e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e wel e if you want I can just take one okay I'll let them know it's probably it's probably a battery but I'm going to need you to speak so okay who we miss everyone here Michael okay we're meeting now is the local planning agency I'm going to call this meeting to order and ask for a roll call Mayor Weinberg here vice mayor Dr Marks here commissioner Bloom here commissioner fredin here commissioner Joel here commissioner Cruz here commissioner stern here Mr wson here and Mr Myers here you have a quorum thank you those that can please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the the United States of America to the repu for stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice okay I'm going to ask for a motion to approve the March 5th minutes uh commissioner Cruz seconded by commissioner Bloom uh roll call please roll call vote commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Stern yes commissioner Bloom yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes okay item four this is a quasi judicial procedure now so I'll ask the City attorney to give us the rules I realize this is the highlight of everybody's evening and I get to do it twice please be advised that the following item on the LPA agenda is a zoning hearing and it's quasi judicial nature as such the Quasi judicial procedures of the city shall be and vote for these items uh for this item if you wish to object or comment upon the item please inform the mayor when public comments are requested an opportunity for persons to speak on the item will be made available after the applicant and staff have made their presentations on the item all testimony including public testimony and evidence will be made under oath or affirmation for for this quasi judicial item additionally each person who gives testimony may be subject to cross- examination if you refuse either it be cross-examined or be sworn your testimony will be given its due weight the general public will not be permitted to cross-examine Witnesses but the public May request the commission to ask questions of Staff or Witnesses on their behalf persons representing organizations must present evidence of their authority to speak for the organization further details of the quaal procedures may be obtained from the city clerk thank you I'll ask the city clerk to swear in those wishing to offer testimony this is for item 4A if you will be speaking on this item I need you to stand raise your right hand and be sworn in at this time do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God thank you and now if you can read the resolution Madam clerk a resolution of the city Commission of the city of aventur Florida granting a variance from section 31-1 144 C1 GG of the city's Land Development regulations to allow two electric vehicle showrooms on a shopping center parcel where no more than one is permitted on the property located at 19565 BC Boulevard in the City of Aventura and providing for an effective date okay I'm looking for a motion to adopt the resolution commissioner Joel seconded by commissioner Cruz uh I'll ask the community development director to review this item good evening Mr Mayor thank you good evening commission Kevin Klo community development director as you heard the resolution read into the record this is a variance request the code currently allows one and no more than one electrical veh vehicle showroom in a regional shopping center so the request is a variance from that uh limitation of one so that a second uh electric vehicle showroom can go into the event tural currently Tesla is located there this would be for rivan uh Mr Benjamin Sher attorney attorney benman Sherry with the firm bur Rell is here to present on the applicant's behalf get your presentation up for you okay applicant applicant attorney if you want to make any comments I seem to be stuck of [Music] course see all it's just number this screen is not responding this is no reflection on the vehicles that would be sold am I correct no the laptop's not made by Ravine they work much more smoothly you trye [Laughter] yeah it's it's not we don't even see it at all let's see even on the laptop screen you can't see it oh there she is yeah it's G to come back up she's back okay is that ours or is that you have a stuck on out then you do we at least have a pointer try doing it before plugging it back in I got you there we go we just got to get to the right presentation think that one this one oh there okay right good evening Commissioners mayor Benjamin Sherry bur aell Fernandez L and topness offices at 200 South biscan Boulevard here on behalf of Turnberry Associates the owners of avental here with my colleague Grant pen uh tonight we're here as Kevin said for the uh variance of section 31144 C1 to add a second uh electric vehicle showroom in the mall where one is currently permitted as you can see on the screen the the store is going to be located uh on the northeastern uh wing of the mall in between the lacost and the Apple Stores uh across from the Tesla store the store is going to be approximately 3500 Square ft which is approximately half the size of the Tesla store that's there now rivan uh unlike traditional automobile manufacturers deploys a modern sales and marketing strategy um they don't have vehicles for sale on site and uh vehicles that they're trying to sell out of their inventory instead similar to an electronics company or Tesla they um sell their vehicles online or through an inore representative that will order it for them all the vehicles are built to order they don't have any uh inventory in their stores