##VIDEO ID:xn3hiqYWor8## [Music] [Music] meeting of the atanta County Board of commiss is called order open public meeting the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting of the Atlanta County of Commissioners was provided in the following manner published in the Press of Atlantic City and mailed to the hamon cazette and has been posted on the Bolton boards and the county office building in Atlantic City the Stillwater building in Northfield and the county clerk's office in MA landing and prayer dear Lord I pray that you guide us always satisfy the needs that need to be met during this meeting and strengthen us to make wise decisions for the betterment of our atan County Community amen amen AM stand United [Music] statesis a roll call please chairwoman commissioner Z and commissioner D will be late today commissioner Cory is attending virtually thank Bas present fortino here Burns here Cory Parker present rley here K here Commissioners had an opportunity to review the minutes from September 177 2024 I'll entertain a motion to adopt 7 uh de September 17th 2024 minutes as presented second mooved by commissioner parner second made by commissioner rley I have a roll call Bas yes fortino yes Burns yes Cory Parker yes Grizzly yes K yes anyone attending in person who would like to speak regarding an agenda item or a public comment please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name and the town where you reside you will then be provided up to 3 minutes to speak if you're attending virtually and would like to speak please raise your hand during the agenda item or a public comment at the end I will call upon your name and request to you to unmute will be sent please take your name and the time you reside you will be provided up to 3 minutes to speak okay we now have an interview for appointment appointment of Wendy bartett to the Atlanta County Improvement Authority for a term to expire on May 1st 2029 appr second by commissioner B seconded by commissioner rley and we have Wendy B oh right here do you want to make any statement first um not really hello everyone thank you for considering me for this position I know the ACI is doing great things in Atlant County and I'd be happy to be a part of it he any um wish questions or comments Yeah Wendy what makes you want to be on the board well I sit on the board at the accea the Chelsea Economic Development Corporation and the duct toown Economic Development Corporation and I've seen all the great things that the ACI has done and helping to better our communties like to be part of that very good any other Commissioners just say thank you for your service it's appreciate absolutely thank you thank you uh any other Commissioners okay anything from uh the public see hearing none call alas yes fortino yes Burns yes Cory G yes Parker yes grizzley yes her yes motion carries thank you so very much [Applause] appreciate that brings us right into our resolution and that's resolution 508 Grant application and acceptance from the state of New Jersey Division of mental health and Addiction Services for the bipartisan sa communities act Disaster Response crisis counseling County Grant amount not to exceed $115,000 second good by commissioner bertino seconded by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments see hear none anything from the public have aoll Callo yes Burns yes Cory G yes Parker yesy yes yes motion carries resolution 509 federal aid calls reimbursement agreement with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for fiscal year 24 federal aid funding for the construction cost associated with the resurfacing of Ohio Avenue and epen Mount natic SE 9767 18742 V second move by commissioner Val seconded by commission Parker any commissioner th see hearing none anything from the public a roll call Bas yes Martino yes Burns yes corsey G yes Parker yes grizzley yes Kar yes motion carries resolution 510 Federal a calls reimbursement agreement with the New Jersey Department of transportation for fiscal year 24 federal aid funding for the construction cost associated with the resurfacing of California Avenue absin Pleasantville and aara Township amount not to exceed 1,357 sorry G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes motion carries resolution 511 Grant application and acceptance from the New Jersey Department of State Division of Elections for the primary and general election day 2024 grant program early voting and out to exceed $873 19755 moved second mov by commissioner burn second by commissioner bero any commission comments see none I think from the public he have call Bas yes Martino yes Burns yes pory G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 512 current application and acceptance for the New Jersey County's exess joint Insurance Fund Commissioners for the Munich safety grant program amount not to exceed $2,790 60 move by commissioner B second in by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments seeing here none anything the have aoll call palas yeso yes burs yes Cory G yes Parker yes rley yes turn yes motion carries we go into special service agreements with resolution 513 amending resolution number 39 adopted on February 6 2024 a Professional Services agreement with angels in motion for Recovery Support Services to reallocate funds not increased $50,000 move second move by commissioner Park second by commissioner bertino any commissioner thas see hearing none anything from the public pal yes fortino yes Burns yes Cory G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 514 please Professional Services agreement with various firms for the provision of surveying Services amount not to exceed $135,000 second Mo like commissioner G G seconded by commissioner Burns any commissioner comments see here none anything from the public he have a roll call bastino yes Burns yes Cory SC yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes Mo carries resolution 515 amending resolution number 471 adopted on September 5th 2023 a Professional Services agreement with Dixon Associates engineering limited liability company to provide Design Services and construction Administration for the SL man Park to extend the term date only no additional cost move second move by commissioner Burn seconded by commissioner Parker and E commissioner Comm seeing hearing none anything from the public call bastino yes FS yes Cory G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes sh yes motion Carri resolution 516 amending resolution number 210 adopted on May 7 2024 in competitive contract with Jewish Family Services for the provision of discharge planning and re-entry services for homeless and inmates of the Atlanta County Justice Facility net increase $1 125,126 moved second move by commissioner B second and by commissioner Parker any commissioner comment hear none anything from the public you have a roll call pal yes Cino yes Burns yes Cory G yes Parker yes grizzley yes k yes motion carries go to big contracts with 517 big contract with Tri County security andj to provide security guard services to Atlanta County