##VIDEO ID:Muc51XgOy08## everybody ready to go okay good evening everyone today is Monday January 27 2025 and this is the 2025 reorganization meeting for the city of Asbury Park planning board chairwoman KAC can you please call this meeting to order yes this meeting is being held in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 197 5 adequate notice of this meeting have been provided to the coaster and Asbury Park Press by publication of the annual meeting notice and post on the municipal book bulleon board and Municipal website all notices are on file with the board secretary official action may be taken on the following matters before the board fire exits are located in east and west sides of council chambers as well as the back of the building I will ask everyone with a cell phone or other device to come kindly silence your device for the duration of this meeting this meeting is being recorded by APV for your viewing pleasure please join me in a u Pledge of Allegiance alance States stand indivisible liy and justice for all I will now take R call uh mayor mayor Mo here councilwoman Clayton here James Bano here Jim Henry is absent Jen saer is absent Daniel shano here Jeremy Hoffman present Bob Zuckerberg uh close Zuckerman why do I have Zuckerberg Zuckerman someone was thinking about Facebook that was a auto correct that is maybe it wasn't auto correct Bob Zuckerman how Katherine mcclallen here Vice chair Mike goonan here and chairwoman Barbara kerac here okay here we go uh we're going to start with the uh with uh the admin an administrative piece of this uh the reorg of uh this board um okay um would you like to yeah uh start yeah we need to get a uh nomination for oh no the uh the appointments well I think they're all they're all of record they're all of record yes right mam secretary all the appointments are of record from the mayor and Council absolutely the only we didn't have was a written uh resolution or documentation for the mayor being the class one member but we know that the council took that formal action we just didn't get the paperwork on it yet but he is C the class one member uh we have a number of new members so everybody is eligible right the uh the only difference is is that um on a just a minor SNF that uh Bob Zuckerman at this is is going to be an alternate one in the first resolution he was not mentioned as an alternate one he was mentioned as a member okay um Katherine U mlin was mentioned as alternate to there is a resolution going into play to the council at the next council meeting so that um that that's going to be rectified so that uh Bob Zuckerman is alternate one Katherine um mman is alternate 2 and uh Jeremy is moved up to a a permanent member so that will that will be all be in the next resolution but because we have so many people that are out today it doesn't matter everybody gets to vote full board is nine members we have nine members here so all nine members can participate excellent okay uh first item we have is that we need a uh a motion for a temporary chairperson I'm going to nominate Barber kisac second discussion none Madam Secretary col please mayor Moore this is for temporary councilwoman Clayton yes James bonano yes Jim Henry oh I'm sorry I spaced out okay Daniel sheno yes Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes Katherine mclen yes Vice chair goonan yes and chairwoman C you know what yes you can vote for yourself I've always thought that you shouldn't but you can okay vote for yourself it's okay okay it's okay yeah leg we we got a lot of these to go through yeah yeah let's yeah okay let's get a uh well actually board secretary should be number to okay uh board secretary nominate Marie Rodriguez second second discussion hearing none roll call Okie doie I have mayor Moore yes councilwoman Clayton yes James Bano yes Daniel shano hi Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes kathern mclen yes Vice chair goonan yes chairwoman carac yes uh the temporary board attorney um I nominate Jack Sero second discussion hearing none vocal mayor Moore yes councilwoman Clayton yes James Bano yes Daniel shano yes Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes Katherine mclen yes Vice chair goonan yes and chairwoman K back yes okay all right we're going to move forward to the nominations and appointments of the 2025 offices can I get a um could I get a nomination for a chairperson I nominate Barbara CAC second second discussion hearing none all call please and in this case I don't think you should vote okay mayor Moore yes councilwoman Clayton yes James bonano yes Daniel Shan yes Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes Catherine mclen yes Vice chair go yes congratulations all right um nom thank you nomination for vice chairperson I'd like to nominate Mike goonan second second discussion hearing none roll call Mayor Moore yes councilwoman Clayton yes James bonano yes Daniel sheno yes Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes Katherine mclen yes chairwoman Barbara k yes congratulations um board secretary I nominate Marie Marie Rodriguez second second discussion he n roll call Mayor Moore yes councilwoman Clayton yes James Bano yes Daniel shano yes Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes Katherine mclen yes Vice chair gonan yes and chairwoman Barbara KAC yes um for a board attorney I nominate Jack Serpico second good discussion please yes second good mayor Moore yes councilwoman Clayton yes James Bano yes Daniel shano yes Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes Katherine mclen yes Vice chair goonan yes chairwoman carac yes thank you um nomination for the conflict attorney are the beakman be bman and bman second discussion roll call second oh I'm sorry I thought Dan second Dan yes yeah you're right mayor Moore yes councilwoman Clayton yes James benano yes Daniel shano yes Jeremy Hoffman a question to the FR attorney yes uh bman and bman was an inity of mine when I purchased the property recently should I then recuse myself from the sure why not when in doubt step back okay uh Bob Zuckerman yes Katherine mclen yes Vice chair gonan yes and chairman Barbara kurzak yes uh for board planner I nominate CCH second discussion hearing none roll call please mayor Moore pres councilwoman Clayton yes James Bano yes Jim Henry Daniel sheno yes Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes Katherine mclen yes Vice chair goonan yes chairwoman KAC yes um now we have um here's a situation that we have here with conflict board planner and conflict board engineer today we just received uh their rates that I believe that uh Marie put in front of you um and the increase in their rates and the rates are um I just took a quick look at them and they are in line with uh others that we have uh where all the rest of the professionals we already reviewed all their rates and and spoke about it in an executive session a while back so um I don't see uh I don't see an issue with these rates as far as