[Music] I'm going to start the meeting first of thank you everybody for being here all right um today is uh Wednesday May 1st is the community preservation committee and I'm going to read the uh text in accordance with chapter 2 of the acts of 2023 suspending certain provisions of the open meeting Law Public bodies otherwise governed by the oml are temporarily relieved from the requirements that meetings be held in public places open and physically accessible to the public so as long as measures are taken to ensure public access to the body's deliberations through adequate and alternative means this meeting will be live on Zoom the public May participate remotely by joining Zoom meeting ID number of 84 0877 2826 or by calling 92925 6099 for additional information about remote participation please contact Carly anthonis the assistant Town manager at ATM a.m. us or 978-772-4864 on the zoom meeting as well as it looks like Pauline is here as well um looking at the agenda can I get someone to approve the agenda unless there's Corrections that people want to make don't move I Barry moves somebody seconds second just seconds right got to do the roll call Barry hi Julie yes Jess I Beth yes and the chair says I all right great all right we have two sets of minutes that have got to be approved um the first one will be from March 6th I do have a correction sorry Jess that's okay right I mean they're awesome as always page two um with regard to the public hearing for the 71 Sandy Pond the uh the first dark bullet if the purchase goes through they're called arpa funds America rescue plan act instead of American Recovery and reinvestment oh it's arpa a a RP it is arpa okay yeah well I I don't know where I got the other except I think it was something that uh Town manager's office might have circulated because I have no idea where I would have gotten that I know that's why so I know you had to read it somewhere but um say that again it's American Rescue plan act okay okay okay and that's the only thing that I found does anybody else have any corrections edits comments Kudos no then can I get a motion to accept the minutes for March 6 as amended so Mo that was Julie yes and seconded second second okay well I'll let you write let you write down whatever let's do the roll call Barry hi Julie yes Jess hi Beth I gathered that was a yes I you're still on mute but that I I see yes um and the chair says I so I'll passed the next one is on March 25th I did not see any type of edits that need to happen anybody else nothing can I get a motion to accept the minutes as written so moved all right just makes the motion seconded Julie seconds all right roll call Barry hi Julie I believe I have to abstain oh okay you that's right all right Jess I I was going to say Barry wasn't present either then well I have heard sorry about that I have I have heard different things that it's actually okay to approve minutes whether you were there or not oh really yeah I agree that's that I mean different different boards and committees sort of have a different practice but there's nothing that in like the regulations or bylaws or anything like that that say you can't so okay all right um okay and uh see here I I went to Julie Jess okay and Beth yes uh so what are we there are we Julie do you want to withdraw your extension I will I will change it to yes okay and Barry we didn't let you do it go for it Barry say yes yes all right so those got approved excellent um as I'm moving things around um I'm moving my agenda where did it go correspondence and invoices is next yep nothing is that nice yay I that back the only correspondence I should say is from Irv and IR is here so um I'm not even going to put that in the minutes since we're it will be self-evident it'll be self-evidence because there'll be nothing there you got it okay the next item on the agenda go ahead sorry can you hear me yes now now we can okay something's happening where I think somebody has airpods in the other room that are getting picked up so then the sound goes away and or you know like I can't speak because I'm not with the airpods so let me just go see if somebody can stop using the airpods but I'll be paying attention if I can okay no problem all right but next on the agenda is um an update on Sandy Pond school her's got to take him off of uh uh mute so we can hear you IR lower left corner no you got okay now now yeah okay sorry about that let was click on the wrong icon there all right welcome Irv hey um I haven't seen the backyard yet last time I was there they still were working on the ramp it's done yay ev Everything all the construction work is done it was finished on I believe um April 23rd and 24th so um it was cut a little close but it's done we have a ramp with a railing um and the contractors uh uh remnants have been removed from the inside of the classroom and we have spent now three three different uh intervals cleaning the classroom up um we've been hanging pictures we have a new method of doing that and we are on track for The Grand Event which will take place on Saturday May 18th from 10: to 3M and uh Janet I did send you a copy of the program that's now final as it turns out we got confirmation from our last speaker today so that is set there's a the um the one sort of not final piece of business on