##VIDEO ID:ZdFrH4thwiY## me and c order Council memberz Anderson I'm here council member Chapman here council member Clayton here Deputy Mayor Quinn here mayor Mo here please stand for a silent prayer moment of reflection we will now salute the FL I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the stand One Nation God indivisible andice all as comply with the open public meetings act chapter 231 1975 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in the following manner the anal notice was forwarded to the Asbury Park Press the coaster and the Star Ledger on January 16th 2025 and post on the bulletin board the same date all notices are on file with the city clerk we are now on special event applications from recation director Alicia Foyd good evening mayor and Council um this evening there are special 11 special event applications before before you 10 of them are returning events one the Asbury Park color and Light Festival is new um as a point of clarification for the location of this event it will be in the vicinity of the Paramount convention hall not all over the city and there also 16 wedding applications before you any questions 16 time 250 is what I gu I have question thank you thank you Alicia all right we're now on to Matters from Council uh council member Bez Anderson nothing from me council member Chapman I have nothing at this moment thank you thank you council member Clayton yes I just want to announce that the state has a rental assistance program and it gives preference to Veterans the homeless dis disabled and the elderly and but you have to apply to get on the waiting list by January 31st at 5:00 which is this Friday um in order to do it there's a website and the email the the email address is website check what I'm sorry waight list check.com SL nj559 or there's a phone number 609 292480 option 9 if you don't have access to a computer please go to our Social Services Department located in the transport ation Center and they can help you fill out the application online and again it has to be filed by this Friday the 31st by 5:00 pm that's it for me thank you Deputy Mayor Quinn nothing and may Moore I apologize everybody for starting a little bit late uh we had something come up in Clos exec that we didn't know was going to come up so I do apologize thank you thank you uh moving on to Matters from the city manager nothing thank you and uh moving on Tamaris from the city attorney yeah if I may I just want to take a moment to introduce myself to the public um my name is Kevin starky I'm grateful to have been appointed as the new uh City attorney uh the prior Attorney Fred veretto was here for I think 21 years um and he was uh just appointed by the governor to be a judge of the tax Court in New Jersey um Fred's actually a good friend of mine from years ago we we graduated high school together and he's been helpful in getting me up to speed on the many issues in Asbury Park and I'll do my best to serve the city well so I just want to let everybody know who I was thank thank you thank you we are now on to public participation may have a motion to open the meeting to the public move to open second all in favor I the public participation portion of the meeting is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone state your name and address for the record and there will be a three minute time limit for each speaker uh Nancy Sabino 1000 no Nancy Sedano 1000 4th Avenue um I had a question about the stop signs and uh I was I go back and forth between Bradley Beach and new and um Asbury Park and the stop signs in Bradley Beach are on the west side of the cross streets at the railroad tracks and the stop signs in Asbury Park are on the east side of the railroad track and I was just wondering why there would be a discrepancy between two cities that are pretty much next to each other and what's the sense of why the stop signs are on the east side because if they're on the east side and you stop there then you should be able to go across the tracks and just drive without stopping again but if you don't stop you're going to hit somebody on Memorial because Memorial has no stop signs where there stop signs on the cross streets so I was just trying to understand the rationale of why the stop signs are where they are and why there's a difference between the cities anybody have any clue I thought maybe James would have an answer to that so we placed the stop signs you're just reference you're referring to when you're driving West approaching the train tracks there's a stop sign before the tracks yes you stop and you cross over the tracks into the intersection uh Brad has them after the tracks so you drive over the tracks and stop correct the problem with that is what we're trying to avoid is cars stopped on the tracks right we don't want to have two cars backed up trains are coming and now they can't turn or move because tra on Memorial is too high okay now we have cars and we have trains it's far safer to have cars stop before the train look and the train comes then they're already out of the way gate comes down cars are safe right no one has to Jet out way the train but in that rationale then once you stop on that side of the tracks and you stopped and there's no traffic you could just go across you don't have to stop again on the other side no you it's harder understand that it's difficult to get your full line of sight sometimes from being that far across the tracks but once you cross the tracks you do not need to stop again you should just be your turn or going straight or whever you okay thank you that's what I thought but I just wanted to get official thank you good evening my name is Nancy Phillips and I am not a resident of Asbury Park as a matter of fact I'm homeless I came here tonight mayor to let you know that the last time I was here there were people getting killed on Atkins Avenue all over Asbury Park underneath