okay me a call to order council member Bez Anderson here council member Chapman here council member Clayton here Deputy Mayor Quinn here mayor Moore here please stand for a silent prayer a moment of reflection we will now salute the flag pled aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all as to comply with the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in the following manner the annual notice was forwarded to the Asbury Park Press the coaster and the Star Ledger on January 22nd 2024 and post on the Volson board the same date all notices are on file with the city clerk you want any special events first yeah yeah um at this time the director of recreation Lisa Leisa Floyd will present the special events applications and then let's go to the presentation do mayor council and good evening Mary Council um there are five returning applications before for you and one wedding application are there any questions or any of them see thank you okay thank you thanks thanks Leisa we're now on to items to be presented we have a presentation by Mammoth County Commissioner director Tom arnone and county clerk Christine hanin for America's 250th birthday thank you you're welcome welcome everybody how are you good you hello everyone so Tom are County and we're here and you are County Clerk thank you for having us tonight we're really excited to meeting here to share some information with you so um as everybody knows coming up is in um in 2026 is the 250 year birthday of America and we uh MMO county is doing something a a little bit a little bit um special um I think compared to maybe some of the other counties which I'm sure will follow suit with what we are but we have created something Christine and I as co-chairs of this committee and we bringing it brought in a few other people with us but we're obviously steering the whole program but what's most important is is our initiative getting out to the municipalities to be part of it great and we are going out to all different towns we had a summit for municipal officials that everyone was invited to I think I think we've hit over 30 towns so far um either at the summit or at at a meeting and one of the most important things we're doing is trying to engage our municipalities in America's semiquincentennial in 2026 and I leave Christine to say the words that like coin because I pr it a lot it's really hard to say um Ted we doing a video or we going to do that in a little bit okay so um for those of you who don't know um America uh the federal government started the planning for America's 250th birthday a long time ago uh and they started in 2016 and I think because of the covid-19 pandemic everything got real quiet for a couple of years but now the federal government is really activating um their plans and initiatives to celebrate America's 250th birthday and the America 250 committee is sort of the federal structure that is planning all the events for the whole country uh and interestingly enough um I like to point that out the America 250 was designed by the same artist that did the bicentennial slogan back 50 years ago so they brought that artist back to create the slogan for America you know that planning um and the chair of that committee is uh the former former treasur of the United States Rosie Rios and her vision for the committee is to really honor our past um have an inclusive uh celebration and um really celebrate the contributions of people who have uh you know made our country great and then of course every state in the country is putting together their programming for this big bir Day celebration that's coming up and do you want to talk about so then what we wanted to do here in Mammoth County we thought it was very important because of of how we are the diversity that we have here throughout Mohammed County and the different um demographics of of the county which is which is very very broad there and that if we did something special to every municipality did what best fit their municipality and we and we promoted throughout all of the County I think it would be very unique compared to what other counties are going to do in particular so I'll use asbery Park as an example so what Asbury Park is going to do whatever you choose to do hopefully you choose to be part of this um is going to be much different than say um a millstone or an upper freeold or something like that and it's just the way we live around here like I live around here we're we like the congestion and and all the hustle bustle and all that that's important to us for our business climate but when you get in your car and you drive out to Upper Freel to Millstone they want none of that they just like stay away from here um you know they want horses open space and land but that's what makes us so unique there so we wanted to take that and you know piggy back on it and make something even more special So Christine myself we appointed an ad hoc committee obviously all supported by the rest of the Commissioners and and we funded it and what we first had to do was start out with an executive director and Christine and I interviewed and we have Ted um here and that's Ted Mur here is doing a fine job so he'll be the filter point of where all the information goes and gets dispersed from so um every county is being encouraged uh to do their own programming uh and uh you know New Jersey has this overarching uh commission where they're handling you things for New Jersey um and so we started to begin our planning and I think we're ready for our go the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States of America is coming in 2026 America's semiquincentennial will be celebrated all across our nation our state our County and our communities in mmad County we celebrate not only the birth of the greatest nation in the world but the significant role our county has played in the fight for independence New Jersey is known as the crossroads of the American Revolution and Mammoth county has a rich history integral to the fight for our nation's Independence the Battle of mammed was pivotal in the American Revolution it was the biggest and longest one-day battle of the Revolutionary War with General George Washington leading the Continental Army in the attack on the British but mm County's re uary War Story is much more than that it's the stories of families and loyalties divided and individuals from different backgrounds attempting to navigate uncertain times it's a story of the strife and Skirmish over many years of the Revolution that HED neighbors against neighbors friends against friends those loyal to the crown organizing a for against freedom for the colon in any other County in New Jersey at the time Governor William Livingston called Mammoth a theater of spoil and destruction Mammoth County was truly a Battleground in the cause of freedom and when the war had been won the people of Mammoth County gradually transitioned over to the peaceful Pursuits of Agriculture Commerce and Industry in the almost 250 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence M county has grown and flourished to be the ideal place to live work and play M the county has everything the most expansive parks in open space our breathtaking Shoreline are beautiful towns and bustling cities fertile Acres of cultivated Farm Innovative industry and business our county has grown to be the fifth most populous in the state with over 600,000 residents I truly believe it's the best county in the state of New Jersey and our people have made their mark on our national landscape accomplished entertainers poets and writers Innovative inventors government leaders renowned judges famous athletes war heroes entrepreneurs activists and so many more 2026 may seem like a long way off but we are excited to embark on the journey toward this momentous event join us as we look back on the people places and events that have carved M County's history over the past 250 years and as we plan our celebrations of the birth of the greatest nation on Earth 250 is coming and M County will be red [Music] so that's a brief like introduction of what what we're trying to achieve here but you know and I say this over and over again and and I said this when I came on 15 years ago onto the board that the count is only as good as the 53 municipalities that that um are part of and you know the county is the municipalities there so that's what we work and as you know working with each and every one of you on a daily basis there that's what we're trying to achieve this and to go a little bit back into um as we remember the the bicentennial where you know in in 17 in 1976 I could personally remember being here you know because this is the area that I live