##VIDEO ID:-ebd--sb8sw## meeting call to order council member abz Anderson here council member Chapman here council member Clayton here Deputy Mayor Quinn here mayor more here please stand for a silent prayer moment of reflection we will now salute the flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all ask the open public meetings act chapter 231 1975 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in the following manner the annual notice was forwarded to the Asbury Park Press the coaster and the Star Ledger on January 22nd 2024 and posted on the bolted board the same date all notices are on file with the city clerk to Matters from city council council member bz Anderson Just a good evening to all of you and wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving thank you thank you council member CH yes I'd also like to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving and to acknowledge all of the organizations and volunteers that help provide Thanksgiving meals for our residents and as we get further into the holiday season I want to remind everyone that the Asbury Park toy drive serves over 800 families and there are dropboxes around the city including City Hall so if you can donate a toy or some Financial contributions please consider it as we go into the holiday season thank you council member Clayton just a happy and safe Thanksgiving to you and your families thank you Deputy Mayor Quinn thank you mayor Moore just the same thing happy healthy Thanksgiving Holiday to all if anybody's traveling be careful thank you thank you M from the nothing Matters from the sit in for the City attorney nothing here thank you thank you uh we're now on do a presentation by APW developer LLC for redevelopment project located at 101 Ocean Avenue 1053 Avenue and 105 Second Avenue J [Applause] all right well good evening everyone and Happy Thanksgiving to all my name is Jennifer philli Smith and we are here tonight on behalf of APW redeveloper LLC which is an affiliate of the master developer Asbury partners for the Asbury Park Waterfront Redevelopment area tonight's presentation conc concerns block 404 Lots 1 2 and 3 which is a lot that is bordered by Kingsley 2 3rd and ocean as you'll hear tonight the proposal concerns a two-phase project with one phase having 44 town homes and the other being a mixed use building along Ocean Avenue our presentation tonight will start with John Barry our planner and then we'll move on to Lena Baron uh Jeremy green and Frank minini who will each go through and talk about the civil engineering and then the architecture so we'll start with John good evening everyone uh John Barry with higher grown Associates professional planner uh nice to see you all Happy Thanksgiving uh so we'll start just to get briefly oriented we have the aerial exhibit here showing the location of the property as Jennifer described uh frontting between Ocean Avenue and Kingsley Street and between second and third Avenues the lot today is developed as a parking lot um looking around the site that's what you see you see a a surface parking lot that um has Frontage on all four streets the main access point from from Third Avenue has seen in picture number eight in the top right corner and then another access point on Second Avenue uh picture number four the uh surrounding properties include the Ocean Club which is just to the the north of the subject property uh to the Northwest you've got the surf house building that's under construction uh it's come along a bit since these pictures were taken over the summer the opposite side of Ocean Avenue in the top left corner you can see the the Second Avenue Pavilion and the uh the sidewalk along the the frontage there to the west of the property at Kingsley and third um you got uh vacant developable sites and Southwest of the subject property you've got uh pora the end just to the the south of the block you have The Stone Pony site uh a couple uh pictures of other buildings in the area that everybody's certainly very familiar with um these will be relevant in terms of some of the architectural discussion that that we have presented later on with the Paramount Theater convention hall building with some of the the features that may be echoed in in the architecture you'll see later on and then the Fifth Avenue Pavilion that has examples of raised walkways that provide access um and we have similar some similar design features that we'll be discussing later on so as far as the the project that you'll hear about we've got a subdivision to create two lots the lot that'll be located along the Ocean Avenue Frontage would have a mixed use building with commercial space as is recommended in the Waterfront Redevelopment plan with some units upstairs the um remainder of the block will have a townhouse development that has a central spine access from Kingsley Street that'll provide um access to the the parking garage the garages of the townhouse units the plan the plans that are being presented this evening comply in terms of the lot area lot width requirements in the Redevelopment plan the height is proposed uh two two feet two stories rather um for the Mixed use building with a penthouse and then four stories for the townhouse buildings those Heights comply with what's required and permitted in the Redevelopment plan the so broadly speaking we have a a compliant application there are some design exceptions that were noted in the technical review committee's report I just want to bring attention to to two items that we believe may not apply there was a note about requiring landscaping for parking lot planted islands and minimum parking lot planted area the parking that's proposed here is really driveways and garages we don't have a parking lot with 20 more spaces which is what kicks those requirements into