on Call of February 7th city council meeting order commissioner Smith you give us the prayer pledge in fact of the day please sir let us pray Our Father God we come once again thankful for the many blessing i bestowed upon us thank you God for this opportunity to continue to be Servants of this city we ask the Lord you continue lead guide and direct us and all that we shall say and do will be pleased and acceptable in your sight these bless our son Jesus name amen amen PL Alle to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation of God indivisible with liy and justice for all fact of the day on February 7th 1984 Navy Captain Bruce m kis II became the first human being to perform an uned space walk when he exited the US space shuttle Challenger and maneuvered freely using a white jetpack of his own design Mike CST operated Earth in tment with the shutter at speeds greater than 17,500 mph the speed at which satellites normally orbit Earth and flew up to 320 ft away from the Challenger during his successful space walk back today all right got a set of minutes any changes Corrections if not look for a motion to approve well I I had one little scribers there um it's under the council reports I don't have it right in front of me it says political feeder and the word that I use was theater I just don't want people thinking that I mustered the word itical theater sorry about that theater that that's the only motion to approve so commission by a motion by commissioner Becker second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously anything on the agenda we need to be moved around Chuck thank you all right next up I guess proud and a sad moment uh we lost a a good friend who served on this Council for 24 years and uh we we read this Proclamation at the the service last uh last week but we want to read it here uh to put it on the record at city council and that's for our good friend U Alonzo Williams and with that I know his brother's here to accept the proclamation and so we want to respect the family and read this Proclamation whereas commissioner Alonzo Williams Jr was born December 19th 19 38 to the late Mr and Mrs Alonzo Williams Senior in clar cona Florida and whereas Alonzo attended the public schools of Orange County and graduated from philis sweetley Senior High School in 1958 and where as Alonzo worked for several businesses in Apopka before establishing businesses of his own and where as Alonzo was married to Betty Hayes Williams to this Union C came three sons Alonzo Williams III Robert Hayes Jr an ton Hayes two daughters faceap and Latricia Hayes Goodson whereas Alonzo served as a deacon at the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church for approximately 40 years and whereas he worked with the Apopka Progressive senior citizens club for many years and served as the club's business manager for a number of those years and whereas in 1969 Alonzo ran and was elected to the Apopka city council representing District 1 from 1970 until his retirement in 1994 during his tenure he was appointed by the by Mayor John L to represent Apopka as a member of the lake aopa Natural Gas District board and served concurrently while on the council for 24 years anywh as Alonzo Williams achieved the significant Milestone of being a popa's first African-American elected official and whereas the city dedicated Lonzo Williams Park located on Ma board Street in lonzo's honor and whereas commissioner William passed away on January 9th 2024 he is survived by his wife Betty Sons Alonzo Robert and Tony daughters Fay and Latricia brother Robert as well as several grandchildren extended family and friends whereas We Gather here today Wednesday February 7th 2024 at the city council meeting to honor his memory now therefore I Brian Nelson mayor of the city of Apopka Florida due by virtue of the authority vested me do recognize commissioner Alonzo Williams Jr and ask all citizens to join me in honoring his memory for his devotion dedication and contribution to our community thank [Applause] you [Music] for all right Bradley Williams good afternoon mayor councel uh R Williams Parks and Recreation director got a couple presentations this afternoon uh first up I'm excited to announce we'll be working with the mayor's office uh to bring back uh the 2024 Apopka proud concert uh there's a picture from uh the 2019 event well attended event we're excited to be working on this to uh bring it back to the amphitheater this year and just some initial details uh we've invited John Anderson and Sor Brown to return uh you can Circle the date as Saturday October 5th 2024 and uh we will have further details soon we're working on sponsorships and uh the final event detail plans uh to get out to the public so just a little advanced notice that we are working on a PAP proud concert and excited to bring it back to the pap Amphitheater all right uh next up uh we've had some uh public Outreach and comment on uh our Northwest Recreation complex athletic field so I felt it was appropriate to bring it to council uh to to give an official update on on our athletic fields out of the complex we do run an annual yearr round maintenance program it's developed executed and managed by our Park superintendent uh he does have additional professional uh expertise provided through our third-party contractor PPM uh with that contract PPM also brings not only their expertise in the athletic Turf industry but also they have a lot of top relationships with fertilizer and chemical manufacturers that come visit our site uh throughout the year and also a variety of University programs that conduct studies on specifically on Turf um so if there's instances that we're having uh an issue with a specific area of the field uh they'll come out take a core sample bring it back to the university do a study on it and give us our next best steps to to address what ever issue might whether it's an infestation from a pest whether it's uh um an invasive weed that's come out to the field that might be resistant to to a chemical spray so it's been very useful having that partnership and um that ability to bounce that up to to study our turf field uh part of this plan and again it goes on throughout the year through different phases But it includes the following maintenance and cultural practices uh fertilization and weed control slicing verticut and air rating so those are all uh methods to break up compaction on the field so as the fields are used day after day after day the foot traffic the mowers those type of things will compress uh the soil uh the turf needs room to grow through the soil so those methods help break up that compaction uh we do a couple different types of top dressing one of them you can see in the photo uh we do a sand top dressing that's to help level the pl surface um we also do an organic material top dressing which helps boost the soil composition so we have very Sandy uh fields or Sandy uh sublayers so we have to continually add that organic material along with fertilizer to help boost the the strength of the root system uh we have uh it's been a couple years now I think five or six but we have discontinued our over seating in the Ry grass and that's really noticeable obviously in the winter cuz Ry grass is a cold weather uh grass so in the past we would overseed the turf that turns dormant in the winter turns brown but that rice seed pops back into a green grass so it looks like The Field's nice and green it is green with the rice seed but as soon as we have to turn back to the uh grow season we have to spray all that Ry seed out or Ry grass out and we're basically back to square one with the athletic Turf that's under the seed so um we' discontinued that there's a not only it's a highly cost uh invasive procedure but it's also requires us to kill the grass back out later in the spring summer and we have no idea what's under that field until that grass is gone so um we're continually uh evaluating our operation and and looking at ways to uh improve uh the complex in a variety of ways uh we do have some addition next steps uh for our maintenance program it includes our biannual grading and photo documentation so we did some overhead shots in January and I'll go through some of those here shortly uh we'll also regroup and do that again in July so we'll have a a winter season and a coming out of Summer uh comparison uh that'll help us assess our maintenance practices to see where we're at if anything needs to be changed uh or addressed and give us that good view of the field and and what our stressed areas might be uh we're also looking to improve our assessment of hourly usage data on a per pad per season basis um it's very important to fully understand how much activity we have on the field over the year um and I'll get into that here shortly as well we're g we're going to continue our rest and maintenance periods throughout the year and we're also including uh some periods on select Fields throughout the growing season so uh for instance uh as we're coming out of winter uh this initial spring season pads one and three will be shut down an extended period as the turf starts growing back to to strengthen those areas once those are are U uh strengthened or reopen those and address uh two additional fields that that might be showing some excessive wear um we're also in the process of not only uh the the new Fields uh that we're looking to we're finalizing our bid um documents to get that out uh to install two new Fields we're also working on ideas and possibilities to increase additional areas in the park for public walk up or when the fields are closed give an outlet for people to go still run around on a on a field um that might not be maintained to our athletic game level but a safe playable field during the winter seasons or during the closures uh we're also reassessing our budgetary needs uh uh our partners and contractors have uh approached us about potentially adding um some additional top dressing again like I said the the sand the tur the park out there is very Sandy so Organics we need to keep incorporating that um but we'll reassess that as we move through this budget and a plan for future budgets as well if you notice this picture this picture was taken about two weeks ago 3 weeks ago and then a week later this is what that same area looks like so we've top dressed the field in a week's time the sand has settled um and while that looks like there's no grass out there the grass is under the sand and it's now made its way back up um and this is during the winter so it's a very slow grow period um just to share uh our field condition assessment benchmarks that we're going to be us using that we're using moving forward um each field assign a grade uh our Parks uh superintendent is responsible for assigning this grade uh we will also be working uh our athletic staff and our third party into grading the fields uh so we can have a a multifaceted look at at the at the fuel condition grade A sustained good field conditions throughout the field of play uh the column off to the side it says field use this is the expected total amount of fields uh Field hours you can expect annually to receive a grade A so 200 200 200 or less so that's when you look at the year not a lot of time uh Grade B good field conditions with some thinning of turf and localized wear areas anywhere from 400 to 6 hours is expected uh grade C Fair fuel conditions expect significant thinning in wear areas that's anywhere from 800 to a th000 hours annually and then D is a significant Turf loss bare areas and field surface damage which leads to increased potential for for injury that's the area that we definitely want to stay out of ab and C we can work with obviously we want to try and live in the a area um but D is a field that we would have to take on offline to to address drastic issues and that's uh typically any fields that experience over a thousand hours annually so I'm going to run through some uh slides here uh the leftand picture is winter 2024 that was taken uh in January 25th and then the right side is spring 2022 so just a couple caveats here as we're looking at these uh the left side looks a little uh less green than the the right side a that's cameras and then also we're a couple months into the growing season on the right hand side so the grass has had two months advance from what you see on the left but what we're really looking at are the areas that see I get the point work so we're looking at like these type of areas if you look at the rest of the field you're seeing pretty consistent weed-free uh Turf areas and then you see our high traffic areas here so obviously we're set up this is our flag football season so you can see where predominantly we have high use from flag football of note also we have our parking uh parking area right here so typically and you see this on all of our fields and it's an industry uh industry issue the fields closest to the parking lot are always the fields that get hit the hardest because you're right at the parking lot so if you look at the other side the other side of the fields are in really good shape uh pad two um similar thing we're looking at our we're looking at our wear areas this area here wear areas um but they're localized thinning areas no bare spots pad three same thing you might see some you might see some uh white sandy areas here those aren't holes those are areas that were either thin turf or there might have been a hole there at one point we've hand graded those uh packed them with sand uh so a little mini top dress but if you see this field pad three you know this year we still have a a good wear pattern going in the middle but comparatively to 2022 this field has has started performing a lot better um through the maintenance practices I forgot to mention on the side here this is our estimated Park uh or field use hours per pad uh this includes our community use so this is our programming and basic field rental our tournaments uh we're still working on calculating those for 23 um you can figure add another 50 60 hours per pad for tournament use pad four similar thing we're seeing we're looking for areas of worn and then we're also seeing nice consistent Turf through a predominant predominantly large area of the pad not the case back in 2022 we had some issues um with with major wear on that field this is a field that graded a c for us uh mainly because you're not localized now you have areas of wear through this entire field um so this will be one of those fields that we're going to have to address as we get into the spring season uh possibly takeoff line a little bit longer to to get it going 339 hours of estimated use relatively speaking though the turf is still at an upgraded stance from what we're seeing here you see a lot of areas of of discoloration um so we got a clean clean plane surface growing in pad a so we've done this for all the fields uh here's pad N9 and 10 that photo that I showed you uh with the top dressing that's what that area looked like overhead when we top dressed it um we didn't get the Drone back up for that next week but as you saw in the other close-up shot the the sand had all leveled down and um incorporated into the turf again this area is right along the parking lot so even back in 2022 that area was a concern and an issue um if you look at this area though the gold Mouse are also issues we've cleaned those areas up uh on this recent shot 11 to 12 similar thing if you notice these pads the hours are kind of jumping up a little bit these are the pads that we have our uh our rental agreement with Central FL soccer club so they get used used a little bit more than our our pads up to the the south of the complex but for all that use if we're looking at the field condition we have some areas that we've uh hand treated but overall Turf we got good coverage we've gotten rid of our big main wear uh pattern in the middle of the fields um so those are looking looking pretty good and then our best uh our best fields are definitely 13 14 15 16 couple reasons for this if you notice hours are way lower on these fields uh there currently are only lights on pad 16 so there's a good portion of the year that we can't use these fields because it's dark out uh so I mean again looking at the turf we've got solid consistent Turf running throughout there and then we also uh we visit other surrounding parks and you know we try and Benchmark our practices against what else is out there um these are all photos that were taken from surrounding areas other agencies uh similar style Park and wck Fields um but we're in the winter every complex is dealing with issues of of weeds bare spots uh repairs needed uh there's what our complex looks like in the same time frame so we do have areas as you can see down at the bottom we have areas that we're addressing we're working to working on but we also have a lot of coverage on the fields as you saw on the overheads that are in good condition strong healthy as we continue to grow into the growing season they're going to rebound quickly uh for us so with that I'll answer any questions any concerns comments any questions I guess really from the presentation on the the first table that you showed and then going through the different pads um it's safe to say that the expectation should be every single pad is a grid b or higher correct none of the hours went over 600 with the exception of pads nine and 10 so the expectation really from where we sit and from correct probably presenting is that they should be be or higher correct and to get to that a level that's where we look at usage times and as you saw pads 13 14 15 16 they fall under that 200 hour and those fields we were able to grade an B and C we B should be the target we're going to slip to C sometimes and that could be dependent on weather it could be dependent on extra use that we' put on that field it could depend on a variety of things uh we went from a very dry summer drought issue to a very wet winter and you know we've had some issues with that as well so but yeah AB is where we like to live D is where we close a field yeah just thank you you and the staff and Nai and robod for meeting what was that last week we all got the room together yeah last week um and it wasn't an easy conversation there was some some pride of ownership pride of use um dialogue going back and forth but thank you for getting to a point where you all walked the fields Friday and got to a space where they could at least um get their practices started going again but I you know this is helpful for the general public to see because it's not just you know the soccer club right we've heard from other people talking about some of the recreational fields and things like that but it's good to be able to point to say you can quantify what you're trying to get to in terms of field quality right and and as I mentioned you know our Park superintendent is ultimately responsible for the the care of the parks in athletic fields we have resources that we bring in to help assist with that his assessment has a lot of value but we also need to Value the assessment of our third party to come in and do a grading system our grading system and then our athletic division ision who utilizes the fields um Can grade them as well there's always a pushpull between Athletics and Parks because Athletics wants to use the field year round Parks has to try and maintain the field year round so there's always that kind of back and forth uh we've taken steps over the last year and a half to start implementing some of these changes as far as like field closures maintenance times rest times where we didn't have those uh in the past so um we don't want to turn the faucet completely off but we've we've started to incorporate some of those uh adjustments to again help get those fields the best we can for the use that we're getting out of them so ju just one question because I saw 200 hours uh 400 how do how do you keep track of those hours so everything's scheduled through our scheduling system so and we know exactly who uh who we're putting out for our programming so whether it's our internal programming our rentals those things are pretty easy to determine our tournaments we're working through still because a tournament might book 