##VIDEO ID:zm_X6boA0sA## to call the meeting to order at 7:03 on my clock um this is the community preservation committee meeting um thank you very much everybody for showing up um it's Wednesday October 2nd uh I get to read the nice little blurb Hey Beth um in accordance with chapter two of the acts of 2023 suspending certain provisions of the open meeting Law Public bodies otherwise governed by the oml are temporarily relieved from the requirement that meeting be held in public places open and physically accessible to the public so long as measures are taken to ensure public access to the body's deliberations through adequate and alternative means this meeting will be live on Zoom the public May participate remotely by joining Zoom meeting ID number of 84 877 2826 or by calling 92925 6099 for additional information about remote participation please contact Carly anelis the assistant Town manager at ATM a.m. us or 978 772 8220 extension 100 prior to the meeting during normal business hours okay again thank you everybody um been was gorgeous today even in and out of the sunshine and clouds um everybody had a chance to look at the agenda can I get a motion is there any corrections or anything can I get a motion to accept the agenda as written so moved second okay Beth makes the motion Colleen second got to go through roll call Jess I Julie yes Barry hi Colleen hi and Beth yes hi and the chair says yes great all right then um approval of the minutes and the minutes were from August 7th 2024 um I didn't see any type of fracs just does a great job all right anybody want to make a motion Barry's Barry's got that look on his face uh oh I I don't remember if was I at that meeting I yeah you were I was okay yeah um the only one wasn't uh Beth and David um so okay um Colleen you made the motion and can I get a second second all right Barry seconds all right I'm going to go through uh roll call Jess hi Julie yes Barry hi Colleen hi and Beth I've got you OB staining because you weren't at the meeting right I can't she can I mean I think she can she can I I usually say yes okay all right and the chair says yes so accepted all right as long as you guys don't mind um Dan's got to go to another meeting can I'm move him up in the uh in in in the agenda oh sure okay Dan all yours all right thank you madam chair thanks Janet welcome yeah appreciate that um so I'm here today representing the storm utility ad advisory work group and first I'd like to thank Beth for your help on the work group and and to get us to where we are today um many of you I know some of you probably seen this presentation few times probably Barry but um um there is a fall town meeting warrant article that's that's um going to be on on the fall town meeting for the storm water uh Utility Fund so I'll just go through the most recent happenings um I know we did I did meet with you way back in February to indicate that the this was being undertaken so um share my screen I'll try not to take up too much time and thanks again Janet I I do got to run to the Parks Commission for um for another uh meeting not related to storm water let's see share oh here we go okay think you can all see that yes working good yeah some times I have trouble with the share recently okay um consideration of a storm water utility uh the storm water utility Advisory workg Group summary of findings and next steps so just in looking back the work group's objective consider the adoption of an Enterprise fund for storm water so storm water utility we call it as an option for funding storm water and um presenting the efforts and findings and next steps so I did mention back in February there were informational presentations this is part of the Outreach of the work group to let these uh um various boards and committees know um a list of the work group members are here and also just of note consultant time U support was from Ty and bond and and they've worked on many of these um for various communities so it's been a great help with their experience okay so just before we get deep into it I always like like to promote the web page that's been developed by the workg group it has all of our workg group meeting agendas as meeting notes summarizing those meetings materials frequently we frequently asked questions um very important if you have basic if anyone has basic questions about the uh storm water utility Enterprise fund and and what what it would do and um several videos and I know a lot of you probably attended the June 24th public forum that video videos up there presentation slides so basically it's a repository you know pretty much any question can be answered there but we also have a submit a question button um right on the web page too and anyone can contact the work group or me if they have questions so the work group efforts to date um so in short we'll go through four bullets and and one was the work group determin The util storm water utility needs and funding drafted a rate structure drafted regulations and also with that a credit policy and uh conducted public meetings and Outreach and I'm not really going to get too much into storm water and you know why we're doing this but just kind of a reminder you know an Enterprise fund it provides Equity you know you there the payment the fee for storm water would be based on impacts to storm to to the storm water which is you know impervious area that's our measuring key the more impervious area you have the more it impacts storm water quality um it's Enterprise funds more transparent Pro provides a dedicated Revenue source and also you know assists with financing large projects and and future sustainability so that's really why why we're here but we won't get into the uh into that today just more of what we found um so St bullet one storm water utility needs and funding um air stormwater infrastructure total replacement value is approximately $90 million so we have a significant asset in town um there's in one of my previous presentations we listed out the number of manholes catch basins culverts and it's pretty significant um so the goal determine a funding mechanism to meet current and future storm water needs and I kind of touched on this in an equitable stable reasonable and sustainable Manner and so whether that be the general fund um or an Enterprise fund that would fit and so the work group did evaluate different levels of service for storm water management and you can see that on here from version one down to version three um you know the work group was pretty considerate version one was uh let's go tackle the storm water Asset Management plan that the town has put together that this this stormw Asset Management plan