our end at this point aside from actually making these things happen that we've agreed to uh is we're still working on the parking arrangements with the uh with the uh police and should have that nailed down in a day or two and uh we'll be putting up appropriate signage in time for the in time for the event um so it's been a long um a really long road about two years longer than we uh originally thought or hoped um but I must say um it really really feels good the um um the interior of the classroom once we finished removing some of the Dust we've been talking about bottling it up and selling it as historic dust but we hey you could um I'm trying to remember somebody sold sections of air from something bottles of air and I'm trying to remember what it was and they got 10 bucks a bottle yeah I was a member of a church at one point that was replacing its very expensive slate roof and they sold the old slates at five or $10 a piece and and they actually sold quite a few of them so who knows maybe the dust could work but uh um it's as I say it's been a long haul when you go through the schoolhouse you will now notice um that uh one of the big changes is we do have a new uh accessible and enlarged washroom with hot and cold running water and accessible fixtures um and that was a really important uh and somewhat tricky thing to do um but we needed to do it in order to be able to launch the program that we'll be announcing at this event which is the beginning of a of a uh an elementary school visitation program to the schoolhouse where kids will come uh from phage Hilltop um and have an opportunity to have a day in a in a sing room Schoolhouse and get you know some sense that it's a little different than from what they're used to so that's been a a long-term goal and we are now going to be able to do that um page Hilltop Administration is in favor of it we've got a couple of page Hilltop tur teachers working on this uh one of them is making up um costumes that can be pull pulled over the kids uh clothing for the day so they will look sort of 19th century when they're at the schoolhouse and uh and that that I think is going to be a really nice program um it's really when we started on the renovation back in I guess officially we really got started about the end of 2016 beginning of 2017 was just always a goal and uh so I'm really delighted that's going to happen um the the program on the 18th should should be a lot of fun um we do have um representation from elected leaders Jamie eldrid state senator will be there dellea and Janice Livingston for the a select board and then we got some talks that will be inside the classro during the course of the day while people are wandering around one of the nice ones um is going to to be given uh by one of the descendants of one of our teachers our teacher uh Louisa an cot who was a teacher at um at Sandy P school from 1895 to 1900 and uh and we have a a a featured photograph of her and a couple of her classes that was given to us by the family and one of the one of the members of the family will be actually talking about this woman and a little bit of her life story based on her Diaries uh which do cover the time that she was a teacher here at uh at Sandy Pond school and that's kind of a a fun thing and we hope that there will over the long run be a little more of that we'd really like to start researching we have a complete list of all the teachers uh and we have photographs of four or five of them uh and a couple of they're classes but we think it would be a lot of fun to kind of try to research those stories uh and maybe eventually be able to um tell stories of hopefully a goodly percentage of these of these teachers they were in the case of this school all women that isn't the case in all single R School houses it is in the case of Sandy Pond um although prior to the building the construction of this building there were some male teachers at what was then uh the the previous Schoolhouse um so we got music we're going to have a little bit of food we're going to have activities one of the activities for adults is an opportunity to see how you would do if you were to take the e8th grade the test that was administered to uh to graduating eighth graders to see if they qualified to go to high school um and I can tell you that although I have a master's degree and a little more I would flunk that test well I I wonder are the questions more aimed at uh history that you know that was occurring right then and there you know so there would be more of individuals that would be in politics back then well some of the questions are yeah dated in that sense um but a lot of them just require you to actually know off the top of your head things I think a lot of us wouldn't carry around in our head anymore um I I know there's a number of things i' say oh I could look that up well you know you don't get to look it up no Google back then yeah um nice so there'll be that and for the kids um Heidi Cy who's one of the teachers working on this project just created a nice coloring page that uses the schoolhouse um so we're looking really looking forward to this but also looking forward looking Beyond it because now that the building is effectively it's not that absolutely everything that could be done or fixed uh has been done but what