in being here and seeing you know my even my hometown neptun City a parade and they had a Fireman's Fair all celebrating that but that's what was good for Neptune City at that time and what was good for raspbury park at that time you know and what you choose to do there is good for you guys but something in all the municipal ities I think would be really special if we then spread the word out to all of them one of the things we did when we embarked on this project uh was to investigate what happened during the bicentennial and thankfully as the county clerk I oversee the county archives and we had boxes and boxes of records of what happened in Mammoth County and in the state of New Jersey during theal and we were able to pull a few things from Asbury Park uh that we could show you um I think there was uh the Freedom Train that was going all through the state and stopped at Asbury Park there's like a little flyer on the left hand side there was a three-day Bicentennial Exposition um Mammoth County's history Under One Roof at col at convention hall uh Asbury Park had a bicentennial float um in the parade in free hope Barrow was like a county sponsored parade um and there was a flag day a bicentennial program at the American Legion home and we have records of what every town did um that was special for their town and by looking at these records from 50 years ago it has been able to guide us in our planning and kind of move forward with sort of what are the things that we want to replicate and what are the things that we want to make better or different but we had a really good foundation going forward one of the flashbacks we like to do we go to town meetings is the operation sale flashback because this is something that was part of Mong County uh in 1976 uh for those of us who remember uh who are around I can't speak for everybody I don't know how old everybody is but um all the tall ships came uh to Sandy Hook they made a stop in Sandy Hook as they went um South to uh Baltimore and we already got confirmation that they will be coming again it's called sale forth and uh sale forth 250 and they will be stopping in Sandy Hook again on July 2nd so July 3rd okay July 3rd and then on the fourth they're going to head down I think to Baltimore and then and then to Virginia so what we also um and sometimes things just fall you know in your lap to be considered luck and so our planning now uh is from now until obviously 2026 and certain things have come up fortunately enough for mmed County that we can actually showcase as you know it's it wasn't made for that but we can say it was utilized and and so I don't know if anybody's familiar but when a Navy uh vessel is commissioned it is a very very big thing very very big thing and it came down to um two counties that um SS uh New Jersey right yep USS newers us us New Jersey and it came down to two counties um Camden County and M County we fought yeah I fought very hard along with uh there to try to get it here knowing that I thought it would you know there was a lot for the uh Sailors to do and for everything to do and fortunately we won we won that bid and September 14th it is going to be commissioned here um on Earl there or and Somewhere Out There we don't know the exact location where it's coming in at but it's going to be commission there but it's part of our long-term plan to celebrations as for celebrations that we plan on doing okay so as a County uh we have come up with vision and strategy of what we would like to see in Mammoth County and importantly we want to make uh memor memorable celebrations and experiences that residents and visitors will talk about for years to come just like 50 years ago people remembered and people celebrated and they you know it it stayed with them for several years um we want to honor and commemorate our history here in Mammoth County and our significant the American Revolution but not just that our history over many many years and why M county is so important uh in the history of our country um we want to generate awareness and excitement for residents and visitors uh through our public information and marketing campaigns and we want to collaborate with our Municipal governments our schools the Arts community business organizations and historical groups and anybody else that wants to participate and big component is like Christine said is our schools so our main focus is go is one of our focuses I should say is going to be going to the to the schools and educating them so 50 years from now when the 300 year anniversary comes they could pretty much take the part and what we did um I a while back um and and you'll you'll know the name very well I good friend here um Dan Dano as everybody knows here um his son I found out was a um graduating from Georgia University as a graphic artist and fortunately enough we at that time we had one but we we needed another one and I hired him well amazingly enough he is unbelievably phenomenal I mean like freehand phenomenal and this is his fourth coloring book that he's done for us and all totally freehand there of all and so our goal is to get this out to the students there and I see we have some here I going to make sure they're all them one when they leave here um there and and get that out to them so that they and you know and go speak to them and let them know that you know this is as important for them for the history as it was for us in 1976 for to be today and another thing that we're doing a big part of what we're doing is engaging with our historical organizations from all around the county we had a private meeting with k Harris um you know osber Park Historical Society because we want to make sure that you know every every person everyone who's involved with Mammoth County's history can play a role and we're trying to encourage people um you know we know that we can't do everything we want people in each of the municipalities to be creating and promoting whatever it is that they want to do um and that's really important to us so we have been meeting with all our um historical organizations we've already had two big meetings a few private meetings and um and that's been going really well everyone seems to be very excited so on the county level we created a logo that we'd like to share with all of our municipalities uh we created a slogan of Freedom's Battleground because of all of the fighting that took place here during the Revolutionary War we did our website uh we hired Ted we have our social media channels going we have our email newsletters up and running and then we decided to do our repurposed emergency vehicle that is now our 250 truck that is going to parades fairs festivals to educate people about what's coming and get people engaged and uh just sort of get the awareness going around the county and we have a video for that yes sure as we approach the 250th anniversary of America Mammoth county is going to be a big part of that celebration we were a big part of the Revolutionary War and we certainly are going to be a big part in celebrating the 250th anniversary of America behind me here we are looking at our repurpose communication vehicle this truck will be at all Affairs festivals parades any special occasions that we have with generate an enthusiasm generate an education I think this will bring to light not just m County but across the state of New Jersey how important our role was in the Revolutionary War and we expected to be quite a celebration here as MTH County played such a large role in the history of our country so the Count's basically we've invested um and we plan on investing my fellow Commissioners and myself um we we sat down during budget time and invested funds for this because we know the importance of coming together bonding for all the communities there um from hiring Ted to some other um events that we're about to embark on and then helping the municipalities being able to you know showcase what they have once they decide what they have and then going out and getting grants and I know we're applying for a grant yes so I wanted to let I always let the municipalities know that there are grants available from the state for uh things relating to the semiquincentennial there are also grants from the federal government um and some of the special grants that uh the state of New Jersey has is about telling stories that maybe have not been told uh so so we've applied for a grant to uh showcase the history of black soldiers during the American Revolutionary War I'm sorry during the Battle of Mammoth because we have not seen anything in video format relating to that information but we like to tell all the municipalities because the state is very big on uh giving grants