##VIDEO ID:YYGSM3mRbyE## e e e e e e e Cil meeting to order commissioner Smith will you give us the prayer pledge and fact of the day please sir our fathers once again that we have come before your presence thankful for all the many blessings you bestowed upon us and for this opportunity for us to serve as Servants of this city we ask you Heavenly Father for all your blessings upon us and for all those that attend us and may we be good stewards so God for the things you given us authority over bless these things in our son Jesus name we pray amen amen I pr to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all fact of the day on October 1st 1961 in New York's final game of the regular season the Yankees Slugger Roger Maris hits his 6 first home run becoming the first player in Major League Baseball to hit more than 60 in a season he top former Yankees great bab group who hit six of home runs in 1927 back to the day okay I'm I'm on yeah yeah okay all right before we get started I want to go ahead and read the the Quorum statement just for everybody um welcome to the public meeting of the city council of the city of Apopka please turn off all cell phones or set them to silent the city council permits and encourages input and comments by members of the public on all matters which may come before the council for Action if you wish to address the council this afternoon please make sure you have filled out a card with your contact information and have presented it to the clerk when called upon please proceed to the podium and speak clearly into the microphone stating your name address of record organization if any and direct your comments to the city council and not to individual Commissioners staff or members of the public the council and the city staff encourages constructive criticism however personal taxs are prohibited please observe general rules of decorum and civility speakers and members of the audience shall refrain from rude or derogatory remarks shouting disruptions Reflections as to Integrity slander abusive comments profanity vulgarities and statements as to personalities any violation of these Provisions may result in the issuance of verbal warnings including warnings of trespass if violations persist after such warnings violators may be removed from the council chamers all right employ recognitions chrisy fix good afternoon everybody um my name is chrisy Funk and I'm with the human resources department this is Jacqueline Kean she's with HR as well and we're here to present Service Awards so celebrating 15 years of service we have Justin Joseph with the fire department Matthew yoham with the fire department 15 years of service Joshua R 10 years of service with the fire department Mitchell Cardoza five years with the fire department we have Jason Wiggins who was celebrating 25 years with the city's Police Department we have Sergeant Paul DS to celebrating 20 years with the police department and here with us today we have detective Steven meni of the police department celebrating 20 years of service detective meni began working for the city of aapka police department on August 2nd 2004 as a police officer on October 3rd 2017 he was assigned to his current role as a detective within the criminal investigations division [Applause] congratulations next we have Jefferson warts detective with the police department celebrating 20 years of service we have Sergeant Barry Brown celebrating 10 years of service with the police department and we have our next Alexia deall celebrating five years of service with the apaka police department a graduate [Applause] from Alexi is a graduate from aapka high school she was born and raised in aapka she went on to attend simal State College where she received her associate of Arts degree Alexia began her career with the city of apka police department on July 15 2019 as a records Clerk in Support Services on January 14th 2024 she was promoted to code enforcement secretary and on June 2nd 2024 she was reclassified to administrative specialist notably she was awarded a popka police department civilian of the year in 2021 when not at the station Alexia loves going to the beach Disney and spending time with her family and friends [Applause] congratulations also with the police department celebrating five years we have officer at sadula Brooks and celebrating five years with the police department we have Tanya Robertson [Applause] officer Robertson began working with the city of apapa police department on July 30th 2019 as a police officer in field services notably she became a field training officer on September 11th 2022 on July 7th 2024 she transferred from Patrol services to the criminal investigations division congratulations all right so moving on to Public Services we have Carlos Hernandez celebrating 25 years of service Carlos began his career with the city of Apopka on September 28th 1999 as a utility service worker too within the water maintenance division of Public Services on November 5th 2012 he transferred to the utility Construction Division and transferred again to the Wastewater collection maintenance division where he continues to serve our community [Applause] today next we have Kenneth Harshman with the public services department sanitation division he's celebrating 10 years of service we have Kevin Turk with the public services department celebrating 10 years of service on September 22nd 2014 Kevin began working with the city as utility service worker too he was promoted to lift station mechanic on October 2nd 2017 and was promoted to his current position as utility Foreman on November 4th 2019 [Applause] and next we have Anthony Ortiz with the public services department celebrating five years of [Applause] service Anthony was born in Corpus Christie Texas and moved to Apopka in 1999 he began his career with the city on August 26 2019 as utility service worker one on January 3rd 2023 he was promoted to his current position as utility program coordinator and it looks like our last one for this afternoon is Jonathan velius did I pronounce that right okay and Jonathan is celebrating five years of service with the Fleet Management division Jonathan began working with the city on July 1st 2019 in his current role as an equipment mechan iic with Fleet Management [Applause] okay so that's it and we are going to meet up here to get a group photo it's good as it's GNA get it we sure have a lot of dedicated employees and so it's always an honor to be able to u to give them recognition for what they do for the city of a Popkin our residents so thank you okay approval of minutes got two sets of minutes we got the regular City Council meetings of September 18th and the budget hearing meeting of September 18th put for motion to approve oh I'm sorry looking for a motion to approve the minutes so got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I all opposed motion carries Nam Jacob do we have any changes to the agenda yeah I've got uh three items there's ordinance 3076 and 3077 dealing with IMB homes um those were advertised but due to not having a quorum last month with the uh Planning Commission those are going to be moved off to uh the so so which ones I'm sorry they're not in our actual agenda but they were advertised through the planning Comm okay okay okay all right thank you and also uh item number five under the business items the Dutch Brothers copy uh we're pulling that one for today we'll probably hear that one next in two weeks say that I'm sorry repeat that again the the item number five under the business the Dutch Brothers Coffee Transportation impact fee credit okay yeah we'll review that one at the next meeting again yeah okay that's all okay all right next up Proclamation for my good friends at the cyber security guys Rob hippler team yes they uh they have kept kept us kept us safe uh as long as I've been here and we're we're sure proud of what they do for us I uh give you my my story we had a um somebody somehow was was able to get into our or tried to get into our system for payroll they were going to switch my Banks obviously it unbeknown to me and uh the team from it was able to pick it up and you know squash that um that cyber hack so we um and they do a lot of routine with within the city they do a lot of routine um fishing expeditions to see if they can catch us as city employees uh picking up something we shouldn't be picking up and so so it's it's a it's a constant battle every every you know every you know every month is a different battle and so just keeping up with the technology is more than one full-time job and so those the guys over at the IT department really really make us proud and and keep us out of the headlines which is one of those that you want to you want to stay out of the headlines and they do a great job with that so like to re read this Proclamation and the proclamation reads whereas the city of apka recognizes it recogniz es that it has a vital role in identifying protecting its citizens from and responding to cyber threats that may have significant impact to our individual and collective security and privacy and whereas critical infrastructure sectors are increasingly reliant on Information Systems and Technology to support Financial Services energy telecommunications Transportation utilities health care and emergency response systems and whereas the city of apop information technology department provides a comprehensive approach to help enhance the security of this city and whereas this year marks the 21st year of cyber security Awareness Month whereas the focus is on four key behaviors including enabling multiactor authentication using strong passwords and a password manager updating software and recognizing and Reporting fishing and whereas maintaining the security of cyers space is a shared responsibility in which each of us have a critical role to play in awareness of computer security essentials will improve the security of the city of apopka's information infrastructure and economy and whereas the federal government of the United States of America the US Department of Homeland Security the multi-state information sharing and Analysis Center the National Association of State Chief Information officers and the national cyber security Alliance all recognize October as National cyber security awareness month and whereas the city desires to bring greater awareness around these issues to both City staff and the citizens of apopa now therefore I Brian Nelson mayor CA popka do hereby Proclaim October 24 as cyber security awareness month so Rob hippocrite thank you mayor Commissioners Robert hler Information Technology director as we all know the internet has provided with unprecedent access to information and opportunities and through these opportunities and access we're also hit with a myriad of challenges through cyber criminals here cyber criminals yes um cyber secur awareness is actually a shared shared priority whether you're an elected official a business leader an individual private citizen we all share responsibility in playing a role to ensure our uh our digital appearance is secure um training and awareness truly is going to be the biggest defense we can have in this situation um simple tasks such as a password that's a very unique password to yourself not something known enabling multiactor authentication and of course staying breast of the latest trends will get you certainly out of some of the vulnerabilities we have as the mayor stated we do um controlled fishing campaigns just to see the uh educational awareness of our employees we have um we're constantly getting hit on the firewall again he mentioned something about somebody trying to impersonate him there was no access coming in they're basically just hitting the email archive coming in trying to impersonate him to an unsuspecting employee so we see that quite often they usually pick somebody who has some clout in the city whether it's a commissioner um you know department head or somebody else just purely out fishing and it's usually try to grab their credentials to log in and continue this on till they do find the right person to try to get some funding out of them so I'd like to thank my entire staff um their hypervigilance into this the security awareness Force um I couldn't ask for a better team and again they they're doing a great job as a mayor said protecting the city and that's what I have to say for that I appreciate the again recognition and thank you all right awesome well let's get a picture Rob okay I don't know if you have anybody else from the team or just rob you can't take a picture [Music] spe all right next up Economic Development Department update Michelle Orland good afternoon mayor and Commissioners it's been a few months since I've um giving you an update from The Economic Development Department Michelle boand um economic development director so I just just wanted to bring some information back to the council and introduce some new initiatives to the community and just give you some updates as to what's been going on so today what we're going to cover we're going to take a look at project pipeline our marketing initiatives um some of the events that I've been fortunate enough to attend and introduce some new initiatives that um we're currently working on so I want to talk a little bit about project activity and be able to Define that for the community so I'm going to be bring back a slide that I first introduced in one of my presentations where we talk about what the process looks like how leads get to us a lead um how we Define a lead in economic development is a a potential company that wants to locate into a community the flow of that it starts with a company either themselves or working with a site selection advisor identifying a geographic region that they would like to be in understanding that when these leads come in we are competing with other cities counties and States it's not that they're looking specifically at a poka or Orange County they could be looking at other states and they're doing their um research to compare different things um so you'll see it goes from their initial research they'll send it down to our state agency Florida commerce who will pass it to Orlando economic partnership who is our regional partner in our effort and then it will come to me my role at that time is to respond to any inquiries they have as far as not just buildings or land that we may have available but we also take a look at the workforce we look at infrastructure we look at all different types of things to support the success of a business in our community the information then flows backwards it goes back from me to the Orlando economic partnership back to the state who facilitates all of the responses from around the State of Florida again we're competing within the state we're not just getting eyes on us only um an example of that I'll come here understanding that every project that I work on is confidential in nature sometimes we do not even know the name of the company we just know their industry we know what they're looking for um we we take it take the information as far as what their building requirements are their water electric and gas um usage so that we can see if we have the appropriate infrastructure in place for them we also look at uh the different market trends and they will look at Cost analysis for doing business here I bring this to your attention because I I understand that uh there are a lot of warehouses that are going up there's quite a bit of industrial space that has been developed here and we are working diligently to try to find the appropriate company to come in and fill that space But understanding each time that I do work with one of these projects we are in competition and I hope that we do Stand Out Financial incentives will not attract the appropriate companies here most of the time if a company comes and the first thing they're looking at is a financial incentive they're not necessarily ready um to to be successful in business they take a look at other aspects of the the entire project when they're making their decisions so we have worked with 13 um confidential project leads that have come into us via the Orlando economic partnership they have been in the industries of manufacturing food production and packaging some entertainment and Agriculture and have also spoken with some existing businesses in our community and within Orange County that are looking to um uh possibly expand so to the left it's it goes from a lead a lead is just seeing information coming into an opportunity where we are actively working with them taking them around on site tours showing them the infrastructure we have in place we're bringing in our partners collaborating to introduce Duke Energy we're showing them um Lake aaka natural gas we have public services is providing information that you know we can um Supply to them as well we also tend to work with Career Source or the higher education institutions to show that we will have the workforce to support them when they come into the community um from there they go back and they do their due diligence so I've just highlighted those three items because from due diligence there's a decision and then an establishment understanding none of this will happen overnight these uh projects can last for a year two years three years they when they come to the communities or they go to their site selection advisers they're they're in the beginning stages of looking to see where they want to be some may happen faster than others but just wanted to um highlight that we have had some interest in the city of aapka and we have been courting companies and taking them around to tour different facilities in the community moving past the project activity I wanted to talk a little bit about some of our marketing initiatives the last time I was here I did discuss that we would have an economic development page on our website I think the revamped website launched back in August and there is a page there for economic development purposes um I did follow up to see the traction or the activity for that page it's it hasn't received much but we're hoping that we can continue to push this and promote it there is a lot of information there not only to attract new business in industry but also to support existing businesses um so there's a QR code there please take a look at the the website and make recommendations if there's additional information that you'd be interested in seeing there um we're we're open to it in addition to the website we've created some collateral um and this is in these are documents I've provided each of you with a copy of these documents we have a home occupations guide uh the reason for this is we're kind of pulling the information out of the code we're pulling it out of Statute we're simplifying it for those um individuals who are interested in uh pursuing a homebased business so there is a document there it lives on the it it will also be printed steps to getting started um how to start a business in a poka not just in a poka but you know we tailored it to that when you're looking for market research or development of a business plan you have a res resource with the sbdc who provide free consulting services to businesses and help them develop these plans funding how to identify funding sources taking a look at your location is it zoned appropriately um the legal structure and registering for your tax ID or registering your your name so we just wanted to provide some documentation to simplify the process for those individuals who are interested in starting a business as far as events attended I have had the um privilege of attending a few events that are specific to the economic development field in July I attended the 2024 secc annual conference SDC is the southern Economic Development Council who is a regional entity that represents the 17 States in the America South um this conference was well attended there were over 600 Economic Development professionals from the 17 states that are represented uh there were different topics there and these conversations were led by uh World leading site selection advisors or even secretaries of Commerce um the very first day was kicked off by Insight from five secretaries of Commerce from the different states that are represented by this Regional entity talking about Trends talking about the competition what we're seeing out there and how we can stay in front of that um youth sports facilities and how they're being used as anchors and communities to support uh mixed use developments leveraging federal funds for transportation or Economic Development projects um again strategies for being competitive and so on the second conference I attended was uh just in um just last month I went to the international Economic Development Council annual conference now the international economic Development Council is just that it is the worldwide Economic Development Council also very well attended um there are various sessions and I highlighted some information from one of the sess sessions that I made sure I made it to when the session was all about community divisiveness and and what impacts a community and you'll see a picture there because the speaker there was prepared to speak to about 75 individuals and there were 15 tables that sat 10 so you have 150 seated and indiv individual line up all around the room along the walls and the first thing she said was every time you think you're alone in this battle that your community is divided look around the room you're not alone everybody's facing this um they took polls on you know issues that cause divisiveness within a community and of course they highlighted politics development of race I think we can all relate to that here in a popgun we're not alone in that um there were a lot of different sessions on marketing and storytelling talent and Workforce strategies um housing uh rural Prosperity AI strategies and how we can utilize AI in our efforts and so forth and so I wanted to bring back some of the key takeaways that I took away from each of these events and understanding that my takeaways are going to be relevant to my activities within the economic development department and really focusing on the community component and from both of these events that I attended you hear a lot of when a a company is looking to move into a community they want to see there is trust in that community they want to see they want to know that when they come to this community it's not only going to support the success of their business but it's going to be a place that their employees will be happy a place that will make that will provide the quality of life that their employees are looking for so how can I as the economic development director for the city of apaka incorporate that into my efforts and I think it's going to be you know with the community component here be a part of the solution um increase the trust that's within my department or my activ ities and my efforts to bring businesses to the community provide transparency again that builds trust and it encourages the accountability and inclusiveness is is extremely helpful because when you include the community in your initiatives it provides a sense of ownership and Collective responsibility marketing you know the key takeaways there when you're looking at a website these individuals these companies these s select selection advisers and what they're looking for is more on the demographic side Workforce data are schools what type of programs are at our schools that are training the workforce um they want to make sure there's contact information that's key a lot of websites lack contact information for the direct person who who they can contact UM industry trade shows participation in those trade shows tend to provide your strongest Roi you're getting out you're actually talking to the companies and you may run into a company that as is actively looking for an expansion opportunity utilization of LinkedIn ranks very high on marketing initiatives and I want to do more of that on our LinkedIn page and promoting our website promoting some of these documents promoting our assets promoting our schools and everything after care services once a business comes into the community there's not much at the state level that supports businesses that are in a community it's more left at that Community to support those companies and we're not always going to have those answers or those resources but it is our responsibility to make those connections with the agencies that do have the answers and the resources to support a company in our community so be a resource and think outside the box and how we can support them so that Segways um into the new initiatives that we are launching um within the department the business retention and expansion program I've mentioned this in the past and it is uh coming to fruition and along here you're going to see the steps for this program but I'm going to take a deeper dive into it and talk about what this really means so business retention and expansion it's known as BR it's essentially a common strategy within Economic Development departments at any level there's there are County programs State programs Nationwide programs and these programs are meant to strengthen the community by not just attracting new companies but retaining the companies we have and retaining the employment base that we have keeping jobs in the community we help make our community more resilient when we have these programs in place in a successful program and it encourages businesses that can't tell our success story and their success story to promote that whether it be to their suppliers or to their customers who may potentially want to move into the community and follow them so with that we have created um a business retention and expansion survey what you have in front of you what I've printed out for you to take a look at is not as beautiful as it looks on the website and I have to thank um the IT team for being as helpful as they have been in all of my efforts this business retention expansion survey is currently live on our website it is under the business support um Tab and basically what this does is it allows a company to come in a company within our community to complete a survey it will be completely confidential um to identify not just their successes in our community but where they're they're having issues what type of issues are they having so we want to compile all of this data and I'm certain what we're going to find is there are common Trends amongst our business Community with issues that they might be facing but not only that once we've identified those issues be a resource to them if it's assisting them with another agency making the introduction um and and informing them of where they can go it's all about connection sometimes we don't expect everybody to know everything but we do have information that could be helpful to them so there will be a business resource guide and this resource guide will identify the various agencies from the various Chambers it's not just the Apopka Chamber of Commerce it's the African-American Chamber of Commerce the Indian uh Chamber of Commerce there are so many minority Chambers of Commerce out there that also provide access to Capital and training programs and information that can help companies with better marketing themselves and generating new revenue streams and new um creating new customer based if they want to go to e-commerce or whatever the case may be um we have different business associations at the state level that also does the same thing then there is the education system and connecting them with that you'll see opportunities for businesses to partner with the education system to create a program that will create that pipeline in the workforce that they're looking for um and then access to Capital is always the biggest thing most of the time when you when you complete these surveys and you launch a program like this access to Capital is the number one response that you get back from businesses but number two is also how to increase their customer base is is number two and that's where we always encourage businesses to come up with new ideas that will create different revenue streams for them and enhance their customer base we'll see some of that on our agenda later tonight we're going to take that information compile it report the findings back to the city council but we're going to measure our success we're going to look at the businesses we've surveyed the assistance we provided and businesses retained there will be no surprise to you when I tell you you will lose some businesses we've had conversations about that and our goal is to hopefully even if they leave the Apopka city boundaries but they're close enough to continue to allow for the employees to follow them so that we don't see an impact to the workforce here and and job loss but we will do everything we can to accommodate them in their transition and also to keep them here the next initiative that we're currently working on is a retail recruitment initiative and here is where I stand and I put my foot in my mouth because I think I told all of you I'm not focused on retail in any any way shape or form my focus has been on the industrial side of things and making sure that we are diversifying our economy diversifying the the the what we have here in the community and I have heard an outcry from the day I sat with each of you at my um interviews to social media posts and different conversations with uh members of the community about retail we want more restaurants less car washes less dollar stores more restaurants more shopping more entertainment and I believe this really um is an opportunity for us to take the feedback from the community and we are initiating what we're calling the retail recruitment initiative and here are the steps for this and what we're going to follow thank you for your approval of the piggyback contract that we had with the retail strategies group that came before you at the last city council meeting I was not able to be here but very happy to see that we were able to piggyback on that contract so retail not only brings in the tax revenue but it also enhances the quality of life and ultimately I go