and uh their goal with the store is basically to just build brand awareness by uh adding stores that uh show their name in highly trafficked retail areas here's a prototypical rivan space as you can see there's a few vehicles that they have on display for people to sit in and feel and experience there's also a lounge area for people to relax and learn about the vehicles and then there's a configurator and different areas scattered around the store that have uh the different materials and the options and touch points for people to learn more about the vehicles 2016 ordinance 2016-11 was passed uh allowing one electric vehicle showroom in certain shopping centers more than a million square fet uh that me meet specific criteria such as the mall um it had specific criteria including only one store being allowed per uh shopping center as a result of that ordinance passing as many of you know the Tesla showroom was opened in the mall which remains open today and as a result uh we are here today to request a variance to allow two electrical vehicle showrooms where one is normal currently permitted to allow the rivan store in addition to the Tesla store the rivan store will comply with all of the current requirements of section 33-44 um there will be no on-site vehicle storage or stock beyond the showroom there will be no more than six electric vehicles produced by the manufacturer kept on site uh there will be no delivery or service of vehicles in the store and prior to uh establishment of the use they we will be submitting a plan to the city uh which will lay out the test drive path and things of that nature for the vehicles as you can see in the chart on the screen in 2016 there was approximately 200,000 electric vehicles sold whereas in 2023 approximately 1.6 million vehicles have been sold alongside the exponential growth of electric vehicles has been the introduction of a lot more electric vehicle brands that are uh deploying sales strategies similar to Tesla and approving this variance will accommodate that growth in market share for these companies that are deploying these strategies um and with that we respectfully request the approval of this variance to allow two electric vehicle showrooms to accommodate the opening of the rivan store and if there are any questions I'm happy to answer great before we have any question from the commission let me open for public comment if anyone in the community would like to speak on this specific issue seeing none I'll close it for public comment and open it up to to the commission with comments Andor questions for the applicant uh vice mayor marks can you tell me where the path will be for the test drive is that at the mall so we haven't prepared and submitted the plan yet but before it will be opened um and I believe one of the conditions of the approval is that a plan will be submitted and approved by the city before the store is opened but it hasn't been prepared yet Kevin yes make okay thank you other Commissioners I see none I just want to um advise you it's going to be close to the lacass store and we believe that the crocodile that keeps returning to Country Club Drive is trying to get to the lacost store so you may want to advise your people that um be on the lookout um I will close it then for public comment and uh let's vote commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Stern yes commissioner Bloom yes commissioner freand yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes congratulations thank you 4 B ordinance uh Madam clerk an ordinance of the city of aventur Florida amending section 14-00 securing of construction sites other requirements of chapter 14 amending section 31-43 residential zoning districts section 31-1 191 sign regulations generally and section 31- 221 Landscaping requirements of chapter 31 amending section 38-48 office hours collection hours of chapter 38 amending section 45-38 use of Rights of way of chapter 45 to clarify and update certain terms providing for several bill providing for inclusion in the code and providing for an effective date motion to adopt please commissioner Bloom seconded by commissioner fredland uh Mr klopp thank you uh this is our annual code cleanup I'm happy to go through the uh items listed here on the presentation or if you've read through the packet this is the same as was presented at Workshop the same as was just read by the clerk um these are simply items that we've come across in the last year in the code that didn't quite make sense or uh uh didn't fulfill our needs I don't think we need the full explanation I think it's speaks for itself if there's any members of the public that would like to speak on 4B come forward saying none I'll close it for public comment and commissioner seeing no comment or questions we we will uh move on and vote commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Stern yes commissioner Bloom yes commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes 4 C please Madam Clerk and ordinance of the city of aventuro Florida amending chapter 31 Land Development regulations of the city code of ordinances by amending section 31-1 91f prohibited signs allowing for Billboards in a limited capacity in the city subject to City commission approval providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code and providing for an effective date motion to adopt commissioner Friedland seconded by commissioner Cruz Mr manager you got this one yes yes mayor uh as as it was in the past Billboards were prohibited in aventor uh unless they were grandfathered in and and the ones that you see pretty much now are those those type of billboards we're