##VIDEO ID:f7B7TE5kluw## moment of reflection before that uh as most of you know uh Rita Morado passed away this past weekend and uh so in Our Moment of prayer and reflection I hope everybody would uh take a second and think about Rita and uh what a character she was she was one of her kind and only in asber part could you have a read it so please think about her tonight and in the future thank you you want absolute the flag i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all and just as a followup uh as far as re's Services tomorrow at fiori Buckley Funeral Home on Mammoth Road in oakers from 4 to 8 is the viewing 236 Mammoth Road and then uh Friday at 10:30 a funeral mass at Our Lady of Mount Cara on first in asra Avenue thankk you as comply with the open public meetings act chapter 231 pl1 1975 adequate notice has been proved provided in the following manner the annual notice was forwarded to the ASB Park Press the coaster and the Star Ledger on January 22nd 2024 and posted on the r of board the same date all notices are on file with the city clerk um at this time we'll have Alicia Floyd present special event applications not well just somebody read it then um read it what it is I can explain it any questions um special events all right we have the AP asber Park homecoming parade the October Beach cleanup fall fund day and Trunk or Treat come on over question anybody have any questions up here okay no than than being late okay okay all right uh thanks we're now on Matters from city council council member Bez Anderson and nothing for me thank you thank you council member Chapman so I'd also like to just Express condolences to the family of Rita Morano I've known ritaa for over 50 years she was my father's secretary when my father was city manager here um and was an activist for our community we need more Rita moros in Asbury Park and then I just want to let people know that on October 5th uh Deputy Mayor Amy Quinn and I will be doing a coffee with the council person at 10:00 at the art of the leaf and Bean on cookman Avenue this is something we've been doing for many years and it gets us out there uh talking to members of the community for concerns and ideas and thoughts and so come on out and have a cup of coffee with us thank you council member Clayton yes uh first I just want to thank everyone that came out this weekend for the community f Festival in Springwood Park and all the vendors and the entertainment and everyone and second also on October 5th the city will be doing a food giveaway in the city hall Lobby from the hours of 9 to 12 you can reserve a pallet by calling Cassandra Dickerson and please if you need any assistance or you want to participate give a call and we will take care of you thank you thank you mayy Quinn um just to elaborate on what Ivon said one of the reasons we do this in October is because there's a lot of food giveaways around Thanksgiving and Christmas so this is to cover people with food and Security in October so that is the reason we do it this month mayor Mo nothing thank you thank you Matters from the city manager nothing thank you thank you Matters from the city attorney nothing at this time thanks thank you we're now on to a presentation from Lieutenant pway for the Police Athletic League and deputy chief guy Thompson I'm just going to introduce so uh for you good evening everyone for anybody doesn't know my name is Guy Thompson I'm the Deputy Chief of Police this is my friend and colleague for a long time we've been friend Lieutenant Renzo pway he's going to speak briefly about the pal program what programs are running now currently and what they're looking to do in the future him and the St assigned to the pal and our officers in commun relations have done a wonderful job okay okay how you doing folks you want to sit or stand yep I said thank you I'll keep it I'll keep it brief I I also uh I brought some handout some literature if when I'm done if anyone want anything know a little bit more about our programs uh we have uh flyers in uh and information there um uh for those that don't know I'm I'm Lieutenant P Charge of the community relations unit along with some of the community outreach programs we do we started uh back up our Police Athletic League or palal for short um and uh we have made a point to reach out to a lot of the kids parents in the community get their involvement in it so I'm going to briefly go over some of the programs that we uh that we do let me [Music] just all right um so first of all units made up of six police officers uh one uh one bike patrol officer uh two full-time patrolman that uh work in our unit in community relations specifically and then three school resource officers that are assigned to this uh to the school district uh but they also volunteer their time to help out with our our programs and uh um and I'll let them speak when I get to that point uh some of the uh programs that uh we're look to do down the line in the future uh as a self-defense course we ran a pilot program for uh a women adult uh women uh and that was pretty successful so now we want to expand on that and do a program for the Youth as well as adult and depending on how that goes and the feedback we get from the community we're going to start a martial art program um let me just say most of our programs are free it's uh it's funded through the city uh um and then other donations come from other community organizations that participate um we also are looking this year to start a youth Leadership Council and that's an opportunity for kids to uh come together they elect the board and they will uh decide on what community projects they want to work on and what