##VIDEO ID:NQ-A-sdWSms## [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the 2025 reorganization meeting of the Atlanta County Board of County Commissioners is called to order in compliance with the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of Atlantic County Board of County Commissioners was provided in the following manner published in the Press of Atlantic City and mailed to the habon kette has been posted on the bulletin boards in the county office building in Atlantic the Stillwater building in Northfield and the county clerk's office in landing Reverend L strugala pastor of Church by the bay in Galloway will deliver the invic goodon every before I deler I would ask that to I have one life one chance to make account for something my faith demands that I do whatever I can wherever I am whenever I can for as long as I can with whatever I have try to make a difference today I'd like to ask us to observe a moment of silence for my friend our friend our fellow commissioner John Al Cara that's the way we say may he rest in peace dear God we give you thanks for allowing us to be in a free country a place where we can pursue the interests that we hold dearest to our hearts we give you thanks for the electorate and for the people who trust us enough to lead give us your grace and blessing bring the power of your spirit over us and allow the people that are on this days to do the very best they can with the talents that you have provided and with the wisdom that you impart for we pray this in your holy name amen please rise for the flag salute stes America stand indice I am in receip of certificates of election from the County Board of CER certifying the elections of Commissioners James bur and Michael Ruff Commissioner James bertino will be administered the oath of office by retired Superior Court Judge Michael Dan Happy New Year to everybody it's nice to be here see some old friends from years past I wish the board well and everything they have coming up this year all the elected officials as well that uh God gives them the strength and the courage to do the things that might not be popular with the things that have to be done um it's an honor for me to be here s my friend Jim Martina uh he reminded me today that this might be the 11th time that I've done this I think he only asks me to do it because he thinks that might be a good luck charm but um then he blames me for getting him involved in politics in the first place but uh I think he's proven to be a very uh effective uh commissioner um and what I've said about him in the past that I'll say again is that he'll always return your calls um might not tell you what you want to hear but he'll follow through on what he says he's going to follow through with and I believe that everything that he does he has the best interest in this County in his heart and I don't think for a puz official we could ask for anything else so I'm proud to be able to swear him in here for another turn today Raise Your Right hi James James IA do Solly swear you Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government's established and to the government's established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I do further solemnly swear I do further solemly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all of the duties perform all the duties of the office of county commissioner of the office of county commissioner according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me godat thank you commissioner Moren Kern will be administered the oath of office by Atlanta County Sheriff Joseph odono Hu good evening this is truly an honor for me and for the Sheriff's Office of Atlanta County I'm proud to say I've been a long-term friend and that her husband is a true Soldier uh that we very often we forget to thank the people in our Lives who support us in this endeavor takes a lot so I say to Moren and to her husband thank you so much for all the support you give to your wife and to us and to the citizens of Atlantic County I also want to thank the entire commission board for all its hard work and across the board support that we have received at the Sheriff's Office and as a County employee isise your right hand I state your name I Morin Kar do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and impartially and impartially justly justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of county commissioner of the office of county commissioner according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and most importantly so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you commissioner elect Michael ruffy will be administered the oath of office by New Jersey district 2 assemblywoman CLA Swift um I just want to say it's it's a honor to be here today I've known Michael rafu my entire life we started campaigning in Longport when we were what you were eight I was 10 years old so um he did a great job he had over 62,000 votes you worked very hard Senator Palestina wants to thank you because when we knock on doors they think you're him that that helps but um we work as a team we work as a family here in Atlanta County and um it shows and we're all family here we're all related to each other one way or the other and I'm just so happy today to be administrating the oath of office for Michael rafu so uh John his younger brother who's also part of the Swift ruu Clan is here to uh hold the uh put your right hand up left hand on the Bible and repeat after me Michael I Michael James ruffu I Michael James ruffu do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the saint to the same and to the governments and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I do further I do further solemnly swear solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of county commissioner of the office of county commissioner