back to saying when a business is looking at a community they want to make sure their employees are going to be happy so we do have to work on the quality of life here in this community and I titled it exactly how I feel it's the shift to actively recruiting retail um I again I said I wasn't focused but here it is and it's a new initiative so what do we know there's a community desire for it we are definitely experiencing rapid growth here in the city based off of some preliminary information that we have re received from the consultant that we are working with if you take a look at the city boundaries we are currently experiencing a $50 million plus leakage of disposable income meaning those who live within our community are leaving our community to shop to dine to entertain themselves and there's a $50 million plus leakage a disposable income that we hope to retain within our community and just outside of our community if you take a a look a few miles outside of our community there's a $322 million plus leak AG where that's money that could be coming into our community if we had the restaurants if we had the entertainment if we had the shopping experience here I put a little data here just to show you what I've pulled from some of the databases that we have access to and what this data does is demonstrate that we do have the capacity to support additional retail in our community let's look Beyond traffic patterns because that's their primary source we might not have the daytime traffic but we have the rooftops on the books we have the employment we have the median household income and now it's our opportunity to promote all of these different items to ask these retail companies to look Beyond traffic patterns I mentioned retail strategies group that is the name of the company that we will be working with I had a kickoff meeting with them this morning and excited about the information they were already able to provide they're already actively looking at our shopping centers they're looking at available land they're looking at the different developments that are taking place and they're already reaching out to their connections within this State of Florida alone they have had great success they've current uh actively recruited 50 plus businesses uh which have generated $125 million in new annual retail sales within communities and generated created 897 new jobs within the communities that they have worked in so what we're going to do here we've already engaged the consultant they're going to do some data compilation they're going to use Geo fencing they're going to take a look at our demographics um they've already done some research this based off of the Walmart in our community which is a top performing Walmart in the State of Florida I believe it ranks in the top 10 um based off of that they're going to do a catalog of all of our shopping centers land under underutilized retail space they're going to reach out to the land owners the the plaza owners and anybody that they can to have these conversations then develop a retail recruitment plan they will also provide us with national representation at the different retail industry trade shows going out in promoting our resources our assets that we have here and aligning us with the appropriate retail now I do not want to overpromise and underd deliver we might not be able to support everything that the community is looking for but you will see some diversification of restaurants and and different activities coming in uh we will be provided with a marketing guide on how we can sell ourselves for retail because it is different from industrial and we're going to measure the success of this contract by looking at the number of leads that have been generated with um different companies and the number of recruitments this is my last slide but I do want to say I I really wanted to make sure that the community was included in this process and within your packet that I provided to you today you will see there is a community I'm sorry a retail preference survey that will go on the website and we're asking the citizens of apaka to go to the website and complete this survey it is completely confidential but we want to take a look at your spending habits we want to know what type of retail you would like to see is it HomeGoods is it entertainment is it Hospitality what is it that the citizens of the community are looking for it is not live yet once it does go live hopefully next week we will do a press release we'll put it on our social media we'll put it out there in our newsletter and it's going to be open for about 30 days that's the same time frame that retail strategies will utilize to pull all of their data and so we want to make sure we are compiling this from the community and we are considering their input when trying to align the appropriate retail with what we have available in the community um I will tell you this and in advance similar to Industrial projects it could take three years to land the next restaurant there are there are so many steps that go into actively recruiting there are land Acquisitions there are L titles T you name it it all goes in there right so I just want to again the hope is not to overpromise and underd deliver but to keep everybody informed be transparent about the process and leave it open for inclusiveness from the community so with that I'll take any questions all right great presentation Michelle any questions two questions great presentation Michelle so just a few questions in regards to the economic development website um you referenced that there haven't been that many hits how many hits have it been on the website less than a 100 less than 100 okay so less than 100 so how are we driving traffic to that website yeah so that's going to be me actually working closer with the media team and asking about getting it out there on our Le LinkedIn so I can promote it on my personal LinkedIn it's on the city LinkedIn I'll ask each of you to promote it you know it's going to be all about promotion and like I said LinkedIn is going to be a big driver for us um it's also going to be my efforts in getting out there and pushing it through these different brochures that we have or different um marketing items that I'm taking with me when I'm traveling and having conversations with site selection advisers it's also going to be working with oep working with the state and just really making them aware I'm not too intimidated by that because because it's less than a month old so I'll come back to you uh in the next couple months with a a an updated report on Activity one more thing so in reference to the business retention expansion program that's also going to be on the website as well it isre so how are we getting the information out to the existing businesses if we're not getting traffic absolutely and again we'll go through those same steps to promote it um through you know LinkedIn through the newsletter and so forth but this is going to be boots to the ground picking up the phone calling going out and visiting with businesses asking them if they're interested in participating it it should take less than five minutes to complete a survey it's going to be a lot of Word of Mouth word of mouth as well so I would want to get with you and we'll put together something maybe like a some type of um two hour information session get out to all the businesses and we'll come and present that so that's something I want to definitely get out to the absolutely and I do think this is an opportunity for us to partner with the Chamber of Commerce as well because they do have um a good membership base and putting it out there to them and asking them to share the information as well it's going to be great collaboration there okay perfect sorry one more question sorry so at the Florida League of cities I actually did sit in on with the uh retail strategies group and I'm really excited about the work they've done they've done a lot of things throughout different cities and I think it's definitely going to be asset to AP so kudos to you with um Expediting that and getting that getting on board so I'm excited to see what they're going to do here so thank you I I was fortunate enough to know retail strategies I too at the state level created a grant program that paid for communities to utilize their services and so it was great to May reconnect with them and actually bring their services into our city thank you it's all M blaset it's a it's a very big rep uh presentation very well put together um my concern is again just going to kind of piggy back is to get to our exist businesses so that they can help us to kind of figure out how they we can strengthen their businesses as well as attract businesses um it's concerning when you said that the the the money that we the the consumers are spending outside of a parka and uh it'll be interesting to see what the feedback is of what they're looking for here in the city of a papka I mean you hear some of the things that kind of is lacking but one of the things is really to go to some of these strip malls that have a lot of empty um there's a lot of empty storefronts in them is to really try and fill those storefronts and um you know and one thing I will ask is if you can just keep the commission up to date with things and if there's anything we can do um we certainly are here for that and at one point at one point I would like to kind of take a tour of all the warehouses that we have up I mean we see them when we drive by but we don't know um what each Warehouse is built for absolutely um so it'd be good to kind of take a little tour and say well you know this one is built for uh you know for a factory this one's built for storage or that would be interesting to to learn what all our warehouses are so the good news is is that they're all built to be retrofitted to what we want them to be it's just a matter of our utility capacity out by the airport is higher than our utility capacity in other areas and so that's really going to be the driving factor in what type of business will fill it um and we've seen that uh I without putting any numbers out there right now I can tell you that we are looking to partner with Duke Energy and see where their efforts are to increase utility capacity in some of the other areas and they have been great partners and resources for information so it's all going to be based not just based on that building but the infrastructure surrounding that building um because these builds can these buildings can be um segmented you'll see a 200,000 foot building with that can support to 100,000 square foot companies um it's all going to depend on the infrastructure and they can be retrofit to support the needs but we can definitely do it for okay thank you commission Smith uh if you would just keep us updated as to when the uh information for that website is available so we can post it on our Facebook pages thank you commission Nesta absolutely thank you for for taking the time to do this and and for your efforts uh we spoke about retail obviously I've always been big into that even when we were interviewing it was important to me and we spoke about it this week as well going uh I think you should be attending every year the ICC I think that's really important I think you just missed it in August but I think it's Orlando so maybe you just wanted to go to Vegas next year maybe Vegas it goes back and forth every year so I think that'll be very valuable to start bringing in more retail I think it's key too to make sure that we're offering and sentiment already been echoed of synergistic value to our residents or our businesses that are already here I think that's really important and we don't want to cannibalize anything but make sure that we're all growing together infrastructure is something you stated many times I think having you part of the conversation when we're talking infrastructure as a council and budgeting things like that is really important because you have your uh the pulse on what new businesses are needing what our current businesses are needing and maybe where there's some pitfalls so I think that's important too that moving forward you're part of those conversations and giving some feedback and advice to us to understand we were missing it um on the retail strategies will they ever come in to do any type of updates for us or anything like that for kind of their the list that you're giving here of their engagements will they come do that or is that something is that something they alter your preference um they can deliver the information to me and I can deliver it back to you or we can have them come in maybe I can work with it to have them here virtually they will be in our Market though they will be driving around and having conversations when they're pulling together their database of all of the the shopping plazas the land and availability they're going to be in the community um boots to the ground doing that but we can absolutely bring them back to deep presentations yeah I think it' be valuable just to educate us educate the residents as well and just the final thing make sure this Q code is going to the right page I'll follow up and make sure thank you thank you thank thank you Michelle all right next up we've got six seven eight nine consent agenda item does anybody need to pull any of those items if not look for motion to approve the nine consent agenda items so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I I'll oppos motion carries unanimously next up Mid Florida south Logistics Park plat Jean good afternoon Jean Sanchez for the Community Development Department this is a request to approve the midf floor South Logistics plant the subject property is located on the southwest corner of Peterson Road in State Road 429 approximately 71 acres in size the plan is to combine five Parcels divided into two lots and three tracks for the development of an industrial center for warehouse distribution and other light industrial uses and create the conservation area on the southern portion of the project boundaries the plant is consistent with the major development plan approved by city council May 17 2023 and the construction site plan approved by the development Review Committee on October 6 2023 as well as the terms of resolution 20242 in reference to the conveyance of land from and to C effects and midf Florida south LLC the DRC recommends approval the Planning Commission recommended unanimously recommended approval on April 9th 2024 therefore the recommended motion is to approve the mid Florida south Logistics plan staff available for questions any questions for Jean not anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing with for motion to approve the plat for the mid Florida south Logistics Park that be so much got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor all oppos motion carries an ny next up poka Investment Portfolio update and proposed investment options blanch and Glenn yes good afternoon mayor Commissioners Blan Sherman Finance director I have Mr Glenn Scott with me from Morgan Stanley he's here to give you an update on the city's Investment Portfolio fio and introduce to you some new investment options Glenn thank you blench good afternoon commission good to see you again is the presentation coming up here there we go I'm gonna skip ahead if you if I could indulge you a little bit to the page four of your presentation I just think the order of the slides is a little off I I think I'll be more coherent if I go this way um yeah we're just gonna go right there on page four um this is this is a uh yield curve graph and what it's showing on the vertical scale is interest rates on the horizontal scale is time going out from overnight interest rates out to the 10-year and the uh interest rate we're measuring here is the interest rates on US Treasury Securities um basically all investment statutes and and the entire investment program is based off these yield curves the top graph is where we were six months ago is in February when we first uh got working with you and if you recall the theme there was that we were at the top of an interest rate hiking cycle interest rates were probably peeking out the Fed was indicating that they had uh completed the task of of raising interest rates to fight inflation they were going to go into a pause period throughout most of this year where they um looked at data to determine the appropriate time to start cutting rates uh once inflation had been brought down to a sufficiently um low level the target level at around two and a half percent uh the green curve is where we're at today now the the trick here and this was uh part of the discussions we've had previously this year is that the interest rate Cur yield curve is inverted the higher interest rates are shorter than the longer interest rates and that's not typical but it's typical of this situation at the top of an interest rate cycle the markets look forward in time and they're rational and so uh the trick is if you're investing money in cash you're earning more than if you buy Securities out in time and the question is how fast will the interest rates decline versus where you can invest and freeze that interest rate in to lock in earnings uh on your portfolio and you took advantage of that we invested 15 million in cash initially out on that higher curve and uh what we're looking at today is is what I'm going to show you today is a graph that just says if we took the maximum sort of amount of cash that's available and we were to invest it out in Securities that are available today where would we be on a one-year time Horizon in terms of the uh likely interest we would earn off each option staying in cash buying Securities okay if that makes sense all right so now I'm gonna back up and I'm GNA go to this graph now this is a uh kind of an interesting graph so on the vertical is the uh on the left vertical is um the overnight interest rate by the Federal Reserve on the right vertical is the number of 25 basis points or one quarter 1% cuts that is anticipated by the markets against the horizontal which is the time that the various States the FED is meeting and um this is not a survey of people making predictions this is a model that mathematically derives from Futures contracts so this is real money being placed in the markets sort of the math behind what prices indicate how fast the FED would cut and the FED has started to cut as we know this month very aggressively uh on the uh just a couple weeks ago the FED cut uh the overnight interest rate uh one half of 1% so two 25 basis point Cuts indicating the believes that inflation is largely behind us and they're starting to get more concerned about slowing economic growth and risks to uh Rising unemployment so uh the markets now have the FED cutting multiple times when we get out to uh you know this time next year in 2025 you can see we kind of reached the bottom there that's like uh nine eight nine cuts uh that we'll be seeing over the next year 25 basis points Cuts bringing the overnight interest rate down from where it was when we started working with you guys at 5 and a half% down to two and a half% uh a year from now that's what we're seeing now the good news for people is that that makes everything in terms of cost of financing a lot more inexpensive or a lot more affordable for a lot of people everything from more just to car loans credit cards everything will be reduced by this action so that's the good thing the bad thing is it's being done because there's concerns that the economy might be slowing and that's a consideration for all you when you're thinking about your budget how much cash to push out onto the curve all right if all that makes sense hopefully uh this is just the snapshot uh of what we could do uh buying uh now in this case we just thre out 50 million dollar that would be the most we would consider in fact blanches thinking maybe half of that would be more appropriate at this time and we based the available rates that are available on a ladder of Securities these again these are US Treasury Securities so there's no credit risk component to this this is just pure interest rates uh going out into 2027 and you can see that pick up $50,000 not a huge pickup in one year but you know it's it's um not insignificant either this number was a lot larger six months ago when we first started talking with you $50 million I think the first iteration we did this had a $1.5 million pickup over the top of the uh cash curve so this is where we're at today and this is just uh what we're asking you to give consideration to and give direction to blanch uh do you want us to start pushing some more money out and try to lock in interest rates before we get further into the interest rate cutting cycle so hopefully that makes sense and that's the completion of the three slides I had for you today if you have any questions I'm happy to answer all right commission Nest absolutely thank you for the presentation and taking the time to be here to to kind of sum this all up and and correct me if I'm wrong it's basically takes take money out of your savings account to go invest it so are we going to make more money in the savings account or we're GNA make more money in a locked in investment yeah right now you would make more money on a one-year time Horizon uh taking money in buying treasure Securities rather than cash if the second graph I show you the rate that the market predicts of how fast the FED will be cutting is the accurate model that's the best information we have and that's all we can make any decision on is the best information we have today so right now there's a positive pickup against that projected and straight curve to buy treasury Securities over cash and again I I just want to make really clear here I'm a fiduciary to you I I have a flat fee contract I I'm not trying to sell you anything here right we're not motivated sales or pushing anything on you we're we're an advisor to you the city so I guess the the risk comes in if we leave it in the savings account interest rate could go down tomorrow whereas we're locking in a higher interest rate hopefully we're we're we're risking it there so and then I guess to your point if we go to what Mr Sherman is recommending 25 million we'd basically only be making about $25,000 more yeah 2,000 000 more it's not a huge pickup right now and again this is super Dynamic I could come back and do this exact same analysis 30 days from now new economic data would go on there's all sorts of horrible things going on in the world right now that we're all sadly aware of those have huge implications to how the global economy could look we could have a huge spike in interest in oil prices we could have a flight into US dollars if the world gets crazy or unstable typically what will happen is money from all over the world will flow into that treasury curve and if you think that that's a risk that's not built yet into that model because this model was done before all that uh that would be that would if you think that the world is at risk of getting unstable you're better off buying the treasury Securities now because the interest rates will come down faster because money will flow back into US dollars into the safe haven of US Treasury securities during uncertain times so there a geopolitical component this we didn't really look at hard but it sits on the backside of that analysis okay and thank you for that information Mr Sherman what do you recommend we do or is this more educational for us and not do anything right now let let's let's ask the questions first then we'll come back and what you want me to do am I answering him okay sure go ahead yes okay um I don't think it's educational I mean because you know how the market Works um he's here for a decision and one of the other issues that we have is that in accordance with our policy we are the funds that we have in covis is now exceeding the policy established policy requirements so we do have excess funds in noas per policy that we need to move either into SE Coast Bank or somewhere in order to stay in compliance with policy so that's one of the other reasons that this is being driven as well what's the amount of those funds the overage was it about 19 yeah about 19 about 19 19 okay I'm about 19 million and we're talking off the top about here because we but we are in excess okay and that's our main operating account and that's why I was saying maybe 25 million we average like over like a 100 million in that investment account right understand so just it's just the shift and is the question is do you want to take that long-term investment with the potential of making additional funds could be even more if the market the funds continue to drop the rates continue to drop so that's the decision that's the and I guess there's an alternative too to your point to move this to another local bank as well yes well with that don't we aren't we trying to qdp we can only have two a certain amount but we can yes it's 50% per policy but we it's also a limit on the how much can go in that one institution right okay understood thank you Mr Smith so are are we at the the maximum for the other institution as well we're not no we are not see Co the only one we have is C Co all right so so in in reality we could move some to seos or and put some here or move it all to one location yes that is correct and you recommending 25 I was recommending 25 for the treasury notes the long term versus 50 million I think there's two separate questions here one is you know how do you solve the issue of of having a concentration of cash good news you're accumulating cash the city is doing well that's all positive it's it's as a result of good things and having the dollars the investment program that you all had was a very good investment program in interest rates for Rising having all your money short gave you a lot of liquidity you put money into local banks all good stuff and you fully captured for the benefit of the city and the citizens the rising interest rates and you didn't expose yourself to Capital losses on long-term investment so everything that was done up till when we came on with you guys was was great uh you you you had your money appropriately allocated and this new program is just recognizing that we're we have shifted over now the FED has indicated by its actions that it's going into a cutting cycle and Now's the Time to give consideration to building out a portfolio and again these types of portfolios that we're recommending are super typical if you were to do a survey of 100 cities around the country or just here in Florida if you want uh having a latter portfolio of Treasury Securities would be very very typical of a city of your size what they would do in their investment program so we're not have we're not recommending here anything that's out of the ordinary by any means any other questions Comm Smith okay commissioner Vasquez so let me just get this we have $19 million you said 19 million we said 19 million excess in noas and that is a guest number I will tell you I'll get you that exact number that is outside the policy requirement okay and then you're suggesting to invest in treasury bills long term yeah about 25 million I thinking is what's the period was it a year or more but we took it out to 2027 we only analyzed though the difference in interest income that you would earn for a 12 month fullly period so beyond the 12 months this portfolio recommending would I'm sorry beyond the 12 months that was in the model that I presented your portfolio would be significantly above where cash prices would be 12 months forward from now and so the rate at which You' be earning additional dollars beyond that 12- month period would be greater than the pace that generated that $40,000 number if that makes sense it's just a that analysis is just a a next 12 months uh window of uh analysis in terms of Interest earnings just 12 months yeah but but the but the Securities are being invested Beyond 12 months we're just looking at the difference between the expected cash earnings and the expected security earnings for 12 months in this analysis it was done for blanch was plugged into budget projections that's why it was done for the 12- month period okay well again I'll just be guided by our finance director you you you you see the real numbers and you know uh what we need and we have big capital projects coming up so I just want to make sure that we have the cash you know on hand for whatever emergency yeah um um that's important yes because I don't want to push any of the especially the public safety building I don't want to push that down and we should be borrowing money to get yeah we'll be borrowing money definitely that's my only concern yeah commissioner Anderson so in regards to the amount that is according to the policy per account what is the is it 50 million per in your in your um on in the staff report it's like 50% is allocated to qds the pie chart that you see there but we also have a limit of how much can be in one institution out of those qpd we have two qds and right now synovis is exceeding that amount yeah and that's why we're trying to reallocate a little bit okay so what what you're saying is we've got more money in reserves than we had six months ago oh yeah oh yeah definitely I mean I just I mean Cashwise we I know people out there think we've got less money so we're okay just want to make sure we got 19 19 million more well this is specific to the general fund though our Enterprise funds are what are severely and defa don't have funds this is all of the cash all funds that we have yes we have this cash consists for cash from all of our funds general fund yes okay understand but this doesn't show the health of our Enterprise funds this do doesn't show health of any of it it's just it's cash on hand it's cash on hand right is cash so on indicative of health of our city your cash balance is you know indicative of not the Enterprise funds yes it is in the Enterprise fund cash balance is reflected in these amounts right no I understand okay but not their true debt balance because it's always a timing issue is not reflected correct all right so anybody from the public wish to speak going investment policy okay if not we'll close