10 hours on a Saturday but in all reality they they used eight so we have other documentation we got to go through tournament by tournament to determine exactly all right we booked 10 but we only used eight on this day so but that's how we that's how we get that yeah okay and that's part of the next steps getting that data in a better uh system so we can more readily pull it out so if if you have a an organization that has exceeded those hours are you allowing them to use other pads H how is that working so right now we're in a data phase so I'm grabbing as much information as we can obviously we've graded the fields and except for one field that we put as a c we're in that b range really pretty solid with some localized areas from there we have our hours of use we can make determinations on all right what do we want to put our field usage at and then from there the groups that have rental space do can we give them more space do we need to move them to a different field do we have another field available uh one of the things that we've talked about through this process and and and spoke with Coach Naji as well is we have 16 pads out at the field that doesn't mean we have 16 pads available at one time so there's going to be times where we need to have a couple pads down for extra rest or maintenance so we can't be renting 16 fields at once it's more like 13 12 depending on the season so but those are all things that we're as we're moving through and getting the getting the data lined up and this process um um in place we'll start being able to make those determinations and what type of grass do we have we have Bermuda grass yeah I'm sorry what repeat that again uh grass what what grass Turf we use Bermuda oh okay and I highlighted soccer because that was a big topic lately but we're the same system will go in for our baseball fields starting in July so again those are going to get graded as well the more information the more data the more we have to to build a record the better we'll be able to make determinations on whether our maintenance practices are appropriate whether they need to be adjusted um but that also includes the weather aspects as well but we got to have that information to make those decisions M yeah just wanted to thank you and your team for diving in this deep to this this really does help this data collecting and all that and you guys are putting in a lot of work to it so I really appreciate staff for doing this your team really stepping up and doing this and it's going to create a proactive approach versus reactive which I feel we've been a little bit in the past so I think we're heading the right direction there I appreciate um a lot of our vendors being patient with us as well as we navigate this but I really think we're heading the right direction now so appreciate you taking the time to do this and and your uh your team really behind the scenes making it happen so absolutely all right thank you Radley appreciate it okay public comment oh excuse me I'm sorry Chief Kinley bring the team mayor Commissioners thanks for having us today um I'd like to take credit for this but I'm not going to officer Sosa over my right shoulder is the one that came to me a while back asked about uh implementing this program in the Apopka Police Department in the city of Apopka I told him to run with it he's done a terrific job carrying the ball and getting us to to this point where we're ready to implement this program so with that I'm going to I only have two stickers right now the others are in order they should be in any day so I'm going to hand them to you you can see what they look like but you going have to share them amongst each other um and I'll leave it over to officer Sosa good afternoon mayor counil and everyone else in here uh my name is Emanuel Sosa I'm an officer at the apop police department uh also have the privilege of being a traffic homicide investigator a field training officer get closer get closer move it up there you go better yeah okay uh a field training officer and also a part of the Emergency Response Team um and a little bit more about myself my favorite baseball team is the Tampa Bay Rays for those who like other other sports and uh football team is going to be the Dolphins so just a little bit about me personally um so today I'll be taking a few moments of your time and I thank you for your patience in advance uh Mr talk about the special needs registry program that uh with the help of uh our staff leadership and uh thank thankfully uh Chief Michael McKinley we've were able to bring this initiative to the police department and the City of aaka um so the special needs registry program it it means a lot to me it hits home because I have a a lot of family members who are U persons with disabilities and they all ISM and on top of that over the course of the past six years um in my career um we respond to so many calls for service where we are dealing with these people one-on-one and a lot of our calls for service um thankfully have have been resolved uh in a in a peaceful manner uh we we go into these calls for service blind a lot of the times and uh or with lack of information thereof um which doesn't allow us to go to the these call for service with as much information as possible so a lot of the our uh a lot of the servic that we provide as the police department um has to do with information that we received from either a third party person or information that we have collected in the past um that can go into our databases um again big thanks to uh Chief McKinley for allowing me to bring this to the agency um and I'll go ahead and start so it the State of Florida this year January 1st um has launched a house bill that essentially authorizes law enforcement agencies to have a database for a special needs registry that is House Bill uh 1275 so uh this is a quick PowerPoint that I created it's for the special needs registry and uh it'll just go in briefly go into detail as to uh what we'll be bringing to the city so our goal the pop Police Department is committed to the security and safety of all its residents the more information that officers have when responding uh to cost of service the better they able to meet our residents needs the program will allow the apka police department to work cooperatively with the public in order to provide a safe community and reduce the chances of of a misunderstanding or miscommunication during an emergency call for service the mission of the apopa police department autism and persons with disability program is to alert uh emergency responses such as police officers firefighters and medical technicians of a person with autism or other special needs in a home or a vehicle again to go more into our mission uh the decal that you see on the bottom left of the screen um it enables officers of the Apopka Police Department to be aware that there is a person in a home or a vehicle that may in uh may include but not limited to the following and then it's uh limited communication limited Mobility death blind intellectual disabilities autistic dementia Alzheimer's disease and have epilepsy or seizure disorders this decal or the decal that's on the bottom left enables officers of the pop police arment to be aware of cues that can be present at the time of a call for service such as not limited to being overwhelmed by police presence reacting with fight ORF flight responses not responding to stop or other verbal commands having delayed speech and language skills not responding to their own name avoiding any eye contact uh having sensor perception issues and hiding or wandering off a lot of the C uh specifically we're hiding or wandering off a lot of the calls for service that the apopa police department uh responds to is going to be a missing person someone who is wandering off from their residents we get a call from either family or any other bystander that's uh a part of this community and calls and is um more more because they're concerned about a person who's walking um and appears to be lost so this will allow us to uh track as best as we can to uh meet the resident's needs and be able to identify someone who may have wanded off from a house um and then uh having an impairment and engaging in uh repetitive Behavior if a first responder is able to identify that a child or adult may be experiencing one or several of these indicators he or she then can respond in a way that best supports the individual so what is the special needs registry um it's a couple of things but uh initially it's going to be a spread sheet especially that's kept both at the police department and at our um a Dispatch Center that's in the building next over um it's going to be a at risk report um and that is just the name that uh s County the system that we use is with SEMO County so it they classified the report as at risk and that is how we are going to track our reports going forward for uh the special needs uh registry uh on top of the at risk report that we have we also have a separate system which is our call for service system and uh there will be a hazard icon on the top right of our call for service system which will allow us dispatch um us as in police and dispatch uh to be aware of the residents we may be responding to or a person that we may be in contact with um so with that there's two stickers uh I have them okay okay perfect um I have some more here that I wanted to present to you guys but if you saw them excellent um uh so the two stickers that we provide to the residents uh who would like to inquire about this they will either go in the front of a home or a vehicle uh and to participate in this program the resident must reside in the city of papka either part-time or full-time and uh uh they must require additional Assistance or consideration during an emergency situation or calls for service so again what to look out for on the field as far as us and our uh fire department personnel uh we're going to have a hazard screen on the on our specific CAD we're still working with the fire department so that they can have essentially the same exact information that we have um so that whenever they're respond to calls for service because a lot of times the fire department responds to calls that we don't and vice versa um so our goal is to uh share the information with the fire department with their uh calls for uh service system so that they can be aware of the same information as far as us um and as soon as an officer responds to a residence or sees a vehicle with the with there's a sticker on either the vehicle or the front door it just immediately allows us to understand and know that we're or the type of situation that we're going into um this is an example of the front door of a residence of where the sticker can be placed and then this is an example of the vehicle um and where the sticker can be placed the reason why we suggest to put the uh sticker in the rear end of the vehicle is because a lot of our contacts statistically is going to be either by a traffic stop by approaching a residence where vehicles are driven into the driveway and um or into a parking space and this allows us immediately to know that there may be someone with disabilities or Autism inside of your vehicle so just a quick look at our Cafe um system this is our report database that we have and this is just an example of information that we will collect upon completing this report per person person with disability or Autism who's interested um and in the narrative uh section you will find more detailed information such as like disability medication what calms them or replaces them um or places they frequent any Hazard that's in the home um and emergency contact that's the biggest thing for us is emergency contact so if an officer comes across someone who they think should participate in the program uh initially we're going to do is uh obtain their name address and contact information we're going to encourage them to sign up um and this is just for our uh tracking purposes and uh provide them with a physical application so in my with me I have a physical application that I'm going to present to you guys in just a second and on top on top of the physical application you'll see a brochure that we've created as well and this brochure is going to be placed uh in as many places as we can possibly place them for example the police department uh or any public places that will allow us to do so that way when our residents are uh going to places of business or the police department they can see this information um so sharing information uh going back to the house bill I think several upon mentioning this to several people the concern is um the confidentiality of the persons with special needs and uh the house bill protects and it exempts any information of a special needs person or a person with autism to be shared um so this the information that we obtain and we do and we track um in our systems will only be shared with other First Responders such as other police departments or other fire departments uh and so just uh to touch on some other things um we have created a policy at the police department and part of our policy is also going to include to audit this uh on an annual basis so I know a lot of times uh people can move to the city and move out of the city well within a year sometimes six months so I our goal is to audit and obtain as much information as possible so if the person did move out of the city we can uh put that into the same report that regenerated and um make sure that that's not a a foreseeable risk whenever we respond to that house and there's another Resident that may live there um and just quickly on uh future future projects I couldn't do everything at once because uh I was told I might have been doing a little too much uh but future projects uh so when we first apply here we're given uh these these small cards here and it has our 10 codes and signals and stuff like that just codes that we communicate with uh as law enforcement um my goal is to bring one of these cards here that has a way to communicate with a non-verbal person so it's going to uh say an example like call call parent it's going to have an example as a um I'm lost and just different pictures that we can communicate with people who are non-verbal that will allow us to help them as best as possible um and then hopefully my chief will approve this but uh uh my goal is to work with a company who's willing to uh uh wrap uh one of our emergency vehicles by wrapping I mean it's essentially kind of like painting but it's a wrap that goes on top of the car and can be removed whenever you want it won't affect any of the paint of the car and that'll allow us to show that we have um an active interest in persons with disabilities and autism and we willing to be there as a presence um and then a quick closing statement before any questions that that uh anyone may have um so there's three things that this is the special registry is intended for and it's for the collection of information which will allow us to utilize the intelligence and build a relationship with the community and all this all the three things and everything that I've presented so far is uh ultimately to uh make the community a safer place and enhance the quality of life for all citizens so at this time any questions if any sure commissioner Velasquez okay um first I want to say thank you to you because uh like you I have a brother who's uh autistic and is an epilepsi also so um and he is uh he just turned 69 years old um we faced many challenges over the decades with him but uh you're right because when you see them there's nothing that says they're autistic until they start to speak they have certain mannerisms so this is good in the right direction um we do have some organizations here in the city that do uh cater to the special needs that would be a good uh way for you to partner with them so that you can you know speak to them and they can help you out as to you know how to make this program work um I I am concerned about the um the Privacy for for these uh residents because that is important you know you don't want them to stand out and be singled out but what if someone wants just a sticker to kind of identify that they have a family member um that is Autistic or Falls within the category that you have but they don't want to register them would they be allowed to have that sticker that that's a good question um I think that we as the police department will still do our best to try to track as much information as we can I know that um we if the the person does not want to be included in any type of report um it it'll just be a matter of getting that approved and and getting the person the the sticker that they that they want I'm sorry um we're not going to stop anybody from participating in the program obviously the more information we have the better we can respond to that Resident and the person that uh may need have special needs um one of the things you'll notice is we have two different um decals uh that was done deliberately because those with special needs don't always react sometimes to law enforcement presence as those with autism and autism is a spectrum that affects them from birth all the way up um you know through their entire life and throughout those processes um you know they can react differently depending on their age and other things so we felt it was important to distinguish autism uh in those residents and those cars so there are different ways that we can uh approach them I am proud of the fact that we take our autism training further above most law enforcement a agencies as we actually have some of the organizations that you mentioned come in during our autism training we do it every two years and they actually bring autistic um people into the training so everyone of our officers has an opportunity to interact with an autistic individual and try to communicate with that individual and try to see how the different spectrums react to our interaction so I think that's very beneficial every one of our officers with the exception of the most recently hired ones has been through Crisis Intervention training which teaches them where resources in our community are and how to deal with those that are experiencing some kind of mental health situation or disability uh that's a 40-hour class that's put on uh by a thirdparty vendor that uh we attend everybody with so we won't deny anybody access to the program but obviously we will try to explain to them that the more information we have we it is going into our secure database um not everybody can get into um our CAD system where the information is going to be placed we are going to work on placing it in the fire department's CAD system so they have the same information if they respond to a call like officer SOS said that we don't so and what about going into some of the communities that um Sosa uh Hispanic uh Community because you know that a lot of of the Hispanic Community they're very closet and um they don't like to share too much so is is there some effort to try and get to some of those communities um to make sure that they know about this program uh yes I think that our the more we respond to calls for service specifically in those communities it would allow us to to speak to them and make them aware on top of this um and I didn't mention it earlier one of my goals in the near future is to uh attempt to do a or work with a news agency to be able to um advertise this information as best as possible so that we can get whoever is interested involved right and to kind of have this in different languages correct because I think we we very popular with Creole uh and of course Spanish um here in the city of aapka but I just want to say thank you this is a a really good program um and this is coming from someone who actually has dealt with someone who is autistic and uh for me I can recognize that because I've been dealing with it all my life but I I really do appreciate that our Police Department is taking great strides in in dealing with our special needs communities so thank you thank you Mr Beer yeah thank you for your leadership on this um you know and to your point commissioner Vasquez I think the registry is more to the spirit of the bill it's called