##VIDEO ID:SWICoBUQzM4## we are recording the chair notes the time is 6 o'cl and call this meeting of the ammer zoning board of appeals to order my name is Steve judge As Eva chair I want to welcome everyone to this meeting we'll begin with the Roll Call of the zba members Steve judge is present Mr Craig Meadows here Mr everal Henry here Mr Philip White here Mr David slower here the Quorum is present also attending the public hearing tonight is Miss K BR Miss Christine breast Town planner director Nate Malloy senior planner and Jinta Williams planner and uh with the town we also have Carolyn Murray of KP law to assist us with guidance uh on legal matters puring to chapter 20 of the acts of 2021 and extended by chapter 2 of the acts of 2023 this meeting will be conducted via remote means members of the public who wish to observe the meeting May do so via Zoom or by telephone no in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time via technological means the board the zoning board of appeals is a quasi judicial body that operates under the authority of chapter 48 of the general laws of the Commonwealth for the purpose of promoting the health safety convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of the town of amorist in accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Law chapter 48 and article 10 special permit granting authority of the ammer zoning bylaw this public meeting has been duly advertised and notice thereof has been posted in mail to parties at interest all hearings and meetings are open to the public and are recorded by Town staff and they may be viewed via the town of ammer YouTube channel and zbaa web web page the procedure is as follows the petitioner presents the application to the board during the hearing after which the board will ask for Quest will ask questions for clarification or to gather additional information after the board has completed its questions the board will seek public input the public speaks with the permission of the chair if a member of the public wishes to speak they should so indicate by using the raised hand function on their screen or by pressing star n on their phone the chair with the assistance of the staff will call upon people wishing to speak when you are recognized provide your name and address to the board for the record all questions and comments must be addressed to the board the board will normally hold public hearings where the information about the project and input from the public is gathered followed by a public meeting for each the public meeting portion is when the board deliberates and is generally not an opportunity for public comment if the board feels it has enough information and time it will will decide upon the applications tonight each petition heard by the board is distinct and evaluated on its own merits and the board is not ruled by precedent statutorily for the special permit the board has 90 days from close of hearing to file a decision for variance the board has 100 days from the date of filing to Fest decision no decision is final until the written decision is signed by the sitting board members and is filed in the town clerk's office once the decision is filed with the town clerk there's a 20-day appeal period for an agreed party to contest the decision with the relevant judicial body and Superior Court after the appeal period the permit must be recorded at the registry of needs to take effect tonight's agenda a public hearing on zba FY 202-401-3006 on the premises of 31 Southeast street map 15a parcel 20 in the RVC Village Center residence zoning districts and a 47 unit mixed income rental housing in a three-story building with 46 proposed parking spots on the premises of 70 belr toown road map parcel 15 c58 15 c59 15 C60 in the RN and FPC neighborhood residents and flood prone Conservancy zoning districts after that there will be a general public comment period uh time for other business not anticipated within 48 hours and adjournment the first order of business tonight is a public hearing on zba 202- 04 wayfinders requesting a comprehensive permit under chapter 40b we have not yet conducted a site visit but we hope to do so by September on September 10th we can talk more about scheduling for that uh at the in new business at the end of the meeting also the town has received the following submissions from the applicant and it's huge and I'm going to generally describe the submissions that have been given to the town that I'm in that I am in possession of we've received the town the forms and fees required by the town we've received project information which includes the project summary application information information about the development team on existing site plans which include descriptions zoning adjacent properties and infrastructure and utilities proposed development narratives including sustainability building design parking accessibility a traffic impact statement scale placement on site and Landscaping density proposed housing and affordability details and tabulations of proposed buildings we've received a management plan narrative which talks about wayfinders management There Staffing trash and recycling parking lighting signage Landscape Maintenance snow removal on-site recreational facilities indoor H HVAC equipment material equipment and large households Goods storage we've received the am there ammer they returned to us the ammer zoning board of appeals criteria and responses community outreach efforts including uh local support and community support and comments and responses from U AB Butters list of waivers they' requested filings to other boards project avability and a list of exhibits I have not seen any public comments that have been uh listed in the town um uh website and so I'm unaware of anything that is any public comments since this Mo uh this project has been noticed here's what I hope we accomplish tonight uh introductions board disclosures Safe Harbor uh we want to invoke our Safe Harbor an introductory presentation by Town staff on the project an introductory presentation by on both sites by wayfinders a dis a discussion of peer review and how we may use it presentation for belr toown road which includes site design landscape lighting and parking and if we have enough time and I hope we do we do the same thing for the East Street site as well site design Landscaping lighting and parking and then we will of course Reserve time for public [Music] comment we have reserved time in the future meetings to to consider wayfinders comprehensive permit applications each of those meetings will have a specific topic for discussion we're going to be seeing a lot of each other and so each of the zbaa members and panel for this hearing has been identified through the roll call I've identified Our Town staff and our outside Council so I thought it would make sense for those of you who are working for wayfinders and who are likely to be presenting to the board tonight to please introduce introduce and identify yourself uh for the record so I guess start out with um you guys choose who you want to start with and let's just go through the wayfinders Pres presenters please can someone let Mr guber in James Gruber is in the attendees but he's he is running the show for uh wayfinders right oh yeah there's several people one of our Architects is uh waiting uh uh attorney yeah can I also just make the request that people change their names um to reflect who they are because there was someone else who had the name James grubert and so I thought yeah he was already in yeah yeah okay okay please rename yourself and I'm still looking for Ellen um she's the attorney she uh here she is she's here okay great may I note one other thing Mr chair I think that the introduction that you gave listed a timeline that's related to special permits and I think um Miss Murray may be able to give us a timeline that's related to comprehensive permits whether she would like to do that this evening or another night I think that would be helpful but we don't want it PE people to be confused about following one line one timeline versus another timeline thank you yeah I've got a timeline later after the introductions okay yeah if it's okay for us to begin our introductions um I'll begin the wayfinders yeah just your name and address and just who you are your role in the in this some other business we have to take care of before you do your presentation I know uh my name is Bruce Erick I'm the senior vice president for Real Estate development wayfinders um and I will turn this over to Jamie Gruber who is the project manager who's directly responsible for the project Jamie well uh thank you very much I am Jamie Gruber a project manager uh with wayfinders um that's located in Springfield Massachusetts uh representing um them as the developer and uh here with us tonight um we have our attorney alen Ryman I'll pass pass it to her to introduce herself you're muted rman thank you sorry um Ellen Fryman with shot Schwarz and Fenton and my address is 1441 Main Street Springfield and um legal council for wayfinders in this project great thank you to maybe Coleman hi I'm Coleman horley I'm a senior project engineer at Niche engineering I'm the civil engineer for the project and you live where Mr hle uh I live at uh 524 putam Aben Cambridge Mass got it who's next Mr yeah I'll introduce myself as well although Coleman will be handling the bulk of the presentation my name is Joshua sorus project manager with Niche engineering the project civil engineer and I'm located at 12 Morley Road in quinsey Massachusetts thank you Mr sores pass off to Bob I'm Bob Wagner principal with the narrowgate Architects I live at 27 Shore Avenue also in quinsey I believe my colleague Andrew bankon is having a hard time getting in he might be in the waiting room while we'll while we we're trying to do that I'll pass it along to DJ thanks M um I'm DJ shagan uh I live at 82 Benton Road in Somerville Massachusetts I'm a principal at CBA Landscape Architects who were the Landscape Architects for the project um and I'll note for the record that my one of my co-principals Kayla Bachman Chavez is actually the principal in charge for the project but she was unavailable tonight so I'm covering this meeting you'll see much more of her in the future but I've been working with her alongside her a little bit on the project through its course so I'm familiar with it great and I think the last person we need to think and is in now is here Mr angstrom Andrew you want to introduce yourself and where you live I don't know if he's muted or if he is I'm not sure we we may have lost him there well we will come back to him um when you do your presentations all right I think everybody's been introduced the next order of businesses see if there's any disclosures from any board member members any board members wish to make a disclosure if not okay so for the benefit of the public I want to give a little background on the 40b process that the board will be operating under for this comprehensive permit 40b enables the developers to obtain a single permit for residential development so instead of having to obtain approval from several Town boards the zba acts as a One-Stop shop on all local issues in the place of other Town bodies we act on all local issues but we do do not act on matters of state law so there may be some local bodies that are administering state law such as Wetland protections and some other conservation issues that will act within their own jurisdiction the zva decision to approve or deny a comprehensive permit must be consistent with local needs if a town meets certain criteria the decision is presumed to meet local needs and the decision of the zba is not appealable in effect the town has a Safe Harbor from the appeal of of its decisions in the case of ammer we meet one of the criteria for the Safe Harbor by having more than 10% of our housing stock and the subsidized housing index in fact 11.74% of a housing stock in ammer qualifies for inclusion in the subsidized housing index while 40b gives a town protection from litigation resulting from our decision on this matter it also obligates the town to complete its work in a timely manner we have to invoke our assertion of Safe Harbor at the beginning of the process we have 180 days from the date of the first hearing to complete our hearings and we must decide the comprehensive permit within 40 days of the close of the public hearing on the matter in addition this process requires a vote of three of the five members for approval rather than votes for four of the five members that you approve for a special permit the first order of business I wish to accomplish tonight is to invoke the Safe Harbor and I have a motion which is complicated so I'm going to State it myself I move that the board determined that the town of amest has achieved one of the statutory minimum standards set forth under general laws chapter 40b sections 20 to 23 and 760 CMR 56.3 3 because of the town's subsidized housing inventory as maintained by the executive office of the town and liable communities formerly the Department of Housing and Community Development exceeds 10% of the town's total housing units on the date that the application for a comprehensive permit was received from way finders Inc with a property located at 31 Southeast Street and 70 belr toown road Amis Massachusetts the application not withstanding that the board has achieved the Safe Harbor the board elects to proceed with the full local hearing with the board having the right to deny the application or to Grant the application with conditions and with a fining that the board's denial or Grant of the application would be consistent with local needs finally the board authorizes the chair to finalize and execute and send written notice to the applicant with a copy to the eohc that is the executive office of housing in livable communities to invoke the 10% subsidized housing index statutory Minima within 15 days of the opening of the August 29th 2024 public hear hearing on the application is there a second to that motion I I saw a second second all right is there any discussion or questions about that motion from members of the board if there is not vote occurs on the motion the chair votes I Mr Meadows I Mr Henry hi Mr White hi Mr sler hi vote is 5 nothing the motion carries the next order of business is a staff presentation on the project and uh Miss bre or Mr Malloy I'm not sure who's going to do make the presentation but the floor is yours sure hi I'm Nate Malloy I'll uh provide another introduction to this project uh there's no slides to share anything you know essentially the town is a partner with wayfinders you know the the Genesis of this started oh you know seven years ago or longer and so you know we're we're really excited to have have a developer to you know bring to fruition affordable housing on both these sites uh beginning in the 201 teens the Housing Trust looked at the East