##VIDEO ID:Cjo6lSRvPjM## being 4:30 I'm calling the Wednesday August 21st meeting of the Year Board of Health to order first Our member I miss Peters will read an announcement okay this meeting SL hearing of the Board of Health will be held in person at the location provided on this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this in-person meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance Andor participation via Zoom is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting SL hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in a specific item on this agenda should make plans for in-person versus virtual attendance accordingly this meeting will be live on Zoom the public May access the public May access the proceedings by joining Zoom Mee meeting ID number 880 9915 1478 or by calling 301 715 8592 for additional information about remote participation please contact samanth the Beno administrative coordinator at espano a.m. us or 978-772-4864 20 extension 145 prior to the meeting thank you so um to kick off public input for tonight um we had a request to appear before us by um an Emeritus I would call her member of Board of Health um so by all means you may absolutely go first thank you so much for coming would you like to come up or do you want to speak from where you are no I uh trying to drink some water but my voice is still oh gotta there's microphones down there down at the table though yeah you can just have a seat down at the end thank you very much for coming Madam chair I had the pleasure of serving with Mrs Sullivan in 1981 and 1982 you're dating me I'm the one that aged and you didn't so oh gosh um Trisha can you open this um I am now a resident at um nooba Park yep in air and I think it was one of the best decisions I ever made to go over there it's a great place I'm not sure of uh how many people are there um I'm not representing them I already talked to the people over there and I said I'm not representing you I just want to go over and say we have probably about 70 plus people here and the ambulance comes there are so frequently because we have a lot of people who just slip and fall and they have to be seen in the ER yeah and it's mainly preventative but a lot of times these people really have done some drastic damage so they have to be yeah you know admitted um luckily a has an excellent excellent uh Ambulance Service and the those boys are right up to date and I've even watched them I'm an old nurse myself and I've even watched them from afar but they do a great job they're really good they are and if the ambulance is running around to everything in the area what's going to happen to people over there like ours yeah I got you so we just we just wanted to know um they do have the option of going to other institutions which would be lemonster or which are um Emison but we're concerned about it and for people who don't don't know um this the Sha par is the original Hospital yes and some people don't don't realize that and don't know it but it where I was born where you work I I was born there and I worked there and I had babies there that's fantastic and um it's it does a great service it really does if anyone has not been over there or I'm not sure what goes on over there I suggest they come over it's it's wonderful you said there's about 70 um residents I think there was about uh 70 now we had alpaca day the other day oh my God the alpacas came in the alpacas were there that's fantastic and um it was great we had Mick and the boys today they're a band about five or six guys and they come in and they played and that's awesome everyone was getting up the meals terrific um yeah it's just a transportation issue but it's an issue in any other senior absolutely and that's something that we are concerned about and we're trying to partner with nishoba to just try to figure out what can we do is it expanding the services that Matt can provide are there any other resources available to us but yeah I've got you if you can't get there or can't get back from there mhm those regardless of the extra time it takes to get there but those locations are not a great option if you don't have the transportation no and you know if when you talk to a lot of the people they all have the same issues it's always eyes always eyes and they go up here and they sit in the doctor's office anywhere from 4 to 5 hours oh wow and then they have to wait for someone to come and get them and get back and forth it on all the time so it's enough of a project as it is it is it is and the senior center in a you know they have the same problem we have our own van but we're looking for another driver got it yeah and I know they have the van down at the senior center but we do you know we're able to use the van the senior center and will they take you to medical appointments or are they Limited in what they will they will but of course they're limited yeah right right you only have the one van I don't know will they take you to Emerson or lemon store if this happens no it's going to be in town oh okay so if you have no it's the Sha usually yeah right right but if they're gone what what's the alternative yeah and the biggest wow the biggest one up there is going to be the um Dr valz yeah and she does all the eyes and uh I don't know where they're going to go yeah the doctors have already signed a contract with someone else I understand well I think they're also they have a practice in Worcester as well I think Marsha they do um and I think they they have privileges in Wester as well okay yeah yeah that was kind of an issue that I uncovered that I was going to talk a little bit um more about later on is that whole thing of making sure you understand where your physician has Privileges and you know that whole thing cuz it's a whole another layer of complexity here good good yeah so I I guess what I'd like to take back to my friends I'm I'm not going back to the powers that be because I understand yeah um I I just like to know are there any plans to increase uh