##VIDEO ID:plnmQJ2ewzI## e e [Music] e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay [Music] okay let's start with the um commission special meeting so we have some awards and presentations and then we'll take a recess and go into the um local planning agency meeting so for the commission meeting let's call the meeting to order and have a roll call mayor Weinberg here vice mayor Dr Marks here commissioner Bloom here commissioner fredin here commissioner Joel here commissioner Cruz here Mr wson here Mr Myers here you have a quorum okay all those who can please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all okay we have a couple of proclamations first and um I'm going to allow the vice mayor to uh present them to read to read them and um say a few words [Music] um before I read the proclamations we have a few individuals here who are both amazing Physicians and take care of our patients in the City of Aventura and it's my pleasure to be able to read the following Proclamation whereas Dr Marvin Wellen of Aventura Florida has dedicated his career to improving the health and well-being of countless individuals contributing significantly to the medical community as a respected leader and role model and enhancing the quality of life for those in need and whereas Dr Wellen has exemplified the highest standards of professionalism compassion and expertise throughout the years earning him the title of Angel of the medical field by his patients and whereas the unwavering commitment of Dr Marvin Wellen to Patient Care Medical Education and community outreach has made a lasting impact on both the lives of his patients as well as the Aventura community and whereas Dr Well's achievements in the field of internal medicine have reflected positively upon the City of Aventura representing the best qualities of dedication integrity and patient care and whereas the City of Aventura recognizes the invaluable role that Dr Wellen has played in enhancing the quality of life for our residents and Community through his exceptional service and Devotion to his patience now therefore be resolve that I Howard ber as mayor and on behalf of the city Commission of the city of aventor Florida do hereby Proclaim October 17 2024 as Dr Marvin Wellen day in the City of Aventura congratulations certainly welcome to say a few words and then come up here and take a picture with us I'd love to thank this is just such an honor mayor Howard Weinberg vice mayor Linda Marx the entire commission my lovely patients the entire aventur Community all my ancillary help for issuing me this this honor I'd also like to tell you it's been a pleasure and an honor to bestow upon me this and just to practice for 45 years and I hope the guy upstairs allows me to practice for another 45 years and as a s I want to thank my lovely and beautiful wife Joan and family to put up with me these long hours thank you very very much thank you come come on up here and we'll take a and your family is more than welcome doctor if you want your lovely wife or anyone else that's come on [Music] [Music] perfect yeah great thank you there we go perfect everybody look right over here at me one two three and stay just like that for two more and one last one beautiful thank you so nice let's do it again okay that was so nice let's do it again vice mayor I just want to mention as Dr Wellen is walking back to his seat um and we're about to read information about Dr Ferman Dr Ferman um T they're both sole practitioners Dr Ferman takes over for Dr Wellen when he's out of town and Dr Wellen takes over for Dr Ferman when he's out of town and I just want to share that they were just Dr Wellen was just in Spain my husband just had an emergency and ended up in intensive care and I found out that Dr Wellen called from Spain Dr Ferman every day and I you are an amazing individual and Dr Ferman was kind enough to pick up the phone and talk to Dr Wellen so we thank you also um now it's my pleasure to read the next Proclamation whereas Dr Neil Ferman has demonstrated unwavering commitment in the field of internal medicine for over 20 years first credentialed at the Aventura Hospital to serve the residents of Aventura and its surrounding communities with distinction and compassion session and whereas Dr furman's dedication to Patient Care has not only improved the health and well-being of countless individuals but has also set a high standard for Medical Practice in our community and whereas Dr furman's expertise kindness and tireless work e ethic have earned him the trust and admiration of his patients and colleagues alike in the field of internal medicine and whereas the contributions of Dr Ferman extend beyond his practice as he continuously seeks to educate and Empower patients with the knowledge to make informed Health decisions and whereas the City of Aventura recognizes the invaluable role that Dr Ferman has played in enhancing the quality of life for our residents and Community throughout his exceptional service and Devotion to his patience I love getting the fun part now therefore be it resolved that I Howard Weinberg as mayor and on behalf of the city Commission of the city of aventur Florida do hereby Proclaim October 18th 2024 as Dr Neil Ferman day in the City of Aventura step right up doctor thank you very much mayor Weinberg vice mayor Marx the entire commission I can't do my job without thanking all the wonderful people who I work with the doctors the nurses the staff the patients I've watched this town grow aventur Hospital grow for the last 20 years not as long as Dr uh Wellen has but give me another 20 years and we'll be there again thank you much thank you come on up and then is that everybody yeah all right one two three stay just like that and one last one beautiful thank you [Music] yeah funny okay so we have one more it's not a proclamation it's actually a presentation it's uh is something that's in my opinion