Street site for affordable housing uh there were concept studies there were Outreach meetings there was discussions about what could happen on that property and it was prioritized for housing uh and the town went through the process to you know dispose of it and have that property ready for housing uh and then the beler toown Road Site came up and it was a a really great opportunity it is so close to East Street School we've talked about improvements to the east uh amoris Village Center and the town acquired that property solely for affordable housing so and it was purchased for the purpose of housing not for recreation or conservation uh you know and then um you know in the interim there's other ideas about what could happen in East ammer and so you know the town is working on Route N9 right now we have blockr Mone and CPA money to fix the road in front of the East Street School site we've worked on the Fort River Farm behind the site on belter toown road for conservation purposes uh you know and it's really close to the new Fort River School and so we really see this as a lot of opportunities in the East amous Village Center the town went through a competitive process to select wayfinders we put out a request for Proposal with a lot of requirements in terms of affordable housing site amenities trying to balance you know some open space on the East Street site uh with the number of units um amenities and what could happen in terms of income levels and wayfinders was chosen with a selection committee uh based on their concept plans and their narrative and and their response to the proposal and so you know that was put out publicly the town had a few responses and it went through a pretty rigorous process a comparative review and wayfinders was selected and so uh in the last two years wayfinders has refined their program and their designs for this site and so we're really excited about that so they've been to other boards before their comprehensive permit was finalized with the zba they've been to the planning board there's been public meetings they've been done in the historical commission all to get feedback for this project and so what you see before you is not necessarily the first draft it may not be the final but it's something that has been worked on uh with the town with staff with other boards and committees to arrive at what we think is a really nice plan for both sites and it's balancing like I said the need for housing for amenities on the site both sites have wetlands and land use constraints for parking and so they've really packed into both these sites what we asked in our they actually exceeded what we put in our request for proposal not only the design but also what they will do in terms of management in terms of tenant selection in terms of affordability and so we're really pleased to have this project in East ammer uh and you know like I said the town is a is a project sponsor so we the town will continue to own the land there'll be a 99e lease so we'll still be the owner we'll have no um you know no management or any obligations there we are maintaining the back portion of the East Street School site for public use so there there's there'll be an easement there so you know that was a really important piece uh and the town's also contributed uh about $3 million in funding for this project uh with the purchase of belter Town Road and uh CPA and arpa money that totals about two million and we've provided almost a million dollars in Block rant funding for infrastructure infrastructure improvements on belter toown Road and East Street to help support these projects in terms of you know road paving bike Lanes we're going to do water and sewer connections and so we're really invested in these sites and you know for instance if it wasn't wayfinders it would' be someone else and if it wasn't now it's going to be sometime else I mean the goal of these two properties is affordable housing in the timeline The Horizon for this is unfortunately it'll be 12 years before someone might actually occupy a unit so we've been planning for this you know for seven years or longer and if this receives permitting and goes through financing it could be another five or six years before occupancy it's just the the timeline for these is so great that you know it's really exciting when it finally gets the permitting so you know with that I also say you know the town is always looking at other affordable housing projects and so it seems like every other year we have a comprehensive permit project and we're feeling comfortable about that you know we see it as a really nice mechanism to allow the developer flexibility with local permitting to get affordable units there are some other ways to do it but for ammer we feel like we work closely with the community with a zoning board with our developers to get a nice comprehensive permit project in other parts of the state it may not seem that way right you might have heard negative things about a comprehensive permit but we actually view it as a really nice tool to use to help get affordable housing and so uh you know there could be other regulatory pieces or other things but we really like the 40b process and like I said we also put funding in in town uh and staff support for it so um I think that's it for now if there's any questions uh you could ask them um I could keep talking but I'll stop I think that's a really good introduction Mr Malloy um does any Mr Henry I just have one question um just so I I fully understand um what's the rationale behind renting versus owning yeah so on other properties that Town's done housing with we we enter into a 99e ground lease and some of it is uh in terms of uh for some some kind of site control and then there's some instances where outright ownership by the developer might um be a little different in terms of uh our process of how we have to dispose of property and then what actually happens with it so sometimes a ground lease is actually a bit easier than an outright sale to developer uh I mean I you know if you know it could be one or the other but we've used ground leases pretty effectively for the last few compreh of permits that have been on Town property thank [Music] you any other questions for our staff if not um get a a short introduction from wayfinder it's just the overall um impression or your overall presentation of the project and then we're going to of course be going into more details later on but give us your overview please okay great can you all hear me yep okay perfect and um the um I'll just run through the entire uh through the slide deck and then um with questions um that come up um at the end or did you want me to stop and pause at any any well is this your this this is the introduction or presentation correct yeah so I think you should go through it and then we can have questions at the end I think when we get into more detailed we probably break it down by topic and people could ask questions at the end of a presentation on a specific topic but since this is the introduction let's have you go through it and board members can write down their questions and that they have and then ask them when you finished great thank you very much all right hello and good evening my name is Jamie Gruber and I'm a project manager in the real estate development department at wayfinders I'd like to start out by thanking the town staff and members of the board for scheduling the hearing this evening for our comprehensive permit application and for all your time in advance as we discuss the proposed developments of 31 Southeast Street and 70 Belchertown Road here with us tonight is our attorney Ellen Fryman from shat Schwarz and Fenton along with members of our design team wayfinders is the largest non nonprofit housing provider serving Western Massachusetts for over 50 years and our organization provides services in the housing Arena from homelessness through homeownership wayfinders is a developer a property manager as well as a provider of housing related services to the broader community because we develop properties with a commitment to owning and managing them longterm we're invested in working with the communities that surround each site in terms of how in terms of those who don't live in our properties our housing centers in Springfield hoio and Northampton provide access to a wide variety of programs including emergency rental assistance firsttime home buyer education and employment Support Services wayfinders has completed over 60 rental development projects creating over, 1300 units and currently owns and manages over 800 rental units in Western Massachusetts across multiple sites primarily up and down the i91 corridor here are a few of our developments that include Butternut farm and Olympia Oaks in ammer in Northampton we have Liv 155 in the lumber yard on Pleasant Street along with Sergeant house on Bridge Street and Library Commons is one of our recent hoolio developments as well wayfinders will serve as a developer and project sponsor and will manage the project once completed the development team includes our attorney Ellen Fryman from sh Schwarz and Fenton with experience in both affordable housing and 40b permits the narrowgate architecture a mission driven firm focused on affordable and Supportive Housing Niche Engineers as our civil engineer CBA Landscape Architects O'Reilly talet Otto as our environmental and geotechnical Engineers Nei General Contracting as our preconstruction manager and airtight energy Consulting providing sustainability and passive house consulting services this development as Nate said this this summarizes a lot of what kind of Nate said this development has been years in the making with a significant investment by the town of ammer and ammer Municipal affordable housing trust including providing the town Land Town funds and town staff time all working collaboratively towards the goal to create more affordable housing uh the community preservation act funds were used to determine the feasibility of affordable housing at the former E Street School site and in the spring of 20099 the ammer Town Council voted to authorize the town manager to convey the property for affordable and mixed income housing purposes in beler Town Road in the spring of of 2021 um it it it was purchased for um housing purposes with CPA and affordable housing trust funds as well in the fall of 2021 the town issued the request for proposals and wayfinders responded and was selected as the pre preferred developer as Nate also mentioned the town is supported development providing additional CPA and arpa contributions of a million dollars all the land undertaking the roadway and infrastructure improvements on belur toown road and they are also planning to undertake an ecological restoration project to repair culverts at the 31 Southeast Street site that'll include a stream channel and Wetland restoration and we're extremely grateful for the robust Town support we have received this far and excited to be part of this development once wayfinders was selected as the preferred developer the Land Development agreement was entered into with the town giving us site control as we work through the predevelopment phasee at the financial closing the town will enter into a 99-year ground lease of the properties the development will be funded by leveraging over $3 million in federal state and local sources primarily through low-income housing tax credits we've completed phase phase one environmental site assessments hazardous material surveys wetland resource area delineations soil and geotechnical engineering studies notification to the mass historic commission completed po property boundary surveys and title work as well as traffic studies the design work has progressed far beyond the conceptual stage to arrive at the current design while engaging the town and the community we had multiple meetings with Town staff and had meetings with the town department heads including the fire department engineering department building department conservation agent and planning staff additionally we presented to the amamos historic commission the planning board ammer Municipal affordable housing trust and reached out to neighbors and abutters and held information sessions allowing us to take feedback and recommendations into account as we progress the design the most notable comments we received allowed us to make significant changes to the Aesthetics of Belchertown road ahead of our comprehensive permit application the as I mentioned the development is two sites 30 1 Southeast Street and 70 beler toown road they are both located in the East Village Center with restaurants convenience stores and coffee shops along with other businesses and service it is it is also just a short walk to downtown amest where there are many amenities and services each site is conveniently located adjacent to a pvta bus stop the Route 30 bus provides regular daily service between Old beler toown Road puffton and puffton Village via the ammer downtown common and UMass campus there is also a v a Valley Bike Share Hub at the intersection of College Street and belur Town Road just a few minute walk from each site as noted earlier the construction along belter Town Road includes the installation of a new crosswalk in front of the proposed development this will create a direct path to the bus stop and Colonial Village further increasing the walkability of the area here is the pvta bus route showing the stop locations near the development is the East Street is located within the residential district RC uh VC Village Center residence uh zoning District the immediate neighboring neighborhood includes both single family and multif family homes that are owner occupied and tened occupied the neighborhood also features a variety of other property uses such as religious organization and several small commercial Office Buildings that provide local Business Services the Fort River Elementary School is also nearby 70 belri Town Road is located within the residential district RN neighborhood residence and the portion of the site that will remain undeveloped is located within the resource Protection District a flood prone Conservancy Zone this site is surrounded by a mix of single and multif family residences including Colonial V Village Apartments and also has many amenities nearby such as a Bank auto repair shop convenience store and gas station here's an aerial view of the area of the [Music] area here's a couple existing site photos of uh 31 Southeast Street this [Music] school and beler Town Road uh the current site has two vacant single family homes that will be demolished as part of the Redevelopment one was built in the 1990s and the other built around the 1930s based on the Assessor's information the plans have Incorporated many features that provide much needed affordable housing while minimizing the effects on the environment and surrounding community in order to maximize the housing