protect our loved ones yeah and it's really you know and it's a voluntary thing right it's people that realize that you have someone with developmental disabilities and you know and I serve with Quest I think that's the organization that you're referring to and we serve people with developmental disabilities we serve 500 uh clients um and they run an we we we always say that autism is the brand name of Developmental Disabilities because that what's that's what people know by name but there's literally hundreds of Developmental Disabilities that people um deal with day in and day out and a lot of those are non-verbal so I can only imagine from a police interaction when you're expecting a lot of behaviors based off of verbal commands and that person is not verbal in response it can create a very unique situation if you will correct um so it's it's good to see that and you know the State of Florida is 49th out of 50 in terms of funding for uh individuals with developmental disabilities so anything that we can do as a city that's lower cost but still provides a necessary service for those that do have developmental disabilities I think it's just it's it's admirable that you're already kind of taking this and running with it even you know as this bill is brand new so appreciate that thank you sir Mr Smith I likewise want to commend you for taking the initiative to bring this program forward uh being a former educator uh I I taught students with autism and with disabilities as well and was a part of uh establishing a program called special Hearts farm for those students with autism and disabilities and so I think this is a great great program we have and I wish you much success thank you m just to Echo the same thing thank you so much for this do not take this lightly this is a big deal and something that is well beyond what other I think municipalities are doing so it's very cool to be on the front lines that I think people are going to um start copying exactly how you're doing it too you're kind of building that framework that I think other municipalities are going to start copying so that's really cool uh and I think that's what we're doing is basically taking an individualistic and collaborative approach working with our residents as you guys are doing calls and I think that is absolutely incredible uh and we're providing a higher level service for our residents two quick questions one is when we're when the police department is dealing with or or have calls with homeless individuals is there something that we can kind of bridge this program with that to because some homeless individuals have similar issues that we all have issues so is there something that that would be to where they might have a sticker but within your own database it's it states that they have some Tendencies this way that way on the Spectrum whatever it may be um most of our officers are are very familiar with our homeless population because we do encounter them understand what most of their mental disabilities are um we can look at some way to interact uh I mean we do have constant contact with them and and we do know those that uh suffer from mental incapacitation or mental disorders um so but we'll look at something to try to address that yes sir I would help and then to the other one is there a way to I know this is got this is the police department's program and you guys very proud to partner with the uh fire department as well because they're kind of you know they're working with similar individuals things like that so they could also be either dropping these applications off have them in their own trucks as well would that make sense to yeah we are working with the fire department as officer Sosa said we're working on making sure the same information is in their database sure um you know in addition to officer Sosa coming up with this program he's also volunteered to maintain the program so kudos to him yes for everything that he's involved in uh you know I'll cover it real quick uh I know we hit you with two other projects we we do try to R him in so we can focus on one thing at a time and get it done and then we'll move on to the next thing but um I'm sure we'll allow him to continue his efforts and and what he wants to do he's doing some great things excellent yeah and that and that kind of leads me to a final question there is that the the kind of non-verbal Communications card I think please go forward with that um and then additionally I guess with that is is what kind of additional funding is needed to Market this correctly I think those are all kind of the questions here of how can we get this out and really Market to to individuals specifically well we are going to use our our social media the city social media to um get this out there I think you know I've already had one um the poy Chief reached out to me today about the project um so I think that we'll continue to have media Outlets want to cover uh what is going on here um but again it's not necessarily about the coverage it's making sure that we provide the right service to our residents who do suffer from some type of disability so we will do our best to get it out uh we'll work with commissioner Becker uh with his organization and and use that as a fun U the organizations that come and teach us uh with autism training we can work with them to make sure it's out there too you know one of the biggest challenges going to be that you know our database only covers the residents of the city of apka so we have to restrict it to the residents of the city of apka but I suspect that all law enforcement agencies with the new bill are going to come out with similar like projects I know that Captain King was in a class and he used this as a presentation um and it was well received by numerous law enforcement agencies that wanted our policy we do have a policy in place before we implemented it so the officers know what to do and what they can and can't do with the information all that is in place prior to the implementation of the program gotcha all right well if there's any additional funding that is needed to mark this properly if you guys feel there's any Outlets that we're missing let us know because this is just a great program thank so far we able to cover the stickers out of our own budget okay well here take these back I don't I don't want to have to pay twice well if I can unpack commissioner nessa's question about the fire maybe he's just wanting a fire sticker instead of police I'm just saying just they may not want these in their truck specifically it says Police Department I have I have to tell you not going to pay for a fire department sticker they can use our stickers I got you thank you yeah I just like to kind of give you my my background so I was before I became an elected official I served on the police uh uh we looked at the police brutality under the citizens Review Committee for Orange County and never forget long as I live we had an individual who was a grown man but had you know a very very um ele you know Elementary um IQ and so anyway he was his mom would lock the house at night to make sure he didn't get out at night but this one night this individual um got out of the got out of the house started wandering the neighborhood and it was the houses all looked pretty much similar so somewhere he figured out he was he was lost so he goes to the first house that looks like his goes to the front door to open it and it doesn't open it's just locked so it's one of their neighbors so he starts now he's starting to panic so he starts pull on the door well the the the lady behind the door panics it's calls 911 and so you know police officers come and never forget so they had a had a hedge on either side of the driveway or excuse me of of the the sidewalk going up to the front door and so the officers go barring up to the front door and this individual the only way out was right down the same path the officers were going up so they middle of the night they think it's you know a bad guy and they take out the batons and and you know knock him to the ground and you know and so we we looked at that so you know what could we do or what could the the sheriff's department do to you know to help with that so 20 years ago we did is we came up with a a wristband that was our our you know kind of the precursor of what you're doing now is the rest The Wristband had he had a wristband that we knew that that that he was challenged that we would have we would have the officers would have treated this individual different so yeah that's it's a great program and you know just I I in my own mind I just go through that every time I hear something similar I go God I remember that because he came the mother and the son came to you know this this hearing that we were putting on and and we said said ma'am I said you know as much as it was a it not a tragedy but it could have been a tragedy I mean the officers had every right to you know to do more than they did I said but we've got to we've got to fix this and so that was we came up was was The Wristband and but this this will take it to a whole another level that I'm I'm really proud of what you've done and and and given the chief giving you the uh the Rope to take it and run with it so so thank you for thank you for doing that and in closing I just like to again thank officer Sosa for BR this forward and uh kudos to him for everything he's done and all the hard of work he's done and thank you for your time thank you thank [Applause] you all right Susan public comment good afternoon mayor Commissioners um I've spoken up here before so um just to recap a little bit but my name is Andrew Reyes and the owner and founder of the Fitness Company Nutri company event company of the oak um is the company name and I just wanted to give you all a quick recap about um my event series that I ran last year of 2023 recap um and the success that was behind that and then um give you kind of a precursor to the same event series that I'll be running this year um so my goal with my company is to create an atmosphere and an opportunity for this city for the community um and surrounding community to create an opportunity for just an active lifestyle a healthy lifestyle and with that um I created event series that throughout the entire year um from March all the way through December um there are six different events that are unique to themselves to Unique to the next um that will create this atmosphere that it within City Limits people can come be active um sign up for whether it's a workout event um I know two of the six events were kind of tribute workouts um we call them hero workouts to um honor those that are fallen so there is a lot of um there there's a lot of support and a lot of lot much more meaning than just a regular 5K behind it um I know we ran one of our most successful events was our Turkey Trot in um in November that we ran we had the 12K of Christmas um that we were really happy about so all the events from 2023 um we had over 200 people registered um and show up to the city parks um so and especially uh specific thank you to Radley Williams um for the program that your team is running right now um to maintain the pads because the next event that we're running here in March um kind of the season season opener if you will um will be utilizing one of the pads that he had mentioned so thank you to Bradley and his team um but with this next year um we have all the same events that we're going to be doing again um the first one is March 8th um it's called the oak challenge so it's kind of very specific to um the opening of my company officially um and it's open to everybody open to the public um that's kind of our series opener to the six events that will be running this year um so we have one in March May July September November and December so I'll be back discussing the rest of those um not expecting you to remember any of those um but just just to recap all those um and really excited to continue to encourage a healthy lifestyle active lifestyle within City Limits because the reason I made this event series is growing up as an athlete and just as an adult having um wanting to sign up for races 95% of the time I would have to sign up outside of C City Limits there wasn't an active active events within the city so um I'm trying to create that for for this community um so we're excited to to host another um year of successful events in the city and we'll hopefully see you March 8th um coming up any questions on that the March 8th event what what does that entail what is that a race like a run it is not a run um it's a workout event style um there are there's running involved it's my goal is a kind of a a full fitness challenge um so there are some dumbbells involved there's some running involved um a variety of movements but yeah some some exercises that are combined with yeah exercises combined with running is my shortest version of explaining that but yeah so of the six events that's a good question so of the six events the first three events that I host are going to be more workout style and then the back three the latter three will be races um so that just hopefully appeals to all different types of of people and um and with all this too my as a fitness professional my goal is to oh no okay you're um sorry my goal is to appeal to all different levels I'm not expecting you to only be a top athlete um to be able to participate in these events I really want to encourage the healthy lifestyle for any level any age where do we go to to sign up I'm sorry where do we go to to sign up um it'll be on my website so it's the oak community.com is thank you you're welcome any other questions okay thank you no okay great thank you very much I will see you all there signed up ready to go Nikki Maguire okay it's a big difference good afternoon Commissioners mayor Nelson and everyone um do you remember the good old days when you played outside and had a blast on until parents came looking for you because it was dark outside it was a little after the dinosaurs but before video games and social media I'm almost 50 so of course I remember so I'm here today to tell you to save the date for May 11th to have outdoor fun at Naomi kids free annual family fund day it will be held at kitland Nelson Park we moved the date up to beat the hurricane season last year you guys saw we had to reschedule due to the bad weather I am super excited as Naomi kids this year will be celebrating 10 years of helping local families here in aapka so at this event we will be giving away bicycles helmets and toys plus more games and activities than last year including a dance competition y'all can all sign up we still need more vendors and sponsors please email events at Naomi kids.com or call 47 88355 85 I want to take this opportunity to thank each of the Commissioners up here Sergeant wig and our pop cedi of course my favorite Chief hi Chief and our um Captain hold thefield and the fire department and chief hello and our team of volunteers for everyone for your commitment to making this event bigger and better than last year thank you and looking forward to see every one of you there we're going to have more information on social media and on the website so this is just a save the date for now but stay tuned thank you most most importantly who's in the dunk tank this year um I don't want to put anybody on blast but so I'm not going to call names but someone in the back with a white shirt no hair on the head has volunteered so I'm I'm challenging someone over there with no hair who was in the dunk tank last year so maybe we could have a police department versus fire Department face off right he I I promise it wasn't me he asked the question I answered any other questions okay thank you okay so I'll move it back up for the next guest Rod olon 3156 earling Hills Lane of popka first of all mayor Commissioners thank you for what you do thank you guys for Saturday sounds it was an incredible show this weekend those of you didn't get there it's some incredible event a special thank you to uh commissioner Becker for bringing uh Central uh so Central Florida soccer club nii uh Chuck Radley and Donnie together uh a very fruitful meeting that we had last week uh certainly there's been more work done in those fields in the last 10 days been done a long time they're really coming around and appreciate the commitment you guys have in moving forward uh good news bad news the good news is it's being done the bad news is this takes a squeaky wheel to get the grease I look back in my notes I've been talking about this for a year here somehow about 60 people emailed and called you guys and guess what we have action so thank you and coming out of the meeting and what I've heard today I'm very optimistic about the future and what we're going to be doing um I'll Swift a little bit because this post is up first so I'm going to cover this a little bit the importance of having Central Florida soccer club is demonstrated by this if you take a quick look at other clubs they spend 20 average is 22 25 in fees 350 uniforms $855 in additional fees for a total of 3,340 as an average for those clubs Central Florida one of the top clubs in the state is only 14.45 uh for fees 250 for uniforms there's no additional fees for total 1620 to join another club for our children we have some that do it it's double to go elsewhere in addition which is not reflected by this Central Florida offers $300 disc discount for those returning players in addition to $100 off fees if it's paid in full upfront when you look at our Fields 2006 we had 35,8 53 according that internet residents and Apopka we had 16 paths at the end of 2023 we had 58,221 26 pads in in order to treat the same number of people we need to move forward on getting more Fields so they can be properly rested it's is again as I said it's important that we keep this club viable and how do I move to the next slide just arrows okay these next slides is what I saw Saturday morning signage is very critical uh you see field closed that field closed the first one top left is field nine the worst field as identified by everyone people on it the other fields you take a look at says field closed field closed and there's tape everywhere which means for any other coach or anyone walking by saying well I guess those signs don't mean anything uh the last picture the bottom bottom left you can see I guess you only see there's four cars none of them with handicap stickers all parked on the lawn which say it's critical that we have Rangers and our Park Personnel take care of business I had a nice conversation with Bradley they're looking at filling a couple Ranger positions and Chuck I did follow your direction I called the ranger to get the PE off field people off the field I sent an email Saturday morning uh when I got back home to Radley he responded within probably a couple hours uh I came back later I was gone all day came back later in the day all the signs and tape was down I think it's important that the signs match people on the pads the signs should not be up um I want to thank again everyone uh for your involvement I want to thank all appearance of Central Florida football club uh by engaging and sending information because it's gotten some action and again thank you to Radley Donnie Chuck and Team Awesome response thank you good evening Leroy Bell M Helen well today I come in and I see you were paying a tribute to um Mr Lorenzo William that used to be the city council just a few weeks ago we laid my mother's arrest and again these boot mouth subser Ministers of the south of poka over there made a mockery of my mother's funeral when she was first announced that she passed away the mockery start with the male wife somebody that didn't even know my mother my mother don't even didn't even deal with the people that you guys deal with especially the women that you call activists that work in souha poka the one that crawl around in these developers pockets for Change and the ones that you call your so-called experts my mom spoke her sobriety was sober she spoke with a clear mind a sober mind and I don't know why in the world whoever get gave you that around your neck to wear you need to take it off you got in Martin Luther King Parade waving