they want to do so once a month they have an opportunity to go back and give back to your community it's kind of uh Works two folds one it it lets kids feel feel good like they're giving back and helping out the community but it also works for those that are looking to go to college it works towards giving them community service hours uh another one we're we're uh in talks with uh PNC Bank is a financial literacy program for adults and for kids um one thing with the adults um uh talking to the PNC uh manager there are a lot of people don't know about a lot of the grants and programs that are available available to first home time first first home buyers sorry uh so we want to do that we want to talk about that and then also saving out you know properly save how to uh start a checking account start them young um so they have uh different classes and courses that we're going to offer to the public uh for that um also we're in talks with uh hackin sack Meridian Health Clinic outreach program to to bring some uh uh different educational health awareness classes uh one CPR course for uh Youth and adults also a proper use of Naran you know with the uh epidemic of a lot of Overdose you know we want to make sure the public is aware how to properly use lar can God forbid they have to uh we're starting a sarer clinic also arts and craft uh we're looking to do come springtime um currently we one of our biggest programs we have is our boxing leadership program uh and weightlifting the uh boxing program uh uh started roughly about a little over two years ago and that was uh thanks to the mayor and the council people and Leisa that help fund the program and help get all the equipment and facility together uh we're located right above the TP DPW building nine main streets beautiful facility if you get an opportunity to come down uh and check it out uh we have uh two uh classes we have morning classes for adults and that's Monday and Thursday and uh that's 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and that's run by coach Tom mod he's uh one of our volunteer coaches from the community uh that helps out with that program uh then we have our afternoon boxing program uh for adults and for Youth and that program uh runs 4:30 to 5:30 and that's for our 8 to 14 year older that's a beginning course uh we have uh our 5:30 to 6 30 and that's for our 15 to 16 year old and that's for our teens and competitive uh those kids are looking to uh take the sport to the next level then we have uh our 6:30 to 8:00 pm class and that's for 17 year and two adults and that's also our competitive fighter classes um Al along with that we have um a leadership uh portion that is uh taught by one of our head coach coach UB I'm going to let him talk to you a little bit about how that came about real quick coach Ubie yeah um down how you doing gang May nice to see you again um I'm UB Thompson I'm the coach for the little kids in um the P here this is not the program that we created is not um a boxing program what you would think a boxing program program is where we're going to get these kids in great shape and send them to the Olympics is this is way way ahead of the game what we're doing is I'm a former Marine and I took my education from the military and life and I put it into a boxing program and created this program and this program is called a leadership program and this has not a lot to do with boxing but a lot to do with leadership being that I teach these kids how to get along with each other I teach these kids how to learn what a leader what aspects of a leader that's what we call leadership principles in the Marine Corp with the Marine Corp is the one that teaches this leadership principle because when one guy gets knocked off the next guy jumps in his spot takes all as a leader well this we're not teaching the kids about military but we're teaching them the leadership aspect part then the second part of it is the um principles we have the leadership traits and the principles and the principles is now once you learn the leadership traits you learn principles to run a group so we have leadership traits and principles is what we're teaching the kids we the way we do this is while we're teaching boxing we teach this together so part of the I I'm going to just finish with this the interesting part is we have an acronym in the leadership traits and it's called JJ did TI Buckle all right and then it stands for judgment Justice dependability initiative decisiveness and it goes on and while we're training these kids we're bringing this up and I got to tell you something we we've had this this program active a year and I'm I'm not candy coating it it's actually working very well the kids are picking up on it very lovely and um I think the kids that we have in the program this will take them never mind to make them boxes this is to make them functional human beings and the big part the big I didn't mention this but the big part of why we even put this whole program together see Larry Larry's one of my friends from the street growing up and the other officer that's the other coach fiser we all worked out together and we know in society in the community it's a community program it's for everybody everybody could play we are trying to break the stigma us against them the cops against the kids the kids against the cops we're trying to make a a respect level and um so far I think it's doing pretty good thank you thank you coach so so uh along with the uh with the boxing program we also we we encourage kids to to do well in school we give them rewards in s of when they bring the report cards in showing they did well we also work with them uh after school