asking that we take the pr the prohibition away and allow the city to approve them only with the express approval of the commission and with the recommendation of staff thank you on this item 4 C any public comment on this item seeing none I'll close for public and ask if there's any commission questions or comments seeing none we're ready to vote commissioner Stern yes commissioner Bloom yes commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor weberg yes passes motion to adjourn commissioner freedland seconded by commissioner bloom all those in favor say I any opposed we are adjourned okay let's move on to our regular commission meeting and um another roll call please mayor Weinberg here vice mayor Dr Marx yes commissioner Bloom here here commissioner fredin here commissioner Joel here commissioner Cruz here commissioner stern here Mr Watson and Mr Myers you have a quorum thank you uh Mr manager any additions or deletions to the agenda not at this time mayor okay let's move on to uh special presentations we don't have any proclamations but we have some special recognitions uh Mr [Music] manager first we have some spe special recognition for our finance department and if at this time I'd invite our representative from the go I get a row [Music] sorry thank you very much um good evening mayor vice mayor City commissioners City staff and the great residents of the city of Avent and all those in attendance I'm Frank doollo I'm the Chief Financial Officer for the city of daa Beach and I'm the immediate past president of the Florida government Finance Officers Association and it's my honor to present you with a very prestigious award on behalf of the government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada also known as the gfoa the City of Aventura has received the gfoa Triple Crown award which recognizes governments who have received the certificate of achievement for excellence in fin cial reporting for the annual comprehensive financial report the AER the popular annual annual financial reporting award for the city's popular annual financial report or the paer and the distinguished budget presentation award the city has achieved the Triple Crown award for two years now having received the budget award for 28 years the AER award for 27 years and the paer award for the past two years these awards are presented to the entire finance department as they are designated as primarily responsible for preparing the award-winning act for the annual budget and the paer Additionally the Auditors Keith McCulla now known as citen cooperman have performed the audit in a highly professional manner resulting in a clean opinion of the city's financials year after year the gfoa is a nonprofit professional association serving over 23,000 Finance officers across the United States and Canada after publication the Aur paer and budget documents are submitted to the gfoa special Review Committee where they are reviewed by an impartial panel of members who determine that these documents met the highest standards of these award programs documents clearly communicate the city's Financial story and this award should motivate potential users and user groups to read them and learn more about the city's financial position and how critical taxpayer dollars and resources are accumulated and spent this achievement reflects the professional commitment and Cooperative effort of numerous individuals as well as a high degree of dedication and leadership in the finance department and some team members here have been with the city for over 15 years receipt of this award is a great accomplishment for the entire City achieving the Triple Crown award ensures that the finance department and the city engage in a fiscally responsible manner that aligns with aventura's mission statement to make Aventura a city of the highest quality and a city of Excellence by providing responsive costeffective and Innovative local government services in closing I'm pleased and honored to present the Triple Crown award to the entire Finance team the city commission and the great residents of the City of Aventura thank you thank you very much okay can I invite the entire finance department up please they are a little shy Cena St Melissa Cruz brench Schneider and Sarah Simpson and a few a few of them are missing today but oh Bren Bren Rogers I'm sorry um I'm very fortunate to work with these professionals um I don't have to say anything more about how good they are because you just heard that to get this award is really unbelievable because so few cities get it but I can tell you they are wonderful people to work with and it makes a pleasure it's a pleasure to work with them every day they're their professionalism they always have a smile on most of the time uh around audit time but just about every time else so you're very lucky and aventur to have these people here working for us thank you thank you to all of you for all you do for us thank you next we have a certificate of appointment to the Arts and Cultural Center Advisory Board and I'm going to turn that over to the vice mayor however you want to do it oops it's my distinct pleasure to be able to award Helen sax chasset Dr Helen sax chasset this certificate because you have been appointed to the aventur Arts and Cultural Center Advisory Board and we're so happy you are an individ who has actually produced a film I believe is that correct and and on uh the topic of the Holocaust so we are honored that you will join the committee and I'd like to present you with this certificate [Applause] thank you congratulations Helen moving on to item five consent agenda does anyone wish to remove