[Music] [Music] [Music] the meeting of the Atlanta County Board of Commissioners is called to order in compliance with the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Atlanta County Board of Commissioners was provided in the following manner published in the Press of Atlantic City and mailed to the Hamilton Gazette and has been posted on the bulletin boards in the county office building in Atlantic City Still Water building in Northfield and the county clerk and offices in main Landing uh prior to our opening prayer I would like to ask that we have a moment of silence honoring the late honorable James Carney former Atlanta County surrogate judge Atlanta County Freeholder a haror Township councilman uh name just a few of the public service positions he held uh in addition I'd also ask that we honor the late uh Bruce Crow mayor of mikica who also recently passed let us keep their families and friends in our thoughts and prayers moment if I may add that I want to certainly uh in memory of Dr W de High who has been a big fighter and Community supporter s University City Atlantic City Etc uh Atlantic City and Atlantic County C a trail blaz and we want to keep the uh family in our prayers have one have the opening prayer please Lord God we ask for your blessing on this meeting and all those assembled here may our actions be righteous and kind and may we always be mindful of our obligations to each other and to you amen amen we'll stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I FL United States of America and to theic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and Justice Madam clerk may we have a roll call chair commissioner de is attending virtually but we'll be a few minutes later thank you alas pres patino here Burns here corsey pres G here Parker pres rizley here K here uh Commissioners have had an opportunity to review the minutes from January 16th 2024 I'll entertain a motion to adopt the January 16 2024 minutes as presented second moved by commissioner G and seconded by commissioner ball what call Palace yes Batino yes Burns Cory yes G yes Parker yes rley yes K yes it carries okay uh just a little note anyone attending in person who would like to speak regarding all any item on the agenda or a public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name and the town where you reside you will be provided up to three minutes to speak that's to enable so anybody other people can speak uh if you're attending virtually and would like to speak please raise your hand during the agenda item or at public comment at the end I will call upon your name and at a request to uh unmute you will be sent uh please state your name in the town you reside you will be provided up to 3 minutes again to speak okay I will now take a motion to move resolution 58 to the top of the agenda move by commissioner Cory seconded by commissioner Bina any commissioner comments any comments from the public at this time okay go call roll Bas yes bino yes Burns yes Cory yes St sorry G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries we now have resolution 58 Landy County Board of Commissioners resolution and remembrance of James Jim Carney whereas born in Queens New York The Honorable Jim Carney grew up in at County and was a resident of Ed haror Township and whereas Jim Carney was a proud graduate of Holy Spirit High School Beckley College in West Virginia and Stockton University of New Jersey and whereas Jim carne's impressive professional career included many roles benefiting numerous organizations including governmental and philanthropic institutions and whereas Jim Carney professionally served as president of the collection Bureau of South Jersey Constable for over 50 years Atlanta County surrogate judge commissioner of the New Jersey Supreme Court surrogates liazon committee processor for the Atlanta County courts Atlanta County Freeholder aara Township committee man and commissioner of the casino revenue fund advisory commission and whereas dedicated to making a difference and giving back to his community Jim Carney devoted many years of service to Our Lady of sorrow's church the Nights of Columbus fourth degree night the New Jersey J's and the Atlantic City Lions Club and whereas as a Visionary and philanthropist Jim Carney created www.tim makea will.com a convenient and free public service assisting many residents and whereas all of Jim carne's accomplishments his family was his greatest as nothing gave him more pleasure than spending time with them and watching his grandsons play sports and whereas Jim carne leaves behind his loving wife of almost 54 years Jackie their three grandchildren Dr Michelle Carney Ray Yoder and Chris Adam Carney and Allison and Ryan Carney and four cherished grandsons and whereas the Carney family in the county of Atlantic has experienced a great loss with the passing of Jim Carney who will be remembered by his family and friends as a kind selfless man who was always helping others now therefore it be resolved by the board of County commissioners of the county of Atlantic that this board does hereby convey its deepest sympathy on the passing of Jim Carney and joins with others in remembrance of a dedicated public servant I have motion motion made by commissioner Cory second by commissioner G any uh comments for our commissioners certainly Madam chair certainly would like to comment about my friend Jim Corney served with him on this governing body and proud to serve with him he was always the ultimate gentleman ultimate gentleman and uh we had a lot of great discussions he was the veteran on the board I was the new coming on the board and uh he U enlightened a lot of things for me and uh and we had a great great relationship over our entire uh entire time so I certainly regret was passing and um however he has a a great great legacy to leave behind we're all going to miss him thank you thank you commissioner any other comments from our Commissioners see hearing none anything from the public hey W roll call Bas yes patino yes Burns yes Cory yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes Kar yes Moi carries we do have a plaque for the family if you'd like to come up thank you very much you're welcome thank you thank you my dad loves working with all of you so thank you so much very great to say something through thank you you so much appreciate you okay um at this time we have a presentation the New Jersey Coastal Coalition in emergency alert app by uh Tom quir and JCC executive director good afternoon my name is Tom Quirk uh I have the privilege of being the executive director easily they can hear me any anyway um I can open the windows and still here uh I have the privilege of being the executive director of New Jersey Coastal Coalition I have the honor of speaking before you today I want to thank uh the board for allowing me to speak and make our presentation um the board and the county have are charter members of the coastal Coalition which is a 501c3 uh organization that was formed in the aftermath of super storm Sandy uh to work on flood mitigation that is our only job we work on flooding 365 days a year uh we partner as people can see I brought some newspapers uh today to show you that flooding just doesn't occur when the storms coming up the coast here we have a beautiful day today it's in the 40s the sun's out you can't ask for a better day um in Atlanta County for February than today but here we are talking about flooding and the reason we're talking about flooding is because Mother Nature never gives up you never beat Mother Nature she's always going to beat you every every time she wants to we have as a group a fix and for fix and forget mentality and it has nothing to do with political party or gender or anything it's just the way we are as human beings and I've circulated some newspapers that I've collected over the years first newspapers from August of 1933 and it talks about the devastation on the Atlantic City bwalk all destroyed probably been as well uh I'm sure they fixed it um and they did whatever and then the next newspaper the Great Atlantic hurricane from September 1944 and no matter what my dear friend Frank for will tell you I was not around for the storm of 1944 uh but I heard about it when I was a child as as some of you have and how devastating it was uh the boardwalk was all destroyed Margate never rebuilt theirs Longport never rebuilt theirs benter in Atlantic City did uh I'm sure they said fix and forget again and then in 1962 I was around for that one that's the March storm of 1962 utter Devastation warw walks are destroyed again so they fixed them and then the last one is is Sandy and a lot of storms in between we have to protect ourselves from a danger that we know is going to occur and the reason I'm here today is to speak about a presentation of the emergency weather app the emergency weather app is funded by FEMA the Federal Emergency Management agency they've given us grants totaling $600,000 over the last four or five years to develop this app this app is is works it can be set up in a municipality in an afternoon and it can be interactive where you can send information out instantaneously telling people in their town what's going on in their town we all know when the storms happen the weather channels telling you this is happening in Florida and this is happening in Texas this is happening in Philadelphia personally I want to know what's happening right around the corner for me this app will tell you what streets are flooding which which are where the evacuation routes are what the tides are where you should park your car here's here's a little bit of information during Sandy there were 49,500 claims for cars destroyed you'll find out long time I I see my dear friend Jerry deaso there we've been around longer than we'd like to admit Jerry we know because we've lived on thatan island our whole lives we're to park a car and we're not the park a car but everybody in this room knows that there's a turnover ratio in Atlantic County of roughly 10 to 15% so the people that are leaving take that institutional information out the door with them the new folks don't know they don't know where to park their car they don't know how to get off the island they don't know which causeways to go on and