we'll call it March 20th city council meeting to order commissioner Smith would you give us a prayer pledge and fact of the day please sir assume the attitude of prayer Our Father God we come once again before your presence humble it as we know how come to say thank you for all you many blessing bestowed upon us we ask on father as we now partake of this meeting Lord you will replace hate with love replace confusion with peace and that you will lead and guide us oh God as you will only have us to do that all that we shall say and do be pleasing and acceptable in your sight in thy son Jesus name we pray amen amen I algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for stand One Nation indivisible with liy and justice for all fact of the day on March 21st 1965 3,200 civil rights demonstrators in Alabama led by Martin Luther King Jr began historic March from Salma to Montgomery the state's capital to raise awareness of African-American voting rights federalized Alabama National godsman and FBI agents were on hand to provide safe passes for the mark which twice have been turned back by Alabama State Police at selman's Elma petus Bridge fact of the day [Music] okay all right anybody needs any adjustments to the Amendments if not look for a motion to approve not that they have to be changed um I don't know if it's maybe it's just transcription issues but when we talking about that one like the little piano key pieces of property it got written as piano key individuals as what I was saying where that came from but like little scrier things but just for the record I didn't say piano key individuals it's piano key shaped pieces of property anyway small so does that mean you're motion to approve sure motion to approved by commissioner Becker second second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor I I'll oppose motion carries all right blanch presentation of local preference and minority and women own business enterprises mwbe good evening mayor Commissioners um the presentation before you tonight is a result of a resolution that was passed by the apar Chamber of Commerce um the board Council requested that we go back and look at what some of the other agencies are doing and look look at our policy as well y'all know I don't Rob how do I get there he thank you okay so again we're going to talk about local preference in minority business Enterprise and women business Enterprise and so local preference policies at first in regards to the city um local preference policy is defined as a current active business with a city with a business tax receipt within the apka jurisdiction 10736 one is related to bids and requests for quotes under $50,000 if everything is equal in regards to price qu quality and service the local um business will prevail if it's over 50,000 that's when we apply to 3% for the lowest bid incentive in regards to some of the local vendor data for the past say five years we've had about 15 vendors 27% of the contracts awarded were for local vendors that's in yellow that 27% 73% of the contracts were outside of the city of Apopka that's 11 vendors but 40% of that 73% we did have some local vendors that did submit however they were greater than that 3% this chart before you details that out in regards to those 15 vendors the ones highlighted in green are those contracts that we had some local vendors but they did not get those Awards because they did exceed the 3% the lowest one is 8% to that threshold the others ranging from 10% or higher some even 49% 18% and 73% as you can see so other counties and municipalities we did go and reached out to those and looked at their programs as well and Orange County has a reciprocal program that they use and city of Orlando Goa and the state does not have a local preference program however Highland County does have a program and it ranges from 2 to 5% I'll go into the details of the programs as we continue oh Lord need to go back give me a minute me and the PowerPoint don't like each other okay orange Count's program Orange County's program again is a reciprocal type program they look at the lowest responsible and responsible and responsive bidder and if a bidder that is outside of Orange County has the lowest bid they will give it to a bidder that's in Orange County with the next lowest bid so that bidder that's outside still doesn't get it it will still always have to be a business within Orange County and a principal place of business in Orange County I don't know if it's me or this slide thing we ain't we're not getting there okay get Highland County Holland County again they have thresholds for formal quotes and and seal bids again it ranges from 2 to 5% it depends on what it is and the lowest price must be offered by a vendor that's located outside of Highland County County and then the price it goes to the local vendor within the county at 5% if it's between that 7,500 and that 250 as noted for formal quotes or seal bids and as going down to other conditional seal bids is the same thing but it's 4% 3% and 2% [Music] okay in regards to the pros and cons for local preference we do see some pros improving and protecting the local economy by keeping the tax dollars spent on contracts in the local area achieving established policy and goals to assist the local economy retention support and education of the local businesses local businesses shall be defined as a business that has a main office within the corporate limits of apopa has a valid City business tax and pays property taxes directly or indirectly to the city in regards to the cons it could be a potential increase in the cost of the local taxpayers and government to implement a program it could also limit supplier competition outside the local area which may limit equal opportunity it may reduce the incentive for local businesses to provide the best value for the purchase of goods and services and establishing a a establishing and defining a fair process to define a local business to include geographic location requirements management and ownership control and in addition it could prolong and complicate the potential overwhelm the procurement administrative processes staff and operations so in regards to the recommendations the city currently has the 3% in place for Lo uh local preference what we'd like to do is over the next 12 months continue to monitor the new contracts and local vendors and see if there's a a change but at this time do not change it from 3% to 10% and after 12 months considering implementing the policy where the vendor must be within a certain percentage perhaps 2 to 5% of the lowest price offered and be based on a procurement threshold with similar structure as to Highland County if the data supports doing so okay now I'm going to go into the you want to stop here with questions I continue yeah let's want any questions on that that piece okay okay so the next topic is U the minority Women Business Enterprise policies as a definition minority B Women Business Enterprise is a for-profit Enterprise which is owned controlled and managed by minority or women groups or members look look at 51% ownership in order to establish that in any regard there is a diversity certification that isir required and can be issued by federal state or local levels in regards to the city of course there's no language in our policy that pertains to that however in regards to some of our grant funds the community uh cdbg Grant there is a resolution that was adopted 2021-22 where again those requirements applied at least 51% of the one or more persons having ownership and it had a goal of 2% and the vendors associated with those programs where we had those funds were M and Garcia Garcia is doing um phase one sidewalk and M was the Alonzo Williams Park Community Center there also as it relates to the minority women business priz goals and advantages examples of goals would be um those percentages based on dollars they could be monitored you know again by a separate Department such as business development an example of a goal is percentage of contract projects or percentage of good Goods contracts to be awarded some of the advantages and some of the programs that I'm going to share with you um some people give advantages like additional percentage may be allocated to a vendor because of being a mwbe or additional points in the solicitation process in regards to Orange County they have 25% 27% 10% and 24% as listed for construction Professional Services procurement of goods and procurement of services but they also can do a direct award for those solicitations under 100,000 and again they are they do have a certification program but they do accept certifications for the city of Orlando and the State of Florida the city of Orlando is a little different um they have goals for MBE and goals for wbe and their goals established based on a percentage 18% but it's based on their annual monetary contract value and subcontracts and for wbe that that percentage is 6% they also have advantages uh for each program as well the city um they really have struggled I guess to achieve that goal that say if they don't meet that goal they will allow an award to the lowest bidding minority Enterprise in order to help meet that goal that's one of the advantages of the program and the same for the wbe program in regards to Goa for non-federally funded projects 25% for mwbe um for construction projects 17% for goods and services and 177% for Professional Services and and one of their advantages is the special assistance that they offer to um mwbe go also has a certification program and they do accept certifications from Orange County and the State of Florida in regards to the state the states accordance with Section 2870 945 they have to establish goals and as that is established by the office of divers Supplier Diversity and they make make recommendations to the legislature on revisions of the goals and they're kind of updated at least once every five years they have a certification program and they do not accept um forms from other entities or municipalities they have advantages in regards to network and possible funding opportunities for mwbes now the Highland County program is similar to their local preference program program in regards to the percentages still ranging from 2 to 5% for quotes and seal bids but it starts as an advantage not as a goal is only if there is a lowest prices offered by non women nwom and non-minority business Enterprise that is located out the county when this applies that's when it will apply and Highland will take mwbe certifications from other entities and municipalities some of the pros and cons associated with the mwbe program is increase in good faith and Outreach efforts to work with the mwbe additional support to the state in in regards to their goals may increase contracts awarded to mwbe may require separate Department to manage and Implement and require the mwbe to the city of aapka and it may increase growth education and job creation in regards to the cons establishing a realistic program goal that is based on a disparity study and Community assessment something like a feasibility study there may be some unforeseen challenges in attaining those established goals several of the agencies I just mentioned they do have struggles trying to you know maintain those goals but it can prolong complicate and potentially overwhelm the procurement administrative staff and current operations and again one of the cons May require separate Department in regards to the recommendations the city does not have a policy in place at this time we recommend that we do perform a disparity study or Community assessment or a feasibility study to obtain the defendable data which is needed prior to implementing a new policy for this program and if it's warranted establish and Implement an mwbe advant advantages advantages are established and implement the goals based on the results of the study and the assessment all right any questions for blanch I know that we spoke in depth about this and first I want to say thank you because um I thought this was important for us because now we have some data and we have some information and um on how to go about it if we want to do this now we did speak about a feasibility study yes and uh so I just you know I'm going to ask you to repeat what would that cost the city to do that before we even considered doing uh uh you know implementing a policy exactly we're still researching that now in regards to the disparity study that I mentioned that was a joint effort between Orange County city of Orlando Goa Orange County Public Schools and that was quite costly it was about $900,000 but that was a disparity study in regards to feasibility study is we're looking to see if it's CMI or Oola County that actually had that study done and we're trying to find out what they paid but at this time we don't really know that cost so we're still researching to get that cost do we know any other city or that is trying to conduct a feasibility City uh for their city that we can kind of partner with not at this time we're we're calling around and asking about it but not at this time um we don't I don't think anyone you know because those programs are already in place and they probably go through a process where they're trying to redefine their goals as far as Orange County city and all of that but the ones that are trying to do new programs they want to understand what the impact would be are we you know uh not supporting the local businesses like we should or you know things like that so the only one that we know about that was more recent was either cmia or our SEL accouny and we're trying to get that information so I appreciate that we're going for the next 12 months or kind of a year we're just gonna kind of follow anytime we have a procurement out there to to ensure that we are giving the opportunity to our local