again nothing not nothing you have done to help the people from sappha papka nothing no more than get these people that you call that you're going to use for a tool to run for office it make no sense none whatsoever I think the preacher I know you said the god called you to preach I I'm not I can't I can't kick against that I don't know what God told you to do but he didn't tell you to be subservient to this m he didn't I think one of the L wrote a song said I won't complain some of the lyrics say that uh his good days outweigh his bad days but not here in the poka I beg to differ the bad days outweigh the good days if you think I'm lying let's look at the receipts look at Channel 9 News the last episode the last 20 episode that came across the news about a popka have they been good I told you once before it's always it's always something and know I I I'll be remissed if I didn't say re you might become the M popka but it didn't belongs in my mother's funeral no Jerome Miller didn't nobody have you on the program to escort this man down down the aisle why don't you stand up off your back and stop being subservient to this man right here no don't shake your head than with wrong yeah I see and Ace Wood and 47 East Magnolia Street of Papa I want to start off real quick Radley we never add the sand our yards to fix a Sandy problem we usually had some um peed or something else so maybe you better talk to someone else different sand don't help build sand I mean the ball fields up and grow grass plus a popka once again did some other things Bradley we had ballfields four of them at the corner of Martin and Park Avenue the lights are still there but we took the fields down tore the concession down now we mow it on City time taxpayer time those would be good ball fields to practice on to help take kids off the other ones we had Edwards field had a ball field from the 1920s semipro ball players played there people came from St Cloud on wagons D driven by horses to wash boys play on Sundays out there y'all tore the damn thing down it's a historical monument first time I ever played baseball in my life or a team was right there and if you grew up in the popka that's where you played your first ball game we also got ball fields down L Lono Williams Park do we use them does our little league fields use them we got basket we got soccer fields and ball fields down there guys I want to say saying is there's way to handle things without abandoning you ain't got to take the history of Popin throw it no dadgum trash can like the mayor sitting up here he came in office in 2018 he stood up and he asked s by his boat he said I'm coming in CA the mayor mayor Joe killimer misappropriated that's his words I'm quoting Brian Nelson the city funds millions of I'm going to go in there and I'm going to save a Popa I'm going to save it by getting our money back and building our Revenue back up so the first thing he told me how he's going to do it shake your head yes or no and tell me if I'm lying I'm going to go to Every administrator in their Department and ask them for a resume if they're not worth it they're gone with now any qualific the first man he picked him was the fire chief got rid of him said he was a liar a thief was no good look at the fire department budget where he started at in 2018 he got rid of a training officer apparently the training officer didn't even um think very much of his job because he got appointed to the fire chief for three years until the death of Austin Duran the pop fire department had no training officer it wasn't even in the budget because the the training officer got a new job and our mayor had no clue about what to do about it I tell you what to do about it adhere to other people's decisions that help you make decisions that's why we vote on the four of y'all to help this guy that can't do his job and you still he laughs at y'all and tell you your ceremonial votes the dictatorship of this man here cost the life of a young man our firefighters are still at 90% not 85% a disapproval of their Administration Brian mson says oh I'm not doing nothing about it is it going to take the death of another firefighter or a citizen before he I know it Brian I'm done remember we got to revote him out of here Albert mcken thank you thank you Albert McKim 3603 golden gem Road recent events have again reduced The credibility of this Administration to that of a laughing stock over a year ago I challenged the then City attorney over the first and Fourth Amendment rights to be secure in our persons and papers when visiting city hall now the results can be viewed all over the Internet of just how incompetent this city Administration is this Administration continuously violates our rights Brian Nelson refused to allow us to table a resolution on on today's agenda regarding the variet of the validity of paperwork of two candidates running for election I look at the agenda today and I see very little on it yet we were prevented from uh appearing today with a presentation so Mayor John land has already set a president in respect of judicial evaluation when he brought B Aros Miss cacey for review we have lobbied this Administration to see the same for Nadia Anderson and Eric Mock and have been ignored if our group sought judgment against the city we have been quoted $15,000 a sum we cannot afford if I personally raised an action against the city it would only cost hundreds of dollars but would expose me to liability for any cost incur due to my lack of experience or knowledge I believe our current City attorney Cliff Shepard may already have experience of suing a group through his work with Satellite Beach we certainly don't want to end up in the same category Commissioners not only does a m view your position as ceremonial he now treats US Electric with the same disdain you were elected as a measure of checks and balances to prevent this this issue should have nothing to do with your personal opinions you took an oath of office to represent us I have given you written details of my concerns and spoke of the situation at last council meeting your refusal to acknowledge the concerns public is a real cause for concern I fully accept that this puts you in a difficult position however you have intimate knowledge of the candidates hand book and their obligations and I apologize but this is more important than personal feelings this is about the legitimacy of an election this is not about whether you desire to respond this is about your duty to answer us today when you sum up this meeting this election is not far off and we require to be heard I hesitate to say this but the public are demanding you take action on our behalf all we are asking is that you table a motion and take a vote on what action the city needs to to take on our behalf we are not asking you to endorse our opinion simply that you represent it as a valid concern of ours at a recent city hall meeting of Charters we were made aware of how little we can do with respect of holding you or the mayor accountable for actions and we we consider unacceptable this is one of these occasions where we wish we had more power other than the option of a recall when elected officials fail to adequately represent us the other recourse is when we ask when you ask for our support at election time and that's not something that represents much of a threat because in reality we appreciate what you do and we understand the problems the city has we ask for your commitment to improving this city by responding to us today if we ignore the problem then no matter how successful your economic policies are we are dooming the city to more years of maladministration next up oh hi M okay good afternoon Commissioners today I stand before you on behalf of the 2650 Foundation Incorporated 2650 is Austin's badge number a solemn tribute to the enduring Legacy of our son a poka firefighter Austin Durant who tragically lost his life in service to this city our foundation is dedicated to upholding Austin's Vision striving to impact future Generations the 2650 Foundation has taken concrete steps to fulfill Austin's Vision this year we are proudly to announce we will be awarding three full scholarships working with the pka high school and W Kiva high school we will send one graduating senior to the fire academy for firefighter minimum standards and another senior to EMT school additionally we will send one of our firefighters to paramedic school in order to Foster the next generation of Austin's Army also we are investing in the apoca fire department by sending six fire firefighters to technical certification training in vehicle Machinery rescue operations VMR but our commitment does not end there on March 16th we will host host a mental health fair at the Orlando firefighters Union Hall from 10:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. this event aims to provide education speakers and even physical yoga sessions offering tools to manage trauma face stressors on the job you are all welcome to attend I would also like to thank this community for your commitment and continued support of Austin's foundation without each and every one of you none of this would be possible I am proud to consider this community all members of Austin's Army in honoring Austin's memory the 2650 Foundation strives not just to speak but to act embod accountability and commitment to a brighter safer future for our community and our firefighters thank [Applause] you I just want to say thank you Mike dur I know that this has been uh very tough for you and your family but you have given so much to our community uh even as you griev the loss of your son and um sometimes you come up and and we say nothing and we sit here in silence but I want you to know that we do leave this day as always with your son in our thoughts and I want to thank you his mom Gail and his sister Sierra for all that you do in our community to continue to keep his memory alive thank you yeah so I won't be silent either and just say that we love you and others will benefit from Austin and that's clear that you all will continue to provide that benefit so we love you right Susan that's it okay all right we've got uh six consent agenda items does anybody need to pull any if not look for motion to approve so move got a motion by commissioner Nesta second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I all oppose motion carries unanimously poka Town Homes who's taking that one jean good afternoon Gan Sanchez with the Community Development Department this is a request to approve the Apopka Town home's plat the subject property is located north of 7th Street south of East 6th Street and West of Alabama Avenue approximately 2.5 acres in size the apka town homes plat is for conservation of a town home development that comprises of 24 lots a common area and drainage tract the access to the development is on Sixth Street the plat is consistent with the construction site plan approved by the development Review Committee on October 6 2021 the DRC recommends approval at its meeting on September 12th 2023 the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the plat the recommended motion is to approve that poka Town Homes PL staff is available for questions any any question questions for Jean I do you uh do you have a timeline on this project at all do I have I'm sorry a timeline sorry do you know if what that timeline looks like at all um I can't this project actually um kind of stopped uh work a little bit for about a year and then picked back up I don't know for whatever reason okay gotcha is any I here from hanbal Square oh want don't you come down and you can uh you can share your wisdom with us please ma'am thank thank you for coming hanging out with us and name and address for the record please Camille Reynolds Lewis Hannibal Square Community Land Trust 2265 Lee Road suet 117 Winter Park 32789 so just question yeah do do you have a timeline for when your Project's coming I know we did a groundbreaking we did the groundbreaking in July okay so July and I know I mean I learned so much about the project super excited about it so excited to see it coming didn't know if you have an updated timeline that yes we are working to to get that project really started in the next 30 to 45 days we were hoping to get everything approved for the plat there was a concern that we were not going to be able to get the building permit in time in in time with this plat process in order to um not have to make any changes so we were trying to hang on for a minute but we're able to get a place marker for the building permit okay um and just to Circle back we were delayed about a year prior to because of the Schoolboard concurrency issue and so that was another issue that we dealt with but um we are now excited and ready to go excellent thank you so much for being here thank you okay any anybody else from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public here my only question back to stop quickle through it um all environmental required Environmental Studies and things like that have occurred on the property is that correct yes sir correct y the construction site plan came with all the studies for this project um if you remember a little bit even if you look at the aerial now there was an I guess before my time here there was something that was approved on there some starting of an infrastructure that was already trying starting to be constructed down there so there was nothing really um it's my understanding public Services had to do some things for them but other than that I think it's ready to go okay yeah I just wanted to put on the record that any and all environmental yes prerequisites were done and satisfactory to the progression of this business that's correct okay all right anybody else have not closed the public hearing look for a motion to approve the plat for a poka town homes so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously next up Kelly Industrial Park major development plan for the record Jean Sanchez with the Planning and Zoning division this is a request to approve the Kelly Industrial Park major development plan the property is located at 3620 West Kelly Park Road North ad Json of Park View preserve residential subdivision and it's approximately 89 acres in size the major development plan propos es the development of seven buildings totaling over 1.5 million square ft² for warehouse and other industrial uses as well as 146 Space trailer parking spaces this serves as the industrial portion of the Wild Oaks development development with Ingress egress points on Saddler and golden gem Road the applicant is providing 456 parking spaces including 19 accessible spaces while 158 spaces plus eight accessible spaces are requ required for Phase 2 190 parking spaces and eight accessible spaces are required while the applicants providing 434 spaces including 10 accessible spaces phase three requires 184 parking spaces and six accessible spaces whereas the applicants providing 214 spaces with 10 accessible spaces Urban Street walls to screen parking spaces along sadow Road will be required on the Northern section of golden gem to screen the parking spaces from View the landscape plan proposes highrise and shumar Oaks Magnolia as well as winged elmed and red maple trees wing wing elmed and Oaks line the perimeter of the project and embellish the parking Islands as well a dry retention Pond will be developed in the first phas and POS and positioned on the Eastern portion of the project site adjacent to State Ro 429 project meets the minimum required open space set aside and amenity requirement of 20% entailing a covered Pavilion benches around the retention pond at the Planning Commission meeting on April 11th 2023 the commission granted a variance to allow a maximum building setback of 94 ft in L of 20 ft from a Sadler Road and 23 ft of the building setback and L 20 ft from Golden J roog the proposed architectural renderings meet both the Kelly Park interchange form based code as well as development design guidelines the DRC recommends recommends approval and at its meeting on January 9th 2024 the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Kell Kelly Industrial Park major development plan the recommended motion is to approve the major development plan staff and applicant are available for questions any questions for Gan I just have two quick questions is this developer responsible for the Saddler Road Extension all the way is it 2429 under 429 or just not responsible for Sadler at all I get confused on which developers are taking which component of of because this is still part of Wild Oaks correct it's just industrial the southern portion okay the the Wild Oaks has to build Satler Road for them they can't really do anything until the road's in and I think their agreement between the two was Wild Oaks would put the road in and then they'll go forward so gotcha okay perfect thank you and then the other question is that Northwest little piece there that's not included is there a plan for that in the future is it will that always be green space or what does that look like um that's been removed from this project boundary um there is actually a plan for Wild Oaks I do not know this time the applicant hasn't revealed what the end user would be um but it's part of the employment districk okay got I believe still understood thank you any other questions for Jean any by from the public wish to speak Albert mckimm 3603 golden Jam Road just a question in respect of the extension to Saddler Road my understanding that the extension to Saddler Road would go under the 429 if it goes under the 429 and connects to some other roads as an industrial development how are we going to justify what's going to happen with large Vehicles which will not be able to go under the 429 or what will happen to them in the process while that's being fixed uh I realize that this uh use probably won't go down the down for two or three years but again at this particular moment we've got no resolution to widening golden Jam road so we're going to increase the traffic in Golden Jam Road without any other subsequent access or egress to [Music] it have a pioneering agreement in place and as you remember there's a series of grid roads Saddler road is one of them um the developer known as Wild Oaks is building Saddler Road from golden gem to the 429 now as far as trucks being able to go underneath the 429 when we finish the road I there there's plent plenty of clearance but the segment of Saddler from 429 to Plymouth sento is underd designed by the city right now so I'm hoping that the pieces all syn up at the same time then we'll have a connection from uh the existing piece of Saddler west of uh golden gem all the way over to Plymouth sento and looking at the timing you know Wild Oaks has been delayed just a little bit because they're doing some things related to Land Development code and site plan changes um the the pieces all have to work together and the road needs to work with them so it is my expectation that you know we're all moving as fast as we can we'll get the road we'll get that road in place and Effie in place too good all right thank you anybody else from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close the public hearing and look for a motion to approve the major development plan for Kelly Industrial Park so move got a motion by commissioner Nesta second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously next up y this hopefully is a a quick and easy one this is just for a reappointment of uh Howard Washington to the Planning Commission um I do want to mention that I did miss last year for his reappointment he is fully aware of that so at this point in time he's got basically another two years then uh hopefully he'll stay on board because he's been a very very good addition uh to the to the Planning Commission any questions for Jim the the only question and I forgot to ask you that yesterday so before they come up how does the charter read um I know that when they initially when we have an opening we do put out a notice for interest you interest by any of our residents right correct so when they're reappointed is that opportunity open to the public or or is it at the discretion of the chair to just reappoint the person