##VIDEO ID:IzpQKO8sPz4## you can started okay and we are live the chair notes the time is 6 o'clock I call this meeting of the am zoning board of appeals to order my name is Steve judge As Eva chair I want to welcome everyone to this meeting we'll begin with the Roll Call of the zba members Steve judge is present Mr David sler oh you're muted I didn't know I was getting chosen second yes I am here thank you Mr Philip White present Mr Emerald Hy is not here and Mr Craig Meadows here a quorum is present also attending the meeting tonight is Miss Christine bre town planning director Nate Malloy senior planner will be joining us by telephone Jinta Williams Town planner and we also have an attendance Attorney Carol Murray of KP law to provide guidance and assistance to us thank thank you um thank you all pursuing to chapter 20 of the acts of 2021 and extended by chapter two of the acts of 2023 this meeting will be conducted via remote means members of the public who wish to observe the meeting May do so via Zoom or by telephone no inperson attendance of members of the public will be permitted but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time via technological means the zoning board of appeals is a quasa Judicial body that operates under the authority of chapter 48 of the general laws of the Commonwealth with the purpose of promoting health safety convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of the town of amist in accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts general laws chapter 48 and article 10 special permit granting Authority the amoris zoning bylaw this public meeting has been duly advertised and notice thereof has been posted in mails to parties of Interest all hearings and meetings are open to the public and are recorded by Town staff and may be viewed via the town of ammer YouTube channel and zbaa page the procedure is as follows the petitioner presents the application to the board during the hearing after which the board will ask questions for clarification or additional information after the board has completed its question the board will seek public input the public speaks with the permission of the chair if a member of the public wishes to speak they should so indicate by using the raiseed hand function on their screen or by pressing star n on their phone the chair with the assistant of the staff will call upon people wishing to speak when you are recognized provide your name and address to the board for the record all questions and comments must be addressed to the board the board will normally hold public hearings where information about the project and input from the public is gathered followed by public meetings for each the public meeting portion is when the board deliberates and is generally not an opportunity for public comment if the board feels it has enough information and time it will decide upon the application tonight each petition heard by the board is distinct and evaluated on its own merits and the board is not ruled by precedent statutorily for a special permit the board has 90 days from the close of hearing to follow decision for a variance the board has 100 days from the date of filing for the variance to file's decision no decision is final until the written decision is signed by the sitting board members and is filed at the town clerk's office once the decision is filed with the town clerk it's a 20 the appeal period for an AG Greek party to contest the decision with a relevant judicial body in Superior Court after the appeal period the permit must be recorded at registry of D to take effect tonight's agenda minutes approval of the meeting minutes consideration of the approval of meeting minutes from August 29th 2024 and September 12th 2024 a public hearing on zba FY 202-401-3006 in the RVC Village Center residence zoning district and a 47 unit mixed income rental housing in the thre story building with 46 proposed parking spots on the premises of 70 belr toown road map parcel 15 c58 15 c59 and 15 C60 in the RN and FPC neighborhood residence and flood flood prone Conservancy zoning districts this hearing is continued from August 29th 2024 following that there's a general public comment period on any matters not before the board tonight and U time for the board to consider other businesses business not anticipated within the last 48 hours that's the agenda for tonight the first order of business is consideration of the minutes from our August 29th and September 12th meetings I have reviewed the August 29th meeting uh meeting minutes and I find I don't have any U changes or amendments or suggestions to them does anybody else have any corrections if not I would entertain a motion to approve the minutes from August 29th it's so moved second it's moved and seconded any discussions if not the vote occurs on the motion to approve the minutes of August 29th the chair votes I Mr Meadows I Mr sler I Mr White I the vote is for to nothing with one uh absent the motion is approved the next is appr uh consideration of approval of the minutes of the September 12th meeting I do have one change to this I noticed um that on the roll call that we listed Mr Varner as an associate and I think we want to list rwana Khan as the the associate member um I think that's just a typo but other than that I have no changes Mr sler I actually have a change of no consequence but as long as we're detailed oriented maybe this was a test to see if I read this stuff on on page two it says um the the the vote the vote was really three to zero yes to um move the solar hearing not five to zero yeah good catch uh well and um in on page four you referred to Mr Varner not being on that panel but it has that the motion to adjourn speaking of no Consequence the motion motion to adjourn was seconded by Mr Varner and I believe that Mr White seconded it I think Warner wasn't there so that would have been quite a deed so I hope I passed and I've proven I read the minutes yes you you you've read them in in great detail yes I know and my head still throbs you get an A for reading the minutes this week right thank you very much coach all right we've got those two changes are there any other amendments to the meeting minutes from um August or September 12th if there no further changes I would entertain a motion to approve the minutes as amended so moved Mr SL moves Mr Meadow second any discussion no discussion the vote occurs on the motion the chair votes I Mr Meadows hi Mr sler hi Mr White hi the motion carries four to nothing with one absent motion is approved the next order of business is um f zba FY [Music] the applicant at the site and the architect we saw the the site from the road particularly on the Southeast Street observed where the new driveway was going to be the sighting of the building itself how it was going to mesh into the existing school we did not go down the the property line on the far side of the building on the North and the west side of the build the north side of the building at a lot we did go back following the driveway to the parking area out in back of the uh the where the building was going to be and we looked at the parking U where the parking would be laid out and we observed the uh field next to the park and we asked questions about the water uh level of water how the water would get through whether it be CED or not we um had questions about the number of cars a num of parking spaces and how they would be situated um in essence that's pretty much the major questions asked at the site visit at uh on Southeast Street does anybody have oh we also observed where there's off street parking on street parking in the area as as well as the off street parking provided under the plan then we went to the other one on on um belter toown road we found our way back to the uh the site uh which was a bit of a drive back into the site where we observed one of the UN one of the vacant buildings that is going to be um um knocked down and replaced with a new with a new uh building we saw we looked at the lot we saw where the parking was going to be we made uh we w we observed where the conservation land is which trees were going to be cut down uh were there going to be replacement of the vegetation um and there L there was a lot of construction at those site U not due to the applicant or not due to the applicant um activity but due to the work on the road by the town U and we observe the additional land that would the where the building would be placed and how the parking would come off to the back of that and we observed where the front of the building would be or the new building would be um these there other things that were important did any members have any anything else that they thought was important to relate to the public from our site visit Craig or David or Phillip or or Miss bre or Miss Williams I think that pretty much sums it up Mr Meadows there may be a couple of things uh one is I remember uh some discussion about where the old septic tank and SE septic field might be located and if that's going to pose any problems for the landscaping and for the work out there and then it just occurred to me uh was there uh any indication of an oil tank that may have been uh left outside and if so has that been removed does anybody have any indication of of what may have happened to an oil tank if it existed out there that's a really that's a good question we didn't ask at the site visit but we should put that at the top of the items that they would talk about today on our meeting when they do their presentation Mr meow I think that's a good question y okay also we have some submissions and Miss Williams I'm going to ask you to help me to make sure that I've got them all we have um parking memo uh dated September 13th from the applicant we have snow storage um we have a site plan which shows snow storage for both 31 Southeast Street as well as Bel town we received um planting plan revisions for 70 belter toown road we received planning plan revisions for I think this is for the belter town parking we find we also received wayfinders shed fence materials and we have a presentation up dated September 16th which I think they will I suspect that they will use tonight as a a way to walk through some of the issues um I think that's the full number of submissions we've received am I correct that's correct great so um so what I what I've been talking what we noticed is we had a a really large list at the end of last week we talked about almost everything that we were going to do and I think that was a bit ambitious and so my goal tonight would be to go through the submissions that you had that you presented to us that were an answer to our questions from last week it was on parking it was on I think there was some Landscaping questions there was some fencing questions snow removal I think you've had a number of those um so we'd like to go through those and then we'd like to talk about presentations on architecture and mechanical systems for this meeting if you're prepared to do that and then just to give you a kind of an idea of the future it seems to me that if we do architecture and mechanical systems tonight if we can meet on the 26th if you're available on the 26th we can talk storm water management and infrastructure design on that night then we can meet on the 17th we can talk about property management income restrictions and financials and then we could meet on this that's on the 10th excuse me that's the 10th Property Management income restrictions and financials on the 10th and on the 17th the applications applicant selection process and local preference is that achievable from your standpoint wayfinders um yeah that was uh we should be able to um do that I think I might have uh received a little bit more of a advanced um schedule um earlier in the in the week so we're we're prepared to talk at this moves along we're prepared to kind of move um you know move some through some of the items such as like storm water this evening as well okay so let's do this let's let's try to get because I haven't studied storm water so I'm not I'm not ready to go down storm water okay yet so I think if we can do that next on the 26 that'd be better let's let's focus on what we had down before us and again if this gets to be too um aggressive a schedule too fast a schedule for you guys uh let us know and we can try to adjust it to make sure that we get that you're prepared fully prepared to present us all the information we need to have all right yep Mr Wagner you have your hand you I would just yes thank you I I would just ask that who's ever letting people in as panelist that they let in our um our mechanical engineer who's who's logged on but hasn't been LED in as a panelist yet his name is Anthony Gray Anthony's entering thank you great all right so before you begin your presentation and you go through the the responses to last night's questions as well as Mr Meadow's question about any um old oil storage tanks or um we should also deal with that tonight can we get um each of you who are going to present tonight to give us your name and address for the records so Mr Wagner we can start with you thank you my name's Bob wager uh principal at the narrowgate architecture Mr grber my name is Jamie kber and a project manager with wayfinders um from the Northampton office Miss Fryman uh good evening Ellen Fryman with chat Schwarz and Fenton 1441 Main Street Springfield Mr horley uh good evening colan horley uh senior project engineer at Niche engineering um out of our Boston office Mr bangston H good evening Andrew bankson architect with n gate 11 Hastings Lane Medford massachus Mr Gray hi Anthony gray with a engineering the mechanical fire protection Plumbing engineer on the project and our office is located in central Massachusetts in Burl where B Berlin outside of outside of maror all right Mr hoodley so Scott hoodley I'm with electrical systems engineering I'm the chief electrical engineer we're seeing the electrical design for this project our office is located in Dairy New Hampshire great thank you Mr sores hi good evening Joshua Sor project manager with Niche engineering the project civil engineer um with headquarters in Boston Massachusetts and Mr scop [Music] scopone you're muted right now there we go hello Sam scopone I'm a project manager with wayfinders uh based in Northampton Massachusetts um just assisting um Jamie great all right thank you all um so let's let's start with the responses to some of the questions we had from last week and um I think you provided the big one was was parking there was a lot of discussion about parking last week and you provided some drawings as well as a study um that you that I reviewed earlier today um so do you want to walk us through that first topic sure I can I can do that all right can you uh see my screen yeah okay great all right um thank you again for for having us here tonight and uh just to talk about a little bit about the parking I'm just going to show a a site location map here showing you know where the the properties are located and how close they are to the um the bus bus routes here that were mentioned in the um in the parking memo there's uh another spot of it the 30 bus route and um runs pretty frequently at 31 Southeast Street we going to have H 14 on-site units I mean 14 parking spots onsite um and there's room for approximately 10 additional um kind of parallel spots on the street here as well as some additional um parking off um uh down Southeast Street see so just just I hate to interrupt you but you got 10 spots out in front of your property is that what you're saying yeah yeah so