effect under the Redevelopment plan so we believe that those particular waivers don't apply to this application and would reserve the right to um you know when we present to the planning board not have those considered okay that's it all right so with that I'd like to move on to our civil engineer Lena Baron good evening thank all right well if you would introduce yourself for the record and then tell us a little bit about the existing conditions and some of the challenges with designing the site yes my name is l up aord of Baron I a um senior project manager for French and Paro Associates and I'm the engineer record for this project got my bearings okay so what I'm showing you is the uh site and layout plan that shows the proposed development as you've heard from Mr Barry um we have met with the city professionals before about this project that is the development of block 404 currently it consists of three lots those lots would be subdivided into two one lot lot a would have uh building a on it which is the mixed use building fronting Ocean Avenue Lot B would have the remainder of the property that fronts in Kingsley Street as well as second and third Avenues um the proposed subdivision is a compliant subdivision uh the lot areas and uh lot widths comply with what's required by the Redevelopment plan we are proposing 44 town home units total in those two buildings and three residential units in building a with approximately 4,413 Square ft of retail space the project will be developed in two phases phase one consists of the Town Home Development with a um subdivision Line near this parking lot and then phase two once the town homes are completed then the mixed use building would be developed by phasing it that way that allows for some of the construction phasing to occur on the site correct that's correct we are proposing a vehicular access off of Kingsley Street this would provide access for parking for the town homes as well as access to the building a garages as well as two surface parking spaces there would be cross access easements for these two properties and those will be recorded as far as pedestrian circulation um access to building a to the retail building we are proposing three points of access um you will see the architecture and how the Ada accessible ramps and stairs are configured but there are three points of access along the frontage also for buildings B and C the town homes we're proposing three points of access for each one of those buildings we are proposing elevated walkways as a result of the um New flood Hazard rules that were adopted in 2023 the flood Hazard elevation has been raised by 3 ft so that was one of the challenges that we had to work through and come up with a design that meets the Redevelopment standards as well as the new flood Hazard rules um so you will see in the architectural drawings later on that these access points provide sufficient um interaction with the streetcape and provide for accessible access as well as stairs as far as parking for this development we are required to provide 71 on-site parking spaces we will be providing 98 off street parking spaces 88 for the use by the 44 Town Homes which is a combination of driveways and garage parking 10 for the use by the mixed use building which has the three residential units we will be providing EV parking for the town homes and the garages where all the units will be Make Ready units and we're also going to provide bicycle parking inside of the garages in the town homes and there will be racks inside the dwelling units in building a I also want to point out that as part of the reconfiguration of the access because the um existing site is a parking lot and has access points already which we will be reconfiguring we're going to increase the on street parking by nine parking spaces so there will be actually an increase in available on street parking also as far as utilities we're proposing utility meters to be um facing internally so that they will not be visible from the public roads excellent so in summary the project complies with the Redevelopment bulk requirements uh from a site perspective we exceed the on-site parking requirements and also create nine additional on street parking spaces great so with that I'd like to turn to architecture we have two architects for the project so I'll start with Jeremy green who will do the town home architecture and then we'll bring up Frank afterwards to talk about the mixed use building good evening happy holidays my name is Jeremy green I serve as a division architect for the New Jersey home building operations Team overseeing all the development work in the state I'm a registered architect New Jersey how do we advance other way other way okay great um I'll just pick up on what uh engineer uh explained so as you can see we have uh two buildings on um second and third avenus each having 22 dwelling units they're essentially set up in um 11 module so there's two dwelling multif family dwelling units per module both uh those units are accessed off the elevated walkway uh there are ramps to the East and the west and there's a stair uh generally in the middle that ele to that elevated walkway and as was explained the walkway is elevated for flood uh compliance as well as the lower level units needing to be um accessible um the units along second and third Avenue are three-story units with a long in a roof Terrace that overlooks the street uh the units in the rear the four the four-story units with a roof Terrace on the upper most level that you see there so uh the idea is that everybody gets a view um capitalizing on the location um the units are around 23 2400 ft each and as was mentioned there are two parking spaces one in the garage behind off the alleyway and one in a parking spot off the alleyway uh the buildings