it's at the discretion of the chair and then it and then it's formalized with uh with your vote typically um if if there's any issues things like that uh planning planning staff would would make some recommendations for either replacement or um or consideration for somebody uh it it it's your leisure I guess you could say yeah because one of the questions that you know after I spoke spoke to you was are there any term limits for these Advisory Board appointments no they can they can keep serving we had uh I think Jim green was on there for somewhere around 12 or 15 years something like that Jim green was an exception he was like a chairman severals here um okay um that was my and you know how I felt I mean I I personally had said that you know I do watch the pz uh boards I do watch the uh and so I just have some concern when it's a seven member is it seven 1 2 3 4 five six seven and I see some members are you know um not at the at the meeting so I had a concern with you know how many have not how many attend yeah we are doing an update on the attendance also for the uh uh last I think the last one was from April and so we're getting the the uh the rest of this last year uh for attendance for we've got uh uh about three more appointments coming up or reappointments coming up U around July August okay so thank you and I do have a lot of respect for Mr Washington I do watch him uh on the uh YouTube and he asked a lot of questions he's very interactive and uh and so I appreciate his service thank you any other questions for Jim anybody from the public just a question is the position of an appointed commissioner any different with regard to Florida Statutes than one who's voted on say that off to you Cliff we're talking about an appointed member to the yeah the in terms of uh difference that's a pretty broad question but if you mean in terms of application of Sunshine Law and public records or ethics the answer is no if you mean other ways well yeah they don't get elected they're appointed um they typically serve at the pleasure of the council and so on but but the things that I typically get ask as the sunshine law apply yes does public records apply yes the ethics laws apply yes good all right anybody else do they just one question uh Mr do they have to as as we do up here have the ethics training they do not have to have the ex 4our ethics training but it's highly recommended that they do okay so any of our members did assign is that something that you would require um Mr Mayor from the I don't require it I don't know whether we yeah the primary thing is that they understand Sunshine Law because that's where you can get and public records the ethics part is important too because they could be receiving gifts that need to be reported and know what gifts they can't take and sort of things like that which is where the ethics part comes in but primarily it's to keep them from violating the law because they don't get sunshine or public records and understand things about emails and texts and all that that training they should all get even though it's not required okay rolson 3156 Rolling Hills l I serve as a volunteer with Howard Washington you can't find a finder gentleman thank you all right that will close the public hearing look for motion to reappoint member Washington to the Planning Commission for an additional three year or it's really a two-year term right well it's a threeyear term but he yes okay okay so moved got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor I I'll oppos motion carries unanimously next up 451 Commerce Park Transportation impact fee agreement good afternoon in on September at your September 7th 2022 meeting um Council approved a transportation impact fee credit agreement with uh the developer of this site Arrow Rock um the plan was to um uh make improvements to uh Marshall Lake Road they were going to pay $616,000 and some change in in transportation impact fees the at that time we thought the the uh improvements would be about $475,000 but we wrote the agreement kind of loosely because we've learned our lessons before you don't ever know what you're going to find when you start digging around we did some coring and we knew there were some some base issues so standing here is is really not that unexp expected but the terms of the agreement require us to put um a 15% contingency on top of everything else when we thought the costs were going to be $475,000 we just rolled everything up to the 616 into the contingency so now we what we found um was something that I totally did not expect there is a water line out there and it was Buri just barely below the surface so I talked to do about it and there you we could patch it and do you know like a fix but we decided just to do it the right way we're going to bury the waterline and it's uh about $130,000 Adder to the project now it it brings the project cost up still below the 616 in Impact fees but because of the condition uh in the agreement that says I have to have a 15% contingency that is why I'm asking you for additional money I do not expect to use that money and do has gracious ious ly agreed to pull $130,000 out of his budget to fix the water line so it really doesn't affect the transportation impact fees but because of the um the conditions in the agreement that was signed I have to add uh money to this contract so I'm asking you to approve um the change to the budget uh even though I don't expect to use that money any questions for Pam well I I just want to say thank you because um you're right they were asking you to do to what to throw concrete over the yeah they one of the suggestions I mean we were just brainstorming about um what could be done and somebody threw out well we could just cap it in concrete but if if there was ever a break or anything out there um they would have a lot of problems trying to fix it right so no and and refitting it and doing the right way is is the right thing to do it benefits everyone out there right um so thank you for realizing that there you can fix it de all right any other questions for Pam anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close a public hearing look for a motion to approve the 451 Commerce Park Transportation impact fee agreement Amendment so move got a motion by commiss Smith second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I all oppos motion carries n Radley us Sports partner program agreement good afternoon again Radley Williams Parks and Recreation director I'm uh here this afternoon to uh present the AP apka Little League youth sports program agreement um The Parks and Recreation Department utilizes a methodology to consider potential recreational programs and Partnerships uh those are uh categorized in three different areas field rental agreements these are agreements established by individual renters or groups looking for multiple fields Fields seasons of play and days of times rental rates will apply for these agreements and they'll be based on field availability and um space uh we also have partner programmers these are agreements in which the city is interested in partnering with specific programmers or providers to provide group lessons or instruction these agreements typically apply an 8020 Revenue split uh on program participants uh between the city and programmer and then we have uh what we're discussing today partner programs these are agreements with athletic and Sport organizations to organize and run affordable low entry barrier sport leagues and Athletics and sports which the city currently does not run with City staff these Agreements are most often with nonprofit organizations that are part of a larger National sanctioning body I.E little league and may have a mix of field rental rates or Revenue splits uh the apka Little League organization is a completely volunteer-led organization and has been a long-standing partner with the city of aapka dating back to their start of the the league in 1965 throughout this long history the league has provided thousands of apka Youth with an opportunity to build character learn teamwork and Sport and sportsmanship through the game of baseball and softball aapka Little League offers both spring and fall Seasons with numbers continuing to grow over the past three years in addition to their spring and fall leagues apopa Little League often volunteers to host postseason tournaments at uh in the summertime at our Northwest Recreation complex which of course brings families from all over the central Florida uh area and the State of Florida uh to our amazing part the partnership with P Little League provides a highquality youth baseball and softball program for the community at a low cost and allows the AP apaka Parks and Recreation Department to dedicate staff and resources to providing other programs for the Youth uh such as our soccer and flag football program uh staff support continuing this successful partnership through this uh proposed agreement uh which is attached to the staff report and uh president of the league Gary Odum apologizes for not being here but he is actually a volunteer now as a crossing guard so it's school's been let out I've actually seen him at the school cross and I don't believe any of the other board members made it today either oh sorry I didn't see you there Kenny Smith yep if you have any words you would like to say or representing our crossing guard um but it's a great partnership and we're excited a new Season's come fast and furious coming our way so um any questions i' any questions for Radley no every year that that League just gets larger and larger and it's a volunteer um and we really enjoy the opening days all the time I can't it seems like thousands come out but I'm looking at the numbers and the participants so I guess for each uh child that's playing they must bring 10 family members with them but it is a really fun day and I'm looking forward to it this year when you do the opening for the little league and you're open you're you're going to have a surprise for Mr Gary odm that uh he will be he been so dedicated to that um but thank you I got something for him so yeah and I just want to say that as a pop resent for so many years I was in Little League myself a year or two ago and it's cool to see a lot of my friends that I also met through little league are now volunteer coaches as well so it's cool to see with their kids and uh doing it so it's a great program excited that we are continuing the partnership so thank you okay any anybody from the public wish to speak Rod Olson 3156 earing Hill Lane I need to probably sit closer at any rate only thing I want to point out I think it's a wonderful program there's no question about what uh what the Little League brings but the little league is paying $8,000 a year Central Florida soccer club is paying $51,000 a year both programs serve about 350 to 400 students a vast majority are a poka residents we must look at doing something about these rates anybody else if not we'll close the public hearing look for a motion to approve the Youth Sports partner program agreement with the apopa little league got a motion by commissioner Nea by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously next up Investment Portfolio composition Lynch good afternoon mayor Commissioners um on October 18th the city investment advisor Morgan Stanley Mr Glenn Scott presented to you the proposed changes and revisions to the city's investment policy for review and consideration on de December 6 the council approved resolution 202 340 amending the ordinance 873 amending and restating that investment policy today we would like to present to you um Morgan Stanley Mr Glenn Scott um investment strategy based on the current Holdings our policy restrictions and the long-term goals for consideration Mr Scot thank you blanch good to see you again Mr May and Commissioners uh we'll go ahead and bring up this let's see how I control this there we go yeah so uh at the end of the year here were the balances in the three major overnight accounts that the city has and the corresponding interest rates which are really correlated to to the uh federal funds rate and if you all have uh been following that there's been a lot of uh news items about uh the policy changes that will go on or expected to go on this year as the Federal Reserve finishes its uh com uh increasing of interest rates to fight inflation and we start tacking over and looking at uh the economy slowing down a little bit job markets getting a little softer and the possibility that the FED will reverse itself this year and start the pass of cutting interest rates and that was very timely for your all's deliberations about uh establishing this investment program that would look to more uh create a more Diversified portfolio fully utilizing the tools that are available for you under Florida Statutes you you implemented the new investment policy and uh so now we're just taking a look at where we are with markets uh and coming up with some called small steps incremental steps steps of transitioning the portfolio to uh have a little bit more diversification in terms particularly in terms of duration in other words how how far out are you investing and the reason why you'd want to do that is if interest rates are going to start going down you want to have some protection to the income stream uh because you this portfolio right now while it's achieving a very good yield it's a it's a it's doing a very good job of generating interest income for the city so you're you're in you're in a good spot the the issue is you want to start pushing a little bit money out and protect yourself against a decline in interest rates and try to preserve that Revenue stream so with that we'll just tack over and take a look at some ideas this is the um this first table is is the um kind of the Crux of what you implemented uh in the investment policy uh on the left hand column is the various types of Securities that are authorized to you under Florida Statutes and and under now your investment policy that you've you've adopted the minimum credit ratings um and the maturity limits are specified along with the different allocations and it's the allocations we want to pay a little attention to if you drop all way your your eyes down to the bottom of the page you can see there is the demand deposit uh accounts and the various limitations there uh we are in Conformity to this policy right now so if we do nothing you're fine and the two items there that are um of particular interest are the very bottom two numbers on the lower right hand corner which is the total allocation you can have in Bank deposits which is 100% And The how much you can have in any one institution 50% of the portfolio now again the the good news with the way Florida is set up it's a great statute uh great program it's called the qualifi qualified public depository program which when public money is placed into a bank the amounts above the FDIC limits of of insurance are collateralized under a unique program just for public entities the banks have to pledge High credit quality assets to protect those um those deposits and that's just to protect the whole country if there's a some bank failure we don't want that domino in and taking down local governments it makes a lot of sense and it's a very effective program so everything's good there's no there's no we're not compelled here to do anything immediately but we do think it's it's a your your timing is good to start taking a look at pushing the portfolio out a little bit so here's some ideas we have for you and again these are this is always a a dynamic thing so we're just saying okay in the end of the first quarter so by the end of March we'd want to do a little bit of reallocation from the three uh or the two bank accounts and the SBA the SBA is a um it's a local government investment pool operated by the state so it had it was created by special legislation it's operated uh by the state government through contracted uh investment advisors and it's a very large it looks like a money market fund effectively what it is but it's organized at the state level and um and then the two uh big bank accounts so we're just taking an allocation from the bank accounts and spreading it across a little bit uh of the other Securities that are available to you the big one being an allocation to US Treasury security so we we would buy a what's called ladder we just buy incremental chunks of time out onto the yield curve because we want to we want to do this very carefully and very slowly because we're also paying attention to cash flow needs and other considerations so that would be the proposal for the first quarter what we do in the second quarter will be it will be rej juggled we'll we'll complete this we'll get to the end of March we'll start looking at where we're at with uh what the fed's talking about doing where where the cash flows of the city are looking like and then we'll update those 2 q24 numbers before we do anything else in in uh May June May and June April May and June all right and then on next slide oh that's that's that really it yeah that oh I'm sorry I want to take your eyes down to the just the the pie chart there that's what the allocation would look like at the end of the first quarter and again uh 50% of the portfolio in in qualified public to bank deposits was still a big allocation to that that classification that's a it's a it's a little technical but I I think it's pretty straightforward if there's any questions I'm happy to answer them okay commissioner Nesta sure yeah I appreciate you putting this together and thank you for acknowledging our timing I do think it was really important that we um take this into account for what what the city is going through right now we've got a lot of capex projects coming on the horizon 2 so I'd like to figure out how we can pay for those without going too much into debt and things like that so and and it keeps our our residence Dollar in mind so I'm really appreciative of that and of your time bring this together so walk me through the q1 we're pulling funds from our two bank accounts cost and covis to move into treasuries that's basically pretty much it effectively what's happening yep and what type of time Horizons are you expecting to put those into we'll ladder out uh starting in about six months in the shorter term instruments so away from the treasury some of the commercial paper which are direct Investments uh get closer to the mic just oh I'm sorry yeah so the the shorter term investments commissioner would be uh in the commercial paper allocation but the uh longer term ones the US treasuries would start about one year and go out to about three years okay what type of returns do you expect for those uh very difficult to say it's moving around quite a bit it'll lock it in today just lock it in today it's G it's actually going to be lower this is the this is the there's the markets are very efficient in looking forward in time and establishing prices that are rational right so overnight rates are are higher than long-term rates it's an inverted yield curve and that is uh the only reason why that exists is because everybody is betting where the markets set up to an anticipation that the FED is going to start cutting interest rates and pretty aggressively so people jump ahead and bid down the yield by raising the price of the bond the yield is inversely related so the yields on bonds that you can invest in goes down because everybody's trying to get money out of cash now and lock in rates before the FED start's cutting so uh so it will be a drop and that's a little bit of a balancing act so the commissioner the analysis we did is we say okay if we just leave the money in the bank and what's the expected schedule of cuts the FED would do because in the case of uh covis they they are actually paying you a rate that's established directly by a mathematical formula based on fed funds it's fed funds minus five basis points great that's a great deal that's a very very competitive uh offer they're giving you so we can look at how many Cuts uh are are being anticipated by the markets and then we say okay if we buy the treasury today what point in time in 2024 2025 does the city get ahead of itself in terms of its total