##VIDEO ID:hZO4HRqAswk## the chair notes the time is 6:02 I call this meeting of the amers zoning board of appeals to order my name is Steve judge as evva chair I want to welcome everyone to this meeting we'll begin with the row call of the evva members and panel for this hearing Steve judge is present Mr Craig Meadows present Mr everal Henry presentent Mr Philip White present and Mr David Siler present the Quorum is present also attending the public hearing tonight is Miss Christine breast town planning director Jinta Williams Town planner and I think we'll be joined by Nate Malloy senior planner later on in the the meeting and I think also Carolyn Murray of KP law who Al is attending to assist us in our uh and provide guidance in our deliberations pursuing to chapter 20 of the act of 2021 and extended by chapter two of the acts of 2023 this meeting will be conducted via remote means members of the public who wish to observe the meeting May do so via Zoom or by telephone no inperson attendance of members of the public will be permitted but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time via technological means the zoning board of appeals is a quasi judicial body that operates under the authority of chapter 48 of the general laws of the Commonwealth for the purpose of promoting the health safety convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of the town of amers in accordance with the provisions of Massachusetts general laws chapter 48 and article 10 special permit granting authority of the Amorous zoning bylaw this public meeting has been duly advertised and notice thereof has been posted and mailed to parties of Interest all hearings and meetings are open to the public and recorded by Town staff and may be viewed via the town of ammer YouTube channel and zda web page the procedure is as follows the petitioner presents the application to the board during the hearing after which the board will ask questions for clarification or to gather additional information after the board has completed its questions the board will seek public input the public speaks with the permission of the chair if a member of the public wishes to speak they should so indicate by using the raised hand function on their screen or by pressing star n on their phone the chair with the assistance of the staff will call upon people wishing to speak when you are recognized provide your name and address to the board for the record all questions and comments must be addressed to the board the board will normally hold public hearings where the information about the project and input from the public is gathered followed by public meetings for each the public meeting portion is when the board deliberates and is generally not an opportunity for public comment if the board feels it has enough information and time they will decide upon the applications tonight each petition is heard by the board each petition that is heard by the board is distinct and evaluated on its own merits and the board is not ruled by precedent statutorily for a special permit the board has 90 days from the close of hearing to follow decision for variance the board has a 100 days from the date of filing for the variance to file this decision no decision is final until the written decision is signed by the sitting board members and is filed in the town clerk's office once the decision is filed with the town clerk there's a 20-day appeal period for an agreed party to contest the decision with the relevant judicial body in Superior Court after the appeal period the permit must be recorded at the registry of deeds to take effect tonight's agenda public hearing zba FY 202-401-3006 [Music] RC Village Center residence zoning districts and a 47 unit mixed income rental housing in a three-story building with 46 proposed parking spots on the premises of 70 belter town road map parcel 15 C and uh 58 15 c59 15 C60 in the RN and the FPC neighborhood residence and flood clone Conservancy zoning districts this this uh is continued from September 19 September 19th I think after that um general public comment period other business not anticipated within the last 48 hours and then adjournment so that's our agenda for tonight we have no minutes at this point uh we'll do that the next time uh but before we start on our um on our agenda I was lucky enough to attend a reception for Chris brush up today this is her last uh I don't know if it's her last day but it's her last zbaa meeting and uh then she's going to retire and I just want to say a couple of things um that when I was first appointed as a an alternate I Chris was the person that gave me the orientation and she has been just an you know the a classic example of a really good toal staffer she has she was expert in what she in her area she was knowledgeable and dedicated she was dedicated to the process as well as to the town I think she just truly has a soft spot for all the development in this town she feels strongly about it she has an opinion and but is not an opinion that is uh she doesn't have an agenda but she has an opinion and when that opinion was given it carried great weight um Chris I just think that you did a phenomenal job for 20 years for this town I've only been benef been a beneficiary of it for eight but during those eight years um I really think that you've done quite quite a lot of work that's benefited everybody in this town and so thank you so much for all your efforts we really celebrate your time and your tenure here at the at town and all your work with us on the zba and I am happy to note that um Chris has volunteered to help us um going forward at least for the solar uh array project and for maybe for other things we've got a lot on our plate and your expertise will be missed and as well as your cheerful demeanor and your dedication to the to all