I am calling the April 8th meeting of the Air Board of Health to order public input we have no public and I don't think we have anyone like waiting on phone right okay know so we have no public input um old business so uh 3 Union and 32 Washington there's still no um yeah I give all the info to Bri that was why they stayed on there cuz if she was going to be here us but okay all right I'll follow up then with Bridget on that one [Music] and but both have been um received yeah letters and okay yeah they were served they know they know yep they know what they need to do so I just need to send a um request for like what's the word of the next mhm like notification and I know bridet just wanted to confirm that they actually still had CH yeah yeah and the wandering chick the Chicken that Julie one last took in custody that that wasn't um wasn't it was weirdly close but it's not but it's not involved in the okay cuz I saw him incarcerated last night I'm like I know they they figured out who it was and they have a chicken permit and okay it just just yeah he just G out just going out for a little walk okay um so that then I think all so you're do you've got the other um applications ready to go do get those out later this week next yeah I'm going to try and get them out this week um I actually collected email addresses for almost everyone awesome so I'm actually going to email everyone and then mail a few people who Okay um so hopefully that'll okay produce less paper all right that sounds good they can't do the whole thing online can they or they can really yeah uh the only the only people who can't really do it all online are uh first timers first Tim because we need the above list and all these things yeah yeah um so w that's great I didn't realize it it progress to the level of like even our permits that's fantastic there's one page on the website and it's you pay it for $30 and fill out this form and problem solved great and they get emailed directly to me it goes right to you that's fantastic right to me so I don't have to deal with it um I like that so good yeah awesome all right and we have over 30 she was I Wasing asking her before can you believe that we have over 30 people in this town keeping chickens that's very cool yeah surprisingly you know mostly chickens do people with ducks and geese Y and with goats mhm yeah but mostly mostly chicken chickens like chickens for eggs right chickens for eggs yeah it's a good thing it is it's very cool yeah you get some good compost too yeah a nice thing about it okay um harm reduction so I just I want to touch space with you while you're here this week so there's your not available next week so I'm going to go to or actually go to or call in call in on the 18th yes yes if you could I I am away those three middle days in that week okay um yeah so there's two then one of them is the one that um is Jenna and kind of everybody and then there's the there's another one it's not really har reduction it's the opioid opioid yes yeah I always think of that for some reason with reduction cuz it seems like that's on what date though the I think that's the too I think it's you said in the morning and I'm sorry Pam that's the one day you know if it rains and we come back early I'll I'll be happy to jump in with you it's all weather depending with us together okay we don't want to sit in the hotel room and look out the window with the rain and you know yeah we'll see we'll see so yeah so I'll plan to go to both of those that's the only things going on that I know about with that and you don't have any new information right I haven't heard ail April 18th April 18th I know Jenna sent out a write up after the last meting but that was she's she's really good she's on top of that to uh all the different parties that were involved okay okay so I will go to that one um then review of regulations we also don't have a whole there that one I just don't want to completely take it off of the agenda cuz they kind of want us to you know doing yeah keep it on but we're okay with motels at this so I sent you the final draft if that's all good yeah then I can send it to cuz I know when I was doing the minutes there was like a section of like how do we want to word that that was at the end of the meeting remember we had some feedback from I'll take one more look at I think it's okay okay cuz I did when I first got it I at it on my iPad and I was looks like but I'll check it with my notes too okay because they like Pam remember one uh we had feedback from the audience we had some and that made us start to think yeah um H yeah yeah exactly no that that was good I'll check it I will I will check those and I'll send so the next step in that is they go to so they go to Carly and I will'll send a copy to Bridget who will send it off to I think it was D or yeah somebody okay someone with an acronym yeah okay that sounds fair um all right that sounds good do we have any stuff from um Bridget did she give us any she didn't give so we have nothing to review so nothing um if nobody else has a problem with it while we're still waiting for Jim can we take a quick look at the call yes may um so call had one kind of interesting issue that I just wanted to see where we were and that's with the um smoking at Apple Valley so there was oh actually so the one on the 20th and the 3 they're kind of related or it's all the same guy um actually on top of that I got like four other phone calls from him oh okay all right um I did contact tobacco controlled um Joan got back to me this morning um she's going to contact Apple Valley and remind them there is no smoking on medical property is this like the employees out back taking a a break it's residence really oh okay that's what he says I don't know for sure um so I contacted Joan yeah and she's going to contact them and she'll let me know how that goes and they can actually go out and inspect and so I think she's going to okay cuz they