provided we look to most efficiently use the build- to- built area at each site and our plans include buildings that will provide barrier-free housing and elevator access to all floors and units the buildings will be Des designed and built with sustainability as a core goal and will incorporate Energy Efficiency measures consistent with passive house and Enterprise green communities the building will be all electric and will seek to install solar PV arrays for on-site renewable energies and our development will have on-site Property Management allowing for a meaningful presence the Southeast Street School create 31 units with a mix of units ranging from Studios to three bedrooms um the site will in include the Adaptive reuse of the existing School into six new apartments a common laundry room and indoor bike storage the new construction Edition will create 25 units and include the on-site office and community room for residents the Southeast Street parking and drive will remain in a similar location as the existing parking area and the new construction addition will be sited along the road the beler Town Road Site will be entirely new construction the three-story building will create 47 units with a mix ranging from Studios to three bedrooms this will also have an elevator and provide indoor bike storage laundry room and community room for residents in addition to our the management office in the belter toown road building will be cited along the road with parking and Resident patio in the rear of the building uh income restrictions and affordable housing are all based upon area median income levels or Ami and these may be familiar to you but here are a few of the examples of income limits for VAR various household sizes the income limits are updated by Hud each year and Vary depending on geographic location these are the limits for the Springfield HUD metro area that includes ammer So currently the area meeting income for a family of four in our region the at a 60% Ami is around 65 65,7 and here are some examples of preliminary rents for for the the same four person household at a 60% Ami with an annual income of 65,000 65 700,000 I'm sorry 65 700,000 could expect to pay $1,700 or $177 a month including utilities for a three-bedroom unit all rents will include utilities electricity heat and air conditioning and hot water and utilities are included in rents in all rental um income levels and light litech rents are updated each year and are subject to change but this is generally well where they'll be the apartment income mix across both sites is shown above some of these numbers may change but this is generally where they'll fall 23 of the units will be for families and individuals with 30% of the area median income or less seven of the units will be for families and individuals with 50% of the area median income or less 19 of the units will be for families or individuals with 60% of the Ami or less and 19 of the units will be for families or individuals with incomes up to 80% Ami approximately 68 of the 78 units will be income restricted units while the remaining 10 will be reserved for market rate the apartment income mix at 31 Southeast Street we have 10 market rate units with the remaining 21 units split across the affordability levels shown here and then belshire Town Road the land holds an affordability requirement that was imposed during the town's acquisition process so all the units are proposed to be at 80% Ami or below and will be considered affordable here's a schedule of our development we are in the permitting phase it started when we submitted our project El eligibility application to the executive office of Housing and livable communities or eohc in early February of this year as part of this project eligibility phase the town hosted a website that included plans and documents for review and a public comment board during this phase we presented to the planning board and historical commission as well as hosted an independent online information session we're able to incorporate feedback into our current design the executive office of Housing and livable communities issued their project eligibility letter in June and according to that letter the proposed um project appears generally eligible under the requirements of the low-income housing tax credit program the proposed housing is designed for and is appropriate for the sites and the proposed project appears financially feasible within the context of the housing of the ammer housing market we anticipate the permitting will run through the fall and wrap up in early winter and be fully permitted prior to our submission to this year's State funding round that typically occurs in January or February due to the competitive funding round process we expect the financing to be comp complete leading the development into Construction in 2027 from there we'd expect an 18month construction period wrapping up and bull being fully leased in 2028 and managed by our property management Vision wayfinders professionally manages over 800 affordable rental home units in in communities across western Mass and and one in Central Mass we have a culturally diverse portfolio of properties that that addresses the needs of specific demographics like older adults low-income families and people with disabilities we offer a range of apartment options from single room occupancy to four bedroom apartments our property management and residential services team will work closely to create a positive and productive relationships with our with our residents the result of this coll collaboration is genuine sense of community Through social activities workshops meetings and services wayfinders will have a part-time on-site property manager maintenance personnel and Resident service coordinator emergencies will be responded to by maintenance personnel and residents will be able to contact maintenance after posted hours through a 24hour 7-Day answering service be established by during the management process trash and sigle stream recycling will be provided at each site via two dumpsters that will be emptied weekly or bi-weekly by our waste holler and our landscaping and snow removal and other small maintenance items will be provided by independent contractors overseen by the staff the sites will be permitted concurrently with the Conservation Commission due to Wetland resource areas on each site we will work with both commission and the zba throughout the permitting process the town zoning does not currently allow for the proposed density of the apartment buildings so a comprehensive permit is saw including waivers to allow for the development as designed our attorney Ellen fman from chat Schwarz and Fenton will now discuss the waivers sorry had to unmute myself um good evening again uh so as you know one of the features of uh obtaining a comp permit is the ability for the developer to request waivers from certain requirements from the town's bylaws permits and approvals um and we have requested as part of our application uh the minimal waivers which address several categories of the town's laws rules and regulations these are um relating to use uh dimensional requirements the zoning bylaw generally the local Wetlands bylaw the town ordinance and that includes a residential rental property bylaw the list submitted with the application is an initial list because this is a dynamic process as we go through the various aspects of the project over various hearings we will modify add and drop uh waivers and we will go over each of the waivers in detail when the zba reviews the applicable aspect of the project and then the zba will formally adopt the final list uh as part of the comp permit decision great thank you Ellen now I like to pass now I'd like to pass this off to our design team um Bob are you going to lead this up yes that'll be me thanks Jamie I'll share my screen and uh we're just going to focus on belter Town Road for now and I will also uh say that uh let me get that up Mr Wagner so is this is this the second part of the of your presentation where you were doing the presentation on beltron road site design Landscaping lighting Etc that's correct yeah so let's let's stop and see if anybody has uh any questions from the introductory part and then I want to have a a quick discussion about um peer review with the board and then we'll go into the presentation for belter toown Road okay sounds good yep so does anybody have any board members have a question for the applicant um that comes from the the introductory piece that they just gave us the presentation Mr White thank you Mr chair just uh something I noticed and I may be looking at a different definition here oh sorry my videos off um but at one point it was referenced that the project will be passive housing um as far as energy usage uh but then further on in the slideshow uh we were told that the project would feature both heating and air conditioning which I as far as my experience isn't generally part of a passive project am I incorrect in that hope I am but I could try to speak to that um there may be some confusion with terminology but uh passive house is a is a rating system um it's International but the the US passive house is referred to as fius and that has to do with with energy efficient efficiency and uh tightness of the building envelope so that uh Heating and Cooling loads are driven way down um so it's not passive in the sense that you can open Windows to allow for natural ventilation although that's a good thing and we we will do that but the the the rating system that uh we're using is is referred to to passive house I don't know if that helps all right um Mr Meadows n you're muted Craig I I thought I'd bring it up early on I didn't notice that there's any EV parking that you've indicated and I believe probably since you started the process that the state has uh brought in new regulations so you you do need EV parking um and if you could just designate where they will be and how many that would be appreciated when you get Farther Along we will be showing that uh when we move into the the the site lighting plans the EV charging stations are shown in that plan so I'll be happy to point those out when we get there thank [Music] you any other questions from board members for um wayfinders all right um Miss brr or U Mr Malloy who's going to just give us a brief uh introduction summary of of peer reviews the reason I want to do it now is that we're gonna be looking at very specific items technical items that's typically what you use peerreview for we may or may not need to have peerreview but um when we get to the specifics of storm water lighting traffic Etc sometimes often um peer reviews will be asked um and we may or may not need them in this case but U Mr Malloy or M bre can you um just talk through that process for us yeah sure Steve just did really uh no I think that you know right there are the topics that Steve mentioned you know it's usually a technical review of what's been submitted uh you know and so the board may not know tonight if you would if you would need peer review but it's something usually we'd want to determine early on in the hearing process because we would have to go through you know a public procurement to find a consultant that's agreeable to the applicant in the town to then review you know the area of expertise they're in whether it's you know traffic or storm water and so uh you know if a project seems like it's impactful enough or there's questions about what could happen in terms of some of the the design then a peer peer review may be necessary and so you could have peer review from anything from the architecture and scale to storm water to parking uh even maybe uh Financial although I'm not sure that's necessary here and so you know throughout the process that there's these questions uh it could be clarified now whether or not we we would we would need someone outside of town staff or um our attorney or the applicant's team to help answer questions uh and so I will say that you know in terms of traffic they uh the applicant is working on supplemental information for parking uh in the East amoris Village Center the town has done uh two traffic studies uh both for the the Fort River School the new Fort River School so there's ongoing work to study traffic and traffic patterns on Route n and you know East Street generally Northeast Street and Southeast Street and then and to under take the the route n work there was an earlier traffic study done by the town I think in partnership with the state so there is data there the applicant has also done their own uh research and traffic um study and Analysis and so they have information to support you know what they're showing for parking but it may be that the board wants someone to review what the applicant has submitted in terms of you know is their parking demand accurate in terms of other standards you know is it you know you know do we need to have a bit more or are there other impact in terms of say traffic patterns and so uh in North Square for instance when that was being proposed there was uh it's a mixed use comprehensive permit there was a lot happening in north amoris at the time and there was questions about what would happen with you know if everything's occupied and there's so many vehicle trips a day would it impact the two roads Sunderland Road and Route 63 and so we hired a peer reviewer not to conduct a new traffic analysis but to review the data and information provid by the applicant to determine if the conclusions arrived at were accurate and so uh that's how we did it and it was determined that you know what was provided uh helped answer questions in terms of traffic impact and so you know at this time I'm not sure right if if it the board thinks it's necessary but like I said it's something that could be available if we find that there's an aspect of the project that needs more clarification Beyond expertise of town staff great all right Mr Wagner I don't think there's any questions about um peer review so you can start on your more detailed presentation and I think it's on the uh is it are you starting on the Southeast site or belter toown Road Site belter toown Road please yep and we'll we'll be focusing pretty much uh on the site design and I know as stated earlier that we're gonna we're going to have uh lots of time together and we'll get into to the building design itself more as as uh as this process goes along so tonight we're focused primarily on on site design um you've you've seen a little bit of this image before but a lot of thought went into where to place the building and uh we had significant collaboration with the with Town planners around this thinking about where it goes does it go to the rear of the site does it go out on the street and uh to to line with uh the the the planning uh Department's notion that this area is is thought to be a future uh Village Center uh it seemed appropriate that the building would be