e e e call the May 15th city council meeting to order commissioner Smith will give us the prayer pledge and fact to day please sir our father is once again that we come for your presence thank you for the many gifts and blessings you restored upon us thank you God for this opportunity to continue to serve the service of your city we ask that all that we shall say and do be pleasing and accept in your sight and make a difference in the lives of others this we pray in our son Jesus name amen amen our PL Alle FL flag United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all fact of the day on May 15th 1942 a bill establishing women's corpse in the US Army becomes law creating the women's exiter Army and granting women official military status in May 1941 represented Ed noris Gres of Massachusetts the first con woman ever from New England introduced legislation that would enable women to serve in the Army in a non-combat positions the bill passed in 1942 and the exil reports gained official status and salary thousands of women enlisted in light of this new legislation and in July 1943 the auxiliary was dropped from the name and the women's exhib courp receive full Army Benefits in keeping with their M male counterparts the women's Army courts performed a wide variety of jobs ranging from clerk to radio operator electrician to air traffic controller women served in virtu every theat of Engagement from North Africa to Asia fact of the day [Music] all right we got a couple of sets of of minutes um I know that we had some some thoughts about the one on uh April 17th so I would like to for the record I want to add add one thing and then and then take something out under the uh the report from our auditor I just thought it was important that we have in there that we um that I asked the council members if you had any questions for him because obviously he's been our auditor for the last three years I know there's obviously we're looking at doing a forensic audit so I want to make sure it was clear that I'd asked the commit the Commissioners uh if they had any any questions and that the answer was no so I just want to make sure that's in there and then the second thing is under the mayor's report um I didn't recognize commissioner Nesta and so I don't think that his comments in the middle my mayor's report should be included so with those two changes I'd like to ask for somebody to make a motion to approve with those amendments well are minutes only what you approve or are minutes what actually happened I guess that's the question about minutes no sure so it's what you approve that go in it if you're not recognized you're not recognized it's just like somebody Outburst in the from the crowd doesn't doesn't make it to the minutes yeah that's not the same thing and then we need to understand I guess moving forward there's a substantial difference between the minutes from April 17th and the difference in the meeting uh meeting minutes from May 1st so we need to understand moving forward and we've discussed this in detail even before I was elected uh and then elected again uh what is the point of the minutes the majority of our municipalities in our area do 30,000 foot view minutes but those minutes aren't being edited by one person our minutes are being edited so that's why we do almost verbatim to make sure that they're accurately transcribed and provided to the residents so again what's the goal of our minutes and let's be consistent moving forward because even these two minute sets of minutes that we have now are not consistent I mean I'd love to go to a less I think we're we're I mean I know they spend hours and hours and hours especially like public comment where it's there's not a real point to the to the discussion yes we they've got issues uh we want to make sure those are brought to the attention and they're in the minutes but I think if you look at the other cities the the I think we're probably two or three times the amount of of Copy in our minutes as other cities but we can be happy to go back to something lesser and uh we'll have the um the clerk you know send you out the minutes uh with a a much lesser uh amount of verbage but it's whatever you whatever the well no again the point is I I'm find I would like to be like other municipalities and keep it concise for r c clerk but we have one person you Mr Mayor that's editing the minutes to make sure that it fits a certain narrative one way or the other so that's problem that it comes down to I would love to see it be condensed and concise for our city clerk she's very busy her office is very busy but again we're dealing with one person editing it and then sending it out and saying I don't know who edited that no I've always I've always said I'm the one editing and if if there's something that you don't think that was appropriate then that's obviously your it's your uh it's the vote of the council as to how we change so Ed well the vote of the council was always to make it and again before I was elected was to make it verbatim that's although it's not consistent with local municipalities that's what this Council decided and then it got switched without the council deciding that so what's the pleasure of the board to do what they already voted on it needs to be verbatim um so you're saying anybody any Outburst in the crowd then would also then make would make the minutes as well correct it's it's your job as chair to keep the Corum in here so yes can I ask uh Susan um is there any do we have a policy regarding how we uh type our minutes or we have a policy we have always um done in the past they were more brief okay and as of late we' we've been giving more and more and more so they're almost forum um and it's not how most municipalities do it they they're supposed to be brief minutes are are short and like summaries so um just to make sure everybody understands if you are not speaking into a mic any such Outburst in the crowd is not going to be heard or intelligible just I want to make sure that you all understand that if you are not speaking into a mic the audio is not going to pick it up intelligible just I want to make sure that the expectations are understood so in the benefit of our city clerk because it it I will say this they do spend a lot of time trying to uh do the minutes for bom um I just would like to see if we can look at the policy and just kind of make it um not easier but so that I I was City Clerk and the staff upstairs uh can type them Ines in sort of a format that would at least have the cusp of the of what is being said and a lot of the changes I make are are names that that Susan they didn't they came to the mic she didn't know who they were so I said okay this is this is the name because obviously you what you got over the mics didn't translate into what their name was so I so a lot of times it's it's those kind of things um some some grammatical errors I mean it's this one was just I thought it was important to put in there about the you know asking the auditor for questions but okay because I know you have been sending it to us in a draft form uh you send it to all of us at the same time in the draft well that was only sent the last two meetings and then it was a long period of time before that had happened previously so that so in our fairness can we just the I guess the policy that we have regarding minutes um do we have a policy we don't necessarily have a policy we've just been doing the minutes as they've been being done and then over the time period they've gotten longer and longer and more in depth so um what I wanted to do is maybe put together a yeah a I think Cliff's got something something that I can do I I do only because if we already bogged down on approval of minutes which going to be a long meeting there are three types of minutes that are standard action minutes discussion minutes and re minutes what y all do typically now is called discussion minutes they are not a Verbatim of what exact word everybody said essentially to what would be a court reporter taking a transcript and and if you do verbate them you might as well get a trans get a court reporter uh rather than have Susan or anyone else try to go back and listen to a tape and get word for word exactly what was said the difficulty with verba minutes is because it comes very very difficult later to pull out the useful information from them instead of a lot of comment you don't figure out okay what motion was made who made it who seconded it and what was the vote uh that is what action minutes do so action minutes are the minut the the the minimalist style of minutes they are exactly what happened at the meeting in terms of action actually taken discussion minutes are somewhere between action minutes and verbatim minutes they are a summary of the overall discussion for example it might say folks came to the podium and were disappointed about this particular issue but there were supporters who said this other stuff and that would sort of summarize the discussion Council discussion uh ensued concerns were expressed by blah blah blah and then the vote was taken so that's a discussion minutes and verbatim as I said is basically a virtual transcript they are not particularly useful or helpful U except as a historical record of who said what when um you they're upside and downside to all of those things people who don't like action minutes say they don't capture enough of the thought behind the action taken however U people who uh dislike verbatim minutes or discussion minutes say they are often used not surprisingly as a political Hammer over people's head later when that's really not what minutes are supposed to be so what I would strongly suggest you do is you if if you're not prepared to decide on this issue tonight approve or disapprove these minutes and workshop it or put on a future agenda and we can go through I'll provide you a me a memo that describes the three types of minuts and then y'all can decide which form you want to do I think that would be valuable and and again I think it's important that I do value the city clerk's time and and all the effort her office puts into this as it is more than what a average municipality does that does not um that that's not um something I I don't see the problem is it's the Integrity of our minutes and the accuracy of our minutes uh get changed to uh what may not be accurate or take out salent details that were important um there's been public comment of they've said one thing but only a portion of that to make sure that it sounds right or that it looks good when you're reading it unless you go back and actually know exactly what happened there so again it's the integrity and the accuracy of the minutes that I'm most concerned about okay so as long as a policy is something consistent with that or and or we Implement some type of technology that saves your office time but also does it verbatim and and we just kind of go back and make sure as all five of us in your office the accuracy and integrity of it then I'm I'm I'm good to save your office time as much as possible okay so I'm I'm going to make a move u a motion a motion to approve the minutes with with five Corrections uh I I guess to include okay what you wanted to put in there the approval of the city council meeting minutes of April 17th 2024 and the approval of city council meeting minutes of May 1st 2024 got a motion by commissioner Velasquez sir second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I all opposed no okay it's a four to one okay agenda review uh we need to pull item number four the state funded Grant agreement with fpot I know Jean is she here tonight not here tonight but working got some late breaking details so we will bring it back for the first meeting in June so number four has been pulled okay next up got the National Police and chief come on up we you go we I'm gonna read your Proclamation first but uh just just so you give us a couple of compliments and comments so anyway we uh we all you know know that we have one of the best police forces in you know all of Central Florida and we're really proud of what they do for our community I think one of the few communities or one of maybe several that really um honor and and cherish our police officers and so we've got a um a proclamation and it reads whereas in 1962 President Kennedy proclaimed May 15th as National Peace Officers Memorial Day in the calendar week in which May 15th Falls as National Police Week established by a joint resolution of Congress in 1962 National Police Week pay special recognition to those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others and whereas the people of the State of Florida honor the thousands of men and women of local state federal and tribal law enforcement agencies who made the Supreme sacrifice with their lives to protect the freedom of others and preserve this great nation and whereas it is fitting and proper that we express our our gratitude for the dedicated service and courageous Deeds of law enforcement officers and for the contributions they have made to security and well-being of all people and whereas there are more than 800,000 Law Enforcement Officers serving in communities across the United States including the dedicated members of the city of aapka police department and whereas the members of the apka police department plan a central role in safeguarding the rights and freedoms of the citizens of the city of Apopka and where since the first recorded death in 1786 more than 24,000 law enforcement officers in the United States have made the ultimate sacrifice and have been killed in the line of duty including our own Denson Hudson a member of the Apopka Police Department who gave the ultimate sacrifice in 1941 and whereas 118 officers fell in the line of duty in 2023 and will be added to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial this year now therefore I Brian Nelson mayor the C of poka dut hereby Proclaim that all citizens of the city of Apopka observe the week of May 10th through the 16th 2024 as National Police Week as we commemorate police officers past and present who by their faithful and loyal Devotion to their responsibilities have rendered a dedicated service to their communities and in doing so have established for themselves an enduring reputation for preserving the rights and security of all citizens a further call upon all citizens to observe May 15 20 2024 as National peace officer Memorial Day to honors those officers who through their courageous Deeds have lost their lives or have become disabled in the performance of their Duty and with that Chief mayor Commissioners Community thank you very much we do dearly appreciate the support that the Apopka Community provides the apka police department all of our men and women of the apka police department are dedicated to this community they get up every morning they leave their families we always have to remember that their mothers fathers um and uncles sometimes grandparents and so forth um it's a tough job although um so far in 2024 law enforcement officers killed in lineing duty is slightly down the number of assaults on Law Enforcement Officers across the country is significantly up so it's still a very dangerous job they come to this community to protect it every day and I think they do a wonderful job and they do appreciate our community support and the support of our commission so thank you okay awesome KCK this [Music] oh boy all right next up we have another one more Proclamation and it's the Florida emancipation day which uh we've got a an event on Saturday morning from 9 until 1 down at the Alonzo Williams Park and with that let me read this Proclamation whereas the city of Apopka recognizes that the observance of the end of slavery is part of the history and Heritage of the United States and the State of Florida and where as a governmental body the city council opposes and rejects any form of Oppression and supports residents and organizations working to achieve genuine equality and protection of human rights for everyone and whereas President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22nd 1862 announcing that on the first day of January 1863 all persons held as slaves within any state or designated part of the state the people whereas shall be in Rebellion against the United States shall be then henceforth and forever free and whereas on June 19th 1865 Federal authorities arrived in Galveston Texas and informed slaves that the Civil War had ended and that the enslaves were now free and whereas June 19th as juneth has been commonly recognized and celebrated as the day that slavery ended in the United States and whereas emancipation day in Florida is traditionally celebrated on May 20th to recognize the emancipation of slaves as proclaimed by General Edward M mcook from the steps of the Knox house in Tallahassee on May 20th 1865 effectively ending slavery in the State of Florida 11 days after the end of the Civil War and two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was first issued by President Abraham Lincoln and as a result many Floridians celebrate May 20th as emancipation day in Florida and whereas in recognition of Florida's unique history with respect to the emancipation of slaves the city council commemorates the announcement of the abolition of slavery and recognizes the significant contributions of African Americans by this state and our nation and where As We Gather today May 15 2024 at city council to honor emancipation day now therefore I Brian Nelson mayor of the city of apopa do hereby recognize May 20th as Florida emancipation day in the city of apkin and encourage all citizens to recognize and honor this day in the city of apkin so thank you we got get a picture so come on out to Alonzo Williams Saturday 9: to1 got games for kids should be a great day to come out and and celebrate emancipation all right next up presentation legislative update we've got our two Representatives Senator Thompson and representative bankson why don't we talk start out with the senior member cator Thompson come on up give us highlights for the 2024 legislative session please ma'am thank you and good evening I am uh delighted to be here and to see everyone uh after several special sessions and a regular 60-day session in Tallahassee so I wanted to be here with representative bankson uh to kind of give you um a few points in terms of what happened while we were away in Tallahassee I think the good news is that we passed a bill uh it's called the live healthy initiative and it will fund over $1.5 billion do in health care spending and specifically it will address the shortage of Health Care Providers and support innovation in health care I know you have a full agenda so I won't go uh into detail but if you have questions I'll respond to that uh we are also in the process of looking at Medicaid and redetermination of people who qualify for medic uh Medicaid uh during the pandemic the rules were relaxed and people had coverage through Medicaid once that public emergency was ended a lot of people have been removed from Medicaid and so we're going through uh now with redetermination so that people will have health care coverage a lot of the people who were removed were children I I know this is law enforcement recognition week and one of the bills that passed would eliminate independent police review boards and it takes away authority to have oversight and disciplinary uh Power Within law enforcement agencies throughout the state so um municipalities that have police review boards under this law would uh have to dismantle those police review boards uh another piece of legislation would prohibit individuals from knowingly and willfully approaching or remaining within 25 ft of a first responder after a verbal warning with the intent to impede threaten uh physically harm or harass the uh first responder I had some concerns about uh this bill uh specifically related to the 25 ft uh because in the case of people like uh George Floyd and Eric Gardner we know what happened to those individuals because people were close enough to film uh the incident so 25 ft kind of concerned me but that is legislation that passed with regard to employment regulations it restricts local governments from setting minimum wages that are different uh from the state or federal minimum uh wages and it prohibits municipalities from requiring an employer or government contractor to meet or provide heat exposure requirements and we know we have a lot of people who work outside and they are exposed to intense heat and what this legislation that was passed will do is prohibit municipalities from providing uh water shade and uh rest periods and so people who are outdoor workers are are threatened under this legislation that passed also the legislature uh passed a bill that allows for youth employment during the uh school week 17 year olds can work up until 11: p.m. and they can work up um up to 30 hours and for 15 year olds um who are uh not in school and most people are still in school until they're 17 on uh school nights they can work 15 hours uh during uh school we also pass legislation to deregulate public schools and put them on par with private schools and what that means is in private schools where teachers don't have to be certified don't have to have college degrees Etc now within public schools they would have that Latitude uh as well uh the school board Orange County School Board supported the deregulation because there is a teacher shortage and they felt that this was a way to get people in the pipeline and get them trained uh so that they could become certified um a piece of legislation that failed Would Have Made It uh illegal to harass intimidate threaten or coers and elections were worker and in this climate today we have people who work for the supervisor of elections uh who have been threatened and who have been harassed we passed um legislation that would open up uh three licenses for people who were uh deemed to have been discriminated against in the medical marijuana industry and these were black farmers who had filed a lawsuit about a decade ago pford uh plaintiffs who will now have three uh opportunities to obtain licenses for medical marijuana one of the pieces of legislation that failed would have uh prohibited the removal of historic uh monuments specifically um Confederate statutes a bill that passed uh bills on uh um penalties for individuals who were previously deported uh from the United States and then later arrested for illegally reentering the us or found guilty of participating in drug cartels and because we have a worker shortage I think the motivation for the new rules regarding young people working long hours uh while they are in school uh would then help to F that worker shortage and I'm a former educator so uh this uh concerns me a great deal and I think in terms of our municipalities one piece of legislation that you really want to to know about and uh to be vigilant about is a bill that prohibits uh counties and municipalities from allowing public sleeping or camping on public property those individuals who are found to be sleeping or camping on public property would have to be removed and placed in a camp which would have to be set up by the municipality uh and even more challenging than that is that the state provided no money for the municipalities to uh set up these camps and to provide sanitation and um protection uh for for the individuals in these camps uh so because you have a full agenda as I said I won't go through everything but wanted to bring some things uh to your attention we had a bill that failed that would have made it a requirement that 66% of Voters approve anything that goes on uh the ballot as an amendment right now is 60% and because it's 60% we'll have Amendment 4 uh that would allow individuals to make their own medical decisions with regard to becoming a parent or not becoming a parent and we also will have a Amendment with regard to recreational marijuana or those things will be on the ballot uh there are some dates that I want to call uh to your attention and those have to do with voting uh this year the primary election is August 20th and um the deadline if you want to request a vote by mail ballot is August 8th um the deadline to request a ballot for the general election is October 24th and then the general election is uh November 5th so any questions that you have regarding things that I mentioned or things that I didn't after uh my colleague rep Representative bankson makes a presentation I'll come back and respond to your questions thank you Senator representative bankson think of a John Denver song hey it's good to be back home again um it really is this was a a very busy session uh you know both sessions that I've been able to serve have been very busy but this one just seemed to be even more so a lot of different issues that we're facing thankfully we're coming out of the the covid issues that we faced and we see that fiscally how it's affecting us at the state level um I feel that we had a very fiscally responsible budget this year unlike Washington we do balance our budget in the State of Florida and so it's good to know what's coming some of the presentations that were given to us showed that even though we've had a great increase and we've been able to see and enjoy that in these past two cycles uh literally I was able to bring home if the governor of course doesn't get his cpel out and remove some of these uh $18 million in the last two sessions and so I'm just excited about that 10 of that of course for our Lake of popka that we want to see that restored uh much of that for septic to sewer conversion uh some that I was really happy to be able to work on uh with uh our Camp Thunderbird and uh to be able to get septic sewer there and a kitchen renovation so I hope those survive the the the scalpel uh other things steps for Women program some great things together I know the senator and I both were advocating for one that we weren't able to get across the Finish Line I was very disappointed that we couldn't get funding for our Workforce housing project and I really that was a focus for me however in the budget I believe there's 380 million I've got it in in the notes there uh that is set aside for Workforce housing so what they said was as you approach this if there's another Avenue to pursue those funds go after it that way because they said we're going to begin to have to tighten the bell and they showed us that even though we have a great increase right now in a surplus uh in the next few years we'll begin to see the revenues uh begin to not match that and uh So based upon that we've got a healthy reserve and of course you all know I love those um let me talk a little bit more about what happened in session for me uh this year was able to pass seven of the 11 bills I either directly sponsored or was a prime co-sponsor a total of 10 bills in the last two sessions uh and one of my favorite ones is the unlawful alcohol unlawful sale of alcohol beverages we call it the hookah Bill and this is something I went to our sheriff and asked what are the key priorities I try to do that with each of the municipalities in our region in our district and then of course both sheriffs and this was at the top of the list the bottom line is there are 96 of these in operation in Orange County alone what they do is after hours it's this doesn't affect those who sail uh legally and and do it according to the law but those after hours they will bring in trucks and begin to sell the alcohol illegally it's promoted gang violence even uh organized crime but the one of the most disturbing things was upon one of the bus there are women in there that are tattooed with a scan code that men can scan them and choose the services that they want them to provide it's the most demeaning thing to a woman that I I just couldn't believe that this was happening and law enforcement said right now it's a slap on the wrist they turn right back around and open these back up so we increase that from that misdemeanor to uh a to a u um third degree felony third degree and then after that if they do it again second deegree felony and of course increase the the uh the charge that is uh charge them so basically cutting off the money supply and I'm so glad that we were able to get that P and uh law enforcement was very happy to do that uh second one is the street racing and of course we see this with our young people they're encouraged you know we see different movie uh franchises and video games and unfortunately our young people they see that and they think