the public here look for motion I guess we've got two Alternatives or I we can even split the difference we want we um blanch recommends 25 Glenn ref Rec um recommends 50 so what's the pleasure of the board repeat that choice that we have you say what Mr Mr Mayor I I just want to be a point of clarification we just answered you know a lot of times in in analytics the question you an ask is more challenging than the calculation of the answer so I want to make sure that I'm not being misunderstood we just did an analysis for the maximum amount of cash that was available to determine what the numbers would look like I'm not making a recommendation just I'm going with recomendation I'm recommending the 25 as well yeah we need to have that cash liquid okay so basically the recomendation is is the the basically the recommendation is the 25 million and and we don't want to consider putting any at C coast and you don't want to consider putting any at C Coast um we can consider putting some of that at C Coast as well maybe we just take the excess out of um covis that is outside compliance and then you know put the rest at um C Coast out of that 25 million in other words let me say it this way if 20 million is the excess at sovis we can take that 20 million and invest it and take five million if you vote 25 and give it to seos got it all right we got a motion by commissioner Smith 20 million going to treasuries and five million going to SEC or whatever that differential is yes okay yes okay yep okay motion by commissioner Smith second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor all oppos motion carries unanimously thank you very all right thank you Glenn was great seeing you guys thanks Glenn appreciate it safe travels okay foreclosure fund blanch and Captain brick team yes sir we are our team so we we discussed this in the briefing we're here to establish the Foreclosure fund account um recently we were notified by our City attorney that they no longer want to front the cost of some filing fees for our foreclosure cases and also we want so we want to establish a fund to fund that and um we also want to take advantage of this to um take get some tax certificates we want to make sure that we secure these foreclosed properties and so we're looking at 50 million we can increase to I said if just for all away I tell you see I said thousand before okay I flipped it okay 50,000 forgive me 50,000 for this U foreclosure fund and we can't increase the code enforcement revenue for that amount to offset this and I'll be bringing back a budget amendment at the next meeting and I have M Captain brick here to explain his need does anybody have any questions it's not we should have been doing this all along um because we didn't have that many foreclosures um our City attorney was gracious enough to front the the U cost of the foreclosures 2500 bucks a piece um so now with we're just we're getting to a point where people are not complying and we're just we're forced to to take some kind of action to to get them into a response and so we need to we need to have a fund we already have established a line number in in our budget um for court filings we but we did not realize during the budget presentation in April when we put our budget together that this these were coming up and and so now with the we need to do this it's the beginning of the year we don't have the money in the budget we think with the number of foreclosures that the um it will offset we will recoup the fines all right the fees I'm sorry yes ma' I have a question probably for attorney Shephard so in regards to the the $2500 does that include the filing fees with that is filing fee that's 25 per foreclosure is it for your is your attorney fee or that's that's what the clerk charges okay the clerk charges okay in addition so the additional fee will also come from your attorney fees as well correct is it hourly or this count is simply to pay the cost of filing the action just the cost okay so there will be additional cost that oh legal fees that's this is not anything about that the cost of filing forclosure is gone through the roof and I'm just trying to understand the breakdown of the cost yes that's this account is just for filing fees 25 okay so there will be additional cost that your office will also corre charge okay thank you thank you Mr blasquez no uh Captain Brook did explain this to me and um um you know I believe that like you said it should have been done um it's just we don't want to right we're not in the real estate bu we don't we don't take any pleasure in doing this but our hands are tied we have to act M I think we had a very in depth conversation and we board okay commissioner Nesta yeah I mean this is I've been part of Code Enforcement since I started a commissioner I love what you guys are doing and I think this it's something I've brought up I think since I was elected to put more teeth to to your department to be able to do this and I guess then I've echoed this sentiment in our meetings and and conversations after that I'm frustrated that we're having a budget amendment week one of our new budget um I guess I'm surprised that we didn't see this coming and again this isn't Direct exclusively towards you this is a an entirety of this and I don't it we don't need necessarily a response to that is just my um it makes us look like we weren't ready prepared properly when we had a week ago finalization of budget and this could have been added in somewhere we could have brought this up and now we're making week one a budget amendment so frustrating on that part I think this is definitely needed it's been needed we absolutely need it um but week one of fiscal year 242 we're making a budget amendment and it just doesn't promote uh confidence in in our budgeting overall uh when week one we're already making changes so again this is not you this is just a frustration in the process well I think from my understanding the when did the attorney advise that they would no longer be actually the day after you voted okay so it was after okay it's it's Murphy's Law you told me that it was two weeks ago you voted you voted on Wednesday and then I found out on Thursday and immediately went to the chief the deputy chief the mayor and and Mr Smith I I I thought it was what what that week and a half two weeks ago we made him we voted last week one week ago you told me in my in our agenda re meeting that it was two weeks ago that I I I first you got before the after the first reading okay yeah we had two two readings so you probably at the first reading but before the second reading so we could have made an adjustment and we didn't if the city administrator and the mayor chose to add it today list or on the list but but you were aware of it as well correct and as we discussed as our finance director the first week of our budget you're asking for an amendment um whenever we have to increase the budget as a whole we will have to bring here to be amended this is one of those things that we for me when I saw it it was it was a net zero I didn't see an increase in the budget and I didn't see a reason why we would need to amend the budget for it but if we're going to be bringing in a bit more revenue and that's offset by that expense on the other side then yeah we do we do have to come forward with that Amendment so for me at that time I didn't feel like it was an amendment that needed to be done so I guess that's that's a concern as well because you're you're withholding information from us to be able to make wise this decisions for our Budget moving forward no this wouldn't have even come to you if that was the case but it's here now and so now again we're having to amend a budget because we're increasing the overall budget but if it's just a matter of semantics and moving money from one count to another but it's the same money it wouldn't come to you agree but it wasn't and it should have been budgeted in there this is it's part of the transparency it's part of what we've been talking about this entire time where residents are coming up and that's why we're here now we should have known last week well I didn't know until last Thursday when I had this discussion with did you vote commissioner Nesta or not no I didn't for this exact reason because clearly you didn't have a balanced correct budget okay that's well you want to talk about timing this was after you guys approved the final budget that's not what they're just saying that no they had a discussion I didn't agree that's the point again I think this is well well well needed how this was handled was poor okay okay anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we close the public hearing look for motion to approve the creation of a foreclosure fund you got that wants to speak thank good afternoon mayor commissioner Hall 391 Rolland Hills Lane um and just a couple things uh when we go through the budget process we go through the budget process to make sure we don't have incidents like this yeah I know there's sometime there's Murphy's law but it's not a good look and for the City attorney is there is there another entity that are resident can apply for to have a forensic audit done on the city of apaka another entity is is there some another board another organization that we can apply because it was shot down here and so now du to Residence has another recourse that we can go to to make sure that we get a forensic audit for the city of apak do do you won't me to answer the question no okay why you can't ask the question because that's we're talking about amendment to put money into a code enforcement tax lean it's got nothing to do with a forensic on it what we're having to do to make the amendment and we just passed the budget that's what it has to do with but I I'll leave it at that and I'll say this to the board it shows the transparency that we're talking about for as the community that the whole incident that happened when we passed the last final budget where the city commission the city commission City uh attorney wasn't even here to answer questions that may come up or that may he wasn't even here so that's why you had one of the Commissioners walk out but we still pass the budget I'll make a formal request because you work for the residents you don't work for the mayor you work for us too so I'll make a formal request to see is there another entity that we can apply to as a resident to have a fisic audit done in the city of apaka thank you anybody else want to speak on this matter if not we'll close the public hearing look for motion to approve the creation of a foreclosure fund account for code enforcement tax leans and foreclosure filings got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I all opposed motion carries nously next up overview of the city FY 2025 2029 fiveyear CIP plan I know it's blanch and Sean I have Sean oao and Henry Thomas here from RAF Tillis as well to help address some of the questions as we talked about through the budget development process and workshops and meetings uh we were updating our impact fees and our water waste water and SE reclaim water fees as well in regards to the police fire and Parks and Rec impact fees this chart is a comparison of some of the existing rates and the currently proposed impact fee rates you can see some of the increases there in regards to single family for police and this is the Allin rate with all the projects that um the Departments had submitted um going from 747 to U 1354 per unit that's about an 81% increase multifam 747 to 1,83 45% increase that's police and fire from the 708 to the $1,031 a 46% increase multifam 708 to 824 16% increase in regards to parks and recs the single family going from 1,60 to 3520 a 232 per increase in multifam with a 166% increase some of the major projects um contributing to the highly higher proposed rates is related to um the police training facility about 52.2 million and the public safety administration complex for about 54.5 million that's factored in regards to the fire department again it's the public safety administration complex and the fire station 7 for parks and rec the large contributors are land acquisition for level of service maintenance about 20.2 million Aquatic Facility / poool about 20 million additional baseball softball fields 16.8 million additional soccer and multi-purpose Fields 10 million artificial turf conversion 15 million so again the rates for police all in one um going all in goes to 1,7 354 per unit without the training center 78 per unit which would be a reduction and without Public Safety and training 215 which would be a reduction fire department all in 131 Without fire station 7899 still increase and without the public safety facility and fire station 7 325 per unit parks and re U few scenarios here all in the 3520 without the turf convergence 368 without the turf and the pool 2,465 and so forth as you can see without the various um options there so the final one without the turf multi-purpose Fields baseball land Acquisitions 822 per unit in regards to the Utility Fund as you notice is still underway we started out at the 40% 40% 15% that was imp pable so we went down to the 23. 75% some of the large contributors was associated with the capital budget going from 284 million to 482 and so we did revamp that capital budget as well some of the major projects that were factored in there was the gross embarker Water Treatment Plant 13.9 million um for the 1.5 million mg and gr marker Water Treatment Plant 5.5 MGD U reconstruction that's 11.6 million another gross embarker with upgrade and expansion that's has an expansion related that's a major contributor there the 65.5 million and some new water treatment plant constructions another 50 million 49.2 Northwest water treatment plant treatment upgrade and expansion another 11.5 Southwest Water Treatment Plant 5.0 construction 12.4 um new pipelines and oversizing agreements 11.5 million also contribute to that in large increase lift station upsizing 10.9 um another oversizing agreement is 7.6 um Northwest upgrade and expansion 11.5 Southwest new construction 12.4 and other upsides in 11.5 in regards to the reclaim 40.4 million golden gem Pump Station 16.1 and reclaim utility lines 12.4 oversizing as well for that um area 11.9 so I'm here today just to get some guidance and input um and get your take and I have um as I said the team members from RAF Tillis Sean Ocasio and Henry Thomas to help address some questions as I mentioned the water and wastewater one is still underway that's a very complicated one and so we're going to bring back scenarios on that one as well at a later date but in regards to the impact fees if we want to look at some of those scenarios that we offered Sean also has some average rates for uh some comparison purposes as well to share with you okay Sean good afternoon for the record name is Shan oaia with ref Talis financial consultants um if if I could take a moment just to to unpeel some of some of that I'd like to um so as a part of the the municipal impact fee update that that we're doing currently for the city we're looking at um the the the impact fees that are charged so these are these are fees that are charged to new growth and development these aren't fees that are paid by existing residents so this isn't some form of of of tax or something like that it's just it's a new growth and they're related to expansion related costs that new growth coming to the city you know places an impact places a demand on different Public Services whether it's for the police department for the fire department or for Parks and Recreation um so then with that as a part of that analysis what we're looking at is your investment in those various departments you know uh in terms of assets so we're looking at the assets um that the police department has that the fire department has and that Parks and Recreation currently has and then we're also looking at the the long-term plan and that's where this comes in of those capital projects because in order to calculate a proposed impact fee what we have to build into that is the the current um investment that you have today and then the forward-looking investment that you're planning um so we're we're trying to get those two cost buckets together get a total cost number and then we're dividing that out by projected new growth units um that's essentially the the fee calculation process in a nutshell um so as a part of that there are some pretty significant capital projects that are a part of the the initial plans that we've been provided with uh as was mentioned in in the slideshow we're looking at some pretty significant Investments on the horizon for the police department in terms of a training facility of about $552 million we're also looking at um their I'll say their allocation of a public safety complex coming in at about um $54 million now just for a sense of scale there the the current assets on the books for the police department come in at just just under $1 million so it's a pretty significant investment in in this period of time and commensurately you see that increase impacting the the fees the proposed fees that that you were seeing up there um the the current fee right now is $747 per residential unit again for new growth on the police side and that would be going up to that um $1,354 number that was shown in the slide uh similarly on the fire department side there's also significant investment there as well uh currently in the department there's about $19 million worth of assets currently in service you know providing service to the city the the capital plan which includes it's the the fire department share of the public safety complex as well as an additional station station number seven that's a a total plan of about $42 million that's also being included in there so again you know you're at about 19 million the plan is to add another 42 million of of assets in order to provide service to growth in existing residents um on the Parks and Recreation side you have about just under $25 million of assets associated with that department for all parks and facilities and the amenities that are offered in terms of those listing of uh near-term and long-term capital projects there's about um 95 excuse me 117 million of projects of which about 95 million are includable in the fee and that's one thing I need to to mention real quick is when it comes to the calculation of an impact fee you look at those costs that I mentioned the the current investment and the Planned future investment but there are certain rules that the statute has as to what you can can include and what you must exclude from that so these numbers that I'm talking about here are net of that when I mentioned the the 95 million for parks and W as opposed to the 117 there um you know one thing I I'll mention again the the fee increases as you saw on the slide are are significant because there's you know um significant investment that's planned for for the Horizon uh just a sense of some averages real quick um locally we did a quick survey of of some um local municipalities uh on the police side an average impact fee for a residential property uh single family home ranges in the the the ballpark about $450 to about $650 per residential unit now one thing I'll mention there is that's because again they're not putting in a brand new you know public safety administration complex you know and factoring in today's Capital costs and capital inflation as a part of that these are for um a little bit more established departments that don't have that big a capital need in the near-term Horizon um on the see on the fire side um they average again locally about 500 maybe $600 or so again it kind of depends on where you're looking where your sampling and does that area have growth that they're putting in new stations or again their share of a public safety complex um and currently just for for cens of scale the the fee there is $77 uh on the Parks and Recreation side your current fee is $166 per residential unit um the average again that we looked at for the area comes in around $16,700 per res residential unit however that can vary honestly pretty wildly across the state if you look down in South Florida they can be five or $6,000 per unit it just varies um but again one thing I'll mention there is that's one of the more unique impact fees because it's a function of what you want to build in you know for your community that you to some extent you use as almost to Market it you know do you have an aquatic center you have ball fields you have any kind of a robust um Recreation uh Department that draws people in and you know draws in growth um so for for comparison purposes one thing I'll notice on the peaks of that um while the average for police was average like I said about 450 to 650 um the the highest one on the comparison that we saw was about $1,000 um for fire um the highest one there was also just under $1,000 and uh Parks and Recreation one we looked at there was about $2,900 um in terms of the peak compared to the average so kind of a lot of things out there right now um so you that's that's the range of how proposed fees and existing fees scale against you know the your your some of your neighbors um that's kind of the the basics of what goes into an impact fee again we looking at those assets we're looking at the planned Capital program which was a part of the slideshow here and then what uh blanch had us do in anticipation of this meeting was do a little bit of a what I'll call a sensitivity analysis based on the inclusion of certain projects or or not how those fees um change but one thing I'll mention here is it is important to have these fees in place in the community and also as right-sized as you can because to the exent you have them in place you're generating revenue from those new growth and new properties that are placing an impact on your services and to the extent you have that it mitigates some of the impact to existing residents so you want to try to have that balance there okay any questions for Sean or for blanch I I see the increases Parx and wck really went up on the impact thing um and why did it go why was there such an increase on that but a VAR projects because of the capital projects the various capital projects so are any of these capital projects that you listed are they carryovers I mean we already had these are new these are all new yes ma'am new projects for the water system all of these are new the the ones that you list here R berer okay which one you are you talking par are you going to the okay are you going to water waste water approximately but all of them are new all of them are yeah but which projects are you referring to well you have some that are in light blue and some black what what's the difference why is there a difference are you under the water system all of those are new projects He was just saying that the light the light blue are the major contributors all of them are contributing to the higher rates that they're were proposing but some of the key ones that are really contributing as you can see is that gross embarker water treatment upgrade expansion at 65.5 and the new water treatment plant construction at 49.2 but all of these are new projects so this this with the impact Fe is really with the development the new development it's the new growth and new developments that will get the but these are the water the water rates right here when you're talking about the Water waste water reclaim system those are the water rates yes Ma so that's why when we initially proposed at 40% and I mentioned to you that at that level with all of these projects they were talking about a $30 million annual Debt Service that definitely we cannot afford so that's why we said we had to push out some of these projects we got to phase them in as we build up revenues and be able to afford some of this in the lateral years so they're going to come back we're not done with water and wastewater rates yet I'm just sharing with you some of the input and why we push some of those projects out we're going to come back for the water and waste water we got time on the water and waste water we've already set the rate for fy2 so we're good am I saying something wrong no Okay so we've already set the rate for FY 25 is the police and the fire and the recreation impact fees if we want to move forward with those and say make it effective come January we need to make some decisions about whether we want to include some of these big projects in there for instance do we want to include fire station 7 do we want to include the training center for police in regards to parks and wreck do we want to include and I'm probably going the wrong way here we go some of those products all of these products are outside of any funding that we have do we want to do the turf conversion do we want to do the pool do we want to do the gym the multi-purpose fields or the baseball fields in that land acquisition in the next five years exactly so if you want to do if we want to push some of these projects off to your six through 10 yes then we could we could take them off the the impact fee for now and then roll it back the one thing CH just want to make sure just so everybody understands the on the police and the fire you the calculation you have here is minus the current facility which we can't use impact fees for is that um so you can includ you can include the the existing investment to the extent there's capacity available to serve New Growth so essentially the way we look at it is we're taking the existing um assets of the department which I said was about $10 million um from that we're netting out um the the um the costs that the statute say we can include back in 200 21 the Florida statute changed on impact fees you can no longer include short-lived assets of a of a useful life of five years or less and also there's certain restrictions on what can be included as a part of of the calculation so netting out those costs we then take those costs and look at um them combined with the the forward-looking capital plan but we attribute it across your your entire population so it's effectively yes we are waiting pulling those costs out um it's just it's how you look at the calculation y okay all right any other question commission R um no so I guess before we we vote we can decide what we will kind of push in past five the fivey year you're saying or this this this is a fiveyear plan this is the five that's what we has every have all the Commissioners gotten a pretty good briefing on all the projects within the CIP no you know I I wonder if we shouldn't have one more can we push it off one more meeting and still get it by January 1 Sean is that going to give us get us in trouble so um one of the things about this um so for a little context my understanding was this more of a status update on on the impact fee study um what I would say is because of the the level of the increases there there are certain other teeth that the statute put in that speak to um how you can have how you have to phase in the impact fees over time and also um fee U maximum thresholds or caps on on increases and there are certain procedural requirements that they built into the statutes that allow you to sidestep some of that but there are certain decisions that have to be made on a procedural side um before we can get there that being said um from when whenever it's um whenever it's voted upon you then still have to wait another 90 days before you can collect it so in terms of your question if you're asking can this be read through you know go through first and second read possibly go through those procedural requirements for the the extraordinary circumstance if you decide to go that route could that be done by January I believe so so we could we could take all in now and then in the next 30 to 60 days say okay we're going to pull back these three things in police fire parks and wreck would that be okay and then from there we would we probably want to do a little bit Fuller briefing um to to the council to make sure all the assumptions are are out there in disclose this was a little higher level so we I'm sorry can you're suggesting to agree to take to the max to the max now and then let's we we can I think you know you you need to challenge our our Public Services director our parks and recck director police and fire to say okay do we need this in the next five years so if as long as we if we it's kind of like the kind of like the millage that we we set the Max and then we can come pull back yes but right now we're just talking about police fire and Recreation impact fees but we coming back for the water we are no no no my for for those three funds impact fee funds can we set it at the maximum and then come back police fire and parks and wreck and then come back um to to get those in place at the levels that they were currently presented at you you would have to go through either the What's called the extraordinary circumstances provisions of the Florida statute that require two public meetings devoted to the discussion and a statement of findings about the extraordinary circumstances of the community in order to go through those requirements to to get the full level of the fee otherwise the statute would would um say that any increases of um 50% or higher are C at 50% and must be phased in over uh evenly over a foure period of time and so so we've got to come back anyway because we're going to be over 50% anyway so we've got to come back so my suggestion would be is let's set it at the highest rate now and then the the staff members the separate departments get with the the uh the Commissioners kind of go through the projects their priorities and and make sure that we're all on the same page excuse me mayor Henry Thomas so I want to make sure I understand what you're uh what you're suggesting we cannot set it at the higher rate right now we have to have two public hearings to to for to determine that there's extraordinary circumstances the statute says with the level of increases that you're looking at it has to be phased in it can only go up 50% let's let's take the the police one okay it's doubling so it can only go up 50% okay and it has to be phased in over four years okay okay now you can get around that the statute