of us so thank you Chris congratulations and I uh hope to hope we get a chance to continue to work with you um to the extent you want to to the extent you want to in fewer late night meetings thank you very much Steve I've really enjoyed working with you all it's been a privilege to work for the town thank you okay um the first order of business is zba FY [Music] [Music] from the applicant regarding the residential rental bylaw waiver um we' asked about laundry facilities I know that the um the architect was going to look at that and perhaps there's some uh development or some since that since last uh week's meeting we also discussed the visib that there were going to be changes made to try to reduce the V visibility of the HVAC systems on the roof and then the lighting stud study for the board to review um what I from what I understand um Jamie is that the lighting plan is being compiled but it's not done at this time to to uh present to us is that correct yes that's correct our AR they're they're working on that and they they will have that for next meeting great okay we'll put that on the agenda for the next meeting that's fine it was just asking for a quick turnaround um and then we had we'll go through these other items um as we go through but but first um I want to go through the submissions before we get to the uh specifics of the both topics as well as the responses to our questions we received a document titled C 5.0 site utility plan submitted September 23rd we and also included were two staff submissions meeting schedules for the zba and a schedule for the wayfinders comprehensive permit I think that's the extent of the submissions and there's no public comment that we've received okay all right so um Jamie give us your name and address for the record and then we can talk about the storm water management um plan and please provide us an update on your meeting with the Conservation Commission which I think was last night if I'm if I'm correct okay yeah I'd be I'd be happy to do that whoever whoever supposed to do that just give us your name address yep okay my name is Jamie Gruber and I'm here representing wayfinders uh at 1780 Main Street in Springfield Massachusetts and um thank you very much um as far as we we discussed the lighting plan we will um our architect will um have that updated and we'll send that along for next meeting um as far as um to follow up on a couple of the items from last meeting the hva C equipment rooftop equipment our architect is working on um providing some perspectives on that to give you a um a sort of a viewshed analysis of what the you know what that might look like um and we'll have that for uh for for next meeting as well and um let's see and as far as the there was some questions regarding the residential bylaw um we're working internally on that and we will provide a written response for that um ahead of our meeting uh for next week to or ahead of our meeting in two weeks to discuss and um the the oil tanks yes the oil tank the underground oil tank that was discovered at um 31 Southeast Street um is is going to be removed as part of the um as part of the development project right and yeah and I'm and I'm happy um to talk about the laundry facilities I would like to talk about um the overall schedule just to just to confirm um I know that there were a few kind of schedules going around and this evening we had on the agenda the storm water management for both sites but um we would also be prepared to um discuss a couple of other items such as property management and income restrictions um and uh you know at the application selection process if the board um was willing to hear that this evening as well you know J Mr grber um we had set the schedule out with the topics we were prepared to discuss um and I I'm not going to change I'm not going to add additional topics at this time uh because I think those are are deserve property man management income restrictions those kinds of things I think deserve study by board members before we take um testimony on hear from you so I think we'll just do what you have ready um this is a this is on a quick time frame and that's because we want to get it done as soon as possible to give you a chance to break ground as quickly as possible if indeed the board does approve this um but uh so we'll just take we'll take what you got ready for tonight and we'll have those other items scheduled as we have uh intended to schedule them coming up next week in two weeks okay that sounds sounds good okay thank you um so I'll share my screen here and um can you all see my my screen and okay where my cursor is okay so um our architect went back and and looked at the uh the their preliminary um design and added some additional detail to it and um you know looked at the the stacking washers and dryers that we typically have in our um in our developments and and at uh in the laundry room in Southeast Street um they we were able to get um five washers and dryers provided four of them will be stacked and they'll be an ADA um accessible um dryer configuration when they're side by side and uh along with folding tables the architect also provided this sketch that um says what you know the state the the the code requirements are a one washing machine for for every 10 dwelling units and um we do we do exceed this and this is um kind you know above the above the standard um and then at belur toown road we also looked at how many we had in there and I think that there was um the the the number has you know increased where we have um 47 units so there'd be roughly five um washers and gy required by code and we're in eight washers and dryers um they're all you know within close proximity to the elevator um to you know for residents to use the elevator to go up and down the stairs and I just wanted to kind of