##VIDEO ID:lJ7R9XIufpk## all right we'll call a meeting to order please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance the United States of America the stands na indivisible evening everyone uh Tom you like to roll please mayor King pres council member at large Austin present council member Baker yep Basin present Fisher present pusta Pres Elly present HMA present you have a quum here thank you time item number one uh need motion for the adoption of the agenda with the addition show moved second all in favor I I opposed the motion carries item number two is a motion approving the minutes from our August 12th September 19th and September 16th meetings so mve second all in favor I iOS the motion carries item number three recognitions and awards Patrick Rath retired from the APD I believe the headline in the a was he would do it all over again so we are here to honor Patrick uh a little late because I think he took off the second he was off his last shift but uh Chief mcken do you have some good things to say about detective Rath and his retirement uh yeah the followup would be but would we I just uh um you know Pat and I started about the same time uh went through our entire career together uh definitely consider them one of those people that for me made my workday so much more enjoyable uh Derek will attest I still walk back there and the rest of detectives all shout at me in unison when they see me he's gone he's gone which does break my heart a little bit less each day as I become more accustomed to it but uh Pat his wife Pam were a big part of our agency for a number of years Pat did an absolutely outstanding job soon as he got he went straight to Europe so so good for them I got a picture of some people picking grapes singing Seline Deon you know from him so I know you know but he's living his best life and that's what we want for for Pat just an incredible job over time always happy to see people from our agency you know come on their off time as well to support and be here for Pat and again just shows you uh his importance uh I'm always looking forward to getting his plaque getting up there giving a short speech so so yeah looking forward to I'll read the pat you want to step forward CU I'm I'm sure you have a speech but while you're stepping forward I want to read the plaque that were presenting Patrick tonight with uh an appreciation of Patrick Rath for service to the City of Austin from November 16th 1998 to August 30th 2024 at the police department respectfully presented by the Austin city council and Mayor Stephen King Patrick come up and say a few words we we'd love to hear from you one great story I have from from my days working in Corrections in Pat with law enfor is I had an office window that was right out or inside from the uh main main entrance to the PD and one one day I was diligently working on my computer as I do most days um and I hear this knock on the window and it's I turn around it's Pat red wrath in full SWAT team gear helmet goggles bandal arrows of guns and ammunition and goes Patrick we're going to miss you there's no doubt what a sense of humor he brought and what a just a lot of professionalism to us so thank you for years of service well I appreciate it uh know as I think back you know like for the first two years uh after I got hired I would just sit at home and going I can't believe they hired me to do this you know I was my dream was to work for the city and and do this job and I like Dave and you said I I tried to make it fun even in the worst of times the things that we dealt with and although Dave didn't always believe me I tried to be professional at times and uh you know make sure that he looked good right when we were out doing what we needed to do um but I certainly enjoyed working here I I certainly enjoyed working with the people I worked with I worked with some really great people but they're all retired now um but I will say the Taps I worked on I had absolutely great leadership you know I think especially with Dave and Todd the Integrity is just so strong in our department and always felt supported and and uh I appreciate them for that so thank you well happy retirement Patrick well earned [Applause] all right uh with that moving on to item number four is a motion for consent agenda sure moved second all in favor opposed motion carries under public hearings item number five is resolution approving the tax payment application from Cedar C Cedar City Builders LLC okay uh thank you mayor members this is for 1804 13th Place Northeast estimated value 400,000 for 5 3 bath this is Inc consistent with our adopted policy and this is a public hearing thank you Craig anybody here from the public wish to speak on this matter if not Council any questions motion to approve second Tom council member Baker yes masin hi Fisher hi vusta hi Elli I postma I council member at large Austin I resolution passes 70 thank you time IEM number six is resolution reviewing a tax bait application from Big Lo Lenin Construction LLC Greg this is at 1308 17th Street Northeast in nature rich as well estimated value 320,000 for two bedroom two bath it's in conformance with our policy and it say the public anybody here from the public wish to speak on this matter hearing none Council looking for an approval or denial approve is there a second council member Baker yep Basin hi Fisher hi kusta hi Kelly