approve so moved everybody check your mics I don't know if your Mike okay yes yes me second member Nesta second all those in favor I all oppose motion carries unanimously okay public comment okay presentation all right uh Jim H community development director um as you all know and I sent out a notification there was an error in regards to the notification in the paper uh for the ad for the proposal so as a result we did have a delay of this uh of this project and so with that I'm going to go ahead and read everything back into the record and uh then take your questions and go from there so this is the approval of the proposal for the popka Station Street project uh the proposal was submitted by standard investment Holdings um in uh in conjunction with the advertisement that went out January 12th 2024 and the results were or the proposals were due back by uh by febu by uh February 12th in this case they actually submitted uh C few weeks early so this uh the city of Apopka Redevelopment uh agency uh had this Envision for a multi-use project including affordable housing downtown public parking and an extension of the downtown Apopka Trail and construction ruction of public event space uh the city does anticipate that that approximately one acre of the property uh noticed for disposal uh which was done back in October of last year will be retained by the city for construction of the public event space to be uh completed by the successful proposer in this case we're looking for um standard investment Holdings uh this proposal um outlines the general design for a 60 unit two building apartment complex and Associated parking and event space the event space would remain wholly owned and operated by the city of aapka uh the proposal and the use of the site is consistent with the comprehensive plan which does show the site is commercial and the land uh excuse me the Land Development code is mud which is the mixed use downtown both the land use and the zoning permit multif family uh developments uh that will adhere to the Senate Bill 102 the live local act uh to allow for a maximum of 25 dwelling is per acre for the apartment Site Area we are looking at the apartment Site Area to be approximately 2.4 Acres which would allow up to the 60 units the original proposal did call for 48 units but with the live local uh they'd be able to add a few units onto each each of those buildings once the proposal is accepted the next step will be to review and formally approve the development agreement itself uh which would be scheduled for the CRA and city council at separate meetings we are looking for March 6 um we're hoping that we can get that ready ready for for full review and then and then submit it to CRA and Council for uh for approval the development plan or the MD the major development plan approvals will be completed in accordance with the city of apopka's Land Development code and approved through the Planning Commission city council later this year the construction site plan is completed and approved um only by the DRC which is in accordance in accordance with the Land Development code itself I'm going to pop this over real quick and kind of go through the The Proposal so it was submitted February 1st so we're we're ready to go on this one um The Narrative itself again it does talk about a three-story building they're looking to do 60 units um on the site which is compatible this is one of the updates that they did do with the uh with the submitt uh same location uh nothing has changed uh changed on this um there was some clarifications that I been that uh that I've been working on with the uh with the plat or with the uh development agreement that would basically um we will be platting this that will also work as a way to vacate a portion of Fifth Street and a portion of a larger portion of uh uh Station Street in order to comply with this uh with this project the other part is that uh it will end up having the uh the the downtown of poka Trail going on the rear side along the along the railroad tracks uh that'll also act as a buffer for the railroad tracks for the development itself again we are looking at uh at two buildings the breakdown for the one-bedroom and two-bedroom U just basically increase that by uh by six units or so each one uh for for a total of uh 12 more units generally uh same design access points coming off of uh Central AV going into the park lot area there's also going to be access off of Marvin xanders and then off of Fourth Street which does curve around to an alley that also goes down into that site so it'll have three location uh three access locations excuse me this is again the general layout we're looking for the Pavilion uh backing up to the railroad track um this also covers the area that um has been designated as a Brownfield so we'll be working with the uh developer and also with the state in regards to Brownfield Reclamation typically what they do with those is cap it in other words cement uh covers and they still have the monitoring Wells for any uh any type of uh effluent that uh that might leak out but that is primarily over on the eastern Southeastern side of the of the site General design um we've got different uh different types of brick uh they're still working out the design itself but uh we do have you some color renderings um they all have balconies uh that's another thing that uh is is a good part um different types of materials um for dressing it up and they are looking at um either sidings or brick