set closer to the street and the parking at the rear so you you see how that works and you see how uh the building is tightly fitted in there along with the parking uh primarily to respond to the wetlands so the wetlands are a huge part of the context here other parts of the context you'll see in this street elevation 100 ft going to each side of the building we're looking at a a street facing elevation here uh there the single family houses that were referred to earlier then you can you can see the massing of the building and the way it sits on the site we've also thought about a pedestrian approach to the site to make this pedestrian friendly so that that uh people um know where the primary entry is to the building and can easily get there from both directions along belur toown Road can also see that sidewalk from a colonial uh Gardens that was referred to earlier by Jamie across belter town road we've shown a floor plan here just to give you a sense not to get into the building design too much but to understand that the the front entry is facing belur toown Road there's a lot of common area in the core of the building and it actually goes through the building to a Courtyard at the back so the way the the site has been organized is a kind of a public facing uh front of the building but circulation goes through the building to a courtyard on the back that responds to the wetlands and is has easy access to the to the parking as well we thought we'd show you the roof plan as well because uh it has to do with site design and solar orientation um we've got a lot of pitch Roes around the perimeter of the building but internally to the building we have quite a bit of real estate here that's flat and the idea is that that will be used for mechanical equipment as well as solar panels uh the building will certainly be PV ready and the hope is that if the budget allows we'll be able to include solar arrays within the uh within the construction itself then just to give you a a look at the front uh elevation facing the street this is long belter toown road and the the backside facing the courtyard um and the the areas that have a little bit different treatment are signifying the the entrances at the front and at the back on the courtyard and we want to give you a little bit of a a tour around uh the building and the site uh three-dimensionally so the view here uh seen um from belur toown road you can see how that walkway pulls you into the entry or can take you down the drive to the parking at the rear um this is really from Colonial uh Gardens across the way it's kind of a straight elevation the uh the view here is toward the courtyard so we're standing in the parking lot now at the rear of the building looking into the courtyard uh we're going to see a plan a little bit you the lighting plan you'll be able to see how that works as well and then lastly you can kind of see an aerial here of of how this sits on the site the wet plans being in this back part of the site uh and and defining just where the parking goes we have uh a parking ratio that was going to get some attention when we look at the Civil drawings but it's it's approximately uh one: one then lastly this is our our uh electrical site electrical plan uh you can see that we've got ballards running along the driveway here lighting ballards uh they're there uh We've also got a Transformer that sits at this corner of the site uh closest to where our electrical room is and the ballards will uh go around to the back to the Courtyard area and then pole mounted sight lighting is back here around the perimeter of the parking lot turning in and uh there'll be fixtures that uh control for for light trespass as well to stay on the site and not uh not shed light on on to the to the abuts um question about uh EV charging stations was asked earlier these are all double EV charging stations for all these spaces here we uh we realized U after this was done that we'll also need an EV charging station located at one of the accessible spaces so the accessible parking also has uh EV um hookup as well so I will leave it there uh and ask if we want to ask questions now or move on to the Civil portion of the presentation no I I think it's a good place to ask question people have questions regarding uh the site design landscape lighting Etc on the belr Town Road I have one just one quick question all the lights are going to be dark are they going to be dark sky compliant yes you'll provide cut sheets for that you're not asking for a waiver from that requirement we are not all right and I did hear that you you asked for a waiver from the earlier a waiver in the residential rental bylaw is that correct that was that is correct Ellen you yep there are certain um requirements that we've asked waivers from have them um they're they were we were going to discuss them later but I I just want to make sure I understood that so we will discuss it later but I just wanted to make sure I understood the the point that was made okay yes good okay I have no other questions anybody else okay you can proceed Mr Wagner very good thank you I'm going to pass it along to our civil engineers uh Niche engineering thanks Bob uh good evening members of the board uh esteemed members of the public and the town um so this is the uh belter toown Road Site we were just discussing just an aerial view um you can see belter toown Road right here and then the three Parcels that are being Consolidated for this project um as uh Bob and others have mentioned there is a bordering vegetated Wetland on this property you can see that uh by the red line shown here uh and then we also have the 25 foot 5 foot 75 foot and 100 foot buffers shown um on these plans in addition to all of the rest um and then the property line as you can see it go into the uh conservation Wetland area and then around the property with belter town uh situated at the bottom of the page uh the erosion control for this project includes construction fencing um Waddles uh that at the recommendation of the Conservation Commission will likely be either mulch or compost uh the stabilized construction engines will have um the minimum length uh needed to displace soil or a wheel wash station if needed as well uh to make sure that there's no uh sediment or uh debris tracking onto the belter toown road um the as uh Jamie mentioned as well the two existing buildings will be demolished on site um and there will also be a demolition of the existing utility services that exist um this is the proposed site you can see the proposed building that Bob just discussed right here here Bel toown Road still at the bottom uh the Red Line work is the uh roadway Line work that the uh town is currently uh working on so if you've been by that area recently uh you know that the town is doing some work uh for roadway and utility improvements in belr toown Road uh we've been coordinating with Jason um on you know curb cut location and also utility stub location so we don't have to go back into that road once it's paved um also as Bob mentioned the parking you can can see we have a a row of compact spaces on the left of this page so 12 compact spaces and then we have uh 24 plus six so 30 standard spaces uh situated in the center and then right at the page and then you have the accessible spaces with the uh accessible walkway behind with tactile warning strip and appropriate signage uh we have a 24ot minimum width uh drive lane uh that allows two-way access for driving um these Drive Lanes have been reviewed and approved by the fire department um in uh regards to the tning movements for their smaller and larger trucks we have two dumpsters as Jamie mentioned one for uh single stream recycling one for trash that we picked up uh We've also run the movements for these dumpsters uh in order to be picked up um on their weekly or bi-weekly schedule as needed um skipping ahead so these are the uh perious and impervious um figures that we presented last night at the Conservation Commission so this is just showing you know Green is the PV area that's area that is um more accepting of storm water impervious is area that has you know Le it's more like paved areas that don't accept storm water as readily and then red is existing building area and then the proposed map within the buffers is shown here um and then you know one thing you'll note on most of these plans is we have this you know graded area so that is the storm water basin and we'll be getting into that uh when we go to the utility plan um moving on to the utilities so this building will be serviced by uh sewer um out the front of the building electrical and Telecom as Bob mentioned uh earlier so you can see the Transformer at the bottom of the site also some Telecom handholes connecting to the electrical room uh there will be a fire protection and a domestic Water Service um out the front as well they'll be connecting to the uh water main uh that is located underneath the beler toown road sidewalk additionally uh there is a pretty robust storm water system you can see the downspout connections that uh F the water from around the building out to the back um so the front down spouts from the sloped Roof System all run over here to this rip wrap apron so it's a flared end section to slow down storm water with a rip wrap system um and then it discharges to this long Basin area that I was discussing earlier so this Basin is a uh infiltration Basin uh slash bior retention Basin sort of hybrid system so it's more robust than your typical infiltration Basin an infiltration Basin is typically just a grass Service uh grass surface with um you know just subgrade below it nothing too uh special about it uh what we're proposing instead has more bio retention elements to it so it's more green infrastructure uh it has a sand mix soil um with restorative Wetland plantings um that will support pollinator habitats uh replicate more uh closely to the the local plantings and Native plantings that already exist on site um and also have uh treating elements for nutrients and TSS for the storm water we are meeting ms4 requirements um for this site which is phosphorus removal and total suspended solids removal so this water will be significantly cleaner um than uh the mass D storm water RS uh require alone so this is above and beyond the Massachusetts stormw Water RS uh additionally for the parking lot area and the back of the site the storm water is carried through a similar system uh the roadway is being picked up by catch basins those catch basins go through water quality structures so these are going to be in the uh frame of like a hydrodynamic separator so for those of you who are unfamiliar with hydrodynamic separators they are storm water systems that accept water from catch basins and then create a cyclonic um motion Within These like manhole type structures the uh Cy the Cyclone um allows the suspended CS to be thrown to the sides and then they get collected in a sump in the bottom of the structure and then clean water passes through out of the system um once that water continues to move through it will go to a rip wrap apron similar to the roof water uh and then make its way into the infiltration Basin so this infiltration Basin is sized um for a minimum of one inch of recharge of the impervious area on site so an inch of the rain water that falls on the impervious area will be completely held treated and and infiltrated down through this Basin um that will treat about 85% to 90% of storms that the site will experience um in heavier storms uh there is a RI wrap Spillway right here in the back so in those really heavy storm events you know we'll still treat that first inch which is where most of the plutons are anyways um but then instead of you know causing flooding on site it'll overflow into the Wetland um this is actually reducing a rate um far lower of of runoff than the existing site has prior to development um so this is a huge Improvement um even when compared to the existing site um and then uh snow storage we have snow storage completely outside the buffers so that is uh shown here in the blue hatching um so for a typical snowstorm uh we'll have all the snow stored outside of the 100 foot buffer as mentioned um for larger storm events uh there may have to be trucking um but wayfinders has already uh mentioned that they are uh will hiring external contractors if the need arises um per your regulations we also per uh performed the cut fill plans uh this is just a standard cut fill um and it's included with a plan set if you'd like to take a closer look um and then also there's the uh waiver request for the um fill of over two feet for an area grade in the 10,000 sare feet area this plan just um shows that we are filling an area of over two feet of fill in greater than 10,000 square feet um and that's one of the waivers we're requesting as part of this project um and with that I will yield for questions um and if there's no questions then I'd be turning it over to the LA colan could I ask you just to go back to the parking plan a second just I want to point out to folks or you could point out where the drop off area is for could be for package delivery could be for residents to be dropped off absolutely great Point Bob so right here at the rear entrance um there is this striped drop off area um so is extra long it can handle um at least few vehicles um maybe you know even two larger uh packaging vehicles but uh this drop off can be used for uh just you know guests or uh residents who might be less mobile being dropped off at this rear entrance or for uh packaging um or during moving thanks uh Mr Mallo do you have a question or a comment sure yeah I I I just wanted to mention that this project went through the Conservation Commission last night uh and it was continued for a bit and I know you know talking with Aaron jock the town's Wetland administrator there was some discussion about uh you know e either using the the island in the parking lot or changing some of the landscape around the parking lot for to accept drainage and I just wasn't sure you know if wayfinders has considered that or if you think you know if for instance will you be making changes when you go before you go back to the Conservation Commission so that these plans will change a little bit or or you know have you had any discussion about that so just you know so for the zba's purpose there could be you know some minor changes here I just want to see if there's any consideration for what was discussed last night yeah I can address that so absolutely great question um so we are still considering it um because it was just last night we haven't gotten into any serious discussions yet um this plan as you mentioned still might change a little bit um any of the changes that would happen would just be beneficial in terms of storm water treatment um there wouldn't be any regression in terms of uh stormw water treatment but um we're still exploring we don't know if the center island is the