yes businesses to be able to uh bid and have the opportunity to be awarded a bit yes ma'am okay um I appreciate all the you know especially where you said that they have to be it has to be a business a physical business in the city yes that's the current definition okay m okay Mr yeah uh thank you for the presentation uh just and I know it wasn't on purpose but there's no cons right I mean the there's no Pro there's no cons on this side of the equation in the sense that you know obviously we want to incent local business we want to incent women and minority owned businesses from from doing work in the city of apaka so it's more considerations than cons but I like how you laid it out in terms of the like the disparity study and the community assessment I'm not with disparity study terms so is it more about because I like the idea we want to set goals right we can't set a threshold because we can't force a different demographic or a local business to to bid on our on the work that we're doing so right it's kind of hard to set a threshold but it's good to set a goal so does a disparity study and Community assessment helped say we should have uh I'm making numbers up here but 25% of all of our Capital Improvement should be through this group and but setting a 25% threshold would say but your business entity population within your city Only 10% meet that category so is it is it to show that we're off in that sense just tell me what through that want to make sure that we're not negatively impacting local business local minority business you know putting them at a disadvantage by not having this program and if we do how can we implement the program again so that does work for them in other words maybe our goal won't be 5% maybe it'll be 2% maybe you know determine how that go because you know what's out there right you know the businesses that are out there that could potentially bid on these contracts and they are well equipped to do so and and that's what I like about having stated goals because like even in CBD cdbg that Community Development block grant but it shows you know what our the composition of our own staff within the city of apaka needs to look like from a minority perspective and it allows the the public and and staff to say okay are we hitting the mark Or Not same thing with with this is putting goal thresholds to say hey this is what we're trying to do it's a good commitment that we have and then the community at large can then say are we meeting that or not so and you see that as low as 2% right right so and I'm always in favor of having things that allow us to be more accountable from a binary perspective so um but thank you you're welcome Mr Smith uh again thanks for doing the work um and was it your recommendation that we uh follow H hland County with the two to five or leave ours as is with the three no the two to five okay local preference okay so we want to look at everything over the next 12 months to see you know how many other bids we get you know like I showed you the six and the lowest one that was close to the 3% was 8% the other ones went as far as 73 % out of the range so as more local business come to our community and they maybe and they decide that they want to bid we can see how that works out over the next 12 months and then after that depending on that data that we get you know seeing that they out then come back and say okay maybe we should do something like um Highland County where it ranged from two to 5% based on a certain threshold so would you be able to give us a update in six months that's what it looks like of course all right and then the other one uh if you would continue pursue to find out what that cost would be uh to do the Fe feasibility study then that would be welcomed no problem commissioner n up no I I appreciate you putting this together and and really kind of clearing and defining what this truly is meant to be so thank you for that no additional questions thank you thank thank you blanch appreciate it all right all right okay we've got uh four consent agenda items anybody need to pull any of those items we doing public comment first oh I'm sorry public comment yes Susan Okay Albert mckimm Albert McKim 3603 golden gem road now that we have uh put the whole election thing to bed it would be good to get back to business first thing I'd like to mention tonight is commissioner nestler some months ago uh made a motion about forensic audit I would like to know where we are with regard to that forensic audit have we got any prices of what would that cost have we any idea of of what it's going to to detail it's not about just about impropriety or potential impropriety there's all sorts of things I would like to know the answer to I would like to know where we're losing money in terms of like fire station 6 it wasn't built my guess is we've lost 2 th $2 million in that to me that's something that the the forensic God it can address it's not only where we're putting money it's how we can save losing money golden Jam road we spent a large amount of money on Retention Ponds in golden gem Road my understanding is that we were going to get a return on investment from that by taking water from Altimont uh that project was supposed to be completed well over a year ago there's nothing being done there the pawns are lying stagnant there's a health hazard with mosquitoes I've made two mentions to city council members in the past now I'm led to believe that the liners in the retention ponds have either been damaged or vandalized I would like to know what the cost of replacing those liners are going to be and how long there's going to be a delay in getting those Retention Ponds operational and how much potential money we're losing in Revenue by not having those ponds operational uh emails Commissioners there's a number of people saying they're sending you emails and they have no idea whether you're receiving them or not so perhaps we could look at some automated response so that at least people are aware that you have an email in your in your box uh in terms of the forensic audit it's also essential that that we get information back because there is a currently an Ethics complaint in progress against our mayor and we feel that if we don't get the information at the time and things delayed for months and months and months then we can't really address e eics problems so we' appreciate tonight if Commissioners will address when and how far on the forensic audit is thank you okay Rod Olson Rod olon 3156 Rolling Hills Lane and Apopka uh mayor Commissioners thanks again for all you do I know you have a a tireless job and an endless schedule appreciate what you do uh coming into the meeting today I ran into Mr Michael Harrison to find out after being here eight years a popka has a radio station 99.9 FM didn't know they feature I I st ke in for a couple minutes and there was s b Bible verses being read and so forth and they Pride themselves with Multicultural gospel music had no idea uh just by bumping into Mr Harrison and the parking lot so uh thank you for that information uh moving along sad to say less than 133% of our taxpayers decided to vote that's to me I'm sorry it's it's it's criminal uh it's inexplicable that people won't take the time the best place we can have impact is locally um I want to thank Dale Richardson and Eric mock for their time and efforts and running congratulations commissioner Nesta uh and uh commissioner elect U Anderson uh for the win uh and I want to take a couple minutes and I know it's coule a couple out but commissioner Becker the time and effort you've put into this community it has been an honor having you in that seat uh thank you so much for your service sir um and for those that don't want to participate that don't I just have these words if you choose not to participate not to speak up not to show up smile accept the outcome and thank those that do thank you thank you okay leave Bell good evening first of all like Abby said the election is behind us congratulation to reelection uh Nick and congratul relation to council woman elect we like to move on and talk about the AIT also we truly need to audit along with this Charter review we don't know what a charter review is at we really need it because it was just stated that 133% of the electric voted in apopa when you have a low percentage in the electric it's easy to manipulate the vote if you remember like I said last election the board itself voted for early voting from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. what happened what changed the whole Council then voted this is the reason that we need in our CH review baked in because that's the document that we the citizen want to be the way that we want to be governed you guys are to get and bring out the will of the people not the will of one dictator and his friends where leave that alone and I want to go to the city works for the last six or seven months to a year I've been talking to your uh Public Work manager not trying to brag or anything but my home is priced at45 $445,000 and and the driveway that you guys were talking about the patchwork that you were doing in the road my street have been out there for seven years and it looked like one of the dirt roads down on stman the trucks that run over the road in our communities contaminated with the the sewage or whatever trash that you got inside of the trucks someone need to come out and do something I I just spoke to him last meeting he pointed out the man that were responsible and he said that he would send the man down there I just spoke to him earlier tonight and he told me he said yeah I I talked to him I talked to him but I spoke with the gentleman and the gentleman told me he said no I ain't been out there in a while this is what's wrong with a POA a popka is not built on Li they run on lies thank you [Music] Ace woodam of Popco Florida it gives me I'm very privileged to be standing up here tonight I'm thankful that y'all here listening um let the voters of a popka if one's listening on you Youtube or whatever very disappointed in you we've got to do something about our voting situation 5,000 PE less than 5,000 people showed up to voted that's ridiculous totally ridiculous but congratulations to all that was replaced and [Music] reappointed the other thing is I talked about last Mission meeting is the homeless I went to a meeting last night at the Presbyterian [Music] Church they got some excellent plans some good people some ministers from different churches were there and uh I was I was very [Music] um impressed with one of the minister stood up Master the mayor when he decided to close the meeting about the $162,000 that was given to us by the federal government or the State of Florida to help the homeless his response was it's not my doing it's up to the Commissioners come talk to them so let y'all forward know that the man in the middle here is throwing everything on y'all's back in public but taking all the adab boys from you when you deserve it the man is non honest has been proven and unfortunately now I hope our new city council member will be a her own self and not a follower of him we have voted on y'all to lead to protect and to give us voice in this community and when you fa to and go along with someone else's decisions just because it sounds good it's hurting everyone else our community depends on y'all no matter if he calls his C uh fake votes or what we didn't consider that when we put y'all's name down on ballot Brian Nelson cannot be trusted we got a mayor here that's he's so proud of self and unfortunately I hate saying that but it's true we need y'all to please be honest in your decisions guide us protect us give the citizens a pop of what we deserve that's honesty transparency please be yourself don't be a shadow we got enough of them Nikki mire Nikki McGuire Naomi kids organization good evening mayor Commissioners and everyone in the rightful place this is all about our future leaders before you dismiss the information that I'm about to share please remember every large organization or business started off small your support is what helped them to grow today I'm sorry today I'm pleading to you on behalf of our Future Leaders I only have four minutes to so please replay the video on YouTube and pause at each slide to get the additional information this year marks 10 years of Naomi kids helping make make differ make a difference in the lives of our Future Leaders focusing on ages up to 18 we are not babysitters but a mentoring program that assists hunger relief life skills such as money management yes from the age of four etiquet academics fun community events we help from zero income to high income our doors are open to all families that are looking for a loving safe and unique environment without any form of discrimination we provide internships for high schoolers as part of the apka youth work programs and Caro Central Florida our Junior counselors are youths that have outgrown the program and refused to leave us they assist Group Leaders with supplies group activities and snack time any child up to age 18 can stop by during the summer time to have free breakfast and or lunch with us our pledge helps us be part of the solution as we focus on the kaisen philosophy that means continuous improvements a simple pledge that can be applied to any age group I can control my actions and reactions I cannot control other people's actions but I can still control my reaction to the to others actions our goals in addition to our upcoming events is to reopen our kids Cafe a free after school program where we served a hot meal assisted kids with their homework friendship building and tutoring as needed this program is temporary closed due to Transportation issues we also want to help with the homeless issue affecting elementary and middle schoolers thank you to Sergeant Wiggins of aop capiti for