so prior to them ever getting in a ring in boxing they'll sit down with us and we'll help them do their homework School workk anything they need we we'll work with them so uh but we're always looking for volunteers people that want to come in and help tutor the kids you know so if anyone's interested give me a shout um also uh a lot of our kids they live all over town and because of it it's sometimes difficult for them to get here so me and the other officers in the community relations unit we'll go and pick up the kids whether we pick them up at school or pick them up at home bring them to the program and then bring them home afterwards make sure they get home safe so like you said the program is working extremely well we got over 50 youth in the program and it's growing it's growing more and more every day and and um I'm just very happy with the direction I see that program going in um we also have another program it's called sister Circle mentoring leadership program and that's for young ladies in the community and that was started by uh uh two of our sro's uh Offa Wesley and Offa baldwi and her sister Laurette who's a detective uh secretary um that's for kids 8 to 17 years old I'm going to let officer Wesley speak briefly on uh a little bit about that program hello everyone I'm Offa Wesley um I didn't start it actually my sister did in 2001 this program been running forever and it's been part of P um it's it's a 10we enrichment program that we run one day a week um for 10 weeks and use a curriculum called just be you um we do from cooking some of the girls may not know how to cook or just like to cook so we do cooking we do arts and craft we take them on trips um keep need service um we do homework with them we visit our local restaurants our libraries U we do things in town so that's what we do congratulations okay and and I'm going um and one of our uh last program it's actually a brand new pilot program is we have a girls basketball league we started over the summit uh and we took girls from all over we have some girls from asber bar neptun lwood Ed J just and they all come together we formed the team we Tau them the fundamentals of basketball and he had an opportunity to play different teams throughout the state so they this summer they played uh Lakewood York Long Branch uh and we just plan on expanding we're ready to start that back up again uh in the fall we actually have a meeting another week with all the coaches and it's volunteer coaches from the community that help out with that program also and then the um and that's done in partnership with the school school system and also the Boys and Girls Club who allows us to use their facility to run the program um and uh and then the uh last uh basketball program had we partnered up with the sister Academy a little over two years ago because they didn't really have a athletic program so we say name talk to them and we decide we'll start a basketball program so we run a girl basketall program uh for all their fifth through eighth grade and some of these girls go on to participate in our league and you know and they just have a good time we buil the bottom line we try to build a relationship we want the kids to trust us and we want to build that leip so that you know they don't look at us as the bad L and so some of these programs and then we're it's always looking to expand we're always looking for feedback from the community on what they want what they would like to see us do create and so you know in that I just want to thank everybody for listening one more oh I'm sorry I we also have a bully Le which also Wesley uh is in charge of and that is oh I'm sorry absolutely off West uh we run a bowling program we use learn sport um a bowling curriculum and it's a 10- we program as well and it's more good for the high school kids and it's boys and girls so the girls alone is 8 to 18 or 8 to 17 and then the um high school it's boys and girls and girls we had about 28 girls and our last program been running at sister circle like I said for a long time Bo just started three years ago and and they are about 20 kids 20 we're able to fun thank you all right okay thank you thank you we're now on to public participation may have a motion to open the meeting to the public all in favor I public participation portion is now open any member of the public who wishes to speak please use the microphone phone state your name and address for the record there would be a 3 minute time limit for each speaker again your name and address hi Dennis warl I live at 121 Bridge Street um I'd like to bring up something that I'm sure you've heard about a million times traffic um I got home from a weekend away on Monday it was 7:30 so it's starting to get dark out I'm walking my dogs and I don't feel safe on Fourth Avenue cars are driving so fast that no matter how much you're looking it just it doesn't feel safe and this is I've been in Asbury Park my husband's home the house for 20 years we've been together for 16 and it is a marked change in how the traffic is and it just doesn't feel like anything's being done about it one thing um that some of my neighbors have proposed and we've gotone to the parking committee is on the west side of town making some of those side streets One Way um the parking committee has been very open to that we've spoken to them twice we're going to the next meeting but it's something that I wanted to bring to your attention so you could start thinking about because it a if if you've been on that side of town the streets are very narrow people Park on both sides so generally when you're traversing it cars don't actually pass each other they pull over to the