##VIDEO ID:z9T2PAoVxLU## e e e e e e e e e man for oh D did with look for my script I don't have oh yeah okay where's the last gu [Music] all right we want to call the poka city council meeting of September 18th to order commissioner Smith you give us the prayer pledge and fact of the day please Our Father God we come once again for your presence we say thank you Lord for the many blessing bestowed upon us and God we thank you for this opportunity for us to be Servants of this city we ask for God to continually lead guide and direct our paths in the way we have them to go that all that we shall say and do be pleasing and and acceptable in your sight in thy son Jesus name we pray amen amen I pled algi to the flag of United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all fact of the day on September 18th 1793 George Washington lays a Cornerstone to the United States capital building the home of the legislative branch of American government the building would take nearly a cent to complete as Architects came and went the British set fire to it and it was called into use during the Civil War today the capital building with its famous Cast Iron Dome an important collection of American art is part of the Capitol complex which includes six Congressional Office Buildings and three librar of Congress buildings all developed in the 19th and 20th centuries the capital which is visited by 3 million to 5 million people each year has 540 rooms and covers the ground area of about four acres back to the day all right welcome to the public meeting of the city council city of Apopka please turn off all C cellones or please put them on silent the city council permits and encourages input and comments by members of the public on all matters which may come before the council for Action if you wish to address the council this afternoon evening please make sure you have filled out a card with your your contact information and have presented it to the clerk when called upon please proceed to the podium and speak clearly into the microphone stating your name address of record organization if any and direct your comments to the city council and not to individual commissioner staff or members of the public the council the city staff encouraged constructive criticism however personal taxs are prohibited please observe general rules of decorum and civility speakers and members of the audience shall refrain from rude or derogatory remarks shouting disruptions Reflections as to Integrity slander AB of comments profanity vulgarities and statements as to personalities any violation of these Provisions may result in the issuance of verbal warning including warning for trespassing if violations persist after such warnings violators may be removed from the council chambers all right approval the minutes we've got three sets of minutes and Su I think did you adjust okay all right the 28th was adjusted okay look for motion to approve three sets am minutes so got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second M commissioner Smith all those in favor all right I all oppose motion carries all right next up Proclamation we have got our folks from Adent Health that are are prow sponsors of the Hispanic heritage um C well they're still here are they still here oh there he's down front now okay all right and so so anyway we we hope everybody comes out next Saturday from 4: to 8 and we appreciate Advent being the the uh Premier sponsor for our event and so couple of the team members came down to be a part of this so let me read this the proclamation whereas National Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the accomplishments of Hispanic Americans who have enriched our culture and society and helped make America into the incredible country it is today and whereas Hispanic American men and women embody the American values of Devotion to Faith and family hard work and patriotism through their countless contributions As Leaders innovators entrepreneurs and members of our armed forces and whereas our Hispanic Community brings a rich cultural heritage representing many countries ethnicities and religious Traditions that are interwoven into the fabric of America and whereas our Hispanic Community has a profound influence on our city and Country by enhancing and shaping our National Heritage with c old traditions that reflect the multiethnic and Multicultural customs of their communi and where this month we honor Hispanic Americans for their countless contributions to our Nations through their dedication to family community and our country they helped to build a better future for all Americans to honor the achievements of Hispanic Americans the Congress by public law 100- 402 as amended has authorized annually a proclamation designating September 5th 15th through October 15th is National Hispanic heritage mon month now therefore I Brian Nelson city mayor of city of popular Florida do hereby Proclaim September 15th through October 15 2024 as National Hispanic Heritage Month here in apaka and call upon all public officials Educators Librarians and all of Popkins to deserve this month with appropriate ceremonies activities and programs and with that Comm Vasquez would you like to say a few words oh um I wasn't EXP in this just want to say thank you to um uh for for celebrating and recognizing this uh Hispanic Heritage Month um we certainly have a very large community here in aapka and um they have contributed not just to the local businesses but certainly through the Farm Workers through Hope Community and uh of course abent Health has has made such a big infl uh in with uh you know with the Hispanic Community providing many services that are needed so I appreciate that you are sponsoring it this month and uh we just celebrate our culture our language and certainly the contributions that they continue to make in the city of apaka so thank you Dr man you want to come down and say a few words yes good evening thank you for the opportunity to address you um and to everyone who is here tonight I'm amayra manfeld I'm the chief medical officer for Advent he ofka thank you for the opportunity for us to sponsor this month I'm a Puerto Rican a woman very proud of my Heritage and very grateful to be serving here in the Apopka Community mayor Nelson thank you for the comments associated with the remarks say I agree with you uh significant contributions from the Hispanic Community um very proud daughter of a military uh Soldier as well um so thank you for that and just grateful that ad beenal the POA can continue to serve our community this way thank you awesome all right we'll come down and get a get a picture it's good to see you how that yeah thank Okay so we've got several consent agenda items I lost my my uh end it here and so I know we got to pull a few of these let me see um mayor we're pulling number nine number nine number nine the word of the contract we're not pulling it but we're going to pull out to discuss okay and then under business action items number two the Dutch Brothers Coffee that won't be heard tonight okay so anybody here for the Dutch Brother's coffee we're going to we're going to postpone that one okay are we a date certain on that we know yet uh it will probably be the the next meeting okay um number number seven which was the authorized the execution of pigy bank was that I remember at the agenda review there was a question about that one yeah I I reviewed it to determine whether a we could piggy back off the Lauderdale Lakes Lauderdale Lakes contract ra and concluded that we could and that we had time to do it and unless it conflicted with our purchasing policy which I believe has been determined it doesn't if you chose to use it as a piggyback you could do that but we have to start this before September 30th correct because their contract expires on the 30th and we have to start ours before theirs expires and for that 40,000 just for this one time okay no renewals so that was good then yes ma' and um I know that was that one that we talked about the other one I'm sorry um oh um why don't we introduce the new Planning Commission appointment is he here Mr Dixon I thought he was G be no no and I wanted to discuss number 10 if we can at some point well well you want to pull it as a or do you oh that one number 10 yeah yeah please okay so let's so we need to pull um number nine and number 10 so look for a motion to approve items one through 8 and 11 so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Nesta all those in favor oppos motion carries okay let's start out Radley you'll give us ITB 2024 a102 good evening again mayor and Commissioners uh R Williams Parks and Recreation director uh we pulled this off of consent uh because there is some language that needs to be read into the minutes so I'll go through this staff report real quick uh as a reminder uh the city was awarded a cdbg uh grant program uh five houses were selected uh the fifth house was an alternate house on the May 15th council meeting uh staff was authorized to proceed with the top three houses uh two of them were replacement homes and the third was a rehab the fourth house the bid came in higher than expected uh considerably higher than expected and staff requested to go ahead and rebid that house as a full new build replacement home instead of the rehab that it was originally bid uh advertised for we're now back after bidding that house out again for a replacement home um we had five contractors submit bids for this the low bid came from JM Bell Construction LLC in the amount of two, $238,600 for the rebuild the bid amount of $238,600 is within the 15% of the replacement cost estimate which was $223,700 this bit amount exceeds the city of Papa cdbg or CBD housing assistant program plan um which is a maximum two-bedroom replacement home square footage size of 900 square feet and a maximum home amount of $80,000 exceeding the hap amount is allowable with the housing Specialists and the city council's authorization staff and Fred Fred Fox Enterprise Inc which is our grant administrator uh and consultant recommend the contract award to the lowest responsive bidder of JM Bell Construction LLC in the amount of $238,600 uh that leaves us one final home the alternate home which was number five at 407 East 8th Street uh as we now are getting these four original houses is moving through construction we'll come back to city council with a recommendation on that house pending the funding we have left available y got it here um this award is contingent upon the Florida commerce site specific environmental release approved release approval for the Demolition and construction of the property and and the council understands and approves the low bid amount exceeding the city of aapka cdbg housing assistance plan maximum two-bedroom replacement home square footage size of 900 square F feet and maximum home amount of $80,000 and that the city's cdbg housing specialist recommends the bid for award exceeding the maximum half amount that said a recommended motion is to award the best do abatement demolition construction of 28 West 8 Street apka Florida to JM Bell constru ruction LLC in the amount of $238,600 recommendation I just read that part um I and before any questions I do want to give a special thank you to Dr shakenya Jackson who's over here for all her hard work and wanisha Washington from the finance department uh and of course David Fox our consultant uh it's a lengthy process there's a lot of steps and check marks to go through um without their help we would not be where we are today uh getting these projects started so big thank you to them so any questions for Radley on this item yes so we only award contract to rebuild just to one home what about the remainers others on the list so the other three the other top three we awarded on May 15 so those three are already done this fourth one we needed to come back because the replacement or the rehab bid came back way higher than expected so we requested to Reid rebid it as a rebuild okay so three and actually we signed contracts on two of the houses uh today with the contractors and the homeowners um so we are proceeding with those other three houses I I have a general question yes so any time that we are utilizing These funds does the city or put any type of lean on the property in the event that it's not used as investment property they don't sell the property yes there's a mortgage plac on it and maybe I'll have Mr Fox kind of give your quick rundown of how that works good evening I'm David Fox of Fred Fox Enterprise there is a deferred payment loan put on the property through the city um it's a a 10year mortgage payb by time 10% comes off each year and it has a death clause and if they were to pass away it's fly forgiven um but it is a 10year mortgage there's no interest and there's no payment as long as they live in the house they're paying it back and that's for the rebuild and the rehab is there rehab is the same same okay per yes ma'am and you said in they die what happens it's forgien we would present it to you but there's a clause in the mortgage that says they were to pass away the mortgage would be forgiven Mor be forgiven okay so then that home then can be passed on to to the family okay all right and any event they're refinance is there refinance CLS in there where if they're refinance you would have to subordinate the first for them to refinance that doesn't usually happen okay now some of the you holding the second on like a rehab they may already have a first but the new home on this home here you'll actually hold a second they've got a mortgage with they're current and the mortgage company has allowed us to demo it or the city to demo it and replace it okay that was the next question okay thank you any other questions okay anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not I look for motion to some oh I'm sorry Sylvester Hall just got a a quick question uh how do we go about selecting the homes and who was on the committee for the selection process is that public knowledge once again David Foster PR fo Enterprise your housing assistance plan had a ranking system in it that you utilize to do the ranking based on the home the people are residing in the home with their handicap disabled age income level very low income were addressed first to be very low income handicap over 62 for the first group and then it it would go down if you fell out of each category then it would go down the list your highest rank were handicap very low income or very low income over handicap over 62 was the highest rank household and then the C advisory task force that you appointed back when you applied did the reviewed the ranking and approved it and then it came to council for if you want Susan's got the I don't know how many houses we've probably had what 15 Dr Jackson 15 houses that or 15 homeowners that met the initial criteria and then brought it to the committee but if you want it you know Susan's got that information happy to share it with you Susan for the record that's going to be an easy process to get those get that information all right thank you anybody else okay close caring look for motion you want to read that again there sure Mr Williams recommended motion is to award the abestos of batment demolition construction of 28 West 8th Street apka Florida to JM Bell Construction LLC in the amount of$ 23867 recommendation and award is contingent upon Florida Department of Commerce approval of site specific environmental release for the Demolition and construction of the property a 10% contingency fund is being requested utilizing the ARF uh coronavirus funds in the amount of $2 23,87350 okay so Mo got a motion by commissioner Smith second second second by commission Anderson all those in favor all oppos motion carries anoun thank you next up award a negotiated contract RFQ 2 2023 D a-8 is who's going to take that one this is the um public safety building is that you or Richard yeah actually Richard has the most information yes you do I'm I did ask Richard so I know he has he knows exactly um what I was looking for there's no problem come on Rich so any questions if come on my I'll take it yeah some of my questions that I had and was just we're wanting to award a $5 million contract just to cost out our $100 million plus Public Services building I guess my heartburn kind of comes in of can we break this out into two $25 million buildings one for afd one for uh APD um is this building going to be functionally obsolete day one on the foot print that it's on it seems tooo small for parking and functionally just getting cars in and out getting fire trucks and police cars in and out quickly effectively um with how our city is growing is downtown Apopka the best place for our main hub for that those are all my questions and again especially during this time where we're raising taxes utility costs all of those things I want to make sure that we're taking into account our wish list may not make sense anymore and we may need to back off a little bit especially with just the economic climate that we're in those are my questions um you want to answer the party in regards to the growth Richard why don't you go back and kind of lay out how we've gotten to this point just so kind of a in chronological order just because we've been at this a while just we've been at it a while I don't have a chronological order but I do have the the report that was done on three on March 22nd 2022 that laid out the plan and it was called the uh a popup Public Safety facility uh needs assessment feasibility report I showed commissioner Velasquez earlier when she asked me about it but that's the report that described uh the building that would include uh police fire and it and of course our EOC and that U that's that's the plan that we're continuing and it started in uh March of 22 it may be before I don't have chronology before that Bas inform list in 2021 a facility needs assessment was advertised and a contract with adg then in 2022 adg worked with an affiliate and affiliate with the Affiliated departments PD fire department and it to complete the facility SE facility needs Assessments in 2022 in 2023 Zha was brought in and with a piggyback contract and I think they work with the various departments as well to complete the final report that identified all the components of the facility needs assessment and any needed updates to the designed RFQ to be advertised and of course that was advertised and the contract the advertis in September of 2023 pre-proposal meeting um September of 2023 um evaluation committee met November 2023 it was a short list either way the contract negotiation award was February 2021 to February 21st 2024 and now we were authorized to award the contract to adg and now we're saying and go out and do negotiations so we've completed negotiations and now we're bringing it back to council okay yeah no I understand the contextually understand it I still think that it may be worthwhile just to have additional conversations with the fire department who is changing and and they're growing and they have different new needs and and how they're going to be functioning and how we're funding them as well as APD that's also growing in Leaps and Bounds as well where are we parking all them how are they getting in and out effectively is it going to be a functional building on the site because it's a very awkward site because we don't have the whole block so it's it's it creates concern that I'm GNA have to build another building and so I think when I spoke with Richard we talked about did it accommodate future growth up so it has more office space I understand that parking is what you concerned yeah par I mean I got I how many fire trucks for that I need to fit at least more um are we about to make a some additional land acquisition through imminent domain probably I don't doubt where it is I know it's over there but it's some kind of land acquisition that's pending via well there's something strategic with that if it's minor with that okay I'm not sure about I don't know the details of that but I know when we spoke in the briefing You Not only was parking but concerned about can it accommodate all three yeah in that building and did did they I mean we that was then we factor that into the needs ass I know that we had have everything was fact I went back to check and I know the chief was was in there I think Jeremy weren't you in a couple of the meetings I don't know that Will was not okay chief Sanchez so it just so I know Richard holderfield Kinley was Miller just and Rob hippler was there Rob hippler yeah one opportunity that we have is in in the scope that uh that that you're being asked to award this evening uh a rethink of the spatial needs assessment and and and getting the the new opinions from the fire department uh that that's in that's number a onea in the scope so they will uh they'll look into that and I'm sure they can keep you in the loop if you uh if you want to be or need to be I don't necessarily need to be in loop I just want to make sure to your point that our new needs are taken into account and that it's we're growing I mean things are changing so I just want to make sure that's taken into account so that that does help to to comfort me for sure moving forward and that our uh new interim Chief can also give his uh opinion moving forward as well just to again we're growing and changing so I appreciate that thank you so much okay all right anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not we'll look for motion to approve the negotiated contract for RFQ 2023 a-8 professional Design Services New Public Safety facility to Architects Design Group correct so Mo got a motion by commissioner Nesta second by commissioner Vasquez all those in favor I I I'll oppos motion carries all right Richard back up again I had to get the rest of my my stack uh so the next one uh is the utility oversizing upsizing agreement for the Emerson Park uh PD uh this is we've we've settled into using a template for these oversizing agreements in this case the uh the subdivision needed a 6 in sanitary Force pane uh but instead because because this subdivision is located well it connects to the East end or the West End of Cleveland Street you know we need to send a a 24inch pipe through this subdivision so that we can take that sewage to the Cleveland Street Plant so they need a 6in we want a 24 in and so we'll pay the material cost difference from one to the other any questions for Richard anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter now close the public hearing look for motion to approve the utility upsizing agreement for the Emerson Point PD so got a motion by commissioner Vasquez second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I'll oppos motion carries nowly okay next item Dutch Brothers Cofe do we need [Music] to we could uh I would recommend we pull that to the or the to date certain to the next city council meeting I've spoken with the gentleman a couple of times today I've got to get him I'm trying to get him to put it on paper what his argument is he wants to tell me about it and uh and send me peac meal things and I tell him look you get a PowerPoint and you and you're going to submit a report and that's what city council is going to see so you got one shot at it and so he'll put in that uh what we talked about at the briefings but it's it's pulled for today so any other questions for Richard anybody won't speak on this we're gonna table it but um to date certain of so the one question I did have um during our agenda review one of the issues was that we had nothing in writing well there's PowerPoint presentation and a letter from the from the Dutch Brothers Coffee in the agenda package so it's just not it it doesn't have some of the detail in it okay oh because yesterday um when I asked and I understood that um that there wasn't they couldn't find the paperwork for the agreement he was yes yeah the staff member that that left had only had conversations with them and emails they didn't have anything the city council didn't didn't uh approve 77 something thousand whatever it is that he thinks he deserves an Transportation impact fees yeah it was for the transportation so that's not going to be a consideration when it comes back it will be that that'll that'll be the point of it is he thinks he paid more than he needs to so he wants a reimbursement for uh Transportation impact fees that he had he says he had verbal uh uh deals with people who don't work here anymore and he has something the the well he has what's in the package that everything I provided was the best information he had to tr to try to demonstrate that he was moving in that direction and then the staff person left okay all right looking for a motion to table the transportation impact feed credit request for Dutch Brothers Coffee to date C of October 2nd some got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor oppose motion carries Ann next up will Sanchez come on down good evening mayor Commissioners come before you today to request approval and ratification of collection or collective bargaining agreement between the city of apka and the apka professional firefighters Association local 5293 this will be for fiscal year 2023 24 2425 and 2526 any questions for will commission I mean excuse me chief um anybody from public wish to speak on this one I'll close the public hearing look for motion for the approval and ratification of the collective bargaining agreement between the city of apka and the apka professional firefighters Association local 5293 so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I all oppos motion carries thank you all right resolution 20248 yes sir mayor so this is the uh the second reading of the uh the storm water assessment uh for this year it was uh the the study was approved last summer and it uh it put in place an annual increase of uh 88.3% and uh and so that this is the second reading of that that we uh okay I'm here if anybody has any questions any questions any for the public wish to speak on this matter not we'll close a public hearing look for a motion to approve resolution 20248 can we just wait a few minutes until they congratulate