so from from approximately right here there's you know nine to 10 spots and I know that um we've had discussions with the town when they um you know possibly when they do the upgrades to the street there'd be a more formalized kind of striping pattern or or something involved um with that or you know potentially studying some sort of um uh more formalized parking and then there's additional parking along uh the street here so yep so with if you include the 10 spots there'd be a parking ratio uh uh closer to you know 77 so um and uh we looked at and and right here are the uh the bus stops so we we' you know estimate that residents that don't have vehicles or don't have access ACC to vehicles um would would have um a good Transportation Choice with either um you know using the public transportation or just having a you know a short walk to downtown or you know hopping on a bicycle also um just down the road over just off the screen here is a is is a hub for one of the um like Valley Bike shares so um you know what we found in our in our parking memo was that um you know there's at at at some of our developments there's you know a a decreased demand in parking you know from houses because they have limited access to cars um there's you know availability of the on street parking here um and with the you know additional 10 kind of curbside spaces and then you know a total of 20 or so on on the street there's there's room for kind of over flow parking on on the street if need be and um the availability of the pvta bus route it you know provides regular daily service between Old belter toown Road and um puffton village and ammer downtown um in UMass campus so with the walking and the bicycling Alternatives Alternatives um you know they're they're both walkable to the center of town and um so you know we we feel that the the amount of parking here is is is appropriate um to meet the demands of the of the project and um another you know at beler Town Road based on the the parking study we um worked with our engineer and um decided that in lie of a you know a large kind of drop off area here we would um reconfigure it um slightly to gain six spaces that could be used as um overflow overflow uh parking and um sorry the the screen is off to the side um would you like to ask a question [Music] now so so the first thing is um what's the what's the status of your discussion with the town in terms of residential parking in um on Southeast Street having a residential parking sticker or something on Southeast Street is that have you gone down that road I know the town is very involved in the project and I wondered if they if there's any indication from the town to you or from perhaps the staff knows if there's any indication of the town's uh inclination and schedule if if they aren so inclined to have some kind of residential parking sticker available for residents on Southeast Street I I can say that there has been discussions with staff about a more formalized scheme on the street and they're looking into that in this area of town okay um Mr sler on on Southeast Street does counting the 10 spots in front of the property imply that those spots are normally empty and therefore available to your property I don't have feel for what the normal parking situation is on that street if it's already if it's full a lot of the time then 10 spots would not be available unless you uh it's designated somehow by the town so my understanding um you know speaking with with staff is that this is unregulated parking um the other uh apartments or houses that are used as um utilized as rental units um are are sort of required to have their own kind of parking plan to provide the parking required um for the units on on site as well so um and that um due to you know the proximity to the bus station the it's it's it's unregulated so somebody could come and park here during the day and use the bus and you know take it to campus or or something like that I've been out there a handful of times and um I I've seen you know four to five cars uh kind of parked on the street and um you know whether or not that's a function of you know PE people finding it easier to park on the street in Li of pulling into the driveway that sort of thing um those are all things that I've observed while you know being on site out there a few different times so um but generally when I've been out there this this has been this has been clear pretty much from here to the okay okay so you feel it's a it's reasonable to include those 10 spots in your total is that in in in the front of the building yes front of the lot yes okay thank you thank you Mr Meadows I I'd just like to reiterate the concern I I go by there fairly frequent and I believe uh that the um students either from these houses or students who come and uh find parking available and go and use the bus stop and go into town or go to the university uh that that whole street very often has got a lot of cars on it so I if there can be anything worked out with the town where you can have a sticker like we do in the center of town to for parking it it probably would be advantageous um M bre do we know if this is on the agenda this subject is on the agenda for any of the Town council's committees or for any of the other departments to we know if there's any action on that I'm not I'm not aware of there being um of this having a space on the agenda of the town Council Nate Malloy may know more about this because he's been in touch with the um Building Commissioner and others about this topic and I know he's in the uh attendees um group so and he may have some more information but anyway uh I know it's a topic of discussion the town is studying um the whole of Southeast Street including this little um offshoot of Southeast Street to try to control traffic and um they have made a presentation to the town C or they're going to make a presentation to Town Council about other ways of traffic calming along Southeast Street and I know that there have been discussions about parking along that uh western edge of the little um auxiliary Road or however you want to call it but I don't think anything's been resolved yet and I don't think it's on the Town Council agenda so um staff could certainly look into that more and I see um Mr Malloy has his hand up so perhaps he can give us some additional information Mr Malloy sure am I uh can you hear me all right yep we can hear you great yeah so yeah I mean I've you know DPW is going to repave that street we have blockr money program to replace water and sewer line there service connections and then repave the street and keep it you know 22 to 24 feet wide for on street parking uh the collector's office has no problem with it uh and please don't have a problem with it it's part like as Jamie said it's it's basically free parking now and so you know the the thought would be either the whole stretch of the street or a limited portion could be set aside as a resident only permit like is done um you know on Parts on other streets in town near the downtown I mean I will say though in terms of parking and right now it's a half space per unit and you know we see this as an opportunity to have multimodal transportation it is close to a bus route there's Bike Share there's so many opportunities to get around without a car and so oftentimes you know we're trying to promote promote this uh you know having less pavement uh we did require a lot on the site in terms of open space in the back so the whole back field is wetland and so that can cannot be used for parking so you know we're we're aware of you know the need to make sure that the parking on the street is available and and if it needs to be available for this res for the residents we've talked about it and everyone seems fine with it it just hasn't been form ized yet uh but it's something everyone's you know agreed to by consensus and that could move forward all right um well perhaps one of the things we can discuss later today is whether we should take a position with this Town Council and um recommend that they provide um for residential parking in that on that or some portion of that street at least if not all of it um do you have a I didn't notice if there was a parking plan a parking management plan on the application I may have just missed it I may not have seen it yet but is there a parking management plan are you going to have stickers are you going to assign parking spaces how are you going to handle parking on your on your uh property itself and then if indeed you do get the residential parking do you have an idea of how you Street on Street residential parking do you have an idea how you would identify those cars um yeah we talked about that and uh We've we've discussed it um being sort of a first come first serve for parking and uh having assigned spots on the you know on the on the property as far as um permit parking that would be also kind of first come first serve um for you know the residents to apply that would have to be through the the town so and then they would have to you know I don't think they would be able to assign spots for something like that but um so that's we would have you know assigned spots at our on on on site parking so sign SP okay have stickers or something like that to identify so people aren't coming in and parking there walking over to the bus you'd have some way yes correct correct yeah and and we'll also have Property Management you know on site um you know at V you know various times um during the day to I I'm all I I like the notion of of trying to en encourage um I like the notion of trying to encourage people to take public transit and bikes and walk and it's great uh where it works but you don't know if you're a resident there if you have a job or a place to be that's close to a bus line or close and regrettably people still use their cars so that's one one thing that I am concerned about is that um even you know even with 10 spots on the street you're looking still at uh seven of seven out of 10 units would have a parking parking availability four on site and and 10 on the on the street so I mean 14 on site and 10 on the street so it is a it's a concern to me but um I think maybe we can continue to work on with a town that'll amarate it a little mitigate it a little bit but it is a concern yeah because these folks that going to be living there they got they probably some of well many of them will have jobs some will be going to school but I suspect most of them will have jobs of some sort and they'll need to get there and they may not be in a bus line until you know we still people still have to drive regrettably yeah and that's and and it's um it's it's one of the things that we looked at we looked at you know some of our properties um and you know depending on where they're located and the you know the mix of incomes and and and things like that and um I know that we felt as a as a team that uh the lumber yard that we looked at which has a a parking utilization of of 62 spots that's actually the office that I'm in right now um and and and we find that there's you know sufficient parking provided for the um for the residents here um for that so that was one of the indicators that we um you know would kind of look to that the 62 would be below right the um 77 um ratio for provided okay um and then Mr Meadows and I think you asked last time about um electric charging stations I I don't recall what the what the um answer was to that or if there was one uh did I asked about the last 40b we had had a number of electric charging stations that were required um I would assume that that's the case with this and that they would have to be in both locations is that's that's correct we have them at both locations uh I think we recognized that at one of the sites I believe it was at nine that we also needed to provide one at the accessible parking spaces they were all at non-accessible spaces so we'd need to add one to the accessible spaces there too okay all right any other questions regarding parking uh at the Southeast Street site before we move over to the belra Town Road Site okay um can we get a map of the well go ahead and talk about belter toown Road parking please um so the beler Town Road um we the in in the plans that you saw submitted were uh we made a change um to that this large turnaround which you know we felt it was a nice amenity for the um residents but we elected to um change that out um to get six additional kind of overflow parking spaces here and um you know thought that we we may be able to sign one or two from say 8 to 8:00 pm as sort of like 15 minute drop off spots to um make up for uh the um the kind of the drop off area so you know it would leave a a few spots here kind of closer to the building um for for temporary parking during the day and then could be utilized um in the evening or as a overflow so um it increased the ratio here to um 1. one spaces per unit um and uh we felt at at this site there wasn't any on street parking um or you know close by so we elected to to to do that here so we have 47 units um and um 52 spaces with uh four accessible spaces so you move the accessible spaces much closer to the front door to the door yeah okay and uh it's my understanding that the uh it it's it's it's pretty much it's very similar and in previous area as far as because of the um you kind of the paved the paved portion here in the paved area here it's so got it and then you you'll have you'll identify electric treasuring stations both in the accessible as well as other places on your final plan correct that is correct yes all right any questions about the belr Town Road parking okay great um let's so I guess we can talk about what we may doing as a board um later in in the discussion later today but U thanks for that I think that there other questions that we have from board members let's move on to the next topic does the fence and and shed materials is is was the next topic I um yep I utilized the uh Southeast Street site there's uh no fencing proposed at The beler toown Road Site but at South East Street um we we're looking to put in a a wood style six- foot privacy fence kind of similar to these um photographs here along the along the property line uh currently there there's a um an old chain link fence with all the kind of the the smaller trees growing or in saplings kind of growing through it so those would those would um that would come out and be replaced with this um it looks like there'd be some plantings here and then the um walkway that is provided so that you'd be able to access this this area in the in the rear in the future um and then on the original plan there was some other you know kind of fencing shown here and um decided that that you know it would be um it would be better if if the you know it was just a 4 foot high fence that's there now chain link we would remove that um as part of you know because it was just it seemed as though it was part of the old school um you know to help maybe maintain you know children or something like that within the area and thought that you know removing it would make it easier for maintenance and and just kind of upkeep of the area instead of having you know saplings and things like that go um you know growing up through it so we decided to move it along the northern property line and in in the rear of the property um around the dumpsters we would look to kind of match uh you know the similar fence material um and and Surround uh the dumpsters here I was able to reach out to the um the neighbors and the abutters here and um they really like the idea of just a kind of you know a