##VIDEO ID:L-NX7NnTg-c## e e evening I would like to call the meeting to order in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meeting Act of 1975 the otton Board of Education transmitted notice of this meeting in the udon junior senior high school media center to the retrospect newspaper and the burough Clerk and by postings on the udon Public School District website and at the main and the Pine Street entrances of the Junior Senior High School roll call please Mrs ronas James blumenstein absent Alison Cox Andrea Robinson here Amy Davis here Steven Wilson absent Sarah kin Alison lipsky Mark Gaddy Bill Wilson Jonathan Maxon here Jane poni helina cmech absent thank you please stand for the flag salute flag United States all right I'd like to um ask Miss Pon the student representative report oh yes um everybody is very excited to be back to school this week or not this week obviously but two to three weeks ago I don't remember which one um fall sports are in full swing um most teams are doing very well I know that tomorrow night there is a night game at the turf for boy soccer at 7 um everybody seems to be getting along very well with their schedules um I met yesterday with Miss Allen and Mr Leb to discuss the new phone policy this year and we are working on coming to a common ground about where and when it is to be used um we had a we had a fire drill last week and then the lockdown alarm accidentally went off I'm assuming that'll probably be discussed in this meeting possibly but um they're having uh what are they called assemblies tomorrow during school to discuss um safety in the school and to discuss where and when would go in event of an emergency in every classroom and that's about it all right U moving on we have a presentation this evening the uh 2324 School self assessment for determining grades under the anti-bullying Bill of Rights and is that Mr Corley all right excellent thank you Mr back can you see all right is way to turn the ones off that are the closest okay my name is Frank microphone uh my name is Frank Corley uh Vice princip of the high school and also the district harassment and ination employe coordinator uh every year districts have to present What's called the school self assessment uh for the Bing Bill of Rights from the state and what it does is it really talks about all the things the schools do um throughout the school year with regards to Hib related programs activities meetings and everything so this is probably a little were more comprehensive than normal but I really wanted the board to understand is a district K through2 actually preed K through2 all the things that each of the building does throughout the year for Hib related initiatives so at each building we have antibo Specialists uh and I want to reference them by name so you know who they are at the high school we have our principal Mr Leb uh and our anti-bulling Specialists are Mike thomased Wy van fallson and Emily Warr this is last year's so this we're talking about last year's report and who's responsible for everything that happen in a 23 24 school year uh in Mansion Avenue School we have carara Nook Rachel Simonetti and then in havin school we have Maria McCaren so they are primarily responsible for each building has multiple school safety team meetings every year usually be of the school year we're do it all to have ours this coming week and next week uh we also have end of year meetings as well to go over what kind of initiatives were done throughout the school year so again these people are primarily responsible for all hi related activities in addition to any HIV investigations in every building so our counselors who these people are are our school building Specialists uh another person who I forgot um Bonnie smell TR mansion and Barb leer the preschool and also a havin are heavily involved in everything that happens in the buildings and and the people that I can't discount are the teachers teachers bring everything alive all the initiatives that we do in the district uh really stem from a lot of the things that teachers doing their classrooms and you'll kind of see what this means in a little bit so in terms of the school district things that we have to do and responsible for doing as part of the school safety teams uh Implement mandatory training of all School Personnel uh utilize the web based program hipster for all of our investigations and information uh we have timelines that are a parent obviously in the Hib protocols which must be followed in our district uh completion of state reports for each School in our district uh and really to also outline District trainings as well for students and also staff uh we have the appointments of anti-bulling specialist which I previously referenced a appointment of the superintendent who appoints me is the Hib coordinator in a district um again the meetings are used throughout the year to really show what the schools are doing and adhering to all the hi protocols there's constant communication throughout HB investigations reports between our specialist and myself to make sure that everything is done as per law and is consistent in all of our buildings another thing is the adherence to the 10-day window whenever there's an HIV investigation in any of our schools things that the automine school district has is strengths um uh we have continuation of student recognition programs in each building to promote a positive climate a review of the elementary school programs and the tenance of the school character initiatives and further refinement of the Mansion Avenue school and have AV School PB positive behavioral intervention and support programs in those buildings uh we have this year we actually made an even increased motion for counseling requirements for students involved in h in any Hib Rel ated activity so if there was an investigation something took place we made sure we had additional meetings with these students to make sure things are okay or if there's an offender or a victim to kind