are are nearly identical off of the two streets as you can see for second and third Avenue um we also have our our Alleyway architecture as well which is um you know compliant all around um you know we don't change any materials just all the same materials on each SI of the buildings um so that we have um nice views um to adjacent buildings this is the elevation along uh Kingsley Street this is our high visib visibility elevation where we enter the site off of Kingsley and we would have our our um signage uh demarking the buildings um I'm going to jump ahead just to show you um we have our material pet generally it's um brick and uh stitious panel of a variety of different configurations and we had some nice renderings prepared for this presentation this is the rendering showing you from uh second in Kingsley uh looking down past uh to the to the north I believe uh and that shows you along this area here we have this elevated walkway which you enter um off of here you have your uh fire service room um you have your elevated walkway your stair down here and as you can see this is the rear adjacency to the building a that we'll be spoken about next and then we have one more uh rendering that we prepared looking from the opposite corner fromd third along Kingsley again showing very similar configuration changes in the color schemes with generally um you can see the landscaping that's brought along the edge to you know soften up this the street Edge and that sort of thing now following the TRC meeting that we had back in August you made some revisions to the plans can you Briefly summarize some of those revisions so we were asked to enhance the elevation slightly um so along second and third Avenues we did um make some enhancements to the lower level just lining them up uh based upon some of the feedback that we got from the planner just to give them a little bit of a better balance um along Kingsley and I'll flip back to this one because I think this is a little easier to see um we were asked to um increase the the percentage of fenestration as well as the architectural detailing so we had this Bay just off of uh third a second third Avenue we actually had that turn the corner to create um this this you know nice element we also added an additional Bay here as well as three Windows two at the lower level and one at the first floor to increase the fenestration ratio along that side um along the alleyway elevations which I won't pan back to we did actually add uh some trim features um at the first and third level as well as this paneled approach as you can see WRA now around the entire Alleyway which we thought was a nice a nice enhancement um and then the elevations um at the other end of the building pretty much did the same thing that fa the rear of the mixed unit building as we did along Kingsley Avenue to a certain degree and then I know that obviously some of the sustainability features will come together once you have construction drawings but what are some of the things you're thinking about as sustainability features for the town homes yeah one of the unique things about the way um our company builds is we have a truss and panel and uh fabric plant in Morrisville Pennsylvania so we're able to capitalize on being able to panelize the walls um the floor systems and bring those out with very little waste U very uh minimal transportation from Morrisville um so that really cuts down on the the transportation fuel impact pollution and the pre-fabrication again reduces the on-site um waste and need for recycling and or disposing of that um you know that extra material um we also um recently about a year and a half ago began um doing all of our energy compliance in the state of New Jersey through the New Jersey clean energy program which is essentially energy star um so what that includes are high efficiency Windows uh eco-friendly installation usually spray from to reduce uh envelope leakage high efficiency heating and cooling systems um high efficiency tankless water heaters with recirculating features and again this cuts down on the energy consumption uh High eff efficiency energy star appliances and 100% LED lighting um by that account generally these homes deliver about 30% uh better energy efficient than a traditional home wonderful that's all I have for Mr Green I would ask Mr mvini to come on up and talk about the mixed use building along Ocean Avenue can I ask questions on that one before we move to the other one oh absolutely so the co take me through the color palette okay and I don't love it so let me start with that okay so uh generally we we have like an earthier tone with Grays and whites um so we have we're proposing two different brick colors along the base as well as um a series of different um colors to kind of give this playful um you know Rhythm along the street um we this is something we were proposed for the uh the block on on cookman Avenue that we're currently developing um and we that was an idea that came through from the previous TRC um interaction with that team and we felt that we wanted to carry that theme over um then we get into the rest of the uh Society materials would be a mix of panelized um and uh you know um sorry ctitious panels try to get spit that one out um in a variety of different colors we have Cobblestone um that comes down and mixes in with an arctic white um we also have that arctic white as your backdrop into the age pter at the bay so this is going like around a ton of murals and just a a sharp art pallet on the boardwalk right there's all The Pavilions have murals the sewer plant so I mean listen I'm one vat but that's very dra to me I just think if you're G to plop this building in the middle of a sort of an artsy area we could we could do something other than Grays and whites I like the brick but what