for stories that haven't really been told so I encourage everybody to apply for these grants if you have something that you want to do we tell our historical organizations to do that as well uh because it's a really great resource um some of the things that we're also doing as a County uh in terms of uh videos that we talked about we're doing these like talking 250 videos where we showcase something important about mammed County's history or some of the videos that you saw already um we are working on our educational programs we really see this as very important to tourism and economic development we see this as an integrated program where we can attract visitors and and tourists to our County to enjoy all that we have to offer we're also working on some one-time events a parade fireworks a Gala a countywide Gala and some contests some concerts and a lot of different things that countywide we have in the works so speak uh just speaking backing a little bit on what Christine said so the Gallow aware Vision Christine myself are working on on a venue now um to pick a venue there and our ultimate goal is to it to be just like gigantic a gigantic Gallow with representation from the like a table let's say a table that's you know decorated designed of Asbury Park and hopefully have big participation of Asbury Park there Bradley Beach Belmar all all 53 towns to be represented at this big Gala there which would be pretty cool and make it you know just like a real special event for all of the county and then as Christine said you know some of the other little things the you know our our parade that we plan on having in the county obviously um you know piggy backing on whatever the municipalities have you know gigantic fireworks presentation and then we plan on talking about um maybe a monument statue at a certain location that's essentially um located there so all those things are things that we're working on you know behind the scenes so we like to ask that the municipality do certain things that every municipality we go to is um to adopt a resolution uh supporting you know the 250th anniversary of the United States of America uh we ask our municipalities to try to form a a committee to think about and plan what you might like to do in your municipality uh we'd love to have a liaison from the municipality to our committee and um encourage everybody to participate in whatever way they can and then keep us updated follow our our social media keep us updated with what you might be planning to do some municipalities ask us for ideas of what they can do um we just kind of develop a little list of things um you know working with local businesses and organizations to commemorate in unique ways embrace the Arts Community with special projects um create your own Communications and marketing plan do oral histories of uh people notable people uh in in your municipality marking your historic properties do community cleanup there's a big uh sort of uh America beautiful program coming down from the federal government which is kind of a repeat of what they did during the bicentennial to have like community cleanup programs and then planning events or applying a 250 theme to events that you already doing which is going to be really um it's going to be much easier for Asbury Park to do than probably any of the other uh municipalities is notable you know celebrities there probably you know I actually was thinking about it before you probably the most have come out of Asbury Park out of any individual you know municipality there so be pretty cool to add that to some sort of component to whatever you might do and that's the end of our show that's you know we just want you guys keep part listen and I'm going to be totally Frank and we we've been to a lot of municipalities we were just at little silver this uh two nights ago and we're at there but TR the matter is history wise you know we're in the town that has probably the most history um in in the whole County so you know having Asbury Park be part of it um and their history would be you know pretty special to the county there any have any question I have a question so I've got a bunch of pictures from the um 50 years ago but you also said that you have some archives about what as Park did I'm wondering we could get copies of any photos or articles that you have so in order to do an exhibit it would just enhance it we'll get you whatever we have great so we put a few pictures up here you may have those as well but I have some my father was actually on the floor my father was George Washington that's which is why I have a bunch of pict yes yes so we're trying to do like little exhibits from the B sentennial too and we're also willing to collect people's photographs so I'll make you copies that would be amazing great to have archives you know just doesn't have to be it just could be a neighborhood Who celebrate you know anything we would take to preserve uh as part of as part of our history right all right well thanks for having us and we just would ask like because we we're trying to get said send out the message to all if we could just grab if you guys stay right there if we can come up there a photo for the C weting on all of our and we'll hold those got and we'll give I'll give those out while you take a phot and just y got it yeah all right come awesome [Music] UPS down posters a little high cover everyone we're going do this three times if that's okay all right one two three all right two more one two three and one more 3 two one thank you guys so a husband my husband I have a bunch of pictures up fun parades all over the state we're now on some Matters from city council Council memberz Anderson oh yes uh first of all good evening everyone and um I want to take this time to wish all of the ladies a Happy Mother's Day this weekend if you're not a mom it's okay because I know that you have allowed someone to lean on your shoulder you've dried some eyes or you've mentored and given some advice so make sure that you go out treat yourself real nice and that special someone make sure that they do everything for you this weekend enjoy the other thing that I would like to say to you is that the women's empowerment um mentoring program will not meet this Saturday um excuse me on the 18th we will be meeting here on the 25th from 1 to 2 p.m. again happy Mother's Day that's all for me thank you thank you council member Chapman I've got nothing thank you thank you council member Clayton nothing at this time thank you thank you Deputy Mayor Quinn nothing any more no thank you Matters from the city manager nothing at this time thank Matters from the city attorney yes I do have another announcement this evening concerning the proposed Redevelopment project plan for 121 Memorial Drive there is a public hearing and the potential for the adoption of a Redevelopment plan that is listed on tonight's agenda it's ordinance 20241 these actions were tabled at the last council meeting until tonight in the meantime and in response to the concerns raised by nearby residents the council is now entertaining the consideration of adding a second entrance and exit to the proposed development off of Fifth Avenue so that there would be access and egress from offered from both fourth and fifth and not just fourth the council is having staff and professionals look into this proposal and to engage in discussions with the developer about it to determine if this proposal is feasible as such the council intends to table the public hearing and the second read on ordinance 20241 once again tonight until the next meeting uh which will be on May 22nd if in the meantime it is determined that this new proposal is feasible then Council will withdraw ordinance 20241 at the next council meeting and we'll start the process Over Again by referring the revised Redevelopment plan to the planning board for its review um at the May 22nd meeting given this course of action there will be no public hearing on ordinance 202 24-11 tonight but the public is certainly welcome to provide its feedback on this new proposal during the regular public comment period tonight and that's it thankk you we're now on to public participation do have a motion to open the meeting to the public move it second all in favor I I public participation portion is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone state your name and address for the record there will be a 3-minute time limit for each speaker again your name and address for the record okay beat you hello my name is Nancy Sabino I live at 1000 4th Avenue um what I'm about to say is well known to the council so I'll address my comments to the city manager who is new last week the city had our very