allows for a provision for two public hearings where the council has findings that says we can't wait we got to do it now we got to do it now it's called extraordinary circumstances we did it in Mount Dora for their uh Wastewater impact fee but you're going to have to have findings on the record that says these are essential needs you the you don't want to wait because it's going to cost the taxpayers if you go ahead with these projects and don't have the impact fees in place so it it there's a lot of restrictions you you're not ready to vote on anything in my opin okay okay that's right question is we do want to consider all in projects and then go through the process that's right go go to the go to the uh Recreation one because I think you were you're looking at that incremental so the question not this perun stuff the one the total projects no the the the projects themselves okay this is what the question you need to address correct before we can do it do you want to spend $20 million on pool in the next five years do you wanna do you want to buy more land for recreation do you want to spend 16 those dollars are going to drive it they're going to determine where we can go so you to me you need a workshop on these dollar that's what that's what yeah and whether they should be in or out so okay okay I would I would I would suggest a workshop because none of us have really been kind of I don't want to say educate but we we don't have enough information to make that decision right now and then in the workshop you can have each departments kind of present what that looks like because we don't we don't I don't I don't know I don't know y we can do that I mean this is normally in the past this the CIP plan has been done and they just put the stuff in there now now is is impacting the rates so that's why I wanted to take a different approach this is step one to that different approach okay okay all right well well thank you thank you Sean I guess even though we're sound like we're gonna table this we're just coming back we're just coming back we coming back with the work workshop should we schedule the workshop now or can we schedule a workshop now sure um we can look at your next available we do it 16th before Council six o' an hour Enough Tom there's a lot of projects on there are you what we doing parks and recs in recreation parks and recs police and fire right we're doing all three yes we can do that 5:30 the next before the next council meeting that work everybody um can it be a workshop without the council meeting because then we're kind of constrain with time and sometimes a workshop may take a little longer we can still bump the council meeting as long as it can't start before s you're you're fine yeah um if you want to do you don't want to do it on the day of a council meeting no because it's unfair to the public because sometimes if we run a little longer then we have presentations and we have and then I don't want our public sitting here till 11 o'clock at night for a public comment so I would prefer a workshop where the public is free to come and sit down through the workshop and um we're not rushed okay what about 6 o'clock next Wednesday when next Wednesday a week from today is that too soon I can't do it but well you got to be I mean I'm I'm that's okay do without me I mean I'm pretty well I know you're a breed what's going I've seen all these multiple times but um the following well then we're going to have to go out um two weeks from U three weeks from today well I think we won't do it sooner rather than later so does it have to be a Wednesday it's a com does how does the 15th of October look on a Tuesday huh that's a Tuesday correct right about six o'clock on the 15th I can't do the the 15 okay you can't that's um can you do the Thurs day before the next council meeting yeah um 17th would work 17th on Thursday at 6 the Thursday at 6 I have it open yes yeah they're good okay you good all right so we'll set a workshop six o'clock on the 17th yeah okay thank you all right appreciate it got it thank you all right next up um so I guess do we need I guess we need a motion just to um to table the fiveyear yeah it it's the development of it anyway so and that's well and I'm sorry anybody wants to speak on this matter come on Mr kimy why you come up here and give us your thoughts Albert M 3603 golden Jam Road when we come here today to decide on things it's important that the figures that you're presented bear some resemblance to to reality when those Figures were presented today I remember that we were here just a few weeks ago commissioners and when the subject of how much it was going to cost to uh do the work at golden gem Road was brought up our Public Works director I believe said he believed it was going to cost $8.6 million to do that uh I believe that in documentation that I also provided to the Commissioners with respect and extension to the project of golden gem road that was presented to S John's River Water Management board that the city's documentation said that it was going to cost $19.1 million to uh complete the project can somebody perhaps slip back to there and bring up the figures about golden gem Road how much it was because I may be wrong but those figures don't resemble anything that's previously been quoted can somebody bring up the the the thing golden gem Road 16.1 million so Public Works director gave us 8.6 million a few weeks ago the city's document to St John's River Water Management board claimed 19.1 million that figure there says 16.1 million I have a problem if you guys don't all have the same figures that I'm working on who's making the real decisions here if you like to look at your emails today at 12:15 today I received a a a text not a text an email from the city that said they were unable to present me with a documentation I requested with today that documentation represents information that is required on golden gem road to find out how much has actually been spent currently and where we're at what I was told is the city are going to present me with a report in a couple of months I could care less what the city has to tell me in a couple of months I need to know what's happening now you spent $950,000 on work that you passed in May the 15 there's no interceptive trench being put in there's no aquadam being made commissioner I messaged you last week and I asked you to respond you did respond but you didn't reply because none of you give me an answer to the question that I asked yeah the question is where do you stand on this Bank checkbooks I don't know where you stand but what I can tell you is you won't give me the facts that I demanded it's my right to have regarding Financial payments that were made over a year ago and some which were recently perhaps made to a preferred contractor if you won't give me this information then what are you hiding I know what been hidden the work that way into golden gem Road was substandard the materials came from a demolition site I want to see what we paid for that materials am I being ripped off are these people being ripped off if you won't give me those figures you're hiding something anybody else from the public wish to speak all right we'll look for a motion to table it this uh oh okay I'm sorry Virginia Street 2119 Palm this the drive um the only question I have is the when we looked at the budget last we had a lot of conversation about the water system and so are some of these things that are on here about the water system is it the same thing well there's two two different things we got going on we got the the the impact fees which are the only three departments are police fire and parks and Wreck This is the IP the fiveyear work plan which includes all those items so we did have discussions about possibly creating some impact fees to help us offset some of the upcoming um things that it will cost to increase our community right we did talk about trying to to do that right so is have we not have we not done that is that not part of this no no so are we going to do that to so that 2026 and 2027 our water bills isn't going to be create you know increasing at the rapid rate in which they increased this year I know just before I got here I think you completed the impact fee study and that's in effect right Henry the impact fee for Water waste water to impact Fe study that was done recently right no not impact fee impact fee yeah just before I came I thought it was okay so that's the one that's already Yes okay so it's being updated as a part of the water y y'all need to come on up to the mic yes please I'm only aware of the water rates not the Imp I thought so okay so yeah the impact Fe was done a couple of years ago so that study was completed and those rates are in effect now this is pertaining to the water the water rates the utility operating rates okay and that's the one where we settled at the 23.75 even though because of those projects they were proposing the 40% so as I mentioned several times we're trying to phase these projects in some of the outer years to lessen that impact on the rates okay but I think Mrs Street the your question was do we have an impact fee for water yes and are we implementing that's her question yeah that's and that's the one I said where the study was done a couple of years ago and those rates are in effect and now we're updating that to we're not we're not I thought that's what no we got that clarified we're only doing the water rates we're not updating the impacting rates just the operating just the operating why don't we update the impact because the study that we had is still in effect right now and they wasn't they were not task when Chuck was here let's be clear these are not my task but I'm I'm stuck here okay and I'm just stuck and they were tasked with doing the water rates and the police fire and Recreation impact fee rates so this is an opportunity though if we did want you to update our impact fees for water we could change those and this would be the time to do it to adjust and adapt versus just inre our water rates sorry Mr stre I'm not trying to interrupt you if you have more questions please I I know that that it's going to result in significant impacts on new development but based on the capital plans we're looking at the the fees we we adopted two years ago don't necessarily reflect all of these projects at these costs so yes you can update those and they'll likely be higher than the ones that are in place today now we have to we there's a a number of legal issues you're going to have to address and one of of them is that the Florida Statutes uh have changed as of 2019 that really limits how you can update things and but it does suggest that water Wastewater impact fees are exempt and I don't know what Mr Shephard's opinion on that is but in many communities we work in the the local Council says we agree they're exempt we can update them as we feel fit need other jurisdictions that I work with say no it has to the same rules that apply to Municipal impact fees apply to Water and Wastewater impact fees so once we get into this study Implement cycle you can only do it once every four years that's the other thing that's in the statute for impact fees and weather Water and Wastewater system development charges or Capital whatever we want to call them Capital charges or part of that is a is a question that you need to answer but that being said we can update Water and Wastewater fees for you now I think so and and the the benefit of that would be that we wouldn't have to realize these huge increases to our current residents correct this would help to offset those rate increases it would help offset any rate impacts of these projects if you had the impact higher impact fees in place absolutely and attorney Shephard are you in agreeance of that that for from your understanding of of the statute that we could Implement quickly um well when you ask a laer about quickly that's a joke in the question but quickly relative to other legal things yes well I mean in reference to the other impact fees in that process and that we have to wait four years quicker okay so so that I mean I think that's very beneficial and thank you Mr Street for bringing that up I think that as long as the rest of the council obviously agrees I think that's something we should look into to help reduce our incre not reduce our increase but stop the bleeding on the water rate side but increase our impact fees to help with these new projects well and I I think it's it's important to keep in mind that the fees were done two years ago yeah and we had a plan to update rates and then we also decide to look at the beun impact fees but think about what's happened to the capital costs in the last couple years right so it's not like an oversight really no it's it's do we want to try to catch up adapt to where we're at yeah yeah and and so that's that's yall's decision to make we'll be happy to help you but certainly it can be done and I suspect it will be higher and that would that cash flow could be used to pay the debt on the new projects for water Wastewater that would otherwise have to be paid from rates I think that's a a really smart idea and I think I'm hopefully the support of the council to to Let's Implement that as as quick as possible so you do your study side come back to us and let us know and I think that would be advantageous for sure thank when when you're doing your study to increase the impact Fe in reference to sewer and water are we considering how much it costs in order to supply that water to the new development and how long it's going to take us to recap that investment say it again I'm sorry when we determine impact fees are you considering how much is costing to supply Water and Sewer to the new development and how long it's going to take us to recap that investment yes yes in other words what we would look we look at the project costs we then have to apportion those costs if it's if it's incremental like right now you're adding lots of new capacity that's all growth related for the most part if you were rehabbing a plant then that has to be shared with existing payers but this new capacity would be built into the cost of the new capacity would be built into the fees let me just give you a quick example in Mount Dora they had to expand their wastewater treatment plant to deal with the growth they're facing and that current fee Sean what did they adopt $7,950 is what their current Wastewater impact fee is and that's reflective of today's cost of building a new Wastewater Plant to put it in context the cost of that plant was over $40 per gallon of capacity the current plant that's been serving the community for many years costs them on the books $13 per gallon of capacity so you can see what's happening to the cost of especially wastewater treatment because in addition to the cost of construction you've got a a lot of regulatory requirements that go into these plants but the the costs are going up uh many fold and if you look at it again now Mount Dora they did an extraordinary hear hearing circumstance they adopted those new sewer impact fees right away within and they're going to go in place 90 days after the adoption date you still have to wave that still have to wait 90 days that's just a good policy in dealing with the development Community that's what we would suggest however uh yes we we are going to take into account the cost of new capacity what the city's going to have to invest and then what's an appropriate share for new development to pay of that because it may not be that they should pay 100% we have to look at it on a project by project basis and say is this expansion related or is this partially rehab and partially expansion it's a it's a detailed view of all your Capital spending and and will that tell us it's going to take us seven years 10 years to recap that investment as well well no what it's going to do is it's going to say at this level of expenditure here's the feed now if you grow more you're going to collect more from Impact fees if you grow less it's going to take longer for the impact fees to contribute so once we set the fee the the next part of it that you have to deal with is how quickly are you growing because you're gonna you you collect the impact fees at the time of Permitting and if we had a just if we had a major recession and project stopped your impact fee revenues would drop significantly and the burden would then be on rate payers unfortunately our client the City of Lakeland had impact fee aggressively used impact fees to pay debt service on New Growth related projects in the last recession back in in the uh in the 2008 2009 period where things slowed up they had to raise their rate 177% because they were no longer collecting impact fees that they were using to pay the debt so your debt your loan you're going to have to finance these projects probably with revenue bonds over a 30y year period so that's how long you're going to be paying for them it's how much of the growth you'll get in that 30 years will determine how much that impact fees can pay but we we can we cost it out on a per unit basis first good okay all right sorry Mr stre we kind of ran over your time there if you have anything additional please sorry that helped okay so these come come back to the mic I'm sorry I know better these these new things like the Southwest uh treatment plant that's new construction you know these new pipelines you know all these other things that are having to do that are new those things should be or I think should be part of the impact fees correct right versus the public paying for them right but things that have to be right sized to uh to handle like I know one was like the best asbest removal that one that would still that would still be the community paying for right so so let me give you I give everybody just a couple of examples so we've got we got the water wells at gross and Boer okay we got to go to the lower aquifer part of that will be 403 which is impact fee part of it will be we're replacing one that's in the middle aquifer so we some of will be paid for by us and some of them will be paid by the development right okay you take the replacing the asbest and the the galvanized pipes that's all on us that's all on you take the AOL state where we've got you know this water system that's 50 something years old we have to replace it that's all us so there are and then if it's a new app you know we got the the lift stations two expensive lift stations that that will be mostly us a little bit of of new so it it's it's kind of a fluid number um for how who pays for what and you have to be very I know you have to be very specific that that impact fee pay pays for only new construction and not not um maintenance correct right so so what you know to to ease the amount of increase that may happen next year and the year after I think that this is would like you know uh commissioner Nester said this would be a good opportunity for us to address it because you know every council meeting we're approving new developments you know so that's not slowing down you know so since we know that's not slowing down we might as well you know take the advantage to take care of this right now and minimize thank thank you could I offer another example that I think might help sure because on your come come over to the Henry Henry Henry come over m now on your plan you've got the new pipeline oversizing agreements okay so what the core of that is you've got a developer he's paying for that pipeline but the way growth moves it would be unwise to just build the pipeline to serve that current developer there's going to be another developer that's going to be need more capacity further down the uh the the the linear length of the pipeline so the city oversizes to be able to accommodate additional growth that oversizing can go in the impact fee cor because you're going to pick it up from new development but here's an good example where the developers are paying a significant if if you're oversizing a 7.6 million they're paying a lot more than that to get these lines to these new communities so you're doing a lot of things to make sure growth and development pays its own way it's just that in the last couple years since we looked at this you've you've increased the number of projects and the cost has gone way out so that's might be a good reason to relook at them okay all right L Bell 2308 blue medals Court I just uh got a question here um I understand that's certain money can't be used for certain things uh with the impact fees but uh on this uh investment uh portfolio uh it seemed that it was what what about 20 something million dollar over that we made on the investment that came in uh and uh commissioner Smith was worried about putting in what the cast bank but my question is this the money that the money that we made off that investment where can that money be used that 25 million where do it go do it go to uh The Reserve or the money that if it's making 25 million at a rate that is making this 25 million that is made can we use some of that 25 million for this or the 25 million could it went towards the waste the waste water or the portable water to keep from raising rates on millage on the residents it seemed that we making money hand over fist even when we going through the budget item line the M said that oh we ain't got no money I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure that this Administration knew the rate that we were making interest on this money that was invested through this portfolio it don't make no sense make it make sense all right anybody else from the public wish to speak on this not we'll close the public car look for I guess I guess maybe the motion would be to have a oh okay I'm sorry Cliff I just wanted to clarify one point simply because I I want to make sure that's on the record and you'll understand why um when commissioner Smith was asking questions he said a study to make the rates go up or something similar I Mayan exactly but it should be understood even though it's happens that they go up all almost every time a study is done you're doing a study you don't grade the exam until the exam is taken so in theory the rates could go down and and the people who do the study are aware of this and you need to be aware of it too in this case it sounds like a pretty safe bet that they'll go up but you do not predetermine the outcome before the study good good point good point okay so I guess I'm look for a motion maybe that we'll have a workshop on the five fiveyear CIP for Thursday the 17th of October right and mayor also can I get clarification are we receiving direction from the council to expand the scope with ref Tellis to include an updated impact fee study on the water was and reclaim waste water absolutely but we we we're a lot farther down I mean can you catch up with with police fire and wreck they're under a piggyback contract we need to go through and make sure that that piggyback contract is still in effect the task that they're working on now were issued already under that okay so yeah but but if if right okay so it would be it would not be concurrent it would be that's fine let's start okay yeah so the last one was December 2022 right okay yeah okay right okay y yes ex so that is the consensus then okay okay that's it all right so we looking for a motion for the workshop so we got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I I'll oppose motion carries unanimously so I want to be clear we're talking parks recreation um fire and police correct okay correct yep thank you all all right next up we're going to just need a motion to table the Dutch Brothers Coffee Transportation impact fee credit uh to is it a date certain uh Bobby or Jean do you know it's a date certain no Richard don't have a date okay so if we don't put a date certain in it okay but so we don't have we have to read advertise over don't do it a date certain then right okay so so just I need a motion then to to table the Dutch Brothers Coffee Transportation impact fee credit so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously all right Bradley good afternoon mayor Commissioners Radley Williams parks recreation director uh here this afternoon to discuss the annual popka Amphitheater holiday concert uh as you know in years past the Orlando philarmonic has been the performer at the holiday concert um when we were working with the philarmonic this year to to firm up and book the date on our regular second Saturday of the month of December they informed us that they had already booked that date out and did not Reserve that for us so staff reached out to the UCF School of Performing Arts uh to see if they had an orchestra uh interested and available in performing and provide us a quote uh they do have an orchestra and a choir interested in performing for the concert uh they quoted us $25,000 for performance portion of that uh is for production which will be utilized through our City Contractor birchmore entertainment or birchmore group uh per the floor statute 28757 do3 E1 uh the services provided by the school performance art Performing Arts uh is not subject to competitive solicitation just like the Orlando for harmonic performances are um so we're just bringing this forth as uh information to make sure the council has uh has a blessing on bringing the UCF school performing arts in to do the annual holiday concert uh which would be December 14th from 5: to 7 at the amphitheater any questions for rley on I just got a couple questions and we've discussed this so the birchmore group is going to directly work with uh UCF school performing arts we're not going to have to be involved in that they're going to coordinate together and put on an incredible performance correct yes they'll work directly with the school performing arts provide them what's needed that quote uh uh that I identified in the staff report of $4,350 covers the needs that they've already requested okay thank you okay anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not we'll close the public hearing look for a motion to approve the selection of the University of Central Florida School of Performing Arts Orchestra and choir to perform the annual holiday concert on December 14 2024 so got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second M commissioner Anderson all those in favor I all opposed motion carries nously thank you all right next up Bobby Surplus property good afternoon Bobby H planning manager ordinance number 3030 which was adopted by the city council on January 3rd 2024 states that any real property owned by the city that's outside the CRA the community redevelopment area may be declared Surplus by the request of an interested party Mr Bill Spiegel from the Rotary Club is here this afternoon to ask the city council to consider declaring certain property for a surplus and this property is located on the corner of well Street West Gross and Baker drive for potential of a per PO for purposes of a potential future lease so further Ado Mr Spiegel's here and his bill's coming up just want to say we have another bill in the room it's a former commissioner 20 what many years Bill aith thank you for coming out being I know he's a rotarian got some rotarians in the in the house so thank y'all for coming out and with that bill Spiegel thank you mayor uh Bill Spiegel Rotary Club of opka PO Box 7 so you know we've been around a little while uh aapka Florida 3 32704 mayor Commissioners thank you very much for the opportunity to bring this before you again I know that we've talked um previously but I just wanted to share let just see we a little bit about the Rotary Club of apaka we're very excited about our um you know longevity in the city of Apopka we were founded in 1927 so we've been around we're coming up on our 100th year anniversary and it's been our mission to make a positive impact in the world locally as well well as globally um we over the last 15 years have averaged from our fundraising efforts the ability to contribute local to local and international shable causes about $40,000 a year it's Our intention to continue to do that and possibly even increase that currently we have over 52 members that are made up of business community and Civic leaders in our organization and we partner with the city on multiple uh items throughout the year we actually um host the aapka fair and the fall family Festival is co-sponsored events with the city of aapka familyfriendly uh entertainment we have one coming up here October 17th through the 20th so we're very appreciative of the relationship that we have with the city and um and the Partnerships that we have so we appreciate um that long standing relationship we also provide the management and programming for the electronic sign on Park and Main Street as the community service kind of hard to imagine but we've been doing that for 14 years uh we've actually had over 34 million views um from uh passers by on that intersection so our goal is to provide community and Civic information to passers by um our motto is service above self and we're interested in making a sizable investment in the apka community we are looking for a legacy project something that will Outlast us um we're definitely this is an Endeavor that we've been um undertaking and considering for quite a few years prior to covid and then I made a presentation to you earlier this year there are some processes that were put in place ordinance 3030 to identify pieces of property that are owned by the city that um can be considered Surplus or be leased to 51 c3s or disposed of we're not asking for uh disposition of the asset just a long-term lease and partnership um we have been blessed by um significant support from the community we actually I'd like to appreciate and thank all of the rotarians and um people who came out and have been with us here today um especially uh Richard and Shirley Risser and their family for a donation of the actual buildings that we currently possess that we uh want to use as a backbone of this project so we currently are in um uh um possession of those those are two buildings one is 3700 Square ft the second one is 2500 square feet and there's approximately 2,000 square feet of covered area um our goal is to create a community center that