of follow up with them throughout the year so things don't just end there's always constant follow-ups um executive summary reports that we do for the board so you can see obviously when there are investigations uh they're quite elaborate so you understand exactly what went on uh in our buildings so I'm going to outline each of the schools initiatives briefly uh one thing we categorized this year and this is our main goal is in otoman high school last year there were 1,870 individual lessons where Hib respect tolerance were discussed in our classrooms so we wanted to categorize that we always see our teachers administrator seat all the time we go into classrooms we see what occurs in the classroom but last year we made a really good point to categorize how many lessons that was how many times did teachers Infuse that in their curriculum and their lessons so very proud to have that as part of our um lessons on a daily basis uh we use some announcements at the high school each and every morning uh we talk about different characters uh and also bullying initiatives uh and presentation of the board of and Community this year with Advanced Awareness on things we do as entire School District uh you all receive this but we also began this year actually last year the wave newsletter uh in an effort to also include HIV initiatives and really tout that all the things that the ottobon high school is doing throughout the year uh is is a positive Initiative for our school and our students and staff uh we celebrate the week of respect we're also studies teachers design grade level appropriate lessons on tolerance respect and kindness we follow the seasonal Spirit weeks in Pepper alleys to bring the school together provide themed dress updates which our kids I think totally enjoy I think Miss poni can account for that correct yes um incorporate class col days and acknowledge other seasonal athletes and people on our Ro assemblies throughout the entire school year uh we also celebrated World kindness day and all of our lunches uh with the initiative Smart Stars program uh we had gr Lev level meetings twice a year in which Hib was the Forefront of our conversation initiatives we take how to report things um we celebrate the National Day of Silence to spread awareness about the effects of bullying harassment on the lgbtq students uh we looked at Black History Month initiatives uh throughout the month of February and we had conflict resolution sessions by both administrators and counselors throughout the year when there are conflicts so just to give you an assemblance of some of the things uh done by the high school we have students of the month uh we have monthly teacher and staffs of the month uh monthly faculty meetings where Hib is also discussed so teachers are where every month just in case they see something Hib related had to effectively report that and follow parameters and we also partner with the volunteer Center for South Jersey to provide restorative opportunities for our students so just a glimpse of things that we do in the High School uh in terms of mansion avenet School uh where Miss Meltzer is there and the counselors and teachers uh students a month nominated by their peers who embody good character monthly staff meetings to update the staff on Hib information they have the Mansion Aven School anti-bullying pledge each morning during the morning announcements uh the war program which is respect ownership achievement and responsibility rallies to focus on specifically PB initiatives uh there's good character announcements right each morning that focus on character traits or celebrations of the month uh there are specific group guidance lessons delivered to all students in gr levels 3 to six which focused on social and emotional learning uh again the comprehensive PB guys program to promote positive behavior and focus on effective interventions for at risk students again that theme of War which we hear often at Mansion has to do with respect ownership achievement responsibility uh they celebrated Autism Awareness Month where lessons activities and a virtual library were provided to all students celebration of Black History Month where quotes were read on the morning announcements and lessons were taught in all classrooms uh Community circles were continued were an Institute in sixth grade specifically to help with and discuss important topics including relationships tolerance and specific HB related topics uh the Hib Intervention Program was developed and devised to offer additional support and counseling for students who were confirmed Hib offenders uh the helping Paul Club was used to provide students volunteer opportunities the spirit committee made up of sixth grade students was used to promote the PB Pro PB program during the monthly more rallies uh the disability Ness program was devised run by a school counselor to understand what it is like to experience different disabilities uh visiting author came into Mansion Avenue School to discuss the book her book specifically she had hearing impairment and provided lessons on her disability and also students were able to discuss her book so again there were just some of the Mansion AD school initiatives done last school year I'm moving go to to havland uh there was character Ed sessions by counselors for all grade levels with monthly focuses September uh discussion of school rules be safe respectful and responsible the October Focus was on respect and differences November was on responsibility December on trustworthiness uh January focused on feelings uh strategies for anger worry and sadness uh February focus on caring and kindness March focus on fairness and playing games responsibility making a mistake taking ownership and being good sport uh April focus on citizenship and how we're AC can make a positive impact on our school and community may focused on schoolwide rules and character adolescence also schoolwide assemblies in September the PBIS assembly about school rules and PR and