have a designated area I think at least there one designated area this gentleman's complaint is that they're smoking right outside the back door and if the windows are open it's going yeah yeah which is fair and that's actually covered in our RS you're not supposed to do that okay all right I don't think you're supposed Beyond us too um so he's called a couple of times I've tried to call him back he doesn't necessarily pick up his voicemail as far as I can tell he's a resident there so okay all right gotcha um but he has also called several times for a whole bunch of other things okay y that are not that just not our purview we don't yeah yeah I'm sorry but I can't exactly yeah yeah so the things that are right go to Bridget and Joan and the things and you know we do the best we can but yeah yeah we' told them several times because of what it is you need to contact the State and I don't yeah exactly yeah okay I got you um so that's okay on the Cog do we want to take a quick look then at minutes we have a couple more yes here so that actually [Applause] look hello help yes hi hi Jim G hi Hi how are you Hi I didn't realize you were coming in person Oh I thought you were just calling in we did it as a hybrid oh well I'd much rather to be in person would much rather have you in person okay um we were do you want to do minutes or do you want to um I'll make I can make a motion to accept them uh Board of Health meetings from uh say February 29th yeah M there's a March 11th and a February 29th so it is February 29th yeah February 29th works okay to you do you want me to just sign the sign yeah all right oh I'm sorry you motion all right I I hadn't looked at at the 11th I had just said that the 29th we could do um H this hang on hang on okay I'm sorry about that I thought I muted all right so I will second all in favor I I all right we have accepted the minutes of February 29th 29th thank you and I'll make another motion if you've had a chance to look at those pants y I have to accept the meeting from uh Monday uh March 11th Board of Health meeting okay I will second that all in favor i i s to okay is the signature page for one thank you very much okay well we got a ton of stuff good that was great so we're okay there and there and minutes and we have a guest Jim gy so exciting somebody nobody forward speak to us I'll be Bridget for tonight not that I can replace brid no never nobody can well thank you for having me at the meeting um what I wanted to do is stop in as the Director and just kind of provide some updates on the agency um I've been trying to make rounds to the board so yeah some of the stuff's a little now updated because we did have our agency meeting but I I can provide you with additional updates okay so the first one I wanted to talk to you about was our agency bylaws and so we've had bylaws since we've had the agency for 90 years or so um the last time they were significantly updated was 1996 uh with the exception of accepting a couple of new towns uh peil in 2009 and Stow in 2016 we really haven't updated them so we sent them out to the board members for consideration and what we did is as an administrative staff has took a first pass at them and said there are things unfortunately with the closing of the nooba nursing and hospice there are a lot of references there that need to be removed um there's some other administrative type things that we want to make the bylaws um match the actual operations so the lots of committees and stuff like that that just don't happen is it's a challenge to get people to come to meeting little alone be on all these committees yeah I got you yeah okay and then there was some um there's some additional I don't want to say Authority we wanted but some additional Authority we wanted you to consider there are some licenses that we issue for a multiple towns so we issue septic system holler licenses and installers licenses of food trucks for all the towns um when we do disciplinary action when I should say when the board does it's generally have been relegated just to that town uh but my thought is if somebody really does a poor job installing a septic system in one town it should probably lose the license through all the towns we just don't have a mechanism for that yeah that's interesting so put some language in there for that okay we had a little bit of conversation at the meeting um one of the qu one of the comments that come up is that again as you said maybe it's an interesting thing to look at but maybe we need to have an appeal process in there for somebody instead of if we were going to do something so what I said to the board so our ini meeting was the end of March um and so we had a brief discussion about the re you potential revisions to the um to the bylaws uh what I explained to the members there um it was exciting we had eight towns represented which is so great um was that we will take yeah we we went through them all we'll kind of summarize the discussion hopefully get changes out to the board members hopefully a month before for the annual meeting which is in June okay um so again there's no rush but we want to this is part of our Public Health Excellence Grant work plan as well to improve our governance and streamline our governance for the agency so we wanted to uh to do that one of the sections is and we're kind of hesitant of what to do with it our bylaws state that a quorum for our meeting is five typically quorums are one more than half the membership yep live isn't quite half of 16 yeah exactly but we typically get get five or six people to attend so nine we'd never meet we' never do business so it's one of these we need to look at it and okay so that's part of the conversation so yeah that makes sense so I don't know if you have any questions about the bylaw kind of modifications or um not no not specifically I did kind of Wonder though what you know now that it's been a little while with nursing kind of