side to let one go so I think this is something that uh you know there's a opportunity to work on and um yeah make make the town a bit safer so thanks thank you and you're right the parking committee has looked at it and the streets you're talking about Bridge Pine those streets that are have a good possibility of maybe switching to one way for many reasons one of them is speeding and one of them they say cars are on both sides I mean when I used to plow the streets I couldn't plow the streets because you couldn't get down so it's taking a little bit longer and the roundabouts are coming in 2025 uh so that is happening but hear you loud and cloud Clear thank you and we just had a conversation just prior to this meeting with our transportation director um about ways to calm traffic on Fourth on Third and other problem streets as well so it's something we're addressing it's something we're conscious of and and we're on this I I will say when the police are there they I see them making stops one after another after another I know it's not the best use of resources and I hate to show my age but I knew growing up there were towns you didn't Sten because you get a ticket and if that's what we have to do like that's what we have to do correct thank [Applause] you good evening Katherine Murphy um I also would like to express my sympathies uh for the passing of Rita she was a very special woman and integral part of this city and Community um I'm here because I you know as a resident as a homeowner uh my family's from Asbury Park you know I see the development and the density that's going on and I think there's um a real concern from the community that we hold on to these landmarks that are Asbury Park like convention hall and the Paramount and the wonderbar and the Stone Pony um I never thought I would thought I would say these words five years ago but I actually do see some responsible development going on which is really a good thing and you know thank you Council for all the work that you do um primarily my understanding is uh we've received a $20 million Grant of 7 million which will go towards the boardwalk the southern part of the boardwalk for new bathrooms and railings lighting I'm assuming the other 13 million I'm asking that the council um explain how we can make sure that those funds go towards opening the Paramount which has been closed I believe for over five years now you know it's not just a venue space it's a community space um as I was speaking with someone earlier High School graduations took place there light of day it is um a significant and a historical part of our community um my understanding is that the funds will have been given to the city and the city will be monitoring the distributions of these funds um so I know that in some ways our hands are tied with Madison Marquette but I would like to be part of the solution and um try to figure out a way that we can direct that 13 million to getting at least the Paramount back open and running so um any suggestions that you have um I'm here at your service and i' would be more than happy to forward any any sort of organization or activation to make that happen thank you thank you and we are in discussions with mad Marquette and that's the council's position at this time also that the our first and that's the way the grant was written so we have anou with Massa Marquette saying you have to apply through the city and here's what the city wants and the you know we wanted the windows fixed that they took out the copper panels because Salt Air and salt water will erod concrete and steel that's why they shut down the casino their own engineer admits to that so we wanted that done then we wanted the power Mount open so it was written in that way and that's the city's course right now okay that's great than much it's nice to hear people support it thank you motion Clos second all in favor just patient did you want to talk yes yes sir I'm sorry good evening uh Council mayor deputy mayor uh my name is bishon cfax I'm the son of the late Frank and Gert cax um currently now homeowner at 1403 bangs Avenue uh will be hosting porchfest this upcoming Saturday uh we have a premier artist uh that you all may be aware of by the name of Miss River Bay uh excuse me it's been my first time speaking in front of a crowd and um it just kind of like memories because I was here last with my mom so it's kind of like little jittery but uh bear with me um so anyway I just was informed by the board of Asbury Park porch Fest the head um Mr Jordan that um the feed to block off from uh bordon Avenue and bangs to D with of bangs uh will be a fee of $1,000 um I'm just hearing about this and I have been promoting in the Long Branch area the Red Bank area my mom uh used to have three stores in Red Bank uh M Street Broad Street and the Galleria so we have uh you know people's out there so I went there to promote and also in Neptune Asbury I believe from the current views that Miss River is is getting that um the crowd would be exceptionally more than what expected uh anywhere roughly over 200 people possibly um so the fee I'm just asking for a mercenary if the fee could be waved um I believe that it defeats the purpose of you know an event that's enriching the community uh bringing everyone together hosting the talents and the gifts of the West Side those that's here in the community there all Asbury Park alumni artist that's going to be performing and um I'm also giving away some gifts uh you know that was left around the uh house from the store and whatnot so I have a mystery gift raffle I also have bought some coupons for the council in case you happen to stop by it's from 1: to 6 um