is basically the guide book of what work needs to be done within the town of bear um for Culvert Replacements regular maintenance pipe Replacements more investigations Etc and if we tackled that head-on you know in a in um in the schedule that's listed out in that plan we'd be looking at needing a budget of 1.9 million per year and honestly we don't have the staff that would be able to take care of that either um and it wouldn't be financially viable for the town so we really started at that point and then went you know went and looked at our budget um the storm water budget and said okay what is more practical to implement what is more practical financially can we still have a proactive posture as we approach storm water management instead of kind of our current scenario where we're we're minimally funding storm water through the general fund and being in a reactive position where we're just replacing things under emergencies um and and when they break so working through that we got down to version three which puts us in a proactive level of service so we'll be able to tackle storm water projects year by year but also still take care of those emergencies and those breaks um and start getting ourselves on top of the storm water management so that comes out to about $700,000 a year so um using that number we we start to build a rate uh system and scenario kind of talking more about the version three and um I I did touch a little on reactive versus proactive the current storm water management fund programming through the general fund has been around $240,000 a year and I did touch on that's kind of really just keeping us you know up with all the breaks and the emergencies we're not ahead of the game we're not making Replacements you're doing more investigations understanding where we got to go and work in our system um I I'll be honest we have up that budget too in the last couple years since we had the storm water Asset Management plan we're probably around 450,000 or so um in our budget at this point but the 700,000 is is um is um the recommended it puts us in a proactive posture um and that's where we uh landed as the work group so I'll go to the next slide so then we started working on rate structure for that 700,000 um the key terms I did mention this earlier impervious area so impervious area it's a hard surface which storm water flows off and if you look at the image on the right um just imagine an area that hasn't been developed uh forested area not touched what's going to happen to the storm water there a lot of it's going to infiltrate a lot of it's going to be shallow infiltration um it's going to be captured by the plants it's not going to um run right off and right into the waterways it'll evaporate um and there is kind of a friction Factor as well with the trees the bushes the plants to to slow down the storm water and then if you go all the way to the Other Extreme a city um it's totally made of hard surfaces impervious areas storm water hits it it travels fast carries pollutants with it goes right into the storm drain and out to our waterways so that's why impervious area is used as the measuring tool and this is pretty much an industry standard and anyone who has a a storm water utility typically is using impervious area as the measurement um it's kind of you know when you have a water bill you're measured on how much water you use but a storm water bill would be based on how much impervious area you have so second key term equivalent residential unit that's the storm water billing unit um related to impervious area and so this is a common practice as well um to develop an eru and the way that we did it and it's been done um by other communities as well is to look at your single family Residential Properties and you look at the median impervious area of your single family Residential Properties and that's you make that equivalent to one equivalent residential unit so in the town of air the median impervious area on a single family residential property is 3,200 square fet so that equals one eru so that you'll see in the future um for properties that are non- single family residential that's what we use to calculate a fee but I'll get into that in a slide or two um let me come back to the slide in a second this is a property viewer um I'll go back there so rate structure the work group's recommended rate structure is a proposed annual fee so this is per year of $95 per equivalent residential unit um that's proportional it gets us to that $700,000 yearly proposed storm water utility funding all single family Residential Properties regardless of the impervious area on the property it could be 5,000 square feet of impervious it could be 1,000 square F feet they would be charged one eru so that's equivalent to $95 per year or 2375 per quarter any property that's not a single family residential property so your commercial your industrial M multifam they they get charged a fee that gets calculated based on the number of erus they have so essentially you use the impervious area and you make that calculation and we'll I think we have an example in a couple slides so I just mentioned this one example of a single family residential um it's build a flat fee of one eru regardless of the impervious area so the example shown here is two pheasant Circle impervious area it's actually just under 3200 ft really close to the median it's build one eru but that number could have been 5,000 square ft if it's single family residential it's one eru $95 annual fee um an example of a non-s single family residential property that gets calculated so the bill is based on the impervious area of that property so an example shown here 11 Willow Road it has 68542 square feet of impervious area so that gets divided by 3200 square F feet that's equivalent to one year to calculate the number of erus so you get 22 equivalent residential units on that property so an annual fee times $95 per year annual fee to just over $2,000 so this you can kind of see the the equity here that you know higher amounts of impervious area you're going to pay more for um storm water now obviously later on I'll get into there are credit there is a credit policy so if you have storm water treatment on your site you can actually reduce that fee I think right now they'll go back to the property viewer so those examples I was showing you you saw those Maps those actually are from this property viewer um we have a link right on the work groups website the online parcel view is there you can go on this map zoom in click on any property in town it'll show you the um impervious area the erus what type of property it is single family residential or