amount not to exceed 3,219 26416 moved second move by commissioner b b second by commissioner Burns any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public he we have a roll call Bas yes Cino yes Burns yes Cory G yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes motion carries resolution 518 please B contract with constellation new energy to purchase electricity for various buildings street lights and traffic signals amount not to exceed 3,383 n1158 move second Mo by commissioner bertine second by commissioner G and commissioner com commissioner just a comments for two-year period thank you Comm any other commissioner comments see he none anything from the public we'll have a roll call Bas yeso yes Burns yes Cory sh yes Parker yes grizzley yes ker yes motion carries change order resolution 519 change order number one a contract with Alaska Mechanical Incorporated for the ma landing library HVAC upgrades to extend the term date only no additional cost move second move by commission gather second seconded by commissioner BAS any commissioner comments see hearing none anything have a roll call Bas Burns yes Cory G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes her yes so she carries resolution 520 inter local Services agreement with the Atlanta County Improvement authority to provide construction management services for The estl Manor Park entrance pavement restoration project amount now to exceed $2,285 move move by commissioner Parker second by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none I take alas yeso FS Cory G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes turn yes so she carries resolution 521 memorandum of agreement with communication workers of America local 1075 Department of Human Services Division of Public Health and authorizing a formal written collective bargaining agreement incorporating the terms of the Moa for a 4year period commencing January 1st 2024 second move by commission G second commiss Burns any commiss com hear none anything from Al Chino yes Burns yes Cory G yes Parker yes grizzley yes K yes mam chair um I just brief inter ask a question are we having technical issues with are we are someone just said that they're trying to they're in the meeting but they're not hearing anything from us so I don't know if that's what's happening with Cory or not I don't know yeah he's on but I just want to gotta okay it is here uh resolution CL 22 amending resolution number 607 adopted November 14 2023 a memorandum of agreement with the Humane Society of Atlanta County to provide veterinary services to abuse or neglected animals to extend the term date n increase $2,500 move second move by commissioner bertino seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public can't okay have aoll call Bas yes Martino yes Burns yes Cory G yes Parker yes grizzley yes perm yes motion carries resolution 523 resolution authorizing the sale of obsolete vehicles and Equipment through an online auction Revenue generating second mooved by commissioner Ballas seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comment being hear none anything from the public okay we'll have a work call Bas yes patino yes FS yes Cory G yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes motion Carri resolution shared services agreement with middle sex County for the housing of Atlanta County juveniles at middle sex County Juvenile Detention Center move by commissioner G second by commissioner Bas any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public have call Bas yes fortino yes burs yes Cory G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 525 memorandum of understanding with Mars County for the housing of Atlanta County juveniles at the Mars County Juvenile Detention Center move second move by commissioner Burn seconded by commissioner Parker any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public do have a roll call Bas yes fortina yes Burns yes G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes she carries resolution 526 alternate method contract with Exel Incorporated to provide proprietary software licensing and support amount not to receive $164,200 and 66 C second mooved by commissioner G second by commissioner Burns any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public here roll call Palace yes fortino yes Burns yes Cory G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 527 Grant application and acceptance from the New Jersey County's excess joint Insurance Fund Commissioners for the Munich safety grant program and M not to exceed $199,450 move second move by commissioner B seconded by commissioner G any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the public we have a roll call pal yeso yes Burns yes Cory G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes motion carries resolution 528 amending resolution number 416 adopted on August 1st 2023 in agreement with the Atlanta County Improvement authority to provide construction management services for various capital projects to ex to extend the term date only no additional cost move second like commiss Gather seconded By commissioner D any commissioner comments see he none anything public okay call Bas yes fortino Burns yes horsey G yes Parker yes grizzley yes turn yes carries resolution 529 e contract with 3+1 Company Incorporated to provide quarterly liquidity and treasury Services analyses amount not to exceed $87,900 move seconded by commissioner ry's I mean motion by commissioner Ry second by commissioner G any commissioner comments any hearing none anything from the public bastino yes Burns yes hor G yes Parker yes grizzley yes yes than you carries resolution 530 memorandum of understanding with the Bergen County Workforce Development board and the Atlanta County Workforce Development board for a trauma informed coach training no false move by commissioner G seconded by commissioner Parker any commission hearing none anything from the public aoll call Alice Martino yes Burns yes Cory G yes Parker yes grizley yes K yes motion carries resolution 531 please for an application and acceptance from the Pet Smart Charities for the adoption preper amount not to exceed $35,000 moov by commissioner C second by commissioner fortino any commissioner comments see hearing none anything from the Palo Burns yes Cory G yes Parker yesz yes yes carries and bring us chapter 159 with resolution 532 New Jersey Transit FDA section 5311 2024 in the amount of $475,500 with the county cash match of $145,800 move second like Comm second by commissioner C any commissioner comments do hear none anything from the public B yeso yes Burns yes G yes clker yes grizzley yes yes motion carries this time I'll entertain a motion to combine and adopt the resolution Number 533 to 539 move by commissioner Parker second by commissioner G any commissioner Tom seeing hearing none anything from the public have a call dallo yes Cory yes Parker yes grizzley yes gr application and acceptance from the New Jersey office of Homeland Security and preparedness for the Fed fiscal year 24 State Homeland Security program