e e e April 9th city of Apopka Planning and Zoning Commission meeting if you all please stand with me for a moment of Silent prayer and the pledge amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the rep it stands one nation God indivisible withy andice for all if anyone from the public is here wishes to speak on an item that is listed on the agenda you will be given a time during each agenda item to speak if there is someone here that has anything Planning and Zoning related they' like to speak on now would be the time seeing none we'll move on right first item meeting minutes March 12th 2024 need a motion in a second please I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from the March SEC March 12th meeting thank you motion by commissioner Stanley do I have a second second it second by commissioner Ryan all in favor say I I any opposed motion carries item number one quasi judicial special exemption 3716 Hogs Head Road owners Lauren Bodega LLC applicant Sarah tedro Carol louns location 3716 Hogs Head Road has anyone here had any expar communication on this matter no no very well Mr s good evening okay um this is junon planner two this item is a request for a special exception for outoor stagey at 3716 Hulk Head Road the the area is on light industrial and has a future land use of industrial and outdoor storage is permitted in this zoning area with a special exception the DRC has recommended approval and the recommended motion is to approval to approve a special exension permit for the temporary use of outdoor storage as a principal use for the construction of the 3716 Hoge head road constru construction site plan planning staff and applicant are available to answer any questions anyone have questions of staff commissioner Ryan is there a deadline for the construction um it's usual deadline is two years from the approval CS are you talking about CSP plan that has been approved previously no I'm talking about once this temporary outdoor stage so basically they're they're getting exception for the U Storage Unit yes during the construction so I wonder how long the construction is there dead for the construction period so this is a special exception for outdoor stry that it will be temporary used for construction plan that has been approved previously and this tempor special exception is um valid for two years and can be extended for another one year um if the director approve it so that mean the construction can go on for three years you said I'm sorry I said you can construction go on for three years uh no this is so two years for outdoor storage special exception but the this special exception for outdoor storage is for the construction site plan that already has been approved right I understand that I just wonder how long that storage unit is going to be there that's that's what I'm asking that's that's a two-year the the outdoor storage is the special exception is for a two-year two years maximum the construction site plan is different than the outdoor storage it's not construction for the outdoor storage or construction for the site plan it's two separate items I understand I just wonder how long that unit the the storage unit is going to be there or if there's a deadline for the storage unit the well it's not a storage unit it's a construction site plan is that's for the the the construction itself the outdoor storage is the special exception got to separate the two right that's what I meant the out outdoor storage correct two years any more questions of Staff sir is here do have a presentation good evening McGregor love 215 North Yola Drive the ls law firm and and just to your uh question Mr Ryan I think this was a a point that confused the discussion at DRC which is why we ended up back there a few times to kind of clarify of these uh these issues because there's a great deal of discussion about the actual you know Warehouse that that is permitted that will go there um and it leads the reader to believe that there's this use will actually be run out of a warehouse but it won't it it this is just onsite storage there's no structure associated with that storage and and the background here is that they're not able to actually construct their site plan right now because the utilities are being extended down that road um and this is a use that uh will allow them to use the property um you know while they're waiting for utilities to connect so that they can build their ultimate um permanent use so that's a little bit of background other than that we I think June I think U DRC and staff have been great throughout the process I'm here to answer any questions any any questions of the applicant no right thank you sir does anyone from the public wish to speak on this matter seeing none we'll bring it back to the board for discussion and a motion I'll make the motion Mr chairman uh I make a motion to approve a special exception permit for temporary use of outdoor storage as a principal use for constructing 3716 Hogs head road construction site plan in the IL light industrial zoning District subject to the exhibits and findings of the staff report thank thank you motion by commissioner doomi do I have a second second second by commissioner Washington all in favor say I I any opposed motion carries all right on the site plans item number one and the site plans Kelly Park land Investments LLC just want to make a real quick note uh chair the uh the legislative ordinance number uh 3029 the transportation element that's on the agenda um has been pulled uh we're going to do some workshops before before this goes be back before Planning Commission okay do we need to bring that up and table it or I don't believe so it's I think that's your election chair I mean the staff can request a pull from the agenda and as long as 's no issue from that uh from the board then no formal actions need needed to be taken okay as I thought all right thank