helping us secure bicycles and helmets that we will be giving away free on May 11th at Edwards field next to kitla Nelson Park this is our annual family Funday free admission and free parking come out and see if you can dunk either Chief mckenley from the police department or chief WM from the fire department a great opportunity to support local vendors and play in the free kids zone summer camp covers all day activities field trips breakfast lunch and snacks all for only $85 a week I am so glad that you are as excited as I am you and or your company can be added to our thank you list some names were left off due to limited space we do not get any large grants but we can do it better together you can be a monthly committed donor with as little as $10 per month or put your Loose Change in a jar and we will pick up when filled sponsor a summer camp for kids for $85 per week or $765 in full for 10 weeks that's one week free donate individually wrap snacks or volunteer events please call us text us visit our website or Facebook page for more information we are in 2024 so send us a drone message if you want to I appreciate you all listening and welcome you in advance to our team thank you thank Lexia PR who uh I'm with Naomi kids I've been a Naomi kid since pull the mic out oh there you go sorry uh I've been with Naomi kids since I was four years old I have many amazing memories from when I was a kid being able to wake up and go somewhere where I could have fun and learn really excited me um I remember playing like m Math Jeopardy and going on cool field trips like around a popka learning the history behind it um another big part of Naomi kids was making a lot of friends along the way and being able and being welcomed every day every morning with open arms thank you thank you [Music] I really enjoy summer camp because I had a great time one thing that I love was how nice they were and how they treated me I learned new things like miss Ma miss Ma taught me standard algorithm and we did Art reading and science my favorite part of summer camp was the activities they did they did field trips we did plays we did plays dance contest we got to shop at the camp store we had a family fun day at the end of the summer we had a celebration thank you Miss Austin uh Miss Nesta says hi and she's Pres said you were such a sweetheart in her class and Sassy in the best ways and that she misses you thank you for being here Jennifer Gardner hi good evening um we up up oh up sorry Spring Break um we have two children that went through Naomi kids program um one of our sons uh who graduated from apaka high last year is currently serving in the United States Marine Corps and we have one that's still left in AP papah High um that is doing dual enrollment as well as the Engineer program and as much as my husband and I would like to take credit for everything we can't because we know it takes a village to raise children and when Naomi kids came to play with our children n was such a blessing because it was something positive and as they got older and they exit the program it's still a huge topic um even with our son being away when he asked about home miss Nikki is and Naomi kids is always on the mind um even our son that's currently still in a papka high school he knew where we were coming today um and he always asked how how is she doing and hopefully this summer he'll be able to volunteer with Nikki and the kids and we just felt like it's such a positive um impact that she has had and her staff with these young people because they have to have a place to go and we were very fortunate and very blessed because she is our family um even as our children are agent so thank you you thank you Serenity Jordan [Music] good evening everyone today I will tell you about Naomi Camp so basically we always have fun we go outside and we play with our friends and I enjoy when we make games and play with everyone around us [Music] and we go back inside and we go back inside we do a game of charades and we play different games inside to have fun and yeah thank you jakaria Church oh okay that it that's it thank you Susan okay we have four consent agenda items does anybody need to pull any of those if not look for a motion to approve the four so move got a motion by commissioner Nesta second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I all oppos motion carries just before they leave the room I don't know when youall are planning to leave but you know it takes courage to to come here in city council chambers and speak at the Lector so thank you so much for the kids that were able to come up and speak it's always good to hear about the positive uh seeing it living in reality of what the program that Nikki and Na's kids does so um thank you for speaking and all I heard from you Serenity was fun that's all I heard from here fun fun fun so right okay Riley Williams R Williams Parks and Recreation director good evening mayor and Commissioners I'm here tonight to recommend authorization and execution of a ground leas agreement with the orange ottomon Society uh for property at apka buring Park which is at 220 or I'm sorry 2923 lust Road apapa Florida a little bit about the property uh history the St John's uh River Water Management District conveyed the 69.5 acre property located at 2923 l Road which was formerly known as Hickerson property to the city of Apopka on October 23rd 2018 uh at that time a declaration of restrictive covenant was also placed on the property uh stating the property was to be conveyed to the city for use uh as a providing land uh to develop a nature-based recreation education public use facilities uh in return the city of PKA conveyed a 5 acre property at 2501 South Bion road to St John's riverwater Management District on May 7th 2019 which is where their new district office sits additionally in November 2022 the city partnered with the central Florida Expressway authority and blue scope properties to complete a property exchange agreement this agreement uh gave the city an additional 10 acres uh piece of wetland that was undevelopable uh to add an additional buffer a natural buffer between the property at l Road and the potential development Industrial Development uh the orange Autobon Society is a 57y old chapter of the national Autobon Society it's the third largest in the Southeast uh they have over 2,000 member household volunteer organization and they host many field trips and field classes throughout the year uh conducting out Outreach activi ities and offering educational programming um to K through2 schools and also I do have Miss Deborah green here from the orange automon Society who will speak here uh briefly uh the city has a history with orange automon Society uh at the June 7th 2017 council meeting a memorandum of understanding was approved uh for the orange automon Society to provide Wildlife viewing and educational opportunities and Land Management assistant assistance at the Lake Apopka Northshore additionally another memorandum of understanding was approved at the July 27th 22 council meeting which laid out plans to negotiate a long-term lease which is what we're here for tonight the ground lease uh is a 30-year lease and includes some items uh that both orange ottomon Society in the city will partake in uh in regards to Orange ottomon Society they they are there's an existing structure on property it was an old truck shop Maintenance building uh that building would be renovated into a nature-based education center by the orange automon Society they would also conduct some native plant installation and maintenance uh to rebuild the birding habitats on property uh they' provide uh payment of the utilities for the property and also provide education based programming for our property down the street at Camp wewa um for the Retreats and summer camp programming that we run there this is a look at the uh building as it stands today uh so it's definitely needing some in need of some re renovation and some work uh the right hand side is just a basic uh design sketch that the orange automon Society has provided uh to kind of show that it can be made into a space that can provide nature and education learning [Music] opportunities um as part of this lease the city will ensure that water is installed and either septic or sewer connections provided so that the building can be outfitted with restrooms we're also looking at uh installing restrooms in the front parking lot area of the property uh upgrade perimeter fencing and gates to provide increased property security as this property will now be developed into a a center a facility we need to increase some of the uh fencing and and Gates on property and then make sure the property is reconnected to electricity which will then be taken over by orange automon Society to pay and just to kind of highlight when you look at this uh oops back I want to go down all right use Mouse this property highlighted is the current uh location for the public parking spaces uh which provides access to the lake Papa Northshore Drive Wildlife Drive for for walking and biking we'd like to keep that open as it currently stands so we have provided some additional fencing currently uh along this area and down the drive here we'll be looking at putting in a new uh gate structure at the very front of the park uh parking lot so that we can operate you know a dawn to dusk or sunrise to sunset type Fashion on the parking area um and still provide that connection during the daytime hours for people to go park and walk when the when the driv is not open for vehicles or correct um as I mentioned I have Miss Deborah green here president of the orange otoman Society she' like to say a few words thank you yes if you'll leave that that would be great thank you so much mayor Commissioners um on behalf of orange Adon I appreciate the partnership with the city on this birding Park and uh Bradley's been excellent to work with and I'm looking forward to working with him as we develop the infrastructure here um using that map um it was an old Nursery site when the district first bought it I believe it was 1999 um there was a fire immediately after so all the green houses burned and but you still have the concrete pads the bases of the green houses and we will be picking some to leave for different purposes and taking up a lot of them um the invasive weed kogan grass has proliferated out there and one of the first things is to get a grip on that and then we're going to get some professional help in designing uh a restoration with primarily well all native plants and a lot of native grasses so it's going to look a little different than what you have familiar with on Parks but this is a birding Park and um it's the planting will be tailored for the birds and as Bradley said that truck shop was deemed by the city um building inspector as sturdy and needs a new roof and needs a lot of lot tremendous amount of work and we've been saving for many many years and so we have the money to start and we'll start with the landscaping and then uh get into the building but uh yes we know we have a lot of challenges ahead but we are eager to get to work and thank you very much for this opportunity okay any questions for Bradley or Deborah we we currently do have bird watching don't we we you have groups that you take out is this the area that you take them out to um we don't really take them there specifically a little well a little bit more and more because there's just lots of Upland Birds you know the whole Wildlife Drive is wetlands and this is an Upland area so bird watchers on their own are walking around especially in the winter looking for sparrows and certain birds that need the trees and Native grasses so yes we we hope to do much more leading of bird walks there in the future okay any other questions all right um anybody from the public wish to speak on this one no okay we'll close the public hearing look for a motion to authorize the apka biring park ground lease with the orange Autobon Society so mov got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I all oppos motion GES NS all right and just on just on Q we've got she wanted to get a picture so we can come down and grab a picture with Deborah and Bley have great I'm [Music] stck [Music] one these are all my pants they my costal costal specials all right did you station Steep Street project development agreement Jim hit I Jim hit community development director and CRA director um this is basically a a repeat of the CRA uh presentation but I'm going to go and read through the uh the highlights of the development agreement itself and uh Cliff sheeper attorney will uh highlight those changes that we made to that development agreement also I want to make sure he covered that portion himself um again this is the this is the second portion of the development phase for the Station Street project that we've been working on for the last few years um this is a development agreement between the city of apapa the aapka community redevelopment agency and standard Investments and holdings um back on February 21st 202 for basically about a month ago the apka c um and the city council did approve the single proposal submitted by standard Investments and Holdings LLC um which was presented for and then the uh the approval was to uh go to negotiations and complete the development agreement to present to the city council which is why we are here tonight so the development agreement itself is about 38 Pages it is a fairly long one and it is very thorough uh um we found out there's a couple minor sections that were going to be corrected for the signature portion for the approval itself but I wanted to go through the again the the major sections of the uh of the agreement itself uh just for clarification for the city council and uh anybody that might be listening or is here tonight so the total area this is a