each other it's been a long process for them yes may oh okay okay just wait okay Susan Okay resolution 202 24-18 a resolution of the city council of the city of republ establishing a schedule of fees to provide funding for a storm water utility program adopting the non-ad Borum assessment role and providing an effective date all right any changes no sir all right anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not we'll look for a motion to approve resolution 2024-the motion carries unanimously next up resolution 20242 resolution 2024 d24 a resolution of the city council of the city of apopa Florida adopting a non adum assessment role for East Kelly Park Laurel Oak Street lighting District providing direction to the finance director for certification and transmission of the assessment role to the Orange County Tax Collector and providing for an effective date Michael Michael Ortiz program supervisors uh that must be used for a brand new Street um new subdivision and it's going to be covering all the Duke Energy street light fees which is the rental fee the maintenance fee and the fuel energy fee and everything is the rate was provided by Duke Energy any questions for Michael anybody from the public wish to speak on this matter not will close the public hearing look for motion to approve resolution 2024 d24 so got a motion by commissioner Vasquez second second by commission Anderson all those in favor I all opposed motion carries and I just you are actually taking this over uh yeah I'm assist yeah and this was a a job that uh the former Chuck barck used to do and I think they're training you to take this over yeah I'm working with Planning and Zoning too so we kind of split it where I do the existing and they do the new and then we work together to resolve everything well congratulations thank you and thank you okay resolution 2024-25 resolution 2024-25 a resolution of the city council of the city of Apopka Florida adopting a non-ad Borum tax assessment role for the Oaks at Kelly Park Street lighting District providing directions to the finance director for certification and transmission of the assessment role to the Orange County Tax Collector and providing for an effective date uh this one's going to be for an existing msbu that we have uh there was a you know rating increase from the fuel and energy cost and Duke Energy provided that rate increase and we're implementing that the increase here need to speak up louder Michael and you need to give your name address for each one of them though just is for the record please yes I'm sorry yeah this one's for The Oaks of Kelly Park and it's going to be increasing by which address does he have to provide when he no I didn't say it's address I need well you need to say what what neighborhood but just your name and address for the record that you're representing yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm sorry no problem no problem you don't give your home address you no just just his name just his name from the Department that you work for okay Mel Ortiz program supervisor for the his Department yep there you go and it's going to be for The Oaks of Kelly Park and it's going to be for a rate increase of 126 to 15450 any other any questions for Michael not anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not we'll close the public hearing look for motion to approve resolution 2024-25 so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Vasquez all those in favor I oppose motion carries n next up resolution 202 24-26 resolution 202 24-26 a resolution of the City Council of the city of aapka Florida adopting a non-ad vorum tax assessment role for Southwest Apopka Street lighting District providing for direction to the finance director for certification and transmission of the assessment role to the Orange County Tax Collector and providing for an effective dat Michael Ortiz program supervisor this is for the implementation of a mspu for a new subdivision as well which which one for the Southwest apaka Street lighting District okay awesome any questions for Michael anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not we'll close the public hearing look for motion to approve resolution 202 24-26 so got a motion by commissioner Nesta second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I'll oppose motion carries anamy next up resolution 202 24-27 resolution 202 24-27 a resolution of the city council of the city of apopa Florida adopting a non-ad tax assessment role for Summit Ridge Street lighting District providing for direction to the finance director for certification and transmission of the assessment role to the Orange County Tax Collector and providing for an effective date michaelz program supervisor this is to implement the msbu for the new subdivision Summit Ridge any questions for Michael anybody from the public wish to speak on this one if not close the public hearing look for motion to approve resolution 202 24-27 so got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I'll oppose motion carries unanimously next up resolution 20242 resolution 20 24-28 a resolution of the city council of the city of papapa Florida adopting a non-ad Borum tax assessment role for West Kelly Park gardinia Reserve Street lighting District providing direction to the finance director for certification and transmission of the assessment role to the Orange County Tax Collector and providing for an effective date Michael Ortiz program supervisor for the street department this is to implement the mspu for the new subdivision West Kelly Park uh Gardia Reserve any questions for Michael anybody from the public wish to speak on this one now close the public hearing look for motion to approve resolution 202 24-28 got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I I'll oppose motion carries unanimously next up resolution 20242 resolution 202 24-29 a resolution of the city council of the city of apopa Florida adopting a non-ad tax assessment role for West Kelly Park Oak View Street lighting District providing direction to the finance director for certification and transmission of the assessment role to the Orange County Tax Collector and providing for an effective date Mike Ortiz program supervisor for the Department this is to implement the msbu for the new subdivision West Kelly Park Oak View okay any questions for Michael anybody from the public wish to speak on this one not we'll close a public hearing look for a motion to approve resolution 202 24-29 so moved got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I all oppose motion carries unanimously next up resolution 202 24-30 resolution 202 24-30 a resolution of the city council of the city of apka Florida amending the budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2023 and ending September 30th 2024 providing for a budget amendment thank you um we have I think I believe it's about three items including in this budget amendment the first one is for 169 364 these are amul ambulance fees for pmmt MCO Revenue that we K in that we have to remit to the state um again as I explained in the briefings we get this money we don't know if we're going to get it every year and we do have to U remit a component to the state and that's why we have to bring this in as a budget amendment uh we had to pay out 169,00 th000 overall the next amendment is just we're we're transferring um the land acquisition that was approved by Council for the Snowden property at 562 Snowden road instead of us taking that out of fund 401 the util operating fund that does not have any money we're taking it out of fund 403 the impact fee fund because it has been determined that the land the purpose of purchasing the land is for expansion purposes so that's all we're doing with that returning the funds to 401 and taking it out of fund 403 the last item is $150,000 and this is for a contract that we have with the Water Company of America where they went out and that they had about 90 work orders that they did to go and make sure that um the water and sewer bill was being built properly I think it was a problem with the units probably was being built as one unit it should have been multiple units but as a result of their findings they were due a percentage of the income that generated from that and it was O it is over a fiveyear period I will say out of those different findings about half of them I got my notes let me take my notes and 21 are over um 30 months so we're over halfway there out of the 37 accounts so again they generate additional revenue for US based on their findings and we have to pay them a little bit more than what we planned so that's the purpose of this adjustment and the yet last adjustment apologize number four this is just um making sure we maintain a balanced budget this is related to the salary study and for those funds that are outside of the general fund because we did um include those funds in the general fund as contingency under the HR budget but other funds of course were affected by that which is streets storm water water and the other one so we're transferring it over there okay sorry all right we got a motion any questions for a blanch on those issues not look anybody from the public wish to speak on any of those okay not look for a motion to approve resolution 2024 -30 so got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Vasquez all those in favor all right all oppos motion carries unanimous thank you thank you Mr Nesta why don't you start us out we can start with somebody else please Mr Smith um been getting a lot of calls and emails in reference to the digging that's going on in PPS that they putting in these underground cables and uh I did call and get some numbers but when they call the numbers nobody answers or is not the correct number so we need to find out who it is that actually need the contact uh because nobody's responding and when they're digging in the yards they're not replacing uh the S properly uh one resident called and said that after they were done it created a sinkhole in in the front yard because they didn't pack it back properly I I know Rob I know he's got the the four or five and yeah I can get with Richard actually they think they're actually giving the permits for them to actually do the digging out there so I can get with Margaret and get it okay but I mean from and from from from our attorney standpoint I mean I it's not because they're in the rideway it's a yeah you you can say be better at neighbors that's about all you got you know at some point you may need something from us maybe be nicer it's like it's like telling people who cut the trees don't cut them so ugly they have a right to cut them and they cut them ugly all right I I did ask our um at the agenda review I did ask about that do does anyone from our staff go out to those where they are digging and pulling that orange uh hose all off the place do we go out to check to make sure that in the right ways they're not creating damage to our well they have they have but we' spent I mean Tommy's been spending a whole bunch of time yes my name is David public service director with regard that we do send out staff when when we receive the complaint to investigate and then Margaret pursue whatever corrective action with with with the agencies but again as the attorney explained we are the discretion so we may take a picture we may discuss with them you you may need to fix the yard you may need to put back the S you know but a lot of time that when these things are happening we they leave the scene and we don't know who performed the operation so that is something that if if a call is coming um you know send it to Margaret at public service and and we will try to see what we can do but but a lot of times we don't know who will perform this work as there are many subcontractor who do this work throughout the city but if they put in the permit they don't leave any information as to who they are and where they is they're digging well we have when we performed the investigation from Department we get a contact number we were called and we will you know pursue that um but at the time when the work was performed we don't know if which one of the sub performed the work so you have you have sub working for the prime the prime P Department to sub work for you but we are pursuing that to the best of ability right now but it's a challenge to be honest all right so just give them your number no public service number they got I know Rob's got a think up on the is that on the website Rob where I know you got yeah all four of the contractors two two of them don't work two of what two of the numbers are don't work yeah anyway we we'll get it s we'll get them the the the other question that I did have regarding that was what time are they allowed to work because I did mention to Mr deal that that um I've seen them working way into 7:30 8 o'clock even 8:30 at night and I understand they're only supposed to work till 6 right I spoke to Richard on that and again it is an enforcement we will have to have staff go out there in the night working over time to verify that um it is a struggle to be honest with you so again if if you get those calls send it to public service and we will have to come up with some strategy how how we going to attack this at this time I don't have an answer for you in terms of who is working after sex or not because we do not have a schedule couldn't that fall on Code Enforcement though yes so Margaret will talk to code enforcement and we're going to see what's going to happen but we don't have like right now I can't tell you for sure that there is a policy exp you know that we have in place how we going to pursue this because we don't know who is working after where what the location is it's after the fact that we we are hearing this and that's what we investigate code enforcement don't work after well that well that's I'm saying we we have to develop some kind of some kind of some kind of strategy how we attack this right because we don't know we don't have a schedule this is happening you know we don't have like a set schedule for many but this is where we're going to work this is the location but we' have been receiving a lot of these calls to be honest with you all right okay and other thing is just I really would like us to uh seriously pursue uh whatever those Avenues are uh to come up with some mechanism to assist uh our residents with the uh utility bills we talked I'll I'll reach out to Orange County that I'm not sure I can't remember which department I've got I've got but I know that Li Almost sure that they get the federal money which obviously we're a part of Orange County so we ought to be able to Tye that it's the Community Action division yeah because I've already been Community Action division okay do you want you want me to do you can I mean I've already but you can you know you're the mayor so you have more weight than I do so you can all right I'll I'll I'll see what yeah follow up with them okay okay that's all about that all right commissioner Nesta absolutely uh I just wanted to uh recap my well first off celebrating and honoring um his bandic Heritage Month um I'm glad we did a proclamation that was nice and um just appreciate all that um the community has done in building our town to where it is and continues to build our town um wanted to recap My Town Hall that was really well attended by many residents many I've never even seen before met before so it was a really cool opportunity to interact with them in that capacity um some just highlevel points that was a consistent theme throughout the town hall was just more transparency overall residents were just asking for more transparency whether it's through the budgeting process whe whether it's through the hiring firing process whatever it may be um they just wanted more transparency it was a really productive inviting respectful um dialogue where residents were able to express their concerns but also not feel any type of intimidation they were able to express what they needed to and I thought it was a very productive way to communicate with our residents um if you want to see it it's definitely viewable on my Facebook page and many residents did Echo the same thing that they would like to have other Commissioners do the same thing just have an open dialogue they they thought it was just really productive we had something like 50 or 60 people come in um there was not a specific attacking of anything it was just hey here's the problem how can we fix it if we can so it's really productive and again many residents said can would the other um Commissioners do it and and I it was a productive time I'll just say that and the residents really found value in it so um the only other thing I have is I'm just not doing office hours tomorrow I'm picking them back up September 26 11:00 to 1M if you want to set up an appointment uh email me at Nesta apopka.net and otherwise have a good rest of your week commissioner blasquez well I have a few things um you know I had spoken with [Music] our our finance and even without admin rator I had requested the email that commissioner Anderson had read from her phone on the 28th and I've made several requests and it still has not been turned over to she is in your email you didn't tell me that okay but that was the $100,000 that I was considering to reallocate for the water because what I had Learned was we get over 230 accounts cut monthly customers that get their water cut and I understand that Orange County has this program but how long will it take before we set it up I I think it would be a pretty easy I don't know I'll know by I'll know by next meeting I'll have a I'll have a good idea how about that the other thing was that between the funds that we support well the events that we support uh with the city which was I believe they had a list of of each of these were like $12,000 between our discretionary accounts and I believe that uh commissioner neter had added another 30,000 my only concern was that we do not have a policy of process in place and I did express that to our chief administrator that um we have a lot of funds that we give out as donations as supporting different 501c3's but we do not have a policy in place and even with the addition of the $100,000 there is no policy in place so um I'm just asking for a policy to be put together so that we have something to reference to and it would allow additional 501 c3s who want to be part of it to be able to apply to it because right now we have the same fire for the same organizations getting the M getting the city funds uh year after year and other organizations have come forward asking for the same privilege so that's the only thing I've been asking for um and I'd like to see that uh at least happen so that we have a reference um I did get a couple of phone calls they're asking for some of the things that showed up in the budget that they feel was nonessential in the budget and uh have asked have asked me to really look at it and say we don't need it and as you know we have a you know resident that feels that two times a month for Saturday sounds is too much but we've already allocated that fund that that fund for it I I correct well you haven't approved the final yet the same Resident was that we got the utility bill for October I think this month and uh he person felt why are we [Music] advertising concerts and Saturday songs if we have not approved the budget I didn't so that was one of the issues that was excuse me right the resident just asked for that so that's the only thing that I'm asking is that uh we consider putting a policy together for the different funds that we uh provide to our community and even the discretionary funds that uh each of us have is to put a policy and a process in place so that our public has access to how we do things why we give uh donations and they have an opportunity if they want to apply for those donations so to confirm just piggyback off of that we don't have a policy in place correct for how we spend discretionary funds no we do not have um it's kind of overseen uh by the chief administrator's uh assistant and she does keep good brackets um the only thing that I could not verify is how do we verify if they have an active 501c3 and if they have an active BTR uh business tax receipt filed with the city um that's kind of a missing component um and that was a concern well then to what extent too are we limited on our discretionary funded use so if it's an event that's going on and we have to help to fund the food at that event whether it's for youth or whatever are we allowed to do that who's saying yes or no to that I guess no they no one is saying yes or no they're just saying where's the policy for it well I just recently got told no that I can't use discretionary funds on um um it was actually on my town hall that I was not allowed to use discretionary funds to pay for the police officer that was here I had to pay for that out of my own pocket so I don't know if any other commissioner had to do something similar when you're acting your official capacity but I have plenty of funds in my discretionary fund to serve the residents and I was told no so I'd like to know who is heading that up if we don't have a policy in place we love to know why I wasn't able to spend those funds when every other commissioner cleared is able to well I don't know if there's a policy but I know there have been a couple opportunities that uh I requested the donation be sent or sent to a specific organization but uh M harobi sends out a form that they have to complete and they did not meet all the guidelines on that for so I was not allowed to to donate to them well this was to the police dep department so I don't know Police Department policy but whatever that form is it's a vendor it's a vendor form that they have to complete and they have to satisfy but I'm just saying we don't have a policy that our residents can go and say what's the policy for each of you to uh provide a donation what's the policy for the events that the city uh funds our sponsors what's the policy for that uh and and we don't have a policy it's pretty much been just done because it's always been done one certain way yeah I think that's that's a really smart thing but the fact that we don't have one now and I had a self-funding event as a commissioner is problematic so I'd like at some point asked that's all I asked was our chief administrator to look into it um I guess even kind of network with another city how they do it um if they do do it but I mean we do sponsor a lot of uh we sponsor pretty hefty um events here in the city um and at the same time you know $10,000 for each of the Commissioners and I know that the mayor has $15,000 um that's you know I I mentioned it before that's $55,000 that we are giving back to our community just a policy just so that our public can understand or have an opportunity also to come up here if there were 501 se3 anything else Mr um I did see something here from Hope Community because you did mention a senior program and Hope Community just has a senior companion programs connect volunteers to seniors living independently so I thought that would be something that we can look into or speak to Hope Community has so many programs that they have in our city already and we just aren't aware of those programs so I'm going to kind of ask them to even come in and present some of the programs that they have because I feel like um if if we want to create a grand program for different initiatives we already have so many of these resources that are in our city we just just don't know about them so I'm I am going to connect with po Community to see all the programs that they do have and do have available right here in the city uh the other thing I did want to also speak to and that was uh to Clifford our attorney and that's regarding uh a Auditorium I mean I I know commissioner Nesta had uh talked about it and I talked about it at the agenda review and and I feel like a moratorium not to stop the developers but to really assess our impact feeds and because we we have not done that in a while and I feel like if we can do that with the impact fees we can put the impact of the that our developers would pay for the new development rather than to have our existing residents paying for the impact of VI developments and I know the cities around us have done the same thing and I think it's a good thing for us to while the other cities are doing it we're in the same kind of uh ERA with them so it would be good for all of us to be doing the same thing um it's late but I'm happy to explain to you the process uh a moratorium is the next to the last step in the process of what you're talking about when it comes to impact fees the first step in the process is to determine who it is you're going to hire which usually will require an F RFP although in your case depending on your purchase policy and so forth it might not um to find out the company that will conduct the study for all the various fees that you have as to whether they are accurate and and current or not and so we have somebody on it okay so that's that's step one because you you don't get to just make it up you have to have a study that can be backed up in court that the water fees are appropriate the sewer fees are appropriate the park fees are appropriate the transportation fees are appropriate because if that study doesn't hold up and a developer or land owner Sues and says this is a bogus study and wins you end up giving what all the money you gave you got you have to give it all back so you do not take that step lightly once you have that lined up and you say okay we got somebody they're ready to go how long are they going to take to do the study four months six months eight months 12 months I don't know but that's important because that sets how long you want to set the moratorium for again now we're talking just about impact fees because there are a lot of different reasons to have a Mortor um there may be like it was mentioned a night sanitation I don't know I've never seen anybody do one but maybe it's possible if you have your own sanitation department maybe that's something that can be justified but the