##VIDEO ID:Jo0ZmKrcBK8## [Music] [Music] the meeting of Atlanta County Board of Commissioners is called the order in compliance with the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of Atlanta County Board of Commissioners was in the following manner published in the Press of Atlantic City mailed to the ham Gazette and has been posted on the bulleon boards and in the county office building in Atlantic City the Stillwater building of Northfield and the County Office Clerks in uh ma Landing open your prayer I have let us pray our heavenly father we pray that the true Spirit of this Christmas season is Joy his Beauty and his hope may live among us that the blessings of peace be ours the peace to build and grow to live in harmony and sympathy with others and to plan for the future with confidence amen amen we'll face the [Music] flag to the flag United States of America stands Nation indivisible justice for all have a roll call chairwoman commissioner Cory may be attending virtually today Ballas here fortino here Burns here Cory da here G here Parker pres grizzley here turn here Commissioners have had an opportunity to review the minutes from December 3rd 2024 I'll entertain a motion to adopt the December 3rd 2024 minutes as presented move second move by commissioner Gad secondly by commissioner Parker any commissioner or comments okay all those in favor anyone attending in person who would like to speak regarding an agenda item or a public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name in the town you reside you will be provided up to 3 minutes to speak if you're attending virtually and would like to speak please raise your hand during the agenda item or at the public comment at the end I will call upon your name and request to unmute will be sent please state your name and the town you reside you will also be provided up to three minutes to speak okay at this time I'll entertain a motion to move resolution 702 to the top of the agenda second move by commissioner Parker seconded by commissioner G any comments okay all those in favor now make a motion for resolution 72 move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner Parker I will read uh the resolution resolution honoring commissioner at large Frank X Ballas whereas Frank X balis is a lifelong resident of Atlanta County Who currently resides in a Cora Township New Jersey and whereas Frank X balas has spent more than 32 years of his life in law enforcement protecting our local community by serving more than 20 years as a police officer in the city of Pleasantville advancing through the ranks of to administrative captain and whereas during his first bid for public office in 2008 Frank XB was elected Atlanta County Sheriff serving two more terms before returning to his position as Captain and officially retiring from the Pleasantville police department in 2018 and whereas beginning his career as an auxiliary police officer Frank X balis has a passion for volunteerism and serving his community where he is a member of the avanar executive board Crime Stoppers of Atlanta County president of the April Christine Memorial Scholarship and president of the police Pleasantville police foundation and whereas Frank X Bas was elected to fill the vacant seat on the Atlantic County Board of County Commissioners in October 2020 and was reelected in November 202 21 as an atlarge commissioner representing all of Atlanta County and whereas during his tenure as commissioner Frank X Bal served on many committees and commissions including education and schools facilities jail Pinelands review public health and environment Public Safety tourism Economic Development Veterans Affairs criminal justice Advisory Board Central Municipal Court governance committee planning Advisory Board police training Advisory Board and Veterans Advisory Board and whereas Frank Frank X balis will attend his last County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday December 17 2024 now therefore be it resolved by the County Board accounting Commissioners that this board does hereby honor and thank Frank X Ballas for his dedicated and unselfish service to the citizens of Atlanta County New Jersey and be it further resolved that the board extends its very best wishes to Frank X balas his wife Cindy and the entire Ballas family any commissioner comments on start with commissioner Cory Cory where's he Madam chair I would not miss opportunity to certainly wish uh my colleague well it's been indeed an H assertive with Frank and as she just met his resolution Frank has done so much throughout the community and that is half has not even been told and so Frank we We Salute You we thank you for willing to serve I tell people all the time being a public servant is never EAS job because there are times you have to make decisions when they are not the most popular decisions but you do what your heart uh tells you to do and so uh there's been times when we have had to agree to disagree but never have we ever been disagreeable and the fact of the matter is that you have could have rode off until the sunset when you retired from the police department and the sheriff's department but you chose to continue your service uh in the public and so Atlanta County had cly is better off because you served and you have brought some knowledge to the Board of Commissioners when we talk about the jails and all this kind of stuff the Insight that youve had and shared with all of us and so uh I did not want this day to go by uh without being able to to say thank you publicly uh we you know we we always laugh in joke when we see each other but the fact of the matter is that you uh could have chose to stay uh but you chose to to move on and to do what it is you and your family chooses to do in the future but the fact of the matter is Atlanta county is better uh because of sub of your leadership uh and knowledge that you brought to the convention board and so Frank I want to say publicly thank you uh thank you for advice you've given me on the side and things we've talked about but the fact of the matter is is that you're not going anywhere you may not be an elected offici but I'm rest assure uh that you will still have your hands in things that's happening in and around Atlantic County uh but it comes a time when we all must figure out when it's time to go uh and so you and the family made a decision it was just time to exit uh and so I want to say thank you uh for your years of service on the board and law enforcement and in this community uh but I said again you are not going anywhere really I just won't hold an elected position title uh to your family we say thank you for sharing our with us uh and so I'm sure your wife and grandkids and kids will certainly like the opportunity to spend more time with you uh and then you do what it is you choose to do and not be down by the clock uh every other Tuesday to come to the Board of Commissioners and have to deal with people like me but the fact is but I appreciate what you've got uh we'll be talking in the very near future unfortunately I will not be able to join you gentlemen ladies this evening but Frank I wanted to get on and say something uh as you get ready to exit uh on December 31st uh but this would be your last official meeting I want to say again thank you so much for all you've done uh for the residents of Atlantic County and I wish you well thank you commissioner I it was very nice of you to come on because I know you do have another commitment but you really really wanted to be here for Frank and to make a few statements so thank you very much commissioner Cory commissioners I'm going to be brief um which will be a switch right me be brief um but all getting aside you know it takes a special person uh to decide to run and see public office it takes a special quality not everyone's born to be a leader not everyone has those qualities that they carry with them they use it every level where they they they where they've been positions you've had you've always uh always show leadership at every level your commitment to the public and your commitment to just being a person that uh people are comfortable um you know responding and speaking with uh you'll be hard to be replaced uh your experience in County government your experience at all levels of public service is exemplary uh where ly county is of course a lot better for having known you and having the opportunity to have your service uh and here on the commissioner board I know uh we all feel the the same way you will be surely missed commissioner M chair I'm not sure what I can add to all that as lot been said basically we are going to miss you Frank and you're the go-to guy when it comes to law enforcement the jail and things that I'm not knowledgeable on i' go to you for your knowledge and um you've always been a very conscientious person on this board and uh you've done great work with the veterans um The Advisory Board as well and that's that's been noted and appreciated so um I wish you all the best FR you and sending the family and enjoy life and do the things you want to do thank you got them yeah um certainly Echo a number of those sentiments as well I I I don't know if people realize but you have made a difference in people's lives that don't even have any idea uh in the amount of work that you do behind the scenes you and Cindy um and it's uh it's you you can you can I hope feel rest assured that aside from your police work and elected work that you've made it you've made somebody's life better every day of your life Frank and um I have certainly always appreciated you and your expertise um your support I've run with you countywide it's a daunting task and uh you've done it with with ease um and you've been extremely successful uccessful at it which I think is not something to bulk at and uh uh to to forget and I think um from a party perspective as well um you always you and Cindy both were such a contributor to the party um and in lifting other uh upand comers up and and helping to to pave the path and show the way and I personally appreciate that uh and I just want to say thank you you will be sorely missed um I was honored to get to uh perform the marriage um um for your daughter and get to see your beautiful family and just how much uh you all are kind of so in love with each other and um I can understand I can understand the decision that you've made and I think it's the right one um there it's a beautiful growing family and they need you and um it's it's the right time to make that investment in in that in those relationships so I wish you nothing but the best and uh just appreciate you so much Frank thank you thank you so much um just Frank I just say thank you for um all your years of service on the various levels um thank you for being a friend um and a mentor um and uh you know enjoy every second with your family I mean the time is fleeting it goes by so fast and I hope what commissioner Cory said is true that you you won't be a stranger and you'll continue to bless us with your presence and your support and guidance uh as needed and as Mo forward so thank you for everything friend thank you Madam chair listening to what everyone's saying I don't I know we have a pretty long agenda so I going to try not to repeat anything but talking about helping some of those upand cominging um folks into the into what we do out here in in government I was one of those folks and my very first run in Ed haret Township when I had absolutely no idea what I was doing I can't even claim that I still know what I'm doing so Cindy thank you I want to acknowledge you in the back Cindy was very very very tough the School of Hard Knocks if you ever watch it on HBO some of the meetings at the ball's house in the beginning were really tough meetings and uh she was very serious and she was you know adamant about if anyone was going to run with Frank and with Cindy that they were going to know what they were doing and so you know I appreciate it I really do I appreciate all of the work I appreciate most the tougher conversations that we had that most people will never ever know about and we'll keep it that way because it's none of their business but a lot of it was you know helping me to break off you know rough Stones within my character you know and to sharpen myself and over the years I've I've realized um how valuable those conversations were even if I didn't appreciate them at the time you in egg haror Township you when we got on board you know you and I had many many many many conversations on what the job was and how to approach it and how not to let the emotions of and I think everybody up here understands what I mean the emotions of the decisions that we make overwhelm me and overwhelm my family and affect my personal life in a way that uh could possibly be Irreplaceable or or or we not pixable I should say so I want to thank you and um I appreciate you and I plan to continue to as they say bring you around I'm going to continue to hopefully call you and seek advice from you and seek help from you and um maybe arve from time to time when I'm out in the campaign Trail nobody you think he's going to answer all