##VIDEO ID:l1KUnI04X-w## [Music] [Music] [Music] the beeting of the Atlanta County Board of Commissioners is called the order in compliance with the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Atlanta count Board of Commissioners was provided in the following manner published in the Press of Atlantic City and mailed to The hamon Gazette and has been posted on the Bolton boards and the county office building in Atlantic City The Still Water building in North and the county office in MA Landing we have open yes let us pray Heavenly Father we come to you today asking for your guidance wisdom and support as we begin this meeting help us to engage meaningful discussion allow us to grow closer as a group and satisfy the needs of our community amen amen flag to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with Li and justice for all madam roll call commissioner bino is unable to attend today and commissioner fory is attending virtually bis here Burns here Cory pres B here G here Parker pres grizzley here K here Commissioners have had an opportunity to review the minutes from August 20th 2024 I'll entertain a motion to adopt all the 20 20 24 minutes as presented move by commissioner G second by commissioner grizzley call Bas yes Burns yes horsey yes B yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries anyone attending in person who would like to speak regarding an agenda item or a public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name and the town you reside you will be provided up to 3 minutes to speak if you're attending virtually and like to speak please raise your hand during the agenda item or a public comment at the end I'll call upon your name and a request to unmute will be sent please St your name and the town you reside you will also be provided up to 3 minutes to speak okay we now have our interviews for appointments and we are starting with resolution number 472 appointment of Jay Simons as division director of Ren Bridges so move second move by commissioner rley second by commissioner G yeah we would like to bring up the appointment of J Commissioners yes commissioner comments thank you for this opportunity I won't be here without the help and support of my general supervisor sorry closer toward you sir somebody help just there is not a bridge yeah we yeah you just tell us a little bit about yourself thank you J simus um beat and potatoes from Burks County Pennsylvania out Indiana and landed here uh with a crosssection of private uh industry Consulting work uh Power IND General Public Utilities a lot of uh Municipal work out in Indiana Pennsylvania uh consultant here for privates but here since 20 2011 uh as a supervising engineer and uh acting super uh acting a division director for the past 6 and A2 years um I'm not here without the help and support of my general supervisors uh uh James Lanham Conrad Harvey Dennis Cohen uh and I appreciate the uh work that we uh their uh my working relationships with my uh department head Greg brookens who's here in the back and I and I admire and appreciate uh his working uh relationships with Jerry door also without that I couldn't do what I do it's around the clock but uh when things like that happen when we can communicate it work so much better uh I ask the people that work for me be p and you can get through this just like the bridges we are heading uh uh movable Bridges we're headed in the right direction had mechanical electrical inspections there it it just I tell people it goes just maybe not as fast as what you want but it's the bestest we can do uh right now we're operating Green Bank it's been operational this past season so it's been door set and through uh uh the Conrad Harvey is spearheading our efforts on on the Vision uh end of it with uh our Communications with her uh improvements in our traffic signalization many of many of that were very powerful now and also uh on the the aspects of the movable Bridges he's uh together we've just in this time we've made uh tremendous strides in doing that we look forward to doing that more thank you very much uh commission have any comments questions yes just want to comment that we've all been given a copy of your resume and your work history experience it's very extensive and very impressive so thank you sir we're lucky to have quality person that has the depth of experience in different aspects as you do thank you greatly appreciate that any other commissioner comments days J as you highlighted I mean you have tremendous experience of the you know the two Bridges you mentioned been a thr another side I'm sure yours as well for for many years so I'm just I'm glad that someone with your background is uh going to be I guess permanently or officially I guess in this position so thank you any other commissioner comments see hearing none anything the public anybody have anything they would like to offer okay call I appreciate the support last but not least my wife is here tonight appreciate her support too as well we do too very much we couldn't do it out without you know your family support absolutely okay aoll call alas yes Burns yes Cory da yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes She carries thank you again for everything [Applause] congratulations appointment of Cory Richie as division director of intergenerational services second move by G second can invite commissioner days okay we have um Cory Richie hi everybody Richie um my name is Cory Richie thank you for uh hearing me here today I appreciate the opportunity to be here um I am a born and raised Atlanta County girl so um I still live in Northfield I grew up in Northfield um and both my grandfather and my dad had careers at the county so um part of me being here is is a little bit um Family driven it's something that I've always looked up to my dad he was