##VIDEO ID:1pTnL8lZXjQ## e e e e e we'll call the October 16th city council meeting in order commissioner Smith did you give us the prayer pledge and fact of the day please sir most gracious to almighty God our Father we come once again again thankful for the many blessing you restored upon us thank you Father for allowing us to be able to survive through the hurricane and we pray for those that was affected by the hurricane that they will be able to recover we ask oh God to Contin give us oh God the strength we need in order to be Servants of this city this we pray thy son Jesus name amen amen amen PL of the United States of America and to the stand indivisible andice for all fact of the day on October 18th 1977 in the sixth game of the World Series against the Los Angeles Dodgers New York yanst outfielder Reggie Jackson his three home runs in a row offer three consecutive pitches from three different pitchers only the great Babe Ruth had ever hit three homers in a single World Series game and he did it twice once in 1926 and once in 1928 but he didn't do it on consecutive pitchers even consecutive at bats Jackson's amazing home run streak help the Yankees win the game and the series the teams first since 1962 you know they're winning all right we're going to skip the rules of the cor we're going to go right to approval of minutes we're going to try to get some folks out of this out of the room here as quick as we can so uh look for a motion to the minutes as as uh written I initially I was going to table them but then I spoke to our attorney so I'm I'm going to approve the minutes as is okay got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I'll oppose motion gar unanimously anything on the agenda needs to be moved around Jacob yes we um actually were advertising ordinance number 376 and 3 77 which is the INB home homes um that didn't get through Planning Commission so we won't be hearing that tonight which which one now I'm sorry it it's not actually in our agenda but was advertised um all of the adjoining properties received a letter saying that we would be hearing it tonight but we're not going to be because it didn't get through Planning Commission yet okay so we're going to just jump if you don't mind we're gonna go ahead and jump to the presentation we got a big group here we'd like to we can get them in and out so Stephen CRI won you come forward and uh give us the update on the popka youth Council class of 2425 all right thank you mayor uh Commissioners uh once again my name is Stephen K I'm the special project specialist here with the city of Apopka and behind me stands the class of 2024 2025 Apopka youth Council they just had their first meeting and it is a really excited uh Bunch they've already thrown a lot of great ideas out there we're really excited uh for the coming year um again just want to thank the uh Commissioners and mayor for your support of the Apopka youth Council program uh last year we were able to do uh many things through different events and initiatives uh with the city that meant a lot we're looking forward to doing a lot more uh this year we have a lot more uh youth a lot more hands to help out so we're really really looking forward to it and I'm going to go ahead and let each one of them come up and introduce themselves and uh just before I do that real quick note we did already despite this past or despite today being our first meeting the Florida leag of cities youth Summit was originally scheduled for this past Saturday and already we had about nine of our youth that before we even had our first meeting were really ready to volunteer and and go to that meeting unfortunately it got cancelled due to Hurricane Milton and so I will keep you all updated on on when that gets rescheduled but I'm going to let them come up one at a time now and uh and introduce themselves my name is Matthew touche and I'm a senior and I go to a poka High School uh my name is Andreas Mayer I go to force League Academy and I am a junior my name is August rice um I'm a junior at apapa high school and I join the apapa youth Council because I think the youth being involved in politics is such an important thing in our community thank you hi I'm Sophia Powell and I'm a junior at apka high school hi my name is Hunter yarro I'm a senior at Dr Philip's high and I join the youth Council to get off the couch and do [Laughter] something hello I'm Brock Shapiro I'm a junior out of poka High School hello my name is now Francis and I'm a senior out of poka High School hello my name is Olivia hodj I'm a senior at apka High School and I joined the apka youth Council to become an advocate for the homelessness within our community hi I'm Arisa monise and I'm a senior at of poka High School hello my name is Kendall Walker and I'm a junior at apaka high school hello my name is R Shaw and I am a senior at apaka high school I joined the apaka youth Council because I wanted to get involved in my community and make an impact thank you you hello my name is Isabella Fernandez and I'm a senior at F La hello my name is AA Misa I'm a junior at Central Ford can I can I just I also you know I we started the apka high school Key Club and I have some of the students that are in the council that are on the Key Club and I just want to say thank you so much because that's that that's volunteering so they're actually not just going to school and being part of the community with the Key Club they're also part of the apopa youth Council so I'm excited for them so congratulations to each and every one of you absolutely commissioner vasqu and thank you for that and again that is uh one of the reasons why we have so many more of them uh this year is we certainly realized how uh busy our youth are and and like to stay so we have we have more hands to to help out with that this year so thank you so much do you have any questions about the the council this year Nick they helped you out with all your cleanups yes I've had which I appreciate and I'm going to continue to do more cleanups and what what I love so when I was in high school a year or two ago uh I had uh actually started the youth Advisory Board it was we called it yab back in the day at of poka high school so it's very cool to see this continue on and I love that every many of you had said you wanted get involved in Civics and help out with homelessness and things like that and so please engage the council however you can to get involved and let us know how we can help in whatever initiatives you guys are doing we want to get involved in it and help you guys be successful so thank you for being a part of this and and welcome all right all right thank you all so much thank you all right look forward to some great things this year for [Applause] yall okay we're going to go back and we'll pick up the we got a couple of proclamations I'm going to go ahead you want to take a quick picture with them oh yeah I'm sorry yeah yeah I'm sorry yes yes yes that e oh okay I'm oh yeah okay next up we've got two proclamations um got we got our folks from Orlando Health here and U so I'm going to go ahead and we'll do that one the Air Care team is here uh you know we've been up and running for a year now we're excited um how many well we'll ask maybe have somebody come up and just give us kind of the details for at least our popka um facility that you guys uh have been operating here in a popka it's okay and what it what it says is whereas Orlando Health's Air Care team is Central Florida's only Airborne emergency transport unit that provides life-saving care to the pediatric and adult population and where it's first established on October 13th 1984 with a single aircraft program located on the downtown Orlando campus the Air Care team has grown to four aircraft programs strategically positioned around the region servicing more than 15 counties and whereas the Air Care team ensures safety as its top priority and has flown over two million accident free miles with their team having an average of 20 years of experience and whereas when every second counts the Air Care team provides Advanced Medical and critical care bedside on scene or in flight and has transported over 45,000 patients and whereas the Air Care team consists of over 90 team members nurses paramedics Pilots mechanics emergency medical technicians and communication Specialists ensuring services are available when called upon and whereas Orlando Health open the Air Care 3 of popka base on December 20th 2023 at 2720 West Orange Avenue Apopka Florida and whereas Orlando Health Air Care 3 Apopka has been instrumental in serving the city of apka and the surrounding communities and whereas this year on October 13 2024 the Air Care team is celebrating their 40th anniversary of servicing the central Florida region now therefore I Brian Nelson May the ca pop you to Here by Proclaim and honor the Orlando Health Air Care team for its 40th anniversary so thank you [Applause] [Applause] hi how you doing good thank you everybody for having us tonight we just wanted to say thank you for the recognition U we're very happy to here very happy to be here um and to be representing the community uh and to be ready for you guys at any moment's notice to get out there and um help save a life that's awesome well we thank you for what you do and we grab a picture with you as well sure drill all okay next up we have Mobility week 2024 we have been a proud supporter of their activities here Mr Mayor are they able to take the proclamation or take a picture with them that Proclamation that you just read for sure oh yeah we can sorry yeah yeah yeah y okay the proc Proclamation reads whereas Mobility weak is a Cooperative effort by the Florida Department of Transportation and its partner agencies to promote awareness of safe multimodal transportation choices by hosting an annual collection of Outreach events and whereas Mobility week is an ideal time for counties cities and transportation agencies to highlight achievements introduce new initiatives and or Implement new policies promoting sustainable transportation and whereas Mobility week is an opportunity for individuals to explore various transportation choices available and consider how multimodal Transportation reduces traffic congestion benefits the environment improves Community Health and whereas Mobility week is consistent with see apoc's key priorities of pedestrian safety and healthy transportation options and whereas the C apopa supports Mobility week by hosting and participating in Bic in transportation events such as the apaka Wildlife Drive ecotourism bike ride now therefore our Brian Nelson May the C apaka du hereby proclaim the week of October 25th through November 2nd 2024 as Mobility week 2024 so anybody hear from okay awesome good evening thank you so much my name is Liber Anderson and I'm the passenger operations manager for the Department of Transportation District 5 and I want to thank you so much for your support for many years you have been supporting us with and we've been doing that Echo ride that has been such fun so thank you so much for your support yes we have we had a good time I I know that commissioner Smith and I have done it a couple of times and uh we just know that this year we are definitely going to bring mosquito repellent because the mosquitoes were about to to drag us off last time but so anybody's got a chance come on out and be a part of that we're going to it's a Four Mile ride around um Lake of poka so it's a piece of the the the wildlife Trail but it's a good it's it'll be a it's a fun time to to get out there and see some nature and get on your bike so we'll have to keep getting shape to follow you because you're FAS all right we'll get we'll get a picture with you anybody else from your tea no e okay radby Williams come on down rad the Williams Parks and Recreation director good evening mayor and Commissioners I'm here uh this evening with uh members of the orange Autumn on decided to give an update on the apaka birding Park and the progress they've made since the ground lease just a quick recap of of how we got here um back in 2018 uh the the property formerly known as the Hickerson property was conveyed to the city by the St John's River Water Management District and returned for a 5 acre city-owned parcel which was later conveyed on uh back in 2019 uh June 7 2017 the City established U memorandum of understanding between uh the city and orange ottoman Society to provide some education out to the lake apapa Northshore then again in uh 2022 another mou was established between the city and orange aabon Society developed the property formerly known as Hickerson property into a birding Park and then earlier this year in March of 2024 a ground lease was finalized with orange autobond society and since that date uh orange Autobon what you'll see here very shortly has been working hard on uh developing some renovation plans of the old truck shop that's on the property uh to develop that Educational Center so at this time I'll go ahead and introduce Deborah green the president of the orange Autobon Society to run through some updates from her thank you Radley good evening mayor Commissioners so um I got ahead a little bit um The apaka Burning Park um is the 69.5 Acres that were did by the St John's river gu Management District to the city for a birding Park in conjunction with our organization and back in 2018 and I don't have a way to point but you see the arrow that's the entrance to it which is right at the entrance to the lake poka Wildlife Drive is that a pointer oh cool okay um and just to orient you if you're not real familiar um this is the Wildlife Drive uh it's only open Friday Saturday Sunday uh 7 to uh 3 and then you have to be off by 5: so for people who don't know the hours or want to come during the week there is a pedestrian gate you can walk in or ride your bike in um and just to the right of it is the entrance to the apaka Birdie Park an old Nursery site during the Magnolia Park renovation the city of apaka opened this parking lot and this is orange aon's least area it starts at this gate go down this paved road which was part of the old Nursery here's the old building to be renovated um it was a truck shop where the uh nurserymen would let um the farmers fix their trucks it's a sturdy cement block building and we determined it would be better to renovate it than try to start a new it's more ecological to renovate um and then there's a second gate and then there's 60 plus more Acres of old Nursery site to restore um and it's Upland that's why it was taken out of the Wildlife Drive excuse me out of the NorthShore property and donated to the city because it isn't part of the restoration and Upland areas are rare there um and they're important for Habitat for sparrows and other wintering birds that birders love to see and that need habitat to survive um but the site was covered with green houses and they burned in 1999 after the district purchased it um but the concrete pads remain and that's a major obstacle to our restoring it fortunately um the St John's River Water Management District does need the concrete for rip wrap for construction projects and they are going to take it out I trust most of it and it will take a while and it's going to be a lot of disturbance and everything but at least that is planned and we're very pleased about that another big obstacle is the Koga grass one of the most invasive um weeds in the world and the city is working uh out there with us to treat twice a year and we're also trying to get an FWC Grant to help with that um and we're getting professional consultation on the restoration and before and we I know different people have offered to have volunteers out there all all you young people this would be great to have you all involved in it um but so far we got to get rid of the concrete pads and a few more steps and we do need water um so we're looking forward to that water hook getting hooked up um but the birders are already looking around out there there are birds out there so they're doing monthly bird surveys and it's just a great location at the entrance to the Wildlife Drive facing the woods to the East and the west and the canal to the South and that building I used to brag about how that building uh stood through hurricane Irma and then hurricane Ian and it just was so strong and sturdy but unfortunately oh but one more couple more slides this is our some of our board members brainstorming what we wanted to do with the building and uh the second one on the left is uh alen Shapiro a f a former nurseryman he had the idea of making an Annex which you'll see in a minute what how we're going to use that and here we are down at our architect's offices doing some visioning and here is our lead architect Philip Donovan of little that will'll speak in just a minute and show you his designs um but I I'm sad to say that hurricane Milton really did a number on it and in including the roof so this is reason to move more quickly if you the city will and getting us the electricity and that that infrastructure okay well thank you so much and I'll turn it over to our architect H good evening thank you for having us so let's jump right into the design we'll start with the big shot of the entry here so you saw what it was before and you can start to Envision what it is going to be um we believe that the ethos of this client is that the building needs to serve the restoration proc project of the site so we need to R it needs to reduce its use of resources it needs to add to the value of the systems the living systems on site and so that's been our our goal and our work over the last several months and getting to where we are today which we'll talk about in a minute and we had several guiding principles one amazing quote by John Mir here when one tugs at a single thing in nature he finds it attached to the rest of the universe so something as ecologically rich as the uh Wildlife Drive and the surrounding ecosystem of that um create such a vibrant place to create this environmental center and these were the words that bubbled up from the client as we started to lead them into the design effort restorative education bird centered of course and sustainable um so these were our guiding principles as we embarked on the design so de spoke about the existing additions if everybody's pretty familiar here I'm sure the yellow arrow is pointing globally at the the site where we are Lake apaka was the second largest lake in Florida at one point until we dyed it and started to drain the land and we've been in restoring it now and the Wildlife Drive is an amazing example of that and so as we zoom in on the site and the building there you can see lust Road and the wildlife drive on the south part of that um that image and there the big red box is the building that's there today so it is one acre that we're developing around the building and to Aid in the restorative efforts and the education of those efforts to the VIS visitors so the Apopka Wildlife Drive gets hundreds of thousands of cars every year and this is right on the right as Deborah said and so it's this amazing experience to educate people about our natural systems in this area and how ecologically rich it is so existing additions before the hurricane hit it was um 10 roof and wood trusses and a very very sturdy CMU block building with concrete peers that's why we felt that we did we even ran the cost analysis but reusing this lowers our carbon footprint and lower our costs and our resources and makes us better stewards of the environment um so we went through a conceptual process we didn't just say hey here's the design we studied massing and how do we wrap this building with a new roof how do we put an education center in something that was once a very industrial um building and we didn't just study it from sketching and what looks good we also studied we modeled the energy use of it and the water use of the site and trying to optimize and reduce those and then we ranked them so went through this exercise with the uh the client and you can see there's very different iterations of Design Concepts here this one bubble to the top it's called the Birdwing um sometimes that's called a butterfly roof and the idea was to drape a roof that collected water and energy from the Sun over this existing building and use that for educational purposes um that one bubbled to the top and we moved it forward and so what you're looking at here I think is yeah so what you're seeing in in the gray is the existing shell the footprint of that building and we're infilling it and we're adding an Annex on the east side so it's a big exhibit space for Education uh some restrooms and then an observatory room that's a big part of it is to look East into a restored habitat and start to see the species of birds that move across this site and then things like uh the blue square here is rainwater sister in collection and in the roof again a solar array this building is meant to be Zero Energy so over the course of 12 months it will produce all the energy it needs um and we're also collecting water to flesh toilets so we will collect in so we're we're significantly reducing our use operationally of resources um long term so just some of the building elevations it'll be a mix of Stucco and fiber cement sighting it'll be a metal canopy roof again evocative of a Birdwing as you enter the building what you're looking at in the light blue are the original openings of the garage doors and we're going to let a lot of natural light into the space and then the annex here