which causeways not to go on and with increasing flooding that's happening if if you turn on your TV set right now you'll see California having devastating flooding flooding is not going to go away with this app we need communities in Atlanta County to sign up for this app to if there most of the municipalities in Atlanta County are members of the Coalition and we're lucky to have them the the foundation of the Coalition is the brains and hard work of the member communities it has little to do with with what I what I do it's they bring power and there are solutions and there are common sense ideas that we in Atlanta County will will prospered by this is a free app it doesn't cost the municipality a penny but it has to be used by each municipality and has to we have to get people to sign up if we get this app if municipality gets this app and doesn't use it it's like having a brand new Porsche in your garage and you never turn the key so I'm going to have the Creator of the app Weston Solutions and John G make the presentation and then I'd be happy to answer any questions that you may have thank you John than I want to thank everybody for their time today I've given this presentation to lots of groups and lots of people and I'm always available to answer any questions after the meeting or to present a demonstration of the app for you um so what I'm going to try to do now is just share my screen I have a a brief slide presentation that um and I'm going to present um the app and the agenda is basically I'm going to go through through the sign up of uh of the app and then and uh also find the right file one second um I apologize hold on fine highl so apologize for that I'm sure had the right version done so um it's coming up now I'll share my screen okay everybody see that take a little bit okay so like I said we're going to do sign up I'll show you the sign up I'll show you the uh go through the benefits of the app why it's different than everything else out there mostly I think most communities are already using some type of emergency system it varies quite a bit by Community they like people each Community does something different we can link into that we're in the process now of linking in man City's emergency system their system is basically to organize their their their employees for an emergency there's no alert system in the L um and like I said the de if you need a demonstration we can certainly set it up a later date I think we have enough time to go through each one so the QR code I'm going to show next hopefully that'll show up uh there's also handouts at the table there that contain the QR code um it's for the sign up of uh each individual town so we're putting this in the hands of the local community and the reason specific reason is is because you've all heard the news about Florida and the alerts off the Gul Coast I I believed I was waiting for the mayor the news yeah I don't know what the news is yeah okay well they were confused about when to evacuate this is very Comm it happened in Houston uh who do they believe do they believe the governor do they believe the local officials the OEM coordinator the news nobody knows what to do so that's not a good thing so we're putting this in the hands of each Community to use and it's also useful for things other than flooding it's ubiquitous meaning you can announce any car accident on Main Street and it's locational meaning it's done through argis so every alert is also archived the signup sheet which I'm going to go to right now as it comes up on the web here just there it's a there's a different version on the on the uh on the app uh for uh phones and different version for desktop it looks completely different why this isn't coming up any on issues so um it just basically looks like this there's a public signup sheet for every Community this is the one that looks uh that's for a computer it's very different you can sign up for all these communities you can sign up for one it's the same sign up as you sign up for anything uh name phone number click to the agreed terms and conditions submit and then you get a verification code uh actually you just verify that you signed up there's no codes on this currently so that's the that's the public sign up um so uh so the benefits you know why use this and nothing else of course Tom mentioned it's no cost that's pretty easy one and there will be no cost because what FEMA wants is they want community outreach this provides community outreach you can send out alerts that are informational what to do how to fill a sandbag where to get the sand where to get the bags you can send out alerts on it's uh the you emergency routes currently blocked due to construction you can do lots of things with this app that you can't do with commercial system and the other thing that you know M mentioned it's you know paid for by FEMA so FEMA has access to all the information that goes out so one of the things that they didn't they wanted here was that people wanted they wanted to know what was happening in the community because as they put it they would they would fly their guy in he'd land on the ground he wouldn't even know where to go who to talk to it took him weeks to get help to people you know they've got complaints about that I've been in these communities that have been hit by Comm by hurricanes there's no wires there's no people there's dead cattle depending if you're on the you know on a farm area um water everywhere emergency services are doing the best they can it's just dangerous walking around you have live wires down they're on the ground they're live so what do you do we our company does FEMA emergency alert services our people live in tents for weeks to provide the necessary information to FEMA so they can target the people that need it with this app they'll have it because it's real time um the other thing you can earn CRS points so by communicating alerts to uh your community members you can earn CRS points which will lower uh community's insurance rates um and then they've also expressly told us that the information we put in can be used to get funding from FEMA for problem areas in a town that flood frequently um and they said you need about 3 years of information to do that um like I mentioned it's a fast reliable surface it's state-ofthe-art so if you put in alert now you would get a text virtually 5 seconds after I hit the button and I can demonstrate that for you we just don't have the time right now to go through all the full demonstrations and I'm not going to take your time up for that but um like I said before we integrated we're integrating with an existing system now it's it's um it's fully compliant with tcpi I don't know if you're familiar with that but you know you get you get these messages where you have to actually subscribe or unsubscribe and physically agree to receive texts in order to get them um and and we provide training as well uh for for the uh for using the system and we have provided training to many many communities already so just run down real quick what's in what's in the alert you have um when you when the community has to in input an alert it's um the time and date of the alert is automatically displayed in local time obviously you can add photographs of the work seen you can put in a description and and directions to the public avoid this area go around this area whatever you'd like to do in order to help help the situation um there's also information on the on the public uh Community page uh of no radar something people probably just separately look at now uh there's a live map of Homeland Security support prepared by Homeland Security of the evacuation routes and the condition of routs so if they're blocked it'll go red um if it's open for traffic it'll be green um Tom mentioned safe parking areas so each Community puts in a safe parking area and that's all location uh is shown on the on on the uh public page uh we have a map of flood prone areas and that's because we don't want people driving into flood flood prone areas is during a flood uh and most popular thing was uh maps of the evacuation rout and the reason why they're popular is because people like to look at see whether they're going to get to work on top and we get the most views on the webcams probably for that on a daily basis but um they are uh very useful so what I want to do real quick is just show you um uh what what the Atlantic City alert page looks like so if you were getting an alert you would get a text message or an email message with a link to this page if Atlantic City sent it out uh it it would come up here and there would be a location shown right in right in the town and R and that location would have a popup explaining all those details that we talked about and then you scroll down and you have Noah radar live radar there's the flowr area map uh there's the parking area map for Atlantic City as Tom mentioned this is the I'll call it institutional knowledge of where to park your car and the reason why that's really important is because doesn't have to be a catastropic flood that millions of dollars worth of law just from Cars these days when cars are uh flooded there it only takes a few inches of water to get in the door and they're done they don't rehab cars from flooding they're total there's the evacuation routes you can see they're all in green right now and we have a complete uh map mapping system at the end where we can combine all of the above of screens in one map the advantage of this of course is that if you view it on your phone or on a system that knows where you are located you can see where you're located versus everything else that's going on around you so that's the public page the um uh page that Atlantic City or each Community would use is password protected get this so it's password protected we don't want somebody gaming the alert system that's for sure so this is the input system and what what you would simply do here it's it's really quite easy is you select here and you draw an area I'd say that's where the flood is you'd put this this time is automatic you put the alert type in flooding or other description like I said directions to the public who put the alert in or what was the source of information name of the person entering the