not like how is the transition with that so we still have Terry kunan who is our coo um and was you know particular in over the nursing side and Sharon vzy who really ran the she was kind of the office manager is not the right term she administrative she had her yeah um and so they're still with us and so Sharon is still we just finished up the closure paperwork with CMS okay November I think it was the end of November it's a very long process even though we closed in June yeah but Sharon's still there and and we did a Joan M who was our nursing director at the time we were closing did a fantastic job with Terry and and Sharon finding homes for all our patients and our staff a lot of our staff as well with other agencies so okay we're not getting a lot of calls but when we get the calls we're trying to refer people to the right places and and we were able to get everybody yeah no no there was one person that took a little bit longer because it was kind of a private pay patient yeah um but we found somebody to to handle that patient as well okay so all the patients found a home and and part of the rules are you have to find a home for them with an agency that has the same rating as your agency or higher oh okay so you can't just dump them on somebody yeah interesting so we were able to do that as well okay all right that's that's a good thing yeah and then sh Sharon will be there um and and so right now we have to be able to provide records if people need them so we we still have the ability to provide medical records if we need to so okay so did everyone what happens to the medical records then that you have that you're not the only repository for any of those right so for the nursing Services they're I think they're almost exclusive of the electronic and so they're they're in the Home Care Home Base was thinking and so when we the agency we were able to get rid of that expense okay like $9,000 a month expense yeah and so we've got it on some kind of a um it's a maintenance kind of thing so we we can we can access the records we can't add to them yeah yeah exactly I'm I'm not explaining it well but it's it's some level yep I got it yeah it's levels of permissions an so we can pull that record if they need okay all right that's cool and what about I'm sure you don't know much more than we do but you know anything about Nela about Stuart about no just what we're hearing and seeing in the yeah so they've given like no closure notice or anything right no not that we've seen I know you you've heard that the governor's trying to push them hard to sell y y you know if that's that may be the best thing I I don't know if we need we need to keep hospitals in the state to be able to provide for but they also need to be financially stable yeah is is the nishoba the rehab uh and Therapy Clinic that's over by Sha and gron is that part of Steward those therapists and providers for some reason somebody had said that to me that well Steward goes then that new place across from Shaz and I'm like I don't know if that's an affiliate or if those therapists are um find out yeah I know where you mean that yeah my mother is going over there she's insisting it's part of Stewart I'm like well okay it's worth looking into but she's prob well she may be going to Texas to get her therapy yeah yeah you would thought that they would have used all their space up at the hospital they do have the office because they did at one time have maybe they still have a small but they did have the therapy up there yeah I know I know it that's H I don't know that I'm sorry just thought I'd give you a try cuz you're another set is we sure aren't hearing anything so and again we're trying to keep track of it just so that we have a s like I said it's unfortunate because they're what eight or nine in the state hospitals that affected they they Clos the one in stone was that what I heard or that's a that was there was one they closed but I don't remember which one I did yes there was one they closed but I'm not sure if it was Sten or not yeah I that's crazy okay um the other thing I wanted to update the board on is the pH Grant so the public health Excellence Grant y so we have for the past two and a half years now been receiving grant money from the Department of Public Health as part of their process of trying to bring all local Boards of Health up to the same standards so they've provided us um in the first couple of years it was uh $220,000 a year this past year the Year we're currently in it's been $42,000 um we're going into grants into grant writing with them uh shortly for the next three years they've been oneyear contracts that they move to a threee contract so we're hoping to secure that and then not have to do this every year yeah yeah exactly what that allowed us to do is to hire two new health agents one who's now fully trained and and been deployed yeah she's been deployed she's doing a wonderful job which is great cuz we lost a health agent to retirement yeah Y and and the second one we hired in January it's hard to hire people and it's even more difficult to hire people with experience so both the individuals have been essentially out of college um the the new hire is going off to soil evaluator training starting this week we've been mentoring the person in the office so one of the nice things we take the time to train people so when we put them in a community they the community and them are they're on the same at the same speed so it's no surprise for the community hopefully we provide with enough information on the job training yeah well sucessful yeah CU we don't want any kind of shock to the system sometimes bring a new person into a town There's adjustments we'd like to make sure those adjustments happen as smoothly as possible so we also and I'm sure you've seen the emails from Jen actually me Jenna our first hire and and we're just so happy to have her because just a wealth of information we hard