##VIDEO ID:DLK58gNvCIM## me and call to order council member Bez Anderson here council member Chapman here council member Clayton here Deputy Mayor Quinn here mayor Mo here please stand for a silent prayer moment of reflection we'll now salute the flag I pledge aliance to the flag the United States of America stands indivisible as compile with the open public meetings app chapter 231 PL 1975 adequate noce of this meeting has been provided in the following manner the an noce was forwarded to the Asbury Park Press the coaster and the Star Ledger on January 22nd 2024 and post on the Bowling board the same day all notices are on file with the city clerk we are now on special event applications from Recreation director [Music] Lea good evening mayor and Council um the three applications to be considered tonight include the Jersey Shore Rescue Mission annual Cod giveaway sons of Ireland Polar Bear Plunge and a wedding any questions thank no all right thank you City Council uh council member Bez Anderson yes good evening um I would like to uh tell you that the Asbury Park Recreation Department is hosting their trun or treat it's Halloween it's the 31st it's going to be right here in the parking lot and we have candy that we are going to be giving to our ghost and goblins but we would also need you to bring your car and decorate it and um give out some candy for the kids so if you're interested that lovely lady in the red that is our Recreation director you want to see Miss Leisa Floyd give her a call we need you we have candy and we do have a uh rain date well actually if it rains then you'll just drive through am I correct and and Miss Floyd will have candy all bagged up for the kids so it's a fun event and the community loves it so I hope that you will participate I have one other thing to uh inform you of we have uh First Fridays which is and sound at the train station the next uh first Friday is November 1st and I hope that you will come and participate and lastly is uh fall Funday which is Saturday October 26 from 1: to 4: it's uh Sunset Park and so you're going to bring your kids and hope that you'll come out and celebrate with us thank you thank you council member Chapman I have nothing at this time thank you council member Clayton um this Saturday October 12th there's going to be a paper shredding truck in the city hall parking lot it will be here from 9 to 12 or unless they fill up earlier so this is an opportunity to get rid of all that extra paper in your home come on out thank you thank you Deputy Mayor Quinn n thank you mayor Moore nothing thank you thank you uh moving on Matters from the uh Deputy city manager nothing thank you all right marison City attorney nothing at this time I'm now go to turn it over to members from the Asbury Park TV for a presentation of the Jack Awards okay talk the talking so Asberry oh this is loud Asberry Park TV has been honored with four four Jersey access group Awards Mike Sedano is by far the reigning Champion with three of them uh he won three awards for uh the ap3 film challenge the 2023 compulation Arts rule in Asbury Park the cardboard show and a conversation with ap amp so we have awards for that and we also have an award for mat but he doesn't he's not here mat received an award for the juneth highlights so so I'm sure most people know APV is the public access channel in Asbury Park Angela and myself serve on it we do videos um we do award-winning videos so we're going to let Mike say a few words if you would like three uh it's always nice to be recognized um it's uh uh that for your for your work and I'm glad that uh we have APV um we keep wanting APV to grow and uh we need the support of everybody uh both the council and the community to uh tune in and uh uh tune in and turn on so uh we hope uh uh to have far more far more filmmakers uh next year uh receiving Awards than me receiving three Awards do you want to talk about how people can tune into these yeah um if you live in AZ Park you can watch APV on uh Optimum 77 and on FiOS 28 through most of Mammoth County but most of us don't have that anymore so you can also search APV on your Roku or Apple TV and you can stream and watch On Demand and if you don't have either of those it's asur Park tv.com and also if you are interested in becoming a member then you just have to put your application in we would love to have you okay thank you every come forward a little thank you thank you very much thank thank you we are now moving on to a presentation by block 391 qzf LLC I'm going to turn it over to our director of planning and Redevelopment Michelle Michelle thanks I was going to use this microphone but good evening before I turn this over to the developer representatives to make the presentation for tonight's project um I was just going to say this is a pro um proposed amendment project for 212 214 2 Avenue for 15 residential units and 20 parking spaces it is an apartment building and the uh this is to proposed to be redeveloped by the owner which is block 3901 qlc I'm going to turn it over to the owner developers attorney Mr Kevin Kennedy hold on one second please bill could you do me a favor yeah turn it so the audience can see it also we can see it on an angle and audience and everybody within 200 ft was notified yes thank how's this is that better is that better for the audience you have PL up there y okay y thank you uh good evening Mr Mayor Deputy Mayor ladies and gentlemen of the council and uh City officials uh my name is Kevin Kennedy I'm an attorney my office is in Middletown I'm very