present this information to the board um to update what was originally shown at um last at the last hearing so Mr um grber are is your architect is he can will they be looking at possible additional laundry rooms especially in the belra Town Road area that we looked it was just discussed um and contemplated that there might be a place underneath the a lower ceilinged area underneath of um the roof on the third floor of belra town and uh we were looking to see if there's any he was going to look and see if there's any opportunities for a second laundry room on in Southeast Street just to reduce the amount of travel and increasing convenience for people to do their laundry um is that still something that's being looked at they're they're they're looking at that I I mean however we you know we'd prefer to kind of have a lot of the units all in the in the same in the same area and um accessed by El by elevator I know the Southeast Street site is is is fairly um is is fairly tight and um and they felt that the beler toown road um location of the laundry room is is sort of in the lobby area and it's you know it has a has a nice you know large window as opposed to being kind of tucked tucked in a in a in a corner somewhere so um but I know that it is it is something that you know we could still look at [Music] um and um but I I I do know that um HL the eohc the funding agencies sometimes have their own regulations regarding um laundry room areas and and um you know where there's are located and and how many um you can provide um you know in in in the building so you think they have a limit on how many you can provide or they have a they have restrictions on where what the room must look like um I I think that they they would have it would it would be something that they would look at and um you know if there's multiple multiple laundry rooms in the building that it might be a something that the um funders would um you know would have to approve okay so let's let's do this I I know I I know there was considerable interest in increase in decreasing the amount of distance that people on the third floor of belter town would have to travel for the the laundry um and it would just it's and it's something that will reduce you know potential conflicts where people have a long way to go the laundry gets kept in the washer the dryer and people don't really want to take other people's laundry out until they come down and do it it's just have your continue to look at that if you would I think that you would find uh significant support amongst board members for additional laundry facilities if you could find a place for them and if there's not some kind of prohibition on having more than one laundry room in a 47 development that so the belr toown road is the most uh is the one that cries that for me cries out for the most for this but I would like your your uh architect to continue to look at that if you could okay Mr sler yes um I have two questions about things you just said you said you prefer you use the word prefer um to have the laundry facilities for the the building all in one place can you tell me why that's a preference well sometimes laundry machines um flood in in in buildings and and and that sort of thing and and they also um you know there's dryers and and a lot of that is for property management to be able to monitor the area in in our in our you know in our buildings okay oh all right um and the other question is when you referred to other agencies that have a a look at things and um the chair asked for clarification is is there a limit to how many you can have I just want to be clear you said that some of these places look at what you're doing is it possible to have too many is that a is that a concern that you may be providing too many laundry opportunities and therefore they would ask you to reduce them is that actually ever done we'll have we'll have the architect look at you know what what where they okay where they okay thank you great thank you Mr guber um so in ter terms of the the items and that were coming back I think you've got the we'll be seeing the the lighting study the visibility you're working on that laundry facilities you're working on that rental bylaws we'll hear more about that uh we'll get a written response before the next meeting in two weeks is that reasonable I mean I don't want to rush it before it's it's um going to be ready is that Miss Fryman I know I think you're probably working to prepare that is that going to be AAS able time frame I believe so yes okay great um and we've settled on the oil tanks um then I guess what we need to do is talk about the storm water management and the storm water infrastructure to the extent that you're that there's um information that comes from the comp debate the concom meeting last night that uh you want to relate to us where you stand with that so um we actually continued the hearing uh last night so we didn't um we did not present last night we're continuing to the uh 9th okay to the ninth correct and and our next meeting is the what is just miss Williams when is our next meeting date it's in two weeks right October 10th October 10th so it seems to me that having you on the agenda for storm water one day after the concom doesn't make a lot of lot of sense because if they ask you to do something to modify it you don't have time to do that and show it to us and you may not be able and they or they may have they may continue to they may continue the hearing as well not reach a conclusion so it seems to me that what we should do uh for the next is is wait on the storm water until you're able to um get a resolution from the concom the conservation committee and then we can schedule the storm water subject matter um when we then we could proceed with the topics that we had originally scheduled for two