um and the rainwater collection so we want this building to educate on its own as well and then the east side with the windows for viewing Birds um the South and the West sides as well and then some of the rendering so this was the initial pass at what the building could be and we've gone through an iterative process of costing and evaluating uh the complexity of this and started to um develop a more refined approach to the building so you can see the existing shell there as the box with the annex on the left and the Birdwing roof um and then some of the Interior themes I'll just hit on very quickly this idea that we are part of a much larger water system here and these are all photographs from the site but how do we tell that story not just in signage in the building but in graphics on the floor and the way that the space is expressed on the interior um and so you can see an image if you're standing on the southern end of the building looking back towards the front uh classroom space exhibit space flexible meeting space and then a picture in that Observatory room looking East so big windows and a lot of information on on what you would see out there and so this is sort of a side by-side comparison standing in the space now on the left and what it that same spot standing in the new space conceptualized in a rendering on the right and then very quickly I'll just hit on this we have a great landscape architect but the this one acre site is also supposed to educate people about natives in Florida Deborah spoke about the kogan grass we have a lot of invasives that people plant in their yards that um are beautiful but they're not native and they they tend to um diminish our ecosystem so this is a natural landscape um that deals its pollinators it's Birds it's um healthy and vibrant for all systems of life around it and as you visit it you'd come in here to the education building and then explore the park at large so thank you okay any questions for the team from oton or from for Radley no this is the second time I've seen this because I actually went to the Orlando Center and uh actually saw the whole tour so yeah it's going to be very impressive I appreciate you all being here to update us on this and it's going to be a huge value add for our community and also for the environment so appreciate it thanks for teaming up with us and I guess it's on us do we have a timeline of like what util to that site look like so we're working uh we're working with Duke obviously have had some delays there with the recent weather um to get water power on we're working to get water established to the site um as you can tell the orange automon side has been working hard on their side to get a concept design and a layout plan so they're going to be moving forward with uh construction documents I'm sure and then going through the building permit process we want to take an opportunity tonight though to bring it forward to the council to take a look at and see the progress and and we'll be working on it hard on our our side to to get them the utilities hooked up and needed and we're also working with St John's Water Management uh you they have a a PTO potty down just inside the fence that we're going to try to put a a bathroom at our parking lot um and a and a bridge over the the uh the ditch or the canal so that people can get right from our parking lot right inside the gate you know when it when it's closed because you can you can go on the the NorthShore you just can't take a car on the North Shore doing um the non holidays and weekends so we want to try to give everybody an opportunity so uh I think St John's going to work with us on helping us with some some some financial aid to to get a bathroom and the the bridge over the uh the canal right so and we're that's uh an overall site plan of that initial parking lot which is still under our purview so we're working on that maybe some improvements there the restroom facility there and um we're also we're just waiting on an install a we've got a new front gate coming in for the front of the property as well so oh yeah sorry sorry yeah Philip Donovan with little Diversified architectural Consulting so we're based in it in Orlando and to answer your question we hope that this building it's anticipated to be open just after the Fourth of July holiday of next year so we're wrapping up construction documents the beginning of next month and then we'll move into permitting and then into construction so it's moving right along and it should be a great holiday celebration in the summer next year thank you thank you thanks for coming out thank you rley thank you okay we've got uh three consent agenda items anybody need to have any of those pulled if not look for motion to approve I the consent oh okay Some Mo got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I all oppos motion carries now next up business side of Emerson Park development L Sherman good evening mayor Commissioners Glen Sherman Finance director um this evening want to give you an overview of the Emerson Park Subdivision roadway request um from conversion of their private roads to public ownership sequence of past events on June 5th the city's public service director do D budha boo I'm sorry de I'm saying your name wrong presented Emerson Park Subdivision request to have their roadways curbs and streets signs transferred from private to public ownership and to create a mspu as a funding source to bring roads up to City standards at that June 5th meeting city council requested City attorney Clifford sheeper to gather information to determine if it is legally possible to um propose an assessment on the property not owned by the city on August 25th to 2024 the City attorney presented an outline to city council providing the general steps to impose a special assessment on August 21st after several disc discussions pertaining to the estimated cost of the project debt and financial obligations process of selecting a lender and impact of the city's debt capacity staff was requested to come back with an updated cost estimate a methodology or process to move this forward and to look at the potential financing options so this is a followup from that meeting in regards to the confirmation of the updated cost per Michael or the cost estimate of 3.8 is correct if the project does not start before September 2025 because that's when a contract expires if the project commenced before September 2025 the cost can be around 2.5 based on the amount of funds that I've heard that um Emerson Park is willing to contribute we're looking at approximately a million gap there the methodology are process to move this forward what I have in your package is a critical event schedule that was prepared by our bond Council and a draft resolution in regards to the potential financing options we will need that final assessment resolution approved prior to moving forward with a loan for the RFP if you look on your critical event schedule you can see that those are items I think number 23 and 24 so that will probably be if we follow this schedule around February 20th before we can issue an RFP for that there's certain events that have to take place in order to do this so questions okay any questions for for blanch I've got a few questions the if you can go back to the we yeah right there perfect thank you you had said there's approximately a million dollar difference yes from what the H is willing to provide versus can you just detail that I'll detail that out for you Bas based on the 3.7 if they give 600,000 that's about 3.1 if we if this occurs after September 2025th that's been clarified you know within the past week now if the project begins prior to then you got 2.5 that's where I'm saying so you're about 1.9 million so that's why I'm saying the one about a million dollar gap between the 2.1 and 3 okay so if we just if we don't do this by September it increases our cost by one point based on the contract million yeah because the contract pricing expires on September 20th 2025 and what was the total and I know I've asked this I think at every single meeting do you know the total amount of homeowners in that community 104 based on4 the presentation that was presented and then the terms and this may be getting way too far ahead of myself here the terms of financing and debt obligation would it be a 20-year that's again when we issued the RFP we can see what's more um I have we can fine I I I have our financial advisor here okay perfect good evening uh Joel Tindle Hilltop Securities we serve as serve as the city's financial adviser like uh blanch said we won't really know until the RFP goes out we get responses back obviously we can come up with estimates in advance but you ultimately are not going to know what A bank's going to propose so there's fewer lenders from a bank standpoint that will go out of full 20 years so that versus more limited I think the scen the potential scenario would be uh potentially asking for 15 and 20 okay but again um until responses come back obviously market conditions are changing quite a bit so six months plus into the future is um kind of an unknown on that gotcha okay thank you just trying to build expectations of what this looks like overall I mean just the difference Alone by waiting not saying we're absolutely doing this but if we were to do this and wait until after September it's an increase of $2,500 per homeowner then and that's substantial so over per to ter correct absolutely yeah I mean it's it's about $200 per year more uh and so it would be in the form of an msbu which goes on the tax bill correct yeah special assessment yeah it goes on tax B similar to how we do trash assessments it's non- adalum non-ad yes okay yes got it um okay that's one my questions right now thank you commissioner Smith because this is a mixed Community because some of them are Town Homes correct yes so that means the assessment is not going to be the same for each one am correct by owner right not by the individuals in the town halls right that that is that is correct part of when you when you go through the assessment one of the one of the parts of the process is determining who will be assessed what based on the benefit proportional so my presumption I can't prejudge it's like I told you you can't grade the exam before you're taking it but the people who are doing that assessment for you and coming up with the numbers are supposed to take into account the benefit versus the size of the property and so I would project but don't know that town homes would have a smaller assessment than single family homes but that's yet to be determined and and commissioner Smith if you notice in one of the critical events what they recommended is that we you come up with a methodology consultant so all of that will be factored in at that time so at this time do we know how many Town Homes there are it's supposed to how many single family homes no I did not I just know it was 54 units presented to you before 5 172 and 170 500 homeowners and then she said 172 town home oh so wait a minute say that again oh okay that's what I was saying yeah oh okay because it sound like it was a plus like a all right then my next question is you said they have approximately a million dollars available they would be contributing no no they they what I've said my understanding that at the time when they first came they had about 1.5 in the bank they were willing to contribute 600k 600,000 in the email to pay but that is also G to that's going to pay for the Alleyways so we only looking at yes that goes towards Alleyways and any excess would go towards you know what we're trying to to go out and and borrow and that cost is probably around 500,000 on based on that 2.5 yeah so the Alleyways are not included in 2.5 yeah they are they are but their 600k has got to cover the alleyway portion first we is find it still takes that total down then yeah it still comes down and that's where I still say we got that million dollar Gap all right so so if we Finance the whole $2.5 million is that we decide to do then we could take the 600,000 and pay that towards the loan immediately no the 600k we don't do Alleyways we're not none of our our contract is not covering Alleyways we don't take over Alleyways we only doing the the other items their 600,000 will pay go first towards the Alleyways under the amount of 2.5 or 2.6 that will leave approximately $100,000 to reduce the amount we have to finance so that's why I said it's about 1.92 million now if you look at the 3.8 number we get nothing we that's why we at the 3.1 because the Alleyways is about 700 or something like that thousand let me go so so I think I I think the confusion is is the Alleyways they have to pay those up front because we can't put them as a part of the mspu so they that their the first money they have to to pay their their private roads which are the Alleyways whatever's left over out of the 600 not not a lot would go toward the down payment on the rest of the public roads or roads they want to go public with let me give you the exact numbers out of the 2.58 4894 the alleyway estimated cost is 4 86,000 okay and that leaves um 2 million 32,000 okay so if they're going to give us six that first 600 that first 500 got to cover the Alleyways so that'll be another 100,000 off of the two million that's why I'm saying 1.9 around two million are we good so what will we put the RFP RF the 1.9 that's what I was trying to get to all right so I'm good good so the 1.9 sorry repeat that again 1.9 would 1.9 to 2 million because it's going to be fees associated with any cost incur if fees got to be recovered so so the amount financed will be around two million bucks yes estimating yes so the question is it doesn't get it goes through the process because I do have it here actually it's 32 steps 33 steps 33 steps yes ma'am if we start now we come in November to uh for a reimbursement resolution because we need to add that to our reimbursement uh resolution and then we go through a process on November 6 we have to advertise four consecutive weeks so if you want to proceed with that I'm I'm also going to need your authority to begin with that advertising for the four consecutive weeks or I can get it when I come with the reimbursement resolutions so some of these steps can be going can be concurrent no all of these are step by step okay step by step what happens after September 25th oh it to be on the tax road you talking about of 2025 yeah yeah that's when we we won't get the money until that next year when do we take the roads over if we say yes if we do the construction easement I think Cliff kind of explained that is at the end of construction once we certify that they're built to standards that's what we're doing the only reason this is happening is because for us to take them over we're not going to take them in their current condition so they're the association is saying okay we don't have the money to do them but if you will help us essentially get it financed you'll get your money back through through the special assessment and then when you take them over they'll be up to your standards so you have that burden going forward essentially that's what this is all about so from now until next September they're actually taking care of their roads we won't be involved with those roads we can't because they're private roads okay if we're gonna go out and get the loan if you can see here on step number 24 24 and if we want to under these contract prices okay we're going to be probably doing that roadway Improvement somewhere probably in April May in you know April May and June if you want to proceed based on this schedule so we will own them before we start getting the money so we have that Gap to consider as well so all of that would be discussed with the methodology consultant to make sure that assessment is set at the right rate how long does the msbu last so if we're we have a term of 15 years is for our debt repayment does the msbu do that it ends at 15 years or is it just in perpetuity until we say no more for the purpose the benef so it's it's got to be to fund that exclusively once that's funded it's done okay I mean unless with they wanted to to go back and do street lights or something you could you could I think it would be a different yeah process and stuff like that any other questions commissioner blasquez I oh I want to disclose though that I did get a phone call I believe it was this morning I did get a phone call this morning I spoke to a resident at Emerson Park and uh is he here Mr Jose okay the the question I want to ask you that I didn't ask you when we were on the phone were there others in present in your home when you were talking to me well we'll have him come down let's let's get through the well let's get these question and um and then I received two emails in support of the city taking over the roads so I just wanted to disclose that um the the only thing that I have a concerned with was this the only solution that they had was to come to the city um I'm not aware if they went after the developer or tried to secure financing on their own uh is is it anyone who can to that I didn't ask I mean we we I don't know if they've exhausted all other remedies or not well let's let's get through you don't want to do it now hang on just one I mean okay they can ask questions okay um well commission you got a few questions so are there any other expenses that will we will occur um before the RFP like for the assessments or anything that the methodology consultant you know it's going to be cost and we will be tracking it do you have estimated cost of what that would be no not at this time I do not is that fee will be actually passing back on to that's the intent definitely okay but we're not sure what that cost is not at this time I do not know okay I I can't even tell you I did ask when the bond counsil kind of mentioned it I but I don't know I hate putting numbers out there that I'm not sure okay so any other questions for either blanch or for Hilltop or for I don't know if Michael Ortiz is in the room if you need who's are guys gonna be handling the the project anybody if not we'll we'll go ahead and bring up for public comment do you want this gentleman to answer her question if he wants to come first that's great um or I think they've got kind of a yeah they've got it all kind of plann out good evening mayor and Commissioners I'm Jennifer Haye uh board president of Emerson Park and I have my board with me tonight um I would like to ask Emerson Park residents to stand up please y they here wow and yes raise your hand if you are standing already thank you so much I appreciate you guys coming out and supporting this on behalf of Emerson Park HOA we appreciate your ongoing support and working towards a solution for the private to public roads project our board would like to take a moment to share how we arrived at this point Emerson Park developed into 2007 was planned as a mixed use Community with single family homes town homes and a public town center with Public Access roads however after sentex the Builder abandoned the town center and Roads and the green spaces were redesignated as private though future easements were granted to two private entities at the front of her entrance without informing the residents after the py sentex buyout in 2009 construction resumed by L our homes but no records show how that developmental rights were officially transferred alarmingly neither Builder disclosed to homeowners that the roads were private and the neighborhoods layout City street signs and ungated entrances implied that the roads were public as an original homeowner I can attest that lenar continued to sell the vision of a future Town Center in 2014 that's roughly 5 years after after we later learned the project was abandoned our entrance is nearly 34s of a mile long and has vacant street parking where the Town Center was planned yet Emerson Park residents are left to maintain that along with five miles of Roads 10 plus medians a retention Pond and green spaces where no homes were built though this situation wasn't caused by the current Administration Emerson Park residents have long borne the finan cial burden of these decisions why was a certificate of completion granted to a builder without uring gates for private roads worse neither Builder budgeted for Road replacement reserves leaving us unprepared for future maintenance needs our HOA manages over 64 Acres of common area including a private park with hundreds of mature trees that need annual tree trimming sidewalks brick papers in countless landscape meant for a public town center which is now a significant expense for our homeowners in fact we maintain more land than almost every Park that the city of Apopka maintains yet there was no protection for future residents since 2008 Emerson Park residents have paid the same taxes as public road communities without receiving any tax benefit our our roads have always functioned as public and we've suffered due to decisions made without our input in December we as a community voted for this project it was an exhaustive 45-day effort to capture the community's votes and we prevailed with more than 95% of the votes received in favor of public roads I would thank you so much for everyone for standing we urge you to vote Yes on this project while you weren't part of the problem you have an opportunity to be part of the solution and stand with our residents thank you and I now yield my time to Jose mayor Commissioners I think she already said that pretty much everything