amount not to exceed $218,052 36 second by commissioner Burns and second by commissioner C any commissioner comments see hear none anything from the publico Burns horsey Parker brisley yes turn yes motion carries a resolution 54 one please resolution urging the state of New Jersey to take an incremental and targeted approach to adopting the proposed protecting against climate resilient environments and Landscape Rules by commissioner Parker um who here to speak presentation Mr LX like to come up and speak to good afternoon Peter LX from the LX Consulting Group thank you for being here oh thank you for the invitation appreciate it um first off uh I just wanted to open by saying it's been a real pleasure to work with your planning department both Renee and Bob have been very easy to work with super collaborative and um when you're dealing with a thousand pages of D regulations it's nice to have uh easy folks to work with in the process um I'd also like to acknowledge Jim Rella Jim and I uh have been working to understand these thousand pages of new regulations uh since the pre-proposal uh version of of the rules uh which I think that was maybe back in June I think in June when we started to pull apart these new D regulations um so what you have up in front of you um is some graphics that I think will be helpful as we go through the rule um but just as uh kind of a quick introduction um my background is in environmental Consulting for the last 30 years I've been dealing with uh land use permitting in the state of New Jersey but particularly with an emphasis in the Pinelands and in the coastal region um these new regulations um impact really the um most of the State uh beyond what you might think because they update existing rules that uh the D is currently working with um this rule proposal flows directly through the executive branch of the state government didn't go through the typical legislative process this came out of executive order 100 on Governor Murphy's protecting against climate threats policy uh with where uh DP was specifically charged with developing new regulations that would further restrict development in flood prone areas and in anticipation of sea level rise um over the next 75 years um theep has uh taken their approach to these regulations using what they consider to be the best um available predictive climate science and um as I mentioned this is a thousand pages of new regulations um which serve to update date the coastal zone management rules you may be familiar with so under the coastal zone management rules that would be Waterfront development cfra and coastal wetlands these regulations also update the freshwater wetlands protection act rules so anything that is regulated with freshwater wetlands or transition areas these regulations also update the flood Hazard area Control Act rules and lastly the storm water management roles so um a bit of a a different animal work currently in a 90-day public comment period the rule was officially proposed on August 5th of 2024 the 90-day period runs through November 3rd so we have about 3 weeks left in public comment and um it's important that we all understand those of us who live and work in the coastal zone and rely on the on the economy of the coastal zone really need to understand these rules what they will regulate and how they will change the face of not only new development and Redevelopment but also the manner in which we're able to rehabilitate structures in the coastal zone if we can uh jump forward one slide um there were three public hearings that uh theep hosted one was in person um the other two were virtual and then as I said uh we're in the midst of the 90-day period and there is the opportunity to continue to submit written comments and it's so critical um that the county and the municipalities um understand how these rules impact their capital projects their future capital projects how these rules impact their existing uh zoning and the manner in which um folks are going to come into construction offices and look to be uh doing renovations to their properties so it's important for the state to understand what the concerns are coming from what is really a disproportionately impacted uh portion of the state that being um the southern uh Southern counties we can skip forward one slide so the next slide will be how we got to two very important numbers with the regulations uh the first um the first number is the year 2100 this is uh the planning Horizon that the EP has selected for these new rules so the year 2100 is what these rules project so the conditions anticipated to exist in the year 2100 are the conditions that we're going to regulate presently and through that 75e period uh beyond that the other important number is 5 ft um what you see in front of you is is a a statistical Matrix that was put together by a scientific uh Technical and advisory panel assembled by ruers University who did a 2016 study and then a 2019 study and what they concluded was that by the year 2100 assuming moderate Greenhouse emissions that there was a 50% chance that sea level rise would exceed 3.3 ft by that time period and a 177% chance that sea level rise would exceed 5.1 ft by the year 2100 that's represented by um um the two colorcoded uh rows in front of you the selected the more conservative of these two sea level rise uh numbers so they went with the 5 ft to include in these rules and by selecting this more conservative projection and also the year 2100 the belief as the EPS represented is that infrastructure and critical buildings and Residences that are built over the next few years next few decades could conceivably be in existence by the year 2100 and therefore they want to develop or or permit those structures with the with the expectation that they could be impacted by conditions predicted for the year 2100 let's skip forward one slide in a thousand pages of rules you can imagine there are a lot of changes two of the most impactful are the creation of a new regulated area called the inundation risk Zone the inundation risk zone is the area expected to be underwater by the year 2100 on a permanent basis the other area of new regulation is called the climate adjusted flood elevation this would take the current 100-year flood projections and add five additional feet to that so the expectation that if we had 5T of sea level rise by the year 2100 that our flood zones would also be impacted by an additional 5 ft so what you see in the image here is kind of a a layer cake composite where um at the bottom we have current sea level and we add 5 ft to that for the predicted future sea level and that is what's in uh identified on here in yellow as the inundation risk Zone again the area that is expected to be permanently underwater by the year 2100 just a point ofation that ination risk Z is that the 50% possibility it is or we're sure that is where it's going to be well so that is that is assuming the 177% probability is seeding so and it's I don't mean to get too technical here but it's not a 17% chance that sea level will be 5 ft higher right it's