weeks as well as the followup on the laundry facilities Etc that we asked for in um uh for this that you weren't able to provide us at this point in time uh from last meeting does that make sense to either to board members or to to you Mr grber um I I just like to discuss that we presented the um we presented the storm water uh man the storm water plans um to the Conservation Commission and we also walked the sites with them and they provided comments and these plans are in response to um those comments so the the reason why we are presenting tonight is to to present the storm water plans as as as they would be presented based on the comments from the Conservation Commission so our engineer um feels as though you know as as he mentioned and I could let him speak for himself the the plans aren't you know the plans are where they need to be at for the conservation commission based on their comments that's why we're present that's why we W elected to present them this evening so I misunderstood you you want to present the concom tonight even though they aren't they haven't voted they they've continued to meet want to present your storm water management plan tonight is that did I misunderstand you is that what you wish to do yeah we we would we would uh like to present the storm water management tonight we've already we had the initial hearing um with the Conservation Commission as Jamie uh noted and we've received their comments and updated our plans accordingly with that initial hearing um and you know I can't speak for the Conservation Commission but I think we are you know looking pretty favorable in the grand scheme of things as and uh we don't anticipate any you know future major comments that that would impact uh you know presentation as um oh simple as this one you know for it's I don't think we need to get into like two into the weeds of storm water but you know I can give you give you all a pretty good overview of our design and uh the details associated with it so um you're pretty much you're you feel confident that this is 95% done absolutely all right and just um Miss Fryman you have your hand up did you want to add into something I just just going to um expand on that and that getting comments and uh the questions that you have uh that the DBA has then we can then take them back to the DBA when we go on the ninth and then finalize everything so getting your feedback would be really helpful and help us finalize the plans with the concom on the night all right and Miss bre or Mr Malloy do you agree with the representation that this is pretty much that the concom is pretty much um in comfortable with with what they have what they're going to be presenting tonight do you have any reason to believe otherwise Mr Malloy yeah no the um Aaron jock the Wetland administrator thought that they could have approved it the first night um they asked some questions about you know could they change some of the grading and the the island and the parking lot on belter toown road but it was almost I don't want to say it was like a rhetorical question but they just said could you make some changes but otherwise she said they were basically ready to approve it that first hearing and so uh the applicant actually almost requested the extension just to work on it a little bit to see if they can make it better but the Conservation Commission had really no issues uh after that first presentation so the expectation is that they would approve it um on the 9th or whenever they hear it next so the continuation is just to see a final plan that's Essence what it is right correct yeah okay all right then let's go ahead and do it I miss I'm sorry for the confusion I misunderstood what you wish to do Mr grber um okay so I'm going to start with The belr toown Road Site um and I know I talk fast so feel free to interrupt at any point uh just slow me down or ask questions um so The belter toown Road Site we have uh the building as you're all aware that storm water is um from Pitch roofs for the most part so it's all collected via down spouts that are located around the building face um you can see these list says DS numbers uh there's quite a few of them that storm water is then routed Underground through uh CPP piping uh that makes its way around both sides of the building um and it eventually ends up going through one of two flared end sections so these are you know sections uh of like a plastic uh diffuser pipe basically with an openend uh that goes into a rip wrap area to slow down the water um that goes into this bio retention area um per the Conservation Commission comments um we had some additional bio retention area back here that instead of having closer to the Wetland you know in respect to the Conservation Commission we moved to the Center Parking aisle and created a bio retention area um in the center of the parking area um the water as it collects um in heavier storms overflows over a RI wrap Spillway in the back and then goes into the conservation uh Wetland area uh at the rear of the site the um vehicular water as it travels through the site uh at the top of the hill so you know the site generally goes from Bel toown Road and slopes down towards the conservation area in the back uh it's picked up by catch basins which flow to water quality structures um which are sort of hydrodynamic separators that uh allow the water to form in a cyclonic movement um shooting out the TSS and you know attach phosphorus and nitrogen nutrients attached to that TSS and that's collected in the bottom of these structures which are then um cleaned out periodically um in accordance with the operation and maintenance plan associated with this project uh once that water um passes through the water quality structure it continues flowing down and then into the same flared end section uh that meets with