according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Music] Michael I will read the 2025 roll call Martino Burns here horsey here ad here K here Parker present grizzley here ruo resolution number one nomination of chairperson to the 2025 Atlantic County Board of County Commissioners I'd like to uh call the name of nomination Rich have had the honor for the last three election cycles and um I think number one dedic District of Brigantine Galloway Port Republic some areas of EHT but also dedicated to U the residents of Atlanta County and he the amount of passion that he puts in his dedication to his own family his students and his families uh is the dedication he gives to every single person here in Atlanta County and I think he would be a tremendous leader uh for our board this year ad I'm clerk I'm honored to second that motion any further nominations move to close nominations all all in favor I Martino yes Burns yes wory yes B yes Shadow yes K yes Parker yes Grizzly yes Rio yes thank you I wasn't anxious before thank you everyone appreciate that resolution number two nomination of Vice chairperson to the 2025 Atlantic County Board of County Commissioners chairman I'd like to nominate our former chairwoman uh Vice chairperson uh commissioner Mr chairman I'd like to second that nomination any further nominations move nominations be closed second roll call Martino yes Burns yes horsey G yes K yes Parker yes Grizzly yes ruu yes pleas yes resolution number three forming the media of the 2025 regular meetings of the Atlanta County Board of County Commissioners second any commissioner comments any comments from the public roll call fortino yes Burns yes Forsey yes G yes he yes Parker yes grizzley yes ruffu yes pleas yes resolution number four appointment of John rizley as Atlanta County representative to the New Jersey Association of counties second any commissioner comments any comments from the public roll call Martino yes Burns yes Forsey G yes Kar yes Parker yes grizzley yes R yes pleas yes resolution number five appointment of Moran Kern as a landing County First alternate representative to the NJ move second any commissioner comments any comments from the public roll call fortino yes Burns yes corsey G yes Kar yes Parker yes grizzley yes ruffu yes pleas yes resolution number six appointment of Richard da as Atlanta County second alternate representative to the njac move any commissioner comments comments from the public roll call patino yes Burns yes Cory G yes K yes Parker yes rizley yes BR yes pleas yes resolution number seven appointment of County Commissioners to serve on atlon County advisory boards commissions and councils for 2025 pursuant to njsa 40 col 41 a-37 second any commissioner comments comments from the public roll call patino yes Burns yes fory G yes burn yes Parker yes rizley yes Rio yes St yes resolution number eight resolution to make annual reorganization appointments to serve on various authorities boards and committees move second any commissioner comments th from the public fortino yes Burns yes fory yes G yes burn yes Parker yes grizzley yes ruu yes St yes resolution number nine 2025 temporary budget second any commissioner comments Mr yes Mr Cory uh if I can for just a moment those of us who on the budget meeting on yesterday Mr Jerry and the administration they proved us with some additional information as most of you know that the budget is going to be tight uh and that the county is doing the best they can to adhere to the Department's uh recommendations um but stay tuned for the additional information that will be coming to the Commissioners um I'm not the chair Amy is but I want to say if you have some questions we need to make sure we answer those questions early on so we can get those information uh from the county administrat and the department of uh Treasures Etc so I thought the meeting went well yesterday um a lot of answered questions um and so didn't get the minutes or you wern't on the meeting uh want to be caught up reach out to uh Jerry and get the information but I thought the meeting went well yesterday it's it's a process work in progress and it's going to take some time to get to those some things uh batina started asking all the questions I know was getting close to lunchtime uh it went well thank you commissioner any other commissioner comments comments from the public roll call fortino yes Burns yes fory yes Shad yes burn yes Parker yes grizley yes Ru yes St yes resolution number 10 depositories and cash management plan for the county of Atlantic 2025 second any commissioner comments any comments from the public roll call cartino yes Burns Cory yes Gad yes K yes Parker yes grizzley yes ruu yes St yes resolution number 11 establish stud cash funds for various departments and divisions of Atlanta County 2025 any commissioner comments any comments from the public roll call foro yes Burns yes fory yes G yes K yes Parker yes rizley yes R you yes yes resolution number 12 resolution adopting the governing body certification of compliance with the United States equal employment opportunity commissions enforcement guidance on the consideration of arrest and conviction records and employment decisions under title seven of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 second any commissioner comments any comments from the public roll call fortino yes Burns yes horsey yes Shadow yes Kar yes Parker yes grizzley yes Rio yes J yes so at this time I want to thank my fellow Commissioners for electing me chair I'm looking forward to working as a team the best interest of the Atlanta County residents congratulations to commissioner Kerr on her re-election and election of Vice chair Marine thank you for guiding us through 2024 as chairwoman congratulations to commissioner bertino in your re-election and Mike congratulations on your election Victory and welcome to the board commissioner ruu CH as chairman