e e e e e e e e e e e e e community reil thank you while you're coming up Bob just want to thank you I know you were thrown into the into the lion's den without a lot of a lot of help and so we appreciate you last two weeks learning a lot more about C than you ever thought you you need to know but U it has been a crash course in the P five days I got to tell you that much Mr Mayor chairman of the CRA um I'm Bobby H the planning manager uh Moonlighting as the executive director of the CRA this evening um so I will be presenting the proposed fiscal 20 year 2025 CRA budget and the CRA is 633 acres and it goes west to Hawthorne Avenue North to Oak Street East to approximately sheer Avenue and South to 10th and 11th streets and has been in existence since 1993 the majority of proposed fiscal year 2025 budget is unchanged from fiscal year 2024 the changes that you see would be the ones that are in Blue uh the major change two major changes are for wayfinding signs which is budgeted this year at $65,000 last year it was budgeted at100 ,000 and so the remaining difference is basically to pay for the remaining costs for footer installations for those signs we are working Fast Signs to get that taken care of and I'll go over the locations of the way finding signs in a little bit as a refresher to the CRA board in addition Community oriented policing is budgeted $125,000 it was 100,000 in fiscal year 2024 the program is in the process beginning with the police department additional budgeted funds are in place to pay for additional time for officers if necessary all other line items remain unchanged from fiscal year 2024 there are seven Assistance programs in the CRA of which proper owners can utilize and the two most popular are the building code the bcap assistance program and the frap fap the facade renovation program as you can see 30 individuals have taken advantage of the uh facade renovation program from the years 2018 to 2024 and 20 have taken advantage of the building code renovation program uh in the past six years the other have not been utilized as much but they have been used and those are budgeted for the same amounts as they were budgeted for in the last fiscal year the way finding sign program as I alluded to earlier uh there are 10 signs uh at least that were to shown last presentation in regards to the wayfinding signs I'll go over the locations as a refresher for those uh there is one of the examples of the sign upstairs in the Community Development Department that's mounted on the wall that's kind of been the center piece of the Community Development Lobby if you like to come up and visit us uh I know some of you have you've seen those signs up there before uh the location I will kind of go over those kind of briefly uh it starts over by the 451 and then it goes east to sron uh where the Simon and Orange Blossom Trail intersect the fork there and then here in the downtown area the CRA area as well such as kitland Nelson Park uh City Hall Community Center Museum fire department and the police department and these are blowup details of where those signs would go and you can see how they would be mounted on Orange Blossom Trail by the 451 uh along Park Avenue uh 9th Street and then um park by second near kitland Nelson Park as well uh County Road 435 heading Southward and then in the fork the fork in the road shall we say uh simmeron Orange Blossom Trail uh 441 uh another project of note that's taking place in the CRA is the downtown of papka Trail uh that is still uh in the process of being out forbid uh right now and it's ongoing projects being managed by your Recreation director Mr Williams and this is the refresher of the slides for the downtown nka Trail and this is the diagram of where it would start the phases of it phases one two three and four kind of form a circumference around the downtown the CR and then one can get on the West Orange Trail and go north to south and eventually the West Orange Trail would connect with the Coast to Coast Trail and if you have enough stamina and endurance on a bike you could go from St Petersburg all the way over to the east coast so uh that'll be a goal of mine one day is I am a cyclist so when I have the time and the weather's cooler these are some of the uh details of the trail as you could see a 60ft RightWay sample uh detailing the trail uh a rendering showing what it would look like near Alonzo Williams Park another project to note one of the major projects in the CRA is the skate park pump track uh which will be um constructed by the Frank Carlton Center and that is an exciting project as well uh within the CRA staff will return at the August CRA meeting uh to request the adoption of the budget and the approved carryover of the approval of carryover of the unspent funds in the 2025 budget with that uh any questions I will do my best to answer them and I'll go from there okay any members with a question BBY R any questions uh just demolition you have 10,000 correct uh removal of dilapitated residential and Commercial properties in the CR District to make developable land has that been identified the parcels it's as I understand it a property owner would come to us and get that get those funds as you can see I'll go back to the Chart here the DAP the demolition program uh it's been used one time uh $4,500 was spent from the CRA uh and that was Bobby can you speak a little louder yes as you can see it's called the DAP the demolition program right and it been used once uh $4,500 the applicant spent 1,500 so do you have that designated for more demolition or is just you just saying that's what you spent what's been used so far yes well there any more like I said any other Parcels have been identified to my knowledge nobody's approached us about that is that a match in the grand as well it's my understanding yes sir MH you can see applicants spent 1,500 they got 45 uh back so they put up 25% anybody else any other questions members just one more I know that um director Radley I know that you had a meeting you had mentioned it yesterday a meeting with the residents where the skate uh Park will be going how did that how did that turn out that meeting is actually tomorrow morning that is with the property owners on the west side of the West Orange Trail okay so I can definitely let you all know after that yeah just if you get you know after the I guess you speak with them just want to make sure I mean we want to move forward with the skate park but just want to make sure that um they're on board absolutely thank you anybody else so I have one sure what's the timeline on the way fan the signs the signs are currently being procured right now and we reached out the Fast Signs actually this afternoon uh Jessica over in um procurement has reached out to them so we are working on that and it should be coming up pretty soon perfect I think within the next month or so yeah perfect thank you yes okay so do we need a we don't need a motion tonight just this was just yeah we'll be back next month all right good all right all right well we got another 45 minute wait we'll be back at um six six o'clock for the um budget thank you add for set add form so with that close the CRA meeting down Rod Olson 3156 Rolling Hills Lane uh Bobby expect really appreciate your stepping up the problem we've had in the past in my opinion is the fact that we as a friend of mine used to say when Jim was operating thing when you you're up to your neck and alligators it's difficult to remember that your goal was to drain the swamp and we need to make sure we do this we got an extension from County we need to make sure that we assign people that are going to carry the ball that we know when we come in for these meetings and know where we're at that we know that we're making progress we're spending the money so we're not begging for a for extension thank you thank you all right that anybody else okay thank you everybody e