they have that same level of skill sadly we know that they don't in fact right here in Apopka uh a local dentist's wife was killed in one of these and so we've seen uh this happen these uh drag races that are set up on the streets they close down city streets it causes you know in the least an annoyance for people to try and get through to their homes but it actually stops emergency vehicles from being able to get to that when seconds count and so uh we were able to increase those penalties there in fact it was was just uh featured a couple nights ago I believe on of the local news and uh this again was a top priority so I really commend our Sheriff Mina for uh pursuing those uh we were able to pass a lud and lascivious grooming Bill and this is very interesting one uh this uh you know with our young people our our children once innocence is lost it can never be regained this one are really took to heart and uh so we worked hard on this we had a unanimous support on the house side it went to the Senate there was some changes that they made there and got the support there and we were able to pass that and the governor did sign that bill into law it protects against online predatory practice and defines what this means uh there was concern about the use of the term grooming I know on the Senate side they took that term out because they didn't want it to be used in a political manner um I think it's a very descriptive term but the bottom line is those who are attacking those who are hunting our children and this really puts a stop to that before they do such deep damage and so I'm very thankful for that in fact several states have taken our language from this bill and are trying to do the same in their states as well um uh RNG tax exemption this is something that was excited about this ended up getting signed into the tax package but this gives renewable natural gas the same break that wind and solar have to help create our energy Supply and we know that wind and solar though they're clean energy they're not a consistent form and they cannot keep up with the whole of the demand and so renewable natural gas is such as our our U uh um I'm sorry it's been a long natural gas yeah's Lake of Popkin natural gas yeah Lake of Popin natural what this does is it it attacks our landfills sorry that's the I looking for uh it our landfills are putting up 50% methane the others different nutrients different things out into the air and they either just Escape into the air or they're burned off what this does is it gives a tax break to the mechanism to capture that refine it and put it back into our supply and was able to go to uh one of these uh openings down in in Viro Beach where they are doing this and it's literally helping to supply our buses here in Central Florida and so this is just another way that we can get clean uh Natural Energy I was really excited about that Progressive superclear py bill I had never heard of this but the bottom line is this is this disease it's named in honor of Bob Cortez a former Representative Bob Cortez father because he was he was diagnosed wrongfully at first this is very similar to Parkinson's disease these are neurodegenerative diseases and we see this of course affecting especially as people continue to age so this is a study work group to go after that it's very important that they understand the difference because if it's misdiagnosed it's actually caused some to have severe Falls even even die because of this and uh so was very excited to see the governor sign this into law um another couple of things an aviation scholarship license plate of course I I love to fly in it shows uh this creates a scholarship for our young people who would like to go into that field and uh again another license plate bill this was adopted and this one is still waiting on the governor Governor's approval overall but this one I really love the Tuskegee Airman Comm commemoration bill and I got to work together with uh representative Anton on this uh being a pilot of course and a lover of History we know that the Tuskegee Airman they're amazing and what was going on in that day uh when truly the segregation gripped everyone's mind it was still deep within that and through their efforts they prove beyond a shadow of a doubt their abilities in the cockpit underw conditions it's hard enough just to fly the plane and yet I I talked to different ones I talked to a man at an event and he said that his father told him he was a bomber pilot in World War II and his father told him they used to pray that the red tals which is the the division of Tuskegee Airmen that they would get them because they always brought them home and I think it's just so wonderful this sets aside one day a year for commemoration March 22nd every year to commemorate the Tuskegee Airmen and it also um I75 tusky Gman Memorial Highway is added to the transportation package and so I'm just excited about that it was just wonderful 100% unanimous support everyone co-sponsored that bill and we all stood together and I think that's a wonderful thing uh a couple other things that I'll just touch on I know it's going to be a long night so I'll keep it short um a state legal tender bill this is something that I didn't get across the finish line but I think it's very important and was able to make a lot of Headway because this is very new the bottom line is there's the Constitution gives us the right as a state to declare gold and silver as legal tender why that matters is of course we know the cbdc uh this centralized Bank digital currency it's something that begins to get in and control the decision of people every purchase decision that we make and I just I don't think that tends to Liberty so what this does is give back to the American people in a sense the gold standard for 190 years we had the gold standard backing our dollars in 1971 President Nixon removed that and tied it to Saudi oil but we now see in the world that there's a concerted effort to come against the US dollar by the brics Nations so what this does again it number one it declares according to the Constitution gold and silver as legal tender why that matters is on your dollar bill it says this bill is legal tender however that dollar is not tied to an asset so gold and silver is a fixed asset the the second thing that it does is it gives it a cash operation so gold and silver is a commodity anyone who has that as part of their portfolio again giving people the ability to begin to hedge their own uh support against the inflation that we see uh this puts it in reach to the average American citizen right now if you have gold and silver to use it you have to transfer it and when you do that commodity has a capital gains tax to it this would remove that the other thing that I love right now if you purchase less than $500 you're taxed in the State of Florida this would remove that tax so that not just the wealthy can enjoy that but everyone no matter who they are they have an extra $10 say you know what I want to get some gold and know that I have that that's something that puts it in every American's reach and I love that there are 18 other states that are now looking at this legislation right now in Missouri they're looking to pass this and I called up the representative there because I used to live there for a little bit I said I know you're the show me state but I wanted to win this but the bottom line we need to win as American people so the last thing that it does is it gives a uh um the ability to spend it as cash so just as you use a debit card let's say you can do that it's the same transaction when you go to CVS and buy a pack of gum you can purchase it in that way it simply sells that amount on the open market instantaneously so the vendor is not having to get micrograms of gold it's a cash sale for them so there are just many reasons why this is a real benefit for us and again it it gained a lot of support as we're able to explain it and so I anticipate we'll begin to see that move forward next time I think it's a very important bill and I hope Missouri even though I wanted to win I hope Missouri passes that this week uh several other states have passed portions of this and so we see it coming and uh again I just think Florida is a good leader in these things so glad to have a part in that and uh one other one that of course it it was my baby going in but the verp ports Bill and literally we got right up to the end but there was just a difference between our version the Senate version and I had worked for over a year with this industry and vert ports for those that don't know are vertical takeoff and Landing vehicles I grew up watching the Jetson it puts us that much closer to that but this is a major issue to help our Clogg streets you know Rail and all of these things that are very expensive uh right now uh Joby is a company in California that by next year they should be fully qualified to have a a four passenger air taxi and so we have to go through that process FAA is still dealing with their part my goal was to work with the industry and make this something that will bring jobs will bring production we'll make Florida the world leader in this space both in aviation and Aerospace and so that's something I've really been focused on again for the economic development the opportunity our young people being on The Cutting Edge of technology and I think it's just a great win for the State of Florida so we're right there and I've got assurances that next time it's going to go across that finish line so I look forward to that um I'll just mention a few things again Senator uh covered quite a bit of different issues so I'll just do this our sales tax holidays I thought this is good to bring up for everyone disaster preparedness is uh June 1st through the 14th uh I'm sorry let me get my classes June 1st through 14th and August 24th through September 6th exempt specified disaster preparedness supplies for families and their pets for s from sales tax uh Freedom Summer July 1st through 3 31st exempts specified Admissions and items related to recreational activities from sales tax July 29th through August 11th of course our back to school tax holiday clothing items purch price $100 or less school supplies 50 or less computers and related accessories 1,500 or less and learning AIDS and uh puzzles pric $30 or less and finally Tool Time tools for skilled workers September 1st through 7 exempts specified tools commonly used by skilled trade workers for sales tax and that's another thing that we really worked on that opportunity to create the pipeline between education and employment and to make sure that every child has the opportunity to succeed whether it's go on to higher education or go into different trades and I'm really excited about the Innovation that's there and I think we'll see a real benefit of that in the state so I'll go ahead and close although there's much more I did hand you a packet of a lot more information again as you go through that please reach out to our office if you have any questions and we'll work together to make Florida better awesome any questions for either the senator or rep I just want to say we've got a great delegation they they they they they do as proud in in Tallahassee so I so admire what they do for a popka and so you commend commend you and your your teams for it's a team effort so we we we thank you for for what you do for a Popkin any any questions anybody I just want to make one um the the one that I I also had a concern with was um because we have such a large community of Farm Workers I did have a concern with that heat exposure bill that one saddened me that it was signed into legislation um but it is a it is the reality but just wanted to kind of say that uh that was the one bill that I was really concerned with and uh did you did any of you support it or just I opposed it you opposed it did you I did support it and part of the issue is as we sat and went through the different areas of Florida it was really designed for one specific issue that would have created something that actually be devastating for the workers themselves at the same time we want to make sure they're cared for so that's something that I'm very open on to make sure we do the right things but the inadvertent things that would have happened to the industry itself to our a industry specifically I was concerned about and so it's tough to not have all those presentations here it was something that did move the needle for me although we need to make sure that they do have safeties well I was in the legislature when we passed a bill requiring uh rest and shade and water for athletes and when athletes get overheated we have to have a total immersion tub to bring uh their temperature down so it seems to me that we value uh the lives and health of certain people more than others so I was opposed to this bill because of the way that it affects outdoor workers including Farm Workers and I believe and I believe this will come back up without things that are weighted into it that just would have good benefit but then it would be a negative benefit too so this is definitely if you have an opportunity for that bill to come to return to legis legislature I would like if you consider it only because we have such a large community of of not just migrant workers but if you right now if you travel all of aapka you see a lot of the workers from the different uh contractors that are putting the um fiber optics and in it's hot out there um and and we should you know at least consider their health Under the Sun Well we will look to uh work to see the bill repealed because we're talking about people who work on the roof uh people who lay sod people who gather the vegetables and uh harvest the food that we eat and then to say that we can't give those people uh water shade and rest I I just uh think it's inhumane and uh so I I think the reasoning was that in some places there were regulations and in other places there were not so the um Authority with regard to this was preempted to the state level to the legislature rather than having um municipalities make their own rules to fit their own communities okay well this should come back and be able to you know adjust those negative part to make sure that we have those those safeties that are there and again those Federal standards those I would appreciate I mean just as a resident and and and realizing that we in the city of apaka have such a a large community of a lot of outside workers and Farm Workers like you said roofs and just a whole you know many laborers out there um so I just wanted to voice my opinion that that was the only bill that I had some concern with so I would appreciate if you can look back into it but thank you both for coming and and presenting all the legislative thank you for the opportunity thank you appreciate it thanks and don't feel free to leave if you're you got a full night I understand I know you both are busy busy people so we'd love to have you but understand if you need to check out all right Chief WM uh good evening mayor Commissioners members of the public Sean mm fire chief tonight I'm here to provide the latest information on the relocation of temporary fire station 6 as you're aware construction projects at Advent Health um and Apopka are progressing and became apparent to Advent Health that our current temporary station 6 would be affected and that necessitated the relocation of the temporary station Advent help reach out to us in late 20 23 with a timeline of construction for their second phase at a parking lot on the campus to begin in August of this year 2024 they advised us that we need to re would need to relocate by July of 2024 at that time I advised Adent Health that I certainly understand the importance of our collaboration and wish to make this a smooth transition during this period began having regular meetings with Advent health and began researching where we would relocate as you recall this is was something was brought up in uh commissioning meeting before surprisingly even at one point we were told that we would not have to relocate and that they could complete the construction uh without us having to move until the permanent station was complete this changed again in February of this year when Advent Health advised they indeed need us to relocate and to continue with their project and moved up their timeline for us to be out given the upcoming construction activities and the need to ensure unin uninterrupted emergency response services to the community we continued to research where to relocate our temporary station we conducted a thorough assessment of various locations throughout the area it was imperative to find a new location that allowed us to maintain our optimal response times and assess accessibility to the areas we serve while also ensuring an optimal living arrangement for our firefighters after careful consideration of evaluation of multiple options we determined that relocating station six of the Harmon Road Harmon on the lake complex was our best course of action this complex emerged as a most suitable um option it ensures no disruption in our response times also allowing us to continue that prompt service that our community expects Additionally the amenities and Facilities offered by the complex met the needs of our Personnel ensuring their comfort and well-being during their stay another nice place about this piece of property was we own the property just to the east 2139 Harmon Road which we have staged the Quint for our response we have worked with Advent Health Public Services facilities Duke Energy Harmon on the lake and a contractor to facilitate this move I appreciate everyone's cooperation and support as we work forward to continue this transition I specifically want to thank the men and women of our department my administrative staff you the council for your support the Advent team Dio and Mike Ortiz from public services Bradley and AJ with facilities Rob and Bob and Neer with it and others for making this as smooth as possible I'm confident this decision will be able enable us to maintain the highest standards of service that our community expects from us and providing the needed accommodations for our station 6 Personnel until that we complete the transition into our permanent station 6 with that I have some pictures yep so this was the original design that was uh created U by do and public services uh of where we wanted to go again the apartment is located there to the left as our actual apartment location um we wanted to make sure that our apparatus which is our Quint which is one of our longer trucks has the opportunity to safely pull off Harmon Road and make that three-point turn so they can back into the fire truck awning which is the top so that part of the design for that this is actually a layout of the apartment that we chose it's a three-bedroom apartment um allows the officer to have his own bedroom and bathroom um and the engineer and firefighter to have their own bedrooms and they actually share a bathroom this is a a slightly different the the old temporary station 6 only had one restroom that they had to share so we actually got an additional bathroom with this so this is a picture um as you enter our new station 6 is the that's the main room there will they eat to directly to the right that's another positive we got was the addition of a washer and dryer which is included um with the apartment uh the old station 6 did not have that so it's an upgrade to the left is a picture of the officer's um room that's where he sleeps and can do his work and then each of the that room to the right is the one of the firefighters and the this room to the left is engineers and that's their shared restroom they have there to the left is just another view of the apartment from the other way um as you see this is actual look outside the back of our apartment our station um we did provide a path for our firefighters to come from the station they have to go down the stairs around this and walk out to the awning the awning is is the uh exact awning that we use at station 6 we're able to move that directly from the old location to this new location and again this is a better view of the path we're we are actually working on uh with public services still to get millings uh to complete that part of the project for the path so that's actually going to be millings uh eventually again this is still a work in progress we're we're working through things that's one of the things I emphasize with our people if there's anything we need to change or adapt as we as we move through this and this is a the final picture is a picture of the Quint um in its current location with the exact layout as it had it the old station so with that I'll answer any questions any questions for the chief go ahead I had some concerns um there seems to be no Lighting in the area outside by the apparatus is there lighting there yes there is there's so that's there is well full complete lighting right now we have if you can see I don't know this where is the so here's here's the temporary lighting we've put placed up there's actually some in the back as well the next day after this this picture was taken there are lights that that we've moved from when we had to move the awning we actually take those down relocate the awning AJ and his team came and put the lighting back up and now we're running power out to those to run those lights and the pathway out also has these lights as you can see on the way out um and and the other concern is that the apartment is really not built for ventilation when they come in with their um I guess their uniforms and that like where where do you put all of that is that going to be in the same area where they sit I mean because the firehouses are all equipped for um to kind of separate the firefighter from their you know their their I guess what what's the proper name for their uniforms their their bunker gear yeah the bunker gear there it is yes yeah so that's one thing you know we worked on last year is getting everyone a second set first and foremost so anytime a a fire does happen you know that's something that they bag up now they're instructed to bag up and switch to their second set of bunker gear but where are they doing that in the apartment no no no that'll that's something that's typically done either outside of the apparatus or even on scene you know once they and that that all their bunker gear stored in the apparatus just like the the current stations right now we're we're working on getting in that in that where the apparatus is at there's room for all of that yes ma'am there is to that's been it's been in place since the the old temporary station as well how did they handle that in the old um the and when they were at the hospital how did they handle that so if there was a fire and they needed their stuff clean they would come to station one um again we have the um we call bigger washers and dryers but specifically for the bunker gear um and again that's something we put in the budget to place at every station in the future but this is something same thing as the com with combinations we had to make at the old temporary station they're the same ones we're making here so something that's okay um so when they're all inside the apartment um is there any kind of security for your apparatus yeah we have there's actually two working cameras now um they're up in place and have been working um and also we're working on getting alerts and those go directly to dispatch so something to have an eye on same as it was at the old temporary station it's the same just setting it up the same way okay oh they did they move in already oh yeah yep yeah we moved them in out of the station into the station in one day we wanted the continuity of operations so it was a long day but I'll have to just go and take a ride there to see what it looks like because I thought that they had a different type of arrangement by the hospital it just seemed more secure at the hospital it's the exact same same exact same yes ma'am okay commissioner Anderson okay good Mr Smith I'm good Mr Nesta I had a couple questions the I I2 similar to commissioner had concerns about their stores of equipment things like that um being in that apartment itself and I guess the concern too it's being on the second floor are our we're going to have complaints from other residents correct I mean we're expecting not no that I mean that's you know that's one of the biggest things we emphasized with our men and women is we are we need to be good neighbors you know we're we're guest there so how does that prag ically work with tones going off at 3:00 a.m. them running out to the truck at 3:00 a.m. coming back Sirens I mean there's only you can only be so quiet so I'm I'm really concerned I guess because I would what's I'm sure there's something built in leas of you can't dist Serb other neighbor so yeah that that was the nice thing about our apartment location it's actually the end apartment um and where the night tone we again we're that's one thing we were able to incorporate into this still was the night mode for our tones um officers are always the officers or lieutenants of the station are always told to keep their at night keep their portable on as well just so they can scan just in case there's malfunctions or redundancy basically um but the night mode allows tones only to go off it's for that station and for um if there that unit is going on a call so night calls are not as often as obviously as day calls if that makes sense like they're not going to get alerted quite as often that's something that you know we can address you know in the future but right now it's well I just think we need to get ahead of that it's going to it's going to happen so we just need to get ahead of that in some capacity uh what's the price we're paying on that and what's the length of the lease so the lease was for 18 months um and the price was I I I will get you exact figure but 2300 a month we we were paying 2,800 at uh the old station are we still paying that lease though up until a certain date we're we're actually making our final payments we yeah we are still paying that okay got it uh and then in reference to True fire station 6 walk me through the timeline on that one again of when that should be finished so what we um and I believe I gave uh Mr barri did he forward you the email the other day all of you the email from from their their they're starting work this Monday okay um which is very exciting it's been a long time coming um we've worked through a lot of different issues to get us here but we're here um they've told us 320 days but they're expecting any time between March and April of next year okay perfect thank you and and just to reiterate that it's approximately $2 million more than when we originally started that project correct M okay yeah just we're having a consistent theme right now the city of delays and costing l millions of dollars so I like to keep track of that so thank you I appreciate the update all right thanks Chief appreciate it okay next up Bobby how rewrite of the transportation element comprehensive plan thank you good evening um the city's Transportation element of the comprehensive plan was adopted in 2009 so was adopted about 15 years ago and what we've done is we contracted with kimley horn to prepare the rewrite of the transportation element tonight Mr mik wood Ward and Mr Evan magley are here from kimley horn to discuss the process and answer any questions that you might have um and afterwards we're looking to bring the for that element forward to transmetal hearing on the June 5th city council meeting so with that I'll turn it over to the gentleman from kimley horn all right hey glad to be here my name is Mike Woodward as uh introduced by Bobby there and we'll talk through some of the the process to start with so um we did present this this to the Planning Commission previously in in March 12th and then again yesterday we did a little bit of a of an overview of some of the comments that we've had sents then today's presentation as mentioned is informational only we we do intend to come back June 5th and at that point in time we will ask for your approval to transmit to the Department of Commerce which used to be Deo and before that DCA um after that 30-day review period uh pending any comments from that agency we will turn those around and come back probably late July so what is the transportation element update and what does it entail um to start with we collected some traffic data we did uh a lot of traffic counts