uh in leadership positions and he really showed me the way to lead other people and to live a full life while you're working um that's something that I have been very grateful for in the last several months um I've been able to be more present in my life while also making a difference in the community which is something that I had struggled with with my career up until now um and being able to give back to the seniors in our community as well as to the adolescence which I know a lot of people forget intergenerational Services also a St crisis um is something that is very near and dear to my heart my entire career has been in human services and um I don't think that I would be happy if I wasn't uh doing something for someone else so being able to do that on a large scale for our county has been um really rewarding and it's something that I'm looking forward to continuing to do thank you um I've been forunate enough to be in some of the meetings with you and uh you know really proud to have you on board uh and I also have heard such great things from a lot of the people within within your group of people that you report to you as well how much you've gone around each one of your departments your handson how much they appreciate it so thank you for that as well that means a lot to us you know care of personel so thank you for that Commissioners anybody have any comments Madam chair I'll just say a couple of things uh number one I had the chance to actually ran into theie out uh at a restaurant one evening had had a chance to have a nice conversation with her and just was really impressed uh with the young professional woman that she is and it's so great to see us elevating a young professional like yourself and I think um your background in the private sector number one but in the areas that you uh focused in in terms of recovery um you know while our senior staff is certain or our senior members of Community are certainly very important we have so many issues in that realm and I think your experience will just really be um just an added benefit to us to have you in the county bye um so I am uh just really happy and I think the Legacy aspect as well um you know it just speaks to um the level of commitment that we want to see from County employees and I'm sorry my do we know who that is that is that's the main mic and it's because they're on the roof and they're hitting the wires that are in sorry for the static on um so anyway we're happy to have kind of that Legacy component from from you as well so very excited to this decision any other Commissioners and I know Michelle is here as well Michelle did you have anything you wanted to say not on a spot only if you wanted to say anything cover it thank you it's a pleasure to have Corey here on our team she she's extremely enthusiastic um she has met with her entire team and you know she's she's rebuilding that Division and and uniting them which is really nice to see so it's a pleasure that all that I've heard as well and your enthusiasm and commitment to this position it's a tough position thank you very much so she mentioned it self division that you're also certified yoga instructor so the sunshine committee which is our Employee Engagement committee has found that out and they uh they were like can you do a yoga class for us I was like well I taught hot Power Yoga so it's not as relaxing as one might think but but we do practice like deep breathing school take Brain Breaks but um I I did see that you're also at one time a certified mental health instructor so so that's fantastic as well so again yeah thank you thank you anything from the public okay we'll have a roll call Alice yes bars yes Cory da yes G yes parer yes grizley yes yes motion carries thank you thank you that now brings us to resolution 474 appointment of En Lind as County Council of the Law Department motion made by commissioner Ball seconded by any commissioner comments oh I'm sorry Lyn thank you can you tell us a little bit about yourself yes I will um first I want thank everyone for giving me the opportunity to make these remarks I'm a lifelong resident of Souther New Jersey and I've been working in atlan County for the last 32 years as an attorney I worked in a private practice as a litigation attorney for 9 years before going in house with Caesar's entertainment a very heavily regulated industry I ultimately became Chief legal officer with direct operational oversight and Regulatory responsibility over a multitude of issues so such as Regulatory Compliance commercial transactions both large and small dealing with contracts on a daily basis for contracts or for excuse me for casinos and hotels civil and criminal litigation including employment litigation negotiations of collective bargaining units uh over a variety of jurisdictions Transportation property tax reduction zoning property licensing and applications firey and Save issues and in more recent years I worked with risk and finance to identify and help reduce worker comp claims in New Jersey I managed anywhere between 50 or 60 Attorneys at any one time the casinos were located in many jurisdictions it was not uncommon that I would have oversight over at least 10 Properties or more including tribal properties in California to to in Carolina and one um Arizona with regard to my personal life I'm from a family with deep roots in public service our parents raised us with the importance of community service and the importance of getting back to the community both personally and professionally we were also instilled with the importance of civil Civility and respect to others how we treat one another on a daily basis as well as isn't the practice of law I want to thank my family who are here today my husband Doug my daughter Maddie my sisters Barbara and T my friend Rachel and my brother