##VIDEO ID:X-clT3l4UZo## I'm GNA call the meeting in order at 7:04 right Cindy thank you you're welcome this is the um Community preservation committee meeting on August 7th going to read the text in accordance with chapter two of the acts of 2023 suspending certain provisions of the open meeting Law Public bodies otherwise governed by the oml are temporarily relieved from the requirement that meetings be held in public places open and physically accessible to the public so long as measures are taken to ensure public access to the body's deliberations through adequate and alternative means this meeting will be live on Zoom the public May participate remotely by joining Zoom meeting ID number of 84 877 2826 or by calling 92925 6099 for additional information about remote participation please contact Carly anelis the assistant Town manager at ATM a.m. us or 978 772-822-0151 [Music] out exactly who that is later on that's me oh ah ah I'm trying something okay no problem just check test okay I can ignore that all right um everybody have a chance to review the agenda yep all right can I get a motion to approve the agenda as written I'll make a motion to approve the agenda as written all right Colleen makes the motion can I have a second second all right just seconds all in favor got to do the roll call Barry okay Colleen hi Julie yes Jess yes and the chair says I so it's been approved I right I know we haven't um we didn't have the meeting in July so we have the minutes of the meeting um in May no in June June June I'm sorry June yeah in June I I didn't see anything that I wanted to to edit anybody have anything Jess does a great job it says normal so can I get a motion to accept the minutes so moved all Julie makes the motion second Colleen seconds all in favor let's do the roll call Barry we got to figure out how come we can't hear you we can see the I maybe a thumbs up counts yeah thumb up okay Colleen I Julie yes Jess I I the chair's his ey so it's been approved excellent that's what we like to see can we vote something down just so we can all do this well we will be able to later on wait make a make a motion to do that I'll second it all in favor all against you got it we getting Punchy sorry oh believe me I know the feeling it's like um um corresponden and invoices uh there were no invoices The Correspondents are going to be in part of the the new business uh so with that just I'll just go ahead and state it we received a letter from the air Shirley Regional School District that states that they do have a u bronze plaque now up on the field and underneath the plaque it does give listings of all different names they put the town of air Community preservation uh committee as being part of the Legacy Circle for funding for the um the field and um so it's it's a donor wall that they've they've done over there at the field so it was very nice that uh they were able to go ahead and send that to us again that came to us at the end of um May by the time I picked it up we already had the the June meeting so um so with that that was one of the correspondence that we had as well as I will go ahead and talk about the um um Parks uh you know the opening of The Playground I did receive an email from Sarah as I said earlier if she wasn't able to meet umu make the meeting today so um that's about what I have for correspondence or invoices did anybody else receive any type of correspondence from um any of the public or or such nope okay all right um I'm just moving right along uh especially because it's a gorgeous night out there um the old business is update on the grant agreements I had a nice meeting with uh Robert with regards to the grant agreements they are in the hands of the lawyers as you can tell right now the um Town Hall has been quite busy with regards to nooba Valley Medical Center so I haven't really bugged Robert on that um however he does understand that uh we wanted to make sure that we did something um especially for 71 yay Barry sorry about that you can tell you still hear me or yeah we can hear you okay yeah I don't want to hear me now but he works for AP he knows this technical stuff um um like I say especially with 71 Sandy pwn Road um I emphasized to him seeing that we did spend uh 350 ,000 of the CPA funds on that property we should have not only this agreement but as well as being on the committee that's going to make you know that's going to have the public input sessions and and such to see exactly how the layout is going to be occurring and I was going to ask the team if they would mind if I um I put my name in to be on that group that working group um to help them get the public input and U to give our feedback and such uh does the committee mind that I I did that and is it okay that I put my name in thank you yes thank you for volunteering to take that on I think that'll be great all right no I'll say it this way what else have I got to do I'll be retired by then you'll fill up your I'm fast Janet we know know I know for sure so but Robert could understand you know and he he was looking forward it was on his agenda too as well to see if somebody from CPC wanted to be on that group so um it ended up working out well um I wouldn't I wouldn't mind being on that as well actually okay okay I cover conservation then open space so that would that would