that needed to be said but I just want to share my personal story here because when I uh purchased my town home in in Emerson Park I review all the closing documents including all 122 pages of the bilos and even though I am a real estate attorney it wasn't clear to me that the roads were private now I became involved with the HOA and the association and I learned that originally this was supposed to be a mixed use community and the roads there was meant to serve Public Access for amenities that were going to build be built by the developer but were never built in fact if you read the biogs our community was supposed to be a gated community and I assure you there is no gate there's no gate we are not a gat community and so I understand that during the construction of Emerson Park the plans were changed they were altered and all of the sudden the roads became private roads without proper notice to the residents so we believe that this current the current situation right now right now is pretty unfair to our community despite despite paying taxes like any other apopa resident that has access to public roads in their subdivisions our HOA is solely responsible for 64 acres to maintain 64 Acres of common areas including the park uh the roadways that everybody uses in aoka so I don't know if you notice but over the past 15 years there has been a lot of development in apopa and Emerson Park is surrounded by development uh including uh hiltop Reserve subdivision uh the Asen Health hospital and the Marin Rich Apartments they all have contributed significant increasing traffic where my understanding is that sometimes the traffic from outside our community is larger than our own domestic traffic so you know we're not asking the city to assume any type of financial responsibility for us we want to pay our you know we want to pay our fair share but what we want to we're asking the board is to allow us to use the SES buying power and expertise to bring our roadways up to City standards and to also give was or establish a funding mechanism to allow our residents a reasonable amount of time to repay this cost with interest by the way and finally we ask that up completion of these improvements once we bring these roads to City standards take the roadways take the ownership of the roadways and maintain them with the taxes that we have been paying but haven't been used for that purpose so we believe that this will not only benefit Emerson Park residents but also all the apopa residents that are using at this road these roadways without paying for them thank you for members mayor [Applause] hello mayor Commissioners I'm Leticia W director of Emerson Park HOA I wanted to bring to you guys um attention the direct neighborhoods that the city has supported um the sheer Oaks drainage Improvement project with an estimated cost of 250,000 that was assigned from the American Rescue plan for the Corona virus state and local fiscal recovery funds also the Clear Lake estate Pump Station at estimated at 600,000 and this request was is to negotiate access easements for the city to construct access and maintain the pump systems also the neighborhood support that the city has provided using the msbu um the mainline Village Development in 2013 the city of apaka imposed a special assessment against private real property within the Incorporated area of the city for the cost of providing upkeep and maintenance of common areas as well as the Main Avenue Village West AKA Fern Hollow in 2014 the homeowners association was dissolved and the common properties were not being maintained this caused a problem to the health safety and Welfare of the residents of the subdivision and the city council found that it was appropriate to spread the obligation of improvements of the cost over a period of time in order to ease the burden upon the residents of the Main Avenue Village West I also want to note that um Emerson Park does not have a street like msbu um that is established and that was effective in 2020 the apaka city council adopted a policy wherein new developments within the city are responsible for the associated expenses for the cost and operation of Street lighting within their individual individual communities the charge was was prompted by the fact that these previously were paid for out ofthe gas tax revenue and with the changeing attitudes towards fossil fuels and the need for additional Street Paving and repair the council felt it best to look for an alternative funding source for Street lighting expenses now um Emerson Park does not have a MSU msbu street light um funding um due energy bills Emerson Park HOA monthly for electricity and maintenance um and that's running um a cost of around 72,000 per year I'm gonna turn all the finances to Dave Woods thank [Applause] you can I ask her where' you get where' you get all this information because I do I thought it was interesting that she had all the information of different uh just doing research what doing research records in that okay I thought that was uh interesting my name is Dave woods and I'm the treasurer of the Emerson Park HOA um like to start with uh thank you all for considering U this proposal from us and we do appreciate that the city has helped a lot of neighborhoods as we just went through what we are doing is just asking for three things first we would like to use the city's buying power to end your expertise excuse me to bring the roadways up to the city standards we also would like the city to provide us a funding source uh using msbu to provide the residents of Emerson Park a excuse me a reasonable amount of time um to totally pay with interest for these roadways I had some dental surger so that's why pausing here uh on completion of the work we will uh and have the streets of City standard uh we would like the city to uh assume responsibilities for these going forward um overall um we just would like you to help us out um we have um as you can tell been burden um with a situation that none of us knew about going in including people here on city council because it's all happened way before your times um and we just as Center for said would like to just make it right um in helping us out again we're not asking for you to fund this uh out the city coffers what we're asking you to do is help us and we're willing to pay it uh going forward do you guys have any questions any questions for any of the team from Emerson Park all right thank you all for coming out tonight appreciate [Applause] you all right so we'll bring it back um any other final thoughts oh anybody yeah sure come on Albert M 3603 golden Jam Road I'm neither here to speak for the motion or against the motion what I wanted do is just bring up some some facts for us all to consider first of all it's a little bit ironic when you want to bring your subdivision standard roads up to City mopka standard roads take a drive down golden gem Road someday you'll see what the standards of City roads in Orange County roads are but there's two things here that are critical one is the time frame and the other is where we get the finances from uh I don't think there's there's any risk in what we're doing for Emerson and I do see that they have equity in 67 Acres of Park I mean is there any way that they can put that up as collateral for for for Safeguard alone there's lots of different ways that I see that we can work with them what I do think important is that this city comes together as a community and we work together as a community this is going to be a very difficult decision for Commissioners because I think there's several groups here tonight we have a large audience and they're all buying for funding and where are we going to get that funding from I don't know we have a group here I think who are flooded out just now with power lines down if we're going to help them we're going to have to find money we're going to have to find a lot of money so that's something you to take into consideration you know how how do we raise money it's not just a case of handing out is there any way we can we can we can benefit all from it and I see several ways to do it but again that's not my job to instruct these people or you all I'm saying is that there's going to be a lot of money asked for over the next few weeks for one reason or other and we need tonight before we make decisions look to the Future and decide how we're going to help all the communities and we have a duty to do this and it's your duty to find ways to do it and one of the things that I strongly believe we should be doing is having a lot more workshops in here because there are ways that we can all come up and we can all add our expertise to make things happen in the city make it a better place make it a community anybody else from the public wish to speak okay close the public hearing any final questions for any of the staff or if not oh I'm sorry come on down um yes good evening just for educational purposes because you all know I was here before for those of you who name an address for the tresa Morris APO Florida 32712 so I remember being here not too long ago I was told that we were we had a negative $3 million and so when I'm hearing you know I didn't get to hear the beginning I just wanted to know I know that the millage rate is going up by 22% sanitation by 20 by 10% the Water by 23 point something per I'm a homeowner and I am stressed and I'm struggling so I want to know is this also going to increase my cost that's all I want to know no all right thank you so much Virginia Street 2119 Palm View Vista um the only question I have is I looked at the projected and actual uh packet that was included in our agenda and I saw a lot of overflow money is that true over overflow money yeah you know the carry forward is that what you're talking about car car forward money so why do we have to get a loan if we got carry flow money we got carry forward money that's my question why can't we fund this now and take care of it that way with our carry forward money I'm just my question I'm just we we we are okay so why would we even need to get a loan well it it's it's they're G we're we're just the conduit for the loan all we are they're going to have property taxes msbu that will be they have to pay right those msbu dollars come to the city of Apopka and then the city of Apopka will pay the loan why do we have to get a loan huh is there reason for the loan we can't private and so City standards until they come up to our city standards that's when we can take over so they have to pay that cost to bring it up to City standards right and so that's why they going after a loan to cover that cost they're going we're going after yeah we're doing it but they're going to pay it back through the uh special assessment but why can't we be there long because we we don't Bor we're not a lending institution I mean I mean we are not a bank and we are not allowed to be a bank I get it now I get it I get it I get it it just seems like that I saw a lot of that can you please speak into the mic M Sherman I'm sorry I'm sorry just so we can all understand the answer I mean I'm trying not to step on her toes or nothing but that's what the carry over is it's for funds that were budgeted a previous year didn't get spent right but we're now getting ready to move forward with that project so we bringing that money for so I don't know but that's not a a part of this right here but I know how you trying to relate I think Mrs Street and I don't mean to interrupt and tell me if I'm wrong I think her point is instead of I mean we've taken and a Gentleman just spoke about it golden Jem road is not up to City standards but we took it over uh and it's going to need to be redone very soon if not yesterday the point that I think is being made is that a lender is making interest on these residents why can't the city make interest on these residents and it stays within our funds then I don't think we do and the answer is we cannot be a bank period okay but we can take over their streets now if we wanted to we could take over the streets now and then they would be our streets and we can spend whatever we need to to fix not according to the ordinance right or something that why do say we got to bring it up to City standards that the whole point is that we didn't want to take them over except if they were at City standards because of the increased cost we were passing the cost of bringing up to the standards to the homeowners then the best way to look at it the analogy would be if I'm a developer and I come to you with a new community and I build everything out but there they're always intended to be public streets let's say say that was always the intention before we will do that we make the developer put up a maintenance bond for a certain period of time and we make him uh put the streets before we will agree to take them over in certified condition that we say yeah they meet all the standards we will take them over plus you're going to put a bond up for like three years so that if it has any unanticipated maintenance it goes to you the only difference here is there's no developer these are home owners who have streets that have they've gotten and for whatever reason I mean I heard all the stories I don't know the backdrop but they're saying we don't want to be in the street business how do we get out of the street business will you take them over well yeah but just like we would tell the developer you got to bring them up to standards or we're not going to do it that's what this is about so and understood and completely heard on that so I guess the the again the question is I guess are we able to take over the streets and then create an msbu no the whole idea of the msbu is they're paying for their benefits which is to get the streets brought up to standards after that and we take them over they're still going to be paying back to get them to the point where we would take them over but that's like a past transaction and on a go forward basis then we keep them up so and just to clarify again there's no way that we can do a like a post msbu I can't take over a street and then create an msbu for it no okay thank you all right anybody else from the public I'm done I'm done okay I I have have one have one question I asked her did she have one more question is okay my my question is I heard uh a couple time reference that um they've been paying the same taxes as other communities they have public roads but they haven't been getting been getting benefits so does public communities pay a different tax than gated communities no no I didn't think so gated communities pay the same tax and they don't get the benefit so I mean I that's not a not a great argument okay oh wow because they pay the same G the community pays the same taxes and they get no benefit of the road repayment so I that that argument is probably not one I would have used but anyway I don't I don't think that it's still it's I think what they're what what we're saying is to me it looks like it's the same is a new developer coming in building a brand new road and then as as Cliff Shepard says meets our standards then we take it over so it's as I see there's no difference between a brand new neighborhood and Emerson Park they meet our standards we take the road over and then it's then it's ours to maintain can we do an msbu now then take the street over and then fund it personally in charge of the interest no and let me explain first of all the reason for an msbu in this context is really improperly used but we'll just go with it just say special special assessments what she'd be saying you use special assessments for situations like this and usually there's no involvement of the city taking over anything you're saying to a de a neighborhood that is private and intends to stay private but doesn't have the ability to fund itself here's what we can do to help you there's a mechanism by which we can get the funding you have to pay it back to your tax bills as a special assessment but we're never otherwise involved except except as the mechanism by which you get the funding and that could be true here we could get them the funding bring them up to standard and say go have fun with your new roads the difference here is we are also being asked to take them over but only after they're up to standards and we are not a bank there is no scenario in which we will loan money to anybody for interest we are not a bank what's the uh estimated interest rate that will pay for uh this still around four yeah I know we won't it depends on timing it depends on so many be range similar to I think what we talked about previously it's still probably 5% in that in that ballpark and again I think 15 years is probably a safer assumption right now from for a repayment term obviously we could try to look at 20 but there's very a lot fewer lenders understood okay thank you okay any final thoughts not what the pledge of the council whether to proceed or not to proceed so looking for a motion to approve the assessment project for the Emerson Park development so move got a motion by commissioner Anderson second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously thank you I'm not going to ask y'all to leave but if you left you would help me fill some [Laughter] spots we'll just wait just thank you you got AB you got absolutely oh good how are you I didn't realize you were sitting there all right next up we've got ordinance number 373 second reading Susan ordinance number 373 an ordinance of the city of papapa Florida to extend it Territorial and Municipal limits to Annex pursuant to Florida statute 17144 the here and after described land situated in being in Orange County Florida owned by Stacy and Robert Moss and Timothy Birchfield located west of golden gem Road South of nightshade Grove Lane and Sadler Road comprising s any changes no changes mayor okay anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter Albert 3603 golden Jam Road I'm not against this ordinance but what I will suggest you is that if we Annex this property into uh golden gem Road it then becomes part of the kpi because it's within the the boundaries for the kpi so that when it comes into the kpi I believe with the mixed use that they could have that's potentially another 400 houses I think it's 19 homes per acre we could we could have in 20 acres obviously there's part of that space got to be set aside for for other bits and pieces so again we're going to have more traffic on Golden Jam road now I think it's an opportunity and it's an opportunity to take action in golden gem Road it's a little bit ironic that we just discussed not being able to take over a road because it wasn't up to City standards didn't we just take over golden gem Road it's not up to City standards so we've got double standards here so if we do decide to Annex these properties in let's make sure that we don't just have one end of golden Cham road which is going to be golden as in Golden Groves and the other end of golden gem Road left destitute so Commissioners please consider it when future requests come up here we need the whole of golden gem road to be treated the same we're about to Annex something in and I've got no objection to I think it's a good idea but we need to be fair to [Music] everybody anybody else wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing look for a motion to approve number 373 so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor no all opposed no no so it's three to two with commissioner Velasquez and commissioner Nesta in opposition next up ordinance number 367 ordinance number 367 an ordinance of the city of Apopka Florida amending the future land use element of the apka comprehensive plan of the city of aapka changing the future land use designation from County Rural to mixed use for certain real property generally located on the southwest corner of vondy Road and epid drive comprising 54.8 four acres more or less owned by pms1 reol LLC providing for severability conflix and an effective date Jean Sanchez with the Community Development Department this is a request to accept the first reading of ordance number 3067 amending the future land Ed for onage South properties from County Rural to mixed use as well as approve the transmittal to the Florida Department of Commerce the properties are located on the southwest corner of and Road F Drive approximately 54.8 acres in size um these properties were annexed into the city in August 21st 2024 under ordinance number 3066 the properties are within the wo Parkway interchange Vision plan area and for the comprehensive plan fature land use Amendment policy 20.9 as well as the Kelly Park interchange form based code they're required to have a mixed use future land use designation therefore the DRC recommends approval at its meeting on October 8 2024 the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval and the trans mdle of the proposed future land use Amendment the recommended motion is to accept the first reading of ordinance number 3067 as well as approve the transmittal to the Florida Department of Commerce to have an applicant available for questions okay any questions for Jean okay anybody from the public we should speak on this one Albert MIM 3603 golden gem Road it would appear that there's going to be considerable problems with school concurrency we are talking about a potential moratorium for development in a popka really we don't need a moratorium all you have to do is ask yourself are these developments already uh up to date with concurrency for school if they don't have the school concurrency