point is you don't start the moratorium till you're ready to go with your impact fee study and you turn them loose and say okay we're now under a moratorium nobody's getting permits for whatever the area might be it can be all things it can be just commercial it can be just residential it can be multi what whatever it is you think needs to be halted for the purpose of a planning study in this case on impact fees once you do that your moratorium is in place and you will get push back from the development Community count on that what you will also get is people flooding you with applications in all likelihood to avoid potential increased fees or delays in construction so you might see your activity at meetings and your applications in your planning and zoning department go up that's just a fact of life but that's how it goes now once you're in the moratorium they're upheld as long as they're reasonable in time they have a defined start a defined beginning and a legitimate planning purpose those are the key things if you do all of that stuff you get through the study the study brings you back okay this one goes up this one stays the same this one goes down whatever it may be you look at the study you question the experts you agree yep we think that's good you adopt the study and you say we're going to now do our impact fee ordinance to raise our fees or set our fees based on this new study that we believe is valid you do that 90 days from that day is when the fees go into effect and so if you think you need six months to get the study done you need nine months or more to get the impact fees in place and if you don't go all the way to the end of that nine months you have people coming in as soon as the study's done the moratorium is gone but the new impact fees aren't in place so even if the ordinance is adopted today you don't get to charge those new fees until 90 days from that day so it's a process so is there another alternative to impact fees yeah well there there's some I heard someone mentioned Mobility fees that's really about Transportation just transportation and it's it's a whole thing it's it's kind of a different way of looking at transportation and it still requires you to be able to justify with all of these things you have to justify how you're charging and what you're charging that's the purpose of the study because anything that's not justifiable in a method that you can explain in court is something that would be called either an unlawful tax or an unlawful exaction from a developer meaning you're trying to take from somebody uh something that they don't need to give you in order to get processed I.E a permit that they might otherwise be entitled to or something like that that's why a developer sitting at this Podium and and you saying well we need more Park land can't you give up some of that 100 acres and give us a park the developer should be able to look you in that and say no ain't doing it because I'm already paying impact fees for that I'm not giving you land but if they do give you land just just to get the permit that they otherwise would be able to get they can still sue you for taking the land at the podium so it's a big deal it's not something should be Ed enlightened but done right yes there's there's a reason for it we just went through this in eille the moratorium I sent for I think you all got copies was because Eatonville has never had more impact fees and I've been pushing for two years to get them to do it because they're going to go broke if they don't get it and so they finally have it now but we had to go through this whole process of the study and the whole business like I've just explained that's why this is so fresh in my mind it's a hugely important thing to do it's important for all kinds of reasons to stay current with them so if you haven't done it in several years that's a good enough reason to do it again um some communities do it without a moratorium they just say what happens what happens happens and we're just going to go forward with our impact fee study we're not going to do a moratorium but when we get a new structure in we're going to put it in that's an option as well so all of those things are options for you you can do it any way want and yes it's valuable it's important and significant that you do it on a regular enough basis that your impact fee uh justifications will hand stand up in a court of law for all the reasons I explain so I'm looking for obviously the moratorium is is a much longer process but something to address because we have such massive developments going going on I want to be able to have our impact fees to reflect the impact that the new developments are my suggestion if if you already have a consultant who is on a continuing contract or something like that bring them in at the next meeting to make a presentation if we wanted to review all of our impact fees and look at whether we can charge a sanitation fee how long would it take you to do that and how much will it cost us that's step one if he says we can do it in six months and it's going to cost you $150,000 I'm making up numbers here I don't know and you say sounds like a good idea Jacob find me $150,000 let's go I'll begin preparing the moratorium that will come in for two readings it's an ordinance two readings on the second reading it's in place you'll hear people object no doubt about that but if you decide that this is the right thing to go it's completely enforcable as long as I draft it right and I've done enough of them I draft it right it has to recognize things like vested rights and things of that nature but what it means is for that period of time and for whatever levels of permits you're you're applying it to nothing is happening it so if it's all development or just residential or just whatever categories you inside the impact it is going to shut it down for that period of time that's we agree that this would be on the October 2nd agenda when I brought it up last week that this will be on next on the October second agenda I I don't know but maybe could be that's why I sent them to you because yall ask for what they look like that's what they look like I just want to make sure so so we we're really close on the the uh impact fee study I mean we're a little bit right police and fire we're we're close we you know we just did Transportation last year and then w we got wreck police and I mean yeah wck police and fire are real close to being done right those three it's all related to the CIP plan right because they have some major um Capital Improvement projects in there but water and waste water I think was done recently to the impact fee rates and the transportation but right now what's under the study right now is police fire and Recreation yeah and of course the rates for water right yeah now let me me something else you're talking about imp impact fees vice mayor but that as I mentioned is not the only reason to do a moratorium for example I sent you a moratorium Matlin did on drive-throughs to study is there a safer way to permit a drive-thru our permit our drive-throughs in this specific area where they applied the moratorium a good thing or bad thing to impact traffic on 1792 and so on so that's a reason basically it has to be a valid planning reason so drive-throughs is a reason big box stores has been used as a basis for a moratorium we're not going to do big box stores till we study how to do them in a better way as an example and so on and so on so again the topic of the moratorium that the thing that you're going to study is usually the motivating factor but it can't be we don't like it so we're going to put in moratorium but we're not doing anything you have to do something to justify the moratorium so if it's we're going to study drive-throughs you better study drive-throughs if it's we're going to study big box doors you better study them and plan a product with an end result that's the key okay well we're going to be discussing this October 2 okay so but just wanted to kind of let everyone know that you know I was I I was in support of it um because obviously from our previous meeting um you know the impact of of new developments the growth in our city right now it's uh impacting our existing residents anything else commissioner no that's it thank you yeah commissioner Anderson so just a few things I want to kind of address some of the concerns that commissioner Vasquez have regarding the $100,000 that are advocated for in the budget for nonprofits so during the meeting I gave a detailed analysis of what that looked like and I outlined the different um tier options and one of the things that we discussed was making sure that there were some measures in place to make to protect um the taxpayers dollars and that there was a lot of um different guidelines and that we were just issuing money and it was very detailed report um addition to that um the so I actually have a simple analysis of the $100,000 line item um for the investment from the city of apaka I won't go into details this um meeting but the next meeting I will but let me just say this the benefit um in the cost analysis that it will actually have on the city is is very it's very very uh beneficial um one of the things um that we talked about and um I didn't go into details was like preventing their future cost so a good example the children um delinquency prevention um and I won't go into what that looks like but we'll be saving hundred th hundreds of thousands of dollars by making sure that we're implementing these programs in addition to that for the senior in the veteran um Services programs um that help seniors and Veterans with Healthcare uh one of the things about buying into these different nonprofits if we want these nonprofits to come into our community we have to buy into these nonprofits and support them um if we're in support of $200,000 for free cont conerts where the city is not really benefiting from that just entertainment purposes um I think it would be a disservice to our community that we will not Implement just $100,000 to provide these essential services that will eventually save the tax SPS hundreds of thousands of dollars and I spent hours um outlining this in the next um city council Mee I will definitely um present it um I have received a lot of support from the community a lot of these nonprofits need this money um and um I'm telling you now if we don't just listen to the residents about how they're struggling to to to um to pay their bills um a lot of these Services um will help provide um resources to help bridge that Gap so I think it's even more important down with this increase um and what we're proposing with the budget that we make sure that we are seeking grants in different Community stakeholders to assist with that so I stand strong on this $100,000 my vision for this to grow to $500,000 in the next 5 years um making sure that we get matching funds um but we have to put some skin in the game we have to show that we are supporting supporting these nonprofits and they are the backbone um for a lot of I mean a lot of us up here are blessed where we don't have to use some of these services but coming from a social service background um having housing and counseling agency I can tell you firsthand these programs save lives these programs help provide food for people so I am a 100% um for nonprofits and supporting these nonprofits and making sure that we are providing these services to our residents so um I think we should be there's definitely other things we could look at cutting in the budget but nonprofit uh providing nonprofit Services is not something that I think we should be looking at ready and um I'll I'll just for the lack of time I'll just you know keep it there the only thing I will say was that um I was unable to view this you did give a detail but since the 28th I have been waiting for this so I got it today so I'll review it today but it was also in the in the in the um it was it was was it live when I gave this as well so you could have also went back and reviewed it as well because I read it as well I I did go back but to physically s sit down and just look at everything which I'm doing right now um but also I do know that we do have other resources in the city right now we do have avental has some programs that we can partner with um we also have again hope Community has so many uh uh programs out of Hope Community and so does the Farm Workers and I've gone to the Farm Workers I've gone to Hope Community and I've seen our our residents going there for emergency funds and they go to help them with their bills they help them with their health care we have mobile um uh uh clinics that come to these uh to Hope Community to Farm Workers so I'm just saying we have these resources that we have not that that we have not so a lot of in about these resources that you're referencing how many of these resources have have I mean I just got here but have you all referred to these residents the resources that you're referencing now have you referred a lot of the residents to these resources well I'm going to say this usually mostly Hispanics because of the language they do reach out to me and and I end up sending them to the Farm Workers to the whole community and I help them out in that sense if they reach out to me I do send them to the uh appropriate organization to help them out uh I'm also uh even for food distribution uh New Journey uh the Destiny church every Monday every Sunday they send me a text and I try to put it on my my Facebook and I actually text some of the families that I know that needed so it's a constant always trying to provide different Services um yeah there definitely a lot of food lot of food drives at the schools because I volunteer uh at the different schools and I know which ones have pantries so different families again they get referenced and I do send them to the different resources we need more than just food drives we need preventive future uh we need preventive U measures put in place programs so there are a lot of different things which outline without outline again but I definitely advocate for the $100,000 um I think we should look at taking out $200,000 in free concerts before we remove this $100,000 line the $200,000 concert was something we we talked about uh when it was approved and I know that you uh did give a no vote to that one but that one was a little bit uh complicated because a contract was already signed but previous years there's also been votes on the $200,000 or the Saturday sounds and just to the the Saturday sounds has been kind of consistent only been about 100 it's a community event and I think nonprofit Services is also a community event and it will definitely affect the community more than go back respect we can agree to disagree but I just feel let's let me you will work on this I will work on trying to get the programs that we do have available in the city that I feel can kind of mirror what you're asking in some of these things here okay like right now I just gave you there's a senior program and you actually have a senior program focus on seniors living independently so why create another program when we have one that's actually we don't have that program nor can we monitor the effect of that program we're looking for in-house programs that we can monitor to the effect we have no control of that program okay so the other thing is we don't have a staff we've already talked about that already I think I think we volunteered someone but I we hired staff to monitor these free concerts the same staff that we use to monitor these concerts the same funding we use we do have to hire additional staff for those concerts that's all under Recreation Radley it's part of the budget again we will agree to disagree and this is something that we can Mage this is why I'm asking our chief administrator to create a policy and uh commissioner Anderson I I support nonprofits because I know there's a number of them out there and a lot of times uh I contribute out of out of my own pockets in order to assist those nonprofits as well uh the only thing that I I would like to ask if you just take a look at I mean I looked at what you did you did a lot of work there is if you would take a look at the tiers that you have listed um I I would like for us to be able to assist as many profits as possible so if you can look at the tiers and and uh just a suggestion if tier one could be from 2500 to 5,000 and then tier two from 5,000 to 10 and then tier three from 10 to 15 I think that way we'll be able to assist more than nonprofits if we could reduce the tiers because looking at the like the large one you have says 20,000 if we only have $100,000 and if five people apply the fund is is diminished and that was just an example that was just given like an exle it was week all right so that that's that that be my own suggestion okay Mr that it for now yes all right uh let's see here Cliff sheeper anything from uh no I was I'll give you 30 seconds I sent an email to the supervisor of elections because I wasn't sure and I still am not when the charter thing is going to come back and I'll just share with you that if and when it comes back and y'all want to talk or revisit the issue of when you will hold your Municipal elections they have told me they will send somebody who can answer your questions because candidly I ask the questions I'm unsatisfied with the answers and I don't think you will be either but I think it'll be harder for them to duck him if it's coming from you than it is coming from me so when that time comes let me know and I'll get that guy here oh I get yeah Glenn would be Glenn Gil or probably his Deputy it was it wasn't Glen and it wasn't Steve who was the guy I had been dealing with yeah and when I i' know that Jacob saw the questions I asked and I think Susan saw the questions I asked they didn't put their answers in writing that's for a reason instead they called me on the phone yeah and short answer only Orlando gets to do Municipal elections in November why is that uh because is that a policy uh is that a law well I said can you come explain that to the council okay we can send somebody there you go okay okay I'm sorry I skipped you there have anything anything you good okay all right um I got quite a few things I'll try to run through them as fast as I can uh we've got an artist reception for Alberto Gomez uh Tuesday next Tuesday September 24th 5:30 to 7:30 in the atrium he's bringing his artwork um a renowned uh Hispanic artist uh so come down if you if you got a minute or two um it's really some really interesting artwork that he's um he will bring to the to City Hall um like to thank um the Florida nurseryman Growers and Landscape Association we got a bunch of trees we've got a couple of Mag no I know one at um the community center and one back behind my office and other other large large trees that they donated all we had to do is go pick them up so want to thank fngla for their Their donation we have the 911 memorial 5K race Saturday September 28th uh opening ceremony will be at 7:15 a.m. uh in front of City Hall uh proceeds to benefit the Armond boras Jr Scholarship Foundation next up brought it up once earlier uh the Hispanic heritage celebration will be next Saturday September 28th 4 to 8:00 pm. lots of talent lot of food lot of uh singing dancing so it will be a great event you know last year we had over a thousand people and with advent's push we should you know probably hopefully top 2,000 um we U from Susan let me know that we sold our first two columbariums so we've got we're now selling columbariums for anybody that's looking doesn't want to be buried in a in a normal plot they are now available so see Susan or the team up there in the clerk's office um Rob want apprec appreciate Rob and his team they're putting on a um a UCF joint cyber security training course and that will be on October the 4th at the Apopka Community Center uh morning session starts at 8 in the afternoon session at 12:30 we've already got what over a hundred now Rob that are signed up we've got maitlin and Winter Park as well as a popka so anyway it's it's a big deal that you know the feds are helping us you know with training um we've been close to you know we've had people trying to hack our system and and so far Rob's Rob and the team have kept them out but you never know so if you've got a chance to do that um if you've never done cyber security training it is worth the uh the effort um because even for your home computers you you you want to know what what the right thing to do and not do dat that again that's October 4th starts at uh 8 8 am okay uh next up um Susan again we we did last month was our records destruction month we hadn't had that in probably three years four years and we destroyed over 128 cubic feet shredded with a total weight of 353 pounds so all departments were a part of that and we appreciate everybody you know filling up the dumpsters or filling up the shredding machines um one of kind of on our senior programs in interesting last or yesterday Katherine miss kathlyn her chair exercise program highest number I think ever had 75 people that attended her chair exercise over at the Fran Carlton so she's she is really she's an amazing lady and really gets them all motivated um we've got an HOA Forum um rep bankson is helping us put this on there's some new legislation uh House Bill 293 House Bill 59 and House Bill 123 that there's some there's some requirements that HOAs need they're going to need to to uh to to take care of um and we is we we we're going to bring in our folks from the uh storm water because a lot of these homeowner associations have storm water ponds that are not ours that are theirs and they need to be aware of what their responsibilities are and so there's a lot of financial uh requirements that HOAs will now have to to manage and be be cognizant of so that HOA form will be Thursday October 3D um 5:30 at the pop Community Center along with um rep Doug bankson um popka youth Council we're up to 10 um students so we're finally we finally hit hit 10 so we're we're excited that we've got you know have a full full compliment of students in for our Popa youth Council and last but surely not least um all but one of the wayfaring signs if you've seen out in our downtown areas are up I'm amazing I want a big shout out to our former city administrator Edward bass and former um transportation gal Pam Richmond um really they worked hard to get the design and I think it's it's U had a lot of compliments already and so uh take a look at all the W fairing signs throughout the downtown area oh and with that um that's all I've got so we will public comment Susan --------- ##VIDEO ID:J0IMDt_zThU## e e e e e we call the budget hearing to order we'll get right into it uh resolution 2024 21 sanitation Josh come on up resolution number 2024 21 a resolution of the city council of the city of aapka Florida establishing rate schedules pertaining to City of aapka Municipal refuse collection services and providing an effective date good evening mayor council Josh Robinson public services so uh tonight we're presenting the request from sanitation division for a 10% rate increase the uh as you know the division is funded by user fees and I provided you some information over the past three years 21 through 23 showing our year-over-year uh cost increases excuse me that have uh averaged about 10% per year and we're projecting that um in the coming year uh we are sensitive to the hardships we don't ask for this lightly we asked for it based on a reasonable you know Assumption of cost increase we do uh or I do track you know our efficiency and our quality of service that the one spreadsheet I provided you shows some statistics in the uh year of year growth of house counting tons which drives our cost uh our payroll hours and our so our hours per ton have steadily increased or stayed flat meaning we it takes an hour per ton per driver and on average and we maintain that and I track Miss pickups per 10,000 homes and we have actually drove that down just Tad and we're at 0. n uh per thousand homes the uh goal is one per thousand which is like 0.001% of services rendered each week so I felt like the value there the quality is there the efficiency is there and then I provided some of the major year-over-year changes in cost as you can see the salaries themselves have went up pretty modestly 3% per year uh total employee cost a little more at 7% tipping fees is a big one which is about a third of our total cost $2 million just for disposal that we pay the county or waste management for disposal of waste and um it's averaged 12% and we've uh been advised by the county that to expect probably a 12% increase per year over the next few years forceably um rentals and leases we've had to rent more equipment these past few years due to some of the the truck fires and some of the struggles we've had with our Fleet Maintenance which we're working on um temp labor went up due to increase in u the rates there the cost of the workers and we did add that pup route this past year which added you know basically 40,000 for that additional body and of course the the Machinery that or the trucks um that just is a fluctuation there we we have a plan that you know we run them eight years on the front line we run them 10 years as a backup and we just try to maintain that plan to keep good reliable equipment in place so that's pretty much unavoidable we purchase off the sheriff's contract it's a competitive bid so the uh I think the numbers are Justified for the increase um we kind of as a reality check just to see not as a justification but just as you can see we're still among the most cost effective out there in terms of on the rate the side waste rate comparisons of the cities that this this rate would move us to 2312 which is a tad less than than any of the others out there except for Orlando they do once a week pick up uh Winter Garden our our programs are almost identical in terms of how we operate and the level of service we provide twice a week and there at just above us at 2356 and the City of aoi a good bit above us at U 2485 twice a week and they they had put that out to bid a few years