very simple minimal fence and it would help sort of just delineate the property line along um this portion of the that AB buts and and runs their along their property their property is is is pretty much in this area right right here and then you can't see it but it would be their their house is here on Main Street so um that's that's we' propos some sort of you know split rail kind of wood wooden fence um in the rear of the property and then um we would just be looking to you know purchase a a a wood prefabricated uh utility shed this one it was it would be something very similar to this I I I think we'd probably omit the the windows on this just to kind of so it would be very um you know just similar to this probably without the Windows though just with the doors so just for storage of um you know shovels and and and things like that for maintenance um people to to to use okay and and um I can I can flip to the let's just see if anybody have I don't have any questions anybody else have questions what's what are the plan what plannings are you planning to put on the um by the uh privacy fence the trees [Music] um that I can look up Bob do you know have you made a decision on those yet yes let me uh I've got a a planting plan I can show you a lot of the plants are actually existing but uh Jamie I have you know maybe we should maybe we should do the planting plan after we do the parking we'll do all the planting all together at once as opposed to doing a peace meal that we can keep the topic um okay to this that but that's good to know thank you Mr wner good all right any other questions for uh Southeast and uh F some shed material do you have um something to show us for beler toown Road um well beler toown Road would be uh you know a similar shed and a similar dumpster enclosure to this and I can show you where those are located here um on the property so those those would be you know that's where the shed is located and then the dumpster enclosure is a slightly different configuration but it would be uh a similar material in the wood got it no no fencing because there's on this one right that's that's correct got it any questions about belter toown Road okay we we did add um it is part of some of a response to the um the board's questions um last last meeting um we did add some some planting um to kind of help screen the dumpster enclosure as you pull into the property and um along the uh along the property line here and those are the uh ink berries that the lande okay good um next we talked about uh snow storage and that was there was there seemed to be more property available to you at belr toown road than at Southeast Street and I know you had some um site PL showing where snow storage would take place can you share those with us absolutely um so I'll start with belter toown Road uh we have two different colors here um and I'll just zoom in a little bit to make it a little bit easier to see the darker blue uh and then the lighter blue the darker blue is the primary snow storage area so this is snow storage area we think is you know very readily accessible um during a snowstorm and then the secondary we can definitely still use um but we're just you know using as a reserve Zone because there's some slightly more delicate plantings in that zones um and then you know we're pretty conservative overall with these areas we do think we can fitting in other areas on the site but just want to be you know aware of tighter corners or plantings um but overall uh you can see we we have about 5,300 square feet of uh primary snow storage and then 2300 of secondary and then for snowstorm volumes this comes out to uh for the primary snow storage area it's about a 6.6 inch uh snowstorm um and then the secondary provides almost another three inches uh so you're getting you know almost 10 Ines of snow storage between the primary and secondary areas shown um and again that's a pretty conservative estimate um you know new englanders are pretty crafty about getting snow in so you know I think we can probably get a couple more inches in there if we needed to uh before we had to start Trucking it off site um so you know overall it'll the site should handle you know pretty confidently uh 10 inches a 10 inch snowstorm um before you know having to find some other areas uh and then for the Southeast Street site same scheme so d blue and light blue dark blue is the primary snow storage uh light blue is the secondary uh and you can see you know dark blue is mostly around the front and the sides and then some light blue in the back here that might be a little bit tougher to get to but you know we we think we can still get to it uh if needed uh for the actual storm size for this one uh the primary snow storage will get us about 6.2 inches um and then the secondary we actually have a bit more than on the other site this is another 4.2 in again this puts us um just about over you know 10 inches uh you know conservatively um if this is all coordinated with the planning plans right now so you know if we were G to you know push it against some more delicate plantings or what have you uh we could easily get you know at least a few more inches uh for the storm size for this site as well um so you know pretty confidently um over 10 inches for both SES uh which is a you know fairly large size storm especially with the way that Winners have been going so just help me now how do you get so you have a 10-in storm how do you get to that light colored um secondary storage area in the back how do you get the snow back there do you have a little um small cat what do they call those little skid uh so I'm not exactly sure uh what wayfinders would actually be using for there um you know it might be a bobcat um some of might be some hand shoveling um depending on the Storm size you know typically you know had if it's going to be a big storm or not you would actually start filling up those secondary areas in the back first um during these larger storms and then go for the primary areas after in these really large storms so you know the primary areas would be the main storm during the uh smaller storm like storage area for the smaller storms and then you know if you have a big storm coming secondary area first and then fill all the way out to the front using the primary um as best as you can okay all right other questions about um other responses to the questions about snow storage and then you we'll have a there will be a plan for removal in case we get 26 inches of snow right your management plan will have something that contains the big blizzard uh snow event so you'll be taking it off off property right correct yeah wayfinders uh will be coordinating with you know contractors to you know store snow off site if needed um during those lger blizzards you'll have that in the the management plan correct got it okay all right other questions about snow okay um this might be a good time was there other things that people wanted to talk about um Craig your point on the Mr Meadows your point on the the U old oil storage does anybody know if there's any oil an old oil um tank stor someplace so we're not aware of any oil tanks on site on either site um additionally there was the talk of a septic system I believe I I don't know uh where that question uh come from I'm not aware of any existing septic systems and I'm also we're not proposing any uh septic systems on either side it'll be tied into the uh the city's sanitary system neither question was really uh about about anything that would be current it's an old building and the probability is that there was a septic system there gotcha somewhere and the question is you don't want to be surprised when you're doing some uh Landscaping work to find out that you you encounter a septic system consisting of a number of old filled oil drums m the same thing with the oil tank you know over the years there have been a whole variety of ways of dealing with oil tanks you know abandoning them in place filling them with sand uh removing them and I just caution you to try and find out from the town if there was an oil tank where it might have been and if it was removed properly and if not the T the town probably should remove it yep agreed and we we'll look into that um and then coordinate oh yep let me uh let me um and uh just to kind of uh you know fill in the gaps there is um yeah we're working with O'Reilly talin and Oaken who is our environmental engineer we've done a a phase one um report on this that kind of went through all the historical records of um uh for the environmental site assessment they did find records of a um of a an underground tank at the school and um um and and thought that it had been removed um however um we went out there to do additional geotechnical borings and to be on the safe side of things they um performed ground penetrating radar all around before they did the um did the the the the soil borings and um what they did find is is that there is a an underground tank there so they um they tested the the some of the soils around to determine if it you know was um was leaking and what they found that there wasn't any evidence that it was um leaking or anything like that so there is there is an underground tank on the property and um there will be Provisions to have that um removed and and properly disposed of good to hear yeah good chair judge can I just add that the town engineer confirm confed there was no septic system on the property as well um and that it's just a significant amount of ground water below the parking lot that was uncovered but no septic system correct okay all right well those are two that's good news on both accounts it's not leaking any or uh oil that's great okay um were there other questions from last week that we sought answers for I'm I think that was it this this might be a good place Mr Wagner to talk about some of the change if there are changes to the Landscaping um but you want we just go through that real quickly sure I'd be happy to uh Jamie I wonder if you could bring back up your your plan there there wasn't much and uh we saw the the primary change in the plan there in front of the dumpsters we talked about scre scening those dumpsters as you come down the driveway off of Bel Town Road that the the the um dumpster and shed would be screen by some planting so you can see that detail uh image there in the in the larger green square so the we've got uh you know a row or kind of constellation of uh inkberry plants there that will screen that image as you're coming down or screen that condition as you're coming down the driveway the other thing that uh we we still I think want to pay a little attention to in terms of plantings is that area now that's been changed at the drop off Jamie or your cursor you could to the left of the handicap spots there we've got another area there we're still talking about that and how we might plant that area as well I know on on the belter town site you're removing a lot of trees many of them old and on their way out anyway uh and you're you're planting them you're you're planting trees to replace them is that correct that's correct and what are the trees along that right where that crer is starting there and going up towards belr toown Road you're going to plant them along the property side and not in the in the obviously not in the wetlands or the um the area that's dark gray there where water would accumulate do you know what kind of trees you have pled to put there and how big they'll be yes uh I can uh share share let's see maybe if You' let me share now Jamie I can get into the uh planting plan itself okay there we go we can zoom in a little bit I think uh you're you're talking about this Zone here yep that's on there that's right so those those trees along there those are the uh the sweet gums I believe Bob yeah the four uh no let's see where's the tag on them uh three LS and then three LT so it's the sweet gum and the tulip trees there we go that's right yeah thank you moment and then the the NS trees that's the Tupelo those are the ones down the median here in the parking so um both the bank of trees along here will cast over over time as they as they getar will provide some shading over the paving here and these will also provide some shading here so there's there's an effort here to try to reduce heat island effect in the parking [Music] area and then are you on the other side of the grade cross-hatched area are you planting back there too as well correct yeah so the Conservation Commission was concerned about um you know our Edge versus you know the existing Wetland area so we wanted to put some sort of planted buffer between those two zones so we're planting um uh like a wetland Meadow mix but then also like a shrub and kind of uh like slope stabilization uh planting mix on that sloped area got it and they're I suppose native mostly native plants correct everything is native except um there's a dogwood that is a modified native so it's a hybrid of a native and a um you know uh more resilient species culer okay and the um plantings on the opposite side of the parking lot where there's a number of them I guess that'd be the West Side there are those going to be what are they arbites or they I hope not what else would they be there uh those are the uh the Juniper that um they're like Juniper plantings along that edge all right and what about on the Southeast Street yeah we can jump over that uh they share again oh sorry uh did I get that yeah here we go so you you were asking earlier about the trees here you can see a lot at the perimeter our existing trees uh to remain you know there's there there are some that are pretty close this this tree here uh may be a challenge um with excavations for the foundations we have no basement over here so that's good we're not going as deep but it's still that's a pretty tight condition the root system there yeah um other other other trees uh we've got some uh smaller trees across the front here you can see we've got uh let's see that's a a QC um which is a Scarlet Oak we've got a couple of uh AC's again that's a that's a service Berry these two at the front and then uh all all three of these the same all three of those are the U or the Scarlet Oak and then along the the side there the C whatever the QPS are yes looks like got QPS are a pinoke columnar they're more columnar so they're gonna be narrower and then we've got one tree here in our Courtyard uh it's a it's also a a CR which is a that's a pink dog wood that I think that's the one that Coleman had described earlier it's a red C St pink dog correct yeah that's the hybrid um you know local with the resilient Culver just to make sure that lasts long um in the soil here okay are there questions from any other board members about um what we've seen in the planting or types of plants great okay I guess I want to ask board members was there anything else or staff is there anything else that we asked for um responses to our questions for this meeting I'll just go back through the minutes I don't think there was anything else no we covered it all oh you know um we were we did we did have one we did have one and that's we're going to talk a little bit about your request for residential bylaw waiver I noticed that you had you wanted a bylaw residential rental bylaw waiver and I I think I was the guy that asked that so can you give it have you given that some thought about why you're requesting one or what why you want to waiver from the residential bylaw um yeah um the affordable housing is a is a highly regulated um industry where we're we're subject to meeting the um you know regulations uh