##VIDEO ID:XuXk3uLNaiI## e e good afternoon welcome to the August 7th 2024 city council meeting commissioner Smith will you give us the prayer pledge and back to the day please sir if we would before we pray just take a moment of silence in honor and recognition of the family of one of our our standing citizens in the person of John rickerson and also for First Responders in the City of Lake County for the officer that lost his life in line of duty and the two that are hospitalized Our Father God we come once again thankful for the many blessing restored upon us thank you for this opportunity to be Servants of this great City our fathers we come now we we pray for the family of John bickerson we pray for the family the officite L counted that lost his life and pray for the families of those that are still hospitalized we ask them Father that you would just hold them in the heart of their hand heal them is only you can heal give them that peace that surpasses all understanding and as we take of this meeting we ask for your contined guidance that you continue to lead us guide us and direct us in the way that you have us to go that all that we shall say and do be pleasing and acceptable in your sight these things we ask in thy son Jesus name amen amen I pledge to of United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all fact of the day on August 7th in 1782 in Newberg New York General George Washington the Commander in Chief in the Continental Army creates a badge of military marriage a decoration consistent of a purple heart-shaped piece of silk edged with a narrow binding of civil with the word marriage Stitch across the place in silver the badge was presented to soldiers for in a singular matous action Washington's purple heart was awarded to only three known soldiers during the Revolutionary War and the decoration was largely to forgotten until 1927 when General charge B somal the US Army Chief of Staff sent an unsuccessful draft Bill to Congress to revive the badge of military marriage in 1931 somal successor general Douglas mik arer took up the cuse hoping to reinstate the medal in time for the bicentennial of George Washington's birth on February 2 1932 Washington 200th birthday the US war department announced the creation of the order of the Purple Heart in addition to aspects of Washington's origional design the new purple heart also displays the burst of Washington and his coat of arms the order of the Purple Heart the oldest American Military decoration for military marriage is awarded to members of the US Armed Forces who have been killed or wounded in acent against an army there's also water soldiers who have suffered Mal treatment as prisons of War back of the day all right Joe employee recognitions all right so we're here today uh for a a uh Service Awards service pens uh for our employees um what I'm going to do is this was originally scheduled for July but that was cancelled um so we rescheduled it for today so I'm going to read individuals that have uh attended here today have um RSVP that have actually showed up for the ceremony I'm going to read their bio the other individuals I'm going to mention them but mention just their years of service and uh their Department to uh save a little bit of time here so uh I'm not sure if he showed up Scott mavina is Scott here no so Scott and uh Scott mavina Fire Department fire supression division he's celebrating 25 years as of July uh our next uh awarde is uh Andrew Andy strawberg Fire Department fire Emergency Medical Services Division he's celebrating 25 years Andy you want to come up here [Applause] Lieutenant strawberg was born in Fairfax Virginia and raised in Manasses Virginia he moved to Central Florida in June of 1989 on April 26 1999 Lieutenant strawberg became his career began his career with the city of apopa fire department As A Firefighter first class in suppression he was promoted on January 13th 20 4 to firefighter engineer and promote it once again to his current position as fire Lieutenant on February 24th 2014 within the Emergency Medical Services Division when reflecting reflecting upon his career Lieutenant strawber Treasures his time spent with the men and women of the papka fire department making a difference in the lives of citizens of apaba talking around the kitchen table and solving all the problems of the world that's what you wrote Randy right Andy right okay so okay so I expect all those situations to be resolved uh so lieutenant strawberg and his lovely bride Norma have been married for 28 years they have a dog named Penny and a cat named Tori we next honor uh Cody meni Fire Department fire Emergency Medical Services Division 10 years Paul Stamper Parks and Recreation Department grounds athletic complexes division he's celebrating five years Holly rean Holly did you make it today Holly Reardon Police Department Support Services Division she's celebrating 20 years Austin WIS cup Police Department Field Services Division he's celebrating five years Fernando cresol Ruiz Police Department Field Services Division he's celebrating five years Fernando did you are you here all right all right so I had a whisper saying he was here now so officer crbo Ruiz began his career with the city of Apopka Police Department on May 2019 as a police officer within the field services division notably he joined the field training evaluation program on September 11th 2022 as a field training officer where he continues today next who was going to be here but he he cannot make it today is James Josh Robinson Public Services Department sanit sanitation division celebrating 10 years Timothy Ford Public Services Department sanitation division celebrating 10 years and last but not least Michael Ortiz uh Public Services Department streets division five years Michael you want to come up Michael began working for the city of Apopka on April 9th 20 2019 as a utility service worker one within the water maintenance division of public services and was quickly promoted to utility service worker 2 on December 27th 2019 he was promoted to construction inspector within the design engineering division on August 24th 2020 and transferred to the Street Maintenance division on December 19th 2022 Michael was again promoted to program supervisor of streets and grounds January 3rd 2023 where he continues to serve today thank you so now we're going to get a a photograph with everybody please back all right we have six set amendments we got three budget workshops two special City Council meetings and one regular city council meeting look for a motion to approve the minutes is read unless we need any changes so move got a motion by commissioner smth second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor all oppos motion carries unanimously next up Jacob anything on the agenda review no we don't have anything okay all right we're gonna go well if I can I mean we obviously it's been a big issue if we're talking about moving the agenda around with public comment going to the end um not sure why that happened it wasn't discussed and the resolution 2616 201616 states that basically it needs to be a decision by the city council and the last city council meeting that this was brought up was February 15 20123 as well as February 1st 2023 where both time city council approved and agreed to having the public comment at just after the presentations so again not sure why this was moved it doesn't seem like there was any reasonable um efficiency or anything like that it seems like it was to attack the residents and if we spent more time actually serving the residents then these attacks would be able to get a Union contract done we'd be able to take care of our infrastructure maybe have a balanced budget without going into reserves thank you commission Nest appreciate it okay well you can't just move the agenda around it's at the will of the city council it says it in the resolution so and it was already decided by the council that this would be moved to the front so I would move that it is moved again to the front of this meeting as it was originally agreed to on February 15th and February 1st of 2023 all right we're going to go in that's a motion we haven't made this is not under why isn't it under consideration this is not the part but this is agenda review okay correct we're reviewing the agenda when when when the uh the attorney gets here we can we can discuss it that point so we'll go into far negotiations the attorney is not here I'm I'm not going to participate in this me meeting if we are here to just uh ignore the people we work for and disrespect them we're going into the fire negotiations anyway we got to go in there first so that's there's nothing more to discuss I don't know why you need an attorney here too no no no I would like to challeng no okay so we're going into the far negotiations executive Commit This is going back up so okay we come back out we'll discuss this okay e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e anybody has a red Corvette their your alarm is going off aha the guilty cul all right we'll call the city council meeting back to order all right let's see here we have um presentations going to discuss public comment the motion I made before we Vision zero there was a motion put on the table there's no you're not you haven't been recognized so I don't have to be yeah you do you've applied no rules to any of your meetings I don't have to be recognized so when will we be doing public comment end of the meeting nobody agreed to that except for you the resolution states that it has to be designated by the city council why is that not being moved Mr Shephard yes sir he's asking about the public comment I think all it says is it has to be after I'll read from this is resolution uh 201616 so I'll read sure I was actually going to bring this up here in my report not for this thing but for decorum generally so sure but I'm ahead of it uh this says uh public participation uh not uh on City issues not on agenda or issues for which no public hearing required individuals who wish to address city council regarding issues not on the city council uh agenda or issues for which no public hearing is required may do so during the public comment period held following the presentation portion of the meeting or at such time as designated by city council so following the presentations I guess I don't know if the presentations are about I guess they're about to occur so sometime after this would be public comment or at such time designated by Council which I don't know whether y'all designate any other time but that's did there was minutes both February 1st and February 15th of last year where the city council did agree to it being uh right after presentations immediately after so City council's already spoken on that so it can't be unilateral change I I can only read what's here so it's it's how yall want to interpret it but after presentations could be after or could be later depending on what y'all the city council though correct the will of the city council that's says agreed and the city council and I'm it was uh February 15th commissioner blaska stated that she'd like to see public comments moved back to where it was on the agenda as opposed to being at the end she also stated that she discussed with the mayor that before public comment starts he can read his expectations of flow before it starts commissioner Becker stated that he uh gets why the change was made but agrees with moving it back to the beginning of the meeting commissioner Nesta also supports public comment being at the beginning mayor Nelson said okay okay approved minutes so that's already done we we need to stop all the shenanigans of moving this around when it was already agreed to by Council so as agreed it should be and will be at after presentations I can't do anymore I'm sorry I just all I can do is what's on the paper here right okay all right Bobby [Music] how good afternoon um I'll be introducing Miss Kelly Fon from uh kson Associates who will be giving a presentation about Vision zero and a little bit of back background about Vision zero it's Central Florida's goal for zero traffic deaths to move towards Vision zero the city of apaka is embracing a safe system approach which seeks to minimize the serious consequences of crashes by acknowledging human vulnerability when designing and operating a transportation Network this project created a vision zero action safety plan in collaboration with ongoing Regional efforts led by metro plan and Mr Mike Wilson is here from metro plan as well so without further Ado I'll miss Kelly F thank you good afternoon Mr Mayor and city council thank you for your time today my name is Kelly Fon with kson and I'm here to present on Vision zero as Bobby explained uh this project was done in partnership with City's staff and metrop plan who funded the vision zero Safety Action Plan so for my presentation I'm just going to give a really brief overview what is Vision zero uh an overview of the regional crashes talk about the process that went into developing this plan brief overview of crashes occurring within the city of Apopka uh and then describe some of the projects that are coming out of the plan and end with how can we reach for zero uh so for anyone not familiar with vision zero it's really the goal to have zero deaths and zero serious injuries on our roadway so how can we possibly accomplish that goal through the safe system approach which has five elements that you can see on the circle here on the screen really the safe system approach Works to build layers to have protection to prevent crashes but also if a crash does occur we really want to focus on preventing the severity of it so that people aren't walking away with life altering injuries this is really a shift from the conventional approach because we're focusing on the fact that people do make mistakes and that they're vulnerable so we want to focus on designing a system that has redundancies in place so if something fails there's still a layer of protection uh really to to implement the safe system approach means to look for ways to remove severe conflicts manage vehicle speeds manage conflicts increase awareness and part and work with our partners in law enforcement uh Vision zero has been spreading across the United States this project was made possible because of a grant funding from Safe Streets for all that metrop plan uh won so there's been definitely an increase in communities that have been adopting Vision zero or striving for vision zero including in the region currently more than five people are killed and 35 people are seriously injured on our roadways within the region that includes all Three Counties so metrop plans really started this initiative to have a coordinated planning effort in place with local agencies like the city so there's a regional plan in place the counties will have plans and I think there's almost 50 jurisdictional plans as part of this the action plan was developed through public Outreach so were Regional ways online website that people could enter any kind of concerns or comments that they had on an interactive map as well as local popup events we did a deep dive on the crash analysis to understand where their hotpots and then all of this has been done in uh lock step with regional collaboration so these are just some pictures and examples of some of the regional public engagement that was done uh really kickstarted in December with a big event and from there there's been different events throughout the region specifically in Apopka we did two pop-up events one in March and one in April really asking people where do you feel safe walking biking and driving where do you feel unsafe uh what do you think are some of the challenges to Vision zero and what do you think are some of the benefits uh for a brief overview of some of the crashes the analysis that we did looked at five years so between 2018 to 2022 there's about 116 in that 5-year period uh fatalities or serious injuries within the city of Apopka uh one thing I did want to point out was that pedestrian and bicyclists were over represented uh there obviously are most vulnerable users with no car to protect you if you get in a crash when you're walking and biking it often can end up being deadly so they were involved in 64% of those um 116 crashes so in our action plan we've developed a high Injury Network we broke this down between intersections and segments but this is really where are those serious injuries uh and fatal crashes occurring in the past in traffic safety we used to look at a lot of where any crashes occurring but the focus of vision zero is where are we seeing those life alter life altering crashes so you can see here on the map these are the 10 corridors and then we identified 30 intersections really the criteria we're looking at is where are there more than one fatal Serious injury crash or where are we seeing multiple bicycle and pedestrian crashes because those often can become fatal or serious injuries with just a slight difference in speed you can see that there uh is a high concentration of crashes along 441 and 436 uh so we did look at the different jurisdictions and this is just a breakdown here of the total number of roadway miles within the region 41% 41% of deaths occurred on 2% of center lane miles in the city of Apopka about 2/3 of deaths occurred on only about 3% of the roadway miles so it just really um has this highry network to help identify where can we put limited resources and hope to see the most uh benefit from them in the action plan we also have a list of projects these were identified really by looking at the high Injury Network and the types of crashes that were occurring and then linking those to what are proven safety counter measures so if there are a high number of left turn crashes at a signal then kind of linking that to Signal timing phasing changes or if there are a high number of bicycle and pedestrian crashes that a signal maybe that's an opportunity to implement a leading pedestrian interval give The Pedestrian a little bit more time to cross the street uh this project list was developed in coordination with City staff uh we did look at where their plan projects upcoming in a few cases There Are Places uh that lit up on the map as had high number of crashes but the city has gone out and and done projects in there so we we did note where there's kind of been those recent improvements but the data specifically for crashes was 2018 to 2022 um so in the plan there's also a highlevel planning cost estimate for these projects and uh prioritization that follows the regional approach that was developed by metrop plan so with all of this uh really the question is how can we actually reach for zero knowing it's a difficult goal and really that can be done in part parip with our regional partners and by implementing targeted safety improvements on our roadways making policy and programmatic changes uh this Safety Action Plan is a prerequisite that would allow the city to pursue Federal funding through the Safe Streets for all federal um implementation Grant or demonstration Grant so thank you very much for your time for giving me this opportunity to give an overview of vision zero we'll be bringing the final report uh and resolution back to you awesome thank you happy to answer any questions if you have them any questions no I just want to say thank you for the presentation um I know we partner with be best