I know where he lives as I just told you I know where he lives so and I and I mean this though um I I really did learn a lot on campaigning and how to approach what we do from the Bas family so I I I deeply appreciate it it's your time to spend with your family and I understand that decision um the more I I I sit here and and do what we're doing is the more I learn to appreciate the time that our families are missing with us so congratulations and I wish you the best thank you commissioner yes commissioner Ballas I had the opportunity to work with you for only one year on this board but your name for many years me as a municipal official and as a resident all came with respect no matter what title came before bance commissioner Sheriff your entire um thank you for all of your service and I wish you and your family all that in the future thank you very much thank you commissioner uh Frank I mean since the day I made you you give 120 plus% to everything that you've done for the people of our community and I know you're going to keep working for the people that are going to come up they're going to ask you things they going to tell them who to call and um you''ve just been you know very solid for all all of the individuals in our community I mean you went beyond what you do here I mean clear you know to your heart with Public Safety you know and their veterans but you also were on the board with and I always say it wrong aazar and uh crimes Stoppers so you went beyond say I know you're still going to Beyond and be there for the the community whether it's through your grandchildren and things that they're doing but uh we thank you we thank Cindy for everything you've done as well because you know we see you like we I remember going back to pandemic and all of us you know being on you know the uh live streaming and we see everybody work working very hard through that as well and that was a tough time for everybody we were there for everyone so thank you very much we do have a plaque surprising did you want to say something oh I don't know if anybody else here I know there's a few people here for you Senator yeah just uh thank you chairwoman great to see everyone of course just wanted to say congratulations commissioner Ballas um you I remember trying to talk you out of it and uh unfortunately we're not successful when you decided to retire but um understood of course as everybody said you know I remember back to the 2008 year um for those of you that were elected uh how hard him and Cindy worked and how many events they went to and I general public doesn't understand what it takes to get elected and then to sit in these seats and so I think from everybody we just say thank you Frank uh you know so many years of service uh so many efforts towards the community and so much help for the community and so to you and Cindy both just want to say congratulations thank you for everything you did and uh a lot of people probably don't know um but I will always remember you fondly because you are one of the reasons I'm standing here because when Senator Brown announced his retirement I think Frank and John Grizzly were a couple of the first calls I got and I thought Frank would be call him because he had run for Senate before and I thought he'd be saying I want to run for Senate and he called me and he said you got to do it and so so I will always remember that of course uh thank you for everything you've done throughout a long distinguished successful career thank you Senator chairman pery good good evening uh Frank uh I really want to thank you on behalf of the Atlanta County Republican organization uh it's it's hard to get somebody to actually show up and do the job um and and With You Frank you know I got you in Cindy so you you have uh served us well for for many many years and as the senator said in 2008 was one of the hardest years for Republican to run and to watch the people when you see election time went down the list that came over in graad Frank Ballas was very strong um and I've always respect you do for that and what you've done for not only for Pleasant Bill and your law enforcement but also the sheriff's department and what you brought to that corpor Township and also to this board but also the volunteers that you and and Cindy have done for the unfortunate people of of Atlanta County uh is definitely never going to be forgotten so thank you very much for all you've done thank you is there anybody else from the public that like to make any comments tonight I would uh Frank I'm going to miss you been a great friend and uh I don't think anybody has ever served on this board or any board with greater credentials than you have constitutional officer local representation local police officer um I'm proud to know you prank and I want to say something to Cindy besides my family Cindy I don't think anybody has ever worked harder for my reelection than you uh you were tireless and uh and I don't believe anybody has ever worked harder for this party than you have Cindy and uh you're a great team God bless you both it's a pleasure knowing thank you thank you D anybody else have anything that they would like to say that black is there anybody online or virtual no okay we'll take a roll call Bas am I to say last time yeso yes Burns yes corsey yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes turn yes Mo Carri and it should be noted Madam chair that we have several special meetings planned over the next 10 days that you're still going to have to attend special just for you we have a FL where would you like us here yeah do you want to say a few words before we uh you like me to first of all I just like to say you know thank you to each and every one of you even you course it's it's been an honor thank you I app it's been an honor and pleasure to to sit up here you know with with each and every one of you as you know professionals you know this job inside and out um well Andrew inside I know but um learning it's you know it's it's been an amazing um Venture um so happy that you know back in 2008 when called me call asked me to run for Sheriff I said yes and got involved and met so many great people around this County um you know as you know you know Denny says you know it's a it's a pleasure knowing you but um I probably couldn't have got elected in 2008 if it wasn't for the help of Denny you know I mean he beat me up pretty good the year before you know and uh then he handed them off to me and I just you know R him the extra 20 yards in for the touchdown you owe it all to yourself Frank you were hard work but it was it was a lot of work a lot of fun um a lot of dedication then he made my wife prry she stle back there crying you made her cry a few times she made but um yeah I'm going to miss it but but again you know I mean I still get phone calls about the Sheriff's Office and I haven't been there in years and you know if there's any any questions that you know anybody has I I know you're not going to call me and ask me but if you want to I'll answer the phone um but it it's been great and um just you know can't say thank you enough to each and every one of you that that came out and said something tonight and you know to the residents of Atlanta County for you know always supporting me and um you know coming out to to vote so with that say thank you thank you friend [Applause] we'll swing around [Music] she's take picture get a camera give your camera sze in Thorn between two roses oh yeah look at me one two three Amy your head is just slightly behind one two very good thank come on get up here finish all right we do have one more presentation and um T do you want read that one was just a we do have a presentation now honoring Rick andrean as choire as our legislative Council to the board from January 2021 to December 2024 Rick we're going to miss you likewise it's been very very helpful to us it's been Pleasant and wonderful working with you just a great working with you all thank you so much and uh I will see you in the future I appreciate you all you know it's been pleas working for you and for the public it's been fun what you call that yeah so anybody want to say anything yeah no no not Cory commission Cory floor is yours thank you just to my commission is I'm going to be jumping off soon I have another agement but I wanted to again get on because understand this is going to be Rick's last one as well Rick want to wish you well uh come to uh you grew on me you know when you [Laughter] first attorneys know everything I said I practice law without a license but the fact of the matter is there's times that I had to call Rick and he was giving me Sound Advice uh and to make sure that uh I had to apply what the law said we could and could I do and I want to let you know Rick I really appreciate that um there's times when I think you don't think I was taking your advice for listening but believe me uh I was uh that's why you get paid the big dollars to to advise us um but the fact of the matter is is that uh again Atlanta County has been served well with your leadership uh on the the Board of Commissioners and so as you continue to to move on your journey uh you can always remember you still have a home at 2011 a short Ro um if things don't work out you can always come back and maybe we'll replace you uh with somebody I don't know who but somebody May commission who knows but uh I want to wish you well I wish you and your family a happy holiday season as I wish all my colleagues the same uh but the fact is is that I enjoyed working with you your relationship um the advice you've given us and certainly uh the work that uh you put in for the last uh 3 years uh thank you again for your servic and God bless thank you commissioner thanks S I appreciate you it's been great working with you have a great holiday any other Commissioners like to say yeah just just a couple of things um Rick of course I've had the opportunity to work with you on a variety of issues the last few years and it's always been a comfort for me to know that I could always depend on your knowledge and your experience and law to keep us in the straighten Arrow sometimes up here um with our varied experiences we do have in life um we're not always the quickest to know the legal aspect of how we should be do to their procedural aspects and uh I think um you've been exemplary we're going to I'm going to miss you uh not only as an attorney but as a friend you're you're you've done a great job for us and a great service to your L Acy likewise appreciate it Rick Rick Rick Rick Rick where do I start let's see one of the first things that I learned um getting involved in politics was to make sure you consult the lawers before you open your mouth before your mouth opens and so Rick you know you and I have had many many conversations off and you've always answered you've always been there to advise me and if you could imagine Frank when I was standing up here sitting up here getting in trouble I had already sought legal advice first so imagine how bad it would have been had I not called so I want to I want to thank you uh sincerely because you have always been there to um answer any of the crazy ideas or thoughts or concepts or whatever I was thinking you know and and kept me you know kept my bearings legally so I knew not to cross certain lines and if I did you weren't going to support me so I I appreciate you uh I'm sad sad to see you go um but uh congratulations to uh your time away from this board to spend somewhere else hopefully with your family thank you Andrew I appreciate it you got it so Rick and I go back way back quite some time Rick was uh former a County Council and represented us at the Sheriff's Office handled our our contract negotiations and the uh one or two or 200 grievances that we got at the Sheriff's Office and um you know when the opportunity that came that we needed a solicitor you know I made a phone call to Rick and I told him what an easy job this was did you know you know one or two hours maybe every other Tuesday that's in a while he'd get a phone call and that you know it's a piece of cake and he's are you sure I'm like yeah there's nothing to it you're in and out your heart do you ever get a phone call yeah that was before I was on the board he said yes and uh the rest is history but no Rick you did you did great here uh I'm GL I'm glad you said yes you you represented us well over the few years that you were here and um you it's a shame because of the circumstances that you that you have to go but um yeah you're going to do you're going to continue to do well in your in your law practice and uh you'll have a little bit more time now with me thank you Frank and uh I couldn't say this in front everybody I just appreciate you as you know you and I have talked since you became a sheriff and uh you've always been great to me and G and given me great advice thank you for those words and just in general terms thank you so much thank you chair brck thank you you're a Class Act thank you for saying that you I thank you for all of your guidance and advice and my in the beginning when I would call which I thought was a red flag that I had issues going