first warm sunny Friday middle of the day there were people on the beach people on the boardwalk as if it was July us casual Walkers found it unusually C owed with Walkers joggers wheelchairs strollers and bicycles reading the signs hung on the railings facing the beach and painted on the ground at the entrance points it's clear that no bicycles are allowed between 10:00 a.m. and midnight on the boardwalk year round as I let the cyclists know that they wh by me I was asked who do you think you are and I was told where to go go and that I was just plain wrong my walking partner and witness to what I'm saying and I saw a police officer so we approached him and asked him what could be done he said oh I think that doesn't take effect until May 16th I said let's go look at the sign he looked he read it and he said I think that means the same time as when the dog band takes effect I said I didn't think so and said we'd go read the ordinance hoping the police officer would do the same it seems no one knows that bikes are never allowed on the boardwalk during the day to quote a famous line from cooland Luke I think what we have here is a failure to communicate I recommend that the city manager on the next warm weather day invite the chief of police and Take a Walk on the Wild Side pick any stretch of the boardwalk you like and see if you think that the ordinance is being followed if not what will it take to change this sandwich boards we used to have specials mobile electronic signs at the very least Can the police be aware of the ordinance that's already on the books welcome to the city of Asbury Park and its quirks as I was writing this between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. in my kitchen on 4th Avenue 12 count them 12 dump trucks both full and empty barreled up and down the street a street where the sign says no trucks over 4 tons are allowed and they were speeding as well over the 25 mph speed limit I would like to know to whom I should talk about this thank you thank you and Nancy just so you know we had a beach operations meeting just this week and there was also a coffee with the council person uh gathering this week and there was a lot of talk about bicycles on the boardwalk Sonia Spina our director of um Communications is looking to make some significant changes in the signage and and how it reads to make it more clear and our city manager will be meeting with our Police Department to make sure that these are all in force these are meetings that we've just had in the last few days great that's wonderful thank you I also look into the um you can contact me actually to speak about the the dunk trucks okay okay thank here good evening thank my name is coach will will wri 426 Avenue as Park first of all thank you for having me appreciate the fact that we were able to come here um I'm here on behalf of the as par L League um this year we're asking we're not here begging we're not here complaining we're just here asking for support this year with our kids we have quite a few events planned this year and I think we haven't received anything from the city in the past three or four years but I just want to read over my our schedule for this year and we all love this city all the kids we represented we every thing that we do in our program is respect for our city and we represent it when we go out of town so that's why we here today we just asking for the city's support um this year on May 25th Memorial Day all of our kids will be out plac some flags at mamari Park on the cemeteries which we do every year on June 15th we're having a banquet at my church which we have to purchase 140 trophies also food and decoration you guys are welcome to come again this year I invited some folks there last year on June 29th we have a uh a picnic at the blue cloth Stadium we take all the kids there which cost about $2,200 on July 9th we are taking a k to Nickelodeon trip which is two buses East buses or both buses cost $3,800 plus $1,500 for food for tickets brother on July 20th we taking the kids to Kate Mayo two buses which was total $4,300 and approximately $2,000 for food in August we had some of the city folks went to the game with us last year we are going to the Yankees game that's two bus would cost about $4,200 as well and uh in August we plan to have our kids go to m University for Camp which is about $1,200 so we're here just asking the city to if you can support us we really want to do what we can for our children brought some of the kids here kids stand up here please and also this year we was able to have 12 teams which we normally don't only get about seven teams and we have three three girls team this year one is sponsored by Community Karma one is sponsored by the Emergency Center and also one is sponsored by city by the sea so we added quite a few kids on to our Rost this year plus the fact that we don't pay registration we raise all our money either on the street with cans or we sending out letters to donors and we do appreciate all the donors who support our organization and I think we have one of the finest organization in New Jersey CU nobody no other team no where doesn't much we do for our children we try to keep them off the street during summer that's why we have all these added activities for them and also the coaches everyone spend all their time getting away from their own family coming out there supporting our kids our community our neighborhood so just asking you if you would consider and I brought my secretary if you want to write us a $110,000 check to day she got and also brought the treasury here so he can deposit in the bank if you so kind thank you very kind God bless appreciate thank you [Music] hi David Viola 9008 5th Avenue my property borders 1201 Memorial um I have stated before that I am happy this building is going up I'm really looking forward to having the property developed uh I'm confused by the fact that you had done these traffic studies and you decided Fourth Avenue was the best option for this building we got a group together we were all wanted to do Memorial that's out of the question but now that you're considering other options so I'm wondering do the traffic studies that told you and directed you to Fourth Avenue now are those traffic studies changing do we have new traffic studies are the traffic studies studied having both exits where's the information that's number one and number two the property there um has recently had an oil leak and we somehow no one's been talking about that how is the oil leak affect ing what is going to be built or when it's going to built more likely when what's going to happen with the oil leak what are the repercussions to the Builder for leaving this oil tank on the property and it leaking into the lake do you Lake for years probably because the building went down three years ago Burke took it down and somehow didn't do a sweep for the oil tank so what is happening with the this oil problem and how how are they be are they being fined or the what's the process now with that thank you thank you you want to talk that you want to um so with respect to the oil League um the owner of the property is working with uh mammo County lsrp um and also our city Engineers involved and they are working on it is uh we just had a conversation the other day about it that's the most I have well that's you're solving the hopefully eradicating the problem but that doesn't change that it has been leaking into the lake who's responsible for that what are they doing about it do they get fined is there a cleanup that happens on the property and then further along like what's that's all that I have right now to tell you is that they are working with Mammoth County lsrp the city Engineers involved as well as the homeowner and they the property owner and they are doing what they need to do to remediate the property um I know they put out bags at one point um to stop it from flowing into the lake um but um I am sure there will be some remediation involved in it okay let me give you a couple bullet points uh and a summary so the storm drains adjacent to the northeast corner of the site are protected with Sil silt bags since March 20th 2024 the soap bags will remain in place pending us removal underground I've seen them I I clean the garbage out of them because the property owners don't pick up garbage and they just cut the grass for the first time today by the way which was above my knees well that's something code should look into I agree with uh Sil heads hay bells and absorbent booms have been deployed around the northeast corner of the site since March 22nd 2024 and will remain in place pending us removal contents of the 25g US were removed via