can host 100 to 125 uh people and provide a needed resource for the community a few years ago we did an economic um study on the needs of our community and even prior to the current levels that we have today and our growth we identifi that there was a need for um event space or meeting space to service um Civic organizations youth projects um just fill a need and a gap within the city so that's where the um idea came from um just in the purpose of creating kind of a vision that you can um look at we're talking about the property directly to the east of the baseball field at Apopka High School kind of at the corner of Wells Street and Gren Bacher Drive uh next to the Apopka Athletic Complex it comprises about three and a half acres some of that's into the lake um we we've worked with staff um over the past few months to put together a ground lease that uh has gone through multiple iterations we're not at the process in point here today to be able to really go through all of that specifically we've got to go through and first uh kind of get the temperature of the council and the will of the council to undertake this partnership and project there are some specific rules within ordinance 3030 that have to be taken um to make this uh a possibility so uh I'm going to skip over the part about the versions of the ground lease we'll cross that bridge when we come to it that'll probably be um hopefully in the near future so I'd like to get a little clarification about the timeline but we have a sense of urgency we're definitely an organization of doing not as much talking so if you kind of sense that you know we don't want to be pests but we really do want to make this investment in the community and U make progress quick quickly we've kind of outlined a development plan and timeline for you to review um just to give you a little bit of an idea of the location this is the apop athletic complex is about um and forgive me for not knowing the exact acreage but I think it's um 13 1 12 acres 12 11 to 13 1 12 acres so we're not talking about the piece of property that um houses those the building or the um baseball fields we're looking at just that Illustrated um blue section that is directly at the corner and directly across from the the um baseball fields one of our goals there is to be able to increase parking currently this is what the piece of property looks like it's undeveloped and um is used as overflow parking for some of the high school events and by making improvements there we feel like we can create a safe environment for some of those events and the Overflow parking um so that's a picture of the piece of property uh to create kind of a vision we uh employed an architect give us an initial rendition of what that might look like um after working with the and speaking with the Commissioners as well as staff we will consider some adjustments to this to increase the number of parking spaces that can be developed to provide that extra parking for uh neighboring needs so this is just an initial kind of um architectural rendition as well as kind of a an illustration of what those current buildings um how they were situated previously they don't necessarily have to be situated exactly like this but we thought it was important to be able to talk about a larger um Hall and meeting space as well as smaller breakout like boardrooms and and resources available so here's a couple iterations and artist Renditions um it's not uncommon in um the country for rotary clubs to get involved and make investments into the community many examples of rotary Parks um probably one of the nearest successful community centers that is um run in the State of Florida is the Rotary Club of Brandon they started about seven years ago right prior to covid and have had tremendous amount of success in fill that need for the community to the point that they just acquired the piece of property directly adjacent for future expansion as well so I think at this point what we really want to do is talk about um whether it pleases the council to start the process to identify this through the ordinance 3030 and go from there but I'm here to answer any questions and basically let you guys kind of Take the Lead all right commissioner Anderson any questions for no I've actually already met with them I think it's a great idea I like the idea that they will be um making the facility available to the baseball team and I know that's one of the needs that I've heard in the community so I think I look forward uh to entertaining the the ID 3030 coordinat to see what it looks like yeah I think that Improvement of that space will be safer too um as well as being able to partner we obviously talk to one of the largest stakeholder right there at the high school and have a letter from um principal Hines expressing his you know support that that was a concern is to make sure that the residents in that Community are aware of this project right um and that the high school is aware of it and that you have that support um the other thing is that with this ordinance of 3030 once we Surplus this property if we do and it is put out for uh for bid you may get other 501 c3s applied for it aware of that because we have we have had a few 501c3 organizations come to us asking for a space yep and each of them are willing to buy the piece of property or be or ask for it to be leased to them with the same conditions that you are are providing and I believe I did tell you that that you know it's just we can't single the rotary and say let's give it to the rotary we have to whatever we put if we Surplus it and it goes out it really has to go out to everyone that's out there that's asking yeah I'm not an attorney so I won't play one not even on TV but um regard we've been through this process four years ago um I'd like to thank the Women's Club and the Garden Club for being here as well and showing support um I think one of the criteria that the city had previously looked at was a legacy organization that had been here there's a lot of people and organizations that come and go nothing negative about any organization because there're great ones out there as far as I know there have been no inquiries on this piece of property I know there's others no um because initially four years ago if I remember actually even further back it was dream Lake correct over that way you're right and it was a little over four years ago it was further back and I remember you brought some drawings in that and um this has just been very recent I believe this has only been the last two years three years just over two years yeah over two years and then that's why the ordinance was kind of came after all of that because we've had a few 501 secs and I told you that I support a new community center it's what we need but my only biggest concern is that the community around it is aware that a Community Center is going to be in their in their residential area and that the school which is used to using that property as overflow parking for their sports events that they also understand that um because we don't want to get to a point where there's some construction going on and then all of a sudden we have everyone here in City Hall saying we don't want the project right no absolutely and I think that um you know I think most of the um feedback that we've gotten from the community and stakeholders is and everything takes time so not to be critical but I think people are like tired of talk and like okay let's do let's see some progress let's see some results let's see a timeline that we can see a production you know a development plan and it actually works so I do think that people um are you know willing to take a good look and then uh be supportive we've seen um positive um reception from like I said stakeholders as well as people looking to lend time talent and treasure to helping this um become a reality and and we feel blessed from that response too so and the other thing is that no one really came looking for that property because no one knew about it but they will know about it now it's been there a long time but yeah you know hey and we can go back to Park Avenue not no because some of the properties that they were approaching us for were well known that were kind of sitting and they're vacant but this piece of parcel um no you're right the only the only was the only organization that approached us for it has been the road you know my feeling is if it's meant to be it's meant to be you know we've been blessed by a lot of things and and we're optimistic and we're looking for a better future for the community and I hope that's the response that we get and I think it's important to note that they have invested a lot into the community they are not an organization that you know started up a year ago and come into the C in asking but they have understand I just want to just say that's really important the Legacy I definitely understand that yeah that's not in question but you understand now with the ordinance that we have in place y for Surplus in property and real estate that we own has a process and it is open to anyone now that would be interested in it that's all I'm saying yeah I do think and like I said um uh the City attorney uh Mr Shepard could expand on it a little bit as far as the um the leverage and the framework that the council has uh as far as being able to um make the decisions I mean there's obviously a couple different criteria if it was being sold and what the value is or if it's being leased and then there's some other criteria for 51 c3s we're not asking for anything special special so you know we're we went part of the reason we waited till now was so that way there would be a process right but thank you for the questions commission Smith all I'm good Mr Nesta no I appreciate you coming to speak and presenting this we met I think last time maybe eight or nine months ago maybe more maybe less uh to speak about this and this project and you had kind of updated me of where you guys started at on the park AV property and then um over to this one and and I'm glad that we waited for the ordinance to properly come into play uh attorney Shepard the process of this ordinance we can when we should we Surplus it we can put in certain provisions of what we're looking for it's it's kind of an RFP but this isn't a CRA so you don't have the same issues with notice like on another 163 380 that you would have that's why this is for nonc property there's already a CRA process sure uh but to your point yeah I mean at the end of the day particular under the way the ordinance is drafted and you're considering uh disposing of it it's which is the term that's used whether it's be long-term lease or sale or whatever um and you're doing it because it's re requested by nonprofit then you have latitude to try to figure out which option provides you the best uh outcome of whatever it is that you're seeking for that property so yes in that regard um what I do not know is there are certain appraisal requirements I think this one may be one of the exemptions but I I didn't refresh my memory on it but if it is then it's going to be a matter of okay it's now surplused there's one applicant or it's surplused and there are 10 which is going to do the most for the community in your judgment correct and I think that's and that was echoing um commissioner lasas the sentiment as well that this could create a others that come into play as well that we just need to take into account so and I simply add in here it is also true also in the ra process you can reject all applicants so that's always an option just because you have one doesn't mean you have to pick one sure okay thank you and for this too and I think attorney shepher this would be for you as well do we would we have to carve this out I mean we wouldn't create a separate plat for this right like this wouldn't even though it's a long-term 99e lease that's a that's a planning question what what I need for a lease is simply a legal description whether it needs to be replatted for what is being shown up here on this screen or for some other purpose if it was to be chosen for some other use that's a a Bobby question or until somebody replaces Bobby a Bobby question but I think based on what I saw that shouldn't be necessary whether it needs to be reson that's a different question so it's all it's a a 13 acre part it's um they're only oneing three and a half acres out of the uh 13.72% repl okay understood so there's just some processes we may need to go through there um would you be willing and open to we're dealing with especially I think starting as of yesterday new statutes of assisting and coordinating with the unhoused would you be willing to uh use this facility not exclusively for unhoused services but uh maybe once a week or once a month to help other organizations as well that maybe are newer smaller to help give them a facility to help the unhal or provide services again not exclusively not uh all day long all that but very set times would you guys be open to that to kind of partnering with other organizations so I think rotary has a history of partnering with other Civic organizations and lending support there's you know only so many hours into the day and and so much uh energy than any one organization has so we um do support other organizations I mean that's really kind of like putting the cart way before the horse you know as far as you know what the applic I know that like our nearest example I said and talked about at the Brandon Rotary Club the Rotary Club rents the building itself you know so what we want to do is have something that's competitive that um isn't a four profit you know entity and organization doesn't have shareholders stockholders and you know people to answer to to be able to provide the service um so I think rotary has been responsive I mean obviously I mean I'm just one member of the club and the and the board so it really anything is possible we're here I mean we we're starting from nothing creating something and I wouldn't you know exclude anything or you know be able to make a commitment at this point without knowing more details so absolutely and then attorney Shephard there was well maybe this is Mr Smith there was two leases in the original packet that we had I reviewed both one was just exclusive to uh wrer first refusal and that was in reference to a potential purchase down the road okay before this uh 3030 came in which I I didn't know it hadn't been complied with um there was two potential things to discuss we had suggested that because it's a a significant in my opinion maybe it's not for somebody else 13.5 acres is significant to me um piece of property and that the city might have a need for it in the future or find somebody who's better suited to some need that the city has for example in other cities they run into situation we need to put a water plant qu we don't have a piece of property big enough that's big enough let's use it so to give you the option of taking that property back even in terms of a lease as an exception or to provide it to another user that suits the city's needs uh better and the right of first refusal option gives uh the them the right meaning the rotary the right to take the property uh and pay whatever not this the new user would use if if we give them that if we take that out of there there's no right of first refusal and we still have the ability to terminate the lease for this reason then that takes that away and I can't remember Mr spooker can tell you which way they preferred it I can't remember right now because my kind of mind went off of it once I realized we still have to go through 3030 but th those are the why it was presided as two different ways if you decide hey once this property is done with we don't have to worry about it coming back we don't need it then okay got it thank you and and did you guys have a preference on the lease style of what either I would assume it's right of first refusal yeah there's no way we want to invest millions of dollars into a piece of property that you know and add you know 100x value to it and then have to buy it after we put the investment in doesn't make sense at all so really what we would want to do is either protect our interest as far as making this long-term Legacy commitment to the community or lock in what the value is today and then if somebody wanted to come through 20 years from now and and buy it out from under us then we have the opportunity to buy it what it's worth today um you know something like that or you know um since it's still city-owned right it's a lease the long-term asset the investment that the organization is making ultimately is you know a benefit known by the the city um you know something that gives us the um protection for being able to deliver on our mission and our quest to invest in the community if all of a sudden you know um different leadership is in the city or and you guys you know I could pretty much say nobody in the room is going to be here in a hundred years right none of us none of us you get a grip on that right we're not going to make it but and for some of us it might be sooner than that so we don't know but it it's a sizable commitment and you know obviously there's other criteria the way the lease is drawn we can't encumber that property so we have to do this cash you know um so we're not putting a loan on the property or or anything like that so you know when we pretty much had CAU back with two or three iterations already on the lease but with the writer first refusal and the way that it was written it didn't really protect our interest and we would want to clarify that and because see even in this process the final terms we might say no thank you sure okay understood thank you all right any other questions if not any public comment Leroy Bell 2308 blue medal Court I think I think this is a pretty good idea I know the Rotary Club is U pretty good people uh the the young man down on the end down there I remember running Lumberjack the very first shed that I built I think it had to be in the 70s I went to him and I gave him the dimensions and uh he told me how many 2x4s I need how many nails I needed he were really a great help to me and always had his doors open my organization the a a c partnered with the uh Farm I think Farm share and they used to bring me down a trailer Lo a semi TR load of food once a month and I couldn't get the food off the truck because I didn't have a fork Li but this young man right here I forget I forget his name Tommy he would come down and he would take the food down off the trailers for us for us to give food out I think I think uh it's a pretty good idea and to piggy back you know they help the community also and if they would be willing we could kill two birds with one stone would you be would you be willing to feed the Homeless once a month that that that would be my question anybody else Sylvester Hall um I don't have any direct contact a direct uh dealings with the Rotary Club but I I do know the tradition and you know you see it you know years that that I've been around you know I see rotary clubs my thing is in the city of a popka if you got an organization like the Rotary Club that needs someplace to be housed and they doing good things for the community you know there's not a one size that fit all you know I used to tell mentors you know certain people can reach certain kids and then it takes another group of people to reach another another kid so it's like not one mentoring group is got their one siiz fit all where they can reach everybody so you specialize in what you do and you be proud of that my thing is when you walk when you go around the city of apaka you see so many vacant land vacant properties you know how how do we clean it up and you clean it up by organizations like this providing them someplace to do uh to do their service my thing is to the city of apaka how many city-owned properties do we have and then what they look like who's been taken care of them so if we got all this city owned property it's just sitting there and we know how I know when I drive by a piece of abandon or property I don't know what it's own by the city or not but it's a s ey to thish to the city and when you talking about bringing in business and you thinking about bringing in developers they looking at all this and so if you got that you know that's fine let's make it happen let's put in a process to make it happen so when others come and follow them we already have a process in place now I agree with commissioner Vasquez there's been a lot of nonprofit that's been here that want to do good things with the city and basically they've been turned down when you have builds and just sitting there and so what I would like to see is how many City owned properties we have who's renting how much do they pay for rent and so we make it fair for everybody and then also if they're talking about what they're doing now you investing I'm not g to get the property clean it all up and then you take it away from it so we have to come up with some type of you know process where we can make it you know rent their own or whatever the case may be where the city and the organization both proper and both benefit from it fairly and equally so that that would be my input okay anybody else from public all right we'll close the public hearing look for a motion to move forward with the process to De cleare certain city own property which is the address is right you have an address bill I want to make sure we put that one not 79 well and it was a part of that parcel 797 North Wells 797 okay so just the building location but right right yeah North Wells okay so looking for a motion to declare the property at 797 par portions of the property on 797 North Wells to the owned property a surplus as provided in ordinance number 3030 so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously next up markol Fifth Radley rad the Williams parks recreation director uh good afternoon good afternoon again Commissioners and mayor I'm back up here in front of you uh this afternoon is a license agreement uh proposed for the market on Fifth which is co-packing USA LLC the market H 5th is a special event organized by propagate Social House in downtown of popka every Friday evening from 5 o'clock to 10 o'clock pm uh the event started back on March 8 2024 and since has grown to about 35 vendors and over 200 give or take attendees weekly um the current map for this event that was provided for the special event permit uh is up on the screen there it is taking the center aisle of the Fifth Street parking lot and then the food trucks are located along the south side of fish Street in the parking uh the city's had a similar uh the city had a similar license agreement with the farmers market uh at kitland Nelson Park back in 2020 which was with the Red Top Productions RTP that market uh or that license agreement uh was for a three-year term uh it kind of fizzled out towards the end and was not renewed uh due to lack in demand in vendors and attendees the market on Fifth has shown signs of success and stability since its start in March of this year uh with the steady vendor growth and and and attendance and Ella Duke with propagate social houses here as well I'll give her a moment to speak just a moment um and it's created an atmosphere in the downtown area at the Fifth Street attracting people to to the area on Friday nights uh met with the police chief fire chief uh and uh some of our staff again earlier this morning uh to discuss locating the event on fish Street up on the screen is a a diagram of what that would look like it would include a partial well closed fish Street uh just past the feed store uh entrance and then uh just after the community center entrance on fish Street and now I'll let uh Ella come up and give some more information about the event and then we can answer any questions oh thanks because I'm short hi mayor Commissioners um thank you so much for allowing this on the agenda today and giving me um an opportunity to answer any questions address any concerns that you all might have um I know that over the weekend you did receive uh several emails in support of the expansion of the market um I also dropped off uh some additional emails that the vendors of the market wanted you all to have um and then in the audience today are several stakeholders some of them un oh unfortunately had to leave um but they are here ready to speak in support of the market when we opened propagate the um the market that you did have at kitland Nelson as Bradley said uh was fizzling out um and so this really has been a labor of love that we have been trying to provide proof of concept for um a little over two years it started around the propagate property and then has expanded onto the street and now what we'd like to do is expand it Street side in in order to grow and make it more like other farmers markets in um in larger cities so that being said what questions what concerns do you have that I can answer for you okay Mr neste you got any questions I do thank you for being here and I think this is a great ad to the city it activates a new space I'm into it it's Logistics that I'm getting a little hung up on sure um again we can figure out how to make this work it's just there there's some nuances here one of them being uh that the access point on that East Side um that says well it says ping so there the access point to get to the parking lot is privately owned by an owner there so are you talking about um next to farm city correct yeah so that's all privately owned that Alleyway is privately owned right I guess there's concerns there if they yeah yeah yeah know we're with you and that's why um the um that that one parking side to the left it would just have a barrier so that in the event of um you know a a barricade that would be easily movable so that in the event of an emergency you just you just move it and PD fire ambulance can all get through quickly and effectively okay and then I guess my questions are to it's not to you right now but I'm have more for you I'm sure so are to our fire chief and police chief that you guys are comfortable with this plan and that uh there will I'm sorry keep talk thank you for permission that um this won't slow down response times or anything in that capacity this we can get trucks through if I need a tower truck to get through here no problem if I get ambulances if I need whatever vehicles uh PD to get through here that this won't slow down response times for others in the area uh oh man we got the the brain team here coming up I'll speak for both of us to begin with but he can back me up if I missed something uh we did meet today with Parks and Recreation fire department representatives and police department representatives and we worked out the logistics initially there was a um food truck going to be at that first entrance to the um parking lot on the far East where we were just discussing uh we didn't feel that was safe because we're going to have police cars at both ends of this we can move the police car for the fire truck to get in they obviously can't make that first turn into the parking lot so this will give them access to the back of the buildings that are in there so I think we came up with a reasonable accommodation for everybody involved here that will allow the fire department to respond with their fire trucks get in there to service anybody the street uh we did discuss that as we move forward with the event um application that we would make a requirement that the street approximately 9 ft on each side of the center line stay open so the fire truck can go down that road so the road would not be totally blocked by vendors or anything like this um and again I think it's a start um of an event that's apparently been successful and um needs to expand I think we did take into consideration the public safety aspect of it and made sure that the fire department we looked at where the um fire um hydrants are I almost said extinguisher but that would do us a lot of good would it where the fire hydrants were to make sure that they knew where they had to pull from and that they would have access to that also so I think we took into consideration all the public safety issues and I think we're both comfortable I won't speak for chief Sanchez but we are okay okay thank you then the kind of my last concern here just hurdle that I I want to wrap my mind around and I've gotten um Communications about this is that we are going to be fronting or or taking on the expense of the police and additional garbage and things like that services so what I'm getting is if for them then why not us as well so it's it's an expense that we're incurring that we don't have even an estimate for we get like a rush a rough number but this isn't a firsttime thing we provide law enforcement services to the parade where we block off all the streets um those are once a year things those I agree but there still a you know a partnership with our community to make sure that it's successful event I'm concerned about security at this event especially now it's moving to the roadway you know people like nefarious things when events are in the roadway I think it's safe for our community for our Law Enforcement Officers to be there we also provide law enforcement to uh the roadway for the fair so people can cross there safely so this isn't something new that we do we do provide law enforcement services for other groups uh when they're in a working relationship with the city of Apopka to make something successful and I think this is the beginning of making our downtown area successful okay no and I hear you on that too and I I get it and and we had had the discussion of if it grows even bigger and you guys can start of affording it effectively that we could pass on some costs from there and again that's just my concern is that we're already tapping out a lot of resources and then we discussed is this going to be overtime on Duty Officers or uh what's that look like it will be overtime unless you know we can find officers uh obviously we're going to staff the city first and if we have to bring officers in for overtime it will be um overtime for the hours that the road is closed um again that's not new that's something we