I also look forward to continuing to partner with County Administration and County Executive lenson to do what is best for Atlanta County this includes ensuring that important public services are provided our roads and bridges are maintained and thank you for the job the Public Works did after the last storm on on Monday evening I know it was difficult with the snow again last night and and the blowing uh the wind blowing the snow across the roads um and continue to support Economic Development ideas and goals we also need to thank our staff Tara Kristen and Lena for all of their work keeping us in contact with the public and their efforts of helping this board accomplish what is needed for the residents of Atlanta County sincere thanks it's truly appreciated thank you to Rick Andre and our outgoing legal council and welcome to Ken Warren and thank you for agreeing to serve as our new legislative Council at this time I want to take the opportunity to recognize and thank the elected officials who joined us today and invite any of them to say a few words um in attendance we have Senator Vince palis from District 2 thank you chairman I'm gonna say hello and run because everybody scheduled their reorgs on the same day but I just want to say Happy New Year to everyone congratulations to everyone who was elected and we look forward to working with you this year thank you youor appreciate everything to do we also have an attendance senator leam tyer from District 8 good afternoon everyone I also want to congratulate everyone happy New Year and um I'm going to be running too because I have to go to hesport which is an hour and 26 minutes from here I'm going halfway to Tren thank you for being here thank you assembly in Don Guardian from District 2 Happy New Year and assembly woman Claire Swift who was up here earlier County Sheriff Jo Donahue County surga James Kio Cy clerk Joe Jadoo and I think Robert laws Hamilton Township councilman attendance he was here earlier U we also have uh don perie the chairman of the Atlanta County Republican party he walked out yeah thank you Mrs pery thank you Michelle understandable um former commissioner Alex Marino said he's hiding in the back somewhere oh there he is thank you can't break the tap thank you Alex there's no glass up here and former assemblyman and Freeholder Ken La fever it's also in attendance I also like to thank uh Dr Gunther um Mr P the principal of acit and all the faculty staff and students for hosting us today at uh making this meeting possible including our ability to continue to live stream our meetings and allow a virtual public comment so thank you for all of those as well are there any commissioner comments at this time commissioner patino thank you and I'll be brief um first I'd like to thank my family my wife hope as um judge donio stated if we've been at the public service thing for quite a few years now and you obviously cannot do it without the the love and help and support from your family so I want to say thank you to you publicly also to the voters in the Fifth District You' given me the opportunity once again and to be your voice here in Atlanta County um I thank you for the opportunity I look forward to working with our County Executive on County Administration and the rest of the Commissioners uh to continue to make Atlanta County a place that people want to live and work and play here uh it's an honor and a privilege to be up here with you thank you any other commissioner comments yes commissioner Lesley congratulations to you rich and we're all behind you you're going to do a great job whatever I can do to help please let me know I want to congratulate of course um Mr ruu welcome aboard and returning commissioner Mrs Kar and of course uh my friend Jim bertino who uh always uh does a great job um he's my go-to guy when matters of the the western part of the county and uh he does a great great job with County um I also want to mention to that U this year 2025 marks the um 250th anniversary of the shot heard around the world as Lexington and conquered and um tomorrow I mean next year 2026 marks the 250 years the Declaration of Independence and I I raise that because I hope that uh we as a county can um do something to uh honor that that time period of 250 years in 2026 of our country's history so with that um I'd also like to mention briefly I gotta say one or two words about my friend and our friend John Carman I had the pleasure of serving with him on the a haror Township committee and um on this governing body as well he was a great guy he'd give you the shirt off off his back and anybody knew him would say the same thing so um he's um deeply missed I also want to mention um Summers Point councilwoman Janice Johnson's here as well she's in the back there sry welcome and um thank you for being here thank you all for being here today thank you John any other commissioner comments oh yeah I have a couple things I um first and foremost I want to thank my husband and my family for uh giving me the opportunity and allowing me to do just you know serve the public um I'd also like to express my gratitude to all the Commissioners and staff for their hard work and dedication your efforts Have Been instrumental in addressing the needs of our community and making significant progress um I also by working you know I look forward to like uh this year working together with our County Executive Denny levenson and his administration as well as our state legislators uh Senator Vince patina and our assembly Don guardian and Claire Swift I know together we can uh have great opportunities and work well in collaboration for all of uh our individuals throughout the county and I look forward to that thank you everyone thank you for being here we greatly appreciate everybody's support and thank you to the voters of District 2 thank you Marine any other thank chairman