best option um we want to make sure it still works with the EV charging and balance all the needs of the site um but yeah we're we're still considering and that sorry that wouldn't change the number of parking spaces necessarily or anything at this point it's just that would not change in the more parking spaces there was a question from the Conservation Commission to consider less parking um but again we're still considering all of our options we haven't um we haven't uh on any one um thing yet thanks Mr sler I believe you use the term uh on the topic of snow fall snow removal I believe you use the term for the usual snowstorm and I just wonder what the definition of a usual snowstorm how much snow is a usual snowstorm um that's a great question so there's actually not this snow storage is no typical snow snow um snowfall anymore especially it seems to be less and less every year um so this snow storage plan was based on like a typical snowfall in the past like 10 years as far as a mount goes it varies because of the density of snow sometimes you have wet snow sometimes you have dry snows it there's not a one standard snow depth um but it's you know typically just based on a a standard in the last 10 years Boston winner um that made decrease yeah I don't have any idea what a standard snowfall is for the last 10 years but you have you had depicted a certain amount of snow storage and I'm not trying to pin you down I just would like to understand it better are you talking about um 4 to six Ines or 6 to8 or obviously you're not talking about two feet that's not not that but uh will will your site handle a four to six inch snowfall without needing uh ex uh subc contractors to truck the snow away are you thinking four to six or a foot I'm going to um ask if I can run some numbers and get some more serious cubic footage back to you and then give you a more concrete answer if that's okay it's perfectly fine I just would like to understand thank you thank you other questions before they move on in the presentation all right proceed all right I'll kick it over to DJ um from CBI terrific thank you Coleman and thank you chair and members of the board um just a moment here and I'll get the screen share going there we go um move the photos off to my other screen so that I can see so that you all can see the entirety of this um so yes we're looking at an illustrative planting plan of the site [Music] um I'll start with the the back and the the bio retention Bas and so forth um as mentioned we've got two different planting mixes on the slopes we have sort of a uh it's a native uh wildflower mix that's appropriate for the the slopes from New England Wetland plants out of Amer uh we can get this we may have provided in the per application the specifics of what that seed mix is but it's it'll be appropriate for the usually dry slopes of the of the Basin on that side and then down in the bottom of the Basin is an erosion control/ restoration mix for detention basins and moist sites also from New England Wetland plants so that's the the sort of denser dotted hatch at the bottom in the lighter green um and that will really over time the um successful plants establish a good Community down there they can take inundation in the rainstorms and then dry back out um as Coleman said it it eventually will the the plants that are more successful will in there end up working out and I believe that the plan for maintenance in the in the Basin area those two seed mixes is a seasonal or annual mowing to keep them trimmed um and under control uh but otherwise to let them grow over the course of the seasons and then On The Backs slope as it transitions into the actual Wetland we have a mix of both seed mix and larger um native Wetland appropriate shrubs uh most of which you can see along the the outer edges so you know silky dog Woods um other a very a mix of of plants that would be appropriate to that environment to transition from the developed portion of the site into the undisturbed undisturbed area out there um and then we have a series of a number of shade trees or small shade trees on the hill there are a number of flowering trees sort of forming uh accent in the courtyard columnar trees along the perimeter in the sort of narrower spaces on the Frontage and on the the side and then in and around the Courtyard area we've got um perennial plantings we haven't developed a exhaustive um planting plan for them yet but we do have a selection of perennials and ground covers that we're planning on using and I should say all of the all of the plant material proposed for the site is native um with the very slight I I'll put it out there because otherwise someone will someone will flag uh we are proposing rather than a strict native Dogwood um which have some pest problems and disease issues an improved hybrid which is a a hybrid of the Native Dogwood and a and a non-native Dogwood and it performance-wise it it provides a lot of the same pollinator value and so forth for for the community without the disease and pest issues that the native plants have that said if and presumably it's it's more the conom jurisdiction if they take issue with that they that may end up switching out to a disease resistant native cultivar instead um but other than that one exception which is the three flowering trees in the courtyard uh only one of which is actually inside the 100 foot buffer everything proposed is native and the perennials and ground covers have a an emphasis on pollinator value and and so forth as well um and then we have screen plantings of Eastern Cedar Eastern red cedar between the parking lot and the abing property uh where the screening is really needed from that respect other than that we've got seated lawn in closer to the perimeter um and to the building and uh a shrub Bend perennial buffer for or mental value at the entrance with sort of a lower Zone highlighting the front entry and a little bit of shrub mass for Evergreen and seasonal seasonal interest um there are images of most of the proposed plantings um of the trees and shrubs we didn't didn't have room on the page to fit all the perennials and ground cover it's the basic planting scheme I don't know whether if the board would like I can go through the plantings in more detail with you um but I did also want to address the other feature of screening which is since I know it will come up and let me double check H that's the street plans sorry here we go um so we also have as was mentioned a a small storage shed which still in the design process but a you know a shake siding um color to be selected from indor asphalt shingled roof um essentially a small wooden shed um we're looking at you know for the site Furniture typical movable tables and chairs attractive metal sturdy benches um bicycle racks all which were in the process of of selecting we have proposed proposed features on here that we'd be happy to respond to and then around the trash and recycling enclosure we have a you know a a I don't see a height on this and I honestly don't remember it myself but it looks to me like it's about a six foot tall fence it certainly will be tall enough to screen the the dumpsters in any case um with a pedestrian gate in the middle for access um yeah I think that that pretty much sums it up I'll flop back to the plan and open it up for questions if where is where is the Mr shaon where is the that shed be ah yes so the shed is is this rectangle just above the dumpsters um and I notied looking at this that the the shed is shown with an end entry yeah and or elevations that had a a side entry I I think unless I got the plan sets backwards um so yeah that would be so it would be this shed but with the the doors presumably on the Gable end rather than on the the side okay DJ would you mind going back to the parking lot I just like to point out one thing it's part of the site design here it's you know it's a pretty significant a parking lot but you can see the locations of the trees and in part they've been placed there to help reduce heat island effect so yes trees and casting a shadow on all that Paving uh has has been shown to to decrease the the temperature in the summertime in that area so uh just to point that out as a part of the site design thank you yeah any other any questions on the landscape plan all right all right I think Mr Wagner that's I think we've gone through site design Landscaping lighting parking for Bel toown Road is there anything else you want to say before we leave belr toown Road and move to East Street I think we're all set that completes uh that part of our presentation thank you okay um I'll get to you in just a second Mr Malloy we're coming on 7:20 we normally take our F minute break about 7:30 and this is just fortuitous that it's at the right time so after Mr malloy's comment uh we'll break for five minutes and then we'll come back so Mr Malloy sure yeah if you just bring up that ustra of plan again I I just wanted to make one comment you know and I I I had uh expressed this uh as part of a staff review you know when you're when you're arriving at the site you'll see the fence here and I had I had asked if it was possible to put some plantings in front of the dumpster fence whether to soften it or not and I know Bob in one of your plans it looked like there had been a planting there and so I wasn't sure if there's been any you know decision about what could happen in that little space where the cursor's located in there um I'll I'll be honest not being as deeply in the project as as my colleague Kayla um I don't I don't know whether there was a reason that that was considered and not put in or if the comment simply came um later than our last revision of this plan looking at it I don't see a reason we couldn't include planting there um unless there's something that Bob or anyone else from the team remembers I mean it might be snow storage sorry I just don't possible there there might be I think it's still a really good and valid uh suggestion or comment mate and I think it's important because you're you're going down that driveway so at the end point of that driveway I think it'd be really nice to see some uh some vegetation and not the not the side of the the dumpster enclosure sure and then a second question would be you know the Transformer box in the corner you know is there any way to screen that or is there would you also know if what dimensions that would be so is that like a 10 by 10 x six height or and then you know is there a way to screen it sure I would defer to the electrical on that um go ahead B yeah we we've looked into it some it's it's very challenging to try to screen it we're not allowed to enclose it without a lot of clearance around it or or plant up near it um so we've we've been looking into that and trying to place it so that it's it's it's not uh what the sight lines are not so um prominent um sure we can continue to do that we I'm still not sure we actually have a final size but I think you're probably not too far off in those Dimensions might be a little smaller might be 8 by 10 but we don't have a final size yet on it sure yeah I mean I thanks I bring that up to the board you may have seen it but especially with electric buildings we're seeing you know more you know utility infrastructure right whether it's meters or you know Transformer boxes or other things and so uh you know the planning board has been noticing it more and you know asking more about that and you know it is difficult with utility companies I get it you know and fire separation with the building and so between fire and utilities there's a lot of requirements and where that's cited uh but I I just wanted to ask thanks I I will say that at least based on where it's currently placed um and the dimensions that I typically see around those I don't think we'd have room to screen it from the front in in this case from the street side which obviously would be the most um the most important two screen if it were possible um but as Bob said we'll continue to look into it for sure I just had one question that I I just thought of again so the infiltration based B is designed for um it's not going to retain water it's supposed to water is supposed to flow into that Basin and then be soaked up by the ground what kind of what how much rain do you need to get to have this to have standing water for a couple hours or several hours in that infiltration Basin and I'm just wondering about safety for for kids or something that are living there um maybe it's not a problem it might be better than it currently is um in that area but um talk to me about how quickly the water infiltrates into this the the infiltration Bas so it's designed to infiltrate over a 72h hour period um per Massachusetts DP standards um in regards to exactly how fast uh it's going to end up when we get the soil shop drawings we're going to have to you know do some infiltration testing um for a 1- inch storm you know that should infiltrate within that 7 2our period that's going to be you know the largest storm out of like 85% of storms um for smaller storms it's going to infiltrate faster and obviously be a a less time period um that it's sitting in there um but for I don't have for a couple hours unfortunately so you're still doing soil sampling out there you or is so you won't know the answer to that until you do some further work or is that uh the soil that we'll be using for this uh Bas is an engineered soil so it wouldn't be the existing soil that were B Bing the infiltration rates on it would be on that engineered soil um so we'd have to you know get the shop drawing on that soil to confirm the exact numbers all right so later on in the process that would be just good to have yep absolutely sorry just just to jump in though there is a spill way right so do you know like what is the you know I mean at some point the water will exit the detention area or bio retention area from the spillway so is there a depth there correct there is um that overflow elevation is so it's 172 is the invert of that and Josh you can backtrack me on this I think the elevation is 172 for the 172 two is the elevation of 172 is the bottom so it's only a couple inches colan if it would help I'm happy to stop screen sharing and let you put the grading plan up if you think that would clarify yeah won let me do that that' be great um but actually yeah provide the required recharge volume so given the large footprint of the Basin itself and the large bottom area you actually don't need a significant depth to meet that recharge Factor um and then the system itself is designed otherwise to just slow the water down to the predevelopment rates of runoff to the Wetland area and that's that's performed through um some relief coverts through a burm and then we have the emergency Spillway which is essentially just um a rip wrap portion of stone on top of the BM that'll just free flow over into the Wetland correct and I just confirmed it's it'll never be more than eight