that there's a 177% probability that sea level will exceed 5 ft by the year 20 100 slight distinction there um but again this is predicted 75 years into the future yes and I'll Circle back to that in a little bit but you can see the and by the way as I go through this please don't hesitate to to fire out questions as we go I I have a question I've been having a problem with this resolution from the time I read it because it's simply asking us to take a ask the state of New Jersey to take an incremental and targeted approach to identifying proposed changes that's making a lot of assumptions on the state's plan you're assuming technolog is going to stay the same energy generation is going to be the same I'm assuming they're using today's data based on where we're at today because I'm looking at this thing going some of the some of their forecasting to me is so to the extreme oh yeah I don't understand what they're even looking at and I and and I appreciate you coming and explain it to the public because doing this through an administrative style as opposed to the legislative Style no impact in the public or discussion we occur so they're forcing it on us to tr to say hey we're okay with this plan in place and we're asking you it is terrible terrible but go ahead it's just I have a big problem as you could tell so I I try to take um as best I can a balanced approach to dissecting this rule clearly I have my my own personal feelings on too um but um one of the things that you point out by going uh by going through an executive process is there is um um there is a biased stakeholder input and one of the things that we're concerned with is is that um by putting the rules together with the understanding of adapting to climate change and sea level rise and we're not here to deny facts and we're not here to deny science but to make such a drastic move obligating the regulated public for something that that might happen 75 years in the future is is unprecedented in terms of land use regulation this is by far I'll say it the most uh drastic land use change uh since cfra was was adopted originally um and has the most far-reaching impact to all slices of the socioeconomic um pie chart so let me just get through some of uh some of the rest of these provisions and um and then we'll open it up up to to some wider um wider comments and questions here um but if we can jump forward one slide let's just talk about the inundation risk Zone itself for uh for just a moment um so in this graphic pretty pretty clear we've got um you know typical residence that's situated um uh along the along the shoreline and um what happens especially in the the um the Southern counties that have less topography than in other areas of the state when we take this example and we add 5 ft to it let's jump forward one slide notice where the shoreline is presently and where it moves to 5T of elevation in the Topography of South Jersey moves significantly in the horizontal Direction in the northern part of the state 5T can be absorbed uh much differently than in our low-lying uh areas of of the County as well as along the bar Island communities so what happens in the inundation risk Zone well um any new development any Redevelopment or any Rehabilitation where the rehabilitation costs rise to the level of substantial Improvement that means 50% of the market value of the structure and we can get to that number very quickly given construction cost and material costs these days uh we get to uh substantial Improvement very quickly any residential construction or any uh critical facilities or critical infrastructure that's developed within in within the inundation risk Zone has to go through a separate permitting process and it will and in that permitting process the applicant will be required to do an impact assessment looking at what will the impact of development on that site be not only to the site itself but to the surrounding properties in addition an on-site Alternatives analysis will be required where the applicant will have to look at what is the proposed activity can it be shifted on the property to have less of an impact than it would if it were in the current proposed location and the no build alternative is certainly one that will have to be addressed as well and then thirdly there is a risk acknowledgement meaning that with the approval of that activity there will be a deed notice requirement in the permit where wherever the title for that property will be indicated by having a deed notice and that deed notice uh is anticipated to state that there will be X number of feet of inundation on that property by the year 2100 the EP currently does that in in uh their present permits where if you uh receive a permit for a single family home you have to file a deed notice that says under storm conditions there could be as much as 3T 4T 5 ft of flood waters that would enter the property this is a little bit different in that we're not just saying during a storm event there is the potential for flooding this would be permanently attaching to the deed a notice that says this property will be underwater um by the year 2100 or portions of the property would be under underwater by that year and certainly what goes along with that is the concern for assessed values and then by extension the rateable base that our communities rely upon um the inundation risk Zone does not uh regulate commercial industrial Hospitality gaming or recreational structures forward one more slide so how does this impact Atlantic County well it puts 59,000 Acres of Atlantic County into the inundation risk Zone that's uh just under 177% of your total land man and it can have uh no effect as it would for uh the burrow of buun or it can have a really substantial and dramatic effect as it does for most of your Barry Island communities and also your your Mainland communities that are situated along the takaho great Egg Harbor um and Mulla Rivers where you have residential communities and certainly um Municipal critical Municipal facilities that exist in those areas as well um this is of great concern uh because it relates to critical buildings and without getting into U the minutia of the memo and I think it's been shared with you already uh we looked at the number of critical facilities um that exist in the county and there are I don't know I think Bob we estimated right around 300 maybe over 300 over 300 critical facilities in the county many of which would fall um into these regulated areas so this is just an overview of Atlantic County and then we've broken um broken this map into quads um so if we just kind of slowly move forward in the slides we'll see various sections of the county just yeah keep scrolling through so we see how much of this inundation risone is concentrated around the barer islands and then also the rivers systems so next is the climate adjusted flood elevation again this is taking the current FEMA mapping for the 100-year flood and adding 5 ft to it so you'll see the the uh layer cake effect in in the current graphic and then if we jump forward one more notice what