that's worth it's a win I'll take it okay certainly something we can take into consideration we usually don't go in with a wild scheme and but we like wild you're an Asberry pal you got to do a little wild okay it's great thank you for the feedback that's it anybody else no thank you here's hoping there we go all right so Frank I'd ask you to introduce yourself for the record and then tell us about the proposed building on Ocean Avenue sure um I am Frank mvini principal of mvmk architecture we design what we're calling building a which is the mixed use two story building along Ocean Avenue so we'll start with our first sheet and I think the architecture in this case is in terms of Aesthetics as important as the building itself so our building goes from Second Avenue to Third Avenue the full 200t width and about 50 ft in depth so in this Dimension it's 200 ft this Dimension about 50 ft the ground floor all this section is retail use only that's about 4,400 of retail use when we say retail we include any commercial commcial could restaurant anything that is approved within the district so we're we're prepared for if it is a restaurant meaning the chefs and things like that we'll be putting but we'll see where the market takes us um the the architecture itself I think is Loosely inspired by asra convention hall and I think you could see that pretty clearly we and I say Loosely we certainly didn't want to replicate it but but we use certain elements of it and one of the bigger elements of course is is the the color of the brick which was revised since the TRC initially this building had kind of a gray color to it and after some feedback of the TRC we decided to change it into more reddish brown which again is more typical you would see certainly in in in Asbury in the convention hall one of the bigger features in terms of architecture again this supplies set a floor plan is what we're calling a gallery so as you've heard many many times all residential and Commercial floors have to be raised up out of the fot plane in this case it's about 4T so the way we handle that in this case was to have an open gallery which is again that same elevated um walkway but in our case it's 8 ft in width so allows for access to all this retail without having to be on the sidewalk so it's not just a small little walkway that runs adjacent to the retail it's something much more significant and I think works architecturally of course we have Ada access compliance here stair entry here stair entry here and stair entry on the Northern side so there's multiple points of access to this to this Gallery uh the second floor and I can go through the floor plans if needed but the second floor here's some more renderings I think it's probably important to talk about this so here's a view looking South West you'll see that that same architecture wrapped around both of the sides the smaller facades which this is about 50 ft here's how we Envision the buildings to look in the evening um lighting along these columns and there's a straight on view in the evening ground floor plan this is Ocean Avenue this is the sidewalk and this is that raised walkway which we're calling the gallery as I mentioned a couple times so this is important because it allows access to several points within this retail space we're not sure yet if this will be one single retail space or two we're showing that as two I think we'd like that option but we'd also like the option for it to be one end user dependent on who that end end user is so to access this as I mentioned there's a stair here on the southern side there's two stairs here directly center of the building and again on the Northern side one of the significant changes we made since the TRC and I'll go back to the rendering was that there was a comment about the asymmetry of the building and initially we had this section not exactly centered and that was purposeful we thought it made a bit more visually interesting but we understood the comments made the revision and ultimately like where we wound up and then finally on the second floor again this building is only two stories um it's got the second floor has three residential units about 2,200 square ft plus or minus three units and then there is a a pen housee for each of those units with outdoor Terrace that faces East obviously the views so these three boxes are habitable space but they are very small um wouldn't count as a floor even though we are allowed four floors here so I I think that's it oh green elements important to this building important to almost all the buildings all the buildings that we do these days and our construction method is different from the town homes you you heard about but we at this point we know for sure that we'll be using you've he this many times again energy star rated appliances Windows Clos sell insulation which Super insulates the walls um we haven't talked much about the storm water detention but that is a big green factor I think we don't talk about it because we're all so used to it in ASB it's it's part of all new development um low VOC paints and LED lighting so those are the ones that we have that we know for sure at this point there certainly will be more but I think just given that we meet far exceed the thresholds that the constructive will require excellent and I think that's it this is square footage of the three pen houses the penous themselves are 700 thank you yeah each sorry not not yeah we have the little version so I can't read I think that's really interesting what you it looks a little like the post off yeah and that's why I said Loosely because I recognized that it's it's it's got several elements that could be applied to other [Music] buildings well that is all we have for our direct presentation obviously everyone's here to answer questions I will