the the changes from from last year to this year as opposed to everybody else that we've received so um I'm going to nominate tnm as our conflict board planner second discussion just just as quick as point of discuss we didn't use the conflict planner or engineer at all last year right we I don't even know if we used them once um maybe might have been one might may the beginning of the year before yeah they had to recuse themselves in sight on something and they stepped in great any further discussion hearing none roll call please mayor Moore no mo no gotcha councilwoman Clayton yes James bonano yes Daniel sheno yes Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes Katherine mclen yes Vice chair gonan yes chairwoman barbar KAC yes uh for board engineer I nominate Leon S avakian group second move it engineer uh discussion hearing none roll call Mayor Moore yes councilwoman Clayton yes James bonano yes Daniel shano yes Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes Katherine mclen yes Vice chair goonan yes and chair Roman carac yes uh for conflict board engineer uh nominate tnm second discussion we also didn't use them as engineer last year I don't even think once I don't think we did it all hearing none R call please mayor Moore no councilwoman Clayton yes James Bano yes Daniel shano yes Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes Katherine mclin yes Vice chair goonan yes and chairwoman Barbara KAC yes for board recording systems I nominate ATV second discussion hear none call please mayor Moore yes councilwoman Clayton yes James Bano yes Daniel sheno yes Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes Katherine mclen yes Vice chair munan yes and chairwoman Barbara KAC yes all right for for the Committees um I'd like just to state that for the design Review Committee uh what we'd like to do this year and I believe that we did it uh we did it a bit last year is that once um an application comes up that needs a design review uh I vote that the people that are passionate about that project be on that design Review Committee for that particular project uh which is which seems seems to have worked last time as well um if there's any discussion that anybody would like to have about that if that's okay and I think that we've had maybe what maybe two design reviews Maybe last year maybe maybe two maybe two I just to say I really like this proposal because you have to be interested to do a DRC and available so it works nicely I think okay all right um the next committee the next committee we have is a bylaw policy committee um I'd like to we've had some discussions and I'd like to uh nominate that Jeremy beond it Ivonne will be our fearless leader uh Jim Henry has uh expressed interest and uh I'd like to uh nominate that uh that Katherine be a uh an alternate on that she has expressed interest in that second and we didn't meet it all last yeah we didn't meet at all well this year there will be a meeting any discussion please mayor Moore yes councilwoman Clayton yes James Bano yes Daniel shano yes Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes Catherine mclen yes Vice chair gonan yes and chairwoman Barbara KAC yes um next one is the master plan committee um there were the intention this year uh there may be a meeting or two at the end of this year uh but the the heavy lifting will be next year 2026 and 2027 uh but uh I'd like to uh I spoke to some folks and would like to nominate um Mike Gan uh Ivonne will be on it Jane Bano and uh as an alternate Jen saer though she doesn't know that she will be I did ask her but you didn't tell me but uh I would also like to be on that but we can only have four people on it no matter what so I'd like to have jet on there just for sustainability if we get to one on at that section so when we pull her in when we have to pull her in why can you only have four because then you got a quorum five would be a quorum five five is a quorum even though we only have nine members five out of nine is a COR yeah yes so I can't have five you have four that's what I'm that's that's where I'm going I'm going with Mike yvon James and myself and when if Jen if Jen is an alternate so one of us will step back I heard you wrong my bad I'm sorry then one of us will step back for that meeting so we'll never have five second go yvon Jan so technically Barbara you are on but you'll alternate with Jen saer I may or James May somebody got it somebody will somebody will alternate gotcha okay the committee is composed of no more than four with an alternate that's right no more than four and J's an alternate work and if she says no then we'll have to rethink that okay have an alternate then then we don't have an alternate had a motion in a second have you any discussion roll call please can someone remind me who made the motion and he seconded and John and John got it okay uh mayor Moore yes councilwoman Clayton yes James Bano yes Daniel shano Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes Katherine mclen yes Vice chair goonan and chairwoman Barbara kurac do we need to vote on the design committee do do we have to do we have to vote on it that it's ad hoc the design Review Committee uh no I well you can vote to structure it that way yeah yeah sure okay I propose that design Review Committee is an ad hoc committee second discussion hearing none roll call please mayor Moore yes councilwoman Clayton yes John uh James bonano yes Daniel shano Jeremy Hoffman Bob Zuckerman Katherine mclen yes Vice chair goonan and chairwoman Barbara KAC yes the 2025 planning board official newspapers um uh I nominate the that it's the coaster and Asbury Park Press second discussion hearing roll call please mayor Moore yes councilwoman Clayton yes James Bano yes Daniel sheno yes Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes Katherine mclen yes Vice chair goonan yes chairwoman Barbara KAC yes okay and I guess that we didn't adopt the meetings yet meeting minute no formally now it's just a formal okay all right I'd like to uh adopt the 2025 planning board meeting schedule okay hearing none roll call Mayor Moore yes councilwoman Clayton yes James bonano yes Daniel shano Jeremy Hoffman Bob Zuckerman yes Catherine mclen yes Vice chair goonan yes chairwoman KAC yes I believe we have done it yes uh we have a resolution the only thing just a little point of order tonight we went with me first last year we did an alphabetic order so if we can go back to that on all resolutions from here on out no problem thank you yes we have one resolution for approval the amendment for Somerset Asbury Park renewal LLC uh all changes have been made up through anything received until about 400 p.m. uh I reinserted the hbac Clause Barber yes thank you and Michael I took out incorrect reference to you and other than that it is as it works except for uh the garage door uh reference that they they omitted that exception and I addressed that in the uh conditions of approval they did not request that exception