welcome everyone today is Monday April 15 2024 and this is a regular meeting of the city at Asbury Park planning board chairwoman KAC can you please call this meeting to order this meeting is being held in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 adequate notice of this meeting have been provided to the coast nury Park Press by publication of the annual meeting notice and post on the municipal bulletin board and Municipal website all notices are on file with the board secretary official action may be taken to the following matters before the board fire exits are located in the east and west sides of that council chambers as well as the back of the building I will ask everybody with a cell phone or other device to kindly silence your device for the duration of this meeting this meeting is being recorded by atpv for your viewing pleasure please join me the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance unit States Amer stand naice I will now take roll call um James bonano here councilwoman Clayton here Eric Alo here Jim Henry here mayor Moore here Daniel shano here Jennifer saer here Vice chair gonan here and chairwoman KAC here uh the first item that we have is uh is a resolution for the Mercy Center can I get a uh a motion to approve so move second okay um members eligible to vote are Barbara KAC yes James Bano yes yvon Clayton yes Michael gonan Yes Jim Henry yes Daniel shano yes and Eric alipo yes next resolution that we have is for 614 cookman uh can I get a motion to approve second members that are eligible are Jim Henry yes yvon Clayton yes James Bano yes Michael goonan Yes Barbara KAC yes Daniel shano yes all right first application is 512 514 Summerfield Avenue [Music] so board members if you recall this this property was an application that we heard I think towards the end of last year um it was kind of bifurcated it was carried to March and um the applicant wasn't ready so it was carried on the record until tonight's meeting so uh there was no need to Ren notice okay if I may Andrew Carriage on behalf applicant we're here as a continuation this has to do with the Transformer that had been previously improved we just here for limited uh basis tonight just doing with the plantings um around the transport so it should be relatively short so we so we already was this application was already approved is that what we're saying okay so we're just again so this was the Transformer that provides service to the neighboring property on bangs Okay this is Summerfield right um so that was approved but it was bifurcated because at the time the didn't have approval from the city relative to the Summerfield property so they needed to get the um in front of the city and get approval before this board could hear the rest of the application so was bifurcated and and the balance of it carried all right so it wasn't it wasn't approved yet we don't have a resolution yet we have a resolution we have a resolution for the bangs Avenue property we do not have a resolution for the Summerfield portion no but we have it for the Transformer yes and what we're here for tonight is limit to the Transformer parking lot where the city and my client we've agreed to be able to move forward with an interim lot we're just waiting for the agreement and to work out the terms of that agreement um but the plan things that were're here for tonight we can proceed with and that was the purpose of tonight's hearing we'll be here separately then seeing that we're allowed to move forward with that parking lot at a separate date on a second okay so again I'm going to have one witness tonight um my engineer he's testified previously before this board this where a in I'll have you qualify do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to provide will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes and if you could state your name for the record and spell it as well Joseph melee j o s e p h m e l e and your licenses are current correct and you're testifying as an engineer that's right sh you've test T IFI before this board on numerous occasions am I correct yes and you've testified before other boards as an engineer throughout the State Insurance am I correct yes and you've been qualified as an exper engineering to provide that customer am I correct correct them as an engineer can okay um so you prepared prepared a plan relative to the plantings and the Landscaping that surrounds the Transformer am I correct that's correct and is that the plan that we have up on the screen before us yes that is the plan that was submitted to the board all right what I'm going to do I'm going to mark this as A1 for identification for tonight's hearing today is the the 15th 15 15 yeah can you just take a look at what the date is on the on that because the one I have is uh February 28th can we confirm that yeah um that's what I have okay what I have 28 all right A1 with the date February 28 2024 we're limited to dealing with the Landscaping at today's hearing so if you can just go through what you have on the plan what you are proposing relative to the landscape yes very simply um we indicated uh five Arbor VY across the front of the Transformer the Transformer is about the area of the Transformer is about 20 ft wide the Transformer itself is only about 10 ft wide and you have five staggered Arbor V across the front of the Transformer between between the sidewalk and the Transformer itself the Transformer sitting about um 10 ft back from the property line the front property line and those aror body that you have on there is that sufficient to scin that Transformer from the stream from the sidewalk yes and is that the extend of the landscape that's been provided on this plant that's correct that's all I have so they're they're the five Arbor variety and what what is around the Transformer what are those other five dots that are there are five uh concrete uh filled steel ballards around the transformer for protection I've got some questions concerning the location of that uh on your site plan you don't show the size of the uh concrete slab on which that pad sits and you don't show any dimension on your survey from the uh property line so how do you know where it's going to be located that already that was part of the last application that previously was approved you you've submitted a uh a survey with this and it would seem to me be prudent to locate on the survey where that pad where that concrete slab is where the curb is and where the uh you locate the U the the Transformer Pad as a condition ofal but you don't locate the concrete slab we can as a condition of any approval with regard to the plantings we can add that to the plan but as indicated previously that was approved okay I I don't have an issue with this location but it it's not on the plant and also on the survey if you look at the uh top of the survey uh it says point of beginning lot three where are you looking it's on on the survey on the plan that's on the board right no on the surve on the survey okay on the other one that was provided on the upper on the top left or midp point it says Point beginning lot three okay okay go ahead and that is predominant if you look down at the bottom of of the uh lot on the survey it says point of beginning and that is where your uh meets and Bounds description starts it's rather confusing when you look at it and the uh up on the top of the sheet the the lettering is predominant as compared to at the bottom I think it needs to be we can correct that fix so so can you tell me what what because I don't know now that you're bringing it up what is there's a point of the beginning on top there's a point of beginning on the bottom what what is that I could explain that why don't you tell us what tell us what that is because