half of the roof uh that we discussed previously um and then everything past about you know this point you know most of the parking area flows towards Overland um this bio retention area in the center of the parking aisles so as that water all flows towards the center this sort of stone area um it is filtered through by that bioretention planting um it's a soil mix that then goes to a sand uh that then then go to a p Stone layer and then a reservoir course below that uh there's an underd drain that picks up that water once it's been filtered through that uh those Stone and sand mixtures uh and then that water makes its way through the 10-inch pipe uh and then into the flare Den section into the uh the main bio retention Basin at the rear of the site as well um so just in a quick summary the roof water uh you know is already seen as clean water that doesn't need to go through any sort of hydronic separators but it does get filtered through and infiltrated out through the bio retention base in the rear of the site the vehicular water um is treated you know sort of twice so once through the water quality structure or the uh parking bio retention and then then makes its way Downstream to the larger bio retention where is infiltrated into the ground as well um this does meet the ms4 requirements of phosphorus uh removal um and also uh meets the TSS removal requirements as well any questions your comments from board members regarding the um storm water management plan for the belter Town Road Site okay do you have similar for the Southeast Street site absolutely yep um Southeast Street uh so we have high groundwater on this site so the system is slightly different so if you're wondering why we didn't go with like sort of a basin which is you know considered more almost like green infrastructure uh we went through a couple different options and we decided that this option is going to be the best for this site so this site's actually porest pavement um which wayfinders does have experience with they have you know uh horse pavement on other of their developments as well um so instead of water making its way through to a flared end section we have the roof water again collected through down spouts pipe through and then going through these porest pavement systems um so all the roof water goes through subgrade through a pipe through the reservoir course and then makes its way to the Culvert uh that exists behind the um or in the current like basketball area the it's my understanding that uh ammer is uh choosing to uh reconstruct the Culvert and under a different project uh but you know associated with this General work timeline um a sort of stream to uh reconstruct a more natural condition around the parking area in the back so this cver will be daylight instead uh natural stream will be created around um and then back into the Wetland um and then you know the under drain from our Port pavement will daylight into that stream um after being cleaned up so all of the roof water again goes through the roof drains and then any of the sight water so the water that falls on the Landscaping the water that falls on the sidewalks and Vehicle area that will filter through the top course of the porest pavement I can actually show you a section of that um right here so we've got the pores asphalt paving so that's a you know granular sort of asphalt um the water flows through there goes through this choker course which is a you know a tight 3/4 inch Crush Stone layer that helps filter out um like larger particulates then it goes to the bankr and gravel filter course which is even finer uh filters out uh most of the TSS and attach phosphorus uh and then there's a filter blanket in between that and the reservoir course just so there isn't any sort of a um clogging of the of the reservoir cor the reservoir cor slows down the water with a a higher void capacity um and then the water makes its way towards that CPP perferated under drain at the bottom of the section um which then goes out towards that uh reconstructed natural stream that I mentioned earlier and as you can see we have this 40 mil poly barrier around the sides and the reason for that is as I mentioned earlier we have high ground water on this site we can't encourage infiltration um as a result but we can uh you know get the water quality treatment uh TSS and phosphorus that we're looking for uh by filtering through this Forest asphalt section instead by keeping it out uh and separated from groundwater so you've had experience with the porous um asphalt is that how quickly does that does does water filter through that porous as I'm just curious I don't know much about this really fast so I've done a few hundred of these facilities in uh Washington DC and then also um around New England um we've had like you know fire hoses that like you'll you'll spill out on top of the water um it'll go right through it it sucks it up almost immediately oh so I I was wondering if if it would be a problem when it was freezing temperatures you had water from snow melt and then it got very cold and you'd have a lot of ice but it sounds like the water goes through quickly the water goes through very quickly correct and then as part of the operation and maintenance plans um just to you know avoid any clogging um there's a vacuum truck that um gets higher to V up the top layer um so over time you know it obviously will collect some sediments that's the point of it being there is to clean up the water um you know periodically the vacuum truck will come out uh suck up everything in the top layer and it'll be restored to its original condition or near to it interesting vacuuming the asphalt cool yeah it's really cool I am unfamiliar with that product okay um questions from members regarding um the Southeast Street site so you're not looking at a lot