so uh there was some discussion uh James brought it up I spoke to Donna uh and I spoke to the applicants attorney some discussion about some sort of a warning system at the garage door for for pedestrians and in fact it was submitted with the working drawings and the C and the application so it's in the approval in there it's in the it's in their file and the attorney confirmed that okay okay so uh every all questions have been addressed that I'm aware of all right can I get a can I get a motion to approve the resolution for uh Somerset members that are eligible to make that nomination would be James yavon mayor Moore or chairwoman KAC okay so Ivon said ion okay mov yes I'll second okay James banana yes yvon Clayton yes mayor Moore yes and chairwoman KAC yes Marie make sure that on the final copy that you received that Michael's name is stricken it is is yes okay good thank you okay let's go 36 May na an amendment I reviewed the notices on that application they're in good order we have jurisdiction proceed all right can uh Jack would you mind mentioning who was uh yes able to vote on this yes there was a spoke to everybody there was a mistake that was made by me way back uh wasn't picked up when we adopted the resolution we had uh two denials in that resolution that were by mayor Moore and Jim Henry that's not the case I watched the video mayor in fact voted in favor of the project Jim Henry voted against 316 but in favor of 700 so he would be recused from this and since we only have two or three people who were here then that would be eligible if Mr Caris wouldn't mind I'd like to have everybody participate that's fine yeah I won't have a all right so everyone everyone can vote on this yeah okay okay that being said FL is yours if I may answer car behalf the applicant 316 Main Avenue LLC um just for the board's edification um the project that we're talking about here at 316 Main Street block 2508 lot one have been purly approved by resolution dated February 7 2022 having 24 residential units ground floor retail 19 parking spaces access through the site or to the site is through the adjacent building at 700 FS Avenue what we're doing tonight is Seeking a an amendment which is relatively minor just a slight revision to the bedrooms um the bedroom count at 24 will remain the same however as opposed to currently there are six two-bedroom units that will be increased to nine two-bedroom units Additionally the front facade previously was encroaching upon the RightWay we are pulling that back as a result of the difficulties and trying to get the do to actually respond um so it was better just to pull it back after a year of trying can't even get a response from that lastly there's going to be a slight revision to the roof um nothing significant and we'll have testimony has to that and that has to do with the pen houses on the roof with that being said I'm going to have two witnesses tonight um Lewis and have you testify first as our engineer just to go through the building itself and how we're coming out of that right away just want to identify the engineering plans the date of those plans and the revision with regards to the right sir please raise your right hand s sarir the testimony about this matter the truth nothing I do please state your name for the record and spell it my name is Lewis zner Zu g n r and it's l l uis okay those can you please give the board the benefit of your qualifications certainly I'm a licensed professional engineer in the state of New Jersey as well as several other states of uh engineering degree from Virginia Tech been practicing in the field for over 25 years I'm the founding principal of the firm at Atlantic engineering testified before numerous planning and zoning boards across the state of New Jersey I think maybe half a dozen in nor County night as long as everything's up to date everything is up to date all right let's go L you're familiar with this project at 316 man I correct I am yes all right it's block 2508 block one am I correct that's right and you are familiar with the have prepared amending the previously obtained site plan approval am I correct I am yes what we're going to do I'm going to Mark those revised plans as A1 for identification with tonight's date 127 2025 am I correct the last revision date is August 30th 2024 that's correct all right why don't we just go through the brief revisions to that so the really H so little it's hard to even go through in some ways but um is it possible for me to use a yeah I'm going to mark the board as P2 and I'll hold it up for the board thank you I can so just briefly to explain what we have here this is a colored rendering sort of an amalgam of all the plans in our set and color just to make it a little bit easier to follow than the engineering plans themselves but you can see to the left up and down is County Road Main Street and bangs Avenue is across the top our buildings obviously this intersection here and it's a building that has some ground floor retail and parking the real focus of the change which was mentioned in the introduction is this overhang uh that extends out into uh Main Street I call it County Road I'm sorry can you can you show usway yes yeah can you show us since we have it right there uh so up and down on the left hand side this is Main Street uh that's State High Highway 71 bangs Avenue across the top uh and in the original plan which was approved previously there was an architectural element that came out around the corner of that building uh extended out over the sidewalk into the right way do Road it shouldn't have been something that I would have thought was that difficult to get permission from dot turned out after extended effort wasn't that we were told no we really got no answer so that the removes that we can proceive with the build so the overhang is on the first floor top floor where was the overhang the overhang was above the first floor okay and extend it up on extend it okay oh so the whole facade of the building above the first floor came out so now that was moved back so there is no overhang into that state right away am I correct that's correct okay Remains the Same as the original that's it okay we have the others or is someone else going to do the other two I'll have the architect okay let me let me swe go ahead you saw swear affirm testimony about the giv this m whole truth and nothing but the truth I do please state your name for the record and your affiliation with the board Donna Miller board planner any questions um I haven't seen this in a while um and I just want to make sure the layout is the same as the last I saw when I advised the city that you needed to come back um so the garage layout is the um August what date version August 30th 20 sorry I'm still um go ahead but yeah from a from a site perspective the the parking the access to it and the work on the streets the street Scapes All of That Remains the Same do we have any questions from the planning board members