principles of this program in November there was assembly on perseverance and working hard uh and specifically the jump rope Warrior came about and in each grade level specifically September through June um each grade level had specific focal points as well September in kindergarten uh focused on our classroom as a family even superheroes make mistakes kindness kindness is my superpower October read you are loved how we are different many ways but that makes it special uh pick a pumpkin from the patch we're da tach to show how students can be a good friend kind responsible and respectful uh November talked about assembly about perseverance and working hard again the jumpo brewery theme came about again stories in class about being f thankful teamwork making food together for our Feast we share responsibilities and way to be kind project December the kind elf uh leaves dealing messages with tasks that children can do to show ways of being kind respectful responsible and safe in the school and classroom respecting our differences traditions and ornaments sharing our family traditions and What Makes Us special and different from each other uh Studies Weekly discuss family traditions and how people celebrate throughout the year showing respect towards each other other in our different Traditions uh in a secret pionic gift exchange uh January was tacky week lessons being different reviewed in classrooms ways to be respectful responsible and February was kindness month where various read alouds about kindness uh the kindness heart daily challenge is uh pick a heart and try to do the challenge throughout the day uh creation of a SE poly hearts for classmates focus on different things students like um and show about how we cared about each other in class Mark that was read Across America we're all different but equal Equity themed books all through a day uh writing persuasive letters to friends and teachers with examples of how they are being good April morning means to review ways of being responsible respectful and safe friendships planting seeds of kindness uh read alouds planting a seed sprinkle kindness treating friends how you would like to be treated in May and June playing games with fairness getting with others and working out problems independently you want me to do the rest of the first grade and second grade for time are you you see this okay perfect that's fine I don't want to H does a lot of stuff the reason why I I wanted to really bring this to your attention and also the community's attention was I know kid com home from school every day having kids of my own and my friends having kids and what do you learn about in school I don't know our district does so many things to discuss not just HIV tolerance KET it's overwhelming um talking to our Hib any building uh specialists in the building and teachers it's it's amazing to see what we do on a daily basis and it's not just HIV you don't just talk about HIV for kids you talk about respect kind is treating each other's fair in the early grade levels and it works up from there so again we're trying to really quantify the things and show you as a board and as a community things we're doing in District uh to really create a sense of pride in our schools uh and formly good kids especially when they leave here um the most important of this is the grade report um as a school and a community to find out how we are moving in the right direction in terms of our grades uh if you look at aabon high school from two years ago uh there was a score of a 39 on the state report um obviously we're in at 72 right now our goal is for all our schools to have the same score we are led by the same person we have the same superintendent uh we have the same commitment to Excellence in our buildings and we all should have the same score because we do things simultaneously with the same kinds of expectations so uh on a good point for the ottobon high school in terms of growth in terms of mansion AD school in terms of growth in terms of havin and obviously at Oban Park preschool each and every school grew in terms of incorporating initiatives in our classrooms in terms of meetings uh to really I want to say do an effective job of promoting hrb related activities in our district and I can't thank enough again the principls teachers and anti-bulling Specialists and I want also with I know James here as a student we have great students we really do that kind of make this stuff come alive they they really take a passion and and thought in this whole thing and Embrace what we do uh we can't do it without them so I think our kids here uh have to be thanked as well for really incorporating all these things and and following the practices and principles uh areas of improvement um our Improvement is going to really be based on continued training for our all of our staff whether it be Subs uh teachers and and really informing our parents what we learn about in middle school and high school is H related activities a lot of them don't start here they start on the internet they start on social media at home so to really improve this in our homes and to really tell parents to watch what they're doing there's so many apps now so many hidden apps the kids are on where they can't see certain things really continue to educate our parents our community uh our teachers about being kind not only just in school uh but also on social media as well because again middle school high school a lot of things start on social media and then come into our schools so at an educational Point continuing our newsletter continuing to keep on sending things out if you didn't know we were struggling with how to communicate with some of our parents who are not english- speaking uh this morning letter called the wave that we send out I I think can be translated in 150 languages so our goal is to communicate with each and every parent in our district and make sure they're getting equal information on all the things that we're doing at every grade level