happens to the house so when we add 5 ft to the current uh flood elevation I think you're familiar with the fact that um in order to comply with flood rules your finished floor elevation has to be 1T above the base flood elevation so as the as the flood elevation increases by 5 ft so does the finished floor elevation for new development Redevelopment and Rehabilitation substantial Improvement this is a particular concern for folks who endured Hurricane Sandy superstorm Sandy and then went through a very thoughtful expensive effort of raising their homes and bringing it to current flood standards and going through some Coastal resiliency planning after this rule potentially finding themselves back in back under the design elevation that would be needed if they were to have reconstructed today and this is particularly important because again any substantial renovation where you're adding floor area height changing the number of units would um require that you go through this process as well this is a concern again in in Atlantic County because it's disproportionately impacted given its its uh proximity to the coastal zone and to existing flooding along its river systems um this brings nearly 30% of Atlantic County um into uh flood Hazard areas and if we would just flip forward one slide we'll see an overview of the county and what you'll see in Orange are the existing flood Hazard areas and then the additional 5 ft expands that flood Hazard area into the red U that's shown um but what this graphic doesn't really do a good job of is explaining that if you were in the orange and you were compliant this adds five more feet to that right so um I guess maybe the orange should all be read as well um this is um not only a concern for habit able buildings um in the tile flood Hazard areas but what adds insult to injury and this is more the case in Atlanta County than in K County but because you have river systems where some of the flood waters are generated through um the flui process in other words the downstream flooding um so precipitation that lands in the headwaters and and begins to accumulate and then flood into the river system from an upstream location where that occurs and meets with the flooding from the ocean coming in you have this overlap of flal and tidal uh flooding and in those areas where you have fluvial impact these rules require a dry access requirement meaning that for um multi-residential dwelling units for critical buildings basically um any occupied building residential or critical that's more than one or two single family homes or duplexes this now requires dry access meaning that there has to be at least one road of accessing the building that is 1T above the new flood elevation so think about your roadways think about how many of them flood in a normal event and now we have to go to the flood elevation plus 5 ft and then an additional 1 foot to establish dry access to those facilities this is drastic by any measure as you might imagine um and I think as I indicated earlier um there are substantial changes to these rules I've just touched on two aspects that are particularly important um and and more drastic than I think we've seen in a lot of other rules um some of the shortcomings of this rule really um doesn't anticipate that in the coastal zone we see uh construction Cycles more frequently than in some of the other parts of the state where residential Redevelopment on the barer islands or in the coastal communities we could see two three cycles of residential construction in the next 75 years where we're planning for the 75 year outcome right out of the gate um there are some other aspects to the rule that I thought I would just mention um there is an exception for Atlantic City um in terms of having the ability to maintain um subsurface utility lines on the beaches that is prohibited while it's currently allowed it's prohibited for other Coastal communities but Atlantic City in support of the gaming industry will continue to be allowed to have um subsurface utility lines on the beach to service the beach bars and restaurants some of uh the other aspects of this rule include a provision for offshore wind development where currently offshore wind development is required to go through um an Alternatives analysis and to avoid shellfish habitat this rule provides the uh those developers to trench through through those shellfish habitats and then pay into a shellfish mitigation fund for the damage that would occur to these resources um in addition uh there are some substantial changes and Reay Renee had asked me about this earlier and we were commiserating on how often you do a road reconstruction project that is less than a quarter of an acre it's not very often uh that that occurs but Road reconstruction that exceeds a quarter of an acre um will require compliance to bring that road elevation up to be as close to um those new standards as possible it's not a mandate but you have to demonstrate how financially it's not possible or operationally it's not possible to bring that road up but you will have to elevate the road to some extent this does not apply to milling and repaving but once you get into um addressing the road base or any of the utilities in that roadway you then have to bring um that that facility into compliance the list goes on and on and um I would like to sort of wrap things up here and give you the opportunity uh to ask any additional questions but in closing I guess I would say I'm concerned about the economic impacts of this Rule and the analysis that has been done to date in the rule proposal was based on what are the economic impacts that occur after a storm there has not really been a comprehensive analysis of what are the economic impacts by implementing this rule immediately and having the regulated public have to adap adapt to change to such drastic change in such um in such a short period of time based on a longer predicted planning Horizon and I think that's really the basis of your resolution which is to pause have the opportunity to not deny what science is telling us we do need to adapt but we need to do that in a thoughtful planned out manner we can adopt some element of change of elevation change and begin to develop our regulation to that and then and then be able to look back and how did that predicted um elevation change compared to the actual results that we experienced over that time and then make the next planning Horizon um so this can be broken down into um an iterative process and in the meantime we should be looking at trying to assess How We Do deal with the economic impacts of property tax implications infrastructure costs Redevelopment costs how this would impact low and moderate housing and the Redevelopment of properties for housing um and also and most importantly how does this impact Ada accessibility where we're taking the finished floor elevations of properties and increasing them substantially especially in barer Island communities that already are squeezed with their uh with their bulk standards front yards and sidey yard uh setbacks are