happy and honored to be here and uh uh Michelle uh took care of my hardest part of tonight was the name the name of our company is W 309 3901 Q ZF L LC so for obvious reasons I'm going to refer to that as the applicant and we are here tonight we are my client is a proposed subsequent developer in the Waterfront Redevelopment Zone and the client is obviously proposing to develop property and the subject site is a vacant lot it's 14,000 square ft and it's between two apartment buildings and the applicant as you'll hear is proposing 15 residential condominium units five one-bedroom units and 10 two-bedroom units and as Michelle indicated uh there's 23 parking spaces required and we're proposing 28 uh as part of the city's nuanced Waterfront Redevelopment process we appeared before the TRC and that was I think June 10th 2024 uh we had a very nice very positive meeting and we received the TRC endorsement to proceed so the next step is for us to appear before you tonight and uh in an informal present presentation at an agenda meeting and we are proposing and hoping that you as city council members uh will review the architectural drawings and uh uh diagrams and generally endorse the project so we can move on and uh we have a very short presentation tonight and as I understand it uh if we are fortunate to receive your uh General endorsement tonight the next steps in the process would be a combination of negotiating and executing a subsequent developer agreement being officially designated as a subsequent developer and then of course uh hopeful approval or presentation to the planning board so tonight uh my sole uh presenter is Bill Stucky who I'm sure many of you know uh bill is a wonderful guy lots of building and development experience and construction experience and lots of uh experience in Asbury Park he is a representative of the applicant and he is specifically authorized to be here tonight and uh to make this presentation and to answer any questions that he uh that you may have and he is intimately familiar uh with this project being involved from the Inception uh to right now and to continue and he was present at the TRC meeting and just before I turn it over to bill um I understand that uh the city has a a desire for even extra transparency purposes out of an abundance of caution you you've asked for for further notice and um I applaud and I appreciate and respect uh the even enhanced sense of transparency and I would be remiss if did not uh give a little bit of a shout out to Michelle Alonzo she's been very helpful for us and she was served the notice so Michelle we we appreciate that and again that backdrop uh Mr May Mr Mayor if it's okay I would like to turn over to to Bill sucky and have him uh give a brief presentation so you can be familiar with the proposed project um should I use this or can everybody hear can you all hear me okay I prefer not to speak into what I just dropped um first of all it's great to be here again um this is the sixth project I've uh I'm doing for Pat Fano and Vince the owners of the LLC and um excited to build this building um you all have seen I hope the colored elevations that we gave Michelle so you've got those or can you see this yes so when you start a project of this nature um it takes anywhere from 6 to 9 months to get plans done that are part of the subsequent developer application to iock so I gave uh son and field and trop have done several buildings for us and they're out of fale and our architect back there is Steve Tiki so when uh Pat um and I talked about me doing this building in her restaurant on second in Kesley which I'll see you all on in November I said Steve go out and take a picture pictures of the beautiful Brickwood to the right and then design a building that complements that and this is exactly what Steve did um you have the same terracotta roofs similar Windows um they have some Juliet balconies we have more of them we have six on the front one two three four they have four um and the buildings complement each other when we were at the TRC um there were some comments which Michelle captured in her September 27th email to us um the garage door is has to be 16 ft wide to allow flow of in both directions the door is dark in this picture because this was given to the TRC um it will be muted so it's not so prominent and we totally agreed with that perception of the front elevation I'm thinking um the offwhite color of the stucco or a very muted cream color yellow but not uh this prominent um just um we're going to have EV uh charging stations in the building I think are we required that for Michelle AR it's not eight it's four which I think is a great thing and my son Rand Volta charging an EV developer for five years so I know a lot about that and he has two EVS at home um let me see what else Michelle had a couple paragraphs on the windows and I'm intimately familiar with that they're not flush their setback there were certain proportions that you have to byy by you know the width in relation to the height uh the plaque on the front of the building will be great happy to do that um the lot is slightly undersized um we're required to have 15,000 square feet I don't have the site plan with me but it's it's Kevin I thought we were at like 14700 yeah it's about 14,000 plus yes yes but it was really close yes um that's the only variance that we'll need at the planning board as far as I'm aware of and I'm pretty much aware of most things if not all um so that's um do you want you have the plan so seeing floor plans on the second third