cameras and still not no crimes is being solved um since the last time I was here um quasim Johnson the director of the Asbury Park Housing he continues to neglect the residence of Asbury Park he continues to rob the housing authority of millions of dollars I mean of course you could W of course you're a witness because I saw that you complained about them yourself um in the ASB Park Press um every time I go to a public housing authority meeting I am the police are being called on quasim Johnson from ASB Park Housing Authority never fails to call the police on me okay I was banned last month from recording a public housing authority meeting I was thrown out their lawyer came and gave me a cease and decease letter okay so you know what I did mayor I took the liberty of pressing charges against quasim Johnson of the Asbury Park Housing Authority for harassment okay this is what I did I am a citizen there is no reason for me to be under arrest because I'm quote unquote trespassing and not only did I do that mayor I came down here to the police station After I filled out my police report the police report was inaccurate you need to investigate the police officers of Asbury Park because they are filing false police reports that officer 294 guy lied on me and I came down there to press charges on falsifying legal documents and filing the police report I am going to court okay and I am suing I am pressing charges against the ASB Park Housing Authority and I might need you mayor as a character witness to testify on my behalf of how foul quas Sim is especially since I got the article in ASB Park Press I already went down to the mammoth County Prosecutors I left message with prosecutor Mark Spivy I figured since he was investigating the Asbury Park School System he need to drive on down to the housing authority and investigate them as well so naturally my lawyer is going to have to subpoena the prosecutor you the residents of Asbury Park news2 millions of dollars are being mishandled if I mishandled millions of dollars I'd be underneath the jail but what do y'all do y'all brush it underneath the rug and y'all label it as Mis mismanagement of funds nobody is fired I know y'all watch channel 12 aren't you embarrassed to see Asbury Park all over all over um news2 housing authorities infested with roaches the police is corrupted the police is being sued for discrimination like aren't you tired of Asbury Park having such a bad rep like how did it feel knowing that police officer Su y for a million dollars that's all I'm just I'm just curious aren't you embarrassed to be the mayor of a town that gets r that the residents get robed or you know a town where the school system is fil withens finish finish your sentence because your time is up and then I'll reply okay my question to you is are you embarrassed to be the mayor sitting a sitting mayor in a town that is so corrupted as Asbury Park are you embarrassed that the police are are you embarrassed the police are pressed charges on each other for harassment finish your sentence but you keep on going on Miss Phils your time's up okay and so I'm going to answer part of your questions at times I'm embarrassed to be the mayor go ahead sorry because of various reasons maybe everything I heard what happened to you not totally but I know one thing for a fact you absolutely can tape any meeting going on so why they told you you could not tape is beyond belief because the Board of Education was sued for that back in like let say 1994 and the gentleman walked away with a nice piece of money and if you were stopped from taping I I would suggest you do whatever you want to do if you want to call me to court to testify that you're allowed to tape I will gladly join you and if you want to talk to the police chief as far as like the reports and everything I love him no it's his wife I love okay okay but please if you think the police did anything wrong please talk to the police chief and we'll go from there I appreciate you oh can I add one more thing I okay I guess I'll save there for next month a bless night I'm out of here thank you and good luck you're welcome [Music] Felicia Simmons president of WCC historic Innovation Association formerly known as the Westside Community Center you got to speak up oh never I'm sorry it's okay um Felicia Simmons president and executive director of WCC historic rennovation Association formerly known as the Westside Community Center I'm here for quick second um first is to say that we have a meeting um on Friday the greater Asbury Park historic renovation Revival project we invite you to ballot Church on 4th Avenue 6:30 to 9: it's Community planning and um organizing is open to everybody um second is um about a few months ago I put in and Revisited about a month ago for a support letter for the neighborhood Choice Grant and um I know at the time you didn't have enough information but the neighborhood Choice Grant is a grant that is for nonprofits um and other community-driven non-municipal government entities excuse me long day non-government entities and it was started in 2002 um a partnership with the network and also with the um DCA and what it is is a um tax credit program and great cities like Asbury Park and other specific districts um towns and neighborhoods throughout the state qualify these I'm also a recipient of this grant down in um the southest of Jersey 0000 and I'm bringing it back to the home of Asbury it gives you a planning Grant to help develop a community plan generated by the community to come up with organizations and pro pro organizational um progressions and projects Community Based so say your shade tree committee say Westside Community Center different nonprofits where the state of New Jersey DCA program can fund them up to a million dollars and actually more throughout the year right it is a partnership between Corporation and nonprofits and again it has no