hi post hi Council M at large Austin all resolution passes 70 thank you number seven is resolution reviewing the tax batement application from La po conf approval denial Craig uh this is at 1305 18th Street Northeast in nature as well a $363,000 estimated value three bedroom two bath and finished basement this is in conformance with our policy and this is a public hear anybody hear from public wish to speak on item number seven hearing none Council looking for a resolution gentl second all in favor time council member Baker yes bin hi Fisher hi rusta hi Helly hi kman hi that's M at large Austin all resolution passes 70 thank you number eight is resolution reviewing a tax patment application from New Horizon homes okay uh this one is at 18011 13th Place Northeast in Nature's R subdivision estimated value of 460,000 it's a three-bedroom 2 and 1 half bath it's in conformance with our existing policy and this is the public anybody here with public wishing to speak on item number eight ring none counil looking for a resolution so moved second time council member Baker yep sasin hi Fisher hi rusta hi Elly hi fosma hi council member at large Austin hi resolution passes 70 your honor number nine is a motion uh continue the public hearing for assessments to October 21 2024 coun agree the clerk's office requests a continuation of the public hearing for the fall assessments to the next council meeting on October 21st this request re ensures adequate time for the public of notices and appropriate notice to property leaders thanks for any questions Council second all in favor I I opposed motion carries to the next meeting thank you under bid Awards we have a receive uh number 10 is receiving bids for Riverside Arena roof replacement Sten we accepted bids from two biders for roof replacement at the Riverside Arena this would be the east west and south flat roofs at the arena the low bidder to do that work was all- weather Roofing uh in the amount of $ 117,118 we also had some a bid in there quote for insulation to make sure that the roof is insulated to an R30 value there's a cost associated with that so the budget for this project is 175,000 and we would recommend awarding this bid to all weather roof uh the total estimated amount from their quote $135,100 we do have um some other square footage prices in there if we do run into any poor materials of existing insulation or anything like that that would need to be replaced so the final amount may come in um over 135 depending on if we run into any unknown core materials Once We R rip the existing roof off you're good thank you Stephen any questions Mr L Council uh quick one Stephen we're $440,000 below the budgeted amount what was so different in the budgeting approach and the taxing approach as opposed to what really happened we used uh estimates from Kyer Brothers to develop the uh budget you can see there um the Kyer Brothers proposal of 126 was only for two roofs um so we we got estimates from a compan that was is considerably higher than the company that we ended up moving forward by 40,000 bucks or 30% yeah if we would have gotten a so so Ker's price is for two rofs all weathers is for three had we gotten the price for the third rof from Kiker we would have been pushing the 175 either way we'll take the lower estimate there's no doubt uh any anything else from Mr L councel if not looking for a resolution so moved second time council member Baker yep Basin hi fer hi pusta hi heli hi HMA hi council member at large Austin hi resolution passes 70 thank you Tom I have number 11 is a resolution receiving bids for aestus abatement uh for hazardous housing Holly we are working on three hazardous structures this fall uh two garages and one house uh the testing for asbest was already done only the house had uh asbest materials we uh put out a bid for um the removal of the asbest and we got two bids back uh we would recommend the lower bid uh by jmaxx specialty Contracting for 4,485 Council any questions for Miss Wallace hey Howe on this do we then how does that work does the city pay for it or does this get added onto like property taxes for whoever ends up eventually buying the property both so we pay for it up front Okay out of a nuisance fund the the money that's set aside each year for hazardous structures got it and then uh we do assess that to the property um but often they just go to Tax Board picture occasionally they will get bought um and the uh assessments will be paid but it's you know kind of a long shot just depends on how desperate somebody is for lot I guess I mean we could also make them more attractive for building if somebody did have a proposal by maybe eliminating those as well I mean those are all options to includ the uh call the areas where we have some spaces in neighborhoods anyway yeah so that's kind of a good okay got it thank thank you any other question questions Council looking for resolution all moved second time council member Baker yeah Basin i fiser i pusta i Hy I HMA I council member at large Austin I resolution passes 70 your honor thank you time under petitions and requests item number 12 is a motion authorizing the city recorder to sign a waiver stating the city does not wave the statutory tort limits time city is going through our insurance renewal through the the league of Minnesota cities for 2025 and an annually and annually um we're asked to provide