interest income over that period of time sure yeah so and What's the total amount that we'd be taking out of seos versus covis what what's our total because we have 38 million in ping just under 30 million from each just under 30 just under 30 million from each from each yeah so we had December 6 when we were finalizing our this investment policy we had a lot of misinformation going out and and a lot of our banking Partners uh came and and thought we were moving money that day to you guys basically which is not the case and is clearly inaccurate um it was just direct lies that were were being um fed around so I'm happy to hear that that's not the case so I guess you know the we want to still partner with our our banks that are here and they're giving us great rates too so I want to make sure that we being good partners in that so how do we I guess balance out our partnership with them making sure that they that we're holding up our end of the deal they gave us great rates I want to continue to make great rates but also how can you just time the market perfectly for me and can you time the market perfectly for me that as those rates are going in we can lock them in down the road so I guess how how do we partner correctly with our banks that we have now what would you suggest well I think you're doing a great job uh you know you you continually negotiate with the banks about here's the rates that we're seeing and you know what what will you offer us and you've created a um I to be honestly this is a very very competitive rate that the banks are paying you know we we manage money for Public Enemies all over the country and if a bank that is uh offering uh collateralized deposits because that the cost of collateralizing those deposits is not zero they have to take assets off the bank's balance sheet to pledge to the system and that's cost probably a quarter of a percent 25 basis points is cost for that for that uh pledge of collateral so they're paying you if they're paying you fed funds minus five and the cost of collateralization is 25 basis points they're really paying you fed funds plus 20 um so that's a that's a very very good deal so I you know in terms of of uh you know uh picking up additional interest income uh you're not you're not going to pick up a lot by reallocating aggressively and until you know until we see some some uh red significant reductions in the FED funds rate you're you're not going to see a lot of gains in terms of otherwise yeah yeah so that I guess that's my point is how I want to I want to keep the money in our local banks that are making us good good rates as long as possible until it doesn't make fiscal sense anymore to do that right yeah and that's you know I think this is a a very slow real allocation this is not an aggressive reallocation and again when we get to the second quarter same thing we'll just reevaluate and just to be clear and I appreciate commissioner your comments about our motivations here we're a fiduciary to you which means we have so loyalty we're our our contract is a public record we're paid on the total assets that we we don't get paid for selling you securities we were paid a fixed fee in contract so we have no Mor Stanley has no skin in the game here as to what we end up doing our job is to advise you uh neut as a neutral party in your best interest what you should be doing so I have no outside motivations to do anything here sure all right well I appreciate you clearing that up as well um yeah I I think you know my biggest thing is just timing obviously and and I want to make sure that our banking Partners have some preference as well because they are they have given us an an very attractive rates as you said as well uh and I want to make sure that we are partners with them and not just letting them out to the win just because we find a slightly better deal or things like that and and right now to your point there's not much better out there we we got the best of the best so I want to keep that as long as we possibly can thank you well said commission Smith uh yes uh my question is uh is the percentage the rate in which the banks pay on money that's invested depending on the amount of money that's placed in that particular particular institution yeah that's a great question commissioner uh to my understanding there's no there's no uh requirement on from the bank to you to deposit a specific amount to achieve the rate they're offering that is that is a rate independent of how much you place in the bank so there's no penalty for changing the amount at least that's my understanding can can you repeat that yeah so the question commissioner was uh was uh if if we I think what the commissioner was getting at is if we reduce down or change the amount we have with the bank will that affect the rate that we're being paid and the answer is I believe it will not affect the rate you're being paid you want to weigh in because I know I know there's some numbers that they want to be above but I don't remember when we transferred the funds to seast um I think they I they can possibly affect their rate if we take funds out of there it could because they wanted that commitment of those funds that were being transferred there to give us the rate that we have well and let me if I can follow up on that real quick then which because I spoke to um SE Coast management as well to confirm that as well they they echoed that same sentiment that and so I don't know what that threshold is if it's 35 million 30 million 25 million whatever that is I want to make sure that we're not moving money tomorrow which we're definitely not and with our new process or our new policy that's in place it would still have to come back in front of us so although we may be saying yes let's this looks great let's move forward it would still have to come back back to us for approvals are you that's why we're here today so this would be the approval yes we're here today to ask for that approval um and you have a phased in approach how you want to handle that as to what is planned for the first quarter if you want to split that approach slow it down that's why we're here today how do you want to handle this is what they're proposing to do over the next two quarters but if it's something that you want to take first quarter and and break it in half or something like that and come back before we do anything for the um second quarter that's what we're here to talk about today okay I will and so according to this chart then uh SE Coast is going to go from 38 million to 5 million well and after the first quarter SE Co will we planning to move out per this proposal 28 million for the first quarter that would take them down to 10 million right and then after the second quarter they go down to five million yes sir to go another five down to 5 million and so then accordingly then that will affect the interest rate if we go potentially that's the question we have to ask them but that when the funds transferred from one Florida to seos they did stipulate that if you do this and we'll give you this rate right so but if we approve this today and we don't know the answer to that question okay uh and then the other question was I think uh commissioner Nesta asked uh how much were we moving and the response was approximately 30 million and when I look at sovas we actually by the end of the second quarter would have moved 54 million he was say for the two Banks 30 each I'm yeah I was speaking to the first quarter I'm sorry yeah and the it's about for the first quarter it's a total of 74.7 million from the qds into the um allocation between listed on there and and so we don't have the answer from sovas as whether or not that's going to affect that either no okay so again this is this is just a suggestion in order to reallocate to bring about diversity in our portfolio to other financial instruments and investment instruments again we can split the first quarter phase it out however you're comfortable follow up in get additional information you know from C Coast whatever approach you want to take so if we split the first quarter what would be the amount that we're talking about so half of 75 what 35 38 million and just split everything in half like instead of taking 16 out of SBA we'll take about 8.3 instead of taking 28 million out of sovas will take 14 and I mean yeah about four um C Coast and then 15 so noas so it'll just split it and okay and you as the CFO what do you feel comfortable with um me as the CFO I I think splitting it would be fine we got to diversify at some point right okay is it again it's going to the impact may not be what you think is going to be you know it may not be higher because we do have good rates now with our local banks they are standing up for us no doubt but if you want to diversify this portfolio and you want to take additional some risk in some long-term investment looking for that long-term game not that shortterm game this is the approach I think we need to take as you and I discuss some baby steps towards that and monitor it very closely but at some point you know we're going to have to take a step Mr Smith well just to the the end my comments then not knowing the answer to those two questions from those two institutions then I would be ask that we cut that in half cut it in half yeah it's only the one institution seos so novas their rate is fixed on fed funds rate mine is five but it's the SEO rate because of how the funds were transferred all right I like for us to do have and and commissioner I think you you raised a really good point here and perhaps we could even go a little further and make it more contingent such that if we identify uh any rate change as a result of the withdrawals from uh from cust that we um take that into account and adjust downward because the negative impacts that would have on interest income I appreciate that yeah I think that's really well really well said thank you okay Mr Becker uh based off of our investment policy vote I'll I'll table my thoughts until after I hear from the chair and public comment well I mean I sat with uh this our CFO yesterday um and I truly appreciate how you break this down for me because um unlike I'm I'm not as knowledgeable as as our vice mayor but I just wanted how you felt comfortable with this investment and you did break it down to me and we did talk about breaking it not breaking it well doing half of what you're doing now and then coming back and making a presentation um it is important for us as we're growing as a city and we have very big projects coming up we have the public safety building um and I feel like a diversifying our our finances would give us that much more um so that we can spend without having to go into debt so um I'm actually for doing it in half um and we can take it from there but I will make that decision after I hear of course our vice mayor and the chair okay the I guess one kind of overriding question is U should we punish Morgan Stanley if rates go down uh well okay firstly we're not investing with Morgan St I just want to make that absolutely clear yeah so uh when you say punish um what what we will do is when we finish uh the Investments uh and the movements we will do what kind of we were talking about a moment ago which is a break even analysis which will be the date and time given a schedule of likely fed cuts and we can do Bloomberg market consensus wherever you know a thirdparty well regged National prediction of how many cuts the fed's going to do whether it's four or six whatever it's going to be this year and then a date at which there will be a break even and and once the Securities are bought that's a mathematical calculation it's it's a matter of fact so um and that maybe what that that's not where I was heading oh I'm sorry and my my my my fault for not kind of clarifying the the question the question I guess is If the Fed fund rates go down yes is that your fault or is that our finance director's fault is that the bank's fault no uh and a a central tenant in the best practice of of investing public funds is we do not invest public funds for purposes of speculation you know we're not taking the uh we don't take public portfolios for any City and invest them speculatively we invest against known cash flow schedules we invest against State statutes and we seek to earn a market rate of return with minimal risks that's that's kind of uh public investing 101 and if rates go up federal fund rates go up and we make more money is I give you all the credit no okay yeah they we're we're not here to predict and speculate against movements of interest rates what we do is we say here's what the markets anticipate interest rates moving here's the value at different points in time that the markets are offering here's the cash flow needs that you have as a city considerations of long-term debt financing and these kind of things whether you're going to cash Finance or or debt finance and we kind of throw that into the pot and then we just say here's the rational decision but there's no we're not here to speculate with public money thank you all right anybody from the public which speak I we didn't hear from uh Vice May so how you open your comments the beauty of the investment policy that we passed three to two um is that we are in conformance still right yes we have 100% of our liquid cach and qpd um institutions so at this stage it then becomes what are we voting on today and why are we voting on it I mean this table lays out very good about the diversity of our of our funds and this screams on the page diversity of funds to make sure that our funds are secure well diverse what have you in terms of what I would imagine everybody's investment priority is it's return return on our money first and foremost and so from your opinion um and again I I realize there forward-looking statements and you can't make promises I I get that um sound like my lawyer the the the schedule that you have in front of us regardless of whether or not we have things or quarter things or whatever um if we went this route is it your St that it's going to lend the priority of maximizing a return or is it equal parts maximizing return equal parts diversifying our portfolio kind of give me some insight a BAL it's a balanced consideration of both okay yes so and then first and I had a clarifying question when you talk about the corly schedule there you're talking calendar quarters correct because we're on a different fiscal cycle yes we're talking make sure we're talking the same quarters yes commissioner that's correct okay okay because at the end of the day on the on the first slide you have there we've got you know between 5.35 and 5.65% return on our money currently um if we were to go on this schedule do you think it's going to be more favorable to our position of our current rate that we're receiving in those institutions no initially the yield on the overall portfolio would would go down and by how many basis points do you anticipate well if we if we do what I think was proposed by blanch a moment ago which was half of what was stated here and I thought I saw nodding heads maybe there's consensus for that um but let's say something it would be maybe a reduction of about uh 10 basis points okay if if we went the half Dr yeah okay but if not 20 right and then the and then the and then the flip side the other side of that coin is If the Fed makes its first rate cut in let's say June then that's the clock that starts moving you ahead If the Fed delays the first uh cut until August or September probably September then it's going to take longer for you to catch up yeah all right anybody from the public wish to speak on this one all right L you ready to anything last so at this time um based on what I've heard today um the consensus is to take that first quarter and split it in half and of course we'll see how that comes out we'll come back to you before we do any other moves see and see how everything balance out I'll follow up with SE Coast in regards to their their rate as well and then just sorry um and if we do nothing today if and what what's the advice if we do nothing today if you do nothing today um well we would come back at some future point that you would instruct us to do so and uh do another uh updated analysis we would add the additional information that commissioner Smith brought forward the question the answer to that question which is what would be the change in the offer from um was that that was SE yeah that was c um would would seast change the deposit atory rate that's being offered now but we're going to do that regardless we do that in either in either scenario but because where I struggle right is we're saying we commit to this today we're actually going to be punitive to us in terms of return on on that investment yes we're well within the parameters of our investment policy to your point and so why would we not just let it ride and then kind of float with the FED funds outl too the duration of your portfolio is one day so uh the um the the uh the return of your Investment Portfolio is is a known number for one day if the FED Cuts rates tomorrow 25 basis points your portfolio will drop 25 basis points almost instantaneously what you're giving up is some current uh income today for longer term protection and if you look at your and if you take your mind out across a calendar there is a point in time at which you then go ahead because you've have an established a longer term known rate of return on your portfolio against a a market that's got declining interest rates yeah to and to your point I mean if fed fund stays true to comment comments that they've made if they're getting into that rate strategy and executing on it in June versus anything sooner then indulge me right but June being the end of Q2 beginning of Q3 that time frame why would we not shift this forward in the calendar year to I mean you're doing a little bit of hedging for sure so the markets um instantaneously reprice every security that's available to you when any new knowledge is gained so as soon as the as soon as the mark as soon as the FED makes some announcement or some indication that here's the pace or the schedule we're going to do every long-term security adjust in its available yield so if you wait longer more more likely than not the yields on those longer term Port uh Securities will be lower in the future because the markets will have adjusted to the fact that the fet is about to cut rates so it's a Time Value thing it's you know every every day you give up is a day you got to get paid off on the other side and the markets are very very efficient they're it's a very rational um it's a very very rational uh Market well thank you I just want to be fully transparent so there here's the logic and the great question yeah I mean so so with that I mean in mind basically what we're doing is we're we're realizing a not realizing anything it but we're not experiencing the income or the the interest anymore if we do lock in a lower uh right right now through through treasuries or or commercial paper so maybe in Reverse if you think about it like something that people are more experienced with like on a mortgage and if we think about buying a fixed mortgage versus an adjustable rate mortgage now in this case we we thinking about the opposite situation where interest rates would rise and you as a homeowner have to make a decision when you do a mortgage do you want to have a variable rate mortgage and get a lower upfront uh payment but you run the risk if interest rates rise then you are underwater on your mortgage you can't afford it sure so it's the same analysis in Reverse gotcha yeah I I guess just after all this dialogue it it's again I'm not trying to S you anything no I know no so I'm just speaking out loud just for the rest of my um Commissioners up here and mayor to kind of understand where my head's at is that we have great rates with local banks right now we're not going to get better anywhere else right now without getting our and and I would like to see what that minimum or ma yeah minimum deposit amount would be at C Coast to keep this consistent rate as well before we make any because we're saying half but if it's what if they need 30 million which I know we'll adjust and that was