Municipal um governmental um projects or components to it it is compl completely um Community generated and for the benefit directly of the community say if you wanted a garden and you needed funding for a garden say if you had a youth mentoring program and you needed funds and connections between business the business World corporate world and say you and your mentoring program this program is made for those such reasons and um again I put in for support um but in all C I have a relationship already with DCA so but in the f future we're looking forward to partnering at the west side with the city um in so many different Municipal things to bring back the community because again the historic um Westside Community Center and the historic Asbury Park are partners and together with the city with the Commerce we can bring the city back so it's beneficial for everybody in it so thank you have a great day thank you thank you I okay thank you move to close second all in favor I we're now on to the minutes I have the executive meeting and reorganization meeting minutes for the January 15th meeting do I have a motion move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to the consent agenda resolution all matters listed on the consent agenda are presented collectively to the city council and will be considered for approval with one vote these matters are considered to be routine in nature and there will be no individual discussion of these items if discussion is desired by one or more council members as to any particular items then said items shall be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately on for consent tonight we have resolutions 20257 through 20272 do I have a motion moving second second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to individual resolutions I have resolution 202573718 Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 20275 resolution authorizing the disposition of surplus property second Council mayor Bez Anderson Council May trapman yes Council mayor Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 20276 resolution authorizing the acquisition and installation of a play structure for the participatory budget Sunset Park project move it second Council May Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 20277 resolution authorizing the purchase installation of three automated License Plate Reader readers for the police department move it second council member Bez Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 20257 resolution ratifying the superior Officers Association local number six of the patrolman's benevolent Association of the state of New Jersey Union contract move to table second all right so I have a motion to table council member abz Anderson yes council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes the resolution has been tabled to the next council meeting resolution 20279 resolution authorizing an agreement with passport for a mobile parking payment application permit parking portal and License Plate Reader parking enforcement systems move it second Council May Bez Anderson yes Council M Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 20258 resolution authorizing agreement with pay by phone for a mobile parking application move it second counc I have a question is this is it as similar to 81 James similar but do company different hello hi so yes we have multiple Mobile payment apps in the city technically there's four two by passport one by pay phone one by Park Mobile all three of our resolutions tonight are to re renew contracts with them to keep operating uh they operate at no cost to the city um users pay a a user fee of 35 cents whatever it is per transaction and then when you fun all that money along to the company we find that having multiple provides people more options that way they don't come here and feel forced to download a new app they might already have one for a different six thank you jam wel thank thanks James do we have a motion move it we second sorry sorry council member Bez Anderson Council M Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2025 81 resolution authorizing agreement with Park Mobile LLC for a mobile parking application move it second Council mayor Bez Anderson Council mayor Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn mayor Moore yes resolution 2025 82 resolution authorizing the extension electronic Beach badge system for the city of Asbury Park through December 31st 2030 Council M Bez Anderson Council M Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2025 83 resolution authorizing an annual service agreement for mobile data service Char uh coverage move second Council May Bez Anderson Council May Chapman yes councilor Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2025 84 resolution approving change order number two for the roof replacement at City Hall DPW and the transportation center move it second Council May Bez Anderson Council M Chapman yes Council May Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes may Moore yes resolution 2025 85 resolution authorizing the county of Mammoth mosquito control division to conduct aerial mosquito control operations within the city of Asbury Park move it second Council mayor Bez Anderson yes Council mayor Chapman yes Council mayor Clayton no uh Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2025 86 resolution rejecting bids for Asbury Park uh Boardwalk restrooms and authorizing rebid second Council mayor B Arison Council mayor Chapman yes Council mayor Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2025 87 resolution awarding a bid for First Avenue roadway improvements move it second Council B yes counc mayor Chapman Council mayor Clayton Deputy Mayor Quinn John uh Mayor John votes yes resolution 2025 88 resolution awarding bid for Traffic Control signage move it second Council mayor Bez Anderson yes Council mayor Chapman yes Council