the attached waiver that uh checking off that the city does not wave the statutory Tor limit it's this will limit uh the amount of Damages citizens could potentially get from us through a lawsuit limied to about a half a million dollars or 1.5 from everybody in a single event so at this point in time we would request Council authorize us to sign this to not wave the statutory limits C any questions from Mr Daner no move to approve second second uh all in favor I opposed that motion carries item number 13 uh is a couple resolutions for 2025 health insurance program 13A setting health insurance plans qualifications and rates for 2025 Trish welcome good evening mayor and Council um so before you tonight um are two resolutions um having to do with our 2025 um health insurance we are maintaining um our coverage through Blue Cross Blue Shield um our rate increase for 2025 came in at 5% um which is um really good uh for us uh so the two resolutions before you tonight are accepting the two plans and um two options to Blue Cross Blue Shield and the rates attached to them along with the um employer contributions for non-union employees those not covered by a labor agreement um and then uh we'll be having um open enrollment coming up we have insurance presentation um next week on October 15th uh for open enrollment and then our open enrollment period is October 21st through November um 12th and then later uh as part of the agenda the addition was approving the U memorandum of agreement with the UAW Street and Sewer maintenance that is the only one we have right now um we will continue to um work with the with the bargaining groups on those moas and then bring those forward as we receive those um hopefully more coming on um October 21st meeting excellent thanks Trish uh Council any questions for Miss wieman I'll take them in order here 13A is resolution studying the health insurance plans qualifications and rates for 2025 need a resolution so moved second Tom council member Baker yep Bast hi fiser hi pusta hi Ellie hi HMA hi council member at large Austin hi resolution passes 70 thank you and 13B is approving health insurance premiums contributions and terms for non- bargaining unit employees so moved second Tom council member Baker sure Basin hi fiser hi pusta hi heli hi HMA hi council member at large Austin I resolution passes 70 your honor than number 14 uh is resolution approving change order number five for the wastewater treatment plant project Stephen yes at the last work session we reviewed this item and it involves uh as you indicated change order number five which has 12 work change directives as part of it the total amount of the change order is is the domestic fund and the industrial fund so that with the inclusion of change order number five uh that puts us at our change orders are accounting for an increase of 3.11% in the domestic budget uh 1.63 on the industrial budget for a total of 2.33% um that is inclusive of this change order number five and that is um work completed to date so uh with that we would recommend to council uh approving change order number five and incorporating these 12 work change directives into the uh project excellent thank you Stephen Council any questions for Mr Lang otherwise looking for resolution approving the change all moved second council member Baker nope Basin I Fisher hi pusta hi Hy hi HMA hi council member at large Austin hi resolution passes 61 your honor thanks Tom I have number 15 is resolution accepting mpca posos Grant agreement Stephen yes there were dollars available in a grant from the mpca that could be used towards uh testing and identifying posos throughout uh one's Community uh that was our treatment plant staff applied for this Grant and they were successful in receiving it the grant amount is uh $3,945 and it requires a 10% match of dollars or in kind services and we anticipate we'll be able to meet that match with in kind Services through our our staffing uh the grant will go toward uh buying a dedicated piece of equipment for testing and then it uh will also our matching funds will go toward uh sampling and um uh yeah samp Ling of our Wastewater streams throughout the community to try to narrow down our posos Focus we would request approval of the grant all right thank you Stephen councel any questions Mr Lang Stephen with this really good work by the team getting a grant are there any strings attached to this that like this could open up more reporting requirements or things like that that could end up costing us more money down the road no it's stuff we're required to do right now because we're kind of on the radar okay um so it's requirements that we have to do and this will just help us do those more cost effectively thank you very good thank you any other questions Mr Lang if not looking for a motion to accept that Grant agreement so moved second Tom council member Baker yep bin hi Fisher hi pusta hi heli hi HMA hi counc member large Austin hi resolution passes 70 your honor thank Tom I have number 16's a motion approving the posos removal agreement with uh the wastewater treatment plant Stephen so over the past few months we've been reviewing this and reviewing in detail posos and leech eight that we receive at the Austin wastewater treatment plant uh through those discussions and presentations to the council we've come up with a recommendation that we would