then they need to get it before we approve their developments anybody else from the public wish to speak on this one if not close the public hearing look for a motion to approve question I just want to kind of respond to that quickly because I did ask that question is Bobby here Bobby how Jean Jean oh there he is yeah can you just kind of explain the this School situation sure right now uh you're considering a future land use Amendment and so under the County's Charter which goes back to the year 2000 there's school capacity whenever there's an increase in density for a rezoning or a future land use Amendment which is what this is is a future land use Amendment uh one of the things that's looked at is capacity in the school system so every pretty much every development that comes in here it does not have capacity and so we get something back from the school board that says they def icient X number seats set of elementary middle or High School in this case I think it was at the high school level that it was deficient that's one of the um things that the board can use to make their decision on a comprehensive plan Amendment but not at this stage at this stage yes and then concurrency is basically that has to be in place prior to the issuance of a development order this is not a development order this is a comprehensive plan it's a land use matter and they failed all that yes failed all three School levels can you Jean can so they failed all three levels let me just read it to you um they do yes which is honestly frankly it's not unusual with um our development review applications at this stage um so they failed Elementary School it was deficient by about 21 seats Middle School was deficient by about 26 seats seats and high school is deficient by about 38 seats which means that at the time of development plan they would have to um enter into a concurrency mitigation agreement with ocps okay I just wanted to explain that um so that the public would understand at this stage the school not having enough seats at the school doesn't affect the result correct so at capacity stage it's my understanding at least when Bobby and I have talked to ocps in previous years that with capacity the school doesn't determine or take into account adjacent School seats but a concurrency they do which means they can accommodate for more students and with the funds they can mitigate um I don't know how other how else it works from there um but I know they have a formula in their EX spreadsheet that tells them where the adjacent schools are okay okay um and I'll tell you about 90% of our residential development applications that go through entitlements with future land use as well as their major development plans you know have failed capacity in some form or another and so have we have we spoken with um our School District representative regarding ing this and the developments staff has only spoken to ocbs staff which you know okay could be limited so um I'm not sure if there's dialogue between you all and the school representative you want to have the applicant come up and maybe he can answer a couple these the questions for you sure Luke Clon with happy and Engineering 2221 we Road um as staff indicated to you so the capacity is done at future land use that's really like a snapshot in time of where the schools are right now that does not consider adjacency in addition in addition once you get down to concurrency which does consider adjacency for the adjacent schools at that point then you also the applicant or my client has the ability to file for um a mitigation agreement with the school so the applicant will coordinate with the school and get a mitigation agreement if there's one required at that time at concurrency but during capacity that's not the the right timing for this okay any other questions for we we're not even allowed to apply for the concurrency at this time until you move forward so the and this is just for my information the mitigation agreement that you may take is that like a price per seat that you have to pay extra into if there is a deficiency correct it can be there's different types of mitigation agreements and ocps would coordinate with my client when we apply for that at concurrency but you cannot apply for it at capacity where this stage right now understood thank you no problem okay any other questions for the aler jeene no I just wanted to be able so that the public can understand this the different Pro the process and different stages when the school not having the capacity really affects the development at this stage it doesn't yeah and the interesting thing is the capacity too because it's a snapshot time currently this development the project built out you're looking at five to seven years before this project is built out and so if you're looking at a snapshot today and you have a project that's not going to be built out for seven years as you know there's a lot of things that have changed and so concurrency takes that into consideration the project buildout and the adjacency school for schools capacity does not so it's and I know that ocbs has a high school site and a I want to say it's it's either an elementary or Ka they haven't indicated that it'll be all but based on the size I I agree with you may it's it's roughly 160 Acres of Round Lake and um Kelly Park and based on what the current sizes are that they look for for high schools middle schools and Elementary you could fit all three and still have room for bus parking so it's I I believe that's the ucation but it's not it's not in their current plan any other questions for the applicate anybody else want to speak this one okay um Virginia Street 2119 P this drive the only thing the only concern I have is that yes I understand it's a time that you're looking at it but if you we've got 10 different things going on at the same time right so if everybody is moving at the same speed and you got 500 home homes over here 200 homes over here you know that's causing a delay in building these schools I mean wolf lake that's how they got created uh waka H that's how it got created they waited until after the school was overcrowded before they started building anything so again yes I know this we're just looking at this one right now but in our packet we got several more that are in there and we approve them all and the same same thing going to happen we're going to have to build another Middle School another Elementary School another high school you know and you're you're you're reacting instead of being proactive about building these schools and it's it it it it's going to cause a problem later same thing with the the other resources that are going to be needed for roads lights everything else we're just reacting to stuff and that's just not a good way that I want to be respond in in our environment it's just a reaction kind of thing we don't know do we know how many houses we're going to try to put on this piece of property has a number but one of the things you I mean I don't know what the number is for ocps but I want to say they don't even look at a new a new school until they're at 20% over capacity is that joh is that okay so you can't you can't even talk about building a new school because the problem is when you build a new school if you're underc capacity then the cost per student goes way up so you have to be over capacity before you can build a new school so it's not you can't you have to be reactive you can't be proactive on school okay but then what's the purpose of having this check box in here saying that we went through ocps to tell us anything there's no purpose just wasting time that's all my comments okay all right no other questions and look for a motion to approve ordinance number 367 at first reading and hold over for second reading and adoption so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I I all oppos motion carries unanimously next up ordinance number 368 ordinance number 368 an ordinance of the city of Republic of Florida changing the zoning from County A1 Citrus rural to mix use for certain real property generally located on the southwest corner of onik Road and EP drive comprising 54.8 five acres more or less owned by pms1 reol LLC providing for severability conflict and an effective date for the record Jean Sanchez with the Community Development Department this is the zoning companion to the preceding future land use Amendment item I request accept the first reading of ordinance number 3068 changing the zoning from County A1 to kpi muu Kelly Park interchange mix use as well as assignment of transition and neighborhood overlays and approval of the master plan for andage South the subject properties are currently zoned County A1 and have a future land use designation of County Rural located at the northern Terminus of Kelly Park interchange form base code area the proposed kpi zoning as well trans as well as the transition and neighborhood District overlays are compatible with the intent of the city's comprehensive plan as well as the kpi form based code the master plan details a conceptual plan for a mix of residential products comprising 326 single family detached and and attached units on approximately 54 Acres the plan calls for 193 town home units 95 rear loaded Lots with 34 ft of width and 38 rear loaded Lots with 40 40 ft of width the transition overlay requires an open space area of 15% and the neighborhood overlay requires 20% the applicant is proposing a total of 11.2 Acres of open space that Encompass an amenity area playground buffer and a Manti storm water Pond the master plan also shows approximate access points and connections there are internal connection points offered from the south of the subdiv Vision including a link to the crossroads development to the South Via firebush Drive RightWay and two others east of s RightWay finite details of the site layout and access points will be provided at the time of major development plan and construction site plan process the DRC recommends approval at its meeting on October 8 2024 the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the change of zoning as well as the assignment of the overlays and master plan recommended motion is to accept the first reading of ordinance number 3068 staff and applicant are available for questions any questions for Jean I have a quick question this is in an approval of site plan correct and will the site plan ever come back to us the major development will go back to you and this will go back to you for a second reading okay the master plan is an exhibit to the ordinance um and the rezoning itself is of course in the ordinance as well as the establishment of the overlays okay the only concern on this and a resident brought this up before too especially on some of these tighter Lots is that we're not making driveways long enough and so we're hanging our big SUVs or trucks out into sidewalks and into the road so I just want to make sure that's just some type of process that's put into a thought process moving forward oh sure and and certainly you're welcome to make those comments on the master plan now um but yes I did I did uh ask I did ask um the engineer about the driveways yeah luk class and appan Engineering um that's a good point per the code it's actually required at least six feet for the rear loader we are not meeting that we're exceeding that in our development standards and the development standards that are would be adopted with this resoning would lock us into that so we're we're basically stating the kpi standards are six feet we're acknowledging we're giving 20 typically we do 25 but that's so that you don't block a sidewalk recall that that's only for the rear loaded product that does not have sidewalks in back is 20 the front loaded it's 30 feet from the garage to the um so rear loaded is what our standard arit these are rear loaded we're doing 20 feet because there's no drive no sidewalk sorry on the driveways understood thank you so we are exceeding kpi code okay okay any other questions okay anybody from the public wish to speak on this one I we close the public hearing for a motion to approve ordinance number 368 first reading and hold over for second reading and adoption so got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously next up ordinance number ordinance number 3,75 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Republic of Florida amending the code of ordinances of the city of papka by amending part three Land Development code article for use res regulations Section 4.2 principal uses table 4.2.2 C principle use table to allow recreation facility outdoor as a permitted use in the C Core Corridor Comm commercial district and mud mixed use downtown zoning District providing for codification providing for separability providing for conflicts and setting an effective date good evening Bobby H uh planning manager ordinance number 3075 proposes to permit outdoor recreation as a permitted use in the mixed use downtown and Commercial Corridor zoning districts currently this is a permitted use in the a RMF CC CR I mu ESG mu mu srte zoning districts but without it's not a permitted use within the mix use downtown and the C cor zoning districts we had a property owner here in the downtown who came to us looking to do a pickle ball court and unfortunately that's not a permitted use but with this text amendment that would make it a permitted use in addition to other types of outdoor recreation and it would help facilitate bringing people into the downtown and help work with the CRA and things like that as well additionally allowing it as a permitted use in the C Core might open up to some of these bigger franchises who do some of these outdoor recreation uses as well uh the Planning Commission uh last Tuesday night unanimously recommended approval on the recommended motion this evening to set first reading hold it over for second reading and AD op option on November 6th if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them any questions for Bobby okay anybody from the public wish to speak okay if not we'll close the public hearing look for a motion to approve ordinance number 375 at first reading and hold over for a second reading and adoption so moved got a motion by commissioner Nesta second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I all opposed motion carries Anis next up ordinance number three 378 ordinance number 378 an ordinance of the city of repa Florida amending the future land use element of the Apopka comprehensive plan of the city of aapka changing the future land use designation from County Rural City flu in progress and City Residential very low Suburban to mixed use for certain real property generally located south of West Kelly Park Road and East of Chandler Road owned by Orchid estate HOA community Mega gng LLC Jacob Snavely 2 4625 Chandler Road LLC Matthew and Deborah Shaw Daphne Martin Walter H Robinson III Yik irrevocable trust PM s S1 r o LLC comprising of 11 16.94% for separability and for an effective date for the record Bobby how planning manager the applicant has submitted a large scale future land use Amendment from County Rural City future land use in progress and City Residential very low Suburban to mixed use the applicant is requesting the future land use amendment to bring the property into the neighborhood character zone of the Kelly Park interchange form based code area this part of the car of the Kelly Park form based code area permits a maximum density of five dwelling units an acre the total Site Area is 116 .94 acres and is located at 2350 Kelly West Kelly Park Road the applicant is requesting the feature land use amendment to allow for the potential development of 392 single family residences of which is not permitted under the current future land use designation they are allowed to do single family residences but not at the density that they're seeking to um apply for future land use and Zoning shows the character of the surrounding properties the orange to the north is in the Kelly Park um form based code area and has a mixed use feature langage use designation so this is consistent with the surrounding future land use designations Orange County Public Schools has in indicated capacity is not available at the high school level and is deficient by 20.8 eight1 seats the development Review Committee recommended approval Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval on October 8th and the recommended motion this evening is to accept first reading ordinance number 378 and authorized staff to transmit this to the Florida Department of Commerce as this is over 50 acres in size Florida law requires us to send it to the state they will review it and then send it back and the second reading would be at a date to be determined uh myself and the applicant are available for questions any questions for Bobby I just want to exp parte which I did meet with them yesterday I met with Jonathan Hughes and Luke Classon specifically on this uh this development uh because I had a concern with the kpi um but I understand that this completes the kpi on Jason is it Jason dwelly Jason dwelly so I just wanted to kind of put that out with that any other questions for Bobby or the applicant the the only thing and and we discussed this in our meeting was just a concern that uh we can't get direct access to Kelly Park school but I'm hoping that we can work on something to get sidewalks in some capacity to Kelly Park school because we have kids just walking in grass right now across the street so if we can work with the developer to be able to make that happen and and um the meeting was productive that we had that said that they're open to that so that was really important to make sure that our kids especially the new ones that are going to be here have safe access um and and the developer had said they're going to look into that and work on that so look forward to that thank you I think he's nodding his head in the back so yeah yes he's Luke okay all right anybody from the public Al M 3603 golden g Road one of the things I noticed just under where it says Planning Commission it says very low Suburban to City mixed use and this is something that again if we want to reduce the effect of development on our community then we should be looking favorably on the lower density scales of things why because when you have a lower density project it usually means that you have an elevated price range of houses if you have an elevated price range of houses your millage rate is far more effective in terms of what it can do for the city rather than having a large capacity of developments when you have a large number of of development Vel Ms then you've got to exponentially increase the ability to to service that development but with the lower density developments you're still bringing in a lot of money from the military but you don't have the same worry about the infrastructure so let's all look favorably on Lower density developments rather than these high development mixed [Music] use anybody from public anybody else from the public okay not we'll close the public hearing look for a motion to approve ordinance number 378 first reading and hold over for a second reading and adoption so so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously next up ordinance number 379 ordinance number 379 an ordinance of the city of apapa Florida amending the future land use element of the AP comprehensive plan of the city of apapa changing the future land use designation from County Rural to City Residential low Suburban for certain real property located at 2300 West ponan Road owned by Lee Jason Monroe and Lee caraon comprising 3.56 Acres more or less providing for severability complex and an effective dat good evening this is junon planner two the applicant has requested a change of future land use of the property located at 23,000 2300 West pan Road from County Rural to City Residential low Suburban which allows 3.5 D units per acre the total size of the property is 3.56 acre and the property is currently being used as a single family house for one household the property was annexed in 2014 by ordinance number 2,379 the property is surrounded by residential land use and the proposed land use is consistent and comparable with the surrounding properties also the owner of the property has indicated that there is no future plan for any development on this property DRC has recommended approval and on October 8th Planning Commission has anonymously recommended approval of amending future land use from County Rural to City Residential Lo suburan the recommended motion is accepting the first reading of ordinance number 379 and hold it over for a second reading and adoption on November 6 2024 staff and applicant are are available to respond any question any any questions for June anybody from the public wish to speak on this one if not we'll close the public hearing look for motion to approve ordinance number 300 79 and hold over for a second reading and adoption got a motion by commissioner Velasquez sir second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I all oppos motion carries namly next up ordinance number 3080 ordinance number 3080 an ordinance of the city of repop Florida changing the zoning from T transitional to rsf1 BB residential single family District large lot for certain real property generally located at 2300 West poncam Road owned by Lee Jason Monroe and Lee caradon comprising 3.56 Acres more or less providing for severability conflict and an effective date for the record this is June Z planner two the