be great um one thing that I was going to ask you is you know again if I call this as being part of Correspondence I do know that the uh people for what is it Pace um people of air concerned for the environment um Lori nering the chairman is going to be stepping down so if anybody knows of anybody who would like to go ahead and um work with Lori to get it you know um rolled over to somebody else uh to take over the Reigns that would be great she's done some really great work especially when it comes to the Pas within our water system here and from what I understand today the uh the state legislature just went ahead and voted on I believe that the firefighters their equipment um also has the past materials in the um outfits and they have passed r ruling now that the um uniform that they do wear and um all the protective G um it's going to have something else other than I gather there's other stuff other than Pas that um would be close to their bodies so it's again it's something that she should be proud of that she has been the Forefront of um trying to get as much as possible that forever chemical um out of our lives so um so again I'm I'm putting it out there that if there's anybody who may know somebody who may want to take that position or you know something so don't don't don't die on us Jess please no I just have one of those tickles so oh believe me I know the feeling because like can saying with the allergies um okay all right anything else with regards to Old business that people may want to bring up no okay don't make me talk all right that's all right no problem that means I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to you know assign you some of these uh success story assign um uh assignments so that you won't be able to say no I can't do it um oh all right let me go ahead before I do that before we move on to that um I'm going to go and read to you what uh Sarah erns the new um Parks and Rec director um wrote up with regards to the prony park um opening I don't know if anybody has had a chance to go down there that cushiony St that cushiony stuff is great to just just walk around and bounce on I really think we need to do uh some yoga there or whatever have some classes because that that that material is pretty impressive yeah we were there today with the kids and it was awesome um we weren't around to do go to the opening but so many kids all ranges of Ages so it was really was exciting all right that's great Julie have you had a chance to go down with your kids that's the that's the Wii I was with Colleen and running around there yeah we weren't able to go to the open but they they lasted a lot longer than they planned so it was good all right that's great I um what Sarah wanted me to go ahead and say is the grand opening of the new playground Peroni Park happened on Saturday August 3rd at 10: a.m. there were a few guest speakers that talked about the construction and funding of the playground those speakers include Town manager Robert Pon Senator Eldridge representative Santa and myself Jan priv acas uh Jeff Thomas former Park director mced the event and recognized Brad spinny for all his hard work with the big board park that is nature play area mil to to the un uh the usable boards from the trees that were unfortunately needed to be taken down for the project the ribbon cutting was done by former Parks commissioner and I'm going to add CPA our CPC member Jason M who led this project for almost two decades once the ribbon was cut the kids piled into the play on the new playground it was an overall great success one of the activities of the day included hand printing on the boards of the big board park which was a big hit as families put all their handprints together there were muffins and donuts in the morning before the event and pizza was donated by papaginos and Brad spinny that came much later in the ceremony and there was still plenty of people to eat all of the pizza as well music was playing the background was decorated with balloons that the children were able to take home with them if they wanted which was another big hit of the day we were hopeful that the weather would hold up in the days leading to the Grand Opening looked a little Bleak with a chance of rain but there was no rain for the event and it went better than what we could have hoped thank you very much um so they were definitely um very very happy with the amount of people that showed up I think um there was about oh about a hundred in total um with the kids playing and they were all over the place I mean it was impressive and you guys must have seen the handprints on that um uh structure uh it was so cool especially seeing on how some of them really forced it in so that there was no pth um and others just like with their fingertips so um yeah it was nice and uh so hopefully everything goes well with that um and we'll be keeping an eye open uh I did bring over a plaque that said this um uh project was funded by CPC so um we do have that that was one of the wooden ones so I think um I didn't see it up there but also to I I should have probably looked better but um I wasn't focused on that I was more focused on seeing the kids having fun so all right so that was um one of the things could you send me a copy of that letter just so I can use that for the minutes