mayor Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes and mayor Moore yes resolution 2025 89 resolution of the Council of the city of Asbury Park committing to round four present and perspective need affordable housing obligations move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 202590 resolution authorizing the release of the performance bond for 300 Asbury Avenue 320 Asbury Avenue 301 cookman Avenue 600 hex street block 3801 lot 1.01 1.03 and 1.05 move it second Council mayor berson yes Council mayor Chapman yes Council mayor Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2025 91 resolution authorizing on release of the performance bond for 20224 2 Avenue block 4201 Lots 3 and four move it Council mayor bers council mayor Chapman yes Council mayor Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn mayor Moore yes resolution 2025 92 resolution authorizing the release of the performance bond for 917 Third Avenue block 302 bot 11 Council May Bon yes Council mayor trapman yes Council mayor Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2025 93 resolution authorizing appointments to the planning board the appointments are council member yavon Clayton as a class three member with a term to expire January 15 2026 uh for class four member appointments is Michael goonan Jim Henry Daniel shano and Jeremy Hoffman with the term to expire January 15 2029 and then for alternate one would be Robert suckerman with a term to expire January 15 2026 and alternate number two Katherine mcclaflin with a term to expire January 15th 2027 move it second uh Council mayor Bez Anderson yes Council mayor Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2025 94 resolution celebrating the month of February as National Black History Month move it Council mayor Bez Anderson yes Council mayor Chapman yes Council M Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to ordinances for introduction ordinance 2025-the of February 12th 2025 do I have a motion move second Council May Council mayor Chapman yes Council mayor Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes ordinance 20252 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park in the county of Mammoth state of New Jersey providing for the special assessment of the cost of certain Wastewater storm water roadway streetscape utility and other infrastructure improvements on block 4306 Lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 200 210 8th Avenue 2011 209 7th Avenue and 16 4 web Street on the city tax map which are located within the Asbury Park Waterfront Redevelopment area and establishing a mechanism for payment of the cost thereof with a public hearing date of February 12th 2025 you have a motion move it second council member berson yes Council mayor Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes ordinance 20253 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park authorizing the execution of a financial agreement with kof nans Delta at Asbury Park urban renewal LLC concerning property located at block 4306 Lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 200 210 8th Avenue 2011 209 7th Avenue and 1604 web Street on the city tax map within the city of Asbury Park R water Redevelopment area and granting a tax exemption with a public hearing date of February 12th 2025 you have a motion move it second Council mayor Bez Arison council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor MO yes ordinance 20254 ordinance amending the Redevelopment plan for 101 1st Avenue City of Asbury Park Mammoth County block 401 Lots 10 11 12 and 13 with a public hearing date of February 12th 2025 do I have a motion move it second member Michelle number one which is 121 Memorial and number for which is 10:1 first we're going to notify everybody within 200 feet um we have not done that before for a second it it's the second ordinance hearing we have not done that before uh it gets a general ad in the paper by the clerk for an ordinance don't we want to notify everybody well our policy was to notify for conceptual and then there's a legal that was our our volunteer one you know that we voluntarily agreed to and then there's I think a general one that is required right so the require the the 200 foot notice by Statute is required for planning board hearing and then the other statutory requirement is second reading of an ordinance that the clerk places an ad in the newspaper right I I I know the legalities but we made the decision anytime we're going to be talking make it a decision on these projects we would notify everybody within 200 ft well then we have to do it on all of them not that one not just that one the other ones are money they don't have anything to do they've already been approved it's just the two tonight you go through them quick 121 is not money 121 is entrance and exit well that's what I'm saying number one and number four okay yes three is in ordinance so how many so that would be a fourth time we've notified people of this so we do one as H through feedback that we got that people wanted to be notified when they're conceptually coming to us and if that's multiple conceptuals we do it for all of those then there's the planning board well that's different and then are those the only ones the my of our policy my understanding was only the notice of a presentation to council for the conceptual not for an adoption I go this is the most important one because we're going to vote can we do I don't mean to say this here this mean can we do Outreach via email rather than a a two true or Niel maybe at 200 I I we we told the public whenever we're going to vote on something or just have a presentation they would be notified that's not notifying them regular mail then it's better than nothing but I mean rather certified but you saying is it is it impossible I don't think it's impossible we're not talking about a th000 people probably talk about maybe 80 people at each one