on or something happened what what I he and you either talked me off the ledge or just pointed me in the right direction and I appreciate all of that and I look forward to still seeing you around town and I wish you all the best it's been great meeting you through this process thank you commissioner any other commissioner comments Echo everything uh Rick you've been great uh everything except for what Cory said in terms of you grew on him uh you you didn't grow on me I I thought you were a great fresh perspective from the start and I and I loved um having that that new energy and I appreciated it and uh just appreciate you keeping us on a straight and narrow all the time so thank you so much and I hope I actually never appear in front of you day so thank you working with you Rick I I you know want to Echo everyone when I say I appreciate your Insight um your knowledge and your guidance but I also um appreciate it talking to you about things and what related to our our commissioner duties here you know when I was on vacations and and calling you up it seems like you had been everywhere that I wanted to go and and everywhere that I was just the finger legs R appreciate your advice on the the restaurants everything else so a lot thank you it's been great dealing with you rich I'll see you a lot a lot of personalities up here thank you commissioner Comm rley yes I certain going to miss you as well I'm going to miss not having Guinness here for the meeting so I wish you all the best thank you thank you thank you okay yes we're going to do a certificate we got you want to come I'm taking up more time than Frank you're younger around you and I also want to say I I know that um our clerk's office really appreciates everything you do you work closely with them sometimes a little closer you know than you work with us as individual so Ken you're getting a great office than it's not me it's it's the staff that's the truth I appreciate it we're going to be honest great step thank you so thank you [Applause] rich is the bad guy now okay we now have a presentation Atlanta County Utilities Authority 2025 budget by Matt president hi [Music] Matt I have some packets for the Commissioners here real always come there and gets no I don't mind at all that's what I'm here for and I thought this audience was for me so it might be before I start I just want to congratulate commissioner Ballas and also um Rick for you know their service we appreciate it and you thank you for your contributions to the uh the county as well thank you sir uh so it wouldn't be an AA presentation I wouldn't be here if we weren't at least starting to talk about the landfill at first uh so the first just two slides I'll try to be quick because I know I'm between about 50 or 51 resolutions and also U the commissioner Christmas party which I was invited to last week at the subit me so we'll see you all there um so the the first slide um is just a quick update on where we're at with uh again our collection system this has been updated to this board you know several times in this past year uh the latest update was September 17th at the commissioner board meeting uh so really we're focusing on the August and an October update that work has all been 100% completed uh significant amount over a million dollars of infrastructure that was put in between August and uh the end of October really is where all that work kind of came into uh we've seen again a continual Improvement this was stuff that we are planning this isn't our reaction to stuff it's just this is we keep working our plan uh and then the last one there which you guys were all aware of is uh the permanent cap again we appreciate the funding that the the county put up through the arpa funds uh that was awarded at our November board meeting we're looking for notice to proceed probably January February January February is not the best time to start earthw work but they will probably uh start you know shortly after then but Min probably be at the um very beginning of 2025 on that um the next slide is really I would just talk about compliance our fence line is our compliance we have been in compliance um 288 days this year um one day we were out and that was uh our event that we had last winter we were uh 30 some over uh there is an a tarp there's in a bubble or you know there's there's no deployment you just continue to read and and it went down within that next day um which brings me to the next slide which is really just so there's compliance and then there is order complaints and I really have two things here there's two two things that I wanted to really kind of uh point out to everyone uh the the first one is is the event that we had been very transparent about started around October ended around March and I talked about book ending this and this is the book end you're going to see so the the the first graph you see there is our odor complaints they came in through D they didn't come in through our site they came through this is uh njd data that we're using and you can see right about October we see this increase 300% increase in odor complaints from September to October uh or from actually from October from the the previous October and then we ride through this you know winter period where we were working through stuff we were presenting we did Town Halls we set up a hotline on our website we did all sorts of stuff to be as transparent as possible and then we kind of again continued to work our plan had weather issues and by the end of March April we were back to a a steady state of where we were that's the bookend that we were talking about uh and that's that's proven in that data that that we're kind of showing the by may we saw a decrease of of over you know 500% from October on where our other complaints were so that's really the bookend that that event was last year and now I get to to the last event really was the the August October where there was a lot of you know uh political ads there was radio stuff there was we were drilling well we were notifying the community saying hey we're we're digging in the landfill we're drilling holes to get ready for the winter you're going to maybe experience some additional um off-site odors uh there was the lawsuit that we were dealing with as well it was very very public uh and then again there was our AA Communications by all accounts if you look at this data we weren't really seeing the over complaints uh that we saw the previous year so you looking at October we had 31 as opposed to 104 um and what we found in some of this is September 15 October 3 uh 31 November 23 and December we've had five we can see these complaints that come through the same person's putting in almost 50% of these complaints one person uh that we're seeing so again this is the data that we've been looking at to kind of say hey we really are in a really great state um that December date so we have five right now at this point last year we had them 60 and again out of that five three of them were one person again this is this is where we're at we really feel we are in a great situation right now when it comes to odor will it ever be zero it's never been zero you won't find another landfill in the state that's zero uh but again I just wanted to kind of hammer this in as far as like this is where we're at here is where we book our we you know we started with our issue last year really ended it in late spring and really have been in a great position and continue to invest again put in over a million dollars in that uh August October period so um hopefully everyone stops getting uh conversation or or you know phone calls or emails or whatever they may be uh so now we'll get to really the uh the budget side of things I just lost my page so you guys have a packet there and on the left hand side is your solid waste and on the right hand side is the waist order stuff and we did have a subcommittee meeting and I again I don't want to be too long with this so I'm going to try to be quick with it but just touch on some of the the key points so the first sheet in your packet really is the rate history it's uh from 2008 we're proposing a 2% increase on the rates this year uh if you look back over 10 years our rate cumulatively total if you add up all of our rate increases is only up 4.9% 4.89% and that's because in 2017 2021 we did rate decreases by over 65% uh so again looking at our rate uh over a longer term period the 2% 2% last year we had an 8% increase um really at that point we were less than 2% on the total fee um so we've been Pres to each one of the municipalities we've met with every single one every mua gone through our solid waste and waste waterer budget and you guys are our last stop on our our road tour so um we've kind of gone through their flows gone through their their their trash numbers recycling collection whatever it may be that applies to them and have kind of discussed all this stuff with them um and these are the the packets and information that they got the next sheet is really just in your packet again is is really just a history and that just kind of shows What towns have actually paid so even with a 2% increase on our flow there's only two towns out of the 14 municipalities that actually have paid more in 2024 than they have previously somewhere else so in some other point in time 2014 2016 they actually paid more than they're paying in 2024 the Two Towns one is EA Township which is we all know how much development is going on there that continues to kind of go up that makes a lot of sense and then Lynwood is a little bit higher they paid I think a little over 2% more in 2024 than they did in 2014 so what they paid in 2014 is only 2% higher what they paid in 2024 so a 10year period they're only seeing a 2% increase from their highest um so we just again try to provide this information because the history is important uh and then there's another just snap sheet of just 2024 and 2025 how it impacts their rates people get hung up on percentages but it's really um it's really kind of an evolving formula based off of flow Atlantic City certainly drives the amount of flow that comes through there it's over 35% of the total flow so if Atlantic City's doing great the rest of municipalities see that break if Atlantic City is not doing well and that flow goes down and it gets spread out across the um the the mainland and then the last sheet is is kind of what's up here and that's just our our actual budget sheet that we have and again I'm not going to go over every single thing but just again trying to drive where some some of these increases are that we're experiencing uh looking at the rate history we've kind of gone through that again our proposed rate is 2% but looking at our operating expenses were up over uh about 2.27% total a lot of this and and every municipality that we go into and the count is no different uh your people right that's that's your biggest cost is your people so uh salaries and benefits are certainly something that's driving us quite a bit we're still in the State Health Plan uh Jerry and Bonnie have been great trying to work through trying to find other options but we're looking at 16% increase on state health benefits we saw 11% the year before 23 24% the year before that so double digit increases on state health benefits in the last three years so again looking for alternatives for that we're we're exploring everything uh we have several different Brokers we're not agnostic to one we're just trying to find what's the best solution for the ACA and our organization um another one that's that's kind of helping us offset this a little bit is chemicals you know based off of how much we're using uh we also have a waste water director that uh that was a tough position to find for us uh it's a license requirement uh it's experience to get the licenses and you need somebody that's confident that's that's operating our treatment facility uh so it was about a four-year process to get somebody in place for that finally did about a year and a half ago really helped our process in in stabilizing things and being consistent with stuff so we're seeing that in a reduction in chemicals that we're using cuz we're not just kind of hitting stuff with with chemicals um and then some energy costs there's an increase in natural gas really just based off of usage excuse me usage and then uh indirect operating cost is also um is a is a decrease on the other side by 18% and that's really the ash so the solid waste site charges the wastewater treatment facility for ash disposal from our incinerator so uh we're just basing off of actual what we've seen over the last couple years we train that down debt servic is down a little bit uh that's really going to kind of start to ramp up as we as we have quite a few big infrastructure projects moving on we we get funding through the ibank we get um uh grants through the ibank as well so we again we try to take advantage of every opportunity we can so total expenses are up about 1.04% revenues we have the operating charge which is the 2% septage scum and sledge earnings are up so it's a fun line item for us uh but but those and also the miscellaneous