or a combination of that and these are some of the just some of the different design aspects that uh that they'll be looking at when they do their uh their their overall design anywhere from uh you know some brick patterns might be stamped concrete um I I I suggested for the event space um asphalt not asphalt but yeah um cement and uh turf turf grass artificial turf grass to provide uh at least issues where you don't have to worry about upkeep and Mowing and uh weeding and everything else this is the uh the group itself uh we have Mark wilky uh in today and uh standard investment Holdings as Tony Ben Mark Wii and then uh uh Ken pis pelis nelli trying to get that right um is the residential portion and uh and then Mina is also here for uh for MBA for uh Small Business Consultants and with that we're recommending um approval of the proposal so we can get on with the development agreement and get this uh back before you and get the project going okay any questions from the members um I just have one cuz I saw something on uh I guess it was Channel n where they have an article about papka seeks to revive downtown with the event Plaza and apartment complex and then somewhere in here he writes the developer will ask the city for assistance with the project because of financial constraints of the site is that's what it says here documents reported in return the city will own and operate the Plaza well the one of the big Parts is that because the property is is worth worth close to a million dollars um that's a big that's a huge financial part that you don't have to spend any money to buy the property um we're retaining uh the the rights for the event space itself they're going to be constructing it and working on the site plan with with staff uh for that space But anything else um we are going to be uh through the development agreement there's a couple things like Recreation impact fees since the park and the event space is a huge Recreation component uh where're we're going to be uh putting $50,000 towards the impact fees for the Parks and Recreation portion okay so that's what he's referring to I have no idea what he's referring to they they didn't talk to me about it that was you know the reporter that always comes here uh uh Nick how do you pronounce his last name papon yes okay okay yeah I I did not talk to talk to them about it which is kind of surprising yeah that was Wednesday today at 12:30 p.m. no nobody called me well that's what he's putting out there so I just that's it be it would be nice if the if the news stations would they would actually come to a source before they report things just to make sure it's clear okay member Becker you got yeah I mean and I I sent a note yesterday because for me the more things stay the same the more they change for me um the from my understanding there's been no progress in terms of what that looks like in terms of the the common area Plaza public space correct yeah right now it's right now it stays fairly close to what they've got already designed but um I know that the proposal they did not want to put any more money into this until they had uh the proposal completed and then and then the development agreement is going to key A lot of that good checks not being written or things like that but from a concept how that might look like in terms of who does what when how that's all in the development agreement one of the things so were we in a count of Silence during this period technically legally well could you not have talked to the applicant I you're not supposed to talk to the applicant regarding this because it's still an ongoing negotiation regards to the development agreement itself I did talk to the attorney and um uh cliff and Andrew and both of them said that you're not supposed to bring the development agreement information to the proposal approval because that's a separate it's a separate process and they're not supposed to intertwine that's why we have them that's why I didn't do it on the same night yeah after the last meeting that we've had you know I keep on thinking about this and you know it's funny when the ground breaking just happened for Wild Oaks you know there was a lot of chatter publicly speaking talking about oh they're going to build this nice new shiny thing up in the Northwest Quadrant and it's going to kill all of our plans downtown and then you kind of go well well what's the next thing on the horizon for downtown oh it's it's to have this now as of the last meeting we found out it's going to be live local project and to curb that I mean it's still technically our property yes and to say that you're going to revitalize downtown from a consumer retail entertainment perspective by bookending that area with low income let's let's call what it is it's low income not affordable it's low income so even if it was listed as affordable within our RFP affordable means one thing low income means another thing I just I I I'm having trouble connecting the dots there um and I you know live local is triggered once we March down the path and this becomes the property of whoever we decide to go into that that agreement with and then we we've seen that we lose a bit of control now you would hope that that's going to get worked out in the developers agreement but again if there's nothing that would have precluded people from having conversations over the last year and a half even before this went through the whole relisting process there's just not a comfort there of the public stuff