Billy they have been my support team they have given me the guidance advice sometimes unsolicited but always welcome and it's been very much appreciated and valued to me I also want to thank the county executive for giving me this opportunity as well as allowing me to Shadow Jim Ferguson it's been great he has been a true Mentor during that time and continues to be for the past 5 months the members of the Law Department have shown me the true dedication hard work and commitment to the county I'm very proud of my team who some of them are here today thank you I have any questions but more than happy Commissioners Madam chair I just want to know if um any parts of the job that you've observed us far or any different than what Denny or Jim might have used to reel you in that's a work in progress that's a work in progress we're going to bring uh the Law Department in the 21st century so we're going to do a little bit of streamlining um I'm down some attorneys so it's a reed Berlin I've lost a land use attorney who's an attorney for the county for 35 years we need to locate someone that can not necessarily step in his shoes but help out in the land use but right now we're identifying what we can keep in house and that's my goal to keep as much work as we can in house I think the other question that I've heard um from from several people is I mean you've had such a amazing and successful career at so many things that are bigger than Atlanta County um what what made you want to take this type of of role at this point in your career first off it was a great opportunity I like the challenges and I think I have the skill set to do this job um but I wasn't ready to retire I wanted to continue to work so did my family so you're saying your husband all dinner any other uh comments from our just briefly thank you thank you I was glad to hear that U you're going to continue to make a your real effort to find inhouse uh Personnel fors that's uh that's very important and I know that the county executive has got a lot of faith in you and uh we welcome you and we're glad you're here and it's important that U we have a nice strong relationship between the County Council and the council for this board as well and which I know we will happen and uh I'm sure it will continue to make Atlanta County the best County of the state I agree thank you thank any other commission comments I mean I know see industry is not an easy one to deal with though there's so many regulations it's a tough tough industry uh and the County's tough you know dealing with all you know our regulations and the government and everything you have to go through with that I'm sure you're way way ahead and M for this job so we greatly appreciate you being here thank you and we we Bo in a few hey uh anything from the public would anybody like to say anything oh Mr Ferguson uh thank you I'm happy to be here uh Jim Ferguson I'm from Galloway Township uh but you all know me um was the County Council here for 21 and A2 years I ra rise in support of my colleague um and I think there are two things you have to look for uh in this position somebody going into it and that's uh two things are competency and Readiness um Lynn spoke about her competency there's no no question about that as far as Readiness goes she came to the county March 22nd she worked with me for a full 3 months and during that time I had the opportunity to take her around to the various departments and divisions introduce her and give her a primer of of what it's like to be in this position and I feel that even during the short time she was with me she was adapting very well to that so much so at the end that when decision had to be made uh I was letting her make those decisions instead of uh making them myself uh she's eminently qualified and the other thing is um since the Inception of the county executive form of government um Your Role is one of advice and consent uh this has always been recognized as the choice of the county executive um and the only deviation there would be or should be from that would be in a circumstance where um investigation would reveal that the person is not competent or there are serious questions that they could handle the position appropriately or in situations where something in their background suggests that they could wind up being an embarrassment to the county uh none of that is present here just the opposite this is a sterling candidate uh she's I've heard she's done very well she does reach out from time to time just to you know if a question comes up that you know she feels I can be of assistance on uh we talk uh and that's the way it should be and I I said that when I left that I was uh available to do that so um I'm asking you to um vote uh hopefully unanimously to approve her to be U my successor as County Council thank you thank you Mr f I okay is there anybody else from the public that would like to say anything okay we'll have a roll call Bas yes Burns yes Cory da yes G yes Parker yes rizley yes K yes Carri [Applause] I just want to say we are very very fortunate to have somebody of your caliber and thank you so much for being part of you know our County we appreciate it I just want to know put a suit back on since he retired suit on it has been the firm I'm with now uh it's uh every day is dress down day unless you're in court for something or you're on a video and the judge is there and you have to look the for but U it's a big change from what I'm used to cuz I I dressed up every day when I was with the c but uh that being said it's we seen some video we all have our anyway uh thank you very much yeah if anybody would like to leave L you cannot really unless you want to stay you R out judge I saw you run conratulations [Music] awesome thank you congratulations [Music] than all okay brings us to