shared services really help generate you know upwards of you know few million dollars to help offset our sewer rates so our sewer rates are some of the lowest in the state they may be the lowest in the state but the way people built really hard to kind of compare making apple the Apple's comparison but the things like shared services whether it's Pump Station um services or lab services or accepting sludge from you know Kate may milville cden they offset our user costs uh for the 14 municipalities in County so that they're they're huge impact to us and then the last thing is the reduction in um unen n assets so we reduced our rate in 2021 by $1.5 million we didn't find $1.5 million in savings we had to balance our budget with unrestricted net assets so the goal is to try to get that down further and further each year so we've reduced that by about $450,000 to show we're not balancing our budget with reserves we've never actually had to use that money out of our reserves because we'll see additional revenues or we may see chemicals not be used or carbon or something there that kind of offsets that but again we're trying to kind of get to a much clearer and trer picture for that so talk really really fast uh that's the waist water one if you guys have any questions obviously if something else comes up after this too you see something please you know feel free to reach out to me directly you guys all have my contact and then the next one is going to be the solid waste so in your packet um the first thing we go over is usually a tip fee map we're looking at a two and three qu% increase on the tip fee for the mssw uh this is still one of the lowest tip fees in the state there's one other one up in Essex an incinerator uh actually we haven't seen the rate increase yet so we still maybe the lowest in the State uh but again we try to explain that we're not we're double handling our trash so it it costs us a lot more to handle it and we're still able to keep that rate for the rate payers to be the lowest in the state um looking around the area we're seeing anywhere from 4% 1.2% in Salem 4% in Cumberland 2% in Kate May County so and we're at two 2 and 3/4% we're kind of right in the ballpark we really want to try to keep it below the inflation rate uh we able to kind of do that uh the other thing in your packet is really just the cost of recycling $1.6 million to the municipalities it's actually closer to $2.5 million in total this gets absorbed by our organization the municipalities do not see the cost for that and then the last sheet is the is the money the money sheet um and again I just kind of highlighted just some things that we're seeing overall um so again people are your biggest costs about 50% of our budget is is is people benefits um just trying to get to my last sheet if I can see it there all right there it is so um again we're looking at 2 and 3/4% increase it's consistent with what we're seeing but but looking at that that budget sheet you know um are this one's broken down a little bit differently so the one before was in category by expense where this is actually by department so in a lot of see there is you know um certain raises for um employees and there certain benefits for employees there in each one of these kind of departments that we're looking at you know Landfill Recycling processing and collections um but in that first one the administrative support services really you're seeing the benefits you're seeing the salaries but you're also seeing the lawsuit that we're dealing with too so we've had the budget about an extra $700,000 uh for this upcoming year um and the hope is that we'll see some return on that once we kind of go through the insurance process and get um reimbursed for that as well but but it's a you know it's it's an expensive Endeavor as I'm sure you're all familiar with any kind of lawsuit that the county has to deal with the state um landfill increase uh that one really is um sorry I'm losing my place here uh two things really uh odor management we've added some additional money in there for Odor Control we already had you know hundreds of thousands of dollars in there each year we've added more to that and there's also an increase in household hazardous waste so every municipality can take advantage of household houses waste not charged to the municipality something again that we absorb uh in there uh recycling processing really is just uh based off of the market we're seeing a little uptake and a decrease in cost and also a decrease in material uh and then the last couple in their collections is really due to uh some you know salary increases for our drivers again trying to continue to secure drivers so we're not in the position we were in 2023 where we were shter to CDL Drivers and then the maintenance uh side of things are are going up with uh things like tires and Equipment uh where we're able so we're seeing like a 4% increase in expenses uh where we're able to offset that is is the ones on the the next couple lines so the cell wall replacement as we were ramping up for our last phase of our expansion uh we spent $18 million on our MSE wall That's wrapping up we'll be entering that portion probably in the next couple weeks but we were able to take some of the money out that we put into that cell replacement fund and kind of Drop it Down by about a million dollar uh Capital leas just equipment we have some least it's going to be kind of um Coming online for next year that for equipment we got and then the last thing in there is uh the revenue side of things so even with a 2 and 3/4% increase we're really only see a 64% increase in revenues from tip fees and that's because the industry overall is seeing a reduction in trash that's coming in so it's a little pull back in the economy but we we've noticed that this year uh through our landfill Alliance they're also seeing that every landfill or solid waste complex in the state is also experiencing that so we're anticipating the the amount of trash coming to our facility actually decreasing for next year so not seeing the you know 2 and 3/4% increase on the revenue side because of that uh where we're able to make up for it collection reeven shared services uh that's going up through uh CPI and then landfill Amendment and this one gets confused by a lot of people uh throughout the county that that um talk about this is the landfill Amendment so what this is is we have uh a couple Brokers that we work with they bring in amended soil that's nonhazardous so think of like gas station um you know rehab projects and we're able to use this material in our landfill in certain spots not everywhere but in certain spots we're able to charge a rate of $22 a ton and then the contract rate is small is is less than that CU they're bringing in a much larger volume um that offsets a $14.25 import of dirt that we have to bring in to cover our landfill under certain circumstances so we're talking about a $27 swing in our landfill Amendment so we're starting to bring that in more to again help us offset some of these costs but uh it's it's again it's a revenue to the organization we're not paying these vendors uh to bring is dirt and they're paying us offsetting a $14 uh cost for us for importing dirt into the site any questions on the solid waste no so um the last thing I'll do is I'll just address the elephant in the room I know that there has been questions on whether um our staff at our organization are concerned about jobs this time of year um the October 30th event certainly was shocking to all of us um but we're still answering questions there's still we've we've discussed this I've discussed this with the senator I've discussed this with the um County Executive and we've worked through a lot of this and I've talked to a lot of you as well on on the commissioner board um but there's this ripple effect that happens afterwards so and and uh commissioner G can kind of attest to this as we went out to all these municipalities 23 municipalities the conversation was what's happening are they going to dissolve you are they trying to dissolve you and that came up at the Hamilton Township committee wasn't prompted by me it was I was doing my budget and and at the end the mayor and one of the council people says what's going on there I here's what what the board can do uh I wouldn't recommend it but here's where we're at um but it's been the conversation a lot and it's certainly the conversation amongst the staff I don't get all the comments but just a few days ago I had a midlevel supervisor concerned about whether or not um you know they should look for a new job and I said you know we are in my state I think we are in good shape um but again it's still the conversation that we're trying to work through so as much as I want this whole thing to kind of stop go away uh move on continue to work looking towards the future it's still that ripple effect that we're still trying to address um so whether a resolution is passed or not not I'm going to say if you do pass one it would certainly be appreciated I know the staff would certainly appreciate that um if you don't there's no hard feelings but again that is a conversation that's happening within our staff you the drivers the laborers people back especially at the landfill equipment operators U and it's also a conversation that's happening at the municipality level so whether we're meeting with a council in front of their committee uh or meeting in the back room uh with just a few of them it's still one of those conversations so just wanted to kind of clear that up a little bit and just kind of give you a little insight into that so thank you um Matt I just wanted to as chairman of solid waste committee and we discussed stuff within our committees at all times never been any discussion about anything like that never been any comment that way I think the for for your employees if they feel that we they need something like that one thing I told a couple of people around the county that have asked me is that possible no Atlanta County the bonds everything we do the Commissioners put up is what runs the AC way we are the AC way so there is no dismissal no changes going to be made because if it did we'd be doing the day-to-day operations or something it's ridiculous it's not going to happen so if anyone in there and your employees feel the need to speak to someone on the board I am pretty easy to get hold of a along the rest of the Commissioners we speak with you all this individually on a pretty regular basis there should be no concern at all about that um we support anything you guys put up we will bring to you questions and concerns some members of the public give to us and we appreciate your feedback I think we've all been very open with you with that and I appreciate your feedback on the information many times I pressured you and said do public comments on issues that you were working on to make sure the majority of people maybe get it cuz as we both know there's some people that are focused on solid waste and there's others that never touch it it doesn't mean anything to them if you don't notice a smell and you're from the western side of the county you don't give it a thought but if I live near there and that was happening uh then we're going to bring it to your attention but we do appreciate and I know I do being a little bit in the business as only safety guide I want to make it sound like I'm doing more than that uh but in this in the solid waste industry I understand understand the problems you guys have there and we do appreciate the efforts you guys and your staff do day in and day out it's not easy uh it's as you know and I'll use one of Denny's lines you know if you live near landfill once in a while it's going to smell I understand all that and we all understand that but I do appreciate the effort and the investment you're making that's why the commissioner board went along and we were happy to support CPP 16 Acres permanently for the $7 million we just went through and passed on to you guys it's a used to those funds instead of turning them back to the state so we appreciate your efforts and I I hope I don't know if you if there's a someone feels need to do a resolution it isn't change I don't know I'm not I'm speaking for myself I guess the Commissioners here we've all said the same thing in our own discussions going we support what you're doing um and and publicly I don't know what else you need us to do um I think you know the support's been here for you guys and then we'll continue to be you're our guys you're Atlantic County that's what we are that's who we represent yeah thank you I mean I know again in speaking with you having the conversations I know that but sometimes that s gets across to the public so that was you know certain not everybody as we both said reads the newspapers or listens to new they're not it's in their own world but we understand I think from the commissioner board we understand the directions been clear how we move to address it m any resources you need you get um you know from the commission board I don't know if anybody else has other comments you know different we support