alert you can input photographs the alert scene and then there's terms and conditions which are consistent with tcpi so that we pass every down in layman's terms on what you're not allowed to submit as an alert that's important because the phone companies control your access to sending out these alerts um and you PR yes I'm going to do it and you did submit next thing that happens you get a text and that text has a has a uh link to the public site that I just shared can I have a couple of questions sure sure thanks um sure so just so I'm clear the problem that we're trying to solve by using the app is flood notification right timely find uh well that that's what FEMA is paying for okay that's what FEA is paying for um when you say you can do XYZ that means somebody on our staff has to maintain the alert system like feema or your organization isn't inputting data for us we have to do it I just showed you what you input for an alert right but we do that not you guys the local community has the keys to the car they have the password to do that we provide to the OEM coordinator and then from there it's their it's their responsibility no no no no I don't no no no that that's not a homeowner that is like an oem have to you have to um sign up for the for the message right but I want to know who's doing the work if I let me finish my question um so who's doing the work is let's say County government municipal government whoever they designate as the resource to maintain the inputs to the alert system for that Community that's correct want to make sure you're you're done with your question oh I got more but or the first thing here here's what I Envision I Envision that each municipality will decide how to best use their resources in one town I'm just making this up hypothetically in one town it might be the police department in another town it might be OEM in another town it might be it what we intend is to have me because I do have some governmental experience to go and work with each community and say how do you how is it best for you and your community to get the information I don't want to tell them I want them to tell me but they need a body with capacity to do it is my point yeah I I envisioned that it would take 2 to 3 hours to do this okay um J are we considering this for Atlanta County are we absolutely okay and would we then would we then tie it in with our ready Atlantic and all of our notification systems and everything that we have already would be used by o oen for the most part yeah correct okay so we would we would cuz we have an emergency notification system already right we we do Coastal flood advisories we do the blue um the code blue we do um number we'll do the code red when that comes down code red exactly right so this would in theory tie into our emergency alerts any way you want to use it okay and has Administration decided jar like we sit on the we sit on the committee okay so what you're asking us to do right now is not necessarily have the county use it but help get the word out to the municipalities to use okay that's the problem we're trying to solve okay it's best we need as many people as POS we need we have 39 municipalities in the coastal Coalition we're in six different counties what I'm going to do is go around to each County government and say because the greatest reach rather than me to go to each municipality and do it one at a time it's a little bit easier to come to County government and say number one do we have your support number two do you have questions you're asking questions right now that need to be answered and if I can't answer your question I'm never going to be able to answer them on a on a personal basis but what we want is first to get the support if it's possible of the County government and then go around the municipalities I'm going to sit in each municipality once they decide that they want to do it and I'm going to say what are your questions how can we Contour because let's be candid what works in Longport may or may not work in Kate May and what works in seatt City may or may not work in CL Les bille so the idea is to Contour this so that they're getting out what it's it's it's now a c kind of deal they're going to do some things they're going to do other things they're going to some of this no we think code Red's I don't make I'm speaking hypothetically but the idea is to make it so that it's it fits into your community okay and um how many of the 39 member communities are in Atlanta County so we have 23 in 10 it's on the sheet 10 so we have 10 okay mostly the the the coastal communities have most of the flooding on the I'm just speaking candidly on the other side of the county they don't have as many flooding issues so the the the the county the river I well no no you're I I stand correctly I don't know which I don't know which year but there was a terrible flood out by the May Landing someplace and knock the bridge out for for a year or something in late '90s or something so I'm just saying there's a greater incidence of flooding on the Barrier Island than there is on the other side of the C so yes question question so so Tom it looks like you guys this your group meets once a month for the last since 2013 correct that's correct so hundreds of meetings have taken place more than I care to count okay I think you can tell by color of my hair how many meetings we've had yes and the towns that you're trying to reach are all members of your this organization come to these meetings yes so just trying to figure out what what you're asking of us what I'm hoping it's been my should get out through this through this group we have these meetings but I'm speaking candidly here um it never hurts to have the support of your County government it I've never found that in my and I've been involved in politics longer than I care to admit it has never hurt me to have the County government um discuss these things with the municipalities because sometimes they get better guidance than I can afford is that is that a diplomatic way of saying that sure so this is this program is free to the municipality free to the county yes sir and it's something that Atlanta county is going to look into pursuing right corre okay some things do you need a resolution from us that we whatever you feel comfortable with but but I guess let me let me just say this and I'm saying this with all the respect in the world I've worked in County government I've been involved in politics my whole life every there's priorities you every day when you work in a municipality you walk in on Monday morning and there's 200 messages sitting on your this person needs a pothole done this thing has to be done with parking and this thing has to be done we just work on flooding and we're trying to make it easier but sometimes our message gets lost in the weeds because today nobody's thinking about flooding unless you're in California but the people here aren't thinking about it the idea is is to try to just say to them we're here let us be a resource and sometimes that message doesn't get through and do you ever go present to like the Atlanta County mayor Association Atlanta County Association of Township officials County before the pandemic we were working on something like that and I think that and I I might have been speaking with Jerry or I might have been speaking with Frank about that and I think in the in the when the pandemic hit I you know everything get got knocked in a in a hat so I'd be happy to speak to anybody who would not be afraid of me putting them to sleep after they listen to me long enough well yeah any one of those three entities would have a number of these towns there happy to do it yeah to to man if I with all due respect time I appreciate the time and the information but if it comes down to Frank indicated is it a resolution I mean you're singing to the choir kind of sort right we get the message I live in L so you know I get the message right so is it is it your desire to have some meeting the board pass a resolution and support of Jerry says the county is already looking at supporting it I mean I don't want to just sit here and spend your wheels neither if that's what we going to do that's what we going to do that would be wonderful and there I'm I'm glad you mentioned that because there's one thing I I I feel very strongly about we're trying to have visuals and there's a reason why we have visuals last year we made a presentation in Atlantic City and I'm I was born in Atlantic City hospital I'm 1952 model mostly original parts and I can tell you that I had no idea that there're 40 different spoken languages in the Atlantic City School System I had no idea so the more we visual people don't necessarily have to see the words but if they see the maps if they see things that make sense that things that they can identify with that is vitally important that's why John works so hard to make as many visuals as possible fbls as possible because there's so many different languages that and thank you for mentioning that so I don't C but I'm just saying to cut through the chase is this desire to do a resolution say we a supporter right certainly okay so at some point it was not today M CH set it was not the DAT maybe the next meeting we come back with a resolution and support of and we could circulate that amongst our municipalities as well okay and there's one thing I'd like to mention we had several other programs that can H help save taxpayers countless dollars and I have yet to meet an elected official that doesn't want to save the taxpayer money I'm hopeful that in the future you would extend an invitation so that I can come back and have a dialogue with you because it's there are there are programs out there that not everyone is aware of and Atlanta County could benefit from it and the taxpayers could benefit and it would put money back in taxpayers pockets and every time you put money in a taxpayer's pocket that's a tax cut and I would like to think that most of that officials kind of enjoy that so if I haven't overstepped my welcome this time I hope I can receive an invitation to come back and speak to you about that it's called the community rating system I don't want to know set this welcome next time we come back maybe we go to a committee right kind