inches of water in there before it starts overflowing so8 inches is the max depth before it starts overflowing in the spillway thank you all right I'm ready to take a break unless anybody else has question questions for the The belter toown Road Site okay we'll all come back at the 7:35 see you in six minutes e e e e e e e e e e e e e for well it looks like we have everybody back uh from the board we have uh presenters for wayfinders um Mr Wagner are you going to continue in that role yes yes I am thank you all righty you can begin all right I'll uh share the uh similar set of drawings here for Southeast Street this this gives you a good view of the context of the neighborhood you can see there's there's a lot of residential there's there's some other uh uses a church the school is not too far kind of plan aerial plan here south uh you can see the playing field there quite clearly which is a Wetlands it's another Wetlands both these projects are responding to Wetlands conditions and we're also looking at uh an existing school so the existing red brick schoolhouse uh is is being renovated into six units so this this building or this uh project this site will will be 38 units six of them or 37 units excuse me six of them being in the school U and we're gonna we're GNA kind of go around the site and look at the the site implications here the site design but I'll start by saying uh even though we're in a in a predominantly single family neighborhood a lot of pretty traditional New England style uh architecture the the concept here was to to look at the both the site and the building as more of a a New England kind of end and to have that be the sort of the the precedent for how we went about looking at the the building design and the site one you'll see here down below again a little bit of a context Street elevation uh the scale of of buildings to both the left and the right here within the the 100 foot distance from the property lines uh the school uh you're going to see is is not totally visible straight ahead but is visible and there was an an emphasis to try to uh make sure that the qualities the historic qualities of that were were not screened by the uh by the new building so here's a view um from the uh from the common um across the street there you C you can see the school and the entry uh we wanted to preserve that entry or really reactivate that entry that's a part of the the site de site design here um as mentioned earlier the drive is pretty much the same as it is now that leads to some satellite parking in the back we'll see more about that earlier or later I mean uh you're seeing the the uh the Transformer here as well that we talked about uh we're not able to really put by screening we started trying to put screening around it but uh found out that the the utility company won't allow us to to do that without significant space between the the screen and the the Transformer uh the the architecture itself is again Street facing and the scale of it was intended to uh to recall the New England end and the residential architecture in the neighborhood a brief look at the the um the floor plan the ground floor plan we'll get into this at subsequent meetings but uh we have a direct uh main entry here facing Southeast Street but for those who are are parking they would come in through the courtyard so the courtyard is is a a significant feature of this site design creating this outdoor room or space that's defined by the school the link that connects the old and the new and also becomes the entry the primary another primary entry into the building and is oriented around the common area here that you see in the in the kind of the orange and yellow spaces once again we'll look at the the roof plan just to see how that works for solar orientation in a similar fashion uh as the the belch toown road we've created a flat area on the back it's for mechanical equipment and for uh for PV arrays uh the roof is uh also a good candidate for that it's a flat roof uh if if you've seen older older photos of this the school was not all always a flat roof it had a pitch roof at one time but it is now a flat roof building and will serve as another um area for um for solar panels some Street facing elevations um you can see the the way the building is is U very Street facing has a strong presence to the street with uh a noticeable entry um from the public sidewalk and um even though though it's it's not an actual porch we we were attempting to capture the feeling of a New England porch across the front of the building um on this on this facade then other facades particularly the the courtyard facade you can see this is the length the narrower portion of the building um that helps create the courtyard on this side and on the back side leaves a little bit of room to the to the property line we'll move into the the three-dimensional drawings again kind of a similar series of drawings this lower right one showing the courtyard space the school with a reactivated entry this is south facing so uh this should get some some great uh some great daylighting and there's a little bit of a canopy entry canopy uh that defines this this entrance that will serve most the people who uh who Park here and get into the building I didn't mention the the spaces over here but this is all a common area so this also this the site design or the courtyard will serve as overflow space or kind of a a common connection between indoor and outdoor for the community space um that's in the lower level of this wing of the building you can kind of see how it all works here in a little bit of a a raised view to see the the school entry and the courtyard space and then again a more aerial view that shows those spaces and how it uh fits uh or or set back from the street a little bit we're going to talk more about parking um colan will get into that but I'll just note here that there's been some discussion about added parking on the street here as well and Nate may be able to give us some update on on what's going on there or the potential for that for some overflow or visitor parking take a quick look at the uh the lighting for this site um we've got again a series of of lighting ballards along this path and I should mention that there there is a a walkway uh from the public sidewalk to get back into the uh to the playing field areas it does it does access this parking area but the intent is to maintain um a walkway to the wetlands or the fields or at the rear of the site and then we've got other lighting scattered around into the Courtyard area and there'll be some uh entry lighting or building mounted lighting for areas for of of Entry there actually are multiple entries besides this main one that you saw there's another egress exit over here besides the main entry into the schoolhouse there are a couple other uh secondary entries into the schoolhouse and lastly another egress that goes to the back that will get people to the uh to the trash and recycling that's located at in the rear of the site that we'll see when Coleman takes us into the next part of the presentation any questions from board members for Mr Wagner before we start the next portion okay turn it over to to Coleman again okay so um the Southeast Street site uh just to orient yourself again we've got Main Street here to the North and then Southeast Street and the uh common over here on the right of the page uh the existing School building you can see right here from the aerial and then this is the existing uh basketball court parking area this green line I've drawn in um so Nathan mentioned this earlier but this is the uh restoration of the Culver and stream um that the town is pursuing as a restoration area so right now the um has collapsed uh and it falls uh it runs underneath the parking area uh Aaron and the Conservation Commission in the town are looking at replicating the stream around this parking um area which would be a great environmental benefit to the project um but just wanted to call that out uh before we got too deep into the site design um as far as the site preparation um demolition plan goes so again we are planning on having construction fencing um and erosion control uh blankets uh mulch socks around the perimeter of the site this area um you can see the Wetland here in red again and approximated wetland in the the butters property but uh this area where we're getting a little close to the Wetland uh slope over here uh eron and the Conservation Commission have requested that we do a double up of both a silt fence and a mulch sock uh the project is amendable to that so we're looking into beefing up the erosion control along that that border a little bit uh a little bit more um we are maintaining the ex exting building as Bob mentioned and and expanding on it um and then removing some trees and some utilities across the property um for the next so this is the the proposed uh layout with the building you can see the existing School building again built upon um and expanded uh Southeast Street over here is to the South um we have a uh driveway entrance 20 feet wide um which is the minimum allowed for fire access uh we do have a 17t section over here but this has been run by the fire department and they've cleared it with the Turning movements that this is acceptable to them um and then the rear of the site we have a 24ot uh area behind the parking um the what's really unique about this roadway versus The belr toown Road Site is this uh asphalt is actually all porous asphalt so um I'll get a little bit deeper into that when we get to the recharge system but this is asphalt that allows uh rainwater to drain completely through it as opposed to collecting and sheep flowing uh like a like a normal asphalt uh as like uh Bob mentioned there's uh standard spaces and then ada8 spaces at the front of the site so there's four standard spaces and then two uh accessible spaces and then at the rear of the site there are um eight standard spaces and then one parallel space um with a hammerhead turnaround there's will also be a 12ft wide uh chained off access for the town to uh run maintenance vehicles or you know some sort of access to the fields at the rear of the site these rear uh these fields are used um to my understanding as soccer fields and other athletic fields that are mowed and and uh kept maintained um they are the Wetland um as far as the Conservation Commission is concerned so you know we're not building within that zone but you know that there is uh access if the town requires it the existing um materiality plan again impervious is blue so that's the existing pavement uh perious is green so that's the existing like landscape areas and then the red is the existing School building uh you can actually see on this plan for the proposed we're actually reducing the uh amount of impervious in some of those 25t buffers so the the area really close to the Wetland um we're increasing the prvious and then the the impervious that does exist um again the porest asphalt is going to greatly reduce uh the amount of sheet flow off from this area and then uh overall there's the sidewalks uh in the darker blue that are the actual you know sight impervious uh really Hardscape Pavements and then the red as well um as far as utilities we'll go again with just Building Services and then we'll get to the storm water last since that tends to be a little bit more complicated uh so the uh fire hydrant um we'll be running a new fire hydrant Service uh with a hydrant located on the property uh Sanitary Service will pick up from the existing school system and the new proposed building run to a manhole on site which then connects to the uh 15inch sewer in Southeast Street uh we're running a domestic and Fire Protection line um back towards the water room in the existing School building um and then as far as storm water goes again this site has uh a large number of down spouts which will be collected and run around the buildings um we're able so you can see this all runs over here and then into the uh porous asphalt section and then the rear of the site will run along the rear and then again join the porous asphalt section in the perforated pipe uh any water that falls on the site itself that's not the roof um be that landscape Hardscape or the porest pavement uh will be directed towards the porest pavement to infiltrate down um so this section there is a quite robust um choker course in the top section so there's the asphalt that's porous a stone choker course and then a filter course and then a uh small Reservoir course with a pipe at the bottom uh due to high groundwater on site the system is lined we're not able to infiltrate down into the ground because at shallowest groundw is only about 0.7 feet below grade um so we're not getting the uh infiltration um that we'd like to but we are getting uh water quality treatment and rate reduction um so po per the Massachusetts stormw handbook uh we're meeting this to the greatest extent of practicable um which due the high groundw infiltration is not a possibility but we are still meeting uh quality requirements and the rate reduction um this water uh that flows through this porest pavement uh is picked up at the bottom of it by this uh perforated pipe and then that is currently routed to the existing CT um but once the uh stream is reconstructed along the back side of this area here uh the porse asphalt will daylight uh the pipe into the stream as well and then help feed it um to make sure that the wetlands stay wet and are able to support the hydric soils and Wetland populations that currently exist on site um we have a limited options for snow storage on this site um du just due to the lack of open space um um again we don't have hard numbers today we'll get you those numbers um but you know this is definitely a tougher site to put Snow on um and we're planning for that accordingly um standard cut fill there is no waiver request for the two foot um fill on this site because we're keeping everything below um you know two feet of fill or less um for that area required um and with that I will uh yield for questions any questions from board members I thought I S oh Mr sler yes uh is this an appropriate time to ask a parking question or are we not on that yet sure yep I think it is to go ahead okay U on both of the sites you're providing parking spaces approximately a half a space per unit slightly over a half of space at on the belra Town Road and slightly under a half of space but close enough can you can you just go a little bit into the thinking that that is an adequate number of parking spaces for both properties it's it's um well below what we've seen in other projects where it's one parking space per unit so there must be something about these projects that tells you that a 31 Spa a 31 unit property is not going to require anywhere near 31 parking spaces so I'm gonna defer to Jamie on these but um the Bel toown roadside is almost one to one for the ratio so I think it's 