you 110% thank you I appreciate that and if there's anything else that I can be doing again I've been trying to be as transparent as possible you know since I've taken this position you know I think I started my first week in in June trying to to make sure that everybody had the information so uh anything more I can do uh even even looking at you know looking at this meeting today for the the budget you know thinking back to commissioner G's comments last year about again holding a a subcommittee meeting virtually which we did and then also providing some slides to people from the public can see that too we're constantly trying to do things in a better way if we can and try to be as much you know uh as as far as transparent as possible so uh if there's anything more that I can do for you or answer questions you know feel free I'm I'm you all have my cell phone number so the only thing I'll add to in a little bit when Marv had the opportunity to come here and I did mention so one of the things that um little unique about at county is you have a duplication of process for disposal and one of the things I mentioned tomor when we were talking after the meeting uh that you have transfer station and that there's an opportunity to expedite the repairs that you're doing up on the hill or expedite the a closure side of it you have the option to put stuff in the trucks and move it out of there as well to give you some time for those subcontractors to do the work up on the hill quicker but I'll leave that the mar I says and you guys discuss internally how you do that not a lot of T communities and Municipal complexes have the ability move trash two different ways you do you started out as a transfer station I have to tell you before we went did the landfill but there are opportunities he said we would reach out with you guys on your staff and see if there's something that could expedite those repairs for the Vaper retention stuff that you're doing up on a hill so it doesn't interfere with your day-to-day operations because you and I both know the scale house has to keep running the material has to keep coming in y That's your Revenue yeah and our gas collection system is usually what we're doing is we're putting it in areas that we're not filling anymore we fill it to the top so the transfer station doesn't really come into play where it's not getting in the way uh it's really how quick we can get that trash up and get those balls you get the options there's always plan a and plan B I'll leave that to you to work out how you work it out chair thank you um as far as I'm concerned I've never heard any discussion whatsoever about privation or anything like that I have always supported the acua over 20 plus years I've been here and um I was concerned about the public I was there that day with my concerns as well my concerns that for the public that we're doing all we can did not the OD and that we will support that I I speak for myself at this point that I will support anything you bring forward that requires funding to achieve that goal whether be f home or whether it be some other type of Technologies uh to knock the odored out and of course um that's the the message that I wanted to convey to the public that we care that we all care we want to help them the best we can and provide the funds to do that if necessary also we had a um member of this governing body that was uh being maligned by politics yes it was politics and uh that was certainly grossly unfair to to her and uh it's it's a problem that you're addressing and um quite frankly I came here tonight to ask you questions about how your natural gas program is going can you give us an update on that yeah absolutely I didn't want to take too much of your time but um our RNG plant which uh commissioner rizley and and Senator Pala had come last October for their groundbreaking and they are full steam ahead on schedule for start up uh sometime around June of 2025 with a full opening August 25th which I'll extend an invite out to everyone at this board uh for ribbon cutting but what that does is again this is this is the AUA way we'll be the first landfill to do this we'll be reducing our expenses by about a half million dollars and right now at the value of what these RNs are the amount of gas we're we're collecting from our system we could see a revenue of about $2 million a year coming into our organization to further help all off set our cost and that's again why we've had the lowest tip fee in the State uh for so many years not because again our operation double hands on trash it's because of these types of projects that we've done to help offset that so uh so we're we're full steam ahead there's actually a lot of activity that's going on back there but look look for uh an invite out in August uh for ribbon cutting and we love to have you know the commissioner board come out and represent very good thank you any other wish that they wanted to make this time mat we always appreciate you being here we appreciate the updates you know we were very anxious all the calls we were getting you know uh there a time where everything had to be opened up for part of the you know maintenance problems when you're doing that so that got a little worse there for a little while and uh it you know was upsetting some of the people but I know you try to get that communication out there and we appreciate you coming here and giving us a public you know uh stance where they they can listen and hear what's going on as well so we appreciate that you know periodically coming in here so thank you for that yeah and thank you all for your support and I'll continue to be here and uh hopefully make my presentation a little bit shorter uh each time so fine thank you so thank every a lot it have a very nice holiday all right thank you to you and your family thank you commissioner can I uh address board real quick regarding some of the comments that were made I'm sorry for the public well it's not open for the public okay um I can bring it back up excuse me water who who are you to say that you just sit right down I'm addressing the commissioner thank you I will get back up when I will get back up when public comment please all right thank you the party chairman wants to talk to you so the county exective wants to sit in the audience and run your me order thank you for understanding okay um all right we're going to get through some of these resol resolution 644 gr application and acceptance from the state of New Jersey office of Information Technology for the Next Generation 911 GIS support and data collection program amount not to exceed $85,000 move by commissioner ball second by commissioner G any commissioner comments see here none have aoll call B yeso burn yes Parker grizley yes yes motion carries resolution 645 for an application and acceptance from the New Jersey state Council on the arts for the local Arts programs amount not to exceed $1,500,000 second move by commissioner Burn seconded by commissioner Parker any commissioner Comm anything from the public have roll call alaso Burns St yes sh yes Parker yes grizley yes yes motion Carri resolution 646 please gr application and acceptance from the United States Department trans Transportation division of Federal Highway Administration for the low carbon Transportation materials program inflation reduction act section 60506 amount not to exceed $4 million move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner bertino any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public have a roll call alas yeso burs yes yes Parker yes rley yes yes motion carries resolution 648 please 64 amending resolution number 320 adopted on June 20th 2024 a grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the fiscal year 23 County Aid annual Transportation plan to remove and add projects to the plan no additional cost second move by commissioner G second second by uh commissioner B any commissioner comments see here no anything from the public okay roll call bastino Burns St yes G yes Parker yes rley yes yes motion carried resolution 648 please Grant application and acceptance from the state of New Jersey Department of Human Services for the 2025 Social Services for the homeless Grant amount not to exceed $66,000 move by commissioner burn second by commissioner G any Comm comments see hearing none anything from the public have a roll call alas yeso yes Burns yes SE yes SC Parker grizzley turn yes motion Carri resolution 649 under Professional Services amending resolution number 697 adopted on December 19th 2023 Professional Services agreement with various vendors to provide Engineering Services for the 2021 Dam Transportation infrastructure projects to extend the term date only no additional cost second second any comments see hearing none anything from the public any call bastino Burns St G Parker bzly turn yes motion carries resolution 650 please amending resolution number 698 adopted on December 19 2023 a Professional Services agreement with various vendors to provide engineering and inspection services for the 2022 Dam Transportation infrastructure projects to extend the term date only no additional cost move move by commissioner G secondly by commissioner bino and commissioner comment M just really quick since this is um Dam and transportation and I do see uh Hamilton Township mayor uh Shanker here I do want to just comment um that you know things are moving along really really well at Lake L Dam um and if you take a drive by it's pretty cool to see what's what's going on as they replace that so I just want to urge everybody to take a look at that one of these days um but great work happening there yeah you've been pushing that along very well commissioner so thank you for all things that damn project any other commissioner comments see hearing not anything from the public roll call Bas foro yes yes G yes Parker grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 651 Professional Services agree with various vendors for the provision of Library goods and services amount not to exceed $685,000 second move by commissioner Parker second by commissioner Burns any commission comments see hearing none anything from the publicy have roll call bastino Burns St yes G Parker grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 6 52 amending resolution number 374 adopted on August 5th 2024 Professional Services agreement with Remington and Vernick Engineers for the provision of engineering and consulting services for various County projects to extend the term date only no additional cost moveed by commissioner B seconded by uh commissioner G any commissioner comments here not anything from the public I roll call Bas yes Latino Burns yes St yes SC Parker Grizzly yes yes ter yes motion carries resolution 653 amending resolution number 696 adopted on December 19 2023 of Professional Services agreement with Gan Peterson Incorporated for construction inspection services associated with the resurfacing of Bri Brigantine Avenue County Route 638 sections 2 a and part of 2B from 29 Street South to Second Street South to extend the term date only no additional cost second move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner J any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public here roll call bastino Burns St G Parker grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 654 Professional Services agreement with Communications across barriers Incorporated for the provision of a trauma informed coaching Initiative Program amount not to exceed $200,000 second move by commissioner gther seconded by commissioner bino any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public I have a roll call Alice yes Latino Burns St yes G yes Parker grizley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 655 Professional Services agreement with various counselors to provide substance abuse services for the 12h hour and 48 hour intoxicated driver Resource Center programs amount not to exceed $ 39,5 second move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments see and he none anything from the public roll call basino Burns yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution 656 amending resolution number 467 adopted on September 5th 2023 Professional Services agreement with CME Associates to provide inspection services for the Brigantine Avenue sections 2B and 2C resurfacing project to extend the term date only no additional cost second move by commissioner Day seconded by commissioner Gad any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public I have a roll call Alice yes Burns St Parker grizzley perm yes motion carries resolution 657 amending resolution number 699 adopted on December 19 2023 a Professional Services agreement with various vendors to provide Engineering Services for the 2023 Dam and transportation infrastructure projects to extend the term date only no additional cost second move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner days any commissioner comments any comments from the public Rob call bastino Burns St G Parker yes rley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 658 Professional Services agreement