##VIDEO ID:ozSk4iJXOEo## the meeting to order of the uh town of Air Board of assessors uh for Wednesday August 28 2024 at 2m and it's remote uh participation Open session meeting first item is the approve the agenda everybody had a chance to look at that we have a motion I'll make Mo go ahead I make motion to approve the agenda okay all those in favor I I I okay uh approve the minutes of the July 24th 2024 meeting everybody had a chance to look at that any questions okay I have a motion I make a motion to approve the minutes of July 24th 2024 I seconded all those in favor I I I okay uh next is approval of the motor vehicle and trailer bait report for July yep so July was a small one not too many tradein and moves uh yet they were all sold um there were eight abatements totaling 69 $923 any question on that okay make somebody make a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve the motor vehicle and trailer abatement report for July 2024 I'll second it all those in favor I I hi uh next is approval of supplemental warrant and commitment for 2024 yep so the supplementals is the um new construction anything that completed partway through the year um and went up by more than 50% uh there wasn't a lot of them we had a total of 10 for this year um total tax dollars was 12,768 24 4 and CPA sech charge of 3834 so it should be one just for the real estate itself and one for CPA okay you have to do those separately or together uh you can vote it together as long as you vote to approve both okay uh any any thoughts on that any questions I have a motion I'll make a motion to approve the supplemental residen real estate tax for 2024 okay I'll second it all those in favor I I okay uh that was a fast meeting I was gonna say that's really all we had for Open Session uh starting to work through valuations now so that will start to pick up um and I'll have more updates for you as I get a little further in the process but right now um just trying to get through the dayto day and this is fairly quiet not not too much unusual stuff going on good and the um executive session is just going to be a quick update it's there's not a lot going on with that as well okay uh well Nick just a point um I only made a motion for the supplemental you want a separate one for the supplemental CPA Tech sure I think should yeah okay I'll make a motion to approve the supplemental CPA tax for 2024 I'll second it all those in favor I I okay that's good Jim thank you uh is there any old it's okay any old business I I just have a question about the closing of the show bu Hospital what is that going to do do we know yet about um the taxes on that weren't we using um the income right with them not sure I believe it is in there is income and expense but there's going to be a lot that's got to be reviewed so I mean they're going to get reassessed for 25 as they stood on January 1st 24 so um right now it's going to remain unchanged until we can look into it further for 26 because it was still open and operational on January 1st 2025 uh 2024 so that's how I have to base buy right now all right thank you you're welcome just a question are they eligible for um a rebate at any point if they go out of business well I think it's owned by a a real estate company so it's not Steward that actually is owning and paying the taxes they're paying a lease to somebody else I believe is what I understand so we should still be right now assessing and taxing the entity that owns the building and then it's up to them if they want to file for an abatement I believe like everybody else in January yeah and I can add to that if you'd like Mr chair it's Carly from the town manager's office please so um we have uh have Town Council uh they have a bank rupsy specialist that's working with the federal court um for um to see you know we had to submit claims on how much they owed um for tax outstanding taxes outstanding Water and Sewer so we're kind of in a holding pattern right now now as far as receiving payment until the Federal Bankruptcy Court decides okay so somebody had told me that the the buildings and the land are two different owners now I don't know if you know anything about that so from our understanding Stuart operates the hospital um and MB MPT medical properties trust owns the land and the buildings oh so they own they own the land and the buildings yeah okay okay that makes more sense I heard they just own the land yeah I I believe it's the buildings too okay thank you sure any more discussion on that that's so that's uh kind of new business any new business okay so we'll go uh going to Executives how about we probably should make a date for the next meeting oh yep see on the 25th sound all right for everybody September 25th that's good on my side uh it's good for me okay two o'clock September 25th let me check guys something or two things coming up in September let me check on oops uh oh Ruth's gone looks like she hit the wrong button yep can tell our ages when we don't know how to uh run Electronics yeah she's still trying to check the calendar before she figures out how to get back into the meeting and reconnect but Nick it's our age group that started all this yeah that's true y we just don't get the well we do but that makes it more ironic doesn't it it does I'm GNA give her a couple minutes why don't we keep it September 25th for right now and if it has to change we'll change it okay right so uh when we leave executive session we will end the meeting we won't have to reconvene right yeah okay so good executive session pursuant to General La c30a section 21 A7 General law c59 section 60 and general law c214 section 18 uh I have a motion Jim to uh go into moved so moved okay uh I second it uh Jim how vote I and the chair votes I okay we're now an executive session