now going to be consumed by switch back ramps or switch back staircases to get to those higher elevations or the need to retrofit with uh elevators so I think that's probably enough for now I hope I haven't turned your stomachs too to much but um I think it's important to understand what's being proposed and most critically it's important to get the message out to the public and to the municipalities so they can speak to um to their residents and and prepare themselves for um to address this in public comment there is very few weeks left um and it's important that the state understands that this has a disproportionate impact we're not trying to deny the ability to adapt over time but this is too much too soon too quickly thank you yeah just I think important Point too is following November 3rd uh completion of the public comment period um the I I guess that if they're going to make changes they could and will make changes but it's scheduled to go to be filed for adoption in the spring summer of 25 is what I read that's correct so it's like soon like real soon so it's a great question so the the way the process works is all all the public comments are received by the state and then they go through a process of addressing those comments and then they can publish uh their responses to those they in the interim period of time they do have the ability to change the regulation there was some discussion early on in the process where D indicated that any change or any substantial change to the regulation in other words if they were to say okay maybe we won't go for 5T we'll reduce it to 3T um that that would require them to repr propose the rule there seems to be a softening of that position that maybe they can make those types of changes in the interim without having to repose but you are correct there will be a period where they address all the comments and then because they um they filed the proposal on August 5th they will have until August 4th of next year to file the adoption documents to move forward with implementing the rule but the concern is that um we need a pause long before that long before we get to that point so that these rules can um Can reflect the needs of the coastal zone and again provide the opportunity to adapt over time as I stated earlier MRX thanks for explaining it to us but it doesn't give me any comfort and listen into your discussion on how this proposal's been put in place obviously uh from the njde uh they're looking to fundamentally change Development and Construction in any areas that are wetlands or water water areas happens to impact attic County a lot stronger a lot more harsher than it do some of the other communities up north that simply don't have uh the wetlands infrastructure and and U you know communities in place um I honestly don't think I think they're going to take back our thoughts and concerns since we're asking by the resolution to pause and they're going to go okay well we pause and they're going to still implement the thing because you know for me I have a big problem with it because it didn't go through the normal legislative process where everyone can have a say that the legisl level and bring back some of the comments that the citizens is going to directly impact they'd be able to bring doing it this way simply circumvent the normal process for hearings to make it a little more easier to implement and um I hear what you're saying I mean as I stated earlier guys I have a real problem just asking for a delay or or or acceptance because I really think some of the approach they've taken and implementing the rules really wasn't fundamentally done the way to give the public an opportunity to be heard how they're going to be impacted it's done I for me personally I think it's deliberately done that way to implement it there are some key Industries in the coastal zone that really do not feel as though they've had an opportunity to address these impacts that you the hospitality industry for one hospitality and tourism but also um commercial fishing has a considerable concern with these rules in that their port facilities that will have to go through any kind of Rehabilitation it's very consider the cost of doing a home renovation imagine when you're considering the cost of of a seafood processing facility it's very easy to get to that substantial Improvement metric and for their finished floor elevation to change by 5 ft it changes the way they process it changes the way they offload their vessels it requires re-engineering the equipment to offload their bus in that area it's a real concern to them as well and they feel like they've been left out of the discussion question chair yeah I I agree with with commissioner bertino um I don't know why we're tiptoeing around this I don't know why this resolution doesn't say doesn't ask the state to dump this plan get rid of it for the reasons that you just put forward tonight and have that in our resolution this is you know this is a word sell this is oh you know please pause first of all they're not going to listen the where we say anyway no matter what resolution we've ever sent that we've never got a response but it has to it should have some teeth to it this is pause well we ask them to pause on the Windows you see where they I think I think the the key here the probably the most significant impact that that you as a governing body can have is to um energize your municipalities and energize the residents to ring in on on the public comment opportunity that's what's going to catch the attention yeah I think if the public heard what you had to say today there wouldn't be anybody or very few people in this County and probably in this state that would agree with this plan and this is just a plan so again so the wind turbines can be put out in the ocean and Murphy can make money on them CU he's invested I'm concerned too Atlantic City how do you how do you exclude Atlantic City that's reg that's where the cables are coming it does that's why it's fundamentally the thing is in its whole concept is wrong the process how they went about it not all of us agree there's got to be some adjustments made to our climate and some concerns we you know we all have um with using Common Sense uh we have to look at things a little bit different and we understand can't do it like we've always done it Jersey sure I'm in L I represent I got trees around me but I can see how this would fundamentally change all the way to County um and not for the better it's just simply you won't be able to work here you won't be able to live here the cost to do business there won't be anything so I think it's going to and and without more teeth I kind of agree with you commissioner and I know we all feel the same way you can tell from just looking around the room our faces were pretty much mortified by what we're looking what the impact is going to be of this administrative driven proposal um I have a real problem with it just a question on that point and I don't know if you'll know this answer it's probably more of a uh uh administrative answer but if if if this