has been done at this point makes the building usable and on a continuing basis from now on we will be able to have uh more open houses we're going to make the building available for other uses we've had a couple of uh requests for from organizations just like to have a meeting there um and that will be entirely doable and for that matter if CPC ever wanted to have a meeting at the schoolhouse sometime you could do that um uh so we wanted to put the building in circulation as it were um it was used for a lot of uh activities uh as basically a community venue for many years um uh there were musical programs there dinner dances there was at least one art U auction um there were um uh just people came in for talks and lectures um and there were open houses and uh we'd like to see that sort of uh those sort of opportunities brought back to brought back to Air and brought back to the schoolhouse and with kinding gonna be able to do that now so that that feels like a really good thing um I'm pretty sure that when the people who are building Schoolhouse were putting it up they weren't thinking in terms of 150 years so that's a we're lucky to have it and we have it partly uh as a as well entirely really as a result of there having been a group of volunteers who got together in 1907 1908 decided to acquire it from the town if they could and preserve it and the uh the official anniversary of the um Sandy Pon School Association is December 1908 which means the association is now going on 116 years old so I'm affiliated with an organization that's older than I am and not by that much oh come on you're funny sometimes it feels it you know during this type weather oh yeah I did um I I did uh send out the draft program to to the team here um but I didn't you know I didn't post it because I know it was just yes the draft and you were still finishing up on it but yeah it's it's now final so all right that would be great if you want to get me the copy of that um I'll make I'll make sure that it gets put on the CPC website okay people can go ahead and see that okay and um May 18th from May 18th from 10 to 3 three I know I plan on being there I don't know if anybody else might be able to make it but definitely it's on my calendar to to show up yeah it'll be fun yes the last one was I mean I I parked over at the church and walked over yeah yeah we and we may do that this time or not um we're working with the police trying to find the parking plan the longer term there is clearly I think a need for some kind of you know more permanent parking arrangements and there had been the beginnings of discussions with the town on that um and one one uh thing that has been determined by DPW is they they went over and sort of did a site survey of it and they they concluded that it would be possible on that little stub of westf Road that's that's there um you could have they said parking spaces legitimate parking spaces for up to 26 Vehicles which I think is more than we would anticipate needing um but it does give us an idea that number one there's room for space and there the uh the mechanics of making it happen will be a little complicated because uh first of all uh chunk of that land still belongs to the town and not to Sandy pond so it's got to be a joint venture at some point um and the mechanics and that uh well there's a number of ways that might go um and uh those need to be worked out and some of them will probably involve people who are lawyers which I'm not are those construction vehicles gone from the back there we have promised that they will be gone by May 7th okay we've been given earlier dates uh that didn't happen but I but I hope this one will all right all right no problem yeah there and there's now the big thing as you see on the back side now there's a walkway up parking area for handicapped uh just space be big enough for three cars or with a little bit of luck a bus and then a walkway a graded walkway up to the ramp at the back of the building and there's an accessible entrance there on the back and the room the U the doorway between the L and the classroom has been widened so it will accommodate a wheelchair we've actually had a wheelchair in there it actually works um so the building is now truly accessible um which it was not and it and it's surprising it makes rather little difference in some ways in terms of the appearance uh we're able to reuse um the wall from the original washroom just move it out about six feet so if you look at it today well there's a new a new doorway because the old door we couldn't reuse but if you look at it from you know from from the CL room it doesn't look much different than it did before but the washroom is is larger and the l space therefore is a little smaller um so is that um will Lynn Spencer be there I hope so she hasn't promised okay no problem it would be nice to to meet her yeah yeah yeah I hope I hope she will be able to come and hopefully Doug Manley as well he's he's the other half of that team two of them Lynn is the one who's she's really into historic preservation knows about every historic preservation project in the eastern United States I think yeah so yeah to to go ahead and like I say to have this all come to fruition IR you must be pretty proud of the whole team it's been it's been really um nice