an item on the commission okay seeing that you don't I'll ask for a motion to approve the consent agenda commissioner Cruz seconded by commissioner freedland and um let's vote on that commissioner Bloom yes commissioner free yes commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Stern yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes thank you moving on to item six this is a quasi judicial hearing so once again we're going to be invoking easa judicial procedures and I'll ask the City attorney to repeat his very fine explanation from nine minutes ago thank you I I think I've memorized it by now please be advised that item six on the commission agenda is a zoning hearing and his quasa judicial nature as such the quasa judicial procedures of the city shall be invoked for this item if you wish to object or comment upon the item please inform the mayor when public comments are requested at opportunity for persons to speak on the item will be made available after the applicant staff have made their presentations on the item all testimony including public testimony and evidence will be made under oath or affirmation for this quaa judicial item additionally each person who gives testimony may be subject to cross-examination if you refuse either be cross-examined or be sworn your testimony will be given its due weight the general public will not be permitted to cross-examine Witnesses but the public May request the commission ask questions of Staff or Witnesses on their behalf persons representing organizations must present evidence of their authority to speak for the organization further details of the Quasi judicial procedures may be obtained from the city clerk thank you and uh if the clerk could Square in anyone wishing to offer testimony this is for item six if you will be providing comments I need you to raise uh your right hand and be sworn in at this time do you solemly swear or affirm the testimony about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God thank you Mr CL or I'm sorry I'll have the res uh the clerk read the resolution first a resolution of of the city Commission of the city of aventuro Florida granting a variance from section 31-1 144 C1 GG of the city's Land Development regulations to allow two electric vehicle showrooms on a shopping center parcel where no more than one is permitted on the property located at 19565 bisc Boulevard in the City of Aventura and providing for an effective date now I'll ask for motion to approve commissioner Bloom seconded by commissioner breed land and now Mr clap thank you thank you Mr Mayor I'm happy to make my comments again or uh just draw them into the record from the LPA hearing a few minutes ago and the applicant is also here and we're both available to answer questions or hear from the public thank you let's do option two and um any members of the public want to speak specifically item six seeing none I'll close it Commissioners this is what we just did with the U electric vehicle showroom no questions no comments let's close it and let's vote commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Stern yes commissioner Bloom yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes okay let's move on to seven first reading for ordinances Madame clerk 7A and in ordinance of the city of aventur Florida amending section 14-00 securing of construction sites other requirements of chapter 14 amending section 31-43 residential zoning districts section 31-1 191 sign regulations generally and section 31221 Landscaping requirements of chapter 31 amending section 38-48 office hours collection hours of chapter 38 amending section section 45-38 use of Rights of way of chapter 45 to clarify and update certain terms providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code and providing for an effective date motion to approve commissioner freelance seconded by commissioner Bloom Mr klopp think we're good I think so any member of the public I see none I close it and any Commissioners seeing none I'll close it and we'll vote commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Stern yes commissioner Bloom yes commissioner fredin yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes Madame clerk please read the ordinance for 7B in ordinance of the city of aventur Florida amending chapter 31 Land Development regulations of the city code of ordinances by amending section 31-1 191 F prohibited signs allowing for Billboards in a limited capacity in the city subject to City commission approval providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code and providing for an effective date motion to approve the ordinance commissioner Bloom seconded by commissioner freedland uh Mr manager item 7B I'm sorry mayor same as before the prohibition of billboards we're just looking to allow the uh the city to have Billboards if we want them and it would be on a case- toase basis as approved by the commission okay any member of the public want to comment seeing none I'll close and open for the commission seeing none I think we're ready to vote commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Stern yes commissioner Bloom yes commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor weberg yes the motion passes 7 C please Madam clerk in ordinance of the city of aventur Florida amending the city code of ordinances at chapter 2 Administration Article 4 finance division 3 purchasing by increasing the city manager's purchasing Authority from $50,000 to $100,000 providing for conflict severability codification at an effective date motion to approve commissioner Friedland uh seconded by commissioner Joel uh Mr manager it's