were collected in year 2022 sort of processed those and looked at them and then uh forecasted future traffic volumes to year 2034 and year 2050 in addition to that traffic analysis we looked at the the the text the goals the objectives and the policies and we reorganized those into three primary sections one being multimodal transportation system one focus on infrastructure and the other looking at funding in the capital Improvement project plan um finally there there were there were some ele elements to obtain input both from uh today here and previously with the Planning Commission then there was a virtual public room that we'll talk about a little bit later so as Bobby mentioned the last plan was in 2009 it's time to update that comprehensive plan uh that the transportation element um is one of several different elements they're all being updated and uh per statute they have to have a planning Horizon that goes out at least 10 years and the pre the current one goes out to 2030 so that's just that's that's too soon and we need to look a little bit further ahead for this type of a plan AP papka has seen several changes since 2009 a lot of growth a lot of uh infrastructure that's gone into place that'll kind of affect that growth and so that's just another reason to take another look all right so what are the existing conditions look like um we wanted to start by providing a map that that really showed the jurisdiction and the ownership of the different roads uh to either designate them as city streets or belonging to having a jurisdiction of by the state or the county and we felt like that was a very important distinction and so that's where we started uh the city does have the authority to establish the level of service standard for all roads whether those are state roads or city roads and the implications of that are that um you get to determine what amount of congestion is acceptable to the city now what happens after that is is is doesn't exactly correlate like it could be um doesn't necessary necessarily cause an action to occur but you do have the ability to determine what levels of congestion are appropriate uh one one thing that's been happening since 2009 is uh with a lot of different roads now there's a context classification where um and that has implications of affecting some of the standards that are applicable and uh consistent with State guidelines this is something that Florida started to to move forward with several years back and the point of this is that we should treat us441 differently over by the airport than we do right here like we should have different standards we should have different criteria that we're looking at because the road is serving a different function in those locations so we went through an effort to define the context classification uh consistent with with the way that the state does it just because it's uh when you're dealing with roads it's better to be consistent with the state that way there's less confusion and um just easier to to move everything forward if we're talking the same language so most of the roadways within the city are either are in that C3 Zone which is sort of a Suburban type of a typical section and area uh there are some areas where we have rural sections and then a little bit in the downtown area where we do have some Urban context classifications as far as levels of service um these are assigned in our industry between a and f um unlike at school you don't really try to achieve level of service a um and the point there is if you wanted to build roads so let me back that up a little bit these These are measured from the from the perspective of a driver so if you're able to drive and you're the only one on the road it's fantastic that's level of service a we would never want to build a road where you're the only person there or where there's no turbulence that would just cost a ridiculous amount and everything would be asphalt so typical standards are are what we have here where for state roads it's level of service D in city and county roads we have level of service e and that's that's again where the city is defined in at what point a road is failing right so that's just a term of how we measure how close the road is to needing some sort of an improvement um now the next step of that is okay what do you do about it and several of the roads within the city are constrained meaning that there's not enough uh really funding available to widen them because in order to do that youd have to acquire property on one or both sides of the road and for much of the city that would create a huge impact and would not be feasible now there are several exceptions to that that we'll go through today in the city's plan of which which roads to to address uh between now in 2034 and then uh 2050 so under existing conditions and I say existing meaning 2022 when the data were collected um everything was operating acceptably we did have a little bit of a dip U probably globally in traffic right around 2022 but 2020 but then by 2022 we kind of made it pretty much back to that level of of where we were in year 2019 and since then levels have continued to increase as development has has occurred so I think if we were to go out and look today we probably would find some locations that are that are much closer to that adopted level of service speaking of the future uh by 2034 here's some roadway improvements that the city has planned um highlighted in yellow here extending Sadler to connect from golden gem over to Plymouth sarento extending eff Drive South from Kelly Park Road down to Sadler Road Extension then some widenings one of them is OKO aaka Road between keen and 13th Street widen that from two lanes to a four lane and then widening Kelly Park Road from Waypoint Boulevard which is just west of golden gem over to um over to Plymouth serrento road which is just the other side of the 429 that'll be widening from two lanes to a four-lane divided facility so after those roadway improvements have occurred the resulting level of service is that we will see some congestion along 436 along US 441 along County Road 435 and then along Welch Road um from really Brock Springs road all the way over to wyver Springs Road so Welch road is the only city road that we're expecting to see these adverse levels of service by year 2024 or I'm sorry 2034 so now that we go to 2050 um looking a little bit further out some improvements that are are planned by the city are to extent golden gem Road um from Kelly Park Road going north up to andich road then to widen several facilities now 429 is first on the list of course that's a cfx project not something where the the City's going to be paying for but um that will widen from four lanes to six Lanes uh then the city's looking at Plymouth serrento Road between Lake County Line over to Kelly Park Road and I mentioned Welch Road right that's the one that uh that the city is is not not likely going to be in position to widen prior to 2034 but shortly after that by this 2050 time frame um it is likely that the city will be able to widen Welch Road from uh its current configuration up to a four-lane divided facility um and then Kelly Park Road the portion just east of where the initial widening sto widen that over to Jason dwell and that's that's about as far as you'll likely need to widen Kelly Park Road for the foreseeable future um all of us will be most likely retired if you ever need to widen it farther further east of that location um and then Vic Road from Old Dixie up to Pon and uh that's another widening from two lanes to four lanes after those improvements are made we still are going to have congestion throughout the city if you look at all the red lines here um you could kind of take this take a version of this map and put it anywhere in Central Florida and you're going to see a lot of red um that's not unique to the city of apaka this region is growing it's going to continue to grow it's one of the fastest growing areas in the country um and so there's not much we can do about this we can do the best we can we can plan ahead we can look at being as efficient as possible but the roadway Network by year 2050 is going to be pretty congested unless those uh I guess we can have some vert ports that'll have people flying in really automated uh electronic helicopters but that's that's not going to solve that's not going to be a day-to-day uh mode of travel for for most people um I will point out that several of the roads on this list are state roads and our County Roads um one exception to that is Kelly Park Road as I mentioned before from Waypoint to plmouth sarento that's the portion that's underd designed right now to get widened Now by 2050 that four-lane divided facility is also going to be overc capacity but it's probably not in your best interest to try to widen that to a six lane road because of the type of a community that you're looking to to grow there consistent with the with the uh Kell Park interchange area planning requirements so um that's something that will be congested in the future and that's okay um additionally from Mount Plymouth to to that's the sort of Eastern portion of Kelly Park Road uh from Mount Plymouth to Rock Springs Road that one towards towards that 2050 year is is also going to have some congestion and that's something that where you where you could consider some intersection treatments or some some measures to make it operate more eff efficiently so intersection improvements most of the city's improvements all right in addition to the to the roadways that I mentioned are going to be intersection improvements that could be accomplished either via City Standalone projects by partnering with developers or by partnering with the county or the state but in in the type of intersections right here we kind of we put through a a guess as to what would make sense as signals or roundabouts but um this is certainly not prescriptive and would need to be would need to be addressed once it's closer to the time of that specific need um these improvements will will improve operations and really maximize the efficiency of the system I keep talking about efficiency um because if we're not able to just or or it's not prudent to continue to widen the road well let's just have it operate in a way that's consistent throughout the system where you don't have individual bottlenecks but you have generally the same amount of capacity throughout and there's several things that we can do through through traffic engineering features to really maximize the efficiency some of those will be related to technology which we either have now or is continuing to improve if you think about things like connected and automated vehicles um more new new cars are coming out with features that used to be pretty spectacular that are now standard um and we're going to continue on that Trend and once vehicles are able to be connected then just you can fit a lot more of them on the road because the following distance is drastically decreased so these are some things that by 2050 very confident they're going to happen don't don't ask me to give you a timeline of when I think it really will but before 2050 certainly okay now I'm going to turn it over to my partner Evan who is a we're kind of tag team in this um I'm coming from coming to you as as a from an engineering perspective and Evan brings the the plannner approach so this is this is his term thank you Mike thank you Council um as Mike mentioned earlier we have three new goals uh the first one deals with um the strategies and the concepts associated with uh providing a multimodal connected transportation system second goal deals with the infrastructure third goal deals with the funding um so the gops were Rewritten to reflect the revised traffic analysis that Mike just went over with you um they're streamlined reorganized we re reworked some parts that um the language was better suited to the Land Development code than the comprehensive plan and we put a lot of emphasis on safety and multimodality um speaking of safety um we tried to incorporate it into almost everything um with context sensitive design measures like traffic caling and lower Target speeds um we try to be consistent with vision Z and Target zero um which share the same goal of eliminating serious injuries and fatalities Target zero is just fdot's version of vision zero um and then there's an emphasis on safety for vulnerable users there we go um multimodal facilities and complete streets um the goal here is to increase the options available to to the residents of the city of Apopka not to force them into one mode or another um and we're hoping to reduce environmental impacts that promote resiliency um through that process um so the the goal is just for roads to function for all people um even if you don't have a car um an existing Trails master plan has been done um we took uh all the recommendations wrapped them up and included them in this update um those recommendations were mostly to expand the trail Network close existing gaps and promote the use of the Trails um by making them more comfortable to use shade amenities stops um safety um we've heard a little bit about advancing Technologies um ver ports didn't make it into the slide but um over the last 20 30 years there's been a lot of changes um to the way that we use the transportation system um you think about like Amazon deliveries food delivery apps ride sharing apps like uber and lft um E Scooters autonomous vehicles so we really wanted to put the the city in a position to succeed as these Technologies continue to develop um these are some of the partners that the city's had success in working with [Music] um to maximize the efficiency of the transportation system there may be others in the future um but these are just some of the ones that we wanted to highlight and I will hand it back to Mike to wrap up okay back to just a reminder of the process um no action tonight just information intend to be back for the June 5th um and then again in July um as far as public input goes we had we've had this virtual public meeting room open um for for like over a month now and um we've had some comments come in from there and then I'll kind of walk through some of the comments that we've that we received from the Planning Commission um I'll start with the Planning Commission so in the in the March meeting there was some comments about some of the language that we had that was pertaining to single occupant vehicle and we had some some goals that talked about kind of moving people away from that and um based on that comment we went back and some changes to that language to to have it much more focused on the goal of providing options not that we're trying to be prescriptive or tell people what to do but that we do want to make sure that there are alter there are facilities available for people to you to choose how they're going to travel um there was a comment about or a question about how do we to improve the deficiencies on State and County Roads and the answer there is partnership and um so we we split some of the some of the policies to specifically address that and to mention that um deficiency as on roadway segments under state or County jurisdiction the city will work with agencies regarding projects to increase capacity and improve levels of service so in addition to just those the agencies that have the jurisdiction there's other methods of obtaining funding and partnering and trying to to help really Leverage What the city's res uh resources would be to ma to really maximize the gain from those so um that's one policy to address that question then there was a a question about some specific interchanges uh new interchanges to 429 and um one of the planning Commissioners wanted to kind of add a a new interchange there and we we just kind of advised against including that in the comprehensive plan because that's such a massive undertaking and impact so if there is a desire like that's something that you might want to consider you might want to study you might want to look into it and take the steps to make it happen but it would be uh certainly the the the cart before the horse to put it in your comprehensive Plan before um evaluating it and coordinating with cfx as far as comments from the virtual room there were some about the levels of service where there was a a desire for a more robust definition and as well as to have more functionality with the with the maps um we showed some some still images of all the maps and people wanted to be able to kind of turn layers on and off and at this time there's just there's just not a uh the the city does not have like a gis-based interactive web map and so it'd be awkward to just have it for this so um that's something that could be considered but it's not it's not currently uh something that the city's doing um there's a question about widening OKO poka Road between 429 and Kean and really a better logical term and I to the South would be bignan to get you all the way through that 429 interchange and that was not included in our list of improvements because uh that's that's County Road and we felt like um we didn't want to make it seem like the city was obligating itself to make that Improvement but that is certainly an example of an opportunity to partner with the county to try to try to find a way to make that happen because that does make sense as an improvement it's just not something that uh that we felt like the city should should widen because that is a an expensive widening um and similar question about Rogers Road um but that the much different answer so the question was like should we expand or widen Rogers Road or extend it up to the north and any kind of improvements to that road really would be contingent on development of the parcels that kind of block it from extending farther so um that's something that you'd address as development occurs and we certainly do have uh policies within within the comprehensive plan that would be consistent with creating a connected Network so that's uh that's it that wraps up my summary um just want to kind of go over a quick inclusion here most of the future deficiencies that we showed are antip to be are anticipated to be on State and County Roads not City roads the city does have several intersection improvements planned and the go goals objectives and policies so most of the text was uh reformatted to emphasize safety to emphasize multimodal transportation and complete streets to talk about advancing Technologies and to coordinate with multiple agencies now the public public uh that virtual meeting room we're going to keep that open until we come back to you on on that June 5th meeting so if we get additional comments um or if we want to talk through things by uh in in this meeting whatever whatever changes are made we would have those in place in a full response prior to that June 5th meeting when we would be asking for for transmittal so that uh now that really is the end okay so you you said you did this study um first of all thank you it has so much information and um but what time of the year did you collect the data for this Transportation so the data collection actually it it was uh collected prior to us uh getting involved in the project so it's collected by others but it was collected throughout the year now a standard practice is to adjust that based on seasonal factors so we have data points um where there are continuous counts like every day 365 days a year and we'll use those to calibrate counts that are taken whatever time of year so we'll apply a factor it's typically between like 0.92 and 1.04 and that adjusts it all like you know pretty near one but it adjusts things either up or down to match um an a average annual number so it just you kind of averages it out so if you take the counts during the busiest season you'll adjust them down if you take it during the lightest season you'll adjust it up now there's other areas of Florida that are much more prone to um snowbirds where that seasonal factor is much greater than what we'll see in a popka but that's just a common practice to to excuse me um to have them sort of match average conditions so em you made one comment which um I kind of put an asteris on it um Welch road yeah um you said it's not realistic for 2030 that that's probably something that will be realistic 2050 that's widening that one from uh two or three to four lanes yeah it's uh the need for the widening is likely a little bit farther out and so um I shouldn't I shouldn't use terms like I mean likely is probably about the most certain I could be with that okay so it's probably not going to be um need until like right as we get pretty close to 2034 and then should be widened shortly afterwards so but it's all right in that kind of time frame when we see it see the need and then a potential Improvement um all right around there there's nothing magical about year 2034 it could be a little bit before or a little bit after because along what kba Springs Road is the conservation par there that we have um and that's something that um would they give any of that right away for a widening of the road would they do that that's it he's Vic Talking Rock Springs Road through Waba Springs Road um that's going straight across um and that whole road is basically on one side it's got um the conservation part there so we haven't gone through that level of detail to say exactly like do we need right away yes or no and if it if we get to the point of looking at it and right away is necessary and you need it from from the from the park or something and it just becomes not feasible well then you'd have to look at other types of of mitigation other types of improvements but it's too early for us like we didn't get into that level of of detail on the individual projects okay you took this over from whom oh we took the traffic the someone else did the traffic counts so we did the analysis but there was a a firm called uh Luke Consulting that did the actual traffic counts okay so we we did the analysis and wrote the wrote the terms it's not like halfway through we switch it's just that was a different completely different task that was data collection so I I saw a QR yes oh okay so there it is yes for the public comments I could get back to that and just link leave that up for and that and that'll be open until I'm sorry you didn't mention till when until it right until June 5th I mean hopefully that's when we're going to come back to you hopefully we don't get too many comments day of that we won't have time to think through but we wanted to keep it open as long as we could and then certainly once it gets transmitted we wanted that would that would be a good point to to turn it off okay thank you you're welcome Mr Anderson any question Mr Smith uh yes um are these dates I guess in in stone should fund become available could some of these improvements be moved up and done sooner certainly this is this is your comprehensive plan and by having improvements in there um sometimes that can help when you're trying to apply for a grant right one of the questions might be is this in your long range plan it's if you can say yes then maybe you score a little bit higher compared to some com other projects that are competing for that for a similar Grant so it's definitely to your benefit to have the types of improvements that you know you want to do um the specific year when they happen completely dependent on funding and there's not uh a a long time ago there used to be requirements for uh certain portions to be financially feasible now that's not a requirement anymore you just and if they're not financially feasible you just have to kind of say that if you if you do have a funding source identified great if you don't you can still have have needs and show them and um if funding does become available you can certainly move a project forward by all means yes right Mr Nesta thank you for the presentation very detailed I appreciate that in other municipalities do you see a comprehensive plan tied back to a strategic plan of sorts uh like the overall plan um yes and so like this is the transportation element which needs to be consistent with the future Landing use element and that's basically making sure that okay if you have a future land use element it's going to say here's where our development is going to be concentrated in the future well I need to know that if I'm going to say what the traffic volumes are going to be so if I if I didn't have that information available then I'd be sort of like guessing on my own so this portion of the of the of the plan is tied into that and the future land uses for for the area are they get kind of vetted on a fiveyear basis um in addition to any kind of comprehensive planning so we do have the latest uh future land use criteria or designations and the resulting uh intensities and densities assumed for this plan okay but as far as um that's about the best I can do to answer your question as far as a a separate Plan called a strategic plan I would just say it needs to tie into the rest of the elements of the comp plan and the entire comprehensive plan needs to be internally consistent that's one of the main things that the reviewing agency at the state will comment on is if it's if your plan isn't consistent with itself they're going to call you out on it sure which very Reas rational okay all right thank you you're welcome and one one thing um Bobby if you wouldn't mind trying to put together like a like a third page sheet with the QR code and let's have it out there for Mr William Bradley to to have it at for this our last concert this weekend be good to have that so they could they could have something to take with with them for the folks to be at our concert Saturday night so give them one last chance not not till the last last minute but uh this this Saturday night so if if Bobby if you could work on that and thank thank you this very very well presented and Bobby you want while while we're kind of on the the talk about the comp plan I guess that was brought up just kind of give us a where we are today with the comp plan and I I spoke to Bobby yesterday yes so we've contracted with on the other elements of the comp plan which there are about eight other elements such as um Public Schools facilities elements infrastructure elements Capital Improvement future land use element housing element we contracted several years ago with the East Central Florida Regional count planning Council on that um they've had quite a bit of Staff turnover in the past year or two um and we've been kind of frustrated with the lack of pro progress we've had on that we've had to wait for some numbers from the shimberg up at the University of Florida we've kind of gotten to the point where we've gotten some of the elements the draft elements back from the regional planning Council uh our staff is reviewing that now and we would like to have the regional planning Council come within the next several months and do a presentation such as Mr Woodward and Mr magley did in regards to the transportation element would would it be more conducive to do a workshop because um obviously this was done uh when I wasn't on the on the council and now we have a new member on the council so a workshop just to kind of get an overview yeah we could do like a joint workshop with the Planning Commission and the city council kind of like what we did with the Wild Oaks um development plan thank you thanks Bobby appreciate it all right Radley Williams Radley Williams Parks direct director good evening mayor and Commissioners uh it's my privilege this evening to introduce the Apopka Historical Society president mayel brinkle to give us a brief history of the 55 years at the apopa Museum it's all handed over to her there we go final Welcome to our IFI Historical Society celebration good evening everyone my name is marel brinkle current president of the apoka Historical Society on behalf of the apoka Historical Society I would like to stend warm welcome to our mayor Brian Nelson our distinguished City Council Members honor dignitaries valuable guests and the wonderful members of our community tonight we gathered to celebrate a remarkable 55 years of the apoca Historical Society so let's go to the beginning so one up or down down to the right there we go the beginning of aapka the decade of the 1880s was the central Florida what the 1820s have been for the early midle Florida counties it was a kind of optimism and self-confidence of town building railroad constructions and Land Development and especially of advertisement I'm