you okay again uh site plan for Kelly Park land Investments LLC Gavin Land Services LLC applicants pulos and Bennett care of Melissa Martinez uh location 45 one0 on Ditch Road Miss Sanchez good evening Jean Sanchez with the community Development Department this is a request to recommend approval of the crossroads at Kelly Park faces 1-2 1-3 and two plat subject property is located at 4510 onage road on the Southeast corner of onich and Round Lake Road approximately 150 acres in size the applicant has submitted the cross roads at Kelly Park phes 1 two 13 and two plat to create storm water tracks roads and other infrastructure to support the previously approved projected expansion of the crossroads at Kelly Park development the plat is consistent with all Crossroads at Kelly Park faces approved by the city council as well as the corresponding Master infrastructure construction site plan approved by the development Review Committee on September 6 2023 the C recommends approval the recommended motion is to recommend approval of the crossroads at Kelly Park phases 1-2 1-3 and two plant staff and applicant are available for questions Sanchez anyone have questions of Staff no sir all right is the applicant here do they have an or a presentation hi Melissa Martinez pulis and Bennett um 2602 East Livingston Street Orlando um I don't have a presentation we've gone through the city's process to gain approvals that you know if there's any questions or concerns I'm available otherwise no comment very does anyone have questions of the applicant no thank you man' thank you does anyone from the public here wish to speak on this matter seeing none we'll bring it back to the board for discussion and a motion I'll make a motion uh Mr chairman to approve the crossroads at Kelly Park phase 1-2 1-3 and two and plat thank you sir motion by commissioner Stanley do I have a second second he's louder I got him motion by commissioner or second by commissioner Norwood all in favor I any opposed motion carries site plan number two owners BPG Mid Florida south 1 LLC and Central Florida Expressway Authority applicants leading Inge Land Services care of Mike barold location southwest corner of Peterson Road and State Road 429 to Sanchez for the record Jean Sanchez with the Community Development Department this is a request to recommend approval of the Mid Florida south Logistic Park plant the subject property is located on the southwest corner of Peterson Road in in State Road 429 approximately 71 acres in size the applicant has submitted the mid Florida south Logistics plat to combine five parcels and develop an industrial center for warehouse distribution other light industrial uses and create the conservation area on the Souther Southern portion of the project boundary plat is consistent with the major development plan approved by City Council on May 17 2023 and the construction site plan approved by the development Review Committee on October 6 2023 the DRC recommends approval the recommended motion is to recommend approval of the mid Florida south Logistics Park plat staff is available for questions thank you anyone have questions of Staff no all right I assume the applicant is not here no sir all right all right is anyone from the public who to speech on this matter if it's not you it's not anybody okay all right bring it back to the board for a motion and discussion Mr chairman I'll make a motion recommend approval for the mid Florida south logistic park- plat thank you motion by commissioner Norwood do I have a second second second by commissioner Washington all in favor say I I any opposed motion carries right do we have any old business I have a question all right commissioner I don't know if it's appropriate or not but I guess I'll find out here we go the uh Floridian town uh Center was approved many months ago and obviously they put in some infrastructure I've seen some roads maybe a couple uh street lights uh but it's seems like it's just slowo any comment we've asked the same question we haven't we don't have an answer yet um regarding that either they my understanding is that they did sell off the multif family portion but it is um it's it's delayed um they they have gated it off you were're having problems with the dumping and few other things like that so they did gate off the access off of the Connector Road and the access off of Plymouth rento also so can't get into it but um it's we're just waiting for them to do something with it you get you know they do have the approved uh construction site plan so just uh just waiting at that stage okay and the second question is how you comeing along with the uh uh Workshop if you will with the Wild Oaks folks they wanted to talk to you about modifying the form base code a little bit tweak it yes staff did meet with them um they went from uh 54 pages of of changes down to about uh 10 10 or 11 items um they are tweaking some of those a couple of th a couple of items we have to we we actually volunteered to get rid of a couple sections of the kpi having to do with uh shared parking and times when parking can be shared things that were a lot more confusing than they were um attributable to the kpi itself so and um there's also a couple things that staff was looking already looking at in regards to uh setbacks next to different properties is you know anytime you got over two stories um you had to set back 10 ft for every uh additional 10 ft or every story and the only place that we can actually see that of value is when it's addition when it's adjacent to other single family um so that's one of the other changes that staff is going to be recommending is that one but some of the other things um the majority of the kpi there really wasn't any base to some of the recommendations that they were looking at and they didn't even have a site plan that could be uh utilized to make justification for the changes that they