vacuum truck on March 27th 24 for off-site disposal uh stange soil was excavated on March 27 uh 2024 in the grass area located between the sidewalk and Fifth Avenue in the area of backfield with the certified clean Stone and additional absorbed booms deployed in the area this area was also inspected on May 6 2024 and no additional staining or impacts were observed in this area uh uh this is from Peter sorage who is the lsrp from National practice uh leader we can get you a copy of this if you want it and it has some more details but that's basically breaking down to where we are at this point in time so they did discover underground storage tank with 2500 gallons in it they pumped it out they're saying they checked it there's been no indications of leak since March and we're waiting for the underground storage T to be removed and the D has been notified has been involved with this as well and right if anybody's going to be giving out any fines it would be com from DP I would imagine so you don't know if it's going to delay the building of this new property I seriously do not think so because right now like we're still like you know we're delaying tonight's vote and we're not doing the second reading because we are looking into the feasibility of uh an entrance and exit on Fourth and 5th because the neighbors recommended that to be done so well we also recommended Memorial but you didn't consider that correct we did consider that we did consider that our professional opinion on that don't say we didn't consider that that's not true David we did and our professionals gave us an opinion on it and they don't think it's safe who's the professionals Beth Beth and James feel free to reiterate your opinion on why you don't think Memorial is a good idea and we have a memo on it that's not right to say but if you have a study that said fourth is the best that should be the answer not that I'm I'm no offense to Mike if if that was the decision but now you say oh but we could do it another way that doesn't make any sense because your studies proved fourth was the best so if you have a study that was done and you decided fourth was the best but now there's another option it doesn't make sense okay and you're entitled to your opinion I'm sorry your time's up but uh yes we're looking into a suggestion brought by residents I think we'd be wrong not to look into all options on this at this point in time and I don't think that's going to slow down the project either thank you hi Rita Miranda uh Asberry together they had their kickoff at the uh Art Gallery uh I was just wonder wondering isn't that a conflict to have that a kick off for their reelection in an art gallery that we get money to we got two lawyers up there it's either a yes or no answer want to hear well okay finish your comments read then we answer okay uh the other thing about how did that become a Redevelopment of Fourth and Fifth Avenue I was reading the ordinance on it you decided that that was where you wanted to put a piece of property and a residential one at that when it was zoned for commercial so it's all up to you the way you decide to do things because that's the way the ordinance reads but that's not a good decision you should have had a real massive meeting and invited everybody within 200 ft and more I know you have to invite people from 200 feet but you should have had those two neighborhoods cuz in the ordinance he said that's a mixed neighborhood what does that mean as far as I know you go up for as soon as you pass that building it becomes totally residential all the way down to Locust and if you go down Fifth Avenue it also becomes if the Memorial Drive it becomes all residential so how is it a mixed use what makes it a mix use there's no stores in between there's no nothing and if there is a restaurant on Sunset that's been I guess grandfathered in but I really want to know about the ordinance about conflict of interest with the three girls up there because they're going to be voting on a lot of artwork that's going to happen in the city but meanwhile they have their kickoff in the art studio now is that a conflict or isn't it they vote on their money I see it in the building resolution so I don't know what the grant is or if they have a grant or has that become part of our city I don't know because everything is a big mystery so I'd like an answer on conflict of interest with those three women are you done yeah okay be you want to come up and explain how it became a Redevelopment area and why it's a mixtures [Music] sure uh the property was uh an existing area in need of Redevelopment when the property owner uh came to the city council to propose a project and share ideas about how the site might be redeveloped with uh a mixed use building composed of uh predominately residential units with first floor parking as well as commercial uses uh and so uh the council considered that uh the developers proposal they worked uh with my office to as well as the developer on what that plan might look like and also did a public information meeting to solicit public comments uh about how the the site might be developed in order to uh to determine uh public input and also to further shape the project prior to the Redevelopment plan being prepared okay thank you as far as I'm not the lawyer but I'm going to say I don't think it's a conflict of interest we'll have the lawyer look into it but again and I don't remember any Bill resolution where this guy was given money so John in all due respects you're not a lawyer that I I know artists are being provided with funding who are doing murals within the city but I'm not A Ware of funding that the council is voting on for a specific Art Gallery I mean I would need more information complexs are very fact sensitive so if you can provide me more information I be happy to look into this and render an opinion so the lawyer just said the same exact thing I said but I'm not the lawyer I agree with this so FR but again Rita I you can call me I can't remember like ever giving money to that art gallery so you can say John you're wrong years AG you $2 word I mean like you know you had it at the word when you ran correct now they're having it in a place that we do business with that's a when do we when do we do business with them do business with them we pay for their Ro work did you forget the $10,000 mural onil getting confused the public art that's the woman that owns the gallery or operates it Jen Hampton is on the public art commission along with nine other members the city gives the public art commission I'm trying to answer your question the C the city get the city gives the public art commission somewhere between $5 and $110,000 a year to do murals you see them on the sewer plant we have one going up right now in Asbury tower that is money to the public art commission not to parlor Gallery the public art commiss she runs it she's on she's on the public art commiss along with nine other members including myself remember the microphone she was the one that announced it and she's part of it and you're in her Gallery I am yes I don't that is yeah okay well like I say if you have any more information give us we'll investigate it you should work on it okay thank you [Music] R Kevin Strickland 11:09 Second Avenue and uh first I just want to express my appreciation for all the support the board has given Little League over the years and acknowledge that will is doing such a great job in building this program and something significant happened this year is we developed a girls softball program so I think will may have left that out but uh I think that significant expansion to the little leag program I just want to acknowledge that you're absolutely right are are you the coach of the Tigers until Thanksgiving thank you Kevin thanks Kevin Carrie Martin Second Avenue I just want to also reiterate my support for as Park Little League Nelly my daughter is on her fourth season of Asbury Park Little League now and is in the girls softball the Tigers team the dedication that Co almost makes me te that coach Kevin gives these girls is so amazing um and just even to and Coach will and all the other coaches um you know Nelly does a lot of the recreation programs in the city that LE Leisa organizes swim and um and summer summer rck but asbg pick Little League being a yearound program the number of kids that they support too and then the trips they take them on and just for example last night out on the Asbury Park um you know Asbury Park Stadium Fields out there like a beautiful summer night there's so many different games going on there's so many families showing up it it's just such I we call the Asbury Park Little League lifestyle too it's