is going to come to fruition what we're going to be doing is looking at low-income housing to try and springboard the revitalization of downtown I just don't see it well one of the things regarding the the live local um it is considered affordable um only 40% of those units have to be in that 125% Ami uh funding range which means a a single person would be affordable is they they're earning over $60,000 a year so that's not the hood definition of affordable housing exactly but that's what the Senate Bill 102 does so that's the fact part about that well yeah the point being is that in the RFP that we put out and you started the comments correctly it's a multi- miixed use development y mixed use not in the sense of a public Plaza place but retail commercial element as well as residential element and if you I I don't have the language right in front of me but if we said affordable in there I'm I'm sure that we did not cite the live local bill as our source for affordable housing we probably put there put that in there as a housing selection affordable housing just means that from a gross income perspective you're only expending 30% or less of your home for housing needs and utilities so live local will put you know restrictions controls in place on that type of housing I'm not saying again you know there's not a a need for loow income housing but again all I'm hearing is that these business owners in this District are are voicing concerns that Wild Oaks is under development as it's going to impact their ability to do things and adding well what was 48 Now 60 or whatever the number comes to finally based off of Max density that little local will be able to afford I'm I'm lost in the value proposition ex primarily around there's no details around what this potential applicant would bring to the table in terms of the public improvements they're building an acre event space that's a huge one but but no last time we talked about it it was just the concrete on the ground it it's not just concrete the it's the design the Landscaping can we can you pull that up yeah the Pavilion the trail the connection for the trail for the whole block which is uh that whole block is a little over 800 ft of 10-ft Trail here we go so the whole event space here they got the Pavilion here the access way coming back in here what we're going to approve is it enumerated what we should expect to vote for this that's in the devel that's going to be in the development agreement you haven't you have not approved the the development agreement yet so that's the part that will cross the tees and Dot the eyes type thing this is the proposal this is a most proposals are very general like this it's like uh coming with a minor or with a major site plan approval but less detail yeah so I guess what I would ask my colleagues to consider is again this is our property as it stands if this turns hands down the path that we're going here it will definitely become a live local project do we feel like that's the type of project that is going to benefit that downtown business Corridor the most I guess that's really where I'm where I'm at okay so if it becomes the live local does it still come before us yeah it's still a major site plan approval and uh you know for for design and what it look you know what it looks like what it's doing for the project itself but density will well that's part of the development agreement itself that that we that we crafted in the in the development agreement normal if if if this was not our property and we weren't doing a development agreement for the design and for the for the development of it itself in other words if somebody owned a piece of property whether it's commercial industrial or mixed use and they wanted to do a live local we would not it would not be coming before before you at all it only goes before staff for approval for administrative approvals remember nesa question I don't have anything additional is you know we've discussed this a substantial amount and I definitely understand commissioner Becker what you're saying on this front it just there's no other developers that are coming in at this point and to have a entertainment space down town is valuable I just hope it's not a bait and switch that's my only thing agreed I think I feel that with every developer I don't want that with any developer well I mean we just don't have any but I think that comes down to the DA correct and and we haven't sold the property yet either so correct so this to confirm this is just approval to negotiate correct okay which which which we've had the standing approval for over a year and a half well yeah but the negotiations fell flat and died more what you come on up yeah this it's an approval for a proposal no and that's not and I get that but again if you go back to the very beginning when this first was a piece of business before this Council when the first time that there was t-shirts worn in this city council chamber was well over a year and a half ago and yet we're still talking about the same conversation the only thing that's changed is that the increase in the number of units for the concept no time during that period of conversation was there any ink on paper around what's the commitment of this applicant in this project and if they if you can in good faith say here today that yeah we are committed to and we're going to build that Pavilion we are committed and we are going to build whatever this concept plan says on the record and then we work