applicant has a request a resoning of the same property located at 2300 West pan Road from T transition to rsf 1B residential single family District large lot which allows five BL per acre the total size of the property is 356 Acres the property is surrounded by residential zoning District which are rsf1 a and rsf 1B and the purpose zoning is consistent and comparable with the surrounding properties DRC has recommended approval and on on October 8th the Planning Commission has anonymously recommended approval of resoning from T to rsf 1B the recommended motion is accepting the first first reading of ordinance number 3880 and holding holding over for a second reading and adoption on November 6 the staff and applicant are available to respond any questions any questions for June anybody from the public wish to speak on this one if not we'll close the public hearing L for motion to approve ordinance number 3080 at first reading and hold over for second reading and adoption so got a motion by commissioner Vasquez second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I I I'll oppose motion carries unanimous next up resolution 20243 resolution 2024-the mayor Commissioners John Hansen building official basically all I'm doing here is trying to get us in line with everybody else in the area um um since I've been here almost 19 years we've only raised one rate and that was our reinspection fee from 15 to 30 and I'm just I got some the numbers from Orange County Orlando Lake County Mount Dora and this is just getting us in line with them on our rates any any questions for John if anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not we close a public hearing and look for motion to approve resolution 20243 sove got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I I all opposed motion carries announ next up resolution 202 24-36 resolution 202 24-36 a resolution of the city council of the city of Apopka Florida announcing the winner of the Apopka flag design contest and for adoption of the winning designed as the official City flag of pap all right good evening again mayor and Commissioners my name is Step cribs special project specialist here with the city of Apopka I first of all want to thank you all uh when I was up here in August I announced that there would be a contest uh a flag design contest to uh design a new flag for the city of Apopka and that at the conclusion of that contest we would have a design here H for a vote I'm very pleased and happy to say the contest went really well I'll get into some of the statistics uh for that and uh we work able to uh uh bring it down to a a a final Design After Community involvement through uh submitting designs and voting on designs and then a panel of Judges that was all able to work to work together to come up with a design I think we can be very proud of uh during the original meeting I laid out a couple of reasons why uh a poka could benefit from a new flag one that is that we would want something that is unique to the city of poka uh the current one that we have that it looks a lot like several other flags with the with the crossbars and then the seal over the top uh we wanted one that met those rules of design which I will get into as a refresher of later and then one that uh a popka could have a record of adopting a flag so I just want to get into a couple of highlights from the competition that we had so there were 153 entries uh so 153 different designs that were submitted uh and mostly those designs came from the APAP area it was we had we did receive designs from Texas North Carolina Minnesota Oklahoma and the United Kingdom so word about our contest really uh got out there and even went International there we actually even had an entire art class uh submit designs and that's what that picture of is of up on the screen is uh art class working on designs that they could submit for the flag our contest also caught the attention of the North American vexillological Association and if you remember from my last presentation uh this is an association who studies engages in Flags it is it is their passion so we actually had members uh of that organization reach out to us we didn't reach out to them and and offer their help and expertise overall we had a thousand votes uh that were cast uh in this competition again the submission period was the 8th through the 16th that's when we received those 150 Plus designs and then at the end of that uh period uh 71 of those designs were uh were presented for judging the judging period was on the 18th of September a panel made up of seven judges uh we had a local uh mural artist a teacher director of a design school a marketing specialist content administrator and then three members of the North American vexillological Association the p panel selected up to 10 designs for that public vote the vote was put to the public from the 20th of September through the 14th of October again 1,9 total votes were cast finalization period uh was the 5th through the 14th where our judging panel uh they got back together made a couple of tweaks uh to the design and and made it a visual and a special thanks to uh Joe Pug of the North American vexillological Association he was actually our graphic designer that volunte shed his time to to put it all together and and lend his professionalism uh in that area to us and so without any further Ado I want to go ahead and reveal uh the uh the winning design to [Music] you all right yes so this is the design and we there we go so this is the design uh that that uh won more votes than any other and I am very proud to say uh that the artist uh Mrs Faith Lee is actually here in the room with us tonight so I'm going to call her on up you'll come on up and join us if everybody could give her a [Applause] hand I had built the presentation uh for myself to go over the symbolism as well as uh give a little bit of background on mle but since she is here I'm going who who better than to hear it from her so I'm going to turn it over to her right now okay thank you I first would like to say it was an honor to be a part of this and um I loved it and this actually the students that you saw on the screen those were my students my art students so um I I've grown up here and I just I was so happy to be a part of this so I want to explain my design um the reason why I chose more of the organic uh wavy lines is uh to represent more of the wildlife and the organic components of our city we have um uh our Springs here and aapka and it's just such an important part of our of our city um the colors that I picked were you see the two blue uh wavy lines or Stripes those are to represent our Springs um the leaf that you see of course is a representation of our green houses here that it's a really important part um of our city and uh the yellow stripe that goes around it and through the flag is to represent um our uh dependence on the Sun for our green houses of course and also to represent the fact that we're part of the sun Sunshine State so um that is my design and um thank you stay right there he said some of okay well I didn't realize there was going to be all of this um so if you wanted to know a little bit more you can see there on the screen um uh I am an art and music teacher here in Apopka um I teach grades uh eth uh kindergarten through 8th um I have 16 years you can see on the screen years of professional experience with special effects um I am a lifelong Apopka resident like I said before um I was I grew up here I married my high school sweetheart we're raising our kids here um and I just am and a Popkin and so um not just me but our family uh we're second generation of Popkins and we just have such our Our Roots are here in Apopka so that's just to kind of give you a little bit more of a backstory of why this um flag and this design was so important to me but we didn't all that the details about her were not a part of the voting so that was not like because she's a popular resident that she got right extra credit or anything else it was straight up Yeah we actually um when we did the online voting when we did the online voting we actually scrubbed the information uh one of the top 10 designs that were picked uh was actually from the UK and that was again the judges didn't even know which ones they were U selecting out of those top 10 I have a question who who were theud how are the judges selected the judges uh so the the judges were selected based off of expertise and and their professionalism in the area like I said there was a a a mural artist that has done some work for the city before uh there was a graphic designer who works for the city that was on the panel and then um a couple of other like I said uh from the design school I think he was from the Dave school if I'm not uh mistaken so there were a lot of local they they were professionals uh chosen for their expertise in art but also local except for of course the um the the for from the uh North American vexillological Association members oh three numbers yes sorry that's correct and yeah you have the list there okay and the9 votes yes were someone able to vote more than once uh so how the votes were set up is uh each person was able to go in and vote and rank as kind of they were given all 10 choices and they could choose which one they most like to the least like but if they wanted to they could give uh all of the they could just do most like and not rank any of the the others does that I don't know if that that made any sense to you or not so we had all 10 of the the designs up there and people could go in and under each design was a one through 10 and people could rank it I guess is the better way to say it one through 10 which one they they like the most I think she's asking could somebody vote a hundred times oh no uh it was it was uh one you had to um put in your email address before you could vote yeah you had a the one thing I kept forgetting that I kept going back was the Google you needed your password I haven't seen my password in years okay oh no I finally had a get a new password okay well well thank you for doing that so you could vote um okay I will say it's you know you get used to seeing the the the flag that has been a staple and and then when I saw this it it did take a little while um it it take it did take a little while but I'm I'm sure that you understand that um and and uh when I read what each color and your symbol then it made sense you know somehow I feel like the people should read the symbolism and then when they look at it they'll see it differently because what happened was when I saw it I you know okay but then when I read the symbolism then I understood it and saw it in a different night so uh congratulations commiss Anderson I think you I just just full disclosure just looking at it not you know with a description of what it mean I'm not really sure if it represents embody the city of apopa just looking at it without reading a description of what it is because I think most of us probably we saw we was like oh you know that's was probably most of our reaction so that's just my yeah sure and uh that again is why that that symbolism uh piece and component was so important in the competition every um uh entry uh that was submitted had to have the symbolism written on the back one of them was actually uh kind of cute for one of the art uh contest for symbolism on the back one of the kids was like uh be because I want to pass the class so that was that was kind of that was kind of cute uh but uh Mo but all of the the designs had their had to have their symbolism yeah one didn't make the top 10 um all of their designs had that symbolism mentioned on them was a really important piece of the judging process Mr Smith and oh sorry well well I guess because we had had conversation prior to the contest I kind of understood when you told me they couldn't have words and and things of that nature correct and and I was just uh trying to understand you know how were they going to know it was on a popular flag and so when you showed me the criteria I I kind of back off so I think the flag looks great and our photography is gone I was hoping that we can get a picture with the winner if if you make sure that yes Kelly come on down yeah right I know no understand yeah absolutely no I appreciate your your time in this and and your your group's effort for sure um if we can just get a list of the judge panel just so we understand who it's created by and all that yeah uh oh sorry didn't mean to interrupt please uh yes we do have the names of the judges and I'll we just didn't want to make them public necessarily but that that's something that we can we can get to you can email those that' be great and then the presentation that you're using is not the same one that's in our packet so if you can update that to us as well okay yes I can I can do that my apologies okay perf yes and um just as a as a notot again to what commissioner Smith was saying before just again having that side bys side comparison and then going back over those uh standards of design that I have presented to you on the last time really seeing how how this flag does accomplish those things um especially with the the symbolism and the meaning there I I do like that you the predominant color was green because that's what really does identify a popka is that green and so when I did see it initially I said okay she's using the green as a dominant color then when I read again the symbolism and realized the sign and the whole thing but uh it it'll take some getting used to but it is a very sharp looking flag the one thing I'll say is um if you think about a flag waving in the wind right like you know our current flag you really can't see what it is you see maybe an X but everything else just disappears where I think something like this I'm actually going to carry her symbolism and yeah and when someone asks me I'm gonna take it out and read it to them eventually our city will get used to it and and embrace it I mean changes is a little difficult um but it it happens and U it was a big undertaking um to really even change a flag that's been such a staple in the city of baka but ABS absolutely and um I did just want to make uh one more point because I know there was some uh chatter online I just wanted to address it uh I know some people seem to think that because the seal was no longer going to be on the flag that we were getting rid of the seal and that is not that's not the truth is all the seal is is stained the seals is staple you know is voted on copyrighted everything like that um this design does not include it on the uh on the flag but the Seal of apaka is not going anywhere okay thank you okay so so when will we have a flag that we can fly I'm sorry when will we have a flag that we can fly uh the the goal is uh pending council's approval tonight uh the first thing I will do when I come in tomorrow is order it so that it can be here for the the birthday on the 25th okay okay any anybody from the public wish to speak on this one if not I'll look for a motion to approve resolution 2024 36 so move count a motion by commissioner Smith second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously and thank you the to the committee for your hard work I mean it's taken some you know get all these steps in in in order so we could get it you know for the uh the celebration of the city's you know anniversary is pretty cool so we thank you thank you for all you done you said I think Kelly's here you got yes just want to come s all right next up resolution [Music] 202-10 one a resolution of the city council of the city of Apopka Florida amending the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 providing for a budget thank you gland Sherman Finance director um budget amendment in the amount of 8,550 700 item number one is related to the creation of the Foreclosure fund account that we discussed at the last council meeting and the amount of $50,000 this is to help cover the filing fees for forclosure cases on behalf of the city each estima to be about 2500 staff needs about 50,000 in the budget to support the cost of the anticipated filing fees and tax LS the assumption is that the Foreclosure funds will offset these costs item number two is related to Northwest Recreation Center water reclaim Reclamation facility expansion um in the amount of $5.1 million that that is the contract Award with the contend amount and me and numbers on October 2nd 2024 the council approved the ITB to El Construction is actually in the amount of 5.1 7 700k for the construction and expansion of the Northwest recreation center and water treatment plant in the northwest of poka near Jason dwelling Parkway the awarded contract amount exceed bless you exceed it's okay bless you the awarded contract um exceeds the budgeted amount um that it so it requires an additional $2.2 million which will come from the water Wastewater and reuse impact fees reserved and we are also asking to roll over the funds that were included in the fy2 24 budget in the amount of $2.9 million so that totals to 5.1 in addition as we all know we've been experiencing um expenses as a result of the hurricane million uh hurricane Milton and we're estimating those expenses to be about $1.7 million of course those funds would have to be transferred from the general fund into our grant fund we are anticipating reimbursement from FEMA and that includes structural restoration debris removal Thompson Consulting who's going to help with that monitors the debris removal and some tree removal any questions any questions for blanch I've got one oh sorry please please I have a question in regards to toson Consulting so their consulting fee is 200,000 yes Thompson Consulting they have a break down of the services that they're going to be offering for the 200,000 um what I'm here seeing here is setting up the monitoring site monitoring Crow of golf verifying the invoices provided and securing dump tickets so what Fe FEMA has so you get a contractor does the work but then you have to SEC have a second contractor that that monitors the work that's being done so that Crowder Gulf doesn't say they're they' dumped 7,000 yards of you debris the Thompson would come in and say no that was only 6,000 yards so it's you have the contractor then you have the contractor that's overseeing the contractor make sure that what they've done is make a verification verification so this is just for me for future reference I had different um local businesses that reached out in regards to this consultant contract and I told them that I didn't know how they actually could apply for it because it wasn't RFP so how was this how do we actually I think this is a piggy back but I can get you the RFP information but yeah they under contract with us okay yeah Mike question was in reference to the Waba Glenn Brook Forest Court that's a gated community with private streets so no the one yeah Waba Glenn cour yes Josh do Josh want go Josh you want Josh or do this is about the the debris I think stru structural I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah this is a structural restoration yeah the resurfacing of the water man collapsed yes my name is David Buu Public Service well director I I thought that this job was a waterman collapse right it may be a private com um Community we were calling there because of the safety of the water main um that we had to do some restoration work there and that's so to educate me please even though it's a private streets if a water B breaks or something like that we need it's our responsibility city right there our water man so and then we not only fix water man but we're going to fix the street as well and sidewalks or whatever else is damaged right hopefully that um we be be submitted for FEMA for reimbursement okay understood thank you okay any other questions for Dio or for blanch anybody from the public wish to speak on this one my um concern really is regard to Emery response preparedness planed for for a poka and the reason I'm speaking on this is because I know um prior to the storm arriving I know a lot of my my neighbors put things out and they thought they were going to be picked up and things of that nature but on that particular day that didn't happen and calling to um the sanitation department I was told that there was something put on a website or notification through email in regards to things not being picked up only thing I saw is that um the service would resume on the 14th so my question is you have a lot of miscommunication I know you saw a lot of things on online as far as on the news from whether it's you know different counties Mayors whatever speaking on that I think it' be a good idea for us to have some type of system that lets the residents know exactly what changes have been made from the city standpoint because if you're you got a storm coming and people are trying to prepare and get things done and for me my my my neighbors a senior citizen so they're they're 70 years old pulling stuff out there and then you got to help them put it back and then you got the storm coming so it just kind of had a lot of confusion I know now currently in the community there's a lot of stuff that's out because there again they said next week we we would resume service but then talking to them yesterday said well they don't know what when they may be out to pick this stuff up so that theme was going to come in and pick it up but I just think at some point we might need to get into some type of system where residents are aware what changes are being made at the city level