##VIDEO ID:EEUKjHmY-QE## haven't got in trouble with HR yet for that so um item number one is the approval resolution 20242 to appropriate CRA Redevelopment trust funds in the amount of 3,218 28 to the following fiscal year which would be fiscal year 2025 in in addition item one proposes the approval of resolution 20243 for a fiscal year 25 budget with carryover Pro projects and programs from the Redevelopment Trust fund and direction to the city of council the Apopka city council for approval the recommended motion is two parts to approve the CRA resolution number 20242 to appropriate CRA Redevelopment trust funds to the following fiscal year of 2025 and to approve the CRA resolution number 2024 of3 for 2025 budget with carryover projects and programs from the Redevelopment trust fund and direction to the city council for approval I'd be happy to answer any questions since we've got a new member on this this uh committee John dreo why don't you go ahead and maybe give us a little your background and then we'll then if you uh I think we probably need to go into a little detail if you don't mind so John want tell us a little bit about you and then we'll have U probably going a little bit more detail on the budget okay thank you mayor uh I've been a resident in apaka since 2001 uh currently live out in Rock Springs Ridge I did do some uh Purgatory by serving two years on the HOA board hopefully that would get me to Heaven um most of my uh working career has been local government in the senior management position um I was a city manager in three cities uh most recently I worked in the city of Daytona Beach as a business Enterprise management director which included all of the Enterprise funds totally more than $100 million and uh it's a pleasure to be here and hopefully uh provide some insight to the CRA and improve its productivity glad to have you on board okay Bobby all right so one one thing there before we start sure uh I took the liberty of uh talking Mr how so I got the Reader's Digest version yes of the uh documents in front of us so I I unless some unless another board members would care to hear more detail I'm I'm fine with the way it is okay well let's just just for the I mean we got plenty of time just for the rec I think yeah all right earn your money here okay you got it so um the first part of it it's twofold by Statute we required to car to carry over funds uh that's the first resolution the amount of 3, 21,00 828 and then the second resolution is the total budget for the CRA for the year 2025 4,471 29 as you'll see on page four through five there's a breakdown of the budget items and it kind of goes into some of the stuff we talked about at the budget Workshop the last meeting such as the way finding signage those have been procured uh those will be areas within the CRA primarily on 441 436 uh we have $20,000 for his hisorical recognition programs the community oriented policing program within the CRA that was upped from 100,000 to 125 uh to pay for more hours for the police officers who would be patrolling it uh our annual audit required by the state that's a state requirement $5,500 that's been in the previous budgets nothing has changed from previous year uh travel and PDM is for the Florida Redevelopment Association conference that's for an individual to go to that for three Hotel nights of food uh lodging uh there's and then the programs there's seven assistance programs within the CRA I won't go through each of those but you can see the dollar amounts for those uh such as a renovation uh assistance program a business impact V assistance program and then a demolition program as well we have $225,000 for downtown Furniture which includes benches trash cans bike racks and miscellaneous Furniture uh we have a Redevelopment association annual members membership of $995 the amp boxes on South Central Avenue which uh had been presented uh at the previous years at the CRA to allow eological um infrastructure within the CRA uh $50,000 for the downtown park which is out here outside of City Hall um and then S have a new Trail portion and we have the big one $3,133 59 for the trail to downtown and popka Trail uh which phase one uh the bid has been selected that'll be on the city council agenda tonight um and so that is kind of where we at that's how we got the $ 4,471 $29 okay any questions for Bobby the the city hall downtown park what what area are you talking about here it's my understanding it's right outside the city hall here is that the one that the UCF had done correct by on ginger bread correct okay anybody else sidewalks is this I I know we spoke about this before for the sidewalks where on here is budgeted for the sidewalks the additional sidewalks that's uh it's my understanding the sidewalks are included with the trail the downtown poet Trail okay yeah and that's the 3, $133,000 that's the 3 Milli part the sidewalk that's included yeah because it's like a 10 foot wide path so it doubles as a bike trail sidewalk that type of thing but but the sidewalks but I want to be clear sidewalks by the downtown of Papa Trail are additional sidewalks in the other areas that I reference that needed sidewalks in the South Side here in AP okay I'm not familiar with that but I do some research the the we had um two grants right cdbg grants about a million dollars between the two of them that is for the sidewalks and South the Popin so that's nothing to do with the CRA budget that's that's a cdbg through the city C okay so we'll see that in other other budget correct perfect okay thank you okay yes any other questions all right good enough all right well we look for a um looking for a motion to approve resolution number 20242 got a motion by commissioner Velasquez second by commissioner Smith all those in favor all opposed motion carries unanimously and I need a motion for resolution 2024-25 Mr Anderson all those in favor I all oppos motion carries noun all right I think is that this body are we that is it we have items two and three but you've already approved the resolutions there is no old business to discuss um my understanding that the CR is supposed to meet on a monthly basis but I know next month there's a budget meeting at 6 PM before the city council meeting so I don't know if you want to have the meeting in October after the budget actually takes effect we could meet in October well why don't we do that you want to do it in the so the evening one we do it do the evening or the afternoon whichever pleasure yeah whatever is pleasure of the board what would you like to do either one o'clock on maybe I don't know how much time you think 30 minutes is enough or we could start it depends on what we have to talk about um we could start at 12:30 or 1:00 whichever is the pleasure of the board so what are the goals of that of those meetings the goals is to basically function as a CRA talk about the Redevelopment plan projects coming forward things like that so it should be pretty kind of active or or okay so it should take a little bit more time to see kind of get updates of who's applied who hasn't what type of approvals we've done projects all that yeah we can provide list of the grants or not the grants but the reimbursements that people have S for property improvements and things like that reports to you monies that have been spent we could kind of do a little bit of a dive into the Redevelopment plan I've read that I'm kind of putting together a list of things that I think have been done haven't been done that Redevelopment plan was adopted in 2017 those are things we could discuss as well there's items in there such as future land use um things that we could talk about form based codes for downtown things like that and by then the construction of Trail would have begin uh it depends on how long that would begin you know I can defer to Mr Williams on that about the management of their Trail construction and all that but uh so 12:30 one o' what's the pleasure of the board 1230 well which which date is that that'll be October October meeting October second okay we got a motion by commission is that excuse me is that on the is October 2nd the first Thursday of the month wednes WN yeah okay yeah we meet on the city council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of the month okay yeah so at 12:30 got a motion by commissioner Smith to have a CRA I guess update on October 2nd at 12:30 okay so second by commissioner Velasquez all those in favor I I all opposed motion carries n all right thank you very much all right thanks Bobby appreciate your help all absolutely all right we will be back at 7 o'clock