state federal all sorts of um you know inspections and criteria that we have to meet just to um receive our funding sources and to keep them you know certified so it it seems um as that this rental bylaw may be intended for you know properties that maybe are sort of unregulated unregulated regulated to kind of bring them in and um Ellen did you want to um hop in and yeah I'm just going to say that um yeah we just saw today that that was waiver was um crossed out and we I didn't know that we were going to be talking about it tonight but briefly uh when I talked to Jamie about it I mean it also um is a costly requirement um given the number of units and so we haven't had a chance but we did want to um determine you know the cost that it would um add up to and present that to you um and as well as the other basis on which we felt that um you know it would be um reasonable to grant that waiver so so you'll have more you can have more discussion on that yeah we had a brief discussion internally but we did want to present something more formally as to why we thought uh we justifi you know to justify the the request for that waiver so all right well we'll have that on a topic to come back to we can be prepared for next week to do that so great bre I see your um Mr Malloy had conversations with the Building Commissioner about this and I was listening in so we might want to ask Mr Malloy because I think the Building Commissioner thought that um this should not this waiver should not be granted um so either we have Mr MOA come back to the meeting next week or maybe Mr Malloy can Enlighten us now Mr M yes sure so the building Commissioners you know we advise that the three waiver requests for the residential bylaw not be granted and so you know we want the properties to apply every year list the number of units and we collect that information so for every comprehensive permit we don't wave uh that request so the uh you know it's information that we want to collect and so um you know at the time of application if it's a cost burden we can talk about it but it's you know it's an online system it's an automat automat renewal after you do it the first time and so it's not you know a hardship in terms of time or or you know effort and so it's something that we would recommend not waving just because it's for us it's information gathering it's important to know you know number of rental properties who the management person is uh and have all that record parking plans and you know it's it it can just be duplicate of information from what's submitted as a part of the comprehensive permit but the Building Commissioner has said pretty firmly he would not recommend waving those so I guess what I'd like to do is come back next week if you're prepared to do it at that point and if Mr Mor can or or Nate or M prr Justa any of your staff can also provide the town's Viewpoint there um I'm I've been a big supporter of the residential rental registration program and um I'm I would I'm interested in hearing what your case is to get a waiver for that all I mean there's a lot of waivers that we have to grant that was kind of in our discretion that we have to look at and so come back next week our next thank you we can talk about that more um thanks thank you Mr Malloy all right um any other questions before we go to architecture from board members all right let's let's explore the architecture of of these buildings this is the this is the fun part you get to see the drawings and the uh the imagination and how you're going to put this property to good use so I'm interested in that we all are very good well we're we're excited to show it to you um so allow me to share we'll start uh with belter toown Road and uh We've we've seen some of this before when we talked about side design last time so I won't spend too much time on on some of the drawings we've already seen before but as I think you know now we've got we've got 47 units here at belter toown Road uh you can see the site location here across from U uh the the other development Colonial um Gardens I believe it is site plan that we looked at last time you can see it's relationship to the wetlands here and the parking we've seen that few times now and just a another look again briefly at the street elevation um what's what's going on here to on each side you know it's it's just more of single family residential but I'll remind you that the building has been set closer to the street and an effort to begin what the town has been uh planning as a more of a town uh kind of Center or Village Center and and starting to establish more of a a presence on the street of for later developments that would come up image that we showed you last week of the proposed building uh um on Belchertown Road we're going to get into the interior of the plan but you can see how we've we've broken down the scale here so that there there different masses here the use of material and massing uh somewhat more traditional look here with with uh with Gables uh Dormers um an entry area that entry area is one of the key parts of the design here so it feels welcoming even though all the parkings in the back we wanted the front of the building to to read with a primary entry and to be have a feeling of welcoming people who who may be walking there who may be getting off the bus and uh coming on into the to the building what's the material on the outside so the white the gray it yeah it that's all uh there's a combination of board and bat and collaborate siding but it's all fiber cement siding so it would be a factory finished fiber cement siding okay asphalt shingle roof um and then we've got we've got uh our our Windows here that um are uh they they appear as as as well there'll be a combination of fixed uh glazing with some Awning or casement windows as well let take you to the the floor plan here this is the first floor and you can see how the units are organized in each Wing but I'm bring your attention to the to the entry again this is really the crossroads the building and kind of the heart of the building uh is as people are going to come in from the front or from the parking area that's back here they would enter into the building so this area will be U the more social part of the building people come coming and going uh in and out of the building people coming down uh to the the community room that's located here just off of it might be that people also ride their bikes so bikes can easily be uh stored inside in a safe environment here at the front of the building and then uh people would then enter into the rest of the building you'll see the elevators here the bank of elevators two elevators with stairs down the the hallway a bit so there's a lot of coming and going in this in this space uh the community room has been located not only be easily uh visible uh from the lobby here but also to be able to spill out into the patio area the courtyard that's back here as well and this is a kind of a key area I think for the residents not only because it provides them outdoor space but it also gives A View to what are the the wetlands which are the really a resource and part of the natural beauty of this site then you see we've got double loed corridors here a mix of one two and three bedrooms there are a couple Studios on the upper floors but primarily it's a it's a mix of one twos and threes the other uh staircase is down at the end here of of this um of this Corridor where we can we try to keep uh daylight on the corridor so this longer Corridor here has daylight at the end which I think is is a real asset um the shorter ones were were not uh able to do that but they are shorter runs so I think it makes them a little more livable in that sense so can you give us what the colors represent what are they two are the purples two bedrooms let us yes the exactly yes thank you the purples are two bedroom units the uh this this lighter blue are one bedroom units and then you'll see here the the lighter purple are three bedroom units okay and then the gray is are those Studios or those Mechanicals those are Mechanicals those are mechanical electrical rooms uh that we've got some storage as well uh we've got a water room here and uh yeah I could um zoom in a little bit helps a lot there my eyes aren't good enough to read that mine mine aren't either yes you can see the maintenance mechanical here is and the water fire protection room on the front so when we get the uh water coming from the street here it's not too far to get to the to the water room you can also see that there's uh there's common laundry back here and a in a small meeting room uh that uh have access to these toilets that will serve not only people using the meeting room or laundry but also be accessible for people having functions in the meeting room okay so Andre laundry is not an each individual unit but is a common laundry that's correct all right Mr White I see your hands up thank you Mr chair uh Mr Wagner uh just for kind of my own visualization where uh on this map approximately our drawing uh is the house that like when we did the site visit is you know set back at the end of the driveway clearly obviously it's towards the very rear of the um sorry let me get to the other drone and see if we can see it more readily here are you talking about the the buildings that are going to be demolished or are you talking about the neighbors no I'm not speaking about the neighbors uh currently on this property you know if you take the driveway you know which obviously this whole area is under construction right now but uh there is a home is the the house kind of where the parking lot is now it is it's where whoever Dre that's right it's approximately where that red box is yes okay thank you might be a little bit closer to the street but you're you're pretty much uh in in the general vicinity excellent thanks okay so uh back to the the floor plan then you could you can uh see the relationship of all these common areas in in the center of the uh of the first floor as well as the the mail room here that's off the lck um and uh I forgot to mention there's there is a little kitchenet so if if there any kind of U um building wide uh Gatherings here there's there's opportunities for food to happen as well and I see you have a package room um so that Amazon or other delivery will be people will be able to have access and put their packages in there okay that's correct thank you yeah I think there's a recognition by wayfinders that uh are Desire by wayfinders to in their in their developments to to Really uh create Comm community and and we we know from experience that to create Community you need to give people spaces to gather so there's been a effort here to make those kinds of interior spaces the community room as well as exterior spaces this Courtyard for residents here to gather and get to know one another got it then we can go uh upstairs the second floor it's um pretty similar uh uh we've got we've got the the colorcoded units then the three bedrooms uh uh two bedrooms and and one bedroom this this uh pinkish building is the studio there's a one Studio on the second floor and one on the third floor and then the gray spaces again are are more utilitarian mechanical electrical rooms the elevator Lobby is really the center here so when people get off uh We've created a space here that gets natural lighting and there'll be views out to the Courtyard in that elevator lobby as you're waiting um for the cab to come and then as we go to the top floor uh there's there's really more of the same there's some space here uh that's because of the roof lines it's it's um it there is some space under this but these are roof trusses and this is not considered to be habitable space that's where you see these two larger gray areas here and the rest of the units pretty much stack uh erress stair over here and er stare at this end of the building then we'll go to the roof plan which is which is somewhat interesting you you saw Mr Mr slovar to sell your hand up oh yes thank you uh thank you it I just put it up a moment ago the laundry room with four washers and four dryers is on the first floor and um unless I missed it it serves the entire building is that correct there's no no Community laundry facility anywhere else in the building that is correct uh is that considered adequate for machines for this many units yes um I'm thinking we are at at 47 I think that's a really good question I think we should double check that U if memory serves it might be one setup per 10 units which would make us one short but we should we should verify that okay I'm okay 47 units can generate a lot of laundry I would think um and everything on the third floor has to come down to the first floor correct yeah okay is there an ability to add someone that common well with the meeting room if you to make a decision that you need more I think there is and there's there's quite a bit of space think we could even Bank some on this side and still get at least five feet between to make sure there fully accessible as well like that and there I think someone I heard somebody just mentioned they're all they're also the possibility of stackable units um that doesn't work so well for uh more heavy duty commercial um equipment especially for washing machines but some dryers are capable of stacking all right is is there any Poss possibility of perhaps splitting it up or adding two machines or something on the third floor so there's not as much household activity like laundry on the elevators coming down all the time we could explore that uh there are there are areas I think um some of these these gray spaces could be studied uh to provide that uh if if we if it turns out we don't need quite as big of electrical room or we could look at some of these truss spaces yeah or maybe the uh the hall side of the trust space might be high enough to allow some yes you got a plum for it and everything else but that might be a good possibility that that that's something we could study some more and it uh you know there is Plumbing Below on the second floor in this Zone already so it would tie in into those Stacks so before you leave just for my information where do you get the standard 10 to um 10 to each washer dryer 10 units to washer dryer is that um industry standard or is it some government standard that set where does that I believe I believe that and I'm not sure that my ratio is quite right but from the sanitary code the state sanitary code State sanitary code okay all right okay we'll we'll move to the uh to the roof plan here um as we saw from the rendering we've got a lot of sloped roofs or pitched roofs all around the the perimeter as it particularly it faces the uh the street here but then as you get toward the the back of the building we have a lot of flat roof and that's that's intentional it's it's uh it's to provide uh areas for um mechanical equipment uh as well as give us an area for more solar arrays that can be easily uh mounted there so we're going to see that in the elevations but I just wanted to give you a glimpse of what that looks like um on the roof plan so here are the elevations of the building uh we saw this in the in the rendering where we've got the the The gabled Bays across the front three of those and then an end gabled volume here here entry is located right here uh siding we talked about the fiber cement but we're we're looking at a different colors this isn't a final necessarily on colors but we're we're trying to show some indication of of tone at least and changing from dark to light and some contrast between the different areas then as we get to