of the witness no no no any questions by our Professionals of the of this witness okay any any um questions for the members of the public I guess not hearing none okay here bring none next OB yes sir please raise your right hand you sol swear or affirm that the testimony about to giv tile the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I please state your name for the record and my my name is obiora aod DOI o b i o r a last name is a guu d o SI [Music] I okay I got that from the first time okay yes welcome please give the board the benefit of your qualifications um I'm licensed architect in the state of New Jersey I've been practicing for 39 years now I was on the State Board of Architects for8 years I was the president for New Jersey state board of architect for a year so I've been you the architect that testified at the original application yes and your your license is a good standing at yes sir okay thank you if you're familiar with this uh property clearly from your experience in the past with the application mic right yes and there are certain updates that were made relatively minor updates in the plan am I correct yes and you included those updates into a revised set of plans last revision date was August 30th 2024 am I correct yes today though we wanted to add just some information to the board's edification on page a 1.5 so we had additional information included in that provide to the board am I correct yes so what I want to do is I just want to identify as A3 with today's date the submission set dated August 30th of 2024 okay what we're going to do is Mark is A4 I'm going to hand these out to the board with today's date A3 or A4 A4 is the one page 1.5 the revision date 12722 correct yes and the reason we did that is we wanted to make sure that the calculations for the penous were on the plans am I correct yes we noticed that for some reason that calculation was missing we wanted to make sure the board had that information am I correct yes all right Tak a look at what's remarked as a three for identification plans that are dated August 30 2025 can we go through the Ved distribution 2025 or 202 thank you okay so I start with the bedro which starts on the second floor basically all that we did was the unit that's behind the elevator was change from a one bedroomroom to two bedroom so the number of units stays the same uh in terms of the total count we switched the one-bedroom to a two-bedroom layout that's all that was done on all the floor PL and now was done on each floor right correct yes on each floor why don't we show all right just just one sec I'm sorry just one second are we looking at a15 just what you gave us or we're looking at something else I said A3 which is the previous set I just wanted to go before we get to a A4 which is uh page a 1.5 I just want to go through the revision with regards to all right a1.2 yes okay so for a1.2 as I was indicating behind the elevator is where this unit was changed to from one bedroom to two bedrooms can you show us on here and can you make it a little bigger we can all see so we can see it and it's the bluish color unit yes all right so what happened to this unit that unit was changed from a one-bedroom to a two- bedroom everything still works so it was repeated on this level you know all the way up the number of units Remains the Same the sizes are very uh comfortable and and nice so we we maintain that so nothing changed but you got another bedroom yeah because the former bedroom was you know one bedroom but it was wasn't efficiently laid out so improved on it okay so as opposed to having two two bedroom units on each floor you now have three uh two yeah so that was the main thing that changed on in terms of the floor plan the second item that was uh of consequence is uh which is what was discussed by Andy earlier on is on the front of the building from second floor up we were overhanging you know and we because we original plan was to create um area of interest at the corner of uh Main and um um um Banks Avenue but again due to the difficulties of connecting with theot we pulled everything back and by doing that you know we reduced the um over overhand that was currently anticipated so there's no more uh overhand to the build so is there any articulation at the corner there or is it just flat around well it's we use the materials to Define it you know but why don't we show that yeah I was going to walk through that but but based on what you just said has anything changed with those units internally internally pretty much the same except that what we ended up doing is again uh modifying the unit layout not we really didn't didn't modify it but it's it just got a little bit you know because this area here was hanging out if you notice where I'm going into oh was hanging out yeah oh yeah into the area of where especially on this bomb part here if you imagine this area here was a little bit out here and and coming around here and then this area from here back we're a little bit you know over that ride of way normally this kind of um architectural impediment are acceptable but again due to the challenges that we had trying to get that confirmation we decided to just you know stay within the property line so how many how how how many inches feet are we losing in articulation for that in that area I have to because I see that says 23 ft 3 and 1/8 inch but I'm not sure what I think that that's just that's a that's a length not a it doesn't tell you how much we're losing yeah in in the master bedroom it looks like yeah in the I think before we were if I recall I I have to look at the old plants we were like about I think 18 in 12 to 18 in out that's my recollection that I can check both sides or just on the side that's facing bangs or the side that's facing main the corner uh main as well as Banks so 18 in on both sides no the the one for banks was less the one for uh for Main Street was a little bit more but we pulled everything back so so the 1,89 S ft that's the new measurements area was larer it was a94 so you're losing five 5 Square ft something yeah relatively so with that said the next item that uh of interest that we modified had to do with the roof now that we had to pull back on the roof the profile of the building the area of the roof reduced and because the area of the roof reduced the percentage of the penthouse that we had before now you know just less area so we had to you know make sure that the pen hous is still Falls you know below the 20% within the 20% requirement because the roof area is less yeah it's less now so so like you had to reduce the size of the penthouse to yeah yeah we just pull the the walls uh if you look here we indicated the dimension which is uh highlighted yeah it used to be a little bit closer to bank Banks so we pulled it back a little bit and that overhang that you had that was just an architectural device in other words yes you know yeah so so we had to now pull this line of wall by a little bit we