not buying other ambulance because they're very expensive y but to increase um the people who will be able to I certainly hope so and that need it yeah and we don't have anything in place right now that we could offer you yet but that's definitely transportation is very high in the list of things that we're just trying to it is make sure that we have some kind of safety net in in place yeah I hear you thank you so much thank you thank you for all your years in nursing too oh well thank you thank you you were probably one of my nurses when I was in the hospital as all many years you ATA um were you there in the 60s yes oh yeah yeah you probably were you in the children's W I think I every bed in there at one point was surgical daycare we started up surgical daycare yeah my daughter worked intensive she was in the Intensive Care Unit yeah so we were all there y yeah another multigenerational Public Health family well thank you so much thank you thank you stay tuned I I'm really hoping that we're going to be able to yeah okay assist you here but it's we're committed to first of all trying to see if we could keep the hospital where it is that's Choice number one nobody wants it to close yeah option two if we can't have everything we want then at least give us the 120 days yes and that's where we're hoping that we can at least that will give us some time to put some of these other things in place so yeah yeah and we are absolutely committed to us as a board of health continuing to work with nooba because then we can share information amongst all of the nooba towns for what are these increased resources what are some options where do you go where could you find resources so we're working on it all right thank you very much appreciate the time thank you so much all right [Music] okay um so we do have it looks like a number of people waiting is everyone everyone there is for public input or do we do you know do we have can you folks that are in the audience that want to do public input can you kind of raise your hand so we know who's who's listening and who wants to provide input do you want to do the letter first or do you want to do yeah that's what I was well I was thinking if we don't have a lot of public input if people are more here to listen then yeah we're fine to there's one there's one in the chat and there's 16 people all together yeah in the chat um I don't know if so that would come up on our screen right when somebody raises their hand if they want to oh that's just a yeah okay okay all right I'm not seeing any hands raised is that right if they body is out there that wants to do public input tell us otherwise we are going to move on to the next thing but stay with us because we are going to continue talking about nooba I can I can unmute them or they can unmute themselves as needed okay so on that note then we have um a couple of things to talk about with respect to Nela we have um invited people from the other noobaa Associated Boards of Health to join us tonight to talk about this but prior to that we actually have a um document here that's been drafted by one of our board members um that would go to did you get any Clarity on like should this be actually addressed to I did not get anything okay yet all right um so should I read this it's pretty short or do you want to read it you should read it Steve yeah read it Steve whatever so this is a proposed um Motion in in front of the board right so it would be a proposed that we adopt this letter that it be sent to the governor um that it be sent to all the representatives that it be issued as a press release um as well to the news agencies if we accept the letter okay okay yeah all right so you the letter is the closing of nishoba Valley Medical Center let it be known the town of a Board of Health is making the strongest of recommendations to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts governor Healey and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health commissioner Dr Robert Goldstein to uphold the Massachusetts state law and requiring the shelba Valley Medical Center to transition to a closed status over 120 days we ask that you vigorously petition the bankruptcy court to vacate the 30-day closure notice and amend it to 120 days to facilitate an orderly and Humane transition from over A Century Of Care local health care we understand how complicated this process is but it can be done the Department of Public Health has determined that nelba Valley Medical Center is an essential service and necessitates a dph review of transition and closure plan if the accelerated 30-day closure is continued and this is underlined and and italicized you will create a Public Health crisis that is avoidable please consider the following appropriate notification to all potential users of nooba Valley Medical Center transition of care for all patients identification of available providers and facilities for Services an orderly and thoughtful redeployment of Emergency Medical Services medical records retrieval a pathway for access to essential life-saving medications prescription drugs due to the rural nature of the area transportation issues to and from the medical care there are no Municipal options and so many more reasons theber Valley Medical Center is not like a dog food factory if the the dog food Factory closes someone else will make it in closing we are asking in closing we are talking about people and lives the young the old the frail the poor the weak and the sick we urge you in every possible way to extend the closing to 120 days it's the right thing to do and I would put that forward as a motion to the board that is the the right thing to do and that we adopt this letter to the governor um to the other Town Boards of Health to our state representatives uh to the Air Board of Selectmen but more importantly that we issue is a press release as well um because again I would think for the governor it's the right thing to do yes y um and I totally understand she does not have control of the