097 but I think Jamie has that exact ratio Jamie do you yeah that one's point. N7 they we have 46 spots there for 4 I I'm sorry then that raises then that really raises the question I I did the calculation and I I just I did not remember correctly the number of spots yeah so so the the East Street property has a much lower percentage it's it's point four it's 045 I think I I came up with so just what's the thinking behind that um the the thinking is is that um there's on street parking here that's that's it's it's it's it's not on site you know it's part of the development but we understand that the town is you know looking at doing a more formalized uh you know resident permit parking and um along the the frontage section of the property there's approximately 8 to 10 spots depending on how the the turnouts um for the adjacent Pro properties lay out um and with that there's probably an additional uh 10 10 or 12 spots along the rest of the southeast Street extension so we and we looked at a bunch of different scenarios as to get um parking and with the layout of the existing school and where the wetlands are in order to um to uh you know to to to arrive at a at a design for a building that's um you know both both economical and provides housing units um this is this is where you know this is where the design uh landed here so it's but but you've you've looked into this thoroughly you feel that the number spaces that you've designated on the plans are adequate for this size building that was a question um yeah we're we're actually we're working on that too um and we have a detailed memo that's that we're working on to kind of explain all that and kind of Step through the you know the the processes and and all the different variables that are involved with that one of them being that it's it's a very um kind of walkable area with you know a very um robust bus service that that you know travels on a pretty frequent schedule you know to get you downtown but but it is it is something that you know we are discussing and we continue to discuss um internally just to you know and and we are going to be providing the town with a memo on that as well thank you Mr M I know we talked a little bit about this that the town has been taking some has been looking at alternative parking up outside the site on the streets can you just talk to me about what there for Mr um sler what the town has done so far and then what they're looking for to come from the uh the developers here sure yeah I mean I think you know some of the limited parking also stems from what what the town put in the request for proposal so you know we had a minimum number of affordable units uh and other you know amenity spaces and so you know some of the assumptions were when we wanted to develop both these sites especially East Street you know there's a bus stop just um you know up the you know just north on Street from here uh you can go to college um Street and so it's very bikable and walkable and so uh you know so we thought well if it isn't a oneto one you know you could have other non-vehicular methods of transportation means of transportation you know the zoning bylaw has been updated too and the planning board often uses it that a developer can wave you know certain amounts of parking if they can show that you know the demand whether it's through you know these other means of transportation through uh tenant leasa agreements through shared parking you don't necessarily have to have you know a 2:1 or one:1 ratio uh you know in terms of what's happening on I call it the Southeast Street Extension the town has block rant funding to uh extend all the water service connections from there are six properties there's a a a newer water line in the middle of the common the one in the street actually is would be abandoned and at the same time we' do some sewer upgrades and then we would repave the southeast Street Extension uh to a you know 22t 24t width with a newer sidewalk and then you know it's a oneway Street heading south and we' maintain um on street parking on the side closest to you know what was shown here on this site so on the West Side So currently it's unregulated parking meaning anyone can park there anytime any you know unless there's a snow emergency you know residents now could park there without paying for a permit uh you know people taking the bus May park there sometimes but you know it's unregulated so you could use it you know when this development was you know taking shape there's been discussions with you know different departments about setting aside as Jamie mentioned whether it's you know 10 to 12 spaces in front or the whole length of it saying that this is a resident only um permit sticker area there's sections of this up on nutting Allen and fearing where you know if you live on that section of Street you can get a resident sticker and it's enforced by the town by the parking enforcement officers and so you know even if we we say that the six properties are the only ones who could park here then all of a sudden there's you know 25 spaces or 30 spaces that are on the street that would only be used by the residents of you know those properties and so that's something the town is seriously considering it's really not that far from downtown in terms of parking enforcement it wouldn't be like a a public private agre agreement it's a a town uh program so it wouldn't be metered it wouldn't be as if it were you know wayfinders administering some parking it's all on the town uh and like I said we do this in other places around the town center so it is something that has been discussed it would uh you would need to go through an approval process with the town but we you know in any event we are going to repay this road and formalize the parking and so the parking will always be provided offsite on the street it's just a matter of you know would it be regulated with permit or some other means thank you Mr Malloy um Mr Meadows to coincide with that I I noticed frequently that people who are waiting at the light at South the corner of Southeast Northeast and Main Street um don't like waiting at the light some don't and they'll cut through on that Southeast Street extension so named um and I'm wondering if a combination of that plus uh the people who are going to live on the street might necessitate a light or some other mode of restraint at the End of the Street since it's a one way and it's going to going to come out at a fairly congested spot particularly when school is in session and children are being brought in there did have you developed any plans of that thinking of that yeah so the the town's public works department uh has working with there's an engineer CDM Smith who's been doing the traffic analysis on the main section of I'll call it Southeast Street and then there's the new Fort River School that's being proposed and so uh you know in in in the coming weeks they're going to talk about publicly about some strategies to manage parking on that section and more more traffic on Main Street Southeast Street and then the college uh Street intersection and so the town has had a few different ideas they're going through kind of you know ground truthing with the engineering firm about how to handle traffic uh and then in this whole kind of common area and so you know it's independent of this project but we're aware that with the school and this project there will be more traffic um on these streets and so the town is coming up with ways to manage that so it is under consideration then okay it is it is yeah I I think I forget what date it is but there will be a discussion um publicly by Public Works uh with Town Council about some ideas of how to manage uh traffic right in this very area you like I said from Main Street to College Street with different ideas for you know intersections and pedestrians uh you know we're you know in terms of newer Crossings or safety signals or traffic coming so thank you okay I see no other hands up you want to proceed to the next uh I guess architecture and mechanical systems is that right uh from here chairman judge we we'd move into the landscape design okay I'm sorry I I jumped ahead go ahead all right happy to um so let's see where to where to begin on this one I think we can start with the Southeast Street facade of things um again overall the planting pallet [Music] um is entirely natives with the one exception of that Dogwood which is sort of on the border of you know it's an improved native in many respects um perennial and ground cover pallet it's not quite the same mix of trees as the beler toown roadside because of a difference in the the overall character that we're going for here [Music] um a few more there are a few more Oaks mixed into the pallet here uh and a instead of the colum Maples on the previous project so we've got along the front of the building three large Scarlet Oaks that are the the larger Circles flanked by some service Berry or um Shad bush trees amalan here that are a smaller LGE shrubs small tree uh depends how you count them um although we do have them specked out uh as multi- stems so I guess they'd be closer to the large shrub end of things um or small multi- stem tree and then you know low shrub Mass along the front providing sort of a foundation for that uh the the front the front side of a New England in as Bob was mentioning during the overall description with a little bit of a lawn in front of [Music] it it's telling me my internet was glitching I don't know if uh I lost you all there for a moment but I I seem to be back now we still hear you we still hear you you haven't been able to change perfect nope um and I wasn't trying to change the page anyway so wonderful yes so there's a bit of a lawn in the for court I just got a warning that flashed up on my screen your internet connection is unstable wonders of modern technology yes um yeah that's sort of the the front the front portion effect it's it's mostly shrub material open wand um and then ground cover and perennial plantings along the the the side as you go in and in the beds around the foundation of the school and the connector Wing That Boba talked about we've got one flowering tree that's that dog wood in the courtyard to provide sort of a focal point to add some shade get a little bit more um shading over the parking lot the front of this sort of screening row or all way down the side the first few trees are a columnar Oak and then we have have uh junipers red seedar the rest of the way down down towards the back alongside um the the fencing at the property line and then you know a little bit of planting at the back [Music] um just to provide Foundation at the building some witch hazel in around the storage shed and the dumpsters which are tucked back behind the building I think one thing that got mentioned briefly in the presentation about parking and so forth was bike racks so those are located just to the left of the steps up to the old school entrance um we've got parking for six bikes there um which is sort of necessitated by how how the Ada access from the crosswalk and the parking spaces needs to flow around that space we couldn't really intrude much further over and shift the trash cans elsewhere and then the walk goes to the back crosses the street goes onto the existing you know essentially grassy surface and out to the playing fields behind that's the oops zoomed out a little further the shed and the dumpster screening are very similar to what was on The beler toown Road Site um same sort of General character happy to pull those details up if there are specific questions about them but other than that what's the fence alongside the what's the fence alongside the uh the walkway is that existing fence Cyclone you'll have to forgive me I I am not actually certain off the top of my head Bob do you happen to remember what that what that fence is and it meant to shade uh to to obstruct light is that the the goal or is it just that is a good question I'm going to see if there's a detail for it in our um you can bring it back later okay it looks like let me double check on the plan that I'm looking at the right fence in the right place right along you can't see my mark my that's okay so you're you're asking about the um are you still seeing the W Street of plan yes okay hang on a moment let me let me swap what I'm sharing here share the whole screen instead of just the application I had open so you're asking about the fence running down along this uh Southern edge of the property I don't know what I'm seeing right now I'm seeing we see a park a really nice place but I don't think it's I don't think it's there I think I shared the wrong screen yep yeah I think you did that's what I did yep that's a that's my favorite Park project I've ever worked on that happens to be a mile and a quarter from my own house and very nice it's my it's my lovely screen saver and desktop image on my laptop but yes now we're seeing your curs in the right place your C in the right so this fence along the back along the southern edge here that separates the driveway from the property uh is called out a six foot vinyl privacy fence on our drawings I was able to answer that right so it' be a six foot tall you know y flat flat style tongue and groove vinyl board fence yep okay all right other questions on um landscape and screening lighting next I think guys I just want to jump in and ask what what um you know what is the dumpster enclosure again so is it it's not a a vinyl um materially yeah um you know to be honest with you I am not 100% certain um we will we may have to get back to you on that it maybe that we're still in development or maybe that uh yeah typically we've done we've done a wood uh enclosure on that Nate okay this does also just mentioned on the bike storage that we have internal uh you know protected and secured bike storage at each side as well uh We've we've got quite a bit I mean there's a at at East Street I'm looking here we've got a a total of um uh 31 uh bike stations or parking stations and then over at the other site we've got a total of 48 so it's a kind of a one for one every unit having a bar a bike parking space that's on the interior plus the exterior that DJ mentioned or in addition to that would be visitor parking perfect thank you all right I don't see any other questions we can move on yeah I believe that concludes we had briefly I'd be happy to bring it up again chairman judge we had looked a little bit at the the East Street sight lighting already but any questions happy to bring it up again not that I see we've talked about parking do anything else you need to say on parking I think we've covered it right I think we have yes thank you and then there's presentations for both sides on architecture mechanical systems are you prepared to do that tonight or we're going to do that at a later point I believe that was at subsequent meetings to talk more about the architecture interior design and then mechanical