reduce the um size of the penth house so that way we can fall within the prescribed percentage that's needed and the calculation up here which is all clouded yeah A5 a 1.5 so um so that's the change that was made and in terms of the elevation so so is because there's multiple pen houses yes yeah yes so all of them had to be changed all everyone along Banks we pulled it in because they again we didn't want any of the a particular unit to have to be the one that's reduced so we figured that you know pulling the wall back uniformly so everything still looks the same when you look at it visually when you say pull it back you're talking about moving it away more from Banks yeah from Banks away from Banks which is actually so was that done with The Terraces too then yes yeah we we moved everything back again you know the the the difference was probably less than 12 in you know of the pullback that we did so that you know and that result in the penous percentage of 19.2% cor2 yes and that's in accordance with the uh CBD Redevelopment plan am I correct yes okay um so the next implication of that is the elevation as you can see this is the elevation of Banks and this the area on the right side used to from second floor up used to hang out you know there used to be an overhang there so we pulled that in so and everything else pretty much stays the same except for that corner where we made that change so essentially when we're looking at that particular view it's just pulling out of the right away that articulation that was going on to Banks and also right away into the state hallway am I correct yes so now you're right alignment with the property L property am I correct yes other than that everything else is pretty much um the way it used to be all right wasn't it wasn't there a removal of a parking spot or was that a different or am I making that up not to my no cuz I I thought that I read somewhere in a in a summary that that uh one parking spot was removed Chang the compact spot or they changed yeah compact spot was something happened with a compact spot let me see if think you sorry in a memo we had done over the summer last year advising the city of the changes um the layout in the parking garage was not as had been approved that described those changes what's here now is what's supposed to be okay all right so that's what it was cuz I remember I did that um yeah but one of the building changes um didn't you also take all the balconies off the third and fourth is only balconies on the second floor now um are there we've seen a couple versions of this but one version of balconies were removed yeah it's been a while there's a we we we always had a Juliet back they not no no no on the back side on the back yeah there's nothing there nothing on the third or fourth floor on theor so the were balconies all the way up no but I we one of my notes was the balconies on the second floor were removed because on the pushed you're pushing that wall out but I don't know if you changed that between April and August yeah we we we're still because we have the roof yeah I I don't I have to well on these plans we have balconies we have balconies everywhere which and I'm looking at 86 from 1018 2021 which was the last architectural plan submitted yeah I don't have and this appears consistent with what was in those plans right and over here on this we a 3.0 they balconies everywhere so that's yeah what I'm looking at is consistent okay so we' got balconies everywhere [Applause] [Music] yeah on the flors we didn't have we have them back okay yep so we concur that it's all the balconies are are here on the second floor yes what's on the second floor yeah just on the second Flor on the second floor balconies well I'm seeing balconies everywhere no no no a full walk out balcony not a Juliet oh we were're talking about not on Bank talk the back of the building okay so those those are there and those will remain just Juliet yeah they're on the second floor so they're only on the second floor Juliet's on the front and then the balconies on the second floor only on the and those appear both in the approved plans A6 and also in the plans that we submitted T yeah okay and then so can you clarify with the total number of one bedroom two bedroom and no three bedroom right just ones and twos there are nine TW bedroom and that would leave 15 one yeah one two yeah five on each floor times the number of floors so 15 1es and nine twos yeah Asos to two in each correct okay and to to be clear also is that our parking requirement is 1.5 per unit not based on bedrooms that is correct that's the C we did that's really an unfortunate thing okay okay um I don't know if anybody else is concerned about this but um I'm having a hard time visualizing what is being removed so that because we wanted the corner to be seted with to to be significant or just have something that that you can see that that that that is that that stands out and I understand that we can't do what we wanted to so can you tell me what we will be doing instead of what we wanted to do can do you have a rendering of what it's going to be I have the I have the uh elevation of it but not well if you have if you have like a rendering like well this is 83.0 yeah but that's just I think and that doesn't show me what it was is going to be no that we don't have yeah we don't have that only it's it's not it's not as projected into the space but everything is pretty much the same how about I don't disagree with you all right how about if we go this way can you show me what we approved in a rendering in color that I can see H6 okay can we can we get that on the screen so that everyone can see that I don't you know what I may have somebody has thatt I don't know if anybody else is having a problem with that but I I struggle I need I need a a little bit more visual yeah I can tell you that I contacted and I tried to get the DMT not not banging your head yeah not questioning that can you um I know some of us have it on on yeah let me see if I can on laptops but what what's what's coming off of there what is specifically coming out this called gray part the gray part's not going to be there no no so here it's sticking out right it's not going to stick out anym be flush the rest so are we still going to have like the two the two windows on the bangs and one large window on on Main yes everything stays the same all right but what yeah I'm struggling with except for the overhang it it pushes out it's the same wall but the wall is just pulled back yes to to you know project out it doesn't project out same color same everything is the same yes the wood the white right but that's over here we have it out a like let's say a little bit over a foot the old one or the new one and that foot's going to go back but the coloring is going to be the same so it gives the impression that it St that it stands out 8 maybe that's 8 L ideal 2021 yeah and the resolation was February than minut beauti I don't know why I