bankruptcy court right right but in the absence of petitioning them um I can't see how anyone would think that 120 days is not reasonable no I can't I can't I can't either um I would make I never know does she second it or do I make I wanted to just amend it second it and then you amend it okay okay I second okay the amendment would be if we could cuz I think there's like a typo here there there's a number of typos in yeah yeah yeah have oh that's okay that's don't worry about if we could just add um maybe the statement here this is consistent with and then a reference back to this and then add this as an attachment I don't think it needs to be an amendment I think that that is just okay what we should do all right but I think I think this needs to go out ASAP I agree Steve and not just by email but by certified mail by Courier if necessary um this is time is of the essence it's it's time it's time sensitive is that something that you take care of with like the mailing out and the getting a hold of going overnight career yeah absolutely I we can FedEx we can and you know we've got because we have a little budget that he cover that sort of thing um yeah so that really is my only um other than that just adding that one little amendment I think we're that's fine okay yeah shall we vote Yes all in favor I I let's do it by Voice vote since we're going to sign it anyway Mr slaski hi Miss Peters hi all right and Miss Papo here says I all right thank you very much um let's get this thing we'll get it wrapped up I'll work with um you Sam what we might be able to do I'm wondering is um well you guys around tomorrow that if we get a draft like that you can come in and sign okay for sure all right then we'll just get it straightened out for the the morning and then come in and sign it and let's get it on its way get it out by the end I think the press release should happen as soon as possible because again um picking up on the the right thing to do I think is important and the press release would go to all the news agencies newspapers um any place that it could be published that okay the Board of Health is requesting yeah yeah yeah is there a do you know Sam is there like a I know the town has done press releases is there like a format for that for the people that we notify for nooba people do you have any I would have to double check with Robert and Carly on that yeah okay all right we'll figure it out Robert and Carly whatever the intermunicipal process yeah all right all right we'll yeah we'll figure it out we we'll get it the end of tomorrow yeah there's definitely a template for this and but and the news outlets I mean the the like channel news channels have been pretty good about covering and coming out they um and I know they have um an email address or whatever we could include with that and I have I mean I have contact at the newspaper I can do that so perfect just to add to this the pH had their release of information last night that they considered essential facility yes yes that was the and that they're also requesting that it be 120 days in terms of notice which is Massachusetts General law um yeah and I would hope that the governor could deploy her resources to the Houston Bankruptcy Court ASAP to request it to be amended exactly exactly and then so what document that you're talking about just for the folks in the audience and those listening at home is this just came out yesterday and it's from Dr uh Octavio Diaz who is or it's true rather Octavio Diaz who's the steward you know sort of regional chief medical officer and it's from dph and it is quite lengthy and it runs through in tremendous detail um 18 specific reasons why they um closure P plan is just ridiculous and unworkable and what needs to happen and this is extremely well thought through and put together I think so just wanted to make a reference to this we have that added weight of dph has made this determination it's not just us as a board saying it so we'll attach this and we'll make sure we work it into Thea into the letter awesome see what we can do I I certainly hope so I mean it's it's crazy it's just crazy uh all right on that note um what I'd like to do is ask um Tamara and Jenna to come up and join us so I reached out to um just noova Associated Boards of Health knowing that I kind of view you as the you're the Hub in the wheel you're the you're the center that we have all these towns with you know spokes going into to and we may be the host town for Nela but we certainly are not the only Town facing these questions so um I threw together just a like quick off the top of my head I know that I emailed it to you I think I emailed it to you Trish if anybody wants copies of it I have it but it's just kind of a sort of at least a basic list of of tips and points that for people to consider things to help you make this transition to wherever you're going to need to go before we continue though C can can we have can we introduce these ladies to people that oh absolutely Yeah Yeah Yeah from Thea Associated Boards of Health but yeah please introduce yourselves I'm sorry that thank good one thank you Trish hi thank you I'm Tamara Bard I'm a public health nurse and I am your local public health nurse absolutely I am Jenna Montgomery and I am a public health educator and communication specialist with Thea Boards of Health thank you thank you thank you both for coming yes so these were the two ladies that I ended up getting put in touch with as you know the ones that have both the knowledge and the the Outreach abilities so I really just kind of wanted you um to come here tonight to see what's the best way um and we're not going to solve it tonight for sure but want to make sure that we have this open communication going I sent you a list of questions and they're really simple things like um check your prescriptions get long-term refills if you can find out where you're think about your new provider don't wait till you're sick figure out who's in your network who takes your insurance and and so