the back of the building the courtyard side we're also giving uh some special attention to the entry area this is the community room that we saw and then the entrance into the lobby is right here so we're thinking that those two entry areas uh might be a different kind of cladding that uh be more woodlike provide a little bit of warmth and a little more detail to those areas where people are coming in and out all day long yeah and you switched the orientation of the siding from vertical to horizontal we did we did so this is slightly slightly more contemporary with the flat roofs that we we saw on the roof plan but we're we're giving some uh significance or identification here to the area that's uh around the entry so people parking will will come through the courtyard and toward this entry but still maintaining some of the uh the same look that's on the front with the Gable ends here and also uh that that same look on this other volume the other wing of the building all right then as you start to look at the other sides we'll see this uh this is the driveway side so as you're coming down that driveway this is belter toown Road over here as you're coming down this is the view that you would have and then on the opposite side of the building facing the ab butter this is the view that you have there and that's um uh again using some of the more traditional Bard and bat and collabor siding we've shown a couple of building sections here this this one this is the courtyard side or I'm sorry no this is actually the belter toown road side as you come in the entry you can see this is the lobby area that goes all the way through the building to the Courtyard side that's over here on the right and this also gives you a little bit of a sense of how the roofs work here's the pitched roof that we saw from the belter toown roadside and it comes back down and then turns into a flat roof where our solar arrays will be mounted and mechanical equipment when when needed will also live on that that flat portion of the roof then we've got some uh a few images here uh just three-dimensional ones this is similar to the one we've seen from the front uh this is kind of a straight on elevation again from the front the one down here in the lower left is a more aerial but let you see how the roof is working more in three dimensions with the pitched roofs and the flat roofs and then this is a view finally at the courtyard from the parking lot I'm happy to zoom in on any one of those if that would help and then lastly we just end with the uh the image as you'd see it from belter toown Road help me again where the closest bus stop is is it across the street and into the other development or is it on belter toown Road close by the uh the bus stop I believe is in the development across the street and we we've coordinated a walkway here um from that side so that people get dropped off can uh uh cross over and I believe this is that walkway is a part of the new work that's ongoing on the site right now I don't know if uh if the town can confirm that for us and maybe Nate do you know if that's going to have the flash the actuated flashers that we have like on on H Amity Street and down by ammer college yeah the plan is to put um you know a new crosswalk with you know R rfbs rapid flashing beacons for crosswalk the bus stop will remain at Colonial Village so there was discussion about trying to put it you know on Route 9 but it's too narrow and so there will still be a bus stop going either direction at the entrance to colonal Village so you just have to walk out the front door cross the street and then it's just right you know right across the street yeah and the flashers are there for yep y the flashers will be there okay just thinky any other questions about the architectural side IND the the exterior architecture and the layouts of the of the rooms or the apartments I think look very good um I like the notion that maybe exp that you if you can explore possibility of more laundry more robust laundry facilities or maybe additional facilities upstairs and some of the TRU those U unused spaces on the third floor I know that takes some work to and re-engineering to do so that might take some time but that be something that would be of interest I'm sure to many people 10 you know one a washer dryer for 10 units uh can be especially if you got Working Families who only have four or five hours a night to do the laundry it could be gets pretty U could get to be a lot of demand but um that would be something I'd be interested in seeing um more work done on if that's possible and then I is there do you have any kind of um um images for the interior of the apartments have you got far enough on that that there's any way to show us what you're envisioning for what these apartments would be like on the interior finishes we haven't um I mean but but typically uh we'll be looking um primarily at painted sheetrock for the walls uh often we we would have a a luxury vinyl plank for flooring um you know cabinets often are are wood cabinets sometimes we've done laminate cabinet as well uh and then um we've got we're going to have to look at budget but uh there's often we'll we'll try to do a little bit uh more robust or more durable countertops in the kitchen if if the budget can afford it um sometimes we've had to go with plastic laminate when we can't afford it but uh it seems like more and more we've had a good a good chance to incorporate either granite or some kind of quartz uh for the for the countertops that would be nice yeah bre I see your hand is up yeah um while we're looking at this image I would just wanted to say that the planning board um had a presentation about this project from um Mr guber and also from um I believe his name is Paul Erick um from wayfinders in any event um the planning board was very pleased with um the changes to the architecture and felt that um wayfinders was really responsive to the comments that the planning board had initially and they felt that um the image of this building is really in keeping with you know the architecture that we like to have in ammer and Nate and I or probably Nate will put together a letter summarizing their um comments but I think overall they were very pleased and uh particularly with the changes to this building so I just wanted to add that while we're looking at this building thank you great thank you and if the if there's anything else that you need to report from um the meeting the planning board meeting uh we can do that after the presentation if there's anything else great okay um questions regarding the exterior or suggestions for that you'd like wayfinders to look at for the Interiors board members okay I I share the what appears to be the the um opinion of the planning board although it's not as much our jurisdiction but I think the the exterior representations that we' seen look pretty nice and um the one thing that's important to me is that this kind of housing look good and I think people like to keep that kind of housing in good condition when they get when there is good good housing and I I think you it looks me like you've gone out of your way to try to create a a good contemporary looking building with some more historic features that kind of fit with the town's uh history and what a lot of the the these structures are currently like but it looks to me like it's very well well planned and attractive continue to be very attractive and that's all my that's my opinion it's not worth anything just what I see thank you very much yeah that's that's our goal too we we we feel strongly about good design uh for uh for these projects for affordable housing projects y I think we don't have to sacrifice design for that that's right um chairman judge I'm wondering I know the other site but would you like to look or would the would the um board like to look at the mechanical electrical side of things on this site while we're here or do those you know what we're going to do we're going to give ourselves a chance to think about that while we take our five minute break which comes up right at spr at 7:30 we can take a five minute break my preference would be that we'd stay on that site and do the the Mechanicals and then move to Southeast but I think that would make the most sense but if um people have a different thought good I'll see you all at 7:35 thank you right thank you thank you e e e e e e e e for for for for all right I I'm back I know Mr MOS has been back on Mr slov is on Mr White is I know he's listening in I'm here yep all right um Mr wag we can go over the Mechanicals for um Bel toown Road would' like I think we got most of the other people coming in okay thank you uh I'm going to turn it over to our mechanical engineer Anthony gray and then following Anthony uh we'll be asking Scott hotley to also let you know a little bit about the electrical design for the for the building at belur toown Road great Mr gr thank thank you everyone good evening let me share my screen I it's a little bit of a tough act to follow with Bob's fancy drawings and Views but mine will be 2D and more discussion on the system from an overarching standpoint my screen can you all see my screen yes all right bunch of stuff on all right so hpac wise um we can discuss this as the most impactful mechanical system on the project in terms of space and uh flexibility also in terms of design so what we have here at this building we have a multizone air sour heat pump system all electric heating and cooling and there's one system that does both um with the outdoor heat pump on the roof located on the roof and then we have the indoor units that are dispersed in all the apartments these units are ducted so we're routing duct work to each of the rooms within the unit also that duck work you know so for ahu the ahus that we have on the project those are doing the heating and cooling for the unit but we also have a separate unit that does ventilation air so ventilation Air Supply and then we also have extract or exhaust air coming from each apartment also have just going back to the the laundry room the laundry room is its own Zone on its own so we have a makeup air ventilator that supplies the laundry room um and then the dryers are being exhausted separately independently of our energy recovery system that does the entire building so this system this heat pump system relies on refrigerant as the main heat transfer medium that gets piped throughout the building to all the indoor units they Supply heating and cooling through the air hammers that we have in the spaces that's sort of an overview of the HVAC system I do want to go quickly to the root plan I mean each floor pretty much has a has similar layouts we've done typical layouts for the typical apartment types that we've have in this project just getting to the roof we have all of our equipment on the roof we don't have any equipment that's mounted at grade everything here is on the roof so we have our individual heat pumps that do our electric rooms and our one: one split systems and then we have our multizone heat pumps that are hp1 and hp2 that are shown here and then we have our building Erv system that are doing the Fresh Air Supply and the exhaust air sauce for extract there from the building all that located on this part of the roof to St clear the other parts of the roof that will be for solar and I do have some pictures of this equipment or cut sheets that we want to just show you guys can get an idea of what that looks like so here's one of the systems so this would be what hp1 looks like on the roof and it has has two modules that are installed side by side on the roof and then hp2 is the same actually for this project so Al together we have 44 tons of heating and cooling for this build vtil this is the then let's go to this page this is the ventilation area unit that where we have two of these for this project for this building in particular and it's mounted on this roof on on the roof on a roof curb and the air is distributed through the building to the individual apartments that looks like want to pull up the plumbing drawing quickly just so that we get before we go into Plumbing um so you say you have 44 tons of um HVAC power I'm not even sure how to how yeah capacity um and with the um the air pumps at times people worry about whether they provide sufficient warrant when it gets cold and there I know some people have um supplemental heating electric heating when they have an air pump is are these air pumps sufficiently robust to provide um heat when it's 10 degrees below zero or at zero or you have are you looking at do you have a a supplemental system that kicks in yeah these systems are termed and coined the Mitsubishi for each system this is our basis of design that we're designing the project around and these systems can provide 95% of the hea capacity they go down to okay there we go go down to -101 chairman I also I neglected to mention that uh both of these buildings are being designed to passive house standards which means that they uh not only U they have a very robust uh envelope the insulation around the building is is robust but there's a there's um strict airtightness standards as well so what that ends up meaning is that not only is the equipment able to be sized smaller or more appropriately to the to the needs of those spaces but that you don't have the you know kind of the the cold drafts that you might have uh in in other buildings and you don't have the thermal bridging that sometimes makes spaces cooler as well so the the passive house standards that we're we're meeting are also going to provide for uh for this Comfort during both the heating end cooling season okay well it's it's a new build so you're not for much much of it's a new build so you're not trying to put this into a leaky old house yeah correct yeah okay any other questions about the hva systems okay I don't see any oh miss bre I see your hands up um my my only question is if Mr Gray would at some point or one of your one of you at some point would show show us what can you see from the site can you see any of this equipment from the site or from elsewhere um that's you know and if you don't want to do that now maybe later in your presentation you could do that I can uh dis discuss it and walk through that go back so this equipment is located on this this portion of the roof over here which is you know the front of the building is down here I don't have the site plan available but the front of the building is over here and then we have a Gable or a ridge shall I say in the middle high point of the roof that you can see from the front of the building so I don't think that these units will be visible from the front of the building um from the side you know if a car is over here or someone's down here um I think there you know in the drawing or in one of the renderings that we were looking at there's some foliage and trees over here so I'm not sure that you'll be able to see this equip from from the front of the building you won't be able to see it but from the side poten maybe chime in on that with what's Will on this side of the I think you're right Anthony and we could uh we could actually take those just make a simple volume for those that equipment you know both just you know in height and with and all and place them on the roof and then uh um send you some images both from the street uh and also from the parking lot to see are they visible from the parking lot you know we can give you different views of of uh where it might be visible and and even I I I think Anthony's right I don't think you're going to be able to see