back Orange County's going to 25 or went to 25 this year and they have an RFP on the street so we're going to see around the 1 of September why it cost to good bid and and he said he couldn't release the numbers to us but he said it's going to that their lowest bid it's going to justify rate increases for most of the cities that operate in the county here so um so with that we request the uh 10% rate increase next year which they're included in the resolution itself the various Services any questions any questions for Josh 25 alog together including the ancillary trucks the like the support trucks pickups what I think there's 21 big big trucks collection trucks Oh subdivisions I wouldn't even know but the house count is uh looking like it's going to be around 20 a little over 20,000 this coming year yeah we're right about that now 198 I think now we've also had benefits of uh you know we had some Corona virus funding that helped us with some of the truck purchases we've done over the past three years you know that's gone we've absorbed our our uh reserves that's gone there're just nothing less for the division to absorb oh yeah every year every year usually about two on average yeah how long does it take when you the last ones we ordered I believe it's been will have been 14 months since I ordered the one that we got this week yeah so and some are even longer the rear loaders they make end up be I haven't seen them yet they could be 18 months before we get those so even though we're ordering a truck every year you're saying by the time they get delivered to us is anywhere from 18 months to two years so right so last year we basically took my Five-Year Plan and shifted it up one year so that helped us kind of catch back up so we had year before last we had a big number of trucks to purchase you have it so that you have a truck coming in so the cycle should be pretty much back on on time after we did that shift okay right thank you any other questions Josh uh you said You' exhausted reserves with this rate increase are we gonna be able to start rebuilding those reserves um not this year do we want to talk about much taller than me thought that we I think with the rate increase we should because when we talk to the rate analysts we tried to build reserves in these Enterprise funds and so it should Factor at least about 180 days that we're trying to build over the next five years all right okay but if that is incorrect I will let you know but that was the plan Mr Nest okay all right anybody else okay anybody from the public wish to speak on this one Rod Olson 3156 roll Hills Lane first Josh you and your team do an incredible job really appreciate it your your your people on the field are just are really wonderful uh just a couple questions why you referred to the aspect of some challenges with Fleet Maintenance can you elaborate or I'm sorry I just had a couple questions okay should have tackled you on the way up sure so we have uh we've done an analysis of the the workload based on the number of units that the fleet division has to service excuse me in Charlie and I put a we picked an assumption of the average time it took per per unit so we come up with the total number of labor hours we expect to need and it's showed a pretty severe shortage so that's why we've added the four additional people for 2025 for a second shift okay super thank you and then I guess Josh don't run too far the question I have for everyone in department heads come up here does the current budget meet the core Essentials that you need yes uh does the current budget reflect any removal of the removal of any non-essential or duplicate or items that c might be called waste uh no it's just retires expended okay and finally does a current budget now reflect everything you need for this current budget year to meet taxpayer needs thanks Josh appreciate it thank you okay anybody else I'm going to just walk with a step stool from now Nikki Maguire AA Florida 32703 um my question is this I have nothing against any of the Departments Within the city of Apopka however last year we had a budget then I sat and I watched throughout the entire year pretty much for I would say roughly monthly there have been a request to adjust the budget to now you guys plan your budget citizens have to plan their budget as well we were told about the 40% which is now at 23.75 per of water now we have um 10% for utilities for um sanitation is there anything else that's in the work because it's kind of hard for us to as Citizens to just keep guessing and not knowing what next or wait throughout the year for you guys to adjust the budget and then next fiscal year we going to be hit hard again so is this the two major items or are there anything else we need to be concerned about what we're doing now is just utilities so this is just Water waste water reclaim water and and sanitation so these are just we'll get to the and then we'll have the the ad Borum property tax rate will be after that okay so because it will be nice for us to know a total of all the areas that's going to be increase and for us to get at least like every other thing every other businesses that raise rates at least a 30 days notice so we can adjust on our end the fiscal year begins October 1st we less than a month away and all these changes to hit us all at once thank you I'm going to help the next person anybody else okay not we'll close the public hearing and look for a mo okay sure come on yes hello good evening tresia Morris um 32712 um zip code i w to um publicly thank Josh because um the sanitation folks are truly great so I just want you know it's nothing against what you do I really appreciate it there are times sometimes when they don't pick up the San ation on a particular day and I call and they come the following day and they're always very respectful so thank you very much for the work that you're doing the only reason why I'm I'm commenting is because some of you were here a few weeks ago and we were talk we were expressing concerns about the increase in the water rate and and it's not that I know for I can speak for myself and some people feel like me it's not that we don't think they deserve a rate it's just that our salaries are not going up at that same rate so he's um Josh is asking for 10% and I believe Josh and his workers should get something because I think one of the most important things for any city is to have good water and have good sanitation you don't have those your community is going to suffer severely but 10% I we I know I cannot afford it right now maybe we could be we can negotiate maybe 3% 5% because they should get something because their work is extremely important but 10% and then we're going to be talking about the increase in the um and the with the with the other utilities and then we're looking at a proposed budget for taxes that's going to be increased it's a bit too much so I'm just asking that you please reconsider um just cons keep that in mind that's not the only thing that's going up all these other things are going up as well thank you anybody else good evening everyone mayor council members my name is Ian Kimbrell uh 2863 par meow Drive Papa Florida uh I first want to start off by saying I apologize to each and every one of you of the board members as I my exit at the last meeting was probably not professional so teach and every one of you I apologize uh just want to make sure I'm I'm tracking this right because I'm new at all this but I do believe that Mr Josh said that there's about 19,000 homes uh and then I think you followed up with only adding about a thousand next year is that what I understood to 20,000 is that what you said sir CU I I don't know I see a lot more development going up with uh more than a thousand homes I would imagine being added to the services in this next year and even at a $2 10% increase uh that's about if we were staying at 19,000 that's $38,000 you know extra a month um but I I don't foresee we're only adding a thousand homes to the to the business next year with all the business all the growth I see going around in a popet so maybe I'm just wrong or maybe I misunderstood I'm not sure Josh is that so we so what was the years again I'm sorry we only added 400 homes WI okay so that's what about my math is off about 6,000 roughly M I did go to school in Georgia but I'm not sure maybe I misunderstand again I'm not an economics but I just would want to make sure that I believe there's more than a thousand homes being added to the services and it even at 10% $2 increase you're looking at about a $40,000 a month increase so again our pockets are very tight out here as well I am blessed like I mentioned last time to be able to afford my bills but listening here the last meeting and hearing ladies unfortunately not even being able to flush their toilets broke my heart uh and really opened my eyes to the significant struggles that some others in our community are going through um so that's a very big concern of mine again with all these other increases going up around it's not just the 10% and the sewage it's you know the 22 75 or 23% down from 40% in the G in the water and you know just everything else again I just ask that you guys take that in consideration when making your decision this evening thank you for your time thank you hey woodam you know I don't have a problem with us raising our the price of operations especially when we got some very fine employees here within the city what does bother me is I feel more and more I look at this and listen to not only the superintendents of the Departments we're here covering the mayor's deficiency in the um overall budget the general funds we've used the money from to help the needy to to help balance the budget we've used money that was given as a as a grant to fix this infrastructure use it to balance the budget but we're here paying for Tiger Bay Club that doesn't citizens of a pop could no good at all but that's an organization he wants to be a member of I think y'all besides the citizen of Popa need tighten the belts my service are perfect in my house my sanitation my garbage is picked up my streets cleaned I have no issues and I have no issues pay a little extra for that in taxes but what does aggravate me is when there's funds that we can't even be accounted for yet and we had a budget that was going we going to have the U fet audit done but there again mayor P of Swift when he got people to oh no it's not worth it but he sits up here and brags that he saved this city millions of dollars in payments every year because he put got it paid off early and stuff like that but we still don't know where the money came from or where it's at but I'm tired of having balance his budget I think he needs a tie in his belt and y'all need to look at that too and there is a lot of people in pop that's a big junk a big junk and I like that we're all the U for all the um money that we get for um for impact fees where's that at that's supposed to be a line item if I'm not mistaken it's supposed to be used for certain things is it there okay anybody else oh you knew is going to be back right uh name is Rob Josephson oakill Reserve um this is all becoming a matter of you know funding or Revenue uh is is what the city is I guess depleted in and needs to gain it somewhere okay um as a gentleman back here alluded to he can afford water increase I can too but there's a lot of people who can't and I think you need to start considering that fact you know what about the 28-year-old female who has two small kids living in a dilap ated mobile home that's maybe 25 years old in one of our mobile home parks and it's driving a 1997 Toyota Corolla and can't afford it you know I mean think about it you know not everybody's driving you know a new Nissan Armada with a V8 engine okay so you really need to start thinking about the people who can't afford this now I I don't know anything about your budget if you want me to review it with you I'll be more than happy to but I think you need to start looking at where to pull Revenue that can fund this so that you don't have to charge what you're trying to charge in the water gentleman mentioned that you have F-150s when I looked at that board last week and unfortunately I know you're going to be unhappy I won't be here next week I have a homeowners association meeting at the same time yours is but I remember seeing at least two or three F-150s up on the board last week okay I don't know what you pay for them but when I see those F-150s usually is somebody going around the neighborhood and it says water maintenance on the side so you spent the money on an F-150 what about getting Ford Mavericks with the four cylinder which is about $10,000 less and I just saved you 20 to 30,000 just now number one number two how many concerts are we putting on over at the amphitheater nowadays it used to be every week almost what is it now anybody twice twice a month twice a month so do we really a couple things do we really need a concert twice a month first of all you're paying the individuals to come in and I only know that because I have a friend who performs in Branson who wanted to do it but you didn't want to pay him seven or 8,000 so you're paying for those concerts and basically twice a month do we really need that can we go down to once a month and save one let's go one step further my in my thoughts first of all when people go there they're either sitting under the amphitheater cover in the nice seats or they bought their lawn chairs or they bought a ten or whatever they did and basically why can't you charge a $5 fee for people who want to sit under the cover so they're not sitting in the sun and nice and want to sit in those nice chairs $5 ahead to sit in the amphitheater think about it more F more more Revenue okay let's go one more step you have a lot of businesses that are very large businesses in this community you have Amazon out there you have Bo sitting out there and you have a lot of them that do a lot of business and make a lot of money so you want to pass this on across the board to people who live in our community some of which really can't afford it where why aren't you looking at what the grosser net is on some of these larger businesses and if you own businesses in here I'm sorry I'm saying this so don't throw anything at me but why can't you look at the grosser net of some of the larger businesses in here and charge them more on their water when they can probably afford it I'm just throwing these out there but I think you have other places you can look to get revenue and I don't think you're looking at them we need to try to stay on this is just the sanitation we're getting kind of off the we got water rates are coming so we just need to kind of stay on okay not a problem good afternoon mayor Commissioners um I don't heard a lot of things while while sitting back there so I won't try to go over those but I feel you 100% uh when I look at the uh budget I look at priorities when you setting the budget you set your priorities okay let's look at a few things since I've been going to some of these City Council meetings try to stay on this this is the budget this is the budget no we've got that's coming up we right now we're on sanitation we're on sanitation correct you'll get your opportunity to talk about the the overall budget and you can talk about the water rates as well but this is well this this is this is hand in hand where I'm going with this priorities okay when you talk about Sanitation want all we man properly so when you have equipment if you have things that you supposed to do your preventative maintenance on to to preserve the lifespan when that don't happen it cost you more money because instead of getting the life expectance that we supposed to get out of equipment is breaking down because nobody's doing them monthly weekly yearly uh PMS on it and so now when you look at where we at what caused this shortfall what caused that we have to do an increase that's the thing that we don't look at we have department heads coming up here scared to say what they need so when you look at that and then when these things come to you and the public keep bringing you these same things and it falls on death ears so that's where the frustration at we know we are under man matter of fact Mary you had somebody come in here and and they looked over all the department heads we paid for that they said the department heads was fine the only people that was liking was yourself that's how you got your $775,000 raise so what I'm saying to you we need to come out and hold people accountable I elect I voted for each one of you up there other than one and I'll be damn with I'm not going to hold you accountable for my vote and right now there is only one person up there who's got the interest of the people and that is being shown so I challenge everybody in the community come out get involved bring your expertise to this city that's what makes our community Thrive when we all are looking out for each other we all are putting our experience our training and our knowledge together to be one United Community and that's what I want to see done moving forward thank you and Jeff tyer 1120 leg drive this about sanitation just wondering do we have a builder impact fee for sanitation I'm looking through the impact fees here no we don't Josh is going to need more trucks we're going to build way more than a thousand houses in the next year or two he's going to need more trucks he's going to need more people the city start needs to start thinking about impact fee increases for the builders so we're not paying so the residents aren't paying the residents that already live here we need to get an impact fee for sanitation there's no reason why we shouldn't have one anybody else okay close the public hearing looking for a motion to approve resolution 202 24-21 I just want to before we do that just want to discuss a couple of the comments that were made just to we hear you for sure so one of is uh the comment about can we just reduce it at a lower rate the the problem that I see overall is that we just we haven't ever kept up properly with where we should have been slowly increasing year-over year two and a half% 3% every year and now it's a bigger Chunk from the data that we have here and I wish it was shown to everybody in the room as well everyone watching online is that the direct salary increases from the data that we're seeing is just a 3% increase so it's not exclusively going to salaries this increase it's going towards um increased fees that we can't control um so so that's part of the issue and in reference to the more than a thousand homes I think we and I could be wrong on this I I we may only be doing about a 100 home 100 cosos per month I think is what our City's able to do so it it's around there 75 a month so yes we're going to be seeing huge growth here soon but it's not exactly um we're not going to be hitting those thousands every year but we are definitely going to see that so we're going to continue to see increases like that um and the funding for taking funding out of one project and putting into this these are Enterprise funds so we have to run it as its own business and we can't be borrowing from other areas but it does help to save money in in other areas so um I think that was a good point as well and then impact fees for this we don't have an impact fee for sanitation correct okay that's a good idea though right I think that's I think that's a really good idea we have police fire Recreation and water Wastewater and reclaim um impact fees but no nothing for sanitation we'll have to look into that yeah I think that's a if it's feasible Big Value to add we'll see do do other cities have the I'm not aware no not to my knowledge but we'll see if opportunity we'll see okay absolutely okay I think having the new resent the builders P that I I I would only add that from the experience of the cities that we have and not of not all of them are as big as a poka but they all contracted out so there's no cap charge for them to pass on because they're contracted with uh they have a franchise with a waste management or somebody like that so there's nothing to pass on like if we had a water if if one of my city actually two of my cities get their water from Melton Springs so they don't have a water impact fee because they're getting the water from Alman Springs they just paid the hookup for timman Springs so just a thought so are you recommending us go get a third party contractor then I'm saying if we're doing our own uh uh sanitation then perhaps there's a basis for it I've never had it studied never seen it studied but the other way it's done is by offering a franchise to one of the major vendors and there are several okay well we can't do that right now but that is an option for sure um we we've closed the public we we've closed we've closed the public hearing but you got one one quick question yes about sanitation sure come on up sure yes so Erica man 1907 sanderlin Point Loop uh real quick Nick regarding something that you said I wanted to clarify when you said the 100 homes does that include Apartments yes so cosos total cosos so that that's what our department I could be wrong on numbers if if um Mr Smith or in Community Development last time I checked which a few months ago they were right around that somewhere between 75 and 100 per month so it's not the whole building but uh like if it's an apartment complex so so yeah copy thank you all right just one question for Josh um if I'm sorry you have to come back I mean we we we determined time % were there any charts done with less than 10% did you do like 5% 3% I mean did you see did you do anything with comparisons we just went straight to 10% yeah um yeah I just basically the the sanitation budget isn't very complicated it's it's it's about it's really four or five lines that Drive the to you know labor fuel maintenance and Disposal those things and most of that labor somewhat we control and I monitor that that's where I talked about the homes you know per ton uh or the labor hours per ton but the costs kind of are what they are um you the as far as going out the bid like like I said the County's doing that right now we're about to see well in in the one the one here ooi who did go out the bid two or three years ago they're the they're the second highest on here so that doesn't necessarily get you takes a lot of headache away from you but uh maybe but it doesn't necessarily save you money but that is one way to look at it would you be open to the the impact fees for sanitation something that we can explore and I've never heard of that all there is the I think where the impact is so when we we have to buy a new garbage truck for that 1,000 first home right theoretically so there is and that's a half million dollars roughly so there is some additional expense to start up before those all those homes are built and they're paying the revenues in but I don't know if that's a half a million dollars if that's if the the the rate pair would even fill I mean saves some of us any money is is better it's something could be could be looked at I mean we' be able to in this I guess this is more probably Sherman question can we is there something we can finalize on that maybe look into it post this so that we can maybe hit this for for next um fiscal year yes we can bring it up with the rown as you know we're still working on on the studies we did kind of finished the sanitation and I know that we were looking at some kind of commercial rate increase that we're going to consider next year we yeah looking at a little higher than average rate increase for the commercial because just from a competition standpoint extremely low extremely low on that that would help benefit resal absolutely okay we can do both of those and have our our um vendor that's looking into that add that to the the mix I think that'd be super helpful for and they will once everything is done come in and do presentation yes okay okay fully expect that to be on there then please yeah when do they when do you have a timeline of when they should be not yet not yet because we're still finalizing that c yep yeah before the next fiscal year uh at the beginning okay all right thank you okay still looking for motion to approve resolution 202 24-21 so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I I opposed n there it is okay that didn't have to be unanimous though correct no it doesn't it doesn't happen okay that's fine I don't know why they're we're doing a showcase over here let's keep it moving talk about the Quorum next up resolution 2024 d23 resolution number 202 24-23 a resolution of the city council of the city of apapa Florida establishing FY 2025 rate schedules pertaining to City of apapa water use charges and deposits Wastewater use charges and deposits distributed wastewater treatment systems used charges and deposits and reclaimed water rates and providing an effective date all right thank you okay we're back again this time I want to give you a kind of brief overview um this thing there not okay of how we got to this point in regards to um water Waste Water and Sewer rates on August 5th um the first notification went out um pertaining to a 40% 40% 15% increase um due to the proposed increase we we will continue to work with the rate consultant because we're trying to push it down in the outer years over the past few months the staff um discussed the need to increase the rates due to significant cost increases and needed improvements and the following that took place in the following meetings on July 10th 2024 at the budget Workshop July 17th 2020 for the special council meeting August 28th at the budget Workshop um further discussions and of course at the September 4th 2024 council meeting at 1:30 and we're now here um with sent out a final notification I'm sorry on September 9th it went out an email on the 11th and 12th and it was posted on our website um with detailed information in regards to the increase of 23.75 so we started out trying to cut the 40% down to 20% and we looking at about 3.2 million in cuts that would have to be made on the August 28th meeting we decided not to to do the entire 