on um so I want to encourage everybody certainly here at this table to keep sending that information over to you guys is that kind of the best um way to do it to keep emailing you as we come up with ideas and things that we think maybe would be um sort of points of interest if this turns into an FAQ page or something like that yeah sure I mean um what I would do if you want to just send them to me I will D duplicate anything that's already present on the dph FAQ page cuz there's probably quite a bit of that they are maintaining a pretty upto-date page we want to make sure anything that we share out from our perspective is um has a local bent to it right yeah there's a lot of considerations that are going to be helpful for anybody losing access Hospital right but we want to make sure we're focusing on things that are unique to this area that dph is not going to capture in their FAQ that's what I'm thinking and I got that in reading some of your questions I was like oh yeah like yeah this some of this is getting at some of those things that are missing the Gap yeah that's what well it was kind of two things motivating me one was that making sure that we have all these little kind of every day new questions pop into my head but also that um the dph website has a lot of information on it but especially if you're not particularly good at like searching websites and digging for information can be had to find the information so that's why what I thought would be a good thing to do is if dph has already addressed it absolutely we have to you know kind of their opinion is going to be the official word on it so if we could just people some Qui links to oh are you looking for the capacity dashboard click here yeah yeah or here's deut it kind of is what you're doing yeah do more like a Q&A kind of this is my particular concern I don't want to just start digging through the dph website in right you know at random right but I think it's really helpful to hear as you might field calls what kind of things people are asking about and what the concern what the specific concerns are because that will inform kind of what kind of conversations we're having with local providers because we'd like to as Jenna was saying you know we we're hearing what the Department of Public Health is able to answer in their questions from a larger perspective but then bringing it down to the local perspective here for people's everyday questions and concerns you know um in this region and we know that there are unique situations here um we want to be able to speak effectively to those specific things and so that would be really helpful information to have yeah and I think in the spirit of kind of accessing the hive mind here and and getting us all thinking about this stuff I would also say if people that are watching listening residents if you have specific concerns you're not seeing a dress anywhere send them via email to Bard Health Sam you and I can kind of sort out who looks at them we can W stuff to Jenna to make sure it makes it in there uh questions that other local Boards of Health are getting if they're asking that question in peil chances are I have people in here are going to have the same question so yeah I'm kind of looking at almost like a no borders kind of thing because we're all in this boat together people um like I see an audience member here today that definitely does a lot of Outreach in town and has a lot of contacts let us know what what what you're hearing um I had yeah yeah that's perfect that's exactly what we need and so in the spirit of that I'm going to send you ladies a detailed email but I was speaking to um the office manager and billing manager at my local physician Dr gustaffson Who's Harvard Family Medicine I believe is the real name of their practice and she is definitely interested in being involved I have her cell phone number I'm going to pass on to you she knows that you're going to be contacting her and she is all in but some of the fascinating things that came up as I was talking to her were that there the doctors there are sort of two levels of these admitting privileges so the state U and I think we talked a little bit about this today too where doctors that are credential you're an MD you've got your state licensed to practice medicine so you can practice medicine anywhere in the state of Massachusetts but individual hospitals give out admitting Privileges and that's a really important thing to know is that your doctor may have a degree and a medical license we're not saying they're not a doctor we're just saying that they haven't done the right paperwork and they haven't been officially granted the Privileges and I know that in for that practice anyway they are doing Emerson um and UMass but it's a lengthy process to get through it so another thing that would kind of help us if we can get a little bit longer going here and this is affecting people this surprised the heck out of me it's affecting people that have prescribed infusions that need to be done in a hospital even though that's not I wouldn't have thought of it is why do you need admitting for you're not being admitted you're just going there for the infusion they've got to have admitting privileges so depending on what service it is that you need need to access ask if you have a primary care physician if your um insurance is the kind where you have a PCP the thing that they really stress to me is that that PCP will always have access to all your records historically your maybe not the films but they will at a bare minimum they'll have lab reports and they will have reports of like Imaging studies so if worse comes to work medical records not only are they setting up a way that you know they'll be archived and will be accessible for a while but that's another thing to keep in mind you could always go back to your PCP um and one one of the things that surprised me was I found out through talking to her that mat will not transport if you live in lunenberg and you need to come to a doctor in