non- single family residential so that's available right now um and just wanted to point that out if anyone wants to look and spread the word okay bullet three um so the work group also created draft regulations and I mentioned this the credit policy so some of the key items in those the select board would be the authority and the select board would also set the rates very similar to what we do right now for water and sewer rates where there's a public hearing typically water and sewers in March I'm not sure this would probably be similar if it were to be uh um to go through town meeting and pass um credit policy so it's available to all properties single family residential and non- single family residential any property it can be up to 50% off of a storm water fee there's a lot of criteria built into that policy it has to meet um you know certain storm water treatment levels um for the impervious area on the property so could get up to 50% and so you know it reduces the fee for that property but it also improves storm water quality in the town it's it's a benefit um and then finally billing and collection abatements um we have done a preliminary look DPW has and the storm water fee can fairly easily be added to the water and sewer bills so that's what I would expect If This Were to go forward we would aim to do that so they would get added to the quarterly Water and Sewer bills um but there would also be some leg work for properties that don't have a water and sewer bill at this time um public meetings in Outreach so work the work group has been meeting uh since September of last year a monthly and also um those were open to the public the board and committee presentations um we're here tonight and back in February we met with several boards and committees um we did Miss CPC on that list there I apologize um but also um we've been to the uh select board several times and some of these meetings were pre the work group but um um further down we're looking at public Outreach presentations in in February of 2024 that we had a guest speaker at the library and she did a great uh speech on kind of the basics of storm water what is it treatment and I also touched on climate change there's a very good video that's on our website um the June 2024 public input and information Forum there's an image of that here um and also in August of 2024 there was a meeting with commercial property owners who had uh significant fees and then other Outreach I'm not going to read through all this but there's been a lot of other Outreach done as well um through various flyers and videos and Etc um so we're almost to the end next steps on September 17th of 2024 the select board was updated by the work group and the select board has recommended and approved um two articles for fall town meeting consideration so the first article creates the storm water Enterprise fund through the um the legal statutes and the second article will allow the creation or implementation of fees in collections for the uh storm Water Utility Fund so two are required uh legally for this to to go through so those are on the town meeting warrant for the fall um we expect to see that and I think that's all I have so you have any questions I know thank you for sitting in on this I know a few of you have seen this a few times very wonderful but appreciate that and um and feel free to have anyone reach out to the work group or myself and um and uh we'll be happy to answer any questions as this leads up to town meeting all right um Dan thank you very much I know that at the planning board meeting uh Jonathan made a very good point of it's better to be proactive than reactive where now you know it's nice to have this fund available just in case there is an emergency um you don't want anything hopefully nothing like lemonster happens here but it can happen the way things have been going um anybody else have any type of questions comments no just to add on to that being reactive is far more expensive for the same task than proactive usually do you need a vote of support or anything from us said Dan um no it's um the board's already approved the warrant otherwise I I I would you know let you consider doing one if you would want to but um at this point no I think that the best thing to do would probably be just keep spreading the word let people know the availability of the work group in the website I know Heather and concom she she's going to be at a table at Newton Street have a onepage flyer there as well um and we'll do well the work group's going to meet again next week too to we'll discuss if there's any more Outreach to do but yeah want to mention that I think you guys have done a great job with the Outreach and that I've seen the Flyers you know and inserts and everything too so it's just really helpful to get the word out um I do want to just and and I do apologize also for missing a couple of meetings recently too but um I think just being careful that you know there will be needs probably for cover rep expensive covert Replacements and things like that that the Enterprise fund might not cover and you know just so that folks will understand that that might be the case you know because you'll be able to kind of um save up for bigger projects but there will probably be times I I presume that you might be going back to general fund to ask for an asset up upgrade or something or what are you into ipating with that just you know because I think it's it'll be kind of an important so we we have spread out the work quite a bit to make it feasible um and you know in through the debting process to still be able to have a retained earnings in the fund so at this time we don't anticipate that there are certain items that you know are in the general fund that get used for storm water and this happens for our water and sewer as well so you know for example the highway division you know did a couple catch Bas and Replacements last week and they're using Highway trucks which are paid from the general fund so like equipment like that is still going to be paid through the general fund the highway equipment that gets used um in certain salaries as well so there is still kind of some general fund that applies to storm water but that's kind of it's sort of natural in a way it it happens with these These funds but but yeah at this time you know we anticipate to be able to Deb it and just spread the work out now if we have an emergency then we got a problem but um but but yeah I think you know like because the money needs these things need to happen one way or another so if we didn't have an Enterprise fund we'd be paying more through the general fund to make it happen so this just