resolution 454 Grant application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Office of the Attorney General for the state fiscal year 2025 operation helping hand Grant amount not to exceed [Music] $100,000 second move by commission G second by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public he have aoll call Alice yes Burns yes da yes G yes Parker yes Ley yes KR yes motion carries resolution 455 please Professional Services agreement with various Architects Engineers designers and other professional consultants for the 2024 2025 pool amount not to exceed $750,000 second move by commissioner G seconding by commissioner Bas any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public okay a roll call Bas Burns yes corsey da yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 456 please amending resolution number 336 adopt on June 21st 2022 a competitive contract with New Vision Systems Corporation for the provision of comprehensive software maintenance for all licensing and web hosting services for the Atlanta County Clerk's land document reporing system and database to extend the turn date and that increase $ 46,9 37 Mo by commissioner burn second by commissioner G any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything for the public call Bas Burns Cory da yes G yes Parker grizzley yes K yes motion cares resolution 457 competitive contract with Jewish Family Services of Elena County for a tan of Innovations therapeutic job Readiness program amount now to exceed $500,000 second would like commissioner Parker by commissioner G any commissioner Comm see hearing none anything from the public Bas yes Burns yes corsey da yes G yes Parker yes rley yes K yes Mo hares resolu 48 Joe you're late we already passed it I know I got stuck at a red light uh do you have any comments that you want to make uh now now you passed it I'm fine we can continue to record land documents for more months IOD we passed on it oh Okay resolution 4 Ren competitive contract withl care behavioral health for the operation of a family Success Center in hamton amount not to exceed $312,450 by commissioner B second by commissioner G and commissioner Thomas see hearing none anything from public call Bas yes Burns yes Cory St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes motion carries resolution 459 please renewal competitive contract with Center for Family Services for the operation of a family Success Center amount not 99,354 Al yes FS yes Cory da yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes K yes motion carries resolution 460 renewal bid contract with Delta Line Construction company to provide Emergency Signal repairs at various County locations not not to receive $11,000 move move by commissioner rzy second by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public call alas Burns yes Cory yes SC yes Parker yes grizley yes K yes motion carries resolution 461 B contract with arak paven Company Incorporated for the resurfacing of wrangle Road Section 3 County Route 575 in Hamilton Township amount ma to exceed $1,358 700 Mo by commissioner Parker second by commissioner G any question or comments see hearing none anything from the public here our roll call Alice yes Burns yes Cory yes da yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes F yes carries resolution 462 change order number one a contract with security guard incorporated traing as Tri County security for security services at various County buildings to extend the term date only no additional cost move move by commissioner Cory second by commissioner G any commissioner comments else yes um I guess to Jerry Jerry so we're extending their contract term date which means there'll be security guards for additional two months right but there's no additional cost how do that happen no because up for free no I I think they they probably have enough money to during the course of the year we don't use all all of the locations and posts that we had and so they have extra money to that and and we're out bidding it so we're waiting we're waiting for the to come in so that's why we've extending it for two months so we have enough excess in the original Contra to cover two months worth of security service you know we put in we put in some post I mean Mike is here you can probably answer that there there are certain post that we we just don't use all the time so that's what happens perfect whatever just raise your right hand go ahead what what you say okay okay any other commissioner comments anything from the public he roll call Al yes Burns yes corsey yes fa yes G yes Parker yes rizley yes K yes motion carries resolution 463 acceptance of De easements from various granters in accordance with Lany County Planning standards move by commissioner G GS uh seconded by commissioner Parker and Comm comments see hearing none anything for the public Bas yes Burns yes corsey yeah yes SC yes Parker yes grizley yes yes motion carries resolution 464 acceptance of easements from various granders in accordance with ala County Planning standards by commissioner G second by commissioner d any commission comments see hear none anything come B yes burs yes fory yes da yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 466 intergovernmental Services agreement with the New Jersey Judiciary Office of the Courts for the provision of Support Services Revenue generating move by commissioner BN second by commissioner G any comments hearing none anything from the public call Alice yes Burns yes Cory yes da yes yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes motion Carri resolution 467 shared services agreement with Cam County for the housing of Atlanta County juveniles at the cam County Juvenile Detention Center second by commissioner G seconded by commissioner Burns any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public