not going to read through the whole article but on the bottom of the article he knows the sis Mason to the quality of a poap in 1874 when he arrive in 1871 Mason Road the Masonic Lodge was the only house at what was to become a PKA three years later there were nine homes in a store a Sunday school with three people and a school was being planned all right so now but why is the historical pres preservation so important our history is the very Foundation upon which our community is built it tells the story of the people who came before us their struggles and triumphs the events that shape Our Town into what it is today this stories connect us to our past fostering a sense of place and belonging so let me welcome try wise apoka historical society's secretary volunteer for 30 years a lifetime member and donor to tell us about the prominent families who came before us thank you oh thank you very much um pleased to just present to you just a few facts about the um water power churches banking in Lumber in the early 19 1800s the council authorized the Apopka water light and Ice Company to lay pipe for water and to erect poles for wires the work was supervised by the council and electric lights were turned on in aapka on February 10th 1915 a deep water well was pumping water to a 17,000g tower which stood 53 ft above the town fire plugs were installed in June 1916 and with the arrival of necessary equipment the business portion of town had fire protection worship Services were being held before there were organized churches they were held in private homes as well as the Masonic Lodge the First Baptist Church of apop apapa erected its building in 1881 on land near Edgewood Cemetery which was purchased from zel Lotus Mason for $25 the apoc Methodist Church was assigned to Pastor in 1881 and he built the first church just east of the First Baptist Church the Presbyterian Church was organized in 1873 and they held their services in the Methodist Church until completion of their own building in early 1886 at Highland and Fifth Street the Episcopal mission in apaba which became the Church of the Holy Spirit was established in 1893 two black church congregations were formed in the 1880s St Paul's African Methodist Episcopal Church was established on Broad Street in an all black area known as Johnson town on the Northwestern edge of apka in 1890 it was dismantled and moved to Ms bottom and New Hope Missionary Baptist Church erected its first building in me's bottom in the mid 1880s the title of apopka's First Bank goes to the bank of aapka also known as the prince Bank started by Edward Rufus prince in 85 if went under in the 1890 in 1994 the State Bank of Apopka opened for business on February 12th 1912 on land donated by S SW Eldridge apka had three Sawmills in the early 1880s large quantities of lumber were used for buildings railroad ties boxes and crates Amos starbert and his sons were engaged in almost every aspect of the lumber business from the mid mid 1880s until after World War I the consumer Lumber and veneer company founded by starboard Suns became the largest single employer in Apopka in the early 20th century and continued as a major economic institution until 1957 around 1920 former mayor John Lance's father benett L senior bought ownership of the company and now Judy bab is going to talk to you about the foliage industry now do you know that AA is named the indoor folage capital of the world so here's Judy to tell us about the story and her family she's so nervous my grandfather Harry John usler started the Fage industry in Apopka in 1912 he came to AA from Springfield Ohio to grow Boston fern in a climate that was warm year round the business did so well that in the 1920s a papa be became known as the fern City by 1960 foliage had become a multi-million dollar business therefore a popka was dubbed the indoor foliage capital of the world in 1977 Harry usler was the first of four original inductees into the Florida foliage Association Hall of Fame along with John massic founder of Johns Incorporated Raymond Hogs head of Baywood nurseries and and um Alex Lori who was a researcher and educator uh within the foliage industry in 1982 in recognition of Harry esler's efforts in establishing the foliage industry in Apopka a Boston Firm Memorial was placed in front of um city hall and next to the papka Chamber of Commerce usler Brothers finally closed their doors in the 1990s but the industry is still thriving with nurseries like Kay and Ray Roberts Central Florida ferns and foliage they still grow Boston fern from the original stock they picked from the usler brothers fery and um Cortez engelman's Nursery donated foliage to the museum um for our foliage display in April and then um many more businesses on popka have started growing flowers plants as well a couple of these businesses you might recognize are a family own our familyowned businesses um that have been around AA for a little while and uh one of them is called Nelson florid of roses and the other one is doers um Nursery Incorporated they grow annuals for occasions like roses for Mother's Day and Valentine's Day Easter LLY Christmas poinsettas along with all colors of carnations for Thanksgiving and the great smelling gardinia Bush okay you did very well she was so nervous okay I didn't pass out so thank you cold let me see if I can read this FR here okay the article that started at all as it stated in the apoca green sheet of May 1968 the apoka historical society was conceived by a group of women from the apoka Women's Club historical committee to organize a local historical group this occur after Pioneer day was held in the fall of 1967 in connection with the central florid for festival the group consisted of Mr Stewart Mrs Mary Lee Welch Mrs HC Whit side and Mrs Calvin Gren they pointed out that many early records were disappearing and memories were growing dimmer it only took three months for them to apply to the state to file incorporation papers as the nonprofit then it took three years to open aa's first Museum the beginning artifa collection was donated by Mr Edward Miner who he exhibited at the 1967 for festival the first Museum occupied three rooms on the second floor of this building City homeall in 1971 after six years the museum needed to span and was able to relocate to the second floor of the car building you okay okay so um okay so that's the newspaper article and this are The Originals articles or [Music] incorporation so now we're going to have Lena give us a little insight and tell us where we have been and what buildings we have been want to do it that way May who's doing the founders okay that's okay the previous slide was some of the original founders of the Historical Society the first location was at the current Apopka city hall in 1965 the city of Apopka purchased the former School site with the intent to form a new city complex the main building was remodeled into a Georgian colonial style City Hall which looked very similar as to how it does today in 1971 the recently Incorporated Apopka Historical Society secured three rooms in City Hall to serve as a location to store and display their artifacts in 1987 further Renovations added the atrium elevator new council chambers and the administrative offices during this remodel the apop historical society and the museum artifacts were relocated to the Carol building you probably recognize the Carol building as the current location of Aunt jingi Bread's Bakery it was known as the car Carol building and also known as the te McBride building it was built as a medical office for physician Cole Carroll Dr Caroll hired Builder WG Harris who was assisted by another local Builder Mr Lee Lovel and the construction was completed in 1932 unfortunately Dr Carol only used the office for about a year dying unexpectedly at the young age of only 48 after Dr Carol's death Dr Thomas E McBride or Duc Tommy as he was affectionately known purchased the building and used it for his medical practice from 1933 until the early 1980s when the property was purchased by the city of apopa the Apopka Historical Society occupied the Carol building from the time of the city hall remodel in 1987 until it was once again relocated in [Music] 1992 the next home was the Apopka Annex the buildings that serve as the Apopka Annex were built in 1973 and purchased by the city of Apopka in 1991 as the city population increased and there was more demand for services City Hall was becoming too crowded to house all of the various departments it was decided to move the water information technology and the finance departments to the newly Acquired and remodeled Annex the Apopka Historical Society joined these departments in the annex from 1992 until 2001 and the final building in our current location of the Museum of the Popkins is the Log Cabin building located at 122 East Fifth Street right behind us and behind the current utility building throughout the years and during all of these relocations the Apopka Historical Society continued to collect artifacts and expand their exhibits soon the space in the annex was not adequate and we needed a building of our own to function as a museum for the benefit of the citizens of Apopka in Northwest Orange County and in 2001 the Historical Society collaborated in a partnership with the city and the result is the Log Cabin building that currently serves as the Museum of a Popkins we are once again outgrowing our space but that is a story for another day thank you Lorena so like you can see we're victims of sex time to level up our Museum space where is oh no we already oh how do I go back to that oh brother right there that's presidents of the apoka Historical Society for over half history this organization has been the Cornerstone of preserving Our Town Rich history and Heritage by preserving our historical buildings artifacts and documents we ensure that these stories are not lost we create a living Legacy that inspires future generations and remind them of the values that have made our community strong okay now let's go to the Future well may not be here to witness the next 55 years and fall I'm planning to be here the Legacy will build together tonight well it is a torch we carry lived by the generations before us and one we pass on on with pride it is about a commitment to our share past present and future this celebration is a statement to the dedication of the apoka historical society and all who support his mission let's take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to all the past presidents and volunteers who tires efforts brought us to the point your dedication is an inspiration as we look forward towards the future we urge our esteemed mayor Brian and our team City commissioners to consider strengthening your support for the historic iCal society and the City Museum remember we are the only cultural destination in town and the center for creating a mainstream let's ensure it continues to flourish for the next 55 years and Beyond thank you for being here tonight as we honor our past and we look forward to our future we will be back next city council meeting to continue this celebration and I'm announce an invitation so now we're going to make history we're going to have a selfie because this is history on the making thank you thank you so if you okay oh you want get okay one picture can rob get Kelly okay [Laughter] come here you stand all righty one yeah one two three one two three one more one two three perfect there we go okay great presentation okay all right we now are to public comments Susan Rod Olson Rod Olson 3156 rolling Lane here in apaka uh M mayor Commissioners thank you for what you do um City's unsung heroes is Solid Waste Department it's a thankless job that's executed very well in the picture we have quter denoi kimlin B Billy Mason Crystal with a c Ken Crystal with a K Sam Lawrence Charles Tim and Josh in the group picture and then we couldn't get everyone together so we have Winston and we have Kevin and Samari and Kevin Samari start at 4:30 in the morning so you know the rest start at 6:30 then finally we have Elsa and April who man man the fort in the office uh I asked the drivers they said what can we do to make your job better they had three recommendations one first of all please face the open and out it's pretty obvious but you wouldn't believe the number that aren't the other is bag trash any of the bag trash needs to be a good firm bag so when they pick it up it doesn't lay on the ground and the third is the recycling bins many people stack things up through the wall it doesn't go in the truck that way I I do what I do cut it up or contact a neighbor and say hey look here's his low today can I do it uh and the other thing you can do is request a larger bin whether you realize it or not your regular trash containers and the recycling container you can get a larger bin there's no cost to you all you need to do is call you'll Mo most likely get Elsa it's 407 731 1624 again 407 731 1624 the larger trash container the larger recycling container and an R sticker you can also get a sticker to put on the side of your regular trash can if you have so much recycling remove the trash you can put that sticker out you can keep it with you but put it out they will pick up that as well uh the cost you can also get be containers is $50 if you're in a be Zone and 250 if you're not right now there's a waiting list on those containers this department has 70,000 opportunities a week to tick us taxpayers off they only get a handful of complaints they do an incredible job uh next I'm going to shift GE a little bit going back to schools city ordinance 75.3 Five Section 74.4 protection of pedestrians in and around school zones in order to protect drivers and pedestrians around the County public schools within the municipal limits of the city no person shall load or unload passengers 17 years of age or younger into or from a vehicle for a quarter mile of the school unless on campus of the proper School within the designated loading or unloading area or unless directed by a police officer or a school official this is a big problem at Kelly Park where people stop it's dangerous as all get out uh I have a couple more ments with regard to infrastructure planning and Staffing we must do better we can't change yesterday but we certainly can change what we do today and what we do going forward our Northwest Recreational Complex field stands out even more talking about two Fields a year Fire Department fire station six has gone up $2 million building and constructing Fields go up every year as well we need 10 Fields now to stay with our population who knows who will need going forward a correction to my f my prior presentation I indicated that possibly as early as this coming year uh Kelly Park School would have Portables uh Melissa bird reached out to me indicated that is not in the plans at this point and she said they just completed their Five-Year Plan for Orange County and they're scheduled at this time five new schools for apaka um water restrictions this is an infrastructure issue that must be fixed we got new homes coming on board they're using the water we've got new homes coming new businesses coming on board and we have to be restricted I've got neighbors saying hey uh I'd rather pay the fine then redo awn at thousands of dollars thank you Mr olon thank you Albert mckimm Al M me 3603 golden gem Ro of [Music] popka uh over the next several minutes you will see video footage that confirms your mayor is both a habitual liar and his administration is unfit to Governor poka you will see areas that I will describe simply as anomalies depression some filled with water some that have been present for decades some that are recent in an interview Brian Nelson claimed he only lost five foot of water Professor dvo claims we lost 200 million gallons this picture confirms we lost 200 million gallons and therefore 100 million gallons of dirty green stagnant water Remains the mayor claimed it would cost between 200 and 400,000 to rep yet today before we even begin the project he's requesting we double that figure and requesting a budget alteration of almost $1 million as can be seen from this footage the perm rise is almost 40 ft on the east side above the surrounding land and only 12200 ft from the 429 should we ever experience a similar failure to what happened on the west side it could be a catastrophic uh disaster Professor dvo has identified three areas of interest in these Retention Ponds that will require remedial attention two in the large pond and one in the small pond these will require uh to have the existing liners moved and the waterers drained currently there's about 50 acres that are under water with liners when we remove these liners we will also have to remove the water that's in the pond there's 100 million gallons of water in that pond just now with no way of taking it out there's only pumps to pump the water in where are we going to pump that water to well the fact of the matter is we don't have anywhere to put the water because we can't take it out in trucks what we're going to be faced do is pump that water somewhere so my question here is has your Administration made uh progress with the Department of Environmental Protection to have an agreement that we can uh put this water down into the superficial aquafers if not then as you promis this cannot go forward in two or three weeks time we first of all must have water samples done on the water that remains in the pond uh the water is is is green and it's stagnant let me see if we can get some more pictures there we have pictures that were taken when it wasn't stormy and there we have pictures when it was stormy there's the color of the water and on the left at the top you can see that at the bottom of the BM on the east side there is now a depression beginning to form whether or not we can determine if that's erosion or whether it is F sinkage I have no idea but again this city continues to feel to identify problems they left the property open for several weeks there's fences that are down there are trees that are ready to fall this Administration under your supervision Brian is a joke we are now a three ring circus in Apopka and you're the ring leader I would suggest that going forward we need to provide serious funding to anyone who's going to to investigate what happens on golden gem boads Retention Ponds Grand penetrating radar or liar is not the solution we need ground resonance to determine what lies underneath the pond the professor will not be any more successful than the engineers of field because he does not have the information required to determine what needs to be done without significant funding my proposal is that you propose and and and give funded to do a comprehensive study under the pond Sylvester Hall good afternoon good evening mayor commissioner Sylvester Hall 391 Rolling Hills Lane pop Florida I'm G start off with what I always start off with because it seems hopefully it'll start catching on and hopefully it'll bother our moral conscience our country is in a national crisis because too many good people are sitting around watching bad things happen in doing anything about it and it's time for me to stop being a hypocrite because I'm one of those good people that see things and I'm not seeing things about it I've been sitting back and just watching and see who's going to do what but that time is is going to change this is not the presentation but uh one of the things when I say too many good people standing by watching bad things happen when you look at voting when we talking about local voting is the Cornerstone to our our communities it's sad when you see the mayor wins the mayor vote by 10% of 35,000 registered voters that is very sad it's my goal between now and the next election to see if we can have at least 75% of the registered voters come out and vote and that's simply by going out and energizing the people to get involved love our neighbor it's just that simple too many times we normalize the abnormal and we start desensitizing the truth into the part where sometime the truth doesn't even matter I'm just I'm just keep running this body because it's going to catch up with you nothing in this world is more dangerous than a charismatic and gifted Communicator Pastor or politician with a wicked heart nothing if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sins and I will heal their hearts and I will heal uh heal their land I had a slide that I want to address that was Dei so I don't know how this one got in here it's it's not the PowerPoint presentation that I present it uh I will get yes it is okay well we we I got my email and I got the one that I sent so we'll we'll find out but what I started out with was Dei and I had a picture from the voice The apka Voice where it said based on the recommendation of commissioner Vasquez we want to reach to the Dei program diversity equity and conclusion that's false that is a lie because if the apka chief was here let me say AA voice was here they would have known that commissioner Vasquez said she wanted to disband Dei she didn't say want to rul it that came from commissioner Smith and commission Nick Nester when you talk about DUI I at the panel we have here diversity diversity this Administration we had a history look back in this Administration it said all blacks will have to live on this side of the trash that's in our records all have to be on this side you didn't you didn't put us over there because you love us why would you put us over there and say you can't come back to the other side it's because of what you thought of us but here again I'll save it to next presentation Kyla Davis Le Roy Bell Leroy Bell 2308 blue medals Court the Popa Florida good evening mayor Commissioners uh let me start first with I like to take about 10 seconds for silence for the Fallen police officers and the eight Farm Workers that lost their lives I wanted to do that simply because we had our state representative here and uh one of the some legislation that they pass you know being a fun worker these people can't drink water they don't have shade but then he just said oh it coming back up but now it's not coming back up because it's for people of color secondly I want to talk about thank you again Nick about the minutes the minutes uh the sunshine L uh I think it's uh 28601 Florida statute I believe that's the statute and what it stat it states that the minute is to be taken promptly that mean right away why right away that's to preserve what was said it don't say anything about alter or chain promptly that bring me to my last little bit that I want to talk about is the police department I hope you guys went down and view the body cam this gentleman this wasn't the first time that he had an encounter with this young man this man went on private property and start messing with this young man a popular have a history arresting black peoples and roughing them up you got Johnny Bell Smith accused this man of find a pistol at someone apka Police Department so-called investigation got the boy landed in jail for 70 days and when it got to the judge they got kicked out because of the investigation that that Police Department upon the that man did how long are we going to stand by and allow this man to have his viilage come over there in the city on this side of town I know this man that uh Sylvester just said the N word that seem to got up under your skin but it don't seem to get up under your skin with your friends along with it make no sense we requested all the footage body camp and everything not only myself but the Hope Center it's time for somebody someone in this city to protect the low and moderate income and people or color from that man in his goon Ace woodam Ace woodam 47 East MC noise Street of popka I wanted to come up tonight to speak about Foundation Foundation is a big word if you look at in dictionar structure to hold that's a form of a structure to hold a structure up buildings are built off of Foundations municipalities are built off of Foundations churches are built off of Foundations and so is our US Government our government's built off the Constitution this a city of Apopka was built on a very very strong Foundation hard workers men and women who dedicated their lives in this community from the egg to the lumber yes but all forms this city is very fortunate very fortunate to have a foundation we've got it took a long time to get here but we've got city workers proud ones that go out and dig ditches we got city workers that go out and cut tree limbs put up street signs fix the roads fix our water lines fix our sewer lines haul our trash away and they also clerks in the offices they're a strong Foundation they're the ones that are holding the city together and unfortunately our tax dollars are going to waste we've had the money to build station six for five years where is it the storm water the pond uh check that you got for 1.5 million I ask you about mayor you went never heard of it I got your picture accepted the check from Val Dions are you remembering now remember it mayor where's all this money where's the H the hund $60,000 to help feed the hungry the homeless oh the best thing to do is arrest them so our Police Department can stay busy putting them in jail you're a failure you're chipping away at the foundation that so many hard people worked and strive to make this city happen you're an embarrassment untrustworthy it's ridiculous and you're throwing good people on the bus so you can St on top of this little pyramid and get your picture taken cutting ribbons you should be very very proud I'd like to say thank you to all the city employees no matter to what department you're in thank you for your service and making it a little bit easier for an old man to live all right we've got four consent agenda items I'm GNA wait just a minute for commissioner Anderson to see gets back y'all like to take a five minute break is that you wanted to power through what's the pleasure Mr Smith uh could be I think I just need a i all right we're gonna take a five minute break yeah I thank I appreciate e e e e e e e e e e all right we're back we good Rob okay all right we've got four consent agenda items does anybody need to pull any of those if not look for a motion to approve all four items so got a motion by commissioner Vasquez second by commissioner Smith all those in favor all oppos motion carries unanimously next up we're gonna see how our technology Works Mr hippler wouldn't get too crazy Joe Patton Joe Patton Human Resources Director so uh first business item is the appointment of the city administrator Mr Jacob Smith this was brought up last meeting it was tabled for this meeting for uh to give an opportunity for everyone to meet Mr Smith and I believe that has been accomplished uh so uh Mr Smith is online right now to answer any questions that you may have so I'll turn it over to him thank you okay questions for Mr Smith anybody got no I just have a couple comments real quick and and it was to clarify it wasn't just to meet but is also to review the the contract that we were approving so that it was it wasn't just meeting it was making sure that we understand what we're agreeing to and approving um Mr Smith and I did get to meet it was great during my office hours uh after that meeting we met for about an hour thereafter and and we're able to go through a lot of different concerns and things like that that that I've had and and we we left that meeting or the final comments were it's something I've said often is as long as you keep open lines of communication and provide as much information as possible you'll breed confidence throughout this city uh if you withhold information and keep anything from us that we should be knowing or the public should be knowing you're going to breed fear and that creates so much division within our city so as long as we can work together in that capacity we may not agree on everything and that's okay as long as we understand where we're both coming from then um then we should be able to to work for the betterment of our city at the exclusive benefit of our residents and that's where we going to continue to stay focused on the bettering it and working for our residents so um I just wanted to say that I did get to meet with him and it was productive okay good all right anybody any other questions any anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not we'll close the public hearing look for a motion to where am I approve the appointment of the new city administrator Jacob Smith so got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously next up Park View preserve phase two I was congratulations there Jacob thank you I look forward to seeing you guys in person yes sir you got it all right one moment to switch back up for the record Bobby how planning manager this is a plat for Parkview preserve Phase 2 subdivision it's currently located on track fd1 of the Parkview preserve subdivision located on the east side of golden gem Road plat is consistent with the major development plan that was approved by the city council the construction site plan which was approved by the development Review Committee and with Florida statute 177 which is plating development Review Committee recommends approval last night the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval the recommended motion this evening is to approve the park VI preserve face who plat any questions for Bobby anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not okay M 3603 golden gem Road I have no objection to the plats it's just something that was presented earlier on tonight when they said they were going to uh provide a new part of golden gem road further along and a new development and the gentleman who was presenting said it was a case of putting the cart before the horse and he wasn't far wrong is he we're considering building new is all the way along golden gem road but yet the new development part of golden gem road is going to be in a bit that isn't yet existed unbelievable anybody else R Olson 3156 Rolling Hills lames and a Popco I just had a couple it question the aspect of setbacks as I cruise the community you know I'm a volunteer with the police department you have setbacks in some of these new developments that literally a full-size pickup truck is a foot or a foot and a half onto the sidewalk that means people are parking on the streets that means it's going to make it difficult for First Responders in a particular fire trucks to get in throughout the unit I've requested in the past that still out there the number of units should appear on this summary you shouldn't have to di dive into it thank you thank you anybody else if not we close the public hearing look for motion to approve the plat for Park View preserve phase two so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously next up Transportation Improvement development ment for shops at eore Richard good evening uh city manager Commissioners uh Richard her city engineer uh so this is the transportation Improvement development agreement for the for the shops of East Shore uh the city has been working with the developers uh at the intersection or very close to the intersection of Kean Road and aoi Apopka Road and the purpose of this agreement is to be one of the partners that is going to uh to fund the construction of the the the signal at the intersection of keen and aoi of poka uh using impact fees since that's new growth over there uh we have both uh Josh uh rer with metric engineering who's the city's consultant with us this morning and then of course the uh the applicant and their engineer are here if you have any questions but the the recommended action is approval of the transportation Improvement development agreement for the shops of eastshore to design permanent and construct a signal at the intersection of B Road and Kean Road all right any questions for Richard is is that in partnership with Orange County is or is that our road where they're putting there's been negotiation for uh two and a half years this agreement itself doesn't include uh Orange County as as a party to the agreement but they are aware of the uh the ongoing effort of the past couple of years to uh put the signal here they're well aware of the project thank you okay anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing look for a motion to approve the transportation Improvement development agreement for shops at eshore so got a motion by commissioner Smith uh second second by commission Velasquez all those in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously uh we're number four we're pulling will be for certain next it will be uh postponed until the next meeting June 5th June 5th so that one will be back on the agenda for June 5th if is there a motion that needs to be done yeah we need to make a motion to okay so make a motion to um well I guess let me let me anybody from the public wants you to speak on this B even though we're going to pull it okay not for your back all right so uh just I make a motion to have the state funded Grant agreement with fdot for Waka Trail segment for B of the apapa Regional Trail will be moved to the next city council meeting which would be uh the early one at 1:30 on June 5th 2024 got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously next up Richard award for ITB 2024 d-51 thank you mayor Richard city engineer um so this I got to talk to all the commissioners before the meeting this is uh the replacement of a 1.5 million million gallon drinking water ground storage tank at the Gren boner Water Treatment Plant facility uh this 1 Point .5 million gallon tank is going to replace uh a tank one tank that was built in 1960 and a second tank that's worst that was built in 1989 it will replace those two tanks it's for uh drinking water and uh it is needed the the existing tanks they now are beyond their use to life so the recommended motion is to approve the contract with L7 Construction in the amount of $4,475 and includeed 10% contingency uh $445,500 for a total approval of $ 4,927 is the recommended motion I'm here for any questions if you have them any questions I just have one and I should ask Monday s about that is it going to retain the same footprint it currently has it'll have to be built in a separate place because we need to keep the two tanks we have online while we build another one there but it's in the footprint of the facility there there's room for growth there at that Garen berer plant understood and then and I'm seeing here uh 274 days from notice to proceed when do we expect the noes proceed to get to um the vendor uh we'll need to award the contract I would think that the project should be completely finished within a year okay perfect thank you okay any other questions not public comment Albert M 3603 golden Jam Road just want to to get this right we're speaking about two tanks cost of $4 million uh these aren't the same tanks as were're going to supposed to be build on in golden gem and the retention Pond there is there any similarities to those two ponds that should have been built two years ago and they have never been built is the proposed budget for this similar to the $4 million that will need to be spent M at Gold gem the fact is you've never built those two ponds that facility can't go in line there's only entrance pumps nothing to pump out there anybody else I know won't get questions answered when we come up here but um those tanks have been there since I was a little kid and they're made on concrete they were discovered years ago the interior walls were falling down theid solid particles dust particles and all that's going through our drinking water it's been going through it for years how long we had the money to replace them or fix them mayor do you're looking at me can you answer no aren't we also legally obligated to deepen the wells by [Music] DP aren't we yeah I'm not as stupid as I look I don't look like a Donal log like you are right now you know know the facts tell them anybody else okay if not we'll close the public hearing look for motion to award a contract for ITB 2024 d-51 for the gross and Bacher water treatment plant for a 1.5 million gallon ground storage tank to I or L7 Construction Inc so got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously next up Bradley rad the Williams parks recreation director good evening again mayor and Commissioners uh I'm back uh here this evening to uh seek approval to award contracts for ITB 2024 a34 which were bids for our community development block grant housing and Rehabilitation Rehabilitation replacement program um two contractors we're looking to award bids to are all-American building structure contractor Inc and RDC Development [Music] Corporation the city was awarded a $750,000 grant under the Florida Department of Commerce for the Community Development block grant cdbg with a city funded $50,000 commitment the grant is in the housing Rehabilitation category to repair or replace low to moderate income below 80% of area median income owner occupied Homes located within the city limits uh the city uh has worked with a consultant uh Fred Fox Enterprise who has done many of these projects uh before and out of the five uh ranked houses that were selected for this uh cdbg Grant um we did bid out each of these individually uh up on the screen there is a table showing the uh house the type of uh construction we're looking to do replacement or rehab the company that uh won the low bid the estimated uh repair or renovation cost the bid cost and the recommendation from staff uh you'll notice uh uh we are recommending awarding the top three uh as bid uh the fourth house was originally bid as a rehab uh received a sole bid from RDC Development Corporation the estimated cost was 157 300 and you'll notice there that the bid came back extremely high well above that estimated cost uh so staff are recommending we rebid that property out as a replacement home instead of a rehab you also notice that the replacement homes were were below that rehab cost so we're anticipating we'll be somewhere in that range the uh fifth Property uh fifth home was uh contingent on funding so without knowing the true cost of the number four replacement uh house uh staff is recommending we hold on that property firm up with the number four House cost will look like to determine if we have enough funding to proceed with the fifth house uh and I did indicate uh houses three four and five we did receive a single bid and that was from the RDC development uh corporation uh just kind of a recap of the project uh Project funding wise $750,000 was Grant was the grant funding from cdbg the $50,000 commitment from the city for that Grant uh the city also allocated additional art coronav virus funds in the amount of $135,000 to the project bringing the total project funds to $935,000 currently available uh we have $843,000 uh to award to the contracts and just uh to kind of communicate why there's a difference there as I mentioned we have hired Fred Fox Enterprises to help us through this cdbg grant process and there were also um some Grant related expenses such as inspections legal documents things like that that have already been expended so our total request tonight for the three awarded houses is these were these are separate bids so at time at the time we need to do a recommended motion we need to do these one at a time and we need to make sure we stick to the language in the staff report it's important for the uh Florida development our Department of Commerce to make sure we have that language stated in the motion okay well commissioner Anderson I know this is kind of in your wheelhouse I'm sure you got a question or two actually I asked all my questions during the we did okay I question okay anybody else got questions for Radley or Mr Fox so how soon do we start this uh this project if approved tonight U we got to send the environmental for the three homes to Florida commerce usually takes about 30 days and we should be signing contract mid June late mid to late June we should be under contract with the homeowners and the contractors will they be done one at a time or will it be done simultaneous all three will be under contract at the same time oh they'll be at the same time okay okay have the other two homeowners been notified that they're on hold or the one is being rebed I spoke to um the replacement home proposed replacement home today and just updated on the information so I SP to all the home owners today except for the last home which is the one that's on hold Kenya spoke to her previously so have I haven't talked today I talked her a couple weeks ago and let her know where we're at I wanted to get direction from you tonight before I reach back out to her and let her know we just put her on hold would you be using any local um Prime Subs on any of these projects the I know one of the contractors is local um we don't tell him what sub I'm not sure what sub he's going to utilize until he actually applies for his permit there's no requirement with the program that they'd be local we can't give them any preference over local okay interesting okay all right anybody from the public wish to speak Sylvester Hall uh my question is we got five homes what was the criteria in selecting those homes the five properties that that we we do what was the criteria who did the selection yes sure you had a housing assistance plan in your application that had a ranking criteria was based on elderly income level very low income first elderly family size those items you actually had your CSN advisory task force do a ranking several months ago and then y'all actually backed up the ranking with approval also as a board coun and we had approximately I think it was 19 homes on that list that we narrowed down if I if I remember that correctly you ranked all 19 in order this is the first five they actually submitted all the required paperwork and you know we're caning go so far with the funds so if we get that five or six we get to them if we don't we just got to go by the ranking is is there a copy of the the 19 that was listed sure can we get a copy of 19 that was listed and then the order of I know you said we had the certain criteria but how did we go about ranking who was first second third fourth all the way down got a committee got it commit all right thank you okay anybody else from public wish to speak on this all right not look we got so we got um five motions or four the the one on hold do we we should do five do all five y okay all right um looking for a motion to award item number one which is 118 West 8th Street home replacement recommend award the asbest abatement demolition construction of 118 West 8th Street of poka Florida to All-American building con construct contractor Inc the lowest qualified bidder in the total amount of 29,000 $ I I'll oppos motion carries unanimously next item 708 South Washington Avenue home replacement recommend to reward the demolition construction of 708 South Washington Avenue of Popa Florida to All American Building Construction construct contractor Inc the lowest qualified bidder in the total amount of $212,900 environmental release for the Demolition and construction of the property so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I I'll oppose motion carries anany next up 1165 de Lea DEA drive home rehab recommend to award the home Rehabilitation of 1165 deck Leva Drive of popka Florida to RDC Development Corporation the single bidder in the total amount of $ 45,42198 28 West 8th Street home rehab recommend the rejection of the bid received for $ 21,23 52 for 28 West 8th Street from RDC Development Corporation and rebid this property as a replacement home and not as a rehabilitation looking for Mo got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I all opposed motion carries an anesty next up item number five 407 East 8th Street home rehab recommend postponing a recommendation for the bid of $143,200 7 East 9th Street for RDC Development Corporation until we until which time a new replacement home bid is awarded for the property located at 28 West 8th Street and contingent abond upon available funding so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously and I don't need to read the last oh I think we're good okay thank you thanks thanks David thanks Bradley appreciate that okay next up ordit number 3,49 ordinance number 349 an ordinance of the city of apapa Florida to extend its Territorial and Municipal limits to Annex pursuant to Florida statute 17144 the here and after described land situated and being in Orange County Florida owned by the James hpage life estate and the Anette hpage trust located north of West Keane Road and West of East Martin Road comprising 32 Acres more or less providing for dire to the city clerk separability conflict and an effective date any changes Bobby okay anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not will close the public hearing look for motion to adopt ordinance number 349 so got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously next up resolution 202 24-9 resolution 20249 a resolution of the city council of the city of Republic of Florida amending the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2023 and ending September 30th 2024 providing for a budget amendment let's just go we'll finish this one gonna come back okay all right good evening mayor commissioners before you tonight is resolution 20249 amendment number six and the amount of $ 4,438 the first item for the budget amendment is the land acquisition for south of Boy Scout Road for State Road 429 access ramp project in the amount of 725,000 this item came before Council on May 1st um Council approved the purchase of the land acquisition and we need to amend the B budget accordingly because the funds were not included in the FY 24 budget do you want us to ask questions as we go or it's whatever you prefer yeah go ahead okay thank you attorney Shepard the PSA for this one I know it was kind of a boilerplate far bar contract um is that something you're reviewing and you're good with I know there was some question marks there or is that already you've already reviewed it you're comfortable are we talking now about the RightWay purchase I reviewed the closing statement today the contract and everything else was done by loule or something I forget the name of the law firm it it wasn't me gotcha okay and I'm not trying to to pass the buck I was told they were doing the closing and the only thing I've done is review closing documents gotcha okay understood thank you okay any other questions on this item okay okay item number two um camp we Wastewater service extension for the sewer conversion we need to increase the amount for this project because again the cost increases associated with it in the amount of 1,262 1800 um as I I shared with each of you in your briefings we did expect this to occur we do have the million dollars that was in our CIP plan in year 2025 we're kind of moving that forward at this particular time and then a a slight increase of an additional 262800 again just a couple comments and questions on this one if I may the there were two things we discussed and and one of them was we're taking the funds out of the water and wastewater impact fee reserves which I know is it qualifies for it as a capacity Improvement it's just is it the best use of those funds as we are having issues with golden gem all these other issues that are are going to be very costly so there was a concern there and it's my concern so that is what it is and then also obviously it's just that the delay in these um projects are costing us significant amount more money and and that's something I'd like to stop doing because we're we're spending Millions um if we just done the projects two three five years ago one year ago two things you do realize that everything is going on as a result of Co so it is a true price increase it may be some delays again I wasn't here but there is some price increase I'm not saying to you I'm just saying in general if we can get ahead of them it saves us all money our taxpayers okay and this is coming out of the impact F fund whereas golden Jim is our operating fund for water I understand uh and then do we have I'll request it separately but offline but the total amount that we've spent on capex on Camp wewa since purchase it's we can gather that inform I know yeah not right now but I know it's substantial thank you thank you um the next item is the golden gy reuse pond retrofit I I think you had a presentation at the last council meeting again everyone knows this is an unplanned event so we want to take it in two steps this is Phase One and the current estimated cost is about $950,000 again that is to install a high-capacity Interceptor trench to capture the ground and surface water and take it to the pond also to plug the pipe connecting the small and large Reservoir and install the aquad dams but a six feet to ice late and pump dry the northern s now Richard is here okay to give you some engineering um explanation pertaining to that any questions Richard I do a couple on that for for Richard please sorry um one wasn't and it was brought up by a resident do we to pump that water out do we have to treat it beforehand because I know we're going to be pumping all of that water out at some point um to fix various areas to check the liner things like that do we have to treat the water in anyway what do we do with that water I guess that's no it it's already been treated before it was put into that storm water pond so the the intent is to use the aquadam which is in your description here to to pump the water from one cell to another systematic way we can address it on a cell byell basis okay understood and then just in general from your experience I mean we're going to probably see this phase two is going to be substantially more expensive correct well we're in kind of Uncharted Territory we got to do phase one and and as we work our way through phase one what we have to do in phase two will become more clear understood okay and uh this is for misser this is coming out of just reserves oper utility operate reserves okay understood thank you okay questions on that one sorry next we're done okay we're we're gonna go through and then we'll we'll we'll bring you up okay item number four is ath and hen Street project this comes out of storm water fund reserves um we need additional funds in the amount of 413,000 this is to perform segment two as I understand it as they begin phase one is the best here's an opportunity to do phase two to open the ditch and close it before the rainy season this would allow combin combining of two city-owned properties generating approximately 43 Acres of future use development any questions on this one good on that one okay all right okay is that is that it lych I wish no we still have number five and this is pertaining to the tennis and pickle ball courts projects for recreation some of those projects again have are coming in based exceeding the estimated costes that were included in FY 24 budget but the additional 450,000 in funding we allow uh us to have five pickle ball courts and five tennis courts with lighting the current budget is about 700,000 this comes out of the recreation impact fee fund reserves those funds are there it's adequate funding there to support this request bringing that total project to 1,150 any questions on this one any questions just a clarification on this one we're reducing the amount of pickle ball courts by five okay so it's going to be five and five okay thank you five Town courts five pickle ball courts got it thank you okay good all right go to I'm not done I got Parks we have one more section two more actually this is number six we have seven in total um this is Parks additional parks and W projects the Northwest Recreation Complex we're requesting additional 450,000 in kitland Nelson Park gazebo another 170,000 this is coming out of general fund operating reserves um in regards to the Northwest Recreation Complex it is to increase size to allow an inclusive playground and add a sensory garden and the kitland nesson park gazebo replaced a small Amphitheater style structure any questions any questions on this one I just have the Gazebo one we this wasn't really discussed publicly at all and so I just kind of have a heart just some heartburn on this one just because I don't understand the plans and we're allocating another 170 to this not sure how it works what the goal I guess is to how we're going to use it down the road correct so uh not this prior fiscal year budget we had $80,000 budgeted for replacement of the existing gazebo which is shown its age it's it's uh Beyond its life at this point um that number at that time ended up being a little shallow of what we needed for a commercial recreation grade gazebo to fit into that Park so staff have been assessing the operation of the park and what the actual purpose of the park is and it's a park that's heavily used for community events not only our community events but also thirdparty nonprofit community events and when you look at what those events use a gazebo for it's more often than not used for a performance stage so the the thought with transitioning from a gazebo replacement to a more of a mini Amphitheater style structure is to allow us allow a space that better fits the use of the park for those Community style events So the plan would still be to remove the existing old gazebo as that's again showing age uh that the concrete floors is tore up the the railings are are in bad shape um and replace it with uh not necessarily in that exact location but to open up the park a little bit more replace it with a more performing stage type uh structure so next question are we moving it to allow that to be used correct more appropriately right so again with the function of that Park is you know not only passive but also for a lot of those community events really opening that space up to allow for a better presentation area for those events okay thank so that's the thought behind it and and as I said with the opportunity we saw looking at that project again that's kind of where we landed okay thank you you say you moving the Gazebo to where uh we've had there's two locations we're looking at uh one's a little bit further back on the south uh First Street towards First Street First Street yep and the others going the other direction towards like the playground area the idea is to try and open up that big field as more of a open space to where you're not presenting from the middle of that area because if you're right now if you're at the Gazebo you're facing one you're cutting a whole section of the park off essentially so uh there's benefits to both of those areas we haven't really nailed down exactly which one and when we we can put it on a map and share that with you as well kind of the two ideas that we're looking at that'd be appreciated yeah thank you okay anybody from the public we one more one more mayor I know you want to get them all done and this one is small it's only $10,000 and this is a grant that we received last year and we just want to incorporate that in the budget uh we do have the local match there and this is for you know the meets bottom miral that um you just had the 55 year celebration for the museum and so we want to complete that miror so that total amount as mentioned before comes to the 443,000 all right thank you thanks BL all right public comment Richard you might Albert mck 3603 golden gem Road it's sad that we didn't have this as a line item singly today because to be quite honest with you we have no idea what this is going to cost the first thing that we haven't even established as a timeline as to when this facility will go online the fact of the matter is Mr sitting here just now will he confirmed to us that this facility cannot go in line and pump out water until there's new new pumps put in and there's two above ground storage tanks tonight earlier on we had an estimate for another facility that was going to cost $4 million to put in two above ground pums tanks and pumps so we can expect it's going to take a year to get that facility online based on information we had earlier on so what's the rush to make decisions tonight on something that we have no idea about the the the structure under the ground we have no idea how big these cavities are we have no idea what's going to happen the aquad dams that Mr ARS are speaking about what's the capacity of that Dam at any one particular time the amount of water you can transfer do you have any idea I didn't even hear the question we're speaking about putting in dams to transfer water because we can't pump the water down into the aquer it's already there I'm asking what the size of those transfer dams are here's the reason why you have 100 million gallons of water in that pond just now it would take pumps months well a month to to transfer it but what you've effectively got is a giant funnel you've got 50 acres of a pond with liners down the side that are going to collect 50 acres of water over the the summer period with 6 Ines of water of rain in 3 months you're going