out the detail later that's one thing Jim but that's the development agreement let let work can't say it um Mark wilky 609 East Pine Street let's let's straighten out the timeline first in October of 22 you approved us the staff to go in and negotiate with us correct I got we got the first document in January of 23 now granted we took a couple a month or so or two months to like review the document but frankly it was approved in October we got into January didn't seem to be a priority to be quite Frank so but we got and sat down with the city I went back through all the emails and it's going back and forth with everybody so it wasn't us not committed to the project and I got to remind you all this is the fourth time we've submitted for the project and as far as us committed I I know I can't talk about I I can talk in general about the develop about the development agreement and the commitment is to build the plaza and and the apartments in a in a time frame and an order that will assuage anybody's concern about us not finishing the project and let's let's go back to low-income housing this is Workforce housing there's a big difference there's no subsidies here all we're agreeing to is to put folks in these apartments that are anywhere between I think 80 and 120% of the annual medium income in Orange County that's going to be your teachers your police officers fir folks healthcare workers that's who we're appealing to that's who's going to live downtown this and the only reason and you said well things changed it went from 48 to 60 because we can because of live local that's allowed us the density the more Apartments we can put on here the better the more financially feasible this is with us if you walk into these apartment buildings you're going to walk in and you're going to see vinyl plank flooring stone countertops 3/4 inch plywood electronic locks uh very high efficiency split units air handling units this is not you know and and it's steel frame construction it's cold form steel our vertical partner is a long-term investor he goes I I'm in the business of selling and leasing or Leasing and building and owning Apartments it doesn't I I don't sell he's going to be around for a long time he's doing wonderful things with existing Apartments you'll probably see him once we get these in he'll probably be investing in a lot of other what I hate to say B and C Properties but he'll go in and the idea is not to just take those out of the inventory and appeal to folks that have a higher income level it's more to make uh them nicer for the existing folks and keep them in a B and C Level but giving somebody a clean quality place to live the only reason that we can keep the rents down too is because we have a if you'll notice we have a very efficient design there's no Breeze waste there's uh there's everything's CED or loaded so that uh we can we build less space that you can't rent so I I can assure you that and we have great faith in the fact that not only will uh this Spark Downtown Development and further retail development but you'll have the residents and uh folks downt we don't even have anybody living downtown and all I keep reading about is a few folks that that propagate and a couple of the bars they go soon as we build it we filled it up oops Hicks Seafood you know when once we get Hicks up and running everybody keeps asking when's that you know when's that going to happen when's that going to happen when are you going to open so you put 60 people downtown uh or 60 households downtown that's going to spark a lot of the other stuff that's going to happen also um you know we're not this isn't just we're not only talking about just Station Street we're working with the homes and partnership folks to work out at least for them to add additional units there more people more businesses more retail development that corner we've tried to talk to the uh the folks on the corner of uh Central there that's it's blank uh it's or it's vacant right now he hangs up the phone on us but I can assure you he's a retail guy and when he when he sees the development coming on he'll either hopefully sell or develop something uh some sort of retail development that you guys will be you know be happy to do and as far as the you know we're not I understand we're not paying for the land but we're giving back not only you know what'll I'm confident will be a very viable and wonderful place to have great events downtown but it's um it's it's also gonna uh provide an additional I hesitate to put a number out because we're still designing it but anywhere from probably from 60 to 70 additional parking spaces for downtown so that's another value that we're adding to that so yeah you know there's a lot of there's a lot of nomenclature about Workforce housing affordable housing I want to be clear you know we're building a product that's a quality product but and I hate to use well I'll use the analogy of we're we're building uh you know a Corolla essentially so we'll never be we're not going to raise the rents we're appealing to folks that live will live and work downtown and in the area so and and I don't want to blor the point and be a blow heart up here if I don't if everybody's already got their minds made up I don't want to I'm sorry I I I I can't hear you no I I was just talking to my colleagues I don't want to be a blow hard and talk at length up here if I'm if I'm the exception to the rule and the the temperature up here my my only thing is again you brought