the agreement but I'd still like to see if covis would you know they they I just would like to hear from them more specifically especially with the accurate information that we're getting now just to see what their feedback is C Co sorry yeah not covas but seos yes correct sorry thank you um so it may make sense to to table this for either next meeting or or even next month just to kind of get a better understanding from our banking partners and again we're making great interest so I I don't hate it but I know it's you're gambling a little bit without locking in the future so we're we're making great income now but we're not locking in that better preferred rate in the future so I understand that tradeoff right now but I'd really like to hear from our banking Partners as well more specifically of what um just their where their heads are at as well and and how we can again partner even and more set it together in the future and and Mr let me ask one other question uh payroll which account does payroll come out of payroll comes out of the Sova account so we have a minimum we have to keep with them just for the yeah yeah and we and we're good our average has been around 80 something million let's say for this year no but I mean but what's what what do we need just oh and noas the operating account is about five five million five million yes sir so but this this is the investment account yeah right okay to commissioner nesta's Point um I would be I'd be happy to to to table I don't care pick it two weeks or or the following month but I two things one is we want to we need to check with our banks see where that see where we are there but also I think we need Morgan Stanley you don't have to come back listen we appreciate you coming twice you know in the last six months months the other thing we'd like to know is when we get ready like the day of or the day before the meeting that we're going to bring up the investment discussion if you could give us those those rates for is it CDs or whatever you know the treasuries whatever so that we can then we can look at it analyze okay here if we put five million in a you know in a thre Monon treasury that will cost us X or it will make us X just so we have it all we have to almost be real time so we can make a decision based on is that is that yes mayor it's very doable and uh yeah if you don't mind I might not fly out for that but yeah no no no that's that's fine no we appreciate you coming but we'll give it we'll give it the blanch you know prep we'll throw in a caveat that this was you know the mark on the Securities 48 hours ago or whatever it will be and it will give you guys real time uh and I hear what you're all are saying in different ways is you want really drilled down like increment by increment uh like here's where we're at with the treasuries here's where we're at with the the bank and then you can say okay where's the break even yeah I I will say just one thing that has happened is interest rates have gone up on the longer term Securities recently so maybe if we do this uh sooner than later I I would think would be probably pretty good idea okay all right super thank you all right appreciate that all right so we can confer motion there commissioner Nesta uh move to table this to the February 21st meeting okay got I got a motion by commissioner Nesta second by commissioner Smith to table for two weeks all those in favor I I'll oppose motion carries an thank you for the deliberation and thank you for the uh the uh Clarity that you all put forward that was really helpful so thank you very much thank you appreciate all right okay ordinance number 3045 an ordinance of the city of repa Florida changing the zoning from T transitional to Il light industrial for certain real property generally located at 135 hermit Smith Road owned by Marilyn S bro brohan trust comprising 7.23 Acres more or less providing for severability conflict and an effective day good afternoon this is junon planner 2 um the item has been requested for continuance as it was retied ordinance number 345 on January 26 2024 so the first reading on ordinance number 3045 will take place on March 6 2024 so so okay uh any questions for June anybody from public wish to speak on this motion all right so looking for a motion to to move it to what March March 6th March 6th yes first reading yes oh you're moving this to March 1 for first reading and I'm sorry I for the first meeting yes so why are we moving it so originally it was automatized in wrong property I mean posted on wrong property so it was a request the applicant requested continues for the um Planning Commission meeting however we found out that ordinance number was also um okay wrongly given so we re advertised it and then yep we had to I did I did I did question that yesterday I'm sorry completely I actually have both of them okay um okay that's the only reason was because it had the wrong ordinance number so youed to have to put it up yes okay okay look for a motion to continue to the March 6th date ordinance number 341 so move got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor I all oppos motion carries unanimously okay and that was all right city council reports commissioner neston you want to start us out sure uh start off with we're honoring and celebrating black history month so I'm very excited about that I was just going to see what is the Apopka youth Council adding to the book that they did last year is that continuing yes okay 29 new new members and when can we expect to be able to purchase that and we just got we we had one name that was either middle name was middle or middle name was first name and so we finally figured that out 8: this morning so it will it's gone to the printer and probably end of the week maybe Monday okay perfect and then are we doing a city hosted event yes you should have gotten an email it's going to be under the mayor's report but I'll go ahead and bring it up it's the legends of apka it'll be Tuesday February 27th 2024 6: P.M to 8:00 pm at the apka community center uh we're going to have the wava high school choir Mark Wright's going to sing some some some gospels tunes for us um and we we invite all the families uh we're going to roll out each of the the we're going to do we're going to roll out the names of all the the 29 F or 29 um people that will be in the book uh here over the next you know little while so books will be on sale for sure by Monday for $10 here at City Hall okay thank you y and then in reference to diversity equity and inclusion uh are there in new program I haven't I just haven't seen that that committee they're they're they're they're in charge they're they're the ones running this program so who Dei group yes yeah we just we had one meeting last night but we didn't have it was just try to push this get this ready to go it was so who actually did the book though the Dei book friend Cena boyin and the the poka youth Council so where does the Dei group come in they're going to help us with the the program on the 27th and you had a meeting with them I saw two PE I saw the person that I appointed she never even mentioned and I saw her last night yeah well she should she got an email from from Stephen I mean I literally saw her last night at 7 o'clock in the evening and she made no mention of it okay um and I did ask her for you know if anything has been has the Dei group even even had any meetings or anything like that okay is that their most recent meeting what was the most recent meeting before that one that I don't have Stephen here I I will I can't tell you it's been been a probably October maybe wow okay yeah all right yeah I'd like to see that committee and group get a little more active and I guess that probably comes from us as well just creating opportunities for them as well um I I could be incorrect so I'm switching topics here is there I guess the J angle group finalized some type of report or something is there way we can get a copy of that commissioner as you remember the state the federal report won't be out till um push it push till in March or April so the jangle group is actually going over the policies and procedures at the fire department um they have a working group that involves some of the employees over there and that is continuing forward I actually had a meeting with them last Friday and they were very um J angle group was very positive of the feedback that they're getting so as far as that goes we're working on policies and procedures until that Federal report comes out and we can expect that end of March they're saying March or April okay okay and then J angle will review that report and then come back from there and is there are they issuing like an opinion or or what's what what can we expect what's the product we can expect from them after they've reviewed that report well that they'll review the report and then give any kind of recommendation from there of how to either fix or change if there is any correct okay understood okay thank you and and I I believe I don't know if you personally met with them but they did come down and met about two months ago with every we spent an hour or two together they are they finished with all their interviews with the city staff or the fire department and whoever they at well they continue to interact with the fire department and go through that list of things that were in the gon report right um and then like I said they are working on policies and procedures and updating those and there is a working group within the fire department that involves from staff all the way through to have their input okay okay okay thank you last one for me the I know we have a workshop next Tuesday I'm just a little confused about I guess the or I just don't don't understand the the purpose of the meeting overall and I couldn't really get some answers on that and also why it's with the Planning Commission I've never seen us have a joint workshop with them before um one of the developers Again Jim H community development director one of the developers the for the Wild Oaks uh development up in the Celly Park interchange uh they we we have not seen a formal plan for any of that development um other than a real quick one on one of the uh Zoom calls but they have reviewed the uh that portion the appendex a of the Land Development code which is the form based code for the uh for the Kelly Park interchange and they believe that they have some changes that they would like to make to make their product work better um staff has reviewed uh probably about a third of the the changes there are some minor changes that we would we could see working but there's also quite a few other changes that we aren't necessarily in agreement but um we had had a meeting with them and one of the things that they mentioned was meeting individually with the Planning Commission and city council and instead of having to go through a uh a formal trying to find even you know time for all of you to meet and all of the planning commission so that's 12 members total where not all the questions are going to be the same not all answers are going to be the same um based on the questions themselves uh staff felt that it was more appropriate to do a workshop where they could present all at the same time to all of you in in this forum uh where you can ask questions they can present the the uh the the issues that they have if there's anything specific that comes out that staff is not necessarily agreement this is not going to be a meeting where we're all in agreement and then we bring it to city council and Planning Commission at the next meetings meetings this is going to probably take you know a couple months to be able to to go through um all the changes because basically it's 115 pages of of uh of of the code itself and then they make they've made changes on practically every single page and one of the things that staff is not necessarily in agreement is that they're they're making these changes for their development however this form based code affects all of the Kelly Park interchange not just their development so they're going to probably have to buckle on some of the things that they really want as a wish list um based on that that it's it's it's not supposed to be a a ukian type or a normal code this is supposed to be for the whole Kelly Park interchange and it is a different location and it's a form based code for the whole development not just their development okay so okay all right yeah I just before you get off that topic can I just weigh in on that one because I mean last time there was a joint planning session like that it was when we reviewed the Land Development code to begin with um I don't think we ever had one for the Kelly Park piece of the form based code but I think Council just addressed that one individually but um and this was the spirit of my conversation when we got that because it's 10 and some OD pages right and it's there's literally red lines on every single one of the pages some of them are less material than others but at the end of the day who's going to facilitate the conversation because again if it's an one applicant for one project I would think it would go through the you know go through staff go through DRC go through planning whatever the process is versus here it's going to be one developer talking to both bodies collectively what role is Staff playing in that conversation because to me it should be staff has these reservations or concerns based off what the applicant is asking I'll just use one example the amount of stories for a building they want to maximize it to 10 10 stories I'm sure that's going to cause like shock among residents among planning among Council what whomever so does will staff have a point point of view on most of the items that are are are being requested of the bodies and how is that flow going to work because else it's going to be wild wild west it's not going to be productive at this stage what we're looking at uh doing is having them do a presentation one of the things that that staff is looking at doing is hiring a private uh company to actually go through this uh form based code form based codes are a little bit more detailed than than just a normal code in regards to how it's going to affect the overall area um but we are looking at uh at potentially hiring a a private company to go through that has experienced with form based codes and the results of each little individual change that that they're that they're looking at doing um that'll probably be about a three maybe four week process in itself um we are making comments right now we've got uh like I mentioned we've got about a third of it uh through and there's quite a few things that we are not in favor of of the changes and that'll be presented um we probably won't be able to present it at this meeting because it's going to probably take a couple hours just to go through what they're presenting and we only have two hours we're not going to we're not going to you keep going after this um but my guess is that at this at this stage we'll probably have at least one maybe two more uh uh joint workshops uh to be able to present these changes because they are they're some of them pretty drastic like you mentioned you know 10 stories I'm not in favor of that um the most we have in in the downtown is is uh you like 75 ft and that area um I believe is it it it it's not that much I mean there's a few changes that I can see making uh and you know we I can I can go over a couple of those but uh but we'll be uh we'll be monitoring and then we'll probably you know pitch in our our two cents on a couple of those changes there because a lot of it has to be prioritized because again when we had the joint sessions with Land Development code there wasn't a lot of commentary because it's a 900 and somewhat page document not everybody read every single word of every single sentence but on this one I mean there's they're not equal in the changes I mean I would classify anything that's related to you know wide deviations in terms of for area ratio or density or housing products in certain of the transition versus neighborhood zones right Building height that stuff that sort of stuff is going to be of utmost importance and then all the other things like you know definitions or what they call certain things I mean that's just yeah yeah you you You' pretty much hit the nail on the head it's it's there's there's a lot of little things that we aren't necessarily in agreement like you know town homes in the single family section of the neighborhood I don't want to bring but yeah that was one of my observations too is you have we have clearly defined we have transitional areas we have the neighborhood zones and you have certain products for those things and that was the whole Spirit behind that code if we start changing that stuff then what's the point of having that code correct you just apply the rest of our Land Development code to that area and you know that's not what the spirit of it was correct so I and and I agree it's it it will be a laborious you know you know set of meetings I mean would you like our staff to kind of knock out try to knock out half of them before we get there or do you I mean I was going to leave it completely transparent as what what they want but we could staff could sit down and say look we're going to knock out half of them so that we don't have near the red lines and I'm happy either way we we we're going to have staff we're meeting again this uh this Friday staff um they're going through through this pretty diligently and right now what our plan is to uh see if we can get something out to all of you um either Friday or Monday the problem is that like you mentioned every almost every single page has a has something on it so we're going to we'll have those comments and it'll be you when you pull it up on the laptop or a computer it's easier to see but when you printed out it's going to be smaller because we've got this column of comments so that might come in handy when we get to the workshop itself because you'll have a lot of comments that that staff has already made um there's that with any new document you obviously we've been working this out and we've actually got quite a few different developments that are going through on the in the kpi and they've been pretty successful um this is just it's another monster development and then I guess and then any optionality you know whereas you know Park Kelly Park to the side Land Development code the rest of the city we have the plan development zoning classifications where you can kind of create your own code within the confines of a plan development I don't know if there's options you know what those options look like for this particular development for Wild Oaks to your point because if we acques on any of their points where they're trying to do different things for their specific development it's not you know generally adopted for the remainder of the the form based code um so well that was going to going to be my question too is we have three or four major developers up there and major development so I hate to add complexity to this but I would like to hear their feed if we're going to do this I want to hear their feedback too does this negatively impact their projects do it positively are they Pro are they against it because it it it changes a lot so I'm all about Wild Oaks and and hopefully what they're doing is beneficial to the community is obviously the goal here so I just want to make sure it's a productive meeting for all of us correct yeah yeah I just I just don't want it to become a free-for-all where any develop can come in and well this isn't working for me I want to change this section of the code and basically at this stage that's what they've done and uh it's it's not supposed to be a PD this is supposed to be a form based code and they're turning it into more of a PD at this stage so so but there I know that that the other two major developers they're going to be here yes they're I mean they'll be engag so I don't I don't I don't know if they've whe they're on board with all of it we don't we don't know we don't know but and again with the workshop it's supposed to be between yourselves Planning Commission the developer who's doing this