3.2 but we left with 2.2 leaving the assistant director public service position in the budget the customer service specialist position in the budget the water plant infrastructure assessment of about 150,000 and the aestus water main replacement project about 500,000 based on the 23.75 uh the proposed rates and this is just water and wastewater you can see where we compare to like the city of Orlando city of St Cloud City of eustus terar e oala Sanford lebur and others so we kind of in the middle a little bit there this is the detail pertaining to the budget for the 23.75 per um total butd revenues 32.8 and expenditures 32.8 that's the one that's highlighted in purple now in addition the following list of projects there's some key projects that contribute to why we're at the point where we are and that equates to about $19.8 million that's included in our current year budget these are improvements and repairs and renewals and Replacements that needed to take place over the last two to three years in order to maintain our system properly um and this is just for fund for one any part of these projects that may be expansion related is funded out of the 403 so this like 11 key projects here gross and Barker Water Treatment Plant well number one two and three uh gross embarker treatment plant 1.5 million gallon storage tank that 05 is considered expansion so hopefully I'm saying that right right there water main renewal and replacement program a annual amount about 1.5 million Northwest reclaim Storage Point 950,000 golden gy reuse pun retrofit um 950,000 Vic Road waste water SE forc May upgrade and repairs about 1.7 million and water collection system pipeline rehab rehab and replacement program 500,000 lift stations um $3 million um and the one that is Grant funded is the wab neighborhood with that conversion project and about a million of that 1.2 is Grant funded some vehicles and equipment and Machinery 1.6 and then other improvements about two million oh my so over the past two years the projects listed above increased due to cost um due to inflation Supply demand issues and other factors contribute to the adverse financial position of the city's utility operating fund so or in order to continue to improve and maintain our water and waste water and reuse system system unfortunately we'll need to make a significant increase in our rates in addition we continue to work more efficiently and effectively to give our customers our residents the highest quality of water at the lowest rate so hoping you find this information useful and have a better understanding of why we're at the 23.75 per. questions for blanch or for do want you come on down just in case question comes up any questions for either blanch or Dio just for you guys are public not not yet yeah we'll get to just a second any any questions for so I have to few I know that we had the agenda reviewed but of course today I did get some question questions and I did type them uh when did the city first begin to dip into the General Revenue to balance the utility budget I don't think they have huh you talking about general fund yeah they have not dipped into oh they have not dipped into that okay that was a question um What expenses or CIP expenses caus the deficit and that's the list that you just provided yes ma'am so um you answered the first question which will answer the last questions that they that was provided to me today thank you so I appreciate it thank you and and just to if we don't do this increase this fund is completely out of money if not in a negative it's already in the negative by how much three we're estimating about 3 million so if we keep the water where it is right now what happens the water rates what what happens just like anything else you got to be able to pay your bills so you got to have a balanced budget understand so you have to make a decision yeah okay thank you any other questions okay public come on up good evening mayor council members again my name is Ian Kimbrell uh 2863 par meow Drive popular Florida magolia Park of States um again I mentioned earlier today that uh it concerned me and alarmed me that most people or some people in some of the areas are having to not flush their toilets because they're concerned about what is going to cost them I brought my water bill uh with me and it's just my wife and I in my home we don't have a very big house it's a normal three-bedroom two or three-bedroom two bath um we don't use water excessively we don't have kids to wash clothes and all that stuff and dishes um however my water bill is last month it was $94 38 and this month it was $87.99 um that's a significant amount of money to pay for the water and trash and meanwhile the sewer is the blunt of the the charge it's $37 from sewer um and we're talking about increasing those rates so you're talking about some of these other families are going to have to be pushing out if they have family or kids to do the dishes wash the clothes and everything else flush the toilets their bills are going to be well over $100 if not closer to 120 if if I would imagine I know House of you know five or six folks um again I I don't mind paying increases on my my my utilities and things of that nature if I'm going to be reassured that those funds are going wanted to go to the onethird of the city meters that aren't working per your last meeting uh my own neighbor communicated to me that he was out of town on vacation and had problems with his water meters coming out not working properly and functioning heard here last week that you know onethird of the equipment is not operating functioning properly and you guys are just estimating bills based upon whoever lived there last year I mean I think that needs to be taken into reconsideration as far as what we're going to be increasing our members bills to um and then lastly it's like we talk about budgets and and monies and and got to pay bills but uh and this might not be the right spot for it but I'm going to put it out there regardless it's public information on G salaries.com uh the city of apaka Mayor salary is uh in 20 2022 224 per higher than the national average or Florida's average and 149% higher than the average salary for this job Nationwide so I wish I got that much of a raise when I was working and from my understanding you were the only one that got a raise after doing your your study I'm not sure again I'm not as knowledgeable on all the things that I probably should be this is my first rodeo I'm getting introduced very quickly but uh when we're talking about raising everybody else's rates to pay the bills I think that some people can maybe look at maybe taking some pay cuts um because that's a significant amount of money uh across the board of the the state now national average or the state average and the national average so again 10% might not be enough or sound like a lot to some people but when you're talking about paying over1 $120 for your water bill it's damaging to some of the members in this community that don't may be able have as much money to pay their bills so I just would like that to be on the note and the record before you guys make your decisions in increasing our rates thank you alberman came 3603 gold g Road I might have misunderstood something a few moments ago but I believe when you were discussing uh impact fees that they said that there was a retrofit to Golden gam Road for 750 8 950,000 how can we have a retrofit on uh a facility that isn't even being commissioned yet uh in the first instance it was more than sufficient reclaimed water come out of there there were as far as I'm aware some ongoing negotiations with John's to alter some of the the uh capacity on that and I believe that that pipes were already going but it's hard for me to understand why are we're going to say that we're going to get almost a million dollars to retrofit a project that at this particular moment in time might never even come online and if it does come online it's going to cost far more than you people have been budging for Leroy Bell 2308 blue medals court again I ask the question I live in the city and I share some of the same sentiments as the rest of the citizens but my concern also and it seem to be lost in every conversation is the people in south of popka from 6th Street I mean from 10th Street South with the sewer being raised I think the sewer pipe go down as far as 13th Street I believe and it's no hookup from there South uh this Administration have Al always said that we was behind in the B on the Bap and it was so much stuff need to be done and public comment you here again all this come up on the rake hike uh the city public work came out to my neighborhood to do some work to help set off some of these cost like keeping the drainage clean and all this different type stuff if you come out and mod Helen and look at the drainage system system to drain the system you can plant Gardens where we just spoke about the hookup of the construction going on John's Road with all the rain going on right now we got a a drain field full of sand where all this sand is washing off of John's Road down on Blue meals court but it's all come back down to some on the city part on their neglect and I just don't think it's fair to be passing the hike on to the citizen just got a couple quick question where we at now and how did we get there so is there a corrective action plan in to correct what went wrong so three years down the line we're not revisiting the same thing because if we don't go and correct what's wrong then three years from now we're going to be back here doing the same thing because we didn't correct anything so is there an action plan together to correct what went wrong and to get us headed in the right direction so we just not spending money to repair what's wrong now by the time we do that and get caught up everything else we got a new set of problems so we got to take a big look we got to take a big picture look here find out what's going on say what needs to be done and have dedicated fundings to get it done so we're not back here three years later doing the same thing I've got a couple things ask the water department the guys the crews that work in the water department if we're on your budget why they y'all buy them different uniforms now how much did that cost the city instead of the orange shirts they've got new different shirts and pants who made that decision in the water Department's Brook no answers none at all and I don't know how many employees there is in that department and I have a problem with it but if we can't afford we can't afford it yall want taxpayers pay more money for your water but you by guys out there that were happy wearing their Orange City employee shirts now they got tan ones I think with stripes on it because they're not in the road construction so the construction is still wearing the orange ones you know I don't understand that and also if I'm not mistaken blanch says that we're not we haven't used any money from the uh General funds to pay bills we're how much is what's cost us so much to operate what we're using we received the grant a Federal grant to fix the Martin Street Wells 7ue uh Wells down there that money was used to put in the budget to balance it out right Brian anyway y'all are our funds are being misused up here not out here and you're asking the citizens to take care of y'all's downfall and I think you should really start looking at it and as far as changing uniforms that was just Asin not especially if we're broken that [Music] department Rod hson 3156 Rolling Hills Lane uh same question Dio and uh oh come on my mind is going here d r does the current budget meet the core Essentials we have right now PL and de yes has all the infant items any possible duplicates waste items all essential items it's only down essential items that's correct and and finally does a current budget reflect everything you need to get the job done that's a hard question thank thank you deal it the problem has been historically is that we keep deferring maintenance and deferring things down the road we need to draw the line and the sand and say no more and start paying for what we have and move forward I don't know the answer but you look at the aspect of what we do and I know what it's like some of you maybe have never been unemployed but unemployed right away gets down to the Bare Essentials got to make my R house payment I got to pay the health insurance I got to pay my taxes uh I got to have health insurance for my family that's the basics everything else goes you don't need to go to concerts you don't need any of the other things what are the basic needs and we need to look at that thank you Jeff TI 1120 leg Drive um we're doing these improvements most of them because of growth in Old infrastructure old infrastructure and the growth that we have once again let's look at the impact fees for the builders they're the ones causing the strain on our city we need to go after the builders and get a higher impact fee Oola County St Cloud everybody else is doing it they're not going to run away we're the Last Frontier out here with the land to build these houses we need to increase or look at increasing our impact fees another thing I think we need to do is a major evaluation of our Complete Water System our storm water our sewer and our water and do a major evaluation of that either inhouse or outside house really and see maybe we need to do a general obligation Bond maybe we need to do a bond to get our our infrastructure and water is the most important for the cities to do that to get us where we need to be instead of this little going down the line with these increases if we got to do a bond referendum to get the water department and and sewer and storm water where it needs to be for a growing city of our size and we need to do that another thing is didn't we have utility reserves Miss blanch do we did we ever have utility reserves and where have they gone they've been used up no just one she had one back there okay yes they've been used up that's the problem that's why we said we're in a deficit all that yes all right thank you I think we need to look at a bond referendum anybody else traccia Morris apoa Florida 32712 I wasn't going to speak because I said what I had to say but there are so many families who are not here right now because you know they have young children you know maybe they have elderly parents that they need to take care of they probably didn't even read the the document that was um mailed about the increase so since um I'm a social worker I'm going to speak for them as well as for myself I'm not unreasonable I understand that things need to be increased sometimes and I looking at the fact that it says what gross and blocker Water Treatment Plant you need an additional 3.7 million and I'm not even opposed to that because I want the children in this city to have clean drinking water our children are our most precious resources and if our children are not taken care of then pretty much we don't really have a society to look forward to so I get that but I'm not I'm not I'm new to this hope process and when I see that we are -3 million we have a negative3 million I'm concerned that if you guys vote which I hope you don't to increase as a 23.75 per that maybe we're going to come back here a few years and then you're going to just want to increase it again I just feel like where is it going to end I I just feel like I just feel like there is like somebody kept saying what is the correction plan and I I haven't heard it and so I'm really concerned and yes I am the person who does not because I've been told by I've been told by individuals who you know older women who have told me when you do number one don't flush every time because every time you flush that's a dollar or two three dollars going down the drain I don't have those money to go down the drain can you imagine that mother that single parent with the three children who after you if they have special Health Care needs God bless them when you guys are making these decisions you do have to have a corrective plan really you do and yes some things I could understand we need good drinking water but if there was a question asked of this gentlemen does the current budget cover essential items if some of the things do not have to um do not need any extra funding appropriated to it I am saying do not do not increase um the um do not do not vote to increase this to the 23.7 maybe something less because we do need good drinking water for everyone but we are strapped those of us who have who are just what you what do you call it it's not it's not middle income we are just we're the working class I'm speaking for the working class this is too much it's too much and you need to have a corrective plan and let us not come back here and then you're saying you have to increase it again for more for another 5% or another 23% it's egregious to me it's really upsetting anybody else I do have a question hi my name is Maya bfield 673 Nicole Marie Street Apopka 32712 about number one the prior years now how long is how long has all these budgeted points been put into place what it was was it just the 2024 or has it been planned over 10 years five years number one number two uh the negative3 million I I really want to know how long have we been in the negative or is it just did it was it just a rant just negative3 million this year year or has have we been negative 1 million last year negative 500,000 the year before can I get some understanding on the time frame of this commissioner and mayor my name is De Buu I I listen to some of these concern yeah go okay because I'm gonna forget if I don't okay because I think she was talking about the3 million and what was your other question okay this has been like a two threee period uh with a lot of our capital projects they roll over from year to year so this is our fy2 24 budget But it includes things that were rolled over from 2223 as well and some things that were approved in the FY 24 budget and amended in the fy2 24 budget okay in regards to the $3 million projected deficit that's where we are when we did the budget last year and we took $9 million out of reserves we had the same discussion about the rates we knew then that we were going to be updating our rate study because the rate study that we had did not Factor everything in there properly and it would probably be somewhat of a significant increase we knew that then we talked about that then so but the decision was made to move forward with that budget as it is right now we're at a point where we got to start making some major increases and in regards to a corrective action plan the rate study that we're doing is a fiveyear rate study okay so when I said that I got the amounts for FY 25 and they came in at the 40% 40% 15% okay we didn't want that to continue so that's why we are still revamping some of the stuff for the outer years that's what's still underway hopefully that answers your question hi commissioner and and mayor as I explained in the briefing most of these projects in .8 million a project that has to be done because of the fallowing reasons there are some of these project has to be done because and I will explain because of to meet Regulatory Compliance secondly we have to meet federal and state rules and regulations and I will explain to you some of this project where they fall under and then we have infrastructure repair due to impending failures so let me address those for the public well water we have a permit called a consumptive use permit that was issued back I think in 2015 or 203 um um yes I think it's 2013 and it expires um back in 2021 in 20 21 one of the condition of that permit is is that all grung water WS every every WS that we are withdrawing water for purple water should be drilled to the lower aquifer we have four of those Wells that is still in the upper aquifer and we on that permit told us that we should be having that done since 2019 it was not done it was in the books it was under study and evaluation but true to funding um basically we kicked the can down the road right we started design we stopped because there were no consultant then we come back in 22 20 um 2122 we we we continue the assessment so basically right now the plan was prepared the specification was done right we have sent out for a contractor we bid the project out the cost came in we select where the contractor and this project is coming to realization now this this project will be constructed starting in January we already have the contract for those well which is one are in Gren Barker and we have three in in um in P um Regional those two alone wels right is in the vicinity of close to $3 million so if I can just while we're talking about that topic those were all supposed to be done and were recommended to be completed in 2019 well no that that is the consumptive use permit right said that we should at least get it done right in 2019 so and anything pre-co would have saved us a substantial amount of money but instead we kicked it down the road and that's one of the contributory factors of why we're here now correct right yes because now we come to realization because one thing first of all before you can go ahead and and construct these well you have to design it you have to get a permit and and you have to get a specification to put that job out to bid that process take 18 month right what happened in 2122 because of funding for the design part and there were no no availability of of the contract of the consultant because we have to rebid them right but we had one already no those were you see back in when I joined in 21 right in 21 here that cont those contract the RFQ for the continuing consultant went out for bid so at the end of that of 21 sometime mid-range of of of 21 right we then receive um have full contractor on board so then we continue with the Project based on the funding we have on the design part of the funding once the plan is was completed the specification was done then we bid the project out but in order to bid the project out you need to have funding to construct these project and so now that we selecting we have to budget it as you heard that bland said we have some money appropriated in 22 20 in 21 22 2220 that roll over right but now that when we buid the project out the cost was much more than what the estimate came in because price went up right so we started this because you had said it we kicked the can down the road right so that got us here again it's similar to the the last item with sanitation just lack of planning I'm not saying it was you I'm just saying lack of plan and got us where we're at today right so all of these project need to be done in order to meet like sub meet their Regulatory Compliance the other one I want to bring bring bring forward here is the one for the grassing B water treatment plan this plan was built into 1985 right this plant do um the tank this this tank really do have some what you call it compromised internal structure the design started on this planning 2122 it takes this amount of time in order to complete the design right because again whatever already said when when this plan and specification was done right is last year when funding was placed to bid this job out if we do not replace this tank right and it failed right this is 45% of the capacity that we have it has to be done because we can to be in violation well I don't think the debate here is yeah I understand I understand but the reason why I want to explain because I told you all these PL because of the construction cost now right the design was something else the construction cost to get this in um real to realize right these are all construction fund and these a big amount of money that plant alone is um the grb water treatment plant you have here is um 3.7 but the total amount is 4 Point close to $5 million the rest money for that comes from 403 because it is an expansion is 1.5 is 1 million gallon tank right so we expand it to 1.5 so that comes in so in in summary I heard the question here right which is good good question was asked how we get here well we get here because they were planning in the past right now you have to construct these things you have to replace them you have to replace the infrastruct now it or is gone so you have to expend this amount of well money to do this and as a result um money came out from reserve for one project here I can just Define you you we have this project called Vic Road water system Force main well upgrade $1.7 million this was in the making back in 2122 something happened the contractor didn't want to do this work as an emergency and pull out I don't know how I know what the reason so we then went back and had to design to replace this docil IM5 it is Fallen apart you have to replace it so we have the plan prepared the specification out we rebuild the job the cost came in close to close to $800,000 we then had the contractor replacing the pipe during the replacement of the pipe when they were connecting to the to the existing pipe in P I think it was Vic and P and Onan Road there was a blowout the whole Road was shut down everybody knows but it we had to come in here and fix that blowout because those are waste water right their their life and health and safety stuff we didn't create it this is what the old infrastructure created so then we spent another 800,000 to fix that area well let me ask you this we spent reserves on that and now we're out of reserves well that come from the Enterprise fund the res does this increase of 23.7 contribute back to any Reserve building at all this Mr Sherman's coming you should sit closer no you get yes okay yes it does 180 days that's what we're yeah the rate cons what do you mean by 180 days and then let's get back to public comment and I'm sorry sir for taking so much much time yes 180 days of reserves is what is being trying to build in the new rate structure yes sir over the next five years because that's what he's planning out okay okay thank you all right sorry here you want the public comment um Virginia Street uh 2119 Palm this drive popka um I am a retired grandmother of five grandchildren four grandchildren that live with me so