sure okay I'll do that right after the meeting for you yes and I'll send you um I'll go ahead and take a picture of the um plaque from the School the track field right I'll do that all right into moving on to new businesses um or new business uh I said that I'd go through the success stories that we do have on the website um which I wanted to add it looks like we've got nine more um to go ahead and add um plus get a couple of them updated I don't know if you had a chance to look at the spreadsheet but I know that on the ones that are currently out there I'll go ahead and I'll update the uh the central fire station uh rehab um the text that's there I'll go ahead and update that but Barry I was wondering if you could update the text for the inventory as well as Sandy Pond restoration if you could do those that like I say those are already in existence okay all right now the new ones that we do have have is the 12 Newton Street Habitat for Humanity again that has you know that really is just new new um so they haven't really started on that but it might be good to put something out there we've got the air Community Garden project um the open space and Recreation fiveyear plan Peroni playground phase one and two the affordable housing trust the seed money and rental assistance funding the um High School Field track project or the field project Air library digitization of Records Flanigan Pond Public Access feasibility study and the 71 Sandy Pond Road the open space and Recreation so those are there our new ones so everybody jump up and say which one you want to go ahead and take on I know who I would like to assign but I'll let you guys pick several Jess is talking but she's muted she's volunteering for all of them I think she just said I've got them thank you she writes up great descriptions so might as well but excuse me thumbs up see oh that's almost like a thumbs up to all of them Jess you're still mute all right I was having trouble finding I had the mute mute thing off screen um I'd be happy to do the 71 Sandy Pond Road and the Flanigan Pond access Garden okay just ask can I just ask a question yeah um you had said uh you would want me do the sanquan school and what was the other one was that the inventory or the inventory inventory that's what I thought okay because those are already on the website we just need that updated yep J I can do sorry no no it's okay I look at us see we're jumping we're just jumping I know that I can do the library digitization in the high school Fields um I feel like I heard a couple more I could do were you eyeballing any others for me well open space and wreck I know for sure would be Beth all right okay Janet I'm happy to do the like affordable housing trust and then I can do the playground as well okay if you'd like excellent but again if there are others you were thinking I can do more too um um there's the duplex I'll I mean I I'll do the duplex um I don't mind doing that that would be it right all right so I've got the duplex the garden is Jess open space and R Beth playground colen the trust Colleen the field project Julie Library Julie Flanigan Pond Jess and Sandy Pond Jess okay I think that works out really well and um let's see um the playground Colleen go ahead and um David David is our um our connection with the parks and wck yeah Reach Out reach out to David um and then this way here or Dave um that would be good can Dave just do it as an entry to our group well I mean I'll say this way yeah I I can assign it to him and then have Colleen help how how we do it that way yeah either way or if you want to assign me and have me pull him in I gotta yeah I'll say it that way I'll sign it to both of you and then you reach out to him so that would be good Janet what Colleen can I step on your toes why don't I just do that one because I've done this before and then I can work with Dave on what they look like okay that's if you are happy to do that that's fine I am so I'm gonna own working with Dave on the park Peroni playground okay all right all right Colleen you know you you gota definitely Julie walked with me today around the park and heard about all the work I have to do before school starts no she took my kid for a sleepover last night and fed him breakfast lunch and dinner so I I'll do this for her all right now I know what it takes okay if anyone else wants to take my child I would okay okay that's a deal all right I think that works works out really well because in this way here again it's more of to make sure that the public is aware of how these monies are being used um I know when I was talking at the playground opening it was so funny the kids were just so eager to go on that playground I made it quick saying this is where your tax M you know the SE tax has gone I mean I think I I really made it quick um I know APAC was there filming so it will be on YouTube um so you'll be able to to see um everybody who's who spoke and um and you get to see the kids rans sack the place so it was like I say it was wonderful all right thank you very much everybody I'll let um Beth know um that she's going to be working on the open spacing wreck which shouldn't be a surprise to her and and that's all you want me to do do you want me to do anything else besides what you already gave me or that that'd be fine yeah um and then this