thought they were proposing that for Sunset Lake the windows are different than b yeah I don't know why that's three panels not two jul there we go that's different than what we approved or is it is this this Len this is the main street Frontage that's Main Street so that's different it's it's different window this is in 21 this is in 21 I don't know why this I think I got this is B you found it yeah so I have a color elevation drawing um and so basically the difference between the original approved and now these revised can we can we all see I don't know I can pass around it's not I don't have the right connector I don't have HDMI no I don't have a Wi-Fi City I can try should General the TV is not Wi-Fi you can email it to email you want to email it to yeah there should be one um so basically the thing that changes is the siding has a vertical panel right like right so in the original there are basically three panels between the windows and the edge of the building right now there's only like one and a half panels between the window and the edge of the building right but are that's what's taking do we still have the two windows on bangs which does not look like we have two windows on bangs it looks like we have three windows on B it's a triple window and then there's a small sleeve on the fixed single uh rectangle window yeah that's that's that's not what's in the rendering yeah that that's an old rendering this this better though the rest of the not that not that so which one that is what what what we're looking at this one the approved yeah that's the approved right but that's ch right but all right I get it now here's here's my concern is you're telling me what the change is we're verbally discussing it and now there are window changes I didn't know there were window changes original two little window then updated one there's the the three panel with the Juliet this was what was approved this is it okay from October all right so the approved one was October 7 2021 yes see if you get that and we'll put that up what's the dats so I don't think which which version do you have this is August 13th I'm trying to did you email we have 2021 yeah the resolution was dat of February of 2022 so the hearing day was with the resolution there there was a a gap for some Reon yeah that was the windowless bedroom problem no that was no that that was I don't have your email yet come through right can I plug into that hearing dates were September 13th of 21 and October 18th of 21 and then resolution got it that's the first one I sent you was adopted fe2 no signal there we go there we go that's that's what okay there you go it has the triple windows so all the triple windows are staying the only difference is this coming out here right so it's you don't get this definition yes it's not but it's going to be flatter everything is pulled it pushed in that's the only difference right so you don't get the depth yes yes ma'am on on the right side which is here um along the back Bank it also pulls out we don't have that cuz that's you know that's what started the whole issue other than that everything else is materials stay the same yes the coloring all is all the same everything is the same windows are the same no difference so so the white banding that's around it and everything that all stays the yeah yeah so you said on this side this was what 6 in and you said that was pulled out like 18 in no no the the um the banks have a new one I mean the main street was more I think it was either 12 or 18 that's what I'm trying to recall it but along along um along Banks it wasn't as much but you know we had to pull both of them back but still the definition won't the depth depth definition won't be there yeah that's but we use material the materials are all yes you know to Define that corner all right I I understand thank you for sorry it's been a while you know okay 2019 so we've been back and forth at that's right we we ended up in a in in a place we needed to be yeah so that's what matters uh does anybody do any planning board members have any questions for this uh witness I do go um my first question go look at you um on the TW bedroom uh are you the new two-bedroom that used to be a one bedroom yeah what when you designed this are you confident that that's of sufficient size for a two bedroom because you have right next to it you have the two one bedrooms that are even larger in terms of square footage than that two bedroom yeah hold on let me pull up the the one that we that we are looking at [Applause] [Music] now I'm pulling it up on the screen oh okay see these are like you know that's what made one bom right but but but now it's a two bedroom yes I'm comfortable that that works it meets the minimum requirements in terms of room sizes okay um yeah yes the one bedroom you know for the only reason why we're able to make that a two-bedroom is because when you do um residential units like this what matters is the area of the frontage how much area you have facing the street so if you look at that one you can see that we have we're able to put three Windows 10 10 10 30 ft whereas the two bedrooms they are deeper but you are limited by you have a living room and a bedroom you are done right but this one we able to put the living room bedroom bedroom because you know we have that width for the window so the apartment is actually wider yeah yeah in terms of Street Frontage you can see from you know from there that you you have those three Bs whereas for the two bedrooms you know you don't so that's why and also if you notice the the one bedroom the uh the one bedroom has a study right that's that's in the back right because there's no window so because of that yeah so the other one gives you more flexibility in terms of the street Frontage okay that's it all right okay I'm sorry what's the square footage of the two and the one ballpark the um the two bedroom right now we have about 7 18t the one bedroom is about 7 one bedroom and a study is about 764 it's not just one bedroom you know but then you have the additional two bedrooms are fronting on Main Street that are over a00 that's what I thought you said earlier okay yes go ahead I have question so the New Jersey Department of Transportation didn't respond but obvious bangs is a city street so if you wanted to you could overhang bangs potentially right but it's not it's going to look awkward right it would look awkward I agree but I'm looking on Main Street now your building is right on the property line whereas the the old Bank building is set back maybe like a foot so there's potentially you could pull the the main part of the the ground floor wall on Main Street back a foot so you could still have the overhang over main wouldn't be an overhang it would just be up to your property line and you could overhang on banks Bank building your on Prop there are parts of it that are pulled back when you go into the lobby area the entrance but M from what I recall that building sits