is like more Equitable way to fund it given you know the contributions that properties are making with their impervious you know um runoff to the town system and that sounds great the other thing that I did just want to briefly mention is thinking about in addition to the condition of the cver and the asset you know evaluation that's been performed it would be great for us to pursue grants at some point in time to do the evaluation of the coverts from hydrological connectivity and Wildlife passage um you know just so that that could be fed into the prioritization as well and then when you have information about the importance of improving habitat Hydra Hydraulics um you know then you're eligible for more grants for those culit Replacements too so you know just to have that additional information and help with prioritization of of um which CTS to do would be would be nice so yeah that would be great I we have there's there's one in town that's already on the website of deers that we've tried to get money for but we've been unsuccessful but that's a good point be to be able to kind of do that analysis at more culverts and potentially be able to take advantage yeah something tells me that the homework is never done no okay but yeah I appreciate your time and um thanks yeah all right have fun at your next meeting then Dan all right thanks all right thank you very much right i' see you Dan all right so we'll be able to give him support I would imagine over at town meeting um which is October 28th yeah coming all right so I'm going to jump back up for correspondence um we got our I believe I I tried looking back at Old minute and I don't I don't believe we I mentioned that we got our um dues um invoice from the Coalition and again since we're at the 3% Mark the duws is 2,000 $875 um it's the annual dues so as you know one good thing about the Coalition is they do help us out with any type of question and I know that uh sometimes I feel like you know we I don't know I should say I or whatever um bother them quite possibly sometimes several times during a month you know with questions that come up of you know can we get it know can we do this can we do that so they're very very helpful um I'm going to try to keep uh information going so that uh if they do have any type of classes or whatever um we might be able to to take a couple training classes I know that Beth and I you know went years ago to a couple really good um sessions that they had but then Co happened and I don't know really if they had anything you know um like that so I'll keep my eyes open but that's the only uh correspondence that I had um how anybody else get anything or any type of okay just wanted to make sure all right um I'm just moving right along with regards to Old businesses the update on the success stories I have not touched mine Barry did a great job on uh the uh Sandy Pond school so well IR Irv did a great job okay I just asked him and he you know all right so so with that I haven't had a chance to read it all but I like the way it ends of uh saying that it it's going to have the children's voices once again in the school I thought that was a great way of ending it so yeah um I'll go I'll go through it has anybody else um had a chance to to work on their their home work I I realize I have done as much as you have on yours Janet yes I tell you you know I am quite relieved to hear that everybody else has done as much as I have done or a few others have done as much as I've done I don't know okay either I I I actually was lying mine are all done I'm kidding hold on I could turn a little bit you know yeah do you have have a deadline when you would like them done Janet I think before the end of the year I'll be honest with you um and and and the reason behind it is just I want to make sure that the public knows um you know what we have been successful in doing I was at the Habitat for Humanity um groundbreaking uh on Monday and they laughed at me because where I was standing I wasn't part of the um the presentation group Carolyn and Jamie Eldridge and such um I was over on the side but I was standing next to the foundation so when I yelled out with regards to the CPC funds and telling Carolyn that yes we'd be interested in doing even more for Habitat it echoed into the foundation so everybody heard it and some of the kids who were there even backed up because of my my voice just bellowing through so it was it was pretty good but it's it's good to get the word out you know that funds are being used for you know things that are uh open space Recreation um historic as well as community housing so that's why I said um if we can get something done by the end of the year I think that would be great and then this gives Cindy a little or whoever you know um it a little more time to to put stuff up on the on the website okay is that that's sound good for everybody um Janet I have the library one approved so I can get that to you and I have a draft of my other one which I sound like an overachiever but I did it two hours ago um but Luke wrote back to me right away so excellent but I do star I want to actually give the gold star to Jess because I will tell you if you're going to do these if you just search your email for Jess's minutes it will give you the blurbs of the writing of everything you need to say from anything so just minutes for the win all right see that's why we have a good team here use our resources that we have all right that's great yeah get it to me Julie and um like I say I'll put it together so that I can send it on to Cindy so she can update the website I I guess I better check those minutes too for my for my own really it was so helpful just to put in the little search term and it popped right up in the email and I got all of Jess's great minutes that covered my topics Jess there's certainly no need for you to do it twice you could just go back to your minutes time minutes hey so so what what Julie just said you just put in a search term and where did you put in the search term in the Outlook email where you email us the minutes okay okay you were just looking for the emails so in the no in the email I typed uh digitization right because that was the keyword for the library one and I got all the minutes you had written something about the Library digitization came up so I was able just to cherry pick when you like summarized what they said they were doing okay um I did not know that put your own keyword into that you'll find your minutes okay see like I take all the minutes dump them into a folder and then I just look in the folder yeah that's good to know oh you know the these young folk are technologically proficient unlike