so we can make the proper changes on our end so that's just my thoughts on this thank you thank you lero Bell 2308 blue metal Court uh this could struct uh structure restoration is this for the citizen or just for city property citizens if a citizen okay because um you know like uh Roger just said this supposed to started back on the 14th to start picking up stuff the debris but we up at up at M Helen up there we we got debris everywhere you know you you come through and you pick up the trash and stuff you know and and the for money wise ain't FEA GNA pay for this so uh where it the money that we asking for tonight where is it coming from it's coming out of reserves general fund reserves general fund Reserves and uh we our Fe are going to pay us back yes well that's intent yeah that's intent yes okay similar same process handled for Ian yeah you know because you know what the citizens is up in M Helen people watched the live stream and the thing about it was with these with these organization like uh uh commissioner came in last meat and that's for $100,000 like was a balony sandwich and and we give we giving out money and stuff and nothing is happening for the residents nothing whatsoever even down to the flag you just stood up and talked about these professional people that voted on this flag that was on this on this particular panel but what it boiled down to then nobody say that it was just a common citizen on the board it's just whatever that this Administration want to pack down someone throat it make no sense but I hope that you guys can get this stuff picked up sor 391 Rolling Hills Lane um you would think being in the State of Florida and how often we get hurricanes we will have this down pack by now this would be like you know getting up getting out of bed taking a joy walk to ride around the city of Apopka and see the response it's kind of sadden no leadership nobody out there directing everybody on the news but Nelson saying where to go where you need to be at homeless tell them to go to Orange County so we are the city of apak we know we get hurricanes every year I was out to the park the next day walking around looking at the the workers doing their job and I say young man do we have a chipper say yeah we're waiting on FEMA to come in if you have a chipper which is a muler you got four people one team can do the work of four people and can get so much done so much done efficiently where is our hurricane it's just it's just sad it's just sad we should we should have the equipment set aside ready to Rocket roll every year ready to rock and roll well we don't have to depend on nobody but the city of apaka so it's just it's just sad to see the response time it's sad to see uh I went to Hope and just was there for one of their events after I got through cleaning up doing my little uh civic duty in the community and to see the outpour of love people handing out things I I just helping people out but I you know it's it's like you didn't see anything from the city of aop War showing that the community coming together and and trying to help and get this thing done and now you ride around you see trash everywhere trashing debris everywhere and you say what are we waiting on well we waiting on FEMA to come in and give us the money this is unset and shouldn't happen not in the city of apak we're not some backwood City that just came came about we've been around for a while with the second largest look it's time for us to do better it's time for us to do better and that's by all the citizen of the city of popka thank you anybody else from the public wish to speak okay if not you have someone coming up you do wel [Music] sorry oh I'm sure yeah thank you I apologize for my height deficiencies my name's Angelica Jones 2170a vage L Papa Florida good evening um we are we and if you would raise your hand if you're part of wo Village we are here today because we are a small town home Community with about 60 units and after Hurricane Milton three of either city or county ponds caused significant water to encroach and saturate our roads our sidewalks our driveways and our yards on Friday the water began to rise about an inch an hour at this point today on Thursday the water of death is rising about an inch a day and expanding out several inches in certain locations throughout our community today makes the seventh day that the water continues to rise and has been sitting on our street threatening our homes we have at least one street light that is threatening to fall on our properties six of our units have been without power since Friday and we will not be granted access to electricity until the rising water subsides the stagnant air in our homes presents an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria and fungi such as mold again there is no hope of water of the water subsiding anytime soon given the fact that it is still Rising while we understand that after the large amount of rainfall there is a natural rise in the water in in the different bodies of water officials have confirmed to us that our Rising water problem is a result of pumping into the ponds in our community the commissioner today mentioned that there may be an option to plug something I wish I can give you a better idea of what that meant but we don't have a better idea of what that meant um but plugging something was going to maybe help resolve the rising Watcher every everybody who has been outside out to our community to assess the problem has simply stated we don't know what to do and nobody knows how to stop the rising water if the water continues to rise we risk the southwest side of our community which is currently exposing erosion um by its boundary sorry the Southwest part of our community has a boundary that is that is experienc in erosion that boundary completes its ero if it erodes the water will threaten to invade our homes our lift station is compromised or takes on more water than the entire neighborhood could can uh could have sewage in sorry our lift station can rise and if it takes on more water the entire neighborhood will have SU in our homes it is important to note that this backup has started they were able to stop it but it already did threaten to occur we are not talking about a potential issue we are talking about a real issue well it is a potential issue but it is more than just a future maybe it will happen it is a likely this is a going to happen situation further as many of you have probably seen in our community with the potholes and other damages to the concrete constant submergence of concrete underwater heavily contributes to the integrity and deterioration of the concrete and road if you recall I told you that our sidewalks our roads and our driveways are all currently well several of ours are currently under sitting water which is rising the continued suspension I would ask for more time I'm sorry I would like to hear thank you the continued suspension of access to our electricity which impacts our families and our workers and for those of us who do not have other homes that we can go to it's going to affect our bank accounts because at this point we will have to go to hotels because we don't have access to any electricity right now as I said there have been Commissioners and Mayors have gone out there to assess what is happening we have spoken to the city of AP we have spoken to Orange County we have spoken to seal County all of these people have something to do all of these uh entities or counties or District municipalities have something to do with what is happening in our neighborhood Orange County stated today that it would provide an emergency sorry I have four questions that I'm going to ask you all um I don't know whether or not you have answers to them but I would I ask to be allowed to ask the four questions Orange County has stated that it would provide an emergency proposal to address this issue to the city of apapa today does anybody have a status on whether or not that emergency proposal was submitted yes I know I know we got it I don't know it came in late this afternoon so I don't I don't know if it okay I know I sent it over to to do and the uh and and Richard the um the the BMS it's the I guess the water burms or something anyway so we we we'll we'll address it in the morning so can we all get copies of that though too sure please can't remember I've got it on my phone my name is service but direct the email that came into us this evening was a consider duration from some Contracting firm to put what you call a BM a water BM which we are researching around the pond that is recommen recommendation right in order to you know create more storage in the pond right so we just got that late this afternoon we just um have to contact that company and see what that bomb is right so and if that would be something that will work I can tell you this that around the neighborhood here within seel County us and everybody says all this groundwater table is a subject to what is happening in the St John River and the W River they're going to from what the news that you're hearing all those River are going to PE I think tomorrow and once they finish the peak that's the highest that they can get the water will receive and and everybody is suffering the same situation right if you live within a lowline areas there is no way in this situation that you can get the water to pump anywhere right there is no pumping mechanism that you can pump this water anywhere right now our LIF station is right what she said a lot of these water went to our LIF station 1.6 million gallons of water went to ol live station as well there okay so we anyway we've got the email and so we we're going to take look at that you know as of tomorrow what's that well let me let me let me let me go go ahead and ask the four questions some of them might be able to answer but but that there's the first one what's your second one okay um so in addition to the proposal that was provided what is that came from the city of Orange County what is what efforts has the city of apop sorry Orange County did that what efforts has the city of a popup put toward resolving this problem we we're right now we're taking on about 500,000 gallons of storm water going into our lift station that we're now processing so we're taking 500,000 gallons a day off of the off of the the uh the lake or or so we're we're reducing the amount of water going into the lake by 500,000 gallons a day respectfully well I understand that you you're saying that but our water is it's it's not a it's not reducing in our properties so we are not seeing any reduction we're seeing an increase the concern that you see for most of us right now is there was it has been confirmed that fixing the other problems was to push the water into our and make it our problem no no I mean you so let's start from the the headwaters which is border Lake so everything border Lake is the highest of the of the Lakes okay when border Lake overflows it goes either Lake Ruden which is in front of Hobby Lobby where it goes to Lake Cortez so you got to balance Lake Cortez that one is it starts to rise then you start to flood out homes in that neighborhood so you got you got water going that direction You' got uh pedmont Lake which as you saw was water coming across the the uh the sidewalk going into the storm drain which is then going downhill which is your your toward your yeah would which would be west of pedmont wava road so you're lower than the other areas in and so naturally the water's going to go to the lowest lowest spot the the the I mean I've been out with Jeff Charles and and Mike drozic from from Orange County probably six times in the last four or five days and you know we're we're managing the pond you know it's it's all way it's full it's full then the ponds of of off of uh 436 at the at the hotels they're full the the uh the lake Cortez is at the at the point where it's about to to go into the the one of the there's two houses that are the lowest it's about to one of those two houses but I mean I I you know uh the the neighborhood next to you the road the the road is full so the water from that road which is wava is it Oaks I think wava Oaks the water is going from the road into the storm drain there as well so everything a lot of the the excess water is coming from the storm drains that are there's nowhere for them to go if you look we have vks the same thing it's it's it's completely saturated the the uh the storm drain there so what I'm understanding you saying is this is a problem that you are trying to handle but it is such a large problem it's going to take time to handle I can understand that so my question next is um I mean I I would hope that there would be some investigation into whether or not it was truly just the water went to the lowest part or did that water get helped in its direction Direction it was pumping I I would ask that you all investigate that as opposed to Simply assuming this is just a natural cause that has never happened before and has happened today for the or rather with this hurricane for the first time but here's my my third question we just heard a very nice presentation regarding all the money that's going to be allotted toward prepare hurricane preparedness my question no no not prepared preparedness no it's for for fixing what's what's so my question is for those for as you know there are six specific houses in our unit that is that are heavily damaged what is the city of papka going while we're trying to figure out how to fix that what is the city of apka going to do to help us who are without electric who can't even drive I cannot drive my car into my yard I have to walk everything from halfway up the drive of the street all the way to my car I am an attorney I go to trial all of my files and if I when I go to trial like yesterday I have to carry all of my files across all of that what kind of help can you guys give to us now while we are in the waiting period I'm not sure I've got an answer for you I mean we we can we we're looking at those the water um barriers as a as a way to to stop the water from coming into the neighborhood I mean long term we've got a solution with uh we've got some funding to do a um a piping we we have right now we get water from reclaim water from utility zinc which is wava area and we also get it from alont Springs and we've got a we've got right away that um we we can we can use to to um to ring excess water from those the The Three Lakes which you got border lake pedmont lake and Lake page all three or flooding are you saying that there are no resources or monetary Aid that can be provided to us in the interim while we are waiting for this problem to be fixed no while he's he's coming down the um I know that we are we are we got obviously we got other neighborhoods in you know kind of the same situation but um the long-term solution will be good we do have there is a drainage well you know y'all know what a drainage well is any might know what a drainage well is a basically a um a straw that goes from surface water down to the aquafer that little church right there uh going south on pedmont wava there's a drainage well there it's it's a how how big is that drain well do 20 16 inches so there is there is a there's 16 inches of water going straight into the from the surface of Lake um page into into the into the oer so you're getting 16 inches of water going straight into the from the lake to lower that lake level going into the uh the oant where I've have I've made sure the county and we we've been also checking to make sure that you don't get things that Clogg that up there you know 16 inch a lot of that's a lot of water that you can take off the off the Lakes which will take you know water should start to receive the the all the lakes and ponds I just have a question before you start because I spoke with the county today and then Daniel did as well his home is experiencing the most damage and he has it in writing the county representative is saying that the city pumped things into those county-owned ponds which we've never had an issue with our retention Pond ever I mean our homes are in Jeopardy we I know other people have issues too but we just want a timeline is there a timeline I know you just got the emergency proposal today but this is like third world country living conditions and if it was your yards and your families you would be doing something about it and we have photos to confirm that things were after the hurricane wasn't because the water Wasing the hurricane it happened after events but but we cut we cut we cut the pumps off when when they the when the the pond got to a certain level but so did did we pump into their puns yes we've always done that we've always done that so it's so we did we we we've done that before it's the same Pond we did three years ago but now it's getting into our properties it's it's hting our our properties like I have a house right now I just got this house like not even a month ago and just finished closing to now be opening my front doors guess I wanted water from property because I could see fish right now outside my my house flopping around into my backyard it is 4 in away from my patio it is not oh it's like a couple feet away it's right there it is not it does not look like it's stopping either it's been rising for the past week a lady from the news came out today and then Nikki's backyard who's next door to him she took one step and she's a tall lady her her entire Booth oh someone trying to say her entire boot was covered I mean this isn't normal and it's still Rising we've been making marks my husband been made of uh I don't know he's a smart guy something to track the water we were gaining an inch we're still gaining about an inch a day I mean this is ridiculous we understand that water rises but we have to have answers you know and we' we've tried to be respectful and we want to work together let us know what we can do to help but we have got to get this fixed so is there something we can do to to at least try to because it's in your back in your backyard is there something we can do at least try to move it away from their backyard so they can you know move to driveways is something we can do their backyard right now you're gonna move it into my house oh okay so I'm just we're trying to we're trying to make sure keep it away from everyone everybody's house yeah what can we do to you know my name is Paula Alexander I live at 2210 MAA Village Lane um I've lived there for I don't know about eight years we've never had this problem before all of this comes from the hobby over there near Hobby Lobby and and you guys the city or whoever maintains that pond this Pond has been an issue since before the last hurricane it floods out the street it gets pumped up and this time it got pumped into our ponds which then overflowed that did not happen in the previous hurricane which dumped much more rain than this one did so I don't understand that logic in addition to that what they haven't even mentioned is that our lift station is on a generator because they had to turn off the electric at that end of the street because they were afraid the boxes which there's about this much left as some of the electric boxes were going to explode because they're submerged nobody's come out they brought out what like 10 sandbags one day oh thank you that was help I mean yeah okay that is a little bit helpful for one person 's garage but the fact that we even have to be here tonight about this when it's been a week since the hurricane is ridiculous um and we're and we're it feels like we're getting the runaround and that's why we're here is because we're not seeing oh well here's another generator so that the poop doesn't come back up into your house that's and and tense and bags that's what we've gotten that's it and oh well we got an email about possibly doing some Burns that might do something but we got to read it and see if that is even feas this is not acceptable a week after the hurricane and like Amber said if it was your house if it was your the end of your cold us act that this was happening I guarantee you it wouldn't take a week for Action to be taken by the city council sorry I'm sorry um as far as the burns are concerned we were told that if they tried to handle the infrastructure of these ponds or to fix because they're at some we know at least one of the ponds had a breach yeah we were told that if they tried to fix that it would create a bigger problem for us because it there's not there's no space to do that so I'm not understanding how putting burn they fixed the pond that's the the county Pond they fixed the pond it can't do that while the flooding is there my understanding is they have to wait until the flooding subsides they did they fixed it they dug they dug they dug trenches to put some more correct so it's not fixed right but but I I I get that but it's all the water is going into the the the low area it's not going into to your neighborhood directly it's just filling up that the big whatever you want to call it the mar NE no it's it's not going into your neighborhood directly it's going into the it's going into the to the low area and then I've been down there 10 times I have video You' beening you've been watching with all good respect I'm sorry with all your respect when you guys go out there you Kimmy I don't need you I don't no I know I don't I don't need him he I'm sorry you live in our neighborhood yeah no in our neighborhood not talking I know I know no I wasn't right's talking so that's fine I have noticed I