foot forward and I think they really are driving or helping to push this forward as well so I'm excited to partner with your team and them as well get this taken care of thank you thank you so you've identified some of the areas within aaka that have a high percentage so I see here adoption of City ofka Safety Action Plan is that all included yes yes yeah all of the results are summarized in a report that we can make sure we provide a copy of to you and then we'll be bringing that report back to you for adoption so it says update policies and design standards is there a time frame no to start implementing uh we had adop we have in the report kind of uh mid short long term but we don't have final years just a recommendation of certain policies I I know you all have recently updated the comprehensive plan uh so we just have some recommendations to adopt uh consider adopting different design guides in your standards and we spelled them all out uh in the report but there there's no timeline we still haven't set for our comprehensive plan updating it yet so you're kind of advising that this should be part of our comprehension plan uh no this is not intended to uh in any way replace your comprehensive plan just uh adding kind of another layer underneath it to help make future decisions for priority izing CIP projects um yeah reviewing design standards taking that next step now that we've spelled out where are some areas that are are really lighting up and what are some ideas of of projects would you share this uh presentation with us because I don't have it in sure in my iPad yeah so I guess it's when they when the the chief administrator if he can forward us this presentation I'd appreciate it yeah thank you again for this thank you very much and that's something I'd like to probably put up on our website Rob so if you would be sure to get that Kelly and put that up that' be great thank you thank you so much thank you okay next up sa a popka flag redesign Che stepen hey good afternoon mayor commers my name is stepen crib I'm the special projects here uh specialist there we go I'm the special project specialist here with the city of Apopka and I'm presenting to you all today uh an opportunity that uh we put together for a a flag redesign competition so where we're going to start with that is why it matters um I know that uh sometimes like okay Stephen like it's a flag is it really that important it's kind of was my feelings when I started on this too but I actually you know I became a Believer after this so I'll get into that um going to go over our current uh position where we are with the flag get into the competition details how we're going to measure that success and then I'll be able to answer the questions you all have so jumping right into it uh according to the North American vexillological Association yes it's a real word and a real uh an association uh vexillology being the scientific study of the history symbolism and use of flags or by extens extension and interest of flags in general so of course the North American vexillological Association is the largest organization of flag enthusiasts and Scholars in the world promoting excellence in vexillology and comaraderie uh so that's uh who said this quote wanted to give y all that background before I got into it but a well-designed city flag can foster civic pride and Community cohesion it can support the city's branding and promotion and a simpler flag usually cost this cost the city and its residents less leading to its broader use as I get into this presentation a little bit later you'll see that the flag as we currently have it is a little bit complicated to uh reproduce and I'm going to go over some methods that uh we'll have of making that simpler but making it simpler for the community here in aapka to be able to take and reuse and dist and distribute and their uh businesses and wear that as a sense of Pride so our current position uh our current flag is a little outdated and I've tried to do some research so I could get you all a date on when it was adopted previously and after talking to those some historians as well as the city clerk we haven't really been able to find anything as far as when our current flag was actually adopted the the response I keep getting is we've had it for a long time uh so something we want to uh to take a a look at it is missing a an identity and culture uh for apapa yes it has the apapa seal on it uh but as far as when that flag is flying up on a pole seeing what all those little things on the seal stand for it's it's hard to do they're almost you almost can't see them at all and it's not unique uh either our current flag set up I was actually there's three other counties actually in the State of Florida that have the Green Cross with the seal um with the seal in the middle and so really wanting to uh put forth more of a a unique design that the people of apaka can call their own other reasons apaka is going to be celebrating 142 years here in the fall our 15 years of coming up that's going to be a big celebration and then in the in May I am uh looking into a celebration for the city hall building it will be 100 years old and how neat will it be to have a a flag and a a banner that um the city can can March under and and hold up to that time it's already done we can take great pride in that branding so according also to the vexillological association uh there are five principles that they recommend we follow when um when designing a flag one being to keep it simple meaning that a child should be able to draw this flag from memory not so the case with our current flag using meaningful symbolism uh Flags images colors and patterns actually mean something to the the community they represent something sticking with two to three basic colors I think our current flag uh which again I'll show on the screen in a minute but there's about six or seven different colors on our flag right now and then no lettering or seals this is because when it's waving in the wind you can't really make them out anyway and uh then again being uh being distinctive again or avoid duplicating what other other flags have done so again this is this is what we're looking at currently every single one of those rules I just uh laid out our flag currently uh doesn't uh doesn't live up to those so what do we do about it uh a competition uh what not only do we get a new flag out of it but uh really to bolster Community involvement in letting them participate in a a competition where they can submit uh designs made by them who this community means something to and then ultimately having that ownership where they get to vote on the flag as well when the city of Orlando redesigned their flag back in 2017 you see some of the um statistics they had there over 1,100 submissions 950 some of those were from Orlando itself 23,000 social media actions they uh interactions they had 156,000 visits to their website so it's something that was highly traffic sought after and then at the end of the day the city uh Council in Orlando was able to vote on and approve the flag Design This is what they came up with so old flag being on the left side of the screen there and then on the right being the the uh the new flag again following those five design rules that I laid out so let's get a little more into the competition now looking at a timeline we're ready to go and we' really like to begin this tomorrow uh with uh putting it up on the the website so that people can begin uh downloading the form or stopping by City Hall to get the form and us and begin the submission period and that will run from uh this 6th of September that is when that will start or sorry that's when that will end so sorry it will start tomorrow run till of September the 6 the judging period will take place from September 9th through September 12th uh this will be a period where the judges will take all those designs that have been submitted so far and narrow that down to about 15 to 20 so that the residents of the city can vote on them uh online voting will then be will then start on September 13th and run through the 4th of October uh we'll have a final review for the judges to do just to make sure that um again that final selection of the flag really is meeting all those designs and if any small tweaking needs to be done to the design and then finally um on the 16th of October is the city council meeting where we would love to present this flag uh design that a poka has voted on uh for your approval as a city council if all that goes well flag can be sent to the printer on the 17th of October and by a birthday celebration in October we should have a a uh a new flag ready to [Music] go uh guidelines for the competition being that it must be drawn the flag has to be handdrawn and done so on a 3x5 card the reason for that is because when you are looking at a flag on a poll you can hold up a 3x5 card and that's about the the scale that you'll see it at from uh down below so that's why the 3x5 card and no digital art or gradient colors accepted again we're wanting to stick with those uh those basic solid colors there uh anybody wanting to participate can go to happy birthday aa.com backf flag and uh they can download the form there or they can come to City Hall and get that form up to three we're allowing up to three submissions per individual and then uh if anybody would like to remain anonymous and just submit the design doesn't want their name out there there welcome to do that and just uh leave their name and contact information off of it again all um submitt will come here to uh City Hall so that would be the only way to submit a flag design who will judge so I didn't want to put out the names of our judges because I don't want them to start getting you know phone calls and and pleadings when they're out in public but I can tell you where our panel of Judges is coming from so going to be a couple of local artists that we have reached out to uh represent representative from the the Dave School some art teachers from local schools a couple of local TV uh personalities there will be a staff member from the city of aapka that has agreed to be on this judge panel it's not me um and then uh we'll also have somebody from Advent Health how we're going to measure success again one of the ways that uh Orlando did it as well measuring that website traffic social media engagement just an overall increase in the a history and pride and a popka that's going to come from studying the symbolism which is going to be part of the the form and contest is okay you've put this flag design out there these symbols that you chose to use in it what is the what is the background how does that relate to a poka and a big way of course is if in uh October you all get a flag design that you you like and approve that will be a sign of success and then just uh just whether or not the community takes pride in that design by how much it's used afterwards and do yall have any [Music] questions I guess the most important thing is is really marketing yes and getting the community participation that's for me is the most important right now yes absolutely we definitely want to uh get the word out there and I have been in touch uh with our it Department of course um coming up with a you know getting a landing page for uh things like this and being able to put out social media content for it you know we do have very talented uh High School uh artists and probably even Middle School is there any way that you can uh put this in those schools our local schools yes absolutely and as a matter of fact uh mayor Nelson and I were just out yesterday driving around to some of the schools um promoting some of the Hispanic heritage uh events that are happening as well as uh uh promoting the flag design content as well uh but I can certainly um get with our it team and maybe come up with a flyer just that we can take into schools promoting the event okay is there a prize uh there is a prize I am uh honestly I'm not sure what it is [Laughter] yet this will be interesting yeah still can't find how old I I haven't been able to uh the people I've reached out to some of the historians are still doing some digging trying to uh to uh find a date for me but I haven't been able to land on anything yet okay who's the there's a panel that kind of created this idea who who are the members of that panel so the members of that panel uh I don't want to leave anyone out so I'll be happy to after this meeting I'll send a a list of those members to the city administrator and he can get them to you okay and just a couple that you would give me was it was yourself it was marinelson Kate M and Ella Duke u from propagate are there more than that one there are more than that but like I said I don't want to leave anyone out as I you know as I there are more than that and I don't want to leave any of those names out either okay understood and then the so you're saying that something that connects to our brand or branding or identity do we have anything that you can point to to say here's our brand here's our identity uh So currently on the form and I apologize I should have had this as part of the presentation it doesn't necessarily talk to a popka specific brand and identity but it does speak those same rules that I gave you uh or that I principles of design I did put but they are on that Forum as well to to guide people and that's going to be one of the beautiful things about it too is for these apka residents to be able to take what it is that they find about the community that's important to them and and make sure that that symbolism is on the flag okay and then so you're saying to give a 35 note card or or yeah note card how is that going to be transferred into a high quality yes so yes so of course and that is why we have a a team of designers there to make sure when that gets put into the um into the the computer that that is all done well again I'm not as familiar with the technical pieces of it that graphic designs not my background necessarily but they will be able to take those designs and copy them into the computer and be able to um uh convert that okay and then you this is kind of off topic you had said you were going around speaking about Hispanic heritage events what events so the Hispanic heritage celebration that's taking place on the 28th of September uh it's going to be from 4: to 8 in the evening and uh so some of the events that we have going on there's one one of the things specifically is the art contest that we have for our children again we did it last year uh that's for grades K through five and they'll be able to uh come up with a a drawing uh that they can submit also here to City Hall that reminds them of their Hispanic heritage so we were out promoting uh that event as well as the art contest what schools did you go to for that oh goodness um we I think went to about 13 or 14 we H several of the elementary schools in town as well as the middle schools and high schools okay thank you of course Mr Anderson good okay all right thank you thank you Stephen okay next up the Jim angle group will why don't you come down and just kind of give us the keep me comany yeah well the elev pitch first before they get started kind of how we got to this this point if you don't mind good afternoon will SZ city of Po Fire Department in on fire chief uh this takes us back two years we had a tragic death one of our firefighters Austin Duran passed away here at station one after that we were seeking answers and we went through a series of reports from the State Fire Marshall's office went through a report with a Consulting Group gon emergency services at the time and we had several key findings and it was a Next Step approach of how do we Implement all the key findings how do we move forward how do we evaluate as far as the recommendations that have been given to us and in a search that went out through an RFP process this is where we came across Mr James Angel and his group the Jag group and they've been working with us for about a year now coming up over this last year they've been reviewing all the implementations all the changes everything that has been submitted to them and they're going to go a little bit further into the details of these thanks Chief You Know Chief just said something that you know makes me want to say something again um we got to remember why globally we're all here all of us talking about this today and that's because of the tragic death of Austin just over two years ago so we don't want to lose sight of that frankly I want to tell you a personal story um some of you know commissioner Anderson I know you're new but after that the chief mentioned that they hired a consultant to come in the state F Marshall came in and um the consultant they hired was the Ganon group and they did a very comprehensive report and after that an RFP went out that you well know to um have someone implement the Ganon findings and no one put in a proposal for it us included and um because that's just wasn't in our wheelhouse um you know we don't really want to come in and take somebody else's work and you know implement it so um as time would go um after no one put in uh one morning I got a phone call and um I didn't answer it because I didn't recognize the number that's my that's the way I do it and um when I got the voicemail it was um Michael Durant and he said you know do you know me and I follow stuff in Florida pretty close so of course I knew who he was and I said to my wife Mr Duran called but about two weeks prior to that when uh when no one put in there was discussion amongst you if they were going to re submit the RFP um my wife and I were watching you on YouTube and my wife looked over at me and said are you guys are going to put in for that to try to help Implement those findings I said honey that's not really that's not really in our wheel house that's that's not something we do I said I'll be honest the only way I'd even ever consider putting it in is Mr Durant called me dang Mr Duran called me I'm glad he did when I talked to Mr Duran on the phone for whatever time it was um I sometimes you know I don't have a secretary I use my wife and sometimes I ask her to sit and you know kind of listen in and make any key notes so I can focus on the phone call so she heard everything we spoke about Mr Durant heard everything you said everything I said frame it a little bit more we have two sons on the fire department in a local County one of their names is Austin so when he hung up with me and I turned to my wife and said you get some notes the only notes she had was one thing you're putting in for this and I said okay so you know I just like that personal story because that's how I got here that's why Adam's here um one of our folks so as Chief mentioned we've been working on this since coming up on a year the first several months we put some stuff into play some processes and then in December again other than commissioner Anderson um we met with the mayor and the rest of you um as you recall in December and we've taken that since then and um about three months ago we have kind of a live dashboard I update it about every couple of weeks um that that that the department can look at and so forth but back in May um we we discussed and uh actually got some feedback from some of the members of the department that maybe folks didn't know all what was going on maybe the council you know didn't know so would it be a good idea to