rule can be enacted through executive order or administrative order can it be undone the same way so if there's a new governor well I I want to I I want to assume it I don't know the answer to that yeah it starts okay oh it's crazy I mean right now where we're sitting this is a flood zone all the way up to Route n even even in super storm Sandy when you know the state took on a ton of water the only water that was on this ground was the stuff that came out of the sky come out of the ocean come out of the bay I think the concern is different we don't ever see well I don't know ever but I don't I can't recall in in my 30 years of land use regulation where I have seen regulation removed I've seen a lot of it added but I don't see less regulation today than I have in the past and the concern is that once it's out there it's very hard to pull that back so we want to add more to this I mean can I just make a suggestion that on where we say now there be result resed maybe we say that the Atlanta County Board of Commissioners strongly rejects rejects the proposal and recommend at least the following be be done and because the I think the list that is given there is like hey you need to do more analysis before you even before you even think about markting control with anything like this right so I don't I don't I don't think we want to throw it all out but I think adding language in there that we reject the plan as it is fundamentally rejected yes I mean I would I would that motion and demanded it goes through the legislation sorry micone Hi I uh I just wanted to add a couple things I'm sorry thank you Renee noes Department he planning um first of all I want to thank Mr LX for you know the tremendous effort that he's undertaken to take a thousand pages of proposed rules and condense them into something that we can understand and try to digest in such a small amount of time uh the purpose of today's resolution obviously is to put a pause on the rule making this was the last commissioner meeting before the comment period so there isn't really time to revamp too much or consider another resolution during that time frame uh we are considering um separately putting together comments that you know um strong more strongly oppose and go Point by point with some of these rules right um but this was you know just something that the Commissioners um you know could consider today to put a pause and something I also wanted to add is that um FEMA is also in the process of updating its mapping and this process is coming before FEMA completing their process so Kate Kate may already passed a resolution you know your cons considering a resolution tonight I know a lot of municipalities are coming out and not just opposing but also requesting that pause uh because things are moving so quickly um that you know there are there's limited opportunity to act he Rene thank you for your comments if I can thank you for your comments and concerns and stuff I I I understand where you're coming from and Mr LX as as stated we do appreciate um all the U time you put into this and breaking all down but my concern still is going to be as a governing body in Atlanta County if I send a resolution that ask for just the delay that's what I'm saying and I'm not getting the sense here that the Commissioners just just want to say that I want to be I mean unless I'm I'm speaking for me but right you know I think it should be worded stronger so we're talking about rejected I think that should be part of that resolution I have a problem with langage sure absolutely I just wanted to to say separately we are nobody it that we are considering you know putting forth formal comments as well but sure surely I mean if if the wording if the Commissioners would like that wording to be stronger absolutely for me I have a real problem just looking at it the way it is we do have a second just to yes good evening uh Rella Rella Associates we represent most of the coastal communities in Atlanta County uh want to let you know that uh Brigantine Port Republic Atlantic City Fetner Summers Point uh have already passed resolutions uh the others are going to be passing resolutions um I wanted to give you a little context here when this process started several years ago the state set up a stakeholder Group which consisted of academics and environmentalists no one from Atlanta County was included none of the municipalities from K County or Orlando County were included and the process went on we found out about this we approached Senator Palestina Palestina Senator Palestina immediately set up meetings with us for us with de we had three meetings Senator pal was in all the meetings we went through for hours the issues that we had with all these all the recommendations and at that point we didn't even have to draft regulations we just knew generally what they were considering none of the things that we discussed at those meetings were Incorporated none of the changes have been Incorporated in these regulations um and uh you know today every Min FY in Kate May County has passed a resolution Kate May County has passed a resolution Mammoth county is considering resolution right now it's starting to become more of a Statewide issue it's hard for legislators to consider 1100 pages document and so we're catching up and uh it's becoming more of a Statewide issue uh many major developments throughout the state would be impacted uh Redevelopment of our communities would be impacted in Atlanta County alone we have an8 billion tourism industry annually annually that would be seriously impacted and there's been no analysis as as was mentioned earlier there's been no analysis of the economic impacts of this to to the commissioner's uh suggestion I would recommend that you take the language right out of uh Senator paa's uh editorial that was in the Press last week and I'll just read it real quickly he said I'm asking the state to withdraw all these proposed regulations and to work with the legislature and FEMA the Army Corps of Engineers our counties and local communities to come up in a comprehensive strategy with reasonable regulations and funding to assist homeowners and businesses to adopt these new rules right now they're not including anything regarding funding this is just regulation there's really no money dealing with you know making of the area more resilient um that language really covers it all I think and uh I think uh in that way you would have a much more much stronger position thank you just one question if I can J the resolutions that all these communities passed that they have that language in it most of them did this Sim keep him mind Madam chair it's not your resolution right you have I'm not saying you can amend it but it would be sort of different than what we've typically done the administration would have no the administration would have no problem adding that amending it for that language if that's if that's what the board wants to do right for voting on that I think we do oh sure yeah okay right Jerry you're fine with the language that the Jim's just speaking to that senat