any questions thanks sorry so we're anticipating that we have newsletter for high schools coming out on a monthly basis our goal is to try to get it every month that's our goal for this school year yes so we sent it out so we've gotten so many I I think good calls from this especially from elementary teachers this goes out to supposed to go out if you're not getting it let me know supposed to go out to every student K through 12 Pre K through2 every family prek through 12 regardless of School Board of Ed members and we're trying to get a is it retrospect here yeah good thank you we're trying to get a link from our school in the retrospect so every month we can send the retrospect you you were a student here right yeah I I remember that yeah uh you going to help us out I'm put on the spot okay okay I can I can put our our SM in or region for him okay so he can he can receive it that way too so on a good note um we're trying to get into retrospect so not only our school and Community but the rest of surrounding towns can really find out what Autobon like why we're special here so not just our Autobon but all the people that do get the retrospect can also see the digital um newsletter as well so everything's online um and great on the phone as well our elementary peachers like it because they get to see the kids in high school who they had in third grade uh and get to see them as as older individuals and we get a lot of feedback from our elementary teachers who are in the house so all right thank you so much appreciate it all right uh next we have the superintendent and District reports and we're going to move on to our recognition of degree achievement Miss Alan thank you the board had said that they wanted to do this and I think it's a great idea we've invited some of the teachers that have gone above and beyond their their certificates or their degrees that they had when they got their jobs either gotten another Advanced degree or just Advanced credits beyond their degree and of course that's a benefit to the district it's a benefit to the students and the community so we wanted to recognize that it's always put on the board agenda in order for pay increases and things but we wanted to celebrate it a little more so some of these people are here tonight and if you are please stand up and if you're not then okay Francine belel uh Masters plus 30 silver IG silver IG Galvin bachelor's plus 30 Rebecca Gilbert Masters very nice Matthew Harter Masters not here Christa little bachelor's plus 30 Linda Rizzo bachelor's plus 30 Emily Warren Master's plus 30 we do appreciate you putting the time and energy in with teaching it's a full-time job obviously more than what a lot of people know so in your busy days with family and teaching and your jobs you found the time to improve yourself and go a little bit further so we thank you for that thank you very much um and thank you to miss Allen for coordinating that I it has been a goal of the board for a while now to make sure like Miss Allen said those um advancements always appear on the agenda but we don't always get a chance to associate names and faces and to you know offer our personal congratulations it's quite an accomplishment and it's great for our students to see too that our teachers you know no matter how old you are we're all still learning not that you're old no you're not old you're not old you're not old um but but you're still learning so thank you for coming this evening and again congratulations on your achievements well done okay um moving on we're going to um approve our board minutes can I have a motion to approve the minutes for August 21st 2024 executive session and public session motion roll call please mark Gaddy yes Sarah kouan Allison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson Jim bloomenstein yes Alison Cox yes Amy Davis yes motion passed thank you all right um public participation I'm not going to read through the lengthy paragraphs um is there anyone here this evening that would like to make a comment on agenda items only at this time all right being none uh we will move on to governance and I would like to recognize Miss lipsky sure so we actually talked about a variety of things at our last meeting uh however there are two matters that we have revised and are here for first reading which we approved the first and they go together very nicely so the first is for um policy 14 3.2 High School representative to the Board of Education um although we don't have a visual demonstration we do have two student Representatives we have an apprentice representative who is a junior in the school and we have the student representative Miss Pon um who is a senior so we wanted we had been talking about and we wanted to formally make the change where they are now going to be attending um since we are a board of committees some committee meetings so the student representative um Miss P pony because this is that we're starting new moving on in the future the senior the student representative will have to attend a minimum of five education meetings throughout the year um and then The Apprentice representative will attend five governance meetings throughout the year but because we did not want to deprive Miss ponia of the joy and awesomeness of the governance meetings we put in a caveat for the year except for the year of 2024 to five the school school year the student representative may also attend governance meetings but we are not making it mandatory but we on governance know that she will not be able to control herself and we'll be like of course and if I can attend more all the better uh so that is for first reading and then to make to have our policy match our actions um in the 143 point2 High School representative to the Board of Education which this is part of the legislation that made this to be a mandatory component although we've had student Representatives on our board since before then uh they are to be a non voting member of the student government so that they can give