overall uh draft plan of the of the area the total area is 3 43 Acres which will be sub subdivided into two separate Lots by way of the city's platting process the first lot which is lot one will consist of approximately 2.43 Acres um this lot one uh will be conveyed to the city uh by the city to the developer to construct a maximum of 60 apartments and the associated residential parking uh a public portion of the parking area will consist of no fewer than 30 parking spaces and a portion of the extension of the Apopka downtown Trail uh in an access Drive pointer is um an access drive into the site itself Bradley you don't have the pointer do you oh never mind I found it sorry I apologize so these there's two buildings they're proposed this is the access Drive coming off of Central Avenue this is also accessible by Fourth Street coming around this turns into a one-way access coming this way and there's also a two-way access point coming off of Marvin SE xanders um Avenue this is the parking lot area here and then the trail right now is planned to be coming up on the North side of Fifth Street uh it'll be crossing right at the intersection here and then coming up to Station Street and then it'll continue around the backside along the uh along the railroad tracks back out to Station Street it'll cross at Station Street and then and it continues down station street over to Sixth Street and then heads over to the the uh City Center itself the second lot will consist of approximately one acre and will be retained by the city the developer will construct a public Plaza um and a portion of the trail uh on that portion also on page five the projected time frame is outlined on exhibit H and and as I mentioned once before it says while both both the city and the developer do intend to apply the best efforts to meet the project time frames the time frames are non-binding and may be reasonably adjusted as needed administratively to account for delays beyond the control of either the city or the developer uh this consider this is in consideration for the brown fields which is actually um it'll be actually underneath the uh Plaza um we're looking to basically cap the uh the Brownfield area with with cement at this area uh so so that it basically cannot affect anybody at that those locations um there in also utility access issues construction timelines and other items that may occur as the development is uh progresses under the objectives uh the primary uh first objective is that no later than July 15 2024 uh just a couple months away the developers shall deliver to the uh City a completed design specifications for the public Plaza in the downtown of popat Trail extensions to the city satisfaction at a minimum the design specifications for the public Plaza will include a public event and meeting space consisting of a pavilion a plaza a lawn or artificial grass um staff is recommending artificial grass to avoid uh any maintenance issues for uh having to mow and Edge and weed whack and things like that um a food stru uh truck aging area along Central LA and the amenities as outlined in this exhibit the plat itself the developer will be preparing the legal descriptions for each of the Lots um and the city will be processing the plat through the approvals of the Planning Commission and the city counil um this also allows for up to 180 days uh to process but that should be less uh normally the plats take about 3 months to process that will uh that will Define each of the areas and allow the developer to design the site uh in accordance with this uh with this General plan for where the buildings are where the parking is and and then the different amenities for the plaza itself uh the developer will also submit applications for the major development plan and the construction site plan process uh for review by the DRC and the approval does go to Planning Commission and city council for the major development plan this will include all the major design components for the plaza and for the buildings and the parking lot the Landscaping basically everything that's uh that you normally look at for that Ma for those major development plans all the main specifications will be there upon completion and approval of the construction site plan the city will convey lot one of the site to the developer the developer will construct the the public Plaza on on the lot two along with the construction of the apartments and other improvements in lot one lot one again is the um is the apartment complex itself and lot two is the the public Plaza itself uh along with all those improvements those are supposed to be um all completed by January 15 2026 and prior to the issuance of the First Co of any unit within the apartment so the the goal is to get the public Plaza done before or at the same time as one or both of the other buildings the developer will complete the construction of the apartments within 3 years of the effective date of the agreement and is entitled to a uh 180-day extension uh if requested in writing it does have to be requested prior to the uh completion of the three-year uh time frame the designs should be in accordance with the Land Development code that's the design guidelines themselves and Sample elements is shown in exhibit F which is the uh the building itself and the different components or different types of materials that would be utilized for that uh the city will be vacating uh portions of West Station Street and West Fifth Street and probably a portion of uh Fourth Street for this development uh those vacates will be processed through the uh the plat process itself as I as I previously noted the city will be uh will grant the development uh the developer reloc Recreation impact fee credits in the amount of a maximum of $50,000 is considered ation towards the construction of the Pavilion within lot two which is the public Plaza itself uh this amount will be conveyed within three business days um of obtaining the building uh building permit for the improvements on lot to drainage easements for storm water to Martins Pond will also be utilized this is the downtown area in Martins Pond over at the city center is the main storm water retention area for the main for the primary downtown area uh the developer will be providing performance and maintenance bonds and letters of credit for the development itself uh as I mentioned at the previous meeting uh in February the density is capped at UH 60 units and is in accordance with the live local act um which will allow up to 36 of those units to be affordable in conjunction with the live local act um this is basically uh those 36 units are uh are kept at 120% of the uh Ami so the each apartment will have will also have an outside balcony and interior washers and dryers and porches are considered uh would be considered optional on the first floors uh that'll be up to the developers whether they want to Pro want to provide uh patios on the on the patio first floor porches on the first floor itself signage will also be in accordance with the Land Development code and the development is in accordance with the comprehensive plan um at the previous meeting there were uh there were a few changes that were uh voted upon uh in regards to the development agreement itself uh one of those um actually I'm go hand this over to Cliff one of the primary ones that was discussed was under the default um putting in a reverter clause if if this was not uh completed within the three years that uh or a remedy was not done within 30 days of that uh there is a reveral Clause that uh that the uh City attorney is working into the into the development agreement what were the other the other uh the reverted Clause is just briefly so I make it clear and unless I'm instructed otherwise my understanding is if I get these things in there acceptable to developer and acceptable to me because I understand what you guys want um that we don't have to bring it back here so that's my understanding if that changes let me know but it was a verter clause in the deed in the da it's going to have to be subject to some provision that protects the lender because once the lender makes a loan on the property they want to be in first position and I will make sure that that is okay but it will be a constructed project so that's the key uh also approval of assignment to any other entity that's not a developer entity a single purpose or special purpose entity controlled by the developer would require your approval and then if on the uh public Plaza contribution our amount of contribution will not exceed 50,000 in fee credits so that's from the prior the CRA meeting okay all right any questions for Jim I just want a clarification here and it's not specifically for Mr hit but Mr Shepard it the default clause is not exclusive to the time frames it's any default within the contract correct uh you mean in terms of of whether there's a reverter correct it it will it will be that way but it's going to have to be also take into account if there's already vertical construction on that parcel covered by a mortgage so with that except yes okay understood thank you okay all right anybody any other questions anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter Mark Wii uh 609 East Pine Street bench development um in regards to your question um you mentioned vertical construction we start construction underground so as as soon soon as covered by the mortgages was the key yeah soon soon as construction starts we have to be uh respective of the lender's position because this development agreement will become uh a document that's reviewed by the lender and they're not going to be real anxious to lend on something that once they start lending money uh they don't have they're not in uh first position next to property taxes of course because you all need to get paid thanks so Jim the one thing I I know you brought up the at the um the CRA meeting but if you just for the public the the income level what the 120% of approximately I know you don't have it yeah the the the income level for uh the affordable housing is approximately $67,000 a year for single right for a single yes it ends up going up to about 110 uh if it if it's a dual occupancy for for the income levels and that's on maximum of about 36 units if there were 60 units 40% you want to make sure that everybody knows it right it's affordable is it's still a correct much higher threshold yeah it's it's 40% um of the units and then for for a ma for 30 years yeah okay and just to confirm to follow it's 36 income limited and the rest are all market rate they can be okay or or what okay yes understood thank you okay all right anybody public come on I'm not up here to speak for the fire department but with a little experience in the back once again I said this but I just heard y'all said you're going to be doing the um the Park area first if I'm not mistaken this street ends up into the central if you look you got your parking area there it says food truck line up and all that Tower one Chief I don't know that unit can make that turn and then you got two buildings that are three stories tall that truck's going to have to make a right-and turn in a tight area a tight leftand turn to get to the units you're talking time and on a third story fire you don't have a whole bunch of time get that truck in there I'm just saying I think you need to look at before you break ground and start doing the Park area you need to look at it from a standpoint for the First Responders and the safety of the residents of them units that will be built there anybody else from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing look for a motion to approve the Station Street project development agreement between the city of Apopka the apka CRA and the standard investment and holding LLC with the changes as with the changes that have been yes agreed to so mov got a motion by commissioner Nesta second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I all opposed motion carries unly next up ordinance 3,43 ordinance number 343 an ordinance of the city of Apopka Florida to extend its territory and Municipal limits to Annex pursuant to Florida statute 17144 the here and after described land situated and being in Orange County Florida owned by Michael gentles located at 1400 West cly Park Road providing for directions to the city clerk separability conflicts and an effective date any changes no changes mayor anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing look for motion to adopt ordinance number 343 so moved got a motion by commissioner Nesta uh second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I I'll oppose motion carries unanimously next up ordinance number 344 ordinance number 344 an ordinance of the city of apapa Florida changing the zoning from T transitional to CC Community commercial for certain real property generally located at 734 Soft Orange Blossom Trail Servants of God Ministries Inc comprising 0.065 Acres more or less providing for separability conflicts and an effective date any changes Jim no changes anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing look for a motion to adopt ordinance number 344 so mov got a motion by commissioner Nesta second second by commissioner Vasquez all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously next up ordinance number 345 ordinance number 345 an ordinance of the city of apapa Florida changing the zoning from T transitional to ilil light industrial for certain rural property generally located at 135 permit Smith Road owned by Marilyn es brohan trust comp trust comprising 7.23 Acres more or less providing for severability conflicts and an effective date4 any changes Jim no changes anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public public hearing look for a motion to approve ordinance number 345 so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor I I'll