recommend option four which uh the city would accept lee8 that has been treated for pipas removal to a level meeting drinking water water standards uh that would be our recommendation and I know we've talked in the past option four talks about different types of treatment options um generally with our you you may recall with our ICM agreements that we essentially we don't tell companies how to treat it we tell them what the limits are so that's why we felt um having the wording in this manner such that um removal of posos to a level me meeting drinking water standards was a better way of doing it instead of telling them how to do it this would allow them to choose a manner that fit for them um in order to meet those requirements so with that we would uh request a motion to approve this language and then we will move that forward with uh the company excellent thank you Council any questions if not looking for a motion so moved second all in favor I hi opposed that motion carries item number 17 is a resolution approving the purchase agreement for the Salvation Army Thrift Store Stephen we've uh we've talked about this previously and how to fund such a an acquisition um unique situation here in that uh the Salvation Army requires two appraisals normally when we acquire flood property it's just one appraisal um acquisitioned by the city but in this case there was two one acquisition by the city that was The Warfield appraisal in the amount of 352,000 and the second appraisal was commissioned by the Salvation Army by Robinson appraisals in the amount of 340,000 uh we met with representatives of the Salvation Army and came to a conclusion it was in both's best best interest to uh find a happy medium and we had a kind of Staff level agreement of a and recommendation to both of our boards for a purchase price of 346,000 so with that we would make that recommendation to council funding for this project would come from 100% local option sales tax um along with acquisition there are always more costs that go along with a project like this those would be environmental costs for asbest abatement demolition fees and other miscellaneous recording and and legal documents that we have to do so when we include all of those items we estimate the total project uh for just the thrift store would be $431,000 but tonight we're asking for an approval of $346,000 for the acquisition excellent thank you coun any questions from Mr Lang um no question but I think it is important you know from a public standpoint that the Salvation Army is not closing we're just purchasing the land here and obviously there's some other things going on longer term around trying to find a permanent home for the Salvation Army that's not in the flood plane but to be very clear the Salvation Army not closing and this does not change that right on good uh good word and Mr Lang by not using the deed funds we can there's a chance we could put something else on that lot uh if we chose to do so yes it would open up additional space outside of the flood plane for future use okay thank you uh with that looking for a resolution approving the purchase agreement so moved second Tom council member Baker yep basin hi Fisher hi boua hi Kelly hi HMA hi council member at large Austin hi resolution passes 70 your honor thank you Tom number 18 is resolution accepting the 2024 to 2026 armor equipment Grant Chief mckin um most Public Safety menot um Mayo fire departments use the armor system which is the state's backbone for radio traffic for us um aus m is one of the last agencies to adopt those radios and that's already been a decade ago so a lot of the state's equipment is between 10 and 14 years old in recognition of that the state legislature did put money in their budget for uh grants to local agencies in order to try to keep their equipment upgraded uh detective Dustin Hicks did a fantastic job for us in applying and managing that Grant and we were awarded $40,000 our Buy in would SL be slightly over $2,000 so 5% would be our Buy in to unlock those funds um these are our most expensive item that the officers have uh but it would allow us to replace put into storage for backup some of the ones they're using we'd get some new capabilities including encryption uh but again just a good opportunity to replace 10-year-old equipment with something new you know try to Stager that in uh again just because due to the cost um a great Grant to take advantage of awesome thanks Chief uh Council any questions for chief mckin looking for resolution got we got a second yeah Tom council member Baker yep Basin I Fisher I pusta hi Elli hi HMA hi council member at large Austin hi resolution passes 70 your thank Tom I have number 19 is a resolution approving the donations to the fourth grade junior fire program and these are the entities that's contributed Applebees Arby's Austin Bruins Austin Park and wreck Caribou Coffee Culver Dairy Queen dominoes echol Lanes El Patron games people play Godfather's Pizza Hardies hiy Kenny's Oak Grill Perkins Pizza Hut Pizza Ranch scooters coffee Sip and chew Sterling Pharmacy sweet reads Taco John's and tender made sandwich shop we appreciate those folks donating to this program and also what the effort it took for afd to to get those uh uh donations so with that looking for 19a resolution approving so moved second uh Tom council member Baker yep Basin I Fisher I pusta hi