on the property line I'm looking at your plan right now a1.1 yeah looks like this this building actually extends out out I mean it's not into the right way obviously but the the bulk of the building goes out further towards the street than the Bank building so I'm just saying there's a potential opportunity to just pull this building maybe like 9 12 in away from Main Street so then you could do the the bump out higher up but it would still be within your property line then we'll be taking space from the commercial space below and then potentially affect the parking we've made the analysis and based on that you know so you pull it back you whole building is overhanging it defeats the purpose of concentrating at at the corner which is where you want the effect to be felt so that's why in looking at all that it just made sense to still maintain the materials that we have still Define that corner without you know pushing it out and also when you look at the CBD R development plan I recall it calls for buildings to be around the stre any other questions from the planning board members any questions from our professionals any questions from the public okay thank you thank you I have nothing for okay um any statements from the planning board members regarding this application oh actually I'm sorry can I get a motion to open up to the for comments to the public move [Music] second all in favor yeah sorry the okay all yeah so none no public all in favor all to close public a comment second all in favor Clos eyes have it okay any comments by the uh board members for the uh for this project any comments that they would like to include in the uh approval or denial nothing I think it's unfortunate that I think it's very unfortunate that architectural flourish I'll call it at the corner has to go away and uh I know you guys tried so I'm GNA blame MJ do on this one it's really really unfortunate I don't know what else you do well well I think perhaps maybe for in the future when we see this situation on Main Street we take that into consideration that maybe do will not respond and take that into account on the on the the uh the design may it may take off a couple of inches from the internal space maybe but I'm just saying that I agree with you it's really unfortunate because that corner was uh was to be a standout Corner anybody else have anything else that they'd like to include okay here we go all right um I guess that we don't have any uh conditions any conditions my resolution will say anything that's not been changed as a result of this will remain the same with the prior approvals all those prior conditions of approval remain in effect except for these one or two or three modifications okay so can I get a motion to approve this uh this request so move [Applause] second James Bano yes councilwoman Clayton yes mayor Moore yes Daniel shano yes Jeremy Hoffman yes Bob Zuckerman yes Katherine mlen yes Vice chair goonan yes chairwoman KAC I do but I do want to to for us to consider in the future any other Main Street work that's going to get done we have to think that this might happen you're doing a good job of that the applicants know that because and I agree with you DT is a pain to work with we don't have the punch done with the Main Street itself so if you have anything else you build on Main Street better it's a shame because so much can be done on Main Street with articulation and when I tell you the amount of times I try to contact them and try to get a response it's just staggering theor I have a new commissioner who we've had success with getting answers recently if you want in the future to reach out to that yeah that' be great all right so um Mo did we do the motion to approve we did okay all right now we have one other thank you we have one other item to discuss yeah I want to bring you up to date on the uh the parking arrangement with the uh inter neighbors project on Spring okay uh I reviewed the lease agreement which was part of the conditions that came over uh changes that I had were to make sure that these the lease agreement itself is for 20 years with a 20e option 40 years however the project as long as the project is there they have to maintain their parking and the elas agreement originally only said weekends and the life I have address that with Mr mamore and we're going to I think this part of the record I received a letter that he said that um he wants to confirm this that Interfaith neighbors operates on a four day work week Monday through Friday it's closed on the weekends and thus no need for parking on Saturdays and Sundays Interfaith acknowledges that it has site control for its offside parking for a period of 4 40 years after the center is open at that time they'll either need to renew the lease or obtain an alternate arrangement to satisfy the city's parking requirements and that they're going to submit a copy of the reported memorandum of lease uh when available but in any event PR the issuance of the building they're going to do something else and inquiring them to add to the title to the property that is owned by Interra neighbors the condition of approval that says that they must maintain this parking so that if they ever go to sell that project title search will reveal that there's a reported condition of planning board approval that says you got to have these x amount parking spaces or El so that this way after I'm long gone in 40 years from now uh there'll be something that will pop up uh that will keep their toes to the fire and also if the church decides to do anything their memorandum of lease is recorded as well and so they they can't take away that parking over a period of four years what happens with Interfaith neighbors since it's only a lease what happens the V MERS to fall under their okay and so the church then would have the right to reject them from the property for the parking so now what happens to the project what you you can go in and shut them down okay the acquired to have this parking I understand they only Le they could default under the lease it says under our law in the city of Asbury Park that they can have property parking offsite and that's what they've provided that's for how the project was approved okay so the project would be shut down if they lose yeah you have every right to reinforce the conditions of approval and say look fellas you're you you know obviously you'd say you're GNA we'll give you a month or two whatever it is you're not going to just go in the next day and shut them down but practically speaking you're going to tell them you're going to come up with another parking Arrangement or your approvals are going to be revoked and we're going to have a major problem here don't we already have a problem that I disagree with them they're not open 4 days a week if they have a museum it's a summertime Museum to get tourists they're not operating on Saturdays and Sundays this is their representation I'm not well I I disagree with the representation