this at all from the from belter Town Road but uh I I can't say that with full confidence yet about from the parking lot okay thank you yeah that would be helpful just to to know what how visible they are because yeah that'd be a good idea if you could do that Mr W I think it's going to be tough to see a lot of them because they're going to be over three stories high and they aside from the the the walkway or the entrance way there they're pretty much removed so there's you know you'd have to be up kind of high to see them but that's right it'd be good for you to show us that okay happy to do it okay any any other questions on the APAC here switch quickly P okay no more go ahead go on to Ping Okay so sanary so on this building this obviously I think we discussed and we all know that this is a slab on great building so we're not we don't require any Swit ejector or pumping of any waste up through the building with the exception of the elevator some pump that's required by c um so we put that in the elevator bump that up put it in an oil water separator and then connect that to the scle system that drains by gravity the Mr gr kind of breaking up can you speak a little louder I'm catching most of your words but not all okay sorry about that so yes the sanitary system here is a gravity system um with the building being a slab on grade building no basement here and the only pump that we will have is for the elevator sump pump that's required by code um so that will be pumped up placed that the pump will be placed in the elevator hit um and then pumped up will intercept any oil or or sand that gets pumped out of there in the water stream and then we'll send that to the sanitary system that drains by gravity so that's an overview of the sanitary drainage system for the storm drainage system um again we're connecting to the storm outside underground at the locations that we coordinated with civil for picking up the storm water run off from the river Anthony what about the hot water sure yep that so the hot water system here is another air source heat pump system um we have our hot water tanks that will be in this mechanical room um these are the hot water storage tanks and then we also have a supplemental electric resistance heater that will boost the temperature when the E pump cannot create the proper temperature for the hot water storage so that system is also or the outdoor unit is also located on that roof that we were just looking at that equipment is here and let's that as well that I can show that it looks similar similar to the other heat pumps it's another mitubishi electric product and has a similar look as the other heat pumps so you're you're using tanks for hot water as opposed to On Demand heat yes we're using tanks because you know we want to utilize the the heat pump yeah the air source heat pump system if we used on demand all electric we wouldn't be able to utilize that feature at this time I'm not aware of any on demand heat pump electric do you have any natural gas going into this building at all or is it all electric all electric no no gas to the building so similarly this heat pump can operate down down to3 degre Fahrenheit but it has a much significant reduction in capacity as compared to the HVAC these are a newer product um that's available for multifam housing specifically and we are using this design on other projects as well and have success with it okay all right the the fixtures um you know for for the fixtures we're using I think so for all the fixtures we're using water sense fixtures with low flow low flow rates for the water closets the labatory sinks and the showers so that's also a water conservation measure we have on the project any questions on the plumbing system how many bathrooms are in a three-bedroom are there two I think we only have one one bathroom per unit okay three bedroom would have one and a half would have a full bath and a half bath okay okay one and a half and for the two bedrooms it's one bathroom correct okay did you know who you're specking for the toilets usually we go with Coler or residential that's our basis of design but it is a water sense fixture correct Anthony yes Y water sense rated that's a a rated for you know efficient water consumption yeah there are some there are a number of0 eights out now that are a little more efficient than that right yes that's the the stealth uh water closet that as well and does not I think Niagara might have one yes Niagara y okay um do you have sprinkler that I can quickly walk through I don't know does does the board uh would they like to see a sprinkler design I'm assuming that you have a sprinkler in every room of the building corre yesly yeah I I don't need to see a design of that unless other board members do but and it's you know has to comply that has to comply with the town's requ requirements and the town's building code so I'm sure you do yep okay um so I can turn it over to Scott he can discuss the electrical system okay let me uh share screen here I think that's correct okay can everybody see my screen y yes okay so electrical I just I think we'll start um going through the electrical system we'll start the site and uh work our way into the building from there so currently right now the proposed location for the padmount Transformer is in this corner of the building um primary we're at this point we're proposing coming off a pole coming across the street and uh feeding the Transformer but we have a meeting scheduled right now with eversource on Monday to kind of go over some of those details so a lot of the stuff on the primary side is probably going to change change so um from the Transformer we'll extend and go into the building's Main Electric room where there's a 3000 Amp Service uh in that Main Electric room and that's going to be used to supply power to both the unit loads and the house P power loads uh on the site we have some sight lighting locations along the edge uh I apologize the site plan is a little bit outdated compared to what we were looking at earlier um but from an electrical perspective this this is kind of what we're proposing on doing we're going to provide some lighting around the parking lot um some shorter lighting like ballards uh around the walking areas uh there was a question earlier about EV charging currently we have four dual head EV charging proposed uh to be active on day one and then there's a future for two more we're going to have to add an additional one for the handicap accessible parking uh over here so I think that pretty much kind of covers what we're doing on the site uh unfortunately this Transformer it needs to be accessible from the street truck accessible from an Ever Source perspective so we're fairly limited as to where we can put it uh unless we wouldn't have chosen to put it kind of out in the front of the building um this building is going to be set up for future PV there's zones on the roof as you've seen in in some of the earlier slides so that PV disconnect switch will be mounted out here by the Transformer if that's where it's proposed at the moment so but the PV is not going to be installed on day one we're just putting the provisions the condu infrastructure in for it so moving into the building uh this is the power distribution we have some panel boards that we're going to have each unit will have its own [Music] panel um as far as lighting interior lighting goes for the common areas we're going to use LED lighting to be energy efficient we're going to have uh motion sensor control that'll dim the lights down to a 50% level when there's no activity um you'll have some light so you'll have you even if the system stopped working you'll have enough light to get out of the building the Halls won't appear dark but you'll get some Energy savings uh for the for the dimming the uh stairwells we'll drop those light down to 30% on motion they'll be lit all the time but uh when someone enters a stairwell and starts to walk down the stairwell they'll they'll jump up to 100% so each of the floors are kind of the same with respect to the lighting um common area lighting so keep moving through I kind of want to get to the units inside the units you know typical unit uh there again that lighting each room will have a ceiling mounted light all the lighting in the units will be led we're going to provide uh manual dimming controls in the units not automatic so that uh like you can dim the lights up and down like the bedrooms or the the common areas bathrooms will be just be on and off like a typical bathroom and same with kitchens um might as well talk a little bit about power you know we've laid the receptacle location out per the code 12 fo on Center spacings as required the kitchens or covering the the counters you know every 4 foot counter is going to have a receptacle uh and we've provided power for the uh standard appliances know there be emergency call systems in the elevator lobbies moving on to fire alarm uh fire alarm system where there's no fossil fuels in the building CO detection is not required uh the system will be based upon a complete system all the devices in the uh in the building will be system connected devices instead of the regular 120 volts that you would normally have in your units like you have in a lot of houses um those those devices will be equipped with Sounder base and I think when we had the meeting with the fire department initially they requested alarm verification as well so when the uh unit if someone burns the toast or something like that in the kitchen you know this will sound first in the um as the Sounder base you'll hear the tone and then if a second alarm goes off or if it sounds for so long then it'll put the building into General alarm and uh it'll it will transmit to the fire department supervisory so the fire department will be aware that there's an issue um but it won't evacuate the building until that second device kicks in so so I mean as far as the electrical goes I think that's pretty much covers all the systems um does anybody have any questions cable and internet so cable will come in from the street that's uh we go back to say plan but each unit each unit will have yes cable access and internet access to the cable yeah so they'll it'll come in from the street into the main IDF room um actually I can probably find my Riser might be the you know I don't even know where it is I just need to know that each unit has cable and and uh internet yes it will go Mr sler I see you had your hand up for a second yes but then you asked my question for me so that was very thoughtful of you thank you I wanted to save your you know save your voice I I it's appreciated all right Scott is there anything else that you uh wish to review with us on electric for Bel for belter Town Road so I think that's it it for right now I mean like I mentioned earlier we do have a meeting plan um to meet with the electric utility on site on Monday we're going to verify Transformer locations and some of the other aspects um with respect to the service and what the requirements are going to be um and so you know once we get feedback from the electric utility company then probably end up having to make some revisions to these DRS but until then okay one question I have is when we see cut sheets on the ballards and the um the parking lot lights so I believe the parking lot lights um that was submitted in the package am I speaking Andrew got yeah hi um that's right yes sir uh um the uh sight lighting uh sheets are in the Civil package civil landscape package um we are um uh we've found a few uh errors in the um in the cut sheets but overall the cut sheets show kind of like the style uh of the of the fixtures would you like me to share that Andrew sure okay I think a photometric analysis that was done by a uh our lighting um consultant Boston light source that's the photometric all right yes and you can see here this is kind of the Ballard type fixture you know they're about 24 in in height and then the uh the alumin blade is the bigger fixture that'll be used in the parking lot and is this in our packet of um material the binder that we received I believe So Jamie would probably be able to uh answer that directly but it's um it's in between the Civil drawings and the landscape drawings okay okay all right but have a stud all right yeah that should be exhibits uh six like 6A and or or exhibit six a and six um B for architectural PLS good I can look that up thank you and I I have not uh finished my fixture selection for the interior yet so right now I just have placeholders in there um to get performance and that's about it so I don't have any cut sheets to share with you on that okay we'll be working with our interior designer too on I think on some of the fixture selection all right I'd also want to mention that some of the ballards we've we've learned are actually going to be more pedestrian scaled pole mounted lights uh because of the the need for greater lighting levels along the drive uh I believe they're they're 10 foot is that right Andrew that's right um we originally wanted uh ballards um but um that's right they're so they're called on the on the drawings here they're called lb for light Ballard you know uh forand they're actually going to be 10 foot tall so um we we we're asking our uh lighting consultant to just you know um rename them like lp1 and LP2 for light pole and those will shine away from the building so they won't be intruding in somebody's living room and bedroom that's correct there's uh these are uh dark sky compliant um and they will not spill either onto the in um into the neighbors Properties or uh right into uh the units got it okay well I have no other questions about the Mechanicals on um belr Town Road does anybody else have questions is there anything else that you need to talk about Scott Mr holey or Mr Wagner for belter toown road before we move on to Southeast Street I'm all set at this point great as well thank you good let's go to Southeast Street all right we'll uh we'll start uh here with um let's go back again to the the beginning here you can get yourself oriented to the site plan here we've looked at that some we talked about parking along Southeast Street right here and we've got a total of 31 units here at at Southeast Street so little little less dense or a little smaller building but fitting into a a different context there there a lot more residential buildings immediately adjacent um to the to the site here so here's the aerial that we've seen before the the field back here our new proposed building this is the schoolhouse building we're going to talk some about the Schoolhouse as well when we discuss design here but as I think you're probably all aware you can see the density of the neighborhood um immediate to to our site again a street view here you can see the adjacent single family houses and our proposed building in the center the inspiration for it is a sort of a new New England N Style type of building then the the rendering that we we gave you glimpse of last time uh and you can see the school here we this is a this is a pretty uh dense site you know between the school the new building the parking uh there's a lot going on in this site but we wanted to uh make sure that the the school was still visible from the street you know there's there's a cultural historic significance to it and and so this this gives you a sense of a portion of the school being or what it will look like um from the street we've kind of shown some of that parking we talked about before you can see how the parallel spaces would uh be placed here along the side of the street