do for other events that occur in the city if we have big events that the city sponsors down at the amphitheater we do the same thing uh we don't have the resources we used to have a common day when we were on 10 hour shifts on Friday and we could Flex some of those times and reduce that but now that we're on 12 hour shifts we do not have a common day which makes it some challenges but we'll find the resources to accommodate it and um again try to make it successful and as we discussed you know at any point this agreement can be renegotiated if it it expands to the entire entire Street the entire block or or whatever their vision is and there's an income stream that they want to move it to another Direction then we can move it to another Direction uh if it's not successful then obviously it'll discontinue and and go for there we wish them the best and we hope it is successful I think it's a a great start for a downtown walkable area that everybody in our community wants and we've heard for numerous years I've heard it for the nine years that I've been here that you know this is something that our community wants we really don't have the ability on Main Street per se to have a walking safe area like we do on Fifth Street so this is probably where your downtown entertainment area is going to start and we've seen it over the last three four five years really take off with you know restaurants we got new two new restaurants that just opened in the last year uh in in this area opening up that parking lot opens up more parking and moving everything to the street opens up parking for those restaurants hick Seafood will have more additional parking you know because we're taken away from the third middle row right there right now that'll open up those I think 30 spaces or whatever it is um so everybody will have more access to things if we move this event into the street your answer sounds like the economic development director I'm not gonna apply for that all right thank you and again those are just my concerns on this and I I'm going to keep a pretty close heartbeat to this just to make sure that number one what are our real costs that we start realizing because we don't even have an estimate for that yet um and and and what that looks like long term this is going to be successful it's going to be a successful event it's just it does cost the city and I need to make sure that we're not setting a precedent that we're paying for other events to happen and again if them then us too so and you know just just to be clear this is a full-time job that we do and um currently there are 45 markets in the greater Orlando area in order to attract those quality V vendors if you've ever been out there we do have really incredible vendors we did get voted as one of the best farmers markets um by um Mount Dora buzz and the Orlando Sentinel and for being such a young Market that was quite the coup so we have reduced the rates of our um of our vendors so that they will give apka a chance because I've got to be honest with you when we first started they were like uhuh we're not coming and so we are taking on the cost of a lot of this um we do pay a market manager who works full-time to manage this we're taking on that cost the social media marketing we're taking on all of that cost um the only thing that we are asking for just because of all of the conversations on safety that I've had with the Chiefs is that you know you partner with us on on that cost um in order to give a poka the farmers market that it deserves understood thank you commissioner Smith uh well of course I support I think it's excellent idea and and I think it's going to be a benefit or blocking the street off um and as I mentioned before when I went and I went to the crosswalk and pushed the little button I appreciate you pushing the butt and and attempt to walk across the street and still almost got ran over uh so I think it's going to be a great safety issue by by blocking off the street uh I I was just wondering why we didn't go all the way to Avenue why do we stop there so as the event grows uh we we and Ella has worked well with all of those area businesses and and and groups that are vested interest in this area we want to make sure that we're growing it at an appropriate Pace okay and not blocking off more than it's needed because that can create uh issues as you go along if you have space that's blocked off but not utilized appropriately or fully um so it's it's kind of grow as it grows and and it's grown since March since we initially talked about the EV event permit and so is it it is exciting to see this grow naturally from the business side and not a city initiative uh to this point so I think there's a great opportunity here to to to continue to nurture this uh to even even higher standard okay and I think the other Advantage by moving to the street as well is going to open up the parking lot and a lot for more parking especially for those businesses on the other side that are still open on that Friday night so I think it's idea commissioner Vasquez well I I support this I'm there almost every other Friday yes you are we appreciate it um buying my dinner for the day and whatever but uh absolutely um I'm I'm in full support of this and um I'm even excited that you may consider New Year's Eve we're we're working really hard yeah um that would be great that would be I mean it it was a great turnout uh when we had on the other side of town but it would be really wonderful to have yeah fingers crossed if we can get the food Hall done I think it'll be you know in time I think it'll be a great okay great place yeah basically I support this thank you so much thank you Mr Anderson so I'll just have a few questions about the um the contract the agreement attorney attorney sheer attorney hi so do you have the agreement pulled up I just Yes actually s right in front of me perfect so if we're looking at the line item number five okay and the language um in regarded mutually agree so there have to be an agreement between the city and also uh this organization correct let me get to that I'm got here maintain C you have n number five okay I got it the services okay is that what you're talking about it's called the services yes and which which which item you want know about so one two three in to the set up vendors okay mutually agre to monify the market dates Lis sh provide the following so I guess my concern is the language of May because it's it's given them the option not to so in the event that they don't agree and there's something that the city needs it for with the wording of May it's not shell it's May yeah well if I remember I'm trying to find a specific section you're citing to I do remember the language though and it's if mutually agreed to right yeah so they have to agree to it so there's no agree and what what's if we don't agree this is the rule what what it's here it's only modified if you mutually agree otherwise it's what it says here well if it's it's how is written again if you give me the exact I'm looking at five and I've got five a b so the start of five yes M if you read the the can you read can you read five will be every Friday from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m uh and it says license or make cancel any specific Market date based on the needs of the city I.E maybe we need it for another purpose uh due to other events holidays or extreme weather hurricanes you know that sort of stuff Lor and lensey may mutually agree to modify any Market Days in or times in the best interest of both parties but if we don't agree they can't change this is what they will do which is every Friday from 5:30 to 9:30 the I guess it's just the language still so it still does it it gives the city so if the city does need the they have to agree in okay now I I didn't understand the perspective you getting it from okay so it doesn't give the city Lor is us we may cancel a any specific Market date based on the needs of the city that's and that's full stop all the way to extreme weather there's no there's no lensey agreement needed for that we can do it unilaterally lense or and licy may mutually agree to modify Market days or times in the best interest of both parties so everything after lior to the word weather that sentence is all unilateral to the city if we think we need it for another event let's say we've had a a weather event and we're using that area for some reason to Stage first aid stations or rescue or whatever that may be we can do that unilaterally the next sentence is license or and licy may mutually agree to modify Market days and times in the best interest of both parties so if they come to us then they say hey this weekend it'd be better to do on a Saturday than on Friday because there's a big football game or whatever there's a parade I don't know and we agree then it can be moved from Friday to Saturday otherwise it's Friday okay makes sense okay okay all right so part A manage vendor applications and approvals as soon as the applicant is created it will be provided so my concern with this is that um in regards to the um potential partner determines who can actually partic participate and if the city if they're potentially probably acting as an agent for the city when it comes to marketing because they want the city to market the event on the website um will it open the city up to any type of lawsuits in the event that they they don't want to you know partner with that there has been some concerns that get that let me let me let me answer the question the way every lawyer would answer the question nothing that I can write on paper can keep you from being sued so that's the wrong way to ask the question the question is can you be sued successfully the agreement is structured so that a they have to carry all the city required insurances and I I assume I had radly verify um or as requested to you verify p through purchasing that the amounts and the types of coverage were what we typically require so I assume that's been done and and also they are essentially indemnifying us for whatever it is that they're doing under this agreement to manage the market essentially they're saying we will do this for you and if we don't like what they're doing it was initially drafted one of the changes that I made is that it was initially drafted so that the liy I.E the market managers would be able to automatically renew every year unless we stopped it I changed that we we now must approve renewals annually and it's our decision so they get the first year and if we decide after a year this didn't work we did we're we're done if we decide we love it they're great we can renew it but it's completely at our option for as many one-ear renewals as we want to do and again the thought was there may be some fruit you use for the space different than a market or better than a market or something else you may want and that's why I put that flexibility in in addition I had said uh to make sure that the that that the insurance was what it needed to be but also that they had if you look at section under service again find that section uh under it's 5 B1 this was an added by me ensuring the Market's compliance with all city codes and all pical permit requirements and the reason that was important is because I don't know what happens at this Market I've been to filers markets sometimes there's music and maybe it's too loud sometimes uh there might be a vendor who starts serving alcohol doesn't have an alcohol license at Etc this provision is to make them responsible for compliance issues so we as a city should not be involved in having to say hey you've got a Code Enforcement issue instead we should be able to go to the manager and say you need to address this with this vendor and in theory they would be on top of it before we would that's the reason that's in there that's an ad I I made okay and and I guess is for the council to consider as well so we are okay with this agreement that we would we can use the same agreement with every other business for-profit business that come to the city of AP we will use well a similar form maybe but it depends on the type of business this is a unique business one of the questions that Mr Williams had when he brought this to me to review literally two days ago was hey this is a license and I don't really know that term license is it's the right kind of vehicle and the answer is yes and the reason it's the right kind of vehicle is licenses just generally regardless of this particular thing they're cancelable at will typically by either party and so they are by their nature designed to be if what it doesn't work for one side or the other able to be gotten out of without great headaches and distress and that's what you want in a situation like this because as I mentioned there may be future uses for that space that we can't anticipate now that we would like to not have a market there anymore or we may get complaints we didn't anticipate or whatever the case may be and so this gives us an easy way out it also gives them an easy way out if it's not working for them and so we could have entered into a long-term contract which says this is the term and it's going to go for four years or five years or whatever but now you're locked in to that time period so a license is designed to be easily cancelable by either party and that's how this is set up and we're we're okay issuing this license to every other for-profit business depends on the well depends well this market so someone comes in here next week and say I want to do a market as well and they want to use the same exact Market or we are all saying that we will agree to use this disagreement I think that's the question because that's the question that was supposed to me is this licensed agreement available to everyone for every other for-profit business so just to kind of give some back background on on that question uh when this was first brought to us back in in March of this year it was brought to us as potentially putting it in the street um from the city's standpoint from our standpoint with Public Safety and myself uh we essentially asked for some proof of concept that the event was sustainable was growing was doing uh good for the community good for the area was expanding people coming to that area before we wanted to contemplate bringing that to the council for a decision so they went through the special perment process they began operating in the uh single aisle Department parking stall uh over the last many months it's grown it's grown it's grown so now we're back reapo this uh and ultimately from our process is this is an opportunity there's been discussion about revitalizing the downtown area oh no 100% And so at this point we through this vehicle are bringing this to council if another scenario like this presented itself an opportunity that City staff felt like was a a potential value ad for the community without City staff having to run an event like this we would go through could go through the same process make that and this has been the concern because I received a lot of calls and rs they just want to make sure that everyone have the same opportunity that this license agreement is available to to everyone it's not just available to one person or one group let me add this this this I don't know if this is the concern but this license agreement with this particular vendor does not set a precedent for any other vendor but if you're asking would this form be available if you assume that the vendor had similar credentials had a similar track record had similar references and all of those things and you like the vendor then this form would work so in that regard yes but if you're saying well will every person who comes in and Sayes I want to do a market get the same opportunity that's going to depend on factors we don't know like have they ever done it before what's your track record have you ever had a trouble with licenses have you ever had liability issues etc etc etc do you have the millions of dollars of insurance that are required that's when you'll get to judge the form is not the problem it's the vendor you got to make sure you got a good vendor so and I don't think one size fit all so I wouldn't say well I'm just well this are the questions that I that was raised to me so I'm here asking the same question that was raised to me their concerns their concerns is they want to make sure that the opp opportunity is available to everybody if it it's the and I trust me I understand what everybody saying I'm just asking the question that was asked of me and that's how they asked question and he explained it so they hear it and thanks for answering the question yeah I think the opportunity will be available for everyone whether this particular license would be available to everyone it's a different story because one side doesn't fit all they may want a contract instead of a license so it all depend on the situation but I think opportunity is available available yes okay one more thing and and I just I just want to ask um a question commissioner Anderson um would what you're speaking about specifically would it be somebody um asking to use the street on the same day and time because that that is not a contract that I would enter into because our vendors do depend on this some of them like this is their livelihood so if I have to agree to give up you know every time somebody applies uh to give up the street on that day for you have an agreement in place this license agreement so that's not possible I was just asking for clarification this allows us though to cancel if we want to on a certain day what you were bringing up earlier EXC commissioner Anderson what you were bringing up earlier was that we could we have the unilateral right to cancel uh as needed as we deem appropriate without um needing approval on the other side so I with what you're just saying though you're not comfortable with that so not not if it's going to be on like an every other week basis that's what I'm trying to clarify if it's you know if every other week somebody else is going to come along and say oh no I want to use it um that is not fair to the vendors um and that is not how every other farmers market in every other city um operates so you know if it's like attorney Shepard said emergencies or the city wants to have an event or you know these things that might happen throughout the year that's that's one thing but I just I just want to make sure it seems like you might have some people that you know might want to have an event on the same day that's that's not what I said okay and that's why I was asking for for clarification so thank you make sure that the same opportunity if if they're able to for according to this six in March March started so from March to now within that month if they prove that they can actually provide the same type of service they want to make sure that the city is willing to um allow them to act as an agent and also you know profit you know kind of help subsidize some of the um some of the the cost so they just want to make sure that they'll do the same you know for them as well so and they're saying yes they will help subsidize the for profit cost so anybody from the public want to speak now okay L okay she called names this is this is this is not public comments yet yes I thought we were still commenting about this we are but she has they turn in a list so they have to go first about this yes not about public comments okay not about hello everybody um my name is Joanna Tim uh I they did um hi Commissioners it's very nice to see all of you today my name is Joanna Tim most of you know me as Joe I've probably introduced myself with all of you at some point at propagate social house so while Ella does um all of the front of house things that have to do with our business she's the one that you're all the most familiar with what my job is for our business is more of the data collection things behind closed doors making sure our insurance policy is what is required of things for the city so I wanted to give you guys some Stats today um that I've collected over the time that we've had this market so we started doing this Market in February of 2022 um originally Ella and I approached the city about putting the market in the BFW parking lot or utilizing the street and we actually sat down with Carolyn Ray and got more or less the same um the same parameters that you are all hearing uh today proof of concept can we actually pull this off did either of us have a history of doing a market and the truth is at the time we didn't we were just very gho we had recently opened propagate we were very excited about living in Apopka and bringing things that we loved from Orlando and from other areas of Central Florida and so one of the things that we loved in Orlando was going to farmers markets and that's how this came to be so since February of 2022 we've had 50 total markets I have rented out a total of 1288 different tent spaces to 362 different vendors I have 13 recurring vendors that I have seen at least once a month since that initial market and this includes us taking the whole month of July off this year due to inclement weather um you heard that we have about 200 people come to every Market I'd wager it's probably more between 300 and 400 which means over the time that I've held this Market I've had somewhere around 20 ,000 people show up within those 20,000 people and all of those vendors I've spoken with them at nauseum to verify that this was actually a useful market for them it's one thing for us to enjoy it it's one thing for the patrons to enjoy it but as a small business owner it does matter to me that the other small business owners are actually doing well that the market is useful for them that they are actually selling their goods that they're enjoying themselves and so after speaking with the vendors over the last two and a half years I have found out that the average vendor profit is somewhere around $350 per Market which means that over the total time that we have hosted this Market our vendors have taken in roughly $450,000 that's the number that matters to me as a small business owner I'm someone that is not just trying to be the only one benefiting from this event I'm not just trying to be the only person that um has a say in this event we regularly PLL our vendors we ask them how they're doing we verify our staff is enjoying themselves we verify patrons are enjoying themselves so those were the numbers that I wanted to present to you guys today I'm sorry I didn't catch your name Joe thank you guys so much all right hello everybody my name is Glenn Luben um um do I need to State my address okay uh my name is Glenn Luben I'm the agency owner of goose head Insurance um I've been in business for about 10 years uh in the industry about 20 years and um I've been living in a popka for more than 10 years about 12 years and family man two kids dog my fence is not white just Brown um but uh I'm a family guy that loves family events I'm a businessman that loves community and I feel as if that both uh Market on the fifth and propagate have been more of like a community Builder and by them getting access to this type of um event or this license being approved um that's just going to give us more opportunity to uh you know have my kids have a space to go to to have a good time that's safe um uh another benefit to this would be the fact that uh the leakage that they were talking about earlier this is a great opportunity to bring funds back into a popka um and uh I'm just 100% supportive of them getting this license approved so that's my what I wanted to share today thank you how y'all doing um I've lived in a pop my life over 30 years um I have a business right here on Main Street and uh had 16 years I've seen this block grow um since propagate and the brewery has been there in the last four years I support the market I have a food truck that I that i' you know I park right there in front of the brewery every weekend every Friday and I've gotten my business I've grown from this Market you know and I've see the same people the same local people that that live in a popka tell me I never knew this was happening so now they finally got somewhere to move you know to to come have hang out drink a beer um you know buy stuff you know from the from the market moving into the street will probably be really good it'll open up a lot more parking for everybody um I don't know what else to say about that but I support the the the market hopefully it does happen thank you app oh it's going to continue with with the street or not you run two successful businesses run the barber shop and of course the food truck and hopefully to continue thank you D Mrs B before to to clarify were we read cards first and then people that get in line because there was other people in line first oh the people that had filled out the White cards for item on the and uh usually speak first take priority understood okay so um Emanuel sandal he's gone okay U Rosanna Ro Rodriguez gone okay Lewis rera Bren Brendan saon to go also had to go Eric lerio also had to go but Market Michael Salazar also J CL Rich hello I'm here uh also part propagate social house um as my other business partner mentioned we moved here we moved here about three years ago in from downtown Orlando and we were really excited to see what was going on you know I um when I first moved here I really wanted that downtown kind of vibe that small downtown vibe been I saw that the brewery had just opened up um at the same time I actually started a run club which has been wildly successful there's now like 1500 members we actually meet at the brewery we meet at propagate four times a week uh and also witha Springs but um that sense of community is always been at the core value of propagate in fact it's in our name propagate social house we're not a coffee house we're a social house and so we know that has always been our our core value that we want to bring to this area and our customers recognize that when they came in from the very first day they're like oh my God this is what a popka needs oh my God I love what you guys are doing and then we get this this opportunity to build a deck oh my gosh I love what you guys are doing for this towntown this is just an extension of that you know growing from the parking lot to moving to the the street we are just trying to build a community and uh i' like to reflect on a a thing that I experienced about some people who want to see growth in this city but don't want to do take any action towards it there's a lot of people that that bash you online I'm sure you see it all the time but the problem that I have with that is they don't want to actually take any action I remember when I first moved here I jumped on next door first mistake don't do that and uh I uh I saw someone posting about a bumper a car bumper sitting on the side of the road and they were complaining about why doesn't the city take care of this blah blah blah and I was like why would the city take care of this bumper first off did you call the city and tell them there's a bumper there second off why don't you pick it up move it and that's always been my uh M Mo I've always been like you know what I'm not waiting around for the city to do something I want to take action and be a part of the growth in the community because that's what we are so this is just an extension of that thank you okay and axel San okay sorry okay good afternoon mayor Commissioners I we've worked in many levels together um but I'm here more than anything because I moved to apoa about a year and a half ago and as many of you know my job kind of prevents me from having a good time and uh and be able to know my residence my community interesting enough about seven months ago I ran into propagate and my life has not been the same since I stopped there every morning and I have thanks to them I can actually work for the rest of the day but I didn't know that they also had in this one I found this out about three months four months ago that they have a farmers market and interesting enough I've been attending that market um and I have I have to admit that it is very well community and family oriented and interesting enough through all the travels that I do with my profession the city can only be so lucky to have small businesses actually trying to give back to the city with very little from from the city in return and I uh Embrace propagate thank you for doing what you're doing and I embrace as you can see I embrace this event um I I can just see this girl to a better to a better place so and I excuse my attire but the other one that I had was not very appropriate so thank you thank you Nikki Maguire afternoon you all know me so we'll move on um I'm not first of all I'm not against the Fifth Street Market I am all for popka my family and I for pretty much everything we do for entertainment is outside of a popka so it's good to have growth and have good stuff in a popka however I also love transparency and what I've noticed is that pretty much the same people with this is so what I my question not that I'm not saying I'm for or against this my question is how does this tie in with Main Street of okay so you're okay so you're no longer with M ma'am okay thank you that was my question thank you all right Virginia Street 2119 Palm dista um I visit this event at least twice a month with my four kids grandkids and I look for places to take them um after school on Fridays based on their behavior in school so um they get to come about twice twice a month so the thing that I would just like to make sure that is looked at is that make sure that there's handicap accessible spaces because I always park in front of Y store right y'all know y'all know y'all know that car right okay so I always park in front of the store so I just want to make sure that um I don't know how I mean as you expand because I because I know you take those two rugs and if you are going to expand the other way too as you get more vendors just make sure that you are making sure there's enough handicap parking spaces to accommodate C parking has several handic parking spots here as does the VFW here but the city the handicap parking spaces are on this end no ma'am they're right here they're at the beginning