of I guess my one question is you're not looking at additional runoffs to the neighbors to the right and the left uh from the the additional roof area from the uh the new building are you so runoff for both sites has been decreased compared to the existing condition yeah yep that's seem to recall you saying that the site visit okay I have no further questions regarding the storm water plan um anybody else all right um well since we don't have other topics before us tonight if there people do have questions they want the applicant to respond to or or uh be able to present for next week uh this would be a good time to raise them um but let's go through the topics what we have scheduled for not next week but in two weeks Miss Williams can you pull up the the um the schedule which had the topics on it I think let me see if I can find it meeting schedule Mr chair it's pulled up for everyone to see I'm sharing my screen oh good thank you yes all right so the next week we'll are on the excuse me not next week again on October 10th we will deal with lighting um Property Management income restrictions and financials and then we'll have we hope to have the responses to the rental uh rental uh bylaw um any development on laundry facilities and any progress on HVAC is there anything else that board members wish to have addressed in the meeting on the 10th Mr chair yes Mr Mr when we when we talk about income restrictions is there an application that can be attached to be reviewed I don't know that's a good question Mr guber are you able to respond Mr yeah yes there's a there is there is an application that um we can we can provide that thank you good all right um Mr Malloy you have your hand up yeah hi thanks I was you know um the property management piece could take a bit of a discussion but the income restriction financials are highly regulated and really we're not mean we we don't have much say in that in terms of the zoning board right the the funders the state regulate that very heavily as well as the application selection process which would be an um hearing five and then there's local preference so I I I think we could actually if property management is there and we're talking about income restrictions I think we could get into application selection and local preference and so I wouldn't want to limit the agenda to those three items and then not be able to proceed if there's time and so for instance income restrictions they have their proforma their Amis you know they're hitting a number of different Ami levels I'm not sure exactly how much information the Zoning Board needs for income restrictions we you know we're not we can't at this point are we going to say well we want to see more units at a certain Ami uh same with financials we can't make the project uneconomic and so you know really it's like a broad overview of sources uh you know you know expenses and you know is it financially feasible which has already been determined so I I just I want to make sure we're not getting so detailed uh in the review same with like the application form I'm not sure what you know that's something that the state has to and the funders have to approve and so I'm not sure what what what what review the zoning board would have getting to that level of detail in terms of actually looking at an a resident application for you know I I understand our the limits we have Mr M and I appreciate them and and we may not be able to change things but the board has to approve this and and I think the understanding what the income restrictions are what the financials are of the of the the the applicant as well as the other things that they'll be coming back with I mean those are all I they're appropriate for us to try to understand and even if we can't change them I don't think it's a waste of time for us for the board to understand what the property management is what the income restrictions are are the financials as well as well as the applic selection process and and um I think we could have I'm comfortable with laying out the topics as we've laid them out and I don't want to delay this any but I I don't want to have I want to have members know exactly what they're going to deal with in each meeting and be able to prepare and ask their questions and be ready to to uh move forward and not have U uncertainty as to what's coming up on the on the agenda so I would my preference would be to deal with what they could for them to come back with as much as they possibly can on the questions we already have and then to have Property Management income restrictions and financials U for the next meeting we're we're moving along I think we're moving along at a good clip we have until January to do this and I think we're ahead of schedule already um and so I I don't want to delay this at all I'm I think we should move it but I'm I'm not I'm comfortable with the with the agenda that we have and I'm also comfortable with members knowing exactly what the what is the uh the nature of the sure you know I I think that it's all worthwhile I don't want to say skip over it but like tonight we're it's been a really short meeting and I feel like we could have um I just want to ask on the 10th is that a half meeting for the zba because you know sometimes we have half meetings so is this a half meeting on the 10th or is it a full meeting for the wayfinders project the 10th is a half meeting for the wayfinders um but then we have Redgate Lane so that might not take that long um um I mean I was just thinking I mean for instance what if we had um application selection processes tied to income so if we lump that on the 10th even if we don't get to it it would you know if we listed it it would just not preclude the board from talking about it you know if it if it's discussed that's that's all um I'm suggesting I understand