well one not to hijack this in the middle but you have a I in this my opinion regular mail goes in your mail and it it you get it um within a few days not in as parkh maybe where you live I don't get my mail for weeks certifi mail if you don't pick you know if they to deliver to you and you're not home you get the card and you have to so we can do both at least we can try with the card we can try somebody doesn't get a uh if you're saying it's impossible to do then we're going to going to make a motion to withdraw these and we reintroduce them in two weeks but I mean no I mean because one I don't want to say say it one really needs adoption but um but I I'm going to ask the city manager for St St help I'll come in and help you but I mean we'll make work we can't tell the public we're going to let you know when we're going to vote on something and then not tell but I I do think you know even though certified mail is a proof I mean regular mail is a more effective way for a letter actually reach someone's hand but and I have been for the conceptuals that you have been requ asking for the Waterfront they have been regular mail okay but this is yeah okay do so we notified everybody for conceptual right can we use that same list that we used for conceptual it is it is going be the same list it's not new how did we notify the first time well the for the the developer did the notification all right and they get a list from the tax assessor gotcha I'm sorry to put you I I should have thought about this last week so so the question is does it go regular mail or certified both I mean we're talking about I know you need stay GL come in and help you yeah but it's not just for this project I mean this would be every project now right because we're not just doing it for the Waterfront we're doing it we would be doing it all the time if we're voting on something and we tell the people I mean it's like the guy that came to the reorganization meeting uh Jacob Cohen wanted to speak about that and he did and I said he was outside the 200 feet right but but I promise him I would let him know when that is so I W let him know but I mean we can't tell people I thought we told the public when we going to vote on something we'll let you know no I think we added the conceptual because that was the time to change the project because we had not voted on anything so the idea was we are not legally required but conceptually we said hey folks come on out tell us what you like and what you hate we'll tell the developer to change some of the stuff maybe not all of it and then it'll come back but I mean I'm not here to stop people from being notified I'm just trying to think of it from a financial and practical Financial I'm not worried about just because you're talking about 80 letters and what $2 I mean you're talking about 160 for this project cert certified mail is how much is68 and6 is $480 I mean then then we got to come up with some policy because and be consistent with it but again I'd rather know when you're voting on something than when you just discussing something I mean if I have a problem with it let me know when you're voting on because I get to talk to that microphone I get to talk as long as I want you can't cut me off after 3 minutes I like to know what the concept what what your problems are so we can change it anyway what whatever it's only first reading so we can have a discussion in the next 20 no no she's yeah she needs time to get this process started because the next meeting is two weeks down the road that's why she's already saying she needs help I we we'll get you help we'll figure it out all right all right so so we're doing andless if there's three of you that don't want to notify the public just say we don't want to notify the public we don't ever notify the public for this in the past no and this is a ordinance adoption for amendments to Redevelopment plan and when I say notify the public I mean a personal mailing obviously we notify in the papers or whatever right the ad goes in the paper so from here on out every second reading of every ordinance for development would also then have a mailing but or amendment to a Redevelopment plan or an amendment to I'm narrowing it because um because I'm because it is it is it's it's a lot and but um give me the down the negative the Cottons besides it's work and it costs a couple hundred dollars it's it's more than a couple hundred okay it cost $500 yeah in a $60 million budget if we can't come up with $500 every now and then like you if we have to add it to your budget We'll add it to your budget now I mean if you say like okay we'll do it this time but then let's revisit and look at it then we can do that but we I can't cut you off with a short time frame and say don't do these two right I I would like us to to revisit it and talk about what is the most effective ways to reach the public okay because um then that's why we' come up before with a policy of regular mail um but let's we'll do whatever you want this round and let's please Revisited no problem with that uh certified a regular both okay within 200 feet yep yeah absolutely no problem and just check there the only two I believe there's four on I think there's only two there's only two that have been that the four ordinances you look at them and make sure there's only two that have to be notified there's only the there's only two because they amendment to Redevelopment plans I think so too but I want you to make sure yes the other the other two are related to to finance fin I agree I want you to check thank you 20251 and 20254 that's okay the resolution was moved prior to discussion um council member Bez Anderson yes Council mayor Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes more yes that is all for tonight can I have a motion to adjourn the meeting move to adjourn second all in favor I thank you everyone have a good night thank you thank