with various vendors to provide alcohol and drug prevention education and treatment services amount not to exceed $623,500 second move by commission second and by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments see here none anything from the public roll call alas yeso FS G Parker rley yes motion carries resolution 659 Professional Services agreement with the Pacha Financial Group Incorporated for financial advisory Services amount not to exceed $2,875 move second move by commissioner rizley second and by commissioner G any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public roll call bastino Burns SE SC Parker grizzley yes term yes motion carries resolution 660 amending resolution number 700 adopted on December 19th 2023 professional service agreement with various fendors to provide Engineering Services for the 2024 Dam and transportation infrastructure projects to extend the term date only no additional cost by commissioner G second by commissioner days and commissioner th hear none Alice last yes fortino yes FS yes Z yes yes Parker yes rley yes yes motion carries resolution 661 amending resolution number 623 adopted on November 21st 2023 a Professional Services agreement with Archer and grer PC to provide Bond Council Services net increase $7,888,000 public roll call B I'm sorry bertino yes Burns yes Z yes G Parker rizley yes yes motion carries resolution 662 Professional Services agreement with Archer and grinder PC to provide Bond Council Services amount not to exceed $1,625 second move by commissioner burn second by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none anything for the public call fortino yes Burns yes St yes yes Parker Grizz yes yes carries to Big contract with resolution 663 big contract with Horizon signal Technologies and corporated for the portable traffic signals amount not to exceed $52,000 second move by commissioner rley seconded by commissioner G and commissioner comment see hear none anything from the public roll call fortino yes burs St yes G Parker rley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 664 big contract with winter Ford for two refrigerated heated food delivery vehicles amount not to exceed $1 15,190 by commissioner rley second and by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public who have a roll call fortino yes Burns s yes G Parker Grizzly yes turn yes motion carries resolution 665 they contract with various vendors for inmate uniforms and supplies for the Elena County Justice Facility amount not to exceed 46 second move by commissioner G second by commissioner Burns any commissioner th see 9 roll call fortino yes Burns St yes G yes Parker grizzley yes turn yes motion Carri under change orders we start with resolution 666 change order number one a contract with aak Haven Company Incorporated for the resurfacing of Alo Street County Route 686 in the township of galile to extend the ter date only no additional cost second moved by commissioner G seconded by commissioner rley and commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public roll callino Burns Shadow Parker grizzley yes carries resolution 667 change order number two a contract with AAC paven Company Incorporated for the 2023 state aid Highway Improvement project to extend the term date only no additional cost second move by commissioner gther second by commissioner Burns any Comm your comments hear not anything from the public a roll call patino yes Burns yes St SC Parker grizley yes yes motion carries resolution 668 change order number four contract with South State incorporate for the replacement of the nood Creek Bridge County Route 610 over nood Creek pr7 project in the city of Port Republic to extend the term date only no additional cost second move by commissioner D second by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hear none anything publico yes FS St yes Parker yes Grizzly yes yes motion carries resolution 669 change order number two a contract with South State Incorporated for the replacement of lakes Creek Bridge eh29 on M Landing Summers Point Road in a Township to extend the term date only no additional cost second move by commission Parker second by Comm G any commissioner commments see here none anything from the public roll call fortino yes FS St SC yes Parker yes grizley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 670 change order number three a contract with ir Haven Company Incorporated for the resurfacing of Tilton Road County Route 563 section 7 in the townships of Hamilton and Galilee to extend the term date net decrease $2 41,8 62 second move by commissioner G second by commissioner Dave any commissioner comments see hear now anything from the public a roll call portino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes F yes motion carries resolution 671 change order number four contract with a Paving Company Incorporated for 2022 on call maintenance resurfacing to extend the term date only no additional cost move second move by commissioner gather second commissioner days any commissioner comments see hearing n anything from the public all call fortino yes FS yes B yes SC Parker grizley yes yes motion carries resolution 672 change order number four contract with arak pavement Company Incorporated for the 20120 county Aid highway Improvement Phase 1 Project to extend the term date net increase $343,500 what happed did you yes I I didn't offer to any public comments just moving a little FAS so we're trying to prove his worth the whole me it's all about thank you no comments from the public uh okay we'll have a roll call bertino yes Burns Z yes G Parker grizzley yes turn yes motion carries you can see there is a lot of pting going on throughout the county okay it brings say resolution 673 change order number one a contract with Noble Roofing and Sheet Metal for the Central Kitchen Warehouse roof replacement project to extend the term date only no additional cost second move by commissioner Gather seconded By commissioner rley any commissioner comments see n anything from the public okay roll call fortino yes Burns yes Z yes G yes Parker grizzley yes yes motion carries brings us to our leases with resolution 674 renewal lease agreement with the city of Corbin City for property to be utilized as a K9 Training Facility amount not to exceed $75,000 no move move by commiss rley seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public it have roll call fortino yes Burns yes Shad yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries I present resolution 675 sourcewell National Cooperative agreement with National Auto Fleet group for the purchase of Auto Parts amount not to exceed $150,000 move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner bertino any commissioner comments seeing here none anything from the public a roll call fortino yes FS yes St yes sh yes Parker grizzley yes F yes motion carries resolution 676 renewal memorandum of agreement with the Humane Society Ela County to provide veterinary services for abused or neglected animals amount not to exceed $110,000 commissioner Parker second by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hear none anything from the public we have a roll call foro yes Burns SC yes Parker grizzley yes F yes motion carries resolution 677 renewal agreement with Ruckers University School of Dental Medicine for the provision of dental services for Atlanta County residents at the JH Chan Dental Center and the University Dental Center amount now to exceed $17,500 second move by commissioner burn second and by commissioner G any commissioner comment see hearing none anything from the public roll callino yes Burns St G Parker grizzley yes km yes motion carries resolution 678 amending resolution number 184 adopted on April 16 2024 an alternate method contract with TR software group in corporate doing business as trip spark Technologies for additional licenses now increase $210 thought I heard commission G second commission days any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public call bino yes Burns G yes Parker yes rley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 67 amending resolution number 635 adopted on November 21st 2023 an e contract with benacare dental plans Atlantic Southern Dental Foundation to provide dental benefits to employees and or their dependents who were termed and opted to receive Cobra benefits that increase $ 64,0 44720 move second move by commissioner burn second and by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public have roll call bertino yes Burns St yes sh yes Parker grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 680 please amending resolution number 636 adopted on November 21st 2023 an e contract with Verizon iare to provide vision care services to employees and with their dependants who were termed and opted to receive Cobra benefits net increase $ 23,35 move second move by commissioner gther secondly by commissioner Burns and commissioner comments see here none anything from the public he have a roll call bertino yes Burns yes St G Parker grizzley yes yes motion carries resolution 681 amending resolution number 303 adopted on June 6 2023 a memorandum of understanding with the Atlanta County Improvement Authority for additional grant writing services and projects that increase $ 32,610 second move by commissioner Parker seconded by commissioner G and commissioner comments see here n a for the public a roll fortino yes Burns SE yes SC yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes motion carries resolution 682 please emergency contract with Walter's Marine Construction Incorporated for the Reconstruction of bridge Culvert g108 at Moss Mill over Maddox run in the township of galile amount not to exceed 9,237 second move by commissioner G second by commissioner days any commissioner comments yeah um Jerry I know when the the work was first done on an Emer basis I think you said we the county had 90 days I think to come up with a I guess a final plan is that what this is or is this to cover the cost of that work that was previous cost work we did okay the actual so what is the status of of this it's completed mean I think I know the emergency Mark is completed but yes moving forward I mean because some of the paving is is uneven on the on the curve the one section so yes this this has to be redone this this was done as an interim step correct and and so now we're going through the actual de but you're talking about we're actually going through the design phase okay once the design phase is done then we will complete we will remove what's there and put in you know the Final Fix because this is the one where it was extended because I think one company bought it another company which delayed the design so we're still at the design phase that's correct yeah we're almost done there okay all right thank you thank you commissioner any other commissioner comments anything from the public they we have a roll Callo yes Burns St Parker yes rzz yes yes motion carries resolution 683 please resolution advising and consing to the nomination and reappointment of Bonnie Lind as County Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer Parker seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments pleasure pleasure anything from the public thank you bie for all you do rooll call pleas fortino absolutely Burns yes St yes G Parker grizzley yes K yes those she carries resolution 684 memorandum of understanding with the city of bring municipal government for the provision of nutrition site management and janitorial services at the Brigantine congregate Senior Center amount not to ex exceed $622 4760 second move by commissioner Burns second in by commissioner G any commissioner comments second by commissioner T any commission comments seeing hear none anything from the public K roll call EXC fortino yes Burns yes G yes Parker grizzley yes yes motion carries resolution 685 amending resolution number 489 adopted on September 5th 2023 and interlocal services agreement with the AL County Improvement authority to provide construction management services for the central kitchen roof replacement project to extend the term date only no additional cost move move by commissioner G second in by commissioner gtino any commission comments see hearing none anything from the public roll call bertino yes Burns St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion Carri resolution 686 please amending resolution number 231 adopted on May 7 2024 an intergovernmental agreement with the Atlanta County division appr probation for the enhanced outcome based supervision support program to reallocate funding second by commissioner G seconded by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments see he none anything for the public I have a roll call fortino yes Burns pleas yes G yes clker rley yes K yes motion carries resolution 687 please amending resolution number 459 adopt on September 5th 2023 a grant from the state of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs through the leap Grant to conduct a feasibility study for fire and EMS centralized dispatch to extend the program deadline second we like Comm Parker seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public call fortino yes Burns yes St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes sh yes motion carried resolution 688 amending resolution number6 adopt on March 7 2023 a grant from the state of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs through the leap Grant to purchas one pair of portable traffic lights to be made available to municipalities on an as needed basis to extend the term date commissioner G seconded by commission pointing at each other commissioner bertino any commissioner comments see hearing on anything from the public any have a roll call bertino yes Burns yes St yes sh yes Parker yes Grizzly yes yes motion carries resolution 689 resolution executing a plan document approved by the New Jersey Department of local government services related to the County's Deferred Compensation Plan second move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner Burns any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the publico yes Burns St G Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 690 resolution authorizing the option to purchase property located at 5914 Main Street M landing and ex execute all documents necessary to effectuate the purchase of the property amount not to exceed $2,500,000 move by commissioner Parker seconded by commissioner G any commissioner th seeing hearing none anything from the public a roll Callo yes FNS St yes G yes Parker grizzley yes per yes motion carries resolution 691 alternate method contract with South Jersey Consultants limited liability company to provide administrative and or special project support to Administration amount not to exceed $88,500 move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner rley any commission comments see hearing none anything from the public roll Callo yes Burns yes St yes SC Parker grizzley yes K yes motion Carri resolution 692 alternate method contract with civil solutions to your spatial services to provide 911 GIS data collection for municipal dispatch centers amount not to exceed 6 $6,000 Mo second move by commissioner G second by commissioner rley any commissioner comments yeah just m chair just quickly Jerry I know for for years um this County some other Counties have completed this state has been keeping the 911 Tax that we all pay on our our cell phone bills has anything changed with that is there any money from the state coming in offset there is money this money put money into to the state but we are not eligible for because we don't have the central dispatch so what we we we applied for was our radio system because the you know it's a pretty involved system they wouldn't fund that okay so right so I know I think K County was in charge at one point because the state's keeping a lot of that money has turn it back thank you thank you commissioner any other commissioner comments see here none anything in publicy callino yes Burns yes St SC Parker grizzley yes yes motion car to resolution 693 resolution requesting a cancellation of of expended balances in the 2024 budget pursuant to njsa 4A 4-60 second by commissioner G seconded by commissioner rley any commissioner Thomas see here 98 from the public Rollo FS Shadow Parker grizley yes yes motion carries resolution 694 resolution requesting a transfer in the 2024 budget in in accordance with the provision of njs 40a 4- 58 second mooved by commissioner G seconded by commissioner Vero any commissioner comments seeing here none anything from the public call fortino yes Burns yes St yes sh yes Parker yes grizley yes yes motion carries can I just make a quick comment I know we just went through like a marathon of I just yeah I just want to make mention for the Public's benefit lot of that was standard things we do annually it's the end of the year things have to continue into the new year that's why there's a lot of uh uh date extensions and anything that isn't annual as always we discuss it in our Bud budget Administration sub committing me um and uh you know make sure all all questions are answered and if there was anything that was um really of any useful discussion we would we would we would have mentioned it here absolutely I was going to make the the same we a lot of on a lot of before it gets gets to the agenda but as you said some of are just things we go through at the end Year too um okay that brings us to I'll entertain a motion to combine adop resol 695 through 697 which are chapter 159 sove move by Parker second by commissioner G any commissioner comments okay anything from the publico St Shadow Parker grizzley yes sir yes motion carries at this time we're going into our appointments and we thank everybody again who goes on to these boards they take a lot of time out of their you know lives and we appreciate you know their commitment I'll entertain a motion to combine adopt resolution 698 through 700 second move by commissioner rley second by commissioner G any commissioner comments anything from the public favor all roll call fortino yes Burns yes da yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes C yes motion carries now we go into commissioner sponsored with resolution 701 appointment of Kenneth and Warren Jr's Esquire effective January 1 2025 as legislative litigation Council to the Atlanta County Board of County Commissioners move second mooved by commissioner G seconded by commissioner rizley any commissioner comments CH get yeah um with the uh sad departure of Rick we needed to find somebody to uh to fill his shoes and um I was very happy to see Mr Warren submit a letter of an to us um for those who who might not know him and he is here tonight uh I don't know we'll put him on the hot seat in a minute maybe um uh Mr Warren has a a practice in uh Atlantic City but has most recently done Municipal work uh in a couple our municipalities including Hamilton Township and Estelle um and has done done a superb job um and I think he's going to really serve as well um and uh I can't really say enough about him in terms of his integrity and his work ethic and uh I know he's eager to kind of pop in and and try to hit the ground running and and pick up where Brick's Le uh leading off so uh we're really lucky to be getting to be getting Ken hope with a hopeful uh vote here yeah I believe so as well and commission a comment okay uh any comments from the public Ken would you like to say a few words yes thank you chair thank you for your kind words commissioner G I've worked with many of you in the past but I anticipate and appreciate all of your confidence in your votes I know I have big shoes to fill but I'm ready to work with all of you and I look forward to thank you all right thank you have a roll bertino yes Burns St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes should welcome Ken we look forward to having you okay uh written Communications and petitions we've received uh written copies of communications and petitions uh does anybody have any that they like to share see none any reports special Committees of the board the human advisory um commission met a sub commmittee this week we are in need of volunteers for it we I know all of our commissions need volunteers but that was a big part of the meeting this week and I promised them all that I would bring it up during our meeting today you know that anybody it's such a great great group of people and we need a diverse background in professions and in areas of at County so if you know any know definitely thank you for bringing that up any other uh committees okay any un finished business um yeah Madam chair at our last commissioner meeting um I brought up and I think other Commissioners as well said they had heard from residents they were concerned about the the spike they on their their electric bills over the summer um and I I think I asked that we at the next meeting come up with thumb some resolution support of Congress and Van Drew's efforts um to ask the Board of Public Utilities to reject the um newest rate increase request from um altic City Electric I I do have a resolution that I'd like to share with the to that end that uh yes if you'd like to uh make a motion to add it to the uh agenda yeah yes so we let to make that motion second somebody else second it second second okay we have a motion and uh by commissioner da and a second by uh commissioner bertino to bring this uh up on the agenda at this time resolution 703 all those in favor okay now we're at resolution 703 have a motion right so you just you voted you just voted to add it to the agenda right so now you need a motion to consider it yeah motion motion made by commissioner days and second by commissioner bertino so now we can read resolution number 73 and for the Public's benefit this is not on your agenda but they're reading it to you so you know what they're going to be discussed atanta County Board of Commissioners joins with Congressman Jeff Andrew to call on on the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to reject proposed Atlantic City Electric rate increase do you want me to read the whole thing yeah whereas the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities approved rate increases for Atlantic City Electric and Exelon company in June 2024 that averaged 4.6% end whereas in August 2024 Atlanta County residents started noticing significant increases in Atlantic City electric bills well beyond the rate and those increases continue through the fall without explanation straining household budgets for Atlanta County families and whereas Exelon has now made a request to the njbpu for an an additional rate increase of approximately 8% for Atlantic City electric utility bills to maintain reliable service and invest in the future and whereas whereas on November 22nd 2024 Congressman van Drew blasted Excellence proposal to impose an 8% increase on utility bills in order to pay for infrastructure upgrades n whereas Congressman vandrew also called on residents to take immediate action emphasizing the importance of public opposition to this proposal which rests in the hands of the njbpu by urging residents to file a complaint with the njbpu vi an online Complaint Form whereby calling 800 624 0241 and to contact the office of the governor of New Jersey by calling 609 292 6000 and whereas the NJ BPU has a meeting on Wednesday December 18th 2024 at 10: a.m. with a consent agenda item 2 a docket number ER 24110 854 in the matter of the petition of Atlantic City Electric company for approval of amendments to its tariff to provide for an increase of rates and charges for electric service pursuant to njsa 4A 2-21 and njsa 48 col 2-21 point1 to implement deferred accounting and for the other appropriate relief now therefore be it resolved by the Atlanta County Board of County Commissioners does hereby join with Congressman vandrew to demand the njbpu reject this proposed rate hike in docket number ER 2411 0854 in the name of protecting South Jersey families and the businesses from rate exploitation and request this resolution be reported in the public record thank you thank you m CL Thomas d yeah just you know one more thing you know this was discussed um at the last meeting and the hearing is tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. so like really wanted to add it to the agenda and um you know I don't know if you can believe everything you read in the papers and Michelle was here um but I believe that Congress Drew did receive a letter in response to some of the hearings that he held and one of the things that stood out to me was quoted in in the press that a business received a $20,000 refund on their bill with no explanation um for what that was for and that I believe Exon or AC electric has agreed to do I guess I don't know an extended audit or second audit U I guess of their building practices so you know I mean if this is absolutely necessary for their infrastructure to keep the lights on you know so that's what it is you know 12% increase in one year is a lot I mean with the rate of inflation and and the everything else that that uh you know hardworking families are paying um you know I guess they can argue and they have the information and we don't but if it is necessary and they are going to do this audit May that at least hold off on the rate increases so they they do everything they told the Congress that they're going to do thank you any other comments thank you very much for bringing this up it's very important it's important to our constituents we've seen a lot of people out there with some of these you know crazy and I think some of us have gotten too these electric bills and with everything going we you know we all just can't keep up with the economy the way it is so very much thank you for bringing this up okay no other comments from the commissioner anything from the public okay we will have a roll call Martino yes yes East yes G abstain my prior appointment with Parker yes grizley yes turn yes motion carries any new business Gan heing none anyone attending in person that would like to speak now a public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name in the time you reside if you're attending virtually I'd like you to