have noticed who is coming out there and I have noticed that when people go out there they spend a lot of time near this gentleman's house which makes sense because the water's touching his house nobody I am across the street from him I am the other end unit right nobody goes out there to see what is happening and I have told my neighbors a couple times they're not paying attention to this side if you had paid attention to that nobody all the issues just whole problem so one of the things and you guys and not you guys right I I don't mean to to make it personal I mean you guys in general right one of the problems that I've noticed is while you guys are watching that side you're not seeing what's happening on my side what's happening on my side is on Friday and even Saturday morning the Pond next to me is our is our private pond that was not connected to the to the rest of it late Saturday uh between Saturday and Sunday they began to connect as a result of that connection all of that water now is coming to the side of my house and it used to stop in front of my house it is now growing going further and further into the back of my house and which is fine if it stayed kind of with the narrow stream and I know you guys can't see what's happening and I have video footage of it but there's a narrow stream is how it started and that narrow stream is now a deep stream and it's coming closer and closer to my house and the closer and closer and so when we say that this is rising water and growing water this is what I'm saying so when they said hey we're gonna put we're gonna put something over there to stop the water has started pushing all of this water toward my house which is my concern when you guys are saying okay well the offer the the suggested plan is to put these Burns in place my question is okay are you going to pay attention to how that's affecting my house or are you guys just going to save that house and throw it all in my house and say you fixed the problem Albert McKim 3603 golden gam Road for me the definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result BMS are not the answer BMS are fine for holding back water that's still the minute you have running water the running water acts like a water jet it cuts the BMS so that the water overflows over the top of a BM it's eroding the clay in the BM and all you do is you increase the size eventually and that BM collapses how do I know this because I've watched the city of Apopka build burms on two occasions and watch it see catastrophic Events first one was at Golden gam Road and that's what caused the sink home they built a burm across the road to try and uh move water it didn't work recently we've had discussions about the infrastructure in the city and I've said before there was water being pumped around and I've said it because I know for a fact the city hasn't got the capacity to take the water we have 350 million gallons at Golden gam road that we can't use what we just did two weeks ago is we built another Burman golden gem road we built a burn 4 foot high clay right across the face of where the sink Cole was and guess what wasn't done properly because we paid 750 thou no $950,000 to build an Interceptor trench that interceptive trench was never built you built a burm the water came down that road over the the period when we had rainwater not only has it destroyed all the work that they did it's washed away the road running water will not stop be stopped by a burm all that will happen will aod it and make it worse so it's not a case of what we're going to do here today it's a case of what we're going to do not only today but in the future we need to fix the critical infrastructure in the city of apka and I've said that water was being transferred from one Pond to another point because you didn't have anywhere to keep it hey Doo you want to come up are you want to go yes sir hi mayor and Commissioners my name is Charlene Gatlin 2206 wava Village Lane a resident of wava Village um for three years now so this has been my first first time seeing the rise of water since I've been a homeowner in that community and I understand my residents concern as they are trying to figure out what is going on so based on reports that I have seen like I'm actually maybe a good maybe six to 10 units away from if we do have additional breach from that getting into my homes so my concern is you know not only for our residents who are currently without electricity without um access into their own homes and now risking the whole issue for uh a week and not understanding what is the solution So based on an interview which commissioner Moore did come into the community we saw a news where she talked about the stage field and the fact that so there there were several different problems that I even saw as a resident one is that that Lake over there by Hobby Lobby in the Chick-fil-A even though it was breached with water filling into the street the number one issue that you had was the fact that they had a fountain and the fountain was still running so that's another issue that you guys need to address in regards to emergency preparedness for these types of issues why wasn't the fountain cut off you know to mitigate that particular issue from the start in regards to emergency prepar gives you evaporation so there was also it doesn't evaporate rain is still it was continuously flowing even on the news station reports as this issue was happening still flooding into a State Street a State Street so that there's quite a few issues that are kind of coming on in regards to this particular issue one they were talking about it being a state role one they were talking about the shopping center being a public a private entity in regards to who is the owner of that particular Pond or lake that's over there by Chick-fil-A in the Hobby Lobby Shopping Center okay and then you have all the other existing because you have the Oasis apartments that are over there by that um property as well as well as the retention part that is over by our homes so they have confirmed that there is a storage issue with one of the main L which I assume is border L that you've been refer referring to for several several times we get that we understand that the issue is is that the the water that was being mitigated from that shopping center area has now moved into our neighborhoods with no fault of our own and wasn't a result of the storm initially it started as a mitigation from the lake being pumped into our residents which is now our investments are in Jeopardy and we're trying to figure out how can the city the city the county is well as if it even if if it is the private owners how can you all come together to help us mitigate this issue so it's not an issue in the future so we we know that it can you know there's future it's going to take a lot of money to un you know get this fix they just did it with ol Vista on the county state who have been dealing with a flooding issue for years in regards to storms this really shouldn't have been an issue after a whole week considering the fact that it wasn't even initially storm related it was caused by pumping to produce water off of a state road in a private commercial property that is not affecting your apopa residence so basically where we need to start right now is who can we get the city can we get the county can we get some simal County was mentioned as well can we get these entities together to figure out how can we mitigate this problem right now to help our residents before it becomes a investment part issue for for the majority of us in the [Music] future hi Paul laml 2255 W Village Lane uh just let it be known that in May of 23 we cleaned out our retention Pond that we have for our neighborhood and I went out there Thursday morning at 7 a.m. I looked at that retention Pond it had held the water from the brunt of the storm I looked at the lake that was there and we poured a brand new slab well not it wasn't brand new we repaired a slab at the um you've seen it Mr Mayor at the end of our street and we poured the slab with a footer and that morning on Thursday morning the water had already only come up to that footer and it looked like it held so let it be known that we did our best to hold the water that came from our neighborhood thank you oh it's not we're not nobody's saying it's it's it's your fault I mean it's it's you know let let let me have do our I wasn't alluding to that I know you're yeah no I sorry I just want to say I appreciate that you all listened to what we had to say and to our concerns I we are obviously in the midst of it and so we are all quite emotional because we're tired of it and I appreciate that you all listened My Hope Is that in addition to listening action will be taken that it won't end here I but I do want to say thank you for being patient with us for and for listening to what we had to say and for extending our time to present to you today thank you thank you doo you want to just give a few I I am very sympathetic with each one of you and I hope that you don't misinterpret what I'm saying here right I just want to to speak to you as an engineer if there were a solution to the problem right now that not transporting the the flood water somewhere else we we we would have already instituted so please understand I just wanted a question that was asked here and I noted that and that's the reason why I came up here there is public assistance available so if your house is being threatened you have the insurance but also there is you can go online on the website FEA has a site open here for right but they will be coming out and investigate as well Rec that is a public assistant so I just want you to know that there's a public assistant the website is open you can go there put your name your addess everything else they will give you the shortcut I think there aware of those resources do right I just want what what we can do right the the long term there's no shortterm was well solution there what is happening there the water is coming from the ground water table what you have seen and you're correct that yes the city had placed a pump there and for the past I think three days or four days that we have pumped because and that was in agreement with the Orange County to help we had three pumps and our pump because we were trying to help pum going and we had a pump going right the authorization to pump in the in in that pawn we stopped pump there I think was on Thursday or Friday was Friday right and Friday right because the whole street was flooded so you right that yes right do who who we never we never said we weren't pumping this this is the exact same thing all three pumps were going under an hurricane irit we haven't changed one thing that we've done nor has has dot done anything different nor has Orange County done anything different than we did three years ago right this happened this happened in Hur same the same thing hurc if I read the letter say it's right what is happening here is not really a surface water issue it is a ground water issue so the rise yes we did fum some surface water there there there there's no question that the pump was there and and some water went to the dry retention Pond right but the question they arise now is a groundwater table problem the groundw is rising and and what you what all of us need to understand this is something natural until the W the the St John river is going down until the W everything is is interconnected SC but it's a natural situation there's nothing that we can do to control the ground water so let me give you one another example so we got Lake Street which um was flooding but it's not bad enough to to make a difference in the houses but water's going right through the the the burm there on Lake Street and we're having to pump there were able to pump water out of the out of the uh the roadways and into a storm drain it goes into dream Lake which then ultimately gets to um the lake I'm on Sandpiper I mean and then gets over into Lake pvat so we've got a solution for for Lake Street the flooding there okay no I'm just yeah but the solution there for for all the flooding around that area is a long-term solution it's not something that we can come overnight and and and and and C there and fix I can tell you what is happening in the longterm while solution I'm not saying no no no I didn't say that I said the the what you read in the news paper that the river will be pecking tomorrow tomorrow you reach the high stage and then it will receed we are going to see some improvement this this is what you read in the newspaper you hear what the water management is saying this is what all the flood River the receiving water body is at high State I just want so Dio do you know how much what does a 16inch well do a day you have any idea no I really don't we can we can so let me find out what the calculation is on that 16 there got we got two drainage Wells um and and just so you we go back three years or two years at so after the after Irma one of the things Orange County did they brought in some some uh ground penetrating radar to look there was a third drainage well which is right at the corner of pedmont weava Road and 436 when they when they added the additional Lanes when dot put the additional Lanes in there 436 they covered up the drainage well so there's a drainage well that that was a we don't I don't know how big 16 inches or whatever you cannot you cannot put any more drainage Wells down uh for the D reasons because they don't want bad quality water getting into our arer so we tried to find this the existing drainage we so that we could reopen that that would have been the cheapest solution to that that whole area well they're part of the problem but I mean we all are I mean well they're they're 436 436 is their road so any excess water coming off 436 is their problem I mean so [Music] right yeah you you you don't need to I mean we we can do that I mean that's we're we're in contact we're we're in contact with you know Orange County some of Old County we haven't gotten engaged a lot yet um but when we get to the the the Final Fix we'll we'll ask them for their their their contribution which I as I recall it's it's like 5% s old County 10 or 15% Richard in here what was the member like 10 to 15% was do and then the the balance was about even between Orange County and Apopka so so it say it's 40 40 15 and five the the the the Basin that we we need to take water Al yes so no this is this is just based on land area this is nothing to do with it's just state land area yes Paul Alexander again 2210 will keep a Village Lane um so one thing that I did I touched on previously but wanted to bring up is a lot of this seems to stem from that pond at that Hobby Lobby corner you can shake your head no but we saw the water being pumped out from over there because it floods the street it does it every time there's a storm my bigger concern is that it's been about to Crest since three weeks ago and nothing was done in the they had a pump out there for a couple of days but this is an ongoing problem ever since they added that daycare center into that parking lot there have been increased problems with flooding of um the road there consistently and a hurricane it's not a tornado we knew it was coming why are we not taking mitigating steps prior to the hurricane to lower those water levels so so that the road doesn't get flooded out so that we're not all driving through a parking lot that now has holes as size of sink holes in it so we can get to work and pumping water into places that shouldn't be going in the first place so I think we need to look at this as a bigger picture and if that is a privately owned Pond then those people need to take care of it and the city needs to enforce that and find them and make them pay for all of these things that are a result of their bad planning of the drainage of that pond because I chick and God knows you know this this Florida Chick-fil-A had to close down the drivethru for three days I'm surprised they didn't help because of that but that pond is the source of a lot of this problem you can shake your head all you want well no what I'm saying is that that pond is is peanuts compared to the big problem the big I mean if if you filled up that the the Wetland behind your your property that's a 100 times as large as that pond in front of Hobby Lobby so it I understand I mean you look but if border Lake is is it starts the problem it starts to Cascade it just takes the Hobby Lobby pond with it and all that you know Lake Pleasant how much water has gone into the storm drain from Lake Pleasant coming your way I mean yeah right even pouring into there don't it's just it's just the the water Burns that's that's that's their proposal that's it I mean I but you also mention it's excuse me mayor did you also did you ALS I I will I will tell you this that when I turned on Channel Nine last night that was the first time that I learned about your community I had no information it was right commissioner Mo was the one this I'm just hearing about this right now right today I've been out there so I I saw the electrical boxes that was under the water and the bench I guess normally you sit on the bench and look over the lake that so now how that was also underwater so can I ask commissioner Smith how did he how did you know about that how did I know about it yeah because commission Mo sent me an email and told me I need to go and take a look right because she she actually called me because last night Channel N9 when I turned on the the news Okay Channel N9 when I turned on the news last night which was at 10 o'clock I was surprised to learn about your community I'm recognizing all your faces CU you got interviewed last night early this morning at 7:00 I called commissioner Moore and she then gave me all the information so of course we had to come in today for this meeting but I had actually sent an email to our chief administrator um early this morning and I asked him can he please give me an update about the flooding around the city of apaka because we were getting certain emails at the interview last night you said that you had contacted the city and I was wondering who did you contact was I went through all my emails it was not me right because I I've had I've had other uh communities contact me but I looked and I said I didn't hear anything about babba Village but I actually learned all about you through Channel 9 and then commissioner Moore followed up this morning and she actually sent me an email but I did ask our city um administrator for an update which you know um my understanding was that today at the mayor's report that the mayor would give us all an update but prior to to you being present tonight we were not aware of what was going on so I think what's important is is there a solution right and I think so mayor the question is is is there a short Sol so there's no there's not a short-term solution so there's no we we can we we some things we can do we want like we we have to make sure that that the drainage well is open and and and functioning that we keep all the water going in there we can need to make sure that the burn you know we could add another you know the county could add another foot onto the to the the the burm on your side of the pond which would give you a little more I mean but you're talking I don't know 20,000 gallons you're not talking I mean what you got in that in that that depression behind you is is millions and millions and Milli you're not talking that's what I'm saying folks The Hobby Lobby Pond is this big the the pond that Orange County has is this big and the pond or the or the the Wetland behind you is this big and so it you could take all the water out of Hobby Lobby and it's it's going to make a a one inch difference in your your neighborhood I mean if you dried it all the way out yes yes correct right right I understand that's exactly right yes yeah go ahead Dorian Hernandez 2191 with Kao Village um I'm an engineer not exactly water I'm electrical but actually working for a water utility now um so my is a a question we have a question for one of the folks over here is like what can be done in order to seal the breach that we have right now it's possible I think uh what really has a lot of people concerned including me because actually I'm the fourth house from the house that actually is getting water on the wall is that you you continue hearing the the noise of the stream going over and then eventually it's going to you know it's going to it's going to do what is that we're trying to avoid um so is there something that can be done right now maybe just throw stuff you know at the wall and see what what can be done and then if something works great that'll pie us if if it's adding more dirt or making that side of the pond where we are at right uh you know know reinforce it great at least we these folks are going to see that something is being done because sometimes in emergencies and not being an emergencies several hurricanes and utilities and all this stuff sometimes you just got to throw whatever it it helps at the moment then the with it later which brings me into what I know that you have an engineer here obviously much many years experience than me or anything like that but so it's October 16th 2024 this is going to happen again it could be worse and then we're going to go back thanks to the to to record keeping and all this stuff and video it's like okay we talked about this something was going to be done you know how long it takes I know it takes a long time to implement