Hy hi HMA hi council member at large Austin hi resolution passes 7 zeror thank time 19 uh B we're uh thanking Terry and Jan Fox for the donation of $250 to the bike club looking for a resolution approving Some Mo second Tom council member Baker you bet Baskin hi Fisher hi pusta hi Hy hi BMA hi council member at large Austin hi resolution passes 70 you're thank you Tom uh moving on citizens addressing the council item 20 oh what's that we have a the uh item number 20 is a resolution approving memor Rams of agreement with the bargaining uh group approving the Moa with UAW streets and Sewer maintenance Trish explained that to us already for resolution accepting and approving that memor move to approve second Tom council member Baker yeah Basin I Fisher I pusta I ky I HMA I council member at large Austin I resolution passes 70 very good now a Citizens addressing the councel when the Chambers wishing to speak to the council and items that weren't on the agenda hearing none moving on to honorary council member comments James welcome back any comments from you today sir no I don't have any comment all right well thank you again for joining us as always um reports and recommendations correct I don't have any Mr Lang has an item Stephen guess I just want to mention for the council and for the public an update that today we did install temporary trailer mounted signals on 14th Street Northwest um City Crews were out there removing the existing stop signs as the signal lights came online and also helping them to position the the temporary trailer mounted signals uh those are currently rented on a monthly basis um it's our goal to work with uh the electrical contractor that's on the project to install wood pole mounted signals to get us through the winter and through the duration of the project um they'll be more cost effective if we go this route they may they'll look a little bit different than the trailer mounted ones but they will um hold up to the winter weather a little bit better uh these are kind of just a temporary to get us through this short interim until the uh more wood pole mounted ones can become come uh installed so we're still tracking that direction um next week the week of the 14th um early on in the week Oakland Avenue Bridge and onoff ramps will open to the public so that they're tentatively planning for like I said early in the week of the 14th and then on Friday um which I believe is the 18th um on Friday morning of the 18th the Fourth Street bridge will close for some prep work and then I believe it's mainly removing the signal light on the North Side by Oakwood Cemetery and then the interstate will close for demolition in the evening of Friday the 18th and it will carry through the weekend traffic from I90 will be detoured uh westbound will have a detour and eastbound traffic will have a different detour um so that will be happening uh late next week and then that bridge will continue to be closed for the remainder of of almost 12 months um and then there will be information being put out by mot anyone that is subscribed to any of their um devices where they push information out we'll receive that regarding that Fourth Street bridge closure they'll I think one of the better things for our residents is there'll be some signage going up later this week on Four Street indicating that that bridge will be closing next week so that way Vis uh people traveling that route on a daily basis will see that signage and be able to plan accordingly essentially planning to move over to 14th Street for their rout so um some changes coming in the next couple weeks for uh everyone as they travel about going north um toward our commercial business district along 18th Avenue and and further north on 218 so just an update for everyone excellent thank you Stephen for that update uh let's start with uh city council folks Laura um I just would like to say thank you to the staff who brought grants forward today and um point out that that's kind of a normal part of our culture around here we go out and get um Grant funds and support wherever we can and I appreciate that I know that's an extra thing that that you do at your jobs on top of everything else very good thank you m yeah um was going to second that um kudos to Mr hamro and detective Hicks for getting those grants uh it means a lot to our budget which we know is always tight every year um and then also a reminder Wednesday uh the fire department is having an open house from 5: to 7:00 so you can bring your kids check out some fire trucks that can uh put on some firefighter gear should be a good time you can see the brand new firefighter that's right no I think it's got to go for some it's already in the shot some fix up stuff that weren't part of the that's what happens when they make them in Wisconsin don't don't get them excited about the truck that won't be there all right sorry Jeffrey nothing sir je nothing WR Jason nothing wrong what nothing WR choice I just want to mention that I I think it's it's great that uh the tax pay are still coming in the applications and see what I don't think I can remember time I for meeting so it's as robust as get I know was get T all right well thank you everyone um with that looking for a motion to adjourn to our October 21 uh meeting so move okay all in favor all I closed all right we are adjourned take a 5-minute break till the work session