some of us now I know I got to go ahead and asked Julie and how to set up VMO oh she doesn't okay then never mind all right um okay so this is good we're moving ahead um with regards to new business I'll be honest with you I really don't have anything does anybody else have anything with regards to new business nope I'm looking at head shaking Beth shaking okay this is good I know that the affordable FR us will be working on an ask but it's not going to come till closer to winter time yeah Spring Town Meeting yeah yeah I think that was the the last joint meeting we emphasized that it has to be the application has to be in by February so all right it's good to have you on there Colleen you knowa all right if there's anything else um I'm looking around it's just us I don't see anybody from the public here so I just want to reiterate if somebody from the public is watching this video on YouTube because that's where APAC now does put their um the videos underneath the um air Public Access corporations YouTube channel um and you have a question definitely email CPC a.m. us or give a call over to Cari and she will go ahead and let me know or one of us know of one of the questions that you might have we are available and are willing to answer any type of question even after doing a little bit of research we might have to do research so thank you very much for watching all right I'm moving on to the committee reports Jess conservation well we we just are we've had a little uptick in uh in in business which is good but um so mainly right now several National Grid projects that we've been reviewing and uh something over on Scully Road that planning board also has reviewed for um a fire alarm and sprinkler monitoring system company um yeah otherwise we're pretty quiet we'll have a table set up at the at the Newton Street nice so all right that's great um keep you busy uh historic uh likewise we're going to have a booth at the um Newton Street Folk Festival so we're getting ready for that um unfortunately I thought our kiosk would be up and running by now but uh we have everything ready to go for that including the display to go in inside the cabinet but DCR is the one that's been holding us back Chuck um started correspondence with them back in May 5th and this has just been dragging on and about trying to get a hold of them and not responding to us and then finally about the third week in August they decided they wanted a mass historic PNF which is a project notification form to mass historic which then they said they need that so that they can approve what we're going to do and it's like it just it doesn't make any sense to me um why we have to go through Mass store it because it's DCR property we just want the permission to put the kiosk there that's all so and uh some good news Jeff tilletson had a bike ride with somebody and an official from DCR so um we hook Chuck up uh with this gentleman here and hopefully he's GNA drop his name and that might speed things up so excellent but unfortunately we thought we'd have this in this summer so but we will have the display of the um what what was going to be inside the kiosk we'll have that with us on Saturday so even though it won't be in the kiosk right but that'd be good to see yes all right if you still don't see any movement let me know if you need any other names oh okay yeah this is I I just I don't understand why this has been taking so long uh Chuck has a whole list of emails going back and forth with with DCR so I I don't but anyway you know conservation is had on um getting file numbers for notice of intent filings the state's been taking forever on those too and I think a lot of is just staffing issues oh [Music] okay yeah same thing with um housing I think we finally um you the Housing Authority um they even we finally got like say the budget um even a little bit earlier this year but it's still late you know so yeah all right um Colleen Housing Trust uh we did not meet in September so our last meeting was the August meeting which was a joint meeting with the affordable housing committee we had a presentation from the town planner about the inclusionary bylaw we had a the Devin Crest tenant association came asking for a letter of support for um you know a see if I can remember the details they're working with someone to potentially purchase the property um so the trust agreed to write a letter in support of you know this is an opportunity for affordable housing and we talked about the fact that we would be starting to work on our application to CPC for our next round of funding and come you know in January February you know so that it can go to Springtown meeting that's for the rental assistance program yes and also thinking about whether addition you know any additional funding for acquisition or you know creation of new affordable units so that's sort of what we're trying to figure out but yes certainly to support the next round of affordable of the uh rental assistance because what um again the the Housing Trust can grow grow as large as it it wants to um you know that it it can uh with regards to um next say CP CPA funds and it can be like the conservation fund you know so um like right now conservation fund has over $500,000 in it because of increase with um interest so same thing with this Housing Trust um they can go you know and this way here it' be readily available should a property be available for um some sort of housing purchase so they can put it down for purchase and sale um so that that that'd be good yeah with February um going on with Colleen the housing committee um also too was asked to write a letter of support and I've been in conversations with Connie Sullivan who is representing the Devin Crest tenants Association um the committee itself when we met uh the some of the individuals present uh did not want to have the letter be to to whom it may concern they want it to be um more specific of what agencies um it's going to be sent to so with that um like I say I've gone back and forth with Connie of asking what type of you know what agencies do they want to use this letter of support of affordable housing and they are looking at their own private you know purchase Etc so you know we try to again make sure that the the town isn't involved because the town doesn't have the funding the uh Housing Authority doesn't have the funding to do any type of purchase of Devon's Crest so so with that we kept it you know just of supporting the um um their focus on looking ways to keep it affordable to U go ahead Jess just could you update what's the status with Brady Sullivan Brady Sullivan right now is still a no still a no for for p you know