and fourth floor we we we have but the public doesn't so walk us through [Music] um this is a smaller version of the front elevation and um the right elevation the stucko real stuck up hard concrete stuck up will be on the front and the sides of the building to the elevator to the stair shafts and elevator shaft and then the remainder of both the right and left side will be Hardy plank panels and Hardy plank siding um and um the rear um where is the rear the rear is all Hardy Plank and we have the panels on the parit now one thing that I'm aware of from 7th Avenue which I I I've got approve was the screening of the air conditioning condensers we have a parit wall that is approximately 5 feet above the roof line four feet above the roof line so the condensers are about three feet high and they're spread out on the roof so they're screened and are going to be high enough up I think so that I think noise isn't going to be a big issue um if you all have questions feel free to no we'll do that after sorry that I just show I I should mention there is no roof act amenity on this building unlike 7th Avenue so the um the podium the the parking garage if you will has an electric water um in a mechanical room an elevator the building service by an elevator there's going to be a nice Lobby uh on the right hand side of the building which I should show you you can see here there's an arch way in a terracotta room so I think that's a nice entrance um we've got 28 parking spaces all they're 10 two bedroom units so we're going to um provide the um two parking spaces for those units their tandem spaces you know front and back and then uh the the the one bedroom units will all have one space and um I think that I was really happy when we were over on our parking requirement by five spaces because I've been here in the summer parking's an issue um and I I forgot to mention one of the great things about this location is you're about a five minute walk from the beach with and all of the boardwalk that has been redeveloped I mean I just think it's a great location um the floor PL I know these are hard for you to see um the floor plates are similar the F the second and third floor each have five units and they're the same the third floor is a little different um the uh there are two bed there I think there there's three two bedrooms and two ones the hallways in the middle standard stuff by there um there's refu um the mechanical room um by code have to have two means of ESS other than an elevator um and um the units flow um they we spend a lot of time on on uh bulking out the one and two bedroom units and making sure that the room sizes were adequate in the living area and um so that's um that those the floor PL which I'm sure it's very hard for you to see I'm happy to leave them up if you all want to look at them so that's all I've really got I have a question sure are these for sale or for rent for sale and what's the may I ask ballp part yes um I thought this question would come up so I'm going to answer it is uh specifically as I can I know what the Asian invol they're selling at per square foot I'm comfortable saying we're going to be substantially below that and I'm not going to talk specific [Music] figures I don't know what that means well the should I tell you pricing of the units now is that what you want to know if you can I mean I can I I just I don't know where this information goes but you're on TV it's going to so okay I didn't realize it was on TV but the Asian and Baltic from what I understand and have seen um gotten brochures are somewhere around $900 per square foot of living and I think we're going to be somewhere around 750 break that down to uh price so a th000 square foot unit at the Asian and Baltic from what I know 900,000 about 900 for the same size unit which we do have we're looking at about 750 that's what we're thinking 750,000 yes thank you I have a couple questions Bill do you have um any accommodations for bicycle storage um on the first floor we do have some room and we thought about it um unlike 7th Avenue where we had a dedicated room I was thinking and this came up there isn't a dedicated room we could potentially lose a parking space and still comply and have um bik racks there in a parking space so if the you know if you want to make that recommendation I mean the planning Bo may bring that up and happy to accommodate that it's a good thing to have it to be yeah I think so too um and what how are you making out with storm water management and any green infrastructure initiatives that go along with this project well um the the storm water storage Vault on this on the left side of the site treats the water before it goes into the ground it has baffles in it in cleans the water uh to the extent it can I'm not technically proficient in this um and the building itself in terms of being energy efficient the energy codes in the last 20 years have um been I guess increased substantially it used to be r19 in a ceiling when I was building houses 30 years ago now it's like r49 and all of the heating and air conditioning units are super high efficiency not that I built cheap houses 35 years ago but what we put in at 10 and 11 sear for an air a condenser it's now like 14 or 15 and um and we have to wrap the house and and tape the joints after the sheathing is applied and and um so you know the building um is very energy efficient so you're meeting the standards are you doing anything over and above the standards um you know that came up uh at the TRC with the restaurant we're going to