really really great so um Romero Brito world renowned one of the most famous artists in the world and so philanthropic a great friend of Aventura I you may know that at the at our Aces at our K through 8 there's a beautiful Mosaic by the front entrance you may know that our at our high school Don sopur by the front door there's a beautiful Mosaic and you may know that at the aventur turnburry Jewish Center as you enter coming towards the front door there's a beautiful Mosaic all of those are courtesy of the very Talent of Romero bito as I said a great friend of Amura and he had an amazing event at the Brito Palace a couple of weeks ago uh a string quartet from the Israeli the Israel philarmonic performed it was amazingly powerful it was an incredible evening again courtesy of the artist [Music] and when I cut the ribbon at the store that he has at the mall the gallery I noticed a Monopoly board but it's Miami Monopoly and those of you who know Monopoly there's properties right you land on the properties three of the properties are Aventura it's very very cool it's there's a Turnberry reference there's a Williams island reference there's an aventuro reference and it's just very very cool it's a very personalized Monopoly for us locals and so I couldn't resist when I saw him at his Palace at the philarmonic and I said you know that's very cool and um I would really love to have that board on display in my mayor's office as uh an interesting piece for visitors when I have meetings it just puts people at ease it's also happens to be quite beautiful and um I wonder if there's any way that that could happen um you know when you reach the station in life and Career Success people pay a lot of money for his artwork and he immediately said I'm going to donate it I am going to donate it didn't I didn't even finish the sentence I was so blown away I thought maybe he could loan it to me for a little bit anyway um he's here and I just I want to personally thank him I have up here and Romero will come up and officially present it but um once it's all opened and all that later we'll take pictures and post them and everything but if you go to the store at the mall right next to toku you can also see it on display it's really really beautiful but I wanted to um personally thank Romero and thank you for coming for being here this morning it's always wonderful to see you I know you're also very close with former mayor Enid Weissman who's here you're just such a great friend of of Aventura and um we love it when you're here so I want you to come up to to so we can take pictures present it but if you also want to say a few words please feel free to come to the microphone at this time well thank you so much mayor and uh so nice to be here today and uh um I'm being part of a community a community like aventur dream come true I lived many years ago um on Miami D um Pine Crest my son went to school there and finally I moved to here and uh I love this area where I am right now and I I'm also very happy that I have my art in different you know buildings and and so many residents here in Aventura and uh it's also really uh special to see how people together to do something good for others you know um is a special Dynamic and uh a lot of giving of yourself to do that so I'm honored to have my my mon Monopoly you know game you know in your office and I hope that your guest as your friends and people that come to visit enjoy and um and that's all I can say and I'm very grateful to be here and to wake up in the morning and see the ocean every day so it's very special thank you thank you so much please please come up move okay it's heavy will you tilt it down just a yeah perfect there we go awesome yeah there we go I was just about to say that all right one two three stay just like that for two more and one last one perfect one more there we go perfect so much for your than so much for your okay so what we're going to do now thank you all of those of you who came for those presentations we're going to recess the commission meeting now and then we're going to go back to our we're going to start in with our regular course of business of the local planning agency so uh we'll take two minutes for anyone that wants to exit to go ahead and we're in recess now and we'll come back and we will um we'll call the role for the local planning agency thank you notop exact is conratulations [Applause] I know Marvin thank you for everything you I was on the board for a long time yes yes I remember Billy Joel he's still he's still around still around amazing longest serving longest serving on the commission good to see you all again byee take it e another 40 years another 45 years barin if you work 45 I got to work5 time just one more okay we're now going to convene in our capacity as the local planning agency so I'll call that the LPA meeting to order and ask for a roll call Mayor Weinberg here vice mayor Dr Marks here commissioner Bloom here commissioner fredin here commissioner Joel here commissioner Cruz here Mr Watson here and Mr Myers here you have a corn okay we've done the pledge um we need to approve the minutes from June 4th I need a motion to approve the minutes commissioner Bloom seconded by commissioner Cruz uh let's vote on that please commissioner Freeland yes commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Bloom yes vice mayor Dr marks yes mayor Weinberg yes motion passes thank you item four public hearings we the following items 4B 4 C and 4 d are going to be quasi judicial procedures so we're invoking the procedures for quasi judicial and um I'm going to ask the City attorney to explain those procedures okay uh I know like I say this is everybody's favorite part of the meeting uh please be advised uh the following items uh B through d as indicated on the LPA agenda or zoning hearings and our quas additional nature as such the quas judicial procedures of the city shall be invoked