of makes it come back to us like with a report that sort of thing so that's very easy for us at your convenience yeah we have to make myself just send send me what that is is and then I'll make sure get right to committee we'll get it moving for you happy to do it I'll send it to Tara is that okay yep perfect okay abely are there any other questions that I can answer quit while you're here big believer not big believer that I just want to make sure that that I don't the first thing we do in our meetings because we have new people coming to our meetings we always say do you have questions I'm not a mind reader and the advantage of our organization is we have 13 years worth of experience and it's not unus ual for someone to come to our meeting and say I'm having a problem with X and somebody said X we figured X Out 3 years ago and the first person looks at it at the second person like we're crazy so the idea is to make sure I don't want to leave unless I've answered everybody's questiony I just like to say first of all thank you for coming and making the presentation and also thank you for sending us the information we have that presentation on our laptops and uh we can discuss them further but again thank you thank you very much just one question Tom is is this up and running is there any municipalities that are currently in in attic County we're speaking with Egg Harbor Township uh Longport Atlantic City and Margate and we're I'm just being handed here with the pandemic and everything and the aftermath and everything it's we were ready to launch this thing four years ago we got money from FEMA we've spent years developing it and now the time is and I just if you just give me 60 more seconds everybody is familiar with the wildfires out in Maui and those poor people that suffered everything that happened I don't know if you know it but they were sent down the wrong road they went in an evacuation route that was for flooding not for a fire and I'm old enough I'm going to Dime you out Frank's old enough to know that in 1963 there was a wildfire on Tilton Road and it went across Tilton Road if you can believe that and I think it was August 1963 if they had had our web app those poor people in Maui they would have known they're going in the wrong direction so that's what I want to bring to Atlanta County and all the members of the coastal Coalition thank you for that thank you very much any other questions for the Commissioners thank you really truly thank you for being here thank you for the invitation you're welcome thank you okay that brings us into our ordinances with ordinance number one ordinance amending county code chapter 97 entitled Parks concerning John F GNE Green Tree Golf Course first reading second move by commissioner Cory second by G is a first reading so we go with commission yeah Madam chair just to highlight um we did discuss this in our budget sub committee um it's freising the price I believe was a dollar or two Max um we did something similar last year this is all in the name of basically keeping our our Golf Course solvent um and we did note that we are still very low um we're still very low in in cost and in some cases we're cheaper for 18 holes than other places are for not um so we were in support of the the Amendments thank you any other commissioner comments okay we'll have a roll call Bas yes fortino yes Burns Cory yes J yes G yes k Sorry Parker yes Grizzly yes K yes motion carries bring us into our grant resolution 36 please amending resolution number 217 adopt on May 2nd 2023 a grant from the New Jersey Division of highway traffic safety for the Atlantic cman Count's distracted driving programs n increased $ 29,41 much commission cor seconded by commissioner Ballas any commissioner comments hearing on anything from the public call Bas yes Martino Burns fory yes J yes G Parker Grizz K yes carries resolution 37 C an application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development for the workforce first New Jersey tan Innovation and Initiative Program amount not to exceed 1 million $1,000 move move by commissioner Cory seconded by commissioner Gad and commissioner comments he none anything from the public any call bastino Burns Cory St yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes carries resolution 38 please current application and acceptance from the state of New Jersey office of emergency telecommunications for the public safety answering for upgrades and consolidation program amount not exceed $66,000 move move by commissioner Cory seconded by commissioner any comments hear none anything from the public Bas yeso Burns yes corsey yes G Parker grizzley yes turn yes motion carries in professional service agreements with resolution 39 Professional Services agreement with various vendors for alcohol and drug prevention education and treatment services amount not to exceed $66,667 move second move by commissioner Cory second by commissioner grizley any commissioner comments I just want to say one thing um there's a press article today talking about some of the numbers throughout you know our area that you know with uh drug problems and you know other types of situation the these are immensely important to us to have and make sure that our uh constituents are aware of them okay any other commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public hey welome Bas fortino Burns corsey J yes G yes Parker yes rizley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 40 Professional Services agreement with Premier Orthopedic Associates for the provision of spinal treatment services to inmate that the Atlanta County Justice Facility amount not to exceed $155,000 move second move by commissioner cor second by commissioner bino any commissioner comments seeing here n anything from the public roll call Bas yes fortino Burns yes corsey yes St yes G yes Parker grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution 41 amending resolution number 250 adopted on May 16 2023 a Professional Services agreement with French and pello Associates PA for engineering design Services associated with the replacement of bungalow Park Bridge EHC 08 at carber Green Bank Road County Route 563 over Indian Cabin Creek in aara city net increase $5 56,3 584 by commissioner Cory seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments commission B yes a little confused on the language saying Bungalow Park Bridge which I believe is in Atlantic City but this is saying eggor City yeah that's that's where the Bungalow par that's the bridge out there by the cash commissioner make it there was a bridge out there called low Park brid it's in in city and it's right next to their their Lake out there so I mean and I and I think any other commission any other commission comments any comments from the public got use this there used to be there used to be a club out there called Bungalow Park Tavern right by the Bungalow Park Bridge just as you got on the other side of the lake that's how it got its name and when was that we're not old last 20 years Frank don't com from the public we'll have a roll call Palace Chistina Burns Cory J yes G yes Parker grizzley yes turn yes Mo carries our competitive contract start with resolution 42 please competitive contract with Able's cleaning agency limited liability company for the provision of cleaning services for the Atlanta County Libraries and the kernin dental center amount not to exceed $132,450 move by commissioner Cory seconded by commissioner Parker any uh any commissioner any comment from the public any Bas yes Martino Burns yes corsey St yes G yes par yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries uh we start with resolution 43 of change orders change order number one a contract with kby Le mechanical limited liability company trading as kisby Shore Corporation for the proposed hbac upgrades for the it UPS room at Anthony Canali fire training center to extend the term date only no additional cost V second Mo by commissioner Cory second by commissioner bertino any commissioner comments see hear none anything from roll call bastino Burns Cory St yes G yes Parker Grizzle yes K yes motion carries resolution approv court please change order number one a contract with South State Incorporated for the green Bank Bridge mechanical and electrical repairs in the township of Mulla to extend the term Daye only no additional cost move by commissioner Cory second commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing n anything from public okay we have call Bas yes fortino yes Burns yes Cory da yes G yes Parker rizley yes K yes motion carries resolution 45 change order number one a contract with South State Incorporated for the 2021 state aid Highway Improvement program on various County Roads net decrease $14 149,150 182 move second move by commissioner Cory seconded by commissioner bertino any commissioner comments see in here I think public Bas yes Martino Burns yes Cory da yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion Carri resolution 46 change order number one a contract with arak Caven company for the resurfacing of Tilton Road County Route 563 section 7 in the townships of Hamilton and Galilee to extend the term date net increase $38,988 57 second mooved by commissioner Cory second by commissioner G any commissioner comments see here I think from have a roll call bis yes fortino yes Burns yes Cory J yes G yes Parker grizzley yes current yes motion carries that brings us uh to leases with resolution 47 amending resolution number 517 adopted on September 20th 2022 a consent to assignment agreement with South Jersey Transportation Authority and Jamal's Atlantic City limited liability company concerning the County's lease for a portion of the property located at the New York Avenue parking garage with payment being made to the management company voice parking limited liability company to extend the term date amount not to exceed $589 move by commissioner Cory second by commissioner G any commissioner comments commissioner youer I thought South Jersey Transportation sold this they did that's Jamal is yes did owner is called Jamal so yeah any other commissioner comments anything from the public roll call alas yes Martino Burns Cory St yes G yes clker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries BRS us resolution 48 please pleasee termination agreement with AAR releasing limited liability company concerning the development and operation of a Child Advocacy Center Lo ated at 6821 blackor Pike in a Cora Township amount not to exceed $2,385 Mo by commissioner burn second by commissioner Cory any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public he Bas fortino yes Burns Cory da yes G yes Parker yes rley yes current yes motion carries resolution 49 pleas intergovernmental agreement to transfer the titles in possession of two vehicles that are no longer in use to the Atlanta County Utilities Authority second move by commissioner Cory seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public any call Bas yes fortino yes Burns yes horsey yes da yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes mer She carries brings us to resolution 50 Cooperative bid contract with mosy mechanical to provide plumbing services for water conservation project upgrades at the Atlanta County Justice Facility amount not to exceed Yeah so basically it we're installing um in all the toilets urinals and even the sinks so we're going to restrict the flow to help uh to help conserve the water right it's also going to allow us to um also uh be able to um limit the number of times those those toets can be flushed so it it it's it's a pretty intense project um because there it's a lot of Plumbing involved in it but the savings rate that we they estimated at comes in about $100,000 per year so we're spending 700 almost 800,000 to save 700,000 no about 100,000 yeah it's $100,000 savings per year over a 7e period yes the one thing they can't do is they can't pay is this so is this they don't flood the cell is that well they also doesn't it prevent uh Chris prevents helping what helps to prevent flushing the sheets and the the pillow cases or anything else that can be ripped up and and flushed correct right cont band anything so yeah because that's another problem we're having at the jail so they tear up the sheets they flush it down the toilet and the clogs up the system so sometimes we're out there in the middle of the night uh you know unclogging septic or we have septic backup so this is going to help prevent that so this is going to prevent them from being able to flush a sheep or yeah because we're going to limit yeah because it's going to actually limit the amount of flushes are going to and limit the water as well so we're going to reduce that water so they just can't just keep sitting there just keep constantly flushing the toilet time after time and time again cuz that's what's happening now so we're trying to restrict that as much as we can cuz it's causing it's just causing a lot of problems I mean we're finding all kinds of stuff in the septic and Sewer that's it's 24 hours around the clock okay and that's this is something that no plumber in Atlanta County can can handle cor right well we're using it through the co-op so this was part of the EIP project that we went through with the with the lighting and this was part of it the um the water conservation was part of that esip uh that we had done with like the LED lighting and upgrades with the HVAC and all that so this was part of that process and part of that process is using this col so we don't know if it's cheaper to use a a plumber from Atlanta County we just us well Co we did get pricing I mean we did get other pricing and these were the cheapest ons okay yeah I didn't see any any other pricing in in any of our people yeah we received that it was an internal thing that we received because it wasn't a public bid it was just something that we reviewed internal okay any other commissioner comments anything from the public here have roll call alas yes fortino yes Burns yes Cory yes de yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries now BR us to resolution 51 please intergovernmental agreement with the New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission Office of Education to provide educational services at Harbor Fields Attention Center amount not to exceed $2,125 56 second move by commissioner Cory seconded by commissioner bertino any commissioner comments see N I think public okay we roll call Bas yes fortino yes Burns Cory yes yes G yes Parker yes grizley yes K yes motion carries resolution 52 amending number resolution number 227 adopt on May 3rd 2022 in agreement to accept nine congestion mitigation and air quality fiscal year 17 Flex 5310 Grant funded vehicles from the New Jersey Transit Corporation move by commissioner Cory second by commissioner G any commissioner comments see here none anything from the public okay we have a roll call Bas yes Martino Burns corsey da yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 53 acceptance of Deeds easements from various granters and ordance with Lany County Planning standards second move by commissioner Cory second by commissioner G any commiss comments see hear not anything from the public a well roll call Bas yes Cino yes Burns yes corsey da yes G yes Parker yes rly yes K yes resolution 54 amending resolution number 719 adopted on December M 19 2023 a contract with South State Incorporated for emergency span lock repairs to dorsa Avenue Bridge in the city of vetner net increase $140,000 second move by commissioner Birds seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments CH yeah just want to make one one comment yeah on December 19th we we um it's read in this resolution we passed a resolution to extend the term date of this contract um with no additional cost now a little over a month later the contract ispell we didn't know that there was no information there was going to be almost it was going to double in a month well what happens is they went back they go in and inspect the bridge I mean they took PE the parts out but they had to go back and inspect the brid bo there were some ises so I I think Doug is on Doug can explain the the real technical issue that happened once once they removed the uh the actuator Doug you there yeah I'm here okay yeah so um there was a the initial um contract was for them to basically remove the uh linear actuator which is a motor and a warm gear uh which operates uh span loock which is a bunch of different um uh it's a mechanisms it's bearings it's all sorts of uh mechanical items uh that lock the bridge um so they went after they took out the actuator had it refurbished um they did go into the bridge and they check the operation of the mechanism that's on the bridge and it was um not moving very well which is likely what caused the uh failure of the actuator so if we just put the actuator back in it would have just failed again in short order so um we basically uh had to do this change order so that they could basically take take apart the mechanism on the bridge um uh machine parts that were um you know uh rusted up uh replace bearings things like that uh so now they will be putting all that back into the bridge and um and installing the actuator and we will be uh back up and running okay so this this is not completed yet then no uh they they started the work but uh they they still have to now go and put it all assemble it all back together okay any other Commissioners comments hear none anything from the public he we have a roll call Alice yes fortina yes Burns yes corsey St yes G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes turn yes resolution uh 55 please competitive contract with DB Grant Associates Incorporated for the provision of a One-Stop operator and Career Services amount not to exceed $1,800,000 move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner Cory any Commissioner of comments hear none anything from public roll call Bas yes patino Burns Cory de yes G yes Parker grizzley K yes motion carries brings us uh to appointments with resolution 56 reappointment of John Hines Jr to the solid race advisory Council for a term to expire on January 1st 2027 second move by commissioner Cory seconded by commissioner grizley any commissioner com I would just like to thank uh Mr Hines for continuing his time and effort commitment to this anything the public B yes fortino Burns corsey fa yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries have a commissioner sponsored at with resolution 57 resolution amending the Atlanta County Board of County Commissioners public meeting scheduled to change a date of the second meeting in March second move by Commission Cory seconded by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments Madam chair just want to the reason why we ask for this is Bonnie's here I I'll steal her Thunder and make this gger so B Bonnie was giving we were given number of dates to uh present the budget introduce it and then adopt and in order not not to have to do a second temporary budget b and give us enough time to work on the budget we selected the the dates March 5th so it be introduced and then March 26 as was the other date that we were allowed to to uh go ahead and adopt so that's the reason why the 19th would not have given fin enough time to do the work thank you D any other commissioner comments anything from the public roll call Bas yeso yes Burns yes fory B yes G yes Parker yes rley yes turn yes motion carries that concludes our written portion of the agenda uh written Communications and petitions we have received if anybody has received any appr your comments anything you may okay uh special reports of the Committees I real quick hit the ground running um thank you to our County Administrator Jerry del Roso for setting up along with Michelle um nson a tour of many of the Human Services departments today and wow what a great job our County Employees to all across the board Who services um Carla guy thank you to her she's walked me along um learning my committees the Women's Service Advisory Board and then um Human Services and she's been great excuse me have not met with the um senior citizen board yet but that's in a couple so everything yeah you're pretty busy it's pretty eye opening too isn't it when you go around you see the amount of services we have any other reports okay uh I do okay Atlant County Office of culture and Heritage and Affairs uh distributed arts and history grants totaling $228,000 900 I just want to give