roll B Burns yeah Cory yes da yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes K yes motion carries resolution 468 amending resolution number 371 adopted on July 16 2024 a lease agreement with B&B parking doing business as Parkplace parking to correct the term date only no additional cost moved second move by commissioner Burn seconded by commissioner G C your comments see hear none anything from the public any roll call Bas yes Burns yeah Cory yes face yes G yes Parker yes rley yes K yes motion carries resolution 469 State of New Jersey Department of Community Affairs under the caption of fiscal year 24 Le Atlanta County Central Municipal Court in amount of $1 million by commissioner G second by commission Parker and hear none anything from the publics Cory pleas yes G yes Parker grizzley yes K yes cares this time I'll entertain a motion to combine adopt resolution number 470 to 471 appointments second by move by commissioner Cory second Mo by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public okay we'll have a roll call Bas yes Burns yes Cory yeah da yes SC yes Parker yes grizzley yes F yes motion carries and I'll entertain a motion to provide and adopt resolutions number 475 to 476 roadway solicitations move by commissioner BAS seconded by commissioner Cory any commissioner comments actually I have a question I'm looking at it this is a legal question I do plays on that team does that mean I need to recuse myself from voting on this without knowing everything about it it's probably easiest for you and cleanest to just recuse yourself from voting keep separate forever or can not guess they're very touchy they might not pass it's your it's your decision commissioner Parker but that would be my thought I'm ready to you walked into theous before I've walk in there before too many times uh any other commissioner comments anything from the public and will'll have a roll call Bas yes Burns yes corsey yes da yes G yes Parker R rizley yes Cent yes motion Carri resolution 477 resolution supporting medavie nursing and rehabilitation center being used as a state Opera VA Memorial Home sponsors Frank X B and Jun burs second commissioner ball any commissioner comments commissioner commissioner Cory you got the floor Madam chair uh m chair cly to my colleague just a um an update uh on two issues here one is that we're still waiting to hear and I think I had this conversation with the county uh administrator Jerry uh with the state uh regarding metaview nursing home as recently as probably a week ago um they're still trying to get data together to talk to the administration uh prior to them even coming down to take a look at the facility um we told them it was NE and de and all of us if they would take a a good close look at it uh and if in fact it would be something uh that they'd be interested in taking over um so we're really kind of wait for the next step I don't know if it's on our end or on their end in terms of setting up uh the next meeting or the meeting and to get additional information that they're asking for it and when when would they be able to come down uh and do a a tour of the facility uh and I made it very clear that the uh sub Commissioners need to be on the toour as well uh with the administration so uh I'm very optimistic and keeping my fers cross that they will at least come down and give us an opportunity to be looked at um as recently as 20 minutes ago and I lost contact with the meeting uh on another subject if I made Madam chair this Department of Transportation was calling while we were in the middle of our meeting uh to talk about uh Route 40 uh 222 and I wanted to ask Rick was he able to draw draft that resolution Madam chair I to s to the Department of Transportation apparently they'll still waiting on it I don't know where we at I told I get back to it within 35 to 40 minutes I know I two two things in there one that was my opportunity to get it out uh commissioner Cory this is Rick with respect to the draft resolution we're working on it Ty and I are collecting some information from a few of the different municipalities so it hasn't been sent out it's not on the agenda today but she and I I don't want to speak for the clerk but she and I expect that it should be ready for the next meeting provided we get the information we're looking for okay so it be fair to say Madam chair through our solic I could least tell them that uh within the next two to three weeks they should have some type of resolution coming from us uh regarding that that issue yeah and Ernest I'll reach out to you after this meeting to make sure you and I are texting or calling or whatever you need to do okay no problem thank you so much thank you madam chair thank you commission BS thank you m chair okay so supposedly um on this resolution um one of the reasons why violates um I say land but doesn't have a whole lot of information in it um the main reason is um us as Commissioners we're not in negotiation fee um we're leaving that up to the county and there's a bunch of different um I would say irons in the fire whether it's with the federal government with you know Federal VA State VA uh whether it's going to be the state coming in or a federal government coming in or um a combination of both or you know re-evaluating the contract with the VA that we have right now where um if you're 70% or more disabled than you can get in if you're 70% or if you're 69% or less disabled you can't get in which um is ludicrous um so there's there's so many different angles of this negotiations and it would not be fair for us to um pretty much pigeon hole the county into um this is exactly what we want um what we want is um to make sure that our employees of the facility are protected the residents who are in that facility at this time are protected