be in here presenting and I'll actually have my architect here for that one um and um I don't know enough about it in other words I think you're talking about a lead certified building not necessarily lead certified but um working toward equivalent to lead yes yes um and Bill if I may I also recall at the TRC uh chair Klick who was there very strongly indicated that at the public hearing when we get to the planning board if we get to the planning board we're going to have to give specific information about the greenwater I'm sorry the the green infrastructure details about not necessarily being lead compliant but what we are doing to make it a better more environmentally acceptable place and I'll talk with Steve because this came up he's on vacation with his family and I'll talk with him and Andy the owner of the The Firm Andy's doing the resturant Steve's doing this so I'll talk to him about the things we can do so at the planning board we're prepar to address that one last question as far as your Landscaping are you planning on using Native Native on 7th Avenue the building that is now completed and is being occupied we had a lot of discussion my engineer Walt Hopkin has done all of my approvals except for one in Asbury and he got that right so his landscape architect who hasn't changed the firm is using similar plantings so they are they are native thank you one quick question Bill I know that the TRC recommended that the width of the garage be shortened yes they did it's I I don't like to draw a line in the sand I don't know how we could do that I mean it's un how could you do it if you were coming in and a car were coming out the 99- foot garage door I guess you could wave to the car coming out and say back up and you could drive in and get to your space Have And if he you were in the back of the garage it just won't work practically I don't know how any other way other than to have two-way traffic I I know we Michael Sullivan brought up um the prominence of it and Michelle and I talked about this and said bring what the TRC got so at the planning board this is going to be muted and I think and Michael wanted an arched header um over it to match all of the other arches on the on the podium level in the first floor of living so when we go to the planning board this will be different all right thank you and you're on the planning board I think uh I am I correct here yeah no Bill I'm having trouble like where is this building next to Pora is this the building in between the Spanish this is uh this is the britwood right and then there's an apartment building next door no there's a vacant lot that's us there's a vacant lot and then there's an apartment building and then there's pora okay just to have a visual of it yeah I wasn't I was getting lost that um and what what was the height that you could go in this I believe Kevin correct me if I'm wrong I think it was eight stories that's all I mean the you you Balan the living area the number of stories with the parking and um you know pad and I and Vince were very pleased when it all started to come together and particularly pleased with 28 spaces any other questions all right well thank you very much we will stick around if you want to us to wait in case questions right please thank you y we're no no no bill bill bill bill we'll run the meeting oh I'm sorry what you was asking well she may we've got to open it you stay there Phil you stay there because the questions will be directed to you here now on public participation may I have a motion to open the meeting to the public move it second all in favor all the public participation portion of the meeting is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone state your name and address for the record and there will be a thre minute time limit for each speaker a First's the Mike hey this is Mike Sedano 104th um this is a question for the developer is there any uh public art component component um in this development um that wasn't brought up at the TRC meeting oh silly then so I'm not I'm not saying we wouldn't do it it just wasn't brought up we're doing a restaurant where is this restaurant Kingsley in second ACR from but that when we were there at the TRC for that we're um there is going to be a fairly substantial part of the building for local art and I did the Dollar Tree with Pat Fano um that has art work on Third and that was part of our appros right so are you going to put any art in um there or or that decision unilaterally but I think it's more a question for the planning board in their Vision or even the council tonight saying now we would like to do it at the base it's not appropriate on the live the upper floors but we have an 8 foot wall basically from the ground to the first floor which is stuck out and on the side of the building um we defin I could do well okay just keep yourself open to the fact that it doesn't have to be a mural again okay it could be a sculpture it could be you know a a piece of art that people walk around it doesn't it doesn't have to be murals okay so if we had some guidance and you can get a hold of me um or I can give you my number after after your time or when we leave open to that and actually think it's a good idea yeah um interfacing with the public art commission I think is is a good idea and you know I'm sure they would have all kinds of suggestions okay then I have the time to go okay great thanks and Bill you said if you wanted guidance from the council the council is going to prefer you looking into art does that Fe me I know the plan board