so I have a mystery gift raffle there be tickets included you can drop off and tickets for food if you come by happen to get off late and be a little hungry so that's I'm here to ask of the council thank you okay thank you Mr cyx as much as you just heard about it we just heard about it for the first time so I can't answer it now I don't think the city manager can answer it now but uh if you leave us your information we'll get in touch with you tomorrow because this is news to us yeah I'm just finding out about this okay sure yeah I I mean we have the special events coordinator yeah she doesn't yeah yeah so I I think when we closed sorry I just pan I just got the email the day at work I was at a doctor's right but we were at special events and this street was never talked about being closed down this is the first time I'm hearing about it we were so happy to finally get a porch on the Southwest so this is news to me right and I'm I'm enally grateful to even be accepted and have some of the community leaders uh within the community to speak up for me to be able to get my foot in the door to speak to the people in charge to be able to host uh so so I can carry on that Legacy and start becoming more involved within the community um because I do have a past you know and I've been transitioning from that now for over 13 years so you know I mean this is helps me with my therapy you know what I'm saying and get back let us look into it and get back to you tomorrow because you're hting us with a question none of us can answer because we didn't know about it okay but I also have VIP flies for the council as I said if afterwards or now or however I may approach to give it to you sure okay if you have a number email address that you can give the city manager seriously think about coming in his nie in Trenton anybody else from the public like to be heard I make motion we close it move close second all in favor I public participation portion is now closed wait him okay we're now on to the minutes I have Municipal Council executive meeting and regular meeting minutes of September 11th 2024 do I have a motion second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member clay yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution I'm sorry they're now on to individual resolutions resolution 2024 429 resolution approving payment of bills PO number 24 02283 will will be removed from the bill list do I have a motion move it second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn mayor Mo yes resolution 202 4 430 resolution approving special event applications move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 431 resolution of the city of Asbury Park County of mom the state of New Jersey resending resolution number 2024 405 and providing for the insertion of a special item of Revenue in the 2024 sewer budget of the city of Asbury Park pursuant to njsa 4A colon 4- 87 1 159 American Rescue plan do I have a motion move it second council member abz Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 432 resolution authorizing payment for emergency traffic signal repairs needed at bangs and ridge Avenues Mo second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 433 resolution author izing professional Engineering Services contract with tnm Associates for the replacement of Boardwalk decking project move it second council member abz Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor mour yes resolution 2024 434 resolution authorizing professional engineering service contract with tnm Associates for the boardwalk restrooms project move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 435 resolution authorizing the application for 2025 to 2027 multi-purpose Senior Center Grant second Council memberz Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes mayor Quinn yes mayor Mo yes resolution 2024 436 resolution appointing muralists to paint murals in the intersection of Springwood and Atkins Avenues move it second council member abz Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 437 resolution authorizing the mayor and city council to execute a discharge of mortgage for James kesling for property located at one Sunset Drive asra Park New Jersey move it second council member Bez Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 438 resolution approving change order number one for the roof replacement at City Hall DPW and transportation move it second Council Bez Anderson council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes resolution 2024 439 resol oh I'm sorry has been removed from tonight's agenda we have an addition to tonight's agenda resolution 2024 440 this is a resolution amending resolution number 2024 3308 approving 2024 2025 Alcoholic Beverage Control license for Stone Pony liquor license LLC doing business as a Stone Pony in the city of ASB Park the county of M the state of New Jersey do you have a motion move it second council member of as Anderson council member Chapman yes council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes we're now on to ordinances for introduction I ordinance 2024 31 ordinance of the city of Asbury Park amending and supplementing subsection 12- 1.3 entitled fees of section 12-1 State uniform construction code enforcing agency of chapter 12 building and construction of the code the city of ASB park with a public hearing date of October 9th 2024 do I have a motion move it second Council memberz Anderson yes council member Chapman council member Clayton yes Deputy Mayor Quinn yes mayor Moore yes no one has anything else we're on to adjournment move it move all in favor I thank you everyone meeting and journ thank you thank you you're welcome