if they were to happen as as Jamie described earlier the architecture itself uh a lot of lot of Gables we've got Dormers at the top floor so it's a three-story building uh wood framed it also would be fiber cement a combination of bordon baton and clabs with asphalt shingled roof so let's look here at the uh at the floor plan some the only basement in the building is the basement that exists in the school itself uh and we've we've done um what we've done here is to try to use the basement for Mechanicals as well as bike storage uh there's several points of Entry there's one off the driveway here that you can come down to the stair it's a half a flight down to get into to the bike storage I'll try to increase that so you can read a little bit uh so bike storage down here laundry is also down here again we'll look at that ratio I think that was a good comment on on belg toown road and we'll look at this here we've got three washers three dryers here um that's pretty close to the 1 to 10 but I think it Bears uh uh looking into again and then we've got the other spaces down the basement for mechan IAL storage and jam is does come down to the basement so it does make these spaces the electrical room or the bike storage room and the laundry room accessible via the elevator then as we we go upstairs the first floor plan it's always interesting to to see how the first floor is arranged um try to get this a little bit bigger there we go so Southeast Street being out here all of our parking that we looked at earlier is here I'm going to hear a little bit more about the the Transformer out front when Scott talks about it um but the the key here was to to to locate this new building building facing Belchertown Road and then think about how to connect it to the school so we've got this narrow connector piece here with the elevator that needs to serve the school and the new building but the floor levels are different elevations there so there'll be half stops uh sometimes the elevator the door will open toward the school other times it's a half stop up it'll it'll open up towards the the new building so this becomes kind of the The Hub of the vertical circulation with a stair here as well as the uh the elevator we also wanted to try to uh minimize the points of connection to the school so that we allow the the expression of the the original School design to shine forth so we're reactivating the main stair that's been closed for some time it's it's a beautiful Arch it's got some really nice masery um detailing on that that will be reactivated as a as a main entry to the units in the school and then we've also pick and care to uh allow the the masony openings The Arches and window openings here uh to remain visible you'll actually be able to pass through some of those and you'll see the brick on the inside of the building so we want to retain all the character that we can when we connect the new link portion of the building to the school the common areas in this building happen here primarily on this corner so we have a community room here with a kitchen n bathrooms across from it some office space here and that's located kind of at the at the intersection so that it's it's more easily accessed by residents in the new building as well as residents in the school can get uh over to this community room area and like the other building um we wanted to focus on outdoor space and we think we've created a very welcoming kind of Courtyard here that not only will help uh um work off of the community room in in good weather to be able to access it directly but to create a nice entry Court yard when people are driving and parking here they come out uh into the courtyard and then they can enter into this uh the entrance to the new portion of the building at this location here if they're walking um they'll be able to come here along the front and enter the building at uh facing Southeast Street and get to the uh you know to the core of the building down this Corridor so there's really kind of two points of entry for the new building one off of the Main Street and one off the courtyard the school can also be entered off of the courtyard if somebody wants to come here to get their mail mail being located here we'll zoom in a little bit on this zone of it so you can see coming in off the vestibule mail room is located here you can get onto the elevator or if you don't need to pick up your mail you can come up the main the stair into the school and get into the one of your uh one of the units here if this is where you live I can move on to the second floor but maybe it seems like the first floor usually has the most activity most program so any any thoughts or questions about the first floor just remind me what the colors stand for blues are single are one bedrooms yes so again here this this um this lighter purple these are uh this this is a three-bedroom you can see one two three bedrooms here's the bath and a half full bath here and half bath there and the kitchen onto the living dining area then the the dustier uh darker purple is a two-bedroom we go over into the school you're going to see this is a series of of one-bedrooms over here these are these are pretty generous one bedrooms over in the school um the the square footage of them let me zoom in a little bit here you can see uh 6 34 square feet here you know we've we've uh often targeted 600 sometimes down a little bit less so they're they're pretty generous one-bedroom units in the school some of that has to do with working in with the within the existing envelope or confines of the school uh particularly the way the windows lay out so we want to you know respect uh those windows leave um I think we're actually leaving all the windows we may be opening up remind me Andrea we opening up some of the windows that had been uh lower the lower left uh unit G those two sets of windows are bricked in and I think I can't remember who I pointed that out to on our walk yeah but uh yeah those will be those will be opened up yeah so that's that's good and then you'll see reusing the existing stare here is a means of egress uh as well as folks can get out this way or they can uh come via the elevator and you'll see in the Upper Floor there's a also a um a hallway that will connect you to the uh to the link great we'll go to the second floor uh again staying focused on the school we've got three more uh units here one bedroom units in the school uh on the front corner this would be above that entry that arched entry that we saw earlier there's a little common area here um and folks uh taking the elevator would come through this little Lobby space into the elevator and be able to go uh up or down if they wanted to get into the new building it'll be a half stop up or down but there's also a set of stairs so if you're on the second floor of the school you can come through here and go to this uh go to the set of stairs that will take you down to the second floor of the of the new portion of the building again we see a series of two bedroom and three bedroom units on this second floor all right then moving up to the top floor we've got a flat roof on the school that could be used for future uh photovoltaics elevator goes up to the third floor of the the new portion of the building uh the link that connects it comes across and we have a series of two-bedroom units here the the kind of aquacolor are one bedroom units and then we've also included a a studio apartment at the end we had enough space to be able to do that and we'll quickly here look at the roof PL again similar to the other site the front is a lot of sloped roofs with Dormers and the back side of it is our flat area for PV and uh for Mechanicals okay we move to the elevations here that you saw in the in the in the renderings this is the uh front elevation facing Southeast Street here's that entry that we saw earlier in the rendering the school Beyond series of Gables you can see this is Bor and Baton on the top two floors with clabs um down here at the the lower level and we've we've created kind of a a roof plane here small projecting roof plane here it's not uh uh what it's not a literal porch but it it's kind of a reference to what uh would traditionally have been a porch on on some of these buildings then the backside you can see this is the flat uh portion of the roof here we're looking at the back of the school on this so this is the uh the the area that's going to be uh facing um one of the abutters um this is the elevation of that uh that gorgeous Archway that we're reactivating on the school and a section here through that link that hallway that we saw that connects the new building with the school and then uh we're looking here along the drive driveway the the parking is located here and the driveway that gets back toward the the the fields are over here so these are the windows that Andrew talked about earlier that we're now opening up or reactivating this is the courtyard space there's a little entry canopy here um and uh it it it creates this nice little pocket that will also get the southern Sun as it comes in some sections through the school here and uh this is a section through the the the the new building Southeast Street being over here and then you're seeing the the other side of the school back here uh we got some three-dimensional views again this is more of a flat view uh at the street the front of it here are the parking spaces we looked at earlier in a view of the courtyard with the entry into the school the community room being down here at this uh Corner first floor uh another view of the courtyard here how the stairs spill into it and the entry off the parking there and then an aerial view that let you see not only massing but the flat roof versus the pitch roof portion of the building all right any questions again you you've got the the cement fiber board and both vertical and horizontal um orientation towards o so it kind of varies as you look at different parts of the building right breaks up the space that's correct right and we are imagining more of a uh more traditional uh White uh siding on this one as we've shown here and as you um saw in the original go back to the beginning here but as you saw in the original rendering uh looking at black windows with uh with white platting got it okay other any questions on the architectural drawing and the plans great let's move on to the um Mechanicals thank you Mr wner thank you Anthony here so the mechanical system here is going to be similar very similar to what we showed on the other building so using the same basic Air Supply um or air source teat pumps correct air source heat pumps I I'll just quickly pull it up so that we can see a minor difference let me share my screen sorry because I think we had a pretty good discussion of what those are I'm assuming that they're just you have less tons for a smaller building exactly now this is a unit it's uh previously we had two 22 ton uh systems at the other at belter town here at Southeast we have a 28 time single um it's also a dual module unit plans [Music] quickly just a little bit of difference in terms of distribution here we have one of the ervs that I showed previously that's going to be doing the ventilation Air Supply and exhaust for this P part of the building and then because we have this long strip here I'm not going to run duck work through there to feed the School portion of the building but we have a separate Erv that just does the School portion um this small little suitcase heat pump serves the elevator machine that's that is there for and you know I think Mr Gray the same question we had on belr town is just will people be will they be visible and so you can take we can get a look at that sure yeah yeah Bob I think if we can do some massing I can give you Dimensions but yeah there this one you know there's going to be a higher degree of visibility here from the main road which is the main accessway is this the street here so you know this equipment here is hidden but the equipment on top of the school is not as hidden because this is a flat rout completely um no no ridges or Peaks on this all right does anybody need more on the um HVAC than what Anthony's given us oh Craig did you have something Mr Meadows did you have something to say using heat pump hot water again yes similar design as the belard town address Mr Gray is there anything significantly different than what we had on belra Town aside aside from the size just the basement um on that's really the only difference we do have a basement but we are still draining by gravity we're able to meet the ember in the street um from the basement here on South Street thank you so that that's pretty much it in terms of Mechanicals very similar to the other project like like I showed and similar systems heat pump hot water heat pump HVAC and a fully sprinkler building no fossil fuels got it thank you Mr Gray uh Mr toly anything special on the electrical okay I think I'll I can share my plan and kind of go over the site plan I mean the interior of the building you know the concepts of lighting controls and fire alarm and and all that stuff is pretty similar um share screen here you're not going to be able to hide that big um big box out in front that's going to be the thing that will people are just going to have to see it yeah unfortunately we spent a lot of time on this particular site trying to work out you know where the best place to put the the padmount Transformer and how to get into the building and where to put the electric room so unfortunately the padmount Transformer ends up being out here by the street and this is still going to be reviewed by Urus but it I think it's really the only place we could put it um we bring the the in this building here because it's a small building we only have a 2,000 amp service 2,000 Amp Service uh equipment is located up in the Third Floor Electric room um because we were not able to really find any space on the lower levels to put it so uh that's one of the big differences between this site and belter town is the electric room's not at grade um so we do have Provisions for the PB system the PV disconnect is on the outside of the building and then we do have two dual Port uh EV charging stations proposed uh right here in the front of the building on these parking spaces um one of those is shared for the handicap accessible um space as well and then there's a spot for a future uh EV charging there again it would share a handicap accessible space and a normal parking space so sight lighting is similar um concept um I can share uh later in the presentation if you'd like I can show uh the uh the the photometric file with the fixtures that we included in the package um but uh one other thing I wanted to point out is we do have provisions on these sites for a rollup generator connection um I had forgotten to mention this on the previous project but there will be a cam lock generator connection box on the back side of the existing School building so if power goes out es if it's going to be out for an extended period of time you can roll a generator up back here plug it in power specific loads in the building um to keep the building up and running during the outage so at least there's some places that you know have power in the building so um other than that I think uh you know electrically it's uh pretty similar to the other building um Andrew do you want me to share the uh the photometric file with the cut sheets at this Point uh Mr chair uh would you like to see it um briefly yes yeah I know we can look it up but just let's see it real briefly okay so this is the