is going to hammer you on it so you should be you should be prepared for it got it well you know I'll meet with them come up with something it seems good and maybe it's not an issue with the planning board it will be an issue okay okay yeah we got more questions yes ma'am hi Caitlyn capestro uh 218 second half um so I live in the britwood building that neighbors the VAC law um for Jen the developer as well um is there any need to eliminate existing parking spaces on second a good question that's a great question um my engineer is not here tonight he's in Europe um I would want to give you a specific answer which will be the planning board um so not being the they I don't have maybe we lose a space um but um once again with all of the spaces in the building I don't Envision the residents parking on the stre well just to I I I understand 28 spaces for 15 units technically if there are to Residents in single bedrooms that equates to 10 spaces if the two bedrooms are at Max Capacity or Max occupancy um you're looking at 30 parking spaces they also have friends and family um you know visitors things of that nature so just a concern yeah always a concern okay and then the followup question um is if approved is there a duration for construction to be expected yes I um I'm going to be the one spear that so I think let me think in my mind i' like what I think I can I can get it done I think in plus or minus nine months so it could be nine8 and a half or 10 but this is not going on for years the process of betting and getting the contractors which we've worked with over the years has already started and by the time we had planning board approval compliance rad bombs agreements um a year of ahead of putting a shovel in the ground so I think it's going to go quickly and if I could just add Mr Mayor if we are fortunate to proceed to that point uh my experience is that the subsequent developer agreement will have very definitive and specific deadlines that we have to comply with correct anything else so just to follow up if if if you have no curb Cuts we're going to lose parking spots so if there's no curb cuts to this okay come on up right down part there is a curb cut there is a drive withd that goes to the parking area so there is the loss of one um on street parking space what I believe it's just one but it maybe two most but it's just to accommodate the curve cut of to get into the garage for the 28 parking spaces okay thank you so there is L of at least one maybe two uh when you go to the planning board and I know you know it we're going to need a plan for a construction a staging plan how you going to build this without driving the neighbors crazy where you going to store your material all you know that yeah we own a lot across the street okay and yeah um I I I understand that okay and and the engineer when he brings the site plan drawings Walt Hopkin he'll address the loss of one or two spaces and the state construction sequencing of the site work but minimal disturbance we have storage across the street on a fair good siiz lot do you know where your sales office is going to be um that could be across the street once the structure is up um Pat and I are talking about this and um you know we generally don't jump the gun and sell off a website so I kind of like to have the building up and one of the units uh finished and you know let people walk through and see I know hav and open for sales as they were starting construction yes sir hi Ben rer um 512 fth Avenue just have some questions about the building as well um sorry Bill um I just how close is it going to be to the britwood building about um I don't have the site plan with me okay but our side yard just looks really close from there yeah it's really close we've got about seven or eight ft on our side to the fence and the Brit wood has about the same it's about the same okay so it is um more of an urban build than a Suburban build okay I was say the britwood has its air conditioning units out back yeah um I know you were saying earlier that you're going to be putting them on the roof line is that going to be above the window line of the existing britwood units um according if if Steve has this right on this Photoshop rendering okay which we can verify going the answer is yes okay our roof is higher okay and then you said you're doing stucco over is that going to be stuck over Timber I'm sorry uh the building material is going to be Timber no it's so uh the front and sides predominantly yeah it's going to be stuck up are stuck up and it's over a ctitious board and two coats of stuck up this is not even it's going to be matching now yes okay yes okay um construction will take about a year um parking those those parkings for it's going to be two cars one in front of another yes for the two okay um I just don't know how like I just realistically how convenient is that and I it's you know parking is sort of the biggest issue I know on Fifth Avenue they do a permit only parking I wish it was the same on second or Hecker Berg um well I'm here I have no no I know that but I'm just but I I I understand so if it's a couple yeah and whoever has to go first in there in there they got to get out of bed move the car and it's it's long enough for two you know large cars not just sort of two compact cars comp okay um and then you're saying it's going to be $150 a square foot less than the aan I you know this is this is what we're thinking yeah and um yeah I mean I have to have an idea to do the economics of this okay when I start but um you know once you