I think in my in my experience the application application selection process process and local preference take a lot of time to discuss members really want to understand it and they may not be able to affect it but they want to understand it and it's complicated and local preference is complicated so I think a meeting for those two topics makes sense and I'm going to as chair I take the My Prerogative and have the hearings scheduled for October 5th or October 17th and have those two topics on the on the agenda we may have additional topics that um come up in questions we have and it may be that some of the questions we've already asked may not be ready for our consideration for to present to us until that time so I'm comfortable with this uh this layout and I'm comfortable with uh the schedule we have at current time Mr Gruber uh thank you um I just wanted to clarify that the um the application will just be a sample of the application those are those are tailored for each you know individual individual project so we'll be able to provide a sample of something um similar to that and um we'll also be giving a just a we can give a a brief report as to how the conservation uh commission meeting um went the preceding night great um I and I did have one question um regarding since we have the agenda up are we able to kind of check off the items that you know we have this kind of this outstanding list where the lighting the rental bylaw the laundry facilities and the HVAC um you know rooftop equipment but are we once we discuss the items can we move on from those and know that you know our design team is is um has has met the um expectation of the of the zoning board and unless there are additional questions that have been asked I mean the questions on architecture I think are the ones that are outstanding I don't think there's anything else that's out there um on mechanical systems I think it's the same I think we have our outstanding questions and I don't anticipate going back to those but something could something could develop and it could happen but I think you we did a pretty good job and a pretty uh I think the board did a nu you presented a pretty um fullsome description of both the architecture and mechanical systems and we had just a couple of questions that came from that so I think we're pretty much done with that storm I don't think we have much more unless the concom would say something different and for the other things I think we will move through them and be done with them but you never know if there's a question that comes from from something from a topic or not and so I'm not going to preclude the ability of the board to raise a question but so far I haven't seen that those items that are checked off we're going to have to revisit thank you okay um so I have no further I have no further comments on tonight's meeting um other members of the board any comments questions concerns regarding this application if not I would um entertain a motion that we continue this public hearing until October 10th at six o'clock so moved is there a second second been moved and seconded to um continue this hearing until October 10th um any discussion if not the the vote occurs the chair votes I Mr Meadows hi Mr White I Mr I Mr sler hi all right we will return on the 10th and I think you we understand what's on the agenda work with the staff if you have any questions or and they can get to us to make sure that we have the uh the agenda for the 10th set um next order of business is public comment on oh I'm sorry we continued the hearing before we asked if there was any public comment and I that is my mistake um so I what I'd like to do is open up a public comment on this matter if there is any public comment on the matter before us I think we can do Carolyn will you help me out with this I closed I continued it before I allowed for public comment and I I rushed it can we have public comment in a separate you certainly can Mr chairman you haven't Vote or closed the meeting so you can go back to public comment all right is there this this is probably moved but is there any is there any public comment any members of the public who wish to speak on the matter before us tonight which is the wayfinders comprehensive permit I have no one wishing to speak on my end all right so we'll move on to the next order of business which is public comment on any matter that's not before us tonight still no public comment still no public comment great okay um the next order of business is new business which in any matter not um anticipated within the last 48 hours and that normally includes the um the schedule so Miss Williams put up the schedule again so we understand I mean the the whole zba schedule not just the wayfinder schedule so we have on the 10th we have half W wayfinders and half um the that's bouncing around on me half the Redgate Lane U Mr slober you're not going to be there for that one and for on the 17th we have wayfinders only and on the 24th we don't have wayfinders we have 328 College Street um and then we go back to wayfinders for waivers conditions and findings on the 14th okay any questions about the schedule yes Mr guber great thank you uh just on the schedule I see that wayfinders is listed above the other will that does that indicate that we'll be on it at 6 6 PM or will we we be on um afterwards I would have you on first okay thank you all right any other questions regarding the uh from board members any comments if not um I would entertain a motion that we adjourn so moved is there a second second second been moved and seconded uh motion to adjourn is not debatable the chair votes I Mr Meadows I Mr sler I Mr Henry I and Mr White I thank you meetings adjourned we all see you in a couple of weeks thank you all good night every good night have a great night everybody