for these items if you wish to object or comment upon these items please inform the mayor when public comments are requested an opportunity for person to speak on these items will be made available after the applicant staff have made their presentations on the items all testimony including public testimony and evidence will be made under oath or affirmation for these quasa judicial items Additionally the person who gives testimony may be subject to cross-examination if you refuse either to be cross-examined or be sworn your testimony will be given its due weight the general public will not be permitted to cross-examine Witnesses but the public May request the commission to ask questions of Staff or Witnesses on their behalf persons representing organizations must present evidence of their authority to speak for the organization further details of the qu judicial procedures may be obtained from the clerk mayor those are the the procedures thank you and I'll ask the clerk to swear in anyone who's going to be offering testimony on items 4 b c and d if you will be speaking on items 4 BC or D I need you to stand up raise your right hand and be sworn in at this time do you somly swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God thank you thank you madam clerk if you could uh read the ordinance for 4A an ordinance of the city of aventur of Florida amending chapter 31 Land Development regulations of the city code of ordinances by amending section 31-45 Town Center zoning districts to create section 31-1 145f Town Center North plan development tc5 District to provide for a new zoning District on related regulations and standards providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code and providing for an effective date okay can I have a motion to adopt the ordinance commissioner Joel seconded by commissioner Cruz uh I'll ask the community development director to review the item please thank you Mr Mayor good morning Kevin klopp community development director if we could put the presentation up on the screen please uh as you heard by the city clerk item 4A is an ordinance creating a zoning District but before we get to that if we could just have an introductory uh explanation uh of this item and if I can ask the uh opportunity to present all of the items at once and then we'll go back and and uh vote on them uh just because they're so related uh the introductory comments uh this started with resolution 2024 4-33 uh which was an agreement uh of the city commission to uh instruct the city manager to proceed with uh negotiations and Mr Mayor if you wanted to talk about that because that really was a commission uh directive sure um and I know there's been some articles that were recently published in they really don't tell the the whole story and um I was upset when I read them but since I know the rest of the story I I understood it was just an incomplete article but the bottom line is that um there are approximately 30 acres of land that Gulf Stream owns that are situated in Aventura and when I became the mayor-elect prior to being sworn in um I I met I sought out a meeting with ownership of Goldstream to start the ball rolling on the possibility of acquiring land so that we could meet the need the desperate need for another school we have 1500 aventur kids as you know on the waiting list and so there was a conversation those are those 30 Acres they own are developable and they have plans for them so um we had to work within the con finds in the context of what they're planning for the future the conversations were very fruitful and they were willing to work with us um to the extent that they were willing to deed us several Acres so that we could build a really an outstanding school we would have enough acres to build really the kind of school that we we really deserve in Aventura and um at the same time we were up against state law which is not favorable to us as a community uh specifically the law that's known as live local is a disaster for us in Aventura we we never want to be subject to a development that is done based on live locals so as an example um The Clevelander in Miami Beach there's a big problem now in Miami Beach that's in the arteco district 50 foot height limit developer came in they want to build 200 ft if you do it under live local the city commission has no authority to say no bal Harbor shops on the west side of A1A and bal Harbor it's single family homes well bal Harbor shops came in with a live local they want to build high-rise of Minion there in the middle of the mall well obviously it's going to be litigated but under live local the city the Town Council cannot say no these are the kind of things we're faced with so being aware of what live local does with 30 acres and given uh the parameters in Aventura the gstream folks could take the uh position that they're not interested in giving us anything by the way when I went to see them I was asking them to give us kind of like the burrito art I wanted them to give us several acres of land for school for free um they could have said we're giving you nothing and we have the right under live local to build close to 2,000 units and if we do it under live local you can't say no now that number is depends how you look at it but on the low side about 1,800 and I would ask our director to correct me if I'm wrong possibly 1,800 condominium units of which we cannot say no and we get nothing in return that's because I live local as high as possibly 2100 units and we get nothing and by the way if it's live local 40 % of those are affordable housing I have yet to meet a person living in aventur that would like to see affordable housing in our 3.5 square mile city so it would be 1,00 units with 663 of them affordable housing fortunately my meetings with them went very well and they want to work with us not against us and what we're dealing with today there's uh um a cap at I believe 1633 