you know I mean it's nice to have it have it done and and and people really been generous with their time and uh CPC has been very generous with its resources and one of the things on I guess on the list that I hope we can come up with a fairly prompt solution for us it'd be really nice to have some kind of a permanent marker um akin to the one we have for the you know the National Historic register uh to acknowledge CPC funding for this project because it would not have happened without CPC funding absolutely not right care and I know Barry had um got some pricing and everything for the brass plaques okay so um this this was probably about a good year and a half ago yeah at least yeah yeah yeah we'll recirculate that and we'll get that started yeah I I think that will be important um and we have not forgotten about the contract and the preservation restriction um have you heard any has Robert been in touch with you about the contract Janet he just he just sent me the copy and I said you know that it look good for what it was supposed to do and he was supposed to check with uh Tom Council before you know I could go ahead and bring it to everybody okay so um I'll follow up with him and you follow up with him with yeah the two of us that might be able to work out well okay yeah and we are um actively looking for and have not yet found someone to actually draft the Restriction but I think we'll get that nail down in a week or two seems to be a specialized business um and uh not everybody there not that many people who are how should we say [Laughter] experienced I'm sorry go ahead no I was gonna say Stacy might be able to help you on that go ahead Barry I was just wondering um if you've been in touch with M storic and they recommend someone or I haven't dealt with them for quite some time yeah um I haven't asked them uh I asked Lynn and Lynn has told me that she has a lead on someone in Worcester um and uh so that's where we are at the moment and if that doesn't pan out um I could talk to MHC and also I could just I could check with the local attorney we've used Tom Gibbons to see if he knows someone who might you know might be able to tackle it um the other thing that you could possibly do is see if any of the other school houses that have been restored have one um because it might be you know easy to utilize a lot of what they might already have yeah yeah if if the big if of course was if the mppf grant had actually if we' been able to follow through and that the preservation restriction we wouldn't had had to worry about writing it because MHC would have written it for us and in fact they would have told us we had to take it the way it was written and it would have been very short actually um but uh but that didn't happen so that's another story when you were referencing the contract or is that the grant agreement or yeah I I I guess what I mean is the contract for the second grants yeah the October uh 2019 Grant was it or 2020 Grant whichever one second Grant yeah because we did we did execute one for the first grant right um which was uh a year or two before I think that was 2018 I think that one as we did the the uh the conditions assessment in 2017 and I think we did the first grant in 2018 and then the second one was either was October it was either 2019 or 2020 I don't remember now that's the one we're talking about a contract for okay yeah and Robert's been um working on it um and I believe it's because of the Restriction uh wording that's inside of it um so that's why it's it's been there so yeah yeah well it's never great to have these things take so long to get done but this is partly what happens when you have volunteers doing things so noted yeah but what we'll do is we'll get back in touch with you with regards to the plaque for sure because I can say Barry did some some pretty good homework and we had the wording and everything else and it looked good yeah I just have to resurrect it from emails okay okay yeah that sounds great that really would be important really important okay so all right so any any other questions yeah anything else from anybody nice job B I have one go for it Julie that's okay and also honestly great job this is phenomenal to see it come along and I put on my calendar the 18th so thank you um but where you're achieving the awesome goal of having the page Hilltop come I would hope as we're a Regional School District we could maybe mention it to Laura White you know once not now you're volunteering there's a lot going on but maybe as that's successful with the page Hilltop we can make sure we're extending that welcome sure yeah yeah yeah well we think we've we certainly as an organization need to do a little more recruiting since we're getting a little little slim but I my feeling has been number one I only had so many things when so many things I actually could do at one time and number two I felt that once the building is open again and and people can actually see it was going to be a lot easier to you know to find more more people who would be get excited about you know coming aboard so yeah right yes and yeah definitely want to extend my congratulations as well it's really an exciting time I was wondering if there's plan at all for a um like an interpretive panel or anything or maybe there is something that