oppose motion carries unanimously next up ordinance number 346 ordinance number 346 an ordinance of the city of aapka Florida to extend its Territorial and Municipal limits to Annex pursuant to Florida statute 17144 the here and after describ land situated and being in Orange County Florida owned by invest Investments Alliance LLC located at 2518 hos Road comprising of 4.17 Acres more or less providing directions to the city clerk separability conflicts and an effective date any changes Jim no changes anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we close the public hearing look for a motion to approve ordinance number 3046 all right thank you so move got a motion by commissioner Nesta second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor opposed motion carries an nsle next up ordinance number 348 ordinance number 348 an ordinance of the city council of Apopka Florida amending Chapter 58 solid waste of the apapa code of ordinances to reconcile the provisions of Chapter 58 related to private Refuge collection services with any rolloff container solid waste collection service franchise agreement to establish key requirements and essential Clauses for entering non-exclusive franchise agreements for rolloff containers solid waste collection Services providing for codification providing for separability providing for conflicts and providing for an effective date any changes Mr Josh no sir all right anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not will close a public hearing and look for motion to approve ordinance number 348 so move got a motion by commissioner blasquez second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I'll oppose motion carries unanimously next up Res resolution 202 24-6 resolution 20246 a resolution of the city council of the city of apapa Florida setting forth the city's intent to accept the findings presented by the Garing group or risk strategies company in their independent salary and benefits study as providing in a workshop conducting conducted prior to the adoption of this resolution allowing the city administrator to work in conjunction with the Human Resources Director and the finance director for the implementation providing for direction to the Human Resources Director and finance director to annually adjust the pay banss between the studies to allow for inflation providing that a copy of this resolution and the study presented be incorporated into the city's official records providing for conflicts providing for severability and providing for an effective date Joe Patton so Joe Patton Director of Human Resources um we did hold a a workshop today from 4: to 6 uh was it was a little short um I think everybody's an questions were answered at that period um during for the for the audience tonight uh for the citizens that weren't at the workshop um just to give you a little uh background we started this journey in August of last year where we uh contracted uh Garing group to do a pinion stud or not a pinion study sorry a compensation and classification study along with uh a study of our benefits to determine our marketability within the within the surrounding area so can can I sure it sounds like a mouse is solling around over there you're squeaking that pen that's all I can hear the might all right thanks sorry I thought it was my shoe thank you Chu so uh during during this period uh Garing group um was contracted to look at all these different aspects uh with in in relation to uh the general employees police um fire was not included in this uh study due to Labor Relations uh labor relation ations um is a separate negotiated type of endeavor although I know that commissioner Becker uh uh asked about about this uh prior to and I think uh commissioner Nesta asked about it during the the workshop but it was not included in this study um however I know that um Garen group has done a lot of studies similar to this in the same areas I don't if they have the information but um with relation to our labor attorney we were not able to discuss anything related to fire negotiations or fire pay um with that being said I wanted to introduce you to um John Mueller who headed up this this uh Endeavor with us and um to explain a little bit about about or give a summary about the presentation that was done uh earlier today and um before that I just wanted to say thank you to my staff uh who helped out a great deal in providing data um job descriptions so on and so forth to Garen group so they did a lot of work in the background so without further Ado John thank you Joe good evening everyone uh kind of as we discussed earlier in the workshop shop um we've spent the last several months working on this project for the city of Apopka this was an independent study uh these are our recommendations our findings uh after going through this project high level summary began with input from staff the employees of the city of Apopka as to what they actually do day-to-day in their roles from that we revised reviewed job descriptions to ensure we were benchmarking the correct jobs we then went out and benchmarked all of the city's jobs over 180 of them against those from 16 other neighboring communities based on those findings we have developed new pay plan or new pay ranges and a pay plan we have discussed those already with HR and the uh interim City administrator as discussed earlier in the workshop I believe you all have those in your packet as compared to the older pay plan we've also run what's called compression which which is where we take a listing of all the employees in the city currently their current job titles their years that they've been in that position and their current pay and we plug it into a worksheet that has formulas where we bring people that are below the new minimum salaries up to the minimum we also do as I said what's called compression which factors in how long somebody's been in that role and where their pay ought to be based on a sliding scale depending on how many years they've been in that job just see here real quick with the highlights um here as we talked about earlier we had roughly 146 employees were below the new minimum that total cost annualized to in addition to the payroll for the city is 725,000 cost that cost associated with the employees that need to be adjusted within their new pay ranges based on length of time in that job is 573 941 and I do want to point out uh that we had a slight error on the slide here looking at these new pay grades and adding in the cost of pay along with the city's benefit costs so that are that is things like unemployment insurance payroll taxes that are paid on behalf of the employer as well as the city's pension contributions that number is actually not 1.66 371 it is one it is 1655 276 so it's actually $5,000 lower in to say that again one the number is actually 1655 276 okay so in total 200 123 employees out of 386 I believe that were included in the study are being impacted and we'll have an increase to their pay uh lastly we will work with the city if adopted to finalize the compression workbook assist with implementation of the uh the pay increases effective I believe on the March 31st payroll additionally at this time we did look at the city's benefit plans and after doing a really thorough review comparing it against not just neighboring communities but all of the uh groups that we work with throughout the State of Florida there's really nothing that we would suggest in terms of increasing the U the city's benefit plans for the employees your benefits are incredibly Rich already and really considered top of Market thank you uh just for the record some people might not have watched the the workshop can you just the 16 municipalities that you were oh yeah so let me see if I remember these off the top of my head city of Orlando Orange County government Oola County government seminal County government City of Winter Garden City of Winter Park uh lesburg maitlin okoi oito Lady Lake Longwood oila Sheriff Orange County Sheriff for PD comparisons seminal County Sheriff I think that's all of them I got that off the top of my head don't I Mr Mayor that's pretty good okay all right any questions for John all right anybody from the public wish to speak on this one okay if not we'll close the public hearing and look for a motion to approve resolution 20246 I just want to make a quick comment overall is that really excited about this and and this is more General comment specifically to you but excited about this we're you know it's going to cost us an additional 1.6 million um but it's well worth it to take care of our employees they're hardworking provide quality services and we want to empower and retain them we you spoke about that in during our our previous uh Workshop is that it's all about retaining it costs us much less to retain versus getting somebody new and our our fire department is no different um I this sets quite the precedent for um our expectations is how we take care of our employees and I look forward to doing the same thing with our fire department and and again it sets a sets quite the expectation for our fire Union moving forward in negotiations so just wanted to make sure that was clear thank you okay all right anybody from public okay if not close public hearing look for a motion to approve resolution 20246 so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Vasquez all those in favor I I all opposed motion carries unanimously next up resolution 20247 resolution 20247 a resol resolution of the city council of the city of Republic of Florida amending the budget for fiscal year beginning October 1 2023 and ending September 30th 2024 providing for a budget amendment okay Lance Sherman Finance director good evening mayor and Commissioners this is amendment four of of our budget resolution 20247 we have six items included in this amendment the first one is pertaining to um that emergency designation leaving that we brought to you last council meeting we have some additional costs in the amount of 38,5 182 and that is also on your was in your consent um agenda as well the next item is funds from the utility impact fund reserves a million dollar that's for the Northwest water treatment plant ground storage tank estimated cost of that project is about 4.6 m million we have about 3.6 million in the budget so we want to add that additional million coming out of those reserves and another one related to the utility impact fee fund reserves is the Northwest reclaim water storage Pond project um the additional need on that project is about 3.2 million we are reallocating some of the funds from our previous year budget that we hadn't roll over just that because we wanted to discuss the possible reallocation of those funds and it's in the amount about 2.9 Million to help support that project the Northwest reclaimed water storage Pond project the 180,000 in regards to the avalor taxes for the CRA budget we've talked about earlier under the CRA being we do have some excess tax funds and we want to allocate that to the skate park project and the 80,000 to the trail project the Corona virus local funding project that's a rollover duplication that I want to make a correction on so I'm flipping it the other way so it's to make sure we T the actual money and um the Jag Grant Revenue that's a grant that we have about $115,000 uh that is reserves I apologize for that that's not Jag grant that was from the previous one that is funds coming out of the general fund reserve for the msbu it's a loan from to the msbu for um the Martin Place Pond phase one and that is for to remove some excess trees and clean up the property and that's about $155,000 so in total the budget amendment is $4 4,514 995 any questions for blanch yes um so for the resolution we just pass in reference to the salary study we don't need to include that in this amendment no we did set aside funds within the budget already all right thank you any other questions for Blan just curious I mean because both the large um Appropriations that we're talking about here it's stas engineering estimates why would we why would we move money right now before we get official official um costs back typically you want to make sure you do have at least some funds within the budget we don't really typically go out and solicit for projects that are not budgeted for at some level so they wanted to make sure we can secure some of the funds we don't know what it's going to actually come in at that's just an engineering estiment but we typically do have you know try to fund you know a reasonable amount for all of our projects the so the one's already budgeted the one for Northwest where we're scooping up money for from other efforts what what are those ones that we're scooping it from you go into the details of the amendment we're reallocating funds from the Plymouth serento Road project about 1,298 1848 but what what what is I can see that in the in the thing but what what what exactly is is the project deal you're go forward you need this no some of those funding for last year was for um it was budget for us to put in some lines for if I think there were a few project that did not get off the ground so what we did in order to accomplished this because we have completed the design and we want this to move to move forward because of the construction cost those project was not the um it was just projected to be done so we had funding in those budgets so we just reallocate them to get this one accomplished so so it was budgeted but it was not completed we didn't do the design nor do we um so it was in the funding um so we just reallocated to get this but more specifically what is the project um I don't have it wasn't that the pon can Pon can and P sento no I think I I think yeah they are a lay person like myself is going to look like this and say pum Ral Road Lester Road to poncan Road you're GNA