kudos to that group of people who are coming together and working hard and to Kim Brown who does this every year so great job on that uh for the Atlanta County Libraries the best of the press 2023 yet again we won all three with a different Library this time so it's a different three so Galloway Township won the gold Bretner w library won the silver and Maze landing library won the bronze um also for the Atlantic County Library Foundation we adopted our new bylaws as on February 1st um i' also no I'm not going to mention that's not work so that's all I have thank you commissioner any other else for our commissioners okay any unfinished business a hearing none a new business um Madam chair new business uh I sent over to our attorney today a resolution for consideration in our next meeting we had a request from Hamilton Township School Board member Harry Rogers um to basically just have a resolution of support in their effort as a board to seek state and federal funding to rehabilitate the dubers school um if if people know the dubers school it's a it's a hisor property I I attended school there so did my grandfather um uh but it is in serious disrepair and um the amount of money needed to get it to kind of a minimal VI minimal viable state for developer to then be able to come in and use it um is prohibitive so um they're seeking um our support in their attempt to go find funding it's not a commitment of funding or time or resources from us it's just saying yes we support you going to do this so that resolution should be before you thank you commission Madam chair F me and one small piece I did call got a phone call from Harry spoke to uh yesterday and today um the cost of demolish in the building is also right so they're really stuck in between a rock hard place they demolish it it's going to cost a bunch of money just the parking not there so it's like what what do you do with the building so if they just like our support to try and go out and figure it out not like she said not they're not asking commissioner G said they're not asking us to fund it or they just I know that there are some um there are some folks that they're going to be speaking to for funding that would love to have they don't want to get involved unless they have our support so they they don't want to take one a project to say go out five funding for this project just to around to come to the Commissioners and we say no we're not in favor of it so they're you know being proactive so that's what I that's what I know thank you Comm any other new business hearing none uh that brings us to uh public comments anyone attending in person that would like to speak now at public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name and the town you reside if you're attending virtually and would like to make a public comment please raise your hand I will call upon your name and a request to unmute will be S please state your name and the town you reside you will be provided up to three minutes to speak do we have anybody that would like the public so Madam chair not speaking if there's nobody from the public I following up with the budget subcommittee commissioner G uh had asked at the budget committee that we follow up on the resolution you just voted on $1.8 million to create a One-Stop operator that impacts 12 employees because we're we're privatizing it's a requirement under the uh Workforce investment act to to uh create a One-Stop operator outside of the what would be in this case the county so there are 12 people uh that are impacted by that decision you saw the the uh the uh the resolution awarding the 1.8 million to DB grants the 12 people have met with our human service director she has actually talk talked to every one of them and they all have a job to go to is only only one of the individuals who said that they they they don't want to take the position for the same title that they're in they're looking they would look for something else we'll look for something else for them but all 12 have will have something to go to if they if they like to do I just want thanks for that follow Jerry it was important to the budget subcommittee that displaced employees would have an opportunity either with the county or with the vendor coming in and um I appreciate that follow because that was an important question for us so I'm picky back off of what Comm G said so are those 12 straight the 11 employees going to S with the county CU you said they have places to go so are they same with the county yes I mean as of right now they've said yes two two are considering actually retiring you're old they're old enough and they have enough years to retire they're not sure if they want to to stay but yes they they would be able to stay and yes we have positions with the county correct well and the reason I as that question and I don't want to believe the point is that because if they save the county they save the pension system they go with the outside company they can lose whatever they have they don't have the time so it's good to see that they're going to be stay with the county at least for now right they chose to do so so that's a good thing mm thank you okay uh for those I've been going into the good of the order uh I just want to make a statement for those who may not have seen the press release the Atlanta County uh animal shelter invites you to fall in love this Valentine's Day by adopting an animal the shelter is waving all adoped adoption fees for dogs available for immediate adoption which begins in last week and is running through Friday February 16th uh also uh member there few member of us uh attended the nbca event uh where Atlantic city mayor small presented his plan for 2024 event was well attended and was encouraging to hear the plans for a Citywide Wi-Fi I'm sure commissioner Cory by everything he was talking about you're going to be very busy don't forget park the dog park is two two dog parks and and more and more police off and that's and guess what and more that's big new we got 10 in the academy now we get ready put another eight excent excent R are great we got taxi greas for the four in a row city did not fall so let the record reflect attic City did not fall off the map the small T Madam chair there is one one more I want to introduce she o Conor you you guys all voted on I'm sorry I should have done that when I was but Mr Mr C O Conor is here and I if you you like maybe St can give you a little of the background because I'm not sure I think you got a bio but just quickly abely I'll just be real quick I just want to thank everyone for approving my contract I had the opportunity to continue to work with Atlanta County for many many years I worked for Kate May County and throughout the course of my time it's always been a pleasure that Kate May County Atlanta County have always collaborated so well on different in initiatives uh from the economic development District to the college to many many things and I just appreciate again the opportunity to continue and uh be working with Jerry as a matter of fact I go back my first projects I started the work was actually with dick Squires and Helen Walsh so I've been had a relationship with K May County or with Atlanta County for my entire career and I look forward to continuing with it great we got a lot of history in this room any questions me and John go way back yes we do I'm cler I had the pleasure of working with see uh 2012 some of the darkest days of the South Jersey Economic Development District when we could even pay the man could even pay on time we were weeks behind to pay you at the time and but you made sure I got paid at the end I did I did and Steve brings with him really a uh an encyclopedia of knowledge and experience so uh we're lucky to have him and uh welcome aboard thank you thanks everyone again chair thank you for being here I want to say thank you Steve for uh calling me back as quickly as you did and I'm entertaining my questions I know I can be a little bit of a pain in the butt sometimes when it comes to those things so I appreciate it that's fine uh Steve they we we spoke a little bit and there are three things that um were listed by our County Executive that we going to be on board to help with cost effective health benefits plan options uh the regional jail and management of opioid settlement funds were two of the three of the main things that were cited by county executive going to be helping us but I just want you to know that I'm I think everyone up here is very interested in what work you're going to be taking on and there's you know whatever you're going to do we'd love to know and stay informed about that and you and I talked about jail partic in particular and I just want I'll take this moment to say I'm very concerned about this transition whether we take it or we don't take it whether we enter into this regionalized jail or not I'm not speaking on that I'm I'm just saying I'm very concerned and very interested in how that takes place and I know that the officers inside of the jail are very concerned as well so if there's anything that we can do to kind of bring a little piece to their minds throughout this process I'd like to be able to do that because if the phone doesn't stop ringing you know like I say as it I'm just getting to started on this obviously but as the information GA gets gathered I'm sure the Jerry is going to keep everyone on totally on the Loof on everything that's going on I mean I would suspect that you guys are going to drive the decision in all this am I right Jerry well we have to come we have to come back here once once the decision is made is whether we're going to move forward or not I mean that's really it again there going to be the data the whatever whatever the the the the as you all know we have series of questions we had to answer they're being submitted the courts have been asked fortunately or unfortunately the courts got asked by all six counties that have been asked they've been working on that on that data and they'll submit that data to the to the organization that there's a a planning organization that's already been selected and and they're already doing some of the data for camon County so once all that data is put together we'll be back to the board but actually probably