you do that actually what what it might be John and Jack is that is that are they saying that Interfaith neighbors or is the museum a separate entity it is if it's a separate entity then what do they have to provide on the weekends are is there no parking underneath distinguish the parking required for each item for each we did not oh we did well no no we we said the building wasn't it yes the residential gets a certain number of spaces downstairs right the commercial space had a certain rate and the museum had a different rate it's in our report from it's but those are under the building or well and again I don't remember how many of each type like there's definitely enough for all the residences to be accommodated under the building right is there enough to also accommodate whatever is attributed to the museum off the top of my head I don't know that's I I'm gonna I'm inclined to say yes because it's only eight apartments and they have like 20 spaces how many how many they rented yeah but they're saying that we're not good they don't this use Museum the museum isn't going to use 12 spaces or not required to have 12 spaces it's it's much no because it's less than the the office the spaces the offside spaces are only available on the during Monday through Friday right when the office is in business so what does the regime then do for visit a parking dur the weekends that's there's sufficient parking on site to accommodate the museum and the residents but we'd have I'd have to look back our reports and look at the calculation so when when the museum has a special opening or a special event or on a Friday night that's not taken into consideration in the calculations right that was that was on the street right it's whatever it is whether it's a Monday through Friday or a weekend or evening or because again the whole thing with the off-site parking is a shared arrangement we had to do that whole calculation of which which you know which is the daytime use and which is the nighttime use and then how many uh offsite spaces they needed and then even though they had changed the size of the of the commercial space mhm and they needed fewer spes on site they still got the lease for the larger number of spaces all right but you know it's a valid concern I don't know if it rises to the level of amendment though well it it's a dis well well to me it arises to whether or not this is okay right but is it a should the public be considered in that consideration because it was part of their variance and now we're they're altering what they had testified to I don't see that I I I'm not going to complicate it more more concerning to me is if you have questions I'll tell them to come back in and explain themselves it's just I think that that just like John said is that that there is a museum and I can't imagine a museum is going to be open Monday to Friday I mean Monday to Thursday and they're representing this as Interfaith I'm saying it's the building but it's not so for Interfaith they go to Monday through Thursday into the church there they go I don't know where the museums do we have enough and we don't we don't remember that enough right now to to be able to answer that question you can find out I'm say tell them to come back in and explain themselves if you like I right because I think that that probably sets or somebody man the museum also where do they park right because we did like Donna said we didy up we calculated it we just don't remember what it is right now but one of the things that Dan brought out is is is the is the whole concept of the offsite parking whether or not there's certain risks and rewards to all of these things when you have this offside parking situation unless they own the offside spots you're always going to run the risk of a breach of a lease agreement there's always the there's always the potential for problem mhm but that's allowed for city ords correct yes yeah whether we like it or not yes I I I don't know how what the best way to resolve it is but if the best way to resolve it is to have them come in here to talk to us for a few minutes yeah they they haven't broken the ground it's not like they need an answer tonight no they don't don't need put under their old business and have them come in and explain how this is going to work for for both like Donna said will there be enough spaces on site on site for the museum when you lose the parking spaces on the weekend to operate have for the apartments and for the and for the museum whatever usage you're going to have yes I I mean I know that I would feel better about that I don't know if you guys are okay so should we have them come come back for a few minutes to to to explain yes okay so that's what we like if you don't mind and we'll uh put them on unless Rises to uh another condition or a variance or something like that be any notice at the same time I I can't see why they wouldn't be able just to write a letter like this that says that says the museum will be open on the weekends and there are enough parking spots x amount of parking spots for the for the museum goers question letter I'd rather have them come in and so this way you have questions they can answer them I'm I'm I'm good with that bring them in as old business it won't take long but if they do send a letter to Jack that says we have enough spaces on site for all the residents and for the museum all the time nights weekends whatever then do we need to hear from them again I think with that with the new letter and with everybody looking at the original agreement who the spaces were dedicated to it may PR them coming back we get both of them okay I'll I'll address ask John lore to address that he he may opt to say look maybe it's easy for him to come back I don't fine but if he can give us such a letter perhaps Donna can look up the the mix and let me know and uh we'll take it from that's our hangup right it's parking for the museum that's on the weekends on the weekends and Friday so if they can give us a letter that says we have enough space for our residents and the museum and this is how many on weekends yes then I I don't see I don't see that to be a problem no okay the agreement y the residential needs [Applause] 11 just a second just looked it up yeah so so the museum requires three spaces residential requires 11 that's 14 spaces 14 spaces and 20 spaces in a lot and we have 20 spaces we only need 14 so on site there are enough spaces 7 days a week for the residences and would you mind Jack if and I don't know if you guys feel like this that if he can include that in the letter yeah well I'm good to go there to include the museum hours how many days how many spaces it sounds like we have enough but I you know I don't want to jump to something that someone didn't testify right for okay I'll ask you clarify the letter more points through do we need any cuz it was this formal so do we need a motion or do we are we good okay all right second all in favor iOS oppos