way here you know uh and if anybody you know who like you know Julie you've got several of them if you need some help let me know okay um so thank you very very much everybody um okay so on new business again the um I already told everybody about the plaque over at the field and Barry I I sent Barry information of what ahe had for the plaque for Sandy Pond but I think what we need to do is probably re you know head back out there because I think that was what almost two years old 20 2021 I think okay so three years old what plaque is that it been a few years oh would I get for a price then hang on I did print it off um it's a bronze plaque to say that the CPA funds were used to restore the Sandy Pond school so it will almost like they have for the National Registry oh it got it yeah no problem with 71 Sandy Pond I just was like you just I just making I wasn't sure which Sandy Pond project you were referring to right Sandy Pond School Association yeah so that one um and uh because we've you know definitely have spoken about having something more permanent there yeah um because of it I'm going to say because of it being a permanent structure um so yeah that was um was 72 2021 okay three years ago so I know prices of stuff have definitely changeed so yeah it was $340 back back then so I imagine it's a tad more now but I I'll I'll go ahead and um get an update okay all right so that's why you know again with success stories I'll have you work on that other project and that works out great so then um again with the S 71 Sandy Pond I'll just I'll go ahead and give Robert your name too with regards to conservation and such yeah and I think that would be great I don't know when that working group is going to start they're still working on the paving and that reconstruction of that curve so I wouldn't expect until sometime in the fall correct and probably after town meeting more than likely so all right anything else that people want to bring up for um I did have something for news new business I did tell Jonathan cran um that he did ask a question about signage for Pine Meadow uh to see whether or not CPA funds can be used for uh Trail signage and I told him yes we can so with that um I I told him if he wanted anything for fall he'd have to get it to us by um h pretty much by today uh he hasn't reached out but also too from what I understand he became a new grandfather so um he's been busy and it's it's not like this is something that has to happen before fa you before fall Tom meeting um but um he does know that it's available and I think that that would be yeah um I'm surprised why is he getting into signage for Pine Meadow and not like Heather um I I I think just because he's one of the volunteers that that helps out there okay um but definitely it will be you know something coordinating with uh conservation he and I just talked about it after one of the meetings so um and again um I don't know why but people come up to me and say hey can we use CPA funds for this uh so um all right and that was one of the other things that I don't see anything else um forthcoming um for you know for fall town meeting nobody else with any type of requests so um I think we're okay and I'm going to look for um like I say what be out there seeing if anybody else has any other ideas I know um when it comes to uh land acquisitions the uh the properties of hudin and Field properties have been combined into one and mattfield is working with the planning board I believe um on the property like I say between uh that's the 38 gron Harvard Road that we were looking at as well as the zero High Street um those two properties um he has purchased the hudlin property and he's got plans that he's been talking to I believe Danny and um um Charlie Schultz um with regards to what are the opportunities up there especially with all the ledge um so so with that Jess you you've had um a few executive you know sessions that you you've dealt with um if if everything has been cleared you know like say with regards to those properties those those minutes now can become available right yeah yeah okay we'll go ahead and um I'll I'll meeting yeah yeah we'll talk about it you know of of opening it up because I I want to find out more about you know again if everything's all completely set you know Julie might be able to bring us an update when we do committee reports okay I didn't know with regards to planning board I've heard nothing I don't actually know what okay all right no problem he hasn't then he hasn't come forward to any meeting there yet okay all right um let's see what else that's a that's pretty much about it um any type of uh public participant I know we still have a Cindy test but I don't think she really wants to participate um if we don't have anybody here right now online I just want to make a comment that if you ever have any type of questions with regards to what's going on with the community preservation committee or the community preservation funds uh let's go ahead and get in touch with us at CPC a.m. us is the email address or call Carly antonellis um gave you the phone number earlier today um but she's at extension 100 at Town Hall and she will definitely get me the message because she's very good at doing that all right so I appreciate everybody um in the public to to go ahead and watch