be the the jail subcommittee and explain what you know what the data shows and what the cost are going to be you you know the legislation is passed and it's got signed by the governor so it it that Regional facility is out there and it is it it will have the ability to tax so that's that was one of the first steps yeah and Mr Parker I actually brought up that concern in budget subcommittee as well um because I've been hearing that too um from inside so um I asked the warden to keep us apprised of attrition rates so that we start to see a major spike and concern there um we we know we need to take some kind of an action um so that's how we're going to monitor it but we did raise that concern too the unfortunate thing is you know if you talk to word Mike Mike tell michae will tell you we we all agreed prior to bringing it here and prior to discussing it publicly we went to the union sat down with the union members ship and told them that we were considering going into the study now at least three of you on that day is right now three of you have said everybody knew about it and that's true because C County was not quite about it they were telling everybody you know about the legislation they were telling at the wards Association they were telling everybody what they were doing and you know the officers were all being told and and I I I have to you have to know this in camon County they brought and every single officer and told every single officer that they were all going to be hired without a doubt everyone would would had a job once this occur and what they've been telling each county is the same identical thing they can hire people they when we had 30 and 40 vacancies they had 120 I mean I was I I've been speaking to the administrator and their and their Deputy Administrator there so they were they they have been having difficult time hiring so they know that every position that would go into the new facility would would have somebody from one of the counties filling those slides they have not been able to hire we we've had our own difficulty hard although I can tell you Mike and his staff have done a really good job there they went we got permission from the state to to do these job fairs and so they've been doing job fairs independent of any civil service requirements which you know the law chains on civil service for for the jail so so we we think we we did everything we could to allow our staff to explain that to the union and then when and then when we actually did make this public it it dawned on them or it might was saying them I that's what happened it woke them up so well they're awake yeah yeah I'm telling you right so Mike Mike Mike talks to him you know on a regular basis Jerry you said the legislation pass was sign you know when month not ler in before the end of the year during the lane session yeah Madam chair yes on this topic it is my opinion and strictly my opinion that regardless of whether we go into this or not if we do it's going to take time it's going to take years to happen it's not going to happen in 5 minutes I think we have a problem now I I think we need an addition to our current jail and we need to get help on addition to Harbor fields we can't continue to send these kids to Bergen County and God knows where all over the state and housing there we need an addition to Harbor foods and whether we need state aid to do it or whatever it takes it needs to be addressed so won let use that one so just so you know we we met with the juvenal Justice Commission and we gave them like three or four options one one we closed for field we and we do we do a an agreement with Bergen and essics and we send all our kids there create our own transportation system and move them back and forth that was number one number two we told him um Mike Doro and I were looking at modular we looked at the we looked at the facility out there we said we can put modules in they they don't believe we can create what we need to create out there they they don't think that we would have enough space for dining uh Sports we think we could do that they they they told the state they want to do that we also said uh that we we we believe that um we could use the county jail we have as you all know with bail reform you don't have those prisoners in there anymore or inmates with low with low level crimes most of them are very serious so everybody is in the main jail the the medium security facility is what they call Community Housing so it's a big wide open room and actually what we call community policing is they had like one one officer would walk around among the inmates you can't do that anymore because they're they're they're extremely dangerous people that are into jail now so we thought we could take one of the floors and we said to the J the juvenal Justice Commission what we'll do is we'll we'll look at the kids that we think we could house in community housing or we would put cells in in one or two of the floors and obviously we would have to then pay for you know the staff to to go ahead and and uh and be the security team out of that that facility and as you know we're paying the JJC to do that they didn't like that idea either so in that meeting what they asked us to do was to look at moving more of these kids out onto the street so obviously my first thing was we've already met we've already met with the prosecutor and and he he actually had he called the meeting and called me and asked me what we meet and we did we met with the jail and we talked a little bit about not only the adults and what he's going to do with the adult adults but also about the youth and and so they asked me would I I would least convene a meeting to have that discussion so I've spoken to the prosecutor he's okay with that spoken to the trial court administrator they're willing to meet with this and I think judge pleas is going to be part of the meeting and the JJC is going to meet and they're going to run by numbers by the prosecutor and and and the courts to determine how many of the kids we recently have incarcerated could be put on the street in in a diversion program and then they're going to talk about what kind of diversion programs we could create locally in order to uh to better serve the community so that that's where we are so how about I'm sorry how how about an addition to the building how about an additional Harbor Fields okay I'm only telling you what this that would make the most sense in my opinion That's What We R we ran that by them I don't I don't get that yeah I don't get it so we already have several juveniles that are on in the Hedge program now that are out on the street we have we have oh absolutely but you know they mean it's not like we can't put kids on heads but some of the kids we just be clear on that the kids that are incarcerated today are that are in a facility need to be there I'm just telling you chief of detectives is saying he he does not recommend those kids being out on the street and I'm you know I've seen the you see the Quan we we get population sheet so you see what they've done I'm just saying they're they're not and so and so the I understand the JC's concept your concept is why spend all that money because probably by the time you do get somebody on board do the design a lot of these kids are going to get adjudicated and wind up at the state so you be spending what whatever three four5 million be working well I I it's not going to go away I don't think so but I'm Jer do you know if there's anybody on that Juvenile Justice Commission that's actually from this area are they're all well the J Justice Comm no I that's making that's making this decision for you no nobody from this area there's nobody from this area no so they don't care about this area they want they want this to turn into like Jersey City sure well you know we're why put them in jail put them back on the street well let me say this say at the meeting if if we really do get the process we are going to get the prosecute because he's agreed to do that and we're going to have judge B we're going to go back into those discussions again about what what are all the Alternatives that we that we put on the table before well you know what their you know what their answer is going to be the reason why we asked the judge to commit them to Harbor field just because they don't they they're too dangerous to be on the street Pro not going to say oh yeah put them out on the street there's no way that's what we said but I'm only telling you but we'll get we'll get back at least let may say this day with the prosecutor and the judge in the room and they start talking about some of these other Alternatives that that we think were were more viable and maybe maybe they'll uh they'll F twice there's got to be a way to be able to put an addition on yes and be able to have the programs that they need to have out there there's space I we think so there's plenty of space there thank you Jerry I think obviously our jail committee is going to be pretty busy on all thany do you chair the ja no I don't you can't you tell you so passion about well you are too I didn't know going get that deep into I'm just following logic that's all I know sometime all I don't want to hold me um Jerry I want to say thank you for responding to the the Lake Creek brid C and my my question is I know we have the answer now but what are we is there any plan moving forward to have better communication with the municipalities I I I I I are we are we planning to speak to EDG Harper Township or speak to qualities to to upate them on this answer so that they're not still out there thinking that there's a lack of communication between the bodies Our roads and bridges gu thank you man chair um there was a discussion on that you guys all received the email um I spoke with Administration today um Jerry is making sure that they send it to all the officials in a Harbor Town to begin to see the trail so everybody knows the process that occurred because some of those obviously in in AAR Township didn't receive any of that information or were not aware of it going back to 2022 is when the Reconstruction meting it so this project been going ongoing for a while uh so kind Administration is going to send the correspondence though we had a discussion