I am not aware of um so that if it's not open yet somebody stops by they could see kind of a a summary of the story of the schoolhouse or something like that um and then part two of that is just thinking ahead to the pocket Forest um and what can help tie the pocket Forest to the time period of Focus for the schoolhouse and the time that it was operational and I'm thinking about things like making sure that we have trees that would provide the wood for like whatever little game they would play or um you know like just cultural things that were used in that time period and important for kids you know like it could be a little bit of the the wild edibles and um you know anything that might be used so that's something that we can start thinking about as we create that that list for the species that we'll have in the pocket for us there and then we can do an interpret P interpretive panel pocket for us into that time period as well yeah those are both goals that uh you know that we're entirely in favor of and we just um probably going to need some help in implementing those but I think that particularly with the pocket Forest the mediate one of our immediate thoughts was this could become kind of an exercise an activity for people who come to the schoolhouse um and to to take them on kind of a guided uh EX examination of the pocket forest and explicitly link some of the uh you know the vegetation there to the history of the schoolhouse so that's you know we'll be looking for more I mean in in effect we we need longer term I mean we need to take kind of a more interpretive and sort of Museum like um approach to the schoolhouse um we are being selective about the material we put up on the walls now we had um when we had to clear everything out for the construction work we had somewhere on the out of 176 artifacts uh most of them photos are documents but a few other things um and we're putting them back up on a seleced basis now and we're we're suspending them with using these French rods um so we don't have to put any holes in the side of the of the of those plaster walls um but you know really at some point it would be really nice to get some advice from people with more Museum and interpretive experience to so i' come in and give us give us some advice about what can be done and how we can display you know uh various kinds of things like we have a fairly uh noticeable collection of old books that are textbooks from the period the problem is they're very fragile um and and and they're Dusty too we can get rid of the Dust um but the fragility is sort of built into them so question is how do you display those in a you know in a good way um and and and I myself that's not something I really know much about but there are people who do so we want to look for advice on that job is never done is it or no there's no there's still things we could do to the for example the flag pole um we have if you go by you know this is a flag pole in the front and it goes up and it's clearly broken up well we have the top of the flag pole uh it was up in the attic in the L um you wouldn't want to reuse it however um uh and and we did get a quote on repairing and replacing it that quote was ridiculously expensive so we didn't do it but someday all right someday it'd be nice to have a flag again that that you can sell the dust and the um debr from the construction all right in those little bottles you can go ahead and say to help restore show the flag Bowl yes there's a couple of there's a couple of old whiskey bottles that we that we recovered this year actually all right those are just Priceless by themselves yeah well we'll have to see if the teachers diary has anything to say about whiskey bottles huh about whiskey Bott depends upon the children I assume those were from the Workman oh who knows after a day of teaching maybe whiskey would have been a good a good night cap yeah just a little painkiller you know somebody scrapes a knee or something yeah disinfectant too that's right disinfectant I was just gonna say that can be used both inside and out oh all right anything else from uh individuals IR thank you so much um really it's nice to see this come to fruition and uh I look forward to seeing you on May 18th yeah well thank you really it's been terrific your support made it possible all right you got it and um I have a funny feeling you'll be back too because we'll be doing hopefully we can help you out with some of the pocket forest and um you know and the flag pole all right okay okay again thanks okay thank you all right thank you now you too all right and I've got down here new business um and um unless there's anything else people want to bring up for old business right uh for new business of discussing Grant agreements like I stated in my email um to you I did not have a chance to work on them I do apologize um I was out of town but there will be the uh the two one for the Habitat for Humanity which we've already done prior one so that's worked out well and then 71 71 Sandy Pond which I know that I'm going to need Robert's assistance and uh the town council's going to have to look at both of them anyways um so those would be the two that I'll have for June's meeting and um other than that uh again when um IR was talking about uh Robert has been working on the