not like Nelly's like beg was begging to be a baseball player but it's such this like loving fun environment so I hope I was at the rock and roll for recreation mayore and I hope um seem very successful so I'm hoping you have a $10,000 check is that what you want coach will for as Park L because it is really a wonderful wonderful Organization for the kids and like I said it is teaching them sport but it's also creating such a wonderful Community thank you and thank you and I totally agree with you and to be there on opening day was a pleasure so thank you hi uh silia Katan I'm in 1501 Ocean AV and I'm here with little league I'm actually recently on the board as secretary so I'm learning a lot about baseball and softball because I had no subject matter expertise prior to this but learned a lot from Will and also Community Karma we are sponsored one of one of the softball teams as will mentioned uh which is exciting but just the program that Will's built and all of the coaches and pass boards is is amazing just seeing and interacting with the kids the parents every single game that you know I've been to all the Diamond Girls games all of the parents always come when we go to away games they always come so just like how welcome families and kids feel and how much fun it is to participate it's really it's impressive and actually last year last night we had our first home game we played Point Pleasant we won um and Point Pleasant like they said they had so much fun coming to asbery they were like one of the grandmas that was there watching she's like we're coming back next week we're not playing you but we're just coming back next week because we felt so welcome on this field and just it's it's amazing so yes I will happily take a check for a little today or whatever you can do to support we love working with Leisha and Cassandra and the wck programs because they're amazing and everything that you do is amazing and at the ball but you know just uh we want to see the program grow because we um we grew 12 teams and I think we're going to have more teams next year so thank you thank you seeing nobody else oh okay I'm sorry still you covered C all right um Carry Butch 501 no 500 dealing Drive um on the Asbury Park electronic sign today I stopped and I actually pulled my car over and took a picture of this it says Please be aware that many street drugs have been tainted with additives such as fentel and I can't pronounce that other word it looks like aileene which are causing an increased danger to users I guess my question to you guys is that have there been incidents in Asbury Park where people have um either taken or smoked or in any way ingested and gotten in trouble with tainted drugs and is that why you put it on the sign yeah so um we I did receive a call from the chief of police last week um and yes unfortunately there has been um increased number of overdoses and they are U relating it to this tainted fenol and xylene all right so by an increased number it's a number of concern I guess that enough but what does that mean to the general public we had five overdoses in one day five over does in one day okay and so when were all revived with naram okay well that's a very positive thing and and was it the same party or was it a different all over the community I don't have that information okay I don't know well thank you very much thank you go ahead hi my name is Arthur schlack I live at 1043 Summerfield Avenue in Asbury Park my family came here in 1888 opened up some real estate offices that are now in Belmore before we get going for the Little League I our real estate agency for the last 90 years has given money to little Lees you take two of those little munchkins there and go knock on every real estate broker door in this town and there's a lot of them because they got 300 agents in like five things for sale and have the the burrow man or city manager give you the names of the lawyers accountants Engineers anybody does business with the with the city they all write you a check but you got to go ask okay um I'm here because of what I used to be on the now defunk uh citiz on patrol the cop we were in business for I think eight years before they they shut us down because of Co but now CO's over and I can't get a response from why Casey who was our sergeant and the chief of police they just don't we tried to get to talk to them they won't tell us why we also had a car it's gone I'm sure the people that donated it to us didn't want it to be gone and I just like what he was a the police commissioner right is it one of the the the council members no so I'm to you to find out why and why we don't have I mean the citizens on patrol is like it's similar to a neighborhood watching except it's a whole and we go out we volunteer we the eyes and ears in New Jersey they don't let you like eyes on ex police officer in in Manhattan I was allowed to arrest people they don't let you do here but that's fine you know I guess in the in the eight years that I was driving around he must have called in about 20 arrests so that's I just plus it saves money I mean I've been on with Obama with every every parade in town we would work work work the parades which means they didn't have to to hire guys from from belmare Bradley Beach and bring them in I mean I understand that maybe Casey and and the Chiefs that don't live in asber park so they're not paying taxes here but I am any dollar I can get not have to pay cuz we probably save the the the the city easily $10,000 a year but you didn't have to have ones and twos going around every night when you had us out there you can take one car down because we're out there so if you could like try to find out why and let me know or have them call me because I like we really want to reinstate it and we've never heard a bad thing about it and we've always people even asked me today yesterday Joe's in forid go you guys going back out the town liked it and when the town likes the cops it's not a bad thing thanks thank you and uh it was pre Lillian the city manager so she'll look into this and if you need any background I give you the background than it was an excellent program okay and it's wrong that department heads don't return phone calls sorry it's wrong that department heads or employees do not return phone calls all right I I will follow up with Sergeant all right I don't know if he rep now but it'll know I will find out motion to close second second all in favor public participation is now closed just one quick thing will Celia Dan anybody get us your schedule so when we do the Thursday blast outs we get add that on it so more people maybe attend maybe that's the way like art said there are some very generous people in this town there are also some very cheap people in this town but whatever we can do to get out the word to help you like uh and again like you know the high school had their first win this year and I'm sure that's your kids moving up so that was very much appreciated when they blew Lakewood away so uh congratulations and we'll see what we can do but if you guys that schedule our blast outs go to like so many people I'm sure some will attend so again thank you for all you do okay thanks we're now on to the minutes of the municipal Council executive meeting minutes and regular meeting minutes of April 24th do I have a motion second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman I have to abstain thank you council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes we're now on to individual resolutions resolution 2024 228 resol approving payment of bills move second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes deput mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 229 resolution approving special events application move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 230 resolution amending temporary budget Appropriations for the 2024 budget move it second council member Bez Anderson council member trap yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 231 resolution authorizing the acquisition and installation of fencing needed at the 4th Avenue in HEX Street playground utilizing Mammoth County open space Grant move in second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 232 resolution authorizing the installation of an irrigation system at Lake and Grand Avenue to St James Place Mo second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 233 resolution authorizing the payment for roof replacement needed at City Hall DPW and the transportation center move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Clinton yes mayor Mo yes sir resolution 2024 234 resolution authorizing the rental of a roller skaing ring for the Asbury Park