to have 30 million gallons of water that you haven't accounted for coming into that Reservoir so my question to Mr R is how much water can his dams accommodate has he any idea because he's silent just now we need to know the condition of that water Mr AR says it's not a problem but if it's not a problem why can't we just pump it down into the aquifer why have we got to transfer it the reason is because it's green it sticks and it's been sitting there for a year this is not satisfactory what we're trying to do tonight is figure something it's going to take months to figure we need a second opinion we need some Johns involved in this because as much as I respect Professor dvo he can no more tell us what's under the acers than your own City Engineers did the reason he can't tell you is because there wasn't enough test BS done in the first place so we can go into that pond we can remove the liners we can start remedial action you can't tell me how much remedial action whether it's one part two parts three parts or 30 parts Nobody Knows the first step is to have ground residance surveys done and build up a 3D image what's happening under there otherwise what you're doing is you're condemning City residents to put money into Money Pit tonight you were told earlier on it's going to cost $4 million to put into pumps we need the same sort of thing on golden gem road so you're looking at another 4 million on top of what he speaks about tonight further down the line you go speak about repairs to the pond liners I've said all the way down the line before you get golden gam Road online you're going to be spending at least $5 billion at least five billion so tonight if you grant a million dollars it should be with some sort of motion that there's accountability for a survey to be done before you spend any more City residents money this is now going nationally and international there's people looking at us because we're speaking about volcanoes we're speaking about M shafts instead of small sand castles anybody else from the public wish to speak I disagree with the Ace Wood I disagree with the uh D's comment to y'all and this gentleman here that water is a very mildly treated water it's a reclaimed water and what reclaimed water is it kills the U pathogens in it okay look at it you won't those I'm telling the truth this water's been sitting there for a year by the year that water became stagnant it has Wildlife done moving in it armored catfish didn't move in into ponds within the first seven months tadpoles anbia all that went that's not just a normal sinko I don't know how all that man how much of is right that went into the aquifer the aquafer is what deep Wells suck out of for commercial use for drinking water residential Wells go on to two 200 ft maybe 300 if you get a good deep one tell you that water was contaminated and if we jump and spend money trying to fix this issue don't don't know what all the problems were yet and you want to spend a million dollars for a temporary fix and go more down the road how much research have y'all done the EPA they been involved in enir Environmental Protection Agency out of Tallahassee I done talk to them y'all didn't notify them DP local only and St John's water management and St John's water management is even questioning them because they went off of the information was given to them that was a sink cold not that the water went to an aquafer and then y'all got the go go and tell don't worry about testing your wells it's all safe that's a lie it might be safe if your water you got a treatment plan on your water on your well I tell you what y'all go down some areas start drinking some water that's not treated all right drink it for years oh it's good youall better realize what you're doing before you do it if you approve a million dollars a night to for a repair that's the most acid nine thing I can even think of you better research that whole it's bigger than you think anybody else okay just to pick just to pick it back on Ace and Abby uh these are just concerned residents coming and sharing information with you information that's valuable for you to make an educated decision and is met with hostil hostility that's the problem we all supposed to be working together to serve one community and if we use everybody experience wisdom and knowledge to mold a great city of apopa that's what we're here to do that's what we here that's your job that's what we here to do so I just find it appalling that we don't honor these people for taking their time out to come and share information that obviously you guys don't know and then with the engineer he should have been able to answer that ASAP but he's giving y'all information like it's law that's a problem it's going to catch up with all of you because you in this seat and you're watching over the community I want to go back to parks and Rigs and this is one of the things where I was going to talk about diversity let's look at parking rigs we getting ready to have the Emancipation at Roger Williams Park over there okay now I want you to listen to what we doing over here to the north side and what we doing at kit Nelson which I'm in 100% agreement with I was just at K uh uh kitland Nelson Park with golfer Turles and I was sitting over there and I was looking at the park and I was really impressed and happy with the changes that I see the improvements that I see and the kids playing I was very happy with that but when we talk about diversity it should be all of city of par now I want you to read I was just pulling up the notes which the Dei committee supposed to to be sponsoring and and and and and approving this I was never invited to the party and when you do get invited to the party everything is already laid out for you it's a information meeting it's not okay we're going to do this we're g to do this what your suggestion on it's it's none of that it's all led by the mayor so we don't have Dei because the mayor do not want Dei but if you look at Alonzo William Park it's says no to the vendors Alonso William Park does not have water and electrical access you won't have that problem at the North in kitland you won't have that problem so why we got it at Lonzo Williams and here's another parking is limited veners parking is across the street on the corner of uh MH uh board Street and South harthorn Avenue you don't have that problem at the North and you don't have that problem at kit l so why we have it at Al of wheel inclusion that's including everybody making it great on the North side making it great on the south side we have to do better we have to do better if you can do it here there's no reason Alonzo William and then we was talking about the do the little limited the space they got now you talking about putting affordable homes on the property so that's going to even be less parking space so when we have these event we have no place to park our vendors have no electrical no water is that fair Tyler bench 3505 golden gem to further support the other gentlemen and their concerns after rain season there's going to be roughly 120 million gallons with green algae it's going to be a Cess pool for mosquitoes and health risk for the new developments on Golden gy and the residents uh because of the mosquito born illnesses such as malaria and other viruses I personally think $4 million would be the tip of the iceberg to refit and repair the pond and remove the water we need to find a way to sterilize the water soon or completely remove it to health risk to the popular residents Rod Olen 3156 Rolling Hills Lane uh this is not anywhere near the importance of the other items that people have covered but uh I've hit before but the aspect of unless its plans change the U uh pickle ball and tennis courts are scheduled to go in right off of brush Lan is that still the same uh next to the fire station 5 which means that we're going to have parking lot lights that are on all night we need to make sure that those lights go off when the cart Park is closed there's a dozen homes that back right up to that line on Rolling Hills Lane thank you thank youbody else Nick Maguire 1773 SLE Black Ridge Road ofka Florida um it's good to see that we adding and improving apaka however we added more tennis courts to the northern side what happened to this side we used to years ago I've been here in apka for 19 years now long time ago we used to have tennis court at um kin Nelson Park those were gone instead of um I'm not saying don't add more Recreation to a popka but can we get something this side and also the new quates if you do decide to put them on the Northern side can we have one at least one coat where there's a wall for if you want to play by yourself right now if you go to those courts you have to have a partner there's no wall that if you just want to play by yourself that's it thank you thank you all right anybody else not we'll close a public hearing before we go to a motion can we just go through some of those concerns Mr just to kind of get through and um we touched on the condition of water we're you're saying it's pre-treated already we're good on that front with it being stagnant we're not adding any more is there any additional concerns with water quality down the road no sorry okay commissioner no that that water was was treated to FTE standards and and our permit says that we can extract the water and and and energize our uh irrigation system across the city with it if if they tell us something different we'll follow what they do we coordinate with St John's and D con they're monitoring this as well or advising on this and making sure we we're keeping them completely okay and then in reference to in the future what are we looking like cost wise to do we need the additional tanks on that site or can it be pumps only to help actually bring this online and then there was a t I heard of getting this online in 25 is that accurate I don't know if 25 is accurate just off the top of my head I I know that we do have a design project right now with right Pierce that's going on to uh to try to reduce the um try to eliminate the tanks and and to uh instead have another pump system out at Golden JY to save money the the tank system came in to be uh very expensive substantial absolutely um and then this one to this wasn't considered an emergency correct like this wasn't an emergency allocation or anything like that no um it was not it did not impede um services so it did not qualify it as emergency but we knew it was something that was urgent and needed to be taken care of does Staff feel that we could benefit from a second opinion right now just to Triple confirm that what we're doing and spending a million dollars on we can sign our names to it and be very confident with it well my professional opinion is that we we don't need another we don't need another professional engineer other than Dr s Ram looking at this I I believe that he is the professional engineering expert in Central Florida I don't know of any competition that he has I I wouldn't know who else to go to to uh to get a second opinion but he just has an enormous amount of knowledge about this specific thing okay how many has he prepared I remember we did talk about that how many has he prepared in in the State of Florida I do not know the exact number I know when he worked for Orange County when uh when Mr budoo was there he he did dozens maybe at least dozens uh with the county final question and the the liner that we currently have do we know if there's any type of warranty or anything like that are we still exploring those options of any type of warranty for it failing or we're still looking into that we did we did ask for the audit that's of all of the test data and and other things from the installation and I've sent that off to uh Dr s RAM and Inwood engineering and they are evaluating that data and seeing if there appears to be something missing or something additional that needs to be provided we we've just got it recently okay understood I'd love to if we can get save some money there that would be helpful good yes all right look for a motion to approve resolution number 202 24-9 in the amount of 4,400 4 million what 4,430 1800 correct so thank you motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I'll oppos motion carries unanimously thank you very much thank you all right city council reports my my apologies mayor if we could I do need to ask that we reopen business it number six okay number M Sherman informed me that we do need to have that final total recommendation read as a motion that'll provide us the contingency for the construction projects so do you have the what I have on my script is that yep total recommendation just well it's award contract it doesn't but does have numbers on it okay okay okay yeah I'm sorry it was yes you're right it was on the all right um looking for a motion to the total amount of the bid recommendation of $471,500 the cdbg grant does not include any funding for contingencies a 10% contingency fund is being requested for items number one through three utilizing the AR rf-c Corona virus funds in the amount of 47,000 12510 the total project cost with contingency is $518,700 what they're bringing um they've really restructured done some incredible things I'm looking forward to their Endeavor they're doing some small projects and big projects and and just really bringing the community together which I think is cool um I know there presentations coming up soon hopefully we'll see um and then there's a service agreement that's being worked on attorney Shephard has that been reviewed by you is that the service agreement for Main Street of Papa I if there is one floating around it hasn't made it to me yet okay understood thank you um I know we're going to be working on that I'm excited to see them impact our community in a positive way um in reference to the forensic audit um M Sherman you weren't here last time you don't need to get up but just to Echo what I had said last meeting is that it's obviously very sloppy and inconsistent and uh when I'm sure it comes back we can make the edits there clean it up and send it out properly uh I will not have any office hours tomorrow uh due to um some conflicts and then also I won't be there uh next week either but I will be back the last Thursday in May and back to it that'll be 11: to1 every Thursday moving forward and then uh what I do need in our minutes uh for this meeting uh verbatim C clerk is that at on April 17 2024 uh the meeting minutes it was removed that commissioner has to said do you mean when you lied about the attorney is that what you mean I'm excited to see those fees as well U and with that I'm good commission Smith um I can't remember when it was but uh they had a u memorial for all the fallen officers at Orange County courthouse and I went in attended and the officers from Apopka that represented our city and participated in that event did an outstanding job and I was very proud of our police department and the participation that was put into that memorial for our fallen officer thank you anything else that's it wow commissioner blasquez I did have some things and I know we're running about 10:30 um first I I I want to say this and it's to our mayor I know that you do that you do represent us as a lobbyist up in Tallahassee and I do appreciate that the only thing I would ask is that when you go up to Tallahassee and you are advocating for us if when you return can you just let us know what we're what you're advocating for just so that we can support it true um and that's one of the things I wanted to kind of just bring up which was that with Tallahasse sure and also with uh our director from Recreation uh Bradley regarding the tourist tax dollars I know that we had submitted um I guess a request for the Grant and um there was some concern that initially we were submitting for somewhere between two and $3 million but it went up to 13 million and I just if you can just give so the public would understand what we're asking for sure so we uh the tourism development tax uh through Orange County they opened another application period for capital projects and those are projects anywhere from $2 million to 14 million I'm sorry $15 million so any projects in that realm uh you could submit an application for uh the application that was submitted uh for the city was $1 13.1 million uh request for two project areas one was for upgrades to the amphitheater um as we've been having more and more attraction for larger uh scale events that bring in tourism and then another was for four additional softball fields to again add to the inventory of fields so that we can bring in larger tournaments to the area so there was just some concern that because we put in for 13 million that we may not get it um only because um there are other cities and I understand is it 75 million over a period of years or is it 75 million in one year I I that was if you can explain yeah so the Grant application window was for 2024 or 2025 through 2028 there's a $75 million pot that they're awarding or they could potentially Award right I do know that uh I believe it was 126 million in Grant applications were received by the county it's in the first stage of review by the tdt committee um there'll be presentations those type of things that that go on as well so are we going and we're not the largest ask when not the log just ask no who else submitted I believe the the Orlando Science Center put in a request okay that I believe was larger than ours were other any of the other cities we're the only city that put in a an application so do you think that um you have that Drank in two stages in two it's two project areas just because they're two different the northwest complex is a large complex that's very diverse it offers a wide variety of recreation and Leisure uh so we did split into two project areas just to better Define those potential budgets for construction to make it easier for the the application so the F the first project how what was the amount for that first project because that's the one that um I believe that was the one that the our County Commissioner had really encouraged us to go out let me let me Gra I can grab that for you yeah thank you well while we're while he's coming I just give you some some context in this that you know we we have five hotels in the city of a Popkin and you you can't get specific numbers because because of you know Trade Secrets but we think that we generate between 750,000 a million dollars a year in hotel taxes that does not include sales tax that are generating from from our tournaments and from Amphitheater patrons so we haven't in the last six years have never gotten a grant from Orange County so to say that we shouldn't apply for $13 million Grant uh when we haven't we've the last six years have not gotten any grants from Orange County and we're generating a million dollar in hotel tax taxes every year plus sales tax who knows how many but if you look at the Radley have you sent the Commissioners the packet no I'll be sending that tomorrow okay so you'll get a pack take a look at the packet but um and if you look at the at the other folks that are applying they're either multiple multiple applications year after year after year or they're replacing air conditioners roofs that doesn't add you can't tell me that that puts one more head in the bed which is what the hotel tax is all about it's it's how do we generate more Hotel night stays and so to say that we that these two projects at Northwest won't generate additional heads and beds is is is kind of disingenuous so okay uh project area one was the softball fields uh that project request was 8.3 million the project area two waska Amphitheater upgrades that was $4.8 Million for the amphitheater 4.8 4.1 4.8 oh okay I for a total of 13.1 so we didn't put in for soccer fields we did not put in for soccer fields and the thought there was we have that in the capital Improvement plan for the next couple years to to add those well and we don't really generate you know heads and beds with the soccer fields I mean it's local we do get a lot more of the diamond sport baseball softball tournaments that come in all right you'll be forwarding the package to us yes I I'll send that in the morning and when will you uh learn to go before the board uh it's under review right now by the tdt art committee uh they have I believe until like June first part of July uh and they'll be if if we're in the running uh after their scorecard they'll have uh presentations scheduled as well the award doesn't happen till October though and let's also say that you know Bev weinburg you know told it hey Bradley hey mayor let you know let's go big so Bev weinburg who is the vice chair of that committee asked us to go big so we we went on her recommendation and I I feel like we have a pretty solid application we were able to pull quite a lot of data um to provide to show the impact the economic impact tourism impact uh to Orange County uh one and it's in the packet uh one just highlight of that impact we had a four-week uh we had a group come for four weeks to the Northwest complex they were high school softball and baseball teams uh they came for four weeks they had a thousand hotel rooms they stayed down by the uh Theme Park area so while they didn't stay in Apopka they stayed in Orange County those are tourism dollars that were spent in Orange County for a tournament for a program that was ran at our park for four weeks uh so a thousand thousand rooms that was a a pretty good pretty good impact okay so the other thing I know that we had discussed uh during my agenda review was that um at some point if this gets approved and all thing you are going to go you are going to be coming before us for some kind of Vote or approval um and I had asked that in the future because when you are applying for Grants we don't always know about those grants is there some way or some policy that we can create that says that when we're applying for Grants Just for information as I had asked our chair when he goes to Tallahassee the lobby or advocate for something for the city which I think is a good thing is to kind of just share that information with us right and as as we discussed in your agenda prep meeting share because I I actually learned from about this uh the you know the TTD which is the Tourist tax dollars I learned from it from our County Commissioner which I appreciate but I I would like for that information to come to all of us um so that we are aware that we are applying for Grants because maybe we want to kind of advocate also uh for something you know that we feel is important for our city um and that goes the same thing with Tallahassee you know when he goes up there what are we advocating for so that we can either support it or add to it or do something because that's I think as elected officials that that's what our residents want from us um just be aware of what's going on in the city yeah absolutely and as we had discussed there currently wasn't a policy in place on how that that goes forward but we can we'll be discussing the mayor new city administrator to new Chief administrator just to put something even if it's just information and I I think I even spoke to uh our Chief Financial Officer the same thing just information nothing that we have to vote on right away but that we at least have some knowledge of what our city is working on right whether it's a grant whether it's advocating in Tallahassee where there is something that's going on that we have intentions of spending some of the taxpayers funds that's all I'm asking for um if we can start kind of controlling our narrative because I I tell you the truth I going to social media to find things out and and then trying to figure out where you know is this truly happening is it not happening is it it it's sometimes it's discouraging so that's all I ask for I understand thank you that it um oh no there was one more and that was and I I think Mr Leroy Bell had touched on it so I just want on behalf of the city was to extend our sincere condolences to our Farm Workers because we do have a farm a large community here Farm Workers and to our friends over in the Mexican celant uh with Mr wabel is on the tragic loss of the eight migrant uh Farm uh Farm Workers that were lost uh on that you know tragic accident with the bus I wanted to at least acknowledge and and send out condolences to the uh farm recer community and I did have something else but I can wait for the next uh council meeting um and it has to do with the uh and I I will say it but I I will wait until the next council meeting and that has to do with the uh city building the chamber but I'll wait for the next council meeting for that because it's been a long night but thank you I think that's it okay commissioner Anderson okay out of respect for time I'll try to make it quick so in regards to the Dei committee is there a way I can actually be a part of that committee yeah there should be an email going out tomorrow for everybody just to confirm who you've got whe they want to continue to serve because I know a couple of them have taken on different roles they can no longer serve and obviously commissioner Anderson brand new so yeah you'll you'll have a somebody you can put our chuck had said he was going to yeah I don't yeah he should have sent the email we had it ready late last week and anyway you'll get that tomorrow and I have a question for Bradley as well so this is in regards to Alonzo William Park yes so it was brought up in public comment about the condition of a park that from from the from the community center that there's no something about no warning running water or do you know kind of what so what was being referenced is um to my what I understand the comment was uh kit Nelson Park does have power outfitted throughout the park uh as a for those type of community events um it does have some limited water typically for community events so we try to limit giving that out to vendors uh because it can put a load and if they rely on it and it doesn't work we're kind of out of luck so we we do try to push people to make sure they bring generators alonza Williams Park does not have power outfitted throughout the park like kitland nson Park does uh it can be something we look at uh to plan for the future as that Park if it continues to add those community events like we've had in the past and it's something we can look at for sure I think it's something probably should definitely look at doing yeah a lot of improvements have gone on to that park over the last year we've added uh a new parking lot a new shade structure um there's a new Trail that's going to be going the downtown of poka trail system will run right uh to the north of that Park um so there have been some improvements uh but we can certainly look at increasing that so in regards to the parking so there is sufficient parking at the park right now there's there's parking parking okay okay so there are there is some but for larger events it's always you know even K Nelson Park if we're using the field for part of the event parking becomes an issue uh so like the fair and those things it can spread out and become an issue but parking is definitely an issue normally at most of our facilities so but day-to-day activities for day-to-day operation it can suffice for the larger events larger rentals we we do struggle sometimes but that happens at Northwest as well okay thank you okay that's it thank you in addition to that um I want to address something in regard uh last uh city council meeting it was brought up about um this video that's circulating with AA Police Department um using um excessive force um I had the liberty of reviewing the video with Chief McKinley and also um some other members of his team and I just want to kind of address some things um I was disturbed by a few things I think it's important um in the climate where we are lacking um officers to understand how hard it is and how difficult it is every day to pull on that uniform and go out and not knowing if you're going to make it home and this is coming from someone who used to work as a probation officer and go on runs um with them and also almost lost my life from a door being kicked in and from someone not um following um law enforcement um orders um I reviewed the video and one of the things I can say in my experience in my training and also speaking with um the chief and also deputy chief about exactly what it is the protocol in regards to stops is that um this officer um in my professional opinion and um also uh did not use um and I would