uh agreement as well as the deed restriction and he's just been asking some questions so um been trying to go back and forth with them but I'll make sure I'll follow up on that and then Barry you and I will follow up with regards to that plaque um I'll look at my emails and and such um so with the new business I don't have anything to share um so again I apologize um one thing that I do have um with regards to our balances Carrie and I have been working on making sure we get everything updated and removed um um I received an email so there was a correspondent so I forgive me Jess um from George bacon today that the uh inventory historic inventory has been completed so Carrie and I like I say are trying to finish it up so that everything is all updated with the fiscal year 25 numbers as well so we can put that out um on the website for the June meeting and then Julie you and I are um I'd like to meet up with you so that we put these new funding requests approvals in the um CP3 uh database all right okay um so that's it for for me for new business is there anything else that people may have for new business nope no okay all right then part public participation um Pauline is there anything that you would want to bring up hi Janet um maybe but maybe not now not now okay okay you all did great tonight I still have I have some questions but I'm good okay okay that sounds great you know where we are yes absolutely thank you guys all right no problem next on the agenda then is the committee reports Barry historic uh uh yes we I'm waiting to hear from uh DCR the Department of Conservation Recreation uh to a spot that we picked out on the rail trail to put the new message board that we were given a a grant from the uh air cultural Council uh and sponsored by the mass cultural Council and in that board it will have um a map of what the Nash would uh Nashville to wer or wer to Nashville railroad where it went and in highlight where the rail trail is because that's where it is now um it's like an 1876 map U there's also a little history about air if anybody I don't know if anybody remembers Ralph Richardson but it was something that he wrote back in the uh for the this public Spirit back in the 80s about air being the child of the Iron Horse and so that will be on there and some photos as well of what the the downtown looked like back 100 years ago compared to what it looks like now I mean basically there are still a lot of buildings still there so um that will be on there as well so we uh hope to have it installed uh by the end of May once we get the approval of course but uh Chuck Chuck is the allaround man he's going to be installing it for us so I told him i' bring a post hole digger if he need it so actually I said that because I would help but anyway the the grant funding was the cultural air C cultural a cultural Council yes and was there something else well they were they were actually the local cultural Council and it's the money actually comes from the mass cultural Council okay but we're very fortunate to get that grant for the cost of the board and cost of installation is nothing because CH uh Chuck is going to do it for us so there's no additional monies coming out of the historical uh end of it excellent keep you up the date as to when we're going to have the ribbon cutting actually uh we are going to place it if you're parking in the not so much in the parking garage but in that area there a spot for anybody that's going to be using the rail trail as you cross Grotton street right on the right is where it's going to be there's a little little patch of land that's sort of indented that's be about three feet off the rail trail so that's what we're hoping to get um approval to put the board there by the rock all right that sounds great another thing to maybe think about in that area the big building that is across the rail trail from that location it would be really cool if um they might be open to doing a mural on that building um I think that that would look very very nice for rail trail users and people who pass by um and it could be something historical as well um so I don't know if anybody knows I know Alan spoke Allen spoken with the a gentleman that owns the the property there I I guess he has quite a few vintage Vehicles inside that building as well so I just wish I would get an invite but I have to wait for Alan he can get get us an invite good well a couple of us can go ahead and keep mentioning it to Allan see what we can generate that's a good idea Beth um because again it's nice to when when you drive through certain towns when they have the mural and especially the depicts history um that would be that would be good instead of seeing that just white face white brick face so all right okay all set Barry all set yep thank you all right no problem Jess uh conservation we got the funding Happ believe to keep our pond treatment program going which is quite good um and we did uh look at various Alternatives that people have been suggesting to get away from the chemical and um it's just really not feasible for our situation um yeah I mean Heather said that the one of the ones that she was looking at was so expensive I mean it was amazing yeah there um some towns I think North of Boston they've been um sort of doing more of a dredging and