think it's some sort of Road Road Project versus right run what kind of line reclaim no it's a reclaim line it's a reclaim line so we haven't done that um and then Kelly Park Road from golden gem at the ronic road is another reclaim line that we have not done and e Drive is a Kelly Park Road to unit road so those funding was reallocated in order to get this one accomplished and I know this is apples to oranges but that doing this and not doing those projects wouldn't put us at risk for having some other event that caused the Vic and ponan situation to happen there's not any by taking money and not doing these projects we're not compromising anything no I think what happened here from from my NE these were long-term plans that was projected in the 10year plans so it was projected there it was previously it was not started right it was not it was in the 10-year plan so we shift them two more years right so so next year we're going to consider them to be designed and and just because we have accomplished this the cost is escalating so we thought it's best not to complete this project in design right and just reallocate them to get this one accomplished so this this project will be accomplished but there will be in future years so said more plainly and maybe just a yes or no answer but us clawing back money from A and C projects listed there to fund this this project is not going to put infrastructure at risk of of fail no okay thank you any other questions for do or for blanch not got to open up public okay come on now thank you as I mentioned earlier on Albert M 360 golden gem Road we're speaking about Liners in the budget uh are we speaking about having money in the budget to repair the liners on the retention Pawns in golden gem road which are inoperable just now because of the damage line ERS when are we going to be looking at that particular problem I'm probably a little lost on this but two meetings ago our city engineers said our infrastructures are falling apart that we couldn't put um the homeowners that live inside the city limits on the city sewer system but we sold them $116,000 septic tanks and now he's saying our infrastructure is good we don't have to worry about this something ain't adding up guys our infrastructure sorry didn't we receive $2.9 million from the county for the Northwest treatment system and where's that money did we or didn't we we didn't so the county lied to me I'll get paperwork all right any other questions okay not we look for a motion to approve resolution 2024 d06 oh excuse me 07 07 I'm sorry so got a motion by commissioner Nesta second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I I'll oppose motion carries nously thank you thank you Lance all right city council reports IAS okay first I want to congratulate um uh Nick Nester on his reelection for four years and commissioner elect Nadia Anderson who will be joining us and uh when is the swearing in I've been asked April 30th okay so then um she'll be joining us up here in the day so welcome um earlier this oh I I wanted to get to this I had gotten a phone call regarding the workshop that was scheduled for uh the fire department and there was some concern because of the last City council meeting supposedly one of the Commissioners up here made a statement about you know we were going to kind of negotiate in that process so uh our attorney Cliff Shepard sent each of us separately an email so I want to read that to assure our public who has some concern um so I just want to kind of read the first paragraph but it is from our attorney Clifford Shephard and it concerns the upcoming listening session with the fire Union and it says and it was addressed mayor and counsel but he sent it to each of us separately next week you have a scheduled workshop with the city fire Union regarding issues that are subject to collective bargaining as the subject line of this email attempts to clarify this cannot be a workshop in the traditional sense as you will not be permitted to engage in any discussions with the Union Representatives that could characterize as negotiations doing so would violate long-standing rules regarding the proper conduct of collective bargaining sessions and must be avoided the rest of the uh email just kind of touches on what we can and cannot do but I just want to assure the public that this is a Workshop where we're just going to kind of uh try and hear I guess uh both sides at this point but we will not be negotiating one side one side I'm sorry but we will not be negotiating on behalf of the city because with the that's up to the labor attorneys am I correct in saying that you are and if if I mean I I I have a sense that we may hear something about this from other commissioners um yes sir but I'm going to go ahead and clarify what I can now and if I have to answer more I will um yeah and not only I want to explain that that is the right uh path but also the why part um in labor negotiations there's a very strict set of rules that if you deviate from can result in unfair Labor practice charges on either side um the union be just as at fault as as we would be if we engage in neg negotiation in a non- noticed collective bargaining session without our management team and our management team consists of Mr Patton the mayor Mr vck and I think Mr milum milum our fire chief Mandel I'm sorry Mandel well the the the labor lawyer El well but I'm now talking about the management team and the the fire chief is on the management side of this equation and so that that's the man that's the negotiation team and the reason that's important is because ultimately as you've heard discussed here if the um uh if if the impass is declared either because we decide to have everything decided by the council at a hearing where Mr Mandel presents the the management side and the union presents their side and all 20 whatever issues that are will be ultimately decided by this body or whether through a formal mediation conciliation process with an actual mediator the narrow the issues get narrowed at some some point either way final decisions will res rest here and what the law prohibits is for you to wear in two hats you can't simultaneously be The Negotiator who's in trying to negotiate the deal and also be the one who's making the final uh decision Theory being that if you are already on the side of negotiation you can't make an unbiased decision because you already advocated for a position now I don't know whether that makes any sense to you all but that's why the law is the way it is I didn't write it I just happen to to know how it works um one of the questions that I anticipate and if even it's not anticipated I think it's fair fair game for me to to anticipate and answer it is why I didn't say anything at the last meeting when y'all were talking about going back and forth as you know I didn't participate in the shade meeting and I don't I never want to counterman the guy who's actually the labor lawyer who's board certified and knows what he's doing and I didn't know what he said um but I thought okay maybe there's something going on here I don't know but literally the same night at that meeting he called called me and said he'd heard something about what happened online or something he I know he listened to the tape or whatever he heard and he said are you going to be at the meeting and you probably didn't know this I had no intention of being there because I assumed that would be a Mandel thing but he said no I can't be there you need to be there and you cannot let them negotiate you got to tell them and so I said okay I'll make sure they understand that because that was my understanding so that's how we got here had I known what had happened and maybe that's maybe I should have sat in so I would have known I could have kind of maybe rided the ship a little bit then and I apologize for not knowing but but that is the reason so you can question in terms of this particular Point can you explain how it works if it's regarding things like I don't know what's I don't know the issues but let's suppose it's sick leave or vacation time or personal leave time or I I've literally seen negotiations over whether firefighters can wash their cars in the parking lot no joke that's an actual collective bargaining issue I've been aware of in another Fire Department so it's all kinds of issues can be on the table um and if you want clarification of what those would mean uh you can ask for clarification but importantly you cannot ask questions in a way that sounds like a negotiation like here's a question you really don't want that do you it's a question but it's a negotiation so the questions have to be to probe and understand what they want but not to try to convince them that they're wrong for wanting it if that makes any sense so yeah I'm I won't be around the bush I was pretty irritated when I got that email on Monday um because you know obviously I want to respect the whole shade meeting process and not go into particulars but the whole point of how some of us got to a position of doing a workshop was the fact that you know we understand the pro process that if this Council would um circumvent the magistrate process which we could legally if we'd make that determination and go straight to council being presented something that's where we have to kind of treat as a quasi judicial we're the judge um we're not sitting here negotiating it's more we're making a decision about what's being presented in front of us that option I think was not taken clearly it wasn't taken the last meeting but what the option was was the workshop and there was never at any point during that to say that we couldn't have back and forth conversation it's why the ministry reflect commissioner ness's I think your your comments reflected a little bit more eloquently I guess than mine did but it was to that point to say hey there's 29 Points of inass can we have a good faith conversation back and forth here to say hey is it really 29 not necessarily like hard negotiations but hey do you really want to put 29 in front of a magistrate Etc and that's where we we all thought we were locks I'm not gonna speak for other people that's where I thought that's why I made the comments to the the union representation that was here in this in these Chambers so if they're watching right now on me I've got egg on my face because I committed to something that apparently we're not legally able to do and that's what got me irritated on Monday um and I can appreciate that Mr Mandel thought that he articulated in a way that he thought he articulated but he certainly did not in my opinion um because at the end of the day my concern about going to a workshop initially was you know there's times where and again it's not an official decision and there's times um where the mayor May mayor may not respect the the will of the council and a in a workshop environment and at the end of the day it's his duty as chief executive officer to be that primary negotiating agent for on behalf of the city so my commitment to kind of go and acquest to a workshop mandate was to say hey the magistrate needs to know the will of this Council it needs to know the will of the mayor equally so that all of the information can be used to make the best decision possible for our Union representation but to me now this Workshop scheduled for next week almost becomes very pointless because if we're not yet evil because we're going to be walking on eggshells just to say hey was that construed as being a potential negotiation employee was that code speak for something and it jeopardizes a whole process but it's unfortunate because I really wanted to have those those discussions because I respect the idea that individual Commissioners cannot negotiate with individual members of the Union but at the same time how do we get past this thing and get a contract I know that people say that these things can last two three years but just because it does that other places doesn't mean that it has to here um I think it would be productive but you know obviously I don't want to put legal Jeopardy into things but I just I would challenge whether not the workshop is even relevant at this point obviously you all can decide and if if you decide to cancel it we can certainly make sure that the union folks know um I'm confident that they Andor their legal team if they didn't then understand now the limitations on what you can do and I don't think they would want you to violate those rules anymore than they'd want to violate the rules because it's a pain in the neck for everybody but I would say to you to the extent there's anything on that list of 29 Points that you don't fully understand what it is they want or why they want it then there may be something to be gained my understanding kind of high level was that uh once you had a clear understanding of what they wanted then you could go into a shade meeting and decide okay um these are the only points we're concerned about these are the ones we want to take back to a hearing where you present they present and we make a decision and we can bypass the magistrate process on everything else that was my understanding but again I wasn't back there so I don't know what was said so I I don't have an appetite to cancel next week I think it's going to be valuable regardless I think it's going to be impactful to have the union here to present their case if we don't say a word I think it's still impactful to to hear their side of it and have them present it basically it's how we form questions is I can get the answers I need that we're looking for if I ask the right questions in the right way and and I'm going to be trying to play uh referee in that regard and and so I would tell you kind of as a general rule um can you explain how that would work or uh you know how was that why is that an important part of what you're ask things of