a report to the student body in that Forum as to what's happening with the board but also make themselves available in that that Forum to hear back from the student body of what things they find to be a priority and what they would like the student Representatives bring to the board's uh attention so we have added to 5820 one pretty little sentence that says the student representative of the board of education is to be a non- voting representative on the student council Miss Allen has very kindly I believe reached out to the advisor the uh faculty advisor to explain that and that they're aware of that change and so those are the two um policies that we are bringing to the board for first approval in regards to things that we talked about and moving forward um of particular interest and um both for all of the board and for the faculty Administration we are looking at a policy on AI and the use of artificial intelligent softw on the like in the classroom and in the school um since we have some information but we want to be informed uh one of the things that we are asking the board is for the njsba conference in October to all of us if we want to divide and conquer or that we all go do the same things however we want to do this but we should all be taking the time because there are going to be a lot of different uh workshops on AI and that we take the the time to attend them and have that information and then we have asked uh superintendent Allan to talk to her uh to the administration and to faculty uh to let them to ask them to please in the New Jersey teacher conference any AI um conferences and workshops they have to please attend because what we ultimately would like to do is in December we're going to bring this policy back because there is a sample policy that SM has given us that we would like the administrators um to come to the governance meeting as well and a presentation of what they think what they would like to see and what they are hearing about faculty and a positive use of AI so this is I think we all agree it shouldn't just be no it's evil dangerous it should have okay there are positive ways to use this this is here it's out we need to learn how to use this in a positive educational manner to move us forward uh but we also recognize the dangers but so that we all can have an informed decision both as board members and as administrators and faculty as to what we want this policy to be for a OFA so that was that was the big thing that we were looking at um moving forward and this is the ask that we are asking for board members and for administrators and faculty so here we go questions comments or discussion on non agenda related for governance I just wanted to uh mention that um the Board of Ed goals now are on the agenda the revised ones for 20 uh 24 2025 but the only place where they're actually going to appear is right before um we all kind of took a look at that that seemed to be the general consensus that they only needed to appear once on the agenda save some ink save some paper um and Miss Allen is adding her goals to all of the committee agendas I know we saw that at HR just recently um so that way committee can take a check in uh take a little temperature every month see how things are progressing so U look forward to that on the committee agendas okay then um can I get a motion for item number one please under governance any question please Sarah kouan Allison lipsky Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson Bill Wilson Jim bloomenstein Alison Cox Mark Gaddy Amy Davis yes motion passed thank you all right next I like to recognize Mrs Cox for operations thank you Mrs Davis we did have an operations meeting on September 3rd um and just to our next meeting is October 15th which is not the first Tuesday of the month that was switched because of our the way our board meeting fell for next month so just to let that everyone know that um we discussed the uh the tree Improvement where we were had to go out for rebids you'll see uh that and we talked about the timeline there is an item on uh on operations to accept that and we are still within the timeline to H receive all those monies so it was work well well intended for us to maintain those funds um the attendance courts are done as Jane will miss Pon will let us know that yes she is on those courts so and they're still well awesome thank you um the uh gym floor where the it had leaked and gone underneath and it was rippled and well it's removed but we need to make sure it's not going to leak anymore and it's been kind of dry the last little bit right so we haven't been able to test it however Tuesday night the uh fire company was here and they flooded it I don't know the outcome so I'm sure miss will say after the end of my report but we needed to have it tested before we could move forward with the project so the gym is still not open and available I guess we're still working on the half of it the the the long half um we had discussed the Oprah forms and the FMLA forms and they are listed as a item on the agenda and then just discussing other um non-budgeted items that may to fruition we're hopeful um that we can work around that um uh the project manager for the beginning part of our bond referendum prior to hiring a manager that's on our agenda as well and then kudos to M Ron case and Miss Allen for going to a meeting regarding King's Highway project it's a big initiative from Market Street in m eim until Hopkins Avenue in aaban Haden Heights whatever whatever that right henfield henfield Oden bound henfield um it's going to be they just would like we're curious to see exactly how would that impact us and you know to and from school and that kind of thing it's going to be a big one so um keep your eyes and ears open and hopefully eventually there will be a website so that residents can understand what's going on with that initiative um we did talk about the safe routes to school the bike program that we have that or that we're continuing um thank you