approximately units capped where they can't go beyond that and this would be built out over many years if ever in addition they would be giving us giving us three acres of land contiguous land from our existing High School contiguous to our existing High School in addition to that another between half and 3ar of an acre at fair market value so that we can build even more on almost four acres um quite frankly it's terrific for our city and it's a tribute to the Gulfstream people for to that they're working with us not against us um so I wish the article would have explained all of those details and what it is we're faced with if we don't do a deal and how much I respect the fact that our neighbor is work and and Community partner is willing to work with us so that's really the the full picture of what's Happening instead of 1,800 or 2100 units there'll be a maximum of 1,600 and change and almost four acres for us to be able to build our new school so this is this is in a nutshell the basis of it but so the the that's the long answer to your question I went to speak to them um prior to being sworn in in and was able to um get the ball rolling at which point I came to the city Administration and said I would like for the manager and the community development director and the attorney to continue those conversations and hopefully have a fruitful ending and that's where we've arrived at now thank you Kevin thank you and so my part in this is starting to put the pieces in place and this is the beginning of doing that tonight uh this morning uh the next steps things that aren't on the agenda tonight this morning so used to being here in the evening uh are for a development agreement to come before the commission for consideration uh which will uh follow a potential purchase and sale discussion um and those things would all come together with the second reading of the technical items that uh you're handling uh this morning um so just to go through those technical items the first is well here is uh a map for those that may be uh watching from home or have not seen before uh in the yellow line is the existing uh land that is owned by Gulfstream Park and in the red is generally where the School site uh that will be uh exchanged uh would be and both of those Parcels all of the land outlined in red and yellow is on the agenda the first being item 4A which is the creation of a tc5 zoning District we have a tc1 tc2 TC3 tc4 and tc5 uh would be created by this ordinance uh it's a Town Center District uh Town Center North is what this is going to be called plan development district and it creates the rules Land Development regulations for this zoning District we do have as I mentioned other Town Center zoning districts uh they are sites that are suitable for the creation of mixed uses residential and commercial on the same parcel in a well planned and compatible manner uh they're to have direct accessibility to mass transit service and they require highquality Urban Design uh couple of examples of town center districts that already exist is the Aventura town center right here uh just west of uh where we are at where the uh Publix is and uh the old lman Plaza which is now the aventur town center and the more recent example of a town center was Park Square Up on Northeast 207th which has become quite a popular uh location again mixed use commercial and residential some features of the tc5 proposal that are in front of you is uh as the mayor mentioned there would be a maximum residential lens city of 60 units per acre a maximum height of 30 stories and it would require pre-approval of design guidelines and a plan of development so we don't have those very detailed pieces at this point Gulfstream didn't come forward with a development proposal the city approached them with a request for uh land for a school and they said well if you can put in place some development parameters for us so when we are ready to come forward with the development we will know what they are so that's what tc5 does is create that zoning District but before we can put that zoning District in place and there's a couple more agenda items here item 4B is amendment to the comprehensive plan and the comprehensive plan future land use map this is what we have to report to the state it's not our zoning map it is a future land use map that is a little bit more generalized uh than specific zoning regulations saying what uses can go where and the intensity and density uh intensity uh to which a parcel can get built so this uh would create a 26.5 acre tract of land that's what's remaining after the school parcel uh it's currently designated business and office it would be changed to a land use designation of town Center and there's a few pages of town center language in our comprehensive plan that explains what town centers are you see on the map here is that portion of land that would be designated town center and here is the actual future land use map um don't know if I can oh I can't show you anything on here with the pointer but uh at the far north the um where you see 213th Street uh is where the change would be to the town center uh color Okay wants to go on its own item 4 C would then be the rezoning of The Gulfstream parcel so once the state's future land use map is changed then we can change the zoning we can change it to the zoning regulations that were put in place if you adopt tc5 so here is that zoning map currently it's zoned m o which is medical office and B2 so business and a mixed juice medical office and residential and that would be changed to the town center 5 then the final resoning would be rezoning the portion of land that would be U the cities to community facility which is the zoning where a school could be built so that uh portion that would be rezoned is shown here on this map now uh there is of course a lot of analysis that went into this uh traffic was presented uh at the time that this