it up I mean going back to October 2022 up until I think maybe January 23rd is what you said well January 23rd and then okay I'll go through the timeline I mean it's in the public record with all the emails but then we turned around and we had a meeting with uh M Mr Rodriguez and Jim and the entire staff and then it took a couple more months to get a document and then when we got a document it truly didn't reflect the core Spirit of what we had all agreed to in regards to how the uh the property got moved around and or how the properties were going to be conveyed and how the order of that was all going to happen and we had something probably we're were ready to go in September and then uh we found out from the Orlando Business Journal that the whole process didn't comply with State statutes so that had to get reworked and then we had to submit again and then uh we submitted so that was the the second the that would actually the third time because the first time we didn't even get past the negotiating if you remember um we didn't get even past the the ability to negotiate uh and then now this is the fourth time because the ad didn't get posted so I I mean we haven't been dragging our feet it's not a lack of enthusiasm I mean we're here for the fourth time right my and my thing and we've had that this this discussion because from October to September call it absent there was no other restrictions perceived or real that would have prevented staff from working with you and vice versa to come up with a developers agreement that put on paper what we've all been talking about for a couple years now and it just never happened and so what's to say that it's going to be another year year and a half before you know when these guess maybe I'm not May the public it's it's they think things are imminent and you know when this was approved back in October of 2022 it's it's set for whatever reason I can't explain it anymore I mean other than a few months once we got the document in January we were turning around St uh waiting for staff to turn it around so so what I mean what is Staff saying about this I mean what would cause is there potential for you to do the same thing I mean get going this this is quite a bit further um on in the process for the development agreement and for this approval process like U like Mr wiy mentioned the first time we couldn't even go to negotiation so we went back to the board explained it a little bit clear more clear and then we came back and we're able to negotiate um the development agreement that we had there was a lot of back and forth in regards to the U the the conveyance of the property whether or not it would be better to convey it um all the way to the developer and then them convey the property back to us after the fact um so there was there was quite a bit of back and forth in that um but the RFP doesn't did the RFP the RFP was failed because we did not adverti to to dispose of it in the first place if we had not done that and gotten basically you know Cliff uh I get that piece what I'm asking is in the RFP it doesn't commit the city to giving the property away to the the applicant that we choose correct it's it's on the table but it doesn't necessarily commit us to having to do that that was part of the Arrangement what ARR the RFP Lang for the RFP yeah the RFP explicitly states that whatever one we going to contract with in exchange they get the plan for no cost correct yep that they would basically get the property but they in exchange they would also be uh developing the uh the plaza for us so any other questions anybody from the public want to speak on this do you have any questions no questions I just a comment you you say ace woodam 47 East MCN Street I didn't come here tonight to speak on this but as a man who wears Dusty boots to work every day I look up there and I see Fifth Street ending on the west fist Street well there is no West fist Street you're eliminating it engine engine Tower one when it leaves that station sometimes it has to go down to Central to make it to get out of this area it's so big y'all got trees planted in the middle of the medium there also it says staging for food trucks I'm not against the project here I think we need to do something for low income or that's a shame y'all saying please Poli also firemen are lowincome housing but um I think you need to look at that in the fish Street there also I don't see it being a good exit for emergency vehicles and um that's the only thing I got to say and I guess it's nice to give a million dooll piece of property away congratulations anybody else from the public wish to speak okay well we close the public hearing look for some direction well I I will say this I mean this is It's been advertised twice three times three times and the only person that has actually submitted a bid to bring what we desperately need downtown is the foot traffic in order to get our city City downtown mhm at least to move somewhere retail is not going to come before the foot traffic we need the families the people we need that there um I'm happy that Mr bench is investing in this um I wait for the development agreement and you now know what our expectations are and as far as you know saying um lowincome um um it just doesn't sound right I just prefer that it would be Workforce that's exactly what this is Workforce um you know obviously he referred to uh BNC is that some kind of what does BNC mean as far as product I I heard him refer to that oh it's