Harvard it's not something that cover Transportation they'll take you to the hospital but they won't take you to a private doctor's appointment so I kind of need to even know who to talk to to try to Fig out have a contact awesome awesome I knew I already got it going for you all right I knew this was going to get more Minds on this this will work but the two things Little Gems that absolutely just broke my heart were that they have had people calling their office elderly in in both of of these situations who are afraid to call 911 because they are afraid that they're not going to get to them in time so as a I guess general public statement definitely m is still there 911 is there they're going to take care of you as this evolves yeah we know that we're going to run into longer transport times but definitely this is not a reason not to call 911 so don't give that a second thought but the other thing that's interesting is the other reason that they're afraid to call 911 is not just the response time but it's the what if I end up having to be transported to one of these either lemonster or Emerson I can't get home I have no way to get home and I like God that's such a no-brainer right how do you get home from those places so that's the kind of input that I'm seeking from everybody and this is going to this is is definitely it takes a village so keep ideas flowing we'll keep funneling them towards you and then let's just keep our lines of communication going and see what we can set up for accesses have you do you have anything um new or noteworthy that you'd like to just get out in the in terms of in Terms or yeah what you're hearing what you know are people's concerns that we might be missing hearing about from other places so far I think it's all of the things that everyone the the common ones are bubbling up that I think everyone's pretty concerned about transportation is key you know um I haven't heard of anything specifically that's unusual or different than I think what everyone is pretty much hearing right now um and I think that you know we we are listening and I think it's important to keep as you said the communication going um in Dr Guston happens to be our medical director as well so that's not a problem to keep those channels of communication going it's just another Avenue that we'll have to get firsthand information um to hear what those concerns are as well and to troubleshoot and to try to be proactive as some of these things are happening exactly yeah that's why I'm looking for just a way that we can get this kind of information out there so it's accessible to Residents to Boards of Health to people more on a local level and it's not as intimidating is having to go to a State website exactly and Madam chair one of the things that I'm hearing is that people aren't even aware that this is happening yeah you don't showing up to the hospital not don't have you don't have newspapers that people read right is there any suggestion or any ideas that you folks have in terms of how people get just basic notification that this is happening because you know if if you don't have email um and I'm sure every everyone doesn't have email yeah how do you even know that this is happening right is are there notices going up in communities anywhere that you know the potential for closure is I mean we're talking less than two weeks you know yeah that's always a challenge is how to how to get people informed right and how people how how do people access information is always a challenge yep and it's all over the news but people aren't necessarily putting two and two together about or even watch big go thing with steart has yeah right yeah yeah exactly and I know that people do pick up I'm not on Facebook personally I know that people there's a really active um Community both the town um web page and there's one for the save MOBA that things get picked up and reprinted there so I'm hoping that the people that are you know more administrators and whatever for that will feel free to repost or link things right yes I that those yard signs are really helping a lot yeah I think here in town they're in and like you see them as far out as lemon love it believe is helping with people that aren't on social media or that don't watch the and news yeah it's not like the old days where there was a newspaper of record and you know it was easy how do you do vaccination notices how do you get that information it's all the same channels that you would expect right it's social media websites you know that I mean that that's the main way that people are there any Publications that are posted in places our newsletter went out to you guys Town administrators coas Public Safety School nurses dayc carees preschools food pantries awesome random list of other people I don't fall into particular categories there aren't any there there are less and less of those local free papers and newsletters that you we did also submit a press release to all the local papers a couple weeks ago I'm thinking Harvard has their own newspaper in the Harvard news they put me in they put an article that I wrote in there last week yeah okay in the Harvard press yeah some people are still either if not you know paper physical then at least online so that's really it right the answer is you diversify your Communications as much as possible and you communicate through as many different Avenues as you can electronic paper all the stakeholders that you can reach out to in the region and also that community- based organizations that serve people in the region um like Mark Community Health connections are a couple like off the top of my head that I'm in communication with that's right Community Health and I think like to your point of the people that aren't watching the news or aren't on social media like the visuals the the signs in the red ribbon might prompt someone to ask what is that about that gets your attention for sure yeah yep yeah yeah gotcha awesome thank you thank you so much um yes we have another there's