say on record did not use in my opinion um excessive force um I think that uh if you look at the video and I reviewed the video and I also looked at other videos that were circulating some seemed like it was altered on social media uh that off officer did everything um that in his power to make sure that one that he was protecting the person that was clearly not listening to his directives but also to make sure that he was safe um it was times where he could not see his hand he'd asked him several times to show his hand and he would would not comply um in addition to that I think it's important as leaders in the community when we see that they're not complying instead of yelling and screaming at the officer we should be encouraging them to comply and that's kind of what I witnessed and I challenge all of us in the community if we see um someone um that is not listening to to officers for one I think you should you know definitely keep your distance but you definitely should not be encouraging them to continue that behavior by um y yelling and screaming at the officers um we thank our officers for what they do um and of course um I'm the first one if something happens and I think that they have used sucessful Force I'll be the first one to call it out but I can tell you from my experience and what I've watched on that video the officer did everything um that I've seen um possible that he could do to to protect not only that person that was not listening to his commands but also to make sure that he make it home to his family so um uh that was I did make a commitment to review that video and um I don't I don't see that he used any type of excessive force so I did want to bring that up and um it's National Police Week and thank you officers for all you do thank you thank you for bringing that to our attention thank you thank you okay uh next up Cliff are you done I only got about 15 minutes so I I'll be I'll be brief a half hour from now I'll be done U I just wanted to mention that uh commissioner Vasquez Vasquez asked about the status of the charter Amendment stuff and I can bring it back whenever you guys are ready for it we have plenty of time because as I mentioned they will not let us put on the ballot till around March of next year uh which means the deadline will be sometime in December but I can bring it back to you as an ordinance for first reading whenever you want it because the amendments are done I just have to put it in ordinance format so if that's whenever you want it on agenda you tell me I'll get it to you okay okay thank you so um just ask the board to kind of uh commissioner neston regarding the city Charter amendments and commissioner Smith um I don't know if she if uh our newest commissioner has any of the new of the Amendments that we have decided on would you be able to send all that I can certainly sender have said of everything that's been done sure no problem okay and then we can review it and then decide uh which council meeting to bring it up thank you all right thank you mayor you bet all right uh let's see budget workshop dates we um we had them set when we've got the Commissioners can't make the week of the we got it set for the 22nd July 22nd 3rd and fourth so we're looking for some additional dates and so I mean if everybody can pull up their calendars please I'd like because we got the newsletter the monthly newsletter is going out I need to have it in the the newsletter tomorrow so I am looking for some dates oh which dates they 22nd 23 and 24 and it's got to be before that so I I had a week planned for the 15th and so I've I've canceled that week so if we need if we want that week either the week of the 15th or the week of the 8th of July okay because the city council meeting is the 3 and the 17th right but I I just is there either one of those weeks I mean I need you know we do three days you know it's it's a full I mean it's three hours or so for each one of them we go the E so can we do eight n 10 N1 8 n10 is that 8 N1 I did get confirmation from commissioner Anderson that she's available okay Mr Nesta you I just Emil was AVS Mr Smith 89 okay all right I was intending to do something like fly out but you'll owe me well I mean I can do the 15th if that's better okay okay 891 8 n okay all right thank you all right we will we will get that in the newsletter um that yeah we on the I believe okay yeah well we'll we'll we'll we'll figure it out we'll figure it out okay all right um emancipation day event we talked about it this Saturday uh from 9:00 to 1 at Alonzo Williams Park come on out a lot of great activities for kids families and may uh can we add one thing to the agenda for for for that dat uh it's going to be the first uh event that we've had since the passing of commissioner Alon Williams so can we have a moment of silence during that time absolutely that day you that on agenda please yes sir I will do it uh I'm sorry commissioner Smith what date did you say that that's for this for the Emancipation date yeah passing we can add that to the agenda okay gotcha on okay all right I will make sure that gets done all right uh let's see here Memorial Day service will be at our Edgewood Greenwood Cemetery at 11: a.m May 27th Monday so come on out for that um tomorrow morning if you got nothing better to do we're setting the polls or setting the cement for the wayfaring signs 9:00 here starting from City Hall I I guess yeah so if you we got 14 signs you were putting up around our you know downtown area so uh just porn cement so it's not sexy or anything it's just porn cement but anyway if you if you're interested come on out it's n o' atall yes tomorrow yes okay and then last but not least our good friend Jim hit is retiring on Friday at uh after 20 years of service to the city of apus so we want to thank him thank him thank him for his service so we got a little party for him I don't know no I guess no maybe not uh anyway we we we're supposed to it should be I don't know whatever but anyway but we just wanted you know it's it's it's it's great when you can honor somebody who's been here 20 years I blew it I blew it I blew it I am so sorry it was a surprise party that I just blew so I am so sorry Jim it's late it's late it's late late so with that we we will see you oh my God --------- e e e e good morning we'll call the DRC meeting to order it is May 15 20124 and we will start with roll call Community Development James H police Mike mckenley but I think we need to let everybody know that this is being live stream Bobby hey engineer Public Services um Richard's here did Chief say something about we're being live stream this morning I didn't I think you should notice everybody yes I am okay fire thank you Jeremy holderfield building John hon just to let everybody know this meeting is being live streamed uh so it is live uh if you're an applicant please come up to the mic and then State clearly for the record your name and your address also and uh for the DRC members please remember to turn your microphones on as well so we will start with uh the agenda the first item is rezoning pd2 2424 Florida ran Town Center plan development Amendment second submitt uh I am the project manager I believe the applicant is here in attendance you received your comments from the DRC or there any items you'd like to discuss okay all right with that we'll go around the development Review Committee uh Jim hit no comments please Mike McKinley I don't have any comments Public Services Richard her I don't have anything thank you fire Jeremy holderfield no comments and building John I don't have anything thanks okay thank you the next item is major development plan Tire Service Center Apopka major development plan MTP second submitt Mir Hamza is the project manager good morning everyone this is um uh a Mavis Tire Center on Rock Springs Road zoning is community commercial uh feature land use is uh commercial as applicant here in attendance today yes yes if you would like to come to before the DRC please state your name and address for the record uh my name is VJ cam I'm with bowler engineering and my address is 135 West Central boulevad uh Orlando Florida 32801 uh so we wanted to talk about the Mavis store and and uh uh particularly couple of comments from the planning uh planning division about the building facing the Rock Springs Road and uh asking us to change the orientation because they do not want the base of the vehicles uh like the vehicle entrance facing the road uh and we have been trying to figure out like is there a code that's making us do that but we couldn't find anything in the code that states that and uh so we just wanted to bring this to your attention and kind of discuss this uh in this meeting uh and I also want to point out like currently we have 120 ft set back from right of way of uh Rock Spring Road and uh we have a strong water Pond we have landscape buffer which kind of will hide the base uh the vular base so just wanted to find out like is there particular reason that city is looking for or like uh trying to understand if there's a way around it I know like they want the base oriented to a different direction so that it's not facing Rock Springs Road uh but we were uh researching the code and the only place where we could find it was for the Kelly uh Kelly Road interchange uh and uh I think we are little far off from where that code applies so just wanted to get CD's opinion on that I actually emailed uh yesterday with a reply saying it was under the building orientation code 4.4 4.1.1 uh under that code with her and I also sent an example of an existing um uh Tire Center on US 441 in the city of Apopka of how we want the orientation of the front you know setback uh but uh like one thing was like it said that it was for urban environment and this is in a subur environment so like because that uh Tire Kingdom uh picture you sent was built in 2012 on US 441 so just trying to understand like it's still it's still part of the same uh the current Land Development code still has the same uh from the previous land of go to the current one it still is applies to the tire Kum and also the new proposed uh mayis Tire Center so the code is still the same and urban area Suburban it's still like part of the city of apaka so it aderes to City of apaka Land Development code so like I have the code printed out here it doesn't really tell us like we have to orient the like the entrance away from sir may I may I um the development design guidelines apply Citywide like Amir was saying the city of apaka is urban it's a city it's not a rural City it's Urban uh the president has been set with these tire stores to have the Bays on the side where they're not visible from the rideways uh the development design guidelines apply Citywide our interpretation is is that automobile Bays cannot be visible from rights away it's unsightly we have a right to regulate architecture and design for buildings uh we don't allow metal buildings in the city even in industrial areas they have to be basically non-metal buildings so we have the right to regulate the architecture what's what's the reason for not wanting to have the bay so like if we Orient the building the parking will be facing the right off way and that kind of contradicts your code that was sent to us yesterday so that is the reason like we we are just trying to figure out like we tried to add to the city code but you are stating under the code that kind of contradicts what C says under 4.1.1 all you got to do is just flip your building around and that's it I get that but like your code say speciically says like you do not want parking again out facing the front of the street so what I would suggest is you look at the example of the Tire Kingdom Up by lows on 441 that's a perfect example if you Orient the building like that I think we have a we have a compromise you need to come up and state your name address for the record please mark suan the question that we kind of have with this is you're explicit with your code in Kelly Park and you're trying to direct State you know count Citywide to Kelly Park code why don't you just specifically state it like Kelly Park sir that's not the case it's actually it's actually not that t kingdom was built back in 2012 prior to this code being developed right so you're trying to create a subjective point that no one understands it you sent over 411 it had nothing in it about how to place garage doors it only said building orientation sidewalks pedestrian flow that's it and here we're dealing with garage doors Kelly Park is very specific on garage door orientation MH if we're going to do that let's be very specific don't leave it as best practice or think about what it should look like because now we're coming into this four months later having to have this discussion well that's actually not the case we told you that from the beginning that the buildings even during the pre-application meeting that the building couldn't be oriented like this I recall that conversation uh also the development design guidelines Kelly Park is a stand code it only applies to the Kelly Park area development guide design guidelines apply to areas outside the Kelly Park of which this property is located but you're trying to sorry man please finish the our it's our interpretation of the code that the the doors can't face the RightWay look at the previous examples that's all we're asking you to do but the previous example was built back in 2012 prior to the current code and that building lines up differently the lot is different so so it just sort of sets up in a slightly different manner I think it's a lovely way to build but again if your code was more clear and not fall back to what we said in 411 this is what it should be it doesn't state that and I'm like please highlight and show it to me so I can deal with it we're there's nothing there it's zero to it the only thing that you have in your code is through Kelly Park that states how to face orientation of doors otherwise you're going to put retail buildings up on the road different than everything outse in the entire city you want to have people have you might as well put Publix right up on the street and have Parry body drive around the building that's what your code looks like you're going to put your retail out front parking in the rear that works for an urban environment downtown doesn't work in a Suburban Market no one's used to it I've been doing retail for 40 years doesn't work M but and your code does work but if you can help us out with making a little bit less subjective and maybe if you want it to look like this maybe say hey look we're going to Kelly Park it I want your garage doors look like this don't say it's about Park and pedestrian access because we followed that we did everything you've asked for the building lays out off the road away from her well you've done everything you've we've asked for except for this that's subjective all you have to do is just flip the building and I think we have a compromise that's subjective it's not in your code I can defer to the director of Community Development on the interpretation of the code if you'd like okay sorry yeah we have been looking at the uh the code for other changes kind of like what we did for for Kelly Park I want to dwell on Kelly Park itself because that is a different section of the code what we do look for is the architecture orientation what the what the building is going to look like and just from a a a simple view garage doors with cars in The Bays is not attractive I I understand that but nowhere in the code do it state that that was a story we were told but I'm like well please show it to me in the code it is not in your code it's sub subject Ras to not be mind readers here but looks like we are again you're having an idea of what you want it to look look like well the building you use an example was done back in 2012 and like we want it to look like Kelly Park but we don't want to say it's Kell okay well then what is it going to be you know let's well you had a stand it's really not subjective in regards to where the garage doors are garage doors you put them to the side not to the front that's not subjective it's it's taking the garage doors and putting to the side it's not like it's in your mind it's not code it it's how it's How we were perceived interpreting correct and it's our interpretation there's a section in the code that says it's our interpretation also well you're also very explicit in other parts of the code this isn't explicit this is kind of throwing it back and going hey please do it like this we like this look over here but nowhere does it say that but you're very explicit in Kelly Park appendix a how look if we had start off with hey let's look at appendix a it had you know stick it over here it makes a lot more sense other than the way it's written right now right now our our like I said our our interpretation the way we want the city to look is to not have the the garage doors the facing the main road that's that's one or the other and that's that's how it's going to that but it's not in it it's again it's what we want the building to look like in terms of the what's facing from front what's facing the side so is there a b around it like maybe putting more landscape edging in the front of the along the right of Val so that is uh the garage doors are not as visible as they would be and maybe try to improve the architectural facade of the building so that it kind of meets what city is looking for in terms of like presentation from Rock Springs Road I'm just I excuse me yeah and you've got a retention pound in the front correct right sitting 20 or 25 ft from there we have a strong water Pond we have a hedge of uh PLS strong water dry water and then we have and if you want like we can have like a glass do on the openings for the structure if you want which would be much more presentable than the stor close I don't think we want to set a precedence I think your current Mavis building or is oriented to the one that they're asking you to do apparently according to Bobby it's been done this message has been relayed since day one of your meetings I wasn't there so I'm going to go with Bobby's word that the orientation of the building was that way your current Mavis building on 436 is oriented that way the tire Kingdom's oriented that way all the newer buildings are oriented that way and for consistency it's my recommendation we Orient it that way too what we can do is go around and do a roll call vote then of the DRC and see if everybody's in agreement with the interpretation of planning staff as far as how the building will be oriented um we've already heard from Community Development police uh public services I don't have expertise in reviewing planning elements of the code and I trust you and Jim's opinion so I I don't have anything else am I supposed to vote for something or vote agreeing with Jim and Bobby as my vote whatever that is thank you fire department I also agree with the planning department on it I think the um the consistency of the city and what we see now I think staying consistent with what we're doing and staying with that so I do agree with the planning department and building I agree as well but it like the gentleman has stated it probably needs to be more specific in the code for just not Kelly Park but the rest of the city as well thanks do you have other comments You' like to discuss with us no I think that was the major one all right in regards to the overall project we'll go around the development Review Committee uh community development director no other comments other than that police I don't have anything else thank you Public Services uh nothing thank you fire no comments and building nothing else thanks thank you very much all right the next item is Dutch Brothers construction site plan second sub Amir Hamza is the project manager this is a project on us441 zoning is a community commercial a feature land use is a commercial it's a Dutch Brothers drive-thru um uh coffee shop applicant is here in attendance today oh I see okay all right so air where the Comets pretty minor yeah they're pretty minor mainly La mainly landscaping and comets yeah ex okay okay so what we could do is wait and come back and we'll do another item uh so we could go on to FCS Industries construction site plan second sub midle Jean Sanchez is the project manager good morning Bobby this is a proposed light industrial use on um hawasi and aapka Boulevard um let me see here we did have some comments I received from the DRC and apologies struggling here today I just have some minor comments about this um particularly in reference to Landscaping um because this is a construction site plan so it's not going to go through the major development plan process um and it looks like public services also had some comments um so I'll defer time to the app if they have any questions or comments on the package they received through the portal all right is intendance uh please state your name and address for the record please JD Salazar baros engineering 7575 Dr Philips spard suet 260 Orlando Florida and we don't have any comments they were or questions they were pretty straightforward so we will be addressing them and resubmitting okay uh with that we'll go around with the development Review Committee community development director uh no other other comments police I don't have anything thank you public services I don't have anything additional fire no comments and building I don't have anything thanks okay thank you very much all right the next item is Madison Oaks construction site plan first submitt and Jean Sanchez is the project manager Bobby I think everyone is familiar with this project this is the multif family portion of the Wild Oaks development on the northeast corner of e Drive and Saddler Road extensions um I don't think I had much for this one at least not with planning um we did receive some comments from fire as well as public services and Engineering um and the applicants here so I'll leave that up there if they have any questions or comments Ronnie you got anything for us this morning all right abolutely anything for us as well yeah good morning McKenzie surgeon with kimley Hornet Associates 445 24th Street ver Beach Florida um a quick couple of questions on the public services and Engineering comments uh one of the comments talks about the number of units being approved as 88 over a 3.57 acre parcel um we should be approved for 325 units on a 12.06 acre parcel uh that's consistent with the site plan approval um so if if there's another document out there that is different uh excuse me is different then uh please let me know I think we need to discuss that one further um but we what we submitted uh for this round was consistent with the approved site plan and consistent with the other uh discussions on the overall Wild Oaks development so is consistent with the overall Master site plan yes okay if you could just respond to that in your comment I'm not sure why W found what consistency we can talk about it okay um and then uh we have a couple of other other comments of um where things are shown on the plans that I think maybe just were uh were overlooked or maybe we need some additional details so we'll send those to you via email um one thing that's a little bit more conceptual that we wanted to talk about is the requests for uh storm sewer and water profiles to be in one profile um we're breaking them out separately because they don't all follow the same path because it's a multif family development it's not a it's not a road so um as long as that's acceptable we're going to continue with that direction yes that's acceptable okay um and then a question for fire um the first comment talks about requiring a 35 uh sorry a 30 foot access driveway um NFPA one requires 20t and we would like to be able to use 20t instead of 30 this is about halfway down the first comment um the plan shall consist of at least a 30 foot wide access driveway that is clearly marked at least every 20 feet along the alignment that's for construction site access that's pretty consistent what we have all M the 30 foot 30 foot we try to stay at 30 foot on all construction site plans and on our jobs just to keep the room for our trucks to make access um I'd prefer stay at 30 foot okay so we are providing 24 because that's the final width of our Drive aisles um and the overall development was also approved at the 20 to 24 um my concern is that once we get into the second phase of construction there will be curving and other apperances above the ground that would inhibit that 30 foot and in the final conditions we don't have a 30 foot so that's essentially we're we're intending to match the width of the drives in final condition for that access road all right um I'll accept it as long as uh we're the upkeep is Good from the full width of it and all so I'll be out checking it and keeping up with it so all right I'll accept it okay and so am I following correctly that your construction driveway is going to turn into the the actual long-term usable driveway and so that's why at some point when you put curb in you're going to put it where it belongs instead of arbitrarily wider than that I think that's reasonable Jerry they Jeremy they do that in other yeah okay great thank you um no other questions thank you all uh Community Development any other items to no comments police I don't have anything thank you public services I don't have anything thank you fire no comments and building I don't have anything thanks all right I believe the applicant for Dutch Brothers and uh the North Orange Animal Hospital is here we could just go ahead and combine those two uh in the interest of time um so for the Dutch Brothers you received your comments you have any items to discuss with the DRC I think there were a couple comments if you could just state your name and address for the record please morning Mike FL whone Engineering Group I'm sorry you need address too yes 150 South woodlon Avenue in Barto um do you have a full set of comments or I think we're still a couple pending the one that I got yesterday so yeah what departments were you waiting on uh fire and police I think and transportation okay all right what don't we just go ahead and discuss the ones that we have right now and then we can kind of work into the other ones then uh we have some comments on the lighting plan which I don't think we need to discuss um Landscaping either um sorry I just got these this morning pred out for me apologize for being late I4 was fun with the rain coming down you're [Laughter] safe I'm happy for that um actually there are no other uh major comments on the Dutch Brothers site that I need to discuss here I'll probably Reach Out personally for a couple individual comments with landscape I have one question um the last time this came before is we discussed The Pedestrian flow at the animal hospital and I see it looks like that's been corrected and we have a connection going over to Dutch Brothers but I don't see anything coming from the road to Dutch Brothers as far as a pedestrian walkway designation uh to actually get to the Dutch Brothers building for pedestrians sure it's it's right in the middle of the frontage right in the middle of the goes right through the middle of the Ada spaces so you're expecting them to go down the sidewalk and into the front of the building so on the yeah so there's actually there's a connection in the middle of the Dutch Bros building out to the roadway and there's also is there a pointer can I use the mouse that's okay I apologize because I absolutely do not see what you're talking about that's okay no no here that's I get that but we're looking for pedestrian flow from the animal hospital and we've got it and then we just dead in it right there is there supposed to be some kind of connection going to the building going straight across or we going to have them go down the sidewalk to the front but then there's still nothing sidewalk sidewalk across here and then crosswalk right there okay yeah it is it's it's going to sidewalk to the front of the store the the median that's between the two Drive AES actually is it sidewalk is a ra sidewalk he can identify for here they were doing crossing here this way there okay so there's no parking through here or anything okay all right thank you sorry I apologize I'm not a expert on reading uh let's see and I don't have any other questions for the for either of the projects the Dutch Bros or the animal hospital however we would like to discuss momentarily if we can maybe we need to do this directly