about if there's an issue in the but we have projects in the future for longevity but Jerry's like that takes a while to for it to come to fruition but Jerry indicated we do do that we do notify everybody and we keep it they have a paper trail and how they do that so process-wise there was no failure on the county in any way on delivering the messages there just happened to be uh new police chief new administrator new new over the course of time and I don't know how many people were checking emails and and uh as you seen earlier I asked the our Administration to give us who exactly are the people in the bulk email list that were receiving emails going out just so we're all clear it's clerical in some of the in some of those respects I imagine but I I'll let AR C up I spoke with the the mayor prer out there about it to as well as uh um Mr Paul has had discussion they received all that information and thank the county for what they did with the project to this state I would CH I would just uh suggest and I know I believe Doug is still on um I know we checked all the boxes and did what we were supposed to do but um going forward um we should basically have a rule of thumb that you know even if we had the preconstruction meeting and it was a year prior to the construction actually happening or 6 months or 3 months you know within 30 days of it happening there should be another preconstruction meeting just to get all the players in the room if they're willing to come you know the the police department's traffic safety unit um they go over that final plan because people leave all the time you know what I mean so Engineers change administrators change police Chiefs change the the head of their Traffic Unit changes and it just so happened this was the perfect storm that you know the chief left the administrator left and the guy who ran the traffic safety unit who went to that reconstruction meeting a year earlier he left too but the mayor didn't leave and the mayor's office got the material understand I know but but you know think about where you know where were you where were you this time last year I don't know what was I doing I don't know but like said maybe 30 days in advance of a of a actual construction breaking ground you know maybe there should be just another get together it's everyone everyone's working anyway and just do it again so Doug Ju Just why don't you to talk about on on preconstruction meetings how how soon after generally a preconstruction meeting does you know construction start generally um that would that depends on the project the road projects it's usually pretty quick um the bridge projects actually this one in particular uh inward work restrictions uh or a big delay and why we couldn't start until after July 1st even though we had the preconstruction meeting in December um also uh the bridge projects uh a lot of materials have to be ordered ahead of time like the steel sheet pile the uh pipe piles for the foundations um uh for the coverts that were done on be Road uh they were pre-cast so they had to be designed and uh by the pre-cast manufacturer and manufactured so uh that's why a project like this there's a big delay in from when you had the uh the preconstruction reading and when you actually get out there and start the work okay but like I said would it would it be too much to ask to have a maybe a detour meeting prior to the detour happening at least 30 days in advance of the of the detour I mean it wouldn't be as conversent of bringing everybody in that you need to bring in for a pre- construction meeting but what's going to impact the town you know for something like that especially where you're going to have a extended U closure like a year um you know if we could do that that would be very helpful I think if you could do that for us Doug we'd certainly be appreciative uh there's been a lot of questions and I'm the first one to admit that I'm not an engineer it's not my area expertise so I don't know these things about engineering but um if you could do what uh was saying you know recommending the do we certainly appreciate or at least some kind of acknowledgement with the town you get started on something we hear this all the time inp we definitely could be better you know what the county did do you know little more sented sent the alerts out and then it got it got changed you know that it was going to be two weeks it was going to be extended by two weeks because um the bridge or the other bridge wasn't finished yet but um I think a lot of people saw you know and heard on the radio that it was going to be closed you know that Ro was going to be close up up to a year but you know um I think the main concern is you know what the police department has is the people the locals aren't following the detour room they're taking the shortcut which is what they're going to do you know what I mean and you know they're instead of I know you're not supposed to take um traffic from a County Road and put on a municipal road unless the municipality agrees same thing with a state road you're not supposed to put on a Municipal Road um but you know English Creek Road is so far away from that area where the detour is it's better for it to be detoured at Schoolhouse and only have The Detour go from Schoolhouse to steelmanville that loop around but again I think that's something that the traffic safety unit and the County engineer are working on getting that worked out and you know a lot of the backup and a lot of the school buses you know would have to take a you know an extra two miles or more to to get around there but then again they don't want to they don't want to go down Villa Lilla where they just replaced the the bridge because it's such a a winding small roadway that's where they're all going and that's where they're backing it up in the neighborhood but it's the locals that are causing the problem it's none of our fault it just happened right and and L Linda Linda will remind everybody we're commissioner spoke with each executive asked us to put something together L Linda reminds me as well is is that all if any any work we're doing in the county it doesn't matter where it is you live in a COR Township or working in Gallow you can go on our web page you know that and you'll get you'll get those notices so even if you if you were saying what's going to happen with that with that fridge and you didn't know if you went online you'd probably see what what's on our web page which is probably would explained the project to you independent of you know either the contractor or the county contacting you as as as a an elected official in that in in the town that's going to be impacted so in the in the letter that we discussed We'll add that in just so people understand that you know there is there is a way to find information without necessarily talking to everybody all the time so we also we also push that web information out onto social media platforms too so you don't have to go get it you have question correct yeah correct right and you know so much Landing Road um just a year two years ago was closed for about two years for the replacement of the other Bridge further down by English Creet Road yes correct so you know and and you know what the argument is you know the summer traffic that comes down to you know to the shore from Philly uses that road well they found their way around for two years before ex they're going to have to find their way around again for another year because unless they're unless they got an amphibious vehicle they're not getting past that bridge you're right you're right and you know that's that uation route so the work is being done in order to make that route as as Tom cork would say that's an evacuation route that's rout we going to send to everybody so that's why all the infrastructure is being improved one of the key reasons right that's better pull through thank you I'd also like uh to take a minute to thank our former uh chairman of the commissioner board for visiting us today always nice to see you Mr F thank you I didn't say anything because I don't have anything substantive to say my golf instructed just a couple things go to the order real quick um The Way of the meeting but um number one jar I do want to publicly thank you and public works for their quick response on Pleasant mils Road um we had a pretty huge um pile of water sitting on the roadway uh during that snowstorm was basically becoming a ice rink and in a pretty unsafe condition and our team not only put additional signage um caution signage out there but then eventually we're able to clear the drains that were causing the problem so thank you for um quickly respond and I know I said it to Greg but I just want to probably thank you guys for for that Qui response um also um today marks a month since I lost my dad um when you mentioned it at the meeting right after I really couldn't speak about it so I do want to just say thank you to to everybody who came to the services um and honored him it's it's definitely been difficult but um I just want to say I appreciate it very much and um also want to just take a minute February 14th um will Mark 22 years since um Dr Dennis foran passed away who was the principal at Opress high school for many years um I try to keep his legacy alive every year um because he was a very special man uh and a very special person to our County um he he was very impactful to generations of students and um he was just caring and kind and um always remembered your name uh and just just lived the way we should we should all live in terms of um helping others and always extending a hand and taking a moment to recognize and support others so I want to do that and just carry his legacy forward 22 years um just remembering just one thing about chair um Jerry yeah the uh the large SLE I a few phone calls on at the middle of two County Roads zon Road and mil Road um that wasn't the County's responsibility that was the it was the sewer it was the sewer system from North held correct and that's all being taken care of and yes the city I think had the contractor I think out today I think today was the first day that the contractor was out okay anything else for the go of the order okay I'll entertain a motion to adjourn [Music] [Music] second [Music]