concrete block what is it concrete block this is not stick like you see a lot of the apartment complexes they go up three four stories and it's all wood these are this is block um okay construction it's it's concrete it's not going to go anywhere in in 20 or 30 years yeah the only concern I had with the live local is because my understanding is with live local we don't have any negotiation power and I want to be able to make sure that the product we put down there um will attract um you know families and and he's probably right as soon as it gets built it's going to get fil because I mean just look around I mean we're having a housing crisis and most of the unhoused is actually a lot of families who can't afford the market rate prices that are out there so we have to build something for those families can I just address two things real quick definitionally we're not stepping on people's Toes by calling it low income or or Workforce housing whatever these are formal definitions low-income housing means a certain thing thing very low-income housing means a certain thing affordable housing has a stated definition so it's not like I'm attacking or naming really is immaterial to the conversation they each have their own definition they do and then secondarily yeah we can say that a developers agreement is going to be the end all be all around protecting us from the the broad abilities of a live local project but I will just remind you of our developers agreement with Taurus and how that was beat in court so I I I can see how the vote is going to go here tonight but I just I encourage you because when this thing all gets settled is you know think through that because the developer agreement is not going to be the end all be all so question since the the city will you know obviously certain things have to be worked out in the development agreement but so just for clarification will the city continue to own own the land and is it like a long-term ground lease to them for the apartments or is the city turning over ownership of the land because then you know there's a difference between the level of control um at that point and whether it can be sold and flipped and addressing some of the concerns that people have expressed so yeah the apartment portion will be sold um well conveyed over the land underneath the land everything and then but the the event space the plaza area that will retain they'll be retained by the city they'll be constructing it we'll retain it and then everybody gets to benefit from it so we're carving that out sorry to interrupt but to piggy back we're carving that out of the deal completely they're not getting it and then teting it back to us correct it'll always be ours correct okay it'll always be ours or the you mean the plaza will always be ours then so my my next question related to that is you know there is and I'm torn with it you know with the concept of you know you know apka has been seen as this bedroom community and you have to go elsewhere to eat and whatnot and so you know tour in between a desire to have like the immediate options commercial options retail options restaurant options and although we have more it's still not to the level of you know other downtowns so you know it's kind of like the Chicken and the Egg what comes first so in this respect if we have these apartments we have the event space in Plaza which I think is beneficial but and I'm assuming that at some point if it seems like that is more valuable as far as um traffic and maybe creating more of a um magnet for folks to come downtown that that can still be converted to some type of commercial use or just trying to think you know about that as well so it I I I'd hesitate to say say that yes it can be converted because it's an acre of land an acre of land is not gigantic but it is a huge benefit there's multiple properties downtown right now that are for sale um the the apaka furniture that the Bratton own um I was just approached by the owner um Tim Bratton and his brother Robert and they've reduced the price down to a little over $5,500,000 for a uh it's a 6,000 ft building right now um so that's an opportunity there there's another couple of properties on across the street that are available there's a property right up where Henry's beats used to be up at the corner of uh Central lav and Main Street that's available um I just talked with one of one of our local realators who originally sold the owner that property and he's going to be talking with uh with the owner about potential development also so yeah that's uh peacocks by the way I don't know if they're in favor or not but they're saying yes yes there's seven of them up there out there voting right now and one more question so as far as the you know I get it it's a proposal there's a development agreement will have some you know meat and teeth in it and then for the approval itself does it have to it has to then go through what process as far as actual development approvals the the development agreement will come back before the CRA and the city council um once that's done uh then they'll be producing uh site plans for the major development plan which will come back before Planning Commission and city council for one meeting each um after that then depending on how much detail they actually have typically uh with with a project like this in order to get it moving along uh that Mr wi you mentioned they'll probably do all the main engineering upfront so it'll go almost directly from uh