put kind of a brief summary together and that's that's what we did and um after we did that we asked fire department administration which they did over a three-day time period last month to take it out to all the members and kind of explain to them where we are and where we're going with this project you know we could have done that but we thought it was pretty important to have that that that come from fire department administration so uh they went to various stations with with various Chief officers and did that and they gave us some good feedback from it um what they covered was this uh report short um you you should have one or if not you'll be getting one um certainly if you just got it and you go home and find anything you'd like to ask a question about certainly let Chief Sanchez know or or Mr Smith and we'll get it back to you um I'm just going to cover it kind of a high level um we broke the project up into to six components uh the six components is the final reporting so we won't talk about that today and the first component is uh project initiation when we came and spoke to you all um back in December so that's pretty well completed the uh meat of it is really the ones in the middle there two three and four and five um component two is the analysis of the reports we've uh we've went through the state Marshall's report and uh of course the Ganon report we do not have the nios report just yet but we're not anticipating it being you know anything that's that's really far off of what the other two have determined and uh what we do is uh we take a look at the various key findings and there's a total of about 3117 between the two reports and I'm working with Chief Maynard and uh some staff here we will uh we have kind of a tracking for and we'll ask for backup to you know if you said you purchased ABC we asked to see the uh purchase order and so forth and um so that's been going along well not not maybe as fast as we would like but um nevertheless we we're knocking them off I think right now we have about 69 approved there's about 11 or 12 that deal with leadership and conflict resolution and um some things like that that we've asked the chief to include in his next year's budget it's my understanding that that money is in there to bring in a um person who happens to be in the fire service but he also does a lot of private Corporation conflict resolution leadership stuff and and and deliver that over three days to all of your leadership positions which are any of your officers and then also your labor leadership so we're looking forward to that please when you approve the budget um please have that in there we've been we've been uh we brought that up in about May so fortunately it was able to maybe make the budget and we continue to track them so that's component number two uh number three was we were charged with developing a a governance policy and also uh putting together ESO uh G although it's now standard operating policy committee and um Bill Lombardo one of our team members worked hard on that with Chief how they've done great work and that committee continues to do great work basically looking at all your operational proced procedures in making sure they're up to date they're applicable they're based on best practices they comply with any uh possible U standards or laws and um we check with them about every four to six weeks kind of see where they're at how many are done and then if they need any assistance there's been a couple of cases where we've helped them with some language and some examples kind of related to that is I've been working with Chief Maynard on a risk management plan which is one Gap that we found in your standard operating policies um and that work continues on Chief's done a good job putting a draft together and we're uh we're going to work on that with him component number four in your report doesn't look like we've done anything and at the time we wrote this that is accurate um that's your strategic plan uh however since then we've uh we put the uh members of the Strategic plan steering committee together we like to use a committee to kind of help guide the process because they know they know that they know the local uh Department better than we would um it will be a strategic plan that has both internal and external feedback from a multitude of of uh different different uh people and uh the committee will help identify those stakeholders and you you will obviously be one of those groups and then uh so that that's going well there seems to be a lot of excitement in the organization regarding St in that and U that will be uh moving forward pretty quickly our first uh we're putting our first meeting together with the steering committee now and uh again the last couple um five is development of reports and what you'll see from that is uh again based on the scope of work is a report on the key findings and uh an organizational structure and succession plan as well as of course the Strategic plan and then uh as we go we try to keep the you we did make a component of keeping you updated on processes we uh had the opportunity just a couple days into Mr Smith's tenure to come over and meet with him uh we gave him this progress report but also you know just opened up the communication and we've been in touch with Chief Sanchez several times since he's been appointed to interam fire chief um we speak to to Alex the the union president on on occasion um again we're trying to keep every in the communication Loop quite frankly I think for a couple months we got a little outside the loop there we forgot you know we we assumed that maybe information was getting out that wasn't so we've uh We've addressed that and that's one of the reasons we're here today um I wanted to keep it high level be respectful of your time so I'd be happy to answer any and all questions commiss messie want start us out sure thank you for taking the time to do this obviously I'm all about transparency and taking the time to update not only our our fire department but also the public as well so I appreciate your time on that um there was a couple comments you made and just questions of how we kind of can support you guys better you said things aren't happening as fast as we prefer what can we do to I guess streamline that and and get to where your expectations are met um we're I don't think it's anything you can do it's just been our processes that we've built sometimes we get one two or three done and I'd rather get six seven or eight done um part of it is um there might be a key finding that says you've done something we reach out and say you know show me where the purchase order and so forth and maybe that's not readily available or maybe there isn't one and maybe you take a picture so it's really little things like that we're pretty happy with we're certainly happy with the response from the fire department that's no problem there a lot of it is us and our systems actually I just uh we're g to maybe um actually make a recommendation to maybe streamline that a little bit I know from uh talking as Chief Sanchez or or uh maybe was Chief how that s SOG Comm sop committee senat oper policy committee they're going to tweak their process a little bit to get more out because really they're looking this first time around that every operational procedure policy that you have um once we've done that then they're on a three-year rotation so it won't be as bad but it's getting through that first chunk and frankly they've done a great job um again as as the writing of this report I forget the number but they really just organized in January and this was really in from May so they've done a great job moving moving uh these standard operating policies forward excellent then there you referenced a budgeted item you were hoping was on the budget can you tell me what that was again yeah I I guess it might be in training we can ask Chief Sanchez it was uh it was money to bring in a a leadership trainer consultant who specializes um in like conflict resolution trust leadership we we put that as an option in our original proposal because just reading through the reports ke clearly that was a key you know issue so um unfortunately just as timing would go you were at the end of your you know budget when we wanted to bring it in so we get that but we we certainly would like to look at maybe you know October November the sooner the better to bring them in so do you know if we budgeted that or not we did excellent thank you last question here uh and again I appreciate your time the steering committee do you know who the members are on that the members um Chief Sanchez Captain ker Justin uh yeah yeah put your yeah let me say this let me say this I don't know everybody's name it's funny though I just I'm just going through it because I asked them their AV availability for next week we have uh two members of the local two members of admin couple of different ranks in the fire department we make sure that all that strategic planning stuff has representation from the various levels of the organization EXC even though I don't know their name yet I will after we have our first call I'll know I appreciate it thank you so much yes sir Mr Smith uh and do you have a timeline as to how you're gon to gauge when you get to a percentage level that you're sh progress um oh I think we're definitely showing progress now remember there's a couple different components um the standard operating policy group you know they're they're well down the road they they tap into US infrequently they're they're doing good work uh on the flip side strategic planning is just starting so uh you know we'll probably be Adam and I were actually just talking about this at lunch uh we'll probably look at the two the two and a half day planning Retreat probably early November something because it takes time to reach out to the community for feedback meet with all of you meet with other stakeholders internally we do an online Anonymous survey um so just to get that and then put all that together and then you know we'll get some something on the on the schedule but you know it'll be a couple of months all right and I did hear you say that uh everybody's been Cooperative in getting you the material that you need order to your report that's good yes all right thank you I want yeah I want to say something about the timeline in case I didn't um I mentioned we started about a year ago or chief did um and yes we signed the contract last September so that'll be coming to an end but understand we want you know certainly would be our position that we would just extend but that doesn't change the budget or anything we only Bill on deliverables so even know it might take us a little longer to get something that doesn't change the cost of the project but we probably for the legal folks probably want to do an addendum to say you know through March or whatever we might think that looks like all right thank you commission Russ yes first I want to thank you um just telling the story of why you even decided to take this on um thank you for doing that um this has been very important not just to the fire department but to us up here and to the community because you are correct for the last two years it's it's been a challenge um there's been a lot of dissension uh division uh a lot of trust has been lost and and certainly a lot of trust within the leadership and the morale in the in the fire department so since your involvement which is very important have you seen the morale uh change within the the ranks um I think that when the ranks have been made aware of the progress we're making I think that's that's uh probably um affected them to to a good way to a good way I think and again it was sort of our fault that we thought we thought maybe updates were getting out maybe and maybe they weren't quite as well um lately um you know you know once they've got that because they delivered it over the three days some of the feedback I got is um that we're heading in the right direction so um so I think that's important I think that um that we get the messaging to uh the firefighters not just their managerial you know but that we are engaging just with the firefighters because we do have a lot of firefighters who came in um and who have been hired after Austin's uh death and it's important that the new firefighters understand that these changes are to benefit the training and it's important the training and at the same time is to honor uh Austin Durant and you know his his parents have done so much and we won't lose sight of that importance like we said we thought it was important to give the information to leadership because we thought it was important for them to deliver the message but certainly we'll make sure that they have a little more more uh you know summarized report a little more often um I mean someone said to me it really hit home when someone said to me through somebody else are those guys still in town even so we knew that you know the message wasn't getting delivered but I think that'll be good going forward that's it for me thank you thank you thank you commissioner commissioner Anderson um I the the uh the fire department has a link um I will uh I I'll make sure Chief Sanchez has it maybe he could forward it to you it's just Bas you know it's nothing wild um just a uh really an Excel spreadsheet that kind of just walks through very high level and and don't a lot of the percentages are more for us because it's a percentage of a task versus a percentage of a project so you know right now you might reward 30% through well that's because a lot of the strategic planning stuff hasn't even started but be happy to share it with you and about every two weeks I update it okay well I just want you thank you it's uh one of the things I would like you just for the people maybe weren't here a year ago the impressive part of your group is how many of you are former fire either assistant Fire Chiefs or Fire Chiefs like is it four or five of your teams well really all of our team was either Chiefs or in Adam's case a deputy chief so in the high ranks yeah which is how many um for this Pro well you know I have six eight okay nine of them but for this project specifically we've been we've been write at about five four of which are retired Fire Chiefs and and Adam and then there's and one active Chief they're not all retired um yeah so that's good awesome well thank you thanks thank you and uh again um for those of you that we saw in December nice to see you again and we look forward to seeing you more often thank you okay all right next up Joe just this is going to be just very very quick everybody Joe Patton Director of Human Resources so real quick I was requested to give you a little uh summary about where we are in Pay increases and how they actually happen uh so with this first slide uh you can see that the police October 1st 2023 they received a uh Market increase at that at that period of time which equal 1.2 million then we added 11 new police officers um after that 15 new firefighters I think everybody remembers that uh era in that part uh and then we did a study uh which uh included Administration you know all all staff with the exception of fire because they were under negotiations at that time so with that in mind uh those are the the numbers uh that we received for for that period and then there's a lot of questions about you know how do does everybody receive an increase every year and I've seen you know information come across saying well no not everybody gets it but they do in the form of Merit increases so Merit increases within uh the organization um come up between uh zero to 6% increase so you can see the increases in these years now keep in mind that 22 uh 23 24 year the Year we're currently in those have not completed yet because we still have Merit increases which fall on an individual's anniversary date for the position so once they start they get an anniversary date then if they get promoted that anniversary date changes to that promotion date so that that will give them a new anniversary date so upon their anniversary date they get an evaluation that evaluation uh translate into a merit increase and these are the average of the Merit increases for those departments now mind you in administration I combined uh Parks Finance mayor's office City administrator chart all those uh organizations that are up here with the exception of parks uh fire police and then Public Services I think one of the things I guess me a little bit of misinformation is that the fire have not been getting any raises and and they've been like just matter of fact they've been the highest of all of our departments as far as raises but they have salaries that are below Market correct I didn't ask that I didn't tell you that's not what I will we're not giving all the information then this just concerns uh Merit increases yeah I understand it's a very specific narrative that doesn't show the whole story right okay thank you Joe any other questions for Joe on this okay thank you all right consent agenda we've got six items you are out of order when the city council has already recognize yeah you don't need to recognize me you are out of order point of order here that you need to uh vice mayor do you have any opinions on this doing well uh the attorney already said that after presentations we can have the public comment if the I'm sorry can you repeat that again because it says section four public comment period sure I can all I can do is read it and I do have some minutes here but they're not dispositive I'll tell you what it says it says that pres that the public comment comes after the presentation portions of the meeting or at such time as designated by city council it doesn't say when after presentation so we are clearly after presentations now so it could be now or sometime later but it says or at such time as days they back to council I found that I have two sets of minutes here where this has happened before the first is February 21 February 1 2023 which is before I was here and the second was February 15 2023 that's the one that at least in terms of what I have is the most instructive but it doesn't say there was a motion here's what it says uh this was in the council city council reports commissioner Vasquez stated that she'd like to see public comment to be moved back to where it was on the agenda as opposed to being at the end she also stated that she discussed with the mayor that before City public comment starts he can read his expectations to flow before it starts commissioner Becker stated that he gets why the changes were made but he agrees that with moving it back to the beginning of the meeting commissioner Nesta also supports public comment being at the beginning mayor said okay that's all it says so I don't know if it was a motion I don't know what happened after this and that's all I have so this is after presentations that I tell you but when it's supposed to be beyond that what I just read I don't know okay so if this is where we is this where we normally have public com after presentation or is it after the consent agenda it's right okay so let's bring back the public comment and then at another time which we have discussed where we have discuss I did discuss this yesterday with our um Chief administrator because I had the agenda review um and I did tell him I did say there would there has been a backlash um it's it's it's something that the public