for selling it okay right now as I but again their um Equity Firm and um other independent Partners um are are trying to work out a deal so there's they've got non-disclosure agreements going back and forth so yeah [Music] um and let's see where was um uh yeah so that's that's one of the things with regards to um the housing committee like I say the Housing Authority we just um reviewed the the budget and there's going to be some Capital Improvements they're going to be working on the uh parking lots and driveways um hopefully sometime uh next year with some of the Capital Improvements but uh let's see that's that that's oh and one of the things that with regards to the working group that looks at this inclusionary housing is that uh there will be a uh fee for uh if a if a developer does not want to uh create an affordable housing um dwelling unit within their development uh they can also do in lie of creating that affordable unit so there's a certain breakdown percentage that if the house is 400,000 I'm just giving that I forget what the grid is it's $10,000 that they would give to the trust um and this is outside of the CP CPC CPA fund um realm so it can be used for other items that the um doesn't have the limitations that the CPA funds would but it still goes into the same trust fund same trust but it will be kept separately as um you know in the bookkeeping so that they know that certain amount of money is CPA funds and the other amounts of money are um in Li of I see Beth has a question but how does this compared to the Zone the bylaw for inclusionary H house this is this is what's coming up in the in in town meeting there are four new um editions or you know edits that are happening within the bylaw the zoning bylaws draft and under review I hadn't heard about yeah yeah we've had public hearing um the I shouldn't say we did but planning board that should look at you know for for Julie the planning boards had the public hearing I tried I tried to attend the one that I knew they were talking about NBTA but but I didn't know if it's the same one I didn't get I didn't get like a good connection so I couldn't participate um but yeah I don't like in Lui because it's so hard to create affordable housing I would rather force them to create affordable housing rather than allow them to pay a fee right so it really would need to be demonstrable exception you know exceptional circumstances I think you know to to allow an in Luffy please don't make it easy to do in Luffy you know it it's really um not going to achieve what we want to achieve um so that's just well it's already on the like I say it's on the warrant um so that's going to be brought up at town at town meeting October 20 what are the circumstances they could pursue in Luffy um I don't have all the I I I I don't have the whole I can send it to you it's it's out on the planning board um website okay um yeah because it we had all the the documentation um or say you know the planning board I'm stealing Julie's Thunder I'm sorry go for it well Colleen looks like she wants to chime in so let yes Colleen yeah all I was going to say was I don't like Janet I don't remember all of the details but I think they are improving on with this new plan what we had before because we've had this in Le of fee structure but it has never been triggered because of how it was set up and now I think there are some more incentives you know in terms of making smaller units less costly units um and you know more triggers for the inl of fees because we weren't getting the affordable housing from the bylaw as it was first written and we also weren't getting the funds to make affordable housing and so this revision I think is trying to at least correct that a little bit was my understanding and I think I can Echo that what you're saying Beth has definitely been said at these meetings and it is sadly still a concern right it it for those of us that are advocating for affordable housing it's um it's in a much better Direction and it's at least getting us funding that we weren't getting before um but I think you're I'm going to speak as a a public resident right now not as a member of the planning board but I think what you're saying is is real um but I will say the followup that I'm hearing from our town planner um and from our Building Commissioner is there's a part two of this and there I don't know I'm sure you're noticing but with um the movement town hall right now things go Danny's working on a lot of stuff right so things are coming through very quickly um so it sounds like at the next town meeting he's hoping to have um more small a affordable units um trying to get more cottage style things built so there there's a follow-up plan to this plan um so it's not just this is one and done this is building on a bigger Vision to make sure there's affordable housing options throughout town and and on top of that when Julie mentioned you know like say smaller um a um affordable units one of the things that we're looking at is this type of cottage style um development and with there's two items um we're going to have a speaker and this is what I was going to let you all know that a gentleman by the name of Mark O'Hara from MCO in Harvard it is MCO Housing Services he has worked on several uh plans um one of them is now in Lancaster of uh developments that are cottage style um in a culdesac area where uh you've got a you know it's almost like a a little common in the center section and then the uh houses are out towards the the the the side and then you can get to them towards the back there's like a road that goes around them in the back so they've got that one I know that they've got one in Westford and um he's going to come and speak to I'm going to say it's not only a joint meeting but it's a meeting with the working group the affordable housing committee the affordable the affordable housing committee invited him and the affordable housing committee the housing trust the planning board uh and anybody else who wants to join it is going to be an open meeting um it's going to be also to a uh a hybrid meeting so it will be available via Zoom um again October 7th at 6:15 because uh the affordable housing trust just loves being a 6:15 meeting and the planning board loves to be a 615 meeting so that will give you some idea of where we want to take that next level of trying to find houses that are smaller that firsttime homeowners could go ahead and be able to purchase as well as individuals who want a downsize and they'll be able to move into and again there are smaller type cottage style houses so I can send you some of the information with regards to MCO um we want Mark to come in