went to Workshop what I want to mention is I did mention there are next steps to this a development agreement but how it would work since they don't have a specific plan is we would create What's called the trade-off Matrix meaning they can generate a certain number of PM hour trips that is when traffic is the heaviest in the afternoon and they can't generate any more than those trips if they have a little bit more residential still under the 1600 maximum but uh less office or more office they have to trade off meaning they can't create more traffic than is agreed to in the development agreement and if they have different uses they reduce other uses that could get constructed so this is a uh this is not on the agenda for approval this evening but I did want to let you know that we are working with their traffic uh Engineers we have our own Traffic Engineers they're here in the audience tonight if this morning if you have any questions but I did want to mention that there is uh in the file uh many items that could be reviewed if there is concern over these things uh for all the items and I know we have to do them one by one but uh the standards of review were looked at and met and I would enter my report as part of the record uh for the hearings this morning with that I'm happy to take any questions or move through them one by one thank you okay I'm going to I'm going to um uh open it for public comment but if any commissioner has a question right now okay any if any member of the public would like to comment on this specific item okay seeing none I'll close it for public comment I'll ask yes if I could just offer a little bit about sort of the timeline here I mean Kevin alluded to it sure just so the commission the public understand what's going on here so the the uh commission authorized the manager to enter into a purchase and sale agreement and I think we're pretty close to getting that done uh the next step is the step you know that's in front of you today you have four ordinances the first reading is today the second reading will be in January uh uh after those assuming those if those ordinance are adopted assuming they are uh Kevin referred to a development agreement that also has to go before the commission it has to be two two hearings so the public can participate in that as well the development agreement is not is not the final deal uh at some point Goldstream has to come back you know when they're ready to build so there are all these opportunities for the the public to participate in this process uh the other thing is if the ordinances are adopted the uh the development agreement is approved there is also approval the commission has to give with respect to a restricted Covenant that exists on 213 and the only way that can be released is for the city commission to release it so that's also a public hearing so there are many opportunities for the public to be part of this process thank you and thank you for putting that on the record any commission comment uh I want to make sure commissioner Freeland doesn't have anything I can't see her okay yes thank you thank you mayor okay vice mayor go ahead Kevin um I have a question with the the area that the mayor referred to in terms of being required to be very dense by the state correct I mean the affordable housing area allowed to be allowed to be okay how far back does that go because I see that this tract of land is going all the way back to 34th what area would would uh hold the very big density should a developer choose to use it all of it all of it all the way back to 34th yes ma'am okay thank you uh if no other commission comment or questions I'll I will will ask for a roll call vote commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Bloom yes commissioner Friedland yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes okay Madam clerk could you read uh the ordinance for 4B please and ordinance of the city of aventur Florida approving a smallscale Amendment to the Future land use map of the city aventur comprehensive plan pursuant to Section 163 3187 Florida Statutes to redesignate an approximate 26.5 acre tract of land on the northeast corner of biscan Boulevard and Northeast 213 Street identified by folio numbers 28-12 34-01 9-11 and 28-12 34-19 0021 from business and office to Town Center providing for conflicts providing for severability providing for inclusion in the comprehensive plan and providing for an effective date can I have a motion to approve commissioner crew seconded by commissioner Bloom Uh Kevin you it's all part of what you already presented so I'll open it for public comment seeing none I'll close it I'll ask any commission comment seeing none let's let's vote commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Bloom yes commissioner friedin yes commissioner Joel yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor weberg yes motion passes okay let's move on to 4 C and I'll ask the clerk to read that ordinance in ordinance of the city of aventur Florida amending the official zoning map by changing the zoning designation of an approximate 26.5 acre tract of land on the northeast corner of bisc Boulevard and Northeast 213 his stre identified by folio numbers 28-12 34-19 0011 and 28-12 34-19 0021 from community business district B2 and medical office District M Mo to Town Center North plan development District tc5 providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code and providing for an effective date thank you could I have a motion to approve commissioner Joel Second of by commissioner Bloom Kevin part of the same presentation you gave I I want to make sure the applicant knows that they're able to provide comments should they choose to I think they're I see that you don't you're not standing up any members of the public want to make a comment I don't see anyone uh making an effort to do so so I'll close it for public comment any commission comment