of those like how and why questions are are okay but more pointed what we call leading questions like do you really want that when we could do this probably not a good idea yeah so if if they said something like we want $2 and I said walk me through if it was a $150 no that's that's a negotiation I'm just asking that's negotiation all right so I think it'll be and I have a call with um attorney Mandell tomorrow to walk through this as well to get a better understanding of where our boundaries are um again I think it's going to be very valuable and I think we just need to understand specifically how we need to frame our questions and I think we can get where we want to get still just walking on eggshells unfortunately but I think we can still get there um I mean it's up to the council if you want to cancel it I definitely don't advocate for that I think we can get to still where we need to get to and again I think it's going to be valuable to hear the union um at that meeting and I would like to hear the input and not necessarily that I have any questions uh but but it would give some clarity as to what where the stance are so we understand what it is that they're asking and and and why and so I think it'd be a good listening session uh fact Gathering uh to help us to go back into the shade meeting and then decide what we're going to do okay Mr Becker anything else or I thoughtz um well that was basic that was very important because I we did get some correspondence and of course when I received our attorneys email it I felt like well what can we do and um okay so we're going to stay with March 27th we just have to kind of be careful what we ask okay so um other than that I just wanted to kind of mention uh want to say thank you to our commissioner Smith last month he did me U mention the month of women's appreciation uh month and for this month of March I would have lik to have seen a proclamation just to kind of honor the many women that we have working here in the city of Apopka between First Responders and a lot of our women that uh head a lot of our departments here um I was invited and I did attend the uh women's history breakfast over at the Orlando History Center and one of the women that they were kind of honoring there was a few women who uh uh they were honoring from the early 1900s their theme was daring women of Disguise and one of the women young women that they were honoring was our own Apopka artist dilia Miller who is at the currently uh working to gain her pilot license so I was happy to attend that um we did attend I did attend with my husband Ed uh we did attend the Boy Scout Golden Eagle dinner with they honored our vice May um Kyle Becker so um and that was we had a good time with that um also that I have that uh miss marabel our president from the black um sorry from the Apopka uh Historical Society uh she really wanted us to mention to the public uh what they had done last month during the Black History Month and that was the uh desk of the attorney of the civil rights attorney acman Jr that was donated to our museum by the family of and I put this down she really wanted that to be mentioned by Miss Kathleen and Jesse McGee and that they had a ceremony where where was donated to the fmu law school and she just wanted for us to realize that this was a a bit historical moment and so and we were sorry that we could not attend because we were we were having our Char meeting at that time so um just wanted to make mention of that and she wanted us to make you know to let our public know that our apka Museum was given such a a a grand gift and they made the effort and they did the research and they were able to donate that table to fmu and other than that um I don't have anything else so Mr Becker no I I'd like to Echo the the thoughts um congratulations to commissioner elect Anderson um wish you good luck and success in the role um over the next four years um also congratulations to commissioner Nesta um I think the results speak to your your methods and approach to the role over the last two years are something that are desired by our residents and to continue take forward um you don't shy away from having hard conversations um and be independent in your thinking and that's very very very much appreciated so and I think the residents really saw that and spoke with their vote um and it's not a testament to say low turnout is a mandate to say your person didn't win or your person lost it's more it's it's really ridiculous I mean it's thir less than 13 % of our population is voting you know and we've talked during the charter reviews and I think how that translates to the most permanent changes is um changing that date to November where there's a whole bunch of turnout and and we all know why the turnout was low um the you you had presumptive candidates within the presidential primaries and you know even I mean Orange County is a is a blue County and yet you know the Republican to Democrat vote was probably almost 10 to one it seemed like um and and you know why that is and then you have MPA again that see the the primary title in that word and it just discourages true turnout um and I just you know I know that this this city can do better and people can get out and vote because again there is there's so many opportunities to vote um vote by mail this this was the first year I've ever voted by mail uh and you request it one day it's in your mailbox maybe the day or two later it's pre-stage paid you just do your vote you sign thing and you send it back and you can track it and you can see that it's been counted um and there's just better way to do it but all that being said you know I wish you wish you good luck and and continued success in the role um the we already talked about the fire thing the only other one that was mentioned uh Mr woodam talked about it during public comment was the homeless discussion and I want to be very crystal clear because you know there was some posts yesterday the day before talking about this meeting happening and and I reached out to Pastor um who was leading this and you know we did get an email saying the Commissioners are encouraged not to attend um so I think that becomes problematic in the sense that it becomes it creates this weird disjointed storytelling because you know on one hand residents naturally are going to come to this Council and say hey what what are you doing Council about this but yet the one group that seems to have at least some sort of congealed nature to it is telling us that we can't attend and it's really under the guise of violating the Sunshine Law which my interpretation Mr Sunshine himself over there can probably attest to it but it's not in violation of the Sunshine Law now it may be optically confusing and setting this up for you know potential uh bad judge or bad Optics but all of us can be in a room at any given time as long as and one person could be talking about City business but as long as we don't engage in a back and forth and have conversation about that said City business we're not violating the Sunshine Law and a lot of elected officials hide behind that because they don't want to have the interaction or they don't want to have full transparency into the process we all know the Sunshine Law we take the ethics class every year and we attest to it we know what we can and cannot say the example that I use is you know like the state of the city mayor gets up and does the state of the city talks about current business talks about potential business all the Commissioners are advised to attend they're there in the room we're not violating Sunshine Law the same thing is uh comparable to the um the group that's doing these homeless conversations so you know I I thought it was kind of disingenuine to to put that disclaimer or that that that thing in the invite because it just creates just this separation and to the point if that was said you know if someone does question about the money that was previously earmarked for a popular resour ource Center and the reaction is oh you you got to talk to the council but if we're conveniently not in the room and not invited or and discouraged from being a part of those conversations it just it creates a weird weird thing so I would encourage that whoever is doing that group keep this Council fully involved in the conversation and I think part of it is you know the the conversations can get contentious at times but it's just because people want to pressure test ideas and you know is that piece of property best store is that piece of property the best does it take a full building who's going to staff it all these things if you're not prepared to defend why you have then it can be perceived as contentious but really it's just asking questions to get the best outcome for the population that's being served and I'll end my little my little soapbox statement here is you know I was behind the van getting on to 451 the other day on my way to work and again it's Matthew's hope and the shuttle service on the back of it talks about servicing the city of apaka already and so there's already service being done in a very methodical and purposeful manner so I don't know why we're not sitting here and having a conversation about routing monies into that organization if they can do the same type of um service for the population at hand because like I said the last meeting they they do van pickup to take them to their site Within wi Garden where they can do further servicing they already have transitional homes that can afford people the the opportunity to graduate out of homelessness if they so desire plus they have other job scale locations the wood shop there that's uhu that they can uh re or fabricate new and uh restore old that they then resell within their store to kind help sustain their mission so um I just I just encourage everybody to keep the Commissioners involved that no did no did um did you get the email that because I I wrote Clipper an email regarding that did you get a copy yeah yeah okay but but I guess the the long story short is regardless of you know if the mayor's on the board if you're on the board if somebody else is on the board all of us can be in the same room together at any time it's just we can't have open dialogue back and forth it's like the email thing right if if someone accidentally sent a business related email if I sent that to the entire rest of the council and said hey I would love for this to happen and it's a bu City business item I didn't violate Sunshine Law but this second someone replies back to it and says I agree or I disagree that's where we get in violation so you know I I just don't want to ever to think that you know we all can't be together we can't it's just we have to know our limitations which which I know that we all do because we've been through multiple ethics classes anyway that's all thank you for responding to that all right I do once again want to congratulate commissioner neston being reelected and congratulate commissioner elect Anderson for being elected to the city council and look forward to your services here in the city uh and I just have one question I guess is to Mr Williams I guess um at the last city council meeting there was some uh conversation reference to the renovation that's taking place at the fire departments and just want to know if you could give us an update as to where it stands shocked me absolutely um just a couple updates to get you all up to speed uh the kitchen in station one uh the stainless steel cabinets did come in actually pretty much that next week right after that council meeting it did take longer for those to be produced than we had initially anticipated those are finishing up detailed touches uh with the contractor this week um and then we're also installing a new hood system for the grill in that kitchen um we are also in design process with an architect a contracted architect for renovations of station 4 which is Buzz budgeted this year um uh we've had meetings with the fire department they've gone really well we actually had our last meeting last week uh with the architect again we're getting pretty close to a final draft design of what that interior renovation will look like uh and I know the fire department's on board with kind of where that's going to get them that station up to the needs that they currently have uh to get ahead of the game a little bit or try and catch up a little bit we also have the architect looking at station two and three uh for interior renovation designs uh the goal of that process is to assess what we have in the station what the needs are again also similar to what we did at station 4 um get some plans laid down so I can then bring this with the chief for Budget season to to kind of assess what those Renovations might look like so so the renovation for station 4 is already in the budget the renovation we do have funding for station 4 Renovations in the current budget so that design we're hoping to get finalized within the next three four weeks um and at that point I'll be getting with procurement and the finance department to determine our best path forward for getting those Renovations completed all right and then my my last question reference to the fire department is I understand that there's a a list of items that they've been promis of it's going to take place but there is no completion dates on that list of items and so is it possible for us to to go back and look at those list and at least give some ideas to when those items and those things are going to take place sure yeah now we work closely with uh um DC Maynard um who really runs that down for the fire department uh our facility maintenance department works with them very closely so we can get back with uh mayard and see where we're at on his side with the list uh and if there's anything hanging that's been hanging there for a while we can we