two-day roller ring Festival project move it second Council memberz council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 235 resolution amending a Professional Services contract with tnm Associates for remedial action services at the Fire Department headquarters located 800 Main Street move it second Council memberz yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yesy mayor Quint yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 236 resolution authorizing the ward of a contract for the operation of seasonal concession to provide for the rental of umbrellas and beach chairs on the public beaches of Asbury Park second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mor yes resolution 2024 237 resolution authorizing the award of a contract for the operation of a seasonal concession to provide private surf lessons to the public in a designated area of the Asbury Park beach front move it second Council memberz Anders council member chap uh Fred we're going to just make that small change yes yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quint yes mayor yes resolution 2024 238 resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of asur Park to enter into a First Amendment of the subsequent developer agreement with asre Partners LLC and phm sunset Square urban renewal LLC to extend the date for the governmental approvals and change the definition of the outside approvals date in connection with the development of property located at block 4205 locks 2 and three do I have a motion Mo second council member Buzz Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 239 resolution of the city of Asbury Park referring to the proposed amendment to the CBD Redevelopment plan to the city of Asbury Park dated April 25th 2024 in accordance with the local Redevelopment and Housing law njsa 4A 12a do I have a motion move it second Council memberz Anderson yes council member Chapman no council member Clayton yes deputy mayor May Quin yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 240 resolution authorizing appointments to the New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zone Authority the appointees are the business development administrator Sylvia Sylvia chofi and the director of and the Al I'm sorry the yeah the alternate is the director of Community Development Elton armati do have a motion move second Council memberz Anderson yes council member Chapman yes counc member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 241 resolution accept acting an agreement modification of a safe routes to school Grant and Associated design assistance from NJ do and authorizing signatories move it may have a second second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes deput mayor Clint yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to ordinances for introduction ordinance 20247 Bond ordinance providing for the main street street streetscape Improvement project appropriating $900,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 700 77 $465,000 in bonds and notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof as authorized in and by the city of Asbury in the county of MTH New Jersey with a public hearing date of May 22nd 2024 move it second council member buz Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes Mary Moore yes ordinance 20248 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park amending and supplementing section 30-24 entitled fees of article 3 development Administration and enforcement of chapter 30 Land Development regulations of the code of the city of Asbury Park for the public hearing date of May 22nd 2024 do I have a motion move it yes may have a second second thank you council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quin yes mayor Moore yes ordinance 20249 ordinance amending ordinance 2024 which amended chapter 7 sections 13 and 14 to establish prohibited parking regulations along Emery Street and 2 Avenue with a public hearing date of May 22nd 2024 Mo second council member Bez yes council member chap yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Clint yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to Second reading public hearings ordinance vment plan for property located at 12 Memorial Drive block 203 lock 5 understand there's a motion to table this to public hearing second sir thank you uh so um Council memberz Anderson yes to table this is to table to the May 22nd 2024 meeting yes yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes thank you ordinance 20243 ordinance of of the city of Asbury Park creating article 13-1 1400 entitled lead-based paint inspections for residential rental dwellings of part two rental property of chapter 13 property Improvement and neighborhood preservation property maintenance code of code of the city of Asbury Park um we'll have do you have a director of Community Development here he is not here he's not here okay um Michelle would you be able to step in thank you um director of planning and Redevelopment Michelle Alonzo will provide a brief overview of this ordinance so good good evening mayor council members and members of the public this ordinance is to this is a insertion of our property maintenance code um to mandated by state New Jersey to deal with lead paint in homes constructed before 1978 this is heightened um regulations of for the abatement of lead and the um and that this or this ordinance um requires inspections also requires that the um property owner they would be the ones who would have to pay for the inspections but this is on the heels of heightened um requirements from the state of New Jersey thanks Michelle may have a motion to open up the public hearing on 2024 13 move to open second all in favor all right public hearing on ordinance 20243 is now open open any member of the public would like to speak please use the microphone your comments may be regarding ordinance 20243 only Au Mor wa could you explain that a little better we're just simple people here I didn't get what you said well actually this is what I ski saying is this pertains to rental properties and this is to protect children from lead poisoning from from lead paint lead dust that would be in rental property huh well every house in iur has light property they were sold is mine shortterm rental this is just for rental properties short-term rental rental rental all rental all rental sorry so now they have to get one more inspection is that it it's state law yes huh it's state law oh state law okay [Music] Carrie Butch 500 deal Lake Drive um can you guys kind of educate us on where we're at as a community how many of our kids come out LED poisoned and things like that do we have numbers for that I me uh oh okay don't me to we have thank you it we done the wrong way I didn't hear the question thank you repeat your question I just wanted to know if we're up on on the numbers and if we're testing our kids and if we know how many of our kids may have come up too high with lead in addition to doing this I think this is a great thing for our community and I think you know I commend everybody for for getting this resolution together so quickly but in addition are we looking at are we BL are we doing anything to educate parents to blood test their kids and do you do we know where our kids are well I I'm was going to say I'm I don't have those numbers personally but we do have a um a lead a lead program in the city that's um run by a nonprofit who I know the name um the name is going out of my head they're well known it's um and that we contract our Le took our pipes too don't they some checking what is the name of the what was the Hispanic resource center community commun CC cc is our ENT entity that provides lead education and lead testing here in the city okay I appreciate that Trenton is having a huge lead issue they're testing parks and because of their long-term um I guess ceramic Factory kind of place we may have some in Asbury Park also so be good to keep on top of that thank you thank you thank you motion close second second all in favor public hearing on ordinance 20413 is now closed may have a motion to adopt ordinance 20243 move to adopt council member Bez Anderson yes council member chap yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quint yes mayor Moore yes ordinance 20244 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park amending and supplementing article 13-1 1300 entitled short-term rentals of part two rental property of chapter 13 property Improvement and neighborhood preservation property maintenance code of the code of the city of Asbury Park um Michelle would you mind no not at allv know more about this than so um I so we as count everyone knows we recently