you can imagine that $90 water bill is not what I look at every month right um two loads of clothes a day four grandchildren that are very active um just and I know I'm not the average but what I want to say is I hope there is some type of mechanism to where I can have assistance when I need it when there may be months where I may be short um where I can have some assist help because you know I can tell my grandkids only flush if you do number two you know I can tell them that you know I can't um help the dirty clothes and that other stuff but you know I just I just hope that there that you are considering programs that are going to be available for people that are in my situation okay and all the grandkids are under the age of 11 so I'm not I'm not always a happy [Laughter] person evening uh Automan 19077 Point Lo so last time we were here we had a number of people had a number of questions around the letter that was sent and uh the first thing that really came out was a in 2024 the city of Apopka completed a study of water I believe somebody here asked the question of where is that study and I believe blanch can maybe answer that and speak to that a little bit more possibly or someone else um do we have that completed study at this point information which was email is what I stated and I also said that the study is still underway and it's underway because it's a fiveyear study and we wanted to continue the study so that we don't have this large of an impact in the outer years and we sent out that letter right there okay did you get that no no I don't believe I don't believe I know we did not receive anything it was a email oh if you didn't have an email on file you may not have gotten it well it went out via email I'll check your email and um but we did also post it on our website okay okay that's go I'm glad to hear that we are we are sending that out and I can say unfortunately from a number of people that I've heard sitting around me a gentleman sitting next to me we did not know that that's being completed at that point um I have email on file I know I do and I did not resp this um the other thing that I think there's some confusion around is this increase we talk a lot about the oneir of meters is not working but I don't believe that we see anywhere on this board or anywhere else line item that this increase is going to directly affect and and help improve the uh onethird that are not working I'm working my way up oh I can get there good I'm sorry about the the Outburst there before um I just want what Jeff chesk 1121 eal Circle what what year were we last above budget for the water that's kind of a moving Target I mean if you put off the CIP then I told guess do you know I'm and I'm going here because we did do some Trend analysis off the top of my head get closer to the mic yeah so I would say like I know that in the 2223 budget they use reserves to balance the budget we use reserves in the 24 budget to balance so probably in the 2122 we still had some reserves going on at that time okay did I thought you said earlier we didn't use any reserves for the4 oh general fund no okay not General okay not general fund so so you did have reserves then available all right and um governments that are responsible to its people have multi-year budgets So that obviously the citizens can plan ahead for multi-year what are you going to be voting on is this a one-year budget which would just be considered a continuing resolution I mean you're so you're this you're you're not voting on something Beyond this because what is the plan I think blanch has a plan already for multi-year we're we're leading these people on thinking you're okay good we cut the 40% down to 23.7 this year next year I believe they're still looking at 40 and the year after that might even be something similar to that and the year after that as you're trying to put together a five-year budget might even be something similar to that so you know where where are we going with this budget is this just a a carrot we're dangling down to 20% for them instead of 40% um because if if that's the case I mean that's really not good business um how much revenue do we get from just the non-ad taxes or fees from water over the last recent years how how much do we get usually um like recently just from that general fund just just from water fees from that particular tax for the water I have I don't know was the revenue in there for just that for this is how we plan that's an annual projection right there okay so about 14 million 2 oh it's a 24 yeah my my glasses are right in the middle there all right so 24 million is what you took in um if we look at the impact fees I don't know if all of you up there have the impact fees um for the last five years in front of you back in 2020 we took in about 4.2 million uh in addition to the 24 there in 2021 we took in 4.6 in 2022 we took in um 5.2 2023 we were right at about five million year to date 2024 we're looking at over 12.5 million doll already taken in Impact fees so if we were doing about a th houses a month the last Maybe two years something happened in the beginning of 2024 to give us over12 million year to dat which will probably with the things that you uh approved last month probably get us up over I don't know 15 million and then add that to the 24 million that we have coming in already from current customers and then add the bills of those people not just their impact fees that we brought in another 15 million into that Revenue we got a lot of money coming in and we don't have a study that shows us how much money we actually need there hasn't been one that was completed that shows us why we need to raise the funds based on current um projections of Revenue and of the impact fees that's a huge chunk that's three times more um just in so far in 2024 of impact fees so there's got to be ways and places you can look at to take those imp pack fees and take out most of these things in here um that we're looking at that are only going to be there because we have that many additional people because if we have three times as many impact fees that's a lot of additional people that we're going to be serving with the city of Apopka so there's got to be some way you know to find out or figure out how we can move that money around um to use it to take care of what what we need to use it for and that's you know the big thing I just wanted to have everybody know out here is that this 23.7 ain't it this is just the start of it and unless we see what the five-year budget projections are um maybe we'll see that you know over the next three years we're going to be going up 120% and that's not going to be good and I don't know with the way we have impact fees the way we're uh approving developments around here we probably don't need to make this type of an increase um if we can move our money around and spend it accordingly thank you they're here I mean let's just do it let's do it just break for just do it now just break for it now just do it now yeah let's just let's get them in here get them out any other public comment we're gonna we got a couple okay what list are you talking about while he's looking this list here other improvements okay yeah I do have the details I don't have them with me but I do have those details come other improvements 2 Z million yes S command than7 s Point Loop um my husband's previous question wasn't answered and I was hoping we can get an answer on that regarding the meters and if any of these funds right because from what I'm seeing I'm not seeing that in there unless it's falling under that other that she didn't have do we have an answer to that question so from my understanding yes there is money in the budget for to correct the meters for what correct for the meters for the meters for all of them for not all of them but I know there's a there has been some budget for the meters and do we have a count on that you would have to it's yeah what's the number and where's the line five five that that no that's that's different that's a different yeah we discussed that in actually meters go in the inventory and then they just expensive M they put they put them in and the last P you want to the last Po in the last year's budget 24 budget was about 1.9 million for um pipes and meters and they've spent all of that other than about 169,000 I'm sorry can you repeat that again the last p that we issue to core and Maine to purchase meters and pipes and everything like that which these are inventory items was 1.9 for FY 24 and they have spent all of that other than about 169,000 so is that being re-budget it again another 1.92 yes six The Meters that are broken yes we don't know which ones they are we don't know where they are you have a list you can send us all a list of the exact ones that are wrong you have work orders out there yeah you have a it's information so so for my understanding so it can be clear there is a plan in place to do that correct I know we talked about so can you kind of review that plan because they actually do have a plan I think it's important that they understand let me um but commissioner let me explain how the mat fun it work that one I I'm not sure if it's 1.9 my recollection is less than that in in well in the bud right but I will go with blanch system of 1.9 um some of those money right are expended for new meter installation it's not only for the replacement of of what of the old old meters they also like this year 50% of our budget that was in there is for new meter installation because those new subdivision that comes in our staffing you mean all the new homes all the new homes right and placing the old one right so that one is a combination for the new installation as well as as to the replacement of the meters did I remember at the but during the budget we did um cut the contractor who would be installing those water meters did we bring that back in there were no contractor that we had for water me installation what happened last year we we then for the first time have a contract we Piggyback in a contract and we have a contract now on board as a piggyback contractor I have the name here um but we haven't used them yet this is the first time that we have a contractor right who can perform that installation right or replacement this is the first time that we have one that can do that we have never used them but we do have them as a piggy back contract that was approved if my recollection here a few months ago so we do have a contractor that's no right that's correct we did not have it prior prior right prior years okay is that answer okay yes and no it kind of raised a little more so if the year prior we had 1.9 that was allotted towards this and we SP all that but it hasn't been repaired then how are we assured that what's being aot towards this go around is going to repair it or the percentage that is being stated are going to be repaired and what is that exact number let me explain again what Happ in the 1.9 I think that blanch was explaining right are the are the money that we have spend for this year my recollection about that there were some in fiscal year 201223 we we had a a shortage of Flex net and meters so we did not expend all those those money those part of those money was roll over in into into this budget here so we EX for this budget year we had what was budget for it was I think 1.2 plus the rollover right we were able to expend 50% of those for meters that was installed in new subdivision and 50% of those were replacement that we were performing now in in in the proposed budget year that is coming right my recollection is one at the same amount of of money we have 1.2 in there right for meters well replacement this the first time that we have a Contractor on board we haven't used the contractor yet the question is when you use the contractor to enhance to increase the installation the funding will will be running out you wouldn't have the sufficient funding so I only have say for example $1.2 million of purchase well meters from what my understanding of the contractor for every meter he installed he charged $70 from his from his contract that I reviewed right so again we can enhance the well the program but more money have to be put in into the program because 1.2 right are only going to give you so much well met well installation so let's back into some quick numbers here 1.2 50% of that is going towards new meters for new builds so 600,000 that 600,000 for broken bad ones reading it costs $70 for labor what ises the meter cost you divide um for example half of that by 30037 370 because you have the Medan the Flex net okay so wrong to 270 and that's inclusive do I add another 70 on top of that for no 270 so okay and you will get about what 3,000 meters I'm getting 1600 16 right and for the combine I mean 16 232 uh yes so for new builds versus the corre that's correct basically we continue the funding that we're doing now it's going to take us five years right so so so what I'm say years to fix all the bad meters yeah right assuming there's no new broken meters exactly okay that's a reality that's the reality that's the reality there's about 6,000 that are malfunctioning from my understanding or not reading or something along those lines so it's going to be take just under four years if we do exactly what we're doing now to just fix those ones some of them are just Flex it's indicated on the work order right okay okay sense good right if listen I need to I need to we've got four students that are here that I'd like to go ahead and we had them under the presentation under the regular um city council meeting if we can just take just a break here for a minute and let Radley bring the the students in and Dr Jackson as well I know yall are part of this I'd like to get these get these kids so we're just going to jump over and rally thanks for being patient good evening mayor Commissioners um R Williams parks recreation director uh tonight uh we wanted to bring some uh students in for some recognition and appreciation uh earlier in the year the city was awarded a National Endowment of the Arts uh grant for the mees bottom mural project which is uh completing now and I know you all were invited by the Historical Society for an unveiling event next Thursday at 4 o'clock a component of this grant was to do some youth community outreach and um spur some art uh we did receive four uh students that uh submitted artwork it was on display in the city hall call here back in April um but we wanted to bring them in now that the Grant's wrapping up to give them some recognition and appreciation our first artist is Liliana Andrews who submitted a piece of art um which was done with graphite you can come on down real quick next up we had Lila rushing who submitted a painting [Applause] we had constant massingill who uh presented us with a [Applause] poem and our final student was Christian Smith who unfortunately couldn't make it tonight he had a prior arrangement but he uh submitted a a a piece of art that was completed with colored pencils so uh as I mentioned they were on display back in April um with the grant wrapping up we want to make sure we brought them in for some official recognition and uh in addition to the certificate we have uh $50 gift cards to Hobby Lobby to hopefully continue their art career uh and growth so if we could get a picture with them that would be [Applause] awesome for [Music] thank you for the time yeah thanks Radley okay back to water rates want up sure oh I'm sorry I thought you were done okay yes ma'am thank you okay so in the uh rough estimate numbers that you were given Nick based on those calculations are we taking into account the potential inflation between now and then like for example the 370 for this meter and the services so if it's going to span over over foure P plan then with inflation those meters could be $500 next year $600 so it's something to please consider Albert MIM 3603 golden gam Road our Public's work department would have his believe that the biggest problem with uh effect to why we're behind is obsolescence but in actual fact there's three reasons the critical infrastructure in a popka is is today one is negligence the failure to upkeep the work that should have been done and the other's negligence I'm going to admit negligence and neglect today but we do have a serious problem and there's residents here tonight who've hit the nail right on the head what they've said is the problem isn't just balancing the budget this year they have concerns that over the next five years we're going to be faced with continuing inflation in the in in the billing and they're right because the critical infrastructure in this city cannot be fixed in a year it can't be fixed in two years it's a fiveyear project minimum and that is our director of Public Works uh said is because sometimes a project takes three years to to build and there's two years in the planning and unfortunately we are already behind where we should be in terms of sewage I can only come back to the numbers uh our director give us a few weeks ago and I did my own study on it uh if his numbers were right which I doubt because I was informed that there were there were errors in them we would run out of the ability to continue building in five years and it's likely to be six years before we can actually start to to to to get to where we need to be with the bills we've got all sorts of problems and there's no there's no quick answer to them all we really need to start now to look at why we're in the position we're in and Akin to financial audit we need an audit an external audit done on the Public Services we need someone to come in and look at the neglect on the lift stations to look at individual lift stations and see this could run for another year it could run for two years but it may break down next month because unless we know where we are with the critical infrastructure we have a problem in terms of pipes recently I think the mayor said to us that uh we'd lost Federal funding how much Federal funding did we lose and why did we lose Federal funding it's highly unusual for money to be taken back once it's given for pipes that had to be replaced there's all sorts of answers I would like to have time to speak about we're not going to have them tonight but one thing I did learn last week is that for last two years I've been suggesting have workshops and commissioner Nester had a workshop in here last week the decorum was exceptional everyone got a chance to talk everyone got a chance to listen ideas were put amongst each other and this is why we will prosper as a city if everyone invests in the ability to to make it grow but when we're shut down all the time it doesn't do any good anybody else hi liono po 19113 sandland Point Loop I had a question for the water and the meters So currently how do you go by with no contractors fixing and replacing and installing meters sta done by staff how how efficient is it how many do you get per get done per month per per week don't have the number okay so do you have the number on how many were done per year at least last year maybe about 3,800 okay so can you continue to do that at a yearly rate with with your current budget instead of Contracting out can we continue to install or replace and how many of those are installed how many are Replacements okay so can you continue with the budget to continue to replace at that rate you need to De you need to come up like what M commissioner n said right if you want it to be done in two years you have to have more funding and use the contractor if you want to use the exact resource we have provide we don't have any vacancy or anything else right that program are going to have to continue within the next five to six years so you can take longer with the same funding okay so about you said we have about 6,000 damage right but right 6,000 I don't know where the number came from but it doesn't mean that all 6,000 may be damage made maybe a Flex net which would be something else to is a ra there that's not sending the transmission but you have to to inspect get into the field and inspect each one of them then you may have meters in place which was old meters with what they call another um add on to the meters that the two numbers they're now reading it right to the they're not transmitting the information to the to the office so it's not all of those 6,000 I don't know where that number came from but not all of those 6,000 will be me a replacement okay is there a audit team going out to yeah yeah we do have that um it's coming we do have a program in place right now we just met we just and we we have a a schedule in which we we start with various um steps in order to correct that that that program right now okay is there a place where we can get the schedule on the steps and yeah you can come and talk to me at Public Service I walk with you thank well one last question The Meters that they bought do do do we have any warranties on these meters the one the S on the six uh okay there 15 15E warranty so they went bad already out of the 6,000 how many are there still up under warranty those that those from my understanding those that we purchased with warranty right because they have so it's a pration say for example that went bad and it's around 10 years right so basically 10 divide by 15 you you you get the meter at a reduced cost so the meters went in in 21 right right but it's like like you have a bat in your car right it has a warranty yeah so if you want the replacement of the batch is a pration you get for how much year you have used the battery right so similar with the meter if the meter was in the place for 10 years right and we it went back right it has a warranty of 15 years then we get a we get a cut in the price right from what stop is Indica getting to me right for that matter uh uh commissioner Nester asked about the I think was the installment on the labor and I believe it was $70 no that cost what what I mentioned to from a contract price okay that's the contract price right but he also asked I believe how much was the meter and I think the meter was 300 if the meter with 300 what uh commissioner Nest asked is that 300 the pro rate of the uh warranty of the 10 years that we already had it right understand your question the meter doesn't work by just placing a meter in place no no no no no no right so what what I'm telling you the $300 I made is for the meter and for the something called the Flex net so the meter is in place you have to connect it to a radio flexus to read whatever the information they transmission so the the combined of the meter and the Flex net is $300 okay so what I'm saying is this what is the actual price of the meter that was installed in 2021 that was the actual price up under the warranty you understand what I'm saying I do so the question is asking is is the 300 the new current price without any discounts or is there a discount already in that no that's without any type of pration that's new so we don't we don't have that number is's the answer and then are we able to and let me are is there anybody else from public that wants to speak I want to make sure I'm not them I don't know why you're laughing uh is there any way that we can have developers excuse me I think you actually answer the question the question is there's a percentage so if the meter is 10 years old there's a percentage off from my understanding correct right correct it's a pration it's a pration of how how long it is right so the question was actually answered right okay this is a good question thank you the um developers are we able to have them install their own meters since their new homes and not take staff time for that is that a way to put it on them to do that but I don't have an answer to that I don't you know what I don't know I have to follow back on that that's why we we are continue to do it I don't know if there's a reason okay but I don't know if there's an ordinance or anything else that preclude us so I don't know I can't answer that but it would be a decent idea if we could right right okay okay Mr Sherman this one's for you uh we had discussed last meeting to post the study that we had in whatever form that looked like so whatever information you provide the gentleman in the back can we post that somewhere I can post an email on the website and I I was Prett that's what we had all discussed but miscommunication obviously so can we make sure that that gets out that's what multiple people have asked for they on the okay thank you anybody else all right well let me just make sure that we understand originally said that we was going to do a 40 401 40 40 15 40 40 15 yes all right so since we are now only doing a 23 75 75 what does next year and the next year look right that's what we're still working on and that's why the study is not finalized that's what we're still working on the what we have to do is revamp our CIP plan because that's contributing to a lot of the rate increase like some of the major expansion projects that was included in the CIP plan like some expansion facilities about two or three expansion facilities and stuff like that it was so heavy as as I mentioned it came in with an annual Debt Service of $30 million so you're saying that those plans are not necessary I didn't say they weren't necessary I'm saying that they were contributing to the rate increase we have to look at them differently and maybe as some out of years and while we build reserves but but also the expansion though is is also funded by impact fees yeah but even that couldn't cover I know I know but right so so like you you take the the wells we just so we've now finished all of the the wells now are down in the lower AER so you know the let's just take uh the one here on rosenbacher we we took out was it two or three one and two and and did right so anytime we can use impact def funds we do right any expansion component of any of those projects we do so if you you know and one of the things that we we have to go back to is when we the Wastewater Plant so we were under consent order by De because we weren't meeting the the uh the nitrogen removable so that goes back to I don't know 200 14 is I think when we got the cons consent 2015 is