their budgets are like well over 100 50,000 and then littleton's budgets for what they're doing they're trying to do Eco harvesting on in some locations including part parts of spec Pond and that is just horrendously expensive too I mean I think this year they're looking at a $255,000 budget for what they want to do and even with the Eco harvesting um they still wound up with a recommendation that they still had to do a chemical treatment on spec pond because it wasn't doing anything for the fan wart so it's a it's a gnarly problem but and it's and it's an annual I mean it's a continuous problem it's not something that can yeah clear it up and be cleared up for the rest of its life so no no no um the second thing we're doing is Heather's trying to um organize volunteers to help with uh help us with Trail maintenance on Pine Meadow and right now she's ordered some um Trail marker signs which we'd like to redo um last I heard last week they hadn't come in yet uh but she was hoping they'd be in by this coming weekend so we're were thinking of tentatively trying to schedule something on May 4th as well as May 18th in the morning but um uh to be determined all right let us know we want to get out before the bugs and the heat get as bad as they were last summer and also you know sore need for volunteers you tried to get people to come to our meetings on that and nobody has been able to show up they just say well let us know what the day is we'll show up there maybe that sounds about [Laughter] right all right well tell tell Heather thank you great all right uh Julie planning board was successful in the zoning bylaw changes yeah that was it was awesome um so we had Noya before us they have an approved site plan that they actually came back to say they were modifying and they were reducing a bit um so just updating us on the changes they had there um we are going through site plan review for 333 Street um and they're looking at three single family homes um there so we're going to probably be talking about that at least another meeting or two and then 91 gron Harvard Road which is right below the transfer station uh south of it uh North Atlantic concrete is fixing up that property it's a nice business and we've begun that um public hearing as well for the site plan review all right which includes which includes uh storm water drainage yes lots of conversations including the crane that fell down the B I was just going to say that yeah including the crane but it didn't hurt anything Jess only a few trees just a few but we didn't count those as anything trees are things I thought so but it was it was absolutely nothing but VI trees is that the property that has the steep slope like right up against Pine because it seems like they've been expand in their property a little bit is that some is that part of your review now um to like kind of redefine and been meeting Beth I would say it sounds like a lot of people have been in our town have been very aware of what's going on and and they were everyone sounded very current as to what was going on on the property and we'll be taking a s sidewalk in the near future aren't you Iden aren't you identifying property bounds as well on the S sidewalk or we asked for that that seemed confusing but hopefully all right hopefully the markers will be clear as to where the property lines are when we go see it if not they will have to uh remove anything that goes over the property line and it'll be all cost on them if you fall into a few trees I mean I think we were supposed to be looking at us as it was nice that when a crane falls off a cliff that that's all that happened but it seemed to be avoiding the fact that the crane fell off the cliff well I was reassured because initially I think we'd all thought on conservation we'd thought that maybe with all the rain we've been getting the last year that the slope had collapsed a bit but they said the slope was stable but possibly somebody didn't set the brake right on the crane Beth you're shaking your head well I'm just like yeah I don't know that that slope is always going to be stable it's a little of them yeah but um did the crane collapse happen recently that was um few weeks ago oh okay I didn't hear about that yeah yeah yeah I alerted Heather that was you who called well someone let me know so yeah and it's like okay uh interesting but again um people do constantly there you know at Pine Meadow walking around so um that's why there will be people to help out when the dates are known uh but getting them to a meeting beforehand you're right is difficult for them well I think we've let go of getting people to come to an actual meeting with conservation yeah it's like um so understand all right anything else Julie nope okay Beth open space um see the a couple of things the W and Cate grants have been announced so Pace was an award recipient again for water chestnut pole at um Grove pond so that's good that they'll be able to continue that work and they are starting the uh poll season I think in two weekends or something like that um but there's a lot of announcements available on the pace Facebook page is probably the best place to see that and the sign up for water chestnut polls is is open now and active um just a quick update on pocket Forest activities we had the first