a rural postal uh carrier um way of getting um information to every household in a particular zip code out at low cost so that find in Harvard um I see a lot of those notifications going out from various organizations Okay so comes in your mailbox comes through basically you send it to an entire zip code without regard to it's not specifically addressed but it okay yeah yeah that's a great idea awesome thank you for that so would that be the the all those towns though Jenna I think you can select uh you know individuals that could yeah we can figure out who are the it's it's very inexpensive it's it's much less than a first class is that something to show could do and then build back to the communities or whatever because it it wasn't a budgeted feature but we there has to be one organization that does it if we're going to do something like that having each Board of Health yeah not going to happen it's inefficient it's going to be pointing in a bunch of different directions that's I me I'm sorry I feel like I'm leaning on you a lot but that's why I'm sort of pushing you as the Nexus of yeah you know where we create and hold and manage and maintain this information but as far as the cost goes wouldn't it pertain mostly to the towns that that are in proximity of the hospital like the S 17 16 and community of De yeah yeah okay okay it would Pro it probably would make sense to assume that I would think any of the zip codes that you guys cover are potentially covered but yeah for finance it's I think we've got some options either if M Shela does it and bills back to the town that's one way if it makes more sense for it if it's something that we have to run through you know a purchase order or whatever process we do here let me know we can do that that's awesome information thank you yeah I mean I think our budget would I can't imagine that it would exceed what we have budget no it can't be it can't be huge can't be huge we'll take it back that some of you guys cuz I think that's a great idea we'll take it back yeah thank you awesome thank you so much for your help and let's keep ideas flowing at this point I I'm sorry we don't for the public who came here I'm sure wanting to hear answers I'm sorry we don't have answers yet but we're going to work on rolling out information as fast as we can cuz we hear you we feel you abely well thanks for having us thank you appreciate it thank you so much I'll send you an email with um You probably have it but I'll I'll send you the contact information no that would be good anything fabulous thank you anything we can do thank you guys thanks thanks okay sure yeah yeah yeah yep yep so we'll take a five minute don't raise their hand 5 minute break um yeah you're not supposed to really talk in the chat but for some reason things got I couldn't shut it off without messing with the camera for some reason okay so so you can read them there's nine oh turn around and look b b email again if you if anyone's interested in emailing the Air Board of Health please send to me um my email is SBO B ASM boy n oi T a.m. us it is also on the town of airs website yeah it's on the website we actually need to this is actually a good question that's up here one about we need to appeal to the um Texas Bankruptcy Court the motion that we made to send out that letter is doing exactly that it's requesting the governor and dph to get into that bankruptcy court and do what you need to do to keep us open 120 if you go back up multitasking yeah um it's not an appeal that needs to be fil but a motion to intervene Comm needs y okay we got that one uh about because yeah okay anyone in contact with the federal prison who uses Michelle that's a good point and so and so does um and so does um soua baronowski the uh prisons up in Shirley y I'm going to put that in my or the local National Guard on devans that's another good point because they're still doing aren't they still doing Weekend Warriors Steve would know the National Guard oh yeah right when they come up um that would be the hospit N would be the hospital they would go to y um that's my email oh good Sam thank you for putting that up I didn't someone that wasn't someone else okay um yeah yeah the sav the show so that was the the group that I I was referring to yeah um where um what did we we had federal prison National guide soua there was a fourth one what did I miss it was something else at devans the National Guard was it just National Guard St they they're still doing the Weekend Warriors up in Devon a National Guard not just National Guard Reserves too how much of a population do you think there is up there you you don't have any idea but but no these people come in from all over the Northeast part of the United States for their two we annual training there was a an fact I met someone that is part of a NATO force really yeah Marty the other morning there was two soldiers and fatigues now wow that is fabulous they're on the and the you know they're part of the NATO supportment yeah so we were just reading well there can be hundreds the couple thousand somebody brought up the N the National Guard the federal prison I know they surely because my son's done ambulance rides absolutely yeah so we do conquering Gardener MCI prison systems also come okay thank you federal prisoners are taken to Lemer some yeah sometimes so Robert said he would coordinate the press release on that as well I just talked to him oh awesome I didn't even see him go good he may call the agencies to come here tomorrow I don't know okay okay um and again hopefully she does what she should do yeah exactly exactly those were good points um if we didn't hit everything that's on the chat send them to us in emails and if you think of them later send them to us in emails fabulous all right so um I think we just have a couple of other I think we're done with Nela right well we're not really not going to be done with Micha for a while Micha is done with us or steart is done with us um keeping of animal and fowl permits um we have a