because of some of the Su you know the successes that he's had and then I know Charlie and uh Danny Charlie the building uh commissioner as well as Danny the town planner you know have a whole batch of questions to to ask them and we'll be looking at possibly U the again the working group of of generating some sort of U section of a bylaw or whatever for this type of cottage style house um you know development which has to go to the planning board and everything but just getting some some uh wording down and everything hopefully that helped um but I we you know we understand um Julie's right Beth that you know that is a concern because again we just don't want anybody to have an easy way but that inclusionary Housing section has only has been around for seven years no one's no one's touched it no one you know meaning no developer has ever ever used any of that in Li of um creating the affordable housing and all we're doing is we're getting all these new new houses that are now up to 800,000 so if someone's going to charge 800,000 for a house it would be nice to again the grid says 3.5% of that goes to the Housing Trust so that they're able to purchase other properties and move forward I don't understand why it hasn't worked just because they haven't developed enough houses at one time or why has the inclusionary bylaw not been triggered um I think it because it was so complicated um that they just didn't go they've jumped on the open space in um U what is it called residential development yeah osrd um you know they've gone ahead and done that so now it's more of if I call it cluster housing so that there is 50% of the open space available they you know again that has done well but when it's come to inclusionary housing that hasn't and with Danny coming in um he's he's taken success stories from other towns and saying this has worked so it's not only helped bring down some of the costs but also to help fund the trust funds so but I you know again the planning board has been very good of publishing everything um so if you go out there and if you need help um I think Julie or myself could go ahead and you know help you go through all that and and it came down to some of the calculations Beth and the original one the calculations weren't working out in a way that anyone was using them so we learned a lot from how it was done originally but I didn't think it was an option I thought once they developed a certain number of units they had to use it right I think there was always an inl of option was my understanding they just never hit the criteria where they actually had to build any affordable units so it was a neither neither situation was getting triggered there were no addition no affordable housing created because of the inclusionary bylaw and no funds into the trust and so the new formula is designed to hopefully trigger it more quickly and with the hope that there some incentives for Builders to build the affordable units but if not at least there's more of a chance that funds will go into other ways to create affordable housing and we have had aord I thought that if it was under five unit and again I might be confusing it with my former Community I worked in but I thought it was if it was under five units then they had to pay the inlo fee was over five units then they had to construct but um and so there must have been some loophole they were avoiding both of those yeah and I think um Julie correct me but um Panther place there are a couple affordable units there right I think so but I'm not good on the Fly Janet all right no problem yeah I think you know Shaker Road I believe that there were um there were a couple um so so with that um but yeah again Beth you J that comes under the osrd right like that's again where that got triggered is from a different from a different part of the bylaw I think but again yeah I'm not going on the record at 8 o'clock at night here no understood yeah speaking kindly with my thoughts as to how I remember it uh but um so it it there are four warrants two of them happen to be about the um MBTA communities with the overlay and such and then the other two are with regards to a definition to define the um affordable housing trust as well as the update to the inclusionary housing bylaw so that's you you'll be seeing that when the warrant gets printed but again right now it's out on the website on the planning boards did like did did Road shows happen for these that I missed sorry Road Road shows you know like like what Dan did tonight to come to all the Committees and stuff yeah yeah they come here he had two or three at the planning board at least two no no I mean here or like public meetings not the planning board meetings but um I know that we mentioned it I believe we mentioned it at the the last meeting I don't he the town planner didn't come to this no meeting but it came to the affordable housing committee and affordable housing trust and I think again I can't remember the presentation but I think he mentioned a few other committees that he had presented to and it is available online I can pull it up if anybody wants it I joined I joined the hearing and then and then they were going over Town Council comments and I couldn't see the Town Council comments and then I got like disconnected was just having bad mad connection Stu so yeah yeah Julie if you if you can go ahead and send the link chat hold on all right that would be good all right I'm Gonna Keep keep moving on Y and sorry for other questions but thank you for no no I mean again you know it's this is this is going to be something on on Tom you know Tom meeting so all right I know I asked Julie to do something but now I'm going to ask her let me jump to that and then I'll see what I can find here um just basically said it all for me though so we have site plan review for zero Scully Road which is the fire um monitoring like fire Alarm Monitoring business um with a house caretakers quarters um which has been a very interesting dialogue in sight visit um and I think he will be a nice new Resident to the town of air and site plan review also for zero Bishop Road which is what Jess acknowledged is National Grid um so we're doing those two things and as again I feel like I've seen Stratton Hill like in 800 iterations over my time here it I was wrong in August it is not over they are just continuing to continue to continue into um maybe November we'll see them again but I guess I'll be forever dreaming of my new neighborhood so last week they didn't actually present no okay which was sad because I missed it too but no I was there and awake and no they weren't there yeah because Maran showed up everyone showed up yeah