us on YouTube um all right I'm going to keep moving on to committee reports Barry anything with historical before I get there can I just ask a question on the plaques you have we have both we have both versions one with the seal and one without did you want to I'll let me look at them again okay um I can't yeah I'll be in touch with you about it okay okay um because I think yeah so as far as historical we're still waiting for approval from DCR which the first time we contacted them was in May uh this past May getting permission to put that um um board or um not icon um forgot what I want to call it but it's the uh sorry I'm having a seen your moment uh it's the board that we're we're putting um the rail trail information where it came from it has a large map of the uh the actual wiard and ASA railroad only from ma uh from Main Street up to up to nashwa so it shows the you know the Trail of the the track and that's what the rail trail follows and along uh each side has different businesses in town back when um it was a railroad so right now we actually have you probably can't see this but that's you can't see that anyway we already have the um the uh the mat to go into the um the uh the board we just don't have a place to put it just yet so but it's in Rob it's going to be going into Robert's hands I spoke with Chuck last night and he gave them one more shot and we still hasn't heard anything this is going on this is going on almost two months you know all they all DCR has to do is say yes you can or no you can't that's it and we're still waiting and I had to go to three or four different other people and we still haven't heard anything so so we're waiting on that uh the other things that I tried to put up that you couldn't see is a uh we're putting together or we have together a uh a trifold uh flyer that we're that we're getting ready to uh uh get some prices for for J and J&B business in town to see how many to buy because we're going to have them available at the um Folk Festival and then we're hoping prior to that uh putting them in the town hall the library and if others it's a double-sided um it talks a little bit about you know the the history uh the board members asking people to get involved because number one we still as of this state do not have a historical society and you know it's just difficult getting people interested in a historical society I mean you know you look at any of us we're all on two three maybe even four you know it's like the same people so it's still trying to bring newer people in we're pretty fortunate that we did have Maggie Duran and her husband join this past year that's that's been a a huge help because I know uh Maggie is uh skilled in U historical archiving and she's doing the oral histories as well and then Chris has a historical background or a degree in historical backgrounds as well so really really great additions so and then I touched upon the oral histories that Maggie already started she um interview Brendan Hurley and uh the only thing I forgot to ask Maggie we had a meeting tonight but she's not she's still out camping up in wi oxit in the Hampshire so got a few more weeks but I think I think when she last spoke with Cindy I believe and Cindy you can correct me if I'm wrong that the oral histories will have a a place to live on a Town archive somewhere or town site so we will absolutely find a good space for them all right thank you you're welcome I like that and I think with the oral histories too um it would be nice if there they're probably going to be YouTube videos um you know make them accessible throughout and see if uh Trevor from APAC will go ahead and have links on on that as well that that would be good all right yes Maggie has been a uh a blessing we we need more maggies all right that's it Barry uh that's it yes thank you all right great um Colleen how about you with uh the housing don't have anything to report we did not meet in June because we didn't have a quorum and then I was on vacation so they met last week but I wasn't able to attend so okay all right um Julie yes I would like to tell Barry that I've seen uh Maggie and Chris every weekend because I've been up at wox at getting Elliot okay I could had a little meeting with them I heard Pon was up there this past weekend too so yep yeah it's been like an air community meeting every every weekend I wish we could carpool but the kids take up the car um so I also don't have too much because we've had meetings be cancelled and um other things come up but we're still working through 91 Gren Harvard Road um I think that will be finished up this month and I have the number here but not here so let me move my screen around 77 Fitchburg road is just doing a change of use so we're kind of looking over at their um stuff their main operation is actually um where Shop and Save is I believe that um and so they just need it as like a storage building so we're working on that and that's it all right well what's the status on Stratton Hill um I thought we approved that I think I think that didn't we say that at the last meeting here [Music] um we hav they haven't been back and I don't think they're coming back I thought that was appr approved and that yeah for being south of the power lines for for being where they're going to be building yes I'm concerned