the fixture cuts that were chosen can you make it bigger yeah there we go so so these are the fixture Cuts these are the Ballard style or ballage scale fixtures and then these are the posttop fixtures so the lbs will be used um you know along the the walkways along the road along the walkways and then the the taller fixtures will be used for the parking areas so that's what we have so far um you know this is and we can see the photo will take on Section 6A in our pack in our binders right the photo will take uh yeah that's a question for jie EXC not the photo will take the like yeah they're in they're in the um the site and uh in civil drawings and I believeit 6A would be for I think us it's it's a is denotes either belter toown Road and and um B is I think 31 Southeast Street but I'll just confirm that like great and plumbing is pretty much the same yes plumy um and I guess overall yes the plumbing is the same I'm not sure if you had any specific comment or question on that but yeah we do have a gravity system we have the heat pump hot water system um the only pump that we have is for the elevator some pit and the fire protection is essentially the same as it is in belra town exactly um the fire and water room they are located at the basement at Southeast that that's great well this um I'll open up to questions from board members if there's any on the Mechanicals the architecture or the electrical or lighting Mr sler well I guess this is as good a time as any I don't know if later on I'll we'll have an opportunity I want to go back to the laundry facilities for a moment and share a couple thoughts I think laundry facilities are a quality of life issue and with 47 units times four people maybe on average per unit on beler Town that's about 200 people the other site Southeast is going to have at least a 100 people in it it's 31 units but it's 56 bedrooms and LA Y is I think the only service for which people must on a regular basis leave their Apartments they don't have to socialize they have to leave the building but they have to go out to do out of their Apartments to do laundry and an inadequate number of machines and laundry facilities can be a conflict point in buildings like this when people leave their laundry go back to their apartment forget about it get tied up they don't get back quickly enough the machine is tied up and someone's waiting I I me this is from personal experience in my younger days so also four machines for beler toown and three machines for a 100 people living in southeast seems to be a formula for overuse and breakdowns and then and when a machine breaks there's even fewer machines until something is taken care of and just because this project is below market price doesn't mean that the tenants should be subjected to a a situation that is below standard I think it's a matter of dignity the chair brought up before that the design of the building is attractive and elegant and the kind of thing that will make residents want to take care of it more and I think anything that encourages a sense of community and belonging and dignity can only be a positive thing so I would I think this is an important point for an ongoing way of life in these buildings and I would like to see if there is in at all possible a way to design so that there are laundry facilities on each floor uh it's also a matter of of less laundry being dragged down elevators and hallways it's a different kind of tone so I'd like to see if that's possible these don't have to be grand spaces but I think they need to be adequate so this is why I brought it up in the first place I've been thinking about it a little more during the this meeting and I would request that you try and do something to make this situation a bit better thank you Mr chair you I you know I second Mr sl's thoughts there I know you said You' go back and take a look at it but I think you've heard from board members that it's you know it's an important issue um and it is a quality of life issue so take a look at that and we'll it may might take you a couple of weeks to figure that out uh but we look forward to hearing your thoughts on it when you can we're happy to do that I think I think location I'm hearing you know need to look at location and also quantity I I know that some of them we can we can do a stackable to increase the number but uh that may not always work on washing machines I think it's easy to do on dryers but I think the sort of the mechanics of washing machines uh as I understand for commercial units don't stack well but but as you said Mr wager it's it's not only it's not only the number of units it's the proximity and and easy access to it so it's a couple of things and I would appreciate that thank you yes thank you for bringing it up other points questions from Members things you would like to hear back from the applicant on from wayfinders on all right well let's let's just before we move on to a public comment if any let's just review the kinds of um requests we have for you to make sure that we that um you have a checklist and and jenta I think you've been um taking down notes on some of the things that questions that board members have but here's what I've got so far um you're going to we have an answer on the oil tanks and you're going to seek to to remove them so I don't think you have to get back with us unless that changes um we're going to have some information from you on the resident you're going to look at the residential re rental bylaw and we're going to talk about that at at either next meeting or the meeting after that um laundry has been a we want to talk about that and we'll get back to us then um the HVAC system you need to have you're going to get back to us on the visibility of the hva systems on the roof and uh we're going to look at it's on us to look at the lighting in 6A and 6B to make sure that we that the U the study fits the lighting study uh is sufficient for us is there anything else that questions that members had that we want to get an answer to or want them to come back with a response on okay I think that was I think that's it all right um this was very helpful oh Mr grber yes thank you um I just wanted to go back to um the the schedule and just what we discussed um you know first thing in the meeting um I have a little different agenda uh layout and I just wanted to confirm what the board is expecting um next week for presentation I I know that we discussed having a response to the residential rent rental bylaw however you had mentioned the um storm water review is that correct at each site yep storm man agement storm water infrastructure design yeah I'll need to confirm that with my team um to make sure that they're available uh for that um next Jamie we're available at the 26 for that okay all right great thank you colan yeah no problem so we'll do we'll the residential rental the storm water the two storm water topics the um if you have the I guess it's up to you if you're going to able be able to get the drawings for the hbac visibility on the roofs um and laundry I think is probably going to take a little longer than a week but as soon as you can do that or if you can give us an update on your progress that would be helpful okay Y and then and then following that on the um the 10th would be uh property management and income restrictions is that yeah and financials I thought all those property in Property Management income restriction and financials and then um applicant selection process local local preference and we are going to need to have um some time which is not scheduled yet but as we go through this we'll see if there are other waivers that you're requesting we'll have to go through it there's a a lot of waivers that you're requesting and we'll have to spend some time going through those but we don't have to schedule that uh for at this time because that will occur later later in October or perhaps November make sense reasonable reasonable schedule okay great yeah I I would just like to clarify one thing um you know with the financials we'll just talk about the types of funding sources that we're going to um you know that that we're going to be kind of getting is as far as in in and um looking to fund the project with that's what that's what we understand financials um section to be and talking about sort of like what a typical rent would be you know for the units and and things like that and I guess what my my thought always is show me that this is is economically feasible so that it's not going to come back to the town that you have enough financial the plan is um sufficient so that you're going to have enough rental income to maintain the property to service whatever debt you have etc etc etc but that's my main concern is not whether you make money or how much money you make or how much money you're able to um not profits but earnings you're able to retain as a nonprofit but I'm what I want to make sure is that you have sufficient income coming in to keep the project going okay yeah we'll um yeah we'll have a response for for for to that as well okay thank you okay um well that's I think we've accomplished a lot tonight I'm I'm still really excited about this program your application I think the work you've done with the town is great I think the drawings I've seen a really um I'm very encouraged by it and I look forward to our future meetings um Miss Murray is there anything that we need to be doing that we haven't talked about yet from a legal standpoint you just need uh to see if there's any M of the public this evening that that wishes to comment we'll do that and we'll continue continue the public hearing before we uh after we do that all right um so we're going to move to public comment if there's any public comment um see do we have anybody attendees I see one oh Mr Malloy did you wish to speak sure yes I was just going to ask um wayfinders is going back to the Conservation Commission uh before the next meeting and so if we're talking about storm water I just want to confirm that the design is you know pretty close to what will be reviewed by the Conservation Commission just in case we need to flip-flop the you know the process of review of what we're looking at um so I just want to make sure that that you know if we look at it next that it's accurate and it won't necessarily change a lot so we we we've made some updates um to the storm water plan uh since the original presentation we had a couple weeks ago to this board um our concom hearing we're actually continuing to the 9th at this point um just to give us a little bit more time to coordinate with this board and the Conservation Commission and all the comments so we have a a uh cohesive response for the for both boards sure so do you think that go ahead Mr M Ray I just want to ask that do you know right how the Conservation Commission will review the changes you know we you know it's it to me it seems like the zba would want to wait foreview it until the Conservation Commission has also seen it or given some kind of consensus about it you know we don't want to go over it twice if you're if if there's going to be changes from the concom we want to see what we want to see what their thinking is before we review and yeah yeah and we did already have our initial hearing with the concom and we've Incorporated those comments into our plans already so I I don't expect there to be any more like substantial changes maybe just minor ones so I wouldn't expect the storm water strategy to really be changing um from what we would be presenting to you but uh Jamie I'd defer to you if you do want to push it off a little bit longer um maybe we could check with the conservation agent just to confirm that and um let you know is that yeah so why don't Nate um and Miss bre and Jinta why don't you coordinate with Mr guber and try to make sure that we're not that we got up that we're up to date and that we're not um going to have to go over something twice all right if there's minor changes that's understandable you can inform us but if there's wholesale changes I don't want to have to do it twice okay good all right any other um public comments if you wish to comment please raise your hand um either on the um Zoom app or on your phone by dialing star N I think there's none I don't see any do you miss Williams all right so um I would entertain a motion that we continue the public hearing on on zv FY 20254 on wayfinders Inc until uh September 26th at 6 o'clock so moved and is there a second second it's been moved and seconded any discussion no discussion the chair votes I Mr Meadows hi Mr White hi Mr sloger hi I the vote is four to nothing with one absent the motion carries the me this meeting is continued until the 26th at 6:00 the next order of business is um public discussion of any matter not before the board tonight so if anybody from the public wants to speak about anything other than this and now's your time to do so raise your hand on Zoom or press pound or Star n on your phone we I don't see anybody out there that wishes to do that the next order of business is um anything not brought up in the last 24 hours or 48 Hours excuse me and I think mostly it's just the schedule so Miss Williams we have on the 26th we have storm water on the 10th of October do we have two do we have other things on the agenda or are we still just um going to be wayfinders on October 10th oops Miss Miss Williams I can't hear you if you're speaking just do you have your um ear mouthpiece near your mouth so sorry guys it was out of the way so October 10th Jonathan clate is coming back Redgate Lane um so it's not the only thing wayfinders is not the only thing that night okay we have Red Gate Lane that night Mr SL you're not here that night is that correct that is correct all right and the 17th Mr Meadows you're available on the 17th I am okay okay and then coming up on the 14th of November we have shsb road so or shs Berry solar so those are the only big items um we don't have any other applications in at this time great well good well I think we're making real progress on on uh this we don't want to rush it and we want to make sure we have enough information to make our final decision but I think the one thing we should do at some point Miss Williams's schedule a wave a meeting some meeting time on the numerous waivers that are requested by the applicant we have to go through those and make a finding on that I think a good day for that would be the 24th if I'm not mistaken it'd be a good one except I'm not here that's right you're you're out that day that is correct okay um the next wayfinders only meeting would be November 2 well we can yes Mr sler I also have a notation I I don't know if it's correct that uh on November 14th at wayfinders is also on the schedule for the 14th for half of the meeting or something like that that's correct yes oh it is oh okay you didn't 14th you only mentioned the solar project so I didn't know if way Founders was still there thank you I think you know maybe maybe we could think about the 14th for the waivers discussion okay yeah let's do that good okay any other questions from board members suggestions thoughts all right um if there's nothing else I'd entertain a motion to adjourn so moved moved is there a second second all right it's been moved and seconded this is not debatable the vote occurs on the motion the shair votes I Mr Meadows I Mr White I Mr sler I the vote is four zero with one absent the motion carries we are adjourned thank you all thank you everybody for uh your hard work and thank thank you wayfinders for a good presentation thank you good night everyone good night