that's okay anyway that's it for me tonight all right open space wreck anything Beth nothing open space and wreck with wild and Scenic Stewardship Council um we had we have two grants at actually now that have remaining funds one for signage so I'm going to meet with Heather and at conservation because that one was awarded to conservation to talk about possible use of that funds we have to decide soon though because we've been like waiting too long to resolve this um and then um the other one was for water test nut pooling and they just didn't need as much money as they thought because the last year's polls were so effective and so now they're the we thought had requested to make an amendment to the proposal and use some funds to address some other invasives and plant natives at Peroni Park in a wetlands area and the Stewardship Council didn't accept that modification because they thought it deviated Too Much from the original so now we're thinking about other ways you know like Lori nering is thinking about other ways to possibly use the grant award related to was water testet um and so we'll figure that that out um and then I did want to mention that there is a a just a nice sort of planning the future of what we can do to support the environment in air with um change in leadership at PACE and looking for new members it's a a like kind of Workshop style event um reflecting on the history and the successes of pace and you know what what are the needs in the community now moving forward and so Lori ning will speak and Marian Stoddard will um speak and and be there and that is on October 22nd at 700 p.m. that's at the library it's at um St Andrew's Parish Hall I know someplace okay thank you I know it's late but I can't put it in the chat can I show briefly how the website Danny has it awesomely set up so people can find it real quick can I screen share Janet or no um I don't I I I don't have the um um can you send it like you can because it's it's yeah oh there you are did it do it well it started screen sharing yep are you seeing my screen so I'm just GNA show you briefly because it was a little clunky but he's done an incredible job getting everything I'm actually piloting um our planning board going paperless or light light paper um and it's partly because Danny's done a fabulous job getting here online but I will say the only clunky thing about trying to find what Beth is looking for which is the inclusionary bylaw um if you look on the left on this is under boards and committees and planning board which is pretty easy to find on our town website um if you scroll down to planning board meeting materials that's where you're going to find the bulk of everything so when you go there at the bottom you can see the multiple meetings where we've had um my mouse won't work the revised inclusionary hous bylaw it's right there if you want to look at the details of it um and as Janet has said that um we know Barry was filming for APAC at that meeting and so by all means you can also watch on YouTube and see the presentations both times um because sometimes they were a little long because it was quite are the links to the presentations there are the links to the so there is the actual bylaw you're gonna have to go to YouTube um APAC YouTube to watch the planning board meeting if you if you want to make a question to Danny to just add his slides to these meetings as well that would be awesome it might and I you know what there's a lot in the September 10th one that say inclusionary housing Beth it's probably there so it's proposed inclusionary bylaw the resident letter so if it's anything it would be within there but I will mention it to him as well um there's also um yeah okay anyway that's going to be enough for tonight yeah thank you thank you all right thanks to Danny he's doing awesome that that's true [Applause] um okay so I think that's it for committees because um um David is now um working on his stuff on uh parks and wreck and I think that's that's about it our next meeting will we have stuff to have for next meeting or looks like that would be November 6th day after election day right and day yeah and I tell you what which will be will be bumped out because that's when the select board will be meeting right because they normally would meet on the 5th so they'll be moving it to the sixth so again if we don't have anything our next meeting would be December okay so if we had something we could meet maybe the 13th but if we don't December 4th correct okay does that sound okay for everybody makes sense to me I did just have one quick question on the um Sandy Pon property uh planning committee I I saw in the minutes that there was a discussion about whether a CPC member was going to be on it correct I'm going to be on it and and then also to um the yesterday's select board meeting they um made the recommendation that there should be a Conservation Commission or on there as well as the conservation agent um so I know that I have told Robert that Jess was interested but not just me I mean I'd be interested if nobody else is on our commission but somebody should be on it but somebody from the commission yeah great well thank you both then for potentially stepping oh yeah for sure I told Robert said something to me and I said just be careful you know we gave you half that money so we want on half of the input have there been any uh residents interested in those two open yes they've had six individuals good good um asked to be part of it I don't know who they are but Carly told me that I believe there's five or six individuals why also we didn't want to touch those two seats yeah yeah they they picked two members last night at the select board they did yes for the 7 for the Sandy Pawn property excellent or Ed or was one of them and it was another another gentleman I iot his name but okay when it comes out on on you know the YouTube video we'll watch it did they did they amend it to include a conservation commissioner uh not at this meeting okay they were just doing the um appointments of the the resident members so okay sorry forgive me but Beth that presentation is there it's under the September 10th meeting it's the last item in those meeting um items it's thank you I'll check September 10th then thank you PowerPoint presentation okay all right so um next meeting like I said either November 13th or December 4th depending upon if we've got anything else that we need to to speak about before December 4th all right if there's nothing else can I have a motion to adjourn make a motion to adjourn I bar makes a motion and Beth second in favor we can just go all right all right again thank you very much everybody