worker um very she adds though we have nurses she adds a little bit more that social kind of communications and education pie of the agency um she's worked with the academic Public Health Department uh which is through Department of Public Health uh to help us put together uh some language appropriate materials teaching materials so um Bridget went through Food Service database and there were a couple of issues that we saw that kept popping up one you know they don't have a if the dishwasher doesn't work they don't know what to do otherwise so they just keep doing so you got the sanitizing in three B syn sign put together in multiple languages so there's no excuses you can have a gallon of bleach there wash down you can still do it and then temperature chart because again there's a lot of temperatures to remember having it in multiple languages so they did that they also helped us with um one of the concerns the nurses had when the shelter moved in is how do the folks know where to go for medical treatment and you know what's the appropriate facility for that so um the academic Public Health Department was able to put posters together again again I think they can only do it one language cuz I I don't know if they had a a language specialist for another language we got signs for down there so post them so that folks could see and and we thought that was a good use of their time and our effort to get that done so yeah yeah very much so and and when we were also spent a little bit of money on a part-time food inspector unfortunately we share with another part-time job yeah and it's hard to get the parttime part we want so we're working on that stuff I but that's helped us kind of keep the inspections up yeah exactly so it's also allows us to purchase the Food Service uh software that Bridget uses for inspections and what's really nice about that she's not as happy about carrying a clunky computer on yeah but U we can actually mine it for information so now we can run reports and yeah that's where we got the information about the the um dishwashers and the the temperatures so so overall it's been it's been wonderful um and we're Hing to have that continue so that we for sure Pride you know additional benefits the town so yep absolutely and we've had a a wonderful experience working with Jenna on the H reduction stuff so between Jenna and Bridget you guys take care of us yes you really really really take care of us that's good I'm glad this is all working out it's yeah it's yeah it has different Deeds than a lot of the times cuz not as much septic and well but a lot more social type things like that so I'm glad that and the food service part of it so I'm glad it's working out well good it's a it's a win-win we yeah we're really happy with the support we got well that's good cuz that was a good way to kind of segue into obviously you saw that the assessments went up and went up significant this year I I don't know how else to say what was the big driver for for that so part of it is kind of a historical um we hadn't collected enough in fees and assessments over time and and those costs kept going up um and a lot of times the agency's financed in two way one is the assessment we get from communities for the work we do and the other is through fees that we collect for for certain Services food service septic system Title 5 those fees have been going down and a lot of that non septic food stuff has been going up a lot more question lots more you know housing and and environmental and complaints and and that so it got to a point where the fees weren't covering the kind of proportion of the budget right and so what we're trying to do uh is get that to a point where there's enough of a balance so that each year we can kind of run a balanced budget so and again it's the same driv other people had salary costs insurance cost everything goes up nothing go down yeah no that actually makes sense to me I just didn't know if it did you like have something that just kind of you know blew up or was it more the the kind of the down creep in the wrong direction the other thing is because we're going to shrink the agency a little bit with nursing going down we still need to have some HR um it and financial staff and so that cost was kind of spread across everybody and now we're going to Bear it ourselves so we we're going to work to make sure excuse me make sure we reduce that to the the smallest amount possible we have to have the staff we need but we don't need full-time staff in all those position so that'll be a cost that we're looking at how to kind of get into the budget so that would be more you and that the um so at the December budget meeting the board at the time asked me to look at the fees also yeah um so I did that and in March at the meeting they voted to increase some of those fees to bring them up to what they thought would be probably more appropriate is that going to get it kind of set then that level we won't see another big jump that's the hope but we have to take a look at like I say once we know what the the U kind of what we have to include for HR Financial yeah yeah yeah I so um well I think it's one of those it it is what it is because every one of these towns would being a pickle if we had to provide all what you do ourselves no and we found just trying to hire people you it was great to have the grant but they've given the grant to there are 305 of the 351 communities involved in the grant really in different forms and shapes so there's been a lot of hiring out there wow which means it's been very and the state's been hiring it's been very difficult to get staff so when I tell some of the state staff that you know some of our staff have been around for 35 years out 25 years or and and they're like really it's like yeah so you hate to lose that kind of stuff so part of it is because of that hiring and because of just wages in general that stuff needs to be considered