birthday party for the initial pilot pocket Forest site across the street um from the library on East Main Street um the weekend prior to that we had a really excellent um Boy Scout work day uh that that you know helped us get ready for the event um so both both those were really great and then last week we started planting at the air Shirley middle school so all 400 approximate students um came out over the course of two days and helped plant trees at the pocket Forest that's just directly behind the middle school and that one is taking the shape of a paw print for the air shirle Panthers and um it looks really great so we'll have to keep uh monitoring that over the course of the Decades to come on Google Maps um and the pocka forest that's right next to the Devin playground the Parker students started planting there today um so we are going to have a workday Sunday afternoon 1 to 4 at the Middle School site and then Tuesday evening 4: to 6 at the playground site so um opportunities to get involved coming up and more more news will be shared you know on Facebook and things like that about those um what else on on the question of the the signs that you're talking about for the trails Jess Pine metal Pond and such um is there has there been any discussion of reprinting the kiosk material oh yeah our first uh our first goal is to try to get the trails remarked and then uh the kiosk signs and uh hopefully update a map and um stuff like that but the first thing is the is the trail markers yep let me know when you're looking for original content cuz the map and things like that I you know can help put you in touch with people too okay I'll let Heather know that too and then I think there was still a question about the Waterway signs from the wild and scen at Grant a while back um didn't he get back to you on that I haven't gotten a response yet so if we can touch base on that and let Lucy know what the status is that would be great okay um unless I missed like if it ended up in a folder that I didn't or something but yeah ignore that sound behind me I'm gonna just mute myself for a minute that's all right yep all right so that's it for yes I think that's it for now okay um with regards to the um Housing Authority they've started working on the roof of Pleasant Street School um and with that I know that I believe a couple months ago I told you that we received a letter from an individual there who said that the roof was leaking inside the apartment so that all um they've trying to correct it they couldn't find the leak um they had three different construction companies or developers going to try to find exactly where the leak was coming from and the bad thing about it is is it would happen during some storms but not every storm so um again it was difficult so they're replacing um parts of the the roof up there and that's currently what they're working on um for the air housing committee um we are you know still working towards um that working group for zoning uh bylaws you know the the part of that group um so with that we're going to continue with the again the the working group that includes um Charlie Schultz because he wants to look at where some of the inconsistencies are uh with the the zoning bylaws you may be pointing to One Direction in one part but another in another part so he really wants to try to clean that up so that's other things that are on the plate and um I believe the Housing Trust uh with Colleen not being here um is working very well with uh the 12 um individuals that um are looking for the uh rental re you know rental assistance and it's been a a a great project um I know it's taking Alicia a little longer time this time around because things are getting a little more complicated with some of the individuals that are applying um because they really need to meet certain qualification as well as the housing complex where they're living has to meet certain qualifications so it's a three component um task so but that's been going well and um and I just you know I was going to try to see if Jason showed up um to seeing how things are going all the equipment and such has been um delivered to the park and seeing how uh the playground is proceeding and I wanted to make sure before the evening was over with the meeting was over with that we we appreciate everything that Jason has done um on CPC for being parks and wreck um going to miss him and we'll see who that they send our way um after the elections so that's it for me for for um committee reports anything else from anybody else did the positions change immediately after the elections or is it after fiscal year change after the elections okay yeah which you know it's only a month difference really so yeah ah I was wondering why you guys kept talking over me but that works that way if I'm still [Music] muted so a qu a question though there we're looking for a new parks director yes Jeff is Jeff is retiring and Jeff um did state that he will assist to get the new parks director um you know all up to speed and they have been interviewing from what I understand okay thank else wow can I get a motion to adjourn before age yeah motion to adjourn all right just makes the motion in bar seconds and I believe we can just say all in favor I I all right everybody thank you so much for your work