is very adamant about of being heard but we discussed that at some point maybe a council be to sit down as a workshop to discuss um public comment rather than it being just the chair deciding when the public comment should be uh on the agenda we have done it consistently after presentations let's keep it at that until we as a commission every one of us um and that includes commissioner Nester commissioner Smith our chair the mayor Nelson myself as the vice mayor and our commissioner uh commissioner and that we decide as a as a as a whole where a public comment how we should address at least according to the resolution it's a movable issue somebody makes a motion it gets decided and again the minutes I have say there was a discussion the mayor said okay that's all I know well I'll go back to the motion I made I motion that we do public comment right now after presentations okay well let me before we go in let me just just to give everybody a little context here so public comments for other City municipalities um out of the eight cities OKO is the only one that has public comment beginning of the agenda the following seven seven cities have public comment at the end of the agenda Altamont Springs Castlebury Castleberry Edgewood matland Sanford Wintergarden witer Park and what's What's um kind of got brought me to this this place where we in now is I got there was an article in what paper was this clear anyway this is the headline Clear Water Council suspends open public comment to qu YouTube circus at Tampa Bay Times not sure what the date is but it's in the last month or so so be happy to pass this no I have that I did I I actually do keep up with other city council other city regarding their public comment we're not the only ones that have our public comment correct orang County does it the same way um but I will say because I did respond to that um is that there was a time earlier in the uh not in your under your Administration the previous administration where we did try to streamline the public comment to three minutes and we were trying to uh move the public comment and we had at that time we had a lot of push back and uh mayor if I'm not mistaken I do remember because I do remember that you were the county commissioner at that time and you sat in our audience um during that Administration and part of that was you supported to keep the public comment where it was at and also to keep it at four minutes and I mean I have a lot of that documentation from the previous uh Administration so if there's any changes that are going to be made it should not be made on the Friday and then um shouldn't be made on a Friday and then we come in and there's a change I believe out of respect for our public and I of respect for each of us that we should have a discussion well it's not how to respect it's resolution I mean this is this is our proper procedures already part of the resolution that we have the active resolution this is not in the resolution it doesn't say yes it it's in there it's in here where it says public comment period held following the presentation portion of the meeting or at such time as designated by the city council it does not say the chair and it's irrelevant I've already made the motion so recognize the motion but at out of respect for the public and respect for each of us I think it was just to make a clarification so at this time it is active presentation let's bring public comment so at the same time before we do bring it up um I will refer to the mayor if he wishes to at least present to the audience and present those in that are in our chamber what you it's already on it's already on the agenda is the last item okay um no it's here P to order it's at the start of each meeting the mayor May in the mayor's discretion make any the following announcements when the mayor calls the meeting to order you can actually read that or you can from the resolution announcements okay at the commencement of the meeting so just for clarification as I understand it there's a motion I don't know that had a second if it does for lack of second then continue but right now I'm not sure where we are procedurally because I know that I heard commissioner Nest make a motion he made a motion I will second that but I believe that because we have a resolution that that states that as a city council we can right and that's what that's what the mo about I assume that's what the motion it is so I just and be happy to vote on this if that's what you want to do let me just I GNA read you something Michelle Bo and our economic development director who can't be there today got an issues you had to take care of not going to take that I I I'm not going to accept that uh statement from Michelle unless she is here she reads it herself um so let's vote I'm not going to do that let's let's let's tell our audience what our expectations are for them at who we serve with Michelle boan um is our economic uh director she's not here um we have been we have months ago if not over a year ago we have determined that we would not re uh any comments that were made if the person was not present at the chamber I remember we did that when we had others sending us emails to read out loud so I want to be consistent with that it's not that I discard her I just feel that we had we had made that decision over a year ago so um Jacob you chair you want you can there's a vote and there's a motion there's and and attorney I want to ask since this agenda has already been published with the comments at the end where do we stand legally in reference to the resolution and the agenda that was published well this is one where I hate the legal answer because it will make people hiss and boo you don't even have to have an agenda legally speaking so what really matters is what is your procedures and how what are you going to follow and based on the resolution that you have uh before you Council can decide where comment goes it's after presentation doesn't say exactly when or whenever wherever the council wants it to be there's a motion I presume I'm not sure I'm not if I state it wrong it's because I didn't get it all but I think Mr Nesta is motioning to have it start right now which is after presentations there's a second and I guess we're in some sort of a discussion here if it fails there's no motion on the floor until another one is made and otherwise you have a published agenda you can follow that but that's the best I can do with what I have today I would say let's just follow what we already have we need to vote just vote it's already been I'm I'm so I'm gonna just paraphrase then so I can say this that anyway Michelle bowan went to a conference Economic Development conference and one of the things that they brought up was that the right please be respectful thank you so anyway that um she's on a panel for people that are they call them site selectors that one of the things they look at is they go to social media and see what's going on in that City that they're they're thinking about investing millions and millions and millions of dollars and when they see things that are very controversial over you know issues and that is that a city they really want to be a part of and so her thought was you know putting at the end it still we're given plenty of access to the to the uh people here at the D and yet we're we're not we're not bogging down people that are trying to do business here the city of Apopka and so you know her her thought was we ought to you know look at putting it at the end so so you want to hide our alien aging infrastructure you want to hide our inability to sign a Union contract you want to a golden gem Pond knot you want to hide all that from people moving into they're have plenty of time they got the same four minutes okay again the business we're doing is of the people exclusively and to their benefit and as a city administrator I don't have an issue with when the public comment is it's how public comment is conducted we do have here in the same resolution these standards for the core they're not observed and it's having an impact on my employees as well as some of the people that come here from the public they don't want to be subjected to this these people are non confrontational so they're not going to tell you who they are they're not going to stand up they're not going to say these things and there's a reason why we have these standards for deorum so I'm talking about citizens I'm talking about citizens that have approached me that would would rather be anonymous because they avoid confrontation they will not come to this meeting because of the way it's conducted that's my issue it's not the timing it's the it's the standards for the Quorum that are spelled out here in this resolution which for me it's just common sense if you're going to have a civil engagement here a public engagement between a professional counsel and mayor and respectful ass so that's that's my who was supposed to enforce this the rules that and the provisions that are in here it does say that it is the mayor pass the right corre so it's not being enforced because of one person so there is a motion there's a second I I I got I'm the chair we have a motion by commissioner Nesta we have a second by commissioner Velasquez that we put the public comment to just which is after the present after the presentations a motion a second all those in favor I well I me I made the second so I okay so we have a motion second and all those opposed I I I agree leaveing where it is according to the agenda say that again leave where it is according to the agenda was published Anderson okay okay all right thank you all right next up we have consent agenda six consider agenda items anybody need to have any those pulled okay if not look for motion to [Music] approve so Move Motion by commissioner Smith second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I all oppostion motion carries unanimously next up Crossroads at Kelly Park phase one two 13 and two plat good afternoon Jean Sanchez with the Community Development Department all right this is a request to recommend approval of the crossroads at Kelly Park phases 1-2 1-3 and two plat the subject property is located at 4510 onich road on the Southeast corner of brown Lake and onich Road approximately 150 acres the applicant has submitted the plat to create storm water tracks roads and other infrastructure to support the crossroads at Kelly Park development it's consistent with the crossroads Kelly Park faces approved by city council um infrastructure plan as well and approved by the development Review Committee on September 6 2023 the DRC recommends approval the recommended motion is to recommend approval of the crossroads at Kelly Park faces 1-2 1-3 and two to plant staff and applicant are available for questions any questions for Jing anybody from the public wish to speak on this one Albert McKim 3603 golden gem Road I have concerns of any changes that are going to be made in that vicinity because we still have not established a question I asked the other week about the pioneering agreement in which roads are in fact represented in the pioneering agreement at the last meeting uh we agreed to change that 15 million which was supposed to be put into the city escro account on the 1st of August was delayed till January a little bit concerning the fact that a a week after the budget when we're speaking about putting $150 million into esro a week later you guys voted weren't you aware that we were going to bring that up a week later so in the meantime any work that's going to be done there any changes we should first of all understand what's going on in the pioneering agreement we had our Public Works director de Buddha at a meeting say that he was completely bered of of any insight into what was happening if your Public Works director doesn't understand what's happening to these roads why are we voting and what what we should be do to make changes anybody else from the public wish to speak on this not we'll close a public hearing with for a motion to approve the plat for the crossroads at Kelly Park phases 1-2 1-3 and two sove got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I all oppos motion carries unanimously next up we have 1700 West Kean Road major development plan Bobby good afternoon Bobby how planning manager applicant is requesting approval of a major development plan for 13 buildings totaling 61 928 ft in area this compris of retail commercial office and medical uses located on the Southeast corner of Kean and okoa Popa roads property is 18.8 acres in size prox approximately 7.99 are wetlands and Lake Carter uh the buffer there is an Upland buffer with a 15ot minimum and 25 foot average provided adjacent to the Wetland system in compliance with the comprehensive plan site will be accessed via two access points on a CO Road 30 foot RightWay dedication is reserved along the portion of property abing oo apaka Road for future Road winding of that road total of 350 parking spaces are provided on site 12 of which are accessible storm water is supposed to be discharged into a pond located on the southern portion of the site and the development Review Committee recommends approval but before I get into that these are the architectural elevations have been provided by the developer as I mentioned development Review Committee recommends approval the planning commission unanimously recommends approval and the recommended motion this afternoon is approval you have any questions myself and the applicant are here any questions for Bobby anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not with close the public hearing look for a motion to approve the major development plan for 1700 West Kean Road some got a motion by commissioner Vasquez second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I I all opposed motion carries unanimously next up Third Amendment to the development agreement Kelly Park property mayor this item is for the ridge par parcel to subf facing construction site plan oh I'm sorry yes you and so at the July 17 2024 city council meeting the item was tabled at a date certain of today and so staff and applicant are requesting that this is removed from table via motion and so we can discuss it so I think you have to make a motion is that cor we have to make a motion to because we did table it yes all right so I make a motion to untable motion by commissioner Vasquez second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I oose motion gear anoun all right G sure so since um that meeting um that second meeting in July developer and staff collaborated to keep the project as a single phase the city engineer upon approval of the site will issue one certificate of acceptance based on the current development um order and so therefore the applicant is seeking seeking to withdraw their request and operate under their current Act of development order okay okay all right any questions for Jean anybody from the public we speak on this now close public hearing look for a motion to approve the construction site plan for the ridge partial two sub phasing we're seeking to withdraw um just I guess approve the withdrawal is the motion that with yeah we with them the correct we we the applicants withdrawing their request at all oh yeah so we're not approving a sub no they made my understanding yesterday at the agenda review was that um we've worked out our differences agreement so this is not being approved or or we tabled it doesn't it still get an approval but not as a sub not as a sub phasing well the the phasing is already in place so we don't have to do SUB phasing so it's already it's already set to go without any if we don't do anything right the the current approval under the major development is that it's already faced okay right so they'll stick with what was faced before and not the sub phasing okay I'm not sure what the motion is because they're withdrawing the um application for the subing on the sub phasing if and and that leaves in place what was already in place yes yes that's the motion there you go okay Co we got a motion to approve the construction site plan for Ridge parcel 2 yeah because we're not not subing I think need a motion withraw yeah just to just to clarify succinctly so J Jimmy Hoff and VHB were the Design Consultants we already have an approved CSP some time ago that had the phasing s done yes it's already active under construction we're halfway done with all phase 1 a 1 b1c is co a co uh phase two is what we're working on so with this withdrawal in my view there is no approval of anything needed because we're reverting back to what's already been approved so the motion would be to accept the withdrawal if a motion is required at all but essentially our business here is concluded we will continue building our project as okay and the only reason for a motion is so they know and everybody else knows that what's going forward was what was already approved okay and that just puts it on the record so everybody knows that they didn't build something they weren't supposed to or did it a different way than they were supposed to so I move that this item have been as be withdrawn okay got a motion by commissioner Smith second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I I all opposed motion carries unanimously next up Third Amendment to the development agreement Kelly Park property Richard good afternoon uh mayor Commissioners Richard her city engineer um so this is the uh request to authorize the city administrator sign amendment number three to the development agreement for the Kelly Park property um there are there are but I'm glad I got the opportunity to speak with with all of you uh prior to the meeting and answer questions um I think we can be most efficient here if the if the uh the developer uh presents the reasons why they would like to uh have this amendment number three and then I can be available for question questions we also have uh representing the city uh Josh rer uh who in this capacity is the the city's traffic engineer U representing the city so if you have questions for us after the developer I'd be happy to come back if that's all right come on name and address for the record please uh Seth Bennett uh Galvin Land Services 930 Fern Avenue Orlando Florida 32814 um mayor Commissioners we appreciate your time this week meeting with each of you um just did not regurgitate everything I did meet with you um this amendment essentially allows us to build the ultimate forlane configuration in front of our project original da was done before the pioneering agreement so as I said this kind of aligns the goals of our development agreement with the pioneering agreement and allows us to move forward and construct that ultimate intersection I'm happy to answer any questions further questions you have on the amendment um if not turn it over any questions for the applicant no he he went into detail when we he sat with each each of us individually at our agenda reviews and and pretty much told us what the amendment was and why it was being done all right any questions all right anybody from the public Albert mckimm 3603 gold Jeb Road I can't argue for or against what this gentleman says I don't know if it's good bad or indifferent because nobody's had the dissed form us of what it really we're talking about anybody else from the public wish to speak all right not we close the public hearing look for a motion to approve the Third Amendment to