I'm a professional land surveyor as well and um when when you describe a parcel a piece of property whether it's uh a piece of land or an easement uh surveyors prepare these descriptions and they have to have a starting point that's the point of beginning the reason um the point of beginning out front by Summerfield Avenue is the point of beginning for lot three the entire property it is a little bigger in text but you can see it's a little screened like it's grayed out a bit and that's because it's already existing it's something that's not new the point of beginning down uh at the back end of the site is the is a proposed point of beginning that's why it's black but the text is a little smaller so I I see your point that it's a bit smaller is that for the easement that's a point of beginning for the easement identify that point of beginning for easement right for easement and you could see the reason they started back there there is because it it seemed to be a logical Point has a has a good tie in from the adjacent property and it it doesn't require a few segments to get to that point but we can provide clarification point of begin point of beginning the right away when I looked at the Beats of bows the scripture as compared to the survey right off the bat oh this doesn't read right and then I went back and read the first two paragraphs uh above the meets and Bounds description paragraph A and B and you then I understood what you're were saying you're you're starting lot three uh it's the point between lot two and three yeah what happens there is there's a few courses to get to that point of beginning and then you see the point of beginning and that describes the the easement well if you're going to record this with the uh with the deed and this is the attachment uh to that recording well it gets recorded with the RightWay easement that I have submitted yeah not the it it needs a little a little addressing sure so are you saying that this does not match this it it does but what what happens if you look at if you just look at the uh meats and Bows ascription starting with one yes uh you look at the survey it says point of beginning and that's where you I would normally look to see where this you know where this is that point of beginning is up here in paragraph a right and normally you would start with paragraph one if you follow paragraph uh start with paragraph a and then follow with one it it doesn't read properly you have to come down read a b and then you get in to the point of beginning uh as he describes so need these two revised this is this is right we need this revised to reflect it does reflect if I could if I could clarify they are consistent with each other the description and the map agree with each other there are no mistakes there no mistakes but to to your point we could we can call out the point of beginning a little clearer make those things pop a little more so that the easement looks a little more conspicuous the description of the easement to be consistent with cly with the dot of lines and stuff easy enough to follow once you get to the starting point correct Ju Just so I'm clear for the record the document you're pointing to that's the one titled private utility easement for the benefit of Lot 10 yes that should be that should be also called in as a as a exhib as an exhibit right yeah I didn't know we were going to discuss that tonight we it was given to us but so so that easement actually was related to the prior app the prior portion of the application not this portion of the application okay that was already approved okay um although Andy I subject to it was subject to to clarifying the meets and Bounds I don't recall getting a copy of the proposed easement though I'll sent it over okay no I got the drawing I don't I don't think I got the actual easement draft I'll send it over I'll get okay does anybody does anybody else any other planning board member have any questions or concerns no do our professionals have any questions or concerns go ahead yeah so swear swear you're both in you swear airm that the testimony you're about to provide with the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth I all right thank you uh so um as far as the planting design uh I would just request that the plan be updated with uh planting details and notes that are consistent with the requirements of 12 D say that again 57 12 D okay yep and then I I do have a question about the proposed lights to be supplied from 520 B Avenue on this plan on this planting plan there is a note pointing to a simple a light picture and electrical service to propos lights to be supplied from 520 Banks Avenue and there's three fixture symbols on did we not get those is that what you're saying you're saying we did not get those supposed to be Landscaping didn't have anyting as part of the uh Transformer application okay yeah there there I don't believe there lighting it's just proposed proposed lights so we haven't come in with any lighting at this point well it's electrical service that's being provided am I correct lights that symbol represents you know on the other side of the parking area where two other lights might be they should just I mean if you're going to have a note about electrical service it's great but there should not be any lighting shown on this plan we'll take that that'll be part of when we come back Dee with the correct all right that's fine can eliminate that for now okay okay so we're going to remove the lighting and we're going to add the planting detail right and notes notes right anything else or Jason yeah quick question does it make sense to put BS on the east side of the Transformer you have the the room to do that there appears to be room uh but there is there there wouldn't be a conflict with maneuverability there uh you're you're basically on the um the parking lot is behind the Transformers so you're coming in on the west side of the Transformer and you're parking on the south side and hence yeah I was just looking at the parking space poting right at it on lck four this just a suggestion no it it makes sense because there's a car that could go right across well there's a fence there's a fence there too there's a fence oh that's right there's the there's the correct there's a fence two curb a fence what if that fence is taken down or run over or run over well we'd like to suggest I I would suggest that you put two ballots there that's up to the applicant um it's fine we'll put B okay two ballots how you you how many ballots are you requesting I would think it would be the same as the other side right symmetrical then put two ballots that is anything else from our professionals no open up to the public any questions from the public no okay all right any uh comments from uh can we open up for Public public comment please motion second any comments from the public no comments from the public let's close public motion second okay um can we get a uh a motion for I mean actually you have everything um Jeff for the that were that has has been requested about the planting detail the the removal of the lightings the ballor the uh fix it clarifying uh point of beginning uh so that it equals the easement uh letter is there anything else that's all I have okay all right can I can I get a motion for approval uh based on what we just said second okay um James Bano yes councilwoman Clayton yes Eric galipo yes Jim Henry yes John Moore yes Daniel shano yes Jennifer saer Yes Vice chair goon I yes but uh I was not at the first hearing I okay did you provide a certification okay make sure you get a certification any objection Mr car thank no um and chair chairwoman Barbara K yes y thank you thank you very much right anything else okay can I get a motion for to adjourn right all in favor