were making so they're they're kind of going back to the uh the drawing board the other thing um staff did go out to uh celebration in Baldwin Park and Winter Park to look at those examples that they gave and they basically we were they were already taken care of in our kpi code so that's why they came back with a couple other things that uh a few of which I mentioned um were already we were already looking at so um there'll be there'll be a couple changes but they're they're looking at uh modifying those a little bit more stringently than the 10 or 12 that they already went down to so okay thanks they'll obviously everything will be coming to you all when when that gets done yes I have a question about that some of those things that they were asking to be changed and and some of the push back was that you know we don't want to change our complete code to fit this just one simple thing wouldn't that be a situation for a special exemption no no special special exception is that that's where you actually have a list of different items that you get a special exception for you can't get a special exception for a a height or setback uh change or things like that those are those are physical things that are actually within the kpi itself um and then so there's no mechanism if it was an extenuating circumstance or something where it made sense we wanted them to come in and build or wanted you know it was desirable for us there's no way to to work around that short of changing the code not really be and the the main reason is that this is not a normal um code area that you could get a say a plan development or a PD that could be utilized this it's a form based code and it's supposed to be in in conjunction with the excuse me with with the code the way it's written um there's again each if we end up U changing the code every time somebody came in because it didn't quite fit them then the form base code would not be effective no I understand I'm not I'm not saying that make let somebody come in and say we're going to build this if you change that and then just do it because it would be a constantly evolving code but in my mind you know we have a we have a Planning Commission and more so we have an elected officials at city council and if they say hey we want to build this building and you guys said only three stories but our plan is Force stories why isn't that something that the city council makes that decision versus saying well the kpi says no and we're not going to change it and that's that well I just feel like and and and I'm not picking at you even though I am um it's like you're making a decision and just saying that's it no it's not going to happen to where to me even if it went past us or it goes in front of us and we say yes or no that should be the city council should have the ability to say well look we want this project we think it's good and we've all decided to do it and they're the end responsible parties they're the elected officials here so well well they they haven't given us proof enough that that's what they need to do this is still it's still conjecture this specific circumstance I'm saying in a broad in a broader sense well we we can't we can't work on hypotheticals though that's the only problem the it's not a it's a simple question if there's something in the kpi code if yeah Sanchez construction wants to build a building and it's not gonna fit in the K let me do it but but but it's a it's a good thing for the city there's no residential kick push back and the people in the city council and we think it's a good anybody think it's a good idea instead of going and changing the code I think it would be a simpler thing to say okay we'll put it up for vote we make a recommendation and then let those people make that not not this specific one gotcha I'm saying that there's there's going to be a circumstance at some point where that happens I would think and there there's no mechanism for that to happen there is a mechanism but but Jim's talking about it like it's restrictive in the kpi there's a mechanism if they're asking I forget what certain sections are eligible but it's only if anything that is over 30% I think or under 30% I'm sorry it has to come to Planning Commission and be treated as a variance but it's only on certain sections of the kpi um on the other hand there's like an administrative relief mechanism in there where someone like a community development director can make the discretion if it's under 10% of a like a threshold of a difference he can make those discretionary decisions but it's really restrictive in the kpi one because we want certain things in the kpi only and two it's because kpi the form based code itself is already it already allows you to create a uh kind of visionary and creative development so really the form based code in itself allows you to be a little bit more creative than other residential based or commercial based zoning districts so I mean I think there was a little bit of push back because we were just overwhelmed with the 54 pages of proposed changes from Wild Oaks yeah we we've already got about I think it's about 12 or 15 projects that have not needed any changes in this whole area so this is the first large one that does need some changes so it' be similar to like doing a glitch Amendment through the Land Development code but so far out of all these projects this is the only one that may still don't know it may need a little bit of help that could be um applicable to some of the other developments that might be going in with the remaining properties too okay I understand all right thank you yeah thank you I get I I thought 54 items was kind of crazy myself I thought like that's ridiculous yeah when we were reading the pages it was just like wait a second I mean they're little little little things and all right any more old business sir any new business meeting and Jour thank you for