as well just to maintain that public health thing though it it strikes me as one of those kinds of careers that it's a little it like where I made my career in Regulatory Affairs for medical devices never heard of it in college right nobody knew it existed so it's there are all these fields out there that are going to remain in demand for quite some time that how the heck do you get the word out there too I don't think there are high school kids thinking I want to be a food inspector but right maybe they should be and I know the Department of Public Health they one of the part of local and Regional Public Health they're looking at how to boost the people coming into the field it's interesting I have interviewed probably in the past year a lot of people with a public health degree from either UL or UMass y um uh and it's I'm I'm amazed at the diversity of what the university think is public health there's a lot of more policy and you know stuff like that then I think I always tell people we're kind of a land use public health agency we do a lot of wells and septic and environmental type concerns and Fu stuff like that is that not part of what is being offered through the curriculum in these colleges that have that that I don't know but the people I've seen come in no no it's it's more policy and statistics and and which is kind of these up and cominging Fields but so I think everyone in our office came with a science background of some sort mine was in biology and environmental health others were in chemistry yeah so it's uh as long as you have a good science background yeah is that kind of the typical background you're pulling from or people with general science it's biology and chemistry and that kind of stuff that helps you I mean you could just go and do kind of enforcement by the code the science helps you understand what it is that's that's the part that's valuable to us right wow yeah it's definitely one of those careers that it doesn't come to mind when you think of the first thing to do but it's really interesting right actually PBS has a little um series that they're running on public health through the pandemic and it was it's pretty good so oh that is really cool this is the you it's kind of the silent entity that you know provides vaccines and epidemiology and stuff like that that changed people's lives in so many ways that yeah well PBS has done a couple of good American experiences with um they did Dr Wy and the food you know get getting the whole food chain sort of cleaned up and food testing and they've done a couple of of them within the last couple years I think that have had a very strong kind of Public Health bent to them yeah and I think um the term Public Health as we're seeing with the university degrees covers a broad area really broad area so yeah exactly but uh exactly well doing a good job for us yeah thank you and and that's absolutely appreciate it that's what I have so if you have any questions I'm happy to try to answer any of those or I don't um but I am going to take a look at the info that was sent out on the um on changing your bylaws is that is there a sort of Point person for if anybody has any questions call you myself yeah okay um this a good point did you actually get I sent it out in a big Manel envelope yeah you got it in the mail yeah I did about 3 days or 4 days after I mailed all those someone from the post office came up and says because of our mailing labels and because of their machines we have to cut the label oh up here and part it so at our meeting about half the people got the stuff maybe they'll get to them eventually okay but I guess the machine when it reads the label with the sticker on it it gets confused yeah I got mine I got my big manila envelope like I say a bunch of people did but some like not and when the post office kind of came into you got to do it differently it's like okay we will yeah I guess they really mean it yeah yeah we're seeing the yeah yeah yeah I will I'll take a look at that stuff and and if you have any questions on it or anytime shoot me an email or yeah sure will and that's the end of um June I'm hoping to do looking at see getting voted in or yeah so what we have to do for um the annual meeting is our elections and I have to notify the board like a month ahead of the elections of the slated candidates so I'm going to try to also have a updated draft of the bylaws at the same time so you have a month to look at them yeah yeah that sounds good and that way there if you have any questions before the meeting and and we don't have to like I said it's not firm and fast we have to do it in June we just don't want to lose it on the radar right but it it will be this next quarterly meeting that's right and if not we can do them in September like I said if people want to kind of out things but like I said we don't want it to go on too long yeah yeah yeah exactly well you kind of want to close the books right things don't get done if you don't get it done right that one's done move on to the next emergency I think we should nominate Steve saski for a position on the board in absentia well when I was in Scouts if you went to a leadership meeting and you didn't show up you got picked that's funny but that's what we used to do she always showed up so you can yeah exactly no I think he's Eclipse watching he has a he has a note he he has a note the board meeting yeah exactly that's right probably had a a location where we could watch it a little better didn't they I think he went to Vermont it was black pitch black wow they showed it on the news they they lost they were 100% in totality wow that's really wild it is cool I stood out front of the steps classes on going yeah we kind of did our thing too all right but it was it was interesting to see the people in the news that were down in Texas sort of yeah where it was like 2:30 in the afternoon down there and the fellow that was reporting it said to