the development agreement for the Kelly Park property um only one question with the third amendment will that be where is where's Richard will that be available for public records gu wa it's on it's on your agenda package right now was on the website I I downloaded specific pages from it to okay to have what I have with me okay okay good Council yes but before yall vote on this third amendment I want to make sure I say this only because it was brought to my attention that you may not have had this in your briefing the label for Jen The The J Jen part of this they're a builder not a developer so at least I've been presented I don't whether you have a Redline version in which Jen is relabeled from developer to Builder because it doesn't have developer obligations it just builds the project if you didn't know that you now do if that changes anything any questions okay all right I'm looking for a motion to approve the Third Amendment to the development agreement for the Kelly Park property so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I all oppos motion carries an N next up Bradley good afternoon mayor Commissioners R the Williams Parks record ation director excuse me I'm here this afternoon to uh seek authorization to prepay some required deposits for the entertainers for the papka proud concert on October 5th uh due to the concert falling into the new fiscal year uh we need authorization to pay these prepaid deposits as they are part of the fy2 tenative budget additional information provided in the staff report uh regarding the 25 or the fy2 event along with uh FY 20109 uh historical data some of that's up on the screen as well the prepaid amounts are $20,000 for John Anderson and $20,000 for soya Brown and I'm available for any questions concern Dems about I just want to able to Serv Christian oh you can hear me now so that is definitely been some of the concerns some of the residents they feel like it's just have been catered to one group of people correct and we can uh for the Saturday sound concert series which is separate from this AP the crowd event this is an annual event that was started in 2019 for Saturday night sounds we have not finalized the entertainment for 2024 2025 but even in AA crowd it still doesn't represent the diversity of AA understood and we can we can certainly look for that uh to improve on that as we move forward and I just kind of just the background you know they both graduate from apaka high school I understand that okay and and we're yeah we we get some that was just brought to us back in 19 but yeah we're we're happy to entertain any you know anybody that you know darg and watts is our our talent coordinator whatever what uh birchmore group is our contracted provider and he can help us uh recruit a wide variety of talent through different genres so we can certainly uh provide him some additional information to to check more of those genre box and if You' got specific bands that you think would I we kind of open up to the public to kind of decide what it is that they would like to see as well so sure we can kind of get a mixture of you know different genes of yeah we can we can do some Outreach on that we do have a new Ampitheater uh a pop Amphitheater social media page that's launched and we have a new website coming up so we can certainly look at ways to explore to improve that Outreach to the community I know commissioner Velasquez has sent quite a few artists our way to look at I did send to I sent over four emails because my concern is I mean you have here 202 for entertainment prepaids requested um actually you're paying $40,000 for each of the uh Craig this is just a prepaid amount Brown um and and of course the expenses was was my concern and also was um that I just felt and you know I'll Express that again is that it was at the budget Workshop the first one where I found that line item of 200,000 and I felt why wasn't that brought earlier to the commission to even discuss that that was a planned concert a pop priv and what the expense was going to be um because when we have Saturday sounds and we have the fil harmonic that's brought to us way in advance and um I mean the Phil harmonic is 30,000 each performance when they come which is the uh Christmas and the spring and that's I don't know about 50 musicians right and that's 30,000 for one show and then the Saturday sounds which starts in October and ends in May and every weekend well it's twice a month that we have uh live musical uh bands there um What's the total for that like 130,000 uh it's like a it's around there I have to look at the budget but yeah and so all of a sudden I see this $200,000 expense um and I just felt it should have been brought to us beforehand but I realized some contracts have been signed already um so pretty much I mean I I don't even know voting on it makes a difference because we pretty much are committed to it my concern was marketing this very expensive concert and and making any revenue from it to break even because we're already August 8th um this thing is October 5th so correct how much time do you really have to mark it I saw the I saw how you have uh for sponsorships the tables um I just don't feel that we're going to kind of beet that expectation in such a short time right and this was uh a relaunch of that 2019 annual event 2020s event got cancelled due to covid from my understanding um so to bring it back again for 2024 falling in that fiscal year right into that fiscal year did does did and does present some challenges which is why I'm here tonight to to receive authorization to pay those prepaid deposits um our staff and the parks direct department is ready to launch this and uh get it to the finish line and provide a high quality product with our partner birchmore um so we're ready to ready to do that contracts have been signed so I I don't I I don't have a problem if it had been brought much earlier to us I just feel having it on the budget as a line item I don't know we're kind of in a dilemma and remember I told you that yesterday I said I'm the Production Services um you have this is your your popular crowd concert budget 200,000 correct soyer Brown uh band 40,000 John Anderson 40,000 Dallas Tyler she I guess is the opening for the band $1,800 you have the Production Services $ 65,800 birchmore group $45,881 barcades I'm sorry Event Services you have 26,000 or is that adding up parking barricade C security yeah we had I had on the staff report I had put those into the general categories for you yeah so it was 81 81800 uh 93800 for production 14,400 for Event Services and 10,000s is I'm sorry so you actually were putting the total on top right and breaking it down so so um okay so birchmore is 45,800 and the equipment rentals is 20,000 adding up to$ 65 $800 then you have the parking back uh uh barricades 13,000 you have security 10,000 box office and ticketing 3,000 and then marketing you have which is ads and social media Billboards Etc 10,000 promotional items t-shirts you have 5,000 um this all adds up to $200,000 right that's a big ticketed item I just felt and I keep ex I expressed it in my four emails yes and of course yesterday at the agenda review was that it should have been brought sooner but I feel like the contracts are there we've made a commitment um it's kind of late in the game to to do otherwise if you would like commissioner we can a completion of this event again October event for the fiscal year turnover is probably not ideal for our calendar for for multiple reasons um I can definitely provide a debrief uh presentation of the of the concert and have a discussion about if this an event that the council would like to continue on as an annual event or just stick with Saturday sounds um no I understand we investing in the community investing in a one big concert it's just bringing it to us with with some time to at least have a discussion about it and to understand what the cost is but finding it on the budget the first budget Workshop as a line item was a concern to me but but again I said this to you yesterday um at this point we've signed contracts we have a commitment um we have to move forward with it because we've done so much already I just don't for me is why are we bringing it to to the council for an approval when we've already done over 50% of it it's not fair to the who and and their production companies they've already allocated October 5th to be at a PO and have this coun that was my concern and it still is my concern but at this point we can't change it because we've signed contracts already can I just kind of echoing what commissioner Vasquez is saying as well bringing a you know something us to vote on after the contract has been executed is kind of almost pointless because we can't really I mean does a contract have it out would it yeah it was reviewed by our city attorney's office and I do know there's contract language in there for but will it cost the city for us to cancel is no I that I'm just I'm just asking for just I would have to look into that I would have to look into that okay but just in future I think it's important that you bring it before us prior to executing the contract absolutely and discussion and I totally understand and and um can make make sure that happens I think my concern has already been expressed Mr [Music] Nesta okay okay anybody from the public want to speak on this one a wood 47 East magnia Street this is one of the issues I see within this Council there's disrespect our councilman voted in by the citizens of community and yard last was to find out about anything there's too many unilateral decisions going on in this city if you want the public to be more polite and sit back and take it then at least work with us let there be some transparency in all your decisions not just this Bradley but I mean come on guys I'm not up here to argue I came in a good mood today and it's unfortunate that there's the arguments up here this talks about one person wants to run this business as a dictator as a CEO ler Robel 2308 blue medals Court as far as this entertainment thing go I don't know how many people here are from a popka from 1968 but I look up and I see to uh soya Brown that's a part of my classmates I look up and I see John Anderson that's a part of my sister's classmate you might remember the song jce Swing all the popka natives friends uh had connection with thism now I I I wonder if this is uh another way of just to getting money back into his friend's Pockets to quote jamee bwin the author people don't believe you liar because they see what you're doing it need to be more streamlined to bring people in because everything seem to benefit those that close to that light you're sitting next to you Sylvester Hall 391 Rolland Hills link how much are we anticipating on Revenue being brought in from these concerts Revenue estimate for right there so we spinning two and we getting two2 bagy I'm read right so I'm just making sure so I don't look like Boo Boo the food we we spending $200,000 with our estimated revenue for the $200,000 that we're spending is $2500 on top of this do that make sense these are the things that we look at and the frustration now our new city administrator says people get turned off about what is being said in public comments without Economic Development whether it's in the front or whether it's in the beginning they still going to see it they still going to see it that the thing is when the mayor do something it's a strategy it's intentional what did he not want the firefighters to hear today because I see Mr Duran walk out of here mad so what was he going to say that he didn't want the firefighters to hear and the firefighters left when somebody brings something to you this city council you have the power to reject it there is no way that this should have had the progress it had before it got to any one of y'all to review order say yes or no he knows better but yet and still that tell you how we're operating the city administrator made a comment when he was hired he left his old position because he didn't like what was going on morally I'm watching you I'm watching you and I'm gonna see if you gonna be man to that we got a City attorney I'm watching how he been and how he calculate this uh you know put it out put it to us where like the gentleman said where the goats can get it when you stood up and say h it's not a problem to lot oh it's the truth what what's going on here in the city of aak so the things that the economic developer director is complaining about is all controlled by one man that's mayor Nelson so if I'm trying to sell you my house and I know there are some things that uh I don't want you to see I hide that is that being truthful to the people who's coming to to invest their money and their business in the city of apaka all that can be changed and it's starts with doing the right thing and I would like to see this Council if anything come to you guys and you hadn't seen and had a chance to to to to review it and they bring it to you for a vote it should be shot down on on on arrival period thank you anybody else okay we'll close the public hearing any other questions for rley not put for motion to authorize the prepay of the required deposits for the popular crowd concert entertainment and related services in the amount of $40,000 I mean the whole event is $200,000 why are we voting on 40,000 because that's the deposit for the two BS so is it coming back again to us for it's part of the fy2 proposed budget I'm sorry it's part of the fy2 proposed budget come back in September for in the regular budet budget so how I mean okay I'm a little confused so we're just approving 40,000 for the deposits for the two bands the full event cost is part of the fy2 proposed budget what contract did we already sign uh we've received the agreements back from all three bands so I I need to ask the attorney this we still need to vote on something that a contract has already been signed well again I'm assuming the contract was authorized to be signed but but if the issue is whether they can write a check for 40,000 and that wasn't authorized then that's what you're voting on is my understanding but if that's not true okay I I the answer to the question is if the contract was approved and it included the payment of the deposit then you've already done it but it's my understanding based on the presentation that part hasn't been done that was my question about the contract have you seen the contract I'm sure I looked at uh a contract for the entertainers in terms of what it says and the provisions and what we have to provide but I don't obviously decide on whether you spend the money or don't spend the money or who their contract is with in the execution of the contract have we agreed to pay the $40,000 by a set date why that I don't remember I probably looked at this thing I don't know you currently have of the contract right now that you actually look at for us the deposit is Du I'm having trouble hearing the deposit is due August 1 right that's what the contract yeah then if that's true and the contract was approved and you already approved it then there's nothing else to do here okay but I just don't know whether it has been previous approved well I think what he's trying to get approved du to the fact that the deposit needs to be paid prior to the budget being approved because the new budget doesn't take place until October October one correct but the deposit needs to be paid now so he's asking for permission to go ahead and pay the deposit now because that's what the contract requires and would that be an advance on the 2025 budget the contract was an fy2 bu right that's an FY that's an advance so you're being asked to improve in an advance on the 2025 budget is what I'm understanding now okay but the contract was signed June 24th okay apparently based on funds that are not from 2024 but for the 2025 budget which goes into effect October 1 so you're ask they're asking for an advance on those funds again for me it's a done deal we sign the contract we have o ated by that contract that's how I feel so if if I don't understand why we need to have a vote on it we have to honor the contract that's our position right now as a city I just I guess my concern is I just haven't seen the contract have I seen the contract I'm sure I did but my concern I haven't seen the contract I'm sorry I cannot hear you I have not seen the contract has anyone seen the contract I have you have okay I mean it is available and I believe the I think this goes back to procurement thresholds it's under the $50,000 procurement threshold so this agreement would not come to council okay um but again we are requesting to receive funds that are still in the proposed fy2 budget so we need authorization to do that do we do it at this council meeting or do we do it with the new year we authorize I'm asking to authorize the prepaid amount in $40,000 today and the full budget amount is part of the fy2 budget proposed budget that gets approved in September that's September 4th I believe so yes two tenative yeah 18 for the F I'm sorry can I'm I'm Sorry Miss blanch so because this is under the threshold of 50,000 it did not need to come to the exactly okay the birchmore contract did come before Council for approval but these for these entertainers and then there's some type of exemption for artists as well and it is under the $50,000 threshold that's why they did not come before Council okay but at this point we don't have budgetary authority and that's why we asking the authority to make these prepaid deposits but the total budget for the entire contract is 200,000 and that will come before you on September 4th and September 18th but the $40,000 is included in at 200,000 yes it is that's why we're trying yes it is it's a the timing is not that great but again we still don't have that budgetary authorization ex contract just a dilemma for me to approve something for a contract we are for me we have to honor the contract if it has been approved and signed off on by the people who need to do it that's true only I don't know any of that when a contract is sent to me for review I not involved in the finance part I'm involved in a does it have a way in does it have a way out does it provide for attorneys fees do you get your deposit back those are the terms and things that I'm looking at in terms of who it is whether it's a good idea or bad idea that's what I don't do that's the policy decision for you all along with the your staff okay and let me let me just step in here for a second uh with an apology I was three weeks in this agreement did come across my desk I saw that this 200,000 was in the proposed budget that we've been through all the the budget meetings the work sessions through I made an assumption I assum assumed that this was something that was ongoing it happened your prior thei prior I thought it was a traditional thing just kind of a it was the timing because usually you have them in the spring but it was moved to October 5th I saw that being that's the reason why I wasn't showing up in this last budget but it was showing up in this next budget so it was an assumption on my part this Apopka proud concert was a traditional ongoing thing and I thought we already had not just you but your legacy before you that has improved this in in the past I will honor the contract because we signed it but I don't understand why we need to app appr it if I I I understand what you're saying