they're at the beginning but you have vendors here too right but you the the the vendors are going to be here they're not going to be blocking those those oh so so now you're saying that you're not going to take the parking lot and the street you're just gonna take just the street okay thank you thank you thank you okay because I thought you were expanding it to the street and the parking lot all right all right I'm good then I'm good all right thank you for the clarification yes because now there is handicapped spaces and I thought that that one space that I always park at was gonna be gone okay all right all right thank you thank you so much we're good we're good I'm bringing my plant tomorrow okay good hi good afternoon mayor esteemed members of the council uh my name is Anthony Shoemaker I'm a new resident here in Apopka uh just barely at a year now here and um I also apologize for my appearance I just came from a farmers market this morning so can you give us your name and your address of course so we've got absolutely Anthony Shoemaker sh e uh 91 ABY Hollow Drive um I just wanted to come up and say a few things about what farmers markets mean to me and about the impact that they can make on a community uh I've been doing farmers markets for about eight years now um they I've been doing this since I was 16 and I I've seen markets up from Chicago to Tennessee down to Florida and I've seen how they can make and break a community and um I just want to make sure you guys realize the opportunity you have in front of you to really bring a lot of lifeblood into a Popco as a new resident here I see time and time again looking for new stuff to do and I sadly disappointed to see that I either have to go to Mount Dora or Winter Garden or God forbid up to Sanford or downtown Orlando and so it's strikes me as an amazing opportunity here to really give people an option to come into Florida and um or into apka rather and I remember earlier in the meeting hearing you guys talk about an issue of uh spillage into our other communities and seeing the money from our residents being spent elsewhere and it seems to me that this is a perfect opportunity to re bring in new businesses to give vendors small guys who don't have the option for a brick and mortar to do farmers markets to bring in their business to grow it so they can see the amazing options our town has for them so they can set up a permanent spot here but without an option for our Market to grow and continually expand in the years it won't happen so I implore you again today to continue to keep this Market alive and growing and thank you so much for your time today thank you all right anybody else not we'll close the public hearing yeah one more oh I'm sorry Sylvester Hall what we uh I think what we all missing here nobody's uh nobody think that the market is not a great place for for downtown a park it's a great place uh what I with the with the point that we need to make sure moving forward how do we hand the other people who want to come in and have a Marketplace because here I look at Fifth Avenue we blocking that off for your Marketplace you came man you had an idea I'm I'm a small business owner also I own two small business and I would love to be able to have the land or this and that that I need to go out and put my business in the play say hey look what I can do for the city of AP but you know sometime it comes at expense you just can't do that Mr H can you you're address so so so Mr Mayor so you we that street fifth uh Fifth Street that street is going to be a so so for this Marketplace only that's what Miss Anderson is addressing what about the other people who come in who want to set up and do the same thing because I can get some vendors and bring them downtown and and set up and we can have a nice that that's not a hard thing to do you know because what list list list let let me say this when I say it's not a hard thing to do if you do if you did it somebody else can do it and somebody else got the same vendage that you have and then they got it's it's so that's what I mean so excuse me if I misspoke but that's what I'm saying if you do it somebody else can do it also and will that somebody else when they come to the city of popular have the same option to make sure that street is available to them every time they want it when they want it and so that's the issue that uh commissioner uh Anderson was bringing up if we're going to set a license that license have be fair for everybody who want to come in who want to duplicate the same thing it have to have a process where we can do it and it won't be based on opinionated whether I think this is good for our culture or whether I think this is good for downtown based on whoever's whoever's making that decision of the license so if we do that I'm all for it and yes I'll be down there to to participate and buy from you guys but it needs to be fair for everybody where is not a Monopoly that hey this is our street and our street we do whatever we want when we want when others may want to come in and do the same thing and the popka believe me a popka growth is stunt not from people who don't have a vision and want to be there it's stunt from the bureaucracy that they have to go through to do what they want to do and if you're not on the playlist then you don't get the play so that's what I'm talking about here and that's what have stumped the growth of downtown apaka and the surrounding areas so we want to be able when everybody come with a vision we want to make sure that that vision is carried out just like we carrying out this Vision regardless of whether we like the product or not because it's not a one-size fit all what you do is great and for your customers that's why we have McDonald's that's how we have Burger King that's why we have Wendy's everybody have their preference and so that's what we have to look at moving forward thank you anybody else okay not close the public hearing wait one more hi I'm Lucia Donovan uh 15 East hisory um I don't know your name is it Mr Leroy what what your name need to address you need to address no I just want to make sure I know his name so I can what's your name Sir Mr Sylvester Hall pleasure to meet you um I think your question was answered earlier because we're not saying that the opportunity is not available I think we address that if you do approve of concept present it to the city council our lease is only for one year if you come in and you show proof of concept next year maybe it could be you and then you're also saying that hey if you come in we're not saying we're not going to shut down the street or whatever for your event if you can show proof of concept the city council says hey we want to throw this event you know in the middle of whatever do you guys mind stepping down for a minute nobody is saying that that's not going to happen I think we need to make sure that we listen clearly I tend to stand behind the scenes I a business partner I are multiple businesses here in Apopka and frankly I'm I'm love that the city council is behind this but we also need to make sure that business owners who still left out know that they have a opportunity to come in there's nothing saying it's $50 into the market $50 or it's less oh it's 20 or 30 right what we do is we do not when we select vendors we want to make sure that everybody has a spot we don't believe in commandeering other businesses right so for example Seafood hick Seafood is an amazing establishment I know Mina you know she did a great job there if they want to come to the market they can come to the market nobody's stopping and come to the market three odd guys partners with us on the market Halls on Fifth we'll partner with the market Fifth Street is for everybody so I don't like this idea that propagate or anybody on F stre is trying to Commander a street that doesn't exist we are a community and that's always what we look for we don't care about politics we don't care about none of that what we care about is bringing something for this community as business owners we're putting our own money into it our own money I cannot tell you how much money and capital I have on this street so while I'm grateful that everybody is on board I wish you would show us Grace come and participate come put your application in $20 I give you $20 you want to sell I will give you the money to come and sell you know so that's all I'm saying you know I don't come out a lot but when I come out this is the reason I come out is because I'm all about Community I'm all about protecting this community and my business is here and your business is here and I want everybody to thrive and succeed thank you for your time Commissioners as and mayor Leroy Bell 230 blue meds Court this is Leroy Bell this is Leroy Bell to to to Sylvester's Hall point I support these this event wholeheartedly you have a gentleman sitting back here by the name of Pedro I know this young man from the time he was born this young man were read in my brother's uh game room with his son anything that he do I support I support your event but to Sylvester's point to commission Anderson point it's nothing about giving anybody $20 it's about you said that it's it's not easy to do yes I did the same thing for seven years in a community all you have to do is have a concept and a city council that willing to have an open mind to give the same opportunity to another vendor the same as they give you that's all we're not we're not say we're not kicking against anything that you say the only thing we're saying is if I want to bring in a mber shooting contest down Fifth Street if we get enough vendors to come up and we come up and ask for a permit we just asking the people that have businesses on Fifth Street to show the next person the same Grace that you're asking for that's it in a one everything in a nutshell nobody's not kicking against this event no one we like to see the city of Apopka grow but then we have other people somebody might want to have a gospel show out there somebody might want to have a a spin contest it can only help Fifth Street because you already got a business there and you bringing client Tes there people going to visit the business that's already there it's not about taking away away from nobody else fundamentally fairness I think that's what the commissioner was saying and to commissioner Hall point I mean yeah mayor Hall point two years hope so all right close this public hearing and uh looking for a motion to approve the license agreement for the market on Fifth so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second seconding by commissioner Vas all those in favor I I'll oppose motion carries D next up ordinance number 373 can we take a 5 minute break real quick sure sure e e e e e e e e e e e e e e let's go ahead and get get back order please all right next up ordinance number 373 ordinance number 373 an ordinance of the city of apapa Florida to extend its territory and Municipal limits to Annex pursuant to Florida statute 17144 the here Anda described land situated and being in Orange County Florida owned by Stacy and Robert Moss and Timothy Birchfield located west of golden gem Road South of nightshade Grove Lane and Saddler Road comprising Development Department this is a request to accept the first reading of ordinance number 3073 and hold it over for second reading and adoption the subject properties are located west of golden gem Road and south south of Sadler Road approximately 1976 acres in size it is contiguous to City Limits and eligible for annexation pursuant to Florida statute 171 future assignment of City future land huse and Zoning designations will occur a later dat through the action by the city council the DRC recommends approval the recommended motion is to accept the first reading of ordinance number 3073 and hold it over for second reading and adoption on October 16 2024 staff and applicant are available for questions any questions for Jean concerns an the infrastructure especially the water having the issue concern sorry it's okay okay I'll repeat myself um at the agenda review I had some concerns with the annexations that we are kind of voting on and bringing into the city but being where this location was at I had some concerns about the water issue and the infrastructure for reclaim sewage the whole and uh because golden gem was created in order to kind of go with the growth and we don't have golden gem right now uh that's operating so I had some concerns with new annexations coming in and new um because I did ask how many uh what were they building there I understand it's over 140 units is that correct it sounds about right yes so I had some issues with that um just not and it shouldn't be an issue just concern do we have the infrastructure to support that new development um I'm not sure if there's any more questions for staff but in uh speaking of infrastructure I understand that um the applicant for this are the beginning stages of their site plan design and um I understand that they're helping the city with their drainage issue on golden gem so if you want a little bit more information I can bring the applicant up here but sure okay let's you while he's coming up we'll just any other questions okay I I just have similar concerns to commissioner blasquez just annexation in this area is doesn't seem like the right time with with the issues we're dealing with uh infrastructure wise water and all that so yeah if we can build any confidence level they great but if not afternoon Jeff Summit with Summit Engineering 3667 simonon Place Lake Mary so real quick just to jump right to it water portable water storm water reclaim water exactly which portions of the infrastructure you concerned with I don't think we do any of right I think we're deficient on most of them it's not your runoff that we're concerned about it's at least me I won't speak for commission but it's reuse that we're having issues with um having huge issues with getting pressure to other areas things like that so in regards to the existing infrastructure the city did put major utilities down Golden Gym road several years ago so you guys did put a 30 inry claim line down the road you put a 12-in force man down the road and there's a 12in water line down the road as well so as far as existing utilities for us to connect to there are utilities directly adjacent to the site that's not an issue we can we can definitely make the connections without extensions we can definitely the connection pressures I've done multiple subdivisions I did the subdivision to the north of this and the subdivision to the north of that both of those subdivisions tested very high as far as pressures and and we haven't had any issues with any of the existing houses in regards to supportable water pressure reclaim pressure or getting our sanitary sewer service and our lift stations to now from a storm water perspective the one thing we've always run into with golden Jim road is the issue with the fact that the road has not been built to any type of standard to serve the development that's taking place now I've been working with the city's Consultants so the city hired kimley horn to do a design for a proposed widening and expansion of golden Jim Road and one of the things that I was approached by City staff and by kimle horn directly was if we could help accommodate storm water with this specific project for the road and so what what we've done with the site plan and I know this we're not to the site plan stage very early this is annexation this is land use we'll get to site plan hopefully eventually and you'll be able to see the specific details but what we're working on right now with staff is actually being able to accommodate City runoff from the road widening so that this project can build the can help fund the additional infrastructure and we're going to give you guys that storm water is part of this project otherwise that roadway widening wouldn't be able to happen unless you guys were able to condemn property or acquire property to to have that storm water so we're trying to help work with this issue with this whole golden GM road trying to help with the widening trying to help accommodate these these needs that the city has as part of the development process and yes it is a tricky process but as far as the the putable water as far as the re I know you guys are having problems with the reclaim area I don't think that's a development related issue I think that there's there's a whole lot to that and I don't think we need to get into that from this perspective but as far as portable water is part of as as far as sanitary sewer I haven't seen any issues with the other projects that we've had up there any other questions for the applicant can can deal Mr deal D give some insight on that because it was with Mr deal that that I spoke with yesterday yeah my name is D Buu public service director I great that we have water sewer and reclaim line in system the question that I heard that you were asking about the um the golden Jem Pond and the and the golden Jem Pond was there as an alternative water supply Source right for and basically is for a storage area that you have these water during wet weather or during dry weather season that we can able to have a recirculation of the water to all of the area for example when you have a dry season that storage bond with a pump and everything else can able to resupply water when we have a shortage to reuse water when we have a shortage so basically um in terms of this well development or annexation um there is a reused line that they can top into right and receive reuse water if they want to use it right and even part purle water and they do have a sewer line there so I think um in terms of the golden gem retention Pawn which failed and everything else um that was a place um that pond was built from what I understand right it's a 300 million million gallon pond is to enable alternative water supply and to enable us to have a connectivity of a system so that we have when we have water there store during the wet season we can reuse that water with a pump station and supplying back to the system right when when we have a shortfall so can you and commiss Blas sorry I'm jumping in uh the the comment was made that basically they'll be assisting with our storm water runoff for golden gem if we don't Annex do we have a second plan is there somewhere else that we can store this um is this the Lynch pin to a successful project of were you doing gold no that is different he um from what the applicant is just saying here if I understood correctly he's speaking about the develop the widening or or the infrastructure of the golden Jem Road and he's looking on the surface water run off sure right and I think is that what he was saying that he may be giv up some area for Swale or Pond or for Renity of storm water I don't want to mix the two that is stor water the one for what we are speaking about in the in for reuse water so they're two different things so what what understand the is explaining here that he is given up some area which you're able to contribute to whole well I haven't seen the plan but in terms of um in terms of helping with the strong water retentivity in the area so theoretically we could find this elsewhere and still accomplish what we need to yes that's correct okay thank you any other questions for applicant deal Jean well let me me ask you do you might I don't know if you'll know maybe Jean will know I don't think because the Golden gy Road is that old I don't think we have any storm water runoff Retention Ponds do we is it none I didn't think so so we've got nothing now so anything better than nothing as far as storm water and what what we're doing to help with our our water quality so you know that now that's not the only reason we should you know should approve it or not approve it but but just to just to lay it out there golden Jim has zero storm water retention so anyway that was a concern all right so we'll um any other thoughts not I look for a motion to approve the anybody from public want to speak I'm sorry okay not look for a motion to approve the ordinance number 373 at first reading and hold over for a second reading and adoption so mov got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commiss Anderson all those in favor I all opposed no n okay 32 with um Velasquez and Nessa voting opposed okay next up resolution 202 24-24 resolution 202 24-24 a resolution of the city council of the city of repa Florida adopting a non-ad Borum tax assessment role for East Kelly Park Laurel Oak Street lighting District providing direction to the finance director for certification and transmission of the assessment role to the Orange County Tax Collector and providing for an effective date good evening May Commissioners uh program supervisor for the streets Michael Ortiz uh no changes no changes all right anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing L for motion to approve resolution 20244 so got a motion by commissioner Vasquez second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimous next up resolution 2024-25 resolution 2024-25 a resolution of the city council of the city of apopa Florida adopting a non-ad tax assessment role for Oaks at Kelly Park Street lighting District providing direction to the finance director for certification and transmission of the assessment role to the Orange County Tax Collector and providing for an effective date no changes no changes Michael Ortiz yes all right anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter if not we close a public hearing L for motion to approve resolution 2024-25 so got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor all oppos motion carries animacy next up resolution 202 24-26 resolution 202 24-26 a resolution of the city council of the city of Republic of Florida adopting a non-ad Borum tax assessment role for Southwest of poka Street lighting District providing for direction to the finance director for certification and transmission of the assessment role to the Orange County Tax Collector and providing for an effective dat any changes no changes okay anybody from public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing for motion to approve resolution 202 24-26 so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I I oppose motion carries unanimously next up resolution 2012 24-27 resolution 202 24-27 a resolution of the city council of the city of Republic of Florida adopting a non- adum tax assessment role for Summit Ridge Street lighting District providing Direct direction to the finance director for certification and transmission of the assessment role to the Orange County Tax Collector and providing for an effective date any changes Michael no changes okay anybody from the public wish to re speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing look for motion to approve resolution 20242 so move got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously next up resolution 2024 -28 resolution 202 24-28 a resolution of the city council of the city of Republic of Florida adopting an on at Borum tax assessment role for West Kelly Park gardinia Reserve Street lighting District providing direction to the finance director for certification and transmission of the assessment role to the Orange County Tax Collector and providing for an effective date all right no CH no changes okay all right anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not close the public hearing look for motion to approve resolution 2024 D28 so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I all oppos motion carries anly next up resolution 202 24-29 resolution 202 24-29 a resolution of the city council of the city of apopa Florida adopting a non-ad Borum tax assessment role for West Kelly Park Oak View Street lighting District providing direction to the finance director for certification and transmission to the assessment role to the Orange County Tax Collector and providing for an effective data Michael Ortiz any changes no changes anybody from public wish to speak on this matter if not we'll close the public hearing look for motion to approve resolution 24 202 24-29 so move got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I all opposed motion carries unanimously next up resolution 2024 34 in act opt out for live local Act resolution 2024-25 P3 P0 Florida Statutes electing to opt out of providing the ad vorum tax exemption under Section 1961 978 PR 3 PR d1a Florida Statutes to eligible properties providing for complex severability and un effective dat mayor and Council this uh opt out is something that we may not get to do in the future but because we're in Orange County and because based on the analysis that is provided through this report that you see attached as an exhibit uh to the uh resolution the shimberg annual report it proves for the P purposes of this live local act that we have in Orange County sufficient affordable housing uh based on the the statistics they use and so in that situation at least for as long as we have sufficient housing per that report we can opt out of the tax exemption that would otherwise apply to these projects in our area that's not insignificant as you know we just went through a tough B budget season it was really tough in maand because two of the projects there uh had applied before this exemption existed and cost us over a million in Revenue so this is the purpose of this opt out it is so that at least for the upcoming year you won't be blindsided by people getting into this live local act and being exempt from the tax roles when you counted on it for your millage however I would point out that what is true this year may not be true next year we may be in over the number or under the number that we need and we may not have this as an option but this year we do that's what this is for all right any questions for Cliff did we didn't we do this last year I I don't remember I don't it was just created recently that it was just a presentation I say we spoke about this and I feel like we had it was just created this past legislative session and literally it was done in matland I think we did it in July or August but and that those are the two communities I obviously know about that are potentially affected by it so there you go okay thank you he spoke about it in early in July because I have it here it was July when he first presented this year yeah that he that's when it would have been signed by the governor okay us commiss Smith good commiss Anderson good okay all right anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing with per motion to approve resolution 20243 some got a motion by commissioner Vasquez second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I all opposed motion carries you see Council reports commissioner Nesta I want you to get us started sure I just want to thank all of the volunteers that came out as well as City staff that helped me coordinate the cleanup at dream Lake Park at the Challenger Memorial Park and uh some of our residents that had reached out and and needed some cleanup help from the hurricane it was very well attended and I think the part looks great now it's very welcoming and you know I mean it's it's tough with our parks and wck staff that you know they they definitely need as much Staffing as possible and this helped to fill in a void that wasn't being met so I think that was it was incredible to see um the church come out it was um Grace Point Church come out in in huge numbers and then as well as Boy Scout Troop uh 211 did the same thing and it was very cool to see that was the same Troop that did the bridge there at dream Lake Park so that was very cool to see them come out and kind of revitalize it so just want to say thank you for that it looks great now um and the the other thing I have and and it came up earlier this meeting uh attorney Shephard it's a resident had asked what other entities or governing bodies can request a forensic audit uh well I the only thing that throws me is the term forensic because I don't know what kind of audits they do but the only other agency that I'm aware of in Florida that does audits of governmental entities is the auditor general and the reason I'm familiar with them is because I know from time to time and I don't know what the triggering mechanism is they will audit cras but again I don't know whether it's based on a complaint or I don't know whether a citizen can request I I don't know how any of that goes but it's the only other agency I know that does audits of governmental entities again I know that because of cras I have no idea where they would for example come in and audit the city and I do not know whether it would be a forensic audit understood no I think that again it was just it was a resident's question I think it's worth the answering thank you that's all I have commissioner Smith uh I just want to say thanks to the prop Police Department for coming out last night to the National Night Adam crime that was held uh at 927 South Central Avenue uh thanks also to the mayor and to commissioner Anderson for stopping by as well as commissioner um Christine Moore uh so appreciate that was a great turnout uh also uh at our last uh budget meeting we talked about a fund to assist customers who having difficulty with their water bills and I found found out that the program the the county has only does electric does not contribute to water build and so that we would have to set up a fund of some sort of our own to assist our customers uh that are having difficulty with their water build and so I just like for us to take a look at that and and see if we can come up with something for those individuals that would be in need that um may have difficulty get because Warriors a necessity how much do you think we could like do you have a goal number for that I guess what do you know what Orange County does because we were talking I guess elect program because um when I spoke to uh commissioner Moore she did tell me that that I leap uh program is really for just electric and not water but she says that the utility company for Orange County does have a a program a program and also uh one of the residents that um calls calls me a lot and gave me some more information he said 211 is still in existence and