Mr bloomenstein for uh being a being tenacious on that one um what else uh that's about it little little things we talking about uh different things at mansion and um havland to make it look nice nice so that's all I have so yes we are moving forward with the um repairing of the gym floor the delivery of the wood the materials is scheduled for the end of this week beginning of next week it has to sit and acclimate and everything we did have a few leaks when we flooded the ceiling yesterday the roof yesterday so we are on it to make sure that that is sealed before we put anything down but we're still hoping that our timeline is going to be intact with the materials that have been delivered so since they have to sit and temperature or whatever it is adjust acclimate something there's some good technical term for what they have to do but the materials have to acclimate acclimate to the environment so while they're doing that we intend to get the final touches on but it was what we needed we needed to put the basically fire hoses up there and flood it just to be sure because we haven't had the extreme weather that we had when it was happening and just waiting for weather wasn't working so we made the arrangements and when again when they say it's repaired we're going to one more time flood the roof just to make sure before we go through this again so bud is on it and Bud was the one that went to that meeting bud and Miss Ron that meeting got all the information for their District so was great and helping us out with that all right um any questions comments or discussion on any non agenda issues for operations Mr BL good to hear anyone else all righty then can I get them 14 under operations any questions or comments on items one through 14 all right roll call please Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson Jim bloomenstein yes Allison Cox yes Mark Gaddy Sarah kulin Amy Davis yes motion's passed thank thank you moving on I'd like to recognize Miss Robinson for Education um our last meeting was on August 27th and at that meeting the in service for the beginning of the year was presented what topics would be covered and how that would look um link it and how link it data will be used was presented and then the NJ GPA plan for um getting seniors through that exam in October um a zero period option is being offered for them to review their math and English so that was what happened at the last meeting um and then on the agenda there are facilities requests lots of fall activities um a coup conferences the science of reading I'm behind that uh the Danielson teacher 2022 is going to be the teacher evaluation method that's on the agenda um there's a motion to approve the production of the spring musical called the prom which seems like a progressive message I was excited to see that um the curriculum for 2024 25 for Performing Arts health and phed English Ela Math Science Social Studies technology World Language 21st century life and careers and ESL is here to be approved tonight and then um something to note is that there's a calendar change so the midm terms are not going to be half days they're going to be full days I think that sums it up just children the number of needed um we work around and again math is a couple days language arts is a couple days they would have to fail both math and language arts to be pulled out all days things like that so the number of students that it impacts is actually quite small the thing that we brought up in the um committee was our last report and I'm spitballing numbers but I think it was 36 that had failed let's say one of the two tests 16 of them had already passed through PSAT which we said was another qualifier so most of those numbers we saw last week in that present was only half that many students that actually still need it a lot of them had these things through the SAT um and in fact all those students that failed will be taking the Prat again in October which is prior to their second try of the NJ GPA as well well since every we're trying to make sure they have every Avenue and then if for any reason those still don't work that zero period will also help them prepare for that portfolio piece which again last year we only had a handful that we needed to submit any other questions on items one through 21 under education all right roll call please Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes B Jim blumenstein Alison Cox yes Mark Gaddy Sarah kin Alison lipsky yes Amy Davis yes motion passed thank you all right moving on to Human Resources met last night um as usual we reviewed any of the open positions that we still have in the district and we also reviewed some anticipated that might be coming our way due to some um kiddos with maybe some special education needs these uh are new students these were not budgeted expenses so if you want a little bit more detail about that just check out the agenda Miss Allen did a a a really nice job explaining um if x then y on the on the agenda we also reviewed the list of overloads that um are underneath HR to be approved for this time there there is a reduction from last year and that's one of the the things that um we asked to be done we asked for a reduction of 10 the goal was 10 we have seven uh less than last year so pretty good we're we're on the right track um so instead of 42 overloads there's 35 overloads and we're um Administration is already looking at proactive scheduling changes for next year to even further reduce that so we're you know we're looking for even less overloads next year Mrs Ron case let us know that the healthare increase for next year is going to be 14% not what was budgeted we budgeted for 10% so Mrs Ron case is going to be reaching out to Brown and Brown they are our what do what is their their Quai Insurance Brokers Brokers that's it that's I knew they weren't the carrier right come up with the word um potentially to to shop other plans for us based on our rating um we reviewed items on this evening's agenda and