so we're literally minus the 40,000 then we're approving 160,000 for the new year for the new fiscal year pre expense just a prep just a pre to cut the check so you see it on that dispersement report okay okay it it will still be a fy2 expense that's why we call it a prepaid okay well I've already expressed what my concern was I want to honor the contract because we signed it and that is the right thing to do I don't feel that the entertainers should get um not PID when we agreed to this this has been an ongoing planning um I just feel let this be a learning lesson where maybe a concert of this that of this expense be brought to the council at some point to have a discussion rather than it showing up as it did at the first budget Workshop which was July 8th you signed this on June 24th the first time I'm seeing it is on July 8th at the budget Workshop and then I and I actually did write four emails and and each of them I did copy you and I did express some concern I wrote July 12th July 18th July 21st July 30th and it's when I finally got all this information so because we have to honor the contract then I move that we approve this okay got a motion by commissioner blasquez this let me go back and just read it's U authorized the prepayment of the required deposits for the AP proud concert entertainment and related services in the amount of $40,000 got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I all oppos I do all oppos motion carries n no I'm sorry okay so four to one four to one okay all right uh proposed resolution Florida Le of cities Jacob are you doing that one is that I guess maybe I can do it um we've got so we we have um three resolutions 20242 um just recognized as October 21st to 27th as Florida city government week the 2024-the funding to hazardous mitigation assistance HMA grant program and then 20241 expressing appreciation to Cooper City and brow League of cities for support of Greg Ross who served as president of the FLC from 23 to 24 so let let me go back I I'm sorry this is should have been the um so we're going down to the league of cities next week and we just uh these are the three uh proposals that the F LC uh Statewide brought forward uh the two them are is basically window dressing but I do want to talk a little bit about the um because I guess commissioner Anderson you'll be representing us there the 202 24-3 urging Congress to reform and increase funding to hazardous mitigation assistance H grant program so let me tell you what I've been doing in the background as soon as I saw that the um this uh resolution from FLC is we have a really good program when I was in the legislature called my safe Florida home program that does uh on the front end it does inspections and are you familiar with it Comm Anderson I've heard commissioner Nest have you heard of okay so anyway my my safe um Florida home program they do inspections for homes and uh and then they find improvements and you can get up to $110,000 Grant to harden your home which then will decrease your insurance premium so it's a great program unfortunately that I think this the state had um $200 million in the program they've already spent it all as far as far as the um the inspection side so they're they're going to be working through the um the remodels to get those those dollar savings for the homeowners but anyway so it's a great program very well um received by the the community and so uh but they've run out of money and every year it runs out of money this one ran out I think within 10 days and so what what I'm I've asked not only our state legislature I I've talked to um Rick Scott's office here in Orlando Marco Rubio's office in here in Orlando and Dan Webster's office about maybe instead of this HMA program which is a federal program why don't they just dump money into our Florida uh might say Florida home program to really make those dollars go farther so I've kind of reached out to those Folks at the Congressional level to say hey maybe Let's do let's look at that as a way to um Harden our homes and get those savings for those homeowners that are um in need and you know the with the price of insurance going up you know astronomically it'd be a great a great asset so anyway I just got off the call with um good friend uh Jimmy Patronis who's our CFO who runs that program so he's gonna send a letter down to FLC as hey you might want to consider you know sending something to Congress about and the president about hey this is something you know we could we could spend spend those dollars we think more efficiently more effectively to get those dollars in the hands of homeowners that can Harden their homes to get that lower insurance premium so that's kind of the backstory on that that 20243 but those are the three um resolutions I don't know if you've got any other questions about those um but that'll be during the general business meeting I don't know what day that's on but and so I think I think uh in state give everybody the my say Florida home yes okay so everybody's got just as a great great resource for folks that are looking to try to save some some money on their insurance premiums so I don't is anything anything I can answer on those three resolutions um if not look for a motion to approve the um proposed resolutions by the Florida League of cities is that what the Florida League of cities presented or we're presenting to them that's their their that's their platform what I've tried to do is on that the one hey yes we want those federal dollars coming down the HMA program but maybe would be better spent in my say Florida so if we have a if we have an opportunity to have those dollars flow through that program I think we'd all benefit more so than would through the HMA program but if it you know so but I think you know we'll we'll continue to work with those if if that's the will of the council well you know insurance is is is a big Topic in the State of Florida so many homeowners are their insurance companies are are dropping them and the new and whenever they try to look for um another insurance company they just don't have the qualifications because their homes are old they haven't replaced their roofs and um and they're kind of stuck so whatever we can do to help you know long-term homeowners um absolutely um because Florida we're we're suffering in Florida yeah okay all right looking for a motion so got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unan next up ordinance number 3029 ordinance number 3029 an ordinance of the city of aapka Florida amending the city of apapa comprehensive plan repealing and replacing the transportation element in its entirety providing for legislative findings providing for conflicts providing for separability and providing for an effective dat any changes Bobby anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not we'll close the public hearing look for a motion to adopt ordinance number 3029 so Mo got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I I I'll oppose motion carries unanimously next up ordinance number 356 ordinance number 356 an ordinance of the city of apapa Florida amending the future land use element of the Apopka comprehensive plan of the city of apapa changing the future land use designation from commercial to to mixed use for property located at 814 Marvin C xanders Avenue owned by Cynthia Henderson and Arion Henderson providing 08 Acres more or less providing for severability conflicts and an effective date any changes anybody from public wish to speak on this one not we'll close the public hearing look for motion to adopt ordinance number 3056 so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I oppos motion carries unanimously next up ordinance number 3052 ordinance number 3052 an ordinance of the city of aapka Florida amending the future land use element of the Apopka comprehensive plan of the city of Apopka changing the future land designation from County Rural to City Residential Barry L Suburban for property located at 1400 West Kelly Park Road owned by Michael a Gentiles and Desmond w Street com comprising 5.06 Acres more or less providing for separability conflicts and an effective dat all June good afternoon this is junon planner two this is a future land use Amendment request for the property located at 14400 West Kelly Park Road the total size of the property is 5.6 5.06 Acres the subject property was annexed on March 20th and had future land use of County Rural the applicant has requested to change its future land use to residential very low subam which allows for two dwell units per acre the property is surrounded by Future land use of residential very low suburban and residential estate development to Review Committee has recommended approval and Planning Commission has anonymously recommended approval of the future ruse Amendment the recommended motion is accepting the first reading of ordinance number 352 and hold it over for second reading and Adoption of August 21st applying staff and applicant are here to respond to any questions okay any questions for June anybody from the public wish to speak on this one if not we'll close the public hearing and look for a motion to approve ordinance number 3052 at first reading and hold over for second reading and adoption didn't we have something in that area with the little piano keys was there another one in that area Dr June it is didn't we have something another um this is the only property that I am currently I'm sorar this is the only one of the piano property that I am currently working on yeah Bobby we had was Ito yeah it was further down Kelly Park Road it was before the council earlier this year I remember the piano key analogy that commissioner Becker had used yes um it's not in this area it's in the general viin not near this property no okay um yeah okay you any other questions for staff okay nobody from the public wish to speak looking for a motion to approve ordinance number 352 at first reading and hold over for a second reading of adoption all right I guess uh so mov got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I all oppos motion carries n next up ordinance number 353 ordinance number 353 an ordinance of the city of Republic Florida changing the zoning from T transitional to rsf 1A residential single family estate district for certain real property generally located at 1400 West Kelly Park Road owned by Michael a gental Desmond W Street comprising of 5.06 Acres more or less providing for severability conflicts and an effective date for the record this is Jim Zone planner 2 this is a reing request for the same property located at 1400 West Kelly Park Road the applicant has requested to change its zoning to rsf 1A which allows for three dwell units per acre the property is surrounded by zoning of rsf 1A and residential County estate and PD development Review Committee has recommended approval and the Planning Commission has anonymously recommended approval of res zoning the recommended motion is accepting the first reading of ordinance number 3053 and hold it over for the second rating and adoption on August 21st first planning staff and oant are here to respond to any question any questions for June anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not will close the public hearing look for motion to approve ordinance number 353 at first reading and hold over for a second reading and adoption so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I all oppos motion carries anany next up ordinance number 300 64 ordinance number 364 an ordinance of the city of Apopka Florida amending the future land use element of the aapka comprehensive plan of the city of apapa changing the future land use designation from residential medium to Commercial and Commercial to institutional public for properties located at 996 South Orange Blossom Trail and 1,000 South Orange bossom Trail owned by Trinity Baptist Church of aapka Inc Rising 6.99 Acres more or less providing for separability conflix and an effective date J for director this is junon planner 2 this is a future land use Amendment request for the property located at 996 and 1,000 South BL South Range Blossom Trail the total size of the property is about 7 Acres the applicant has requested a change of future land use from residen of medium and Commercial pressure to in institutional and public use for the potential expansion of the existing church at 1022 South Orange Blossom trade the land use of the surrounding properties are commercial institutional public use and residential LW developmental Review Committee has recommended approval and the Planning Commission has anonymously recommended approval of the future landu Amendment recommended motion is accepting the first reading of ordinance number 3064 and hold it over the for second reading and adoption on August 21st planning staff and applicant are here to respond to any questions any questions for June anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing look for motion to approve ordinance number 364 at first reading and hold over for a second reading and adoption so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I all oppose motion carries unanimous next up ordinance number 3,65 ordinance number 365 an ordinance of the city of Republic Florida changing the zoning from CC Community commercial and rsf 1B residential single family large lot 20 office for certain real property generally located at 996 South Orange Boston Trail and 1 000 South Orange bwom Trail owned by Trinity Baptist Church of theka Inc comprising of 6.99 Acres more or less providing for separability conflicts and an effective dat for the recular decision on planner two this is a resing request for the same property located at 996 and 1,000 South South Orange Blossom Trail the applicant has request a change of zoning from rsf 1B and CC to office the zoning of the surrounding properties are CC um MHP mobile home park and office development Review Committee has recommended approval and the Planning Commission has anonymously recommended approval of the resoning recommended the motion is accepting the first reading of ordinance number 3065 and holding over for second raing and adoption on August 21st steps and applicant are here to respond to any questions any questions for June anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not we close the public hearing and look for a motion to approve ordinance number 3,65 first reading and hold over for a second reading and adoption this is only a continuation of 3064 right yes one before yes okay so Mo got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I I'll oppose motion carries un next up ordinance number 366 ordinance number 366 an ordinance of the city of apopa Florida to extend its Territorial and Municipal limits to Annex pursuant to Florida statute 17144 the here and after described land situated and being in Orange County Florida owned by pms1 REO LLC located on the southwest corner of bondage Road and EP Drive comprising of 54.8 five acres more or less providing directions to the city clerk severability complex and an effective date Jean Sanchez with the Community Development Department this is a request to accept the first reading of ordinance number 3066 annexation of the andage South Parcels properties are located on the southwest corner of andich Road and F you drive approximately 54.8 acres in size the subject properties are contiguous City city limits and eligible for annexation pursuant to Florida statute 171 the assignment of a city future land use and Zoning designation will occur at a later date and through action by the city council the DRC recommends approval of the recommended motion is to accept the first reading of ordinance number 3066 and hold it over for second reading and adoption on August 21st 2024 staff and applicant available for questions any questions for Jean anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not will close the public hearing look for motion to approve ordinance number 3,66 at first reading and hold over for second reading and adoption that's all part of the kpi right that's correct yes ma'am okay um so move got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second mik Mr Smith all those in favor I I'll oppos motion carries an next up ordinance number 369 ordinance number 3,69 an ordinance of the city of apopa Florida to extend its Territorial and Municipal limits to Annex pursuant to Florida statute 17144 the here and after describ land situated and being in Orange County Florida owned by Michael gentles located at 3595 West Kelly Park Road and 3611 West Kelly Park Road providing for directions to the city clerk severability conflicts and an effective day June this is junon planner two this ision annexation request for the properties located at 3595 and 3611 West Kelly Park Road the property is currently unincorporated and has requested annexation to the city for the potential mixed use development to be consistent with the kip Park interchange form based code the applicant has already result application to change its future landuse and Zoning after the annexation the total size of the properties is 2.32 Acres currently used for residential the surrounding properties have future land use of County Rural and City Residential rural settlement and Zoning of County A1 and City transitional and agriculture development Review Committee has recommended approval and recommended motion is to accept the first reading of ordinance number 3069 and hold it over for the second reading and adoption on August 21st any questions for June the piece of property that's in between the two pieces of property yeah a and next in the city I defer that to applicant there is no annexation sorry Jesse Anderson Po and Bennett 2602 East Livingston Orlando Florida uh there is no annexation request currently for the parcel that's in between the two separate Parcels that are split by that individual parcel will be developed separately but through the mixed use intent of the Kelly Park interchange specifically in The Interchange uh Place District so the intent is hopeful that eventually that parcel will come in but right now it is not part of this applic application it may be part of a future application pending other circumstances though and it does not create any enclaves or anything in that area that would disregard that type of annexation it is contiguous and does fall under Florida statutes for a potential for annexation into the City and I'm available for any other questions as well let me ask you do you have utilities on water going out in that area there are sufficient utilities from the uh overall Kelly Park interchange the WIA District uh plan that actually went through many years ago uh we'll have to extend utilities to the site itself just to make sure that it has sufficient utilities for the end uses that we're proposing which are going to be commercial in nature for the most part uh most likely going to be some sort of small scale restaurant maybe drive-through type atmosphere which again is in concert with the character District of the overlay I'm sorry when you say that that middle parcel I mean is that is someone actually living on that middle part there is currently an owner that resides on that parcel uhor yes there is there's somebody that resides on that parcel in in between yes and so when you say very confidently that they may at a future date Annex into the city have you spoken to that President there have been conversations