did an update to the short-term rental ordinance where we tightened the uh the proofs that um your that the residence is a principal residence in Asbury Park you're only permitted to short-term rental if the residence is your principal residence so we had up the requirements require more documentation we had discovered in the implementation of this ordinance that one of the um pieces of proof is not really obtainable by most people it was something from the post office that the post office had told us they don't provide this to people on on a regular basis so we've changed the record with the Postal Service to a bank statement within the past 3 months as a heightened piece of proof that that is the principal residence the other elements we put in last month remain the same thank you I have a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 20244 all all in favor all thank you ordinance 2024 14 public hearing is now open any member of the public wishes to speak please use the microphone motion to close second all in favor I public hearing on ordinance 20244 is now closed may have a motion to adopt ordinance 20244 Mo to adopt second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes ordinance 22415 ordinance of the city Michelle where you going I thought the next one was not me I think this actually special thank you for your help I appreciate ORD 20245 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park in the county of Mammoth and state of New Jersey providing for the special assessment of the cost of certain Wastewater storm water roadway street skate utility and other infrastructure improvements on block 4205 Lots 2 and three within the Asbury Park Waterfront Redevelopment area and establishing a mechanism for a payment of the cost thereof shall we provide a brief overview of this ordinance yes so this is the um the special assessment and the following is the financial agreement for the townhouse development that's proposed across from Sunset Lake known as phm Sunset Square this um as it this is property in the Waterfront area and it is a COR Sale Project so the council is required to uh entertain the pilot and the special assessment that pays for the infrastructure in the Waterfront area so this is the part one or the part two of the financial agreement thanks Michelle may have a motion to open up the public Hearing in ordinance 20245 move to open second all in favor public hearing is now open go ahead read it read them around now we Avenue what's the special assessment what does that mean the special assessment is the um the fee that's levied on the homeowners that pays towards the bond for the infrastructure improvements in the Waterfront area we've done this for every Redevelopment project in the Waterfront since we adopted the uh the uh the uh the special assessment ordinance about 12 years ago roughly [Music] could you explain that better we have very simple people we have to hear in plain language explain what the infrastructure does that mean an increase in the people that live in the region Development Area the home owners have to play they right they pay an additional fee on top of the homeowners do right the homeowners in the Waterfront all the condo owners um in all the buildings have been built whether it's the Vive um the the grand the Monroe the 1101 ocean um the the all the projects by K kab Nan not only do they pay a por their portion of the pilot but on top of that they pay an additional fee that's called a special assessment and it goes into doing the infrastructure around the buildings the streets the sewers everything like that the sidewalks the trees the bicycle racks everything well how far thises this Redevelopment plan go how up to Grand Avenue it only it so no yes and no so only a portion of the Redevelopment boundary to the West only goes a small portion of BR basically where the kof pro project from about 8 years ago called the Grandes but it's um heck it's actually am I right yeah cuz I'm tired and to to the water so anyone not it doesn't if you have an existing one and two family home in the Waterfront area you do not get charged the special assessment it's for all new projects in the Waterfront so that's all the apartment buildings all the cond townhouse condominium developments so all the ones that are getting an abatement yes yes okay thank you thank you move to close second all in favor I public hearing and ordinance 20245 is now Clos may have a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 adopt second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman counc member Clayton yes deput mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes ordinance 20246 ordinance of the City Asbury Park authorizing the execution of a financial agreement with phm sunset Square urban renewal LLC concerning property located at block 4205 Lots 2 and three on a tax map of City of Asbury Park and granting a tax exemption Michelle just explain this do you need this again or you good okay I have a motion up the public hearing on ordinance 2024 move to open second second all in favor I public he and ordinance 2024 16 is now open okay could you tell us what lot and block we don't know lot and block is what address is it um the I'm going to tell you where it well I search for where exactly it is it is the vacant parcel that fronts Kingsley Sunset Avenue next to the small apartment building across from Sunset Park on one side from convention hall on the other is it next to next to Kim it's next to Kim thank you Fred the restaurant Kimmer it's a vacant lot that's right next to it yeah Prime land that's the prime lot are they getting an exemption too you're getting a pilot a pilot yeah what's the what's the difference between a pilot and the and an abatement anyway well we casually use the term abatement incorrectly for these pilot pilot is a payment in lie of taxes it's not exactly an abatement from your taxes because it's a different structure of payment so when but it casually we we call an abatement so as you're referring to as a batement here tonight it's a pilot how much I don't have that at the tips of my fingers it is in this document um Eric had are are did an analys is for us but I don't have that at the tips of my fingers I have I have the annual service charge will provide annual net revenue to the city of approximately 142,5 16972 that's removed no no no that's what we get a year so for how many units again saying a document that he's going to build there and out to the sidewalk it's Town Homes a home it's 28 units in three story tax stack town homes so it's townhouse sty going to be we call them two bays meaning two sets of tow houses for toal toal of 28 [Applause] units two town houses two R of town two rows yes on that little lot it's like it it's not that little well there's nothing I mean like he should be paying full taxes on that Prime lot that's one of the most Prime Lots in the city on the corner of Sunset and Kingsley are you kidding me and we're giv tax ofs I don't think so Pilots it's in the water prop development and isn't the amount they getting equivalent to Conventional taxes yeah they're paying the city more than conventional taxes and once again our agreement with the master developer for the Waterfront obligates us for every for sale project to offer a pilot well I've been reading up on the pilots they're really no benefit to us you might think they are but they're a bunch of land Grabbers coming in and putting all these things on our property whatever happened to the open air fund okay we're straining from the ordinance so we got to stick on this ordinance but it is prime land and it should be considered differently it was it it was it was considered as part of the Waterfront Redevelopment plan and they they met all the qualifications to receive what they're receiving you may not like it we may not like it but it's a law that was done in 2011 that we're bound to it well I don't know maybe we should go to the planning board meetings because everything is getting screwed up with all these houses going up and all these why do we need all that okay motion to close second may have a second second all in favor just a short statement I agree with Rita from here on out let's list addresses because I lose track of blocking lots too so real say you're not thank you thank you public hearing on ordinance 20246 is now closed may have a motion to adopt ordinance 20246 we move to adopt second council member bz yes council member Chapman council member Clayton yes deput mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes thank you if no one has anything else r on to adjournment move to adjourn all in favor I meeting is nowour thank you everyone thank you