now that I don't have that but I do think that the last time we met we had already decided that is it not finished je oh I don't know I mean um because I thought they just started up with planning board like a month ago or so Straton Hill yeah with their new plans now this is where it's summer I'm sorry have they not yeah I haven't been able to go to any of the meetings but yeah I was just wondering I can't tonight for the life of me remember if we I've seen so many of their plans for so many years but I thought yeah maybe they appr their definitive well I thought they were yeah well can I answer that the next month like I I'll get you a straight answer but I really thought that that was all done but maybe we're waiting them for them to do the fancy plans but yeah I mean because I think they they got your approval to change the plans to go all south of the power lines but I don't think they've done the def definitive site plan review that was a definitive was it yeah okay because I feel like Jonathan opened that meeting with just so you know this isn't going to go this is going to look like it's going fast but now I don't I now I don't know that could have been another property okay no problem September September because we don't even have them like we're not continuing them they're not on our agenda at all I really thought we we completed that okay at the end of May I'll look okay but then um the uh because when you do the completion though that has to include tying up the conservation restriction right I don't think for the life of me I have no answer for you tonight yeah yeah so that's next next month okay all right I Jess is talking now so I'm going to take advantage of it Jess update on conservation uh you know we were slammed unbelievably during the shutdown of the pandemic and all that and then suddenly this year we're really uh have had very few applications um but uh you know Heather's Heather's working with volunteers I guess including Jonathan CR um on sort of updating the trail markings at Pine Meadow um I think we're reviewing at our meeting tomorrow night uh the Baseline data or conservation restriction for Shaker Mill Pond subdivision um and uh otherwise not too much I know you know with it being summer and everything um it's um either it gets really really busy or else again just like us we didn't have our meeting in July so yeah I mean usually we get busier because it's construction season and stuff but I don't know if I think as I say we were we were really slammed during the pandemic and I think because people had shutdowns they were doing projects they home projects they hadn't done you know planned on and um or hadn't been able to do before and uh but now I think a lot of people got those projects done and then also with the inflation costs of material um but uh yeah Heather's doing a lot with um storm you know storm water um working with the DPW on storm water basin monitoring and stuff she's keeping very busy and um that's all good it's true when I'm down to town hall I do see that yeah she's got multiple hats almost she's got a lot of different balls that she's juggling she's juggling them very well so yeah it's true yeah um again we're pretty lucky with um with Heather with Danny and CH Charlie you know set so all right that's good we haven't had major problems with beaver beaver daming this year so that's good all right all right don't need many Beaver deceivers a couple couple in mind but beavers have been behaving all right that's good relatively all right with regards to um the Housing Authority um I like uh Colleen I I I I was uh I I got ordered in so I I was not able to make the meeting but I know that they've been approached by residents of Devon's Crest um to see again if the Housing Authority will um become a managing partner of there and Ken Martin did meet with everybody um to put his stipulations back through again saying the authority the Housing Authority does not have the funds whatsoever again Brady Sullivan needs to be uh willing to sell property and also the Housing Authority really uh looks for units that are side by side not spread out throughout a neighborhood because it's difficult to control um taking care of properties that way so so uh that I know was some of the discussion but I haven't gotten any type of update with regards to uh the Housing Authority we're supposed to have a meeting sometime this month then with the housing before you just to clarify the Housing Authority will at the moment is not having any role with managing Devin's Crest correct okay correct thank you all right okay and then the housing committee uh the update with regards to the 40b uh development by Noah the neighborhood um for affordable housing um they were denied the funding request that they uh asked for it was a grant um from the U Mass state government and they are getting feedback on how that Grant got denied so that they can reapply for it and they are going to be reapplying um so there won't be shovels in the ground uh this year um it's going to have to happen next year uh so that's the uh the most current update that we received from Noah that they're reviewing the the application with um I forget what department it was I don't know if it was the new named for um THL but or dhcd um um but uh like I say they got denied and