but nothing has come to a fruition just yet but that is also part of the joint planning area for the city so it is a focus point for obviously progression of the city to go that way and any types of developments that would ensue are intended to go under the Kelly party interchange for that area as well I just find annexing two separate Parcels with one in the middle is kind of um it it's just um I I mean it just doesn't make any sense especially for us providing city services that have to eventually go out to that location sure if I if it may help um to assume as if these two could be under potentially different applications but because of the system that is through AP POA we're allowed to put them on the same application sheet but effectively they're going to be two different developments and they both do a but the city in in their own respects so each are available and potential for annexation on their own right just together we combine the application to simplify things as it is under the same ownership currently so if the owners were for instance two different owners we would just have made two different applications for annexation for both of these partials um where's where's talk go ahead I'm sorry good afterno Lance Bennett Pula Bennett as well just to be clear there are utilities within Kelly Park Road and Ney road so Utility Services already exist that the city provides okay and it is the intent as as Jesse mentioned that this area will all be annexed over time into the city all right anybody from the public wish to speak on this one if not we'll close the public hearing for motion to approve oh come on Mike good is surrounding properties there where's the button up to the city limits at across the street okay so the road divider but there's no properly touch the boundaries on the left right or behind it yeah just to further address that adjacency is permitted across right its away so that is a permissible adjacency to the city limits which does allow again for this to be a consideration for an annexation request L Bell 230 BL out of court if that's the case for this that the roadway could be the cross for that well explain to me why that don't work on this side of town over here in south of Papa with the anization you remember when we talk about the uh property Buton each other you the man sitting in the middle you say oh it's a Swiss chees situation why this can't be a Swiss chees situation just a question I I just have a question to uh to try to address Mr Bell saying so and this is just me not understanding so can the some of the South OFA residents can they actually come in and apply to be annexed to the city as well yes so it sounds like probably get the group of them together to come in and be do the same what they're doing and be annexed to the city as well I think it's a matter of a meeting yeah just two things they have to be they got to be contiguous and then the second thing is they can't create a onpl those are the only two things keeping you from annexing this doesn't create an noncl no um Bobby I just find that middle having two separate is really so it does not create an onclave every time we have somebody approaches for annexation we require them to go talk to Orange County and get something that says it does not create an enclave this is part of an enclave it's lessening an enclave under Florida statute this is what's called a voluntary annexation meaning they they approached the city and asked to Annex into the city uh for the reasons that they've outlined they want to develop uses that are in conjunction with the Kelly Park form based codes such as the uh restaurants that they're talking about that they want to do a restaurant or type of mixed use annexation there's nothing in annexation annexation statute that says that a city council has to Annex property if somebody comes and asks you to Annex there's nothing that says that you have to take it in it says is my recollection of the statute the city council may consider the application there's nothing in the statute that says that you have to and there's nothing in the jpa that says that you have to as well so those are factors for you to consider staff the development Review Committee recommends approval of the annexation because they're proposing a plan future on that would be would would be consistent with the form based code area however it's the council's discretion you good commissioner Anderson I am sounds like we just need to have have another meeting with the South POA to try to figure out what we can do to kind of get NX in so but yes thank you okay anybody else from the public not close the public hearing look for motion to approve ordinance number 369 at first reading and hold over for second reading and adoption so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I and I'm going to say n okay have I guess four Y and one nay okay passes four to one with commissioner Velasquez in opposition okay next up blanch resolution 2024-25 amending the budget for fiscal year beginning October 1 2023 and ending September 30th 2024 providing for a budget amendment thank you Bland Sherman Finance director resolution 202 24-17 budget amendment number eight in the amount of 1 Milli 584,000 we have two items before you in regards to an amendment the first one for 1, 29,45 pertaining to a uity impact fee agreement with Florida Town Center development that was approved on August 25th 2021 for a 16inch Wastewater Force M construction project certification of acceptance was dated July 1st 2024 the water the Wastewater enforcement is now owned and maintained by the city approval of this budget amendment will allow for the reimbursement payment to be made to Florida Town Center development any questions on that item any questions for blanch I'll go to the second one that's pertaining to a budget amendment coming out our general fund operating reserves to cover legal fees for our outside um legal council we need additional funding um in the amount of 375,000 to cover the estimated cost for this fiscal year any questions for blanch on that one the only two that it that's it okay wait I don't know if you did but I will get out your way yeah no I was well I what a question for you this for the legal fund is this is this any the money that's paying for our uh attorney fees for the lawsuits and stuff that we' have lost is whatever legal legal services we acquire from um Shephard um cliff sheeper in his firm is that is that any thing to do with the money that we paying out for the liability to our city if you're talking about things like the softwood case whatever no there there's pending litigation that's been handled by the Le of City's Insurance defense firm I think it's Dean ringer as the firm and so that's separate and it's paid for by the insurance policy but but but then this in liability money coming from in anything liable from what we done no if you mean things where we have been sued as a city and are defended through our insurance carrier which is everything that I'm aware of right now no this has nothing to do with that that's paid for through our insurance policy with the league of cities okay but then then I reinforce what I say reason people can't believe what a liar say because they see what he do anybody else Alber mckimm 3603 golden Jam Road in looking at the budgets and approving these facts and figures we first of all must accept that what the information that were been told is correct and I'm here today to tell you that they're not factual they're liing there was factual inaccuracies and misrepresentations occurred on the 9th of July when diod Buddha your public director a Public Work Director give information so today no we're not we're not we're not that a resolution on so the resolution is that we approve a budget what I'm saying is how can you approve budget how can you P it's legal fees how can you no you didn't give me the opportunity you didn't ask for public the time before may you didn't ask so either you accept the fact that you made a mistake yet again or you let me make my point no well M you know what no no this is about the budget review just now when blanch was asked about a question you didn't say as a public got anything to say about it you never give me the opportunity once again you're denying me the opportunity this is your game M all you want to do is to deny opportunity and it's not going to work for me I'm not going to go away and you can cry like a little boy and pick up your pink cup and do what you need to do you can sit please sit down shut up gota wait for commissioner Vasquez she'll be back in just a second okay thank you for w you're welcome okay looking for a motion to approve the resolution 2024-the motion carries n thank you city council reports commissioner Anderson want you start us out so I I kind of want to go back and address why I actually voted to keep the agenda the way that the that was presented at the beginning of the the meeting if you I have received numerous of complaints from residents in regards to not only the residents but also for people that wants to do business in the city that they have to come and have to sit through public comment and the concern is is that a lot of times a public comment uh is the majority of the time it it's derogatory it's rude it it doesn't really have any resolution that's not been presented it just you know bickering back and forth about their you know dislike for you know the some of the city council members here so it's not as effective so in my opinion um I thought it would be best suited for it to actually go last so that way uh the professionals don't have to sit through that so I I do agree with keeping it um last and I think it's important in addition to that it doesn't limit the public for addressing concerns that are on the business items what it does is it limit um the time that people have to sit through things that has absolutely nothing to do with the business items at hand so um I stand by that I think it's important uh that we present ourselves in our city and the best light if we want to attract some of the best restaurants some of the best businesses to come into the city um no one's going to take their millions of dollars and invest in a city where there's chaos so um I stand on that I think we need to keep it at the end and I think that is important mayor in addition to that is that anytime that we have anyone that comes up and there are not addressing the business items and a go off topic on something has absolutely nothing to do with a business item that we that you enforce that you know that they have a seat or stick to the topic and that way U we can kind of develop more um professionalism when moving forward in these meetings so um I stand on that um I think it's not limiting the public coming at all because they still um have the option to come up and address business items and at the end anything else that they want to disc discussed that is now the agenda they have the option to sit through the entire city council meeting and bring up whatever they want in their four four minutes so um I stand on that and I think it's not limiting um the public to speaking I think it's just developing some type of professionalism because unfortunately um it has gotten out of hand here and um you know adults is just not acting like adults unfortunately so um I think it's important that we extremely disrespectful and I think it's important that we restore um professionalism here in the city of apapa so I stand on keeping it at the um at the end that's all thank you commission BL well just to kind of uh speak on that also the public comment um I certainly agree that you know the temperament that has been here been going on for for a long time now um has had some concern but I don't feel limiting their that we're not limiting their public comment but we were changing and shifting um where when they were going to speak and I don't have a problem as long as it's an agreement that we as a council could sit down and say how can we uh change our public comments so that we can still allow our public to come up and voice their concern concerns regarding issues whatever it may be uh I just felt that changing it from a Friday to the next council meeting was unfair we didn't prepare the count uh the public for that um we do know we have a dedicated uh residents that do come in and um not every person that comes up to that lectur is is uh combative many times they come providing some uh great ideas some solutions some concerns and I feel that you know now we're painting everyone with the same brush and saying that because of some that are contentious that we now going to have to punish everyone else so um I still feel that the public comment should come after presentations we uh the chair has the control in which to say what we expect from the uh public and in the quorum and um we we have the ability to say to someone that they're out of order uh that they're not addressing uh you know that they're being disrespectful they shouldn't be addressing individual Commissioners but um limiting them and kind of pushing the public comment to the end um uh you know I've gotten you I've gotten yes I've gotten some calls where some of the things that are said have been offensive but at the same time since this change I've gotten more phone calls saying bring back the public comment to where it belongs where we've always had it so there this let's be consistent on how we uh present ourselves with our public let's be consistent on how we do things here um we just had a big discussion over the concert and again that's addressing consistency transparency that's what's important to me because we do serve the public we're elected by the public the business of the city affects the public everything we do up here affects the residents in our city and so each member of our public gets four minutes that's not a lot four minutes and we can tell them when they're being disrespectful that's something that we have he has the power to do that and I I think that's what we need to do but um leaving it till the end of the agenda let's see how it turns but if you get public saying that they would like to bring it back so where where is that going to leave us because we are elected by them so um as far as other you know other cities I follow a lot of cities and it's interesting um because there's a lot of cities that face the same issues that we do it's just part of being a public Council um it's part of being in a community where we have a lot of difference of opinions and and you know people have different issues they want to address it's just part of it it's just part of being an elected official it's part of holding public Council meetings so I don't want to diminish the voices I'm big on that their voices are very important to me I want to hear it do I sometimes feel that some of the things being said shouldn't be said you know I feel they're personal but again they have four minutes and we have the control to say to them when we feel that it is out of that it's not respectful that it's being we have the right to say that to them also but we don't have the right to change things because it's convenient for us and make it not convenient for them so that's that's my issue with that um there were some other things I wanted to address uh Emerson Park I did get an email from uh the HOA and I just want you to know that when I responded to them I basically told them that I did not have the authority or the power to do anything with what they were asking I said that they should set the meeting up with you and I understand they wrote me back that they have a meeting with you tomorrow at 9:00 um because they did tune in to the last council meeting so there's some concern about you know who how who who is going to help them bring that so I just want you to know they do that uh we of course had the presentation for uh you know we all attended the um best fo forward which I did that um I'm asking the attorney uh City Charter amendments yes ma'am where are we with this I keep I'll bring anytime you want to put it on the agenda the ordinance is ready I don't control the agenda I can bring it next meeting I can bring it three meetings from now whenever you want it I can bring it well some of the residents are asking me you know they would like to have this brought forward my only concern would be um that we send everything to our Comm Anderson did you get for the commit for the city Charter amendments I did okay just want to make sure that she you want to set a date sorry say she commissioner you like to set a date um sure I guess if we can have it for the next sure well let's let's get into school a little bit let's kind of get everybody back I mean I we got plenty of time um okay yeah because if any if we do any of these amendments when would that and I I until I ask again because we have an interim supervisor of elections but before actually after the interim Mr gilan was appointed I reached out and then spoke to I wish I could remember the guy's name but he's sort of the one who actually knows how to run the office because he'd been doing it under uh Bill cows for so long and he said I'm sorry Steve yeah that's right and he said specifically quote we don't do Charter amendments in November because remember we had the discussion of when they do them and we want Municipal stuff to be in March I ask him in that conversation well is that a policy or is that a law because if it's just a policy we'll do whatever it is we want to do and then y'all will have to take deal with it because you're a supervisor of elections and we have a contract with you and you put on the ballot what we send you I'm pretty sure it's a policy not something that that he can force down our throats so that's where it is I ask him for the deadline and based on prior experience that deadline is either very close to approaching or has passed but for March it would be probably sometime in December based on the prior experience I had with Orange County Charter and then Eatonville Charter and so forth usually somewhere around December 12th for the March agenda and so that's the issue one of the issues if I remember correctly that y'all wanted I can't remember I go back and look somebody may remember I think y'all wanted it on November member uh like in the charter for future elections um but that hasn't been voted on because as your current Charter sits it's set a time that doesn't exist which is December so that has to be changed to something that's legal November March something or a special set election which y'all can come up with your own date but those are the two options but in terms of if you want to get the actual vote before March it's probably the deadline will be sometime in December it's probably close or maybe too late to get it on the November ballot okay um we do need to kind of review some of this and now that we have our chief administrator um in In fairness I would like to have them sure I mean we can set a date if you want to go ahead and set a date I mean I think the thing I want to make sure is that we get the information out to the public I don't think anybody has paid two two cents worth of attention to it yeah just a few have I mean and you know March will be a very very very low turnout because and then if we're going to do March then we need to have a we need to put that into the budget because it's it's outside of the scope of a normal election and