construction site or from major development plan to construction site plan which is approved by the uh development Review Committee itself itself the DRC so it it can happen very very fast at that stage cuz my only concern is and I don't want to seem um I don't know what the word is but um as far as the Aesthetics the you know the way it looks now hopefully that will evolve because there's a way to bring Workforce housing without making it look like Workforce housing and I think if we want to attract people to downtown and attract those residents that we need to you know and I'm not a developer I don't know how much things cost whatnot but you know particularly if there's the benefit of the land you know I think we should make sure we push to at least for the facade and the Aesthetics of it that it looks more appealing so and doesn't look like as you drive by like oh that's Workforce hous and or low income housing corre CU on a picture now that's what it looks like exactly so that's all I got thank you you're welcome and I just want to confirm one thing too to follow up on your question there should we get to the DA and we don't like it we could say no and go right back to square one back to square one this not the final and I'll be all yeah and and you sure yeah I don't want to go back to square one if there's something in the development agreement that you guys would like to see or something that we can address then we would like to do it there I I mean well I I totally agree so I just like to get a feeling from yes want to get the project done but when you stand up there and say if we don't like it we're back to square one whoa what don't you like let's and we'll plenty feedback and and all that so that's and it we it's been articulated to staff as well already previously of kind of the expectations so I just want to make sure that everyone has the understanding of the processes if there is an out again because you had said too that you didn't like the original developers agement that was kind of thrown back into your guys' hands the one that was the original original original one well it didn't reflect the spirit of that we sat down so if it does the same thing to us I want to be able to back out of it as well and and I'll tell you the the big problem with it was was that conveying how to actually work the you know conveying the land Building on the on city property and then trying to do that efficiently legally and get everybody comfortable with the process yeah Absolut that took that took a few months a few months to do and the first time the agreement came back to it I I didn't like it and I and the reason I it wasn't because it wasn't just me personally that was picking on it it it didn't reflect what the what we had agreed to with with City staff it understand no and I'm not trying I don't want to go back in history there either so it's not I just want to make sure you and I are saying the same thing just different ways so we're on the same page there okay good so let's we're on the same we want to do it and you know I haven't it's been I haven't gotten up in front a lot to speak but I'll toot my own horn I've been the one pushing this thing with our partners with with everybody with the team and as a matter of fact when I uh I got working with Tony benj when we were doing Floridian Town Center back in that and while we were working on that Jim approach hey I got this little piece of land that was back in 2016 and we looked at it then but the folks that I was working with just didn't want to do didn't want to do anything this and I don't want to take away from the project but it was didn't want to do anything of this scale best way to put it so now we've got somebody that that's what hey that this is what I do and so it's everything kind of lined up so it's we want to do it you know we want to get it done and I and I can tell you that that I I've done this is probably my 36th multif family deal and I've worked on private PL uh P3 deals with universities which you know that's said an RFP and a half to get get everybody on the same page and I can tell you the spirit of it is going to be that it commits us to build it commits you all to work with us and it's just a I'm very confident that you guys are going to be okay with the development agreement do we maybe we have to tweak it or talk about dates you know but I think we're being pretty aggressive based on the fact of you know we've got to deal with we still have to Perman it we still have to deal with the Department of Environmental Protection we got to get the Brownfield straightened out and there's a you know we're going to be dealing with a lot of things that we don't have control over so we want to be we want to be aggressive with those dates but we don't want to hang ourselves either and put us up against the date that you know we're not we're not comfortable with I I completely understand what you're saying we're on the same page there okay thank you good okay looking for is there Linda huh good okay looking for somebody to make a make a motion here looking for a motion to approve the single proposal for standard Investments and Holdings LLC for the Station Street project and proceed with a development agreement so move got a motion by member Velasquez second second my member B all those in favor I all opposed so he's six or 5 to one with member Becker in the opposition okay with that anything else for the good of the nope okay awesome we'll be back in about 10 minutes