electrical systems for the buildings that's fine good um this is an opportunity for members to ask any other questions question they they might have before we go to public comment but I want to make sure to give people an opportunity to ask some more questions on the general overview of the project and um before we go to public comments okay uh if there's no other questions we'll move to public comment so if you wish to speak use the raised hand function on your on your of Zoom or press star n on your phone the chair with the assists of the staff will call upon people who wish to speak when you're recognized provide your name addressed to the board for the record all questions and comments must be addressed to the board please limit your comments to about three minutes uh and then after the end of the public comment the applicant has an opportunity to respond to those comments so just C do we have people who wish to do have any people who wish to comment yes I just admitted one person but they've disappeared don't know why I think they were brought in just into I think they're I've see a crates is that correct yes that's correct yeah all right give us give us your name and address and um so my name is Angelica katzer and um we are here together with um Elizabeth selker my spouse and we are a butters on three sides uh we live on 7043 Main Street in the Norah Dickinson house and uh we want to give our support to the project we are very enthusiastic about the project we have been in touch with wayfinders throughout the process and so that was a very good experience and uh today we just have one question and uh this is about uh this connection piece that takes about um half um of half of the northern facade of the old school and so we are a little concerned that uh this means that a part of the facade which uh we think is historically valuable uh will be destroyed in the process so that is uh that is our concern and that is our question but um otherwise we're very very pleased with the project great uh thank you very much for your comment um other are there any other people who wish to speak I don't see any other hands neither do I all right um this opportunity for you wayfinders to respond if you so choose um to the public comment yeah can I just if if we could bring up the illustrative site plan for for that uh for South East Street I just I also wanted to help the board understand the abutters property uh so um if we're looking at this plan the ab that just spoke you know is all of this so that's that's their the back of their property got it and so did this and Nate did the historic commission take a look at this and did they have any did they have any opinion did they um they'll Pine on it at all yeah so the um you know that's the historic building and what was asked was about this this piece right here which is you know allows for a connection into the old building so you know the floor levels may not match you need to make everything accessible in terms of an elevator and so uh the commission did look at that and so you know from the the important piece from this was how do we maintain some view of the school from the Street and how do we also balance an addition and so we actually require that the the school building be reused as part of the request for proposal and when the commission looked at this they asked you know how much can the building in the front be shifted what could happen and you know what we're seeing here today is you know really nice compromise with a courtyard that can activate the entrance which is now not used uh you know they're going to renovate the school and as was mentioned probably that you know when you first looked at when we when the town first looked at the site everyone said wow this is great there's this back field we could put a lot of units in here maybe the development would go back there but essentially that whole back portion of the property is considered a wetland so it can't be developed it'll just be mowed and used for Passive Recreation it's not heavily programmed but essentially any development back there can't happen and so really to meet the needs of our request for Proposal with the number of units there had to be some addition on the front of this of the school and so the commission this was actually a really nice plan and so typically with an old building you'd want to have as minimal disturbance as you can to an exterior wall you often call it a hyphen so you'd have some connection between a new building and an old building uh and you know and that usually is where you'd have circulation maybe utilities and so from the commission's perspective what is shown here is workable because the main entrance is being uh you know rehabilitated the rest of the perimeter of the building is you know still visible from the exterior and the building is still still visible from Southeast Street and so the only condition the commission had on this was you know documentation of the building before these changes so you know really nice photographs uh and any history or anything that could be found about it but you know they thought this was a nice complement to the building um you know there for instance it could be that you know it could have been an addition that covered the whole building uh but what what we're seeing is you know something that works just in one corner and so you know given the the need for accessibility width of certain you know interior dimensions of things I'm not sure that that could be made any smaller so the commission didn't really you know think there was an issue there Nate I would uh like to add one thing to that if DJ if you could let me share I want to point out I think it's a it's a it's an excellent uh question and I want to share the the floor plan here to show what's going on in that zone that you you had just highlighted Nate so this is this is where this is a mail room here on the side of this but this is where the elevator goes and uh as as we moved up into the uh the the um upper floors we actually were able to make a connection in the floor above this to use this the masonry opening that's there so we are preserving um the uh the opening that's on this side so that people will actually walk through one of the openings because of the change of level between the school and the new building we had to have a small set of stairs going from the lower area to the upper area and people will literally pass through one of those original openings so we're trying to even uh preserve what we can on the interior of the building even though you won't see it from the outside any longer okay all right last opportunity for um closing comments either from the applicant from wayfinders yeah and i' just like to go ahead I'm sorry I'm sorry I'd just like to speak and and just thank Angelica for her coming and and showing her support and I know that I've you know had Communications with her in the past and it's it's it we really appreciate it and and and um thank you great thanks Mr rubert any other final comments from wayfinders or any other final question questions from um our board members if not um I just want to review some of the things that I took I that I've taken notes of that for the next meeting or for a future meeting some information that we wanted um and then and please Nate and and Miss prra uh let's keep a running total here and then just into keep a running total of the of the kind of questions we have um one is uh we're going to get some um more information when we're going to talk more about the waiver the the residential bylaw that'll come later um we're going to ask about you're going to try to get some average snowfall numbers or you going you're going to give us more information on snowfall and and work on that um we we answered the infiltration Bas in question um we answered the question about the fence along the drive how you're going to give us information on the trash enclosures and perhaps um Shrubbery on the front of the belter Town site but the trash the material the trash enclosure is on the Southeast and and belter town site um are there other questions that we have of the board members had for information that we'd like in the future okay I think that's it all right um M bre I think we've done a pretty good job of explaining the process is there anything else we need to add in terms of um letting the public know about the process for 40b did we not at this time I don't believe you have anything else to say at this time great all right um well if there is no other questions I would entertain a motion to continue this hearing on zba 20254 the public hearing on zba 20254 to September 19th at 6: PM so moved is there a second second Mr chair moved and seconded um any discussion about that if not the vote occurs on the motion the chair votes I Mr sler hi Mr Henry hi Mr Meadows hi Mr White hi carries this has continued to uh SE to September 19th um so thank you all um wayfinders for that really detailed I think very organized presentation I appreciate it thank you very much and we look forward to working with you and and we'll be seeing a lot of you over the next couple weeks I see hands from both Mr Malloy and Mr guber what do we what are we looking at Mr guber what did you want to say I just wanted to um just to double check the topics of discussion for uh next meeting just so that um what we anticipate discussing um I have a a a list of um architectural mechanical systems for both beler toown Road and the Southeast Street site and I had sort of a draft list that also mentioned storm water and storm water infrastructure design for the belter toown road and Southeast Street site are those is that seem reasonable for the next meeting or should we be prepared for additional or is this something that I can speak with staff with um I think should be prepared for the architecture mechanical systems and the storm water systems I think we do want to see those we had a lot of talk about the storm water systems already so I'm not sure that that would fill up the whole time and that if I remember correctly we have the whole we have three hours up to three hours that we can spend on this on the 19th um I would also talk with staff to see if there's other subjects that can be brought up um so that we can fill that time most efficiently and move through we may also want to by that time we may want to talk about some peer review or we may not but that may come up so um I think we should be focused ing on the physical stuff for the at first and then we'll go into the property management income restrictions and we can do that later on in September and October so work with the staff if to go be if we want to go beyond uh the architecture mechanical systems in the storm water management okay thank you Miss bre does that make sense it does thank you y okay I just wanted to ask the continuation was to 7 PM was it sorry 6m 6 p.m. 6 p.m and then in terms of what we could discuss um you know if we have a the supplemental parking information we could also discuss that at the next meeting yes yeah that'd be good and put that on the on the list all right good well thank you all we'll see you on the on the uh the 19th thank you very we have we have um more items on the agenda the next item on the agenda is public comment on any matter not before the board tonight so the public has an opportunity to comment on anything they wish except that which we were discussing uh in the public hearing so um Justa M Williams we have anybody who's uh want has their hand raised I don't see anybody no I see nobody all right next order of business is uh new business stuff not anticipated with the last 48 hours I think the thing to do would be to go over the the schedule that we have coming up um and either Miss Williams or Miss breast um just go through the schedule we have I think you distributed the schedule we have a so far we have a meeting on the 12th the regular zba and what do we have on that um agenda for now what's that we just have shsb Road for now we don't have anything else right okay shutesbury road wayfinders again will be the 19th uh the 26th is a regular do we have we don't have we have an agenda for that yet no uh things have slowed down a bit so we have a few things out in the ethers but no one has truly finalized any of their applications so until people have done their due diligence they can't really come forward and get a date okay so things are a little bit slower for us right now right and on the 10th I think we had um we're coming back with a couple of people are coming back on October 10th is that correct yes that is Red Gate Wayne Jonathan plate yeah continue to and then we have on the S7 we have three meetings in October this year the 10th the 17th and the 24th wayfinders is one okay I think what the I have a note that the 10th part of that meeting is wayfinder also is that not true it's currently scheduled that way yes yeah okay now you cannot I I I will I will not be at that meeting that meeting okay that's that's your one you know if it's you can only miss one right yeah that's it yeah as long as I stay alive that's the only one I'm missing well we certainly hope that's the only one you're missing that's that's my goal right right okay and you know so anyway that's that's you know a month and a half out so there may be changes by that time anyway in in the agenda right all right well I think this went well tonight I am anybody has questions on the on the schedule I just want to confirm so um Mr sler is out on the 10th chair judge you're out on the 24th and I thought Mr Henry you said you were out on a date can you remind me what that date was again I I think it is the 19th I'm trying to look at my family calendar but I think it was September 19th actually okay thank you and just reminder for you guys if you do miss a meeting view it on the um the video and then you just submit a a disclosure a notice to the board that you viewed the whole you taking the time to view the whole meeting on the internet he read my mind thank you we we watch the meeting and then we submit something to whom to you chair I think just send it into the the staff you don't have to send to Miss Williams yep send it to Miss Williams just an an email confirming that we've seen it right yep that's all you have yep and make the statement that you feel that you're eligible to vote as a result oh okay all right good I haven't done this before I want to make sure I do it right thank you all right okay any other questions comments concerns we're ending up early tonight so that's good thank you all right folks I'd entertain a motion to to adjourn I saw Mr Meadow say so move second I have a second and I hear Mr Henry as well so it's moved and seconded this is not debatable the chair votes I Mr White I sler as long as it's not debatable I Mr Henry I and Mr Meadows I motion is five to nothing carries we are adjourned thank you all thanks for all your help thank you good night good night everyone