situation and is this in everybody's package yes okay so there is a letter um we have a situation three Union Street where um there are chickens there is no active permit we have a couple of um and you'll even see that in the call log um if we go back I don't think really recently but there certainly have been uh back July 18th of rats at uh Old West Main Street there have been rat complaints in this um neighborhood so what we have here is a letter to go out to um the homeowners just saying that we've tried to contact you I know that they've stopped by they have tried email contact so we want to send this out by um Constable to make sure that they are served and then um we'll see what happens if we can get them to come because the alternative is if they don't respond to this then it's going to go to Town Council and we're going to have to look what can we do for legal action do we right let's I think we should serve it sure have to um and the only thing I was conferring if this is what I uh wrote the only thing I wanted to confirm was that our next Cal meeting is September 9th were we planning on having that yeah what day is Labor Day this Labor Day is the second second yeah okay all right so the next scheduled meeting is september9 then we're good for that I was looking at the calendar and I think that there is a way that we can if we do those two dates in September I think that positions us okay even for October but okay yeah let's let's do the September 9th yeah but Monday there was a meeting and we'll get rid of Monday yeah that we won't and I'll write a cancellation for the they'll cancel that we have this one instead but I just wanted to make sure we're doing the 9th because I did include that of if you want to come that's our next meeting to discuss your issue of all right September 9th we'll be our next meeting yes if they wish to discuss um and if anyone has any edits that would be fine otherwise I will have you sign that Pam yeah it actually it looked good to me do you want me to just sign this this one okay great well that was efficient okay love it you um call log um the F for mentioned rat complain um something about pesticides these got referred to there was question about lead paint um that one went to Charlie yes and then uh question about food trucks um rats and pesticides all went to Bridget yes and that's all since the last yeah and as usual I have my smattering of calls in which they're looking for they really want nooba nooba um I would like to uh sort of put it on the record the Air Board of Health and air toown hall does not collect Sharps oh someone keep saying we do we do not please contact noova oh okay we could put something even on our um web what's it does say it on our it does all right yeah we have something that says sharp collection oh jeez um but as it is I'm not sure where the information's coming from huh I've asked if you it seems to be coming from a few different sources I know we get mixed up with them all the time it's that General confusion know it's it's air I've been said well no I was told the town hall takes them so take a look at what we have on the website and see if like do we need to make that more prominent do we need to make that like a thing that that pops up on when you hit Board of Health or but the majority of the most recent nooba questions beyond the okay usual ones um which are mostly septic system questions yeah um are I was told you collection s and it's like no you need to contact mop yeah exactly there's always confusion yeah there is yeah there is it's fine I get it it's just been an extra yeah yeah exactly do you know if other is it only Board of Health at Town Hall that's getting it or are people actually thinking that town hall you know the no it's just us it's it's specifically Board of Hell okay okay good good well that's good at least we don't have people running all all over town hall with their Stacks but yeah yeah no no one's come in yet anyway no okay great we'll take that nobody's gifted you any yeah but it's definitely uh sharp and and um medication seem yeah the police will take medication so yeah take just if you could take a look at the web page and see what we might be able to do to we might even need to make the thing about the medication a little more prominent that if you have medication to dispose of that you can take to the police station I can see what's going on over there yeah okay that sounds good any other um exciting calls that did not no mostly just the the usuals um and we have not the Board of Health has not received terribly many calls about the hospital so okay um and most of the calls regarding the hospital have been confusion in that they're looking for n yeah yeah yeah exactly sometimes they're looking for the hospital yeah but that's um I know we have a lot going on in this town the hospital's here and the Shel is here we um and I will say some of it it it is dependent on the search engine they use um yeah exactly so okay that's fair that's Google not me yeah it's not us exactly right all right um I have we have two minutes two minutes we have two sets of minutes um I don't know if either of you have had a chance to take a look at them I did and thought that they were good I'd make a motion we accept the minutes as presented for June 10th 2024 second all right that gets us this set I will all in favor I I I and Madame chair I'd so moveed that we accept the minutes as presented for July 22nd is the set signed 24 as presented I second that all in favor hi beautiful no it's not you here you go here's the other set signed thank you very much all oh I so love it that you do minutes hate doing this bills mail I have bills and mail o uh I have two bills uh this is for second quarter to nooba Associated Boards of Health oh okay all right uh and for the total this is for environmental and nursing Services the total is $1,455 and worth every penny do we need a we want to move to we accept the quarterly bill from the show of $1,455 I second all in favor I I right then