um we discovered a a not a discrepancy but an Omission in the uh current teachers contract it was just a typo that didn't wording that didn't get moved from a MOA to the contract and so we're be working to um correct that the um administrator contract we have a negotiation date set for October 29th and I also today received some additional dates from uh Mr Carbone so I'll be reaching out to the committee to let them know projected dates for November and December before all of our calendars fill up too much um also interesting news that Miss Allen shared with us the instructional council is going to be looking to apply for some grants I know that's been something that you know we've we've really wanted to have occur but you know I mean obviously the budget money doesn't exist to hire a grant writer so who's going to accomplish that work um so I we were really thrilled to hear the instructional council is going to kind of take up that Gauntlet and thanks to uh Miss lipsky um who did tons of research um to to see what types of Grants are available to us and that inform was shared and um we were just thrilled to hear that instructional council is going to take up that Gauntlet and that um the academic coaches are um in addition to their regular duties are going to be looking at some scheduling options for next year as I said earlier uh Miss Allen gave us an update on progress with her goals as they relate to human resources and all is in order you can check out the agenda for her notes and uh very happy to report in addition to our faculty that we recognize this evening Mr Carbone our athletic director was chosen as the athletic director of the year for the colonial conference so we're looking forward to recognizing him in October um any questions or comments discussion items for uh non-agenda items for HR it's calendar year yeah that's the difficulty in it when it comes to budgeting we bu and Academic Year but the insurance is the calendar year yeah that's what always makes it trick good question though okay um then on the agenda tonight uh there's motions to approve an extracurricular contract a fall paid coaching position and our assistant athletic director we're adjusting salary status for the uh aea contract for the members noted motion to approve mentors and new teacher support's motion to approve part-time instructional Aid basic skills teacher special ed Aid some uh a motion to approve some position reassignments and additional hours of Summer work motion to approve comp days due to reassignment for the contract motion to approve substitutes the inrs team at the preschool motion to approve compensation for Mr Rudder as the project manager in 2021 for the bond referendum motion to approve overloads as voted on the agenda a motion for FMLA and federal FMLA a student technology worker is on the agenda and volunteer extracurricular staff so can I get a motion for items one through 25 under Human Resources any questions comments uh or discussion for items one through 25 under HR yes Miss Rob um is the inrs at the preschool is six a required number that that was actually asked and yes there is code about what things need to be on there and that particular inrs team is paid for out of the grant it's not coming out of the Boe money but yes because you have to have a guidance counselor and a case manager and a couple of regular Ed teachers and by the time you fill it's mandated it's regulated it's I can't think of the right word but it is specified who you have to have on the team comment about number 21 and the interact Club I understand we're talking about um approving Miss gford as a volunteer at the interact Club but I did want to say that I I wish Mr Corley was here because it does look like a lot of what we're talking about respect and community and Community involvement seems to you're rubbing off in a good way the interact Club I know is one that's a lot about community service both within the school and outside the school and I was informed by my daughter who signed up today this morning that there were over 110 kids and um there were so many and the uh advisor seemed kind of Gob smacked by it and thought that just like a 15 20 minutes would be enough but by the time all the kids had to write down and sign up there was like two minutes to be like hey so interact club and like when the next meeting was and they all had to run off to class but that speaks volumes good problem to have the kids are are invested in this so this is wonderful that's great thank you EX all right any other input for HR all right roll call please Robinson Bill Wilson Jim bloomenstein Alison Cox yes Mark Gaddy Sarah Co lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Amy Davis yes motion's passed thank you all right uh you can see that our HIV report looks beautiful love it every mon keep keep going with that however it was August details details know sorry well you know factual transparency uh okay uh moving on to special program reps um Mr Wilson isn't Mr Steven Wilson us this evening sorry Mr William Wilson um for uh camon County School boards Association Mr Max and that one's still hybrid right so if you can't yeah Adelphia yeah I think I'm going to I don't know everybody's going to you're like wait I didn't get my inv we'll let you know excellent excellent all right um so just uh as long as school boards there so the uh school board's conference is in October the agenda is available online so you just have to um you have to register for the conference and then you can work the agenda and there's also an app there's also an app yeah which I highly recommend downloading the app because you can carry that around with you uh at the convention center well um they are registered already yeah but you have to when you go online yeah you have to register to get into the agenda and use the tools I'm yeah you didn't I I did maybe it was just you are all paid so don't yeah you're register like you're registered to attend it yes so don't if they ask you for yeah