seeing none I will ask for a vote commissioner Bloom yes commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes vice mayor Dr Marx yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes okay sorry for the record that was four what four that was 4 C we're um moving on to 4 d d so read the ordinance for D please in ordance of the city of aventur Florida amending the official zoning map by changing the zoning designation of an approximate 3.7 acre trative land east of the northeast corner of biscan Boulevard and Northeast 213 Street depicted on the location map in exhibit one and legally described in Exhibit 2 from medical office District Mo to community facilities District CF providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code and providing for an effective date a motion to approve commissioner Joel seconded by commissioner Blom Kevin this part of the same presentation okay anyone from the public no one has changed their mind yet okay I'll close public comment any commission comment seeing none we will take a roll call vote commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Bloom yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes okay I'm going to ask for a motion to adjourn commissioner Bloom seconded by commissioner Joel all those in favor say I I any oppos we are adjourned now we'll turn our attention back to the recessed City commission meeting and uh I will ask for a roll call Mayor w here vice mayor Dr Marks here commissioner Bloom here commissioner fredin yes here commissioner Joel here commissioner Cruz here Mr Watson here and Mr Meers here you have quum okay we're up to um the consent agenda so I'm going to ask the manager or any commission members if any item if they would like to be removed from the consent agenda hello mayor I have one item that has with been withdrawn by the uh the person bringing forward uh Item B to be brought back possibly at a future date okay so having said that item B is stricken from the consent agenda and with the exception of Item B I need a motion to approve the consent agenda minus Item B commissioner Bloom second by commissioner Cruz um let's vote on that commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Bloom yes commissioner fredin commissioner freedland yes I'm sorry it was on mute vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes okay we ask a question about the consent agenda yes I have a question for Kevin um the item that was pulled was a request for six-month uh um extension to the permitting process when is the when is that permit due to expire when is the 12 months over I believe it was October 12th but the uh code says that they have to have the request in before it expires so they had the request in before it expired but they have now uh invoked uh emergency uh Extensions by the state so uh you won't be seeing it for two years okay thank you you're welcome item five zoning hearings um it's a quasi these are Quasi judicial so um item 5B 5C and 5D are um quasi judicial so I'm going to ask once again for the City attorney to tell us about those procedures uh please be advised that the follow following items 5B through d as indicated on the commission agenda zoning hearings on our quasa judicial nature as such the quasa judicial procedures of the city shall be invoked for these items if you wish to object or comment upon these items please inform the mayor when public comments are requested and opportunity for persons to speak on these items will be made available after the applicant and staff made their presentations on the items all testimony including public testimony and evidence will be made under oath or affirmation for these quasi judicial items additionally each person who gives testimony may be subject to cross-examination if you refuse either be cross-examined or be sworn your testimony will be given its due weight the general public will not be permitted to cross-examine Witnesses but the public May request the commission to ask questions of Staff or Witnesses on their behalf persons representing organizations must present evidence of their authority to speak for the organization further details of the qua procedures may be obtained from the clerk those are the procedures Mr Mayor thank you if the mam clerk if you could swear and those wishing to offer testimony on this these items this is for items 5 b c and d if you're going to be providing comments and needed to be sworn in at this time do you somly swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth shall help you g thank [Music] you uh 5A can you read that ordinance M CL an ordinance of the city of aventur Florida amend in chapter 31 Land Development regulations of the city code of ordinances by amending section 31-1 145 Town Center zoning districts to create section 31-1 145f Town Center North plan development cc5 District to provide for a new zoning district and related regulations and standards providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code and providing for an effective date thank you and let me just for the record the Kevin the we on the LPA meeting we had four A and C this now we in the commission meeting five abnc mirror for abnc from the prior meeting is that correct correct ND ND sorry um so having said that um I need a motion to approve 5A commissioner Cruz seconded by commissioner Bloom Uh Kevin you don't need to repeat everything so no but I would ask that the reports be entered into the record and that I State on the record that the standards of review for each item have been met thank you any members of the public wish to speak seeing none I will close it for public comment ask if any commission members have any comments seeing none we will vote on 5A commissioner Cruz yes commissioner bloom yes commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes 5p Madam clerk an ordinance of the city of aventur Florida approving a smallscale Amendment to the Future land