with planning department um about getting um utility permits for sewer that's actually Public Services Department Richard so Animal Hospital is having an issue at the moment with their plumbing and that's why we're proposing a new lift station for them instead of connecting into their existing septic tank we're going to take that offline um is there any way to possibly speed up the D applications for a sewer permit while we work through these last few comments have for you um so basically asking if they can try to get some site work started early so they can start the construction on the lift station have you uh have you submitted the pass through fee and added the flow from the Animal Hospital to the city's Dynamic Force M model yes we submitted that package for both of these projects um right after our first submittal okay the um typically I won't sign the FD permits until you have all the approval and you're ready and and it's one of the final things we do before the certificate I mean before the preconstruction so in this case that that doesn't work for you for some reason um because with no construction can begin until we have the pre-construction meeting for the site work absolutely no construction on site of any kind understood yeah um I think they're really just wanting to start some of the plumbing work are you looking to and I apologize CU I've been to the building recently um it's my understanding the plumbing in the existing Animal Hospital is not functional correct and so they put pets outside to accommodate customers so are you looking for something to remedy the current building that will be in compliance with being able to connect to the Future building is that make more sense yes we'd like to start construction on the lift station there's something they can do yeah I think they can do list station independent of this approval at at city council and and that's just and we do it occasionally when people abandon septic tanks and we uh through Public Services we act independently and we we conclude that we have them submit a study for the list station and we conclude it all works but but we don't come to DRC for that so let's separate that out as a non drrc issue you'll just need a building permit through the building department for that okay and and we can uh if you get the lift station design report oh we already have that so that that's done so yeah yeah it's it's submitted to the consultant and my understanding is they can take a little while to get back to you so we don't want to wait three months for response from him which I kind of understand it might take sometimes D takes three months is that no the consultant that the that you send the force man modeling out to oh no he should be he should turn it around two weeks you can call me if he's if it's taking longer than that if you've given him all the information he needs I think it's been three weeks now since we submitted it so all right I apologize it's taking so long we short staffed doing our best sounds like we have a solution though to be able to do the the station portion so yeah so I'm sorry what was your name Richard or the city Eng yeah you've actually been on some of the emails I think where we discussed some of that so I I'll reach out to you separately about the The Lift Station construction and John Hansen's our building official so okay you'll be able to get the permit yeah so the most efficient way to get that permit signed is to uh submit it well fill out the permit and you know that as an example is you know name and address my name and address and phone number and title and and uh as much of the information you can fill out as as you can please do that and then get it to Margaret Caden she'll print it and then put it in what's called my daily file and I get to that I try to get to it three times a week sometimes I only get to it twice but if everything is uh is complete and I can open up your permit and track it and you know track in in the city system then then I can approve it pretty quickly after that so if you just get that so get the package to Margaret's and you tell her please put this in Richard's daily file and then it'll get my attention Margaret is that what you said Margaret Kaden Kaden okay yep and she's going to be the one that coordinate your preconstruction meeting so you'll want to uh be familiar with her all right any other questions comments on either project did you say you're waiting on Fire's comments yes they just they were still pending when we got our comment list yesterday I'll check into it I don't think I have any comments on it but I'll check into it okay I just had one question I was trying to figure out how the uh the Animal Hospital works or how the is this two separate Parcels it seems like they're they're being permitted as two separate construction site plans but yet they rely on each other completely the the parcels are being separated we're doing a parcel split I think it's actually been official already now um they are dependent on each other they have a common Drive AIS and shared not shared they're separate dumpsters in the back but a shared drive all back to the dumpsters they they've reached an agreement with one another to build the infrastructure necessary for each project um I think they're actually going to end up getting constructed at the same time um we're working through some some bidding on that we have identified on the plans the necessary infrastructure for each project to stand alone and that is shown on the construction plans for each projects thank you all right so what we'll do is we'll do um first for Dutch Brothers any further questions comments then we'll talk about the animal and any for the animal hospital so for Dutch Brothers Community Development any questions or comments other comments police I don't have anything else thank you Public Services don't have anything thank you fire no comments and building I don't have anything thanks okay and then for North Orange Animal Hospital uh or Community Development no comments police okay public services I don't have anything fire no comments and building I don't everything thanks all right thank you I think we're getting close on this one yes okay you're welcome have a great day Plymouth Harbor major development plan first submitt I'm the project manager uh the applicant is here in attendance Mr Summit mind introducing yourself for the record Jeff Sumit with Summit Engineering 3667 Simons in place Lake Mary and just a real quick Richard I get comments from public services or transort no stop Oh you mean Public Services Transportation why didn't get transportation planning or public services engineering comments posted I didn't have any public service engineering but I can I'll relook and see if well okay I have some I have some items I would like to discuss with you so okay uh Bobby we'll go to planning if we could real quick comment number two in regarding the carst issue from 15.2 so we did submit a Geotech report we did do a full exploration of the site we do not have any car issues on the site was noted in the report do you need anything further for that just put it in the response letter I read the Geotech I probably didn't see it okay all right Richard did you want anything specifically in regards to that issue I know in the past we had kind of sent you a one-off letter from the gch specifically stating that it was evaluated consistent with policy 152 and that there wasn't anything on site just for the file yes okay thank you that that's the best that's the cleanest way to do it I think okay uh as far as the recreation Bobby and the open space so sheet 8 and I will correct the table on sheet 8 as far as the numbers that you noted and comment um number six but we did show I think we have way more than enough open space in regards to the site in the percentage we far excess of the 20% requirement as far as the recreational area we did have our little dog park open area uh down there in the southwest corner that that does it it is the size of two what would be standard Lots obviously we have a lot of non-standard lots that are bigger than the code requirement for the zoning category okay did you need to see anything further there you could just put a note on the plan that states that the dog park area that you're referencing is the equivalent of the two and a half lot okay I'll put an area on it just to clarify uh then you had a comment uh as far as the lighting so obviously this is going to be a public streets with Duke lighting we've been kicking Duke to the back end of the progress because they won't touch it until we're in final okay so can I just submit that as part of the response in regards to the lighting and ask for a deferment to final yes sir okay um wall along pum sento so we did not show a wall along fim sento because of the elevation change are you going to require a wall along fim sento I don't believe one is required um I'll go back and relook at the code but never anything that says but yeah definitely landscaping and everything yeah the landscap the Landscaping the Hedge and the opacity we showed we we didn't show a wall and didn't have details for it because we we're not currently proposing one okay okay uh as far as the green point standards I did have the green point standards on sheet seven at the bottom on the site data table how we're going to meet our fourpoint requirements yes I I did calculate that and I think what I did was I forgot to take that comment off of my checklist okay so so don't just just reply and just respond accordingly yes okay and then in regards to the last two comments you had as far as the roundabouts and the street flow issues and then the complete streets design so I think we do meet the the complete streets design with the sidewalks and the pavement with I was a little I was having trouble following the comment regarding the stop signs and the roundabouts were you are you talking about the road that runs on the west side of the property up to the CAC by the lift station is that the one that you're worried about exceeding 800 feet that's correct because we do have the curving we do have the curves we have two curves on that road before you get to that intersection that then goes to the north and that distance from that intersection to the CAC is less than 800 feet at that point okay so that was the only reason I didn't make that a three-way stop okay that should be sufficient okay um I think that was it for your comments Bobby and then have any building comments or police comments or fire comments Richard I did want to talk utilities on this one um and and and then the other thing I wanted to talk about is I showed it on the plan I don't know if you saw it on the detail specifically but I did show a request for a wall to be higher than six feet on the uh south side of that retention Pond and I wanted to see if that would be something that we could look at because this site has a tremendous amount of elevation chains from the south to the north and so when you look at the cross-section through that what is that wedge because we we are making that connection to sarento Avenue on the south side because we do have those two residents that are just directly to the South that don't have any way to get out to ply sento so by by making that connection we're continuing that traffic flow making sure those people have access in the future after we develop because I know Orange County's going to make me get rid of biley Hill Road right they're going to make me get rid of that driveway when we put the new entrance on for the for the subdivision and so to accommodate those individuals we really have to you know have to keep the grading a little bit Tamer than I would otherwise because of that connection and in part and parcel with that I'm kind of asking if you would let me do you know maybe it's not a stack block wall maybe it's a important Place wall or a CMU wall something that's a little bit beefier than than the stack block and and if you would let me exceed that six foot height requirement that's in the code well I'm planning and zoning we I double team that with them as far as the I can't allow I I can't support it if it is a traditional segmental block wall that's higher than six feet tall because I've seen those fail throughout the city uh for things like sprinkler had broken and no one notices for amount of time and next thing you know the walls fallen down so uh so it needs to be a fdot style wall there's a I've got a I've got a schematic if if you want to see it it's called a gravic system which has been used in the city also dot you know uh port concrete gravity wall or other types of dot walls that are poured uh I'm fine with there may be some other product out there that's approved by uh the Florida Department of Transportation that's the criteria that I follow so you're talking MSE walls basically potentially I mean there's other walls yeah butman walls with soil anchors is what you see on the overpasses I mean I call them MSE but they there's a ton of different products that they use on those yeah I used to work on them 30 years ago and they're not building them the same now because I get to watch the 429 Co po every morning and it's not the same system we use it's not the old it's not the old interlocking grids l0s but uh anyway um so I could support it being higher than six feet I don't really have a criteria that's when it trips over to Planning and Zoning where uh they have aesthetic considerations of walls greater than six feet and there's a variance required and so Bobby you got any comments on that yes so you would have to go through the variance process on that and there would have to be a hardship Dem ated could we tie the variance to the mdp we couldn't request it on the mdp would it have to be a separate application the variance has to be a separate application because it's a separate process and it's approved by the Planning Commission either approved denied or approved with conditions by the Planning Commission but in in reality then your mdp is tied to the variance the design of it would be tied to the wall that you're you're bringing up right so so it would be a wise idea to bring them both at the same same meeting uh to Planning Commission um because but I but I couldn't ask for it as a waiver to the code or a variance to the code in regards to the mdp application since they both have to go since they go to the same public hearing process we couldn't it's a separate process with a separate fee okay okay and then Richard last thing I want to talk about is utilities obviously we we've talked about it many times but one of the things we have done is we we've looked at talking to the HOA to the north on the on the east side of ply sento and we're looking to see if they're amable to allowing us to have a utility connection agreement with them and easement for the purposes of construction and maintenance in the long term to see if there's any feasibility of being able to pull that off simply because you know as we discussed putting those utilities down pumma sento I understand what the master plan says but Dynamic with Plymouth sento and the RightWay and the fact that it will be expanded at some point in the future that I don't know if any of us will be alive when it gets expanded but the acquisition of the RightWay Orange County is not really making any efforts and it's and it's so peacemeal to the South you know and trying to put those very large Utilities in a very confined Corridor I already know Orange County's going to give me grief about it because they're not going to want that stuff to be anywhere near their pay on their future expansion plans even though they really don't have a CIP project in place for blo so we're looking at that option and wanted to see if you'd entertain it because of the fact that there's just a lot of variables to the South with the utilities that we we don't have answers to right now and I can work with you Jeff it sounds like we probably need to sit down and talk it through I thought we had talked about connecting to the subdivision we did time in the past seem to make sense at the time don't remember the specifics of well I mean the issue was is you guys it was those are private roads right community and private roads and for us to make those connections we would have to get on private HOA property and obviously you can't make them make let us connect and so that really needs to be a private agreement between two private entities and so that's kind of the approach we've been taken just want to make sure you're meable to it yeah I mean if you and I sat down and we talked about it and we agreed that works then I'm I'm not going to change my opion on you I mean I I don't remember how you convinced me it would work but if you could get an easement I I know it's called smoking mirrors it's a it's a little thing IA it's like I'm a really bad magician yeah I'm not on the strip in Las Vegas I'm way off the strip with my show it's really not that great a show but you know got to make some side income somehow that's all I have can you explain this St out I think it's going to be to the South where you said you're connecting to two residence so well we're not connected to the residence Chief we're we're that's a RightWay that's actually a plattered RightWay to the South at sento Avenue so is it hitting a road is that a road it's not paved Road it's a paper RightWay that Orange County has so this project I've worked on this project for several years it's kind of come back to life and died and come back to life many many times um but we sento Avenue us used to run all the way through this property to the north property line so that portion of serrento Avenue was vacated by the property owner a few years ago through Orange County and those vacations were recorded and so what happens now is that there's two residents to the South adjacent to the 429 that basically come through our southern boundary line and get out to Plymouth rento on Bailey Hill Road which you know it's got a streets sign there I'm sure you're familiar with it and that's their access in and out of their property so yeah since we're going to develop this the county is not going to let me have a master driveway for my subdivision and keep a substandard basically residential driveway on PTO that's that's used by two residents and so I was going to go ahead and pave that access to Plymouth road to the South to the property line so that those residents could then come through the public roads in subdivision to get their access back out to Plymouth rent so there'll be nothing going and I don't know if I have my orientation right I'm assuming North is this way yes that's correct yeah on this plan so there's nothing from your stub out to the east to Plum Reno then no it's correct now the I only have one connection point to pmus rento and then my secondary access for fire protection is to the South to sento which is the two residents are in the county not sure if they're in the county or not I know the ones on Plymouth sento directly to the South or in the city I'm not sure if the others have Annex J Jeremy my concern is is what kind of Base do you have because I'm going to assume that's probably within our mutual Aid agreement to assist Orange County in that area um and I haven't been down there to I'm gonna assume the County's it's a dirt it's a dirt road I mean it's a stabilized clay dirt road is what it is yep that's that's it I'm sorry no it goes all the way south to what is it yers down there or left it's but you can't drive a fire truck all the way down there through that or may or can you I mean it's been a while since I've been on that it seemed like a little tiny thing with branches all over the road I mean there's power poles in it I mean they run electric down it so you know it's maintained so it has asphalt on it or is it just it's Clay it's Clay it's an old clay stabilizer I have to go out and take a look at that that's definitely I'm just concerned that that's going to be our second point of Ingress and egress and can the fir Tru get down there off of others or wherever and what that looks like I'll go out today and take a look at it get a visual on it well and Jeff while we're talking about it I guess the uh you had mentioned traffic engineering analysis traffic study you know concept of traffic study where where are you with uh Pam's uh previous approval of turn lanes and deceleration Lane length and trips and concurrency and all those things so we did submit a TI with the with the mdp we did submit a traic study okay so just recently submitted with with this application okay and so you didn't get any response back for no and I show the left and I show the right that's going to be required well and I just I mean I uh you know having to deal with uh with one with with a staff member that that's in charge of that historically out I'm not really sure how to react so well PL those a county red so at the end of the day it's going to be what Orange County wants yeah but we're going to need to review and approve it and and that means that I'm going to be responsible for making sure it's reviewed and approved and and the the two ways for me to do that are either that staff person comes back and deals with it or I hire another staff person in the next two weeks to deal with it or we collect a pass through fee and I hire one of our Consultants to coordinate with your traffic engineer to uh to convince me that your all your traffic elements of your project meet City standards um and I know you're kind of a first on that I haven't really talked to anybody else about it but that's going to have to be what I do if uh if I don't get a staff member to help me review these things in the short term and I'm on vacation from 23rd to 31st so you won't hear from me during that time no I didn't approve that how' you get that approve that didn't come across my desk but I realize we just can't delay you in definitely and I want to make sure that doesn't happen so I wanted to just let you know all that up front okay [Laughter] any other questions Richard or anything else I see one from fire it's coming up I can I can see it I don't really have a comment I'm just tracking the map and the road I'm gonna go out there and take a look at it today I'll be okay yeah just just email me let me know what your thoughts are I mean the other option we can look at doing is looking doing a stabilized access off Plymouth sento to the culdesac in the northeast corner if we need to the purposes of a secondary access it would just be a stabilized access point down to the culdesac at that point that might be the better benefit just so I'm not dealing with Orange County's real because I mean well that will still that that's going to be plento so you would be dealing with Orange County's Road still at that point I mean I know the county is not going to give me grief it's if it's stabilized as long as it's not a paved access right it's not a secondary access because it' be too close to the intersection but I mean I've got that big open space track that goes out to the RightWay there so you know either way we can we can work with you to get that secondary access that you can get to for the fire trucks I'm not I'm not terribly worried either way thank you I have a cur this more of a curiosity question than anything but how are you going to transition from the paved stub out to that Clay Road to ensure that it doesn't wash out all I'm doing is meet and grade right there there's actually a little bit of a hill right there and it kind of breaks both ways if you look at the Topo so part of it's coming to me part of it's going to the South so I'm just going to dead end that pavement right there with no curb you know normally if we're working in Kelly Park and we had to do the the connected streets issue we would curb the entirety of the road to try to keep that that wash out from happen will there be some kind of like concrete concrete strip at the end of the asphal just doesn't chip away just like yeah ribbon curb 12 can I apologize yeah 12 inch or 24 inch wide ribbon curb right there just that'll be the that'll be the transition it won't be a race curb like we normally do with the F curb on the perimeter it'll just be a yeah just be a ribbon curb transition so that you have a hard Edge on the asphalt so it doesn't push yeah this is a gated emergency that's going is it g or is it just a the emergency access road we're talking about right now the one on the South Side yes no it's a public RightWay it's a 50 foot wide public actually using that road into that they have access to it I'm not sure I'm following the question the public can take that down to take that down to others basic people that live in this subdivision can do the same thing as the two hous yeah it's it's a once it's ploted it'll be a public RightWay access by anybody in the public that wants to use it yeah it's not it's not gated it's not private none of that's being proposed no okay well just thinking out loud I I the one option would be for this subdivision to take some sort of responsibility over that connection down to y's Road and keep maintained and you know certainly not PID but you know maybe stabilized or maintained or something just talking out loud I don't know if that's an option you want to explore Jeremy would not only yeah definitely not only that like the trees like that's what I'm looking I mean the St I don't know if you have your 133 fo6 clearance on the trees out there I don't know I mean the power company's got poles down there so you know they're going to come through and cut the trees back because they don't let anything get near the near the poles and the wires I just I haven't driven it myself in a long time probably a couple of years so I just don't know if you know if it's overgrown or if you have your clearance I mean widthwise I think you can definitely get a truck down there the question is is you know do you have your height clearance on both sides and do we have anything overhanging lower than the height clearance that would restrict the width yeah I think drive as far as driveability is concerned it's going to be bumpy but you know welcome to roll a popka right why you got four-wheel drive police fire trucks that's old Apopka not new apka right I grew up here so I did know what you're saying all right thank you I'll go take a look at today okay that's all I got Bobby okay thank you Jeff um we'll go around community development director no comments police I anything else thank you Public Services everything else thank you fire no other comments and building I don't anything thanks all right thank you we will look out for your resubmittal thanks okay uh there are no items on the agenda after this uh discussion this is Jim's last meeting with us uh the last day here is Friday he's retiring yeah I I'm older than you [Laughter] are that's why I think say thank you for the Dr and also anybody that's listening uh for for all your support and uh your thorough reviews keep it up good jobs thank you we wish you the best in retirement thank you absolutely we're gonna miss you y wish we were going with [Laughter] you Bobby can I ask a question are we still in uh other other thing um the live stream thing is that just something and and mainly just need to deal with my fame potentially here I deal with this in AA County everyone in the community watched it so is this going to be live streamed for as far as we know it's going to be live streamed from now on um one of the reasons is that uh this way people don't have to wait for the ver for the U audio portion to be released onto the uh internet and it's they get the information right away in terms of what uh what occurred okay yeah I don't have a problem with it I just didn't know whether that was a this week thing for some special reason I don't know or whether that's just a new consistent thing to do it we're hoping that by people actually listening in that they don't have to do all the public record records requests um it'll you'll save everybody a lot of time and a lot of effort um as you know we're getting a lot of public records requests and if they can hear it right now versus having to wait for the audio and then also having to call back and what do you what did you mean about that they can actually see it and hear it and uh and see the uh see the the maps that are being put up or the drawings the schematics the development plans things like that yeah I like the transparency of it so I just it definitely helps with that yeah any other items for discussion all right we're adjourned for