they need to to find out why so they can update that application um we haven't had really anything else for um applications or such of people wanting to come in and do any type of affordable housing development I know that there's been some uh Communications with mattfield on that property I spoke about earlier uh to try to see if there's something again working with the open space and residential development plan uh to to go ahead and get open space as well as some affordable housing units um with the inclusionary Housing section of the bylaws so um that is something that uh again will'll keep our eyes out on so that we can try to continue look working at the affordable housing component we're also got that working group from all the different committees uh looking at the inclusionary Housing section of the bylaw I think it's 10.3 of trying to figure out ways so that um there is a more simpler way to get um if you build like I I don't know I'm just going to throw these out if you if you build five units uh and you make you can get um and make one um affordable you and maybe Julie you might be able to to and Jess um you're able to go ahead and get an additional unit um or two units and and such um this way here they get a um a benefit you know from putting in something that is Affordable and we're working wording it so that the affordable unit looks exactly like the regular units um and so you really can't tell the difference some of the other items is when uh the affordable units built it's built alongside with all the other units instead of right at the end of when the units are you know um and if they're not willing to do it to build an affordable units um one of the things is in lie of that uh they pay a certain amount to the affordable housing trust and those monies won't have the Restriction as the CPA funds in the of um Housing Trust so those are some of the things that the working group is looking at um on that zoning bylaw um and I know Danny's been uh you know trying to to come up with the text and everything and we've got a meeting tomorrow morning um to go ahead and discuss that um so that's been the housing component of uh what's been going on in the town you get that all just or and I know yeah I'm not going to put a lot of that detail it's all speculative so okay all right yeah you can tell I had a cup of coffee so um all right that's that and um like I say Beth isn't here and David um um isn't for those two updates um and I think I captured everybody can I amend my answer to Jess oh she's been looking at her computer I PE I peaked up my minutes and apparently we we we had a very nice cheery moment with Mary and Stoddard it felt very cumulative at the end um but yes we have been asked to um continue them till August 27th okay I won't be too depressed now that I will be talking about this again on August 27th it's only been a couple years well actually The Stratton Hill's been on and off and on with the planning board since like 2005 or so and this most recent iteration has had four different sets of site plans so yeah I think that restarted in 2018 the discussion of it or something like that so it's or 2019 somewhere so August 27th if anyone wants to join us we'll be there okay all right thank you for checking on that Julie all right anything else people want to bring up no no all right now my next question is I will not be available uh I think it's September 3rd is our next meeting [Music] um me September election day right September 3rd is a yeah will we do we have anything we're voting that day we are okay wait aren't all election days on Tuesdays yeah that's what I'm saying that that be the yeah it's the 4th um would be our next meeting would be a Wednesday the 4th um I'm not available Wednesday the 4th so I don't know if we want to have a meeting on the week after September 11th I don't know if if we have action we can take on the grand agreements yes if not we'll hold off yeah okay more than likely um I I don't think so so there may be a chance that we won't meet until October um because if there's nothing for us to go ahead and work on you're right um all right I will keep the group up to date as long as everybody's okay with that yep yeah that sounds good I'm free to meet on the 11th if we need to but happy to wait till October if we need to yeah okay excellent all right if there's nothing else uh can I go ahead I just I just thought of this I'm sorry I should have brought this up during Grant agreements but uh we still are the historical commission and and CPC has still owed preservation restrictions which on on Shandy Pond shny P right right and I know that um Irv has gone ahead and has sent him to Robert for um Town Council approval I'll check on it and I'll didn't know that so yeah I'll send I'll yeah I thought I thought he included George on the email I'll double check um I think Town council's been pretty busy this year with the town true what yeah from what I understand they used up their funding and they had to wait until July 1 to continue so um all right I'll double check on that for you Barry thank you okay you're welcome [Music] okay anything else nope I have a motion to adjourn some moved moved I Barry makes the motion Colleen seconds and I believe we all say I yes all right everybody thank you very much enjoy the day evening