pretty self-explanatory but I'll let you explain it anyway right it's just decreasing the uh the authority of purchasing from 50,000 to 100,000 without going to formal bidding over 100,000 you would have to advertise and do a formal bidding process from 5, to 100 you would still have to do a bidding process it would be less formal with quotations or requests for quotes from different um services or people that you were looking to buy things from any member of the public wish to comment on this item 7c seeing none I'll close it for public comment any Commissioners questions comments seeing none uh let's vote commissioner Stern yes commissioner BL yes commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes second reading of an ordinance uh this is item eight Madam clerk an ordinance of the city of aventur Florida amending the city code of ordinances of chapter 2 Administration article 3 advisory boards by repealing division six art and public places Advisory Board providing for conflict separability C ification on an effective date motion to approve commissioner freedland seconded by commissioner Bloom Mr manager once again self-explanatory but give it to us uh would we're basically uh um not going to have the Arts and public places committee or Advisory Board it's being um ended at this time if this if the commission wishes to bring it back in a future date we can always do that okay any member of the public wish to comment seeing none I'll ask if there's any commission comment seeing none we can vote commissioner Bloom yes commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Stern yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes okay uh no no Solutions any reports by any Commissioners yes I just want to mention for anyone in the audience who was not here when we donated an ambulance to Mogan David Adam uh it was an absolutely magnificent day and we were so proud as a commission to do something for our sister city and I just want everyone to know on the record that um this is really a major undertaking and I think was very successful yes commissioner boom uh I just wanted to acknowledge the uh don s for High School class of 2024 we had the privilege of being part of their graduation this week it was very moving and very exciting to see all the kids with their cap and gowns and all their schools like on the Caps uh is just really wonderful so congratulations to the class of 201 24 two great points the graduation was amazing I think the donation of the ambulance was one of the most significant days in aventura's history it was a remarkable event and um there'll be some video of that that's being um put together produced edited right now I wanted to point out that this morning we opened Founders Park South the pickle ball courts the new tennis courts the new Community Gardens we already thanked everybody I wanted to mention um Heath popof who was the project manager I neglected to thank him as part of Ron's team but the event was so successful and um we won the mayor's cup challenge here's the trophy so uh it's um something that aventor can be very proud of but I wanted to say on the greater um scope of things really this trophy belongs to this Commission because as we when we first came together as a commission and this was a a a project that was approved by the prior commission only three of you were part of that commission It's a Wonderful decision that was made with arpa funds Co relief funds to spend federal dollars on something that will keep people healthy Outdoors that was the whole point of the money it was a brilliant decision by the prior commission and this commission got sworn in and immediately immediately we were attacked there were people opposed to it for all different various reasons telling us that it was a terrible thing and we were terrible and pretty much all of us were about to be recalled I I termed it the pickle ball recall so that's what was happening now um you all saw today how the community embraced this this was a work day 9:00 a.m. the place was packed people could not be happier Mar is nodding her head yes um I just went by on the way here and all the courts are taken and people are very very very happy so I want to commend this commission for never blinking knowing that the silent majority wanted this and doing the right thing and so today was a really really wonderful day and um I can't count how many people approached me who live live in the neighboring Community where a lot of the opposition came from telling me that all of their neighbors are thrilled that their property values are going up that they have these amenities right next door that they've been waiting for it and that we shouldn't worry about a few loud people that have their own agendas this is what I was told today so I just want to again thank the commission for sticking to a decision that the prior commission made that turns out was absolutely the right decision I want to thank the manager and the administration and the uh Community Services Department because the finished product is spectacular and so you all deserve credit so thank you that's my report any um anything else from this commission or I'm going to open it up for any public comment okay nothing else anyone from the public want to speak on an issue that was not addressed on the agenda you have three minutes I don't see any so I'll close it for public comment I think I already asked if there's any other business so I'm going to at 6:42 as for motion to adjourn uh VI the vice mayor marks and seconded by commissioner Joel all those in favor say I I any opposed we are are adjourned thank you ladies and gentlemen