and um you know the idea is to try and make this more user friendly and get more veterans into the facility and fill the facility um where you know you have violence veteran homeone that has a waiting list to get in where the veteran could go in um with a family member you know being his wife you know his wife or the wife is the veteran the husband is coming in they both need that type care where um here that can't happen unless you're you're going through Medicaid or private pay or you know insurance so um that's why you know there isn't a whole lot of detail to the resolution but I I think it's important that the people that the county is doing the negotiation with knows that that the County Administration has the support of us nine Commissioners yeah and that's why we're passing this that's why we're attempting to pass this resolution I think we were talking about that like last meeting about the concept and we wanted to be able to give something that yes we were very interested in concept but detail to allow that they said like Cory says the devil's in the detail you know so we'll leave the detail to them but you know like I said you know commiss yeah um they're the best they're the best at doing the they're the best at doing the negotiations and they shouldn't have to you know refer back to us and call us and say well how about if we have this little piece how about if we have that little piece the overall concept I think um Jerry put it you know very well to us of what their ideas are and I'm a Believer in what what he say and what the count EX is saying and U I don't think they're going to you know Steer Us in the right direction thank you commissioner and I think it's going to go back and forth with details as you I think both you and J been back and forth with Administration putting this together and putting some of your own thoughts into you know giv them like so thank you both that I just have one thing to add when um commissioner Cory has some coming down uh State coming here to take a tour I like to be a of that thank you any other commissioner comments Madam chair I think commissioner Ballance really said it quite cely as to where we're going with this and it's in the beginning stages and U going to be lots of areas to explore I hope in the which we're going to take some time lot of time but in the interim I just receiv received a report from nursing home and uh interested to see what it says and I hope that Administration will utilize anything that's of value here to uh to help us with the uh cost long we negotiations for possibly a new way here some thank you thank you Comm any other commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public Bas yes Burns yes Cory yes B yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes turn yes motion carries uh brings us to written Communications and petitions if anyone has received copies of written Communications and petitions that like to share at this time does anybody have any reports to special Committees of the board any unfinished business none any new business okay that brings us to public comments anyone attending in person that would like to speak now a public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name and the town you reside if you're attending virtually and would like to make a public comment please raise your hand or call upon your name and a request to unmute will be sent please state your name the town you reside you will be provided up for three minutes to speak is there anybody from public any comments at this time any okay any comments for the good of the order just have a a couple reminders um I don't want to steal your thunder but did want to mention that September is suicide awareness mon I usually mention that yeah but just it's C and dear to my heart so to get that out there um also we don't have a meeting before September 11 I just think it's important that we continue to remember that it's um 23 years yes um so our traditional college student even been in school been born yet I mean um so it's it's hard to to believe that this is my 23rd year teaching and um and just it just BLS away how quickly time flies but how we need to continue to remember um that that that day um I always relate where we were I I I I read emails that my wife's sister said to her she was in here sitting morning and um I think it's extremely important remember that um I also want to mention that school's in school's back in session if that didn't start today it'll be starting this week most likely so it just pay attention I know our our County Clerk has put some things all over social media just reminding people to stop we see the stop sign on the buses and the flashing lights um you know kids are on scooters and bikes and um not necessarily paying attention with our airpods and and can't hear you so just please uh be extra careful that you Contin travel and uh lastly this Saturday the oille fire department in gy Township uh will be recognizing their 100th anniversary at their firehouse on Route n in Galloway Township our volunteer fire departments and especially the larger towns but throughout the county um to save us tremendous amount of money but more importantly they um they and their family are there when we need them um so I'm just hoping that some of us can maybe stop by and support them also in recognition of the 100th anniversary on Saturday thank you very much a lot of very good comments there thank you commissioner yeah there's a lot of things going on this weekend and we've got good old days in Summer's point we're going think about our 47th year with that so uh a lot of good things going on there uh anybody else have anything forther go to the order okay I'll entertain a motion to adjourn so move all those in favor everyone have a wonderful [Music] [Music] [Music] e