recommendations and staff so we aren't supposed to be getting a you a bunch of different comments and they get what I what I would recommend is if they have General comments or specific comments on different portions that that uh that are being proposed for amendments that they send those to staff and that we can relay those to you okay thank you that's all I have appreciate it commiss Smith and I would prefer having that on Friday as opposed to Monday well we'll work towards that we're our meeting is in the morning so if we can uh churn out what we can if if it's at least half to 2third we'll get those to you all right be greatly appreciate it I I understand on yesterday I did have an opportunity to uh sit in on a uh in uh Transportation webinar and uh Dr Jackson was also a part of that webinar there's some Grant funds that are that are out there that that we may possibly be able to get uh to help with transportation and so I was glad to see her is a part of that I sent that to our city administrator and he shared it and invited them to attend and and she did so I appreciate that uh I I did go to Tallahassee uh last week uh with the Florida League of cities and I had an opportunity to meet with several of our lawmakers uh to talk about the possibility of removing the business tax receipts uh from M from municipalities uh and uh to talk about affordable housing and infrastructure and scepter to sewer had a great uh conversation with all the lawmakers that I did speak with and so we're hoping that they would do the right thing when it come time to vote um there will also be a a black history program that the uh copopa black history committee has put together that would take place uh this coming Saturday from 11: to 2 at 9:27 South Central Avenue at the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church and you are invited uh that's is coming Saturday from 11: to 2: and what is that um uh it's a uh black history program that's been put together by the south popular black history committee uh it's going to have some bounce houses for for kids some kids activities uh it's going to have uh Franc borin is bring a display of black history they put there there'll be some vendors there food and fun just a community event inviting the entire Community to come out that's all I have okay Mr Becker yeah and I didn't want to address during public comment because I didn't think it was appropriate but I don't want to not address it uh there was comments made about candidate eligibility for the upcoming uh election um I've received multiple uh emails voicing concern I've kind of lobed those concerns over to our attorney as well and my understanding of the facts um know and I won't bother naming names but on one of one of the candidates there was a question about uh form not being completed or signed or notorized properly at the time of of qualifying it's my understanding that the clerk reached out to the supervisor of elections office signed a an affidavit swearing to the fact that she was present during the signing of that and it was within qualifying period um the other candidate there's there's documentation about address validation out in the public realm but just because it's in the public realm doesn't mean it's public document um it's a non-public case filing so there's no way on Earth I would touch that um I will leave that to other other parties because I don't think that's U legally my job to do so I've my my response there is I definitely certainly respect the Integrity of any election but at the same time I would not personally um pursue anything as it relates to some of the accusations that are made I leave it to other people to do that um the second thing and we again we've had some email back and forth with our city administrator Mr babrick and and our Council related to a video that's going around on on social media right now around these uh First Amendment audits uh through different uh public organizations um and you know obviously there there's been even question about whether or not people are generally have to say their name and address for the record in order to publicly speak or sign in or show identification at the front u u receptionist desk so I'm not a lawyer don't pretend to be so I will leave it to the people the legal Minds to work this out but at minimum there should be a standard approach to how we deal with people that come and do audits within our public facilities because it's never going to end as long as social media and these influencers are out there we're going to get these these folks I won't like disparage them because hey it's in their full right to do these things um I just think that we should have a very standard way to to approach it um because the video just screamed that we just didn't have comfort that we could address this person in a manner that was consistent it should be hung right there in City Hall that way it's just a kind of a hey Point your finger to this hey we do have the sign in policy or ID validation policy because we feel like we've put the security policy in place it meets constitutional challenges etc etc um I just want to make sure that we don't have a video like that where it just shows some discombobulation of if you will um I was asked to speak on this matter um Monday we met with the police legal adviser with Cliff Shepard myself in the um City administrator to discuss this matter case law is plett pretty clear we can secure the facility for our the safety of our uh employees the signage probably wasn't as clear as it needed to be if you noticed there's new signage around the entire building as well as new signage on every uh city building as to what are restricted areas what are not restricted areas I am working on U finalizing a city policy that will guide our uh Personnel on how to deal with certain situations not just First Amendment Auditors but anybody that wants to come into a city facility we will have security protocols in place and those security protocols have to be followed or you don't have access to a city bid building just because it's a city building does not mean you have a right to walk wherever you want case law is clear on that Mr shepher can correct me anytime I misspeak but uh we've done a lot of research since this incident occurred and we are taking the steps to make sure our employees are uh protected uh there's an ordinance out of the city of Puna Gorda where uh they passed that you can't film employees because it's distraction at their workplace we're looking at that it's it's withstood Court muster um and we're looking at that also um I'm not as concerned about the videos of our employees as I am the videos of our uh buildings because that does create a potential security risk to our facility because now you have an inside video of the layout of the building where our cameras are where specific security features for the building are located out there in a public form that is a little bit of a concern from a police perspective um so think steps are being taken we are looking at uh piggyback contracts for security to not only have somebody uh check in and be searched before they come into or be screened before they come into uh the building if they don't want to do that that's fine we will still provide a city service to them them somebody from the department will come down and assist them to provide whatever city services they want if if an employee is available if an employee is not available it looks like you know they can either come back at a later time make an appointment to get those needs done or they can leave it with the receptionist she'll pass it on and get it handled and contact them so we are in the process of making sure that it's very well spelled out in a city policy I'm working on at least getting some guidelines to the employees and to the police department um so that our Personnel know that if somebody does breach the security protocol what legally we can do and our legal rights are to ask them to leave if they refuse to leave they are subject to being arrested so we are taking care of it okay um and then the last bit there you know last meeting or a couple meetings ago talking about the fire Union negotiations I think there was um feedback that the new Actuarial study was going to be between three or four weeks that would put us in kind of a mid February time timeline what I don't want to do is have this continue to Fester I mean at what stage do we say bring it back to council and let us just make the decision um versus having months and months of this continue down the path I know that we all received speak for myself we received an email from a former member um asking for us to motion to bring it back to the council I'm not ready to make a formal motion on that topic but the longer this kind of keeps on going I mean what is that saying for us and for the people that work in that department commissioner we did speak with Mr mandale today um with this his concerns were and and that is the council's option his concerns were um that the fire department actually made the request to go to mediation they that was initiated by them um his concerns are fire Union not fire department correct the fire Union I'll correct myself fire Union they they're the request for um it to go to the mediator um and the mediator has made several dates and the fire unions representation has cancelled those dates and keeps pushing it out so his concern were you all do have that option to bring it back if you all want to put it here but he he would say and his recommendation was that it should go through the mediator that's a third party that addresses both the city's concerns and the Union's concerns and try to come to a middle ground and that the mediator is a professional person that does this on a day-to-day basis and handles those type of situations and that's where he was at so um when is the Actuarial study supposed to be completed actu study um that went back and forth and I think we're still did they get all the information from uh empower we haven't got it yet but I'm hoping to get it this week so I pass on to the can can Joe can you send every the council in a kind of a status maybe tomorrow yeah yes okay thank you empowers who holds the funds that used to be credential but Empower now is the company took over and they hold all the data that the Actuarial uh company actually needs can I ask two quick questions I don't follow up since we're discussing this now what was the total cost of that actual AAL that we ordered 30 when it 30 it was 15 oh it's yeah okay 15,000 and then we had a quote of 15 on one and 40 some on another well what's the cost to us the city taxpayers to go to a special magistrate I don't have that figure commissioner I can get that for you cuz and anybody correct me if I'm wrong if we go to to special magistrate their decision is non-binding it still has to come back to us correct on anything that does not come to a resolve correct there were um I want to say 16 articles on our side that we felt were out of line and they're saying they they have 29 okay so so it's got to no matter what it's going to come it has to come back to us at some point you will have to if there's normally what the mediator do will get it down to a couple that are out of agreement but right now you've got a huge disparity between the two sure okay thank you and and in many of those we have given more than what they had asked for and we put that on the table so I think in any of those we've gone above and beyond it's just coming to the middle ground anything else Mr Becker um no okay Mr Velasquez well I I missed a lot because I went on vacation but um I do want to say before I left we we did go to the Waka culinary school for their ribbon cutting and that was a very festive and um um it was all the sponsors and everyone that had co- partnered with uh you know uh the Waka culinary uh School the the the their department and that and so that was a very good day um we did the Alonzo Williams Park um we planted a tree there and um what else did I have here I have I did get something in the mail regarding the apaka Boy Scout Golden Eagle dinner for March 12th and I was just questioning what this is the city planning to participate in this um and because the honory is going to be our vice mayor uh commissioner KY Becker so I'm going to put it out there um when did you get that I got it in the mail I mean at your house or here yeah I got it at home okay I think it was home that I got it okay um because when we came back from vacation it was uh with all my mail that had been collected by my neighbor I have PID them a lot of good money for them to honor me too um well everyone touched touched base on some of the questions that some of the issues that we had of course you know the social media video that's going around the fire department so I don't want to kind of touch on that again but this is Black History Month and um we did read a proclamation for the honorable and you know the late Mr Alonzo Williams but are we going to read a proclamation in general for uh Black History Month and uh it will be presented here right and not at a at Hurricane Wings or anything like that I think it'll be it'll be at the the 27th event oh where at it at the community center that's where we're doing the our book we're going to roll out the book we can probably do it both then right at the next meeting and exactly and then there as well yeah okay um and um and again that book was done by our youth Council right they had a big part of it and along with a lot of help from francina boin yes and Stephen crib are on our staff as well so y all right um so it' be nice if we can recognize also for Black History Month some of our small businesses and entrepreneurs that have really made big investments in our community not you know it's nice to recognize the legends that have had a foundation in the city of aapka but as we move forward and we kind of celebrate these months where whether it's black history the Hispanic the women's um it'd be nice if we can kind of recognize some of what the businesses and the community leaders that are current Curr uh helping to grow our city OFA that would be a suggestion as we move forward and just just you know for for all transparency here I I suggest we not do that and and that's the last year and this year both have been people that deceased only because they'll be there I mean you know we we've got 28 last year and 29 this year it won't take long you know matter of fact we got Alonzo Williams he passed away as we were actually developing the book so we got him in for this year but you know what we're trying to do is is it's not only about black leaders in a popka but it's also about the history of a popka so it's we're trying to blend the both so I've I've kind of challenged Fran Cena that hey give me some more people from the 1800s early 1900s to add to the book because if we don't do it now while we've got you know their kids or grandkids that remember them we will will'll lose that them forever the people that that are here today 50 years from now 20 years from now they'll still be their memories will still be here with us so I I that was my you know my idea because we we the other thing we did is we it's not about National figures which everybody's got you know all the national leaders that over the over the years but I wanted to make it all about popka you know area leaders who have passed so okay oh because you know like um Hope Community is cated 50 years here in the city of apka it'd be nice if we can have some history of of Hope Community and the Farm Workers that have been the hands of our nurseries and Farms um it'd be nice if we can include them and mayor touched on the point there a second ago I always forget to to mention this but yeah even the fact of the day we should we in more a poka Centric facts of the day we keep on doing these National level facts of the day we should weave in we've got a historical society that's pretty active I I would recommend that we do more apaka based facts of the day as well okay all right cool okay good all right Chuck anything else good Cliff yes mayor briefly um I have learned recently about something that I had gotten through 40 Years of a career and not known much about and that is called a cyber security event and you don't want it so the reason I'm bringing it up is not to uh shed any light on the on the party that's involved but to tell you that I know that before we all can blink it will be budget season again which you all love and I've spoken to Mr hippler about it and Mr vavi about it and Mr McKinley about it and I do not know what other steps can be taken to protect you but if there are steps that can be taken that are not currently be taken you definitely want to take them um it is a huge nightmare to deal with um and you have limited coverage available to you because the insurance companies just don't offer a lot in a city of this size it would be a major pain in the neck and so whatever you can do to protect yourselves I would urge you to consider doing that uh I'm not smart enough to tell you what those steps are but I know that Mr hippler is and if there's anything else that needs to be done you should look at doing it um secondary I plan to get to you for our next Charter review which is Thursday by Monday and perhaps earlier both the memorandum of the new articles which I guess are three and four plus the uh amendments that were requested as draft that that will cover one and two and potentially also well I won't know what you want on three and four but I will start incorporating amendments because some of the Amendments like for example the change that will go all the way through the charter if it were to be passed for Council manager form of government versus strong mayor form of government I'll cover those changes as they apply to article two which will be minimal and as we go to three and four I will add those to the changes that will be made as you tell me what you want to see in three and four so my goal is to get all that stuff to you no later than Monday earlier if possible if you like reading emails on the weekend pay attention because you probably will get them can we make sure that's posted online too that's not which part the the the forms that you'll be providing to us yeah I don't know what happens after yeah more so for staff because I know a lot of residents were asking about that to be able to do some research beforehand and have some um thoughts before thank you all right just a quick to his concern um I did do some checking and we do have a $2 million policy the client that he's dealing with only has a quarter of that um and I do know Rob does work very hard as you all got notified with an email that got stripped to make sure that those particular messages that come into our system are picked up and we we try to catch them so we do work very hard and and I will say you probably got the most um diligent it Department that's out there and we will continue to do that yeah and to that point um we had we were real close to being breached and uh Rob and his team were able to pull it off and and uh so embarrassed one of our employees which you know uh we they send out I guess quarterly they send us out you know a fishing Expedition and they've got me once and so I'm never going to let him get me again so hippler remember that you're not gonna get me again but no but they they do a tremendous job um and you know and protection as as Cliff Sheard said is is is is important um talked about Legends of popka that will be Tuesday February 27th at the community center uh we got the Waba High School choir Mark Wright will be entertaining um that will be we have the books for sale which will be our the um our black historical leaders uh it will be for sale at 10 for $10 sales tax included uh Saturday sounds I think somebody mentioned great uh great uh event I just wish we'd had more families you know more kids it was just you know the band was good but the entertainment was even better so it was a it was a great a great time um let's see we got the charter review uh Thursday February 15th and then our joint Workshop the form based code for kpi on Tuesday February 13th joint with planning so with that we're done