when we got the consent order so we had to we had to to put in a new Wastewater Plant and the Wastewater Plant ended up being 60 two three 4 million dollar plant so those rates and those rates just went online last year so this is only our second year where the the repayment of that $65 million loan are now you pay about 4.7 each year out of the impact fee 4.7 million is coming out of impact fees to pay for that expansion just for the Wastewater yes new Wastewater Plant so you know so and if you look at the at the Wells and and you know we got you know we do have a lot of old infrastructure we've got two we got two um lift stations that are at least 40 years old maybe 50 years old that need to be replaced we've got you take where we had the big uh we had the leak in AOL estate uh that those those condos out there you know we we paid the lady's house that got flooded we we had that that that infrastructure is from the the mid 70s so there is a lot of old infrastructure that does has to come out of the current rates and if you go back the homes that were built in 70s there wasn't even an impact fee so I don't know when we put impact fees into into into place but they weren't even in in place back in the day when a lot of this the infrastructure that's that's going bad now was was you know was was built so I mean it's a you know we'd love to be able to say we can do it for Less um but you know we've also we've also wasted some money along the way we wasted $4 million on a on a fertilizer plant that will probably never use I don't think we'll ever use we Wast $1 million on the west plant that we'll never use and we wasted $7 million on the lust Road property so if you take you know there you go that's what uh1 1822 million that we wasted that didn't include the water that we we were we were we were forced to buy from Orange County that we were dumping out on the ground so yeah there's been a lot of you know there's there just gives you some some some problems that we've had in the past that you know we're now having to Grapple with but but none of these are new issues well but it You' have $22 million in the bank that you could spend on infrastructure if you had it and all that came out of 401 I was not here no either way it's it's money we could spend on on either improvements or or replacement forensic audit well I guess my point is if we don't do the 23.75 now whatever we looking at in the future is going to be greater than what the 23.5 is today yeah I would say yes I mean keep in mind it was what they recommended was 40 how we got to the 23 by cutting the budget right we cut the fact get to 23.75 yes sir you I think he closed we already cled closed the yeah I did I asked if anybody else and go ahead come on up Ace woodam y'all getting ready to vote on up charging at 23.7 and you don't know what your the increases for you don't like the gentleman sit here in the back you don't vote on this and char just and not know if it's going to be enough to even resolve the issues I can't believe that the waste waterer y'all did admin go at 10% without a survey without a study and you get ready to do it again and while we voted for you unreal anybody else last call okay I want to go to this slide that says thank you okay what's that so I want to go to the slide that says thank you okay all right what's the pleasure of the board Mr blasquez you got any great ideas for us well why would you um well I mean you you voted against the last one I just figured you might have a so it's intimidation factor to ask you first it does sound a little sarcastic um that had nothing to do with this right now um no we' we've massaged this over and over again there are some issues on the in the budget that I feel that we can the general fund that we can right yeah but this is not general fund but yes and I'm um I mean this this is as far this is as much as we were able to bring it down to um yes ma' that's water is a necessity yeah and we have we have nothing right now in the reserves yes that's Bas I think the issue I mean the mayor keeps bringing up past projects but um he's been in office for six years so for six years he's known that these projects from before were failing but that's neither here nor there don't you know when we keep saying about those last projects um we're kind of deflecting what the real issue is and I think what most of our residents are asking is at what point did we realize we were running out of money and then we've been in the last two years in deficit but at some point we should have realized we don't have enough money for some of these projects and I think I believe the young lady that did come up wanted to understand because we have the list of the projects yes ma' was all these projects coming in on 24 but you did explain some of them are were already approved right and we're actively are working on all these projects right now and I think that the council has actually approved some of the um contract Awards as well yes ma'am but to your point commissioner $900,000 is for the next 18 years is based on those two projects fertilizer plant and the waste water the west west waste water plant the uh fertilizer plant was anovia am I is that no it wasn't anovia no that was not here so I'm just saying so it's $900,000 of rate increases for the next 18 years is based on on the fertilizer plant that we not used and the West the West Wastewater Plant that we've not used and we'll never use so I one was built I did ask uh Mr deal that this question one of those Wastewater plants was built as a secondary when we had a consent order for another one am I correct in yeah for my understanding we had the West plant the West plant is a walk up packing plant that was um acquired back if I recall from the reading of the literature what I read I I was you know back I think in 1960 something right and that plant was what we had when when that plan did not meet the regulatory um requirement a consent order was issued back in 20150 and that would create the East plan to be constructed right once the East plant is constructed they had spent some money to remediate the West plant they just use it for a short time and it's never used because there were more work to be done in that plant right and maybe from what I read in the literature they were no they didn't want to spend the other excess funding to do it knowing that in future it would not meet the future requirement so the plant was only used for a short period of time and never used used again and now since it has not been used from say um 2018 to now you have pumps you have a lot of stuff which has never been used they are ineffective right now the pl the plant is just white delicate okay all right well a motion here somebody on the come for okay I need a motion to approve resolution 2024 d23 we need a we need a motion one way or the other this is tied into the me the Mage no okay we need some something here folks are there any other questions somebody put something out there we sorry I'm hot [Laughter] we don't we don't have time this is it we got we got to do something it this is it can't can before they get riled up I mean it would be great this is it I mean we yeah this is it okay you make a motion commissioner I'm going to make the motion than you very much by commissioner Velasquez second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I all opposed motion carries n thank you very much okay next up T millage 4. 6876 who's that Lance is that you where you going I was try as as I explained now when when she reads it this has nothing to do this is the millage okay and I'll explain it to you when they go through their process okay so the millage has is one component and the budget is the next yes I'll explain to you the impact of the millage what is coming covering okay but we got to get to that point you are you going back over or we I was waiting on them to read it they normally read but if they don't okay well let me go we's go with um this is to announce and adopt the tentative millage rate of 4.68 76 which is 22.12 per increase over the road back weight of 3.83 my God 3.83 eight4 and now this millage rate increase that we're doing from the 4.16 76 to the 4.6 8 76 as we discussed will provide 1.7 million for the union salary that is on the agenda tonight for that contract to be approved and 1.7 going into the streets budget that commissioner Smith on it so that's going to take us from the 4.1 678 to the 4. 6876 41876 to the 4.68 76 a half a minut any questions for blanch on the the millage no questions anybody from the public wish to speak on this Rogers back to seven West Main Street um just kind of observing what has took place over this whole budget cycle I just think it it would behoove us if we start this process a little bit much I guess give it more time um because you're getting to the point where you're making decisions based upon information getting in the meeting I think it's kind of difficult um to come to those type of decision making too so you know I just ask that moving forward that we give more time um you know maybe we need to start this thing in May you know maybe even April um talking these points through because we getting at the last minute you got a lot of people that's coming up with a lot of great ideas and suggestions and you kind of put against an hour clock to kind of get the see done where this need to be talked about th um to hear people talk about how they've been affected by you know rate changes significant for some for some us not that big of a deal but we really need to do a deep dive look at all the things that has been discussed we've talked about um auditing um for example the mayor has mentioned $22 million spent so my question is if it was why did those assets never be who decided not to use those assets so that's that's a critical thing if we spent $22 million then we said we didn't use it so basically you Bas you wasted money so then you have people one like okay so the things that you're proposing what's going to happen with that so we had the retention fund that had a sinkhole how much money did we spend on that I guess is it $950,000 to retrofit then I heard in the meting with that um that Nick held sorry commissioner that's hell that that you didn't put a pump and that's what caused that issue so you know here and nor there but we need to take a deep dive slow the process down and go through this stuff thoroughly so we don't get to the point where're embarrassing ourselves I feel embarrassed with you guys just make a decision on a vote because guess what you're elected to make that decision and it kind of sit here and look at you guys y'all it was embarrassing for me to just look at you guys do that this morning but that's my take on it um CA it just you kind of leave your head scratching here cause for example is there a risk assessment done on a decisions that you make like is there a department that look at deep down how those things come up to me so we won't get to this point so a lot of what I hear is basically understaffing not having the proper tools to do what your job needed done and it's caught up to us keeping the mill L rate low for too long it was a good talking point but now we get to this point like you got egg on your face so you know I'm just saying for you guys to make a better decision next year I just think you need to do a deeper dive to kind of get to the conclusion and a backdrop on a lot of these decisions that you're making thank you and blanch if you'll keep the um when when they get done if you have the the dates where we've had okay so well that'll be in the regular regular Council okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay all right would you yeah yes ma'am yes hello er man 1907 C Point Loop I'm so sorry blanch it was impossible to hear you a bit ago because the Mike was so far away and that's all why we were going what so your original question was do we have questions for either repeat or maybe if someone can summarize what it was she was just talking about but us back here we couldn't hear or understand anything so if we can learn even what the subject is that we're talking about right now that'd be awesome the current subject is about the millage rate um and I'll go back through that here's it the different workshops that we had we started our workshops actually early it's usually at the end of July but we started at July 9th 10th and 11th um special council meeting additional workshop on the 28th another council meeting on the 4th and sent out notification um dated the 9th and we're here today so it's been several meetings if that's what you were trying to get me to answer thank you okay but the current subject is pertaining to the actual millage rate that we need to set the tenative millage rate and we're proposing to set that at 4687 which is a 22.12 per increase over a roll back rate of 3.83 eight4 and that's been talked about in the workshops and the U budget meeting and everything as well and the increase is primarily related to adding 1.7 for the Union contract at 1.7 to go into the streets f for additional Road improvements all right anybody else want to speak on soest Hall real quick the the equipment that was bought before it all came to city council and we voted on it and we agreed to buy the equipment somehow the equipment that you brought up what a total of about 12 13 14 156 million okay once we find out the equipment was no longer any use to I mean can we sell it can we auction it off can we can we do something to recoup some of our funds because the long we let it sit there not being used it's just deterior deteriorating and depreciating at the same time so we acknowledge all this loss that we have lost but nobody has the common sense to say hey look let's try to Savage as much as we can to get back some of the money those are the kind of things when we hear that it's just it just mind Bing and they see they sit here and hear meeting at the meeting for almost three years now so that's why y'all hear my voice the frustration because this is not nothing new this is what we've been going through for almost since I've been coming for three years and I only missed five meetings in three years but do we have a plan of action to recruit some of that money because now we know it's out there and one of the things uh I want to Echo what uh uh Rogers was saying we need to come up you know do this a little bit more time but if you look at the process the way the city council Works uh the package come out what on Friday the Commissioners you get together maybe Monday or Tuesday to Deep dive in it sometime it's 800 sometime it's 500 pages so how affected can you can you do that when you only have a certain amount of time to look at stuff then come here and make an educated decision on what's going to be best for the city of Apopka I I it it's just it's just frust me and so at some point where do where do we change where where we bring about change because once once we walk out of here okay it's over with to the next two weeks and then we come back in we do the same doggg and pony show again and then when you ask for public workers so you can hold people accountable for things that are not being done it's it's mindboggling now the lift station the last two years ago maybe we had a budget meeting and somebody brought up the lift station and I asked the question how many lift stations do we have and then somebody said roughly 139 140 well if you know like I do with maintenance that's a lot of lift stations what is condition of all those lift stations is the maintenance being doing on those lift stations so we can prolong the efficiency in in a lifespan but these things just be brought up and then when you have the residents come and try to give you guys constructed advice and resources on what to do it's met with hostility you put us at the end of the meeting you cut off our fees you don't want people to listen to us you want don't want people to hear it now all you can make that motion to bring public comments back to his original state I want to see who has who has the balls to do it thank you uh uland 1907 s Point Loop uh I'm just going to read this straight from Spectrum news and I'm not going to go through the whole thing but if you just type in a Popa City millage rate you'll find something from July and it talks about how we're increasing this by this Mage rate by about 0.25 and I now we I see that we've dropped it down a little bit but the thing what I'm the overall aspect that I'm seeing here is you go to a fast food chain you expect to get nickel and diam you go maybe to Amusement part you expect to get ni nickel and diamed and now we're getting nickel and diamed in our own house you see this here for example $300,000 home two years ago pays $29 uh with this increase we're going to see nearly triple that and it just continues to feel like every way we can scrape money from the citizens of AP Popa all we are doing is just finding that little bit and I see that this is going to generate 1.7 million of course we want to all here see AA grow and continue to grow but when we see money being wasted in other aspect effects um in terms of in terms of uh city employees is what I will say it's it's frustrating to say the least to see that we Implement these ways to to generate Revenue when there are substantially better options I think a gentleman just said we have many intelligent smart people here that work for the city that work sorry live in the city but work for similar environments and can help you all make better and more informed decisions and it feels like bluntly we're talking up against the brick wool on that the 17 or 188 million that was wasted in the past um administrations a lot of that was Grant granted material and it was part of different packages so it's the statement of we the past administrations setting us up for a l of $18 million in in equipment stuff is misleading that's not the true facts so it needs to be address that way the gross and Boer issue is something that the state required us on de wherever you went if I'm not mistaken four years ago that they weren't our wells were not deep enough we knew that then did we plan for the cost of that construction no we got a $1.8 million grant for the federal government for the Northwest water treatment plan did we use it for that five years ago no we use it to balance the budget so now we sit here for our hands up our ass try to F how we're going to take care of our treatment plants and stuff I'm telling you the problem starts right here and I think our commissioners most of you are being misled and I think you need to start looking deeper into the issues that we are facing the city is facing before to go and vote y'all just increased the taxpayers tonight 35% on our bills with y'all 35% ever citizen of Popin know thank you without knowing where that money's even want to go or what going to be used for how's it going to fix fix the issues that we've got no clue but y we're gonna pay for it and then you want to go up on a millage rate I can understand the millage rate don't have a issue with that but for for services it's ridiculous please please look where you're going with this stuff before you vote on it don't be misled there's other pages to join getting in your messages Rod Olson 3156 Rolling Hills Lane first of all the time and effort that goes in the budget process is unbelievable and I appreciate everything everyone's done but I've sat through every session I've only missed one through this program and I missed I got most of them last year uh I really question the whole Cy of the budget when you look at our lack of infrastructure as demonstrated by golden gem Pond the condition of roads and sidewalks the CRA we had to get an extension millage rate increas is primarily based on deferred maintenance uh our our uh utility increase based on deferred maintenance we just aren't doing our job and the first three budget meetings I asked every department head and only three could answer affirmatively if they had the people the supplies materials and Equipment they needed that's sad right out of the box we don't we need to have our people people got to have the tools and they got to be held accountable and we don't have monthly financials anyone in the business world every month you go over financials anything 10% over budget anything 10% under budget you had to explain to your boss why and more importantly the plan to get it right we don't do that I verified with the previous manager I've not talked to Jacob about this but we don't have Financial reviews they get a paper what's paper without having having some meat behind it um olito just passed more fees onto the developers they call it a Mobility fee to address streets sidewalks and so forth we got to be doing this kind of stuff we have to account for what we're looking for the the basic summary I hate to say this because I know the time and effort goes into it but an old boss of mine said something you know when you got a problem with the budget when you have to move money every month it's called the old adage garbage in garbage out we got to do better this goes well past this Administration and historically but we got to draw the line in the sand and start o start over and start doing it right thank you help M 3603 golden Jeb Road I said earlier on there was three reasons why our infrastructure was in a poor condition I mentioned one of them was negligence how did we get to that position in negligence well it's because policy and this Administration continuously makes bad policy I'll give you an example we're currently short of water we're having to buy water from everywhere because our infrastructure we can't we can't contain it ourselves not only that we were contracted to take water from Altimont Altimont flooded last week I don't know what that ultimate is going to mean to the city of AP but again it's always policy we're always trying to get ahead of the field and make smart moves and we get caught with our trousers down every time so let's look at lust Road lust Road should have been capable of producing three million three million gallons of reclaimed water per day out of Lake of popka so even when there was a drought Lake of popka was never going to run short of water we would always have had three million 3 million gallons per day of reclaimed water out of there that we could have sold but who made the decision that we didn't need it because we were going to take water from Altimont Springs and take water from other municipalities and that let that place got a ruin now it will never come back online and we lost the potential for 3 million gallons of water Revenue every day same thing happened at Jason dwell you now know that you're going to probably have to spend $7 million on Jason dwell to put in new pumps and get recirculation in there why did that happen it happened because it was a neglect during this Administration because in the same bad policy we thought we could take water from somewhere else but wouldn't need to do anything with oursel same now in Golden Jam Road and unfortunately I had a look at that and it gets worse every day every day I look at it we fly drones over it and the condition deteriorates there's more volcanoes I don't call them volcanoes but there's seven new ones out the liners that were there which I thought could be salvaged are now not salvageable and we're not going to get any money from uh from St John's to repair those or replace them so we have problems and it's negligence and neglect so let's forget all about obsolesence let's address the situation let's make better policies and one of the policies needs to be that we need someone to come in now and look at our critical infrastructure it needs to be someone from outside because I have no more trust for the integrity and the ability of our public works department to fly in the flipping air anybody else speak all right any final okay okay come on down just had a comment or concern about the comment about the um what do we have $12 million or so in Impact fees this year for the water and wastewater stuff that means for police and fire we also have impact fees for them for new construction of things right that also means that that tripled amount of impact fees that we have all those units that are three times more than what we had the last five years all of those units are brand new high dollar um facilities that's a huge amount of money that's going to come in in our budget through these um through the millage probably more than half of what we're taking in from the whole city right now so do you really need to increase this thing the millage by 22% knowing that next year when all of those impact feed buildings um actually are full and paying their millage you're going to have half again as much as the $36 million that you have or $32 million that you have right now coming in in millage that's going to be a whole another like $16 million you're getting in just in the millage fees that could easily cover the 1.7% for the union contracts and the other 1.7% um plus whatever other money you have coming in I mean we not Forward Thinking at all thinking that wow I just approved all of these buildings I just took in about 15 million extra dollars and within so many months all those people are going to be paying a millage fee to the city of apka and we have all that money to spend so something to consider when you're thinking about that much of an increase and also what what is the percentage that the the firefighters agree to um for the contract for their raises does blanch have that information no it's not do you guys know what it was okay awesome very fair very fair just keep in mind we you got a lot of money coming in through this millage through all this extra you know building that we have going on there that's actually worth a lot more than um a lot of the the facilities that we have in the city right now my name is Samuel Anderson I'm a resident at 126 l drive my wife and I have lived here since 1984 my wife and I when we moved here a PKA didn't have a bilding department she start the building and building department she worked for the city for 30 years I work for the city for 15 in public service and sanitation we've seen the growth in this city it has been suggested that you table this don't go to vote because because you're miserably unprepared to do a vote you're not prepared and I would suggest as has been suggested that you bring out an outside auditor to help you get things together because this is not a mom and pop operation anymore as we saw it so we need somebody to come in and look at this situation and help you help you look at the situation which means you have to humble yourself humble yourself listen prayerfully to the community at large and then let's make a WI decision that will be a blessing to this city thank you anybody else okay all right for those who are like me who are just learning some things I have in front of me the 2024 real estate so I want to thank Miss Sherman for kind of educating me how this works so if you look on your form it tells you what your tax rate was for this year it's 3.8 384 and it was going to be their proposed budget change for this year was 4.8 399 and what she informed me is not going to be as high as it states here it's going to be 4.6 so I'm grateful for that however I sat here you all approved the 10% for the sanitation workers who I care about deeply even though I really didn't feel weak you know at this point in in Ur history where we're all strug not all but a lot of us are struggling but you approved it then you have also approved the 23. 