I don't so why don't we why don't we revisit we'll put it on as a discussion item next council meeting and have you'll bring up sure I I'll bring an actual ordinance for you and then you can decide okay we see it yeah this is what we want to bring bring it for first reading second reading whatever no problem it's ready to go just tell me when and and then Susan if you'll work on a um what the the what it would cost for us to do an election you know it' be out of cycle election is that you'll be an off year 2015 so okay we'll we'll put that on for the next next agenda okay thank you um the other thing I wanted to address was I had written to our uh director Mr diod that regarding a particular Street and I had sent him some photos and he responded basically saying that uh uh just as an FYI last year we expended about $800 um in sidewalk rep repairs in this proposed budget because of Revenue limitation we only have less than $300,000 to address the sidewalk uh PS will do our best and we'll try and save up the worst area of tripping Hazard so I just want to with the new budget are we going to get a larger um fund for repairs of sidewalks I I'm I don't want to tell our residents you know we can't repair your sidewalks because this particular Community we have some uh members that wrote to me they they used their Community to walk and exercise but they have raised sidewalks that are concerned with the proposed increase in the millage rate that was um proposed by commissioner Smith that was including an additional 1.5 million going to that streets fund that will allow um the same level of funding for the sidewalks okay because we had removed about 500 from there so we can transfer that 5 00 back so they'll be back at the 7 to 800,000 so which neighborhood um is that Pont Lakes no it wasn't pmon Lakes uh no it wasn't and just give me a moment and I apologize because I only copied and I think it's the one um off Bion Road um front of the hospital not Bion um give me a moment because I have the I have the uh I don't know why I didn't print out the whole thing that's fine I mean yeah that doesn't matter he had sent some photos and um and then when Mr de that responded that way I was like so what do we tell the resident um so that was a concern um I'm going to go back to some minutes that from June 5th where I had some questions and uh regarding at the time with the Dei committee that we realized that we did not have the participation or we were not working as the Dei and then we had a discussion that there was a concession to have together as one and when I had questioned it um you had said there would be a presentation at the next council meeting um and so I'm I'm still kind of trying to figure out who is together as one well we're the only one I think had sent in a somebody put on the committee was commissioner Smith I don't think anybody else has given me a name so I you know I'm waiting on some names so if everybody will give me names they want to put on the committee um but do we have a mission for that well I mean I would want to have them do if you want to set the mission we can we as the council been said I I was going to have the the committee do it but but whatever you'd like um oh okay I didn't realize that we were all submitting somebody's name well didn't we already submit people yeah well well we the Dei the person that I had submitted um felt that it was not working as she had intended and she was not interested in participating so I would have to pick someone else well I and the same with mine that's why I submitted another name my person never wanted to not be on that so that's why I didn't submit a new name didn't need one okay all right so so I mean how how big is this committee is going to be I mean before it was 11 11 seven I don't it was seven seven yeah you had three we had one each okay so it was three okay all right I didn't know that so that gives me an opportunity to submit my name okay okay and um just I wanted I and I know that commissioner Smith did this uh when he opened up the meeting he did have a prayer a moment of silence so I want to extend um my condolences to Lake County's sheriff's department on the passing of Master Deputy Bradley link and of course the other two deputies which is Deputy Stefano garona and Deputy Harold Howell uh all three were ambushed uh last week it's a sad and tragic incident but you know just wanted to make mention to them um that we are thinking of them and that was pretty much it for me and I thank you yeah commissioner Smith all right uh the same thing U our sympathy goes out to the family of uh John rickinson continually uh he would definitely be missed in this community for his services and his commitment to this community and and of course as commissioner vasqu said and as I did at the very beginning uh for our First Responders in Lake County um our our sympathy and our prayers go out to those families as well and I I too like uh commissioner vas said early in reference to Emerson Park if uh the attorney can come up with what is legal yeah for us to do if there's a way for us to assist them and U in their transition or the private roads the public roads or just some recommendation as to if they're going to remain private as to what Avenues they have available that they can have get that done that's all I have Mr mastera uh yes the if I can Mr Sherman real quick couple questions for you real quickly please thank you ma'am uh we're just going to ask and request again I know I did it at the RFP selection committee meeting if we can have that video posted on YouTube for all residents to look at I will find out and get an update to you okay perfect and then if you can what's I guess can you give us a list of who was on the selection committee and then what that timeline looks like I know we're still under the con of Silence right now so I'm not sure can I voice the committee members at this time that we're still under the coma silence it was a public meeting I know I know but we're still under the con of so so I want to know whether you can do what inform the public of who was on the evaluation committee even though we are still considered to be under the cone of sence uh I think the answer is yes but let me be sure before you do it I'll make sure I get you an answer by in the morning may I get an answer for that's fine I know I understand okay thank you you're welcome and then my last one is obviously in reference to the public comment being changed without following resolutions or anything that's been voted upon before so I mean that's just shameful what what's happened and the fact that it was changed before and attorney Shephard we're what changing something without following resolutions things like that right that this is what I'm going to discuss in my report but to get ahead of the ball a little bit I think there's a lot of things in which we can all do better and so if you want me to go into that now I'm happy to but this the resolution itself gives you as the council the busy to make the ability to make Chang based on what council prefers that's why you did a motion and then there was a vote but it was changed before any motion had ever been made I'm I'm sorry it was changed before any motion you're talking about the minutes that I read from no I'm talking about that this was already moved this was always behind I I get that all right so and now I understand so because the agenda was prepared as if it was like the going to be like this that is yes that's probably not the best form to do that in because it anticipates a vote that has even happen correct uh again I I don't formulate the agenda but but to your point yeah if something is going to be changed even if it's changed on the Fly what should be in front of you is what the current is not what the future might be because we haven't had that take place correct okay thank you and then just a comment on what Mrs boan had presented is that uh that she feels that decorum is a problem at city council and things like that this middle is the one that controls Ticor that controls how a meeting goes so Mr Smith same comment I mean you had said the same thing that there's and I get it there's non-c converation people that don't want to be a part of it it's not my job that is the center seat's job it's your boss's job to take care of that so to blame that on anybody else other than the center seat that's not following the resolution that's in front of us that I've supported just followed this uh it's just shameful that we have gotten to where we are I mean democracy is basically dead in a pop at this point we we just don't care about the the people's voices I mean there it was a resounding I did a poll online on Facebook public comment all that it shows nobody said they wanted at the end every single person I want to say there's across different posts something like 60 75 80 comments beginning beginning beginning that's the voice of the people so yes they do still have the voice to come at the end four hours later five hours later but the voice of the people who I work for wanted it in the beginning and and it's just sad to where we're at now and I apologize to the public I I really am sorry where we're at all right Jacob yeah as has been mentioned this last week the forensic audit RP selection committee met uh they were able to review and rate the submissions the RP submissions uh ready with a recommendation and that'll be coming forward uh August 21st so expect that on the agenda and then yeah that that Code of Silence uh cone of silence will be lifted at that point uh other than that uh just reiterate what I said before um I don't I don't blame anyone individual when it comes to the decorum uh I have never done business in Florida before if this is how you do business okay I just got to change my expectations but I expect it to be a civil profession and I it needs to work on both sides I don't like the US versus them we are all one working together the citizens elected you to be their voice you are speaking your voice of the ones that you represent it's my responsibility to be as unbiased as possible I just want to get the business taken care of and I want the people that are involved with that business to be able to come forward and present it without fear that's that's all I say right on that note um so earlier today I sent you all your resolution going all the way back to 2016 and I did that uh with an expectation that you might get a chance to read it may not today but certainly in the near future and you know you don't have to be a rocket sciencetist to observe that things have not gotten as good as they could be as a way to put it I guess to try to keep from offending folks it things have been allowed to happen things have there's been uh profanities from the podium there have been name calling there's cat calling from the audience during your attempt to to hear matters and um this is one of those times where I actually agree with the sentiment it takes a village if you guys want a better decorum you need to work together to achieve it that's my opinion and I recognize 100% I'm outside of my boundaries I'm not I am a lawyer I'm not an I'm not an etiquette etiquette Professor I don't do Mis manners but I recognize things that I think are count counterproductive in that regard uh I am suggesting that you might want to consider a couple of different things and and have a discussion and you can actually consider those things at a workshop if you choose one of those things would be to have someone come in and I don't have anybody in mind I'd have to do research and perhaps Jacob would help uh find someone who could come in and kind of Coach how to handle an effective meeting um compliant with Sunshine compliant with all that stuff but also allow uh the meeting to be conducted in a way that is a little bit higher level than what we've been able to achieve recently uh a second thing would be to Simply sit around and look at the resolutions itself and and discuss issues where there may be I don't know holes or a lack of clarity such as public comment will be after presentation but when exactly after that's an issue that has come up um and other things I don't know if there are any other things that aren't clear but what I am clear on and it has been restated here is that there is an opportunity to have a better outcome here and the way that has got to happen though in my opinion again all outside of my box is that if for example if the mayor has going to take control of the meeting he has to have the support of the others it can't be a situation well as long as they're saying bad stuff about the mayor it's okay because the same has to apply to each and one of you so whether it's if whether it's Miss Anderson or Mr Smith or Mr Nesta Mr Vasquez in the regard of enforcing this policy which is your policy as a group you have to be on the same page and do it and you have to do it on a regular basis and so that's my opinion I'm otherwise going to shut up on my opinion but if you want to have a workshop and get somebody to facilitate it not me who can tell you some things that you might do as a group to have better meetings and have maybe better participation from the public at a at a higher level that doesn't stop people from telling you frankly how they feel but it may help get the tenor of the discussion at a little bit higher level than it's been recently so that's my my input okay all right let's see mayor report got quite a few things here um we will put out starting Friday Saturday and Sunday we're going to put out a big social media blitz you know school starts on Monday so make sure that you know everybody's looking out for kids in the crosswalks we were hoping to get the I don't know is Richard nobody from public services um anyway we're hoping to get all of the crosswalks upgraded um before school started I mean theyve just so far behind on the striping so anyway we were hoping to get that done it might still get done before the end of the week but you know wouldn't count it but that so anyway just just let everybody know it's coming and you know be be sure that you let your everybody know in your your social media world that you know be careful for students uh next up the comprehensive plan rewrite joint meeting with uh the council and our Planning Commission will be on September 10th 3M here in the chamber uh next up the budget hearings will be September 4th 5:15 p.m. and September 18th at 6 pm. if you have any thoughts on balancing The Bu budget get with Jacob I know there're 3400 line items in the budget so please go through every all 3,400 and if you see something that we can we can shed now is a great time to to find something that we can um reduce or eliminate I'm sorry can you just the comp plan uh Workshop is okay that's September 10th at what time 3 3 p.m. okay and the other one you budget hearings September 4th and 8 [Music] okay the 4th is at 5:15 the September 18th is at 6:00 pm okay September 16 yes 6m you said yes okay okay uh and we've been stated numerous times here about John rickinson and the family and also the Lake County officer you know our hearts and prayers go out to those families um we uh we're out there meeting I know uh stepen brought it up bringing out some of the the U we've been to some of the schools a lot of the schools this week trying to get them motivated on the flag competition the seal competition youth Council water quality education so we're out there hust trying to get the the schools more involved um to we definitely need a much bigger po youth Council if we can help and so we're we're trying to get those while they're still in um just the teachers at school so it's been pretty pretty productive this week um had a good meeting with um School Board member Melissa bird out at the Gillum Center talking about um the certification program through their um their orange Tech and so we're we're trying to you know formulate a plan um the the problem we didn't had to anticipate or I sure hadn't is that there's a difference between training um facilities and certification facilities and for us to get to to the level where we can certify a student to to be a firefighter um it's about a million dollars in improvements I mean there's all kinds of things we had to improve uh at the facility we have the right facility for training just not the right facility for certification so what we're going to ask our legislative delegation for some help to fund that um that certification so what they're looking at is having a certification program right at the Gill Center we'll teach the class um we'll have students coming from apka wava and okoi and so just we're really excited about trying to put together with um ocps and their orange tech school so anyway we're trying to put together what you know the question is do they start without a facility that meets that that Certification need or not so you know that's still it's an it's an ocps is kind of you know baileywick now so is it any of the training that we will provide now would be credited towards the certification no well I have to have somebody come back and give you the I don't want to be speak out of turn but I think to get the certification we don't have the facilities to get you there now one of the also one of the problems is you have to be 18 to be you can't do the smoke rooms until you're 18 so what you have to do is you get them right up to that their 18th birthday and then you hand them off then you can go back and do that the training the smoke training and it might be one other thing that that they can't do at under 18 so there's there's some Logistics that we're trying to work through with our fire department and with ocps and so we had we had the ocps attorney there oh will you I didn't come on so um but anyway we were some of the things that were the differences and you just correct mayor I think you we met with Orange County Public Schools and we were looking at the differences as far as between certification and training facilities we meet all the requirements as a state approved training facility but for o ocps and doing a program with the high schools as far as for fire standards age was a big factor as far as they have to be at the age of 18 and when do they graduate out of school and that's where the orange Tech component comes in and possibly looking at another component with an another educational facility such as valent seal State they were looking at some of the colleges of putting that together and expanding past their high school so anyway we're we're going to work on trying to get some money for sure from Tallahassee so anyway that's just so you know um interesting just for informational purposes we had about a two and a half inch rain event you know Saturday through uh yesterday and Lake hammer and Clear Lake were up about 08 feet so whatever that tells you um think thought was interesting information um ebeth brelle from uh Channel 13 will be our MC for the Hispanic heritage celebration so we're excited to have her here in a pop on the 28th uh here at kitland Nelson Park 4M uh to 8:00 pm so put it on your calendars and then last but not least um we have early voting starting started yes or excuse me Monday August 5th and we'll continue through Sunday August 18th here at our community center on Central and it will be from 9:00 am to 700 PM daily um so 5 night for those that don't know where the community center is it's 519th South Central and so with that e