##VIDEO ID:XjIzA_nPuvs## e e e e we call the final budget hearing of city of bapka September 25th to order we will bring up resolution 2024 d32 resolution 2024 d32 a resolution of the city council of the city of apapa Florida setting the millage Levy for fiscal year 20242 thank you um just want to give you a brief overview of how we got to this point um for the final budget hearing starting with the general fund um we started out with 97.8 million using 8.1 in reserves we added 1.7 in to increase the millage by 0.25 for the firefighters Union and another 0.25 increase adding an additional 1.7 to add additional funds to the streets funds um we later located we increased our um Revenue estimates by 117,000 and due to the changes I'm going to go over in the next slide we did have deduction in the use of reserves this is a list of those changes that we have discussed at the various workshops and the various meetings and the previous um budget hearings okay at the last um first budget hearing there was an additional change that was requested um for about $10,000 to go into the city clerk's budget for [Music] the what do they call it special election special election uh Charter for the charter review so we did factor that in okay doesn't change the millage rate which is still what we um at the 4. 6876 is what we set it at and this is the final setting and we're recommending the same 4.68 76 in regards to the street fund same information shared previously the 1.7 is going to increase the maintenance sidewalks curb repairs Paving and resurfacing program about 1.2 and that additional 10 would go there as well 401 we did the rate increase at the previous meeting we settled on the 23.75 and that's the budget there to 32.8 million in regards to the CRA budget nothing has changed as approved by the c um committee we're still at the 4.5 and those are the details for that budget this is a summary of the positions um full-time and part-time positions going from 652 to the 728 adding um we added one in mid year was the sanitation position that we came here as a budget amendment we have 75 new positions a lot of those are part-time majority of those are part-time and funded by the parks and rec through the new programs that they have this is a summary of each department at the 2011 20799 any questions okay any questions for blanch okay any yeah and I'm sorry we're adding I'm looking at the FY 2425 we're adding in parts and Recreation we're adding 27 no it's um 40 part time and nine full time oh okay and as for the programs that were added in the budget and approved in the budget and basically um rley has shared in his budget presentations and other additional Communications how those are funded and the revenue coming in will cover those positions yeah one of the big ones is the the two the summer camp we will have going on in apopa middle and weekly so a lot of the part- times will be that that summer program will those be coming from Career Source or no no no that this is completely different is it yes we normally have the um part-time positions in the budget for pars and W for seasonal you need Bradley to come up or you no no that's fine I I can and other other ones are 10 for police and the other ones are small one and two here and there are we are we look are we still getting a c executive I I still feel like the CRA needs its own uh executive director that's not factored in the CRA budget but I it's something you can potentially bring up at the C committee because that's where it starts okay I I will do that and um but we're still keeping the assistant for yes the public service director and transportation are we do we still have transportation director also with transportation coordinator yes and and uh okay okay yes ma'am any other questions for blanch okay anybody from the public wish to speak on Mill okay if not close the public is coming oh I'm sorry mayor Commissioners Rod Olson 3156 Rolling Hills Lane some of us you've heard before but I do have questions with regard to the millage rate uh because it's based on in my opinion a a flawed budget uh example in our lack of infrastructure our roads and sidewalk conditions the CRA we had to do an extension Mill rating increase uh was due to deferred maintenance utility increase due to deferred maintenance every city council meeting we're moving money around uh not increasing staff to install water meters and yet we're proposing for staff to oversee 12 Tennis and and pickle ball courts and most importantly the fact that only three department heads in the initial go-arounds could answer affirmatively that they had what they needed in the budget thank you anybody else because all right we'll close the public hearing and I don't have the specific language though just need a motion that's all we need yes sir make a motion to approve resolution I need a motion to approve approve resolution number 2024-25 at 4 6876 so got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unan next up resolution 202 24-33 resolution number 2024 33 a resolution of the city council of the city of Papa Florida adopting the annual budget for the general fund special Revenue funds and Enterprise funds for fiscal year 20124 2025 thank you mrman before we jump into this I just want to note that um attorney Cliff Shepard is not present at this meeting for budget and and millitary increase and because of that he's not here to counsel us answer any questions for us so with that in mind I think it's best that I recuse myself from this part of the agenda and I'll fill out any paperwork I need city clerk um in the coming days uh I'm going to leave the room so that there's no impropriety or anything in that uh capacity and Mr Smith if you can come get me from the hallway when this is done so I can be here for public comment thank you okay should I proceed yeah on September 18th city council adopted a tenative budget for fiscal year4 425 and on September 22nd the proposed fy2 2425 annual budget summary was published in Orlando cental in accordance with the truth and millage statutory requirements the city must adopt an annual Budget prior to beginning of each fiscal year the total proposed budget for All funds is balanced at 2,727 N9 this represents an increase of 35 mil 891 811 or 21.6% from fy2 324 okay any questions for lanch on the budget okay anybody from the public wish to speak on the budget can uh deputy chief Miller can you grab or somebody grabb no not after the vote well I thought he wanted for public but I think he's he's talking about public comment after the vote after the vote there's no public comment after comment after the vote this is it I don't think he want to be in here doing the vote my understand he probably have to step out after public comment then I think he just had okay there's no public comment on this this is it I mean if you got public comment it's now before we do the vote so we're not doing public comment no public comment period after the vote I guess oh okay yeah public comment after okay there's public comment after the vote say it now or later yeah you can do both I guess okay okay go ahead okay Rod Olson 3156 Rolling Hills Lane of poka uh just in general with regard to the budget I feel that there's a lack of accountability there's no face-to-face monthly review by the department heads for the department heads uh holding people accountable um I don't believe it answers the three questions I've been asking throughout does the current budget proposed budget meet the core Essentials needed two does the current budget reflect removal of non-essential duplicate items or waste and three does the current proposed budget reflect everything you need to meet taxpayers requirements um back in July I sent each of you an email I've only heard back from commissioner Nesta but I have eight points there and I want to repe repeat them now increase one increase the development fees noting ao's unanimous approval to increase fees so the developers start paying for what we're having to pay for creating a Citizens committee to review the budget financials to make recommendations for the next next budget cycle to make for a more realistic budget three establishing monthly department head financial performance review for better accountability four you you present a monthly budget performance update at city council five ensure the accuracy of our water meters six establish Camp wewa action plan seven provide a new budget plan allowing for reasonable time for commissioner and taxpayer input and a establish a 20year strategic plan without plan without Direction goals and objectives we just continue to tread water we will be holding you accountable for Budget performance thank you anybody else okay close the public hearing look for motion to adopt the annual budget for fiscal year 2425 so I'm I I am voting nay on that and I did sit with uh our chief administrator this morning for about an hour and a half two hours and I explained why I felt that our budget was uh I could not vote for the budget and I gave them the list of why I could oh so there's a list in well I did give it to him yeah I did give it to him I type it out and send it to to him okay after the meeting okay so I'm voting no on the budget okay so you ready for a motion yes yes all right so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor all opposed one opposed with one AB got it okay all right thank you next up public comment right if there's no public comment wait come back will come in he already said he was are you speaking after public comment okay all right we'll close me a j