for the following calendar year because you're currently down a couple members of um the zoning board right now but I wasn't notified by anybody on the zoning board um and I I don't have any materials um regarding the U meeting next week which I think will be pretty momentous regarding the the solar project on shutesbury road and I'm just wondering um if my understanding is not correct about being a member now um if my term starts now or in July I'm not clear about that and if it starts now um if I can get the material or a package of materials regarding the solar project uh so that I can get up to speed on what's going on with that for next week right um well there's two things there first um I think you're correct that your appointment as a um um associate member does start um you know I have to look I think your I think your appointment as an associate member does start now and then goes through 25 born in be sworn in okay there's so you have to be sworn in you have to do the ethics and the conflict of interest um tutorials those are also respons you're responsible for for doing that as well okay very good and you can get all that information from the town clerk or from the planning staff either the next thing is that the panel for the for your information the panel for the shsb road is already established you are not on that panel because it began before you were here and also we only we identify five people for the for each panel and sometimes you're going to be on a panel sometimes you're not going to be on a panel that panel you won't be on if you're interested in it all the information regarding that application will be on the website and you can either gather it there or call planning St and they can direct you to how to get the information for that hearing that's coming up but you won't have a role as a member of the zba for that hearing on next week on the shutesbury solar panel does that make sense yeah thanks for the clarification y I go ahead Mr I was going to say I wasn't really made aware that the appointment was immediate I don't think anybody notifi me so uh Mr Varner I'm the uh the staff person for the zoning board in the planing department so usually you know I'm I'm the main point of contact anything regarding zba um and I wasn't made aware by the Town Council or by the town manager about the I I guess the immediate effect of of the appointment so I'm going to look and ask about that and make sure we're on the same page and that everything is that you have done is already taken care of and stuff and then we could definitely um you know put you into the cycle of of assigning panelists for upcoming meetings because trust me there's a lot of work coming up before the zoning board we don't we're definitely not short of of permits and stuff like that so you'll have plenty of opportunities to join for these future panels great thanks I I did send you an email during this meeting uh regarding the confusion that I had about the appointment so that'll prompt you for tomorrow I guess I see that now thank you yep okay thanks thanks for your help no worries so they'll clarify your term I know there were several that were beginning immediately you you may be one um but they'll clarify your term Mr Barner okay thank you any other public comments if not um is there any what do we have next week Rob so next week we have uh two continued hearings on April 25th um the first is for Shay Road solar project which this is hearing number four now regarding that um big topic is going to be peer riew um and then updates from the applicant um then we also have 368 a sha Street which has a continued hearing day as well um the applicant was required to come back with a lighting plan um or at least skim mags or information um and the applicant has since changed it's now the owner who's the applicant and and the hearing was read vertis as such with the corrected um information and abutters were Ren notified um last week so uh Mr Moore did mention that that was an appropriate Avenue to do if an applicant was to change during the hearing since it's the current owner who's now the applicant um that's acceptable um I was told that the applicant originally uh Miss tayen uh pulled out of a real estate deal so that's why she's no longer involved with the uh the petition um and then we do have two scheduled hearings on May 9th and other than that there's not really much else on the on the calendar Mr chair May 9th all right and we do not have any panelist selected for that one yet I was going to start looking into that either tomorrow or early next week about May 9th I may be up in yeah we'll talk about May 9th all right cool sounds good good all right is there any other old business or any other new business that members of the board have for us tonight all right if not I'd entertain a motion to adjourn so Mo okay second okay it's been moved and seconded that motion is not debatable all in favor chair says I Mr sler I Mr White I miss green Bal hi hi and Miss Marshall hi vote is five to nothing we are adjourned