invest the money and spend 40 years dead there yeah you know our history is s no I mean and that's sort of you know more than the parking and more than the building itself you know the biggest worry for me as an Asbury Park resident is keeping Asbury Park you know fun artistic um youthful uh affordable you know it's time is up Sir s go ahead is I finish yes yeah it's just getting less and less affordable and not only that we're getting more seasonal residents which I know when you're looking at it from an economic standpoint and um you know the bottom line but it does sort of make Asbury Park quieter in the winters means the business are having a harder time in the winters um I you know I don't know if I talk to the board or if I talk to is there any way of sort of figuring out full-time residency or you know how does that work well um I think there're going to be people that are look like in your age 12 or that are working from home yeah and they you know the difference between 725,000 or a million is substantial so you know in my business um I've seen the cost go up astronomically in the last 15 years construction costs have have doubled so if we could sell at X less than 750 and make a reasonable profit okay we do all right I appreciate you saying that we do in a heart thank you Bill thank you thank you anybody else like to be heard on this or any other issue in the city if not then motion to close Mo close second all in favor thank you thank you very thank you we are now on to the minutes I have the executive meeting and regular meeting minutes from the uh September 25th meeting do have a motion move it second council member Benz Anderson yes uh council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes mayor Quinn way mayor moris yes here now on to the consent agenda resolutions all matters listed on the consent agenda are presented collectively to the city council will be considered for approval with one vote these matters are considered to be routine in nature and there will be no individual discussion of the item discussion is desired by one or more council members as to any particular item the set item shall be removed from the consent agenda and consider separately on the consent agenda we have resolutions 2024 442 through 2024 446 through have a motion second council member bz Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clon yes Deputy Mayor Quinn of way mayor Moore yes we're now on to individual resolutions resolution 2024 447 resolution approving payment of bills go have a second second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor qu away mayor Moore no resolution 2024 448 resolution awarding a bid for the purchase of 4 2025 Chevrolet tahos and six 2025 Chevrolet traverses for the police department motion move it second council member bz Anderson no council member Chapman yes council member clayon yes Deputy Mayor Quinn is away mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 449 resolution authorizing the purchase of equipment needed for the new police department Vehicles moov second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes may Quin away mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 450 resolution authorizing the purchase of firearms for the police Police Department move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 451 resolution authorizing a purchase of a Live Scan system for the police department second council member Bez Anderson Council M Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 for 52 resolution authorizing a contract with USA general contract report for a new agac unit needed on the council chambers roof move it Council M Bez Anderson Council Chapman yes Council M Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 453 resolution authorizing agreement with Mammoth County Urban search and rescue Ming second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes mayor Quinn yes mayor yes resolution 2024 454 resolution approving change order number one for the Prospect Avenue and bangs Avenue intersection Improvement project second Council mayor Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 455 resolution awarding the preliminary development of a 5-year master plan for the city of Asbury Park Urban Enterprise Zone moving second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes we're now on to ordinances for second reading and public hearing I have ordinance 22431 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park amending and supplementing subsection 12- 1.3 entitled fees of section 12-1 State uniform construction code enforcing agency of chapter 12 building and construction of the code of the city of Asbury Park do I have a motion to open the meeting for public comment on ordinance 2024 31 move to open second all in favor I public comment on ordinance 2024 31 is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone state your name and address for the record your comments may only be about ordinance 2024 31 Fred could you give just a brief explanation what this is about the um uniform construction fees needed to be increased um and the recommendation is from our construction official to coincide with uh what's now C thank you anybody like to be heard motion to close second all in favor I I do I have a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 31 Mo to adopt second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy May Quinn yes mayor Moore yes if that is all for tonight you have a motion to adjourn the meeting move second all in favor I thank you very much everyone