of Palestina had talked about that should be incorporated into it if the board if the board concurs with the language I would I would say the the resolution for the language I'm Mak sense to me on this resolution then yeah we're going to have to Mr solicor are we going to have not vote on this resolution there asked for it to be ended it's pry time the next commissioner meeting is after the public commentary before November 3 all right soing here here's my suggestion to you all if if you want to uh make a motion to amend to delete the current um conclusion the now therefore part adopt the language articulated by Mr rala that was that was written by um Senator Pala as you knew there for provision make a motion to amend it and then make a motion to vote on it in that format right now and I think it'll be all right we we'll get it out in that regard sounds good does that work for everybody works for Madam chair does that work for you prob no that definitely works for me but working I was trying to pull up the comments so that we could do you want also to reject because his article doesn't talk about reject so do you want reject I thinks withraw commissioner wants to reject formally reject and withdraw that so okay so so the the amendment to the current resolution on the table I have it I have it um would be now therefore be of resolve that the Atlanta County Board of Commissioners um um uh Rejects and joins with Senator State uh state senator Palestina to withdraw these proposed regulations to work with the legislature FEMA the Army Corp counties local communities come up with Comprehensive strategy with reasonable regulation and funding to assist home owners and businesses with the new rules that's what we would say at the end perfect I'll second your Mo that's my motion to amend so just yeah vote on the motion to amend and then you just vote on the uh the resolution as amended yeah so you got a second motion a second to amend a motion you're your first hold on hold on right now we have this on the floor did that come in before the motion that we have on the bo motion to amend what ising ask ER if he's making a motion to so the motion on the table is to amend the current resolution right commissioner G just offered a motion so you have a first and a second to amend it in that format and you would be voting to amend it in that manner and then your second vote um would be to approve the resolution of obviously he can he can but can he speak can course he speak speak the cas capability he he has to unmute himself yeah if he unmutes so you want to make a comment I thought he had a question for you all I I thought I think he was raising a question but I'm not clear if we answered it or not if he can hear us he needs to unmute Comm Cory in the absence he can himself ation as I we got a motion to Second for first withdrawing the first motion to amend no we're not motion a second tow the first you it's so we have as as I read on the table yes yes as read as read any commissioner comments have roll any public comment on it any public comment on it we got take on the amendment as got take a vote on am then take a vote on she ask public comment to the am for the record you don't have any public comment com we're going to take a vote on that Bas yes patino yes burs yes Cory G yes Parker yes grizley yes K yes car okay I make a motion uh to adopt as amended yes correct second okay motion by commissioner Gan to adopt as amended second by Parker any further comments for the commers anything from the public he a roll call Bas yes fortino yes Burns Cory G yes Parker yes Grizzly yes K yes motion carries thank you very much I appreciate all the comments appreciate everybody being here and just just want to say Mr thank you because I think that's a very easily digestible presentation for the public to to understand I mean I know there's a lot of science that you probably could have gone into but I think that was a really great um and easily understood presentation for the public so just thanks for for uh helping get it to that level I appreciate the feedback but Jim Jim's Been instrumental in trying to understand these rules also it's been a great yeah and Rene and everybody thank you for all all your work and working with these gentlemen I understand you're also doing doing a along with gate May County that's going to be virtual is that what I understand yeah so kit countyy is holding a couple Town Hall meetings lower Township had one I think we're there were about 800 folks in attendance um thanks for that Ocean City is hosting one on the 30th and Cap May City 22nd maybe good we all got to come out strong thank you very much you're welcome thank you okay then I'll entertain a motion to combine and adopt resolutions 543 to 547 so move second move by commissioner Parker and second by commissioner G any commissioner comments seeing hearing none anything from the public call Bas yeso yes FNS yes Cory G yes clker yes rley yes yes motion carries resolution 5 48 authorizing consent for a roadway solicitation event by the Atlanta County syonic band at the intersection of Ocean Heights Avenue County Route 559 and Z Road County Route 615 in the township of a harbor on Saturday October 19th 2024 and Sunday October 20th 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. move by commission B seconded by commissioner Parker any commissioner comment being hearing none anything from the public we have a roll call Bas yes fortino yes Burns yes corsey G yes Parker yes grizzley yes per yes car Okay resolution 549 resolution authorizing a Clos session requested by County Council regarding pending or anticipate litigation and or a contract negotiation in which the county is or may become a party requiring confidential Communications Sor move by commissioner burn second by commissioner C any commer comments any comments from the public okay have a roll call Bas patino yes Burns yes Cory G yes Parker yes grizley yes K yes motion carries the bo will now go into a closed executive session to discuss the matter9 please stand by okay I'll now entertain a motion to resume the meeting second okay all those in favor I we now come out of executive session where no action was taken uh uh written Communications we've received maybe we've received some Hood copies of written Communications any commission comments St hearing none any reports of special Committees of the board hearing none any unfinished business see hearing none any new business see hearing none anyone intending person that would like to speak now public com comments please come to the podium speak into the microphone state your name and town you reside I don't is there anyone ined virtually no one's online Madam chair no one's online nope any comments for the good of the order Madam chair chrisha have a safe and happy Halloween y i I believe this is our last meeting before election day yeah and tomorrow is the last day to register to vote Okay so uh we have early voting uh coming up on the 26th so every hope everybody gets out there vote I'll entertain a motion to all [Music] [Music] [Music]