um I just like to say it's it's an honor to have been chosen by the people of Atlanta County to represent them on the Commissioners board um and it will be a privilege to work alongside such an an outstanding group of Partners so thank you every um I'd also like to thank family friends elected officials um too many people to thank but everyone has just been from the start of the campaign up until today been just so completely um support supportive and it's been great and it means the world to me I also just noticed directly behind my family is Kate May County chairman Mike Donahue my my uh my new boss I I'd be remiss if I didn't have to thank him for giving me the latitude that he gave me for the last uh seven or eight months while I was running around Atlanta County campaigning and not in Kate May County in the office uh working so thank you chman uh thank you everybody and uh Commissioners thanks again I'm forward to uh to joining the team thanks chairman thank you anyone else let me uh first of all again we send our condolences out to John carman's family the pastors of our former colleague uh I would hope that the next commissioner meeting there's a proper resolution prepared uh from this board to the family uh recognize his service in this community uh I had a pleasure we had a pleasure of serving with him here um and his work in the community will certainly speak for itself um when certainly word Came John had passed I'm sure most of us was in shock uh but the fact of the matter is is that um when we leave this world we want to leave an impression on people that we've tried to help people tried to help people as elected officials and we call ourselves uh the public servants and so I believe that John has done all he was assigned to do his assignment was up um most folks don't like to hear that but you go when it's your time to go and uh I think he's left a legacy uh in this community and uh us who serve with him uh will talk about the laughing and the jokes and the uh stuff back and forth one thing about John and I we would agree to disagree it was never ever personal and when you in public service you got to be able to separate worship from friendship and and and you've got to be able to um look at the bigger picture and recognize why you are where you are and that is to do the good bidding of the residents who elected you uh to serve them and so uh I will miss those conversations we would have phone calls conversations and uh we laugh and joke we see a at different events but um his memory live on name may not be on every neon sign throughout town but I believe John has written name in the hearts of men and women to live way beyond the grave so again we would hope that that next meeting there'll be a proper resolution the other thing is I want to congratulate my colleagues for being res sworn in and swear in of the new commissioner um fact of the matter is is we all have a responsibility I've got to deal with Jeff P for another three years I don't know how his wife do it but I'm still praying for you uh it's a tough job but somebody's got to do it right uh but one thing about it I found out politics not married up married up he stays out of trouble right so uh I think most of us have made that decision to do what it is we can for the public and then finally I just want to say as our chairman is indicated we want to thank Public Works County public works for the outstanding job uh they did in this uh snowstorm uh they did the best they could look like we got another storm coming uh on Saturday I don't know how big uh but they're up for the task and to Dr G thank you for allowing us um to use your facility one more time we were looking for the ribbon cutting of the new facility out back uh but I told some of my colleagues in the back and I'm done uh if you keep bringing Out treats like this we may never go back to 2011 Shore Road we may have all our meetings here but uh to the public thank you so much for coming out we love to see when the public comes out to see what it is the elected officials are doing and not doing and to hear back from the public we would hope uh in 2025 uh more folks would now get involved in what's happening in their government and to hold all of us accountable no matter what district you represent uh when you vote up here you're voting on issues that affects the whole in the county and so uh with that being said congratulations to my colleagues I look forward to uh working with you once again and again Mr chairman congratulations uh you've got a job in front of you and no I am not going to take it easy on you think that's why they put your to me that's only I knew that was they just wanted me to warm up to you appreciate that and also let me say to all of you thank you so much uh this is my first meeting back since April uh most of you know I've had some manful issues and uh I've been fighting uh looking good with your calls you're stopping by uh even uh our assembly people and Etc have reached out to us we say thank you on behalf of my wife and family uh for the caring and the sharing and your prayers uh as Tokyo Joe would say prayer works right and uh prayer does work and thank you again so much I don't want to take it for granted but I want you to know how much I really appreciate you and it feel good to be back today uh in person and uh we look forward to the uh meetings ahead thank you so much chairman of course it's great to see you back and not just you know hear your voice but to to see your smile close chairman yes I will Echo all of the thanks to all the elected officials and the public that are here today um and congratulations to everybody I won't name everybody since everybody else has but I support all of that my first year in I am so proud proud to sit up here with everybody that serves this board may not always agree but in the end we do what's right for the