oh no no no it was just you needed a username and a password right what's your zip code um okay um Ed Foundation Mr bloomenstein okay it was really good to see Mrs slack did uh attend all of the uh back to school nights and gave a little presentation to the parents trying to you know encourage membership in a so it was really nice of her to go to all those and also at the um in service she did at the teachers in service to opening they she had some time and same thing tried to get some teachers on board talked about the same speech that she did for the parents it was a very big Corporation organization it shrunk down and she was trying to get some teachers and things involved in participating as well that would be a volunte the educ are separate entities that own and bylaws and rules the N yard accountability um if you join it you would join it as a volunte and the rules volunteering apply to you which is just you know don't never put yourself in a position to direct staff cor from staff um never do anything that would of interest you know all all of those rules would apply to you but there's nothing that stops being a volunteer in the community right go okay um moving on to Outreach Miss Robinson ohte app I would app you're py you're very py he's not here so I don't put oh let Vol told yeah he may have said that he really may have when I did it the last said I've that's I all right well okay yeah maybe we just am I'll have all the supp until um e she board member comments real quick um we have our self- evaluation we agreed that we would begin our self- evaluation on October 10th that tool is on the njsba website if anybody's unsure about that just reach out and um I can try to help you negotiate the website we said we would start it on the 10th complet it on the 30th of October and then we would review it on November 20th at the November 20th meeting we're still looking into the Hib train training I heard back from the outside uh Association that provided the training it looked like they're accustomed to doing training during the day which doesn't work for us so I you know I made that clear the the lady said go ahead and fill out the application anyway and they would see what they could do for us so hopefully um I forwarded that information to Miss Allen so get the application filled out and then we'll see if it doesn't work out with this particular group then we'll you know we'll Branch out and we'll we'll find training someplace else and then uh the Strategic Plan update I had a good conversation with Dr Oswald I shared uh his proposal again with you as well as the link to watch's YouTube presentation from last year um I had a few questions from board members that I think I I was able to answer and if all is good we'll put that on our agenda for appr in October with the idea of of getting it started really in in sometime in December so we'll need to have some discussion about um just the launching of that initiative and he had some ideas as far as that was concerned too so it's great we're we're finally there thank goodness feel like we've been talking about that for years literally yes slow moving train slow moving train it's good but we're on board we're on board all right all right all right um any other board member comments Miss cool the pleasure of attending back to school nights at havland Avenue and Mansion Avenue because I have kids in those School District in those schools and just you know a lot of appreciation to the teachers and the administration for putting those events together to help us as parents get a better sense of um who's with our children during the day um they're always put together really well and kudos to miss leard for giving a special incentive to um the kids parents to go see the specials teachers this year they got uh the positive behavior kind of rewards some the the buzz bcks um when the parents went to see the uh specials teachers so that really got us more involved I think than maybe we have been in the past I know Miss Martell was commenting that her whole list was filled out and maybe she's only had a few people stopped by in the past but it was it was just really nice yeah to hear what they're doing in the specials as well and to um just reestablish those relationships with those teachers so thank you to all the teachers and the staff at the schools for putting those events together I wanted to oh sorry Mr Wilson NOP go ahead and I wanted to thank uh Mrs leard and also uh Miss Galvin for um inviting us to zoom in on the instructional lesson that she provided for the preschool parents I was able to zoom in on that although my camera was off because I was still drinking my first cup of coffee and um no it was just it was a wonderful presentation for the parents it was all about using um visual schedules for the children Not only was there a presentation but the parents have been given um materials to take home with them so that they could create their own visual schedules at home so whether or not they were able to attend uh virtually the presentation they still had the materials it was being taped so they could watch it later I just I I thought that was excellent so um Kudos thank you to Mrs ledard for inviting us and um for Miss Galvin for her excellent job in presentation um anything else okay all right uh moving on to public participation session number two this is an open discussion is there anyone who would like to make a comment on anything it does not have to be an agenda item don't all rush for microphone Mr Gilbert right ahead all right seeing that there is no one we do not have a need to go into executive session I would like to note that our next meeting is Wednesday October 9th that is a change so it is not the thir Wednesday it is Wednesday October 9th 6:30 here in the media center and uh with that I'll ask for a motion to adjourn the meeting I wasn't even finished speaking all in favor any opposed all right thank you thank you very much everyone thank you for attending this evening e