make a public comment please raise your hand I will call upon your name and request to unmute will be made please state your name and the town you reside you'll also be uh provide up three for speak so anybody from the public would like to come he's already there I'm chair thank you very much I apologize for speaking out earlier um Don py Galloway Township you know I just want to say a few things on the acua issue and Matt you know all due respect we have heard about the 300 plus employees and you know I I have employees of my own and I do feel for that and and obviously nobody wants to worry about where their their next paycheck is coming from but you know as having two businesses right there across from the AC way within a mile of the crow flies um it's it's not just uh in the winter time it's all summer long um I smell it constantly uh my businesses are there so just I wanted to put on the record it's not four people that are calling um four people might have the phone number but is very concerning to a lot of people um you guys do a service that we do need um and that's definitely understood but I just want people to understand that this goes well beyond um a few people calling um or businesses Galloway Township goes you know you got tens of thousands of people between ups and Galloway Township and at sometimes that smell goes all the way over to Smithville um the the mayor of Galloway Township Tony DEA a great guy reputable uh can smell to his house it's not every day obviously um but I just want to make it on the record that abin really takes the brunt of it Galloway Township on the eastern western side of the White Horse Pike really smells the odor so as well as um obviously the employees which I don't uh agree with starting a um definitely a panic in in your employees at all I'll be honest with you that's not what anything was intended to do but I just want you to also think about the tens of thousands of people you know AC cor Township there's been major buildings at Lowe's I believe being one of them that has had been evacuated for smell of natural gas they they believe um and it was found out it was odor that comes from the AUA so it depends you shate your head now no it's not okay but depending on the way the wind goes which you know temperature absolutely does something to do with it humidity does something to do with it but it it a lot of times people are outside in the summertime and my buildings are right there so again anything you guys can do and put forth to fix that and I I I I commend the board for helping any kind of financing they can do to to help it and you know we do not want to downplay what the the acua does for the county because it's definitely much needed but you know you got to look at your waste flow um this board many years ago has passed that they passed it so they got the revenue for it through the ACA um that's something that really needs to be looked at I mean I know that at the time is clicking where that that that the Landfield is going to be closed and you got to think of different options and I feel comfortable that you will come up with that and ACA will will continue to exist but I just wanted to put on the record that it's not just you know four people or five people in the summer months this is very bad um and and if it's doing with construction um we look forward to anything ending that and you know going on to a normal life but I just want to put on record I think you're very capable and you do a great job so it's nothing to do with you personally all right thank you thank you is there anybody else in the public that would like to come forward okay uh okay uh anyone okay any comments for the good of the order Madam chair I missed my other opportuni so I'll bring this up now Jerry could we get possibly an update on the shared service with the pothole automated pothole machine that we invested well you know the P the P machine was bought by the city I think um I saw Tim I thought Tim was here the city the city the city has you know the city Bo it and we're wait we're just waiting for them to you know whatever uh tell us that they're ready to go I mean we're we're ready to go we we were one of I think four uh entities that signed resolutions saying that we would you know them you know it was purchas I I don't think they have any their possession yet okay uh any other comments for the good of the order I'll make a comment for good of the order as well we've heard a lot in the news about drones taking over our world particularly locally I've heard a lot on the radio these you know there's a lot of speculation out there with without a lot of good information we concrete information for any of us to really speak intelligently about but um I'm seeing that our Sheriff has been involved and with other sheriffs and I'm seeing that other Commissioners boards are getting involved and so I just wanted this is happening right here in in our hometown so I just want to you know we have our senator in the room we have some our executive in the room I just wanted put for the public sake if anyone has any information about what's going on with these drones that can give any type of of piece to this board or any type of uh piece of to the to the public if they can present that for the good of for the good of the order thanks commissioner try to obviously stay up on this topic as much as possible uh obviously as you have read we did a we had a briefing uh last Wednesday with the office State Office of Homeland Security uh Colonel superintendent of State Police and the US Department of Homeland Security in the briefing um while there were some drone sightings uh they indicated that there was nothing that they were concerned about that there was no imminent threat uh that they could determine uh so we left that meeting of course thinking that everything was good and they were going to continue to get New Jersey the technology uh necessary to try to determine what the drones were and where they were coming from one of the things we learned is you know how you operate the drones with the RF technology with the handheld things that a lot of these are now not done that way they pre-program them and so they could be launched from somewhere you know they go out for a period of five or six hours and obviously they're going now from 4:30 about at dusk till about 11:00 at night over ptin arsal over Bedminster and some of the other areas of New Jersey um but they look like they were pre-programmed they couldn't find the r signal uh so the federal government was giving us more technology the state offes of Homeland Security to try to determine where they were coming coming from and where they're Landing I talked to uh obviously then we saw a lot of the other issues out there that potentially there was a foreign adversary off the coast which is untrue uh immediately called the 177th and and asked if anything was going on at the base uh they indicated last Wednesday was just like a normal Wednesday so you know it doesn't appear to be any type of foreign adversary or any type of other incursion uh from a ship off the coast as of yesterday talking to the state office a home land security we do have the additional technology now uh they are analyzing what they are finding unfortunately according to what they're telling us now with everybody now out searching for drones a lot of people are looking up in the skies seeing lights and and either misidentifying helicopters or planes as drones so they're telling us and again this is coming from the State Office of Homeland Security that it appears that many of the sightings are either uh manned aircraft which which you know are present everywhere or that it is now hobbyists and others flying drones trying to find out what was going on with the drones so that is according to the office of Homeland Security State Office of Homeland Security as of yesterday uh we still do not have a definitive determination as to where they are coming from what they are doing and where they are landing we're hoping to get that at course in short order I just saw some headlines today there was a briefing at the federal government today classified briefing so I don't know how much information we will get out of a classified briefing from the federal government but as I think we all know now this is a federal issue the state you know doesn't have the ability to even really police these drones they do have the ability to fly they were given the ability to fly at night uh and it's really the federal government that needs to step in uh and do something about this so we're staying up on it every single day commissioner I appreciate the question we'll continue uh to pass along anything we find as it relates to what's going on with the drones thank you thank you Senator thank you yeah I'd like to add to that uh we've arrived as far as being recognized with Aviation our National Aviation research and tech technology park has been called by many agencies if we're doing so it must be that uh they know we're there and uh and by the way no we're not and uh I guess Jeff Andrews uh uh thoughts are as good as anybody's it's easy to say we don't know what it is but then if you come up with something it's not that so it's very easy remember that's balloon which was not a spy balloon went across the whole United States until we shot it down turned out to be a spy balloon and I and I guess I want to thank you all very much for the support for the acua it's welld deserved and it's a tough job it's a dump and we know it's a dump and they smell just to put things in perspective it's 350,000 tons of trash an aircraft carrier is around 100,000 tons so it's three and a half aircraft carriers we put in there on a yearly basis and it's a tough one we've got an airport on one side of us we got it covered at night it's more expensive and uh when the dump was sighted that was an industrial area there were no homes if you think there's a problem now with belir wait till those 660 homes go in on West coat now those of you that know West coat it's One Direction so if you want to turn around you got to you a uturn you're going to have school buses coming in and leaving you're going to have parents taking their kids to school you repeat that 660 homes which are closer to the airport and closer to the dump than b air but what are we missing here you want to get more complaints and uh unfortunately I mean I'm not crazy about my neighbor and I didn't know you know when I moved in I knew who he was you know just keep throwing all that uh dog waste over the French I called him too by the way with my C so thank you very much and I know it's going to go a long way for the workers over there that they're secure and as B said if it took us four years to get somebody with a good high paying job to come in imagine how tough it is to get people hanging off the back of a trash truck in 20° weather in a 12 in snow and in 110° summer you know it's uh they do a Yan's job it's unheralded and then they most certainly deserve the respect of everybody it's a job nobody wants they're doing it they're taking care of their families and uh they do it extraordinarily well and we do owe them uh a Deb of gratitude and I thank you all for the support I imagine just two spoke up I imagine you all agree right thank you and I just want to wish everybody and their families a happy holiday uh remember to look out for those that may be alone or need you know there are numbers that you can call if you see any meal mental health issues with somebody but let's take them under you know our wings and make sure everybody's okay so happy holidays Merry chras Merry Christmas good to the order of the 177 did fly over at the Eagles game and we're recognized at the Eagles game and I highly attribute that to our win I just want to than thank you guys I wish everybody a happy holiday yeah and you know thank you for um giving us all the information on the race you know that was uh a wonderful wonderful and um you caring caring event they did over last year was the first time they did it they had 500 Reef this year they had over 2,000 R and there was a lot of people out there putting them all on the veterans gate uh great so uh thank you for for bringing that attention and yeah thank you thank you to the Commissioners who all contributed and participated and everything it was the re to North America at Holy Cross Cemetery in me landing and uh again it was our second year and we we achieved our our goal um which was wonderful and I would say we there was well over 500 people out and we laid the the the RS day very cold day we had the Brigadier uh General uh here and she gave a really inspiring speech and uh I really thought as somber as it might feel sometimes I felt like it was very going into the holiday season it just really reminds you and um um helps you appreciate just everything that we have and just thanks everybody it's it's a great call so thank you again and remember our veterans that are overseas okay thank you all I will entertain a motion to adjourn come move second all those in favor thank you all for being here it was a little long thank [Music] [Music] [Music]