note that for this project in a little bit different fashion we are asking for two subsequent developer agreements one for each building so that we can understand the phasing that the town homes go first so the construction can be phased in the area um where the second build or third building would be built and then the oceab building would be built they all could be tied together we think that will reduce disruption as well by doing some of the construction phasing on the site that's all we have thank you thank you questions from any of us thank you thank you we're now on to public participation may have a motion to open the meeting to the public move it all in favor I thank you public participation portion is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone state your name and address for the record there will be a three minute time limit for each speaker again your name and full address for the record thank you hello Matthew whan has Park Chamber of Commerce 1011 Main Street I just want to First wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and uh then just uh remind everyone that we're doing the window decorating contest all over town for businesses um we've had a great response we've got 20 businesses signed up already uh but we have a lot more businesses in Asbury Park and I want to get as many in as possible um I'd like to thank the city for Distributing that as well um Sylvia Sylvia sent that out to the city's list of uh businesses as well to help get the word out and that also got me a few more to sign up so it's looking really good we got a lot of businesses downtown participating I'd like to see more on the west side and Main Street um the boardwalk has challenges because of the filming going on I talked with them about it but they're going to try and see if there's a way that they can work around it to participate as well but I just it it'd be really good to get Asbury as bright and cheerful for the holidays as possible so that's the the goal here um any business that wants to sign up it's really easy just call the Chamber office 732 77576 76 or email me at info@ asburypark chamber.com and just say we want to participate there's nothing more I don't need any more information than the business name and that's your in so that's it um and again Happy Thanksgiving and I'll see you next month thank you Happy Thanksgiving see anyone motion to close second all in favor I thank you public participation portion is now closed we're now on to the minutes I have the executive and regular meeting minutes of November 13 2024 meeting do I have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman council member Clayton yes mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to consent agenda resolutions all matters listed on the consent agenda are presented collectively to the city council will be considered for approval with one vote these matters are considered to be routine in nature and there will be no individual discussion of these items if discussion is desired by one or more council members as to any particular item and said item shall be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately on consent agenda tonight we have resolutions 20 24 493 through 2024 495 do you have a motion it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to individual resolutions of resolution 2024 496 resolution authorizing payment of bills purchase order number 24-32 32 is removed from the bill list do I have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore no resolution 2024 497 resolution authorizing payment for emergency traffic signal repairs needed at cookman Avenue and hex Street move it move it second Council memberz Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor quinnn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 498 resolution authorizing fa fiber cable installation at the new Fire Department headquarters movement second council member Bez Andre council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 499 resolution authorizing a Professional Services contract with tnm Associates for design contract Administration and inspection of traffic signal installation at Grand and sunset Avenues move second council member I'm sorry it had a question but I'll make it more of a statement my FL bad I didn't follow up on it uh talked to Jason from tnm and I was a little bit disappointed in the prices and he said he was going to try to get him down did we hear anything from him on this project alone no not on this one so I I I do remember the conversation I thought it was for future projects but I don't believe that's I believe that's a bill I dou check I don't know it's a bad intersection two weeks move to table what's two yeah move to table is there a second to table thank you so to table 2024 499 council member Bez Anderson to table to the December 11th meeting yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 499 table to the December 11th meeting thank you resolution 2024 500 resolution authorizing a contract for the disposal of leaves during The Fall season move council member AB Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn mayor Moore yes we have an additional resolution to tonight's agenda it's a resolution 2024 490 resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of Park authorizing the city of Asbury Park to enter into a redeveloper agreement with 614 cookman LLC for a project in the property located at 614 cookman Avenue identified on the city tax map as block 2404 lot 6 do I have a motion move it second council member bz Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo pres okay we're now want do adjournment anything yes that's exension that's a Pres second all in favor I thank you everyone Happy Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving everybody can have tomor