I have this is a bill from nooba for a water quality lab test in the amount of $40 this is for the beach let Miss Peters move on now make a motion that we accept the pay the bill for $40 to the water quality lab testing of Sandy pond water sample second all in favor I I and the results were good by the way yes they were say was one right uh and then here is that one the other that looks suspiciously like a mosquito yeah always always uh yes I received a letter from mosquito control they will be in the area on September 3rd 9 16 and 23 for spraying and questions okay yeah all right yeah we're getting close to that time of year again where we've got Triple E and all kinds of other things there was a case identified too yeah I heard there was do you know what town it was was it pouth or something it was down near the C I thought it yeah it was farther toward like yeah a wild turkey I believe what really no kidding that's all I've had um and then for upcoming so September September 9th and 23rd are the next two meetings and September 23rd so I will um we may have uh Union Street um I will also talk to um for sure I'll be talking to them several times between now and then um Tamara and Jenna and I really would love to have something that we can roll out that people can begin to access information before then if possible so we we'll keep I can work with I can help work with them and then if you send me some questions I can work on that would be fantastic I mean I don't think it has to be a finished it's never going to be a finished no but list I can work on something because I do put some hard copy information outside the Board of Health office stairs that people can collect as well um yeah yeah that would be good do you know Steve if um cuz the other thing I think that we should make available for people if they um want copies of it is our um letter that's going out that we just voted on and I don't know where this document is that's public I have you have it I have a copy anyway can we or should actually you know what nsha would be the better one to link this cuz then they're going to hit all of their all their talents um would you mind what asking um Jim if this is already or posted on noa's website or if you can I will and awesome our letters should go on our website and the town of air website yeah I would think yeah yeah I would think so too but this one I just want to make sure people can access it it's really really detailed oh it is this is very well done you don't know if it's on I'm not sure if it's already up on yeah I think I've read it online so it's loaded somewhere okay so we just needed on ours yeah it's if if anybody's searching around for it it is called it's an August 20th 2024 it's called review of transition and closure plan and it was sent from dph to Dr Diaz at Stewart and it outlines exactly what de pH is objecting to in the transition plan is a generous way of describing it I guess I think it also incorporates some of the comments that were made at the public hearings as well so yeah it does a nice job of of sort of bringing in that information and that this is what we we heard this is what we all heard from clearly they were listening and um to have the attention of dph I think is incredibly important and you know hopefully it's important to the governor yeah yeah absolutely absolutely okay fantastic um what else is on for tonight so I think in terms of upcoming um some of it might be a little bit fluid but I would imagine um for sure we'll have something about nooba on again even if it's just an update um might have something for Union Street might have something um for other stuff so we'll stay in touch to keep that sounds good that up and I will be around so all right one thing I didn't mention in talking to Nela and I think you got the um message from Jim he sent it to you they endorsed that letter as well yes yeah yeah he did a reply to us said that that does sum up their um their position on this as well so y fantastic we have our esteemed Town manager in the audience are you here for entertainment or would you like to address us I'm was just coming to say hello for to the audience you're always welcome Madam Chair by all means join us at the big table Madam chair members of the Board of Health I just want to say um that we greatly appreciate your continued efforts and Leadership on the hospital um issue and I think one of the things that the town is going to do I I talked to Cindy today because there's so much new information just as you mentioned it's coming out about the hospital yeah of course we're going to post it to to your page but I think we're going to create I talk to Cindy today like a hospital page right on the front of the website that will take all of the stuff that you've been doing I know you've had some statements and letters and and put everything um related to this just so people can click in in one spot so still posting it to your the Board of Health web page and what have you but we're talking from you know all departments but I was just happened to be in the building heard you were meeting just wanted to come that's awesome I appreciate your um offering to help us with the I've done a press release I said to Steve whatever we can do to help facilitate that we're here so nothing specific but just wanted to thank you for your ongoing efforts not only on the hospital issue but all the all the health issues it takes a village it really does I love that statement cuz it's so true of so many things and it's the town is in turn supporting us and nishoba is too so we're we may be losing a hospital but we are a very fortunate community in the way that we pull together they've stepped up yeah yeah absolutely all right thank you to everyone that did their did their pride in this thanks Robert thanks Robert thank you all all right do we have anything else or motion to adjourn I will entertain motions all right motion has been made I seconded and seconded all right all in favor I I we are adjourned thank you everyone