it's run by United Way here in Orange County and they have a variety of programs that our residents can call and they would provide different resources to them so um is that inclusive do you know if that's inclusive of water bills too yes he said it it's um for people who uh need uh food or rent or you know there there's a variety and it's United it's funded by United Way so I haven't called him but he the person who actually gave me this said that he had called and that they have a variety of of resources there that's 211 of course 211 and then of course we have you know hope Community which I'm kind of waiting back from them to see what what uh programs they have that are up and running and that they do help a lot of our residents here and so also the Farm Workers so I'm kind of waiting back from them to see what programs they have and commissioner Smith I uh we had our team put this up this this program the LI program is up on our website now so it's it's available to our customers as well so it's got put up today okay but it's only for yeah okay thank you yeah bet that's all I have oh okay commissioner Velasquez um well I I was at the cleanup with uh commissioner Nesta with the troop 211 uh I was hoping my Kanis uh Key Club members that's where I told them to kind of show up and they showed up at another cleanup but still I assisted in the cleanup that Nick Nester had and they did a good job and I really do want to extend a special thanks to our um public service department because they went the very next day and picked up all the piles that you know from the cleanup so thank you to the public services for doing that we of course had our Hispanic heritage celebration this past weekend and it was very well attended uh it I was there from the very beginning till the very end and uh I did write an email to uh Recreation director Bradley because toward the end uh we had a like hundreds of bats come out from the Gazebo and I thought that was a a very amazing thing to see uh the only thing I had suggested was maybe if we can move that event just one hour earlier for next year only because after about six o'clock I started to see kind of the crowd dwindle down and and um and it was getting dark earlier so that was the only suggestion I did but other than that just want to say uh thank you to Stephen KP um I know he he uh organized it and just to say that it was a very nice Affair uh I enjoyed it I stayed there till almost like 8:30 and again the staff the city staff was there till about 10:30 so thank you to your city staff for staying in the in the park and cleaning it up and and staying with the bats I did tell them I said because I know that we're going to replace the Gazebo and I did say I did share some concern where I'd like to make sure that we can uh kind of relocate those bats because they are important to the park there they do take care of the mosquitoes and all the other little you know pesty animals that are there but it was really fascinating to see them um the way I did else nothing else right now commissioner Anderson I have nothing all right uh Jacob yes okay I just have a few items here um the first thing is I I'm gonna read to you and and so you know I've been here now for four months um I've had a great opportunity to listen learn understand how things work understand who the people are here and what's been done and um this may be a change from what's been done in the past uh but this is how I would like to move forward as the administrator with the the staff of of the city so to preface that I'm going to read section 2.06 of the city Charter that states um nor shall a city commissioner give orders to an employee other than orders by action of the city council and nothing herein shall be construed to deny a City Commissioner access to records or information maintained by city employees uh So based on this information and this is why earlier I asked I want the council's consent to move forward with uh expanding the scope of the the impact piece so that's in compliance with that law making sure it's not just one or two but it's it's the group as a whole um for the sake of our employees I'd like to follow the following uh do the the following procedures um and all employees will become aware of this as well if a commissioner has a question or needs information um I see no problem with them communicating via email directly to the director which that's occurring right now but I need to be CCD on all those emails so I can ensure the communication is happening both directions as well as to interject if need be if it's something that I feel like needs to come to the full Council like if the scope of work is more than what is the day-to-day duty of that that employee I would ask that we can bring that to the council and see if the council as a whole think agrees that we should put forth the effort and the time and whatever resources may be for that employee to uh do whatever that request is um and also just just be aware don't don't order any employees to do something uh that that's actually the mayor of my role to do that um you can make departments aware of any issues and the department will do what they do with everybody else so that that it's impartial and it's fair is they will prioritize whatever that request is with the same as the other request that we get in from from residents directly and I hope that if by doing this there'll be better communication between the commission myself and the department and better coordination and coming out uh with what the what the solution should be for those issues so so that's how I'd like to proceed so just remember if you want to uh get some information or need something from a department go ahead you can contact that director but CC me on that and I reserve the right to to interject okay so that that's the first thing second item um I wanted to talk about uh the public comment period uh and the restrictions that have been put on City staff when it comes to the P public comment period now what the period I'm talking about is what's going to happen here after after the mayor's had a chance to do his report uh reading section 6C of the resolution 2016-16 which is our law here in the city and I do expect that all of my staff obey federal state and local laws it states that the purpose of the public comment portion of the meeting is to receive citizen input pertaining to matters over which the city council has jurisdiction or control so obviously we don't want to be talking about Federal issues there's nothing you guys can do about that so keep it gerain to to the the city uh this period of time is for comments and not for questions directed to the city council or staff for immediate answer and that is in the resolution I read it verbatim that's exactly how it says so any questions directed to the city council may be referred to staff to be answered within a reasonable period of time following the date of the meeting it's unrealistic to expect that any of the staff that are here are able to ask a question they don't they're they're not prepared for they can't anticipate what that would be uh it's embarrassing to them uh it's not very professional so I would ask that anybody that comes here that uh they make their comment they get their input and we'll follow up with that question with a good answer because you've seen there's a lot of times that people ask questions that come up here and almost the first thing that any of the staff says I think or I'm pretty sure that especially when it comes to like dollar amounts or or specific numbers so I would like to give the public the right answer the exact answer the first time so that's that's what I'm proposing there and and I have let staff know that they do not have to answer a question during the public comment period now this does not pertain to specific items on the agenda I do expect my employees to be prepared during that agenda item to answer any questions about that item they should be prepared for that so that is a great time to uh talk back and forth and to debate but I would appreciate it for staff if you would keep it on topic whatever because they're they're not prepared to answer questions about an opinion and we're required as staff to be impartial we are not supposed to be political so if you have a perception or an opinion that really is political in nature I mean you can voice that opinion but don't expect an answer from uh staff and in fact staff have the right to leave if anybody if any of them feel like they're being belittled or denigrated and then um I wanted to answer Mr Bell's question uh about interest income on reserves I wanted to be on record this is the answer that you asked it during the public comment part so the question was is you know what does the city do it seems like we're flushed with cash we have all this interest income just so you know and for the whole public to know uh that is actually a budgeted source of Revenue we project how much interest we are going to receive in this next year and that is under a line underneath the revenue so we anticipate that we also put expenses up against whatever that interest rate or that that return is on that interest now if that interest goes above what we had anticipated to Reed for that year yeah that will that will go into reserves that's where it goes and the nice thing about that is that can mitigate any increases in other Revenue that we might have to do in order to cover expenses the bad thing and this might be the case this year is if we under budgeted how much we're going to re our over budgeted how much we're going to receive an interest then we'll have to figure out where we can make Cuts in order to compensate for that difference so that is so so you know that that is something we anticipate something that we work on and we are required by the state to take any reserves that we have and invest those and use those wisely and and the criteria for what we can and can't do with that it's pretty strict that's all I have okay all right I just forgot one thing online this isn't it's a a Naomi kids 10 year anniversary I just want to say it was a great celebration congrats to them thank you for what you do in the community um it was a very nice event and thank you for the invite it was on my list and I missed it very sorry about that but thank you for all you do for the community right Cliff sheeper well I don't like talking very much although it's what I get paid to do but I think it's important um for me to do so tonight for this reason um it is very easy to be undermined in the position of City attorney I can be undermined by the public and I can be undermined by lack of support at Council or I can be undermined by perceptions that are completely incorrect so I want to put some things on the record I don't know who will hear it but y'all will know know this and if you think I said anything that's incorrect this would be the time first is on meeting tend because excuse me at this last um budget whatever you want to call that um I was called out for not being here when I was expressly told not to be here and inquired on the day of whether I was supposed to be here so it was not selected by me it was not missing an action because I had some agenda I think the funniest comment I read was I wonder if he's a member of the Tiger Bay Club which is funny to me because I wouldn't go to another meeting I wasn't paid to be at if my life depended on it I go to so many meetings now the idea of going to a voluntary meeting of a political Club of all clubs is hysterical so I want people to understand I don't show up at meetings only when I'm told not to show up at a meeting it is also true that for Budget meetings in almost every other city that all of the attorneys in my office represent we don't go to budget meetings why because we don't control the budget we don't have a say in the finance we don't even project out hey here is uh what we think you should be spending here versus there we have no role in any of that the only reason I was attended these meetings in the past and more recently in Eatonville same similarly is because they had new Finance people who weren't sure the process what motions had to be done in what order and make sure that the the eyes were dotted and the te's were crossed so in that regard I was here but you will also know I was not at I don't think any of the workshops um and so I want to make sure that for the benefit of the public who thinks I just selectively decided not to show up on some agenda that is not at all what happened I was actually on the way back from the fort Meers meeting I got called by a citizen who asked me whether I would be here I actually reached out to the city administrator and said hey I don't think I'm supposed to be there but am I and as Jacob Mr Smith said in the Apopka voice uh I told him he didn't have to be here because it was going to be a 15 minute item or 16 minute item and it was all so they thought resolved which is accurate so that's the actual answer there's no conspiracy there's no Kabal there's none of that stuff I get paid to be here and if you pay me to be here by God I'm GNA be here and if you want to have the discussion about having me attend every single meeting I welcome it I'll be here but again but that I I know how it can go I know the noise in the system is some football coach used to call it and I know that they can get out of control in a hurry when people get this idea because I know what happened to the last guy who sat in the seat and I think it's detrimental to the people who sit in front of me as well as the people you serve to let misinformed people spread incorrect information about how I operate I try to treat all of you equally and I think I've made it clear that's my only agenda in all of this it cuts whichever way it cuts based on the law I could care less about individual agendas I really could I don't live in a pocket it's not my town to run it's your town to run it's my job to try to help you do it within the boundaries of the law it's not to set your policy it's not to set how you behave amongst each other how you interact with the p none of that is my job it is not that I don't want the job it's just not it doesn't come with this office and the reason it doesn't is because not a single soul has ever cast a vote for me that is not what happens when you're the City attorney and so I know you all know that but for the record I wanted out there now one of the things that came up that's supposed to have happened today but didn't and I don't know why but I just want again because I get I know how this noise works today was supposed to be the day we talk to moratoriums I saw it on the social media this was supposed to come up we're supposed to talk and I'm now supposedly anti- moratorium I have written in my time of 40 years as the City attorney a dozen of them I'm not against them I absolutely know the requirements of them and because I know the requirements I know the order of operations so for the record and again let me tell you what those requirements are first what is the basis is it because you want to increase fees is it because you want to re recheck your Zoning for something like big box stores as I mentioned or drive-throughs or what what is the basis because you don't just say we're going to do a more to you have to have a basis and then that basis got to be supported by something that's going to happen that we can't do right away a study of some sort as we discussed earlier today impact fees but also if it was on a how we handle big box stor zonings like I think when I was here the first go around it was about dollar stores and there was people concerned but you can't call out dollar stores as a name because that's illegal so you have to figure out another way to describe what it is you're trying to deal with and that's where they came up with the term big box stores so that's another part of what it is we're we're having the moratorium to study so we can understand how to address it who's going to be conducting the study based on whatever the item is that we're copying the moratorium for I don't know and I was told last time when it has to do with fees that we may have somebody already but if it's any of these other reasons I don't know whether we have any maybe we do I just am saying that this is the order of operations long before we get to here's the ordinance Okay the third thing what are the types of projects that we're going to say you don't go forward during this moratorium are they a single family multif family commercial office or literally everything we're stopping all development I it doesn't matter to me I'm just telling you that's what you got to know the last thing is where is it going to apply for example is it going to be in just a CRA is it going to be just in a defined downtown Corridor is it going to be entire city of aapka I don't know so I can't write an ordinance to tell me yall have to tell me and then uh the last part is how long and usually the how long part is going to be determined by the study part so if the study if whoever your consultant is says it's going to take six months to figure this out or three months or nine months or whatever it is to figure it out that usually sets the link of the moratorium once you have all of those steps met then on first reading you bring forth a moratorium so the reason you don't have a moratorium ordinance today which again because I've made the mistake of doing what I say never do read social media people are wondering I want to make sure that that answer is clear and on the record as to why it's not my reluctance to bring forth the moratorium I don't have the information to do so because it hasn't been decided yet as to what we need it for and where it applies and to what kinds of development and so forth so that's important and then the last thing this is just a Clarity thing because I there was so much discussion that I didn't anticipate ibly y'all did because I'm sure you got emails about this whole um fifth Market whatever the least thing was that we talked about for so while on the license agreement and it came up but it was kind of went over very quickly um uh not the mark excuse me the rotary it and it was we agreed to a term which frankly I didn't know that they could agree to but it's important because I want the other organizations who were looking at properties and thinking hey this is something we could bring forward one of the Constitutional prohibitions is you cannot mortgage public property that is why there's never mortgage on City Hall the police building the fire building Public Works roads and streets it's illegal so in order to take a piece of public property and provide it to an entity that wants to build on it that entity has to have the financial strength and wherewithal to do it in cash because they cannot and you cannot allow as long as you own it there to be in mortgage on the property so if you don't sell it to them but you lease it to them and they're going to build on it even if it's over 99 years they have to do it with cash not a mortgage and not every organization that you're going to come across has that ability and indeed when I sent the lease Draft before I even realized it was an issue of 3030 back I when I got to that part where they were thinking that they could do a mortgage or pledge the property of security for the mortgage and I said this may be a deal killer but you can't do that I was surprised heavily surprised that they said no we can still make this work but the reason bringing it up is not to to to cheer fot or anybody else there are very few organizations that would be able to do that and that is something that kind of got glossed over and so I want to make sure that that is understood by you all that is not a small thing that is a big deal it's not something that you can do you couldn't take out of mortgage on any of these properties either so for what it's worth I thought those things were worth saying today I appreciate you sharing that information but they could do like they don't need they could do other debt financing that doesn't lean the property as long as it doesn't pledge the property right okay so they could still get debt on it it may not be cash not on the property no but I'm saying they could get financing somewhere somehow if they have other assets to pledge sure but our our leases or whatever are not saying you have to have cash with this no debt Finance what it says is you can't put you can't pledge this property so that there's any chance we will ever lose this property based on your debt okay and then if I can just respond to the first part there I did get your email today I will respond to it in official capacity what you did educate me on though is that it wasn't your decision that Mr Smith you made that decision that the attorney wouldn't be here mayor did you know that the attorney wasn't going to be here didn't think anything about it didn't it's a yes or no did you know I guess no you didn't know you know you were surprised like me then and Commission because I didn't think a budget's a budget it's got nothing to do with an attorney yeah I I have never had an attorney at a budget hearing I see and I didn't see the reason why we needed one I figured yeah save the taxpayer Mone 250 hours we can bring him to every as you said he's happy to come to every meeting you want to have him when we're approving a $100 million do budget and there's questions to it there aren't any questions about the budget there weren't question your questions weren't it would been nice to be educated on that that was an unilateral decision that you made that none of us knew about well no that that's how it is so I just let you know that now well that's not how the Charter's written so not that's not common practice to have an attorney at a budget hearing well that's okay you can consult with us then and ask if that's something we would want or not well no I don't think I'll do that thank you that's not for the charter the city clerk and our attorney are specifically referenced as something the council and the mayor can direct it doesn't say City administrator okay then you can direct him to come he was going to come and you told him not to no he was not going to come he was asking if he needed to come I said no I don't see any reason nobody told me any reason why the attorney should be here give me the reason I have a question have he came to the previous he attorneys the previous budget hearings that we had in the city for the past four years I'd been to the one just immediately the week before when the mill was worked out and got the unanimous final the final the final yeah not the final one that the final one was the one last Wednesday right so I was there the week before at the PRI one which I was asked to be at so I was there well and that was to make sure we got the itions correct and so yeah because it's correct exactly that's the point so you were there for that one and then nobody advised otherwise that you weren't going to be there Mr sh this isn't attorney sear excuse me this isn't an attack on you but it's lack of communication again that broke down a lot of things Mr Smith all I'm asking for is a communication you're wanting the same thing you want us to communicate with you effectively so so you want me to because the the question was asked about 1 pm you want me to reach out to all of you and and how am I supposed to determine that the majority says yes want the attorney there through an email that says it yeah I don't get responses that quickly I mean I might get it from you yes but some others I don't and then I've got to make a decision I got to make a choice do we spend $250,500 whatever it is on the attorney fees plus his travel or do I save the taxpayers some money so I made a choice to save the taxpayers $500 our attorney that we didn't need to have but he represents us I need representation you need representation when passing a budget I do I don't trust a lot of the people that work here you guys have actively lied to me that sounds like a personal issue it's not a personal issue I've had the mayor lie to us before I've done nothing to violate anybody's trust if you say so again Mr Shephard I'll give you response but this is not an attack on you oh it's an attack on me yes yeah well I'm going right back at you great welcome it wow all right let's see here where do we where do we start um Popa proud concert I guess I need to bring that up we Sorry Brown due to to Mark Miller who's the lead singer had more than laryngitis it's he's he's had to cancel so obviously we are um we're gonna go on with the concert it will be Dallas Tyler and U John Anderson we're going to refund any if they want the total refund they get a total refund if they want U half refund if they want to still go to the concert that's we've got it out there for anybody to see so whatever uh the folks that are that are had planned to attend sorry for what what happened I know saw Brown they were to be at Opry land like this today or tomorrow so they they they're they're really hurt they weren't able to come back to their Hometown um next up uh just so everybody knows on October 7th which is Monday uh to show solidarity with our brothers and sisters from Israel from Israel we're going to be raising their flag uh here at City Hall uh I guess commissioner vasque has talked about Hispanic heritage uh event great turnout great event so um thanks to our sponsor which was Advent Health to make that possible so um glad that we uh we had a a great time there all I think all the Commissioners were were there so it was good good time um we tomorrow night at 5:30 got an HOA Forum uh along with representative bankson there's three bills that were passed in legislature this year that have to do a lot with financial um obligations of HOA board members so I think it's something that uh everybody if you serve on a board for an HOA you want to be there so we've got kind of three parts one is we talked about uh dbpr and what their role is in HOAs which I'll be taking that uh commissioner or excuse me representative bankson will be talking about the three bills and their impact on HOA boards and then we'll wrap it up with uh Jen uh from our uh Public Services who's in charge of our storm water because a lot of the HOAs don't understand is that they if they've got an H if they have a pond it's not a city pond storm water Pond that they have obligations and so they need to set aside money to keep them clean and all that so we'll be very informative um we will have that available on on our website um is after after it's over uh but it should be a a good turnout so we've we've been I know we've gone out the next door to all of the HOAs in the Apopka area don't even have to be in Apopka if you want to come it's just we're trying to get information all our HOAs next up um flag update uh the the you know looking at a new flag of had about 800 votes um the the voting will stop will close on Friday so if anybody wants to get in on the voting for an update to our flag uh the the time is coming soon um next up uh we had uh on let's see what day was that October 1st I had um Chief and uh Jacob were with me at the um the county municipalities coordinating meeting for the new state law on encampments very good meeting we had all the other the other municipalities that were there there and uh by Byron Brooks from Orange County put it on very well attended very well a lot of good information that we put on uh the the uh that report or what what we started out with is is at your at your desk so we're just what I guess what we came out of is we want to be as as a uh as a county including the municipalities within that County we all want to kind of get on same page as to how we handle the ordinances and so it was a very good meeting I think we're going to have a follow-up meeting probably the end of November to try to formalize kind of where we where we go and how we move forward so um thanks again to Orange County and Byron Brooks for putting that on for us uh on this weekend we're going to have the city hall will be lit up for breast cancer so get a you know get a chance Thursday Friday I think or Saturday night the uh City Hall will be lit up um pink for breast cancer awareness month um we've got um oh I uh they they had a our bike walk um folks have they put out a challenge for elected officials to you know ride your bike to work or or walk to work and so I tried to do I've done one and a half rounds to my house uh Monday I did there and back and then uh yesterday I did it there and I had to leave here and go some other places for the national out so I'll try to do the rest of the week I'll ride my bike to and from work so it's just a a way to use to reflect on what the challenges are for folks that you know don't have access to a car so um and that's all week all week yes sir and get make sure you got one that's got you know two pedals two pedals yes sir um and then last but not least um kind of neat uh Jonathan Caine who is the the keyboarders for Journey which obviously we you know is married to Paula White who lives out in Bluegrass Estates um said hey I would love to I got some some wine that's left over and uh wants to donate it to us and so the uh the Popkin chamber Foundation is going to be selling that this Friday and what it it we're looking to try to to uh to sell that to help support a uh a paint out for some individuals in in Apopka that need need some assistance so we've got 35 cases I think to sell uh every case will have at least one bottle that's signed by Jonathan Kane so try to raise some money to help with some some cleanups in in a pop goo and so with that oh wait wait before you do that sure can you just for Friday the 4th we have the cyber security training event for us that's just for yeah for for St and and I know that that Rob's got over a hundred how many employees government employees only and we've got over a hundred 100 people we've got maitlin Winter Park is it winter park yeah so anyway uh great event being put on by RT and then just a reminder for the museum the bottom me murial is also on Friday Friday at 4 o' four o' I think it's four yeah it's four 4:00 4 P.M yes okay um okay I just want to make sure no problem okay all right