change and utility especially water it's not easy but we got to look at how can we avoid this how can we avoid being here again and the other part is about the money I know that the state and federal probably could help the entities I got to get involved but then you know I see so much uh permits and stuff like that for building and um how are these maybe it's already integrated into these permits and all these things but how are they going to be able to help mitigate this in the future because it's going to happen again uh Ian was in 2022 a lot of water never never pressed it to the to this point now I know that it was raining like two days before the HRI camee and there were at least I saw two pumps at each side of 436 because I saw the the PPS already high I said this is gonna this is going to be worse than Ian I just can see it and it happened uh I understand you got to pump the water somewhere otherwise is I don't know if actually having more localized flooding of specific sites better than having everything come together but again I'm not a you know that kind of engineer that design that kind of stuff but um it's going to happen again so hopefully in the future when this we they want to do changes and things like that um just we don't want to be here again doing doing this um otherwise not live in apaka live somewhere else and this isn't happen unfortunately that's what I was thinking but thank you for your time um and we understand actually like the way you have some some engineering aspect that you're talking about you're not wrong OB obviously but what we want to be able to do is like what you know what can we do right now just throw anything that we can in there if it's possible no I so we know that action is being done and uh it doesn't happen again appreciate it thank you can we use any kind of pumps to take some of that water it to go I think he's GNA look and see so just kind of sum it up so you're going to look and see if there's any type of drainage well that's open that's one of well we just got to make sure that we you know because when you got that much water flowing into a drainage well the last thing like matter of fact they had some turtles that got stuck on the fence around it and so that it slowed the water going into they had killed the turtles died couldn't get off I mean the suction was that hard so we had there I've had the county this County Drainage well um and so they've they've been out I've asked them every day to go out and make sure they clean the drainage well so you you don't get like debris in the mouth of it to so you can maximize the amount of water going into the ground so that's that's the the the best way for us to get the most amount of water the fastest is make sure the drainage Wells are are operating as efficiently as possible so that's so we need someone to be there we just got to keep it you know we got to check it once or twice a day um and I know the county I you know they they they've been pretty good about that so we just got to keep make sure yes but no I know that that but that's that's what ises what does our truck hold Richard 500 gallons so 500 gallons it is even not even a it's not even a a rounding era you see what I'm saying you're talking you look at this you're not yeah it's not even it's like a bathtub to the ocean and so it's it I understand huh well if you want me to go I'll I'll sit this is a lot I I understand I mean I you want me to go put a back truck out there once a day I'll go put a back truck out there yeah 22 years no no it's not it it it's we've got other we've got other areas that are worse than that we've never like Lake Street we've never had that problem I I agree we we quit when they got high enough in the pond yeah yeah right we did that's we okay okay understand [Music] okay yes flood insurance okay right it so so so so so is it possible to take these temporary Burns and take them down to the end of that c desite and at least stop the water from from continuing to flow up into that neighborhood yeah okay we'll we'll find out we'll get we we'll have an answer in the morning yeah correct on the other side that's that's the county we can't spray for no I know okay all right so we we will get do y'all have if you want to give us some emails um well I think we're I mean the obviously the frustration here I just want to say this is it feels you guys are getting pushed off again um failed infrastructure obviously and one of the things I think may help for right now at least is let's get you as many sandbags as we can just to Protec in the short term some stuff I know that's not a big thing but it helps with the burm as well to just stop some of this and save homes as much as possible let's start there I guess and then start working our way back from there is that I mean it's not the perfect fix by any means but it's something to start protecting your homes because I want and I pulled up while you guys were speaking again learning about this your guys' flood zone and you're not in one so that's even more problematic of that to your point that this is man-made in some capacity either are failing or um it's not natural so uh I think if we can get hundreds and hundreds of sandbags to that neighborhood tomorrow we we were able to give out 40,000 something more than that last week in three days so I think we can do that I'm happy to help out filling those and getting them there because that it's just something to stop the water getting into your homes stop your front door things like that slow it down somehow so those are three solutions right I want to buy a little time for us to fix the long-term issue that's that's what I need right now so it sounds like we have three three solutions on the table at least something okay okay all right so if if we have a somewhere you guys can sign in with an email address we'll we'll get you we'll get you a an email out tomorrow before lunchtime so uh is there anything over there Jacob you or Su you got if you got can you just what let me put a um yeah BL take a sheet over there and if you very legible on your email addresses because some people so if everybody will just do that for me that that would be great we we'll get you an answer we'll get something out to you before lunchtime tomorrow okay we definitely all right thank thank you thank you guys oh absolutely sorry sure sorry you guys are going through you guys are going through this so that's not easy okay um back to the amending the budget resolution 20251 yes any any other questions for blanch if not look for a motion to I have one question that I wrote down before and start for that how much money do we get from Ian from FEMA reimbursement I want to say around 1.3 is that was that similar to what we had spent very close Okay it it was very very close it was a little bit better than that thank you okay all right looking for a motion to approve resolution 20251 so move a motion by commissioner Anderson second by commissioner Smith all those in favor all oppos motion carries thank you yes can we take break quick break okay sure oh two minute break e e e e e e e e e e e much last take this time ago all right City commission reports commissioner Nesta you want to get us started okay okay okay we're we're ready to go okay commissioner Nesta you want to get started I'm oh okay okay okay fine okay first off I just want to thank uh our First Responders and our staff for what they did for our community last week in preparation for the Hurricanes yes there's always opportunities to do better and and I just appreciate our staff that were here to be able to um step up for us and help um a lot of cleanup efforts still continuing to happen in organizing that so I appreciate that happening um I was handing out I want to say we were something like 40,000 bags sand bags last week maybe a little bit more a little bit less but it was fun to be able to hand out I think I filled something like 1,200 bags myself so it was it was quite an effort and and I think an opportunity for us too is to make sure that we have enough staff out there to help elderly or people in need um Disabled Vets whatever it may be always have so that's not a set time but there's always somebody that can can assist those in need out there because it was we had a great system I'll say that it was getting people in and out which is incredible but having dedicated staff there to help residents that are in need um which is why I showed up to help to to help wherever I could on that so I just want to say again thank you to our First Responders and staff they they did the absolute best they could possibly do and I appreciate that um throughout that effort uh for the CIP plan tomorrow or uh yeah the the workshop on the minutes that we appr approved it said 6:00 p.m. and I'm seeing that it's 5:30 p.m. now and I wasn't updated on that at all and it was on my calendars and I've adjusted my schedule for 6 PM who changed that okay so six o'clock that's what we all agreed to yeah okay was it posted was it posted 5 was it posted at 5:30 this supposed 5:30 5:30 M but the minute say six I'm just asking I'm telling you the minute say six no it it did I thought it was at 6 myself just for the but then I saw it was at 5:30 so I didn't know I don't know how it changed okay I well so what which one is it what are we gonna do so are we we got a you do what was posted okay do what's posted okay okay okay 5:30 so I guess what happens when there's a motion made and accepted and it's not followed the motion was made for specifically 6m and then it was unilaterally changed in some capacity to 530 without any notice to the rest counil it's a hard question answer because there's no um Roberts rules police you know y'all make motions to do certain things the idea is that you would generally do them and if somehow of that H doesn't happen it falls through the cracks which by the way has happened on any number of issues I could name here um and other places you just have to roll with it because there's no police there's no police of Robert's Rules there's just not because it's been an honest mistake could have just been we can vote on something it doesn't get followed through and I have no course of that well depends on what kind of thing it is so for example if there was an ordinance passed or resolution that required certain conduct that would and the failure to do it whether it's by the body or whether it's by individuals would be a violation of Law and in that regard for any violation of law there is a recall available to the citizenry not to you guys but to the citizenry so if you say is there any recourse there is recourse but if it's a procedural matter like the time of a meeting for example no there's no recourse except well we didn't get it right so we're going to have to do it over again and reset it or something of that nature unless you want to do what I'm suggesting which is okay will you advertise 530 start it at 5:30 if you want to hold off on the business and do something else for 30 minutes so it makes the six then you can do that as a way to remedy it but if you mean is there something that's retribution of A Sort or whatever the answer is no there's not okay so you like just you want to if you've got something till 6 we can just sit here 30 minutes and we'll if anybody comes we can yeah I mean I want our residents to know too that's what we agreed to and I want if there's residents that want to provide input and they know that it was 6 PM then that's what we need to stick to so I'm okay to start the meeting at 5:30 but we actually start it at 6 all right you got it I think it's appropriate for our residents well we're not we're go going sit here till 6 yep yep that's fine and be I mean clearly with all that is happening I mean residents at so many residents spoke about infrastructure issues and and failing infrastructure and a lot of it is due to our the plans or lack of planning do we have a new infrastructure plan in place that we're going to start implementing or is there are we just kind of going to be reactive moving forward this is an open question to Administration to the mayor I don't know what that means what what do you what do you ask do we have a plan overall to fix the ongoing issues of flooding of uh streets that are failing sidewalks that are failing are just dead in into nothing our failed ponds because Martin Street is another one that we have Martin Street and I think it's Lake yes we have a failed Pond there so do we have any plans for this because I get calls I get uh when I'm out in the community people are asking and I don't have an answer okay well we'll work on Lake we we all look at lak that's the first time that's ever happened so you know that was a new new one on us and so was the the pond off of uh Old Dixie same same issue we don't we hadn't seen that before so no we we we were not proactive but never seen it so I guess you know for the last 50 years it's not been a problem but this this last week it was so we will we will address it as we as we you know as we go forward we got you know we you know we we can only do certain things you know roadways we've got we've got money to we've got a lot of money for sidewalks a lot of money for for streets for for fixing streets so but these failed ponds I guess now and again to your point I didn't it's it these are Big deals obviously because they're failing and they're costing our homeowners money they're costing us more additional money to budget for this I mean it's emergency preparedness which many residents spoke about so we need to get ahead of this and your Administration is in charge of creating plans like that I'm happy to do it I can do it and will do it if you won't take the charge on that happy to do it okay anything else that'll do it thank you commiss Smith um and and like I said earlier I did go out to um the Cal Village and take a look uh and um they do need some help and so I'm hoping that tomorrow that Public Works can uh go out and and do something to help them alleviate the problem of flooding uh and I also drove through the U Oasis that's next door to them and uh and it appears that burn looks like they repaired gu recently uh the the water is still seeping over into their parking lot and and all the drains in their roadways are also full in that capacity as well so so we need to do something there um I attended the uh Hope Community Center that had an activity um last week after the hurricane probably about 2,000 people yes was there in attendance very very well our planned event a lot of vendors and they gave out a lot of information and and well well attended so that was great as well uh and then at the heart and soul Festival we presented Miss Lisa Williams that's the founder and CEO for Lanes girls I'll presented her with the heart and soul 2024 servant award that's all I have well deserved she is she is a sweetheart yep yep commission Velasquez well you did touch on you know some of the issues that um I was G to talk about it was the flooding issue uh I just want to say the same thing as as commissioner Nesta said and that's to thank our First Responders and um between the police and the fire department and also I appreciated that before the hurricane that we did get some emails with what you know how the teams were going to work who was on the emergency uh emergency teams and contacts so I appreciate it that you did forward that to us um also our chief administrator he sort of kept us informed all before this the uh the storm unfortunately from tonight I realized that after the storm we didn't get too many updates and um obviously I had to turn on the television last night might to find out about Waka Village and all their issues that they were having so again I I just hope that we can do something to kind of mitigate um their homes within the next two days because obviously um there's a threat of flooding going into their homes and that that's something that uh uh we need to address I I feel like within the next two days for them and um that's basically it I mean um I did get an email I do want to address that because Mr Sylvester Hall is here and the email was regarding public comment and he's asking and the the email was addressed to directly to the mayor uh and it was regarding asking to bring the public comment back uh following presentations and I did respond to him and basically told him that it was really at this at this point would be the consideration of the mayor because uh We've brought it as a motion here twice and twice it has failed so that I don't know if the mayor has addressed the email but I did address it and uh so it's it's back on the on the mayor to make that decision was he made the decision first time around Mr Anderson yes so I also want to Echo um the council I wanted to thank your First Responders I know the apopa fire department received more calls than they ever received and um from my understanding they amazing job so thank you all also the papa Police Department um we understand at least I definitely understand that there's always challenges out there hurricane and we see the work you guys were doing we than you guys are doing an amazing job um things happened that are out of your control and um we are here to support you and I want you guys to know you guys are doing an amazing job um I've been through different areas um Apopka is not I mean you guys have done an amazing job I've been to areas where you still can't get down the streets limbs are still in the road so I want you guys to know that we support you all and is there anything that we can do um as a council to assist um with any type of resources any type of research we're here to support and um we know that it's a challenging you know job after Hurricane because you have so many demands for the citizens but we are here to support you all and just know that we see the work you guys are doing we appreciate the work you guys are doing um in addition to that um I've been receiving a lot of different calls and um I've been visiting residents and helping them you know apply for FEMA um my office hours um I'll put them my um on the um on my Facebook page um anyone that needs assistant with filling out any type of FEMA um documents and stuff please please do not hesitate during my office hours to stop by if you can't make it during my office hours please just email me or call me I will definitely assist um we are in this together um unfortunately we cannot predict you know mother nature and kind of what happens um there are some things that we can do better um but I think having these conversations and understanding that we are in this together I think is important and um to the residents um that are still suffering and that needs assistance just please make sure you reach out to us because I'm pretty sure everyone up here um you know definitely definitely um share the same um concerns and definitely want to make sure that everyone's safe so that's it thank you okay birthday boy what have you got for us oh happy birthday God bless Social Security is all I got to say I have no report thank you Jacob nothing okay all right uh real quick I'm just um obviously we got the the workshop tomorrow be here at 5:30 we start promptly at 6 uh I know that y'all y'all meant to include public services and Facilities as far as uh who was out there on the front line working hard to get us back back to to square one so obviously First Responders good job great job but also our Public Services team you know they were out before the storm preparing and after the storm uh mopping up and and getting ready for the uh you know the the rebuild and what what what else what else needs to be done the one last I do want to say that we've had a little bit of a of a an issue with our our debris removal company I don't go into a lot of detail but anyway they were supposed to started tomorrow um there's some unforeseen circumstances they are going to start on Monday so we won't start uh picking up the debris but just make sure everybody that's out there if you're putting um debris it can only be tree tree limbs it can't be plywood or anything other than tree limbs and whatnot and so they'll be starting on Monday and um we're hoping I mean should be no more than 60 days we're hoping in less than 30 days we'll have everything picked up and and our facility on at Northwest is still open for anybody wants to bring any debris it will be um until we kind of slows down to a trickle so if you got debris you want to bring out come off appy Lane to get to that facility um last but you know not least for good news um Saturday sound starts on Saturday so come on out to the amphitheater starts at 5: 5 to 7 uh bring a cooler if you'd like lawn chair if you'd like and maybe good good way to relax after the after the storm and uh do they need to separate trash bags from the tree LS Josh some of my residents they've been raking up the uh the leaves and all that stuff and put it in trash bags do the trash bags need be separated from where they have the branches well we'll ultimately get it all U so our the sanitation team is going around trying to get a limited number of bags and cans and furniture and that type of thing like we normally would and so after a couple passes we'll we'll have all that CAU up but for the debris haulers and for our initial efforts to get the big the bulk of the debris we want to try to keep it separated so we'll be focusing our truck on the weekends and then the huler throughout the week will be focusing on the big PES of of clean debris thank you Josh okay all right on to public comment