can address that all right thank you Comm Mr Nessa absolutely uh one say congratulations to commissioner elect Anderson great job uh look forward to working with you up here um thank you to commissioner Vasquez and commissioner Becker for your guys support throughout my campaign uh it was very impactful and I won't forget it uh I got a couple different things I'm going to bounce around to uh Chuck I we had discussed or I think I sent an email and I may missed your response back so please forgive me uh about in reference to um spray for mosquitoes over on Golden Jem Road things like that is there any plans to do that is there anything that's County but it's our ponds I guess over it's specifically in reference to our concerns with the ponds oh I did talk to the water resource manager about it and he was going to send somebody out there to to spray that area okay so I know that was taken care of when you did send that okay perfect thank you um we just got an email today from remagine communities about their student award ceremony um hoping we can all kind of contribute in some way to make sure that's a success for them um in reference to the Chamber of Commerce I know that K mly has stepped down I guess what's that process look like moving forward who's running it what's the I just need I guess education on what that looks like of who what the process moving forward I think it's Jean um heck what's her last name um what Santiago Santiago yes jeene Santiago is is I guess the I don't know if they've even out on the market yet to try to find somebody to replace Kate so I don't know where that sits so I think it's kind of a uh um U it's being run by committee right now okay thank you uh attorney Shepard this one's for you uh we had a lot of questions during this campaign for about just legitimacy of documents things like that what I like that we're doing with the city Charter is that we're very specifically putting in there that the city clerk is not there to legitimize one way or the other they're just there to say hey we got it and move on what governing body should we point residents to instead of pointing them to our city clerk to get a comfort level that that's overseeing legitim legitimacy of documents things like that or is there not one well I can tell you the answer but it's going to SP sound unnecessarily smart Aly and it's the mirror because a citizen who's concerned about election violation is the reporting person and they report it either to if it's it amounts to election fraud to the state which happened in this case but it's not election fraud um and or civil action and that's also the candidate the posing candidate if there's opposing candidate obviously this can be a problem if for example someone were to run un opposed but nevertheless some of the same issues that were raised here were raised again but there is not a solution short of what I'm telling you because these matters unless they raised to the level of election fraud are not criminal and that's really where the disconnect is um there is in certain Charters and I can't remember if this is in yours a provision that says that the council is the final judge of the qualifications of a candidate to hold office here and so there is the possibility and maybe that's a parking lot issue either for this session or the next one where y all discuss either putting something in or tweaking it where there's a process by which if something uh is raised that's a legitimate question that you could sit here have hearings and do the whole business but I would caution that if it sounds burdensome that's because it would be um and so in most instances essentially if the clerk obtains sufficient proof as they did in this case that the candidates before them are qualified that is the job and if if it turns out that they were provided false information the remedy is vote against the candidate the remedy is take the candidate to court to prove that they don't qualify um and that's literally the remedy because they aren't violations of the law that get you in trouble they're violations of a charter that say whether you're qualified or not and the worst thing that can happen to you is you get removed from the ballot nobody goes to jail unless it's election fraud now election fraud is a whole different category that's where you has been alleged in other elections some more Pro high-profile than others the people voted twice people were providing false information people were paying people to vote etc etc etc none of that was going on here but that's a different level of violation and there are penalties that are criminal in nature and so forth and so on signing false affidavits blah blah blah um but everything else it's kind of the the default position in the way not just the state operates but our M municipality operates and most every other state operates is the idea is to let candidates qualify and let the voters figure it out we have a pretty high-profile national election going on right now that attests to that fact that's the default position in the country okay I know we've beat this horse dead many many times so I just wanted to clarify again and I mean it may be something worthwhile to talk about in the charter review just to explore some options there um so thank you for that uh we had the main street of popka meeting or or Main Street meeting this morning which I thought was very U productive valuable um the main street of popka group I think they've restructured and have an incredible team now that I'm really excited about and and hopefully we can get behind as a city because I think it it was it was very good and they're going to do some great things for our downtown area um I was going to touch on the homeless meetings as well I think there's value for all of us being in those meetings to understand exactly where we're going and how we can help we all have different strengths weaknesses and we can all provide uh different value so I I do think it I think we should be encouraged to attend not not attend um want to discuss the the forensic audit it came up um twice during uh public comment my ask is that um the commission let me present on the agenda next meeting of somewhere between seven and 10 specific topics that or Focus that uh that I'd like to go over and we can move forward from there and and you guys decide one way or the other if you have an appetite for it or not so um I know it's been asked that I I narrow my scope and and I understand the value of doing that so I will bring those seven to 10 specific items and then we can go from there uh as long as this Council will provide me that opportunity I got I would I would be in favor of now I don't know what your seven or whatever are but a couple natural things for me is where our natural large pots of money are our Reserve accounts and things like that I mean case in point uh at the budget workshops you know when we've started one of the funds it was how much do we have in that Enterprise reserve and there was some confusion back and forth and so you know using that as kind of a jumping off point I mean stuff like that that's how you kind of narrow your scope is okay where are my large concentrations of money where uh you know where do large transactions flow in and out of um and that would be I would be interested to seeing if you have that in your presentation sure okay well thank you I will do that then I want to discuss my final one too is is the AAL condo water issue that we kind of dealt with we didn't receive that email and then I the email from I guess it was the mother of the owner of that and and that had a lot of pertinent details that I had asked and didn't get the information from and so I I felt that I voted without all the information um which yeah that's that that's unfortunate because you know I'm not claiming bad intent here but the fact is the email was addressed to the mayor and Commissioners but that was an email that was never received so I don't know if she had addressed it to the the other Commissioners but I feel bad because she addressed it in a manner that she thought that we saw that and it was rich with a whole bunch of other uh additional details that we didn't have at our disposal during the meeting that we talked about that so if she is watching this or if she understands that we didn't receive that email because it wasn't address to us right or email to our address I don't I can't even remember how I got it did I did I get it directly I don't even think I got it directly I somebody got it and it wasn't sent out and I made a decision based on lack of information or wrong information at this at the last meeting so that was very frustrating for me um because it reflects on me I have to stand behind my votes and I didn't have the information that that was accurate so that was frustrating there and just to put a final point on the forensic audit commissioner Vasa you're okay with me putting on the agenda oh I am okay commissioner Becker you are yes sir mayor sure Smith problem commissioner Smith thank you okay excellent well I appreciate it all and uh that's it thank you okay all right Chuck anything nothing no sir I have something uh because who not who doesn't like a long meeting better more than me um southw Commons um as you all know I've sent a couple of emails to try to figure out if I could what the best way to proceed whether to bring It Forward is an agenda item and just have the public discussion or whether to have a shade meeting after still not being able to ascertain and I'm not saying people didn't respond it's just hard to figure out based on some of the responses which way to go the safe approach is to call for a shade meeting so that's what I'm doing um and if you agree uh then we need to schedule that and we'll do the notices and the whole thing but that way you can ask clearly your questions to the lawyers who are handling the case uh in a setting where you'll feel comfortable or at least in theory you'll feel comfortable and then once those things are are good we can depending on the circumstances move right back into the public setting as we all requireed to do after shade meeting anyway and vote then and there on whether we like or don't like the conciliation agreement or whatever they call it um and go from there or we can instruct the lawyer through the shade meeting to go back and keep negotiating on our behalf so that's what I'm doing at this moment is asking you to agree to a shade meeting you don't have to but if you do we need to schedule the date and that's just that's the HUD that's the yes is that the one with Southwick well it's there's two there's two there's there's there's the civil case and then there's the H case yeah okay so that's the HUD part of the okay the HUD part okay all right so are we going to decide on the shade meeting a date for the shade meeting yeah I need y'all to do that while I'm here because it has to all be done done publicly let's just do it at the the next council meeting uh at the first hour do we want to come an hour early come an hour no because you have to start no can we have the shade meeting after we start open up this shade meeting shouldn't shouldn't last long that's fine however you I just need to know so we can put just we'll yeah just we'll get it on the agenda for we'll go we'll open up the meeting go to shade meeting and come back and okay yeah sounds like here here's the dumb question but there's actually there's an there's a proposal on the table there is okay development okay yeah okay all right I must have thought that I replied to you in my sleep I apologize okay I thought did that it Cliff all right thank you all right um mayor's report yes uh commissioner nesa and commissioner elect uh Anderson you know glad to have you on board uh we will guess you'll your first meeting will be in he so um couple of things here uh on March 24th the fola bike ride is it's a great event if you um Mr Smith you have to have two pedals though it's hard to get eight miles with just one pedal that depends on whether you physically fit or not so anyway the F bike ride you know it's money they raise money for uh which is Friends of Lake aopa they've got different U you can choose your length of of ride there's 8 16 32 and 40 m and the 40 mile is completely around Lake of poka um and if you're going to do it it you you don't want to be on a a um uh a road bike you want to be on a mountain bike or something with little fatter tires but it's a fun time um I I try to do it every year I do The Eight Mile from go from Magnolia Park to the pump house back but yeah it's a good time date again that's March 24th uh just go to the fullo website to get the time I think there different times whether you're doing the 40 mile or the ones at from Magnolia Park um so just yeah go to that and you have to pre-re or they want you to pre-register if you can uh second thing is uh Easter Bunny is visiting a popka come on out to camp wewa on March 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 10: a.m. uh includes breakfast with the bunny egg hunt pictures with the bunny plus other activities cost is $10 and then last but not least um kind of neat our our Christian ministerial Alliance is trying to reach out to our community to um you know we also have we have the prayer breakfast which will be the first Thursday in May but what they're starting uh this year which I think is a great idea is all the churches are coming together together and they're going to have a good Friday service which will be obviously Friday March 29th at 12:00 noon at the Calvary Church the nazarine which is right across from Level Elementary on at 750 Roger Williams Road so that's um Friday at noon Calvary Church of the nazarine so if you'd like it be a 45 minute Service uh and so if you if you would like to have a come to a Good Friday service just love to have you there so with that