residents of Atlanta County I look forward to 2025 and the challenges and the successes that we have to bring thank you to the administration for making it all happen thank you to Tara and Kristen and Lena for all of your hard work so happy 2025 and thank you all for all your support thank you um just just want to I'm so happy commissioner Cory is back but I will continue to kick you under the dis if you get out of line with our new chairman okay than um I also want to uh just send my condolences uh and sympathies to uh John carman's family certainly a shock um reminds us that life is short for sure um but it really was an honor to serve with him uh and he will be missed and since we're here in the county seat I do want to also just recognize uh Barbara pegot who was a longtime teacher in the community uh passed away this week as well um and uh she was a a force to be wrecking within this community so I just want to take a moment to send condolences to her family as well um and while we're recognizing some other celebrities in the audience um Father John March is here and he is our new pastor at St Vincent depal just up the road uh he's been here about a year and you want to talk about a force to be recogn reckoned with that man is one of them uh he's also a honored veteran uh from the Marine Corps so we are really really lucky uh to have him in our community and I would just urge everybody take a moment please go say hi and and welcome him uh to the county seat if you don't know him yet already he's he's doing wonderful things in our community um I want to thank I want to congratulate um Jimmy Moren Mike and also Ken for taking your seats up here um the county is is in really really fine hands with the people that we uh that I get to to serve with up here and and with our County staff um everybody's just donees such an excellent job in keeping our taxpayers first and uh I just congratulate all of you uh for continuing to serve our community um June mentioned that this was the end of her end of the first year of her first year on the commissioner board um I'm going to mention that this is going to be my last year on the commissioner board and my last reorganization um I am not going to to uh seek reelection in November um as everybody knows once one election's over the next one begins so I needed to make that known um pretty early on um it's been my privilege to serve the residents of Atlanta County and to have earned their trust in in seven consecutive successful elections it's been my mission to serve as an open fair and listening ear to anyone needing help or wanting to enhance our area I've dedicated myself to our community uh to making our community a better place for two decades now this is my 20th year of service and it's now time for me to take a step back focus on my personal life my physical and emotional health um as many of you know it's been certainly a rough year um a lot of change in the last two years so this isn't goodbye this is I'll see you later and I'm looking forward to fish finishing out um my last term here today thank you thank you for all you've done and we'll continue to do in the coming year and you know I know it's just the first meeting of the year but I'm going to miss you obviously so don't start with all that I nich you don't cry you don't cry politics so I got to stop right now up for commissioner cor was I'm kidding um well I'm open the open the public comments portion anyone that would like to speak please stand on the microphone and state your name in the town you reside you'll be provided up to three minutes to speak if you're attending virtually please raise your hand you'll be called upon to speak and a request to unmute will be sent please state your name and the town in which you reside are there any public comments for anyone in attendance anyone virtually all right well I just have um a couple other things to say I want to apologize if there are any other um dignitaries in in the room that I may have missed they always say that once you start naming people your TR book you're going to gener leave somebody out um so I do apologize for that um Commissioner of course you you mentioned um recognizing former commissioner Freeholder um John Carman at a at a future meeting and I'm I'm certain that will happen um for those of have may not have known um John he was a a tremendous guy he um if you didn't know him you know he had a rough exterior but he was one of the kindest most um genuine people you would ever meet and um his uh excuse me his services will be on Thursday the visitation will be from 9: to 1: pm at Fresh Start Church on Ocean Heights Avenue uh the service will follow immediately at at 1:00 and the fames asking that in Lou of flowers requesting donations be made to the American Legion riers Post 352 Summers Point um those you don't know John was a veteran but he you know did all he could and and was always there for any any veteran in need and any veteran that he came across um and John's going to be sorely missed by by several not even an innumerable number of residents in Atlanta County so this time I will entertain a motion to adjourn oh sorry excuse me I'm sorry Reverend uh struggler can do the benediction for us please I apologize for that Jesus spoke to a bunch of downtrodden people people that were anxious people that were hurting when he spoke the Beatitudes on the mountain side and one of them was blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall have their fill the other word that's used in place of blessed is Happy may your service be happy but may your fill be short so that you continue to hunger and thirst as long as you serve may God's blessing be upon us all as we travel As We Gather and as we serve one another all in Jesus name amen thank you R now entertain a motion to adjourn second all in favor I all right meetings jar [Music] [Music]