the cameraman shut all the lights off so people can see how dark it was Pitch Black at 230 yeah if you were in the 100% totality range it was like night which is fun cuz we were what 92 or 93 and it didn't get that I didn't think we that's amazing thing we were talking about that the difference between it's that 7% between pitch black and it's just on a dark afternoon it's like yeah yeah yeah show you how overpowered this sign is we're we don't even really need that much of it that's right you good okay great well thank you very much for coming anytime you want to come talk to us let us know thank you much have a good evening thank you take care okay so we got through minutes um stipend stipend for the B inspector yes so how do we do this do we sign something or do we just put it in I made an invoice oh okay perfect so so let's do CU I think this is how we've done it before let's do a motion then to pay and we'll vote on it and I'll sign it and then it'll go in the minutes so we also have that as backup and then I think it just goes to accounting right I put it in the B yeah yeah so to pay this amount of money for yeah to yeah okay I make a motion to pay $2,652 to Julie Thomas our barn inspector for that was the for last year for FY 24 wages yes okay I will second that all in favor I I it has passed oh the air bore of Hell really oh Bor of hell oh what's it's the a what's today the eighth today's the eth yeah oh God okay think that takes care of that any other bills I have two bills well isn't that fancy um one is for the um nooba publishing for our hearing notice um Motel rags and it is for there's three bills on here but we are the only one at the bottom it's for $110.3 okay so I make a motion for this too yeah might as well I make a motion that we pay the uh noova publishing low publishing group 10 this the whole just the 110 $10.35 okay for public hearing notice all right and you just would need to like initial right next to the 110 okay next to hours Board of Health one planning board planning board yeah it's this one right okay all right um I second all in favor I I okay so I just all right it's always fun multiple boards and then I have for nishoba Associated fors of Health for quarter three four it must be four fourth quarter billing okay for this amount yes the total at the bottom I make a motion to pay $103 23 for fourth quarter billing for nooba Boards of Health okay I will second that all in favor I all right here we go there we go so now and then actually there was a little note that came with this uh it says Please provide an email address to receive future invoices so I will do mine oh awesome then I'll get them um but then the other question is for fy2 five invoices is your town able to receive one invoice for all four quarters and if so do we want to pay in one big amount as opposed to four little amounts I have no idea I don't know like we can do one we can do a yearly that's fine I would say whatever accounting or yeah I don't know how to answer that it sounds like more of an accounting question to me we're going to pay the same amount anyway so so I'll just double check with accounting on that but yeah okay just pay if it's easier all around to just pay once that that works for me too okay well put us down as a no preference no strong preference okay all right upcoming meetings so we're into our string of holidays now right cuz we have yeah we have a bit of a thing so and also didn't we talk about this once that given the fact that depending on what we need to meet about and if we can't meet on a Monday we can pick during the week we kind of left it open ended that way yeah um we did and I didn't speak to Bridget today do you know if there's anything on the back burner with Bridget that she wants to get um not that I know of off the top of my head well I think the Monday you had Sam um I so the 18th is a holiday right that's and then the 22nd is town meeting 22nd is town meeting right but should we do as an as as needed basis then well the next one that would be regularly scheduled for us would be the 13th of May mhm but in May if we could cuz the 27th must be Memorial Day yeah that weekend well no yeah that's the first Monday you're right so should we look at being we're the second and the fourth Monday so I think we're supposed to be the 13th and 27th but yes we are what do you think of the 6th and 20th cuz then we at least don't hit so the 13th is definite I can't do the 20th I have jury duty what was the reason good for you you don't want to do the 13th we still we can I'm just thinking that that gets us then on the 27th we run into another conflict because it's yeah but yeah we could do the 13th if we need to meet before then I mean if we keep if we keep running into this kind of thing every month at least nail down one yeah each month and then as needed that is very true so let's get that's a good point let's get May 13th okay yeah for sure for next yeah then if we need to do one before that then I think it would either be Monday the 29th or like on a different day it all depends on on our schedule it would have to be another day I'm not here on the 29th you're not here on the 20th 29th 29th 20 oh of April okay of April I will be in Florida oh lucky girl uh and then the 20th I have jury duty just thrilling um we'll probably be okay till the 13th we got all the so all the chicken permits just have to go out but yeah and they're due the 31st of May so as long as I so 13th should be okay there and then other days of the week we can always look especially if we want to do it during the day or early in the day you might be able to do that you know once Steve comes back and especially if there's something yeah let's and let's see if something does come up for us but definitely we got May 13th for our next kind of regular meeting all right all right all right I will entertain motions I will make a motion to adjourn I second all in favor I I we are jour