75% which some of us don't know how we're going to manage and so I'm coming back again especially for those people who couldn't be here this this evening to say don't approve any don't don't don't approve anymore um increases we are still some of us are still trying to figure out how we're going to make it um to next year this time with what you're doing I know your job is extremely challenging I took a political science class and I remember how difficult it was when you just have so just just this little pot of money and you have all these things that you have to appropriate it to some things have to be left behind and some things you have to prioritize but we also there are people who have said here if you don't have all the knowledge to make certain decisions it's okay none of us has is all knowing but there's other people in the community that we need to tap into to say hey how can we bring more Revenue into the city of aapka so that we won't have to tax these people out of their homes and end up having them go to Georgia like a whole bunch of people are doing right now because taxes are so low over there I think the governor gave back if I'm if my dad if if I'm not mistaken my dad said the governor gave them back money so it's okay that you don't know everything but we can't keep coming here and then every time we come it's you're just voting on an increase that's not sustainable for a lot of us so please if you don't have all the answers no it's okay but t into the knowledge base of other people who do they can learn something from you you can learn something from them but for just just okay let's do an increase let's just do an increase this is going to impact a lot of people severely and I just want you guys to consider this Ian Kimbrell 2863 departmental Drive Magway Park States I'm not quite sure I'm not fully educated I'm humble enough admit that as far as how this military applies to me I know that when I got that same form she's looking at and I looked at the increase of what my property tax is going to be next year I was a little taken back um I don't know if you know where Magnolia Park Estates is located at uh but just so you know that little circle between Coya poka Road bignan Road and Boy Scout Road and back I believe I just counted in my head there's approximately five to six apartment complexes going up multi multif family home buildings I can't even imagine how many units there are in each one of those buildings I can't imagine how many vehicle operators are going to be coming out of those complexes however what I'm looking at is my roads are still two lanes do you know how long it takes me to get out of my complex because the 429 is being torn up right there for two years making improvements which I gladly appreciate however the road that goes from OKO poka road all the way down because they put a red light at McCormick without a turn lane so if somebody wants to turn left on McCormick they have now blocked up traffic all the way to my community past Bion it is absolutely appalling what I have to go through just to get out of my neighborhood so all these rate increases in sewer water trash property taxes when are you guys going to start fixing these roads these potholes when you guys going to start widening and making Advanced decisions rather than waiting till the problem is already here and it's gridlock to get out of a TW mile radius if that I mean south of papka is blowing up as is north of papka on the 429 like I say every time I go to Daytona I get sick in my stomach looking at how you've raped the net landscape just gone in and just leveled everything and made big buildings and you sat here and approved permit after permit after permit last week okay and here we are again wondering what are we going to do we need more money how we going to get more money well to me the math doesn't add up again I didn't go to political science but with all the people that are coming to apka what is the necessary purpose in raising our rates on every single thing again I'm fortunate enough to pay my water bill but I want to see my road starting to get widened and being prepared for the mass migration of people that are coming to this community it's unacceptable to have a two-lane road with five apartment complexes on it how many thousands of people are going to be transporting themselves day in and day out work time school time and coming home it doesn't make sense I don't mind making a little or paying a little bit more money if I know my money is going to go to improve the things that need to be improved rather than waste you know it's just ridiculous you guys widen the road oo papular Road right in front of the nice beautiful big Commercial Warehouse you built but what about the people who are trying to get to and from work on those smaller back roads Bion Road how many communities did you guys approve on Bion Road and you talk about this facility on lust road that that's a waste whatever that building is at the believe the entrance of the Wildlife Drive you guys are talking about it's my understanding and I don't know if anybody else knows this but Miss Moore wants to turn that into a homeless shelter and if you want to talk to her she'll be a coffee and whatever up the street tomorrow tomorrow I believe but to put a migrant excuse me a homeless shelter at the end or entrance of a nature preserve is astonishing and right slap dad in the middle of a community that you guys just approved uh two neighborhoods Bion reserve the other one the big community in the back that's all rentals by the way that's probably owned by investment firms who's renting the whole Community out think about it people anybody else okay close the public hearing Lynch um thank you very much as explained you know this requires E9 Miss vote and uh the rate that she mentioned that went out on the trim notice was the one we set at the 4.83 N9 so I I share with the young lady here that it's down to the 4.68 76 and it relates to the 1.7 for the union increases and 1.7 for streets Road improvements any final thoughts are we going to discuss is this where we discuss just ensuring that the line items that we already went through is that's the next thing that's the next item number this be the time to do it though if we're discussing how much we're going to budget would we discuss it's in the tenative budget the other line items that we went through was all impacting reserves not the millage rate so I I have it on on the next item but it's doesn't the millage rate impact the reserves not necessarily if you don't want to use the increase the millage rate then of course you ex you can exhaust I mean guess the point is the conversation go hand in hand could I mean we did do the workshops with them hand in hand but at this point we designated that these funds are for those particular purposes so all those funds remember you added the 289,000 to make it a smooth 2 million for the Union right with the 1.7 that's in the other side that that comes out of reserves kind of being offset by those savings that came out of the pension fund adjustment so can we have that discussion now though then you can if that's what you like I try let me see Rob do you have my other presentation for number two and I pull that up no no no it's on this item is this shop this the public hearing it's just the second item regarding the tenative budget oh God no I thought I sent have you provide me at this point I sent it to I it here to um you you know it's out there for the um the one the meeting we had on the um fourth yeah you can pull it up from there it's the same presentation why is looking for that let me let me ask you a question uh did we not receive um from the county what funding we will receive from them an estimate as to what the Mist rate would be that an estimate as to they charge our president right yeah it's well you know the the the total tax bill has what the city charges but also what the County charges for their services within the city within the city I think it's it's like 40 something right because yeah I'm I'm assuming that when they send us those numbers that they've already taken in account that we're going to have some some growth and that's already estimated in that amount or no we don't get any of that money that that County money stays with the county now they I I would I would argue whether we get our money's worth from the county but like um uh you got Animal Control mosquito control um planning so there's those things even though City residents are paying the the county tax that goes to the county which for the services that are countywide um metrop plan links would be another one um SunRail those those programs that are County programs could use the money that we send them does that make sense I'm hope I'm explaining myself that does and and I understand we don't get that money but I thought when we begin the budget process before we begin it we have some number that we're looking at as to what estimated revenue is going to be right for for our just our sign yes yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right so that's what I'm saying so that number does it not include or give us an estimate of what the growth might be yes by determin that figure I think it proba has a fact I don't know what that is but they give us they tell us what it's going right that's what I'm saying so I just want to make sure resent understand that that that that's already taken to account but that's what they alluded to earlier that we're going to have this growth so it's going to be all this additional money that we know don't know about but in fact we do because they've given us an estimate right as what that growth is going to be corre now the two things that we we will get um well one for sure we get some property tax from Orange County for are the the fire district the station 29 we took that over from the county we get that property tax now one of the things I've asked are cheap to to to go out and and find out the Orange County just raised their fire fee by $150 a house right and so if we were to you know and we should get that money because we're taking care of those th those folks so if you take the $150 per per house I think we came out to be a little less than $500,000 that we should be getting additional from the county so that's not accounted for so I haven't right but but I I think I don't know why we we shouldn't get that money so um I think will do you know how much we get from the from Orange County for the fire station 29 District area half a million so you're going back [Music] to and that was uh 94 September 4th add your mic is on there can you hear me now you okay I apologize bringing that up to $2 million that's from the 1.7 and that 289 1553 makes it a even $2 million for the firefighters Union contract and so will that but because the contract do we know what the cost of the current contract is uh I'm thinking it's very close to that amount sir as that my understanding so um these are the details um that we went through and discussed and and basically we you know had a consisten as far as we could and overall this is the general fund budget by division the mayor's Budget on down to our transfers coming to that4 100, 47,4 and then going into the millage rate here just so you can see the 4.43 76 4. 6876 and the 4. 8399 and we set it at the 4.83 N9 at that time not knowing where we're going to end up with the Union and we're proposing the 4.68 76 at this point in time and again the purpose of the 4.68 76 is 1.7 for the Union contract then 1.7 to go into the streets fund and going into the streets fund this is how we plan to use it going below here 500,000 increasing that for maintenance of sidewalks and curb repairs Paving and res surfing program another 1.2 and the pension savings I just put it in the p res service program resurfacing program okay and we talked about waste water go back here okay any other thoughts before we is has there been any changes to any of the discussions that we had and we all agreed to on that there hasn't been any changes I mean there have been some additional comments and concerns but there haven't been any changes okay so there's no changes though no sir not since we met that on 828 when we went through everything okay I guess to the council are there any additional changes we're going to make to this as a part of the tentative budget discussion understand not the millage rate and I don't have an intentive changes but I I do have a question that I like for you to consider is that there are other utilities that provides uh funding for their customers in case of there's crisis or something to assist them uh with their billing uh just something to think about is how could we so Implement that same kind of a program uh for our residents I know we allow them to pay make their payments and in increments if they can't pay the whole bill at one time but I know that there are other utilities that actually have like small grants and things that actually helps them with the payment of the bills okay and we can talk about that I was reading about make a popka natural gas how they have a fund that um that helps their it's an assistance for their customers because they feel that it's important that their customer has the gas for hot water and that their customers have gas for cooking um so it's a program that they um I I read the whole article it's been successful okay and that was something that I was considering um and switching off and some we we budgeted some money for Grants and uh I did yesterday I did uh ask our city clerk because I asked her how many customers do we cut off their water on a monthly basis and I was very surprised by the high number and I felt that the money that we were proposing to put on the side for um for grants that we could establish an account with that money that we have designated to really address the utility and water uh Department because water is a necessity and I just was so surprised to learn how many customers were without water and and that should not be occurring I I think I know I know the county as a program I want to say it's called Li he so actually been doing a lot of research on this and this is something I wanted want to to present so I've been for the past few weeks understanding hearing everyone's concern in regards to some type of funding to assist so Lake County has Lake County community actions um has a program um and then you have the Orange County one second Orange County Florida Community Action Community Action division U one of the things in L he is part of that so they receive funding so what they have is they have the Community Action agencies and within those Community Action agencies um they receive Community uh block grant Services Grant and part of those funds they are able to assist with that bridge with if someone lights was turned off so what I'm thinking and it's something that I actually want to bring to the Cil we can discuss how can we Implement something like that here and I am in Communications and meetings with different municipalities and agencies to see exactly how we can bring something like that here to apka but I definitely have done a deep deep dive and there are some funds out there available but we just have to kind of go go out those funds and also meet weather agency to see how we can partner partner to do that so I think it's something that we can this well it's not so it's not so the community block grant is that's Federal money that's Federal money so these other agencies already received some of that money already so we need to figure out how to partner with these agencies to figure out how we can bring these Services here yeah I think there's there's county has dollars I don't know why we couldn't draw down their the county dollars under the LI Heat program for City residents it 800,000 I think it was 800,000 that was given last year I the numers written somewhere so it's was 800,000 but I think just more so of just communication and just communication Partnerships to let them know that we're interested in receiving some of those funds are what a referral process looks like and I'm sure they've got a process that you have to meet but we yeah we can definitely that'd be something we can we can take a look at absolutely definely and then have we budged all on bud the charter review or Charter amendments plan on budgeting for that that yeah that was a question it's not in the budg no I think that y'all mentioned something about one more it's not on me no it was me oh um adding something with in Susan's budget I think in case we had to do something am I misunderstanding yeah did that already happen are you saying that you already added that I don't think it was added but I how much you estimate that to be seven was seven 7,000 seven and 10 10 so yeah yeah so okay I thought I thought it was closer to like 50,000 last time we spoke about it so to have a special election um wow okay all right so we're back [Music] to M which has to be a unanimous vote right yes sir okay and to confirm it has to be unanimous twice now we in next week yes sir okay okay any other last thoughts I look for motion to approve then I've got to read the the script here but look for a motion to approve the tenative millage rate for fiscal year 2024 d225 at 4 6876 so so move got a motion by commissioner Smith second second by commissioner Anderson all those in favor I all opposed motion carries unanimously okay let me read this in accordance with the the truth and millage trim compliance requirements as set forth in chapter 200 of Florida Statutes the city must set the proposed millage rate and advise the property appraiser of the tentative rate rolled back rate date time and place of the tenant budget hearings the tenative Village rate is hereby set at 4.68 76 which represents a 22.12 per increase over the roll back millage rate of 38384 amiddle is the tax rate for each $11,000 of taxable property value correct thank you am I good there yeah Mr Shephard yes sir okay thank you all right next up U need to adopt the tenative budget and adjustments resulting from the public hearing corre lch so I just kind of went through the presentation a little bit so I don't know if there's any additional questions this is the tenative budget total yeah at 2,710 79 n any questions anybody from the public want to speak on this one oh no how are you excuse Kyle Becker 168 civille Chase Drive Winter Spring Florida I just wanted to come I was watching on YouTube at my house um saw their proceedings earlier and I felt compelled to come down here all the way from Winter Springs to set the record straight um there was a spending or an expenditure for the wastewater treatment plan expansion back in 2015 I think was when it was approved um it came to the mayor's Point via consent order meaning we didn't have an option you do the expansion and you do it correctly per the requirements the expenditure was $60 million but it was inclusive of the things that he's mentioning he talks about the fertilizer plant it's a biosolid dryer is what that is the 3 million gallon uh 3 million gallons per day former wastewater treatment plant was part of that expenditure to make sure that you were doing it with $216 versus waiting until it's needed which is today based off the expansion needed today and we all know that it's much more expensive to do things tomorrow than it is to do today so retrofit retrofitting the three million gallons doing the expansion to the five million gallons to get this to 8 million gallons plus this biohazard or the biod dryer or biosolid dryer that's what got us to the $60 million expenditure it's not money that was sitting in our accounts the city got a basically no cost loan almost 0% loan to finance that debt to make that critical infrastructure project so to sit up here and represent that it was additive to it that unnecessary spending is a complete farce it was necessary spending and it was done at a point where you were trying to get ahead of the problem at that time versus letting it sit there the reason why the three million the old plant isn't being in service right now is because the requirements that the D has in in place they didn't make the proper Investments to make sure that was up to to code and from my understanding the bio Hazard dryer that really from an innovation perspective you're trying to monetize waste and monetizing waste if it was actually properly staffed to actually use that dryer that's another uh monetization vehicle that you can make that as a revenue source and not have to increase the rates on your taxpayers so to sit there and say that's unnecessary spending or it's additive to the $60 million and I'm glad that you said that was necessary spending in your comments you basically said it was consent order and the $60 million was absolutely necessary for the city to expend and I completely agree and I know that there's a there's a um a talk track that says that I was the one who motioned and and and set that in motion I wish that I was the person that did that but it was uh commissioner blasquez at the time when you were Seated on Council commissioner Ruth uh commissioner Dean um commissioner Aerosmith and mayor killimer that had the foresight to do that expansion at the time and properly so so I thank you commissioner Velasquez for doing that I just want to set the record St commissioner Becker former commissioner Becker I got a couple questions just to clarify and make sure we're on the same page the uh the 60 million that you referenced there was a reference to something like 22 million that was wasted at one point is that inclusive in that 60 million correct so $60 million so basically when you look at the old wastewater treatment plan it was 3 million gallons per day I think is the right terminology the two there was an actual de there was a state mandate I think going back to 2004 was when the state originally came to the city of Apopka they kind of let it slide for a period of time and then 2014 was when it was made known to the city that they actually had to make sure that they did the spend and then the consent order was put down meaning you don't have any other options to Kick the Can down the road you have to do the expenditure the city could have just done the $5 million or the five million gallon per day expansion and just let the other one you know wither away and do away with it demolish it what have you but that was the conversation at the staff level Administration level at that point is to say well let's retrofit it bring it up to code at that point in time to make sure that we can do it at 2016 prices versus waiting and doing it you know 10 20 years down the line so that piece The Biohazard the bio solid dryer I'm not an expert on these terminologies but the bio uh uh dryer and then the 5 million gallon expansion was all done within the $60 million expenditure now I can't speak to the lust Road issue because I'm not familiar with that one that happened before my time uh but that's my understanding of how that all went down again the actual expansion and improvements were approved by the prior sitting Council prior to my seat what happened when I sat on seat 4 where you you sit today is there was an appropriation it was an accounting function like we've done many different times there was already a motion put in place the the approval the commitment to doing the state loan and then what I approved or motion for was to make sure that all of the accounting to support what had already been previously approved went into went into place okay thank you and then to confirm that wasn't so this wasn't taken out of reserves no I mean it was it was loan it was debt financed okay thank you so here we are um so this is the tenative budget yes and commissioner like to add the 10,000 I can do that in the final yeah I just got to get this ad I had to send it to him this morning and waiting on proof so if any other things I'll add that 10,000 in the final so we're at the 201710 799 for attend to budget okay any thoughts not look for a motion to approve the tenative budget and any adjustments resulting from the public hearing so none from the public hear not right now add then the final he's agreed to that so move got a motion by commissioner Nesta second second by commissioner Smith all those in favor I I I'll oppose motion carries thank you very much okay need to announce the final budget hearing is scheduled for Wednesday September 25th 2024 at 6m at the city council chambers I need a motion to schedule the final budget hearing for September 25th 2024 at 6 pm got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second second commissioner Smith all those in favor I I'll oppos motion cares thank you all right we'll take a five minute break we'll be right back for city council meeting for