use map of the city of aventur comprehensive plan pursuing to Section 163 3187 Florida Statutes to redesignate an approximate 26.5 acre trative land on the northeast corner of bisc Bou and 213 Street and Northeast 213 Street identified by folio numbers 28-12 34-01 n-11 and 28-12 34-19 0021 from business and office to Town Center providing for conflicts providing for severability providing for inclusion in the comprehensive plan and providing for an effective date motion to approve made by commissioner Joel seconded by commissioner Cruz Kevin nothing further uh any member of the public change your mind and really want to speak don't see any I'll close your public comment any Commissioners had a sudden question seeing none let's vote commissioner Bloom yes commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes 5c m in ordinance of excuse me in ordinance of the city of aventuro Florida amending the official zoning map by changing the zoning designation of an approximate 26.5 acre tract of land on the northeast corner of biscane Boulevard and Northeast 213 Street identify by folio numbers 28-12 34-19 0011 and 28-12 34-19 0021 from community business District B2 and medical office District M Mo to Town Center North plan District development District tc5 providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code and providing for an effective date motion to approve commissioner Joel seconded by commissioner Bloom Kevin you're all set applicant you can speak if you want or forever hold your pece or something like that okay any members of the public public want to speak come on up seeing none I'll close it for public comment any Commissioners questions or comments seeing none we'll close it and vote commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Bloom yes vice mayor Dr Marx yes and mayor weberg yes motion passes 5D please in ordance of the City of Aventura Florida amending the official zoning map by changing the zoning designation of an approximate 3.7 acre tract of land east of the northeast corner of biscan Boulevard and Northeast 213 Street depicted on the location map in exhibit one and legally described in Exhibit 2 from medical office District M Mo to community facilities District CF providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code and providing for an effective date motion to approve commissioner Joel seconded by commissioner Cruz Kevin you're fine any member of the public wish to comment come forward seeing none close it for public comment any commission comment seeing none uh let's vote commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Bloom yes commissioner fredin yes vice mayor Dr marks yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes okay moving on to item six ordinances second reading public hearings Madame clerk 6A please an ordinance of the City of Aventura Florida amending chapter 3 advertising of the city code of ordinances to create article three business solicitation and section 3-36 solicitation of business on private residential property providing for conflict severability and codification and providing for an effective date uh motion approved by Comm commissioner Joel seconded by commissioner Cruz Mr manager can you review this sure um as a second reading um most private property in uh in aventor do do limit when solicitations can come at night however aventor is adding this sour code uh and and more restricted than the County ordinance that nobody could come on any uh uh property uh and solicit from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m. the only way they could do that if they had the permission of the property owners to come in and do that uh right now as I said most buildings prohibited but this way it's in the code and it has some teeth and they can't do it without the permission of the property owner thank you any members of the commission have a comment or question on this any member of the public want to comment on the no solicitation During certain hours second reading seeing none on close for public comment and let's vote commissioner Cruz yes commissioner Bloom yes commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes vice mayor Dr Marx yes and mayor Weinberg yes the motion passes 6B please an ordinance of the City of Aventura Florida amending chapter 2 administration of the City of Aventura code of ordinances to create section 2261 prohibition against Contracting with parties engaged in the boycott divestment and sanctions move targeting Israel to establish contract procedures for All City contracts providing for conflicts providing for several ability and providing for an effective date motion to approve commissioner Cruz seconded by commissioner Joel Mr manager um this ordinance would prohibit the city from doing business with any firm or contractor uh who is currently boycotting or is standing against Israel uh it would not allow us to do to enter into any agreement and that would be that's about it thank you any commission comment on this okay any oh I'm sorry yes commissioner Bloom just just a just a quick little comment that um this ordinance makes me very happy to see that the City of Aventura continues to stand with Israel and with our Israeli and Jewish residents so this is this is wonderful thank you I I thank you I think the feeling you have is unanimous on this commission any member of the public wish to comment on this item seeing none I'll close it for public comment and we will vote on this commissioner Bloom yes commissioner freand yes commissioner Joel yes commissioner Cruz yes mayor Dr marks yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes thank you I'm going to request a motion for the all-important adjournment so move uh vice mayor Dr Linda Marx seconded by commissioner Joel all those in favor say I I any oppos we are adjourned good we're going to head upstairs for the workshop very good we get a new one we're to get a new one yeah